#but yeah. its also funny in a way bc my ex only suggested i had adhd bc the other person did too + struggled a lot with rsd
toastsnaffler · 4 months
dating an art student was so crazy I'm just thinking abt that one birthday I had where my ex got me stickers from the etsy of the person they were cheating on me with....
#they made them address the thank you note to me and everything ajskfjfkfb. i didnt know they were cheating at the time but wow...#every time i break out my sticker collection and see them im reminded of it. but i cant throw out the stickers theyre deltarune ones 😭#like they were a rly cool artist.... just unfortunate that happened 💀#the drama was insane. my ex only wanted to sleep with them but they (other person) wanted them to break up with me so they could date#but my ex dumped them rly harshly for suggesting that i guess 'romantic' cheating was a step too far even for them lmaooo#i heard abt their breakup secondhand and god could they be cruel sometimes. they made fun of the sex theyd had w them#to all their mutual friends n everything i actually felt so bad for the other person when i found out. at least our breakup wasnt that bad#i only finally got that cruel side of them directed towards me like a year after when they wanted us to stop being friends#but yeah. its also funny in a way bc my ex only suggested i had adhd bc the other person did too + struggled a lot with rsd#which i guess they found out when they broke up with them. and then looked at that and thought huh my gf is kind of similar...#and this was like. 2 years before i even considered i had adhd myself and sought diagnosis ahdkfidjcjdjfjfjfkdbfnf#this made me go look the other persons art page up on instagram + then i recognised some of their friends/flatmates art pages and i found#their (my exs that is) grad year film which is still being shown at animation festivals... good for them good for them#i dont think they have an art page themselves tho cuz they were always v shy and weird abt sharing art on social media#like everyone else except them is tagged on things... shame i wouldve liked to see what they were making now. even if we're not friends#also one of their old roommates made some REALLY similar squid game fanart to mine like a month after i posted it huh..#not mad abt it or anything i think its cool i just didnt realise they showed my art to their friends. thats cute#ah this was years ago anyway. getting my head out of the rabbit hole#im gonna go play some elden ring and then maybe do smth fun in my sketchbook we shall seeee#.diaries
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okay finally making thorough post abt sgrs ending for just future reference for anyone if they are interested in watching bc i do think its important to know first.. tried to keep it as spoiler free as possible other than the obvious and sry for the length kajshdf but anyways i am going to put the rest under a read more ♥️ and cw incest mention
ok i am gonna try to make this as comprehensible as possible i have had a few stabs at this already w friends so hope this goes well bc there's a lot to unpack abt this but the first thing to understand abt it is 1) imo the twist u are given is ABSOLUTELY a fucking lie and given the amnt of times i have now seen the show i feel very confident in this, and 2) it is a very easy scene to note the start of and then skip which i will mention @ the end..
all right so no stalling getting into the twist itself and then uh. explaining after. but first assuming no context for what sgrs is about:
the story is largely abt like family what it means etc following the course of one mans life! he has an adopted daughter child of ex-beard and ex-man he was in love with his whole life who passed away and they have a very complicated difficult relationship and a major part of s2 is about them beginning to repair that as they both get older and what happens when she has a baby and he actually finds himself unexpectedly loving being a grandfather and it being like his second chance to have a child in his life and treat him with the warmth and kindness he failed to show his daughter when she was younger but also just spoiling him rotten in true grandparent fashion askfhksndbf... it is all very sweet and moving. thing abt mr baby is his mom has him on her own no father in the picture it provides at one point an explanation for who the bio father may be with somewhat of an implication that may not rly be who it is i am so sorry if you can already see where this is going promise there will only be like one more sentence of this and then i can explain AKSJD.
THUS the mind numbingly evil bit is a side character at the end going up to the daughter years after protags death and going wink wink u know all this time i must admit i had a theory abt who your sons father was.. and this evil little man rly suggests the protag was her sons father like jfc and of course bc the authors evil she rly left it w konatsu just going well >:) whos to say. i am never gonna answer that question tho.
OKAY SO ONTO LIKE CONTEXT bc i had none when i first watched and i will say this sent me spiraling a bit my god my god.
