#but you won't survive catching these hands irl
blackbackedjackal · 1 year
there's only enough room for one clown in this circus, and that's me [honk honk]
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lucielerror · 3 years
since requests seems to be open, may i ask for thoughts on sagau!imposter mc with hanahaki? where they're growing flowers due to being hated and such ^^ I'm not sure if you take req for that particular branch in sagau but if you don't then thats perfectly fine ehe
i really like your writing btw, especially the extras with irl mc :D
CW(s): SAGAU, death, 2 sprinkles of blood, cult themes
A/N: THANK YOU FOR THE REQUEST TEEHEE:> I love hanahaki aus, the pain they cause is so mwah *3* Well I didn't write a happy ending cause I wanted full angst heh, but if you want something lighter, I can cook up another! Also, not tied to any specific genshin character so i just referred to them as well... character (^-^;) p.s. gn pronouns for mc!! also wrote this at 2am pls excuse if it's a little all over the place I SWEAR I HAD MORE IDEAS but the moment i start typing it disappears ???
You know how some characters' ascension materials include flowers? Yeah, let's say for them, the more hatred they feel for the reader, the more prominent the flowers are
Let's take Venti for example. Cecilia right? So the more he hates mc, the more he hurts them, the more cecilias grow in mc's lungs
For others who don't have flowers in their ascension materials, then let's take their favourite flower
Of course, there are still a few flowers mixed in with how many people hate mc so get this
What if no one ever found out mc was the true creator until after their death?
The mc dying alone, choking in tears and flowers and blood and surrounded by them. Wheezing for someone to hear their prayers, anyone to help, anything to help please they can't breathe it's so painful-
Then a character finds them and sees their favourite flowers on this 'imposter' and the scene that lays before them is just so pitiful and ... disgusting. They didn't want to touch mc honestly, what if something contaminated them?
They need to get rid of the vermin... but they can't do it right now, so they'll go back to get some proper tools and people to dispose mc
But then, after that, the flowers the character love begins rotting away rapidly. Not just withering, the flowers are actually rotting rotting and smell disgusting, absolutely putrid
And slowly, the flora in Teyvat all start rotting away too and everyone's just so confused? What was happening?
People beg and beg their imposter Creator to bring back the floras because businesses are being ruined, restaurants have to shut down, farmers are having a hard time making money, some people are starving, some are even falling sick, lives are at stake! Why won't the Creator do anything?
The imposter Creator obviously can't do anything about it, but let's say they're smart enough to make an excuse. Something like, "This is my punishment to Teyvat." People take it of course, since it is from their almighty imposter Creator
Bringing back the mc into the picture, the character finally came with some help to finally rid Teyvat of mc. Then they notice how mc's body is surrounded by every single type of flower, and the thing is, the flowers are blooming and fresh! How can that be?! They've only been seeing rotten ones and anytime they do find a surviving flower, it immediately rots when they touch it.
But this? So many flowers are brushing against mc's skin yet nothing's happening. Even the petals that have fallen off have not withered away or dried out. Impossible!
The flower which the character had so loved, one nestled gently in your hands, as if to spite them. At this moment, there's this dawning realisation... No, they have to check first
They try to pluck a flower only to have it disintegrate into ashes in their hands... what? No, no... it can't be. This was weird. There is a possible explanation and if that's the case... no. It can't be.
So, they send out a message to the other archons to come investigate the scene and also their imposter Creator
My favourite part~ They finally catch the imposter Creator and they realise what a huge huge HUGE mistake they made. And they cannot undo it.
I just love the idea of the characters suffering with the guilt that it was their flowers that killed their loved Creator. The blood that people tried to clean off from the mc refuses to come off, a stubborn stain that will forever remind the character that it's their fault their fault their fault their fault their fault their fault their fault their fault their fault their fault
And as if to spite them even more, flowers actually slowly start to grow back once the imposter was dealt with, except for their flower. The only time they could ever see it was if they visited the mc's flower grave (nature refused anyone to move mc, so they were just left there, but people built a grave around the mc, to protect and honour them, and perhaps to repent it was too late to) It's a hauntingly beautiful sight.
