#but you cant save someone already doomed
mako-neexu · 1 year
i like forzen's... (kata-san? they changed their name now ww) viewpoint regarding relationships in game/in fandom... the master of chaldea can't fall in love with a heroic spirit. falling in love romantically can lead to downfall. truly open your heart to that special someone -> vulnerability. clear your mind. clear your heart. keep quiet about your feelings, but if someone brings it out, dont spread it to the others. dont let the others know. subject to further pain than what you already experience. emphasis throughout story of "go back to normal everyday life" proves it. you cant be with the dead. you cant stay with them. love for one person/treatment to a special person. you cannot have a bias. you're a master who should be fair and equal to these killers, thieves, guardians and saints. you can have friends and family, but you can't have a lover from the dead...not unless you yourself stay instead of heading to "that after" of your tale. as much as you hold those closest to you as people dear to you, you have to go back home. after all, thats been your very goal from the start. even as "home" is nothing but a blurred memory now. still, everyone died to make a bridge for you to cross to get back "home". so you really dont have a choice in the matter. that kind of love... its not something you should have with someone already dead. no matter how great a heroic spirit is, no matter how much they say 'i love you' in their own way to express romantic interest, they are still a dead person.
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dont think about gerry and michael as coworkers. dont think about gerry telling michael the truth when emma tried to keep it from him. dont think about how being trapped in a supernatural contract becomes just a bit more bearable when your around someone you like. dont think about how gerry keeps trying to save people from the dread powers despite everything and michael cant help but admire that. dont think about how gerry isnt used to being around people as kind as michael. dont think about them protecting each other from monsters. dont think about them comforting each other when its all too much. dont think about them chatting over coffee. dont think about them listening to music together. dont think about gerry being there on the trip to sannikov land. dont think about gertrude waiting until gerry is distracted defending the others from spiral-creatures to send michael into the distortion. dont think about gerry running to the door but being too far away to make it in time. dont think about gertrude getting in gerrys way, trying to stop the doomed rescue attempt, saying it was for the greater good and its already too late. dont think about gerry shouting and pushing her down into the snow, saying you betrayed us and i hate you and there has to be another way. dont think about gerry going in and searching for michael, trying empty-handed to understand walls that dont make sense even when mapped. dont think about gerry shouting michaels name again and again and again and only being met with echoes or static or twisted music. dont think about michael being too far away to hear it. dont think about gerry realizing its too late when the next door leads back to the apartment they once shared. dont think about the impossible yellow door that never left gerrys (their) apartment. dont think about the impossible yellow door that opened by gerrys hospital bed. dont think about the impossible yellow door that appeared every time tevor and julia left the catalog of the trapped dead unattended. dont think about when it didnt.
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unlimitedhearts · 10 months
I’m dreading the third game of Spiderman might kill off Harry :/ either he’s goblin (solo or probably along with daddy-o) and dies a la Hero Sacrifice. Or kept comatose and in the end with grim results the decision is to pull the plug on him. idk I feel Harry’s fate is doom and gloom. But they could have killed Harry at the end of this sequel giving a strong motivation for Norman to be the Goblin and hatred for Spider-Man…yet they didn’t. idk rambling thoughts. What do you think?
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Personally i can see both options. I saw someone in the tags of my last headcanon post say that it wouldnt make sense to save him from death in this game only to kill him in the next. On some level i get that, why wait when you could do it now?
I have two worst case scenarios in my head:
Harry wakes up from his coma w amnesia a la the third Tobey Maguire movie. Hes unaware of Pete being Spider-Man and Peter, thinking hes protecting Harry, wont tell him. This may cause a rift in their friendship when Harry finds out - or if Norman ends up going goblin and dies - Spider-Man is to blame in Harrys eyes and he'll go after him then. To me this is a tired trope of Harry getting an intense hatred for Spidey and wanting to kill him over his father. It always felt out of character for me and i truly TRULY hope they dont go this route.
Harry becomes the Kobold. In the comics, Kobold is essentially Harrys way of making the Green Goblin a good guy. If he still wants to fight by Peters side, he'll find a way to do it. Kobold would make a lot of sense to me personally, as it kind of continues their dynamic from this game. Then at the end theres a heros sacrifice to be made and Harry goes for it despite Peters protests. This would be lazy to me too though because he essential already did the heros sacrifice in this game. Seems like theyd just want us to have more time with him to love him even more, just to make losing him hurt worse. I wouldn't put it past an intrepid writer to think they could make it work, but it just seems lazy to me.
Actual best case scenario for me though? Harry wakes up as the g-serum is being injected. Hes against being his dads experiment all over again so he runs and finds Peter. Hes not aware of his pseudo-retirement, he just goes straight to the place thats always been his safe haven; Peters home. He asks Peter to hide him from his dad. Tries to explain everything but hes exhausted and frantic. Peter agrees and they take him into hiding.
Norman, ever the expert deflector, doesnt see this as a failing on his part. Hes convinced spider-man had something to do with his son escaping so he puts out a hit on him. Hes ready, willing, and able to capture and kill at least one of the two spider-men it doesnt matter. We see him pardon Wilson Fisk for this job, and when Fisk cant do it, he has to. Normans going to go Goblin. I know it, i can feel it in my bones.
Miles asks Peter to get back in action and he does. Fisk, plus potentially Otto again, plus this brand new villain in town is too much for any one person to handle. Heres where i see Harry becoming a "Guy In The Chair" for Peter like Ganke is for Miles. Two Guys in the Chair helping the spider-men is definitely better than one. I could also see Harrys goblin powers start to emerge but he keeps pushing them down. Last time he gave into power it didnt end well for anyone.
In an effort to not write out the entire plot of the game as i see fit (because itd be long and there are so many moving pieces and characters and IDEK WHERE THEYRE GONNA PUT SILK IN-), i think if Harry does take on the cowl he'll be doing so against his father. I think i see Harry becoming Goblin/Kobold to fight against Norman and ultimately try to help Peter/Miles. This is where i see Harry either accidentally killing Norman or Norman killing his son (and of course, blaming Spider-Man)
There is also room, in my mind, to bring back Venom a la Lethal Protector/Agent Venom. But tbh if they do, i would much rather Venom go to Eddie Brock or Flash Thompson. But thats just the separate Venom Fangirl Entity within me.
Ultimately my hope of course is that Harry not die and they dont go down that all too tired and hackneyed trope of Harry growing to hate Peter dor whatever reason. I truly TRULY hope they dont go that route it is just SO tired and lazy. I want them to stay close and loving. Whatever route they go with will be SO MUCH MORE IMPACTFUL if Harry Osborn lives and doesnt make a full 180 on his best friend for no good reason.
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felineverdure · 5 months
listen i've been thinking about reiner and jean and how they represent one of the many hero tropes and!!! its!! so!!!
cadet reiner being the popular boy during training days bc of his intelligence and strength. not to mention him looking like a stereotypical hero all tall, blonde, strong and handsome. and him loving every bit of it bc he is finally accepted and wanted unlike back home...
cadet jean on the other hand doesnt really have friends. struggle to make friends even. kinda rude, kinda smug, a debbie downer with no filter. not liked by many or doesnt mingle well. as noted by shadis his personality is like a drawn sword. also appearance wise, he is described as someone who looks like an asshole (lmao)
as the story plays out, both of them kinda journeyed towards the opposite end from where they started.
reiner betraying them, breaking trust, hurting feelings, shattering the perfect soldier and older brother facade. reiner started to lose his touch on reality. confused on his true identity and purpose. time skip; we are seeing him all broken looking terrible. lost the respect of his ex comrades in paradis and back to the shit hole of marley where the people there had never loved or welcomed him. he spend the rest of the story dismantling his initial beliefs, and realizing that his purpose of being a hero was a product of his own (& mom) selfish ideas. being hero just for heroic clout? that's not who reiner is. he ended up joining the alliance still determined to save the world under the belief that his mom, his marley are already dead and will likely not see him be a hero and you know what, he is okay with that.
meanwhile we see jean rising to the occasion many times throughout his journey. swallowing his fear in trost, showing courage and valiant to pursue the female titan. getting the team back on track when ymir "ate" historia, taking over armin's squad when shit hits the fan. he became a valuable member among his peers. someone the remaining 104th can lean and rely on. we were also introduced to time skip jean leading squads and making decisions on the battlefield. a leader. staying true to his moral compass albeit some doubts, he is still pretty sure of himself until the rumbling begun and he started playing devil advocate and starts justifying atrocities. he spend the rest of the story struggling with his own selfish desires. he ended up with the alliance because he realize that he has to be a hero because well, he will just have to or else the world is doomed and he cant live with that.
tldr: reiner the man with the hero complex accepts that he doesn't have to be a hero and jean the once self-centred man becomes a reluctant hero.
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soo0mi · 1 year
🫂 。゚⊹ you’ve built a home in my heart — 10. drunk confessions
:: u got up at 2 am to get some snacks at the convenience store down the street. for your inconvenience, you quietly opened the door to meet a peculiar sight, someone trying to sleep on the floor across the hallway because their roommate has their gf over .. ?
warnings ⚠️ none
word count ‼️1,043 / 1k wrds !!
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yunjins apartment, 09:47 pm
the rest of the day was boring. from seven am till now, nothing eventful as happened, hyunjin wasnt even home so you decided to visit yunjin. honestly, you forgot about drinking till you saw rikis twt
“oh” how thoughtful it was for him to remind you,
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10:06 pm — drinking w yunjin
“yunjiiinnnn, this isnt faiirr!!” you sulk, face is hot and sweaty from the soju. “that shouldve been meeee..”
