#but ye its so sad seeing my friend struggling 2 get any non-hate attention just for liking wu.
nyaskitten · 1 year
It's so weird looking back at the Old Ninjago Fandom and seeing just how much hatred and disdain it had for Wu and Misako. and while that hate has definitely reduced, it's so bizarre knowing its still out there...
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iridescentides · 4 years
hi again dia! happy first day of december ❤️💚 i wanted to ask you what, in your opinion, are the 5 most underrated dcoms? i remember you saying before that you've watched all of them so i'd love to hear your opinions 😊 - 🎅🎁🎄
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH secret santa you are so good! asking me all the best questions 💜
okay so i literally had to make a list of all the dcoms i consider underrated and then narrow down a top 5. theres lots of dcoms that i love, but that i think got the right amount of attention and care (like lemonade mouth and the teen beach movies, for example), so this list just focuses on ones that deserved more hype for their quality level.
5. The Cheetah Girls: One World (2008)
okay so even as i type this i feel like a hypocrite. i have only watched this movie one time. BUT i can acknowledge that its one of the most criminally underrated dcoms ever, tons of people didnt watch it simply because raven wasnt in it. thats why i avoided it as a child, and i didnt get around to watching it until i did my big dcom binge in 2016. and it was so good. theres a really long post floating somewhere around tumblr full of specifics on why its actually the best cheetah girls movie (my favorite is the second one purely out of nostalgia), so to paraphrase some points from that post:
its a solid example of cultural appreciation, rather than appropriation, as the girls go and learn about bollywood and indian culture together
the indian characters arent treated like props or unimportant sides, they get their own agency and storylines that are important
the songs are good!!!
basically this movie was overlooked and slept on even though in terms of role modeling and social value, and just like the first two cheetah girls movies it was important and impactful.
4. Sharpay’s Fabulous Adventure (2011)
okay so as someone whos very neutral and occasionally negative-leaning towards the hsm franchise (mostly bc its overhyped and not really representative of all dcoms), i was pleasantly surprised by sharpays fabulous adventure. this is another one that i know lots of people skipped right over and dont hold with as much esteem as the main hsm franchise, and that doesnt sit right with me.
i do not agree with the “uwu sharpay was the real victim in hsm” arguments bc in their efforts to look galaxy brained the people who say that overlook the fact that she was a rich white woman who used her power and status to exercise control over opportunities that should have been fairly and freely available for all; they were not “making a mockery of her theater” in the first movie, they were literally just kids who wanted to try out a new school activity that everyone was supposed to be allowed to participate in; and despite allegedly learning her lesson and singing we’re all in this together with everyone at the end of the first movie, she literally showed no growth in the second movie as she fostered an openly hostile environment and favored troy so heavily that it literally cost him his friends, all as part of yet another jealous plan to take things away from people who already have less than her. she was NOT the victim in the main franchise, and she did not seem to exhibit any growth or introspection either.
and that!!! is why sharpays fabulous adventure was so important. in focusing on sharpay as the main character, they finally had to make her likeable. they did this by showing actual real growth and putting her outside of her sphere of influence and control. we saw true vulnerability from her, instead of the basic ass “mean girl is sad bc shes actually just super insecure” trope (cough cough radio rebel), and this opened us up to finally learn about and care about her character. throughout the movie we see her learn, from her love interests example, how to care for others and be considerate. she faces actual adversity and works through it, asking herself what she truly wants and what shes capable of. and in the end, when she finally has her big moment, we’re happy for her bc she worked hard to get there. she becomes a star through her own merit and determination, rather than through money and connections. this movie is not perfect by any means, but it is severely underrated for the amount of substance it adds to sharpays character.
3. The Swap (2016)
okay i know im gonna get shit for this but thats why its on this list!!! just like sharpays fabulous adventure, its not perfect and definitely misses the mark sometimes, but it deserves more attention and love for all the things it did get right!
the swap follows two kids who accidentally switch bodies because of their emotional attachment to their dead/absent parents’ phones. and while i normally HATE the tv/movie trope of a dead parent being the only thing that builds quick sympathy for a young character, they definitely expanded well enough to where we could root for these kids even without the tragedy aspect. we see them go through their daily struggles and get a feel for their motivations as characters pretty well. as a body switching movie, we expect it to be all goofy and wacky and lighthearted, but it moves beyond that in unexpected ways.
the reason the swap is on this list is for its surprisingly thoughtful commentary on gender roles. its by no means a feminist masterpiece, and its not going to radicalize kids who watch it, but it conveys a subtle, heartfelt message that deserves more appreciation. the characters struggle with the concept of gender in a very accurate way for their age, making off-base comments and feeling trapped by the weight of expectations they cant quite put their finger on. we watch them feel both at odds with and relieved by the gender roles they are expected and allowed to perform in each others bodies, and one of the most interesting parts of the movie to me is their interactions with the other kids around them. as a result of their feeling out of place in each others environments, the kids inadvertently change each others friendships for the better by introducing new communication styles and brave authenticity. 
the value of this movie is the subtle, but genuine way it shows the characters growing through being given the space to act in conflicting ways to their expected norms. ellie realizes that relationships dont have to be complex, confusing, and painful, and that its okay to not live up to appearances and images. jack learns that emotional expression is good, healthy, and especially essential to the grieving process. one of the most powerful scenes in the movie comes at the end where, after ellie confronts jacks dad in his body, jack returns as himself to a very heartfelt apology from his father for being too hard on him; the explicit message (”boys can cry”) is paired with an open expression of love and appreciation for his kids that he didnt feel comfortable displaying until his son set an example through honest communication. this is such an empowering scene and overall an empowering movie for kids who may feel stuck in their expected roles, as it sets a positive example for having the courage to break the restrictive societal mold. for its overall message of the importance of introspection and emotional intelligence, the swap is extremely underrated.
2. Freaky Friday (2018)
this is my favorite dcom, and probably my favorite movie at this point. ive always assigned a lot of personal value to this movie (and i love every freaky friday in general), for the message of selfless familial love and understanding. i know i can get carried away talking about this topic; i got an anon ask MONTHS ago asking me about the freaky friday movies and i wrote a super super long detailed response that i never posted bc i didnt quite finish talking about the 2018 movie. and thats bc on a personal level, i cant adequately convey all the love i have for this movie. so i will try to keep this short.
first lets state the obvious: the reason people dont like this movie is bc its not the lindsay lohan version. and i get that, to an extent, bc i also love the 2003 version and its one of my ultimate comfort movies, and grew up watching it and ive seen it a billion times. i even watched it a couple days ago. but the nostalgia goggles that people have on from the early 2000s severely clouds their judgement of the wonderful 2018 remake.
yes, the 2018 version is dorky, overly simplistic plot wise, a bit stiff at times, and super cheesy like any dcom. the writing isnt 100% all the time. the narrative takes a couple confusing turns. the song biology probably shouldnt have been included. i understand this. but at the heart of it all, this movies value is love. and its edge over all the other freaky friday movies is the songs.
on a personal level, the movie speaks heavily to me. i cried very early into my first viewing of the movie bc i got to see dara renee, a dark-skinned, non-skinny actress, playing the mean popular girl on disney channel. that has never happened before. growing up, i saw the sharpays and all the other super thin white women get to be the “popular” girls on tv, and ultimately they were taken down in the end for being mean, but that doesnt change the fact that they were given power and status in the first place for being conventionally beautiful. so, watching dara renee strut around confidently and sing about being the queen bee at this high school got to me immediately. and in general, the supporting cast members of color really mean a lot to me in this movie. we get to see adam, an asian male love interest for the main character. we have a second interracial relationship in the movie with katherines marriage to mike. ellies best friend karl is hispanic. and we see these characters have depth and plot significance, we see them show love, care, and passion for the things they value. the brown faces in this movie are comforting to me personally. additionally, the loving, blended family dynamic is important to me as someone in a close-knit, affectionate step-family.
but on a more general level, this movie is underrated for its skillful musical storytelling and the way it conveys all kinds of love and appreciation. in true freaky friday fashion, we watch ellie and katherine stumble and misstep in their attempts to act like each other. its goofy and fun. but through it all, the music always captures the characters’ intimate thoughts and feelings. the opening song gives us a meaningful view into ellie and katherines relationship and the fundamental misunderstandings that play a role in straining their connection. ellie sings about how she thinks her mom wants her to be perfect, and her katherine sings about all the wonderful traits she sees in her daughter and how she wants her to be more open and self assured. this is meaningful bc even as theyre mad at each other, the love comes through. the songs continue to bring on the emotional weight of the story, as ellie sings to her little brother about her feelings of hurt and abandonment in her fathers absence. the song “go” and its accompanying hunt scene always make me cry bc of the childlike wonder and sense of adventure that it brings. for the kids, its a coming of age, introspective song. for katherine who gets to participate in ellies body, its a reminder of youth and the rich, full life her daughter has ahead of her. she is overcome with excitement, both from getting to be a teenager again for a day, and from the realization that her daughter has a support network and passions that are all her own. today and ev’ry day, the second to last song, is the culmination of the lessons learned throughout the movie, a mother and daughters tearful commitment to each other to love, protect, and understand one another. the line “if today is every day, i will hold you and protect you, i wont let this thing affect you” gets to me every time. even when things are hard and dont go according to plan, they still agree, in this moment, to be there for each other. and thats what all freaky friday stories are ultimately about.
freaky friday 2018 is a beautiful, inclusive, subversive display of familial love, sacrifice, and selflessness, and it is underrated and overlooked because of its more popular predecessor.