FIRST THING. i do wanna explain why its a plain ass lie but i also need to clarify in no way is it excusable as a writing decision.. the author is a supremely fucked up woman who i do not intend to excuse for anything she has written esp this and my take on her um. decision making here was more like a fucked up reference to evil tropes than utilizing them herself bc i wouldnt put it past her to have done that frankly but it wouldve had to simply be a different story than it was. absolutely no quarrel w someone who doesnt want to watch it given all this like it really is... yeah. also no need to touch the manga the animes better anyways lol
2) ok if u are still reading... i think context for who is saying what is very important it is a man who you are consistently told has had it out for the protagonist for YEARS and really is shown to have something just a little off about him the evil shit he will sometimes say out of the blue building up to this... he is NOT framed as a reliable source of info. secondly like konatsu truly is his daughter man her freakishly evasive reply if it were abt anything else truly would be funny i hate it here
3) i am not gonna bother listing all the reasons it is false bc it would be way too long unless anyone wants 2 ask me further but highlight reel how much of the story is abt their parent child dynamics, the fact that he was.. in love w her father and helped raise her a bit with him even when he was still alive, just about every other thing abt their relationship and also his relationship with his grandson, etc... and also the fact that lying and shaping narratives of a life is um . a major element of the story and for someone to kind of pathetically attempt to do that after kikuhiko's death is definitely intentional
4) LASTLY it is tempting to think the story is in 2 parts bc s1 feels like such an isolated story u would think part 2 is maybe only partially related but i promise it isnt and changes the meaning of season 1 fairly significantly so if this seems like it is something u are up for i would definitely recommend watching them both season 2 really is very good otherwise and also wanna stress this is not like. the Ending of sgrs this is an individual scene in the last episode that is upsetting enough to overshadow everything else if ur unprepared but in the grand scheme of things far from the most important plot thing going on
AND THE THING I PROMISED UP TOP: if u actually do watch, there is a scene that starts w konatsu and higuchi sitting down having a conversation, nothing super important happens u can either skip the conversation altogether or specifically once they are alone bc the kids are there for a bit, and thats it :)
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pastelacrylics · 6 years
im gonna throw up bc i feel sick but this one’s for you babe 😘
Assault TW under the cut
Alright so the date started out pretty fucking fantastic and we were just being dumb kids and playing basketball, harmless and fun, right? right. anyways it was pretty good shit. we went downstairs and like an idiot i try to show him my favorite video game. it doesnt go well and he gives up but whatever. then my sister (i love her shes great and joined us up until this point) suggested playing minecraft. now, i hate minecraft. it is all the wrong shapes and triggers my ocd. i have lots of trouble with this and its dumb, i know. seeing that i was upset, he was pretty nice and said “maybe later” but like then suggested watching greys anatomy
now greys anatomy is the shit. i love it. its my absolute favorite show but it freaks my little sister out so she left. nows a good time to mention that prior o the date i said i wanna take shit really slow. like super fucking slow. that im autistic and it takes me a while to get comfortable with physical contact and i dont want that. that im ace and not interested in sex wit him. that he should avoid sexual situations bc idk what ill do. that i dont even romantically like him, just have lots of excited positive feelings about him.
i was alone with this boy. in the basement. note: i always go to the basement, and my brothers always make me uncomfortable when theyre down there. im not loud. there is essentially nothing i can do at this point. we watch a vague amount of greys, and i curl up into a tiny fucking ball. this is my normal. everyone on the fucking planet knows this is my normal. he ask if i want to cuddle, and i dont really say yes or no, but i was definitely telling him i was uncomfortable and wanted to take things slow. he cuddles me anyways, but he triggers a pressure stim so i assume it will be fine. eventually we stop watching greys and i recount all the noncon/ abuse so he gets why ive gotta take it slow
im not entirely sure how it got to this but before our vaguely sexual act he kept staring at me weird and i kept telling him to stop. he kept asking or trying to kiss me and i kept saying no. i dont know how many times i said no that night. after that he started touching my skin, but like in a nice stimmy way. i was okay with it. it reminded me of one of my friends comforting me, it was familiar. he started going towards my chest- note: im dysphoric as all hell and do NOT like my chest being messed with if i dont trust you. (Also some time during my telling him about my past he started trying to pull me into his lap. i only now realized its so id be sitting on...... anyways) i did not say no. i wanted to try. i wanted to be okay. eventually he pulled at my shirt and bra. eventually i was exposed. i said nothing. this was not something i wanted or was comfortable with, but this was MY doing. i started crying. i told him to stop. i told him no more for the night. i told him no more contact, yeah i was kinda turned on but i was overwhelmed, i was done, and i wanted to STOP. I told him it was done. We could continue to hang out, watch tv, he could go home when he assumed, but he would stop touching me. he told me “sometimes you need to push your boundaries” I tried to convince him to fix his problem so he would fucking leave me alone. he refused. we ate dinner. i grabbed another jacket and went to the bathroom or whatever. i went back down, curled up again. he tried shit again. i told him to stop. he asked if we could “cuddle” i said okay. he started involuntarily bucking. i told him this. i told him it was funny but to stop. he said okay. he didnt stop. he kept going. eventually i gave up. my brother came down and i had 15 minutes of peace. we started watching anime. he was staring at me creepy. he forced me into his lap. i told him to stop. i told him no. (i went nonverbal while he was bucking and this was him assuming i was “okay” again i guess idk it was gross) i was pushed onto my back. he pulled my shirt all the way up. he did what he fucking wanted. i gave up. he sucked on my nipples, he left a bruise on one. he moved onto my neck. he left another one there (i dont bruise easily, and i got it to fade quickly because i hated looking at the proof, and my body doesnt generally take to bruising) i was on my back. he moved my hand so i would be getting him off. he started to take his fucking belt off. i told him to stop. i told him it was time to go. I was not being penetrated without my permission ever again. he didnt want to leave. he asked me “that did nothing for you?” no. no it didnt do anything for me. i told you no. i told you i didnt want it. you make me sick. i just told him “no” and laughed it off
i told him to get an uber. i tried to kick him out. it was another 5-15 minutes of silence and avoiding touching him as he waited for his ride to come. i walked him to the door, and locked it. my mom immediately knew something was wrong. she asked me what happened. instead i wanted to throw up, and i went to bed. i told my best friend, and ex. my ex was really fucking good to me about all of this. he left his fucking hat and i want to burn it. i hate all men. i hate teenage boys. i hate misoginy. i hate that i didnt believe the last girl who was assaulted, who told me, because he lied to me. i hate that i can be clearly scared, and youd rather believe him. i hate that youre angry at me for this. i told the girl i didnt believe i was sorry, i confirmed something with the girl i fought with last year, i told my best friend and my ex. i told twitter “something happened” on private so a friend at lunch could see. i told an older friend so i could ask for help. i told my other best friend. (7 people online) but in person?   i quietly told 1 friend at the beginning of the day, 1 teacher who i thought could help me avoid him, 1 friend in my group that i couldnt participate (she was his ex, shed understand) and you. thats when i fucing told you. next i told a girl who i knew was vulnerable to that bullshit, then a teacher so i wouldnt have to. see him in the next class. then i threw up and went home. didnt even tell our last friend at lunch. he doesnt know what happened. he might assume based on the other two girls but i didnt say shit. (6 people in person) ...the teacher i asked to help me avoid him told my councelor and my principal and my mom was called. I said i was going to talk to my therapist first but that didnt fucking matter, did it? no one fucking gives a shit about me and im just making this up right? I had to recount details to my mom. she said it didnt count as assault because i. wasnt penetrated (legally it does) she said it wasnt bad enough. that i asked for it. that i should have been more fucking clear. that i. was sending mixed messages. that she went through so much worse. that it wasnt worth ruining his life over. that it wasnt worth sending him to jail over, that it wasnt worth having him marked a predator over (3 girls minimum have been attacked)  because im just fucking lying about this, right? and you dont believe me? well i cant fucking believe you. go eat lunch with someone else, and in the mornings im gonna hang out in the only classroom in the school that will protect me from him even though shitty people will be there too.  and babe? he told me hes glad im not mad. that ill see him again “soon ;)” he sucked on my lip and made me feel violated. but misoginy is so ingrained in us that you dont fucking support survivors, and you never support me. I love you but im so fucking done.
