#but would u.... lob me...
hinamie · 27 days
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I'll give them shelter like you've done for me
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kelpiemomma · 5 months
Seyeong being a petty, catty bitch will never not delight me. He's such an asshole. I love him.
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destielembarker · 1 month
i love applying logan’s abilities to domestic things for example:
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- like i’m in the garden and im like hey babe can u cut this lil branch off it’s sticking out too far and he’s like yeah sure and just SNIKT and just lobs it off. or like hey honey i can’t get this box open or this bag can u help but it’s like really dramatic and shit goes everywhere and it’s a simple matter of 😐.
- also don’t get me started on cuddling. do NOT lay that head on my stomach. a normal human head weighs about 10 pounds. with that big ass metal shit prolly about 25-30 lbs easily. YOUS HEAVY BIG MANS and i cannot breathe.
- finding lil fridge magnets in souvenir stores to stick to his chest bc im bored.
- the bed, our bed. would fucking SINK to one side. i would have no choice but to lay on top of him bc of the valley this man creates with his body.
- running hugs would be a thing of the past bc of the concussions i would get when slamming my head against his metal sternum.
- i would definitely toy with his sense of smell bc he’s my good boy. he would be like omfg honey you’re bleeding. yes dear, i am on my period sweetheart. or suggesting to plant something fragrant and he’s like, “no. fuck no. that shit gives me a headache.” and i’m like it’s nice! like a tiny potted eucalyptus would take him out.
- also he perks up like a dog at night and growls. “honey we’ve talked about this. we live in the woods. woods has animals.” and he’s pissy bc he knows.
please add more i’m cackling
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maxlarens · 4 months
i am on my knees Politely Begging You to write a lil something about carlos :( he literally looks like a puppy :( i love him sm :(
yes definitely i can do that :) im not a huge carlos girly but one of my irl friends is a MASSIVE carlos girly so i channeled her for this. but i do agree he's got those 'whatever u say beautiful' brown eyes lol. hope u enjoy! (ALSO this might make it seem like i hate carlos. which is NOT true. leclerc!readers voice overtook me and shes clearly very headstrong lol)
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CS: taking what's not yours
pairing(s): carlos sainz jr x leclerc!reader
summary: you hate carlos sainz, plain and simple.
word count: 1.8k+ (read on ao3)
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“Sharl, please tell me he isn’t coming tonight.”
Charles looks at you over the top of his phone, pausing his texting to shoot you an expression so dry that you would laugh if you weren’t so concerned about his answer, “Are you serious?”
“Of course I’m serious. It’s your birthday.”
Charles splutters in shock, starting his sentence a few times over before finally spitting out, “Of course, he’s coming, it’s my birthday.”
You roll your eyes, “So what.”
“So what!” Charles shakes his head, “He’s my teammate. He’s my friend.”
You tip your head back and groan loudly, childishly, and then you slap a manicured hand down on the kitchen counter in frustration. Charles snorts, then goes back to texting as you make faces at him to assuage your compulsion to scream at him.
“Christ,” Arthur says as he comes into the kitchen, “What are you two fighting about now?”
You shoot your youngest brother a look full of disdain and say, “None of your business.”
While Charles, at the exact same time, groans, “She’s mad that Carlos is coming tonight.”
“Oh my god. Typical.”
You make another face and aim a gesture at both your brothers that your maman wouldn’t be very pleased to see if she were here. Arthur laughs and Charles makes the same gesture back at you.
“You know,” Arthur says, his head stuck halfway inside of Charles’ fridge, “You clearly need to hook up with him and get it over with. We all know you hate him because you—”
The rest of his sentence is cut short by you lobbing the nearest packet of crisps at his head, followed by a wooden spatula that hits him somewhere on his shoulder blade. He whirls around to glare at you, the packet of crisps and the spatula clattering unceremoniously to the ground.
“Shut up!” you shriek, “You little freak. I do not want him.”
His mouth hanging half-open, Arthur aborts an attempt to throw a packet of spinach at you in retaliation and lets out a raucous laugh at your expense, “Sure. You react like that and you expect me to believe that you don’t want him.”
“Yes! I do, Arthur. Because I do not!”
You look at Charles incredulously, hoping for some kind of support from the more reasonable of your brothers, but he only shrugs, “He has a point.”
You shake your head, eyes impossibly wide in your complete disbelief. Some younger brothers these two are— thinking that you have a crush on your mortal enemy. It’s insulting. You’re not some half-baked floozy like the women that man usually dates. How dare they act as if you would ever stoop so low as to let Carlos Sainz Jr touch you.
You hiss, “Traitors. Both of you,” you knock Charles’ phone out of his hand, and it lands face down on the counter, “Who are you even texting?”
You don’t wait for the answer, throwing your hands up and storming out of the room. You don’t actually care who Charles is texting, it’s probably his girlfriend— who you love for the record— you’re just mad at him. And Arthur. And it felt good to throw a veritable tantrum even though you’re pushing thirty. Not that it’s your fault— no, that blame is reserved for Carlos, who makes you feel like lava is about to come out of your fucking eyes whenever he’s around (or is mentioned in conversation, or is within a five-kilometer radius of you). How can you be expected to act normal about him when he’s seemingly made it his life mission to piss you off?
Somewhere between the argument and the beginning of the party, you calm down and apologise to Charles and Arthur for being a heinous bitch. You don’t retract what you’d said, but you admit you could have said it in a nicer, and perhaps less aggressive way. You just hope that there’ll be enough people at the party that you can avoid him, you’d like to get through the afternoon without starting a yelling match. Though, half of that decision is decidedly not up to you.
Slowly, the apartment fills up with Charles’ friends until all of a sudden there are so many people that you’re struggling to find a way through the living room. You’ve got an empty wine glass in your hand and you’re on a mission to fill it up.
You’re waylaid by Lando, who’s been trying to set up the DJ deck he’d brought over for at least twenty minutes now. You stop to watch Max, squatting halfway under the fold-out table, untangle a truly unruly mess of wires, passing them up to Lando one at a time. Max’s girlfriend shoots you an exasperated look as she impatiently holds onto hers, and what you assume is Max’s drink.
You raise an eyebrow, “Need anything?”
“Nah,” Lando answers, leaning over the decks to reach for a few wires from Max, “Tell Charles the music’s almost here.”
You nod, sharing another dubious look with the other girl in your vicinity, “Great, he’s excited.”
“Won’t be long,” Max adds, voice muffled by the table.
Max’s girlfriend shakes her head minutely, then mouths ‘Another twenty, at least.’ You have to stifle a laugh as Max pokes his head out from under the table to glare at her.
“I can see you.”
She shrugs, “I was betting on it.”
You watch them smile fondly at each other, their eyes sparkling with an emotion that you know well but haven’t had the privilege of experiencing in a long while. It makes your heart ache with jealousy, longing. Something like that. You wave goodbye and leave before they put you in too sour of a mood, promising to find them later. You’re not sure if you’ll hold to that, as much as you hadn’t wanted it to, this afternoon is turning into a bit of a bummer for you. Carlos has been lingering at the edges of everything you’ve been doing, every conversation you’ve had. He’s here already— you’d caught a glimpse of him coming in the front door. You’re just waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Then you push your way into the near-empty kitchen and it does.
He is in there and he is holding your bottle of wine.
A fire ignites immediately in the pit of your stomach, burning hot and bright at the sight of him and his stupid face. You bite the inside of your lip hard to stop from saying anything unsavoury and grip your wine glass with enough force you’re afraid you’ll smash it to pieces.
“That’s mine,” you say instead, in your calmest voice.
Carlos’ head snaps up, his hair flopping across his forehead. He blinks owlishly at you, mouth hanging halfway open in something like shock. You tear your eyes away from his, looking pointedly at the bottle of wine in his hands. There’s no glass for him to pour it into but you have to suppress a scowl anyway.
“Hello,” he says, making no move to place the wine back where he’d found it.
“Sainz,” you answer.
You stand there, surveying each other in silence for a few moments. The air is thick with the buzzing electricity of whatever tension you two cannot help but generate in the presence of each other. You watch him run his tongue across the row of his perfectly straight, white teeth.
Eventually, you bite, “Are you deaf? Put my wine down.”
Infuriatingly, he just raises his eyebrows, “Your wine?”
“Yes,” you grit your teeth, “My wine.”
Carlos shrugs in a way that makes you want to stomp forward and strangle him to death. He knows full well that he’s pissing you off beyond belief— you can see it in the way his eyes glint, in the way his mouth turns up at the corner. And maybe Arthur was right earlier because right now you’re not sure if you want to shove him out a window or grab his face and kiss him so hard that his mouth bruises.
You’ve been really trying to avoid coming to that conclusion. It’s not that you’re blind. You know objectively, logically, that Carlos Sainz Jr is crazy hot. But you hate him and you never want to be one of the gorgeous model women that he drags around everywhere for his own entertainment. You’re better than that, you’re not destined to be the short-term girlfriend of some man before he decides to throw you away for someone different. You’re a Leclerc. That means something. Being Carlos Sainz’s girlfriend doesn’t— and you don’t appreciate having to fight your own thoughts for control over something like that.
“Eh, well,” he says, “If you didn’t want anyone to touch it you should have put it away.”
“Oh my god,” you groan, “You’re fucking infuriating.”
You stalk across the kitchen without thinking, stopping a few paces away from him. You make a grab for the neck of the bottle and he pulls it quickly away, his arm lifted to keep it up out of your reach. You scowl openly now— what a child.
You jab a finger at him, just shy of poking it right into his firm chest, “Give that back.”
He laughs, a boyish, but vindictive thing that makes your head burn hot, “Say please.”
You spit, “Fuck you,” and you make a grab for it.
For a split second, you’re entirely confident in your ability to reach high enough. You boost yourself with a hand on the counter and almost almost reach the bottle in his grip. Then your hand slips, or your shoe slides on the tile and you’re suddenly face-planting right into Carlos’ body. Sheer anxiety floods your body as you anticipate landing in a mortifying pile of limbs at his feet, but before that can happen his arm winds tight around your waist. His fingers flatten into your side, keeping you in place as you find your footing again.
Both of you are still for a tense moment. The arm that was holding your wine hostage has lowered, the bottle left forgotten on the counter as his hand flattens against your shoulder. Your heart is beating high in your throat, your breath shallow. You can feel his heartbeat through his shirt, steady and rhythmic. His breath tickling the shell of your ear, the stubble on his chin brushing against your forehead. You hate the stirring feeling that runs down your spine and into your toes— the shiver that you have to suppress.