“ynnn, what if shes his sister or something??” yunjin pats your hair, “its okay baby, we’ll ask him tomorrow”
“but i wanna talk to him now, we havent talked since yesterday” you can’t believe youre acting so soft for a Man..
“no ml, uve already had too much to drink” she snatched your phone out of your hands, and damn you wish you hadnt been so stubborn that night
quickly, you took your phone back from her grasps and opened imessage,,
🔍 search : my loser baby 🙈🙈 🎙️
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riki didnt even realize he dropped everything he was doing just to come and take care of you,
“im so doomed..”
1:38 am
ding dong, the doorbell rang and yunjin went running to it
“thank god youre here, just go straight n take a right and she should be over there”
“alright, thank you.” he bowed as a sign of respect, “im riki, btw” reaching his hand out to the brown haired girl in front of him
“yunjin” they shake hands
whys he so sweaty… - yunjin
“ugh hes so pretty its so annoying.” you yelled from the room you were in, not realizing you were shouting “i cant keep pretending like i dont wanna kiss his plump ass lips when i see him..” you cried out, tears falling down your cheeks
“youre so dramatic, yn!” yunjin made sure u heard her, “why are you crying!?”
whos she talking abt ..? — riki
suddenly, you felt a hand lift your chin up, forcing you look up to riki with teary eyes. the sight tugged his heart strings, he cant bear to look at you like this. he took a seat beside u, and with a gentle touch, he reached out and wiped away the tears from your cheeks, his fingers lingering for a moment longer than usual, a flicker of romantic tension between you two
“stop crying, u look so ugly”
“why were u crying anyways”
“cause i fuckign hate you”
“wtf did i do”
“i hate you so much, u do all of this just to get my hopes up” you punch his chest
“what..?” rikis heart skipped a beat
“i dont even know how i liked you in the first place, youre such an ass to me.” what a blatant lie you just told, even he treated you better than most of your exes
“you make me jealous even though you arent mine,,”
“yn, youre drunk go home” yunjin cuts you off but was too late to save you from the embarrassment in the morning.
rikis car, 2:22 am
riki watched as you stumbled out of yunjins apartment, steps unsteady and words slurred. concerned, he approached you with caution
“yn, are you alright?” riki asked
you looked up at him, eyes glassy and cheeks flushed. you giggled, swaying slightly as you tried to maintain your balance
“riki!” you exclaimed, voice overly enthusiastic. “i have something important to tell you!” the anger from earlier left your body
“yn, maybe its best if we wait until youre sober,” riki suggested gently, his voice filled with concern and nervousness
you pouted, your expression morphing from excitement to disappointment. you leaned closer to him, he can smell the alcohol from your breath
“why do u have to be so cute..” — riki
he sighed as his heartbeat raised, “lets get you home, and we can talk about this when you’re feeling better, alr?”
you nodded, eyes still filled with a mix of nothing and everything at the same time. riki guided you gently, supporting you as you walked into his car. the silence between you two felt heavy with tension, both aware of the awkwardness that hung in the air
your apartment, 2:48am
upon reaching your doorstep, riki helped u unlock the door. you stepped inside, and flopped down on the couch, head spinning from the alcohol
“hyunjin??” riki looked around the apartment for him, looking for someone to take care of you when he leaves, but he wasnt there “ig ill do it..” his ears turned red
riki gently led u to the bathroom to help u freshen up. with a warm washcloth, he began wiping away the remnants of the night, gently dabbing at your flushed cheeks and smoothing ur disheveled hair (niki husband material era😍)
with u cleaned up, he led u to the bedroom. he helped you settle under the covers, making sure you were comfortable. as he turned to leave, your hand shot out, gripping his tightly
“dont go,” you pleaded, voice vulnerable. “stay..”
riki paused, his heart fluttered at your touch and your words. he could sense the sincerity in your plea but he also knew you were drunk. like yunjin said, u werent able to think on your own yet
“i dont want to take advantage of you, yn” riki replied, his voice filled w concern. “youve had a lot to drink, ill be back in the morning dw”
your grip on his hand tightened, your eyes pleading him not to leave
“i know im drunk, riki,” she admitted, her voice tinged with vulnerability. “i have known ever since you washed my face. i dont want you to go, i need you here with me, please”
riki looked into your eyes, searching for sincerity and clarity amidst the haze of alcohol. in exchange, he saw the raw honesty and the fear of losing his presence.
“alr then,” riki conceded softly. “ill stay with you but we need to promise each other that we’ll talk abt this conversation when ure fully sober”
you nodded, relief washing over your features
as your breathing steadied, riki stayed by your side, hands intertwined. he watched over you, his presence offering solace in the midst of your vulnerability
“goodnight, yn” he whispered gently as he thought about everything
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did u guys miss me 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🩷🤍🩷
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luyo-mi · 8 months
I saw Leona simp anon say they drained their gems and keys on Lilia’s birthday jacket and I was like
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Because not only do I simp for our beloved lion man but I spent ALL MY GEMS on Idia’s birthday jacket card and THEN for Christmas I gave myself gems from the new years gem sale twst had later (since I knew it was coming) so I could replenish my stock…. AND THEN LILIA’S BIRTHDAY HIT AND CAME AT ME LIKE
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So now I am once more having to slowly work my way back up the gem/key scale and save up and ignore the Lilia dorm uniform!!! Ignore it dang it!!!!!! You’re already going to have to ignore the event Ortho that’s coming up and you’re going to want the event Lilia that’s still to come and that’s already going to cost you your soul!!! And then you’ll have to save up your gems for the kingly garb event AGAIN because you KNOW you’re going to go until you get event Lilia so don’t go for his dorm card now when you can at least get that in the regular showcase. Don’t do you DARE DO IT HOE BECAUSE LORD KNOWS I’M GOING TO GO SO HARD FOR THE LEONA KINGLY GARB despite the fact that the groovy is a lil whitewashed *coughcough*
I’m doomed. Please say something nice at my eulogy. And bury me with my Leona cards because I WORKED HARD TO GET THOSE! 😭😭
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[Ayakane fic request] pre-killing game, Akane opens up to Ayame about the plans for the killing game and they try to figure a way to stop what's already in motion
Foaming at the mouth foaming at the mouth foaming at the mouth foaming at the mouth foaming-
also i cant write ayame for the life of me. ayyyy macarena.
Ayame came to a halt. "Maeda is what?"
Akane was trembling and hugging herself. "He's not who he says he is. He... His name is Utsuro, not Yuki Maeda... And... And..." Tears began to well in her eyes. "And we were planning a killing game together... that would involve our entire class... But... But everyone here... they mean so much to me, and I don't want any of you dying...!"
It took a bit for Ayame to process her words. When she did, she ran to Akane and grabbed her shoulders, not even noticing when the other flinched.
"Taira, we need to tell Kinjo. Or Kisaragi. Hell, even Kurokawa or Mekaru would work! We need to tell someone-"
Akane's eyes widened and she tried to pull away. "No! No, we can't! They won't believe me, they'd never believe me... Nobody... nobody..." she began to choke on her own sobs.
Pity swelled in the sprinter's heart, and her shoulders slumped in defeat. "Okay, we won't tell them. But what about Inori? If either of us get injured trying to stop it, she should know... She could probably help us in more than medical care."
The maid was still trembling and weeping.
"...Alright. We'll talk about this more later."
It had been hours since Ayame was told. It wasn't like her, but she began running over every possible scenario in her head. She tells people against Akane's wishes and Akane begins helping with the game again, she tells people against her wishes and she doesn't help with the game but doesn't trust Ayame, she doesn't tell anyone but it dooms their entire class... so on and so forth.
Eventually, she came to an idea. "Taira? Are you feeling better now?"
The brunette looked up at her and gave a shaky nod.
"Good. I have an idea."
Akane perked up more, standing up to meet Ayame's deep blue eyes. "What is it?"
"Keep going to these game-plan meetings. Get as much information as you can and write it down. Find out where they want it to take place, how they're going to get us all to go there, et cetera. We'll anonymously leave copies at the police station, so they'll know where to find us all if the class goes missing." Ayame looked so upbeat saying this... But it wouldn't be good enough.
"Even if I did, the police wouldn't be able to have time to save us.... Not only a game is being planned. Miss Enoshima from class..." Akane paused to think. "77, I think... She and her sister are planning something they're calling "the most despair-inducing incident in the history of mankind." and it's going to distract from us being missing. So many more people are going to die, and... and I'm not sure how we'll stop her."
A lump of dread formed in Ayame's throat. There was only one solution to stop this despair that she could think of.
"What if... What if we killed her?"
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beardisable · 1 year
been rewatching the teasers for new context
"learn the history. find kill the founder" we didnt really learn much history in generation 1. this is... a call to action for US, for the next parts. to keep watching and figure out the lore. so in the end we can know enough to kill the founder....? SURELY HAHA
(the inaguration has its separate post here)
i dont think Connecting... has much? Its the tape we see in the ending with the showfall chime in the video, now we have confirmation the person recording and showfall are working together(prob the same corp anyways)
now Connected... (copied text from a comment lmao)
"Look into infinity" "One of many" "One of millions" you are not the first or the last to be chosen, you will join a cast
"You are now worthy" you have been chosen to join :)
"One to another One to yours One to another" not really sure about these? maybe "from one to another role"? feel free to rb/reply with ideas
The posters! it seems like we DO have contact with someone from actually the outside? who does know whats going on and tries to warn us? or is it another ploy by showfall/the founder to entice us into the mystery...