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minchiutau · 8 years
Quartet Night LIVE Evolution full report
Written by me who have short-term memory and is really biased to QN
(PLEASE TAKE ALL OF STUFFS WRITTEN HERE WITH GRAIN OF SALT; there’s no way i could remember all stuffs exactly at it was. I would be happy if you could just ‘take the feel’)
First of all, it was awesome. I can’t really describe how overwhelming it was. If you’ve watched any of utapri live before, i just want to say that for me this is the best utapri live i’ve seen so far. If you think 5th and 4th live was awesome, this was on different level. The hall was definitely too small for a group who got #1 weekly oricon and more than 100k sales (which was made up by hundred of cinemas live viewing), but it was really well-planned. Probably the most well-planned utapri live ever.
The penlight on the hall changes automatically/programmed and it was really pleasing to watch. Also gosh they’re all so good at live-singing. I can’t even say anything else, their blend was extremely nice and they’re all so powerful at live-singing.. not to mention that all of them dance in a lot of songs!! *u*)bbb As usual their harmonies really shines and how they mysteriously blend well tho their voices are so strong individually are all so pleasing to listen to.
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Here’s some highlights and rough translations/summary (not accurate; just feel more like summary):
The con was started with a really cool MV-like video where the seiyuus act as their character! It was really really aesthetic, the four of the seiyuus look extremely cool on it. It was opened with Morikubo walking through a garage (??) spinning a key on his right hand and then he entered an old car ala reiji and drive to a place near a sea. Then we got to see shoutan seating on seaside, reading a book about human psychology (like ai), and closed the book when reiji/morikubo’s car approached. He then scold reiji/morikubo for being late and point at a clock (in which the date of today con was written). Next scene was Maenu, sitting inside an expensive limo having a classy tea-time (they don’t forget to show how the sugar goes from fullbox to empty LOL so camus). They then showed inside the window of the car, Tattsun walking on the street with a bass case on his shoulder. They also showed us a scene of him patting a stray cat on street (like ranmaru). Eventually they reunited and walk through a shining door together. It was really well-made!
1. QUARTET ☆ NIGHT This was their first song and the reason why i first got interested in QN. Exactly like 3rd live, the slow part at the very beginning was beautifully delivered. Also they appeared on a really cool gray/black suit. This song as first song easily won my tears bc wow time sure has passed since their first song ever and how i first came to know them.
2. Dice are cast Not many stuffs i could say, it’s mostly same with the one at 5th live, except THEY’RE DANCING MORE like it used to have less dancing. Also the adlibs part on bridge was really really well done, harmonies on last part of it just stole my heart.
MC I don’t remember much but they introduce themselves, it was really short tho they barely have interval between people like how it usually was with utapri live. Probably because they’re going to sing a lot of songs so no time LOL Interesting part is how they ended the MC with maenu tattsun and shoutan posing while saying Reiji’s “Rolling??” which connects to next song!
3.Dekiai Temptation I actually didn’t expect to hear first solo series to come up in early setlist LOL BUT YEAH maracas tradition is still going strong and he goes “(Tokyo Kokusai) Forum!!” instead of usual “(Yokohama/Saitama Super)Arena! xD It was really on point and Morikubo is so reiji as usual! The talking part on bridge was done exactly as it is on recording too! Also so many fanservices given for people at live-viewing!
4. Junketsunaru Ai -Aspiration- I WAS EXPECTING FOR FIRST SOLO SERIES but instead we got camus second solo series instead lolol I was really off-guard, from that point i just stopped trying to guess song since it’s shuffled LOL ALSO i just noticed but Maenu got brown-ish styled hair color and blue contact lens i almost didn’t notice him AHAHA //sweats One thing i’ve noticed tho, he has improved A LOT with his dancing since the last time he danced this song. I’ve always thought Maenu’s dancing was a bit awkward (tho that’s the good bc you could see how much he tries and work hard to memorize it) BUT this time it just feels really natural and cool! Congrats Maenu, i was really moved!