1. Let It Shine (2012)
this is another one of my favorite dcoms and movies in the whole world. unlike the other movies on this list, it is not the viewers themselves that contribute to the underrated-ness of this movie. disney severely under-promoted and under-hyped this movie in comparison to its other big musical franchises, and i will give you five guesses as to why, but youll only need one!
let it shine is the most beautifully, unapologetically black dcom in the whole collection. (i would put jump in! at a notable second in this category, but that one wasnt underrated). this movie was clearly crafted with care and consideration. little black kids got to see an entire dcom cast that represented them. the vernacular used in the script is still tailored mostly to white-favoring audiences, but with some relevant slang thrown in there. in short, the writers got away with the most blackness they were allowed to inject into a disney channel project.
the story centers on rap music and its underground community in atlanta, georgia. it portrays misconceptions surrounding rap, using a church setting as a catalyst for a very real debate surrounding a generational, mutlicultural conflict. this was not a “safe” movie for disney, given its emphasis on religious clashes with contemporary values. it lightly touches on issues of image policing within the black community (cyrus’s father talking about how “our boys” are running around with sagging pants and “our girls” are straying away from god), which is a very real and pressing problem for black kids who feel the pressure (from all sides) of representing their whole race with their actions. its a fun, adorable story about being yourself and staying true to your art, but also a skillful representation of struggles unique to black and brown kids and children from religious backgrounds.
on top of crafting a fun, wholesome, thoughtful narrative and likeable protagonists, let it shine brought us what is in my opinion the BEST dcom soundtrack of all time. every single song is a bop. theyre fast, fun, and lyrically engaging. “me and you” is my favorite disney channel song of all time due to its narrative significance; i will never forget my first time watching the movie and seeing that big reveal unfold onstage, as a conversation and a plot summary all wrapped into a song. the amount of thought and care that went into the music of this movie should have been rewarded with a level of attention on par with that of other musical dcoms.
if disney channel had simply cared about let it shine more, it couldve spanned franchises and sold songs the way that other musical dcoms have drawn in success. i would have loved for a sequel that explored and fleshed out cyrus’s neighborhood a little bit more, and maybe dipped into that underground scene they caught a glimpse of. i wanted a follow up on the changed church community once cyrus’s father started supporting his sons vision. i want so much more for these characters and this world than disney gave them in just one movie.
for its bold, unabashed representation of blackness and religion, subtle, nuanced presentation of race-specific issues, strong, likeable characters, and complex, thoughtful songs, let it shine is the most underrated dcom.
and because i made a full list before i started writing this post, here are some honorable mentions:
going to the mat (2004)
gotta kick it up! (2002)
tru confessions (2002)
dont look under the bed (1999)
invisible sister (2015)
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donnerpartyofone · 5 years
while i’m apparently still in confession mode for some dark reason: 
after i told that awful story yesterday about the degrading one night stand that an older male friend spent a year bullying me into, i started thinking about all the cliches that are sold to us about the sexuality of precocious young women: what it means for us to navigate the devious emotional traps set out by the jealous and covetous world around us. what i mean is, there’s this whole gothic narrative that never stops circulating, involving beautiful, talented, intelligent, sensitive young women who are advanced enough to start exploring their own desires independently, but not experienced enough to identify the (typically) older male predators who hunt them. these men take advantage of their uninformed curiosity, leveraging their prey’s desire to grow up faster in order to control, possess, and abuse them. while this narrative is inherently criminal, society never seems willing to fully denounce it, preferring to preserve its erotic potency for a wide and slavering audience. the iconography of this narrative is mostly derived from Lolita–
[which btw our cultural failure to see that book as anything other than a “love story” is really disturbing and speaks volumes about our willingness to project our grossest ideas wherever we want, even when other interpretations (like “black comedy”) are abundantly available]
–a mature but fragile adolescent with that /special something/ innocently hypnotizes a genteel older man whose sophistication belies his uncontrollable animal desire for her, which is less His Problem than it is a natural response to her beauty and charm; a  forbidden love affair ensues. when i was young, i swallowed this concept hook line and sinker, hoping it would happen to me some day! i hated dumb little boys my own age, and i felt that if some Humbert Humbert type were to flatter me with his highly curated attention, then i would know that i had truly arrived.
“sadly”, i made it through high school and college without ever knowing that validating thrill. i wasted the latter half of my 20s on an abusive relationship with a guy two years younger than me, who often argued that he should be allowed to wreck my life however he wanted because he was “less mature” than i was and deserved more leeway. as i turned 30, i met the extraordinary person i would marry. i felt a profound sense of relief, entering my 30s; i had finished with so many of my old delusions, and the pulverizing pressure to have The Time of Your Life throughout one’s 20s had finally lifted. i looked back on my youth, thinking of it as a period of dreary, pointless misery in which “nothing really happened”, good or bad. but recently, when i started to think about it with greater focus, i realized that some shit really DID happened to me. i had just completely ignored it, because i thought of it as the fruits of my own bad taste. 
throughout junior high, i had a bizarre rapport with a guy in his early 20s–”nothing happened”, as they say, but this guy was sort of a freak and a loner, and i’m probably lucky that there wasn’t a lot of opportunity for something TO happen. then my supposed best friend, jealous of even this non-event in my sad little existence, forced a relationship with a 30 year old man out of nowhere, and competitively abused my ears with a lot of gnarly details about their horrible sex life. then in high school, my first two boyfriends were both pretentious manipulative dickheads in their 20s who really had no business bothering someone who wasn’t old enough to vote. some of my friends suffered from the same problem, though we all just felt like we were becoming independent young women or something. then there’s some other stuff with an older classmate who was abundantly aware of how emotionally unstable i was, and took appalling advantage of that for a long time, and i probably won’t ever be brave enough to talk about it. then in college i briefly “dated” a guy around 50 with whom luckily nothing bad happened before i got rid of him, but like, it really wasn’t cool, looking back–he made me feel incredibly obligated, and as he only informed me mid-stream, he was married with children. then i spent the rest of college getting dragged through the mud by a guy in his 30s who used his professional clout and well-honed manipulative abilities to “take my virginity” (a phrase and concept i hate, but which applies here), which he was very excited about; it would have been best if he had just abandoned me after that, as so many assholes do, because he then cultivated a long tawdry and extremely damaging soap opera between us, the only point of which was to make trouble for his actual girlfriend, who was ALSO much younger than him. and the end of college and slightly after, i developed another intense connection with a man a few decades older, who would never quite initiate a relationship, but who was insidiously manipulative and made me feel terrible when i eventually got a real (age-appropriate) boyfriend, as if i owed him something; i later found out he did the same thing to another girl that i know, who is substantially younger. the terrible one night stand, previously discussed, was just a gross little footnote to this disgusting history…
…but the thing is, i never, at any time, felt like i had taken part in the overheated archetypal drama that society has built up around may-december romances. i didn’t even see myself as a victim of the bad behavior of adults, of people who should and did know better; i just felt separate from the whole thing, even though i had fantasized about it so much as a kid. the thing is, at the same time that the Lolita narrative is inappropriately romanticized, it does provide an opportunity to see the girl as a potential victim, a Little Red Riding Hood who enters a perilous erotic negotiation with a Big Bad Wolf. because i didn’t see myself as the heroine of my own iteration of this overly familiar story, i didn’t recognize the degree to which i’d been exploited by people who knew to use my youth and inexperience against me. i just blamed myself. and the reason for all this is really sad: i simply didn’t feel attractive. in my mind, the vulnerable nymphet was always delicate, doe-like, elegant; clothes hung on her alluring frame in a way that created a dizzying paradox between her youth and her emerging maturity; she could dance, play music, or write touching poetry; she was preternaturally irresistible even to “good men”. she had to be liv tyler in STEALING BEAUTY (*barf*) or some shit; only somebody that compelling could star as the doomed princess in society’s well-loved fairy tale about statutory rape. personally, i perceived myself as ugly, awkward, socially burdensome, and most importantly, the kind of girl who should count herself extremely lucky to be the center of anybody’s attention, even temporarily. because i didn’t see myself as a damsel in distress who deserved protection and sympathy, i failed to spot my own victimization. i thought of my history of increasingly negative and abusive encounters with older men as a matter of bad luck, bad judgment on my own part, and ultimately, “the best i could do” if i wanted any kind of affection. so i guess the irony is that if i had identified myself as a desirable dolores hayes type, then yes, i would have been in serious danger of fetishizing my own mistreatment–but on the other hand, i would have had a more realistic framework for understanding the sinister thing that was happening to me. unfortunately, the other side of the misogyny coin–not the side that turns you into a sex object, but the side that excludes you from feeling sexually worthy at all–prevented me from noticing that that awful Little Red Riding Hood cliche had already happened to me several times over.
tl;dr - when misogyny convinces you that you have nothing to steal, then it’s hard to tell when misogynists are trying to rob you.
it’s funny to start recognizing this only now that i’m approaching 40. i see a lot of young women on tumblr heroically fighting to strike a balance between enjoying their kinks and avoiding the corrupt elements in their communities–all the while trying to stay aware of how their personal history and mental health plays into this drama. some of them are way farther along in that philosophical journey than i was at their age, and i really admire the work they’re doing. i’m writing this more for the ones who don’t even know that they’re already a part of this struggle, because they haven’t learned to see themselves as desirable enough to be included in it. that is to say, i wrote this for myself; but i have a sneaking suspicion that someone else out there needs to hear it, too.
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This post brought to you in part by the very beginning of CABIN IN THE WOODS, which, while not a deep film in any way, features a salient moment in which College Girl #1 tries to tell College Girl #2 that the professor who took advantage of her is a scumbag, and College Girl #2 defends him, humbly and maturely replying: “I knew what I was getting into.” The blood freezes in my veins when I think of how many times I said something like this about someone who did not deserve my defense. If you got dicked over, literally and/or figuratively, by someone older, sober-er, and/or more experienced than you, then this is your gentle reminder that you really cannot be accused of knowing what you’re getting into.
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wafflinganiexty · 5 years
Safety Net Friend!?
In June, i have had 3. Yes, THREE former friends from my past reaching out to me. After months (In one case, years) without any contact and suddenly all 3 inserted themselves in my life through my DMs. Let me set the scene, all 3 of these former friends connections all started and ended the same. They were my go to people, to chat, gossip and rant to when we both needed someone to talk to (well that is how i felt it was) but after a while i noticed all the conversations we had were focused around them and only them.