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we see a figure block the screen for a moment, i find the white square instead of ranboos black box square Very interesting. i dont think its the founder bc it feels way too obvious to give out this easily? but i do think the white box might mean like. this person has been completely brainwashed and under control...
and then the message is taped over by ranboos missing posters, which we know now were made BY showfall media. 2 posters are torn, to show WATCH from the below poster. as it is the only message they agree with. keep watching!
Announcement this is the same guy that flashed by in the previous video
"all around THIS world" is pretty suspicious as i saw someone point out... are there other worlds?
This seperate person(?) is trying to contact us during this
"where is this signal going?" hmm... perhaps the outsider isnt even completely sure what they are doing? just trying to do SOMETHING to stop this, to stop us from watching and enabling the continuing of this
"Found them!" is interesting... its not in red so ill assume its by showfall? maybe sneeg and charlie have tried to escape before, but gotten caught again?
"is this working? i dont have much time. i dont know whats happening." AH so yes they are trying to do Something but not really sure what/how
"i dont know what you are" INTERESTING. this makes me wonder still if the outsider actually is free of showfalls influence, can they even understand we are the audience, or is it about something else...
"it already found him" i wonder if... ok maybe nonsense theory but maybe this video and its interruptions were made after the first stream was done..? the red text outsider got some access as Hetch/H "messed" with the systems, but had to cut it short when they got ranboo after all in the end?
"it got everyone, everyone but me. i have to save them, i have to stop this" OR or... the outsider is another person who managed to escape the... "draft"
also the announcer guys head keeps swiveling and goes featureless in the end like haha nice generation loss the social experiments episode 3 ending reference
The Hero ok so the obvious being the censor bar.. it was the black box all along, he was always doomed like that... i do wonder though if the switch between the pixel and irl is meant to show like... the blinking between control and concious decisions and stuff that we see a lot of with the mask
i cant figure out anything that can be recontextualized in the 2 trailers rn. maybe puzzler saying "your final game begins now" since its the second episode but... also he dies in the end of ep 3 so it was his final run of the show? (but also i dont think theyre dead so lmao idk)
i do find the lack of trailer 3 very interesting too... lulling us into a false sense of security that this 3rd one isnt a show and is real?
ok im. brain empty. if yall have comments on this let em rip id love to talk about this(once my cells regenerate)
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romanken · 1 year
Finally finished tma after ummm three attempts to make it through s5 since it began airing here are my collective thoughts.
- Jon innocent... JON INNOCENT!!!!!
- I think martin was quite endearingly pathetic and I liked when he got cuntish but he and jon together mean nothing to me. And I hate him in season 5. I DONT CAAAARE HOW MEAN YOUR MOMMY WAS
- TIM 5EVER only person who actually had legitimate grievances with jon that led to interesting conflict + the added benefit of him and jon's pre-existing relationship that makes them falling apart so goooood
- sasha bad bitch oat
- I enjoy basira but I wish they let her be unequivocally shitty more, she was at her best when she was trying to rationalize away daisy's terribleness and daisy had to be like, no I did know what I was doing and I liked it. That kind of cognitive dissonance is really interesting. I think painting her like the single rational one is a massive disservice to her character and also plain wrong. Hate her in s4&5
- daisy. Hated her for a really long time and I still do but i think she has the most interesting relationship with jon. Like they start off with her using her murdercop privileges to brutalize and almost kill him and that can never be erased but then in his s4 suicidal doom spiral he decides to save her or kill himself trying and then they survive the buried together and there's the inexorable bond between them and they understand each other better than anyone else in the world. And yet he is and always will be terrified of her even though she no longer is a threat. Someone who did you irreversible harm but is also the one you trust the most.... That's JUICY there's real pathos there
- melanie.... well she's melanie. Good with everyone else but when she's in a scene with jon in s3/4/5 it makes me want to stop listening. Cutting out her own eyes was extremely ballsy and swagful I cant lie shes iconic for it. I feel like this makes it seem like I dislike her its just I sided with jon in the divorce (nonconsensual surgery). If we count s5 in canon I dislike her.
- I like georgie a lot but I think her relationship with jon is more fascinating than her relationship with melanie so I don't care for her direction post s3. If we count s5 in canon she annoys me.
- elias. teehee. I've already said too much
- plukas... What do you want me to do? Say I don't like shitty old men? Because that would be a lie.
I think that's all of main cast. Uhhhhh salesa hot distortions hot nikola hot. Oliver iconic. Don't really care about most of the other avatars or one-off characters. GERRY KEAY GOTH LEGEND. OH. gertrude and her 24/7 dom/sub insane unsafe dubcon yet consensual workplace relationships with all her archival assistants and also agnes.... that's where it's at baby. I was a gertrudesasha warrior for a good few months there. Anyway. S5 had almost no redeeming qualities and I'll be pretending 160 was the finale. Okay. I finally exorcised this demon. PLEASE CLAP.
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tell me your fave and least fave invader zim episodes. also tell me a fave moment you got me rewatching it again and i forgot how fun this show was
ASKDJLASKJLSAJND FIRST OF ALL ty for giving me the opportunity to infodump abt invader zim i have been rattling it around inside my brain for like a month now so i was very excited when i saw this ask KASJLKJSLKJ
i have a couple fav episodes!!! in no particular order, i rly like:
invasion of the idiot dog brain!! gir is rly cute and funny in this ep, its what got me to rly start liking him
game slave 2!! gaz is one of my favs and shes great in this ep. plus i rly like all the Gamer Humor, u can tell it was written by someone who actually understands what video game fans r like ASDKJLDSK
bloaty's pizza hog!! another gaz-centric ep, shes so funny and badass in this. autism icon (i think abt "im trying to draw a LITTLE PIGGY" on a regular basis btw)
tak the hideous new girl!!! tak is one of my FAV characters i miss her SO MUUUCHHH this ep was such a great introduction to her shes so fucking cool
zim eats waffles!!! ik nothing much rly happens in this one but thats part of the charm imo KDASJLKDJ also this ep makes me hungry
the wettening!! i just love how petty zim is in this one KSJLKJF he could have annihilated earth in the end but instead he chose to get vengeance on this 12 year old boy for throwing a water balloon at him which i think is a shining example of who zim is as a character LOLLLL
dib's wonderful life of doom!! this one is actually rly fucked up but thats why i like it so much. u just KNOW dib walked out of that room in the end w like 10 new mental illnesses
gir goes crazy and stuff!! can u tell i rly like gir episodes SKLJDSLKJ i think its rly interesting to see what hes capable of when hes NOT all glitchy and malfunctioning. if u think abt it the tallests saved zims life by giving him a faulty sir unit
least fav eps r probably dark harvest and rise of the zitboy just bc they gross me out LOLLL im not particularly sensitive to drawn/animated gore but dark harvest made me squeamish SKFLJLKFJ i still think they have funny moments in them but i cant watch them all the way thru
as for favorite moments.....hoooo boy theres a lot!! ive been watching various clip compilations over the past few days JHDJLSAHJ i rly like most gir scenes bc hes my fav and i think hes rly funny and cute. enter the florpus had a TON of moments that made me laugh rly hard like the ham scene w gaz and zim, gir's peace song, prof. membrane's line abt how he used to think sharks were his friends, etc etc that movie is just so fucking funny. oh ALSO i rly like the "ZIM!!" "WHAT???" scene from mortos der soulstealer (which they call back to in the movie LOL). theres probably WAAYYY more that i love but this post is already getting super long so ill cut it short SAKJDLASJDKD
once again ty for letting me talk abt this anon i love invader zim. I Have Autism
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vyrim · 2 years
Some talk about the the current story, pretty spoilery so Ill put it under readmore but tldr is I really like it (it got kinda long so sorry in advance if you click on it). Also this is just how I absorbed the story so if theres stuff I interpreted wrong dont yell at me.
So I think the first thing that has to be noted is that the sinners are the absolute epitome of losers. You've got a mishmash of people that couldnt be more different from eachother stuck in a bus together and forced to fight for the Limbus Company to ultimately reach their own goals (whatever those might be).
They all suck together, the only reason most of them arent repeatedly trying/succeeding to kill eachother is because your grumpy ass chaperone is actually a color, and will not hesitate to bring them as close to the brink of death in the most painful way possible for making the job harder for no reason. Hell we almost see this with Don, who I love very much, who manages not to cause serious problems once but three whole times and her getting beat to the ground was a the idea of a warning.
Its made even worse by the fact that Dante as a character also sucks as the manager up until the third chapter's end. Theyre indecisive, cowardly, and the few people who have anything resembling respect towards them as the manager only do so with either the bare minimum or for their own gain. They outright lose all trust from Ishmael the moment we become an accomplice to one of Don's screwups, accidental or not.
Not only do these guys suck as people, they suck as a team. These guys arent just dying to pros like the trio at the beginning, theyre dying to everything. We are constantly told about how the consequences of their actions lead them to getting butchered, and the only reason theyre not losing most of the fights is because they can fight like their lives dont matter. Why worry about trading mortal blows when the guy with a clock for a face can just writhe on the floor for a bit and put you back together after you win? The first floor of the casino is a chaotic nightmare where someone drops a chandelier for artistic purposes and another destroys a months work of wishes meant to be a contingency plan. Its a mess, and nothing states that they have any semblance of teamwork, its all just a mindless brawl where anything goes so long as Dante is alive in the end.
