#but you may not be able to watch another sports or romance anime ever again...
nordicsymphony · 7 years
Extol the virtues of Yuri!!! on Ice.
Honey, you’re going to be in for a long ride…
Also there be spoilers, but I’ll try my best.
1. The plot of this sports anime isn’t like any other out there. Most sports anime always have ‘kid in his 1st year of Japanese High School discovers a sport and aims to be the very best’. Not this one. Instead we get ‘professional athlete who has had his time is considering retirement after a string of failures’. This show is basically showing us a sport from another side. And you’d think that Yuri Plisetsky, who has the personality of a typical sports anime protagonist would be one or else the main rival - nope, it’s Yuri Katsuki, whose personality would fit in another genre altogether and has anxiety, making him stand out from the other sports anime protagonists. And the show’s focus is not on the rivalry between the 2 Yuris (it’s something else, but I’ll get to it later), and they do not always face off against each other - their 1st Grand Prix Final qualifying competitions are held in different countries, while they share their 2nd, and on Plisetsky’s home turf no less. Sayo Yamamoto, who is the director for the show, had to fight her way in production to ensure that Yuri Katsuki became the protagonist she envisioned him to be. Also, the show is 100% Despair-and-Suffering-free, but bring tissues just in case.
2. Instead of an all-Japanese cast like most sports anime, we get an international cast with diverse backgrounds, and some do not even fit their national stereotypes. We have a tanned brother-sister duo from Italy taking part in separate divisions (and the brother has sister-complex), a narcissistic Canadian, an American who is half-Mexican as opposed to how they’re normally portrayed in anime, a South Korean who we hardly see smiling, etc… Some minor countries also get representation - there’s a Czech skater who’s happy-go-lucky and looks like PewDiePie, a Thai ball of sunshine who is a social-media addict, A badass manly Kazakh… While we do have anime with a diverse cast, it’s not something you see in the sports genre. Also, some of them might be inspired by real-life figure skaters - Yuri Katsuki is a mish-mash of Tatsuki Machida’s career, Daisuke Takahashi’s skating style and Yuzuru Hanyu’s appearance, Viktor Nikiforov is Evgeni Plushenko with John Cameron Mitchell’s appearance (and to an extent Stephane Lambiel’s level of extra), Yuri Plisetsky is Yulia Litpinskaya genderflipped, Leo de la Iglesia is a dead-ringer for Jason Brown, Phichit Chulanont is a Thai Michael Christian Martinez, Otabek Altin is basically Denis Ten as an anime character. And some of them have noticed.
3. The sport itself. So far I have heard of only 3 series aside from YOI that focus on figure skating. And it’s hardly touched upon in mainstream media - we only pay attention to it once every 4 years during the Olympics. And by golly did the crew do their research. Every single routine is choreographed by former ice dancer Kenji Miyamoto, who also choreographed for Evgeni Plushenko and Yuzuru Hanyu among others. The show also collaborated with Chacott (Japanese company that does makeup and costumes for dancers) to produce the costumes shown in the anime. Some of the chibi segments also teach us stuff like how a normal figure skating competition season is like, how the Grand Prix final works, how are the scores for the competing skaters calculated, etc… It helps that Sayo Yamamoto and Mitsurou Kubo (character designer) are both figure skating fans, and they’ve also managed to get everyone involved in production and the fandom interested in the actual sport, bless them. 
4. The music. This show is tied with Puella Magi Madoka Magica as the best OST in anime if I’m to be believed. So far there’s 1 for the songs used by the skaters in the show and another for the BGM (if there’s a download link for the BGM soundtrack, pls link me). While both are pleasant to listen to, the Skate Song soundtrack is the one that stands out the most. Each song captures the emotions and thoughts of the skaters dancing to the piece, and some are strong enough to make you have feels (no joke - Yuri K’s free skate and exhibition piece are the worst offenders). And they’re both easily accessible too - you can find them on iTunes and Spotify, something I haven’t seen with other shows’ OSTs (at least you can find the Steven Universe OST on Soundcloud via their composers). You cannot make me choose only 1 favourite track, but I’ve listened to In Regards to Love - Eros the most. As for the OP and ED, once you start listening to them, good luck getting them out of your head. History Maker is completely in English (a rarity) and has motivational lyrics. The ED is literally called YOLO (You Only Live Once) and is about living in the moment, because time is shot, ya know?
5. The animation. Lest some people come after me because of an incident with Crunchyroll that I’m not going into full detail about, the animation is really good. Not one of the best, but stands out all the same. They have 5 more key animators than Flip Flappers, which is well known for having a similar animation style as a Studio Trigger production for a good reason. It is very difficult to animate a figure skater. It takes so many frames to animate something like a Triple Axel. Even though the broadcast version is sometimes inconsistent, the animation during Viktor’s ‘Stammi Vicino, non te ne Andare’ is damn beautiful. THIS is what drew people to the show in the first place. The art is beautiful. The characters are drawn realistically. Basically, a work of art from start to end.
6. Excellent Character Development. A good show can have a good plot but if the characters are not developed well then the show is overall average or mediocre. This show can take a previously unlikable character and somehow make people like them to the point where they’re someone’s favourite. Don’t like Jean-Jacques Leroy (JJ) in the Rostelecom Cup for his narcissism? Episode 11 has him undergo an anxiety attack and shows that even kings can fall. Never had a good impression on Michele Crispino because the only thing on his mind aside from skating is his sister? Episode 9 shows that he can do just as well, if not better without her (though the later episodes still has him being overprotective of her, though played down). You think JJ’s girlfriend Isabella Yang doesn’t deserve to be there? In the same episode as JJ’s anxiety attack, she redeems herself by leading the audience in cheering for him even though his emotions are at his lowest, showing us that she loves him no matter what.  Christophe Giacometti’s too sexual for you? Episode 10 reveals that there’s a damn good reason why he greeted Yuri like that in Episode 6. And then there’s the biggest one - We all know that Yurio’s sometimes an ass to Yuri (and to a lesser extent, Viktor) and isn’t that much of a nice guy. Well, slightly towards the end of Episode 9, Yurio is shown being actually nice to Yuri, Episode 10 has him earning his 1st and best friend in Otabek, and Episode 12 reveals that all along he idolises Yuri, and wants to compete against him when both are at their best. And then, we have Yuri who goes from his lowest point to the badass Japan’s Ace skater he actually is and Viktor who we think is playing with him but is actually lovesick for him the whole damn time. They will do anything to make you love everyone at the end. Their personalities aren’t over the top either - there will be someone who will make you think you’re looking at yourself in the mirror, ranging from Yuri’s anxiety and constant downplaying of himself, Viktor’s tendency to fill his life with only one thing and nothing else, Phichit’s need to fill his Instagram account… there’s someone for everyone. And they do not slouch on the minor characters either. You WILL find fics focusing on Yuri’s family, Yurio’s grandpa, Yakov and Lilia, Celestino (Yuri and JJ’s old coach and Phichit’s current coach), the Nishigori Family (Yuko and Takeshi are Yuri’s childhood friends and if it weren’t for their mischievous triplets, majority of the show wouldn’t have happened), Yuri’s old ballet teacher Minako… almost everyone will make sure they stick forever. 
7. For an anime focusing on sports, social media plays an equally important role in the development of the show. Part of the ED sequence is someone’s Instagram feed, Episode 10 looks into the photo album of 3 of the character’s phones, Viktor wouldn’t have packed his bags and left for Hasetsu if the Nishigori triplets didn’t upload that viral video of Yuri skating his award-winning Free Skate on Youtube… Aside from Instagram (thanks to people like Phichit) we also get to see someone’s Twitter homepage in Episode 10 filled with news of Otabek rescuing Yurio from rabid fangirls and Leo has something like LINE on his phone. Alcohol also plays a part in the show’s story but that’s something else altogether. There is a reason why there are that many social media fics for the YOI fandom.
8. The. Freaking. Romance. In. This. Show. For YEARS the LGBTQAAP+ anime community have waited for someone to portray them as happy and loving instead of angst and death in mainstream media. Some shows do have loving LGBT couples but they aren’t that much known (should I start watching No. 6?). And the sports genre is infamous for queerbaiting, meaning that we get 2 guys/2 girls doing suggestive actions, but they’re only just friends in the end. Enter Viktor Nikiforov and Yuri Katsuki. We get some MAJOR Ship Tease in the first few episodes, starting with how Yuri came to idolise Viktor and then using his short program to seduce him (Episode 6 SP, enough said.) to Viktor himself being a tad too close for Yuri’s comfort (stroking his arm, hugging him from behind, putting his finger at Yuri’s lips…). And then Episode 7 made them the Canon Official Couple via Big Damn Kiss. On the lips. You should have seen the Internet when it first aired, it was GLORIOUS. And then there’s Episode 10 which was even more shook than Episode 7, and now you know why Episode 12 caused the Internet to crash. It’s not everyday we get a couple in anime who are sweet, consensual, happy and head over heels in love with each other to the point of #RelationshipGoals without typical BL cliches and tropes. And to boot, both of them are from countries who in real life are not known for being LGBTQAAP+ friendly. And instead of the typical dream relationship, their love is portrayed in a realistic way. They argue, fight, be absolutely sappy, but overall they love each other oh so very much and  A number of people who weren’t interested in the first place jumped on board the bandwagon because of the realistically portrayed relationship between the two. All that’s left for them to become the ultimate OTP is for their wedding to happen. 
9. In Asia, mental illnesses and disorders are something that isn’t mentioned so publicly, much less portrayed realistically. Here, we have Yuri Katsuki, who has anxiety. He shows traits of people suffering from anxiety in a way that isn’t mockery. JJ also has symptoms of anxiety as seen in episode 11 (unrealistic portrayals of other people for one), and Viktor might have depression from before the show’s start - he mentions in Episode 10 that he’s been neglecting in life and love for about 20 years in order to focus on his career. Mental issues are no laughing matter, and it shows here.
10. (I’ll make this my final point or this will get too long) The effin’ impact this show has in real life. When this show says that they were born to make history, you better believe it. Their motto is to ‘Go Big and Wild or Go Home’. It’s not like you know any other anime that trends every damn week on Tumblr on the days that the show airs and whenever they make a major announcement. Most are even lucky to trend once in their airtime. And then there’s the Episode 12 crash - they crashed Tumblr, Crunchyroll and various anime streaming websites the day it aired before settling in as the no. 1 trending topic. No other anime has done the same thing. And how many sports anime can count athletes from their sport being fans of the show? Yes, professional figure skaters love Yuri!!! on Ice. To the point where Evgenia Medvedeva got art made for her, Nobunari Oda and Stephane Lambiel (this guy also has a YOI phone case) made cameos in the last 2 episodes, etc. When Johnny Weir told the internet that he’s watching the show, Kubo and Yamamoto were ecstatic. Weir even did routines to Agape and Eros, and has some YOI merch. And this year a Japanese pair skate duo have chosen Yuri’s free skate song (Yuri on ICE) as their short program for this year’s season. No really. The show also has won many awards, and in various polls have left all the other 2016 anime in the dust. The show is also the 4th best selling anime this millennium (5th all time once you bring in the older ones), and it hasn’t been a year since the anime first aired! Besides that, it’s also the 2nd best-selling franchise of the first half of this year. (right behind One Piece, and they did this with OSTs and Blu-Ray/DVDs alone). 
Overall, unique storytelling, lovable and relatable characters, perfect romance, amazing art (and also decently controlled fanservice) and has made one of the largest impact in real life. 10/10 will recommend. 
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kumikoumae-archive · 4 years
what are some underrated anime you’ve watched that you’d rec? also continue more pls with any slice of life / rom com type anime. If you had non high school settings that’d be great too 😭
Higashi no Eden (action, sci fi, thriller, romance, drama) i see this in almost every ‘underrated anime list’ so maybe it’s not as underrated as everyone thinks lol...
Hourou Musuko (drama, slice of life) this is a very short anime about a trans girl (it’s in a high school setting but the story is very different from any high school anime because it deals a lot with gender issues and gender norms and stuff) very heartbreaking but also very sweet. the animation is stunning.
TSURITAMA (comedy, sci fi, slice of life) aka The Fishing Anime. idek how to explain this anime?? it’s super weird. a guy with anxiety issues befriends an outgoing alien and an angry boy and together they learn to fish? there is a duck named tapioca?? none of my friends have ever watched it even tho i have been bothering them abt it for years lol
Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuiteiru (sports, drama, comedy) HAIKYUU BUT IN COLLEGE. lol no. all jokes aside this is a very interesting sports anime. a guy recruits 10 (unwilling) colleagues to run a marathon with him. The most interesting part of this one for me was watching them evolve not only their running but also their relationships with each other.
Kyousou Giga (fantasy, supernatural) very underrated but i understand why people may not like this one. this anime is off. the. shits. when you think you understand what is happening nothing makes sense again. all i can say is that this anime is about family. that’s it.
Punch Line (comedy, ecchi, supernatural) dont let the ‘ecchi’ category fool you. this anime is a masterpiece. i think it ended too fast, it needed at least two more episodes for a very satisfying ending but i loved it anyway. i also dont know how to explain this anime tho lol... The main character’s spirit gets separated from his body if he sees a girl’s panties? but if he sees it twice the whole world will explode?? time travel? body swapping? super powers? “Punch Line follows Yuuta as he unravels the mysteries surrounding Korai House, its residents, and a villainous organization attempting to end the world. Will Yuuta be able to save everyone, or will the ever-present threat of panties result in their doom?“ this was written in myanimelist and yeah...
Mushishi (slice of life, mystery, supernatural) i dont really consider this underrated... a lot of people have watched this but no one talks about it anymore. This anime has a very unique vibe. It’s mysterious and unnerving but at the same time it is heartwarming and soft...
Rom com: (tbh i havent watched many romcoms)
Wotakoi. this one is a classic, i was a skeptic before i started it but the comedy is gold. Romance in the work place with the bonus of Everyone being a fucking otaku but trying to hide it.
Servant x Service. much like wotakoi this one is also abt romance in the workplace. tbh i watched it in 2013 so i dont really remember much about it other than the fact that i really enjoyed it
Danna ga Nani wo Itteiru ka Wakaranai Ken. THIS ONE!!! THIS ONE!!!! each episode has like 4 minutes so if you really dont know what to watch and you dont want to commit to anything too seriously go watch danna ga nani. It’s about the married life of a woman and her otaku husband. It is The Cutest thing you will ever watch.
Another slice of life i have to recommend is Sangatsu no Lion, i still havent watched season 2, but i can definitely say this anime is a masterpiece. We follow the main character as he struggles with depression. it’s a very accurate portrayal of depression and watching Rei make progress towards recovery is truly a stunning experience. The supporting cast is amazing. the animation is very unique. you can feel the moments of loneliness in your soul because the animation perfectly conveys the mood of each scene. And the heartwarming scenes feel so special... damn, maybe i should watch season 2 now
One more: Sora yori mo Tooi Basho (adventure, comedy, drama) 4 girls go to antarctica!!! That’s it!!!
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Anime i’ve Watched
That begin with a K (Part 5)!
Yep this is how i’m going to bring over all the anime and manga i’ve watched and posted about on the old blog. It’s not so detailed but it will have to do. Anything new I watch or read from this point on will have their own posts.
Kuroko no Basket:
Genres: comedy, school, shounen, sports
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Synopsis: Teikou Junior High School's basketball team is crowned champion three years in a row thanks to five outstanding players who, with their breathtaking and unique skills, leave opponents in despair and fans in admiration. However, after graduating, these teammates, known as "The Generation of Miracles", go their separate ways and now consider each other as rivals. At Seirin High School, two newly recruited freshmen prove that they are not ordinary basketball players: Taiga Kagami, a promising player returning from the US, and Tetsuya Kuroko, a seemingly ordinary student whose lack of presence allows him to move around unnoticed. Although Kuroko is neither athletic nor able to score any points, he was a member of Teikou's basketball team, where he played as the "Phantom Sixth Man," who easily passed the ball and assisted his teammates. Kuroko no Basket follows the journey of Seirin's players as they attempt to become the best Japanese high school team by winning the Interhigh Championship. To reach their goal, they have to cross pathways with several powerful teams, some of which have one of the five players with godlike abilities, whom Kuroko and Taiga make a pact to defeat. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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My Rating: 8/10
Finished airing in 2012 with a total of 25 episodes. 
My Thoughts: Sports! But not as much friendship, character development and fluffiness as I personally prefer. Plus some of the characters have special abilities or powers taking this firmly out of the realistic category. Not a bad series overall though! Certainly enjoyable. 
Kuroko no Basket 2nd Season:
Genres: comedy, sports, school, shounen
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Synopsis:  With the Interhigh Championship finally over, Seirin's basketball team refocuses their efforts, training harder than ever to get the chance to participate in the Winter Cup. Both Kuroko and Kagami see old friends walk back into their lives, providing a challenge both on and off the court. As new skills are developed and new alliances created, enemies from various teams—giants of high school basketball such as Yousen, Shuutoku and Touou—stand in the way of Seirin's steadfast attempts to get to the top. All of these schools prove to be formidable foes whose abilities progress exponentially, while Kuroko struggles to find a balance between his resolve to play as part of a team and his desire to win. With old wounds reopening, new challenges to face on the court, and a new set of foes—the "Uncrowned Kings"—vowing to defeat the new hopefuls, will Seirin ever be able to achieve their dream of beating the Generation of Miracles? [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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My Rating: 9/10
Finished airing in 2014 with a total of 25 episodes. 
My Thoughts: Season 2 was even better than the first though all I said before pretty well stands! 
Kuroko no Basket 3rd Season:
Genres: comedy, sports, school, shounen
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Synopsis:  Following their triumph against Yousen High, Seirin's basketball team has reached the semifinals of the Winter Cup along with Kaijou, Rakuzan, and Shuutoku. Each of these teams possesses a member of the Generation of Miracles, and Seirin prepares to face the largest obstacles on their path to winning the Winter Cup. In the final season of Kuroko no Basket, Kuroko goes head-to-head with his old teammates once more as he attempts to show them that individual skill is not the only way to play basketball. His firm belief that his form of basketball, team play, is the right way to play the sport will clash with the talents of a perfect copy and an absolute authority. While Kuroko tries to prove that his basketball is "right," he and the rest of Seirin High ultimately have one goal: to win the Winter Cup and overcome the strength of the Generation of Miracles, who have long dominated the scene of middle and high school basketball. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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My Rating: 9/10
Finished airing in 2015 with a total of 25 episodes.
My Thoughts: We’ve now reached what was essentially the final boss. You don’t need me to convince you to watch the third season if you’ve  already watched the previous two... 
Kuzu no Honkai (Scum’s Wish):
Genres: drama, romance, school, seinen
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Synopsis:  To the outside world, Hanabi Yasuraoka and Mugi Awaya are the perfect couple. But in reality, they just share the same secret pain: they are both in love with other people they cannot be with.
Hanabi has loved her childhood friend and neighbor Narumi Kanai for as long as she can remember, so she is elated to discover that he is her new homeroom teacher. However, Narumi is soon noticed by the music teacher, Akane Minagawa, and a relationship begins to blossom between them, much to Hanabi's dismay.
Mugi was tutored by Akane in middle school, and has been in love with her since then. Through a chance meeting in the hallway, he encounters Hanabi. As these two lonely souls spend more time together, they decide to use each other as a substitute for the one they truly love, sharing physical intimacy with one another in order to stave off their loneliness.
[Written by MAL Rewrite]
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My Rating: 8.5/10
Finished airing in 2017 with a total of 12 episodes. 
My Thoughts: This may be an unpopular opinion but I actually really liked this anime. It had some really large issues and moments that made me want to cringe until death took me into her sweet embrace but it was a rather unique story and anime. Plus you know sometimes it’s fun to watch an anime where pretty well everyone is an absolutely awful person. I doubt i’d ever watch it again but it was worth that single watch. Great art and opening though!! 
Kyoukou Suiri (In/Spectre):
Genres: mystery, comedy, demons, supernatural, romance, shounen
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Synopsis:  Hidden in plain sight, spirits known as youkai inhabit the world. While most are benign, a certain subset threatens the tenuous peace between youkai and humanity. Ever since she agreed to become their "God of Wisdom," Kotoko Iwanaga has served as a mediator between the two realms, resolving any supernatural problems that come her way. At a local hospital, Kotoko approaches Kurou Sakuragawa, a university student whose long-term relationship ended with an unfortunate breakup. Kotoko harbors feelings for him and suspects that something supernatural lurks within his harmless appearance, so she asks Kurou for his assistance in helping out youkai. Two years later, news of an idol who was accidentally crushed to death by steel beams flooded the press. However, months later, sightings begin to tell of a faceless woman who wields a steel beam. As is the case for any supernatural problem, Kotoko and her partner set out to stop this spirit from wreaking havoc—but this case may prove to be far more sinister and personal than they could have ever thought. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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My Rating: 7.5/10
My Thoughts: An interesting mystery with rather interesting characters. I personally had quite a few issues with this anime, including but not limited to the pacing, gratuitous (in my opinion) violence and gore at times and just a lack of character development. Despite much of the anime revolving around the female lead just talking I feel as though I hardly know her... or worse yet care whether she lives or dies. That being said this seems to be one of those animes that everyone seems to either love or hate with little middle ground.... maybe you’ll land closer to the love side of things? 
Kyoukai no Kanata:
Genres: slice of life, supernatural, fantasy
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Synopsis:  Mirai Kuriyama is the sole survivor of a clan of Spirit World warriors with the power to employ their blood as weapons. As such, Mirai is tasked with hunting down and killing "youmu"—creatures said to be the manifestation of negative human emotions. One day, while deep in thought on the school roof, Mirai comes across Akihito Kanbara, a rare half-breed of youmu in human form. In a panicked state, she plunges her blood saber into him only to realize that he's an immortal being. From then on, the two form an impromptu friendship that revolves around Mirai constantly trying to kill Akihito, in an effort to boost her own wavering confidence as a Spirit World warrior. Eventually, Akihito also manages to convince her to join the Literary Club, which houses two other powerful Spirit World warriors, Hiroomi and Mitsuki Nase. As the group's bond strengthens, however, so does the tenacity of the youmu around them. Their misadventures will soon turn into a fight for survival as the inevitable release of the most powerful youmu, Beyond the Boundary, approaches. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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My Rating: 7/10
Finished airing in 2013 with a total of 12 episodes. 
My Thoughts: One of my favorite female glasses wearers of all time! All the characters are pretty cute actually, thanks in large part to the pretty animation and art. Honestly though i’m struggling to remember much about the plot and story... I recall a bit but not nearly enough to give a proper over view of things. 
Kyoukai no Kanata movie 1:
Genres: action, supernatural, fantasy
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Synopsis:  The first part of a two-part movie. The story is a recap of the TV series. Mirai Kuriyama is the sole survivor of a clan of Spirit World warriors with the power to employ their blood as weapons. As such, Mirai is tasked with hunting down and killing "youmu"—creatures said to be the manifestation of negative human emotions. One day, while deep in thought on the school roof, Mirai comes across Akihito Kanbara, a rare half-breed of youmu in human form. In a panicked state, she plunges her blood saber into him only to realize that he's an immortal being. From then on, the two form an impromptu friendship that revolves around Mirai constantly trying to kill Akihito, in an effort to boost her own wavering confidence as a Spirit World warrior. Eventually, Akihito also manages to convince her to join the Literary Club, which houses two other powerful Spirit World warriors, Hiroomi and Mitsuki Nase. As the group's bond strengthens, however, so does the tenacity of the youmu around them. Their misadventures will soon turn into a fight for survival as the inevitable release of the most powerful youmu, Beyond the Boundary, approaches. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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My Rating: 8/10
A film released in 2015
My Thoughts: It’s a recap which I apparently rated higher then the series... if you could see me right now you’d be quick to note the lazy shrugging. I have no idea what’s going on with my rating’s half of the time. Thinking on the series more I know I absolutely adored the characters, especially the main couple. 