You push against the arm around your waist, stumbling back when he releases you like you’re on fire and he’s just been burnt. He is staring at you, expression ragged, mouth hung half open. You tell yourself you don’t know what that look means. You tell yourself that you’re not feeling the same thing.
You lurch forward to snatch the wine off the counter and then skitter out of his reach, pointing a finger at him, “Don’t touch my shit again, Sainz.”
He holds his hands up in surrender, his expression changing back into something you’re comfortable with, something you know what to do with, “You got it, Leclerc.”
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⭐ i had so much fun writing charles&arthur&reader like i am very fond of them as siblings. i will have to write them again i think. also did anyone spot the max x photographer!reader cameo???
mandatory song inspo:
fill out this form to be added to my taglist: @clowngirlsstuff
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axelsagewrites · 1 year
James Potter*Heroic Deed
young!James x f!reader
Word count 1200
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Warnings: bullying/shy reader
A/n: I've missed writing for my mauraders boys
Masterlist here
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James wasn’t sure why he found potions so boring he just knew he’d rather be anywhere else right now. perhaps it was in the dungeons or that so far Slughorn had gave him and his friends the most detentions so far this year. usually, he would sit next to Sirius and have a silent competition of who could make the worse smelling potion but unfortunately for him Sirius was sick. selfish bastard, James thought. imagine not letting him know so he could try skiving with him.
James perched his chin on his fist, gazing aimlessly around the classroom as the students filtered in. with no one sitting beside him he was actually able to notice things like the surprisingly pretty girl who had just walked in. James sat up straight as she walked past, trying to get a glimpse of her tie to no avail when his attention got snatched away, “Mr Potter, on time I see,” Slughorn chortled as he took his place at the front of the room.
“You caught me Horrace,” James grinned making the potions master grimace at the boy before beginning his lesson.
James had the perfect view of the class from his comfy spot at the back of the room however that did not mean he was going to listen. peter and Remus sat in front of him however for some reason they both seemed to enjoy this stupid class so even if he passed a note Remus would just chuck it in a cauldron.
so instead as Slughorn explained a meaningless task in explicit detail James eyes roamed the room till they fell on the girl he had noticed. James began to beat himself up. how had he taken this class for two whole months now and never noticed you? James realised you were sat alone and silently hoped partner work was needed in this lesson.
as his mind began to wander, wondering if he in fact had been blind this whole time, he noticed a piece of parchment bounce off your hair. his eyes narrowed, wondering who would throw a note that hard when he saw the rolled-up parchment fly up from the floor only to hit into your head again. James scowled when he saw you trying to swot the parchment away but with each attempt you missed.
“Yes miss (Y/L/N)?” Slughorn said making James eyes snap up and you to mumble an apology, “Please don’t raise your hand without a question to ask class,” he said as he turned back towards the board.
the sniggers coming from a table two seats away made James turn his head. A Ravenclaw and Slytherin boy sat laughing under their breaths at your helplessness as the Ravenclaw was flicking their wand under the table. they’d hexed the parchment James realised.
he hated that he wanted to know how they did it but hated that they were doing it to you more. James silently picked up the bezoar stone that sat amongst his ingredient pile for the day and began to wrap it up in a sheet of parchment. James sat back in his chair, waiting silently for Slughorn to turn around when something better happened. “Horrace a word?” Minnie said from the doorway with two Slytherin firsties by her side.
score, thanks Minnie, James thought as Slughorn slugged out of the class, shutting the door. when he saw the Ravenclaw raise his wand from under the table, presumably to also do something worse than fling parchment, James quickly lobbed the wrapped-up bezoar stone across the room. it smacked the Ravenclaws arm with a loud thud, making him drop his wand, before bouncing off his arm and directly into the Slytherin head.
“Hey!” The Ravenclaw screeched as James did his best to mock his innocence from where he sat as Slughorn suddenly opened the door again.
however, the Slytherin in all his genius did not notice his head of house when he stormed over to James table, “Watch it Potter,” he spat, “Or I’ll- “
“You’ll what?” Minnie shouted across the room making the boy pale instantly.
“He threw something it us,” the boy stuttered as Minnie quickly crossed the room and picked up the parchment that the stone was missing from, making even James face screw up in confusion. Minie gave the boys a death glare as they tried to explain themselves.
“Another thirty points from Slytherin,” Slughorn boomed over the classroom before dismissing the terrifying first years, “Grow up boys it was a piece of paper,” he scoffed at the pair before looking at James making him hold his hands up in mock innocence.
James did his best not to jump with glee as he celebrated his win. Remus shot him a confused look, but he figured he could tell his heroic dead over supper. when McGonagall left and Slughorn finally managed to continue he announced that everyone was to partner with their desk partner to start work on their potions. “Yes, mister potter?” he sighed at James outstretched hands.
“Mister Sirius is not here,”
Slughorn sighed before he turned to the mystery girl James had bravely defended, “Sorry Miss (Y/L/N),” he said before turning back to James, “You can partner with her this lesson. don’t torture the poor girl potter,”
James tried to hide his grin as he quickly grabbed his stuff and moved to the table in the first row. “Closest I’ve ever been to the front,” James joked as he sat beside you, outstretching his hand. “James,” he introduced himself.
you gave a small smile as you shook his hand and offered him your own name. as James flicked back to the right page, he noticed you slip something from your pocket, “You dropped this,” you said, sliding the stone to his side of the desk. James practically felt his heart double as he turned to you with a shocked expression, “And thank you,”
“No problem doll,” James grinned as he picked up the stone. he silently joyed in the blush you tried to cover with your hair, “I will warn you im terrible at potions,”
You laughed in a way that didn’t feel demeaning as you took the stone back from James hand and sat it in a mortar, “Ill teach you don’t worry. just start grinding that up for now,”
“Do we only need one?” he asked to which you nodded. James took it back out the mortar before reaching over the desk to the sat the one you had already collected, “Then let’s keep this one as a keepsake and use this,” he said as he began to grind up the non-thrown bezoar.
“Who knew James Potter was so sentimental?” you joked but James knew it was to cover the heat rising to your face.
“Theres lots you don’t know about me yet,” he said as he scooted his chair closer to yours, “So what steps next love?”
James couldn’t help but enjoy this potions lesson now. by the end of class, he had even made a functioning potion. “Well, well mister potter,” Slughorn said as he handed him the vial they had made, “Perhaps it’s time I changed the seating arrangements,”
“I couldn’t agree more professor,”
Part two here
Taglist: @clairacassidy
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in1-nutshell · 7 months
Hi!! ❤️🇻🇳 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) love from Vietnam for u writing~
*Mention: A lil kill and violence here ಠ_ಠ*
So, I was cooking, and then...my mind come an ideal for Shattered Glass Au ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
What happen when Megatron Daughter meet SG!Megatron!!
I images that, SG and Origin world got a portal connect two world together.
What reaction when Buddy first see SG!Megs? I think she gonna be scared and hid in her room.
What reaction when she saw SG!Megatron is a great patient, loving dad toward her just like OP?
Will she get close to him and call him "Dad"?
(I think SG!Megs gonna teary when he hear her call him that 🥹, I'm not cry...)
Because SG!OP very violence, to make SG!Megatron fight him in Cybertron.
OP decide to kidnap and kill small sparkling Buddy infront of SG!Megatron.
SG! Megatron: I'm happy...cause you still alive in this world, lil one...
(I'm not crying 🥲...nope...)
And what punishment will happen to Megatron when SG!Megatron hear he, himself in this world abused Lil Buddy while he supposed to cherish and protect her, not be her nightmare 🥲
SG!Megs: I'm sorwy...
Buddy: Not your faul...dad...
SG!Megs: *Tear split out of his eye* I'M NOT DERSERVE YOU!!! WOAHHHHH!!!
Prepare any tissues at hand, they will be used.
This is my interpretation of SG! TFP, it may change in other works if the plot needs it.
Hope you enjoy!
Megatron's daughter with the opposite personality meeting SG! Megatron
SFW, Platonic, Familial, Hurt and Comfort, mentions of violence and death, nothing graphic though, Cybertronian reader
It was a normal day on base.
Buddy was watching a movie with the kids on the projector.
Bee and Smokescreen had just gotten back from patrol.
Arcee was talking with Optimus and Ratchet about something.
The Wreckers had managed to get Magnus to throw a lob after days of pestering.
Truly a lovely day.
Until the portal spawned in the center of the base.
“Oh, not this again!”--Buddy
Buddy shields the kids with her frame.
“What do you mean again!”--Miko
“Trust me this has happened more times than I would like to have! The travel is awful and the lands are worse!”--Buddy
“And that’s story to tell for another time!”--Ratchet
“How do we stop it?!”--Wheeljack
“You don’t! You either get sucked in or something—”--Buddy
The light disappears.
“—something comes out.”--Buddy
There in the middle of the bases floor were three mechs sprawled out, groaning from their rough landing.
Three very familiar looking mechs…
Oh no…
The kids could feel Buddy shake at the sight of the newcomers.
The three mechs stood up and scanned their surroundings.
There was no doubt that they were Megatron, Starscream and Soundwave.
They had different paintjobs with similar frame structure, but that wasn’t what Buddy was focusing on.
She was focusing on the blue optics staring at her.
The blue optics she once looked into when she was a sparkling.
The blue optics of Megatron.
Buddy and SG! Megatron staring at each other.
Optimus and Ratchet immediately get in front of her.
Starscream and Soundwave stand up slightly in front of their leader who was just starting to stand.
Tense silence.
Megatron holds eye contact with Prime.
“We do not mean you any harm.”--Megatron
“And how do we know this isn’t a trick Megatron?”--Ratchet
Megatron looks at Starscream and Soundwave.
All three drop their weapons, surprising the Autobots.
“As I said before. We do not mean you any harm.”--Megatron
“You are not our Megatron, am I correct?”--Optimus
Megatron nods.
“We come from an alternative universe. You seem to know my name as Megatron. This is my loyal Second in Command, Starscream.”--Megatron
“Two words I never thought I’d hear in a sentence.”--Smokescreen
“And my third in Command Soundwave.”--Megatron
Almost everyone visibly jumps back.
“Did—did he just speak?”--Wheeljack
“Yeah? I talk all the time!”--Soundwave
“Sometimes more than usual Soundwave.”--Starscream
“Yeah. Sorry about that one time Screamy.”--Soundwave
Starscream shakes his helm fondly as Soundwave scratches the back of his neckcables.
“We come from a world that is near opposite to yours.”--Megatron
“How do you know that?”--Ratchet
“Our chief scientist, Shockwave was experimenting on the latest relic we managed to acquire from the Autobots. There was no telling what they were going to do with such a relic. Shockwave had enough time to tell us some of the basics before the blast came through.”--Starscream
Optimus nods at the new information.