The thing is its great writing, its a beautiful in between from the previous games. Lobotomy Corp sits on side where nothing about your employees ultimately matters. They will die, you will lose, and the clock will rewind again. Library of Ruina is the exact opposite. You cant lose, to the librarians its nothing more than a simulation to crack, and the guests are ultimately doomed to lose after finally being countered by the right setups. Even if the ending didnt go as planned for Angela, she wouldve otherwise succeeded in getting that perfect book because their was no chance of actually losing.
Limbus is directly in the middle where dying appears to have no consequences, just forcing Dante to take indescribable suffering, but its also extremely dangerous. The team dying at key moments is bad, real bad. When Gregoir pulls his bloody ass towards us in the dungeon all the sinners are already dead or close to it. The consequences of throwing themselves at the enemy has now come back to bite them, and defeat is only avoided because Effie saves them. The final boss is a complete loss this time, were saved by some spooky wonder boy with a weird obsession with Sinclair and Dante is almost melted beyond saving and is only saved because Vergil was smart enough to send in a recovery team. The sinners are constantly losing because they refuse to be anything like a team and are too reliant on the idea that theyll come back. The only reason Limbus Company hasnt sent a proper, specialized team seems to be because they cant resonate with Dante's ability.
Its a beautiful way of showing just how brutal the world is outside of a corporation's protection or the power of the library itself. The color we were comfortable having on our side is now our shitty babysitter who could care less because we cant even wipe our own asses let alone secure the boughs without help from outside parties. All we do is cause unnecessary problems despite being handed plans and strategies that are designed to just work.
The end of chapter 3 is a wonderful sign though. Despite getting constantly ass kicked, despite the sinners treating them as nothing more than a fancy checkpoint with a clock for a face, Dante watched as Sinclair tried his best and MADE the decision to want to be a proper manager. Obviously the heartfelt little speech at the end isnt what saved the day, but the fact that Dante wants to make the Sinners into a proper team should lead to some really tasty storytelling in the future.
The later half of the story will likely be where the Sinners come to terms with all the stuff thats happened to them too so that should be really fun, and I really wanna see Dante get back into good terms with Ishmael cause really theyre just trying their best.
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zaruba-needslove · 6 months
some more update on their defense of the Vcine
[It’s not a departure from what was established in the show.
Michinaga wasn’t able to convince Keiwa to abandon the dark road he set out on because he felt guilty for setting him down that path in the first place. That no longer applies in this case, especially now that Michinaga is in lock-step with Ace’s ideals. Michinaga using words to calm the kid down shows this growth as a character, not some sort of retcon because they never said “oh Michinaga has always been great with words, he’s got this”.
Dooms Geats being a departure from the Ace we know was already explained in the movie. In the 1000 years that lie between Dooms Geats’ time and the events of the show, Ace lost his faith in humanity after observing them for that period of time. His friends died out so long ago that and nothing really changed. That’s why he has the white hair and blue eyes. He’s become a dispassionate arbiter of human lives. That’s not a retcon because we had never seen Dooms Geats up until this point and our present-day Ace remains the same as always.
The only “retcon” you claim that I can somewhat agree with is the Michinaga being part-Jyamato bit. But even that’s super minor because they can always say that continuous use of the Jyamato buckle results in a permanent physiological change that can’t be reset, only suppressed. Beroba even mentions in the movie that that part of him is never going away. It’s not that big of a deal.]
and the guy who kept on insisting that the vcine was a huge retcon overall is being downvoted to hell lol.
This will be a LONG RANT. Kinda a pity i cant direct this rant at them.
because he felt guilty for setting him down that path in the first place.
And I thought said 'guilt' would be a strong motivation for Bitchy to try THEIR BEST to convince Keiwa to leave the dark side. I dunno blaming Keiwa for ruining the world was Bitchy trying 'hard' to convince Keiwa to leave Jitt and Kekera? I dunno him justifying killing Sara and the other parasite victim as inevitable since they can no longer be saved was bitchy's way of expressing his remorse? I din knoe blandly saying you killed someone's sister was 'great' way to show that one was feeling guilty? Not until being almost killed by Kekera did Bitch ever admit that he was wrong/commited a grave mistake AND SAID SORRY. But apparently that was how some1 supposed to show that they're 'repenting'. Don't tell me Mich's had been reflecting on his wrong doing all these times while still acting an arrogant jerk who did no sin. Cos he sure dont look like it. Like until he accidentally 'killed' Sara and saw how devastated Keiwa was afterwards, that guy didn't seem bothered about the other kills he had committed. Before or after. Did that guy ever think about Sara when he dropped Keiwa to their death during H&H stage? Don't think so.
MichCow couldn't convince Keiwa to escape the dark side because he felt guilty abt Keiwa? You gotta be kidding me. If he was really feeling guilty, he'll do EVERYTHING he could to get Keiwa back... instead of giving up.
What a ridiculous joke. (i so need a Spanner react gifs) 😧
Ace lost his faith in humanity after observing them for that period of time.
He’s become a dispassionate arbiter of human lives.
That's just lazy writing. Like are they really saying there won't be any other humans having the same heart as Keiwa Neon Win Hotaro Rinne Spanner etc being born/designed throughout the span of those 1000 years? For the dude who insist on 'Hate the sin and not the sinner' it felt like a regression of Ace character to turn White Ace as evil. Why don't we get a goth Black Ace instead? As in white Ace starting to rot away and leaving the darkness... creating black Ace? Then THAT Ace could go evil for all I care. Or have Suel corrupt Ace from the inside. That made more sense than the whole 'become dispassionate' stuff.
Beroba even mentions in the movie that that part of him is never going away. It’s not that big of a deal.
But it DID go away post-JGP, right?
It's no big deal they said, it's minor. Yet post jyamashin onwards Mich DID act like the part of him that turn Jyamato had completely go away; not the way Daichi's Jyamato healing ability and Jyamato powers remained intact post Keiwa's wish despite losing all the other 'perks' he got from eating the fruit frm his Tree of Knowledge, but more to how Neon's and Kanato and Mario's Jyama-zombification went away post game completion. Also the very fact that this was only mentioned in this v-cine already screams retcon. Like the writing suddenly wanted to make the half jyamato thing relevent again despite forgetting about it for almost the entirety of the Yearning and Creation arc.
they can always say that continuous use of the Jyamato buckle results in a permanent physiological change that can’t be reset, only suppressed.
Thing is.... DOES Mich even use Jyama buckle THAT much to cause perma change? Was Jyama buckle on the same level of Boost Mk II in that sense? There wasn't any mention of that.
'It isn't a big deal' but isn't Jyamato Awaking about Hazuki, Haruki and to an extent Daichi and fam and the cow trying to find their place in the world despite their Jyamato side? So shouldn't the plot about Mich actually still retain his Jyama bit be treated better instead of only mentioning it when its convenient?
Like it'd made more sense if it was established that the true source of Jyamashin's power was due to the Jyama cells and not just the Goddess's powers. Also the whole Jyamashin not effective against Jyama armour n Premiums should've be explained better. Like why is it like that?
And one would've think after being turned into half Jyamato undead the guy could show some empathy/hesitance before taking down the parasite Jyamato (Like how Keiwa hesitated abt attacking Rook, even more since these are actual ppl being turn to Jyamato instead of copying the appearance of their 'fertilizers') but nah... he treat em the same with any other Jyamato. Mich still treat things black and white with the same unfeeling attitude. Heck I'd even buy the reasoning that he refused returning to society post JGP was just him self aware then he's no longer full-human and dont fit in. And not cos he's supposed to be dead. cos then the lead up to JyamaAwaking din feel cheap. But the show not doing that, did they?
Like ppl find it hard to believe how the show treat Neon's mom's change of attitude (which is actually not that much diff either) yet when that happened to Michi suddenly the drastic transition from ass to not!ass was 'believable'. For eg. Mich never really properly show how he changed from wanting ALL Kamen Riders to die/want to crush all KR (cos anyone who accepted the drivers to get the wish are inherently selfish and don't deserve to get their wishes granted) to 'I want to save them from their greed/want to protect other people's happiness. Esp when the guy spent a good part of the earlier arcs acting like it's fine if players get killed in-game by the Jyamato... showing that he DON'T care if other people die as long as he wins and gets the power to crush all KR (in which even THAT wish can also go either direction as much as Keiwa's wish to revive DGP victims can either go bad or good). And even when told that even civillians could be sacrificed despite them not chosing to get involved with the DGP, he still DID NOT CARE as long as he can win his game. Heck, Ace could've gone to help Keiwa reach Sara during the Saboten second run but Mich care more about stealing Ninja away so he can be hero instead. (and cos of that Sara was taken) Is THAT the action of a guy who cared about protecting other people happiness from the start?
So they really believe Mich was so caring about other people's innocent lives (aside frm taking revenge for Tohru) from the very beginning? Since when did Mich cared about other ppl's happiness early on?
It's also jarring to see cow go from thinking that killing Ace was what gonna solve all the problems to 'I believe in Ace' stance. Like since WHEN did he believed that? If he really believed in Ace, Mich should also had faith in Ace who still believed in Keiwa and TRUST that there still good in Keiwa enough that he seriously want to SAVE K-chan. If he really believed in Ace, he wouldn't complain abt why Neon got her core id back despite how he already destroyed it (like some sore loser feeling bitter that Ace didn't only care about him but also care a lot about Keiwa, Neon, Win, Daichi, etc)
Daichi's redemption was at least done slightly better than 'sweep under the rug' bullshit redemption. (As in Daichi taking responsibility in taking care of the Jyamato he helped cultivate post series.) And tat's even without us knowing why Daichi obsess about having all knowledge aside frm being a trivia king.