Kyoukai no Kanata movie 2:
Genres: fantasy, slice of life, supernatural
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Synopsis:  After Akihito Kanbara reunites with Mirai Kuriyama—whom he believed had vanished after defeating Beyond the Boundary—he discovers a heartbreaking fact: Mirai has lost all memory of him, their friends, and her past as a Spirit Warrior. Akihito is utterly devastated, but realizes that she has a unique opportunity. Mirai can finally live the life of a normal girl—where she'll be completely devoid of the supernatural society that both shunned and used her. While it's all for the sake of Mirai's happiness, the price is costly—Akihito and his friends must keep her true origins a secret from her, and as a result avoid befriending her. However, the troubling memories of Mirai's old life gradually begin to resurface, and a mysterious new evil leads a group of shadow-like creatures into the city with the goal of seeking her out. As the situations become dire, Akihito must fight to protect himself, his closest friends, and Mirai—the bespectacled beauty he holds most dear. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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My Rating: 8/10
A film released in 2015. 
My Thoughts: You’ve already made up your mind about watching this pair of films or the series. Why are you even reading this one!?
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⁂ Gold Cup (Jeno Lee)
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Genre: Comedy, Fluff, AU, School, Crossover, Romance ☁
Word Count: 2,939 ☁
Pairing: Reader x Jeno ☁
World: NCT ft. Super Junior, F(x), Nu’est ☁
Author’s Note: I am trash for sports anime and I was so fucking passionate about writing this, I didn’t even want to play WoW, I just wanted to work on this. I should also note that I only know the basics of Football, so if I got something wrong, don’t sue me. Trust me, you won’t get anything but a bunch of grumpy cats. Also, I’ve never even THOUGHT about Jeno before (because damn you Chenle), but writing this made me so happy like you don’t understand and now I kind of like Jeno a bit more??
You groaned as you got your math test back, receiving yet another bad grade. Academics had never been your strong suit and you honestly had no interest in it, either. Your strong point was Athletics and you were damn good at any sport you happened to be in the mood for. Throughout your school years, you had bounced from sport to sport, thoroughly enjoying each one. You didn’t find your love until you entered high school and joined the American Football team. It was just the kind of rough-and-tough adrenaline rush you craved. In middle school, you skated by on grades that just passed over the required number needed to pass and it didn’t affect your sports, but things were more strict in high school. If you didn’t start getting your grades up, you would be benched and disallowed from playing in any games. The thought made you want to slam your head against your desk.
Jaemin turned in his seat, sporting a frown. “You failed again, didn’t you?”
“I plead the fifth.”
“This isn’t the USA, idiot.” He sighed, plucking the test from your hand. “Coach is gonna be pissed when he sees this.”
“I know~” You threw your head back, staring at the white ceiling above. “What am I gonna do?”
“You could always ask Mark to tutor you.”
“Yeah, right, as if that boy doesn’t have enough to do.” You rolled your eyes. “Not only is he student council president, he’s also part of the drama club, music club, taking AP classes and he’s the captain of band.”
“What about Jeno?” He smirked, “He’s the second smartest kid in our class.”
Your lips pursed at the idea and you resisted the urge to kick him. Jaemin knew about your crush on Jeno and didn’t waste an opportunity to tease you about it. You glanced to the front of the room where Jeno sat, talking to a pretty girl with a cute smile.
“You don’t have many options, Y/N.” His voice was serious now as he rested his cheek in his palm. “The tournament is right around the corner and we don’t stand a chance without you. And I know you don’t want to miss this opportunity. It’s hyung’s last chance to take the cup before he graduates.”
As much as it pained you to admit it, you knew Jaemin was right. Dongho, the team captain, was in his last year of high school. His dream has always been to win the gold cup, and this would be his last chance. He was the best captain you’ve ever had and you wanted him to reach his dream, even if it meant you had to be a bit uncomfortable to do it.
Jaemin watched you curiously as you stood up, grabbing your test before approaching Jeno. The girl was gone and he was in the middle of putting away his books.
He looked up at you in surprise, his cheeks growing warm. Was he dreaming? He was sure he was dreaming. “Yes?”
“Are you tutoring?”
He nodded, re-adjusting his glasses. “Do you know someone that needs help?”
“Yeah…” you rubbed the back of your head with a sigh, showing him your failed test. “If I don’t get my grades up, I’m going to be kicked off the team. I… need your help.”
His heart was beating rapidly in his chest and he bit back a smile at your words. You, the popular athlete that every sports team wanted, was asking him for help. You, the person he’s had a crush on since grade school, said that you needed him. He was ecstatic. “Um, I have time after school. Is that good?”
“I have practice… but I can skip.” You glanced at Jaemin and he raised a brow curiously, too far away to hear the conversation.
He quickly shook his head. “No, it’s okay! I can wait until practice is over.”
“Are you sure?” You questioned, meeting his eyes. It made your heart speed up.
“I’m positive.” He wouldn’t admit that he loved watching you play and silently cheering you on.
You smiled at him, “Thanks.”
“You’re welcome,”
Your body rammed into Jaehyo’s as he tried to run past you with the ball, failing as you tackled him to the ground.
“Nice tackle!” Coach Heechul cheered from the sidelines.
You gave Jaehyo a smirk as you high fived Jaemin.
“Do you have to be so rough?” Jaehyo teased, slapping your shoulder.
“What can I say? I was born strong~”
“And humble,” he stuck his tongue out at you.
“Look who’s here,”Jaemin nodded to the stands and you glanced up, seeing Jeno settling down on the metal. He chose a spot off to the side, away from the cheering boys and girls that had crushes on the team. He had pulled out his notebook. “Jeez, he even studies when school ends.”
“It’s called homework,” Jaehyo ruffled the boy’s hair. “Is he your friend?”
“Y/N has a crush on hi – ”
You jabbed him in the gut, effectively shutting him up as he glared at you.
“No way. You? Having a crush on someone? Is hell freezing over?” He chuckled, now ruffling your hair.
“Come on, I’m human too ya know.” You frowned, shoving his hand away.
“True… but you’ve only ever been focused on sports.”
“What’s this?!” Amber snuck up behind you, pinching your cheek. “Is our little Y/N growing up??”
“God, you guys are annoying.” You grumbled, now shoving her hand away.
“Aww, don’t be embarrassed. It’s a natural part of life!” She wrapped her arms around you, pulling you into a tight hug.
“I’m not embarrassed.”
“Then why are you blushing?” Jaemin interjected. The other two sniggered at the comment.
“Ugh!” You pushed her away and stomped away from the three, feeling annoyed at their prying. You caught Jeno’s eye and he smiled, waving shyly. You smiled despite yourself, glancing at the coach. “Coach, can I leave early?”
He scowled at you, putting his hands on his hips. “Just because you’re the ace doesn’t mean you can skip practice.”
You rolled your eyes at his attitude. “I’m not skipping practice. I’m asking if I can leave early.”
“…my tutor is here.”
“Tutor?” He paused before lashing out, smacking you in the head with the papers in his hand. “Yah, you failed another test, didn’t you?!”
“Does it matter?” You rubbed your head, avoiding his next strike. “I’ve got a tutor, so I’m working on it!”
He sighed heavily, “Dismissed. You better have your grades up next test or else.”
“Yes, sir~” You sent him a mock salute before rushing away, avoiding his attack. Jeno was looking down at his notebook when you approached the stands. “Oi,”
His gaze snapped up, looking at you in surprise.
“I’m gonna go get changed and then we can study.”
“What about practice?” He looked at your team in worry.
“This is more important. Besides, I got in some practice before you got here.” When he nodded, you headed off for the locker room. Since your team was coed, there were two separate locker rooms for the boys and girls. You took a few minutes debating on if you should take a shower first but ultimately decided not to keep him waiting.
As you were heading for the door, you noticed a tree-shaped air freshener hanging against the AC unit. You glanced around before snatching it, tying it to the inside of your shirt. Hopefully, it was stronger than your sweat.
You rushed outside, purposely ignoring the smug smirk your teammates were sending your way. “Let’s go,” You spoke quickly, not stopping as you walked past. He already had his things put away, so he didn’t hesitate to follow you. “Where to?”
Jeno grasped the strap of his bag with both hands. “The library is closed. We can sit in the courtyard? It’s not too hot today.”
“Sure,” you murmured. The courtyard itself was quite large, separating the gate and the school building. Several round benches and matching tables were scattered around the area, most hidden from the sky under large oak trees. In the center sat a tall fountain with crystal clear water – the centerpiece was the school’s mascot, Paly the badger.
You chose the most shaded table, plopping down on the stone. Jeno sat beside you since the table was too wide for him to reach across to teach you.
He started to pull out his books and notes. “What is your worst subject?”
You scratched your cheek. “Er, all of them?”
He laughed softly. “Okay, what subject do you hate most? And no saying all of them!” Jeno stopped you when you opened your mouth, effectively silencing you. Your reaction made him laugh again.
“Math, I guess? I’m not good with numbers.”
“We’ll start there, then. May I have your test?”
You dug into your bag, grabbing the ball of paper and smoothing it out. You gave him a sheepish smile, “I uh, needed more room…”
Jeno bit his lip to hide his smile, nodding. Despite being crumpled and torn in a few places, he was able to see the questions and answers. For the next hour and a half, the two of you sat there going over each of your tests.
He was brilliant at explaining things in a way that you could understand and he was patient when you didn’t get something right away. He took the time to write out a fake test and had you answer the questions. You had no confidence in your answers, but you did better than normal. It was far from an A, but at least you didn’t fail.
“Damn,” you breathed out, staring at the red C- he had written on the top of the paper. “Maybe you should teach the class instead.”
His cheeks lit up at the compliment. “Ah, no, I’m not that smart.”
“Excuse me?” You scoffed, staring him down. “You just raised my grade from a D- to a C- in less than two hours. You’re a genius.”
He smiled softly, looking down at his notebook. “Thank you. That means a lot coming from you.”
“Ah, nothing!” Jeno mentally slapped himself for saying that out loud. You sat in silence for several minutes.
“Hey, Jeno. Our first game of the tournament is in ten days.” You paused, thinking over your words. “You should come. If you want to, I mean.”
“Sure! I’d love to.” You both shared a smile as the wind lightly danced around you.
“By the way…” He shifted, thinking over his words. “You don’t have to wear air fresheners. You smell fine.”
Your face flushed. “Right…”
Jeno continued to tutor you every day after school even after the tournament began. With his help, you were maintaining a C+, B- average. In the process, the two of you had gotten a lot closer to one another.
Your team breezed through the first two rounds of the tournament, nearly losing the third round to last year’s champions, but you managed to pull it off with a score of 24 to 20. Round four was easy, but round five was evenly matched, neither team wanting to give. It went into overtime, but you managed to score the touchdown that won the game.
Your team had made it to the finals. One more game and you would take the gold cup for Dongho.
Your team gathered in the locker room on the day of the match. Jeno was standing next to you against the lockers.
“I can’t believe we did it,” Dongho looked at his teammates, eyes sparkling with tears. “We’ve worked our butts off. We didn’t get here through a fluke or by luck. We earned this! We… We…” His tears overflowed as the words caught in his throat. Amber hugged him while the coach patted his shoulder, also tearing up. “We will win the gold cup!”
“Yeah!” The team chorused, whooping and hollering in excitement.
You sniffled, cursing yourself for being so sensitive. Jeno smiled at you softly, pulling a small tissue pack from his back and handing it to you. “I’m not crying, I’m just having an allergic reaction okay.”
“I understand,” he responded softly, unable to hide his smile. You cared so much for your captain and your team – he admired you for that.
“Let’s get out there and prove that we didn’t get here on luck!” Dongho yelled. The team cheered, grabbing their helmets and filing out.
You handed the pack back, rolling your shoulders. “Jeno?”
You looked him dead in the eye, determination set in stone. “Watch me. I’ll win the gold cup for this team, for Dongho… for you.”
He couldn’t look away from your gaze, nor could he form words. Instead, he simply nodded, watching as you left the room.
The game was long, easily going into overtime. They were strong, seeming to knock you down as soon as you scored a point. Most of their players towered over your own teammates and you briefly wondered if they were on steroids because of how huge they were. Their tackles were sharp like spears, leaving your body bruised and sore, but you never gave up.
The clock ticked down.
There was less than a minute left of overtime and if you didn’t score a touchdown now, you would lose. You pushed your legs to run faster as you headed for the end zone, the ball tucked tightly against your body. You nearly tripped trying to avoid their tackles, but you stayed on your feet and kept pushing. The feeling in your legs was long gone, your body reaching its limit, but you had to keep pushing. You couldn’t let it end like this. You just couldn’t.
One of their linebackers appeared beside you and you couldn’t react in time. Your eyes snapped shut, waiting for the sharp impact but it never came.
Jaemin managed to block him, using all of his strength. “GO, Y/N!”
His scream gave you a boost of energy and surged forward, making the decision to dive. As you slid across the grass, it seemed as if time slowed down. Blood pumped in your ears and all you could hear was your heavy breathing. The screams of fans and your teammates were hazy and undistinguishable over the sound of your own heart. Why were you sliding so slow?
‘I’m slowing down. Please, just a little more!’ Time froze as you made it into the end zone. Seconds later, you felt yourself being smothered by the other team, a hoarse cry passing your lips as they knocked the air out of you. The piercing sound of the whistle greeted your ears followed by, “TOUCHDOWN!”
Time returned to normal, the screams of fans filling the air.
“Get off Y/N!”
“Move you brutes!”
“If you’re gonna cry, do it somewhere other than on our running back!”
The weight was lifted off you and you sucked in air. Jaehyo and Dongho helped you up, making sure you were alive and nothing was broken before they squished you in a tight hug.
Amber laughed at your face, “You just got your breath back and now they’re taking it again.”
“Help,” you wheezed, reaching out for Jaemin who was fighting back tears. He grabbed your hand but didn’t attempt to help.
“I’m so.. I’m so..” Dongho sobbed, squeezing you tighter.
“We did it,” Jaehyo cried.
“Break it up!” Heechul smacked the two with his papers, but it did little with their helmets on. “We need Y/N to win the cup next year!” It took some effort, but he finally managed to pry you away from the two sobbing boys, helping you towards the bench.
Your entire body was screaming, having been pushed past its limit, but you were so happy that you didn’t care.
“Y/N!” Jeno came running out of the stands, throwing his arms around your neck. His grip was warm and protective, not nearly as tight as your teammates’ had been. He didn’t care about the sweat seeping into his clothes. “I’m so proud of you. You were amazing!”
“We all were,” you breathed in his scent, a mixture of new textbook and mint. It invaded your senses. “I told you I was would win for you, Jeno.”
He pulled back, looking you in the eyes. “I… I made a promise to myself. I told myself that if you won, I would tell you…”
“Tell me what?” You had an idea of what that something was, but you wanted to hear it.
“Y/N, I – ”
“CHEERS!” Amber and Jaemin screamed, dumping the contents of the drink cooler on Jeno’s head. Jaehyo and Dongho did the same to Heechul.
Your body twitched in annoyance as you glared at the pair. “Oi, you ruined the moment you jerks!”
“Oh, were you finally going to confess?” Amber wiggled her eyebrows suggestively and you threw the closest thing at her – it was a towel and did no damage.
Muttering under your breath, you dug around in your bag to find your varsity jacket. It was a bit windy that day and you knew he didn’t have a change of clothes. He smiled at you sheepishly, cheeks turning dark as you handed it to him. You were similar in size, so it fit him snugly, filling his senses with the smell of pine and dirt.
“Jeno, I like you and want you to be my boyfriend.”
He pouted at you. “I wanted to confess first.”
You chuckled, “Just kiss me already.”
Without hesitation, Jeno’s lips found your own as his arms wrapped protectively around your body.
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Word count: 4638
Ice cream isn’t exactly a priority during the apocalypse. 
Especially if you’re an amputee.
And yet at the moment, Herman’s main problem is whether or not he can fetch a second helping of banana soft serve. 
And well, if he could stop watching the Bee Movie right about now. 
“Sorry if you don’t like banana,” Dr. Salmaki said, spooning out more ice cream. “But it’s not like dairy products can last very long these days.” Laughing, she pulled out the gold flower from her hair and tucked it back in at the crease behind her ear; an odd look for a woman in her mid-60s. Even more strange was that sunflowers still existed in this world. It was small, a blossom you would drive by on a summer afternoon but never know the name of. Unfitting to the world right about now, but it blended right into her hoarding garden Herman examined with the turn of his eyes.
Shrubs, trees, vines shrouded the room like a terrarium, except this time he wasn’t looking from the outside in. He was part of the lizards or bugs, trapped, with its wild chirp lost from the sense of overwhelming security. There was no need to try and survive. 
He could sort of understand why those lizards died so quickly now. 
Then again, he wasn’t a lizard.
“Not a fan of the Bee Movie?” Dr. Salmaki asked, turning the television off. Barry and Vanessa disappeared from the boxy screen with a blink of light, their animated voices cut off with a high-pitched click. Dr. Salmaki reached for her cane and pressed the eject button on the remote control, the VHS sliding out and hitting the ground. 
He had forgotten how much he missed technology.
He shook his head, nonetheless. 
“I’m not a fan of cartoons in general, I guess,” he replied. 
“You get used to them once they are the only source of entertainment you have.” She paused. “Too literally in this case, considering it’s the only cartoon I have.” She chuckled again. 
What was so funny?
“I’m never really home, so I guessed this crappy kids’ movie would be enough if I ever had to stay here at home for more than a day. Now look at me, my television is only useful to watch some anthropomorphic bees destroy the environment.” She said, smiling. He remained quiet, not sure how to respond. 
“Not much of a talker, hm?” She asked, raising an eyebrow. Herman sipped up whatever was left in his bowl. 
Melted bananas. His new favorite food. 
“There’s not much to talk about,” he replied simply. 
A pause of silence. Dr. Salmaki smiled, snickering as if he was some sort of pet. 
“Looks like you’ve got a story, though.” She remarked, tapping his one foot with her cane.
He instinctively grabbed what was left of his right thigh, a burning shot firing down his limb. 
Herman’s heart raced.
The pain disappeared once his fingers made contact with the leg. 
He was the butt of his body’s own sick joke. 
“Please don’t do that.” 
Another pause of silence. 
“I used to have friends.”
Dr. Salmaki set her cane to the side. 
“I wasn’t sure what happened to them now, especially after the meteor. Perhaps they could afford government-funded panic rooms, with their suburban wealth and all. Our family could’ve been a part of the system, too, if it weren’t for me. 
Some, like my sister and I, stayed in communal panic rooms. These shelters were offered by local folk who supposedly took pity on us and our pleading parents. 
There was only enough food for two more people, so mom and dad offered to go find some more for themselves and the rest of the group.  
Fate had better places for them. 
I never contributed much to the team. I focused on sports in school, so I wasn’t as smart as the others. At least my sister could go out and scavenge. She had a pretty voice, and combine that with our dusty, out-of-tune guitar and there you go, sanity was restored for a few hours. 
It wasn’t my fault I didn't contribute anything to the group.. I couldn’t magically grow a limb back, and my body rejected the prosthetics available. But the other panic room members were generally sweet and frankly quite pitiful, sharing some of their food with me. 
Food, like clothing and medical supplies, was among some of the first materials to  run out. 
As many other groups of people during the apocalypse did, we organized a scavenging party. My sister volunteered to go, despite the fact that several people urged her not to. Probably because of me. Nonetheless, she left, humming the tune to a song I have long forgotten the title to. 
I may have not spent that much time with her than I should have, but I knew certain facts about her that others were slow to catch. One thing for sure, if she was absolutely silent, she was absolutely scared. It was unfair in a way, how she could just grow up so fast while I was stuck here, still living off of other people’s pity. Either way, it was neither of our choices to do so. 
I began wondering if it was the common fate for whoever stepped out the metal door to never come back. 
Panic grew. One left and again, never came back. Rations got smaller. I found out meetings have been pushed to nighttimes when I’m asleep. 
“They’re planning to EAT you.” A pitiful woman whispered ruefully one day. 
The metal door creaked open. I fled.
Surprisingly, no one dared to mess with me. No matter how menacing they looked, they’d just look away after glancing at my missing limb. It may be the apocalypse, but it takes a long time to just lose the pity from someone. 
The most conflict I ever got was when I encountered some sort of gang along the way. They laughed at my amputation crudely, and they threw me some food like they were feeding some birds at a park. They said they’re not heartless to the point they would kill a cripple, immediately after shooting one of their members for 'wasting ammunition’.
...They showed me how to get to a place that would offer some food and shelter for a short time. When I thought I couldn’t go any further, I just saw an old woman with a flower in her hair.” He finished his story. How he got to a place where he could eat vegan ice cream for eternity. 
“I mean, who knew that person would be some sort of apocalypse millionaire?” Herman asked, laughing emptily. 
Dr. Salmaki, after listening quietly with a couple of cynical remarks, laughed wholeheartedly. 
“I'm something, but not a millionaire.” 
She sighed, a smile lingering on her expression. 
“Well, perhaps it’s not the happiest story, but it’s one indeed,” she said. 
“I guess.”
“I don’t want to waste too much of your time, y'know, listening to me, but I used to have a grandson.” 
“What happened to him?”
“Oh, wasn’t fortunate I suppose. He contracted a disease and medication wasn’t good enough for him. Perhaps it’s my fault, I promised his parents I would take care of him and yet I was always out, investigating in the laboratory.” 
They both sighed. 
“Dr. Salmaki, I don’t want to sound rude, but maybe it’s best to keep the past in the past, you know? I mean, I used to have two legs, but it’s not like I try to remind myself of it everyday. It just... helps to think about something else. Especially when you can’t do shit to help yourself with the current problem.” 
She rested her head against the seat of the plant-occupied couch. Her green eyes lost its usual inspired twinkle, but as soon as she made eye contact it was back. 
“Yes, that’s a good idea. It's no use reminiscing!” she exclaimed, laughing wholeheartedly. 
“What should I be calling you? I just realized I’ve been eating ice cream with a complete stranger.” She asked. 
“It’s Herman. I was named after a Greek god, apparently,” he replied, shrugging.
“It’s better than Artemis. You would’ve been named after a goddess of virginity.” 
They laughed.
"I’m done with angsty talking, we're not characters in a YA novel, now. How about some music?” She asked. 
Dr. Salmaki stood up, stretching out her joints. Herman grimaced internally of how many cracking sounds her body was making. 
She walked over to the counter and from the dark, seemingly pulled out a radio and something else. She carried it back to the couch and set it between the two of them. She pulled out the disc box and took out the disc inside, handing him the box. While she was figuring out how to get the old radio to work again, he examined the empty case and its flashy writing. 
Lysa and Ellie’s Playlist for the Apocalypse
It seemed to be written on plain letter paper with markers. He flipped it over to the back, and there was what he assumed was a list of the songs in this playlist. 