5. Innocent Wind And LOL here we got third solo series! The performance itself is really similar to the one at 5th live. I think shoutan surpassed his previous performance with this one tho! I always thought that this song has such a complicated dance (it does) but shoutan nailed it even better than previous one imo. Also i think it has additional choreos too! Instead of falling like last live, this time shoutan disappeared inside thick smoke
6. ONLY ONE The song started with Ranmaru’s voice saying he’ll be taking revenge (for 5th live bc at that time tattsun broke his arm and danced only with one hand). It was really really awesome! I expect no less from tattsun live singing and dancing. Also the dance definitely looks complete with two hands (of course)
They began with another opening and reintroduction (albeit longer this time) They also talked about how the live is not going to have time to break so they suggest audience to go to toilet now if they want to LOL 
I like how Maenu was teasing us. Everyone was waiting for Maenu to change into "PEASANT!!!!” mode but he keeps talking with polite butler camus mode LOL he even went “Are you waiting for something?”; In the end the other three look at him intensely tho and he finally let out the “PEASANT!!!” LOL
Live viewing was held in 128 cinemas and was seen by more than 56000 people
God’s S.T.A.R got a gold disc record award and they thanked everyone for it
(not in place, just all i could remember with place probs switched one another) Morikubo: “These one week almost everyday we met each other, right?” Tattsun: “We did the best we could for today” Morikubo: “Somehow it just felt missing when we haven’t seen each other for the day, i just can’t calm down before seeing everyone” Maenu: “Even when the rehearsal already ended i didn’t want to return home *laughs*” Shoutan: “Like we’ll ask each other "Should we do this part once again? or is it okay already?” Morikubo: “While saying such stuffs we would ended up talking for 30 minutes. In the end we were just like "Then let’s do it!” Tattsun: “That’s just how much connected we were.” Morikubo: “Everyone, Quartet Night will present you an ‘evolution’ tonight. Each of you watching this, would be the witnesses of our evolution.” Shoutan: “Today we came to present you our bond (reff to their song 'kizuna’). I would be happy if you could feel the power of our bonds!”
7. Tsukiakari no DEAREST Personal favorite utapri song ever!! I was really excited for this one and it’s funny how shoutan/ai waves at audience when appearing but maenu/camus did a deep butler bow LOL they’re so in character here! They came really close to the audience and the choreo was as cute as i remembered it on 5th live. ALSO THEIR HARMONIES i felt so lucky to hear this live, i’ve been liking this song so much since its release ;-;
8. Itoshiki Hito e I WAS REALLY OFFGUARD i mean who thought there’ll come a solo after a duet? lolol i completely thought RISE AGAIN was going to come after lolol such a random setlist indeed. THIS WAS REALLY EMOTIONAL BTW i always like this song the most among reiji’s solo and i have to say Morikubo did really great! Strong vocal and such emotional singing.. it was amazing! It began with Morikubo sitting aesthetically on chair and he began to do some poses with it. He then stood up and picked up a rose on the floor. At the 2nd verse “Doshaburi no~” an umbrella was also prepared. The lighting and stage effects were really great, it feels exactly like rain and lights are falling, it was beautiful.
9. BRIGHT ROAD AND LOL I SAID THIS ALREADY BUT THE SETLIST IS SO RANDOM this song brought back memories! Who thought Tattsun could dance really good before this song was performed years ago? The performance itself somehow got really different feel from 3rd live perf of this song. Idk that’s probably because tattsun sure has improved a lot and i could definitely see it. As usual Tattsun is slaying with powerful vocals and dancing; I think he danced some parts differently compared to 3rd live (the hands movements??) Also the adlibs at bridge was pre-recorded instead of left blank like in 3rd live (bc he was dancing there) Ranmaru: “See only me for this moment”
10. RISE AGAIN Here comes the other duet! It was extremely powerful and passionate, i got chills. Morikubo and Tattsun vocals sure fit this song a lot and they had really good chemistry at this performance!
11. Winter Blossom A piano was there onstage and audience was having a big ????? But then Shoutan walked and sit there AND ACTUALLY PLAYED THE INTRO OF WINTER BLOSSOM the whole hall was filled with crying scream of fangirls (including me) SHOUTAN PLAYING WAS REALLY GOOD THO but LOL we got tricked bc shoutan stood up after intro ended and stand onstage LOL i thought he was going to play the whole song since the beginning was really good but i guess i was asking for too much LOL Anyway this song was the end of me everyone near me was sobbing hard too. Shoutan’s pitch was 100/100 perfect and it was emotional as heck. Comparing this one to 3rd live i just can see how much he grew as a person and as a performer ;-; This one is even more emotional than 3rd live (if 3rd live wasn’t enough) “Nee, waratte?” happened before he started singing and my tears ;_; the second reff “Kimi ga suki datta, Hontou suki datta” 2nd suki datta was changed into a serifu suddenly and it brought scream of crying fangirls once again LOL The end was exactly as 3rd live when Shoutan waved a “Mata ne”. The hall didn’t stop calling “Ai-chan!!” until next song started
12. AURORA Instead of the english serifu at the recording, Maenu is talking about how he’s going to cast a magic??? on us?? (idk or if he’s going to take us to heaven i’m not sure which one) He’s holding camus’ cane and wave it like on 4th live! He also said “Even though STARISH is not here, their spirit is with us” and started wearing previous live rings one by one LOL maenu usual antics. The lighting was really nice i felt like seeing actual aurora onstage.. The penlight was also programmed to light as if magic is actually happening and i think it’s really nice. Also fanservice happened
13. Starlight Memory YEEEEEE HERE COMES SUCH AN UNDERRATED GODLY SONG It was extremely powerful performance. Breathtaking, i got chills the moment they started singing. Also they danced quite a lot with a stand-mic and posing etc. IT WAS REALLY COOL and i really like the stand-mic choreo. The hall was really heated up with this song! There was also a choreo where they created a heart-shape with their hands LOL
On the big screen they played a making video of the first MV-like vid at the beginning (which was also the pic on pamphlet). We got to see some moments of them laughing together! We also got to see how staffs prepared cakes for them to congratulate QN for breaking anime character song sales record and oricon #1! Also there was a scene where we could see maenu practicing dancing even when he was on other shooting ;-; such a hardworker We also got to see DJ morikubo/reiji xD he introduced the dancers and had a maracas mic
14. Hurrayx2 Dreamerz OH FINALLY 3rd solo series 2nd song aka the solo which hasn’t been performed everywhere; Morikubo was really energetic on it! The whole audience, dancer and he himself started to wave towel. Also the call and response was so fun to do!