Former friend #1 - She started work at the company i worked at. She was very nice, we hit it off. I was working 6 days a week and 80% of the time we were on opposite shifts so i had no time to be friends outside of work. After 6 months of hell in this company (I might share the story at a different time) i quit. On the spot, i walked out. I kept in contact, daily with this former coworker because i thought we were friends. The conversations died down while i was busy jumping from job to job to find my feet with agency work. We had a nice catch up chat (whatsapp) near Christmas. The chat died on December 23rd when i wished her Merry Christmas and have a nice time with your family. January rolls around. No message. No happy new year friend. I got over it. I saw on her Facebook she was on holiday. I texted her. Hope shes having a great time. How is the snow? The conversation was incredibly one sided. She only replied to the questions i asked. No, i'm good how are you? My Christmas was great how was yours? I'm not asking for much just pretend your care about me for one second and i'd be happier when asking about your exciting holiday in the snow when all we had was rain and slush. Yeah, this back and through never happened. Only answered the questions i asked about her life. I accepted it and ended the chat. One month later, the mood stuck me. I'd message her again, see how shes doing and if shes surviving the hellish company i used to work at. I was there for her to rant whenever she wanted because I've been there and it's not nice, experiencing that place alone. I messaged her, the blue ticks pop up but no reply. Okay. Hours go by... shes only again and again. No reply. Days go bye. I'm annoyed. I message her something fake to see if it gets a response. I invite her to a birthday party i wasn't having. NOTHING! This from someone who spent months on a daily basis, asking me if i wanted to hang out. I'm no inviting her to a birthday party and i get NOTHING back. I decide. I don't need part time friends in my life. I delete the chat and remove her number. I didn't block her. I delete the number.
5 months later.... I get a message. Hi, how are you? I reply i'm great how are you? (My curiosity made me reply) her response was "Finally you reply to my messages" Hmmmm... Have i missed a conversation over the past 5 months?? FIVE MONTHS of nothing and i get a cheeky backhander from her.  I let it slide and laughed it off (Crying face emoji) i asked her how everything was. No joke. Over 50 messages back and through and it was all about her life, how much she hates the job (hellish company) all the drama that was happening in the company and how she hated every minute. Oh and a Guess what i'm pregnant news. That i was actual genuinely happy for her in the moment because he struggled to get pregnant in the past so that news was great to here.  The conversation died for a week. If you want to talk to me, you can message me. I'm not looking for part time friends. 4 weeks later, she messages me again because shes on the early shift and none of her other friends are up at 4 am. Lucky for her, i was bored at work so i replied. Work drama this, work drama that. I'm fine BTW thanks for asking. The one conversations about how shit her job is lasted a few days. From the moment she messaged me 4 weeks ago to the current chat, she hasn't once asked me about my job (A new job i started just before the come to my birthday party message) hasn't asked me about my life, i went on holiday 3 weeks ago, i was super hot and sunny. Nothing about me. Just a simple hows life? won't hurt anyone. After all these messages about how much she hates work and it's making her miserable, she just blurts out that she has a miscarriage over 3 weeks ago. I'm shocked and saddened for her, she was so excited but the fact that it's just an afterthought from her to tell me made it sadder. Miscarriage is a serious topic, can't just oh BTW this happened to me. I gave her loads of love, apologised for her loss and told her, if she needs someone to talk to i'm here. It's not an experience someone should have alone. She gave me the love hearts emojis and told me to text her anytime. The conversation ended and it's been one week. I'm her part time - I have no one else to talk to friend. 2 months update - She has not contacted me since her last message.
Former friend #2 -  Another ex coworker. This is the "acquaintance" i made when i left the Hellish company and Former Friend #1 and started a new job. Former Friend #2 started a week after me, i was able to meet people and get comfortable in a new company and when she started i was there to welcome her and show her what i knew and who i met. It's terrifying to start somewhere new and when you know no one. My anxiety can't handle those situations so i took it upon myself to welcome her. We had 2 days of training together and we were on the same shift. I was thinking, yeah i have someone to have my breaks with, for the first week i practically sat on my own at lunch playing on my phone. When she started i at least had someone to sit with.There was probably 15 women in the whole company. We were seriously outnumbered so we had to stick together. She would text me when she got to work, i was normally 5/10 minutes behind her because i was traveling by bike or bus depending on the weather. After a 12 hour shift, she would text me. On days off she would keep the conversation going. I thought i had a friend that enjoyed talking to me. On our shift there was 3 women. We made a trio, we had break together and gossiped together when bored. This company had too many negative personalities, well on our shift. It was the shift no one wanted to be on because of the negativity oozing out of the older miserable men. I had had enough and i looked elsewhere for jobs. I scored a better paying job in a smaller company doing the exact job i was doing that the company i was leaving. I started work on the Tuesday. I texted Former Friend #2 to break it to her. She was "gutted". My shift started the day after. I emailed the manager with my notice but he didn't inform the shift. The morning of my shift while i'm on my 2nd day at my new company, non stop phone calls and texts asking if i'm okay. Did i have an accident cycling to work? Former Friend #2 was asked if she had spoken to me and where was i? she said she hasn't been in contact with me. I texted everyone back to say i have a new job and the manager has my notice.. blah blah blah. I texted former friend #2 after my shift to see how she was doing without me. Blue ticks and nothing. Okay she must be tired, long shift. At the end of the week, same blue ticks and nothing. 3 weeks later, how have you been? Same old blue ticks and no reply. I don't need part time friends, deleted chat and deleted number (I didn't block) 5 months later (What is this a 5 month itch?) she messages me. I don't have her number saved so i'm confused who is this. The message reads, "I forgot i still had your phone number" after 5 months of not messaging me and 3 weeks of ignoring my messages you start with... i forgot i still had your phone number. WHAT!?!  Hows things? I'm playing this game. Things are great how about you? Shes the only one that asked about work, briefly. It was hows work? and that is it. It was all ME ME ME, I've got a new role in the company, drama this and drama that, people keep asking me how you are, i have a boyfriend now and i ran in a charity race. The only time the chat was about me, to catch up on what shes missed in MY life was Hows things and hows work? That was it. Nothing came back to me after the first 3 messages. Normally i'm the last person to say something in the chat because people just stop conversing with me. The conversation ends with me. Its sad but she kept messaging me about HER LIFE even when i didn't continue to show interest. She ended the conversation with "keep in touch" I left it at that. 3 days and nothing.... Former friend #2 sent me a friend request. I was hesitant and didn't accept right away. I returned to the request after 2 weeks. It had been removed. Oh how nice? fair enough i can move one. 3 days later... friend request from the same person. Okay, screw it accept. I didn't even look at her profile. Accepted and logged out. Sometime within the next 4 days. She removed me as a friend. What the hell is wrong with this person? Did she see my profile and realised i don't share anything personal on there. She can't get any gossip off my page to share with ex work colleagues? I needed to END this connection/friendship whatever this is/was. I sent a message to the now non-friend and basically telling her to never contact me again. I don't need some fake person floating in and out my life when THEY have got their fix of attention and bragging rights. I'm not here for that. She never replied. Hope she got the message.
Former friend #3 - This friend WAS different... We were best friends for 5 years. I would visit her for constantly. She lived 400 miles away. I'd visit her a couple times a year and stay with her for 2 - 3 weeks at a time. We would go to events around the country together. Meet up there and meet old friends and make new friends. She was different, even with the distance we were as thick as thieves. I could message her whenever about whatever and she would reply. Same for her. We could go months without talking and pick up where we left off. It all changed when we reconnected with her friend from primary school who happened to live in another country and i met the love of my life. She had been visiting her old friend for maybe a year before i met my love, i had months of her talking about her trips and planning the next one. I was happy for her because i was struggling financially so i couldn't meet up with her as often as i used to so i was happy she had someone to hang out with without making me feel bad. Slowly the conversations became ONLY about her trips and friends. I would ask about work and it would turn into, saving for my next holiday. Overtime for my next trip. It became boring. I met the man of my dreams, after the first few dates i decided to tell my best friend that i finally found someone i really like. Her reaction was a simple... great. She could not have been less impressed. Maybe i caught her on a bad day, i moved on from the new boyfriend talk and asked about her life.. BOOM!! Me me me, my holiday was great i'm going again in 4 months. So, it wasn't a bad time for her, i just wasn't interesting to her. Few weeks passed, things are getting serious. I need best friend advice, she didn't care but she felt talking about her next holiday would sort my man problems out. This whole... talk to me about my holidays and only my holidays shit got old fast. Me having a boyfriend should have been front page news, it was to everyone else in my life but not my best friend. I messaged her in September to see if i could visit her in March for my birthday, like we have done for 3 years before. No reply. One month goes by, she replies... Only if i'm back from holiday, yes you can visit. Her holiday was in January and she came back the last week of JANUARY. i was asking about March. It's always about her and her trips. In that month of no reply, i made different plans for my birthday. She wasn't pleased but got over it because when she got back in January she was planning a trip to see another friend in March. She could never visit me but will visit those her lived further down south than i was. NICE. She messages me randomly out of the blue every probably 6 months over the past 3 years. Her last random message was a week ago. It read "Hi, How you doing?... My next holiday is in blah blah and i'm going blah blah" Her first message in months was about her next trip. Not, when you getting married (joke) or long time no speak, how have you been? and waited for that message to get a reply. No. I am going on holiday soon AGAIN! I don't ask much from a friendship even a work "friendship" If i have to listen to you moaning, ranting, how good your life is, how happy you are now... you can at least ask and pretend to care how my life is going. A basic how are you? and hows work? is your way of "tricking" me to ask about you is that a friendship, you want someone to moan to without feeling judged. You can't give me all the negativity and brag about the good parts when you don't care if i'm in work or not, if i'm still in a relationship, if i'm doing FINE!!! I have a history and anxiety and depression, I've tried really hard over the many many years I've felt this way to not share that bad side of me. When i isolate myself because of it, there is no one there asking if i'm okay. They just replace me. *That is another story for another time*
Why am i the part time friend? Why am i your last call? Why is it so easy to remove me from your life? Why do you think i'm so desperate for friends that you can just pop back in my life and think i'll welcome you with open arms and leave without any damage. Fuck you!!
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tumblunni · 6 years
Also can i just give a big thumbs up to Blue's ridiculously sassy pose? Itll be so cool to see his infamous attitude portrayed in a much more animated game!