“How are you guys getting back home?”--Smokescreen
“Shockwave was making a failsafe in case something like this happened. In theory we should be back in a couple of hours. But seeing as he was halfway done with it when the flash came in… a week at most.”--Soundwave
Megatron turns to Prime.
“Will you allow my mechs and I a place of refuge until then?”--Megatron
Prime thinks before agreeing.
Optimus in turn begins to introduce himself and the rest of the team.
He named Buddy last.
This certainly had gotten a reaction from the three Cons.
“This is Buddy, our archivist and technical support of the team.”--Optimus
All three mechs stare a bit at Buddy.
Soundwave kneels down and gently pats Buddy’s helm.
“It’s--it’s good to see ya kid.”--Soundwave
He stands back up, making room for Starscream to kneel.
He offers her his servo to shake.
Buddy shakes it hesitantly.
Starscream just smiles.
“Pleasure to meet you Buddy.”--Starscream
Buddy took the first step towards this Megatron.
It wasn’t the fact that he took a step backwards that surprised her the most.
It is his optics.
What happened to him?
Buddy slowly approached the giant and held out her servo.
Slowly he grabbed her servo.
It was shaky.
Nothing like the strong death grips she had grown accustomed to.
After the exchange it was settled that the three Decepticon’s would stay until their Shockwave got them home.
It was extremely tense around the base.
Starscream, strangely, got along well with some of the bots. This just surprised them when they found this Starscream to be way more tolerable than the one they knew.
For one, he wasn’t trying to kill Megatron ever second.
Starscream was surprised to hear his counter part wanting to do that to his leader.
He would never try and do that to his Megatron!
He was also caring to others, which was another shock to the team.
Bumblebee trips on a stray cube, slightly skinning his knee.
“Oh! Here let me.”--Starscream
Starscream pulls out a mini mesh kit to fix the joint.
Confused Bee noises intensifies.
Soundwave got along best with the kids and younger Bots.
It was only natural.
There almost wasn’t a second where he wasn’t making some sort of noise, whether it be music or talking, much to Ratchet’s dismay.
It was rare to hear him go silent.
He has mixed feelings about his counterpart’s silent but deadly behavior.
Mainly because he can’t stand so much stillness, ironic being the master spy he was.
Soundwave and Miko jamming out to some rock ballads.
Ratchet looking with horror from afar.
“Oh Primus… there’s two of them now…”—Ratchet
Megatron stays mostly by Prime’s side as the two would have nice talks.
He was the slowest to be integrated into the group.
He did ask about his counterpart, but he noticed that no bot would outright talk about his alternative whenever Buddy was in the room.
There were always side glances towards Buddy’s direction.
Worried glances.
One thing each of the Decepticons noticed fast was that Buddy was never left alone with any of them.
Usually, she was accompanied by a bot or two.
But whenever Megatron came, it almost doubled in numbers.
Soundwave was the one who brought it up one day as he plopped down next to her.
“So, Buddy… how’s your Megatron doing? I mean why haven’t we seen him with you?”--Soundwave
“We aren’t exactly… on talking terms Soundwave.”--Buddy
“How come?”--Soundwave
Buddy looks over at Soundwave and the other Con’s nearby.
“I think you might want to sit down for this.”--Buddy
They quickly sat down by Buddy, as some of the other bots sat down close by.
She knew why, but she continues.
She took a vent in before telling them her story from the beginning.
From the moment Megatronus found her.
From the times she remembered being in Orion Pax’s care.
From the times she was snuck into the gladiator quarters.
From when she met Soundwave and the minicons.
From the Senate meeting.
From the last time seeing Orion and Ratchet.
From when the war started.
From when the training had begun.
From when Megatron left, leaving her to control the army.
From Megatron’s return with the Dark energon.
From Megatron’s worsening training and ideals.
From Megatron’s second death and her having to take care of the army once more.
From Starscream’s ideals and the pushing.
From Megatron’s return.
From The Slash.
From the worse training to date.
From Soundwave snapping.
From Soundwave giving Buddy away to Prime.
The Decepticons had gone silent.
Soundwave was the first to reach out for a hug.
It felt familiar, yet different.
Starscream was the next.
Who knew Starscream could give out good hugs?
Then Megatron…
After a pause he asks if it was okay to hug her.
Buddy had leaped into his open arms before he could finish the sentence.
She buried her faceplate into his neck cables hugging tightly.
Megatron hugged tight too but minded his strength and size.
He gently stroked her back.
“I’m… I am so sorry Buddy.”--Megatron
Buddy lightly hiccupping in Megatron’s neck cables.
“I am so sorry little one.”--Megatron
Buddy finally faces Megatron.
“It—It wasn’t your fault. You had—had nothing to do with my Megatron’s actions.”--Buddy
“…Something happened to my alternative, didn’t it?”--Buddy
That was when he told her about his Buddy.
From when he found her in the alley.
From raising her with his friend Orion Pax.
From meeting Starscream and Soundwave.
From the Senate meeting.
From the last time she would see her uncle Orion storm out of the chamber.
From the time Nemesis Prime had arisen.
From the time she had been a shining beacon of hope amongst the soldiers.
From the time she disappeared.
From the time Soundwave and him found Prime holding her by her neckcables, struggling out of his grip.
From the pleas.
From the last ‘love you’.
From the blast of the cannon.
From holding his daughter’s offlined corpse in his servos.
From moving to Earth.
From the continuation of the war.
Buddy only hugged him tighter.
He needed it.
They both needed this more than anything.
It was at that moment the light came through.
It was time for them to leave.
The Cons saying their good-byes to everyone.
“If you ever end up in our universe, wouldn’t recommend it, feel free to ask for any of us! Maybe we can show you the base!”--Soundwave
“I’ll keep that in mind.”--Smokescreen
“Thank you again for your hospitality.”--Starscream
“You’re welcome Starscream.”--Optimus
The Cons turn to Buddy, each giving their own long hugs.
Megatron and Buddy give the longest hugs.
“Stay strong little one.”--Megatron
“Same to you, big guy.”--Buddy
Megatron and Buddy give each other one last look before the three walk to the light and vanish just as fast as it came.
They both knew that the alternative couldn’t replace the other, they lost to time. But it still felt good knowing that somewhere in the universe, one was alive and well.
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razsberrie · 9 months
leave the door open ~ cbg
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gyu x fem!reader, college au kinda
your new boyfriend’s friends refuse to believe he can take charge in the bedroom, and his competitive streak insists he proves them wrong
rating: nsfw (mdni)
wc: 2k
warnings: mentions of drinking, college guys being dudes, dom!gyu, exhibitionism, spit, choking, a sprinkle of praise kink, and a sprinkle of degradation, pet names (princess, baby), gyu just kinda be running his mouth tbh, dry humping, vaginal fingering, penetrative sex, manhandling, gyu is very grabby (look i like his hands), dumbification, messy sex, creampie (i think thats it???)
this is my first fic on here and my first time writing something that wasn’t an academic essay in many years so, I hope you enjoy!!
dedicated to my lovely bestiewife @matchaxmatcha who
1. let me spam her with my Gyu hand brain rot which inspired this fic and bounced ideas back and forth, she basically deserves co-writing credits
2. encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone and write this in the first place
tyyyyy what would I do without u
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“So THATS how Soobin ended up with a cosplay kink?!” Yeonjun cackled, leaning back in his chair nearly spilling his drink while Soobin hung his head on the table, embarrassed. 
“I can never show my face at the anime clubs events ever again” He whined, shaking his head as the table erupted in laughter. You chuckle and take another sip of your drink before leaning further into your boyfriend Beomgyu’s arm, which he was resting on the back of your chair. You had met Beomgyu in one of your shared classes at the start of the semester and quickly hit it off, his sweet demeanor and playful nature easily winning you over as you begin dating not long after. Following the end of everyone’s exams, he and his friends had planned a chill night of drinking in Beomgyu and Soobin’s apartment to celebrate before heading home for the holidays. 
So here you are now, cosied up next to your sweet boyfriend, who gently noses into your hair, placing a tender kiss on your head, as his friends get progressively drunker and rowdier. You’re not sure at what point the conversation drifted towards their sexual escapades, but at this point, you figure it’s more of a competition to see who can embarrass each other more.
“They’re not usually this gross I promise” Beomgyu chuckles into your ear as Taehyun and Yeonjun start to bicker over who is more dominant out of the two of them. You make the mistake of giggling loudly at their antics, attracting the attention of the table. “Well, we know whose the dominant one in that relationship anyways” Kai giggles, sending a lob sided wink towards you as the rest of the table hum in agreement. Beomgyu’s eyebrow raises as he looks back towards his friends, his relaxed demeanor suddenly tightening up. “Uh yeah, me” he deadpans, dropping his arm from around your shoulder into your lap and squeezing your thigh under the table. There’s a beat of silence, before the table erupts in laughter. 
“Yeah sorry, love you man but no way” Yeonjun wheezes as he tried to catch his breath. “Like, she calls you her little Beomie and is always babying you, there’s no chance, good joke though.” “It’s not a joke” Beomgyu stiffens, his grasp on your thigh getting tighter. As their jeering continues you catch sight of his ears turning red. “Awww is my little Beomie embarrassed” you coo, reaching up to pinch his cheek before he suddenly catches your hand with his free one. Abruptly he stands, the screech of his chair shocking the table into silence. You can feel his gaze burning as he looks down at you. You turn to look up at him, his dark eyes glaring behind his long hair that falls over his face. It’s a look you know well, and between his heated gaze and the way this position makes him seem so much bigger and broader than usual, you can’t help but squeeze your thighs together in anticipation. 
His eyes leave yours and take in his friends at the table, ensuring all eyes are on you before cockily spouting “Watch this.” and turning back to you.
He doesn’t give you the opportunity to be embarrassed. A veiny hand comes up to grab your chin, lithe fingers squeezing your cheeks together and its like everyone else in the room has disappeared. His thumb roams over the seam of your lips as he utters a quiet but husky “open” and you follow his instructions without thinking, your tongue lolling out gently. He’s pleased with that, you can tell by the smirk that graces his lips, before he brings his face closer and lets a ball of saliva fall into your mouth, sliding his hand around your throat to feel you swallow it. The air is thick in the room and your heart is beating out of your chest as he slowly leans down, breath fanning against your ear as he growls “Bedroom… now.” storming out of the room, his grip on your wrist dragging you along.
Neither of you take note of the four redfaced and gobsmacked boys you left in your wake. 