Perfect Illusion
Government Hooker
Paper Gangsta
Bad Romance
“I didn’t know you were a fan of Lady Gaga, Dr. Salmaki,” he said, raising an eyebrow.
“I’m not. I used to be a camp counselor for this one science camp a coupla’ years ago. It was called “Apocalyptic Science”, you probably know what it would be about based on the name. I hate prepubescents, but I was fond of these two girls, Lysa and Ellie. I dunno, they just reminded me of who I was when I was their age, maybe that’s why. Anyways, they asked me if I was a fan of Lady Gaga, and I said no. Not sure how they were able to burn a CD with explicit music at a limited technology camp, but they handed this to me on the last day as a gift.” She explained, pressing the play button. 
“What a coincidence, isn’t it?” She remarked.  
The machine whirred and clicked for a good half-minute before it finally decided to play some music. 
“We are the crowd, we’re c-coming out, got my flash on it’s true….”
He froze. 
“What’s wrong?” Dr. Salmaki asked. 
“Oh, um, it’s nothing,” he replied. 
“Your expression tells otherwise.” 
“It’s just that… I didn’t know this was the song that my sister was humming before she left, you know? I can’t believe I’m just recognizing it right now.” 
He paused, trying to figure out how he was feeling at the moment. How could he forget? She was always talking and singing about Lady Gaga. Did he simply not care to remember her favorite songs, maybe even try to share that single interest with her? 
The two of them have been through thick and thin, and yet they barely even knew each other. 
Or was it just him who knew nothing about who she really might have been?
“I feel so dumb,” he said, his voice hardly more than a whisper. 
Dr. Salmaki sighed. 
“It’s a feeling you get used to with time. I can’t know everything, even if emotions say otherwise,” she responded. 
“But anyway, there’s no use reminiscing. You’ve even said that yourself, didn’t you?” she confirmed, smiling. 
He let out a forced breath of laughter. He couldn’t contradict himself. 
“You’re right, there’s no point sulking about what I can’t change. Gotta enjoy the moment.” he replied. She laughed heartily. 
“That’s the spirit! Do amputees dance, or what?” she asked, lending him a hand. 
He smiled, using her hand and his crutch to stand himself up. 
“Of course.”
It’s been a few weeks since he’s been staying with Dr. Salmaki. He's learned that she not only does she have an indoor garden as her home, but she also owns a small farm of animals in her shed. Well, it’s more of a home for her pets, since she never uses them for food. But at this point, he has gotten used to a vegan diet, and it wasn’t like it was his position to complain anyway. 
“Hey, Herman, get over here for a sec.” Dr. Salmaki hollered from the other side of the house. He stopped his doodling and walked to where her voice came from. 
She was standing by the metal door, where her inventory was located. It was always locked for safety purposes, but he had no reason to step in there. But he respected her choice nonetheless. He wasn’t planning to build suspicion by asking about it any more than he needed to, anyway. 
“What do you want?” he asked, watching as she punched in the code for the door. 
“Remember when I said this was my inventory? Well, surprise surprise, that was a lie.” 
After opening the heavy door, she turned on the lights to reveal some sort of laboratory. 
With mixed emotions and disordered questions, he hoarsely replied, 
“Hey, do you want to see something cool?” 
Without even waiting for a response, she filled up an empty tank with tap water and mixed in a large amount of salt with it. She then proceeded to pluck the signature flower from her hair and drop it into the water. 
The blossom seemed to shrivel for a moment, as it sunk wistfully down to the bottom. 
As he was about to ask how this was supposed to be ‘cool’, the flower’s petals suddenly began to thicken and spread out. It had bloomed as if it was an early spring morning. 
Immediately it started to form suction cups you would only see on octopi all around itself, and soon it found its way towards the glass wall and stuck itself to it. It slithered around, the new creature's tentacles feeling around its territory. 
He watched, awestruck and but mostly disgusted. 
“It’s like a… a-”
He tried to think of the right term.
“A starfish? A squid? Close but no cigar. That’s what you get when amalgamating a Maximilian sunflower with a typical octopus,” she explained. She observed with dull eyes as if this was nothing new. 
“But how? I don’t understand how someone could just so easily do this.” he said, confused. 
“I used to be a genetic engineer. Heh, sorry lying about my profession again. But did you really think I was a BOTANIST?” she asked, chuckling softly. 
“But that still doesn’t explain how one could possibly do this. Isn’t this… I dunno, impossible?” he asked. 
“Impossible, yes. For Earth, that is.” 
“Goddamnit, that doesn’t explain anything! What are you saying, what, you’re some kind of alien?”
“Ha, I wish. We’re wasting time, Herman. Do you really want to hear this stupid story?” 
“Uh, yeah, especially now that you’re saying that we’re ‘wasting time’ for something I have zero knowledge about.” 
Dr. Salmaki sat down on one of the metal stools.
“Ugh, fine… Well, to begin, I was appointed by the government to figure out ways for people to go through the apocalypse without, ya know, dying.
We had our astronomist, botanist… pretty much the cream of the crop from each field of study. Hell, we even had a pastor. That’s how desperate the government was. We grew close, but we knew enough not to depend on each other too much. They were all intelligent people, smarter than me at least. But even the smartest people couldn’t figure out how to make the quality of living better while still remaining under budget. 
I think we gave up on what we could do with what was left of the Earth once we focused on the meteor. 
From what was concluded from the research, the meteor couldn’t have fallen ‘accidentally’ or ‘naturally’. It was either thrown by some galactic giant or was just a meteor with a very strange orbit defying all laws of physics. Both seemed pretty unlikely. The meteor was also releasing a whole new element to the environment, a substance rebelling against the laws of nature. Too bad the press barely even existed anymore, it’s a breakthrough that would’ve shocked everyone. 
We conducted all sorts of experiments with it, but with our limited resources we could only go so far until we hit another brick wall. We put safety before anything, but it’s difficult to balance security with discovery. We weren’t finding anything with lab rats. Exposing them to the meteor's element would only create some sort of gooey mutant. And we couldn’t risk losing possibly the only species alive by using something other than our abundant rats. No one wanted to die, either, despite their half-baked statements of sacrifice for the greater good.
The greater good only sounds sweet if it doesn’t involve yourself, after all. 
I think at one point the government got tired of our shindigs and complaints, so they decided to cut whatever rat’s tail funding and resources that went to us. As if the world is gonna repair itself. 
After packing up whatever I brought to the laboratory, I decided to stop and talk to the pastor who for whatever reason stayed with us until the end. 
“Why didn’t you just leave?” I asked. 
“Who am I to go against God’s will?” He asked back, calm despite the uneasy silence. 
“So it’s god’s will to set you in some safety net with guaranteed food and rest? While everyone else is suffering out there, scrambling and murdering each other for a morsel of food? Got it.”  
He chuckled.
“What’s so funny?” 
“Not a fan of Jesus, I assume?” 
“I mean, do you think I’m in this field just to worship some entity I have no knowledge or proof of its existence?” 
“It’s the whole point of faith. It’s the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” 
“Well, assurance from some outdated book isn’t enough for me. I need concrete proof, a hypothesis I’m 99 percent certain would be correct. I suppose that’s why religious people don’t make sense. You see them do ridiculous acts like bombing a village or flying into provenly dangerous lands all in the name of their gods.” 
“Precisely. Some perform dangerous crimes or actions, blinded by faith. But we are all blind in a way, since we are all sinners. What differentiates us is what leads us through that darkness and where we go because of it.” He explained. He walked into his room and came back with some sort of yellow flower in a plastic cup.
“That’s a Maximilian sunflower. How did you manage to grow it?” I asked, holding it by the makeshift pot. 
“I’ll be honest, it got a little boring to just watch everyone continue with their studies. You can keep it.” He responded. 
“I mean, thanks, but why?” 
“The sunflower symbolizes loyalty. They’re always facing the sun, even though ffor humans the sun is too bright to the point it blinds them. I feel like that was how loyal you are to science and your field. I admire it, how you proceed step-by-step to make sure the experiment is safe for all.” 
I rolled my eyes. 
“I may be passionate, but it’s not like I’m brilliant. I mean, if you’ look back you can obviously see that we haven’t seen any benefits to the new element, despite our efforts.” 
“True. So perhaps it’s time to take a leap of faith. You all have been so caught up in the hypothetical dangers of it up to this point.” He said, walking towards the door. 
“Whatever your choice may be, I have faith in you.” the pastor said, and left the laboratory. 
I looked back at the unused specimen, stored in their glass cages, tanks, or whatever environment they needed to be kept in for basic survival.
Government workers were going to come in tomorrow to clean and take everything that belonged to them. 
Quickly, I took everything that I could carry in my car. The sun has already set, and I needed to hurry if I had to make a second trip. 
It was time to make a leap of faith.” 
Dr. Salmaki finished her story. 
“And look where that leap of faith took me,” she said, pushing the curtain away and turning on the lights to the opposite side of the laboratory.
All this time, Dr. Salmaki has been hiding a plethora of animals and organisms, several of which Herman had never even seen before. 
“The meteor’s element, when used correctly, seems to have the power to amalgamate one organism with another. Strangely, it knows what traits to keep and what to throw away. It knows what characteristics have helped each organism survive in its habitat.” she explained. She walked to one glass tank and motioned him to follow. 
Inside was an egg, its shell resembling a tortoise’s.
“Of course, I’ve had failed experiments that didn’t lead me anywhere. But it just helps me learn what not to do, I suppose.” 
It seemed to crack and split open, only to reveal its exact same form. 
“An amalgamation of an unhatched chicken egg and a tortoise. This is its entire form. A shame, ain’t it? Well, it does what it does to survive, I suppose.” She said, soon dragging me to another glass crate. It seemed to be a regular hamster, except with the face of a pig. 
He grimaced. A pig’s snout just didn’t belong on a hamster. 
“The hamster’s food pouches helps it conserve food for an amount of time, and its snout can easily find food in its habitat. The tusks can help fend off predators, and its small size is helpful when escaping them. The swine’s social side and the hamster’s independent side seems to coexist. I’d consider this new species an ambivert, y’know, whatever that means to you..” She explained. 
“The most contrasting the two amalgamating organisms are, the better. Look at the egg and the tortoise, they both shield themselves with thick shells to survive. And they would. But they wouldn’t last long. Natural selection would take the best of them, considering their lack to reproduce. At least that’s what I hypothesize.” she added. She led him into another room, its door hidden behind a pillar made of amalgamations tanks stacked against each other. 
If Dr. Salmaki’s living space was overshadowed by plants, then her true laboratory was overrun by wires. 
“Don’t electrocute yourself,” she remarked jokingly. It didn’t help with his growing panic at all. He fumbled over the hazardous thicket while she weaved her way through the web she had somehow made. 
Approximately a third of the room was blocked off with glass on the opposite side. It was the only area he’s ever seen in this house empty, with the exception of a couple of unfamiliar machinery here and there. 
She sat down on an office chair, its leather wearing down into stripes of black and exposed cotton. Behind it was a long desk, just as discorded as the floors and walls. 
“Jesus Christ, Do you ever clean up, like at all?” he snapped out of anxiety. She shrugged. 
“It only wastes time from what’s really important,” she replied nonchalantly. 
With a simple hit of a button on her computer, the glass slowly began to swing open. 
“The glass worked as a divider between me and the two organisms, so I wouldn’t get amalgamated with them. But I suppose we don’t need it now, do we?” She asked, chuckling softly. 
“What’s going on?” 
“Think for yourself.” 
He took a brief moment to collect his thoughts to bring a conclusion. But what he came up with didn’t make sense at all. 
“You’re going to… amalgamate yourself with me?” he asked carefully, hoping for a correction. 
She nodded, unable to hide her smile.   
Questions flooded Herman’s mind, yet at the same time he didn’t want to know anything.
“At first glance you might be the last person anyone would ever want to combine themselves with. No offense, by the way.” 
Herman was too baffled to be insulted. 
Dr. Salmaki stood up and marched right over to the one-legged boy. She seemed to take his silence as a ‘“none taken”’, as she continued on. 
“My grandson died from a common cold, Herman.” She said, a bitter undertone lying hidden from her nonchalant fashion. 
“It doesn’t make any sense how you could survive for this long. There’s something special about you, something DIFFERENT from all the others.” 
He tried to think of a solid reason as to convince her not to do this, to just go along with their lives as they had before. He could forever be under her command, a silent servant paid with unstable mercy. Or he could be her new grandson, immediately, almost forcefully adopted into a madhouse family. Either way, it would be difficult going back to his golden peak of the apocalypse. His golden peak ever in his life. He thought Dr. Salmaki was the person that finally understood him. 
“You’re being irrational.” He finally argued. 
With her signature cane, Dr. Salmaki struck Herman’s right foot. Without his own physical support system, he fell right into the rubbery nest of wires tangled across the floor. 
The mad scientist pulled down a lever, a periwinkle gas escaping from the vents once contained beyond the glass door. 
She crouched next to the amputee, taking his hand and holding it firmly as if silently saying goodbye. 
“There is no rationality in faith.” 
The gas, after slowly travelling across unfamiliar territory, finally reached the two human figures. 
Wind flies through the ever expanding gaps in my body. 
It’s chilling.
It would take more than a billion years for Earth to reset if humans were wiped out from the planet.  
Not to boast, but it only took me seven years. 
A tedious period of time, yes, but in the end I’ve got the job done. Who knew a monster born in a messy, purple clogged laboratory would be so beneficial to life?
And all it took was a meteor. 
To be honest, humanity was doomed. Even if Earth had gone back to its Garden of Eden, there would be no way people could live in harmony, whether that would be between nature, extraterrestrials, or themselves. What would be the point of moving to another life-sustaining planet, if all humans would do is turn it into a self-obsessed cacophony? A human is a toxic cycle with no end, spiraling to their own demise. 
That’s why their new home is not earth, mars, or any other undeserving planet, but my mind. They live in an imaginary world, an exact replica of a world without the meteor strike, minus the memories of the horrifying apocalypse. 
It’s not fun. Their little society is an infection. 
Somehow, I can amalgamate with anything and everything, even without the element extracted from the meteor. Except my physical body tries to reject anything and everything I try to amalgamate with. So whatever the amalgamation may be is temporary, until I’ve had enough of it and eject it out of myself, turning whatever organism that was once part of me into lifeless waste. Quite literally. The first human I ever tried to amalgamate with was spit out as some sort of foul and nasty slush. 
I’ve learned to take better control of when that happens. 
That’s why this time, the purge of this once major amalgamation is all controlled and consented by yours truly. 
Lucky for them, this isn’t going to be a complete wipe out of humanity. 
Just a ‘natural disaster’ so that, for now, the amalgamation would be a bit more bearable. I’ve envisioned it several times. A meteor would fall to earth. Everyone except a small minority dies either directly or indirectly. 
Society is in crumbles, and society is quiet for once. 
And so I do it. I close my eyes, focus on the little Earth I’ve created, and send out a lonesome shooting star toward them. 
A horrible discord rings, pulsates through my mind and through the tips of my limbs, and it stops after a few seconds. 
I open my eyes, stand up, and walk over to the hoarding garden I call my home. I pluck a couple of bananas, prepare and blend them, and put them in the freezer for a familiar dessert. 
Ice cream isn’t exactly a priority when you have destroyed society. 
Especially if you are, quite literally, one of a kind. 
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muffin-n-waffle · 6 years
Channy Watches Anime Sometimes And You Should Too: Summer 2018 Edition
With the ending of spring, summer obviously comes in its wake, as well as the ever pressing need for it to just be fucking fall already! But aside from heat, bugs, and disappointing family vacations, summer also brings a whole new onslaught of anime. As usual, I have some specific as fuck tastes, and not all the time in the world to watch every single show airing this season, but I decide to compile a list of the ones that I plan on watching. 
This list is a little different this time around since I’ve decided to give some different anime a chance, so this time I’ll be putting these shows in a list from what I’m most likely to finish all the way through to least likely. Here we go! 
Banana Fish
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Nature made Ash Lynx beautiful; nurture made him a cold ruthless killer. A runaway brought up as the adopted heir and sex toy of "Papa" Dino Golzine, Ash, now at the rebellious age of seventeen, forsakes the kingdom held out by the devil who raised him. But the hideous secret that drove Ash's older brother mad in Vietnam has suddenly fallen into Papa's insatiably ambitious hands—and it's exactly the wrong time for Eiji Okamura, a pure-hearted young photographer from Japan, to make Ash Lynx's acquaintance...
This anime is awesome so far! The animation is fluid, the writing is amazing, and the story sucks you in from episode one. I feel like this one is going to hurt a lot, but I’m so looking forward to following along each week with every new episode. 
Hataraku Saibo
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This is a story about you. A tale about the inside of your body... According to a new study, the human body consists of approximately 37 trillion cells. These cells are hard at work every day within a world that is your body. From the oxygen-carrying red blood cells to the bacteria-fighting white blood cells, get to know the unsung heroes and the drama that unfolds inside of you! It's the oddly relatable and interesting story that is the life of cells! 
I present to you, Osmosis Jones: The Anime! Except, not really. This slice of life comedy follows the cells inside of a human body, and all of the triumphs and tribulations they have to go through with each passing day, whether that be fighting off germs, or even dealing with a small scrap. This one is pretty funny so far, and I definitely love the dynamic that’s been set up with one of the white and red blood cells. 
Chio-chan no Tsuugakuro
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This is a story of a nerdy bookworm girl on her way to school, and yes, that's the entire premise, as she's not getting to school any time soon. Taking her "usual" route to school, it becomes an increasingly unusual adventure, and all the more ridiculous as it carries on. It takes an unpleasant sentiment many can empathize with, the feeling of tardiness, and brings humor to it—making it a hilarious situation to look back upon.
This season is filled to the brim with bizarre comedies it seems, which suits my tastes just fine, since aside from romance, comedy is one of my favorite genres. There’s not much plot to speak of, but each episode follows the lead, Chio, as she makes her way to school everyday. The premise is simple, silly, and great for a laugh. 
Asobi Asobase 
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Hanako, an athletically proficient, yet thick-headed student with a weird fashion sense, plays a game with the American transfer student Olivia. However, their vigor irritated their classmate Kasuki who dislikes playing games since she has always been teased by her sister for being bad at them. With a turn of events, it was found out that Hanako is terrible at English. Thus, she asked her foreign classmate Olivia to help her, but Olivia, who is only born and raised in Japan with foreign parents, can't actually speak English at all! Watch over these three girls' surreal school-life comedy.
Another bizarre comedy! This one also doesn’t have much plot to speak of, and follows these three girls through school and the different situations they find themselves in. The faces that are drawn on these girls at times are hysterical, and it’s also been just a great show to sit down and simply laugh with. 
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Ayano Hanesaki, a first-year student at Kanagawa Prefectural Kitakomachi High School, has a badminton ability able to surpass others effortlessly yet avoids playing the sport. She meets Nagisa Aragaki, a third-year student who practices day and night aiming to become the best player in Japan. Encouraged by coach Tachibana Kentarou, supported by club colleagues, and fired up by various rivals, the two engage in their youth and adored sport so thrilling like a shuttle flown at high speed!
I don’t delve much into the world of ‘sports anime’, but after I saw the animation on this one, I just had to give it a chance. This one can be a bit melodramatic at times, and I’m sure it’s just some dumb misunderstanding that’s causing all of this drama in the first place, but so far i’m enjoying watching some really well animated badminton. 
Harukana Receive 
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The story takes place in Okinawa, where Haruka forms a beach volleyball pair with Kanata. Kanata, who couldn't handle the pressure put on her by her short height, had given up on beach volleyball already but is convinced by Haruka to step back on the sand once again and aim for the junior tournament. 
My second shot at a sports anime! This one is all about cute girls and beach volleyball, though of course it isn’t without it’s melodrama as well, though this one seems to be handled a little better at least. The animation is cute, and it really has a fun, summer feel to it. 
Tenrou: Sirius the Jaeger
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The series takes place in the Imperial Capital of 1930. A group of people known as "Jaegers" landed on Tokyo Station. They carry musical instrument cases and came to hunt vampires. A man named Yuliy stood among them with a striking serenity and unusual aura. Known as a werewolf who had his home village destroyed by vampires, he and the Jaegers engage in battle against the mysterious holy arc known as the "The Arc of Sirius". What truth awaits them?
This one is pretty good so far. It’s action packed, and has awesome animation, as well as a decent plot it seems. It’s so far down on the list because I’m only two episodes in, and my fear is that the story is going to end up disappointing me, or become boring. 
Angolmois: Genkou Kassenki
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The scary great king comes from the other side of the sea… The big incident ‘Genkou‘ that shook medieval Japan is being drawn in an original way in this historical anime, along with the beginning of the Samurai…!
A samurai historical about the Mongol invasion of Japan. Lots of action, and decently animated so far, but might not continue with it if it starts to really bore me. I’m also secretly hoping for some romance between the two characters featured on the poster.....
Grand Blue
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Among the seaside town of Izu's ocean waves and rays of shining sun, Iori Kitahara is just beginning his freshman year at Izu University. As he moves into his uncle's scuba diving shop, Grand Blue, he eagerly anticipates his dream college life, filled with beautiful girls and good friends.
But things don't exactly go according to plan. Upon entering the shop, he encounters a group of rowdy, naked upperclassmen, who immediately coerce him into participating in their alcoholic activities. Though unwilling at first, Iori quickly gives in and becomes the heart and soul of the party. Unfortunately, this earns him the scorn of his cousin, Chisa Kotegawa, who walks in at precisely the wrong time. Undeterred, Iori still vows to realize his ideal college life, but will things go according to plan this time, or will his situation take yet another dive?
Yet another comedy! I think this one is aimed at a younger generation of boys though, but so far facial animations are funny, and it’s been good for a laugh with one immature gag after the other. I may not stick with it, but I’ll give a few more episodes just to see if it’s worth my time. 
Kyoto Teramachi Sanjou no Holmes
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Based on mystery novels written by Mochizuki Mai.There is an antique shop in Kyoto's Teramachi Sanjou shopping district. High school girl Mashiro Aoi unexpectedly runs into Yagashira Kiyotaka, the son of the shop's owner, and ends up working part-time at the shop. Kiyotaka is called the "Holmes at Teramachi Sanjou," and he and Aoi solve odd cases brought to them by various clients.
This one probably should have been a little higher on the list, but considering I forgot about it until just now, maybe it doesn’t.... I decided to check this one out purely based on my love for Sherlock Holmes. The animation in this one is just okay, and the cases, while only two episodes in so far, are so predictable that it’s almost laughable. I’ll probably stick with this one since it’s easy enough to get through, and while it’s more of a slice of life, I am sort of hoping for a romance between Aoi and Holmes. 
Aguu: Tensai Ningyou
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The series is about a missing genius whose mysterious disappearance becomes a shady secret among the successful members of society.
Last one on the list, and only one episode for this one so far. It has some pretty odd animation, so much so that it nearly through me off. I suppose it speaks well of the story that I stuck around despite that. I know the plot synopsis above is pretty short, but it’s hard to explain what this wild show is about, and it’s better if you just check out this weirdness for yourself. 
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veridium · 6 years
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To read the previous Episode, click here.
The distance between them has grown, and now Lady Inquisitor Treveyan and Lady Ambassador Montilyet must find a way to move forward somehow in their lives. The Inquisitor comes to terms with aspects of her life and the life of the woman she’s falling for - and how everything seems to fall out of place. A return to Skyhold after a hard-earned victory in Emprise du Lion awaits her with the difficult answers she seeks.