Lel i rant so much to the point i dunno if I make sense anymore.
Michi acting like he had tons of empathy now and can unabashedly go huggy wuggy felt OOC just like it was weird seeing Kusaka being actual nice to innocent Orphnoch kids.
0 notes
makahimetenshi · 1 year
Follow me inside the wastelands - Chapter 14  -Arthur Maxson x Female Sole Survivor Fanfic
This one will be a long fic with a lot of chapters, I already write the concepts. Since I don’t play as Nora in Fallout 4 because Nate for me is the real protagonist the personalities and ideas are pretty fanbased from another fanfics I read
 If you are very very very delighted with one fic and want a continuation I didn’t write or post you can donate me at least $5 bucks, most of this fics have next chapters I don’t finish because lack of motivation but hey a $5 is a $5, I see a few reviews and coments that fics that are abandoned months laters receive coments of wanting to know what happends next. Here it is, I finished my handling with you all, enjoy the fic
 Lately, inside his quarters, Nora was dressing cute. He didn’t understand the reason but he loved coming inside after a long day of work to admire that beautiful pre-war wife fantasy.
-Dinners ready for you -she said with a smile walking around the place, Arthur couldn't stop looking at the waves and movements of her skirt, long to the knees but still mesmerizing.
-I bring this for you -he said throwing at her a box of Blamco Brand Mac and Cheese, Nora look at it with a stranged face.
-Its radiated? 
-No -at seeing her smile and squeaks of happiness  he sighted relieved. She didnt eat much, thats why is hard for her exercising and gain muscle, he noticed that when she is able to eat something nice not radiated a pure joy takes over her entire body, it must be hard to live having the obligation to eat at least twice a day and not being able to eat almost anything because you hate it. Maybe thats why she despises the life in the wastelands so much, you are obliged to survive and lean on but you cant even perform the most basic thing to do it, eating -i can wait for my meal, lets eat together, make yours while i undress -she nodded with such a beautiful smile that make his heart jump, if she was happy he was happy, he wanted to make her happy, happy at his side.
Still, it was a bit disgusting that she prefers to eat food from 200 years back but he also understanded her point of view. How difficult it must be living through each day and not being capable to enjoy almost any food to brighten your day and she still carry such a good will for everyone's sake. Sometimes his heart hurt at this type of thoughts, thinking on how much he loved her made atches on his chest.
Coming to that realization was a process but truth is they weren't together for a long time, what started as good chemistry turned into affection and adoration. Just a few weeks they officialized being together and this...thing between them just started some months ago, it wasn't much but it was enough for Arthur to not only think, but to be sure that he loved her deeply.
For her strength, confidence, habilities, kindness, sense of humor, flexibility, inteligence, beauty...he loved being around her.
He wished for this to continue, to keep this ilusion alive and ask her for marriage one day. Yeah, thats how sure he felt, he was thinking in that lately.
it helps that she had those actitudes, she was feeling comfortable enough to act like in her old life and Arthur was so relieved that she was doing okay around him.
-So...darling -she chuckled, filling with hot water a cup to spurr her Mac and Cheese, he look at the cup worried that it was a very small portion- how was your day?
-At the Sherrif station we found a case with a lot of pre-war food, i tested it personally and it has no radiation, you should eat more
-I know how to ration my meals, what you found must be someone who saved food to survive the doom day when it comes
-Yeah it was next to a skeleton but it doesn't matter, you can eat more -she stir with the fork the noodles in the cup and smelled it.
-You dont know how long it will pass until another pre-war food appears, its just luck
-Doesn't matter, eat, you can do it today
-Alright -she said not wanting to fight- give the noodles time to soften. So theres a squad already setted?
-Yes, in both places, at least they were checking the conditions of the buildings when i left, the Sherriff station is the worst but there's a lot to loot, too open, the Research center its closed but the floors are destroyed, if we are careful with the structure we can replace them and make news.
-Have supplys already? 
-The minutemens offer a table to eat dinner together everyday, to be together in the nights, some will make guards around the table while the others take turns to eat.
-What about the entrances? and the Brotherhood stations?
-Of course there will be always people, you worry too much to not be around
-Well im sorry a Deathclaw used me like a ragdoll to play -she said testing the noodles, going up to pick up Arthurs dinners.
He sighted, thats not what he meant at all.
-Do you feel guilty? about not being around- he asked, looking at the noodles making bubbles in the yellow water.
-Im not following
-I expect from you to feel imprisioned, trapped, not able to do anything to help while being keep in secret here
-I like being here -she said, leaving his plate over the table calling his attention- i like here knowing that you are safe only
Oh yes, that was good.
-Do you like the Prydwen? -he picked up his fork and moved it around his mutt chops
-No, i like the hot water, but ill like more my in debt house with natural gas, clean unlimited water and a flawless pavement which i pay high taxes to maintain. I only like this because you are around -Arthur smiled uncomfortably. She hated life in the wastelands. Looking at his own food make him feel bad, it look menacing in comparison to her, aggressive, violent, diabolical
-I was worried that you are not taking your medical visits until the next week because you are here in secret
-Im doing fine and moving and recovering, this is the most chill period i ever had since i wake up from the cryo pod...i haven't been able to smell like clean clothes more than just one day in such a long time...
-Me too considering you want to wash mines too
-Shut up -she laughed and drank of her cup, leaving a little mustache of yellow cheese juice over lips- does it taste good? i figured out that if it look like pork ribs it shouldn't taste that bad but dog meat wasn't delicious not even back in my times...
-It taste like dog meat with tato on top, i like it
-I dont know whats the equivalent of honey or vinegar in the wastelands to do barbecue sauce...speaking of which, are you available the week im out here?
-Maybe? -he said a bit confused, chewing.
-Saturday and Sunday?
-Two days? why? -welp now he was really confused
-I organized a party in Sanctuary Hills
-How do you organize a party being here?
-Gosh i gotta check up Liberty Radio too for the news now -slippery, thats what she was, she always find the way
-Its a party for my recovery comeback
-But you are not fully healed -Nora was talking so relaxed while he was at the edge of his temper exploding, the knife cutting his meat was already rasping the plate and he didn't noticed until the sound of the metal plate was too evident.
-I got a little something between hands, Sanctuary is pretty far from here and i wanna go walking
-Why? is so far and dangerous lets take a ventibird!
-I dont know if is a good idea for you to leave the Prydwen and be seen two days with the minutemens, why not go undercover? as a date, between only us, not the Brotherhood or all the gossip involved
-I insist that is a dangerous trip for no reason
-Is my party...-the way she said that made Arthur whine out loud, she laughed sipping into her cup, eating some noodles. Both engaged a battle of who had the strongest gaze but after a pair of minutes Arthur surrender, sure, why not, lets risk our lives for a booty call
-Only if you eat that second cup of noodles
Truth is that he was risking himself HARD for a booty call, he, the elder of the brotherhood of steel, the supreme commander going to some farm settlement of citizens, of course all armed, with their general for two days without telling anyone. It was nonsense, crazy, stupid, he could be ambushed, he could be spellbounded from her for months to fall into this obvious trap to extorsion the brotherhood or something, she could be a double agent, after all being sentinel and also general of another force isn't normal but...but...
He trusted her, with his life. And he loved her.
This wasnt a trap, nor an ambush, this was a pure gesture from her and that's all, a party for them to be free and alone. -Yes elder -she said eating again- anyway i recommend to go with our power armors early in the morning  for safety and ill coordinate with the radio so a caravan picks us and get us a ride at some point to go faster, i don't wanna spend the whole day walking  -not to mention that she wasn't fully recovered on the legs to have that type of exercise
-A power armor date? -he said and she chuckled, the yellow cheese water splurted all around his cheeks and mouth, Arthur went up to clean her mouth with a tissue as she keep laughting, gosh he loved that.
-While there i can dress you with normal clothes, i have some mens pants in good state saved in my house.
OhMyGoshIts true. They were going to her place this time. The place, like, her real place. Yesyesyeyseysyeysyeyes now he wanted to really go, she was inviting him.
-Why do i need to be undercover? we officialized our thing -he went back to his plate, eating.
-Safety, and i don't need nobody treating you different, here at the Prydwen is one thing and its amazing but scribes told me that you have...cults around you? -she was chewing on the noodles, that was a good sing for Arthur, he was happy she was eating and talking.
-Yeah...-he moved around the collar in his neck uncomfortably, chewing, that was a delicate subject for him.
-You did good and its understandable, but I prefer for this days for you to be some other normal folk to enjoy my surprise -Arthur smiled lightly, she respected him and his special needs, she was caring. Nora studied him enough to know how to be together as it was some kind of manual to not slip and make an error that would compromise them.
-Ill see what type of excuse i can make to be off here without people freaking out, i trust you to not be recognized but im sure well have a good time, now prepare the water for that second cup of noodles.
-You are bossy today elder -she said and he kicked her under the table, keep eating.
The settlement of the Brotherhood troops went so well at Croup Manor that when the supplies arrived Arthur barely had to check anything, his soldiers were patrolling around the beaches, the turrets and lights were placed with a proper cable connection however generators were provided by the minutemens, that was the only weird thing but they worked, it just works. Now the beaches were guarded so twice a day a Mireluk emerged to watch on the people walking, just watching, they cant jump the fences and as soon they were spotted a warning shoot was trow, yeah, a warning shoot, because nobody want to attract a mireluk queen again to destroy all the work, for now, it worked, and it was going fine. Maxson was mesmerized to see people...walking on the streets...