His dark gaze falls on you as pulls you into his room, crowding up to you until you feel the edge of his bed hit the back of your knees and inadvertently sit down. “You’re fucking unbelievably princess yknow that? Think it's funny trying to embarass me?” He says while looming over you, sliding his big hand around your throat and up towards your jaw, jerking your face to look up at him.
“They were just joking around Beomie” you whine, feeling a shiver run down your back from the way he’s looking at you, his jaw clenching at the nickname. “I wasn’t laughing princess” He says, squeezing your cheeks between his fingers and thumb forcing your mouth open. “Cmon baby, tongue out” he drawls before sliding his index and middle finger between over the muscle, coating them in your saliva. He suppresses a groan as you obediently close your lips around them and suck on them lazily. “Looks like we’re just gonna have to put on a show hmm? Gonna make you scream for me so they know exactly who’s in charge.”
With that he pulls you in for a messy wet kiss, channelling all his frustration into it. Without breaking it he pulls you up, lifting you until your wrap your legs around him instinctively, and maneuvers you both until you're on the bed in his lap. His grip on your thighs is bruising, sliding his hands under your skirt over your ass cheeks and toying with the hem of your panties. He lips move down to your neck, sucking harshly against your skin, before swinging his hand down against your ass cheek startling a loud moan from you
“Thats it baby, don’t be shy let em hear how good your little Beomie makes you feel hmm?” He chuckles against your throat rubbing his hands over the skin soothingly. The sensations have you wriggling in his lap, grinding against his jean covered length thats stiff beneath you. “Someone’s getting impatient” he chuckles again before nipping on your collar bone, the hand on your ass teasingly dipping between your cheeks to feel the wetness dripping between your legs. The feeling of you soaking wet has his head rolling back against the wall, biting his lip as he watches your squirm in his lap
“Fuck baby look at you, my little whore all worked up for me and i’ve barely touched you” he punctuates the end of his sentence by bucking his hips up into you, smirking as you yelp in response. He pulls you into another harsh kiss, using his hands on his hips to grind you onto him.  His teasing touch has you panting and whining, growing more and more desperate. “Think you could cum just from this princess, just from grinding your little wet cunt on my jeans huh?” He mumbles against your lips. And when you nod rapidly in response he pulls back, crossing his arm in front of him watching you whine at the loss of his touch. “Well it's not like you need me to help right? Maybe I should just leave you all alone to get yourself off.” Beomgyu’s voice is laced with condescension, and you can’t help but whimper at his words, pawing at his shoulders as you attempt to pull him into a kiss. “Ah ah ah, cmon slut use your words.”  “F-fuck Gyu please, baby i want you, want your fingers please” you babble at him. He coos in response  “That's more like it, my poor desperate baby crying for my fingers” he almost giggles as he pulls you impossibly close on his lap, reaching around to finally tease your slick folds, sliding two long fingers inside you.
You melt against his chest, face in the crook of his neck as he hammers his fingers into you, sucking and licking against whatever skin you can reach inbetween each loud mewl that leaves your mouth. As the bottom of your top rides up, his other hand begins trailing over your skin teasingly. Each thrust of his fingers into you closer and closer to the edge until you’re drooling against his shoulder. “Aw my poor baby can’t even speak, going all dumb and drooly over lil Beomie’s fingers,” he snickers into your ear. “Gonna cum all over my fingers? Go on, cum for me, good girl” he whispers huskily in your ear as you break, letting out a sound somewhere between a loud moan and an attempt at his name. 
He rides you through the high until you’re twitching before he sits you up in his lap gently using his left hand to steady you by the back of the neck and pulls you into a slow sloppy kiss, sucking on your tongue lazily and nipping at your lower lip. He pulls his fingers out slowly, marvelling at the way they glisten with your slick in the soft lights. He brings one finger to his lips sucking it clean and groaning. “Fuck baby you taste so good, cmon taste yourself” his voice is low, running his fingers along your lips and tongue, sucking in a breath as you swirl your tongue around them. His eyes darken as he quickly wraps an arm around your waist and flips you over, knocking the breath from your lungs, before pulling your top down roughly and sucking harshly on the skin around your nipples, running his tongue across them and gently blowing on them to watch them perk up at the cold air.
Beomgyu quickly pulls back to tug off his shirt and open his jeans, pulling out his leaking cock and fisting it lazily. Sweat glints off of his smooth skin under the low lighting as he reaches between your legs, entranced, dragging your panties to the side and rubbing the head up and down your folds, covering himself in your slick. You gasp and shiver with each slide across your neglected clit, reaching up to pull him until his arms are caging you in. He noses up your neck and jaw before making his way to your lips. “Ready princess?” he pants into your mouth before lining himself up and fully sheathing himself inside you, wrenching a choked “F-fuck Beomgyu” from your lips as you clench your eyes shut. He pulls out until only the thick head of his cock is still inside you, before thrusting so deeply you can feel it in your stomach. He continues at this pace, slowly pulling out before sharply entering you again, allowing you to feel every inch of him. 
You open your eyes to see him staring down at you intensely. “God your little pussy was made for me baby,” he groans “t-taking me so well”, stuttering as he feels your velvety walls flutter around him. Your noises pick up as you feel the coil within you tighten, your legs trembling around his waist. In response he leans back, throwing a leg over his shoulder and quickens his pace, using his hands on your hips as leverage to pull you into his every thrust. The new angle has you quaking beneath him, feeling his cock head kissing your cervix with every thrust.
“Fuck princess you feel so fucking good, gonna cum inside you and fill you up” he pants, moving his thumb to rub circles on your clit. “T-thats it, take it, good girl, cum all over my cock.” Hearing his express permission, you allow yourself to fall over the edge, clenching down around him screaming his name. He lets go as you do, the impossible tightness squeezing him over the edge as he paints your walls with his cum, twitching inside you, and flops down on top of you. His husky groans echo in your ear as you both catch your breath, panting in a sweaty heap. “You’re fucking amazing you know that” he mumbles as he noses at your neck, rocking his hips slightly as he fucks his cum back into you and chuckling as you whimper in overstimulation. “Beomie~” you whine, pushing him off you, shivering as he pulls out and his hot seed starts to drip down your thighs. His hand rubs your thigh gently as he leans down to give you a chaste kiss, before motioning towards the door, which you now notice has been left open a crack. You give him an incredulous glare as he smirks back.
“So, think they believe me now?”
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theangelicimp · 18 days
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Waiting For the Right Time
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Summary: Imagine that Bucky Barnes has a huge little crush on you. Now imagine that he's not the only one who thinks that way.
Word Count: 1,082
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Black!GN!reader
Warnings: None, just Bucky getting jealous and slightly possessive, mostly fluff. Reader attracts attention from all across the gender spectrum, and is stated to have powers. No Y/N, we don’t do that here. Ambiguous ending ahead!
AO3: here
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Bucky’s got a problem, and for once it has nothing to do with his past.
It’s you and the way the sunlight bounces off your brown skin to make it shine. It’s you and the way your smile makes his heart do backflips. It’s you and the way your deep brown eyes look at him with nothing but admiration and care.
Bucky loves you, and he is not ready to do anything about it.
He knows, logically, that you wouldn’t do anything to hurt him if he were to confess. You damn near killed yourself trying to save him during a mission in Beirut, when a mercenary lobbed a bomb his way. You plucked it from the air and flew off with it, wrapping yourself in a blue shield just as it went off – you got a nasty scar, and it makes his chest hurt every time he thinks about it. You smile to reassure him when he stares and tell him that it gives you a cool story to tell at family reunions. Worst case scenario, you would let him down gently and ask to remain friends. Even still, the worst-case scenario was apocalyptic to Bucky.
If he were going to confess, he needed to be absolutely sure that you would love him back. That was how things were, and that’s how it was going to stay until Bucky finally found the right time to confess.
Too bad the rest of the world didn’t get the memo to play along with his pining.
You got flowers the morning of June 26; Bucky remembered the exact day because his world came to a screeching halt when he read the note attached to them.
“Roses are red, violets are blue, Know what’s on the menu? Me ‘n’ U~<3 From, Your Secret Admirer”
Bucky should’ve thrown the flowers away as soon as he saw them, should have stomped on them, thrown them in an incinerator, anything to make sure you didn’t see them. People sent you flowers all the time, and you never cared what anyone did to them – you like to joke that you had the opposite of a green thumb.
But he didn’t. He froze, and you came trudging out of your bedroom, rubbing the sleep from your eyes, wondering why Bucky spent so long outside your door without knocking.
“Aww, corny but sweet,” you cooed sleepily when you read the note. Bucky’s heart squeezed when you said that, and not in a good way. “Any chance these are from you?”
“No. No, they’re not.” Bucky grits out. If he sent you flowers with a note, he would be pouring his heart and soul into the card, not leaving a shitty pickup line.
“Wonder who it is then,” you yawned as you breezed by him.
Bucky spent the day tracking down the secret admirer. It was a random SHIELD agent, lower in the hierarchy, and too cocky for his own good. It only took a single visit from the former Winter Solider to get the agent to back off. Unfortunately, that agent wasn’t the last to pursue you.
When you went for your morning runs, a woman would join you every morning at exactly the halfway mark. She asked you if you wanted to go to the botanical gardens with her; Bucky showed up and pretended that there was a mission at the same time that would have happened. Thank god there actually was a mission to back him up.
When you thwarted a bioterrorist’s attempts to clear out the “undesirables,” you rescued a civilian from falling rubble with a well-timed shield. They offered to make lunch or dinner to repay you for saving them; Bucky waited till your back was turned to tell them that the Avengers didn’t accept food from strangers. Standard procedure and all that. There technically was no such procedure, but it was just common sense not to eat anything made by a stranger, right.
When Tony threw another one of his notorious parties, you were approached by a random well-to-do bachelor. He fancied himself an art aficionado and invited you to a personal showing of a rare Basquiat painting. When you left to get more champagne, Bucky got Sam to distract the man before you could give him an answer. Sam was sworn to secrecy, of course, Bucky would rather you didn’t see this side of him.
“How long are you gonna keep this up, man?” Sam groaned when he came back to the table.
“Keep what up?” Bucky kept his eyes trained on you, your enchanting laugh reaching his ears even through all the blaring music and cacophony of voices.
“This!” Sam gestured at you and Bucky. “It would just be easier to confess at this point. You can’t scare off everyone that goes near them forever.”
He gave Sam a deadpan glare. “I can and I will.”
“You would have to keep an eye on them all the time at that point, you’d basically be stalking them at that point.”
“Actually, that’s not such a bad idea.”
