#but you’ll see the real deal soonish
breadhalfburnt · 1 year
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it’s just so funny to me how i see This whenever i decide to open up my drafts
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n-anon · 4 years
Given I͞n͝
Description: 9 months later, Schneep finally gives into what Anti wants, for the small exchange of keeping Jack alive.
TW: creepy behavior on Anti’s part and blood, mentions of injuries
(Sequel to Wish You Were Here and Challenge posed by @dmnfox on their discord server!)
Anti smiled coldly as he walked into the room towards the doctor, his head tilted and the blood wound on his neck dripping, he had been waiting for this moment for a long time, he let the doctor wonder where he was, watched as he scratched at the walls desperately until his fingernails were dried with blood and redness, he even strung him up and choked him on his own strings for a while, never killing him, but making him wish he was dead. but now….Now he was going to plant a few strings, try a new tactic, and to do that he needed to get p̕e͢r̕s͡on̕a͘l. “How are you feeling today, doctor?” He purred, glitching behind him to hold the knife to his neck, the doctor didn’t answer, just glared blankly at the wall, Anti shook his head in annoyance, “Tsk, tsk, doc. Answer me when I ask you a question, hm?~” Schneep shuddered underneath him as Anti’s fingers curled into his now shaggy hair roughly, “I-….I’m in pain.” The doctor spoke through grit teeth, as Anti smiled, patting him on the head instead he then removed the knife and pushed Schneep’s head forward, so it was facing his lap, “Good puppet̸~.”
He whistled while he walked over to a table nearby, the doctor could hear running water as Anti grinned, walking over with a glass of water he held it to the doctors lips, “Drink up~.” Schneep’s confusion was evident, which only made the entity giggle more, forcing the doctor to tilt his head up and gulp down the water greedily, he coughed and sputtered as it went down, but eventually he was panting, staring up at Anti in caution, to which Anti smiled warmly at, “Don’t worry doc, today I’m not gonna hurt you. Call it….a special reward for being so good for me.” He then crouched down, and roughly cut open Schneep’s jeans to gain access to the knife wound on his knee, he then pressed two fingers into it, causing the doctor to scream in pain, “Aww, is it infected? You’re the expert here, tell me if it hurts or not.” Schneep glared at him and bit his lip against the scream as Anti pressed harder, his claws causing the wound to reopen freshly as blood dripped onto the floor below, “Its not infected-it is close though.” Anti grinned and eased up on the pressure, and , “See? Not so hard to ób͞ey̢, now is it?” Schneep didn’t answer, as Anti grabbed something else from the nearby table, dabbing the wound with a washcloth with some kind of alcohol to which Schneep cried out as it stung in pain, Anti’s claws immediately went to Schneep’s throat, “Quiet, doctor, unless you want to be hurt again.” He could feel the mans pulse beneath his fingertips, which was thrilling, he so loved to see the fear in his victims eyes, his hand strayed further away from the doctors neck, straight over his heart, and he pressed his claws hard into the area, and watched in glee as Schneep froze in fear, shaking his head, he chuckled, removing the claw and licking the blood with a rather long tongue very slowly on each hand, never breaking eye contact with Schneep, and laughing when it caused him to squirm uncomfortably, the doctors reactions were hilarious, there was always something new to learn about his prey. He then continued dabbing the wound and wrapping it in a gauze when Schneep finally spoke, “W-Why are you healing me?” Anti hummed, “Because contrary to what you may believe doc, I need you alive.” He pulled it tight as Schneep bit his lip against the scream of pain, as Anti’s glowing strings wrapped around Schneeps neck and he pulled him up dragging him so he was now inches from Anti’s face, who tapped his vessels skull playfully “Jack here is a fragile little thing, but he’s the most useful puppet I have at the moment, it’d be an awful shame if I got injured and couldn’t use him anymore, doc. He would die. You wouldn’t want that, now would you?” He didn’t need to answer, the worry said it all, as Anti continued, “He has no idea I exist doctor, and I’d rather keep it that way, I’m sure you can think of excuses as to little injuries he keeps getting, hm?