15. Double Face DEFINITELY MAENU BEST PERFORMANCE AT THIS CON Exactly as it is in recording, Maenu changed his voice every few lines, making it like a duet between butler/idol persona camus and the actual cold camus. There was also like a play going on between a dancer wearing black and another wearing white. It was mindblowing! It’s amazing how Maenu could change his voice so quickly and clearly easy to tell which 'persona’ of camus was singing on what part. It was like a live self-duet LOL AMAZING
16. No.1 Like we expected from tattsun, it was a full-dance song! And the song has tons of call and response, the hall feels so heated up by this perf. ALSO small rap and tattsun singing/dancing was really powerful+on-spot.
17. MUNE NO KODOU I.. seriously didn’t know what to expect from this song; it’s moderately slow/mellow so i was really surprised to learn that this song actually has a dance and that it’s pretty complicated, but i think he does well dancing with one hand holding a mic! ALSO HIS SINGING WAS REALLY GREAT and emotional. Stunning at both low notes and high notes. The hall was filled with white lights and it was pretty.
18. WILD SOUL Exactly like 5th live, it started suddenly with tattsun powerful solo and a standmic! 'Wild’ is definitely the best word to describe the performance. Also this feels so complete in aspect of dance! We finally got to see how it was supposed to be in 5th live and it was great!! I’ve said this a lot but Tattsun is such a great performer!
20. A.I Such big gap to previous song LOLOL The screen showed us a pretty sunset and the automatically-set penlight on hall dyed into orange, it was really pretty. Also really nice live singing, i really can’t spot anything wrong with Shoutan’s singing. The concept was exactly same at 4th live, when he said “Let’s walk together” gave his hand as if holding hands while walking with audience. The end pose was also the same, his last smile was really cute!
21. Kiss wa Wink de ANOTHER BIG GAP AHAHAHA It’s exactly like in 5th live, Morikubo waved the maracas mic and danced a bit on the same part as the previous. I think there are also additional choreography. Aside from maracas mic i think he also brought another maracas xD two maracas!
22. Zettai Reido Emotion WOW such an old song it sure brought back memories. It started with a cane like maenu first solo performance on 3rd live! I don’t think there’s anything changed except some parts of the choreography are different. Really powerful and solid singing, really camus.
23. Marriage WHEEZES It started exactly like 4th live when the other three came out from inside the moving stairs with backlight behind them. This time tattsun or morikubo (i don’t remember which one) brought a handmic for maenu. The performance was really great and there were new choreography. The “Koyoi wa futari saikou no marriage” they walked in a circle and look at each other. They look like they’re having tons of fun performing together and it was really nice to watch. Many eye-contacts and body-contacts between them, you just could see how close they are as a group.
24. God’s S.T.A.R EASILY THE CLIMAX OF THE CONCERT. Gosh i love this song a lot and i could understand why utapri fandom loved it so much. IT WAS REALLY HEATED UP we all literally screamed at the “Woo~” and call and response. PASSIONATE SINGING i really got chills at it. Such a great song with great vocals. Also they danced it exactly like it was in the anime (yeah, including the leg movements at “Rin to ouja rashiku tatsu”) It was really fun song to do at live and I could tell the audience tension went max at it. I love how confident they looked at this performance, exactly how Quartet Night should be.
25. KIZUNA WEEPS THIS SONG Audience did the “Wow wow~”; They started by sitting on the stairs in the middle of the stage and sit as if they were on car like on the anime (even Morikubo posed as if he was holding a wheel) They look like they’re having so much fun it was precious. Also the slow part was extremely beautiful. Such a nice harmonies and blend, i was really moved. Also I love how they formed a circle and do the fistbump like in the anime. Such a precious performance i teared up ;;
MC A long emotional MC. - They agreed that even though they spent a lot working hard to prepare for the day, the moment it happened they just didn’t want it to end Morikubo: “Did we forget something?? Did we sing the second part too?” Tattsun: “We did *laughs*” Shoutan: “We didn’t forget anything *laughs*” Maenu: “That’s just how fulfilling it was.”
- Morikubo thanked fans for God’s S.T.A.R oricon #1 and gold disc record award. - Morikubo: “We honestly were really happy for it. We shared our happiness together at our line group and had a long conversation about it. It was such an honor for us to be able to receive gold disc award, but at the same time, we talked together on how heavy the title was for us. It meant we were able to leave a good 'result’, but it was also mean there were so many people who are waiting for us. It meant there were so many people who wanted to come here today. Our form of evolution.. is to return/repay a favor to everyone. To everyone in STARISH for making it possible for us to stand here today, to all staffs who love utapri with all of their hearts, to such a wonderful worked called utapri, to each of Quartet Night characters for making it possible for us to become one, to everyone who had been supporting us until this moment. To each of you watching it on the hall, on the live-viewing, or even for everyone who can’t participate today, thank you.”