“There’s cafe across the street from their apartment, could probably stake out there.”
“You think I could get those little spy cameras from Tony’s lab without him noticing?”
“No! You need to say something to them before someone else asks them out and they say yes.”
“’S not the right time.”
“Man, someone else is gonna snatch them up while you’re busy waiting for the right time!” Bucky left before Sam could finish talking; another woman had sidled up your table.
As much as he hated to say it Sam was right.
Bucky hated this; the constant vigilance of chasing away would-be suitors, the way his heart squeezed every time he saw you smile at someone that wasn’t him, the fear that you would pick someone else before he could show you how much he loved you.
So on a cold November 12th, Bucky woke up earlier than everyone else in the tower to finally enact his plan. He went to the only shop open in Brooklyn for a fruit bouquet – filled with all the fruit he knew you liked and drizzled with chocolate. He dressed in the outfit Steve had helped him with – something casual, but made to impress. He put on your favorite playlist – Etta James, and Al Green, and Aretha Franklin.
With everything in place and his nerves at an all-time high, Bucky took a deep breath and knocked on your door.
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Original A/N: Little something I thought up that I had to get out before I forgot or something, hope y'all enjoy! It was inspired by another post that I haven't been able to find, but it takes place in the 40s right before Bucky is shipped out to the warfront. If anyone can find it please let me know!
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1-800-writersblock · 1 month
shinsou hitoshi with a golden retriever gf 🙏🏽 also i lob u s much 😞
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Book Title: Shinso x Golden Retriever!Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1.3k
Book Format: headcanons
Summary: see request!
Prompt Used: none
Content Warnings: shinso is barely in this but I needed to get something out, you/your mainly used to reference reader, fem!reader, I gave reader an honestly pretty neat quirk, not canon compliant, I turned a couple points in the show into things for Shinso and reader instead of Izuku and whoever else, Shinso’s leg is hurt for a bit, reader has parents that support her but they’re barely talked about
Author’s Notes: huhuhuu I lob u too🥹 why’d u have to move SAUR FAR for stupid college😒 n e way, FIRST OFFICIAL FIC-ADJACENT THING ON THE NEW ACCOUNT WOOHOO‼️ Brought to you by none other than my totally legit wife irl. This is probably (definitely) gonna suck, especially since I’ve never written for Shinso but eh whatever. I’ll probably have to make a part 2 at some point because as far as I’ve gotten, he’s kinda barely in it BUT ENJOY IT ANYWAY
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I’ll be so fr rn, most of what I know about Shinso is very fanon🧍
but that’s totally fine
still love mah boy
anyway, if anyone knows anything about me then they know grumpy x sunshine and any adjacent tropes is one of my favorites
Shinso and his golden retriever gf are the prime example of this
Like if you activate your quirk and touch someone with your hands, they basically freeze in time instantly and turn to gold. Then if you touch them a second time with your quirk activated they unfreeze. A drawback could be like if you start to overuse your quirk, your fingertips turn to gold and the longer you overuse the farther up your arms the good freezes you then you have to wait for it to creep back down.
So I like to think that you two met during the entrance exam, but not the fighting part, the written part
(We’re switching the order of the tests for plot purposes)
It was just after the written part had finished and the two of you were sat down next to each other
Lets say you didn’t do the best and kept turning your pencil to gold for a bit by accident, so you barely even managed to finish
So you’re grumbling to yourself as yall are all sitting there waiting for the tests to be collected and yall to be dismissed
He probably didn’t think it was that hard, so you grumbling is making him raise an eyebrow
He hears you muttering about your “stupid quirk” and he feels the need to ask you what you mean🤭😏
So you explain to him what went on and he decides to try and ease your worries a bit.
“This isn’t the biggest part of the test, so… don’t stress out over it too much. It’s the physical test you’ve got to worry about. From what you say about your quirk, you’re bound to get in.”
This gets a lil smile out of you so you thank him and introduce yourself. He pretends to reluctantly give you his name, not wanting to seem too eager or smt idk
You basically talk his ear off the whole time yall are waiting to be dismissed and he just sits there and like. listens to every word
not even consciously, he just genuinely takes in every word you say
yapper (future) gf 🤝 listener (future) bf
Finally yall are dismissed and as you walk away, you turn back to him and give him a smile that he swears would’ve burned his corneas had yall been in the sun.
“Good luck on the physical exam, Shinso! I better see you in UA when I make it, too!”
He would take this to his GRAVE but his heart fluttered a bit
He nodded and gave an awkward and small smile back, wishing you luck quietly too before you practically skip off
Speaking of skip, jumping to the physical exam
You’re assigned to the same training ground as Shinso, and when you spot him in the waiting group you immediately get to his side and start yappin as per usual
”Oh my gosh! Shinso, you’re in this group too? That’s so cool! Maybe I’ll get to see your quirk in use! I hope my quirk doesn’t end up hurting someone somehow-” yappayappayappa
It’s finally time for yall to start and you don’t get to see him during the test
You’re doing pretty good, getting the bots into spots that they’ll tip over and break once you turn them to gold, but it’s nothing compared to some people
You start to get a bit nervous as you run around and find everyone else fighting bots but none are left for you to take down
That’s when the 0 point robot is released
Its insanely huge, and everyone else starts running away from it
You start to as well but that’s when you see Shinso hurt and in the robot’s way
At this point, you’ve already done enough at once to get your fingers gold up to the second knuckle so they can barely bend
You can’t just sit there and watch as he’s crushed by the robot so of course like the hero you’re going to be, you run forward and start to try and get one of his arms over your shoulder - which is a LOT harder than you might think it is without full articulation of your fingers
of course he’s over here like ⁉️⁉️⁉️ confused as to why you’re choosing to save him instead of just getting yourself to safety
Still, he takes the help and stands as best as he can on one leg with most of his weight on your shoulder
You help him get away as fast as the two of you can but the robot is faster
However, just before the robot gets too close to the two of you, the signal for the end of the test sounds and the robot freezes in place
Perfect timing too, because immediately after, the two of you don’t have enough strength to keep yourselves upright and you two fall side by side
Skip forward a little more again, probably a couple weeks later
You feel like you didn’t get enough points in the practical exam to get into UA, so when the letter finally comes to tell you whether or not you got in, you don’t have high hopes
you take out the small gadget, setting in on the living room table as you sit on the couch with your parents anxiously watching behind you
That’s when you’re surprised to see ALL MIGHT of all people announcing your rejection or acceptation
He tells you that your writing scores were just enough to pass that part of the exam, but you didn’t quite get enough points from bringing down robots to pass
Your heart and head drop as he tells you that and your parents start to console you, until he continues
“You may not have gotten quite enough points to pass the exam based on defeating robots. However-”
Your head shoots back up at that
“defeating robots wasn’t the only thing the judges were looking for. Rescue points were also involved.” The clip switches from All Might’s ever-smiling face to a recording from the exam ground. It shows everyone else start to run away, but zooms in on you running back to save Shinso. “This feat of bravery and pure heroism was enough to boost your scores up to passing, and exceeds many others who chose to ignore everyone else while defeating the robots.”
You start to get emotional as he continues once more.
“Congratulations, dear student. You are officially accepted into UA and will join other students in Class 1-A, the hero course! Go beyond Plus Ultra!”
As the hologram ends, the three of you sit in stunned silence before excitement overtakes you all and you celebrate your acceptance.
Your mind starts to drift towards Shinso. You barely saw him during the test, so you don’t even know how many points he got You really hope you get to see him in UA…
Skipping forward again, it’s the first day of the school year and you stand outside the door to your classroom
it already sounds like chaos as you walk in, but you see a lot of very impressive looking students in your class
One has motors in his legs, one has several arms, one is very very pink, etc
But you’re slightly disappointed as you look around and fail to see Shinso among the students. You feel a sinking feeling in your stomach, worried that he might not have gotten into UA at all.
But that feeling is squashed after the first few classes of the day are over, and it’s time for lunch!
When you walk in to the lunchroom talking to the very pink student — Mina, you’ve learned — you spot a messy head of purple hair sitting a table of students but looking disinterested
You tell Mina you’ll see her later as you make your way over to Shinso, smiling happily as you greet him…
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Librarian’s Footnote: IT TOLD ME I RAN OUT OF SPACE FOR TEXT IN THE BLOCK??? It wouldn’t let me save my draft so I have to cut this short until I can figure this stuff out :( I’ll make a part two eventually! I’m sorry he’s barely in this 😭
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creamqueen · 3 months
inspired by a conversation between me and oomf i will be ranking the vdl gang from best to worst based on how good i think they'd be at badminton
Sadie Adler - I have the feeling that sadie would be an absolute unit in badminton , idfk why I just get that vibe from her , she has a MEAN backhand and is insanely good at smashing. ( off topic i need her to yell at me during a match )
Tilly Jackson - next to sadie i just get the feeling that tilly jackson would make a meaaan badminton player , i feel like she would play more on tactics , she somehow still looks flawless after every match too.
Lenny Summers - i feel like he would get into it as a casual hobby but somehow get super good at it , like tilly i feel like he'd play more on tactics , if you ever give him a smash though he's returning it 3x as hard .
Javier Escuella - i have the feeling he wouldnt be as good at serving but when it comes to his strikes ??? he's so good it's sort of scary. sometimes he gets hits in that you don't even think possible but he pulls it off anyway and it leaves u confused
Charles Smith - Charles would be a more casual player but if u challenge him ?? hes locking tf in , i feel like he'd make a MEAAAAN defense, he'd make a good teacher though.
Abigail Roberts - Abigail wouldn't have that much time to play badminton cause of Jack but if u ever challenged her/teamed up with her she'd be another great defense .
Karen Jones - i get the feeling that Karen wouldn't play as much but when she does every single one of her serves would be so flawless and hard for u to hit , they never land outside too, its always far enough from u to not be able to hit and close enough to not land outside .
Micah Bell - i'm ashamed to say it but i get the feeling that when he wants to be micah would be an absolute offensive unit , his only flaw being sometimes he hits too hard and lands outside .
Mary-Beth - Mary-Beth would be more of a casual player i believe , i get the feeling she'd be an amazing teammate to have though , she always comes in clutch .
Hosea Matthews - another casual player , i feel like hosea would only play if it was a casual back and forth , he usually only plays drives or lobs ... he's too old to play a fast game .
Molly O'shea - another casual player , molly would prefer to just watch but she's good enough to play a casual round or 2 , her weakness is back hands though ...
Arthur Morgan - i feel like arthur wouldn't be too interested in badminton ... he doesn't like moving too fast but i do feel like he'd like playing defensive every now and then .