~” Schneep stared at him incredulously, “I’m not vorking with you! You tortured me and have been keeping me-“ Anti’s grin widened, “Keeping you where doc? For how long?” Schneep remained silent, he wondered if anyone had even noticed he had been gone for so long, hell, he didn’t even know how long he had been there for, what was Anti offering? “Oh that’s right. You don’t even know.” Anti said sympathetically, calming static sweetly crackling from his skin to Schneep’s as he wove another string around the doctor, this one more mental, “You’ve been gone for almost 10 months, doc.” Schneep stared at him, “N-no you’re lying….I would know. They would know.” Anti giggled as the static got more jagged and he glitched with mirth, “Who? Chase? Marv? Jackie? That’s funny, doc. Cuz here I thought you were crying earlier last week about how they didn’t c͏aŗe͠ to save your ass earlier, how you hated them, you talk in your sleep you know? I’m offering you a real nice deal here, Schneep.” His tone went soft, whispering against the doctors ear, his claws back in the unruly hair as he planted the seeds, “Work with me, and I promise you’ll have your freedom, and see Jack nice and healthy, you wouldn’t want to lose another pa҉t͘ie͡nt̸ to your negligence and stubbornness, would you? You already have so much blood on your hands.” Schneep’s breath was ragged and his legs and body were shaking, he threw him back on the chair, and frowned, Schneep glared at him silently and Anti snarled, “I’ll give you a few weeks to think about it doctor.” He turned on his heel and was about to wait when he heard the quiet ‘wait.’ He paused, the smirk back on his face, “What was that, speak up, Henrik.” Schneep gulped, “P-Please…I..If you promise not to let Jack die, I vill-I vill work with you.” Anti glitched delightedly and turned to the doctor, and held his chin in his claws, “See? I knew you would come around, doc. Such a go̕od̴ pupp̧ęt̴. Smarter then most, hm?~. Now, lets get those wounds actually treated, then we can get to work͜. We have so much to do.” (A/N: blech Anti why you gotta be creepy and intimate like that I know I wrote you like that but how dare- Anyway enjoy this I suppose-And don’t worry- Ready Aim Fire Chapter 5 will be out soonish I just need to convince my brain to do the do. Again, if you want to be added to the tag list just let me know!)
Tag List: @caithesavage777 @eliza-prince @pyranoia @antis-gauge @ninjasinsocks @char-arts-occasionally @pmaismydna @innocent-angel3 @miss-covert @darcywillfindyou @heely-um @lonelyseiren @a-bnana @therealtiger77 @synder-sync @randowaffle
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college crash course #3: deadlines and daily tasks, aka getting shit done on time
I hate online courses. I just do. Everyone else in my life loves them and scrambles for the chance to stay home in their pjs as they do their work. My brain, however, cannot for the life of me remember to complete tasks with no outside input, and so every single class I’ve gotten a low grade on in my college career has been an online class, without fail. I need structure to thrive, as do most adhd people (especially those in college) and so
What’s the solution here? What works best?
I have a couple strategies for this that work in tandem, so here they are
Strategy 1: Daily Task Sheets
on my desk I have at least 12 different types of sticky notes for different uses. Nothing so intense as color coding or organizing that way, I mean one for little positivity reminders and a smaller one for words I like and want to include in my writing and another larger one for little sketches to do as I work, etc etc.
One of these stacks of sticky notes is large and neon and used specifically for daily task lists. I have an app for larger scale lists and things that need to be done in general, but every day before I start working I sit down at my desk, pull off one of my big sticky notes, and write down a checklist of everything I need to do today (or, on the weekends, everything that needs doing before Monday). 
I break these tasks down to chunks that are palatable for me, ie right now I have one task that reads “300-400p Existence” aka my quick notation for having to read 100 pages of a novel for class, and another separate task that says “400-500p Existence” because seeing 300-500 would make it Too Big and my brain would throw a tantrum and not do it.
I also put down tasks that will literally take me three seconds, like checking to see if I have unexpected homework for a class that rarely has actual work to do, or replying to an email from someone. Any task that needs doing goes on the list.
(I do this for a couple reasons, actually. One is because if I don’t write it down, I won’t remember it and it won’t get done, but the more important reason is that the more items I see checked off, the more I’ve gotten done and the better my brain will cooperate because see? we’re being productive! and my brain responds with that sweet sweet dopamine.)
When I’m checking stuff off (and this is the important part) I don’t just put a checkmark and move on. At a quick glance, then, it looks like nothing is done, because the boxes are all still mostly empty. I completely fill in each box, and sometimes when it’s going really slow I liberally cross off every item as I finish them so I can’t see the words anymore at all so I know I did stuff. The easier it is to see and process how much I’ve done, the better.
(it’s also important that it’s a sticky note, as well, because regular pieces of paper are Extra Things that will get lost, sticky notes can move and stay with me if i have to go somewhere else to go print something, for example. I can just peel it off my desk, stick it on my laptop, and go)
Strategy 2: Storing and Collecting Tasks
so Charlie, you might ask, how the heck do you know what needs to be done each day? How do you remember these tasks to do? Well this strategy is actually thanks to Ryan, my guy in student disability services. He showed me this app that I’m about to show y’all to make your lives a million times easier.