Last thing, just think about this. The nature of people can be ugly. Jealousy, anger, bitterness... selfishness. Too much of these and it can be quite catastrophic. As a result, the character gets blamed. There will definitely be people who will start blaming them, "You killed our Creator and you were cursed. This is all your fault. How dare you show your face here. Aren't you the slightest bit ashamed?" As if they didn't chase mc down either, but well, as long as the blame was shifted to someone else, that didn't matter, did it?
That's right, a whole life full of suffering, guilt and pain is what's left for the character:)
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jedipoodoo · 2 years
Lucky (Sergeant Hunter x OC)
WARNINGS, PLEASE READ: mentions of child abuse and death of children, needles and shots, this one is pretty dark
Summary: The Bad Batch runs into a tiny cadet taken from Kamino by the Empire. Hunter tries to get to know him better, with Saachi's help, and come to an understanding regarding their future together.
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The child had been clinging to him since the moment Saachi placed him in Hunter's arms. The tiny body shivered beneath his hands as Tech approached with a needle snatched from the base they'd just escaped.
"You need to relax, ad'ika," Tech said, softly massaging the boy's shoulder while holding the needle out of sight.
Still, it was like this cadet knew what was coming, whimpering and burying his face in Hunter's shoulder the way Omega always did. Was that a Fett trait?
This boy had been through a lot in the last two hours alone. He and his squadron had been deemed too young to be of any use to the Empire; they wanted their soldiers now, not eventually, and they couldn't bring themselves to be patient with the children that they had paid to bring into this cruel galaxy.
This boy was the only one to survive the gas chamber his batch had been tossed into, and only because Saachi had burst into the chamber relying on Hunter's mask and grabbing the child closest to the door. Saachi was taking care of her own symptoms, or so she insisted, but the ad had just barely stopped throwing up as his own system tried to purge the noxious chemicals.
Hunter was glad Omega hadn't seen what happened to the young cadets. It too easily could have been her if she was left on Kamino. But Omega was blissfully unaware in the cockpit, safe with Echo and Wrecker beside her. The boy was their priority now, and with the way Saachi kept looking at him and the way he clung to them, he wasn't going anywhere.
Hunter placed his hand on the boys back, gently drawing patterns in his soft blue shirt. Hunter hummed to find the tune of an old song, and pulled the sleeve back so Tech could clean the spot on his shoulder.
"One little bantha went out to play, on an irling's web one day. When he saw he didn't fall, he called another bantha cub to come have fun. Two little banthas went out to play..."
The boy melted into his arms as Hunter repeated the tune again and again, he didn't even start when the needle pierced skin. Hunter wondered if the needle might go right through his arm, but Tech was too careful for that, and made sure all of the antidote was administered before replacing the needle with a bandage.
Hunter continued to rub the boy's back as his breathing steadied. He sat in the bottom bunk that was usually Wrecker's, and Saachi sat next to him.
"Did he mention his name?" She asked, running a hand through the boy's stubby curls.
Hunter shook his head, "Too young to have one. He might be old enough to have his number memorized though."
"He can't be older than six, physically, at least," Tech said. He placed the vial and needle in a disposal packet so it wouldn't stab anyone in the foot later.
Saachi rested her head on Hunter's shoulder, but the boy's eyes were already closed.
"I think he likes you," she teased.
"Well, feeling's mutual," Hunter smiled, still rubbing his back.
Tech handed Saachi a blanket, "Given his condition, and that we are in space, I would recommend holding him while he sleeps. His body won't be able to produce the heat that he needs on his own."
Hunter glanced over at Saachi, "Naptime?"
Saachi rolled her eyes, "You think you're so slick."
"If I'm not, then explain why you keep falling for me?"
Saachi snickered behind her hand as Hunter pulled both of them onto the cot to rest. Saachi spread the blanket over all of them, sending a gust of air that blew Hunter's bangs from his face. Saachi placed her hand over his and leaned her head against his shoulder. Neither of them said anything, neither did they sleep, keeping a diligent eye on the boy that the universe threw into their arms shouting "here, catch!"
"If he doesn't have a name, what should we call him?"