Sean Mcguire - he'd only play with lenny cause when he's not he's missing every shot , he'd hit a shot or too but it either hits the outline of the racket and doesn't land past the net , it hits too hard and lands outside , or it just lands outside of the court completely .
Keiran Duffy - i feel like he'd see how fast the game goes and just chicken out ... if u offered him a casual back and forth tho i feel like he'd go for it ... just don't expect him to hit all his shots .
John Marston - He's doing so much yet nothing at the same damn time , he's shuffling all around the court doing useless turns , he jumps high as hell just to miss the shuttlecock entirely .
Dutch van der linde - he either doesn't gaf or he's taking it too seriously , when he does , he turns red and there's veins bulging out of his forehead , if he misses a shot he yells as if it was your fault , if you hit a strike he wasn't expecting u to he's too angry to hit it back , he's making new rules up out of thin air , if he serves and it lands outside he's gonna gaslight u into thinking it counts as his point .
Josiah Trelawny - he doesn't like how sweaty it makes him , that and he doesn't realize it's a game where u have to actively move , he just stands still in one place and waits for your serve to reach him . he says he's not missing his shots just that your serves are bad .
Reverend Swanson - he would not like how fast the game goes , he hits a shot then sees how fast it's returned and can't register it fast enough to hit it back . he can't handle fast paced games .
Simon Pearson - he gets super sweaty super quick so he wouldn't want to play , he'd be very enthusiastic abt it though even though he's not all that good at it ...
Susan Grimshaw - she wouldn't opt to play cause she doesn't like how much u have to move around , like hosea she likes a slow back and forth though , she still misses most of her shots sadly .
Bill Williamson - he's missing all his shots entirely and smashing his racket which leaves a huge dent so he can't even play anymore .
Uncle - he played once . ONE TIME . and he accidentally let go of the racket trying to serve and it flew and hit John in the face .
Strauss - he's sitting on the sidelines critiquing everyones every move ( he can't play for shit but he doesn't wanna talk abt that )
Jack Marston - he just wants to watch . trust he will be rooting for his momma when she plays though .
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i've been thinking abt this for the last 10 seconds and i need to share this LMFAOO but how but either jack or kappa with "i would never let anyone or anything hurt you. i've never felt that way about anyone." AAAAAAAA imma pass out oki lob u lots and i love the way you write i like hang on to every word ITS SO GOOD EVERYTIME
THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR 1000 FOLLOWERS! Let's celebrate that with this little something something here 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻 I'm very much left speechless by the sheere amount of people that apparently enjoy my deranged writings enough to follow this flaming dumpster fire of a Tumblr blog. I love and appreciate all of you so incedibly much! 🖤 Thank you from the very bottom of my heart!
Going To California
Summary: Kappa displaying insane amounts of husband material.
Pairing: hippie!Kappa x fem!Reader
Word Count: ~1.6k
Content Warnings: Romantic Van Life Smut 18+!, Unprotected P In V, L-Bombs, Very Fluffy And Domestic, Kappa Being A Heartthrob, Kappa Talking You Through It, Sprinkles Of Actual Plot, Dad!Kappa 👀
A/N: To the wonderful nonnie, I have to confess that I thought much longer than 10 seconds about this 🤭🥴
I put together a hippie!Kappa playlist!
Tagging the horny horde:
@crypticsewerslut @quicksilversg1rl @cc-luvr @icarus-star @milaeth @roryculkinsgf @spookyorchid @arch1viste @whoareyoi @angelsanarchy @blueberrypancakesworld @rocketqueen-world @r0ttenmess @doddernix @svgarcaine @amayalul @basementgrl222 @kristennero-wallacewellsver @iiheartsai
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Spent my days with a woman unkind
Smoked my stuff and drank all my wine
Made up my mind to make a new start
Going to California with an aching in my heart
Someone told me there's a girl out there
With love in her eyes and flowers in her hair
- Going To California By Led Zeppelin
With his plush, soft lips Kappa left a trail of slightly sloppy kisses all the way from your forehead down to the tip of your nose that he eventually nudged playfully with the tip of his own.
"And here I thought you'd let me sleep.." You giggled, your tone a little drowsy as your senses had already been on the best way to slip towards warm and comforting dreams for tonight.
" 'M sorry, sugar, didn't wanna wake you up again." He nuzzled his face into the curve of your neck, his left cheek soft against your jawline.
"Are you though?" You pushed somewhat teasingly, arching your brows in the dark of the van while a smile tugged your lips.
"Well, yeah…but also not really." Kappa admitted, his curly, black hair ghosting over your collarbone whilst his hands searched for your waist further down underneath the woolen blanket that the two of you shared.
In gingerly soft touches, his fingertips caressed over the bare skin of your hips, tracing your curves slowly to savor every inch of you next to him.
"Go on.." You inquired, feeling how he sent little waves of gentle goosebumps all over your body.
"I'm just..y'know…I've never been just that happy and I can't help myself here, really. I hardly get enough of you, babe." His slightly raspy voice hummed into the crook of your neck which had you leaning your head back just a little yet enough for him to take note of the invitation.
"Hardly enough, yeah?", It rolled over your tongue in a tender laugh as you recognised his lips softly nipping right underneath your earlobe, "I'm with you all day everyday. How are you not tired of that yet, honey?"
"How could I ever, hm?", To underline his point, Kappa suckled your sensitive skin right between his teeth, effectively leaving a hickey just like a love-sick teenager, "None of this would just be remotely as heavenly as it is right now without you. Living in a van this, being free to go wherever that…but I wouldn't wanna go anywhere without you anymore. I love you."
"Good god, you're so sweet, Kappa.", You felt your entire chest swelling with a very distinct kind of fulfilling warmth as you led your fingertips to sneak under the hem of his linen shirt and caress his soft skin all the way up to his shoulders, "I love you, too. So incedibly much."
Turning your face to the side just a notch, you pressed a long kiss to the crown of his head, holding him close in your embrace, your senses following closely how his body heat quickly engulfed your statue, seeping through the layers of fabric.
'Hmhmm…right there, sugar." Kappa quietly groaned into your neck, pressing his front further against yours.
You very well knew how much of a slave he was to being touched around his shoulders and you eagerly followed his plea for more of your tender strokes. Planting another kiss to his hair, you started drawing random shapes and forms, curly waves and loops all over his shoulder blades and along his spine, pulling little moans and whines oozing with enjoyment from his mouth.
"S-so good to me, love." He hummed in a low voice, his own hands fastening their hold on your hips.
"Always." You returned softly while it didn't go unnoticed how both of your bodies reacted to one another.
You could feel Kappa's growing hard on pressing through his pants against your thighs just as much as you acknowledged your perked up nipples brushing against his collarbones whilst your own arousal throbbed between your legs.
"So much for just falling asleep, huh?" You joked amicably, pressing both of your palms against his back before pulling him on top of you as you turned to lay on your back.
"Oh, that's all you now!" Kappa reciprocated with a hearty laugh right before lowering his lips onto yours, nipping and nibbling at them teasingly.
"Is that so?" It left your mouth in a chuckle, your hands busy with pulling his trousers off of him.
"I might just be a tad bit involved in this.." He groaned, feeling his cock prodding against your cunt without anything left in between.
"A tad bit, yeah?" You inhaled sharply at the sensation, noticing how your body turned gradually more greedy.
"Probably severely very interested, s'that what you wanna hear, sugar?" Kappa sighed against your mouth before thrusting into you in one languid, careful stroke.
"Fuck…", It rushed over your tongue as you felt his girth stretching you out, "Feels so good, damn."
"Still mad about being awake?" Your lover huffed against your jawline as he rolled his hips into your lap, having your eyes flutter shut at the sensation.
"Hmhmmm…" You moaned out whilst allowing your head loll back into one of the plenty tie-dye patterned cushions.
"Fuck, I love you so much.", Kappa groaned, raising his forehead to rest right against yours as he thrusted into you anew, "I'd never let anything or anyone hurt you, sugar. You know that, right?"
Kappa's words reverberated, echoed right through you, making you feel as one with him.
"I've never felt that way about anyone before." His voice filled your mind as the tip of his cock nudged against that especially sensitive spot on your inside.
"My one and only…", You moaned softly against his warm, slightly sweaty cheek, your lips brushing over his upper lip and pressing soft pecks to the corner of his mouth, "Wouldn't trade the world for you. Ugh, god, hear that? You turned me all soft, damn hippie."
Both of you chuckled for a moment, the vibrations of his chest against yours making your heart feel like it was about to explode right into his aura that smelled like lavender and freshly cut grass to you. The warmth of his character, the carelessness in the most inappropriate of moments and just simply being with Kappa had done things to you…good things for once in your life.
"You were soft way before me, love, the world just didn't appreciate you showing it, but be certain that I do." You couldn't quite decipher if it was the way Kappa spoke to you or the way he cradled the curves of your waist in his grip, making you feels safe and protected with him right on top you, between your legs, that eventually pushed your body over the threshold of a rapidly building orgasm and quite frankly you didn't care.
Soft moans, repeated chants of his name cascaded from your lips as you arched your back to shove your hips into his lap, needing to feel him inside of you as deep as you possibly could, your pulsing and contacting cunt clenching down around his cock.
"There, there…let it all just go, 'm here, sugar." He cooed into your flushed cheek in a low groan, his own body turning rigid as he felt your walls pulling him in deeper.
The tide of your orgasm, the push and pull of your release was enough for Kappa to come undone himself, spilling his load as deep as possible, shoving it and pushing it deep inside of you.
"I gotchu…" Kappa hummed, enjoying the bliss of his own release rippling through his muscles, allowing himself to get lost in that instant of being ultimately close to you.
Only very reluctantly he pulled out of you eventually, the load of his seed trickling out and pooling all over the inside of your thigh.
"Uh, I gotta tell you something, actually…" You started awkwardly, immediately drawing Kappa's attention towards you.
"Huh? Are you trying to give a panic attack right after cumming now?" His hand fumbled around the headboard above the mattress, fingertips eagerly trying to find the light switch for the fairy lights dangling from all over the ceiling.
"No, sorry, oh god, sorry. It's just… come here.", Right after he flipped the switch, illuminating the inside of your van in a warm, almost orangy tint, you reached for his hand and gently pressed it against your lower abdomen, "I have a strong feeling that we are at least 3 now."
"What?" It blurted out of him, brows knit together in confusion as he stared at you with a dumbfounded expression on his face.
"I'm way past my period, Kappa.", You hinted further, "Sore breasts and, good god, the nausea lately?"
"What I'm hearing you say right now is that you are… pregnant?" His forehead crinkled in soft creases.