Also can i just add that i like it for being like 0.4% of evidence towards my headcanon of him being gay? Like yeah i know that "acting flambouyant" is the most minimal and stereotypical evidence but when youre starved for lgbt representation you start clinging to minor shit like this.
I just really like the idea of his jerkass behaviour stemming from being closeted and trying too hard to overcompensate, and him not really hating Red but actually just trying to pretend he does. Like.. The real person he's angry at is his own feelings. Cos i know its a cliche at this point to always ship any shonen character with his rival, but really it is kind of an inherant part of the trope? I dont understand how these writers could write this overexaggerated arch nemesis who's always doing EVERYTHING for the sake of one-upping you, always being everywhere and seemingly having no life aside from this. It just looks like he really really cares about what you think?? It comes off as less "he's stuck up" and more "he needs constant reassurance for his low self confidence and for some reason he demands it comes specifically from you." It really really hits that relateability for closeted teens. Making up excuses why this isnt really a crush, making up excuses to hang out with them all the time for TOTALLY NON CRUSH RELATED REASONS
And I just feel itd help the whole plot make more sense with how they say Blue used to be Red's best friend since they were babies, and he just suddenly started acting all bratty very recently. Why dont the games draw more attention to that, honestly? It must have been really traumatic for Red to suddenly lose his best friend and be goddamn bullied by the guy for seemingly no reason! And yeah, sometimes kids do just end up changing into someone horrid when theyre in that nebulous 10 to 12 age range, and then they mature and regret what they did. But i think in a fictional setting that kinda doesnt fly? Its not very good catharsis to have "he changed his mind and became good offscreen and you dont get to see it". So imagining what might have happened between the end of gen 1 and the start of gen 2 is a good way to make up for it.
I imagine in this hypothetical rewrite it would start with us just being introduced to Big Asshole Blue and assuming thats all he's ever been. But we start getting hints that Red is more upset about this than it seems? And we get flashbacks to Blue once Not Being A Jerk, and get to feel Red's worry that he must have done something to make his best friend start hating him. And maybe along the way we get to see Blue's jerkyness rewritten to seem more like he's just a normal kid struggling with some stuff and making the wrong choices, rather than legitimately evil. Maybe we get to see him being sad or self hating, and Red tries to reach out to him but Blue is so deep in his delusions already that he's all "i bet you just want to laugh at me!" Like we get to see that from Blue's perspective we're the rival, yknow? His assumption that you hate him is why he distanced himself. His assumption that you'd be disgusted in him if you knew his secret. Its like he preemptively broke off the friendship to avoid the pain of you doing it? And then also maybe add some more events of the two rivals begrudgingly teaming up to save the day, and having other bonding experiences that show that the friendship is still there deep down.
So then naturally the ending would play out the same with you defeating him, but instead of just his grandpa yelling at him and us being told he listened (offscreen) and changed his ways (offscreen) we like.. Actually..see that. You could have Blue breaking down and showing some genuine emotion during this moment, actually crying because he really did try so hard and he still lost. And because he linked his entire self worth to this toxic masculinity and idea that he had to be the strongest to even be worth anything. And he's just so convinced that Red is gonna mock him now and it'll be the end of the closest thing he had to a way they could stay close. And then his grandpa comes in and is all "bla bla bla you just didnt love your pokemon enough", and that rubs salt in the wound. But maybe the change is that at this point Red actually stands up for Blue? And talks about all the good stuff he did during the game and how he's still the same great guy he became friends with, even if they've drifted apart. And he worked just as hard to get here, gramps!!
So that really shocks Blue to his core and he realizes how stupid he was being, and him and Red become friends again. And then over time it would lead to Blue becoming more comfortable with his self confidence and coming out about his sexuality, and eventually we have the bratty but ultimately good dude we see in the future games. And also they are totally married, yes.
Seriously tho i can understand why people dont like this ship tho, cos a lot of the fics for it (and the related ash/gary one) are more like "lol somehow it is sexy for a guy to be a complete asshole to you for no reason" rather than giving him an actual redemption plot and yknow..establishing that he actually cares about the guy he is kissing. I think rival romances can be great if done well, but man there's so much problematic shit if it falls short of the mark!
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lia-nikiforov · 6 years
Winter 2018 Anime Final Review
Why yes, pretty much all the Spring premieres are done (don’t even remind me haha I’m so far behind) and this is horribly late, I had a busy couple of weeks ;---; and am still struggling to catch up, but here’s my final rundown of this long slow winter! Worst to best, as always.
Basilisk Ouka Ninpou Chou: Although I’d said I’d keep watching for the Nobunaga twist, given the onslaught of new stuff for Spring, it’s unsustainable to keep watching something so mediocre I don’t even find anything to say about it. Also Nobunaga hasn’t been mentioned in three episodes.
Darling in the Franxx: So we’re halfway through the show and still feels nothing of importance has happened, except we learned “lesbians are not viable, what a relief” and also KOKORO REALLY WANTS TO MAKE BABIES. The whole Kokoro business is very unsavory because on the one hand the writing is a dick to Walking Fat Joke Futoshi, but on the other hand Futoshi is an entitled Nice Guy who acts like Kokoro has some obligation to return his feelings, so basically everyone sucks lmao. Btw, does anyone know what happened with episode 13? I went to watch it but what I got instead was a Deadman Wonderland episode, complete with the story of Palurdo meeting Lab Experiment-turned-Beast Waifu as children and making a promise that would subsequently be forgotten until they meet again in their teenage years. Jesus, does Womenz are Beastz: The Anime have a single original idea?
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How am I supposed to measure my own disinterest and contempt
This basically means I didn’t care for these shows. I don’t hate them but I was aggressively unengaged in them and I can’t really rank them from worst to best because that would imply me having any measurable emotional reaction to them
Violet Evergarden: I don’t think I have much to add about this one that I haven’t said before. Tryhard Sad Anime Girl stories rehashing old clichés with little novelty to them,  with a bonus of a super poorly explained and thought out child super soldier tragic backstory that still has me ?????? The final episode has the addendum of trying to redeem That One Asshole in a “he treats her bad because he’s sad about his brother dying sob sob sob he’s totally not a jerk” and i was very annoyed by that.
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Koi wa Ameagari no You ni: It’s complicated to talk about this show. I really liked the first episode, hated the 4-6, then was mostly bored by the rest of it. The whole romance angle was completely dropped in the latter half, but I’m not even sure if that’s a good thing given how tastelessly it was being handled in some moments, or a bad one given how bland everything else was. It felt like Akira’s crush on Kondo turned out to be insignificant in the grand scheme of things. It also felt like Akira was profoundly underdeveloped, and it bothered me because Kondo was developed properly. His character felt more fully realized than hers. Like idk, I just cared so little for the last few episodes and it didn’t feel like Akira’s emotional progression was very connected with the first half of the show. 
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Fate/Extra Last Encore: I don’t even have a screenshot. Apparently the reason the show started so late into the season is that it took a long time to produce, and apparently there are two more episodes that will be released at some point in July. But really, what matters is that I have no idea of what this show was trying to accomplish. The characters were a bunch of pieces of cardboard spouting pseudo nihilistic philosophical nonsense and I don’t even know how to describe the plot. It was generic in its Boss of the Week approach but the execution was often very flat. Definitely none of the fun from Apocrypha’s cool characters was to be had in this iteration of the franchise.
Too much iyashikei
This season we had too much iyashikei and I’m burned out. Here are the ones I didn’t hate but also wasn’t super in love with.
Miira no Kaikata: I think this show would’ve worked better as 3-minute vignettes. 20 minutes of it was a bit too much and I struggled to pay attention. I also felt the dragon and MukuMuku had very tangential roles. I don’t have a whole lot to say. It’s cute, if cute is your jam this show is for you. Connie is best smol monster.
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Hakumei to Mikochi: Another cute show that gains extra points for its somewhat unique setting, beautiful color palette and picture book aesthetic and because the two main girls are great characters. I particularly liked the first and last episodes. It’s a relaxing, fun little show
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Sanrio Danshi: The harbinger of feminism made into a toy commercial, while not quite iyashikei, is still a slice of life that just occassionally indulged in too much melodrama. It was nonetheless a fun little thing that managed to turn cynical consumerism into a positive message for boys: it’s okay to like non-traditionally-masculine things. One of the details I liked most was that none of the boys had to give up on their previous groups of friends even after “coming out”, Kouta’s friends and Shuu’s team were supportive of them and even participated in their dumbass musical play. Some may even read this show as a not-so-subtle allegory on homosexuality and while I don’t think this was Sanrio’s intent (their intent is to broaden their market, plain and simple) the fact that it works so well with that reading is honestly great. I had very minimal expectations for this show and I’m happy it turned out better than those.
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Classicaloid 2: Classicaloid isn’t quite iyashikei either but it fits in the “didn’t love it, didn’t hate it” category. I’m a huge fan of season one, but unfortunately a big part of S2 failed to capture the magic. I think most of it was restored in the second cour, specially with brilliant episodes such as the one where Dovo-chan becomes a super-realistic painting of himself, and the last three episodes really captured what made Classicaloid great. I’ve really come to love this cast, so I wouldn’t complain if we got more seasons (please do Vivaldi!!!)
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Shonen is a Good Genre, Actually
Shonen as a genre/demographic is much reviled for its repetitive clichés and childish stories, but I think we live at a time in which we can have well-executed shonen anime that, although falling for the same old clichés, have enough heart and sincerity that makes them enjoyable. This part also isn’t necessarily ranked, since my favorite one will change depending on which day you ask me
Nanatsu no Taizai: Imashime no Fukkatsu: As I have mentioned before, this second season seems to be the polar opposite of the first one’s rapid pace. It’s been a while since I read the manga, but I feel like it took a lot less to get to the mid-season cutoff point there than this anime would lead you to believe, especially the training part felt excruciatingly long. NanaTai has other various flaws including its 1000% not funny harrassment jokes and the dumb introduction of quantified “power levels” (why Suzuki), but characters like Diane, King and Ban give the show a unique flavor. And I’m not even gonna pretend to be unbiased, I just love everything involving Ban, even the weird and questionable choice of bringing Elaine back. I’m excited that we’re finally approaching Escanor’s arrival.