-Tattsun: “First of all, i wanted to apologize to everyone for what happened at previous live. I hurted "Kurosaki Ranmaru” at that time. This one year, i’ve been thinking a lot about it. Whenever I had the time, I was always reminded of Ranmaru, Quartet Night and what happened one year ago. I’ve made everyone worry, even though those live wasn’t something personal that belongs to me. Since then, these one year, I feel like i have no right to say that I’m worthy to talk about Ranmaru. I haven’t talked about him much except for interviews, behind my mic and recordings. I really regretted it. I kept thinking on what to do to atone what i’ve done and came here right now to give a payback. I want each of you to love Ranmaru even more.. I want each of you to love Quartet Night even more. We’re here now because STARISH was there, and even before that, because utapri existed. Without it, i wouldn’t be able to stand here as Ranmaru or to proudly talk about it. I apologize deeply for what happened. But thanks to everyone, i’ve fully recovered! I hope i could proof it to everyone here today.“ (he actually teared up and stopped his sentences few times) Morikubo: "When you did this *imitates Ranmaru solo song dance movement*, we were watching from back and we went "YOSSHAAA!!” at it" Shoutan: *laughs* “We did” Maenu: “It was really cool” Tattsun: “I’m really glad to be able to meet and be part of these members. I’m really thankful for each of them.” They talked about how some STARISH members actually came to watch the live (later i learned it was Suwabe-san and Terashii!) When the audience tried to look around, they told us to concentrate on their stage and to put their sight on them instead of searching LOL
- Tattsun: “STARISH was in real-time formed before us but inside the world of utapri, we’re the senpai after all. So i hope today, Quartet Night would be able to show a good example as a senpai. At next live (6th live), there’ll be us, STARISH and HEAVENS too. If it’s Ranmaru, he’ll definitely say "I’m not going to do a live that will lose to another.” or “I will leave a performance that will leave everyone overwhelmed”. From now on, please keep on supporting Quartet Night, STARISH and HEAVENS.“
- Shoutan: "I can’t say cool things like Morikubo-niisan or Tatsu-nii.. Since I started doing voice for Mikaze Ai, I’ve been thinking a lot of things. Aoi Shouta is just an idiot who has such a limited vocabulary. Whenever i read the script, it’s clear how Ai knows a lot more words to express what he wants to, that he has more knowledge about the world. I’ve been doing his voice while looking at his back. I spent my time wanting to chase after Ai’s greatness to be worth of it. When i started standing as a member of Quartet Night, i was just a newcomer. I tried my best to be a part of it and to do stuffs more confidently. And here now, i finally got into a place where actually be a part of four, to talk and have wonderful moments with them, to be able to perform as Mikaze Ai. For everyone who trusted me to stand here as Mikaze Ai, to utapri and STARISH, to everyone here, i just can’t thank each of you enough. I want to pay this favor to all of you. To be able to sing on utapri live, to be able to release CDs and even to get a result.. I finally felt like, I finally got closer to Mikaze Ai.. to Quartet Night. All of this is because of everyone who loves utapri, to all of the staffs, dancers, staffs… Ah i said it twice *bitter laughs*” Morikubo: “Staffs (in number) are a lot after all, right?” Maenu : “Right right, there are a lot of them so don’t mind it!”
- Shoutan: “It was all thanks to other Quartet Night members. I want to improve myself and show those improvements to all of you in next (6th) live. I’m sorry for not being able to say something cool. I’m really grateful to be able to meet everyone. Thank you very much!!”
- Maenu: “Somehow it’s hard to say something after their speeches *laughs* I’m the one trusted to voice Camus, Maeno Tomoaki. To be honest, when i first heard of the idea of Quartet Night I had "Oi, oi.. I’m the only one out of place here?” on my thoughts. Unlike the other three, i’m the only one who isn’t doing anything other than seiyuu. (he means he is the only one who isn’t a singer since the other three were singers aside from seiyuu) It was a pressure for me. I did it hoping i wouldn’t cause trouble for everyone else.. but above all, i was thinking of what i could do. And i found the answer. It was of course, to make each of you 'feel’ the character through me. After changing my thoughts into that way, I finally was able to enjoy each of my time given as Camus. Even as Maeno Tomoaki personally, it opened a new world for me. I can’t thank utapri enough for guiding me through new road. I really love it. From now on, i hope this scenery would continue forever. To everyone participating on this contents, to staffs, and to cast of STARISH, it was all thanks to each of you. From now on, so that we wouldn’t got burried inside utapri history, we as Quartet Night would do our best! Please take care of us!!“ Morikubo: "Maeno said something like that, but he actually worked the hardest among us! Did you see the making earlier? His love for the series is amazing! Also look at the amount of his rings?? *laughs*” Tattsun: “He even uses Camus’ cologne!” Morikubo: “This guy is such a hardworker!” Tattsun: “I can’t help but thinking i have to work harder when i look at him!” Maenu: “*camus mode* Stop it, you peasants!!!” Morikubo: “Shouta also said something like that, but he is actually our 'idol’!” Tattsun: “He taught us how to make our movements look good in camera, how to appeal camera and how to make our movements look beautiful!” (and here i was wondering why other ossans had so many fanservices today; i get it now) Shoutan: *denies while shaking his head and hand* Maenu: “Kirei dayo” (<<ME: WHAT) Morikubo: “Right, right!!” Tattsun: “If you weren’t here I wouldn’t make it today!” Morikubo: “And this person right here *points at tattsun* is the one who gets us fired up!!”