"Well, the typical process is getting to know the cadet a little bit better. Usually, kids around his age don't know much about names, and the trainers are always hovering and calling them by a number, so there isn't much chance to come up with one."
"But with all of you being so much older, you can help him pick out one sooner?"
"Hopefully. If he let's us."
"What would you name him? Based on what we know so far?"
Hunter shrugged, "Probably Whisper, because he's so small, or Lucky, because we found him."
"You can't name him Lucky just because he's lucky to be alive!"
"Why not?"
"It's morbid! It'll hang over him for the rest of his life and will give him survivors guilt!"
"How do you know that?"
"Well, how did you feel after we left Crosshair?"
In his sleep, the cadet whimpered. Hunter and Saachi went silent, shoulders tense until the cadet sighed in his sleep.
Saachi relaxed, knocking her head against Hunter's shoulder in a silent request for forgiveness. "Remind me to never let you name any of our kids." She whispered.
She wasn't expecting Hunter to go quiet as he processed what she said. She thought he might have fallen asleep, but then he whispered;
"You want to have kids with me?"
The implications of what Saachi had been joking about suddenly felt much too real.
"Yes." She whispered, "At least, if you want to have kids with me too."
"Yes," Hunter said, without hesitation.
Saachi nodded, shifting closer to Hunter. "Okay."
She wrapped one arm around Hunter's, and kept the other hand on the boy's back.
"We don't have to talk about this now, especially not with a new little one, but-"
Hunter kissed her forehead, "Later. When we get back on our feet."
"Yes," Saachi laughed softly. She ran her free hand through the boy's curls.
A little boy. A child that looked just like Hunter.
With that thought in her mind, she closed her eyes, and dreamed of a family.
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dittolicous · 2 years
(I am so sorry for the essay I accidentally wrote in advance, I was just going to write a paragraph or two but I blacked out and woke up to what can only be described as the ramblings of the pokemon lawyer that seemingly possessed me.)
Ended up reading the entirety of catching trains in one sitting and then proceeded to binge read your tag for it too LMAO. It’s so good! And in particular, one ask caught my attention. Specifically in regards to fossil Pokémon legalities and intelligence of Pokémon and where they stand as a person standing in the court of law!
I think that the best comparison for fossil pokemon, and legalities regarding conservation work, would fall under the same category as domestic and pet animals.
Yes, they can go feral and exist in invasive pockets like boars in the American South, Feral horses and Burros in pockets of Australia and the American Midwest, The occasional "wild" fossil pokemon you can find in situations like some parts of Pokemon Snap, the SwSh DLC, and probably more I'm forgetting. But like domestic animals, they were sprung up from human intervention, and centuries of domestication means that, generally, they haven't existed in a wild state outside of a handful of cousin species since the dawn of livestock re-rearing. They won't really thrive if suddenly released in the wild most of the time because the resources that theyre wild ancestors depended on (see; plant species that only exist thanks to human cross-pollination). Sure, they could survive, but chances are they wouldn't really be able to breed back up to significant numbers unless placed in an environment that reflects their old habitats (Horses, Wild Hogs, The Feral Australian Camel population that I recently found out existed)
Now add in the fact that these fossils have been extinct millions of years. These fella's are hella cute and very much existing in a world where they only exist thanks to the desire of trainers wanting to recreate Jurassic Park but executed correctly. It would absolutly be argued that fossil pokemon should be treated as modern invention that can be categorized as a domestic animal! And like you said, an animal who has only been extinct for less than a century, who's native environment is still intact, could not be classed the same as a fossil pokemon. I feel that the conservation work around the Spix Macaw, and the legal amnesty case surrounding them regarding the government of Brazil against pet/collectors of the species in the 1990's, is a very apt comparison for what could happen with Sinnoh vs Funky Train Man and his emotional support Goth Mean girl.
And speaking of birds ( I am, so, so, so sorry for rambling so much btw, my brain just is riding the high of reading good fiction and wanting to info dump on my favorite topic, parrots and endangered animal law) legal cases regarding animals are WILD BRO.