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Yowapeda Glory Road: I also forgot to grab a screenshot lmao. Yowapeda is a very particular beast, and with its episode count already in the hundreds, it’s not something I’d reccommend unless you’re super into dragged out ridiculous sports anime. This second season of Onoda’s second year has not been without its flaws either, starting with the, imho absurd persistence in making Sohoku look like underdogs even though they’re reigning champions. It’s made a lot of the first two days of the Interhigh feel a lot grimmer than this cheerful show ought to. Kaburagi is still an insufferable character, and the fact that he drags the team down doesn’t help him either, and I just wish the writers would let Best Boy Teshima win anything. I hope the second day ends on a lighter note, because the gloom and doom is making this a less enjoyable watch than it should be
Mahoutsukai no Yome: I feel a little better about this one knowing the final was anime-original, but at the same time I’m beyond livid with how it was wrapped up. I loved the second half of the series because of how well-written and emotional Chise’s growth was, and everything up to her embracing of Cartaphilus’s curse was a beautiful display of her strength and will to live. What I’m not here for is that asspull wedding whatever that makes no sense in the context of the previous events, especially because after the fact, Elias’s attempt to kill Stella is swept under the rug. This could’ve been my favorite show of the season without that bullshit ending and while I don’t regret watching it, it leaves me with a sad feeling of what could have been
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Best of the season
Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens: It had a slow start, but with its endearing cast and well-developed character relationships, HTR won me over, especially the last quarter. The animation was veeery barebones, but Lin and Bamba’s charisma and their organically developed relationship carried the show to be one of the most enjoyable of the season. I also really appreciate the fact that the series includes a gay couple with an adopted daughter and that Lin’s crossdressing is never used as a joke or treated as a character flaw or a “phase”. I love stories about found families and I’d love to see more of this gang fighting crime and doing shady business in their city of assassins.
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Garo: Vanishing Line: This iteration of Garo had a somewhat slow start, but boy did it pick up steam in the second half. The action was great -the final fight against King had some incredible stylistic choices, the characters’ journeys felt complete and very human and the story was interesting and different enough from other Garo to not feel repetitive, yet with enough Garoisms that made it feel connected to everything else. Like I said, I love stories about found families, so the way Sophie found a home with Gina, Luke and Sword by the end was very touching. Watching Sophie’s journey has been a treat, and I’m immensely happy that this wasn’t a Guren no Tsuki disaster, but was more in line with the excellence of Honoo no Kokuin.
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Gakuen Babysitters: This was the huge surprise of the season for me, I almost expected it to be pretty dull. Instead it turned out to be super cute and extremely heartwarming. It had a couple of duds here and there, mostly the not-actually-a-pedophile joke character and the early love triangle skits, but the former disappeared and the latter was vastly improved in the second half of the show. I wish Ryuichi’s grief had been dealt with a bit more, but I think what they did show was very well executed and empathetic. And the portrayal of the kids felt very realistic, including both children’s most adorable and most obnoxious behaviors. KIRIN IS BEST GIRL
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Card Captor Sakura Clear Card arc: I have expressed some complaints and dissatisfactions with this sequel all through the season. Mostly in regards to the new cards and how the old ones seem to have been forgotten (also the lazy designs of the new cards). In spite of that, Sakura hasn’t lost any of its heart in these 20 years, the characters are still the kids we grew up with. It is an overwhelmingly cheerful and positive show, from Sakura and Syaoran’s shyly developing relationship, to the hopefulness of Sakura’s magic and just the simple day to day life of Sakura and her friends. In spite of all its flaws, Sakura is still my favorite show of the season and I’m happy we get to spend one more season with these characters. Just please give me more Yue??? 
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Ooooof, finally I’m done with this! PLEASE LET’S NOT TALK ABOUT THE 20+ SHOWS I’M SAMPLING FOR SPRING AHAHAHAHA. There’s too much anime. Anime must be stopped, immediately. Don’t hesitate to send me your thoughts about the winter season, even if it seems I’m losing my mind a little Dx TOO MUCH ANIME
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Song of my life
I hate Jay, but I still think about breaking the moral code just to get them/he back.
I don't like their idiotic, bratty, ass, controlling, wimpy, diary of a stolen boyfriend, terror tactics, microsoft nerdy ass, clymphomaniac (Cliff Huxtable Nymphomaniac), military guerrilla style, bronchitis bitchass who snorrrrrrrttttttttssssss so fucking loud in the morning like a kerosene chemical bomb is stuffed up her fucking nose and into her black, gothic, lights her fingers, witch candles and fake dick complacencies all bundled in for an asshole she can't stop from seeking other people, with their own financial insecurities. But yet you steady roasting me??
I hate that I can't just get up and go get a job today. My ass is literally struggling just to pay attention on an application, then when I get frustrated that I can't find anything I'm even fucking qualified for, I get horribly upset about me not being able to do anything about it an just start wanking off for about 2-3hrs of porn just to get a high because I can't smoke weed anymore, and whenever I can't do that, I go to the store to buy processed food and sweets and pop that I don't need but I need to fulfill this need of a high with a sugar craving, and then I kick back into circulation because then I start thinking about how much of an asshole Jay and Jay gf was and then it repeats all over again.
I think too much.
I sneak drinks from my parents special alcohol because I can't even afford buying me some alcohol enough to drown my poisonous thoughts in. But then it gets worse if I drink too much, because then I think about hurting myself and the ptsd kicks in from my momma, dad, jay, that bitch, and everybody else that ever said any mean, rude, sarcastic, and judging me for not being able to grow up like a proper adult. When the truth is, I don't even want to?
And I mean the type the adult my mother and father became...
The corporate job, that you don't even like going to, but you do it because you gotta pay bills, wash your ass, cook, clean, and pay at restaurants because you wife likes to be dined out and took on trips every so often to feel loved and appreciated. Then there's the kids and their automatic dysfunctions to wanting to chip in or help out. All the while, when you come home, you're so tired and worn the fuck out, you can't even build on the dreams or the projects your ass retired to think about doing outside of work because your wife made you cut your hair and be somebody you weren't before you met her.
That's why I don't like marriage. Because I hate being controlled. But I know I need to if I want to settle down and at least have one freaking kid (which I admit took me a long time to even adjust to the idea of having kids at all, until much recently) because kids need to grow up within the first 8-10yrs with 2 parents to grow up with a secure attachment style. And I'm starting to fear, I don't wanna end up a workaholic like my mom who barely even had enough time for me working all the time to cover the household, and then now my dad is the one taking over that role and I see the difference in my sisters now, the lack of their father being able to emotionally support them, like he used to do with me. Cause when mom wasn't there, he was, and I'm glad he was. But now, I keep thinking that maybe if I didn't feel so fearfully attached to my mother to where I became anxious-avoidant, maybe I would have had a healthier relationships with my more feminine relationships and I wouldn't have started to feel like a low life about her not loving me, kissing me, or hugging me enough as a child, like I needed her to be there. It wasn't just me looking for attention or just whining for no reason, I remember crying to myself at night sometimes because I was afraid to call her to my room to help me. Because she was always at work.
And now you think I'm overthinking, but this is just an example of what my brain starts thinking within a whole hour and I just woke up. And by the way I hate the idea of being a depressed mother, postpartum-depression, my mother had it, but I've seen other mothers with it and how it affected the children to see their mothers sad and they became overpleasing, overworked children who blamed their mother's conditions on the reasons why they can't stop people pleasing and stop being too nice all the time, because they grew up in a southern background with biscuits, rice, and eggs that taught their children to serve and serve the mother and father as part of the household.
Sounds like slavery right?
What bout teamwork, cooperation, fairnesss. Not tyranny.
And that's where the loop starts all over again. Because I just came out of situation/unofficial relationship/bdsm-sex-slaveship/non-giving-a-fuck-cgl/toxicship/friendship that was ran by a tyrannist and a colonist working and then not working me to death, putting me on hold, expecting me to wait without a collar of endearment or commitment, and then getting mad when I leave to go find real love, but then my heart keeps fucking beeping like the little reservation alarms from Outback that HEYYYY BITTCHHHH YOUUUU FEEELLLL SOMMMMEETHHHIMGGGGGG THEERREEEEE FORR AAA REEASSSONNNNNNNNN! FUCKING STUBBORN YOUTH BITCH, YOU'RE IN LOVE WITH THEMMMMM!
And this is when I get into a fight with myself, because it doesn't even fucking matter because clearly the Co-Captain, Jay, doesn't wanna be involved with us, nor do we know if they were actually playing a role to please HITLER or they really are an abusive, retarded, bastard who doesn't deserve shit, because you know why....
And I hate when I delegate with my personalities, yes, I said personalities, but they mostly feel like masks, because it was an imaginary coping mechanism that my young version of me did to adapt to school, my house, my friends in FL, My friends in MS, and then of course my friends here, I'm always changing and customizing myself like a GTA character in the shop, ready to just take a fucking shower and lay in bed alll day to exhaust my engine, because I downloaded too many computer programs and learned too many parts about someone else's vagina that I wasn't just about to get ready to eat and now Im switching as I talk......
See what I mean. I go from writer nostalgic rant, to aggressive, over freak that just wants to get down, get nasty, get drunk, get high, and go see other people so I can just get over this fat jerk, that (we dont know if they even love us, but nancy drew wants a straight up confession not controlled by their institutionalized gf that hawks their phone and their mind everyday. THEY REEEKKKK OF THEIR FUCKING GF INFLUENCESSS. THAT MANIPULATIVE ASSS FUCKIING WHHOOORREEEE), but most obviously (school Ky talking) this person absolutely does not love me or her enough to respect both women, but especially me, as they disrespect me the most, block me to abandon me, an treat me like a sexy can of green beans to eat later in their storage cabinet, so yes they just see you as a casual sex option to go, no longer respects you, your mind, your body or whatever your opinion is.....because their off marrying the wicked witch of the Midwest as we speak....it could be any day now.