The camp was bursting at the seams with laughter and relief, feelings that were all-too-rare in such settings. It was the day of all days: they had captured Suledin Keep, for good. The arduous advancement had brought them to the epicenter, wherein Theia, Cassandra, Dorian, and The Iron Bull battled with the self-proclaimed “Choice Spirit” once and for all. While the Inquisitor had concerns over her shape and ability to be as good as she was before her injury, her success in the battle proved to her that she was inches away from a complete recovery.
Wine jugs and sacks were passed around to encourage the merriment of all. Not too much, to ensure that guard could be maintained. But, for the Inquisitor and her allies, the wine was as therapeutic as it was recreational. Everyone had bandages and scrapes to tend to, and perhaps one night where they could pretend they were the Kings and Queens of the Maker-forsaken winter wasteland they found themselves in could be just as healing as herbs and cloth bandages.
The keep was not outfitted enough to be worthy of such a celebration – surely the grandeur of a snow-filled camp of hide tents and wooden tables would more than suffice.
“Boss, you really had him there with that…ice…thing you did. It was fantastic!” The Iron Bull roared, patting her on the back, so much so it pushed the breath out of her lungs and made her choke in recovery. This was not an uncommon phenomena when the Bull was feeling congratulatory.
“Bull, you have the best way with words!” Theia chimed back, always trying to be a good sport.
“Ahaha! You’re damn right! If only Krem were to come to his senses!” off in the not-too-distant scape, you could see Krem shake his head as he tended to cleaning his armor, surrounded by most of the Chargers.
Theia chuckled and took another sip of wine from her humble cup. She was not planning on getting too intoxicated that night. Tomorrow morning was move-in for the Keep, as well as outfitting Valeska’s watch. Blackwall returned to Skyhold two days prior, having been fielding Darkspawn and Templar skirmishes in her absence.
Somewhere, hopefully near, Dorian was recounting some of the newer troops with the latest and most dramatic news from the front. A battle with a 3-in-1 demon sounded like the final battle with Corypheus if you were to listen to Dorian Pavus go on and on about it. The romances of battle were amiable only to a certain extent for Theia, especially when the said battle was within the previous 48-hour period.
Theia’s eyes perked up as she saw a certain personnel walk past, and she turned her head to flag them down.
“Messenger! Are you sure there’s no more correspondences from Skyhold?” she said, feeling futile but at the same time, harboring a raw strand of reckless hope that perhaps something was being kept from her that would make this night all the more sweet.
The scout turned and nodded her head quickly. “No, ser, not since midday. We have sent all the necessary dispatches about the events of the day already.”
“Thank you, I’m sorry I’m such a nervous wreck,” Theia humored, before turning back to the fire and gazing at it with indifference.
From her right side, also utilizing the campfire for light as she cleaned her sword, Cassandra noticed the Inquisitor’s behavior. “Leliana warned me in passing before we left that something transpired between you and Lady Montilyet. Is this why you keep hounding the Messengers like you’re expecting the worst news of your life?”
Cassandra’s words spoke life to the subliminal anxieties Theia had managed to suppress well enough to capture a keep from the clutches of a demon and liberate villagers from oppressive murder in the Sarhnia Quarry. All in a day’s work for a jilted lover who happened to be Lady Inquisitor.
“Not at all, Seeker, I was simply inquiring as to if we had a note from the person I’m playing a chain mail round of Wicked Grace with. Surprise, it’s Varric,” she gave a front of pure, unadulterated sarcasm.
Cassandra smirked under her breath. “Inquisitor, even I know you do not have the patience for such hobbies.”
“You never know, I am a woman of many wonders.”
“Yes, and many habits.”
Theia eyed her friend and comrade from the side, lowering her posture and resting her elbows on her thighs. “We had a disagreement. It is hardly the end of the wo—you know what, nevermind.”
As the Seeker sheathed her now sterling and clean weapon, she placed it to the side of her and put her attention fully on the Inquisitor. “Well, whatever has happened, I wish you the best of luck. You have remained steadfast and focused even with all that is in your mind’s eye. Your dedication is appreciated, as you can see,” she motioned towards the small clusters of troops and scouts who finally had a night to bask in the accomplishments of their work.
“If anything happens, you know where to find me,” Cassandra said, standing up, still in all her armor and ready for anything. Theia nodded at her simply, and she was off. Did the Seeker ever enjoy a late night of casualty? The world may never know.
That left the Inquisitor surrounded by many, but lonely all the same. It wasn’t that her people always left her feeling that way – it was the circumstances of her departure from Skyhold, and who specifically she left behind on less-than-stellar grounds, that left a hole in her chest. It had gotten to the point where the first person she wanted to tell the down and dirty details of the day, just so happened to be the person farthest away from reach. And now, that person was probably scorned beyond affection.
Theia gazed up at the stars and wondered just how much longer it would be before love would stop driving her wild. When she was a child, the adults made marriage and bonds look so professional, like a transaction. Then, when the truth of everyone’s socially-accepted infidelity came to light, then it was a polarity between feeling nothing and feeling everything like some animal.
Then, in the Circle, it was all about filtering what you did feel for the sake of self-preservation. In the rebellion, it became survival.
Only when she had the courage – some of it was probably recklessness – to pursue Josephine, did the grey area of it all became clear. With it, came wildness.
They would return to Skyhold in the next few days to switch shifts, re-stock, and return the Inquisitor and her team to headquarters. She didn’t know whether to be excited, or scared shitless.
The days passed by so slow at first before she found a rhythm again. For Lady Montilyet, work was as much part of herself as anything. Once she was able to throw herself back into her duties and not anxiously look up every time someone with an average build and height with blonde hair darkened her doorway, she could almost fool herself into thinking everything was fine. At least, if you didn’t count the small scrap letter Theia had left her being in her right-hand drawer, for whenever she could steal a moment of unproductivity to herself to be emotionally masochistic.
The reports came in the following morning that Suledin Keep was now a stronghold for the Inquisition. No major fatalities, no major disasters. She was alive, they all were. When she first got a copy of the report, she remembered how relieved she was to know it wasn’t going to end this way. She was going to see her again, and even if that filled her with rage and hurt, it filled her with something.
Her dreams were never quite a rambunctious as that one, the night before they left for Emprise du Lion. Part of it was her refusal to sleep for more than 4-5 hours at a time, much to the chagrin of Leliana, who had taken to checking on her during off-hours in the night. Another aspect of it was just how unafraid Josephine became of such visions.
Josephine did not bother writing, mostly out of self-preservation. However, she also wanted to give them both room to really sit with what had happened, and the implications of their relationship. Distance makes the heart grow fonder, right? Well, at this point, their hearts should be pretty damn fond.
As she sat at her desk, doing what she did best, she heard Leliana enter from the Council door.
“They are returning in two days time, I imagine, from the reports,” Leliana greeted, gauging a preemptive reaction from her friend who had remained rather closed-off about the whole thing.
“Sounds par for the course. It will be good to move onto the next major challenge,” Josephine remarked distantly, not even bothering to take her eyes away from the letter she was writing.
“Josie, is that all you feel?”
“Should I be feeling more?”
Leliana shook her head at the Ambassador, wearing a sympathetic grin. “My mistake, I suppose.”
As Leliana exited, Josephine bit her lip pensively and sat back in her chair. There was so much unknown, and this would not be an easy landing.
It was a fog-ridden morning when the signaling horn rang through the air at Skyhold. The path from the front gates to the main entrance was cloaked in what felt like opaque mountain clouds. It proved an ominous and rather intimidating ambiance for when the Inquisitor arrived. Theia, armor-clad and on horseback, was ushering in the group of troops and wagons of trappings. She was closely accompanied by Seeker Cassandra and Lord Dorian flanking her on each side on their own mounts.
The Inquisitor, wearing a cowl hood that had kept her head warm as they traversed the freezing mountain paths, was relieved to be “home.” For an Inquisition epicenter, it also proved the most stable and welcoming home she had her entire life. Being greeted by the sight of the battlements, weaving in and out of the foggy air, and the dimly-lit windows of the Mage tower and the guards quarters, was heartening to say the least.
Coming to the center of the courtyard, which was lined with people who had come down to see what was arriving, The Inquisitor instinctually looked up at the slope of the Hall stairwell. There, she saw Commander Cullen, looking as reliable and tired as ever. Leliana, intrigued and vigilent as ever. But no one else. By that, she meant no one who looked like the one person she had been anticipating seeing, for better or for worse.
“Welcome back, Inquisitor,” a young man from Master Dennett’s stables approached, taking hold of her horse.
The Inquisitor grinned and patted her horse’s neck. “Thank you very much,” she replied cordially, tossing the reigns down lightly and slipping her feet out of her stirrups. Dismounting without fuss, she turned to face the direction of her allies, who had also dismounted.
“Well, friends, we are home,” she remarked, unstrapping her riding gloves and slipping off the first of the two.
“Indeed. I shall spend the next two days thawing out everything other my smallclothes,” Dorian responded with travel-weary snark.
“Dorian, if you are so off-put by the elements, perhaps you would consider armor that does not expose the most thermally vulnerable parts of your anatomy,” Cassandra retorted.
“Ridiculous! How else would I stun my enemies who envisage their impossibly attractive nemesis?”
“Ugh,” said, well, you know who said it.
Eventually, Inquisitor Trevelyan was able to climb up the stairs and into the Hall entryway. Greeted by Cullen, who reminded her of the reports of soldier and casualty numbers from their other holdings spanning across Thedas, some which needed her confirmation. Leliana, who would prime her later on the intel that had since gathered on various areas of interest.
Two out of three Advisors. Two out of three faces.
As they entered the Hall, Theia took off her cowl and gripped it along with her gloves. “Tell me Leliana, how is she?” her voice was audibly softer now.
Leliana began to speak, but she stopped herself and took a short breath. “You did not go to her. That is all she has told me. She will not discuss it at all with anyone. Not even me.”
Theia took a deep breath and looked around, half-scared an arrow would come flying at her in vengeance. “That’s not good, is it?”
“In a word? No.”
Leliana quickly departed the Inquisitor’s side. A warm welcome indeed.
Up in her bed chambers, she was garnering the resolve to go look for her. She knew that the Lady Ambassador wouldn’t step away from her desk for just anything, nor did she retire early from a day’s work. This was all Theia’s fault.
In one minute she had convinced herself to go and do it, and in the next she would stop herself. At the root of her indecisiveness was the fear of what awaited her on the other side of this search: would she be angry? Would she be resolute in her distancing? Would she send her away? She had to reassure her own self that she could endure whatever she was walking into.
Theia made her way downstairs to the Great Hall. The first place she would look, just to be sure, was her office. Peering in through the door, there was no one. Okay, so, that only leaves so many places the Lady Ambassador would feel appropriate in going to.
The Library. Nothing.
The Requisition office. Nothing.
The Gardens. Nothing.
Hell, The Battlements? Nothing.
People were starting to notice that the Inquisitor seemed to be on an at-home quest on her day off. Not finding who she was looking for, she would sigh heavily and make her way back to the center of the grounds. That left only one place left: her chambers. She wouldn’t have guessed that Josephine would simply go to her room to wait out the storm of her return, but, perhaps she did not want to be found after all.
Theia walked slowly down the Hall path leading to the door which would bring her closer to Josephine’s bedroom. She battled with herself in her mind about whether or not it was wise.
Would it be worse if she never tried to see her, though? Not only had she left without a word, but now she would return without one? Something inside her said it would definitely be over in that case.
So, when she made her way to the Ambassador’s door, she felt the nerves in her throat and chest go haywire with the potential disaster that lay before her.
Knock, knock, knock.
The silence felt maddening as the butterflies in her stomach did back flips. Girding herself against whatever was to come.
A noise: the door opening, wider this time.
It was her.
Seeing her face, her beautiful, deep bronze skin, those piercing eyes that had haunted her in her dreams while out in the field. Her shorter hair curls framing the sides of her face. She knew how they would smell if she put her face to them.
Josephine knew from the moment she heard the knock just who it was. Having retreated to her bed chambers proved just out of the ordinary enough to pique the Inquisitor’s curiosity after all. Sometimes the quickest way to gain her attention was to make her come looking herself. She always did look for trouble energetically.
But, admittedly, the second she saw her face, all of the breath that had preserved itself in her chest escaped like in on a getaway mount. There she was, at her door, like a suitor come calling. No flowers, but, her being alive and well was good enough.
A silence filled with so much. Theia’s mouth opened, but she hesitated at first. So much to say, so much owed.
“Lady Ambassador.”
Josephine placed a hand on the door flat, blinking quickly as she finally heard her voice say something so…polite.
“Inquisitor. Welcome back to Skyhold.” She did her one better: an admittance to location and a greeting of warmth. It was Theia’s move.
Theia’s chest tightened, her right hand rubbing her opposite forearm. “Oh, uh, thank you. I…I came to see if you were well. I, uh, didn’t see you in your office, and wondered if—“
“I am well, thank you for asking.”
“Oh, good. I had…hoped you were, um, well. That’s good.”
Another pause, the awkward tension prevailing. Josephine eyed the Inquisitor with a façade of blissful, unassuming geniality. Inside, she knew just how difficult this must be for Theia to be at her door, trying to piece together something that was falling apart at the seams.
“Oh! I had also wanted to ask…” Theia tried to continue.
“If you had received the note…I, um, left you at your desk.”
“Yes, I did. Thank you.”
Theia nodded, biting her lip with aggravation. Oh, great. So that was the verdict. Wonderful, well, I’ll just go cast myself off into a Fade Rift then, ta-ta!
“…And? Thoughts, opinions? Critique of my handwriting?” Theia wanted something but she didn’t know what that was exactly. Perhaps emotion, like some form of admittance that what had happened resonated with Josephine, instead of hardening her. Her fear that Josephine had tucked away the parts of herself she had laid out in front of Theia’s eyes and ears for weeks with fearlessness was roaring between her ears.
Meanwhile, Josephine was all wrapped up the polarities of her truth. Yes, I did, and it tore me apart for hours. I had to choke back tears every time I remembered that it existed. Sometimes I just wanted to tear it into tiny pieces and toss it in the fire. Sometimes I had to fight the impulse to sleep with it under my pillow. You wrecked my balance. I can never forget that.
“Lady Trevelyan, come in for a moment, would you?” Josephine rejoined, opening the door enough and stepping to the side. Clearly, Theia had come here for answers, and while Josephine wasn’t going to give them all, she could at least stop pretending that what happened, didn’t.
Theia walked in, feeling like she could just as easily be kissed as stabbed. All bets were off, as far as she was concerned.
Turning around to face the Ambassador as she closed the door behind her, she knew it was inescapable, whatever her fate was in this moment.
“Inquisitor, I—“
“What happened to Theia?”
“…Lady Trevelyan.”
Theia held her breath and nodded with surrender. “Fine.”
Josephine stepped closer, folding her arms stiffly. “I want you to know that I have the utmost respect for you and I will continue to follow your leadership with loyalty and admiration.”
Theia’s heart sunk. So, there it is. She continued to listen, although the white noise of anxiety in her head was rapidly growing.
“I hope that you will share my sentiment, that I wish this to be as easy and comfortable for us as possible. A working relationship of respect and cordiality is worth its weight in gold, and I believe we have done well with that--”
“So, this is where it ends?” Theia cut her off, now left with nothing to lose in manners and delicate dancing around nerves. Josephine caught herself, and sighed quickly.
“…Theia, you must understand. You had to have known when you departed that this would be my conclusion. That this would be the right thing to do, naturally.”
“If all you are to do is repeat my words back to me, I will consider this conversation redundant.”
“Maker’s ass, Josephine, you’re not speaking to one of your assistants or staff. You’re speaking to the woman you shared a bed with and felt up in the ambiance of candlelight and wine!” Theia’s voice grew louder with frustration.
“Oh, please do contain your temper. Or, you can be sure that everyone in Skyhold will know our personal matters like it was published in the fortress periodical.”
“Good, I hope so! Because then they will know just how horrible it is that you are letting go of something like what we have.”
Josephine growled under her breath. “You did that when you left me to go to battle with your last words to me being distaste and disagreement. After all I did to show you how much it affected me to watch you leave. You did this to yourself!”
“I was hurt and foolish, Josephine! I left that note to give you some truth to that. Obviously, you did not think much of my words.”
“No, because they were a knife in my side! You hardly provided comfort or solace!”
“And what did you do? Spent the entire night beguiling and conversing as if your day was going business-as-usual. I was tearing myself up on the inside thinking of how badly I screwed up, and watching you act as if…as if it didn’t matter!” Theia’s arms animated her anger as she spoke.
“I was watching you the entire time, do not be ludicrous! You were the one sitting there at the head of the table, giving your happy dinner toast, elated to share company! I felt like a tossed-out lover left to the machinations of the Court!”
“If you had seen the face I was making at those men seated beside you, you would have sworn I was possessed by something malevolent,” Theia said, her voice cracking now with emotion.
“Oh, I see, so I was just supposed to know? Am I supposed to take notes on the surveillance, then? Tell you names, give you the topics of conversation, a minute-by-minute interpretation of the scene? Be your Bard?”
“You’re circling around, Josephine, and you know it.”
“Maybe I am,” Josephine yelled under her breath, her voice low and intimidating.
Theia turned away from her, placing her hands at her hips and stepping with tense legs as she took a break from this fire-with-fire dalliance. The silence brewed with emotional recklessness. Josephine could feel it, along with the welling of anxious and enraged tears preparing in her chest. The worst possible moment for her to be pushed to tears was right in front of her.
“Can’t you see this is only for the best? Our lives…would be like this for as long as you and I have responsibilities greater than our own desires. We belong to causes bigger than ourselves. I am atyour service as an Advisor. This never would have grown into something sustainable.”
Each word hit Theia like an individual sword strike. The words she hoped she would never have to hear, but nonetheless was terrified of. It made her injury feel like it might as well have been a paper cut.
“Josephine, I came back with the intention of telling you…” Theia let escape from her mouth, but she stopped herself briskly, so as to save them from something truly agonizing. Her voice had calmed, softened with melancholy.
“…What? What were you going to say?”
A pause, while she deliberated on her feet whether she would give into temptation, give into her temper, or just let it go.
“Nothing. I just…” she turned to face the Lady Ambassador, chin up and shoulders straight for some measure of dignity. “I know what I did was unwise. I know what I expected of you was, too. I never wanted you to be my object. I only wanted to celebrate with everyone else just how happy I was to have you. Now that I have obviously lost you, there will be no need.”
Josephine’s heart felt as though it had stopped for good. She remained stoic and kept-together on surface-level, but underneath she was grasping for something stable in a collapsing space. Her dream was echoing.
“Josephine, I…” Theia approached now, making Josephine’s chest do backflips with nerves. She froze in her position, awaiting what it was Theia hoped to accomplish. When she stood closely in front of her, Theia reached a hand up and put it to Josephine’s cheek with a sorry tenderness. “I know you could never be owned, or kept, or controlled, and that I share that fate as well. But, for what it’s worth, it was enough for me to know you’d be there when I returned. It was never my desire to objectify you, because I fell for the way you were indominable. But…when I did not see you this morning, it was far more devastating than knowing that I could never hope you would belong to me.”
And with that, Theia boldly brought her lips to Josephine’s forehead. Josephine closed her eyes, coming undone rapidly, trying with immense difficulty to preserve herself enough to watch her depart. Feeling her lips on her skin, no matter the location, was like trying to hold onto something impossibly feral, impossibly boundless.
Theia did not bother to make eye contact again, for the sake of her own nerves and façade. She left through the door resolutely, shutting it behind her with respect to noise and forcefulness. There she was, Ambassador Montilyet, left to her own devices once more.
A single, aching tear fell from her eye and streamed down her cheek. This was going to be agonizing to endure. She had thought Theia would come back with energy, determined in her opinion. Knowing now that she had softened, that she was ready to compromise. It made her feel like she had ran when she should have walked.
Oh well. Too late now. Perhaps the band-aid had been ripped off for the better. She kept trying to remind herself, as she tried desperately to let go of the way she smelled: like dirt and sweaty grime, but also like a light and sweet bundle of herbs. Herbs she had always carried with her on her travels. Herbs like those she burned for incense in her chambers.
Something that you risk, something that you fear, and something that you need to let go.
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Survey #163
i’m too tired to think of song lyrics rn.