The minutemens were cleaning the place, trimming the savage vegetation, moving trash out to the streets, some others were scraping to take as many resources they can...they were a community of..normal folks. Of course it isn't as innocent and pink as it looks like, they were cleaning and taking out the trash to use the land, start working it to make gardens and crops, separate it for the cattle, fence it to declare private property of whoever claimed that houses first. He understanded. But when he see an improvised post that sell old pre-war things scavanged from the houses and people bought with caps...
Maxson feel in peace, like, life before the war could be like this, and Nora made this possible, she showed him this vision.
A woman bought a bed in good state for her new house, another bought a pair of good shoes, a man exchange a gun for a shovel...Better not fall in the charm, this was possible because they were isolated and protected by the Brotherhood, also Libertalia wasnt far from here, better be careful with the raiders. 
Nora made this possible for this people, this moment of peace and socialization exist thanks to her, and he wanted to protect this, her project, her settlement, her idea of peace and people having this freedom
There was an empty house that no one claimed, when he asked about it, the minutemens said that it was reserved for the generals...alright...
He wanted her to be at his side, to keep making this projects come true together, give bring freedom to people to be able to see this visions again. He was lucky to have Nora at his side.
The end of her imprisonment was over without anyone getting news about it, one day after 14 days Nora just showed up a saturday morning in Cade infirmary to check the wounds on her legs, same with some exercising and clean up, now she was ready to go. Still, a power armor was needed, she needed the extra support of the exoskeleton.
The woman picked up a team of paladins early in the morning to go into a big old restaurant that had a big barbecue and get it back to the airport by the noon. Arthur was surprised to heard that the sentinel and the paladins were...playing around...with some apparently kitchen items in some place of the airport but he wouldn't interfere in the sentinels project... But he would at least get interested when a caravan with two pieces of already treaty radstag went into the entrance of the airport and Nora let them inside.
Two pieces done for eating, no head, no tail, no knees or whooves, bloodrained, apparently fresh, no furr or leather of course.
But what caught more his attention that there was two man with the caravans, sure, there was the driver of the caravans, which they paid to leave the cargo and go away, and also Preston Garvey and MacCready, great...sure Arthur have no problem with the minutemen general but the mercenary was at least...despitefull...
When he heard rumours of a barbecue...and see from the windows some fire and smoke...well he went down the Prydwen to the ground...to see what was up
-Will you give the orders or ill do? -said Preston to Nora, feeling out of place, but she wanted him there, she promised to them that shell be back, that she wasnt trapped on the brotherhood or anything, that shell be with them again.
And she kept her promise.
-Let me, they don't know you -better be than the sentinel giving orders than some stranger- Everybody don't worry, that wood is for scrap uses trow it all to the barbecue, we don't have natural gas or fire starter anymore so lets heat it!
-It took some work to take the leather out, now its sun drying and we move it when theres fire made, its a pain in the ass -said MacCready
It was expensive to make fire after all, wood and firewood were uses difficult to use.
-Well i want a good leather backpack so...-something something make her turn the head to one side, she didn't exactly know why she wanted to look that way with such...instinctive behavior until she saw the unique combat jacket and went running to Arthur, waving her hand until she was right in front of him with a smile -we are doing a barbacue!
-I can see that, why? -he asked curiously, looking at the fire and the exposed preys in a table.
-The other day i was reading something and i remember how annoying was Nate about having a barbecue with all his friends to celebrate the baby first year, its apparently a man thing, to do barbecues for the friends, i researched back then all the way to prepare it since he didn't know how to cook it despite wanting it so much even for other people. I mean i investigated and he bought the barbecue, the barbecue is of course lost in the wastelands, scavenged despite paying in interest-free fees since practically our baby's birth, anyway i remember that lost knowledge and wanted to prepare one since some radstags are not so different from old deers, its going to be fun!
Cool, that was some interesting reason.
-And why are they here? -he asked, not to be malicious but pure curiosity.
-It would be shitty to make them carry that precious and high valuable cargo and protect it without inviting some right? let them, they are under my watch and care. Besides some soldiers worked with that pair, they are not full strangers -he didn't trust that much the mercenary but Preston was a respetable soldier. Arthur make some signs with the hand, waving at them, when the mens understand they came by them to meet.
-Good evening elder -said Preston offering his hand, Maxson agreed and shake it.
-Its nice to meet on more quiet situations -said the elder to the second general
-Well that pricy radstag its going to be a blast for everyone, not sure if quiet is the most accurate word -said the mercenary, calling his attention.
-Pricy? -he asked.
-It doesnt matter Macready, the general paid for everything without a problem -said Preston to Macready. Nora had a peacefull smile on his face, Maxson didnt get it.
-Yeah because she is rich.
-Im not rich -Nora interrupted the talk a bit annoyed for the comment.
-Hell yeah you are, you buy not only one but two!
-Wait Nora you paid for these pieces!? -asked Arthur at the edge of having a heart attack. He tought it was gift or something from the citizens but...
-Of course, i know meat is expensive and these two are ready to cook, no waste at all and they even give us the extras, im will make sure somebody will do fine clothes with the leather. What? do you think im a tax-collector or some kind of land lord? -the elder breath hard but he was kinda impressed by her way of think,admirable at least, very considerate very little transactional- people doestn own me tribute for protection or anything, i just put the announcement on a post and some farmers family offer themselves to do the job, they put their price and i say ill pay when it see it done. And there it is!
Arthur was shook, and Macready could see it.
-Do you wanna know how much? we both made the payment and make sure it will arrive here. -something inside  the elder told him it was better to not know, but knowledge is power and brotherhood needed power, so he agreed with the head- 8000 caps each piece, 4000caps the caravan here
-Nora thats way too much! even for me! -she looked to another side, sighting tired, she didn't expect to be lectured about money from the most powerfull man in the commonwealth, they really were poor- how do you even got that amount!?
-Because she is rich -Preston hit Macready in the ribs and he whined, Arthur looked at them confused asking for answers.
-The general never uses the caps she collects, she trades. -Preston said lightly
-Theres no inflation in the wastelands i can just leave all the wealth accumulate! besides there's nothing to buy! is not like i can buy a car! if i bought a boat theres no guarantee i can use it, there's no fuel or gas! -Nora talked to...excuse herself? what the hell she didnt need this lesson
-Wawa-wait -said Arthur
-Ohohohoho this is the moment, watch this -said Macready to Preston, both watched the secuence.
-Accumulate? So you are telling me you have an ally of caps? like that deposit of chems? -he was trying to imagine in his head the situation because his own imagination wasn't enought to picture it. He was far beyond money, he didnt need it now but before his life as an elder everything was all about caps and having them was hella useful
-Yes -she said and his jaw dropped, shooked, completly still on his place.
-Well this is a secret anyway -said Preston whispering, and Arthur couldn't agree more, nodding with his head- we don't want her kidnapped to get the secret of her wealth
-Of course not -man Arthur feeled small right now, she was precious and valuable before but now heck she was a hell of a price! she even had more fortune than him! She really needed to be safe and protected! she was too perfect for her own good
-Oh my god i should have seduced  Jack Cabot instead, i can't believe you all consider this misery being rich, he is really rich if we make comparisons... -Arthur felt a string of jealousy but he let it pass, he had more questions...
-Wait you are a mercenary -Arthur pointed at Macready, he nodded to participate in the conversation- so you work for her for money
-Yes, she is my boss
Arthur noose breath HARD, trying to go slowly and understand better -an unique payment?
-At first yeah but then she started to give me 250 monthly and after i bring Dunkan here with me at the commonwealth she gave me 400 a month  -the elder look at her back with his eyes going wide, she ignored him, looking at the fire faraway and how it started to get bigger.
-Nora you are supposed to pay a mercenary once only -said the elder, not believing what he was hearing.
-i said the same when i meet him -Preston interrupted.
-I just figured out that if somebody calls you boss you have to give him a salary -she said.
-Yeah, this is the part, you see? i never heard about that word: salary, crazy -said Macready trying to not laugh at the elder of the brotherhood, if the soldiers around see that lack of respect they would shoot him and he didnt want problems.
-After i graduated i wanted to also have a 5 days 9-18 work with a SALARY monthly, not a freacking internship like it was some kind of favor to work...and having a kid is expensive so better cash well...-oh no she was talking things from before the war they couldn't understand, at seeing their confused gazes she sighted tired- gosh i should really seduced Jack Cabot, he may double my age but he really understand what a luxury is, now, if you excuse me im gonna use my knowledge on how to make a successful barbecue, i didn't study the perfect recipe to not be the winner trophy wife
She left and  Arthur was speechless. He sighted deep. Feeling tiny under her. He wanted to only feel like that in bed not in everything else and...
-Who is Jack Cabot? -he asked, whispering to them.
-Oooooohhh he wants to know -Macready had a silly smile but Preston hit him on the ribs again, fucking idiot.
-I don't know him, i know Nora help that family a while ago and now they hang around sometimes because they are kinda friends -said Preston cordially.
-Right right but is he kinda...a fling or something? -Macready suggested a theme that Arthur wasn't so sure to want on keep listening but...
-I will not say more about my general private life -corrected Preston to the mercernary actually indignant, Arthur was glad that he had her back, that he was a reliable man- but i dont think so anyway, never left it between lines. I think Paladin Danse knew him.