- Morikubo: “Really, this is a secret okay? I REALLY REALLY LOVE BEING ABLE TO JOIN VOICES WITH THE THREE OF THEMMM!!!” *Audience cheers* Morikubo: “This is secret between us, okay? I’M GLAD I’M PART OF QUARTET NIGHTTTTT!!!” Maenu: “When the four of us are together it really feels like we’re unbeatable.” Morikubo: “We don’t need anymore words!!” Tattsun: “As long as we have our songs!!” (these two lines are lyrics of Evolution eve, “Kotoba wa iranai, uta ga areba ii”) Morikubo: “Let’s evolve together with our next song!” All: “Evolution Eve!”
26. Evolution Eve THE ACAPELLA BEGINNING WAS PERFECT AS HECK I TEARED UP…. the blend was heavenly and their voices are just so passionate ;; The dance was done a lot more closer to the anime (more dances) compared to how it was done in 5th live. Powerful vocals, the audience was really heated too. Simply say it was the best. At some parts of the song they snuggled close to each other and look at each other ;;;_;;;
27. Poison KISS THE FIRST SONG THEY SANG TOGETHER IN LIVE ;;;; They’re dancing a lot more than in previous performances of this song, it’s more or less a full-dance. They’re dancing while holding a mic in one hand. Amazing harmonies at “Love wo~”. Each solos were done really uniquely and powerfully but when together their voices just blend really well ;;
MC - The stage was wide but they’re standing really close to each other LOL Morikubo: “You guys are standing too close to me!!! The stage is big, why are we standing so close?” Tattsun: “We’re glued to each other” Maenu: “Nakayoshi” Shoutan: “Fufufu” THESE OSSANS ARE TOO CUTE
- Tattsun: “Yabai.. I really shouldn’t but can i say one thing? I really don’t want it to end…” Shoutan: *Nods profusely, already tearing up* Maenu: “Even in practices, we always talked about how do we do a right 'closing’ to this concert” Morikubo: “It shouldn’t end… Aaa~aa I don’t want it to end!!!!*sulking voice*” *Morikubo lays his body on stairs and sleep on it lol*
- Tattsun: “There’s just one song we haven’t performed right? If Morikubo-san said he teared up while recording for "KIZUNA”, I teared up a lot while recording for this song.“ Morikubo: ”This is the last, please sing together with us!“ All: "You’re my Life!”
28. You’re My Life I totally wasn’t expecting this song to be the last song ;; aaaaaaa i already cried the moment i saw shoutan cried at the MC before but it was even more when they started singing ;;_;;; Such a sweet song and unlike their usual strong atmosphere, they sing really gently in this one a;; SO MANY TEARS SHED ON THIS SONG Tattsun couldn’t sing part rightly because he teared up and Maenu’s eyes were red as if trying to hold back tears. Audience do the “Lalalala~” part and they make it a lot longer than in original. They also sing the last “Kimi no moto ni todoke~” together.
They waved goodbye at the audience, at the end they came closer to each other at center stage. Shoutan was crying hard and leaned at Maenu’s shoulder (who was also tearing up). Morikubo hugged shoutan from the side and Tattsun patted his head. The stage then ended at that condition.
Conclusion: THE MC WAS SO TEARJERKING I saw some people who aren’t even QN-oshi also teared up at it. I really shouldn’t say anything more about the performances, it was seriously the best. All in one, it was a really really satisfying live. I love STARISH and i do respect HEAVENS, but I just felt so glad I’m a Quartet Night-oshi. For me, they will always be the best seiyuu singing unit ever, in performances and other aspects. I’m so glad a group named Quartet Night existed.
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If you’re reading this and never heard of QN songs, i really suggest you to do give it a listen because they have such a cool songs and great vocals (technically, blend, harmonies); Or if you only know STARISH and never give QN a chance, please give them a chance. They’re such an amazing group
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uncle-spice · 7 years
89 sexy questions
1. First kiss? 7th grade at a concert at the park near my house. 💜 2. First time masturbating? Probably 8th grade when my friend goated me into buying a sex toy. 3. First sex toy? A pink 7 inch vibe First kink tried? With or without a partner? With was breathplay, and without was tying myself up. 4. First time doing oral? The summer after freshman year at my boyfriends house. 5. First time having sex? Also in the summer after freshman year at my boyfriends house 6. Biggest turn on? Probably touching of my sides or lower back.. 7. Biggest turn off? Idk long nails? Or when someone takes too long to cum 8. Quickest way to get horny? Honestly im nearly always so just lots of touching or fondling can get me there 9. Weirdest thing that ever turned you on? Probably rape bc thats pretty weird 10. Top 3 places to be touched? Sides, spine, butt 11. Ultimate fantasy? Being dominated by a hot boi who’s down for whatever. 12. Do you like the idea of a three or moresome? Eh.. i mean if they’re hot i gues, and down for making me the center of attention. 13. Do you send nudes? Do you like receiving them? Not often. And most of the nudes i get are gross or have tic tac dicks so i usually dont bother but i do take nudies just for myself 14. Sex or masturbation? Hard choice, but probably sex. 15. Spit or swallow? It depends if im deep throating or not and what he tastes like. Either way ill probably swallow. 16. Cut or uncut dicks? Cut but i dont judge as long as its a cute boi that can use it well 17. Rough or sensual sex? A bit of both? Passionate is a better word for me. 18. Oldest person you’d sleep with? As of right now? Probably 22 19. Loud or quiet partners? Eh, depends where we are. I dont want you waking my roommates but if no ones here i wanna hear if im doing a good job or not. 20. How much foreplay do you like? As much as my partners up for 21. How much teasing do you like? A lot but not to the point where i dont get rewarded in the end.. 22. What is too big for you to take? Idfk a 18 inch horse dick? I’ve taken at the most 8 inches. 23. Do you do hookup or only sleep with a partner? 