(Mad ky) Why the fuck haven't they got married yet? 2yrs is wayyy too fucking long to be engaged to somebody if they're saying they're gonna get married at the courthouse. Like wtfff just do it already, I can't hold this fat ass bitch any longer from running back to this mf house. Like Ky, leave this nigga alone, damn! We can find a finer ass nigga, with a better job, and a better heart, emotionally available to love you and respect you the way that you need to be treated, fuck that mf.
I hate this bitch (Love Ky) but why don't we just go over there and see if they'll talk to us.
Forget that hoe, we out mf.
We can't even tell this mf that we even moved in between grand rapids and Flint because mom tried to push us down the stairs and had to live with our grandma who don't even want us there so now she keeps making up excuses because she has OCD and likes her house a certain way, her and her only.
Its been a month since I even got into it with her about a fucking hamster, now my ass is still in flint. Not even wanting to go see grandma till I have a fucking job, cause she always yelling at me about stupid little shit and I only got to stay there for a month. She even got on me about some canned collard greens, man do I highly dislike that mf mother too. Sorry, grandma but you a pain in the ass to live with too.
I hate my life rn....
And its so hard to stay positive. My life sounds like a cartoon that I didn't even write. My looney toon ass need a psychiatrist, but I can't even afford therapy until I find a job with actual healthcare insurance.
Cause my first ever therapy session was $188 that I haven't even been able to pay off yet, because a mf aint got no job, Tommy.
Like wtffff
I need a vacation. From my brain. And my body. My family.
Then there's that good ol' American Television called escapissmmmmmmmm
0 notes
**Beautiful Islamic Quotes About Life**
I said to Allah, “I hate life.” He replied, “Who asked you to love life? Just love me and life will beautiful.
Men and women have equal rewards for their deeds. Quran 3:195
“O ye who believe! Avoid suspicion as much (as possible): for suspicion in some cases is a sin: And spy not on each other behind their backs. ” {Quran 49:12}
If you are in doubt ask ALLAH. Perform Salatul Istikhara
There is no doubt that Allah (Subhanahu Wa ta’ala) has sent thousands of Quran Verses and millions of Hadith “Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (??? ???? ???? ? ???)” for mankind. No matter what situation you’re going through. There are solutions and guidance by Allah (Azzawajal).
Once I was amazed to see that my non-Muslim friends on facebook and twitter are posting Islamic Quotes and verses from Quran. I was even more amazed when their positive behavior toward Muslims reminded that there are many Verses in Quran about non-believers as ALLAH says in Quran “The Quran, is a guidance for mankind – (2:185)“.
Islamic Quotes In English Islamic Whatsapp Status Best Islamic Quotes Islamic Quotes In English Eid-Ul-Adha-Mubarak
I said to Allah, “I hate life.” He replied, “Who asked you to love life? Just love me and life will beautiful.”
Men and women have equal rewards for their deeds. Quran 3:195
“O ye who believe! Avoid suspicion as much (as possible): for suspicion in some cases is a sin: And spy not on each other behind their backs. ” {Quran 49:12}
If you are in doubt ask ALLAH. Perform Salatul Istikhara
When things are too hard to handle, retreat & count your blessings instead.
“Severing your parents in their old age is as good as opening the doors of PARADISE, so don’t miss out.”
“When we repair our relationship with Allah, He repairs everything else for us.”
“You Cannot Delete you internet history from ALLAH.”
“Take everyday as a chance to become a better Muslim.”
“Only in ISLAM do the king and peasant bow down together side by side proclaiming God’s greatness.”
“Happiness will never come to those who fail to appreciate the blessings they already have. Say Alhamdulillah every moment of life.”
EID SMS Islamic Quotes Shab-e-Barat Muabrak SMS wishes Ramdan Laylat al Qadr Eid Ul Fitr Wish Facebook Status
“Born from different mothers skins of all colours come together as brothers . that’s the beauty of Islam.”
“Allah made you muslim because he wants to see you in JANNAH. All you have to do is prove that you’re worthy of it.”
“So What if this life isn’t perfect? it’s not jannah. Nouman Ali Khan.”
“The Worst of our faults is our interest in other people’s Faults. – Ali Ibn Abi Talib”
“A Knife din’t kill Ismail (Alaihi salam), The fire Din’t Burn Ibrahim (Alaihi salam), A whale Din’t Eat Younus (Alaihi salam), The sea din’t Drown Musa (Alaihi salam). Be with ALLAH, and ALLAH will protect you.”
“If you don’t intend to marry her” Keep your hands off another mans Future wife.
If you do Intend to marry her. Keep your hands off until she is your wife”
“I only complain of my Sorrow and my sadness to ALLAH.”
“Beware of being found where Allah prohibited you from. and beware of being absent from where Allah commanded you to be.”
“When you feel low or sad look around you. Who are you friends? Surround yourself with those who remind you of Allah and become happy.”
“Trust Allah when things don’t work out the way you wanted. Allah has something better planned for you.”
“The overly jealous seek to harm and hurt other, but in the end only harm themselves”
Comedy SMS Romantic SMS Goodbye Messages Happy Weekend Quotes Wishes Farewell Message Good Luck SMS Good Day SMS Get Well Soon Messages
“Fear Allah because of his punishment. Love Allah because he is full of mercy – Islamic Quotes & Sayings”
“Practicing Islam beautifies once character. if it’s making you intolerable, impatient and grumpy then you’re doing it wrong.”
“If you want to destroy any nation without war, make adultery & nudity common in the next generation. – Salahuddin Ayyubi”
“Worries End When SALAH Begins”
“Rather than stressing about things we cannot control, pray to The One in control and find relief.”
“What is Jihad? smiling in Tough moment is Jihad. keeping Patience in hard times is Jihad. Struggling for good deed is jihad. talking care of old parents in a loving way is jihad. forgiving is jihad. Jihad is not what the media shows but what the Quran Says to strive and to Struggle!”
“Balance Your Dunya (world) around your deen (faith), its all a matter of priorities.”
“Bad things in life open your eyes to those things your weren’t paying much attention to before. That’s a blessing from Allah Too!”
“Trust Allah when things don’t work out the way you wanted. Allah has something better planned for you.”
“The Shortest distance between a problem and it’s solution is the distance between your knees and the floor.”
“Suicide Booming is not from Islam.
Messenger of Allah said:
Indeed whoever (intentionally) kills himself, then certainly he will be punished in the fire of Hell, wherein he shall dwell forever. (Bukharee – 5778)”
“Your Interview with ALLAH is Coming”
“Fill your heart with Eemaan and it will become the post peaceful place on earth.”
“Peoples of ALHAMDULILLAH” Don’t Have to Complain”
Sahih Bukhari – “Do not wish to be like anyone, except in two cases: (1) A man whom Allah has given wealth and he spends it righteously. (2) A man whom Allah has given wisdom (knowledge of the Qur’an and the Hadith) and he acts according to it and teaches it to others.”
Bukhari – “If one has good manners, one may attain the same level of merit as those who spend their nights in prayer.”
“Indeed, ALLAH does not wrong the people at all, but it is the people who are wronging themselves.”
“Faith is Trusting GOD even when you don’t understand his plan.”
“If the heart becomes hardend, the eye becomes dry. Ibn Qayyim”
“The Quran is for ourselves, not our Shelves.”
“Pyayer isn’t For Allah, It’s for you. He doesn’t need us But we need him.”
“The Greatest thing a Friend can do for you is bring you closer to ALLAH.”
“When Someone is behaving unjustly to you, find peace in the truth of the situation, knowing that Allah is enough as a witness.”
“Never think that any request you have is too much for ALLAH”
He says:
Happy Birthday SMS Happy Birthday Hindi SMS Happy Birthday Wishes SMS Happy Birthday Wishes Best Birthday Status Romantic Birthday Status, Wishes and Message 18th Birthday Wishes Happy Birthday Wishes in Punjabi Tamil Birthday Status Nepali Birthday SMS Pakistani Birthday SMS Punjabi Birthday SMS
And it is.
“Rasulullah SAW said: The greatest Jihad is to battle your own soul. to fight the evil within yourself.”
“ALLAH makes the impossible Possible”
“Guilt is a gift from ALLAH warning you that what you are doing is violating your soul” – Nauman Ali Khan
“Your prefer the life of this world, while the hereafter is better & more lasting.” Quran
“No one besides ALLAH can rescue a sould from Hardship” Quran 53 : 58
“Be Patient – For what was written for you was written by the greatest of writers”
“There are days when you don’t feel like praying. When your soul feels dark and your heart feels down. Those are the days when you need to pray. Those are the days when you need it most. And if you find the straight to Bow before your Lord in those day. You have defeated a big part of your nafs (inner self) and taken a huge step towards your Lord. So pray no matter what. Lead your heart to prayer and one day your heart will Lead you to Prayer.”
“There is reward for Kindness to every living thing.” Prophet Muhamad (SAAW)
“Be somebody in the eyes of ALLAH, even if you are nobody in the eyes of people.”
Note to self: “Before going to sleep every night Forgive everyone and sleep with Clean Heart”
“Always leave loved onces with loving words. It may be the last time you see them.” Mufti Ismail Menk
“Stay close to anything that reminds you of ALLAH”
“If you don’t want your kids to hurt others, don’t show them how to do it”
“No matter how hurt you are, You will always find comfort with ALLAH”
“Why wish upon a star? when you cam pray to the one who created it”
“Being a Muslim is about changing yourself, Not changing Islam.”
“O ye who belivee! Avoid suspicion as much (as possible): for suspicion in some cases is a sin: And spy not on each other behid their backs.” Quran 49:12
“When Love is for the sake of ALLAH, It never dies.”
“There is no moving creature on earth but its sustenance depends on God. And He knows where it lives and where it rests. Everything is in a Clear Book.”
“Be embarrassed to sin in public, don’t be shy to show your faith.”
“Every new breath that ALLAH allows you to take is not just a blessing but also a responsibility.”
“There is no Islam without unity, no unity without leadership, and no leadership without obedience. ” — Umar ibn al-Khattab (??? ???? ???)