"Ah, there we go. That took you a hot second, no?" You chuckled out softly, planting a kiss to the bridge of his nose.
" 'M gonna be a dad?!", Confusion was swept aside by unbridled joy and excitement, "And you're gonna be a momma?!"
"Looks like it an awful lot now, babe." You couldn't hold back the wide grin spreading on your face before Kappa practically jumped you, attacking you with a wave of kisses, pecks and smooches all over.
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nanaslutt · 4 months
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1) awww thank you so much!! it always makes me feel good to see how people like how i write sukuna bcs he can be hard to write for. i think he would love his s/o but have. very hard time saying or showing it so i try to capture that ^.^ and im only taking smau reqs rn
2) THANK YOUUU make sure ur taking care of urself as well!! toji and sukuna are hard to stay away from and their slightly bullying behavior has be on my knees, i get it lol
3) this is so sweet i’m so glad you found me tew :((
5) YAY!!! i love to hear that i hope ur having fun writing smaus :3
7) i lob u cutie
8) and i’m gonna eat the whole box, thank you so much
9) i am extremely late to answering these so im not sure which one u we’re talking about LOLL but thank you soooooo much <3
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Ur good 🗞 anon I don't have a problem with it :))) also I'm sending u a red eye (drip coffee w a shot of Espresso in it) it is the fuel that keeps blue collar guys going
I love how you 2 are having a love affair in my asks
speaking of Genderbent!141,
Let me use highjack this ask to cook up something good:
Genderbent!Los Vaqueros (and everyone else).
(this is especially for @lyralein and their promise to draw me Alejandra and Rosario)
Alejandra Vargas has the longest, prettiest hair for someone who spends their time with it TIED IN A DAMN HIGH PONYTAIL???? She 100% wears SOOOO much hair gel to keep it slick and from having flyaways while in the field but that means it exposes her widow's peak and big ass fivehead. She's very used to being underestimated (just like Jane Price) but she has natural scary dog privilege and even her smirks and smiles look evil, so her subordinates Know Better™️. Also, she's tall as all hell, just like Simone. Fuck you mean she's 5ft10???? She serves cunt everywhere she goes when off-duty.
Rosario "Rosa" Parra has a curly bob and has the longest prettiest eyelashes. Does it pass regulation? No. But are you gonna go tell the Colonel's best friend to fix her hair, cut it? No. Exactly. Now get out of her face before SgtMj Parra makes you run drills. She and Alejandra have MATCHING tattoos that they got after the betrayal of their teammates who were on the cartel's payroll (like Valerio Garza). I'm entirely convinced her and Alejandra have gossip sessions over coffee when doing paperwork.
Valerio Garza is 100% such a fucking papi chulo. You know it, I know it. Man's got the most beautiful brown eyes, thickest brows, and the nastiest little smug smirk on his lips at all times. Has a shaggy little hairstyle that just makes him look like SUCH a fuckboy and a 5 o'clock shadow. Man's tall as all hell and I just KNOW he's got a fucking scorpion tattooed in his forearm. Just trust me on this.
Patricia Graves (yes I know Philipa exists but I don't like it for him bc it's not 'common' the way 'Philip' is common for men) is such a fucking bitch. I'm sorry, but she is. (to me, Philip's actions just become even more inexcusable when she's a woman like????) Anyways. Has the sleekest light brown hair but she gets it lightened to blonde because she can. Who's gonna stop her? Wears her hair cut into a lob (long bob) and unironically loves cowboy boots when she's out of uniform.
Alexa Keller is ready to fuck shit up at a moment's notice. Give her a time and a place and she WILL show up, drop some bodies, and leave without a word. Tall and strong, but not as beefy as Soap. Especially top-heavy. I'm convinced she binds her chest with bandages in order to fasten her vest on properly. Has a layered bob and carries bobby pins in her pack/pockets so she can keep pinning it back, on TOP of already carrying hair-ties around her wrists. At one point, Faris teaches her how to tie a scarf to keep it off her face.
Faris Karim is, I hate to say it, tall and on the skinny side. The ULF is a freedom fighting group and he's spent much time in prison, so, he's not as 'well developed' as many soldiers would be. Nonetheless, he's a good leader and makes up for his lesser build with determination. Has a beard that he cannot keep up with more often than not so he shaves it off when it gets too long, and keeps his hair in a combover or quiff.
Christopher "Chris" Laswell is, point blank, tall and slightly pudgy, used to being behind a desk, writing reports and fucking people up with words more than with fists. That being said, piss him off hard enough and he'll have you on your ass. Has an Ivy League cut with a side part and is either PERFECTLY clean-shaven or has the THICKEST beard you've ever seen. (I was gonna 'pick' a mustache only but then he'd look like Alex Keller too much)
Natasha is, I hate to say it, the most stereotypical Russian woman you've ever met... minus the blonde hair. She has the beautiful waves, she has the red lipstick and the heavy make-up, she has the expensive fur coats, and dresses and heels, and all the jewelry. Is it practical? No. But she's a CEO and a forced to be reckoned and there's nothing stopping her.
[ More Genderbent!COD ]
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elliebyrrdwrites · 6 months
Theo and Draco meet with Granger
“Tell me, again, why we need Granger?” Draco was picking through a bowl of trail mix left out in a ceramic dish like an offering. He plucked an almond and a chunk of dark chocolate from the mix before popping them into his mouth.
“Other than the fact that it’s her idea?” Theo frowned over at Draco. He was leaning against the the wall of a quaint little office. It was nondescript and snuggled smack dab in the middle of a busy London street. Draco could feel the muggle repelling charms cast on it as they stepped up to the building, along with about a dozen different wards meant to protect the place.
There was no secretary assisting them. Only a charmed, and voice that greeted and alerted them that Miss. Granger would be out shortly. And to have a seat. Help themselves to a snack.
Draco didn’t take a seat but he did help himself to the offered snack.
“Yeah,” Draco grinned at Theo’s frown, and dug around for another piece of chocolate.
“Because she’s brilliant. I think she might be part droid. She sees things in an algorithm, or something. I haven’t seen her fail to crack a complex curse or ward yet.” He cleared his throat and straightened his coat. “Not to mention, she’d probably hex me into next month if I tried to do this job without her.”
He pushed off of the wall and smoothed his coat over.
“That sounds like the Granger I remember.” Draco scooped up a small handful of nuts and chocolates and raisins.
“Not that I would, mind you. I owe the dear my life.”
“Do you?” Draco was eyeing him, a smile still tugging at the edges of his mouth while he chewed.
“I do.” But he didn’t elaborate. He only straightened his collar and then smoothed his hair.
Theo began to pace the small space, watching the door, waiting for the witch to emerge.
“Does she know we’re coming?” Draco took up the spot Theo had abandoned. He leaned against the wall and tracked his friends movements. “Are you nervous? What’s going on?”
Theo shot a glare over his shoulder as he paced toward the door of her office. He spun on the spot and faced. “She’s taking longer than usual.” He frowned.
“Longer than usual?” Draco leaned his head against the wall and fought the smirk fighting to break free. There was something about people’s discomfort that brought him amusement. And it wasn’t ill intent, no. The amusement came from the way he learned people, the way they differed from him was intriguing.
For Draco didn’t outright express his own concerns most of the time. He preferred to sit back, keep his calm and get all of the information before reacting.
“Yes.” Theo spun on his heels again and paced back toward her office door. “Granger is...”
“Bossy? Judgy?”
Theo ignored his quips and ran his tongue along the inside of his lip, still trying to best select the term he meant to use to describe their old school mate.
“Interesting.” He nodded and turned again, his hands clasped behind his back.
“Oh, Theo!” A woman emerged from the door that was now suddenly open.
Long, wavy brown hair pooled around a face that had, Draco thought begrudgingly, aged like a fine wine. Mature and classic in her beauty. Her skin was the color of sienna. Like she spent her spare time lounging in the sun.
Dressed in a pair of simple, elegant black slacks that hugged her full waist, looked at Theo with fondness before her eyes flicked over and found leaning against the wall. Her bright smile dampened, but she didn’t glare at him. Nor did she lob out the insults he had expected her tongue to lash upon him.
Though, as he watched her dig her teeth into her plump little lip, he assumed it would be preferable to what was happening now.
Preferable to the twitch of his cock as he continued to assess the girl he had once bullied.
She wore a white u-neck tee tucked into her pants that clung, almost obscenely, to the curve of her waist, to the rather ample and round set of -
“Draco,” Theo cut into his thoughts and Draco glanced to find his friend frowning disapprovingly at him. “You remember Granger?”
Remember? Draco snorted. How could he forget?
“Of course.” Draco pushed away from the wall and nodded cordially. “Granger, long time no see.”
She lifted her chin and shook her hair back from her face. “Hello, Malfoy.” She lifted a brow as she took him in. He watched, smiling, as he looked him over. His hair, his perfectly tailored suit, the hand that reached out and grabbed another chunk of dark chocolate.
“I once took a glass figurine of a swan from you study. I supposed it’s time I returned it.” Was all she said as she spun and disappeared into her office.
Draco grinned as he chewed, eyes flashing to Theo.
Theo pursed his lips and shrugged before following the witch inside.
“Care for anything to drink? Water, tea?” Granger asked over her shoulder as she went behind a desk and started to rummage through a very muggle filing system. “Wine?” She didn’t give them a chance to respond. “I went on a walk this morning, as you know I like to do, and ended up in this quaint little neighborhood and found myself browsing their market. I ended up finding a lovely bottle of Elf Wine disguised as a muggle Chardonnay. Also,” she spun, file now in hand, "I don’t have tea.”
Theo nodded and settled into the sofa that occupied a section of her office. A comfortable sofa and a lounger were positioned around a coffee table and a fire place in the corner of the office.
“Wine is perfect, love.”
Draco took the empty spot on the sofa beside Theo.
“Malfoy?” She asked as he took the lounger across from them. A bottle of wine and three glasses cracked into existence, settling onto the coffee table. She distractedly flicked her wand and the bottle began to pour into each glass as she opened up the file and started to read.
“None for me, Granger. Thank you.”
Her eyes flicked up from the file. “Do you drink?”
“Only medicinally.” He smiled at her.
“Are you hungry?” She peered at him.
“Are you offering?” She didn’t respond, only flicked her wrist and a plate of tea sandwiches appeared.
Draco’s eyes lit up as he leaned forward to grab one.
Theo kicked his feet up onto the table with a sense of familiarity that caused Draco to frown at the lack of formal mannerism.
“Okay,” She sighed and began to wave her wand around, making intricate little designs that Draco didn’t understand, but the second she pocketed her wand, he felt it.