Any one who's been around parrots ('specially greys! from personal experience) will argue that they are very very aware animals. Dr.Irene Pepperburg's work with Alex is very vindicating for us parrot owners, as she puts them up there with dolphins and chimps in terms of intelligence. They are, from a conscious point of view, around the emotional intelligence of a toddler. They, and other intelligent animals in that range, can express desires, as some semblence of questions and to a degree, comprehension of implications. Hell, Alex was proven to be able to formulate some questions and string together sentences (again, owners of Grey's who give two darns and properly pay attention to their animals can attest to this) This rising awareness in intelligence really does remind me of how pokemon interact in canon (although, not to that insane extent, but close!)
And, IRL, animal's in court cases are interesting cases. While researching a similar topic, I found the following case:
Richard Cupp, Cognitively Impaired Human, Intelligent Animals, and Legal Personhood, 69 Fla. L. Rev. 465 (2017). 
and this line in the abstract instantly came to mind when reading your legal musing's:
"For example, a human asserting to act on behalf of an intelligent animal might seek a writ of habeas corpus to demand release from a restrictive environment where less restrictive environments, such as relatively spacious sanctuaries, are available. "
Several cases have been legally fought over the right of an intelligent animal and they're right to decide where they reside with several chimps, a orangutan, an elephant, and so on. I cannot imagine what insane Phoenix Wright Orca Court trials are happening in the Pokemon world when literally almost every animal seems to be at least around the smartness we see in our most intelligence at MINIMUM.
Gamefreak please drop more slice of life anime shorts your fandom desperately wants to know even the most mundane details. Like what about the existance of Alakazam. And Mewtwo. Im pretty sure most psychic types are lie detectors but can also brainwash. Where do we even start to untangle this disaster of bureaucratic migraines.
Fossil pokemon - YES THAT'S BASICALLY IT. like, they're only around cuz humans took their bones and reanimated them SOMEHOW. while in the pokeani there appears to be SOME natural fossil pokemon habitats (if i recall right sometime in the first two seasons ash and co came across kabutops and omanyte in the wild on some island and then in the bw ani, juniper sets her acheops free to live with a group in the wild) but it's all man-made in the end.
PLUS going by the work of one cara liss (i will kill her), it's possible that revived fossil pokemon might not even totally resemble what they once were!!! if it's possible to revive them with different pieces and create something that can 'technically' survive, then that means that its possible that the process of revival is adding something to the mix that enables survival/life regardless of the prior life.
so that means these guys are basically something entirely new and have no true natural habitat!
pokemon intelligence - like, they are at LEAST as intelligent as human toddlers give that they're able to communicate as well as most pokemon do, understanding battle tactics or show coordinations. so, at the minimum, they can be treated like human children when it comes to legal stuff right?
does that mean that if a couple gets a pokemon while together, but then later separates, can they go to court for visitation rights or to determine who gets the pokemon, but the pokemon can also go 'no i wanna be with so-and-so!'?
and like.... with pokemon marriage and pla, it's all but outright stated that not only did humans marry pokemon, THEY WERE ABLE TO HAVE KIDS TOGETHER. ACTUAL HONEST TO GOD KIDS. ARE THE KIDS POKEMON OR HUMAN???? DID THEY HAVE POWERS????? WHAT DOES THAT MEAN FOR THEIR BLOOD LINE????
god, i would kill for an ace attorney style pokemon game because that would LITERALLY be the FUNNIEST fucking thing ever. it'd be nothing but the orca trial times 100000000. CROSS EXAMINE THE CHATOT, WRIGHT, JUST DO IT.
with sneasler, like of course most of the researchers or conservationists would agree its best to stay with ingo, she's happy, he knows what her needs or wants are, BUT as you pointed out, SPACE to thrive is needed!
its entirely valid to claim he isn't giving what she needs to allow her species to be properly brought back into the world! sneaslers are CLIMBERS, they mostly belong in mountain ranges, with plenty of room to move and build nests! not a cramped city near an UNDERGROUND SUBWAY STATION. like, what happens if he disapears again or dies or whatever??? what then? there needs to be checks and balances and a SYSTEM in place, and can he really be the center of it all?