The elders heart sinked down on his chest at hearing that name. He will always be between them. Always.
-Ohohohoho  Danse was definitely a fling -in the moment Macready said that Preston looked at him badly, and hit him strong on the sides- stop that! -he whined securing his sides with the hands.
-Shut up -whispered Preston to him, menacing to fucking end the subject.
Arthur step back, he wouldnt ask. He wanted to know but he wasn't ready to know or ask her.
At looking where she was they were already placing the pieces on the barbacue the teams of Paladins recover and bring on the noon, soldiers and her, working together to give the brotherhood an expensive gift, a well received feast.
A pain appeared on his stomach, so much things makes sense.
When both men spotted the sadness that took over the elder Macready said.
-I never liked that guy anyway.
Maxson watched the preys burn in the fire, a smoky smell was around in the air. 
The warm orange light illuminated the sentinel black suit againts the fire, making her look beautiful.
He sighted.
-The pieces are going to slowburn for 2 hours according to Noras instructions and when we can start cutting large but slim chunks -Preston wanted to desperately change the subject and being friends back again please
-You think theres enough? i don't know how many people is here but...-said Macready also looking to the fire.
-Well is just a dinner and she said we can eat until the bones and cook absolutely everything so...
Arthur Maxson may better enjoy this dinner.
The elder apologized to both minutemen and retired to his quarters to keep working, after all two hours was a lot of time to wait he can use. Not with the best of encouragement of course. An hour later, music and cheers can be heared even in the skies, everybody was already celebrating and party, he couldn't see it since he didn't have a direct view to the airport but it wasnt hard to imagine
De did not wish to come around tho.
Two more hours passed, he still can hear the music and his soldiers having a good time on the grounds.
Half hour later, the doors of his quarters open, a smoky smell appeared in the room. It was Nora, with a box on a bag.
-You are such a jerk i search for you everywhere to be here.
-I must lost track of time -he said, not having a real excuse for his behavior, this took a lot of work and risk for her and he wasnt appreceating enought. At first he planned on saying that the smoke will ruin his jacket but it wasnt necesarry to lie like that
-Its already cold -Nora took out the box off the bag and open it, showing that there was chunks of steak covered in a red-bownish sauce, she grabbed a fork and a knife from nearby and started cutting it- but it taste amazing, i can believe it came out this good in my first attempt with a wasteland creature. -then she eat the pieces, chewing them with a smile, sitting on the table to be more confortable
Arthur open his eyes wide at the scenario, specially looking at the chewing and swallowing on her face.
-Wait you are eating? -he never see Nora eat actual wasteland food before, radiated raw material.
-It looks too good to not try, and its so delicious! This is my...five...try it! -Arthur quickly stand up and grab another fork and knife, cutting a piece and quickly eating it. She was right, it was tasty, it melted in his mouth, and he never experienced a flavour similar, there was stag meat and somekind like the tato sauce the made the other day...He devoured the steak quickly, licking his lips after finishing it.
She was eating. He had to support this. He was glad she was eating.
-I love it, theres more? -he said picking up her arm to make them go outside his quarters, better go before she changes her mind about eating radiated food.
-Yesyesyes of course, let me pick the box so they can warm it up, it went cold all the way up the ventibird and coming here and...-she was exited that he looked so in a hurry to get more, her idea turned out like a sucess.
-Nonono i want to save for tomorrow, leave it, forget the box, lets get more directly from the fire -he said to not lose a second and both went off the room closing the door back, holding hands until Nora stop him by stop walking, the man turned back to see her and she jumped directly to his neck to hug him, at first he didnt understood but then he surrender and hug her by the waist, he was in no position to defend himself from a hug, he loved her hugs, she smiled wide  and he smiled shy, caressing their noses in a  affectionate little play,.
This was nice, relaxing. He shouldn't go away before, she...she...Arthur couldn't assure she loved him, he never asked, confessed, or clarify things but this type of moments make him fantasize about being loved back by her. He didn't need to doubt or feel bad, it distracts him from the present and he didn't want to loose a  single moment of this.
His head turned looking for a kiss, inviting, and she corresponded, but only small kisses, melting their lips swiftly, wet kisses, she did that a couple of times until Arthur bite his lower lip and she tried to separate laughing low but he wouldnt allow it, tightening his grip around her waist.
-Not here...-she said between small laughts.
-You are right, lets get down to get the best pieces, i bet they are running out!
He preferred to use the chance to see  her eat and fill her stomach, this didnt happend frequently to lose the chance for some sex, they can smash the other later and he had the feeling that a great night was coming, but first, lets eat together, share a meal, a common meal prepared by her.
Gosh he wished to be loved back so bad.
 Macready turned out to have a totally different personality than in the game, i think Deacon would be more accurate to this type of dialogue but I wouldn’t have much sense with this specific trama for him to be here, anyway
 I still gotta write the lemons.
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cantdance · 1 year
10 fandoms 10 characters tag game
rules: name 10 of your favorite characters from 10 different fandoms, then tag 10 people (i wont do that)
tagged by @lolotr almost a month ago. it took me a while to get to this, half because i kept forgetting and half because i legitimately struggled to come up with ten different fandoms i can claim to be in, but whos going to pass up a chance to rave about their blorbos
Final Fantasy XIV Online (FFXIV) - i love so many of the characters from this game. its not hard, the game is designed to make you love them. they feel like real people, especially in the last two expansions which emphasized their relationships with each other and with the wol (aka the player character). its difficult to choose one favorite but if i have to id say its gotta be alisaie leveilleur. despite not being relevant to the main story until the second expansion, her character is so rich and compelling. shes just a girl who wants to understand why her beloved grandpa left her to save a bunch of strangers, and she also wants to find out who she is and become her own person out of her familys (and especially her brothers) shadow. she also likes violence and explosions and how can you not enjoy that in a girl. unlike a lot of people who like alisaie, i also love alphinaud, and i love the way they interact. alisaie is my preferred twin but only by a slim margin. you can blame the backwards ass way i played this game for the fact that i love alphinaud even in 2.0
Marvel Comics - obviously its loki laufeyson! name a bitch more iconic. canonically genderfluid since 2014. your doomed by the narrative fave. raised by a father and a society that hated them for who they were, forced into the role of a villain to juxtapose their brother who was the only person to ever believe they could be more, at least until he didnt. killed and ate and burned themselves over and over to become something new. literally broke free from the narrative to become their best self but still a morally dubious shithead trickster in any (well written) form. my absolute blorbo of all time, dm me for a reading list
Norse Mythology - loki laufeyson again lolol. name. a bitch. more. iconic. canonically genderfluid since the viking age. born from a forest fire after lightning struck a tree. canonically hot but in a fucked up and dangerous way. odin was like "whos this hot weirdo" and decided they were brothers. your ultimate doomed by the narrative baddie. prophesied to end the universe. the god of fucking around and finding out. there are so few verifiable facts about this bitch, he is a complete enigma even among the rest of norse mythology which is already so fractured and weird. we straight up dont know how, why, or even IF he was actually worshipped. hes the only god to not have a single village dedicated to him. there are, like, two or three runestones depicting him. snorri made him into a jesus figure in the eddas but he serves so much cunt that he is repeatedly misinterpreted as literal satan. your fave could never.
LegendLark/Dames and Dragons - this is another difficult one because the characters are all so great, but im giving it to laika because i have a funny story about it. my first listen through i was in the middle of the gray manacle arc when i started asking myself who my favorite was. i decided it was laika literally the episode before she leaves 🥹
Dungeons and Daddies - i feel like my favorite should be scary, as someone who was once a goth/emo teen girl. however im gonna have to give it to my boi normally lee oak-swallows-garcia, the perky peppy chipper cheery mixed up mascot who doesnt know who he is anymore. imagine knowing your parents are disappointed with you at like, 14. imagine inheriting a generational curse except its a literal eldritch curse that you cant do anything about. imagine connecting with the mind of an incomprehensible eldritch being that is killing your reality out of loneliness and fear and hatred and deciding to show kindness.
The Locked Tomb - probably an obvious pick but its gotta be gideon nav. shes your butch sword lesbian. shes your jock trapped in a science convention. shes your tragic unloved child. shes your doomed by the narrative/came back wrong double threat. shes everything to me.
Paranatural - im not actually current, unfortunately. ever since zack changed formats ive found it difficult to read. i understand why they decided to do it the new way, but my attention span is simply not long enough. eventually i will catch up probably maybe. that said, my favorite is of course max. i just love how sassy and exasperated he is. he literally didnt ask for any of this shit. like he just moved to a new town where he doesnt know anyone and suddenly theres ghosts and he has to join an organization to fight them and his bat has a monster inside of it and he almost gets run over by a train, how fucking exhausted must this kid be all the time
Hunter X Hunter - its the only anime on the list baybee. i thought about including others but none are super current and hxh is the one that i still feel strongly about. my fave from hxh is the one, the only, killua zoldyck. my son. my angel. my precious catboy murder child. a boy who was tortured by his own family and trained to not care about other people and who was so lonely he latched onto the first boy his age that hed ever met. he is so full of love and he would do anything for his best friend, including kill people, but to be fair he would also kill people for literally any other reason
The Wheel of Time - my most recent experience with wot was rereading the eye of the world in preparation for the amazon show, which was a huge letdown for me and a lot of fans of the books. my last experience with it before that was when i was, like, 12. as a kid my favorite character was egwene, and now my favorite is...still egwene. she is a strong, confident young woman who knows what she wants and doesnt shy away from going after it. shes very strong-willed and doesnt bend to the will of others, she is unrepentantly herself. she also reads very heavily as a lesbian despite being in a (rather annoying imo) het romance with the mc. i dont think this was intentional (given the aforementioned het romance) so i wouldnt call it coding but like. shes a young adult who eschews traditional female roles and aspires to be unmarried and spend her time with other women how ELSE am i supposed to read that
Homestuck - very much NOT a current fandom, but it defined a great deal of my life, so i feel like it should be included. my favorite for this one may be the most difficult to predict, or maybe not idk, but its kanaya maryam. i remember the first time i was reading, waiting for my patron troll to pop up, and it was her. at first i paid attention to her just for that, but i fell in love with her pretty fast. i have a thing for female characters who go through arcs of self discovery and learning to value themselves outside of the opinions of others. something about starting out thinking youre a prop for other people and ending as a whole ass person is so *chefs kiss* also shes sassy and wields a chainsaw which is badass. i personally think her arc fell flat and she was underutilized in the end, but shes hardly the only one that got overlooked tbfh
im not tagging anyone mostly because i have no idea who i would tag. if youre reading this and want to do it, please do!