Some kind of protective ward on the room that was surely impenetrable.
“Was that necessary?” Theo drawled as he lifted his glass to his lips.
She plucked a glass up for herself and leaned back in the lounger with a nod. “I think so.”
Draco popped the remainder of his sandwich into his mouth and didn’t ask questions. After his initial shock at finding out who the target was and the subsequent involvement of Hermione Granger, Draco had found himself intrigued by the job. The lure of such a complex and impossible job was exciting.
“Why Flamel?” Draco asked Granger.
She swallowed her drink of wine and held the glass out to stare at it for a moment.
“Why not?” She asked him.
“He’s one of the most powerful wizards in the entire world.”
“No he is the most powerful wizard in the world.” She shrugged and sent her glass floating from her hand, to settle onto the table. “Nobody that powerful gets there with a clean slate.”
“Certainly.” He agreed. He felt Theo’s glances. His penetrating glare, but he ignored them as he continued to address Granger. “But why does he deserve it more than others?”
Hermione held up the file in her hand. “I assumed Theo informed you already, but you can read over his file, if you like.”
“His file?” He reached for the folder in her hand, only to have her pull it back. “I cannot give it to you until you agree.” She glanced at Theo, communicating with her eyes to the wizard.
Theo reached out and pushed Draco’s hand down to his lap. “He’s in, Granger. But he doesn’t need to see the file. He just wants to know as much about the bloke and as much about you before he starts to plan.”
Granger glanced at Draco before looking back at Theo. She nodded and tossed the file onto the table between them.
Draco didn’t reach for it.
“I dated Flamel for a couple of months.” She announced as she stretched out on the lounger. She kicked off her flats and crossed her legs at the ankles.
“You did?” This was surprising. “Seems the sort of gossip the Prophet would have gone wild with.”
“It wasn’t anything serious, of course.”
“Of course.” Theo rolled his eyes and Draco didn’t fail to notice the frown Granger sent his way.
“Regardless, we kept it under wraps. But it was during this time that I began to grow suspicious of the wizard. He was always having the oddest, most dangerous looking men visiting. Both wizards and muggles alike.”
She combed her fingers through her hair, smoothing it up into a knot atop her head. “He threw these extravagant parties every weekend. She shrugged. “I didn't always go but the last time I did, an executive secretary to the minister himself asked me a question at one of these parties.”
“What question?” Draco floated another sandwich into his hand.
“If I was part of the menu or if I was ordering takeout.” She frowned. “I didn’t know what it meant at first. But then I started to notice that the rest of the attendants were mostly young men and women that were dressed proactively. A sort of dull, dazed look in their eyes. The rest were all men. Many the ones I saw frequenting his home during the week.”
“He was selling them to these men.” Draco nodded.
She nodded. “I ended things that night and that’s when I began to investigate.”
“Why don’t you just turn him over to the DMLE? Or even the Muggle police?”
She scoffed. “Because, like I said, he’s an incredibly powerful wizard. Do you know how many members of the DMLE and the Muggle law enforcement I saw frequenting his home? Besides, I already ensured that the people supplying the sex slaves was arrested and have managed to rescue most of the victims with Harry. However, it’s only a matter of time before he finds a new supplier.” She shook her head and sat up, swinging her legs off of the lounger. “I want to get him where it hurts the most. If I deplete his funds, if we manage to make him realize that he is nothing without his money, we might be able to stop him.”
“But surely, he has more money stashed away? Offshore accounts?”
Granger gestured to the file. “Nothing at Gringotts, but all of his offshore accounts are currently frozen and tied up in investigations by both the American and British governments.” She grinned at Theo.
“You managed to do that?” He looked at Theo who shrugged.
“This job has long been in the making, Draco. This would button it all up quite nicely.”
“How long have you two been at this?”
Hermione glanced away from Theo and slid her feet back into the flimsy black flats.
“together? About a year?” She stood and stretched, lifting her arms high up into the air. The act pushed her chest out and Draco found himself staring.
“Ahem.” Theo’s elbow jabbed into Draco’s arm.
Draco smiled and lifted a brow at his friend, adding a shrug to accentuate that hey, he was only human.
Theo frowned and stood. “Shall we get to work, then?”
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desire-mona · 6 months
Could I ask for a mini ramble on why Keating is your favourite character? Poised with a notebook and pen to take down notes haha
so like. keating; let's talk about that
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we desperately need to acknowledge that keating is an amazing man right down to his core. he is so passionate about living life in a way that makes him feel fulfilled that he makes it his main goal to teach others how to do the same.
he experienced the same exact thing as the poets, remember, the movie makes a big deal of how nothing at welton changes. he had the same exact oppressive environment growing up as they did, so he knew exactly how to connect to these boys.
every single one of his peers and superiors fully believed that neil's death was keatings fault, and actively shunned him for it. not a singular person that wasnt a Teenager in his community understood what he was trying to do. welton painted the narrative that keating taught these insane useless lessons about breaking the rules BUT NEED! I! REMIND! YOU! HE MADE A PRETTY BIG EMPHASIS ON THE FACT THAT U GOTTA BE SMART ABT IT! he called out charlie for the call from god thing for a reason!!
another crazy devastating thing abt keating + neils death is the fact that neil was understanding exactly what carpe diem mean's IMMEDIATELY. AND WAS ACTING ON IT!! he pursued things that he knew would make him happy and fulfilled in the long run, he knew what he wanted to do with his life and he took the first opportunity to get it. the exact fucking definition of seizing the day. keating was REACHING THIS KID SO WELL!! HE WAS UNDERSTANDING EXACTLY WHAT HE WAS SAYING!!! AND THEN!!! AND THEN!!!!!!!!!!
so imagine this. you grow up in the most rigid, boring, unchanging environment and decide fuck it, im gonna Do Something for Myself for Once. you start to think oh, this is actually kinda sick, doing things that make me happy. you escape the environment that aims to essentially make these Children into what their idea of successful is. (quick reminder that there are actual children also attending welton. like kids. like 9 year olds n shit.) you actually chase after every opportunity to be what your idea of successful is, and were so passionate about that way of living that you learned how to teach others how to do it. and also poetry and stuff.
so youre doing exactly that, you finally got to a point where youre doing exactly what you wanna do, and teaching these kids in a situation just like yours. and its going SO WELL! there's this one kid who just GETS IT and is doing it flawlessly and then - oh !
keating is my personal description of raw devastation. all of who you are and what you wanted to be is in shambles because of something that isnt your fault. but almost everyone around you thinks it is your fault. and we're just gonna move on from that? thats it? thats the end of the story? no more keating after that?????? downright evil. more people gotta talk about this wonderful man!!!!!
also very sorry if this makes no sense, im quite high. but also shameless self promo pls interact with my ask blog @ask-captain-keating bc i lob running it. pleags. ily for asking this btw!!!!
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turbulenthandholding · 8 months
👀 just wondering if you’re writing anything these days!
1. Hi, hello, thank you for the ask @anxietycroissant! ❤️
2. I am...or I am trying! I am about 16,000 words into what is probably going to be a pretty long fic. It's an unexpected pregnancy/speed-run-the-relationship Sydcarmy and I am happy to be writing it because it's what my brain wants to read but it alternately falls out of my head and gives me great angst. I had been pretty blocked for more than a week but 3000 words fell out of my head like nothing last night which was a nice surprise.
Excerpt (Syd and Carmy are at IKEA):
“Sammy, right? Weren't you Carmy's sous?”
Sydney looks up to see Claire standing before her. “Claire. Hi. It's Sydney, actually,” she says and rises. Claire's eyes fall to Syd’s abdomen. “And I'm his CDC now.”
“Oh, that's so cute!” Claire says, her eyes falling to Syd’s belly. “You finally got over your weird obsession with Carmy and moved on,” Claire says. “Congratulations!”
“Weird obsession?” Syd asks. She feels pinned again like she did the first night she met Claire during the reno, glared at for reasons Syd at least thinks she understands now. Jealousy, and this time, lingering anger at her breakup with Carmy, which Claire lobs at Sydney like a knife.
Syd struggles to respond. “Sorry...are you like here to look at a couch? Or like, eat some meatballs? Sorry.”
“How do you feel about a lingonberry juice box?” Carmy asks Syd as he returns, focused, unaware, unwrapping and inserting the straw as he moves to hand it to her. “Got some water too,” he says, finally engaging with the scene in front of him.
“Carm, hi,” Claire says, features pinching. Syd takes a sip from the straw.
“Uhh, hey, Claire,” Carmy returns. He slips his arm around Syd, possessive fingers digging into her hip. A united front.
“Just one…” Claire begins. “Did this, uh, overla…how far along are you?”
“Due at the end of February,” Syd says.
Claire calculates, glares at Carmy. “You didn't waste any time.”
Carmy shrugs.
“Well, this is just so fucking precious,” Claire says through clenched teeth. “I guess when you said you didn't have space for fun or enjoyment in your life, you really just meant you don't have space for me. Cool. Cool. That's just…I’ll see you around, Bear. Good luck with whatever.” She slings her bag over her shoulder and stalks off back towards the escalators.
“Uhh,” Syd says, before taking a last drink from her juice box. The lingonberry juice is good, a little tart cutting through the sweetness. The box scrunches and crunches in her hand and makes the sound that juice boxes do when they are finished. “Sorry, that was loud. And just like…sorry that, uh, this happened.”
(2.5 - I could probably use an alpha reader if any of my Sydcarmy mutuals wants to take a look and tell me if it's bad or that I'm crazy because it could very well be!)
3. I'm also working on a soul mark/soul scar Sydcarmy. It's probably about 3k words so far but I put it to the side because I realized I had a huge plot hole and haven't quite figured out how to come back from it yet.
Sydney gets really good at applying foundation to her arms, pressing it in with setting powder to help keep it waterproof just in case. The number of tattoos gracing her arms has been growing exponentially over the last few months. There's a pyrex measuring cup holding the whole world, a couple of angels, a fish. S-O-U on the fingers of her hand. She's a senior in high school on track to graduate with honors and the body art would be a distraction, a mark against her. An indication that she's not serious enough to do anything other than make terrible decisions or jeopardize her future; a constant, tangible reminder that she doesn't have the grace about things like this than people whose skin is lighter than hers. She wishes she didn't care. But she does, so she covers them up every day in a routine that feels like it has become her religion. She wears button-down shirts with long sleeves secured at her wrists most days, even when the heat and humidity in Chicago are oppressive. Counts the seconds until she can go to the CIA where maybe the sight of Schrödinger’s tattoos (simultaneously hers and not hers) won't hold her back.
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