“They plan, and ALLAH plans & ALLAH is The Best of Planners.”
“Dua Heals All Negativity, Hurt, Anger, Worries and Depression. Pray to ALLAH Daily.”
“Men and Women have equal rewards for Their deeds. Quran 3:195”
“Dear ALLAH i pray that whoever reads this message shall have your comfort, joy, peace, love and guidance. I may not know their troubles, but you do please keep protecting us. Ameen”
“Every test is a blessing every blessing is a Test.”
islam-quote islam-quote-2
“Anas bin Malik (radi Allahu anhu) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “There shall come upon the people a time in which the one who is steadfast upon his religion will be like the one holding onto a burning ember.” (Hasan) [Chapters on Al-Fitan: Jami At-Tirmidhi]”
“Many skin colors. One Ummah. No Racism is ISLAM.”
Birthday Status For Girlfriend Birthday Status For Boyfriend Dad Birthday Status Messages Birthday Status & Short Messages Birthday Status For Daughter Birthday Status For Son Happy Birthday Mother Messages Happy Birthday wishes for GirlFriend/BoyFriend
“He Knows what is in every Heart – Surah Mulk {67:13}”
Every Secret in your mind and heart Allah knows it all and nothing you can hide from Allah. “yes, I am Muslim. no, I don’t hate jews and christains.”
“Stop asking me why I’m still single. I don’t ask you how you are still married.”
The Prophet (Peace be upon him) Said: ‘Leave that  which doesn’t concern you.‘
“Being Muslim is for all day, Not just 5 time a day.”
“Who can help you get through your problems But ALLAH”
“Don’t waste your tears on a broken relationship with someone you once loved. Invest your tears to strengthen your relationship with ALLAH.”
“ALLAH still loves and shows mercy to those who disobey Him, so imagine how much He loves those who obey Him.”
“Being a Muslim is more than just going to the masjid (mosque). Allah wants your ‘attention’ not just your ‘attendance‘
“The Dunya (World) is not the resting place, it is the testing place.”
“Kindness is a mark of faith, and whoever is not kind has not faith.”
The Prophet of Mercy said: Beware! Whosoever oppresses a Muahid (i.e. Non-Muslim living in Muslim land with agreement) or snatches (any of) his rights or causes him pain which he cannot bear, or takes anything from him without his permission, Then “I WILL FIGHT AGAINST SUCH A (MUSLIM) ON THE DAY OF JUDGEMENT”[Sunnan Abu Dawud, Volume No. 3, Page No. 170, Hadith No. 3052]
“Someone, somewhere, right now, is fighting for his or her life. You still have yours, so be thankful and spend it in the obedience of Allah.”
“Sometimes the blessings are not in what he gives, but in what he takes away!”
“Do not force the religion on your family. show them the beauty of the religion through your own practice. – Nouman Ali khan”
“If Jannah is your dream, HOLD TIGHT to your deen!”
“Take Account of yourselves before you are taken to account. Weigh your deeds before they are weighed. Umar ibn Al-Khattab.”
0 notes
birthdaysms24-blog · 6 years
**Beautiful Islamic Quotes About Life**
I said to Allah, “I hate life.” He replied, “Who asked you to love life? Just love me and life will beautiful.
Men and women have equal rewards for their deeds. Quran 3:195
“O ye who believe! Avoid suspicion as much (as possible): for suspicion in some cases is a sin: And spy not on each other behind their backs. ” {Quran 49:12}
If you are in doubt ask ALLAH. Perform Salatul Istikhara
There is no doubt that Allah (Subhanahu Wa ta’ala) has sent thousands of Quran Verses and millions of Hadith “Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (??? ???? ???? ? ???)” for mankind. No matter what situation you’re going through. There are solutions and guidance by Allah (Azzawajal).
Islamic Quotes In English Islamic Whatsapp Status Best Islamic Quotes Islamic Quotes In English Eid-Ul-Adha-Mubarak
Once I was amazed to see that my non-Muslim friends on facebook and twitter are posting Islamic Quotes and verses from Quran. I was even more amazed when their positive behavior toward Muslims reminded that there are many Verses in Quran about non-believers as ALLAH says in Quran “The Quran, is a guidance for mankind – (2:185)“.
I said to Allah, “I hate life.” He replied, “Who asked you to love life? Just love me and life will beautiful.”
Men and women have equal rewards for their deeds. Quran 3:195
“O ye who believe! Avoid suspicion as much (as possible): for suspicion in some cases is a sin: And spy not on each other behind their backs. ” {Quran 49:12}
If you are in doubt ask ALLAH. Perform Salatul Istikhara
When things are too hard to handle, retreat & count your blessings instead.
“Severing your parents in their old age is as good as opening the doors of PARADISE, so don’t miss out.”
“When we repair our relationship with Allah, He repairs everything else for us.”
“You Cannot Delete you internet history from ALLAH.”
“Take everyday as a chance to become a better Muslim.”
“Only in ISLAM do the king and peasant bow down together side by side proclaiming God’s greatness.”
“Happiness will never come to those who fail to appreciate the blessings they already have. Say Alhamdulillah every moment of life.” best-islamic-quotes-2
“Born from different mothers skins of all colours come together as brothers . that’s the beauty of Islam.”
“Allah made you muslim because he wants to see you in JANNAH. All you have to do is prove that you’re worthy of it.”
“So What if this life isn’t perfect? it’s not jannah. Nouman Ali Khan.”
EID SMS Islamic Quotes Shab-e-Barat Muabrak SMS wishes Ramdan Laylat al Qadr Eid Ul Fitr Wish Facebook Status
“The Worst of our faults is our interest in other people’s Faults. – Ali Ibn Abi Talib”
“A Knife din’t kill Ismail (Alaihi salam), The fire Din’t Burn Ibrahim (Alaihi salam), A whale Din’t Eat Younus (Alaihi salam), The sea din’t Drown Musa (Alaihi salam). Be with ALLAH, and ALLAH will protect you.”
“If you don’t intend to marry her” Keep your hands off another mans Future wife.
If you do Intend to marry her. Keep your hands off until she is your wife”
“I only complain of my Sorrow and my sadness to ALLAH.”
“Beware of being found where Allah prohibited you from. and beware of being absent from where Allah commanded you to be.”
“When you feel low or sad look around you. Who are you friends? Surround yourself with those who remind you of Allah and become happy.”
“Trust Allah when things don’t work out the way you wanted. Allah has something better planned for you.”
“The overly jealous seek to harm and hurt other, but in the end only harm themselves”
“Fear Allah because of his punishment. Love Allah because he is full of mercy – Islamic Quotes & Sayings”
“Practicing Islam beautifies once character. if it’s making you intolerable, impatient and grumpy then you’re doing it wrong.”
“If you want to destroy any nation without war, make adultery & nudity common in the next generation. – Salahuddin Ayyubi”
“Worries End When SALAH Begins”
Comedy SMS Romantic SMS Goodbye Messages Happy Weekend Quotes Wishes Farewell Message Good Luck SMS Good Day SMS Get Well Soon Messages
“Rather than stressing about things we cannot control, pray to The One in control and find relief.”
“What is Jihad? smiling in Tough moment is Jihad. keeping Patience in hard times is Jihad. Struggling for good deed is jihad. talking care of old parents in a loving way is jihad. forgiving is jihad. Jihad is not what the media shows but what the Quran Says to strive and to Struggle!”
“Balance Your Dunya (world) around your deen (faith), its all a matter of priorities.”
“Bad things in life open your eyes to those things your weren’t paying much attention to before. That’s a blessing from Allah Too!”
“Trust Allah when things don’t work out the way you wanted. Allah has something better planned for you.”
“The Shortest distance between a problem and it’s solution is the distance between your knees and the floor.”
“Suicide Booming is not from Islam.
Messenger of Allah said:
Indeed whoever (intentionally) kills himself, then certainly he will be punished in the fire of Hell, wherein he shall dwell forever. (Bukharee – 5778)”
“Your Interview with ALLAH is Coming”
“Fill your heart with Eemaan and it will become the post peaceful place on earth.”
“Peoples of ALHAMDULILLAH” Don’t Have to Complain”
Sahih Bukhari – “Do not wish to be like anyone, except in two cases: (1) A man whom Allah has given wealth and he spends it righteously. (2) A man whom Allah has given wisdom (knowledge of the Qur’an and the Hadith) and he acts according to it and teaches it to others.”
Bukhari – “If one has good manners, one may attain the same level of merit as those who spend their nights in prayer.”
“Indeed, ALLAH does not wrong the people at all, but it is the people who are wronging themselves.”
“Faith is Trusting GOD even when you don’t understand his plan.”
“If the heart becomes hardend, the eye becomes dry. Ibn Qayyim”
“The Quran is for ourselves, not our Shelves.”
“Pyayer isn’t For Allah, It’s for you. He doesn’t need us But we need him.”
Break Up Status Break Up Status for Whatsapp Best Break Up SMS Love Breakup Status for Whatsapp Love Break Up Status in English
“The Greatest thing a Friend can do for you is bring you closer to ALLAH.”
“When Someone is behaving unjustly to you, find peace in the truth of the situation, knowing that Allah is enough as a witness.”
“Never think that any request you have is too much for ALLAH”
He says:
And it is.
“Rasulullah SAW said: The greatest Jihad is to battle your own soul. to fight the evil within yourself.”
“ALLAH makes the impossible Possible”
“Guilt is a gift from ALLAH warning you that what you are doing is violating your soul” – Nauman Ali Khan
“Your prefer the life of this world, while the hereafter is better & more lasting.” Quran
“No one besides ALLAH can rescue a sould from Hardship” Quran 53 : 58
“Be Patient – For what was written for you was written by the greatest of writers”
“There are days when you don’t feel like praying. When your soul feels dark and your heart feels down. Those are the days when you need to pray. Those are the days when you need it most. And if you find the straight to Bow before your Lord in those day. You have defeated a big part of your nafs (inner self) and taken a huge step towards your Lord. So pray no matter what. Lead your heart to prayer and one day your heart will Lead you to Prayer.”