Do you have a little sister? Yes. The last person you kissed, how many times have you cried in front of them?  In her actual presence, I think once? Over a phone or Skype, like... two or three times. Do you know anyone who has been arrested? Yes. Think a lot before you fall asleep? SO MUCH. It's part of why I struggle to fall asleep. Brain doesn't stop. Ever been the only one trying to fix a relationship? That's the story of my fucking life. Romantically, just once. Are you guilty of flirting too much? Definitely not. Did you ever set up a lemonade stand when you were a kid? No. Does virginity matter to you? Not really anymore, no. So long you gave it up to someone you sincerely loved and were smart about it. Do you know anybody who was abused? A few emotionally. Have you ever bought or sold something on Facebook Marketplace? No. Do you feel uncomfortable sharing drinks with other people? YEAH. The only case in which it does't bother me too much is when I've been a *truly* s/o with you for a while. Like if I'd go beyond just kissing you, it shouldn't be a bit deal to just drink after you. Is there something that happened in your past you hate talking about? Does anyone not, really? Is there a difference between just love and in love? YEAH. Are you good at admitting your problems? Pretty easy for me. How many times have you dated the person you’re with now? Once. Has your cell phone ever rung in class? No. Do you ever feel like just laying down and giving up? Not really anymore!! I get down, but I never have the urge to just give up entirely. Have you ever lied about your age? When I was younger signing up for websites lmao. Lied about your name? No. Do you sit on the mattresses in furniture stores? Sometimes. Are there some topics that you aren’t very open about? Maybe? It depends on the person. Have you ever had an encounter with a very dangerous animal? No. Have you ever fed a wild animal people food? I mean I fed ducks bread as a kid/before I knew it was bad. Would you rather die or eat another human being? Die. Some things aren't worth living after you've done them. Do you wish that animals could talk? Why or why not? YES!!!!!! BOTH SIDES COULD LEARN SO MUCH!!!!!!! AND PEOPLE WOULD CARE ABOUT THEM MORE!!!!!!!!!!!! Who did you last fall asleep with? Sara. Now your cell phone, what color is it? Dark blue. Who were you last in a car with? Nicole. What color was the last vehicle you were in? White. Have you had “the best night of your life”? Eh. Probably not. Toilet papered someones house? I'm an adult. Who was the last person you high-fived? Probably Aubree or Ryder. Or the girl Colleen watches. Do you own a romper? Noooo, not my thing. What does your computer’s slow-loading cursor look like? Blue circle. Would you rather have a trampoline or swimming pool? Pool. What was the name of the first porcelain doll you got? Oh fuck that shit, I was afraid of porcelain dolls and still am. Do you sell any products? If so, what? No. If not, do you want to start a business? Well I wanna be a freelance photographer. Have your parents ever crushed your dreams? No. Do you own anything cheetah print? No. Have you ever made a collage for your bedroom wall? No. Do you make DIY projects and gifts? No. Don't have the motivation. Owls or peacocks? Owls. Lions or horses? Lions. Is your kitchen floor black and white checkered? No. What do you make wishes on? Nothing. What’s the best natural pain reliever? Sleep. Do you like trees? Yeah! What’s your favorite Paramore song? "That's What You Get." What is your favorite color for bridesmaid dresses? LIGHT PINK. Happy and soft colors! Do you think you are pregnant? That's impossible. Do you like the ocean? Yeah. You wouldn't see me deep it there, but I mean, it's cool. Are you too shy to ask someone out? Apparently not. I guess. I asked Juan, Tyler, and Sara, BUT only because I knew they liked me. The person you like kisses you on the forehead, do you find this cute? YES I FEEL SAFE AND LOVED AND IT'S JUST CUTE!!!!!! Is there a high chance of you going out to the movies soon? Dad and I may go see another soon-ish, but I doubt it. We both think The Meg looks good. What are you listening to? I swear I go back to binge "Cool Patrol" by NSP like every other month. Have you ever dated someone longer than a year? Once, and I can pretty much guarantee this one's gonna hit that mark. Would you be able to climb out your bedroom window to sneak out? If I could open the damn thing. Can you taste the difference between brand name food and store brand food? Sometimes. Would you be embarrassed to buy pads/tampons/condoms? Which one more? No. Do you still own a VCR? No. Have you ever purchased Girl Scout cookies? Yeah. Do you own a nightgown? No. Who is one rapper that just always tends to get on your nerves? Why? I can't stand Kanye, because y'know, he's a god-complexed dick. Has anyone ever made you breakfast in bed? Were they trying to suck up? No. When will be the next time you’ll get a shot? What is this shot anyway? I'unno. When will you next eat tacos? Do you even like tacos, or not so much? I hate tacos. Do you know anyone who is pregnant? One of my very best high school friends recently revealed she is and I am soooo fucking excited for her. Would you or have you ever engaged in casual sex? If we were both single there is one (1) person I probably would fuck I hate myself like a lot and I am a hypocrite. What’s your favorite thing about spring? Just the flowers. And that's it. Have you ever tried belly dancing? If so, did you like it? No, & that would be a blinding display. Were you a part of any clique in high school? Kinda? The goths, emos, metalheads, and scenes all kinda. Naturally came together. Most knew everyone's names and we kinda had this unspoken bond with all the others. We always sat together at lunch. Have you ever given blood? Yeah. I'd actually like to do it again, I think, with me drinking a good amount of water now. Do you like the way you grew up? The only thing I'd change is I wish chores were more firmly enforced. I don't do them enough, and I'm approaching 23. Would you prefer to read or write poetry? Write. If you were to have a child, what would the last name be? Well, mine? But once married I'd definitely get it changed to Sara's. I will not doom her with mine lmao. Are you currently working? And if so do you like your job? No. Have you ever walked out on a job or just not showed up? No. Have you told your parents all of your secrets from when you were a teen? No. Would you rather be able to fly or walk on water? Fly. What’s the best club you’ve ever been to? Never been to one. Which sport are you the best at playing? I wasn't bad at basketball last I played. Do you know anyone who has gotten pregnant despite using contraception? Probably. Are you planning on buying a house in the near future? Not the very recent future. A house/apartment will probably be rented first. What was your favorite family vacation you went on as a kid? Disney World. What's something about you that others might find unpleasant or off-putting? I'm hard to get to know due to me fearing judgment. I can be very defensive if you push me to talk about some things. Have you ever kissed someone with a beard? Jason had more of a goatee sometimes. When you were younger, did you believe in Santa?  Yeah. Are you going to make your kids believe in Santa? I don't want kids. If I did however, I probably would. Have you ever made your own calendar? No. What foreign language did you take in high school? One semester of Latin, German for four semesters. Do your parents have gray hair? Yeah. What's your favorite Katy Perry song? Uhhhhh I guess "E.T." What was the last thing you did that made you feel proud of yourself? I haven't acted on it yet, but I made the decision that I would make a sincere effort to fight AvPD and be way more open about myself. What was the last significant and great thing that happened in your life? Met Sara. What is your favorite Starbucks' drink? I don't go there. Who are your last 3 missed calls from? Vocational rehab, Mom, Colleen. Do you like Skittles? Yesssss. Do you blow dry your hair? No. How do you like your eggs? Fertilized by Mark Fischfuck goddammit What song is the catchiest song you know? Hmmm. I suppose maybe "Bad Romance," because I can enjoy like, ANY cover, as well as the original. What is your greatest life accomplishment? Healing. Who is the last person you left a voicemail for? VR. Which is better: the Twilight book, or the Twilight movie? I haven't read any, never watched any. Do you enjoy crossword puzzles? Yes. Do you own any records? No. I wish. Something I'd love to collect. Who was the last guy you called? Dad, probably. You can only listen to THREE CDs for the rest of your life. What are they? "Black Rain" by Ozzy Osbourne, "Black Album" by Metallica, and "The Ascension" by Otep. What is the most unique or uncommon thing about you? Uh I dunno. I guess having blue eyes??? Idk. What happened the last time you were in a fight with someone? I cut her ass out and ignored her. Have you ever been in a physical fight? Who started it? No. What is your favorite type of kiss/way of kissing? Hardcore making out. Favorite form of affection in general/not sexual/etc? Hand holding. Or tight hugs. What do you think about anime? They have some of the most interesting stories, tbh. Who is the last person you unfollowed on Tumblr, and why did you do this? Someone whose posting content changed and I didn't enjoy, probably. What are some upcoming concerts in your town/city? The only one I know of and care about is Metallica in January. Is there any type of medicine you can’t take? For what reason? Not that I know of. Would you rather have potato or chicken noodle soup if you had to? Never had potato, but I don't think I'd like it, so. I don't really like chicken noodle, either. If something on your body hurts, which part is it most likely to be? My damn knees. Is Russian or Native American history more interesting to you? Native American. Have you ever put gum on the bottom of your desk/chair? I'm not an animal. Would you rather go to the movies, drive-in, or stay at home and watch a movie? Go to the movies. Would you ever be a race-car driver? No. What kind of deodorant do you use? Secret. Have you ever wished you were born the opposite sex? No. What was the last thing you spent a lot of time thinking about? I'm not sure. What do you think about astrology/the zodiac? If you used to believe/not believe in it, what changed your mind? It's absolute bullshit. What is one conspiracy you believe in? Or one you think is total crap? You literally cannot convince me 9/11 wasn't orchestrated by the government. Stupid one, lizard people. Where was the last place you didn’t want to go but had to anyway? Urgent care. When was the last time you yelled/screamed and why? I dunno. What was the last big decision you made? Do you think you made the right choice? Permanently, absolutely, kick Colleen out of my life. I know it was the right choice. What Hogwarts house are you in? What do you think about the “stereotypes” regarding your house? I took a quiz out of boredom before, and I got Hufflepuff, very closely followed by Gryffindor. However, some questions were hard for me, as I know pretty much nothing about the series. So, don't know stereotypes either. What is something you want to do, but you don’t think you’ll ever be able to? Skydive. Don't have the guts. When was the last time you left somewhere for forever (or at least don’t plan on returning)? Ha, mental hospital. What was the last thing you quit? Meat. Do you like to help people? How about animals? Which would you rather help, if it applies? Duh!! And I dunno, really. I see us as equal. I don't really know which I'd go to first if both were in a crisis or something. As an adult, what is the most and least you’ve weighed? I don't even want to say what I weighed at the end of '16. The least was ~120, what I'm desperately trying to get back to. @_@ What is something you like that no one else you know likes too? *shrugs* What is something you don’t like that everyone seems to like? Mexican food came to mind. Do you follow a particular diet/meal-plan/ethic? Currently I do a 16-hour fast every day and then I'm also a vegetarian. What is a subject you tend to avoid with other people, for whatever reason? Politics. What is the longest (or most involved) thing you’ve ever written? Well, RP. You put all the shit I've written together, and it'd probably be longer than the Bible lmao. Do you prefer to live with others or by yourself? Why is this? OTHERS. I GET LONELY. What scares you about getting older? Feeling the physical effects. What about something you’ve done that sounds too wild to believe? I don't think anything, really. What was the last thing someone made fun of you for? I don't know. Do you have a member of the opposite sex you’ve told everything to? Jason knew everything at the time we were together. What color hair do you find sexiest on the opposite gender? I like unnaturally colored hair most, so... but for "normal" colors, black. Who last slept in your bed besides you? Sara. If the last person you had sex with asked you to date them, would you? I would *actually* kick him in the dick if he had the audacity. If you could see any musician live, front row, who would you choose? Metallica with Mom. What is your favorite social networking site? Facebook for the sake of keeping up with people, Tumblr for entertainment purposes. Has anyone in your family fought in any of the wars? No. Has a stray dog ever tried to bite you? No. Are you normally a person to tell people off? Deeefinitely not. Do you even wear any jeans other than skinny anymore? I don't wear jeans anymore period. What did you talk about at lunch today with your friends? I'm not in school. Are you sensitive to caffeine? Nope. How do you usually get around? Mom drives me. Have you ever been accused of being too clingy? No, even though I know I'm very clingy. Do you like vitamin water? I've never tried it. Do you think too little or too much? Waaaay too much. Would you rather vacation by a beach or a lake? Lake. Do you ever keep arguing when you know you’re wrong? It can make me feel embarrassed, but in most cases, I'm quick to drop it. Would your mom care if she found condoms in your room? She'd be confused as fuck considering she knows I'm not with a guy. Are you ticklish? Ugh yes. What do you think of dating websites? They work for some people, but, in general, I don't think they're the greatest idea when you consider how many desperate people there are. Now yes, there's most certainly sincere ones, but. I think you'd have to do some fishing to find the right person. Which show is better: SpongeBob Squarepants or The Fairly Odd Parents? Duuuude the latter. Show was dope my dude. Think you could cut off your own foot if it meant saving your leg? To save my leg, I think so. Well... I dunno, I guess it depends on the situation. I'd be concerned about blood loss. What is the worst thing about having a pet? Knowing they'll die. Have you ever actually seen someone fall on a banana peel? No. Do moths freak you out? They're absolutely beautiful to me, but at the same time, the size of their eyes are a liiittle bit creepy. Did you ever cut your own hair when you were little? No. What is your favorite fruit? Strawberries. Who last messaged you on Facebook? Bethany to let me know when the new wedding date was. Have you ever had surgery or stitches? Both twice. Do you own any clothing that has animal print? No. Does your family eat dinner together? Almost always. What was the last video game you played? Silent Hill 3. Have you ever touched a shark? No. Do you prefer writing in print or cursive? I write mostly in cursive. Do you have any family traditions? Like what? Not that we still do. What is the best time you’ve ever had with your family? I'm not positive. Maybe some summer days when we'd all be swimming and cooking out together. What’s the scariest experience you’ve ever had? The night of the breakup. No overdose or panic attack or anything was scarier than when I realized he was leaving. What’s your favorite computer game? World Of Warcraft kms. What’s the biggest mistake people make on the first date? Just my personal opinion, but some people get sexual way too fast. If you're looking for an actual, long-lasting relationship, you have to connect more emotionally. Do you get turned on easily? It depends on who you are, definitely. Some people can't do anything, yet another person can do the same thing and I'm turned on in an instant. Do you still like to color? Not especially. What’s your favorite children’s show? Pokemon. Would you ever get band artwork tattooed on you? Metallica has some badass designs, but I don't know. Eh, actually, that may be something I'd get whenever my mom passes away considering her quote, "All I need in life are my babies and Metallica," and I think she means it lmao. No one loves them more than this woman. Is there someone you liked so much and nothing ever happened? The biggest crush I had that didn't go anywhere was on Sebastian in high school, but I don't know about "so much?" Like I wasn't desperate to be together. Has the last person you kissed met your family? My mom, Dad, and Nicole. Hopefully Ashley and the kids if her husband doesn't wanna be a homophobic shit. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust? Just my dad. What is the one thing you remember most about January of last year? I was in the worst state of my life. Approaching my suicide attempt, so I was having the thoughts badly by that point. How do you think you will look 3 years from now? I better be a skinny legend with bomb-ass hair and more tats, boo. What would be number one on your bucket list? Touch a wild meerkat. Probably a pup above all. How old do you think you’ll be when you make your will? I dunno. Do you get any of your songs from Limewire? Lol how old is this??? I used to. Do you call anybody ‘baby’? Literally all my pets and Sara. Where is the fanciest place you have ever visited? Uhhhh I guess somewhere in Disney World??? Are your parents night owls or morning birds? I guess the latter is more accurate. Where did you buy the shirt you’re wearing now? Somewhere online. I found it on Facebook, don't recall the site it led to. Are you easy to get along with? I think and hope so. I'm very accepting. What do you usually do right when you wake up? Check the time. What’s your biggest passion? SPREADING POSITIVITY!!!!! Have you ever thrown your phone in anger? I believe I might have once when Jason and I were arguing?? If I did, it definitely wasn't that hard. I have a vague memory of throwing in onto the carpeted floor.
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yvocaro · 7 years
Time for another Handheld Gaming News article. What stood out to me in the world of casual handheld gaming?
This was the second week of the Olympic Games in PyeongChang. Now I’m not a sporty type in any way. In fact, normally I’m not even interested in watching sports of any kind. And getting active myself doesn’t extend any further then trying to walk 10.000 steps a day and an occasional bike ride. (Remember, the Dutch are a bike riding people!)
But there’s something calming in watching the Olympics while doing other things, a cozy kind of feeling when you know so many people all over the world are watching too.
But let’s get back to games of another kind!
Fantasy Life Online once again delayed
Could be that Level-5 is being picky, or because delivering an ace mobile title for Fantasy Life isn’t easy. But the new game Fantasy Life Online is once again delayed. I mentioned the game a year ago when it was slated for release in April 2017.
Since then, the game entered a beta test towards the end of 2017. After this test, Level-5 announced that they would yet again delay the release of Fantasy Life Online to ensure quality of the game. The developers want to improve Fantasy Life Online visual presentation, as well as the user interface.
Below is a bit of the Beta test gameplay. Looks good already, but better is always great!
Atelier Marie Plus on mobile in Japan
Who can understand the release schedules of game developers? Remember how I mentioned the upcoming Atelier Online for mobile? That one was pushed back: originally announced for the end of 2017, but now we know no more then ” somewhere in 2018″ or so Gust tells us. The reasons are “to expand functionality for a wider range of users to play, strengthen the infrastructure technology, and improve the quality of the overall game”. I don’t even know what that means?
Well, it seems that to keep the fans happy, the first ever Atelier game: Atelier Marie Plus: the Alchemist of Salburg. This game was the first in the series in Japan, released in 1997. And now, it’s reworked to fit on mobile.
It revolves around Marie who starts out known as the student to have the worst grades in Salburg Academy history. While she starts out pretty terribly, she continues to constantly work on improving herself. After countless failures, her instructor Ingrid decides to go with a different approach by allowing her to open her own Atelier to practice alchemy outside of the academy while continuing her studies. Marie has five years to create an item using her own skills, and if satisfactory, she will graduate when the five years are done.
For now, the game is announced for the near future in Japan only.
The Little Dragon Café is announced
Aksys Games announced this week that The Little Dragons Café will be released on the Switch this upcoming summer. Dragons sound interesting to me right away, but what caught my attention was that the game was made by Yasuhiro Wada. And that is the game designer behind Bokujō Monogatari, the game series that was originally Harvest Moon and is now called Story of Seasons! Could potentially be a game to look out for!
Read what we know about the game here. 
Otome sequel Code Realize: Future Blessings for Vita
I didn’t play many Otome, visual romance games, but the one that still stands out to me is how much I enjoyed Code Realize: Guardian of Rebirth. Now the sequel is coming, Code: Realize Future Blessings for the PlayStation Vita on March 30 in 2018. This one continues the original story. But there’s another game coming too on the same date, this time for the PS4: Code: Realize Bouquet of Rainbows. The one for the PS4 is a compilation of the first game and fan-disc epilogue.
Revenue Nintendo mobile games compared
Nintendo’s Fire Emblem Heroes the companies most successful mobile game to date, earning an estimated $295 million in worldwide player spend during its first year ( source: Sensor Tower Store Intelligence data.) This is a lot more then what Super Mario Run managed to bring in, but there’s still a long way to go when you look at giants like Pokémon Go or Clash of Clans.
Clearly, for Animal Crossing Pocket Camp, they are still trying to find the right balance between gameplay and income for the company. AC only brought in a quarter of the income that Fire Emblem garnered in its first two months. 
Yonder: the Cloud Catcher Chronicles still up for pre-order
Still no official word, but I just checked. Amazon.DE still has this interesting sim game up for pre-order for the Switch for the end of May. In the style of Breath of the Wild, this is an open world adventure game with a variety of locations to explore. The ultimate goal is to become the champion of Gemea and save it from an evil murk, which can be done by contributing to the island and taking on tasks such as farming, crafting, cooking, fishing and brewing, and forming relationships with townspeople.
Read a bit more about it here. 
Ni no Kuni II: I want it on the Switch! 
There are times when I’m drawn to contemplating buying a PS4. I know, it’s not a handheld device, and I’m not good at making time for console gaming. So I’d better abandon that idea. But every now and then a game comes along that makes me want it: this time it’s Ni no Kuni II is close to release: March 23!
Ni no Kuni II is in development by Level-5, with participation from former Studio Ghibli animator Yoshiyuki Momose and music from Joe Hisaishi who composed the soundtracks of many Ghibli films. The game follows Evan Pettywhiser Tildrum, the young ruler of Ding Dong Dell who is dethroned by a treacherous coup. In his adventure, he’ll meet new friends in Roland, Tani, Batu, Lofty, and many others that will help Evan build a new kingdom free of strife while uniting the world of Ni no Kuni.
I played one Ni no Kuni game before, on my Japanese 3DS, and loved the art style. (Read my thoughts on that game here)
For now though, I can only hope Ni no Kuni II makes it to the Switch at some point too.
Releasedate for Detective Pikachu 3DS is close
A Pokémon game of another kind: Detective Pikachu has you cracking cases. The game follows a peculiar talking Pikachu who, despite not being as powerful and nimble as other Pikachu of his kind, is rather intelligent and claims to be a great detective. One day, Pikachu encounters a boy named Tim Goodman, who is able to understand what he is saying.
The two begin working together to solve various mysteries revolving around Pokémon in the city. After their first meeting, the two begin to chase two Aipom, one with ketchup on its hand and the other white paint, who were causing trouble by harassing citizens and stealing jewellery. And that’s the start of their sleuthing together.
On March 23 you can start playing the game in Europe and America, and enjoy the benefits of the big Pikachu Amiibo: you can view all the Pika Prompts you’ve seen or might have missed from the chapters you’ve already cleared. The game has 150 short animated movies telling the tale, a nice way to get stoked for the Detective Pikachu movie that is currently filmed in London.
Updates for Animal Crossing Pocket Camp keep coming
Hardly a week goes by that there isn’t an update for Animal Crossing Pocket Camp. Last week we got the ability to change the terrain around your camp. You can do this after you have reached Level 13 in the game. It costs a leg and a bone, so I feel Nintendo has to include more customisation options before I shell out for that, but it’s still a good addition.
Plus, they teased a Fishing Tourney coming to Saltwater Shores. Special new fish will appear just for the tournament to please Chip. He will be happy to gobble them all up!
Nintendo and Bloomingdales team up
Bloomingdales and Nintendo announced that they’re teaming up for the company’s spring campaign which is titled “Let’s Play.” The campaign launches on March 10th.
I checked it out, and although the items look good (I’m referring to the trunks, of course), I am wondering: why no ladies’ clothing items, Bloomingdales??
Well, I guess that’s enough news for this week. This has turned into a huge article! I’m going to go back to finding shrines in Breath of the Wild, and visiting my Pocket Camp daily.
What are you playing this weekend?
Handheld Gaming News week 8 Time for another Handheld Gaming News article. What stood out to me in the world of casual handheld gaming?
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Anime i’ve Watched
That begin with a B (Part 3)!
Yep this is how i’m going to bring over all the anime and manga i’ve watched and posted about on the old blog. It’s not so detailed but it will have to do. Anything new I watch or read from this point on will have their own posts.
Boku no Hero Academia (My Hero Academia):
Genres: action, comedy, school, shounen, super power
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Synopsis: The appearance of "quirks," newly discovered super powers, has been steadily increasing over the years, with 80 percent of humanity possessing various abilities from manipulation of elements to shapeshifting. This leaves the remainder of the world completely powerless, and Izuku Midoriya is one such individual. Since he was a child, the ambitious middle schooler has wanted nothing more than to be a hero. Izuku's unfair fate leaves him admiring heroes and taking notes on them whenever he can. But it seems that his persistence has borne some fruit: Izuku meets the number one hero and his personal idol, All Might. All Might's quirk is a unique ability that can be inherited, and he has chosen Izuku to be his successor! Enduring many months of grueling training, Izuku enrolls in UA High, a prestigious high school famous for its excellent hero training program, and this year's freshmen look especially promising. With his bizarre but talented classmates and the looming threat of a villainous organization, Izuku will soon learn what it really means to be a hero. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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My Rating: 10/10
Finished airing in 2016 with a total of 13 episodes.
My Thoughts: Perfection delivered in 13 episodes. What a beginning to an amazing series and honestly who doesn’t love a good underdog story full of heroes and villains? I know this girl sure does! Amazing cast of characters, story, music and art/ animation. A must see for fans of the superhero genre and a great place for fans of Western comics to start their anime journey in my personal opinion.
Boku no Hero Academia 2nd Season (My Hero Academia 2):
Genres: action, comedy, superpower, school, shounen
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Synopsis: At UA Academy, not even a violent attack can disrupt their most prestigious event: the school sports festival. Renowned across Japan, this festival is an opportunity for aspiring heroes to showcase their abilities, both to the public and potential recruiters.
However, the path to glory is never easy, especially for Izuku Midoriya—whose quirk possesses great raw power but is also cripplingly inefficient. Pitted against his talented classmates, such as the fire and ice wielding Shouto Todoroki, Izuku must utilize his sharp wits and master his surroundings to achieve victory and prove to the world his worth. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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My Rating: 10/10
Finished airing in 2017 with a total of 25 episodes.
My Thoughts: A second season that’s as good as its first?! Virtually unheard of but here you have it in the form of Boku no Hero Academia season 2! I just love this story and these characters even more with each passing season. A must watch for fans of the 1st season!
Boku no Hero Academia 3rd Season (My Hero Academia 3):
Genres: action, comedy, school, superpower, shounen
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Synopsis:  As summer arrives for the students at UA Academy, each of these superheroes-in-training puts in their best efforts to become renowned heroes. They head off to a forest training camp run by UA's pro heroes, where the students face one another in battle and go through dangerous tests, improving their abilities and pushing past their limits. However, their school trip is suddenly turned upside down when the League of Villains arrives, invading the camp with a mission to capture one of the students. Boku no Hero Academia 3rd Season follows Izuku "Deku" Midoriya, an ambitious student training to achieve his dream of becoming a hero similar to his role model—All Might. Being one of the students caught up amidst the chaos of the villain attack, Deku must take a stand with his classmates and fight for their survival. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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My Rating: 9/10
Finished airing in 2018 with a total of 25 episodes.
My Thoughts: I have no idea why season 3 lost a point but a 9/10 from me is basically perfection and all the praise so don’t let the point lower rating deter you from checking out this installment of the series. Suppose it’s time to watch the 4th season, eh?