24. Partner though i wouldn’t decline a hookup 25. How much kissing do you like during sex? Lots lots lots 26. What’s the most attractive part of the body Idk I’m a big fan of legs, noses and hair 27. Favourite place to have sex? Cars or the bedroom for me. Though ive really wanted to fuck at a concert.. 28. Would you have sex in public? Depends if its a legal area, and if others are gonna be grossed out or not 29. Last place you had sex? My ex’s house 30. Where would you most like to have sex? A car or concert 31. Do you like spontaneous sex, or do you need to be in the mood? I’m usually up for spontaneous sex but if i dont feel good you better put that dick back where it came from me so help me 32. Could you go through with a hookup at a strangers house Probably 33. What’s your biggest kink? Idk if i can answer that but domination, breath play and roleplay are my top 3 34. What’s your limit? Weird shit like furries, shit and stuff like that. 35. Are you okay with name calling in bed? Yes yes yes. 36. Would you do any BDSM? Yessss as long as i dont die i guess 37. Do you prefer to tie somebody up or be tied up? Being tied up. 38. Favourite type of bondage? Light stuff like scarves or bandanas 39. Do you like orgasm denial/forced orgasm? Eh sure. 40. Do you like overstimulation? Ehhhh 41. Do you like having pain involved? Yaz 42. Do you like biting/being bitten? Both both both 43. Have you ever been made to/made somebody beg for it? Eh i made my ex beg though i really wish someone else were man enough to make me 44. Do you have any strange or extreme kinks? Eh, im sorta into water sports and choking. But thats about as far as it goes in the “extreme” category. 45. Have any roleplaying preferences? Well im super into non con. But I’m also into play a school girl/boy, I’ve done a starwars one, and maybe some daddy/son play 46. Do you own sex toys? How many? Yes and 3 not including lubes 47. Favourite Sex Toy? Probably my newer pink vibe 48. What do you masturbate to? Either music porn or my imagination i guess 49. How often do you masturbate? At the max 2 times a week 50. How often do you use sex toys to masturbate? Nearly every time 51. Do you masturbate with penetration? Yeah dood 52. Do you go for multiple rounds or settle at one or no orgasms? Usually when i have sex I’ll try going for more rounds but when it comes to masturbation if i feel satisfied ill stop. 53. Do you enjoy giving oral? Yes! I love giving oral!!! 54. Do you prefer giving or receiving oral? I prefer giving but getting it isn’t half bad either. 55. What makes you orgasm the fastest when receiving oral? Idk hearing them moan against me? 56. Do you have a preferred technique for giving oral? I like taking my time and kissing and licking and doing it real sweetly 57. Can you deepthroat? Yes but its not my facorite thing in the world to do. 58. Do you do anal? Yes! With proper build up or with toys 💜 Top or bottom? 59. As much as I’d love to be a bottom, i usually have to take over as a top bc there aren’t many guys who actually like being a top. 60. Favourite position? Idk with my legs up or doggy style 61. How often do you do unprotected sex? Nearly everytime ive had sex (i know it was dumb but i haven’t had sex in quite a while and ive learned from those mistakes) 62. How loud are you in bed? Eh im pretty noisy, but mostly loud mewling and gasps 63. Do you enjoy having nipples played with? Not really bc im trans and I’m really self conscious about my chest. 64. Do you like/dislike/love/hate cum? Love!!! 65. How good are you at dirty talk? Not.good.at.all. 66. Do you get sleepy after an orgasm? Depends. Some times im real tired but others i feel like i could run a marathon. 67. Do you like wearing/seeing people in lingerie? I like wearing it when im alone though I’d be way too embarrassed to wear it around my partner 68. Do you masturbate or have sex with clothes on? Yes! 69. What’s your favourite style of underwear? Boxers i guess 70. Are stockings/thigh highs a turn on? Yes! 71. Ever had somebody say no to a kink you suggested trying? Not really though one guy tried getting me to do raw anal and i noped out real quick 72. Do you trim, shave or leave pubic hair untouched? How do you prefer partners? Depends if im in a relationship or not. If i am i will trim if not i wont. Though i do lile my partners with some hair. 73. How many orgasms can you have in a day? Idk i never counted but more than 2 74. How many other people know your dick/bra size? Not many?? 75. What do you wear to bed? Usually a t shirt and boxers 76. Do you eat ass? Do you like having your ass eaten? No, and I’ve had my ass eaten and it wasn’t great and was kind of uncomfortable tbh 77. Try to describe how orgasm feels for you. It’s a mix between a fun burn and having to pee. 78. Have you ever been to a strip club? How was it? If not, would you? No and i probably would if i had people to go with. 79. Fun questions!Do you name your genitalia? No but if i did it’d probably be an Adam 80. What would be your stripper name? Pussy boi 81. Any funny sex stories? Well me and my ex were having sex in his swimming pool and his mom came outside and couldn’t see the lower half of me, and thought we were hugging and was like “awwwe” and i was dying bc it felt really good and i couldn’t do anything and he wouldn’t stop moving his hips. 82. What food if any would you use during sex? 83. Idk whipped cream or something i can lick off 84. Would you give somebody a sex toy as a gift? Yes and i have 85. What’s the weirdest porn you’ve ever seen? ET porn. Look it up and be horrified. 86. Do you often get horny in public? Yes. 87. Ever used something that isn’t made for sex in the bedroom? I’ve used a baseball bat and i have no regrets 88. Have you ever walked in on somebody or been walked in on? Yes by my mother and my ex’s mother but we usually pulled away close enough to make it seem like we weren’t doing anything 89. Do you have any friends you’d sleep with? Oh hell yes. Many. Though of course I’d never tell them that…
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