“There is reward for Kindness to every living thing.” Prophet Muhamad (SAAW)
“Be somebody in the eyes of ALLAH, even if you are nobody in the eyes of people.”
Note to self: “Before going to sleep every night Forgive everyone and sleep with Clean Heart”
“Always leave loved onces with loving words. It may be the last time you see them.” Mufti Ismail Menk
“Stay close to anything that reminds you of ALLAH”
“If you don’t want your kids to hurt others, don’t show them how to do it”
“No matter how hurt you are, You will always find comfort with ALLAH”
“Why wish upon a star? when you cam pray to the one who created it”
“Being a Muslim is about changing yourself, Not changing Islam.”
“O ye who belivee! Avoid suspicion as much (as possible): for suspicion in some cases is a sin: And spy not on each other behid their backs.” Quran 49:12
“When Love is for the sake of ALLAH, It never dies.”
“There is no moving creature on earth but its sustenance depends on God. And He knows where it lives and where it rests. Everything is in a Clear Book.”
“Be embarrassed to sin in public, don’t be shy to show your faith.”
“Every new breath that ALLAH allows you to take is not just a blessing but also a responsibility.”
“There is no Islam without unity, no unity without leadership, and no leadership without obedience. ” — Umar ibn al-Khattab (??? ???? ???)
“They plan, and ALLAH plans & ALLAH is The Best of Planners.”
“Dua Heals All Negativity, Hurt, Anger, Worries and Depression. Pray to ALLAH Daily.”
“Men and Women have equal rewards for Their deeds. Quran 3:195”
“Dear ALLAH i pray that whoever reads this message shall have your comfort, joy, peace, love and guidance. I may not know their troubles, but you do please keep protecting us. Ameen”
“Every test is a blessing every blessing is a Test.”
islam-quote islam-quote-2
“Anas bin Malik (radi Allahu anhu) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “There shall come upon the people a time in which the one who is steadfast upon his religion will be like the one holding onto a burning ember.” (Hasan) [Chapters on Al-Fitan: Jami At-Tirmidhi]”
“Many skin colors. One Ummah. No Racism is ISLAM.”
“He Knows what is in every Heart – Surah Mulk {67:13}”
Every Secret in your mind and heart Allah knows it all and nothing you can hide from Allah. “yes, I am Muslim. no, I don’t hate jews and christains.”
“Stop asking me why I’m still single. I don’t ask you how you are still married.”
The Prophet (Peace be upon him) Said: ‘Leave that  which doesn’t concern you.‘
“Being Muslim is for all day, Not just 5 time a day.”
“Who can help you get through your problems But ALLAH”
“Don’t waste your tears on a broken relationship with someone you once loved. Invest your tears to strengthen your relationship with ALLAH.”
“ALLAH still loves and shows mercy to those who disobey Him, so imagine how much He loves those who obey Him.”
“Being a Muslim is more than just going to the masjid (mosque). Allah wants your ‘attention’ not just your ‘attendance‘
“The Dunya (World) is not the resting place, it is the testing place.”
“Kindness is a mark of faith, and whoever is not kind has not faith.”
The Prophet of Mercy said: Beware! Whosoever oppresses a Muahid (i.e. Non-Muslim living in Muslim land with agreement) or snatches (any of) his rights or causes him pain which he cannot bear, or takes anything from him without his permission, Then “I WILL FIGHT AGAINST SUCH A (MUSLIM) ON THE DAY OF JUDGEMENT”[Sunnan Abu Dawud, Volume No. 3, Page No. 170, Hadith No. 3052]
“Someone, somewhere, right now, is fighting for his or her life. You still have yours, so be thankful and spend it in the obedience of Allah.”
“Sometimes the blessings are not in what he gives, but in what he takes away!”
“Do not force the religion on your family. show them the beauty of the religion through your own practice. – Nouman Ali khan”
“If Jannah is your dream, HOLD TIGHT to your deen!”
“Take Account of yourselves before you are taken to account. Weigh your deeds before they are weighed. Umar ibn Al-Khattab.”
0 notes
Struggling to sleep in this hotel bed.
No limit (I realize that people are supposed to send me numbers and I’m supposed to answer, but... I’m REALLY BORED. So you get all the answers. Yay.)
1.Kissed a girl? Yes. A couple of times, actually.
2.Kissed a boy? Yes.
3.Had sex in public? I’m not sure I should answer this for the safety of my job.
4.What’s your religion? Wrestling. 
5.What does your URL mean? Just something one of the UK boys called me once. It stuck.
6.Reason you joined tumblr? I’d heard so many odd, amazing and terrifying things from my co-workers. How could I not?
7.Do you have any nicknames? Sera. Fee, also, evidently. >.> 
8.Do you like bubble bath? Uh, yes. Very much. With a glass of wine.
9.Kissed in the rain? You know, I haven’t and that’s very unromantic and sad. Maybe someday.
10.Dyed your hair? I definitely had a blonde phase. Thank god it was just a phase, though.
11.Soup or salad? Salad. 
12.Vegetable or meat? SIGH. While I am not a vegan, I know far too many people who are to say anything but vegetable. Save the animals. 
13.Go out drinking? On occasion. I doubt I’ll have much time for that, if I’m being terribly honest with myself.
14.Smoke cigarettes? No.
15.Smoke weed? ......... no. >.> I mean, I HAVE, but I don’t anymore.
16.Do any hard drugs? Nope.
17.Have you had sex today? No, the only thing I’ve been screwed by today is jet lag, thank you v. much.
18.Have you ever fallen asleep in someones arms? Sure have. It’s comforting, even if it’s just your bestie. 
19.The relationship between you and the person you last texted? Hm. Contentious-ish? That’s not a word, but it’s accurate. Maybe tentative is better. Yes. Tentative.
20.Has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes? Oh sure. It’s especially nice to hear considering how romanticized blue or green or grey eyes are. Plain old brown doesn’t usually get the compliments.
21.Skipped doing homework to play a video game? I’m sure I did. 
22.Tried to commit suicide? No, but I’ve lost many friends to it and I genuinely plead with anyone who considers it... reach out to anyone and everyone. There are people who want to help. People who don’t even know you. I know I would do everything I could.
23.The last time you felt broken? Like, physically or mentally? Because physically was definitely the day they made me take bumps in the ring. Coach Brookside said I actually did pretty well, but lord, I’m pretty sure my soul left my body on that first one. I’ve never been so sore as after that day, that’s for damn sure. Emotionally? Let’s just say it hasn’t been long enough that I want to discuss it.
24.Had to lie to EVERYONE about how you felt? That’s par for the course in this business sometimes, sadly. 
25.Do you have a Boyfriend/Girlfriend? No. Way too busy for that nonsense.
26.Do you have Long hair OR short hair? Long hair. It was short once. That was during the blonde phase. Never. Again.
27.First thing you notice to a guy/girl? Guys, it’s eyes. Windows to the soul and all that. Girls, it’s confidence. They way they carry themselves. 
28.Do you sing in the shower? Absolutely. 
29.Do you dance in the car? Again, 110% yes.
30.Where were you yesterday? Orlando. :( Well, at least I think that was yesterday. This time change thing has me ALL jacked up.
31.Ever used a bow and arrow? Actually yes! I was on the archery team my senior year of high school! And that’s not a question that gets asked every day, so I’m super stoked about that one! 
32.Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer? Um, sometime right between freshman year of college and taking the internship at the Performance Center. 
33.Do you think musicals are cheesy? No. Phantom Of The Opera, hello.
34.Is Christmas stressful? Not really. This year might be weird, being in the UK and all. But I pretty much love the holidays.
35.Favorite type of fruit pie? Key Lime Pie. I know, I know, it’s a custard, not a fruit, but it has fruit IN it! It counts!
36.Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid? I wanted to be Vince McMahon. I can’t even lie about that. I wanted to be a wrestling promoter. Or a famous singer. LOL I was only gifted with one talent, sadly.
37.Do you believe in ghosts? I believe there are a lot of things that can’t be explained so simply.
38.Ever have a Deja-vu feeling? UGH Pretty much every time I talk to Pete, yeah. LOL
39.Take a vitamin daily? Yep. Bless the WWE medical staff for insisting on looking after ALL of its personnel.
40.Wear slippers? Psh, Barefoot Betty here, all the way.
41.Wear a bath robe? Who wears robes anymore? I mean... okay, Bobby Roode, Ric Flair... Kenny Omega wears bath robes on the regular, I hear, but... yeah no. Not me.
42.What do you wear to bed? That is a v.v. personal question, meme! 
43.Do you want to get married? It’s not exactly on the list of long term goals. Way too busy conquering the world at the moment.
44.Can you curl your tongue? I’m not sure what this means, so I’m going to go with no?
Relationship preference: I’m in a relationship with a french press, if that means anything.
45.How many relationships have you had? See, I hate questions like this. Relationships aren’t always sexual. If we’re going with romantic relationships... like ACTUAL dating? 3. Two of those were in high school, so... 
46.How can I win your heart? Be really really good at this thing I love. OR be very, very understanding about the fact that I have very little time for anything. Don’t waste my time. Be a good person and be insistent without being pushy. You’re going to have to chase me. I’m way too focused on my goals to pay attention to anything less than persistence and charm.
47.what makes a great relationship? Trust. EARNED trust, not blind trust. Blind trust is for fools. And common goals. If you don’t want the same things, how in the hell is it supposed to work?
48.Shy OR open? Open. I’m generally a painfully honest person.
50.Religious OR non-religious? Didn’t we cover this already? Non-religious. Just try to be a good person.
51.Caring OR non-restricting of you? I... don’t know that those are things that are opposites? Sometimes, being non-restricting IS being caring.
52.Straight edge OR non-straight edge? I admire people who don’t imbibe, because it definitely shows a strength of resolve that I can admire. But I like whiskey, so. 
53.Piercings OR no piercings? I used to have several. I may again. We’ll see.
54.Tattoos OR no tattoos? Yes. Phoenix tattoo on my back. The actual mythical bird, not Jean Grey. Tempting as THAT was.
55.Quiet stay-at-home type OR party type? Honestly, I don’t really have time for either. But if I did, I think it’d be a pretty solid balance.
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