Bonjour♪Koiaji Pâtisserie (Bonjour♪Sweet Love Patisserie):
Genres: slice of life, comedy, reverse harem, romance, shoujo, ONA
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Synopsis:  Sayuri Haruno dreams of becoming a pastry chef and enrolls in Fleurir Confectionary Academy, an elite school located in Tokyo's trendy Aoyama district. At Fleurir, she finds herself surrounded by charming boys, each one distinctly unique. Out of the entire class, Ryou Kouzuki's desire to become a pastry chef is the strongest. Blessed with unparalleled technique, instructor Mitsuki Aoi acts like a prince and is hugely popular at the school. Gilbert Hanafusa, the mood maker of the bunch, is a student from France. Yoshinosuke Suzumi is not very good at expressing his feelings, but underneath his stony exterior lies a wholehearted passion for wagashi (Japanese sweets).
As Sayuri pours her heart and soul into making her dream a reality, she encounters many happenings... (Source: NTV)
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My Rating: 6/10
An ONA that finished airing in 2015 with a total of 24, 5 minute episodes. 
My Thoughts: A reverse harem style ONA featuring delicious looking treats... all brought to you in short 5 minute bites! As far as reverse harem animes go this really wasn’t all that bad but like most others in the genre (or look to fit the genre) there just wasn’t much deapth... though honestly what do you expect with 5 minute episodes?! Pretty male characters and lovely art. 
Brothers Conflict:
Genres: reverse harem, romance, shoujo
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Synopsis:  Ema Hinata is a sweet girl with only her father to call family. One day, she learns that he will be remarrying Miwa Asahina, a wealthy fashion designer. Though she's glad she has a new place to call home, the family she gains is greater than she could ever imagine—Ema now has 13 step-brothers! Wishing to give her father space, she moves into the Sunrise Residence where her brothers live . As she settles in, Ema realizes she may not experience the loving kinship of a family that she has always longed for, as many of her new brothers exhibit feelings toward Ema that aren't just familial. With each brother desiring Ema's attention in his own way, will she be able to work toward a happy ending for all, or will she choose one brother that has stolen her heart? [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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My Rating: 6/10
Finished airing in 2013 with a total of 12 episodes. 
My Thoughts: And here we have yet another reverse harem... also not the worst of the worst but really nothing to write home about. Definitely uncomfortable with the whole step siblings premise so if you’re like me and weirded out by that one i’d avoid this anime. Aside from that there isn't really much to say. The story and characters are lacking but there’s a male character sure to fit every persons tastes so there’s that... I suppose? 
Bungou Stray Dogs:
Genres: action, comedy, mystery, seinen, superpower, supernatural
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Synopsis:  For weeks, Atsushi Nakajima's orphanage has been plagued by a mystical tiger that only he seems to be aware of. Suspected to be behind the strange incidents, the 18-year-old is abruptly kicked out of the orphanage and left hungry, homeless, and wandering through the city. While starving on a riverbank, Atsushi saves a rather eccentric man named Osamu Dazai from drowning. Whimsical suicide enthusiast and supernatural detective, Dazai has been investigating the same tiger that has been terrorizing the boy. Together with Dazai's partner Doppo Kunikida, they solve the mystery, but its resolution leaves Atsushi in a tight spot. As various odd events take place, Atsushi is coerced into joining their firm of supernatural investigators, taking on unusual cases the police cannot handle, alongside his numerous enigmatic co-workers. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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My Rating: 7/10
Finished airing in 2016 with a total of 12 episodes. 
My Thoughts: You know what? This is honestly one I truly wanted to love but for some reason it just wasn’t a fit. I know plenty of people that love this series and i’m afraid my own comments won’t do it much justice so if any of you guys have any thoughts or opinions to add be sure to send them my way! Love, love, love the art style.
Byousoku 5 Centimeter (5 Centimeters Per Second):
Genres: drama, romance, slice of life, film
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Synopsis:  What happens when two people love each other but just aren't meant to be together? Takaki Toono and Akari Shinohara are childhood friends, but circumstances beyond their control tear them apart. They promise to stay in contact, and although the progression of time widens the distance between them, the chain of memories remains ever-present. Byousoku 5 Centimeter is a romantic drama that focuses on the mundane and harsh reality of long-distance relationships. Stuck in the past and unable to make any new memories, Takaki and Akari cling to the hope of seeing each other again. They live their everyday lives half-heartedly, both hurting themselves and the people around them. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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My Rating: 7/10
A film (or three part) series that aired in 2007.
My Thoughts: The artwork and sound are outstanding but this one was another miss from me. After rave reviews I expected more and was a bit disappointed with what I got. This is all the more true considering I recall very little about this title. 
15 notes · View notes
PART 6. Can you believe we’re now on part 6? I’ve never posted this much of my original content, so this is such a whirlwind for me. And with each new part, it seems more and more people are finding it and reading it. I may not be a well loved, famous tumblr content creator like some of the writers and artists on here, but each person that my work reaches is still amazing and appreciated.
Taglist will forever have @macherie02 and feel free to message me if you want to be added to the taglist
Warning- there are some sensitive themes covered in this chapter as there was a specific thing on my mind I felt I needed to be covered for my sake and for the sake of exposure, exposure and representation being what inspired the type of romance that this story covers (established relationships and polyamory). However, just because I want to give a voice to a specific topic does not mean you should automatically read it if you know it is something that will harm you to read. This chapter contains mention of abuse, starvation, and threat of suicide as a manipulation tactic, and specifically is about female abusers. If this in any way is going to hurt you, you do not have to read this. I will completely understand if you choose to skip this for the sake of your own mental health. 
Big Cat (Part 1 Smut)
Bloody Night (Part 2)
Attempting Casual (Part 3)
Set Up (Part 4)
Experimenting Together (Part 5 Smut)
Unwelcome Guests
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A flash came from a phone, the owner of that phone sitting in an arm chair across from the couch occupied by her three roommates. Ryan smiled at how the picture turned out, putting it in her Instagram story and tagging her three roommates in it. In the picture, Kendall was sitting on the end with one arm resting on the arm rest while the other was around the shoulders of Nina. She was curled up in the middle, something that was a bit odd for her seeing as she normally anxious to sit in the middle of the couch. Yet here she look so calm and relaxed. Her head rested on her fiance's shoulder, her hands gently running through the hair of Lincoln as the younger brother rested his head in her lap. The brown eyed hybrid seemed so close to sleep, his breathing even and peaceful while his eyes currently were closed. This was the home Nina had always hoped to achieve with the brothers. Every now and again, someone would shift slightly to get more comfortable. Beyond that, though, the peace of the moment was incomparable. Ryan couldn't help but to admire the three for how they were coming together, a true family in their own eyes. Happy as they could ever imagine being just by being around each other.
When a knock on the door came, it was Ryan who got up to answer it. The sun had set beyond the horizon just recently, the sky still a painting done in cotton candy and red licorice, cotton clouds blowing in the breeze. At the door was a rather tall man, though his once intimidating stature seemed to have become frail and thin. A friend of the brothers from working together for a few months who went by many names through his work, but at home was just known as Arthur. His blue eyes had become sunken, and the once wild mane of black hair now was shorter. Where it was still slightly longer and normally puffed up near the top was covered by a baseball style hat with a sports team on it that Ryan didn't follow. By his side was his wife Celia, a rather short and boney woman with shoulder length bleached hair. If Arthur's face was sunken hers was full of chasms. Every bone in her face seemed to stick out in a sickly way, and a body to match held it up. Arthur was a friend, but Celia if possible was left uninvited. Still though, anymore it seemed Arthur didn't go anymore without her latched to his side.
The two were welcomed inside and led to the living room, the two still awake in the living room offering polite greetings. Nina's hands stilled in Lincoln's hair though, going to wrap around herself in a way. Around Celia, she constantly felt under scrutiny. Her curvy figure, with rounded hips and chest through genetics, had once envied those who looked as skeletal as Celia now seemed to. And while Nina had since found a peace with the figure she was born with, it still wasn't always enough to keep the nagging voice out of her head of what she should be rather than who she is happy being. The shorter ginger woman recognized her best friend's distraught, having known Nina long enough to have seen how damaged her self view had once been. Ryan went over to the three on the couch, gently waking Lincoln since she knew Nina was not in a place to get herself out otherwise. Kendall went to whisper in his fiance's ear softly as Lincoln was woken up. "Do you want to go wait in the kitchen?"
Nina nodded slightly, kissing his cheek as Lincoln sat up, finally letting her up. She quietly got up and made her way passed the two who had just walked in, going to the kitchen that was out of sight to those in the living room. Once alone, the leopard woman leaned against the counter and let out a deep breath. She just couldn't handle being around Celia. No matter how much she just tried and tried, she felt too much unease to ever be able to be around her. She needed something to do though to work off the anxious energy building up inside her. Looking around, she decided to put together some sort of snacks and drinks for the visit. There was always things such as chips and cookies, though they weren't frequently eaten. In one of the cupboards was a bottle of Jack Daniels, as well as a couple bottles of wine. In the freezer was a bottle of gin that was always around. Nina got down a couple of larger bowls for the chips, having to jump up onto the counter to reach them since Kendall was the one to choose where they were placed.
While looking through the cupboards, she found a couple boxes of brownie and cake mix and got an idea. She pulled those down real quick before going to put the bowls in the living room on the table. Then in a second trip, she brought out glasses to the brothers. Kendall was the one to like gin, while the Jack went to Lincoln. Though Nina had tried different types of alcohol, and she did find some she enjoyed the taste of, she was not one to consume it, nor was Ryan. She still brought had glasses of red wine prepared though if the need came for the vampire woman. "Anything you guys would like?" Nina asked Celia and Arthur once her hands were no longer full, uncomfortable but still wanting to be polite.
"Oh no thank you. Arthur and I have sworn against the toxic things like alcohol and blood," Celia answered for them, causing Nina to arch a brow. Arthur was a vampire, bitten and turned a few decades previous, while Celia herself was born one. For them, blood was their main source of nutrients.
"But your vampires...?" Nina couldn't help but to comment.
"Well that doesn't mean we HAVE to drink," Celia rolled her eyes at the youngest in the room, crossing her arms. "I mean, look at Ryan. She doesn't drink alcohol and she's a vampire too."
"That's not what I mean Celia. I mean the blood. Vampires are tortured and killed by being starved of blood. It's the thing you guys need to survive. Since when is it suddenly toxic to you?" Nina pointed out, still quite confused on why they would cut it out of their diet when it was the only part of their diet they were known to need.
"Anything that you become so addicted and reliant on can NOT be good for you. That sort of addiction just can't be healthy," Celia told her, now going to put a hand on her hip instead.
Nina almost couldn't process what she had just heard. There was no way the older woman could actually believe that, and yet here she was, stone faced and serious, telling her that a basic necessity of life was just an unhealthy addiction. The leopard girl just chose to keep her mouth shut at that, making her way over to Kendall and softly pecking his lips. He smiled to her brightly, pulling her in for another kiss. "My Nina Bohem," he mumbled to her, causing her to kiss the top of his head sweetly. "And my Kendall Siciliani," she finished before going to walk passed to make her way back to the kitchen. Lincoln caught her hand before she could leave though, nuzzling her hand and kissing the back of it. Nina giggled slightly at how cute she found the small action, kissing his temple as he now let her hand go.
Deep in thought as she returned to the kitchen, Nina went into the fridge and grabbed out one of the bags of animal blood kept in one of the drawers. Normally they would just let Lincoln hunt wild animals, but when he was sick he wasn't able to get out of the house like he would need to to hunt. Because of this, there was always a couple bags stored just in case. She added the liquid to a bowl before pouring in the cake mix, then adding the other appropriate ingredients and mixing them together. The weak forms of Arthur and Celia now made more sense, they were dying of starvation. And though she was not a fan of Celia, she wasn't going to sit by and watch it happen. She preheated the oven as she started putting the batter into cupcake tins, washing the bowl once it was as empty of batter as she could manage. She just hoped the smell of chocolate was enough to cover the hidden ingredient.
As the cupcakes cooked, Celia made her way to the kitchen. Nina was reusing the now washed bowl, making a normal brownie mixture. Celia watched her curiously for a moment before getting a spoon out of a drawer, deciding to help with mixing new batter. "Ya know that was pretty brave of you, openly kissing Lincoln in front of Kendall. Does he know you cheat on him with his brothers then?" The leopard girl felt her blood boil, an enormous effort to control the animal inside of her having to be made. Instead, Nina just forced a smile and continue to mix the brownies. "We're a polyamorous relationship Celia. We're open with each other and know when we have other partners, and Kendall was even the one to suggest Lincoln become my second partner."
"Oh honey, you don't need to hide it from me. Especially in long term relationships, someone is bound to just cheat," Celia commented, grabbing a pan for the brownies to cook in and beginning to grease it.
"So who is it having the affair then? You or Arthur?" Nina asked her.
"Don't tell him. I've seen a couple of guys since we got married. He's just gone so much, but I don't want him to leave me," Celia admitted.
"If you really cared, why make it a secret? If you just talk to him, sure you would break his heart but maybe you could come to an understanding that would make you guys happier," Nina suggested to her.
"But he might leave me if I told him. Then what? I wouldn't be able to take it if he left me. I would kill myself right then if he tried-"
Sirens went off in Nina's head, the shock of the words rubbing her the wrong way. This was a line she was familiar with, the threat of suicide over a break up. It was something told to her by an ex she had a couple years before meeting Kendall. The pieces then seemed to fall into place for her. Why Celia always seemed to rub her the wrong way and why Arthur started looking so sick once he got married. He was miserable. He was caged and leashed with an unfit owner. And it was dragging him down every moment he was still unable to get away from her. The timer went off for the cupcakes, bringing Nina back to reality as she went to take them out of the oven. Celia put the brownie pan in the oven after the cupcakes were on the counter, restarting the timer.
The cupcakes were given a couple minutes to cool while Nina out some frosting in a ziploc bag, cutting the corner to make it into a makeshift piping bag. She took her time swirling the frosting over each treat, the two pans that had been managed from the batter using up all of the frosting that was in the container. Whatever Celia had been saying to her by that point were tuned out, the echoing of her self destructive admittance too loudly running through Nina's head for her to hear anything else in the moment. After a few minutes, Celia had left to rejoin the people in the living room, giving Nina a moment to finish processing. She took out her phone and created a group message with Kendall, Ryan, and Lincoln. "Celia just told me she has been cheating on Arthur. And that she would kill herself if Arthur ever tried to leave."
No response came, leaving Nina to clean the kitchen from her baking with only her thoughts. Though it wasn't her relationship, it still rattled her to the core to realize how toxic Celia truly was for Arthur, and just how miserable he had to be. When the timer went off once again, she took the brownies out and set them on the counter. Once they were set to cool, Nina turned her back to the counter and found herself sliding until she was curled up in a ball on the floor. She didn't know what to do, no matter how much she wanted to do something to help. After a moment, she regained her composure and got up again to cut the brownies. Each one was put on a plate, a second plate holding the cupcakes she had made, before going to carry sweets to the living room. She set them down on the table with the chips and went to sit between her boys on the couch once again. She noticed how Arthur seemed to look to Celia before taking a cupcake, as if asking permission to eat. Nina held her breath until she watched him take the first bite, closing her eyes once she knew he was eating it.
Ryan and Lincoln had also taken cupcakes, immediately realizing the secret ingredient once they had the sweets close enough to them to pick up the smell. The two caught on to the plan and ate their own before grabbing a couple brownies. It seemed Kendall and Celia were the only ones oblivious to what Nina had done, Kendall only initially taking a couple brownies since they seemed to be getting less attention and Celia's starved senses too dull to pick up the scent. Arthur ate a few of the cupcakes though, eating his fill since he had tasted the bloody chocolate. When Nina finally opened her eyes again, she began eating some of the brownies as well.
When the vampire couple made to leave, Nina kept a watchful eye over Arthur and noticed a time or two where the way he moved caused him to wince. It was a red flag to her, but this she kept quiet on since that could also be just the affects of starvation on his joints. She remembered how badly she would limp when she had once wanted to be skeletal, how she was constantly in pain from existing. There was a chance that it was that causing his wincing, and not the extent of toxicity that Nina was expecting Celia to be. Still though, she was a bit caught off guard when Arthur pulled her into a hug during the rounds of goodbyes. "Thank you," he whispered to her in a way no one else would hear before letting go of her. "Congratulations on the engagement you two. I can't wait to see you guys get married," he said a bit louder once he was no longer holding onto Nina, grinning to the four roommates.
Finally the door closed and the two were gone, silence in the house until after they all heard the car of the couple drive away. All Nina could do was breathe a sigh of relief while Lincoln stared her down. "Had you been caught, you would have been in Hell Nina," he eventually commented to her. Kendall looked between the two, confused as to what they were talking about. He hadn't seen Nina do anything that raised any flags to him. She had just been sitting there eating brownies with them. "Well, what did you want me to do Lincoln? Watch him starve to death because she's a delusional abuser?" Nina countered.
"What are you guys talking about? What did you do Nina?" Kendall finally asked them.
"She put blood in the cupcakes. That's why Arthur was eating so many of them," Ryan explained to him, standing and picking up a cupcake before taking a bite out of one. "You're getting really good at baking for creatures like us by the way Nina. I'm so proud of you."
Kendall looked at Nina and went wide eyed, not thinking her able to pull such a plan like that off. He took a second to finish his drink before responding. "Alright, yeah, Celia would have killed you had she caught you. But dear god I love your devious little mind," he told her, kissing her temple and making her smile as she ate a brownie. Once her mouth was no longer full, she kissed his cheek. "I can't just sit and watch him slowly die without doing anything. I was kinda hoping Celia would eat some as well, but she wasn't really eating anything while she was here. Even the brownies she watched get made. At least now, though, we have a bit more time with him before things implode on themselves."
After her explanation, Nina looked over at Lincoln and went to hold his hand. She hoped he wasn't angry about what she did. He gave her hand a gentle squeeze, though, before going to kiss the back of it. He had been nervous about her getting caught in the moment, but beyond that he really couldn't be angry over doing what she could to try and help a friend in need. He then wrapped an arm around her waist to pull her close, practically in his lap. He could see the worry in her eyes, and he left small kisses on her temple, cheeks, and lips to try and ease her mind. Kendall, who was feeling the beginning affects of the alcohol, went to lay down with his head in her lap, a switched up version of how they had originally been before Arthur and Celia had decided to come to the house. With a smile, Nina began playing with his hair and watched as he, unlike his younger brother, had immediately fallen into a deep sleep in her lap. She leaned down to gently kiss his forehead and mumble a soft goodnight, then sat back up to curl into Lincoln's side as best as she could, resting her own head on his shoulder now.
Time seemed to race by, while at the same time going slow and easing into the night. Kendall acted as a bit of a personal heater in his sleep to Nina and Lincoln, while Ryan stayed in her arm chair from earlier. The vampire girl went on her phone and decided to just order in for the evening, seeing how the other three were in no rush to move, let alone do any cooking. She got up from the chair, going to grab her keys before going out to her car to pick up the food she ordered, knowing what everyone's favourites were without having to ask.
While Ryan was gone, there was a point where Kendall, still asleep, had begun to fidget a lot. He was unable to get comfortable, and a quick check of his pulse at his wrist done by Nina found his heart to be racing. She was used to this, humming softly and running her hand up his arm, to his back where she rubbed it softly. Her voice was gentle as she sang a lullaby to him, one she asked his mother which was his favourite when she first started to come across his nightmares. He wouldn't tell her what they were, though from the way he held her tightly on the nights he would have them she knew that they really got to him. A few times he talked in his sleep, mostly just incoherent mumbling or just the word "no" on repeat. But one time in particular caught her attention when the mumbling was no longer hard to understand. "Don't leave." "Please don't go." "Don't leave me alone." He wouldn't admit to it, but it seemed what bothered his sleep the most was being left behind, forgotten. His nightmares were about being abandoned. When it seemed he was starting to wake up a bit from his nightmare, Nina leaned down and kissed his head. "Shhh, you're okay baby. I'm right here. Go back to sleep baby, I'm still here. I'll always be here."
When she was sure he was back to sleep, she sat back up to curl into Lincoln once again. One hand remained rubbing Kendall's back for a little longer while the other kept playing with his hair. Lincoln seemed to look at her with a bit of amazement, never having actually gotten to see someone ease a nightmare before. "How did you know to do that?" He asked her, looking at her and Kendall. She seemed to get him through it so quickly. Nina just shrugged for a moment, staying quiet at first. After some hesitation though, she decided to just open up to him about it. "Learning witchcraft with Ryan and Phoenix and Elizabeth, I learned a lot about dream magic. Even about dream magic I'm not supposed to study. It really teaches you what to look for and the hidden meanings. And nightmares are really, in the end, just bad dreams to an extreme level. It took a long time to figure out what specifically was in his nightmares, especially when you're trying to refrain from forbidden magic, but eventually I was able to find what bothered him. What it was he needed to know to push the nightmares away," she admitted to him.
"I thought chaos witches like you didn't believe in rules to magic. How can a magic user with no rules have forbidden magic?" Lincoln questioned her.
"Because it's a Native American dream practice. And while I do have Native ancestry, it's very minor to the point where I could never be accepted by a community I don't think. I'm too white by this point. But I still found books about them and read through them, made notes and figured out the practice. Out of respect, though, I don't practice this technique, nor do I teach it," Nina explained. "It's a private tradition I shouldn't know about, so it's not my place to use or spread it."
"I keep forgetting that there are closed practices. You're always so open about what you are, I don't think about the fact that not everyone is as open as you," Lincoln commented.
"No, not every person wants to pass things on. Some things are person or family or culture specific, and we have to respect the privacy of others. No matter the reason, they have every right to tell us no when we ask about something," Nina told him, curling up more into his side.
Lincoln kissed the top of her head gently, looking her over for a moment. She had closed her eyes by that point, looking peaceful enough to not even seem real. But she felt warm, not as warm as Kendall, but still warm, and the weight of her being supported by his side and the arm he had wrapped around her reminded her she was absolutely there. And while he was used to being close to her, normally he was just far enough to be respectful of her relationship with Kendall. It still felt a bit wrong to him that he was the one holding her, though he was still quite happy to have it be his reality. He could easily adjust to the new life where he was with her, whether she was still with his older brother or not. It felt right to be with her. It just was the slightest bit bizarre to him after so long of telling himself not to get too close that now he was a part of their relationship. And that just as much as Kendall was able to, he was now able to break her heart. They were trusting him more than ever before. And that seemed to be the part he didn't understand the most of compared to everything else. Why were they being so trusting of him when all he had proven was that he was capable of hurting her?
A kiss to his cheek caught his attention, causing him to look over at her. Her deep, grey eyes were always so expressive, one could get lost in the ocean-like depths of them. And right now they seemed so overflowing with concern. Like she could feel what was tearing him apart inside. Although based on what he had seen from his own mother, perhaps that sense of what others felt or what others were going through was just a shape shifter trait. A form of instinct, intuition. He brought his free hand to hold her cheek, kissing her softly until she sighed against his lips. "I'm okay. So is Kendall. And Arthur will be too one day. Everything will be okay," Lincoln assured her, pulling just far enough out of the kiss that she still felt his breath on her lips. She just nodded quietly for a moment while Lincoln kissed at her nose. "It'll all be okay. You and Kendall are going to get married, and I'll get to steal a kiss from the bride, and you'll have the family you always dreamed to get to have," Lincoln then added on.