from an outside perspective, ingo is being very selfish! by keeping lady sneasler AND staying in the city, at his conductor job, he's forcing everyone ELSE to change THEIR lives. why does he get special treatment, why are HIS needs more important than an entire community of pokemon conservation specialists? is it right to expect people to gladly rip their lives up to come live in another country, just because he doesnt want to move? lady sneaslers habitat exists, if he truly cares and wants whats best for her, why does he not simply move to sinnoh? or at least move to a mountain area? he's basically having his cake and eating it too!
now we know all those whys, and we all think he deserves to be able to live his best life... but it puts everything in a gray area, even iF lady sneasler is technically happy and 'thriving' with him.
in addition, i think it's important to remember how, outsider perspective... ingo hording an extinct pokemon after mysteriously vanishing, along with having strong charisma and people who are willing to follow or go to bat for him... can seem a LOT like the makings of a villain team. lysander was a huge and beloved ceo and cafe owner! chairman rose was literally THE CHAIRMAN. HE BASICALLY RAN GALAR. giovanni was a gym leader!!!! lusimine WAS A POKEMON CONSERVATION SPECIALIST. LITERALLY.
just because the world views him as good at large, does not mean he is good. to an outsider, they have no more reason to trust him than they did lusimine, rose, lysander, or giovanni.
so, yeah, he kinda does need to prove he's doing the right thing! what is the right thing? who fuckin knows bruh!!!!!
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e-lisard · 2 years
Less fun IRL
Characters: Yue Huili, Shen Qingqiu, Luo Binghe
Warnings: none
Story: And Then There Were Two
WC: 462
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Huili is trembling by the time she reaches the gaping hole in the earth, painfully gasping for breath from the way she has been running for so long. The only breaks she had from running were spent fighting, trying to protect other disciples from demons.
Luo Binghe and Shen Qingqiu are there too, and she stumbles towards them.
Shen Qingqiu looks pained, glancing between Luo Binghe, the Abyss, and a point somewhere to the left of Luo Binghe, probably his system.
"Luo-shidi," Huili gasps out once she's close enough, and Luo Binghe startles, although he's still quick to support her. His demon mark is plainly visible on his forehead, and she winces. That's not good.
"We're gonna need to jump," she says, after catching her breath. "If other cultivators see us- especially you- they're gonna kill us."
"What- what do you mean, shijie?" Luo Binghe seems confused, glancing between her and Shen Qingqiu. "Shizun?"
Huili makes eye contact with Shen Qingqiu, who's... Shaking? Well. That. Makes sense, she supposes. "If they see a half demon, Luo-shidi, right after this attack... They'll immediately kill you. And me. And Shen-shishu's reputation, as well as that of Cang Qiong mountain, will be dragged through the mud."
Luo Binghe helplessly looks at Shen Qingqiu, who slowly nods. "Yue-shizhi is right, Binghe."
"Obviously. Our best chance now is jumping. The Abyss will probably be... Awful, but we're both half demon. We'll be able to survive. Find a way to come back."
"Jumping is your only chance," Shen Qingqiu corrects her with a pained look. "I can already sense Liu-shidi coming this way."
"And as much as I like hanging around Liu-shishu, he definitely won't tolerate someone who's obviously half demon." Huili searches through her sleeves for the letter she had written, handing it to Shen Qingqiu. "It's for a-die."
After that she walks to the edge, looking down and immediately regretting it. How did Luo Binghe even survive this fall? It's way too high.
Behind her Luo Binghe and Shen Qingqiu exchange some last words, but she doesn't focus on them. She's gonna have to jump down there. Be stuck for like 5 years. Maybe die.
When Luo Binghe moves to stand beside her, she reaches out to squeeze his hand, pushing those thoughts away and locking them in a box before sweeping them under a carpet, never to be seen again.
She turns her head to look at Shen Qingqiu again, giving him a wry smile. "Leaps of faith seem much more fun in a game like Assassin's Creed," she tells him in English before letting go of Luo Binghe's hand and jumping.
Wind rushes past her ears and she tightly closes her eyes, praying to Whatever Being is willing to listen that she lands safely.
Flash fiction Friday taglist (ask to be + or -): @flashfictionfridayofficial
And Then There Were Two taglist (ask to be + or -): @cr34tur33
General taglist (ask to be + or -): @simkarta333
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