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joytraveler · 2 years
81: Run The Gauntlet
This is the first, and possibly only, first-person shooter on the whole console! It's nothing like any FPS Bea has played, though. The playing field is limited to what you can see through a cutout, like the gobos used to depict "binocular view" in a movie. You also shoot arrows and axes rather than bullets, and the enemies are fantasy monsters, but the play field seems to be a futuristic city!
"GO!! GO WE HAVE TO RUN, LETS GO! WHY DO YOU WASTE MY TIME WITH MENUS?! Wait what do I name my character.."
aroseahorseboy: there's ten characters... HONEYBUNCH HNV: Ten playable characters?? aroseahorseboy: ten blank spaces HNV: I admit they're not very well fleshed out, no
"Done. Nope, sorry, aro gets this one!” Entered! "I'm going to look at this warehouse for supplies.. Does this town look familiar to you guys? I mean, totally different game obviously, but.. Maybe rubble just tends to look similar"
Syrupentine: The last ruined city we saw didn't have any monsters though... DueyDecimal: Maybe the monsters all got turned into save points! TaichouSenseiKun: I Have No Mouth And I Must Save
It's very strange to play an FPS that uses NES-quality graphics! You can't quite tell what the monsters are until they get close to you, so it's almost like Dragon Warrior or other RPGs of the day, you fight in very close quarters.
"I can't really see what i'm fighting until its right there and that makes this SO SCARY!!"
TaichouSenseiKun: What if they threw a Doom and Bea came DueyDecimal: An FPS that Bea actually likes?? What kind of miracle is this? aroseahorseboy: okay i thought that was going to be a bear but it is indeed a mean gingerbread man LESSON LEARNED Glockroach: Bea youre beating the hell out of that heavily pixelated gingerbread man
"I was hungry.. Oh I got one of its candy claw hands? Can I equi- ohhh yeah I can!"
john_brown: this actually is a little bit like gauntlet except there's no "elf needs food badly" aroseahorseboy: "elf serves food poorly"
When Bea finally reaches the boss of the maze, once again, it's very difficult to see what it is from a distance. When Bea gets close, though, she gets a very detailed look at a moist, gooey eye glaring right back at her from the TV! Bea sputters out profanities and tries to flee but can't get it out of her field of "vision!"
"HELP ME AAAAA I CANT DO ANYTHING OHGODHELP" She tries attacking it, to no avail.
john_brown: oh cool does this have motion controls? HNV: ...It's been a long time since anyone said that. john_brown: it's watching bea herself-- when she goes left, it looks left Baconnaise: Maybe it wants a staring contest. or a contact lens Maybe it must be fed aroseahorseboy: O!!! bea bea bea listen lean to the left while you play THEN SHOOT FROM THE RIGHT
"Why does this thing keep messing with me?? It makes games, it does.. whatever this is here, it emotionally devastates people, it slices, it dices, it die-ses!"
Syrupentine: Thinks it's so great, where the hell is the game where it tells you the sports scores and lottery numbers from the future
Aro's suggestion actually works: since the boss aims at the person playing the game, rather than the player character, it starts to miss her as soon as she leans over, out of view of her webcam.
"If I don't look at it, it can't see me! I'll have to fight it in the mirror.. wait, Aro's thing is better, let’s keep doing that!"
"This is really cool but I hope the next one doesn't stare quite so deeply into the pits of my soul.."
john_brown: can someone explain what's happening in this series or should I just watch the other videos? they're like four hours each...
"Well I know a lot of you know each other already. John, we'd been trying to get you here for a while, but I do these live and then just post em, maybe I should chop them up more. There's a lot going on in this game but we're pretty sure we're trying to solve a mystery!"
Syrupentine: Would it be okay with you if I made some "best of" videos, Bea? HNV: John: Bea's been playing this crazy plug and play game system with supposedly 167 games on it, and there's a bunch of weird recurring themes DueyDecimal: My favorite is the family with the funny names! They keep appearing and the mom and son are like the mascots for the whole series, I think
"There's a family and- yeah. And the mom is the one we know the best, and she seems AWESOME and let us unlock this in-game software that lets you actually make stuff! It's like Mario Maker, sort of, but you can do multiple genres and also, I keep thinking about her like she's a real person, is that weird? Well, welcome to the Bea Show!"
Klickitat_Street: And then there's the zombies. And tapeworms. And Planet of Pisces, and tons of weird games made by actual children... john_brown: is this all for real? aroseahorseboy: either that or bea is a fucking brilliant performance artist DueyDecimal: Also this totally weird imported game system has all these advanced features! It has gyro controls, analog stick, QR support, and Bea keeps finding new ones!
"Both things can be true. I think they're trying to tie together the console's history in some way, Redhead might even be one of the devs"
aroseahorseboy: yeah the games are like the story of the console itself or at least that's our best guess
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wildcatofgreen · 2 years
“Dear Diary”
Send “Dear Diary” to read a random entry of my muses diary/journal.
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"I do not like you people. I really, truly, do not like you people."
With a sigh, she wandered over to her closet. Pushed a lot of clothes out of the way, to reveal a big box. Inside the box? Snack stash. She loves her trusty snack stash.
But under the snack stash, if you dug hard enough, was another box--a small chest, locked by a lock.
She took out the chest, and with an extended claw, she messed with the lock for a while until she heard it click open.
Inside the chest? Another box! This time with a combination lock.
She enters in a set of numbers that may or may not correspond with Lilac's birthday.
And with another click, the box is opened to reveaaaaal:
Two HEFTY books, one marked "Avalice/Burn Book", the other marked "Mobius". The Avalice book had some... weird, soft purple thing wrapped around it? Had a couple of pins on it too, but she didn't pay it much mind. She slipped it off, then wandered back over to her chair with both books. Let them drop on the table.
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"Aight, here's the deal. I roll a 7 sided die. If it lands on 1, y'all get a random gossip. 2 to 4, y'all get Mobius diary. 5 to 7, Avalice diary. This is the only way I'm doing this, 'cause I ain't lettin' some chumps know my deepest darkest secrets without me havin' any say in it, capische?"
She'll grab in a little pen holder, a purple seven sided die with green dots representing the numbers.
Then, she'll just roll it.
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"Mobius. Cool. Aight, gimmie a second."
Flips open to a random page, then, she'll read.
"dear diary "mobius is kinda like avalice. its pretty cool, but its cities are kinda lamer. me and sonyar went out to go eat something today and some of the food was based off of sonic!!! thats kinda cool--idk is like some sort of hero? that'd be sick. id know a REAL HERO. "i mean i already know myself and im the coolest hero around. but nobody really KNOWS that. SOME people do, but i gotta remind people that i saved the world at some point. and now on mobius nobody even KNOWS ME ITS REALLY LAME. I CANT SAY I SAVED THE WORLD THEYRE GONNA THINK IM LYING. "fuckin, some of the people here are way taller than they are in avalice. like bunnies are super short in avalice but here on mobius theyre like, normal sized? and there's bee people? ive never seen a bee person on avalice i never thought bees could be considered ''feral''. maybe ill look for a bee person on avalice when i get back home. "speaking of home this STUPID EMERALD IS PISSING ME OFF. IM TRYING TO USE IT LIKE BLACK DOOM SAID BUT NOTHING IS WORKING I DONT FUCKING GET ITTTTTTTTT. IT WHISKS ME TO RANDOM PLACES AND NOW IT DOESNT EVEN WANNA WORK I DONT GET IT I HATE THIS STUPID THING. i swear this is the longest ive ever been stuck somewhere its making me really miss home 3: "im glad im with someone i can trust but fuck dude, i miss lilac. and milla. they must be worried sick about me damn it. "fuck. im sure this isnt forever. im sure once i figure this stupid thing out i can take me and sonar back to avalice and id show him around and stuff. show him the big cities!!! shang tu's gonna WOW HIM TO DEATH BITS AND PIECES!!! "carol"
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"Man I really ramble, huh?
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"Me an' Sony used'ta go on little dates before we called them dates. Mostly 'cause I hated stayin' in one place and wanted to explore. Saw movies, wandered around town, did this that and the other.
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"It was fun, but I was always homesick. Bein' with Sony was perfect, but if I could do it back home then I'd love it way more.
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"Guess you could consider me lucky~.
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"Think I prefer Avalice, though. More used to the terrain."
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