"You boys are the family I always dreamed of. You boys and Ryan," Nina told him, her hands still playing in Kendall's hair.
"I never said we weren't your family. But I didn't forget you want to be a mom. You want to see how Kendall is as a father. You want a family with him," Lincoln gently kissed her temple, pulling her closer. "I get it. And I'm not upset you're wanting something with so serious with him rather than with me. I get this is still new for both of us."
Nina gave him a soft smile, now this time going to kiss him quickly before resting her head on his shoulder again. He was right, this was all new for them. Nina had never felt so in love, nor so loved, in a relationship than she so far did with her boys. Even just with Kendall, she had never felt so much love between a relationship than she did with him. And it seemed that the love she had for him was matched for Lincoln as well. She couldn't imagine a life without her boys now, and it brought a smile to her face every time to think about the two of them, of marrying Kendall, of going on dates with Lincoln, of how they just felt like a home to her she had never been able to experience before. As her eyes closed once again in the peace of the moment, she knew as long as she had Ryan and her boys, wherever they were she knew she would be home as long as they were all together.
0 notes
thesirenwithnovoice · 6 years
A few S2-3 thoughts
[Warning: giant vent ahead xD]
I feel that the major problem with Free! after S1 is the lack of a main plotline. I mean, we don’t really have something to expect, a conflict to be solved, it’s kind of just the characters life going on, and it’s cute because we are attached to them (and because the animation is badass), but I don’t think it’s that interesting to new viewers, or if we look at the seasons isolatedly...
When I say conflict, please don’t get me wrong, I don’t mean “It need fights and superpowers!! and villains breaking down new york. “ But more like... that formula elementary school’s teacher used to say? xD A narrative consists in: a peaceful state →  conflict appears →  conflict is solved. I know not all stories have to follow this (and it seems to be a bit of KyoAni’s style tbh), but I think it maybe could have worked better than what we got in Free!’s case... To exemplify, on S1, we had the boys and Rin’s broken relationship as a “conflict”, and despite being simple, it worked greatly! We see how Rin and Haru suddenly went from friends to almost strangers, their rivalry grow- and at same time, the boy who seemed to only care about winning getting more and more depressed after each victory... We want to know who Rin truly is, the reason why he changed so much, and we want the Iwatobi boys to see how much pain he is hiding behind his arrogance. Meanwhile, everything else in the plot -the start of the swim club, Rei’s ingress, the races- are all deeply connected to this main conflict and helps moving it towards the conclusion. Everything happens for a reason.
When I think about S2 and 3 tho, they just give me such a strong vibe that they weren’t really planned enough. The pace is bad, they spend way to much time on backstories that doesn’t really go anywhere and there’s just so many plotholes. Ok, maybe it’s just me, and there were the recap movies to fill in the plotholes, but I just think that, if it had been nicely planned since the beggining there wouldn’t even be need of recaps and they could have used the movies to something entirely new. And I may be being cruel but, even if it was what they really wanted, there must have been a better way of doing so because I think a sequel is supposed to leave most of the fans excited for what’s coming next, not dissapointed (that seems to be what happened)...
Haru’s professional decision is the most plausible plotiline (or “conflict”), but again, if it really was the writers intentions I think we are lacking some focus there, as I definitely don’t feel it was explored well enough along the seasons- even because, on both seasons, it only seems to be highlighted during the latest episodes :( And please, It’s not like having backstories is bad, I actually had fun with them, but I think it becomes a problem when they occup most screentime yet don’t impact some of the main characters in any way, nor really move the plot anywhere.
I would be lying if I said I know something about storytelling, so I’m aware there’s a high chance I’m talking shit and- despite trying to avoid it- being biased just because what happened is not what my personal taste wanted- However, I truly believe Free! could have been better continued even if it wasn’t exactly in a way I enjoy. Kinjou, Albert, Sousuke, even Hiyori and Ikuya, they all could have been much better explored and could have made awesome antagonists, or other roles too. But I feel like, instead of planning a good story, KA just threw together a bunch of scenes the fans would “enjoy” to watch, and that’s it.
Another issue that reiforces this feeling is the repetition. Oh my, I’m not the first to talk about it but, so much of S3 are, in essence, just S1 scenes with a few adjustments and different characters. If you didn’t feel bothered by Ikuya’s case you probably has heard of someone who did, but truth is it wasn’t even with him that it first happened- Ever since S2, a bunch of scenes involving a variety of characters (and “ships”) have been “recycled” like that.
[I feel like a will break a bit off topic now], but another issue that bothers me deeply -probably the major one-, is how I feel sometimes they threw all of S1′s progress out of the window. S1 was about Rin reuniting with the friends he loved so much- so much, that he felt jealous of seeing Rei on his place and even cried when he finally could swim with them again. However, ever since S2 began we have this big teamsplit were Rin seems to not even care anymore about Haru, Nagisa and Makoto. Ok that sounded exagerated, but on this last season, Rin didn’t even talk to Nagisa. I know they do it mainly for the sports-side of the anime (as they need teams for the relays and races to work), but their relationship were just so weird. And it’s not like he can’t make new friends, but sometimes it feels like they are nothing more than acquaintances now, and it’s definitely not what I expected from Free!, considering one of the major reasons that got me hooked to it was the beautiful way they showed friendships, different from the cold or forced way I was used to see on other sports/mainstream animes. It feels the characters just aren’t themselves anymore, and they try to make up for it by repeating obvious traits of their personality (like having Rin on verge of tears 20% of his screentime, the repeated scenes...). And that’s also why I loved the beach scene with Makoto, Haru and Rin so much, because they finally felt like friends, like them again.
Anyway, this is not meant to be a deep analysis or anything- since to be able to properly give an opinion I would have to rewatch everything carefully and I confess I didn’t. Those are just stuff that have been pilling up and weighting inside of me, and I wanted to vent it out. In the end, we complain because we love Free! and know it had potential of becoming something truly amazing  after all, you don’t bother writing a huge wall of text for things you don’t care about xD. It’s not the first story whose sequel didn’t work that well and won’t be the last. And btw, I will keep supporting it because even tho I don’t like the path it’s going,  it’s still the only anime I’ve seen that dared to aim to a female audience without a romance/stereotypic girly vibe, and it would be a shame to let all the misogyny people that are bothered with it win xD
If you reached this point, thank you for taking your time to read so much ♥
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recentanimenews · 6 years
Bookshelf Briefs 4/23/18
Food Wars!: Shokugeki no Soma, Vol. 23 | By Yuto Tsukuda and Shun Saeki | Viz Media – After teaching Hayama the lesson of this entire series, which is to say ‘have fun cooking and trying new things,’ Soma is able to win. Which is more than can be said for the rest of his merry band, as most of the minor good guys are summarily expelled after being defeated, and promptly leave the series, never to be seen again. Well, OK, maybe not. But we still have a few, and those few are ready to hear the tragic backstory of Soma’s father and Erina’s father, and the pressure that comes from needing to constantly be “the best.” Soma, of course, who has lost to his dad CONSTANTLY, doesn’t feel this pressure, which is why he does so well. An excellent volume. – Sean Gaffney
Gabriel Dropout, Vol. 3 | By Ukami |Yen Press – Gabriel Dropout continues to do what it does best: make the reader laugh. We get a new cast member this time around with Taplis, a young angel who hero-worshiped Gabriel and has come down to Earth to see how she’s doing. Needless to say, it’s not a pretty picture. Her addition just helps to give us more opportunities for fun, though. Actually, Gabriel may be the one cast member seemingly ignored by this volume, as the artist has realized that the other girls are easier to use for gags and also character development. She can’t hold her liquor, though, even when it’s amazake. My favorite continues to be troll Raphael, but all these girls are funny and great to read about. – Sean Gaffney
In/Spectre, Vol. 7 | By Kyo Shirodaira and Chashiba Katase | Kodansha Comics – This volume of In/Spectre is more of a short-story volume, adapting two prose stories as well as creating one original story for the manga. The stories themselves are what we’ve become used to—Kotoko listening to the problem and then theorizing us to death. But they’re also decent mysteries, and I don’t mind lots of theorizing if it manages to keep my interest and be visually striking, which the artist is quite good at. Meanwhile, Kotoko may not be getting any (I feel bad for falling for her telling us she wasn’t a virgin in volume one—she was clearly lying), but she remains one of the horniest manga heroines I’ve ever seen, constantly doing anything she can to try and get her boyfriend into bed. Nothing works. – Sean Gaffney
Kuroko’s Basketball, Vol. 21-22 | By Tadatoshi Fujimaki | Viz Media – Throughout this series, we’ve grown so used to Seirin being the underdog that it has to be pointed out to us that they’ve never really played while trying to maintain a lead—something that’s a lot more difficult than it sounds. This is despite the fact that, as everyone watched Kagami, they realize that he has the same magic that was in the Miracle Generation, even if he was never part of it. And it’s going to take that magic to hold on, as they’re up against Kise and his perfect copy, which is able to crush them even with his sitting out a good deal of the game. That said, Kuroko is still the title character, and I’m pretty sure the cliffhanger indicates he’ll solve things. Solid sports shonen. – Sean Gaffney
Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic, Vol. 29 | By Shinobu Ohtaka | Viz Media – So Harukyu has won, but is this really what he wanted? The girl he likes, Morgiana, has finally realized that she loves Alibaba even though he’s dead. He’s leading his country thanks to Sinbad… but is that really going to last? The next few volumes shoold tell us — oh no, timeskip! Yes, in time honored shonen tradition, we now jump ahead a couple years, the better to deal with Alibaba, not as dead as everyone thinks (in fact, that makes a terrific running gag) and here to step back into everyone’s lives. Sadly for him, everything is seemingly a perfect utopia now, run by Sinbad. Of course, no utopia is perfect, and I suspect Alibaba will soon be leading some sort of resistance. Once he can explain to everyone that he’s not dead. – Sean Gaffney
My Hero Academia, Vol. 12 | By Kohei Horikoshi | Viz Media – We’re back in class, and it’s time for exams—at least after a very amusing couple of chapters where the students go to mad scientist Mei to get alterations to their hero costumes. But the bulk of this is the provisional license exams, after which they’ll be able to do the hero sorts of things they got in trouble for doing before. That is if they survive the exam, which puts them against other schools in one giant melee battle, and only 200 can pass. This gives nearly everyone a chance to stand out—I particularly liked Midoriya spotting a fake immediately based purely on hero knowledge—and gives the volume tension, as we try to see who’s going to fall and have to be left behind. So glad this is now speeding up. – Sean Gaffney
Takane & Hana, Vol. 2 | By Yuki Shiwasu | Viz Media – This is not quite as hysterical as the first volume, possibly as it’s clearly now an ongoing series rather than a bunch of one-shots, and thus needs to work harder at plot and character development. I like how the author is not shying away from the age difference between the two of them, and the scandal that it would cause were it to get out. We’re also introduced to an old friend and rival of Takane’s, who I think I would like more if he didn’t keep reminding me of Saki from I Hate You More Than Anyone/VB Rose. In the meantime, rest assured that there is still a lot of great humor here—I was especially amused by Takane referring to Hana’s two friends as “Friends A and B.” I love Hana to Yume comedies. – Sean Gaffney
Wotakoi: Love Is Hard for Otaku, Vol. 1 | By Fujita | Kodansha Comics – I picked up Wotakoi more on a whim than anything else, but the manga quickly became one of my favorite debuts of the year. The series actually had its beginning as a webcomic on Pixiv before being picked up by a print publisher. Even more recently, Wotakoi became the basis of an anime. The attention the manga has received is understandable. The story features quirky but relatable characters, four adult friends and coworkers (two couples) who to different extents can be described as otaku. There isn’t much of a plot, but the humor and story revolve around how being a fan of games, manga, anime, cosplay, etc. impacts relationships, romance, and worklife. In some ways, Wotakoi reminds me a little of a more subdued, grownup version of Monthly Girls’ Nozaki-kun, another series that I adore. Unsurprisingly then, I’m greatly looking forward to reading more of the charming, smile-inducing Wotakoi. – Ash Brown
Yowamushi Pedal, Vol. 8 | By Wataru Watanabe | Yen Press – This volume doubles down on Midosouji—he’s all over it, and twice as obnoxious, and I think your enjoyment of the book will depend on how much you can resist wanting to see someone slug him. The majority of this volume, in fact, does not feature our heroes, as they’re still waiting for Onoda to drag Tadokoro back—which he does, and it’s awesome—but instead focuses on the other teams, showing us their own drive to succeed—as well as the questioning of the rest of Midosouji’s teammates, wondering if this is really the right way to win? We’ve still got a long way to go in this race, but even in omnibus format I want to read it faster and faster. Can’t wait for the next volume. – Sean Gaffney
By: Sean Gaffney
0 notes
Darkly Dying
Part 1 Dead Exodus
The corpses were not the first thing to appear, though they would come, in numbers both great and terrifying. No, the first signs were more casual peculiarities. People forgetting things for no reason, sometimes words, sometimes where they had come from or even their own names. They’d get stuck in odd cycles, like continuously bumping into doors, or never seeming to get their clothes on right.
This story needs a center so I suppose you could say some of the more juicy bits lay in a University, dubbed Universe City by some of our bored yet endearing subjects of discussion. Darkstar University to be exact. Home to strange and talented students, teachers, staff, etc. Most of which would be dead in a matter of weeks, but I suppose we have time to get to that.
We intend to fudge some names mostly to protect privacy I guess, names have an odd power especially in the places this path will dig into, but also for the sake of some humorous creativity. I don’t want to bore you with too many details about explicitly what they did in this place as there destiny’s are not so simple as to be narrowed down with too many fragile facts, but I suppose their general focus can at least be described. Martha was great at math, avoiding intimacy, and getting boys to do her bidding. Kristen was energized to a fault, there were usually ten topics humming in her head but she’d end up acting on twenty. She was oddly adaptable in an occasionally self destructive type of way, often letting her ability to rise to the occasion make her forget that there were ways to avoid trouble. Edgar was like a marksman more or less, eyes on the prize with excellent execution. This trait served him well in his academics and social existence. Galen was like evil incarnate and they all loved and were intensely suspicious of him for it. Cursing, fierce staring, and an almost instinctual need to harass his classmates made him a complicated member of the community to say the least. Manuel saw Galen as the brother he should have had instead of those so-so siblings he’d left back at hometown. If Galen was darkness, Manuel was the void. Generally speaking he was prone to disappearing even while he was sitting right next to you, skulking about territories and groups few would wander, as well as guising his humorous disdain for most creatures in hushed jokes and smiles that seldom looked entirely human, let alone natural.
They weren’t the most close knit of groups, not to start out at least, but that would change as things so often do when tested with cruelty and the unreasonable. They all happened to be lunching at the same table one day, which wasn’t completely common given their differing schedules as well as humors. Martha and Kristen tended to be close though they had plenty of emotional barriers around each other. Edgar and Manuel probably would have been best friends if they both didn’t have such hot love for Martha, though Martha seemed to prefer Edgar as far as romance went. Galen tended to bother Manuel whenever he was in sight, a thing the latter welcomed with devilish humor. Galen also seemed to have a mysterious way of getting to the root of Kristen’s emotional disturbances, something Manuel claimed had everything to do with them both being Asian, which may or may not have been true. Manuel and Kristen shared many classes and were generally like two peas in a pod, a synchronicity which often disturbed them and outsiders. Edgar and Martha shared a similar social environment which Edgar would ambush every now and then, so it was hard to say just how well they got along, though Manuel was pretty sure that Martha was at least a lot afraid of him. She was a tough girl though, so it probably didn’t show.
They were chowing down on the mess of protein, fruit, and other psuedo edible products like proper students at feeding time. Galen had a near death experience while choking on chips. He insisted it was a joke in a classic drooping monotone which conveyed how little he cared about the situation as well as life in general. Manuel was pretty sure he almost died right then and there, but it would hardly be surprising if he had simply come back as a ghost in those couple of moments of strange questioning. If there was anyone who could dismiss the afterlife as some halfbaked human fantasy even as they haunted it, it was Galen. Manuel also found it interesting to note that Martha made no motion to assist him as he writhed on the ground, though it wasn’t so bad as the many people he saw almost willing him to choke to completion from the surrounding tables.
So one brush with death later and the gang was discussing the current events of their nation which entailed riots without a voiced cause in their western territories, talks of setbacks in a bio implant which was supposed to at least double the human lifespan but seemed to be chopping it to pieces instead, as well as talks of a strange bookseries actually being able to inspire real magic in its readers. The last one nearly had Galen choking again but mostly because of his natural attraction to the destruction of the dreams/hopes of the ignorant. Manuel wasn’t so sure though, magic was pretty hot stuff.
They were interrupted by a somewhat unofficial member of the group Alessandra. Alessandra had a bit of a thing for Manuel, though his feelings on the matter ran more along the lines of wanting to do unholy things to her body in acts of ultra spicy sexiness. His advances were often rebuffed however due to her staunch religious stances. He had never hated god more, which was saying something because at this point they were like arch-nemisi. So as he lathered her in oils and spanked her, half tenderly, half fiercely in the recesses of his mental spaces, she blabbed on about something or another.
Alessandra was a curly haired latina with a lot more force of nature than people would credit it her with, still she seemed contently resigned to her delicate yet intelligent flower routine. She did not get along well with Galen, which just made his willingness to torment her that much more enjoyable. It was something along the lines of him being disrespectful, or abrasive, scary or some other strange silly flower girl word.
Alessandra was on pretty good terms with Kristen, though that may have had more to do with the amount of classes they shared. Martha probably felt overpowered by her presence though she’d never admit it and Alessandra saw too many of Manuel’s longing gazes in Martha’s direction to ever truly befriend her. She was there to spread word of the great god above, just kidding, she was there to remind them all about a some books or something they were probably supposed to be reading but would most likely just skim, well except Edgar and Martha, those overly diligent bastards.
More to the point, she absentmindedly mentioned a rumor which had begun to circulate through the school, someone had supposedly seen a large animal in the woods, and apparently the upper portion of the university had heard terrible roaring at night.
Galen chided her for her impressionable nature, which he assured her was do to her station as a woman. Manuel laughed while Martha and Kristen scolded Galen in turn and Alessandra got so flustered her face turned beat red. She often didn’t know how to deal with the emotions/humors of other people, so she just kinda sat there half frozen for most of the meal.
So yes, all well, all good, everyone was hooing and hawing, truly soaking up the student mode of existence. I’m sure it would have all made a couple of beautiful memories of the transition into adulthood, had Alessandra’s God not been in the mood for more old testament paths of interaction with his clay fashioned creations.
Somehow they all managed to find eachother again that night. Manuel had been trying to charm Alessandra out of her pants but instead she just put on her coat and went back to her room, though, if we’re being honest, she was almost convinced. Manuel was a spicy man. Dejected, he made his way to one of his usual nightly hideouts, a simple ledge of stone facing a bit of vegetation that might have been a garden had anyone actually cared enough to put in a little effort, but which served instead as a precursor to the daunting woods ahead.  As if his night couldn’t get any more heartbreaking, he just so happened to walk in on Martha and Edgar all but coiled about each other. Every flicker of fluids and skin pressed between them was like a millennium of madness and spiritual deterioration for him. For a brief moment he believed that he must have been mistaken about his location in space and time, and existed a brief, yet fulfilling era as a member of the Golden Khanate under Genghis himself. Sadly this shattering didn’t last, and he was thrust back into the now of watching the woman who should have been his true love, and the boy who should have been his best friend, crushing him into fine dust with every careful tender, lick and squeeze.
In truth He was probably three quarters set on murdering them then and their, but Kristen stalled their demise. She’d been out jogging, one of her many sports hearted activities, and honed in on their faint outlines in the darkness like a heat seeking missile. And what a heat it was, a scorching fire of sexiness and betrayal. Kristen was pretty good at sensing Manuel’s feelings at least when they weren’t about her, so she was probably pretty aware of the death like haze which had settled over him, though, bless her wittle heart, she rarely had the emotional stability to be of much help in his many crisi of the core.
“You must be dying right now.” Was what she said to him, wide eyed, frantically looking back and forth from the lovers, and the broken creature which looked vaguely like a human being. Her words and motions seemed to snap them out of their embrace, because Martha all but jumped out of Edgars Hands, smoothing out her clothes while pacing like a first time delinquent. Edgar looked embarrassed and proud.
“We didn’t see you guys.” Martha told them, turned far away from their eyes as if she could will them to find something more interesting in the dark foliage. Many a brutal second passed until Manuel finally spoke.
“It’s fine.” He said, in that cold inhuman rhythm of his he reserved for mortal enemies. To be honest they didn’t know him well enough to sense the severity in his tone, though they could feel the distance vastly expanding between them. Martha would probably try to manipulate him into, not so much forgiving her, but ignoring her inconsistent behavior later. She wouldn’t know that he was already planning their demise as they all stood their, in the full glory of awkwardness.
Galen popped up next, emerging from the woods like a demon from his den, he smelled of cannabis, which almost improved Manuel’s mood except he also saw the haunted expression behind his friends baked disposition.
“The hell happened to you?” Manuel said.
“Finally trip too hard?” Kristen added. She Manuel and Galen had discussed some of their more extreme experiences with hallucinogens and were prone to pseudo spiritual excursions in proper stoner fashion. They had once been walking to the dining hall to satisfy their munchies but had mysteriously ended up at the local gas station marveling at the wonders of candy, caffeine, and that hot chick behind the register. Kristen was becoming less and less shy about her womanly attractions.
Galen nearly Fell a couple of times as he sort of wavered through the weed haze, he took a second to look at all of them, shook his head, cursed the whiteman and finally spoke.
“I saw something terrible. Something just god awful. Like when our abominable friend wore a bikini to field-weekend.” Galen said. Field weekend was a friday, saturday sunday combination of outside seminars, circus manner of entertainment, hiking, and general wilderness survival training so that the school wouldn’t get sued if someone got ate by a bear. The abominable friend was a heavy set girl with an unkind complexion and one boob. When Galen first met her he dove behind a table and screamed for pitch forks and torches. It was pretty horrible but to his credit not as horrible as having to watch her waddle in that unforgiving heat fucking up everyone’s sense of beauty and art. Manuel was going to consider the weekend as a part of his wild awakening but the abominable one had turned it into an afront of his sensibilities and he would never forgive her.
“I’m an Afro-Cuban my friend, nothing would surprise me.” Manuel said, oddly enough feeling a pull of connection in Galen’s direction. They all got these types of feelings, though they weren’t always aware of it.  It’s probably what led them to meet in the first place. The Two began to sink, tilting their heads ever so slightly skyward watching where tree, building and air met sky, They both shook their heads nearly at the same time. Manuel sighed.
“Well I guess we had to die at some point.” He said.
“Why do you always say weird things.” Kristen said.
“Cause I’m a strange man, and white people are mean.” Manuel said.
“You have that there’s a mystery afoot, Look you get.” Edgar said. It was just like him, to be so sensitive and in tune even as they faced those upsetting cosmic humors.
“My HighGalen is a little rough, but if I’m not mistaken he believes that it may be our like moral duty or some other dumb human word to go and check out what’s over in that direction yonder. Don’t ask him though, because he probably won’t tell you as he dislikes affection.” Manuel pointed in a direction.
“Like how bad?” Kristen said, already donning her emotional armor like a proper little conqueror. Galen and Manuel looked at each other, than the latter turned to Kristen.
“I’m getting a ‘it’s a bad day to be a colored’, vibe from him.” Manuel said, he didn’t add the “especially with these two pasty bastards lagging behind us,” honorific.
“Do you guys like hate white people or something.” Kristen added.
“Oh Kristen, you poor poor asian-american fool.” Galen said shaking his head with sagely dragon refinement. We were pretty sure Edgar and Martha just heard barbarian grumbling.
“I hate everything at least a lot, like at least five/ninths.” Manuel said, crunching the numberz in that bitter heart of his.
“Dude, like not us right.” Martha said. Manuel gave her a quick once over, she still had a nice body.
“Don’t patronize me with your whiteness woman.” He said, turning back to the forest and embracing his inner beast.
“So we’re just going to go in there without like back up or anything.” Edgar said. Martha gave him an approving glance.
“Right, like shouldn’t we go get like the campus security or something.” Martha said.
“You overly responsible bastards, where’s your sense of risk.” Galen half slurred in their direction. Kristen and Manuel had already started walking, Galen was close on their trail, and those pasty bastards were lagging behind on que.
It was dark and any minority could tell you that that internal racial survival instinct was kicking in, hard, like black man 19-huneds, dirty south hard.  
Manuel was coming up with ways he might pin his worse case scenario on Edgar and Martha, as he was sure their whiteness would drive them to blame it on him, while his second worse case scenario kept him from drifting too far from the group. Kristen looked sturdy and fierce, so he hugged her flank.
“You’re always so strange.” She said.
“And You’re so warm and soft/strong at the same time. Like you smell delicious, what soap do you use. ” Manuel said soaking in her energies.
They stopped a few trees up the way. Galen began his contemplative pacing, the grace, the elegance of his khazanate-esc strides left them all in amazement.
“What remembered was seeing what could have been a couple of people tripping on them acids, like really transmitting off dis earth ands stuff. If it wasn’t drugs I remembered it might have been a couple of people like really just, bodies slamming, sweat flinging fucking, and fucking hard. When it wasn’t downright disgusting it was just astounding. Like watching animal planet.” Galen said.
“But now?” Manuel said.
“But now I’m wondering if it wasn’t just, a straight up monster. Like for real, a monster. Alessandra said it and far be it for me to get in the way of her mysticism. I’m not sure if Asian people are supposed to do spirit walks or something, but half our societal expectations are down right heinous, in the sort of comic book villain type of way…” He paused for a moment, “I almost forgot where I was going with that, but in all seriousness, I’m pretty sure I could remember how to spot a monster if I had to.” Galen said.
“Guys, please don’t exaggerate.” Martha said. She had that, assertive yet still worried tone of voice which Manuel recalled her often using to stop him from embracing his true savagery.  
“Well now Martha, give him a second, his people are like a decade from conquering this fine United States. I’m sure he knows a fair bit about things that could destroy Americans.”
“Why does it always come back to race with you guys. Well race with you, crushing spirits and yet lifting them up for him.” Kristen mentioned Manuel first and then Galen
“Oh, Kristen, you poor Asian-American fool” Galen slurred out once again.
“White man stole my dreamz. I’ll never forgive him.” Manuel exclaimed, in dark outrage.
“Can you dig it .” Edgar said , he was taking a poetry class and had been inspired by what he describe as the hard yet righteously vivacious spirit of the black female poet which matched their hair syllable for syllable.
“There, even now the white man thieves.” Manuel said.
“Hallelujah.” Galen said.  
“Right.” Manuel said giving him a firm black man handshake.         
  It was around this time that the monster showed up. If we’re being fair it is likely that Kristen gave a “Wait, what was that sound,” before everything really went terrible but she was always so vigilant, the lil’ scamp.
Edgar was the first to get clawed, and probably said something like “What” as his voice kinda drifted off into the distance. Like he got knocked the fuck out. Something Bit Martha, hard on the stomach, there was a lot less thrashing than Manuel anticipated, like it was trying to be careful.
Galen charged like a proper mongolian, but the beast crumpled him to the forest floor. Manuel and Kristen weren’t so much as stuck. Terrified yes but that put them in more like a numb sort of shiver. Like they could be anywhere in any forest. They could have been at the end of the world, sharing time, soaking in an eternity in each other’s existences, made more potent from death’s ever observant vision.
Manuel remembered them getting torn at the same time, if there is such a thing. He remembered Kristen’s skin parting like soaked styrofoam almost instantaneously before claw and fang reached his own. Half his chest was opened in what could have been a blink, it felt like molten earth.
In hindsight, he remembered something odd, through the smog of fear, the soon to be decaying bodies of his dear friends, and the general aura of hopelessness, he saw the monster a little more clearly. Manuel didn’t know what you might call it, others had called it a curse, others still, an extreme inconvenience. In fact the general consensus was that it was a terrible, ter’a’ble personality trait. Short story shorter he had a bit of a sense for the completely unusual and humorously dark solutions.
Manuel loved wolves. We won’t bore you with tender moments from his childhood or his generally adorable little serial killer feelings, but we will say the boy knew his lupines. It seemed like years of half hearted belief in wolf super culture had finally paid off, in a manner of speaking at least, because Manuel was able to identify their monster. It was, in fact, a werewolf. As far as introductions went though, this was hardly an enjoyable occasion.
So as Manuel and Kristen bled out on the ground as the wolf began to ever so carefully maul their friends, they both fell into a type of dreamy death hum about the legends and honor of wolves.
It would’ve been pretty rough to tell them , in this awkward moment of their demise, that this was far from the last monster they would see.
They woke up, oddly enough in Galen’s psuedo apartment suite thing. He shared it with like two other people but they were usually sexing it up in someone else’s dorm so it was all good. Their clothes from the last night were gone, but they’d gotten knew ones with their more essential items still present. Sweat suits and sweat pants seemed to be the group theme. Galen was slouched against the wall eyes half mast but physically he looked fine, far from the crunched thing Manuel had remembered seeing in the forrest. Well, if we’re being completely honest, physically they looked great. Their general expression was that of hauntedness, but their faces had a squared sharpness and their bodies rippling with peak lupine grace, as if they’d been cut from stone.
In short, although their lives were over, their existence forever altered, and their emotions would never be unscarred, they all looked like athletic sexiness incarnate. Martha was curled up next to Edgar, her shivering, and his sleeping breath haggard. Manuel would have had something to say if Kristen wasn’t resting on his chest, like a little death kitten.  So instead Manuel said this
“Damn you white god.” There was a fifth word but it got blurred out or something.
Although it would be terribly interesting to describe to you the rearing process of a couple of orphaned werewolves, we will stick to the bare essentials in order to keep this as straightforward as possible. The first couple of days are horrible, upon reflection it would not be impossible to see the awesomeness of it, but not knowing if you have to poop or if you’re just growing a tail is not necessarily super fun times. The change, shifting from wolf to man and so on, hurts. I suppose every clan and every legend has it’s tales but in general this is not something you would wish upon a person half heartedly. I suppose to give a more universal message, it would be like if your emotions got ripped out from inside and turned into a type of soul exoskeleton flesh thing. A process which in turn shifts the dimensions of everything you touch, and have or will interact with. Edgar made the shift first, but he was ever the far sighted one. Then Galen, who had the kindness to put on a humorous show of it despite how clearly it hurt. They soon found out that they shared in each other’s pain, how convenient. With that said, it should probably said that it is in our opinion that a werewolf’s existence is pain, and by no means for the faint of heart or spirit.   
Kristen went next and it appeared like she could shift the fastest, though she was always a quick study. Martha made a show of being patient, but they could see that she didn’t wish to, most likely, in Manuel’s opinion, because she wouldn’t think that she could know how to. So he took her hand like a proper gentleman, gave it a firm squeeze, as if it were her buttocks on a lazy saturday and they shifted together. He was just a hair slower.  
The orphan pack could not find that which had changed them, and after a while they didn’t really want to. They had had enough practice tracking and hunting to suspect that if it had escaped detection for that long it was either gone for good or waiting to find them when they were separated and weakest. The latter was by far the most likely opinion in their consensus.
The dimensions of a werewolf are choppy to describe at best, much of their existence is psuedo emergency response anyway. Millennia of biological tailoring boosted by the dark loathing of a magic folded beast. It was definitely not a house pet. On an emotional, physical level you could compare it to a lion or an anaconda. As far as saviness or cunning goes, they are stubborn but once they are sure of something or at least determined enough walls fall down like thunder. If the world was based on a virtual system or an Ideal system it would be big, hot blooded, strong, sharp, as well as an economy of electromagnetic force. The last detail they came up with after doing their homework together, go science.
Normalness was no longer an option outside of as a cover, which they were surprisingly good at adopting when they were together. Chances were, if you had a strong enough group, people didn’t question too many of your habits. Emotions, strong or weak, were hard,  feelings drifted through their almost invisible bonds like static pulses. They found themselves oddly drawn to one another even if they never intended to meet up, and the whole world seemed to just slow down around anyone who wasn’t pack, like they were stuck in an opiated time blur. Humans didn’t smell right, or they didn’t look right or something, like all their expressions were just a little off, like they fell right below the threshold of awareness necessary. The pack did enjoy their knew sexiness, but they soon found that the looks weren’t just for show. They were better, like scary lotus monk better. We will say this, learning works a lot better as a pack than on a purely individual basis. 
It was more than a little harder for Alessandra to find her way amongst the group, though they did seem honestly conscerned for her well being, but communicating between each other had become hard enough for multiple reasons. Trying to play human didn’t help their feelings any. Still they always found time to make sure she was looked after at least a little in some of the social functions, she was by no means abandoned.
The boys seemed to enjoy pretending to be her loyal knights, while the girls debated whether they should inform her of their bestial existence and or turn her themselves. They disliked the, not necessarily dishonesty, but emotional distance. They decided the former should be avoided unless absolutely necessary, and that the latter they could wait on until they had more knowledge on the subject as none of them were exactly sure how they had passed through deathly borders and come out whole-ish on the other side.
Kristen and Manuel discussed possibilities of nightmare realm distortion. Edgar described a study with quote, “quantum basketballs” unquote, which he found to be comparable to their own situation. This did inspire them to spend more time shooting hoops which did a lot for their pent up energy as well as their sexiness. Those fit sweaty bodies. Martha compared it to a “dance of frequencies” and was even in the process of drafting an equation to map out their “rate of shifting”. Galen suggested white man’s trickery to be afoot, which Manuel mysteriously also seemed to agree with, but he also, in his hushed yet contemplative manner suggested no matter what it was, it could have been a sign of stranger things yet to come. This sparked a conversation on the natures of virtues, omens and their deviations. The group, well pack at this point, began to discuss the possibility of their own association being a type of virtue and the humorous possibility of them existing in a virtual reality.
The males decided to have their own hierarchy and the girls decided to their own as well. It wasn’t so much a conscious decision but even in unconscious ways it wove itself into their conversation and manner of interaction. More and more they began to see how a strange nature could so thoroughly meld into or even overtake their so well cultivated personalities. If a reason had to be given as to why they did this, we suppose you could say it had something to say with the brutal practicality of survival. You could say that it’s a lot simpler to train with, as well as fight honorably with someone if you’re on the same page both emotionally and purposefully. It was strange enough to comprehend the inner wolf’s ways of binding their destinies without causing it unnecessary stress with their fragile human customs.
They were not sure as to how to adress the nature of their change. They had seen enough horror movies to know that complaining about the unfairness of a creature ambushing and savaging them would hardly move their inner spirit, albeit unless they were considering replicating the process. Galen had inspired Manuel to tell the group they might go about embracing their inner meanness, like really bullying out into proper villains. Oddly enough that actually got some interesting results. They compared their general patterns both mundane and occasionally extraordinary, and came up with a somewhat disturbing demonstration of their talent for practical evil.
Galen was sure he was actually a sleeper agent from some Korean Social Program built to awaken genes specifically geared towards interaction with the supernatural all so, wait for it, one could indirectly monitor traffic progression. Martha believed that their were probably a fair amount of wizards in her family, but that she was, actually an anti wizard bent on crushing their dreams. Edgar suggested he might simply be shape data given the illusion of conciousness based around actions that they did not take, and so he might simply be the fascimile of a human event. Kristen believed that she might of actually been hatched from an egg so there was a lot of rich material there. Manuel came to the conclusion he must have been a werewolf from the beginning and just went insane.
All in all by the end of this brain fire session they came to the conclusion that they had actually willed the wolf magic or bacteria or whatever to change them upon being presented with the emotional trauma of having witnessed a werewolf. Not because they wanted to, but because they needed to, they were in need of a change in perspective. And apparently so was the world.
The pack had noticed some of their peers acting strangely, though they couldn’t tell if it was regular human annoyingness or not. There were a couple of moments when they feared they would be ousted but they were false alarms. They did watch someone get eaten though.
It was dark out, the campus was pretty active with basketball fever, and that general party till you drop sense of feeling. Well, people did drop. It happened so abrubtly they could scarcely determined just what had happened until the deed was done. Three or four students turned and started eating one of their peers. Like really chomping down and giving them the business. The werewolves had eaten plenty of deer and other woodland creatures by that point but they had managed to keep human off their menu, not for lack of trying though. Most of those efforts belonged to Galen, and slightly less noticeably Manuel. All jokes of tasty looking thighs aside watching one of the people you kinda sort know...kinda sorta get chowed down like a lost donkey.
By the time campus security broke up the scuffle, not without getting a few scrapes and bites themselves, the pack was long hidden away in one of the buildings. They murmured amongst each other mentioning the look of absence in the eyes of the ghoulish attackers. They did a couple of perimeter checks their wing of the dorm before reconvening at their lounge. Most of the building was pretty quiet except for a few who couldn’t help but be shocked by the saveragery of the event. The pack humorously mentioned the irony that it wasn’t the bears they had to worry about after all, it was the humans.
Then the lights started going off and they realized that it wouldn’t be long before the campus was shut down. Well, in a manner of speaking they were right. Fast forward about forty minutes of screaming, frantic running, and creepy pack observation and the place was damn near a warzone.
It would seem that eating one’s peers was becoming something of fashion statement as ghoulish fiends seemed to be rising from every corner, chomping hear, groaning their, shuffling this way and that. The wolves almost felt a peculiar need to dance and jive in those monster hearts of there’s but they resisted as they were pretty sure they were not in an 80’s music video. Instead they marched, quietly, briskly, purposefully, and well armed with the most useful tools they could find. Galen had managed to run across a tomohawk, don’t ask us why, and he bashed his decaying fellow academics with it in sorrowful hilarity. Martha had russeled up some kitchen knives, Kristen had found a fire axe after breaking down the janitor closet door. It had been steel locked. One of the panicking humans had mistaken Manuel for one of the chompers and came at him with a bat. Manuel took it from him before beating him with it.
“Did you just kill a guy?” Edgar said.
“None of us are saints.” Manuel said holding the bat like it was his earthly instrument. Edgar had managed to pull a pistol off of one of the security guards. Things had been getting tense out west, so them being armed wasn’t a surprise. The gun was good but the walky talkies were amazing. They repeated the process and were rewarded with more portable communicators, flashlights, mace, batons, and stun gunz. Anything they couldn’t carry in hand or on their belts they put into their backpacks. They went to find Alessandra first, it was hard to find her scent among all the blood, chaos, and general fear that seemed to be permeating through the place, but find her they did. She was rapidly being surrounded by a group of the chompers, though a couple of stragglers were lagging behind and serving as a sort of distraction. Alessandra was buzy gouging out the heart of one of the ghouls with a large pointed stick. Her face was taut with primal momentum. She was fierce but they doubted she would have survived if they hadn’t gotten there. They killed some of the straggling ghouls, before gathering up Alessandra and a few other of their more familiar compatriots. Alessandra nearly took Manuel’s eye out with that stick of hers, but the brush with death heated his loins in such a way that he kept her that much closer on their march to the campus recreational hall.  
The more popular entrances were shut down either because of ghoulish overcrowding or broken systems. The pack had skulked out their own emergency paths though, suspicions of another drop in by their wolfy progenitor, and or more mundane crisi left them a little paranoid. Well we suppose it’s only paranoid if its unfounded so you could substitute the word with diligent. The Recreational Hall was part gym, part food court, and part arcade. If there were any interesting weapons to be found they would probably be there. They weren’t suspecting to find so many survivors.
Besides the screams of terror from outside, the occasionally random groaning skulkers, the bloodied clothes and vacant traumatized expressions it was almost homey. There were probably something like a good hundred survivors scattered around the slightly seperated territories, though with the way they were looking at eachother that could change at any moment. The wolves were beside themselves. On the one hand, there was an obvious security in numbers, but on the other hand too many humans in one place and things could get stupid fast. They managed to gather up some of their closer friends, but that didn’t mean they were staying, and every second of tension meant they were that more likely to wolf out and ruin any point of continuing their facade of normalcy anyway. Manuel was soaking up as much time with Allessandra’s hot lil’ body for as long as he could, and she seemed more than willing to embrace his rippling coils of muscle, as she shivered out the madness.     
The day droned on with sounds of fire crackling, the dead groaning, the humans sobbing or screaming, and general mayhem gradually seizing control. There were already a couple of scuffles between survivors inside the rec hall. A couple of people disappeared and didn’t come back so it was becoming clearer and clearer how fragile the peace was. With that said few could rationalize going back out to brave the undead horde. Gunfire stopped and started, and many were sure that the national guard had been called in and routed. Much of the technology had stopped working though some people had makeshift radios and some portable tv’s. Apparently it was like this around the west coast, and word was spreading that the phenomenon was eating its way in many corners of the world.
The wolves were in the process of discussing a decent escape using one of their vehicles, there were three between them, when a one of the walls caved in. Luckily it was on the far side of their conversation, unluckily the fiery breach was like a feeding bell for the ghouls he began to pour in without restraint. There was screaming, and clubbing, and trampling as death met the living, the wolves, almost unconsciously formed around Alessandra, as well as some of their more mundane companions and began ushering them to one of the exits. They had raided some of the food dispensers and so they probably wouldn’t be going hungry if they made it out in one piece.
The race was on, most of the dead seemed too distracted by the hysterics of the humans so they managed to avoid the brunt of the horde. The wolves set to work chopping down any ghoulish creature that got too close, while their friends tried to keep moving through what was undoubtedly one of the most traumatizing experience of their strange existences.
“You think we’ll laugh about this later?” Manuel asked, and received a very dead and judging stare from Martha. “What? You know I don’t get people.” He said making a homerun out of a shambling skeleton.
They reached one of the parking lots, which was hellish to say the least, It was still darkish out but the sun was creeping up, and no one really knew just how well those things could see, and no one wanted to play lab rat with the idea. They used the first car to shuttle some people around and form a barricade as they regained enough of their senses to start the things without freaking out and drawing too much attention. Despite the sense of shared survival the wolves were more than suspicious that if too many humans gathered around, the risk of general thievery would skyrocket. There were seven cars in play at this point, they had shuttled over more people than they’d expected, and the little caravan set out to escape as fast and as steadily as they could.
Many of the roads were blocked, either by felled trees, debris, the crashed cars of the spooked or attacked, or too many of the dead. The wolves doubted they’d ever truly forget the smell, horrid was an understatement, though all that exposed flesh did have them suffering occasional pangs of hunger, which only made them more disgusted.
They were beginning to put some of the screams and carnage of their school’s ruins behind them as their wheels tore down a mostly unused but accessible dirt road. Dawn was breaking and they hadn’t seen a large portion of the dead for a while yet. They almost believed they were in the clear.
Then something hit one of the cars. Martha had been posted as a type of watch with Edgar, so she was the first to see that thing, whatever it was, collide with one of the human filled vehicles. It was big, with what could have been horns and or wings, to be honest it moved too fast for her to really get a good image of it. Regardless, it took the car off the road with what appeared to be something as simple as a strong nudge. Wheels screeched, people screamed, another car swerved off the road in the panic. That thing roared, but before anything more could happen everything seemed to be consumed by a blinding flame.
The Survivors drifted in and out of fevered dreams and nightmares spawned by pain, when they woke up they were in something like a crater. The wolves could smell that something was wrong almost immediately, the air tasted stale with pungent flavors, like something beautiful had drifted by in their unconsciousness, died, and stayed dead for a long time. Edgar was able to put the feeling to words however.
“It feels inside out, like when we change except, it’s everywhere. Whatever it is.” He said. The Wolves nodded, but kept their eyes out for the humans, who still lay, mostly unconscious in the pit. The car the creature ran off was still there but the humans that were in it were nowhere to be seen. They feared they might have turned and were running around waiting to chomp down on them. Kristen searched for tracks but found none, they were just gone. The humans woke up groggy, but functional. Most were terrified but everyone was feeling that, they all managed to get in their cars and keep moving though. Something was definitely strange though, something about the way the road winded, as if it had gone untouched for more than a couple of weekends. Sadly it wasn’t long before they had to face the brunt of the strangeness which had befallen them.
They reached the next town to find it crumbling, nearly consumed by vegetation, and looking like it hadn’t had a resident in at least fifty years. The only problem was that more than a few of them had visited the place just a couple of days before and it had been thriving more or less.
“Does this mean we’re the new mystery inc?” Manuel asked.
“It means we still aren’t the most dangerous creatures out here.” Martha said.
“Yeah but we’re still pretty awesome, in an underdog type of way.” Edgar said.
“More like underwolf.” Kristen said rooting through some debris for anything useful. The caravan had decided to stop, investigate and gather more supplies. Most of the food was either gone or too decayed, the clothes were decent but worn by time in such a way that shouldn’t have been possible. It was only when Kristen sniffed out a more personal item that things got clearer, interesting, and so many times more heartbreaking. It was a journal more or less, some kids or something, and it detailed in painful detail the burdens of the undead phenomenon. However what should only have been, at most, a couple hours of writing were more like a catalogue of horror spanning too many years. The date of the last entry was what really sunk them.
“This says that we’ve missed a whole century.” Kristen said.
“That’s quite the nap.” Galen said.
“Beauty sleep wasted on the beautiful.” Manuel exclaimed.
“Would you two be serious.” Martha said.
“We could, but why bother, everyone we knew is probably dead anyway.” Galen said, and then they all sort of realized the bitter truth of his words. So much had been stolen from them with a couple pages from a notebook. They considered keeping the journal for themselves at first, unsure of how the humans would respond to so much trauma in quick secession, but if they started off with too many lies they’d most likely get buried in them. The journal was passed around, the many stages of grief were triggered like dominoes. One person tried to kill themselves and was just barely thwarted. Allessandra was looking like she might snap at any moment, which made the wolves gravitate around her a little more strongly, trying to push their magic, or aura or whatever around her. It seemed to keep her stable but they didn’t know how long they could manage something like that with a human, the energy wasn’t really built for them.
“We should keep moving” Galen said.
“What’s the point, nowhere to go, apparently we were frozen out of our own era, who’s left to even find.” Said Carter, a friend from their more human existence.
“We survived those damn ghouls, and whatever that beast was. Apparently we’ve also survived time travel, perhaps our chances aren’t so slim. At the very least we’re bound to find something interesting.” Galen continued. It was rare to see him so kindly empathetic, but he probably felt responsible for crushing their spirits, not necessarily that he should have been. Tears were shed, mild breaks into insanity were also indulged in, but eventually they decided to keep moving, which was good, because it was getting dark again, and the scent of death was not far.            
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