but first, let me explain. When making my daily task sticky notes, there’s no way I’d be able to remember everything I have to do on the top of my head, right? So really when I first sit down I open my laptop, check on my phone real quick how many emails I need to respond to (but don’t respond yet) and open up my college’s online system Canvas to make sure I don’t have any new announcements, not checking anything else yet. Then I grab my phone and open up my shiny new app: IKE
its a productivity app based on the Eisenhower model of task orientation, splitting up tasks into four categories: Important and Urgent, Important but Not Urgent, Urgent but Not Important, and Not Important or Urgent. You can rename these categories as you choose (they choose to name them, in order, Focus, Goals, Fit In, and Backburner, but I’ve changed them to Do Now, Soonish, 5 Min Tasks, and kept Backburner, but you do you)
Now you can choose to completely forego the IKE model and just use it as four different lists of things, but IKE also has a solution for that which is different lists as well as different categories within these lists. So the four categories above apply to all the different lists, which it displays in a cute four square style that tells you how many tasks are there, but doesn’t tell you what they are until you open the category, and has a quick task adding feature where you drag a circle from the center of the four corners into whichever list you’re going for and make the task right then. But for the lists they’re all separate and can all be different colors depending on what they’re for, that’s all up to you.
Now how does this seemingly complex system work for you, Charlie, who’s brain has the max processing power of a four year old on speed most days? you may ask
well it actually makes it super easy to put everything in, and if I put a task in the wrong spot I can move it easily, plus I can add due dates if I want, or a million reminders at all times of day if I want, but the main deal is that it’s a holding place for everything I need to do. When writing my daily list, I check my Do Now category first in all my lists (I have one for Uni, one for my student org I run, and one for any extra tasks that need done) and write all those in. Then I go to the 5 Min Tasks category of only the Uni and Extra tasks lists and add those in, and then I’m good for the day and I can start it all
As for getting the tasks in there, I paid the extra one time 99cent charge to get the widget for my home screen on my phone, and whenever I hear someone ask me to do something, I shove the task in there. My mom asks me off handedly to do the dishes? I throw it in with a reminder every half hour until I complete it. Someone asks me to send some emails? throw them in the 5 min category and tell it to remind me when I get to my computer (because it can do that, too, location based reminders for when you arrive or leave somewhere, which is great for reminding myself to pick something up on my way home from uni)
Strategy 3: Accountability
I don’t live alone, I never have, so part of my strategy as well is to have people I live with hold me accountable. Not in like a “you’re my minder now, hover over my desk to make sure I work” kind of way, but in a way that I tell someone who will be around what I have to do that day in a casual way - me and my roommates used to run through everything after we were all home from class, me and my mom tell our days to each other each morning since we both have trouble keeping on task - then when someone sees me doing something not on my list they ask me about it, which reminds me of what I need to be doing.
for example, if I mention to my sister that I need to read, send emails, and write a paper today, then if she sees me watching tv or on my phone she’ll ask me what’s up, did I finish my shit yet? which then spurs my brain into “fuck, I got off track, time to jump back in” mode. 
If you live alone, the best way to do this is to make a post about being busy or texting someone that you have a lot of stuff to do, then if they see you on social media or if you get stuck in a conversation with them, they’ll call you out. 
ADHD brains need constant call outs because we can’t tell when we’ve gone off track and followed tangents because our brain just wants dopamine and doesn’t care where it comes from, so it won’t question it once it gets what it wants, whereever that comes from.
so - tl;dr I shove any task I get into an app (if you’re not an app person, just make notes on your phone or put it in your calendar or voice recordings or whatever works best for your brain that you’ll remember to check) and unload all the tasks onto a smaller more streamlined daily task list that I write and check off each day, and make sure there’s someone that knows what I’m not supposed to be doing so they’ll call me out when I get off task for too long.
Now go forth and get shit accomplished! I believe in you!
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To Me You are Perfect
Merry Christmas, @daxamsprince! Sorry this is a day late, things got hectic yesterday!
Killian and Emma are best friends and have spent every Christmas together since they were fourteen. That was not about to stop now. When Walsh asks Emma to spend Christmas with him, things take a turn for the worst.
Love Actually inspired!
  Up next on ITV… The Holiday, the TV announced as Killian sat down with his bowl of popcorn and a hot chocolate. It was two days until Christmas, yet there was no snow to be seen. Typical England. They’ll most likely see it in February if they see any at all. The Christmas tree was twinkling in the background whilst he heard the upstairs apartment playing Christmas songs. He had some freshly baked gingerbread on the side, one of his favourite things about Christmas. In fact, Killian Jones loved everything about Christmas, he had since he was a child. Even as an orphan he enjoyed Christmas. Everyone was just that bit kinder. Liam and him would exchange gifts and Christmas dinner was the best they got all year round.
  Killian was fourteen when Liam went into the Royal Navy, by then he had met his best friend, Emma Swan. He was invited to her family’s house for Christmas every year. When they were eighteen, Emma’s family decided they wanted to move back to America but she refused to go with them. They both ended up at university together and now six years later they were still living together in a small apartment in London.
  As the film started, the door swung open letting in a blast of icy air. It was slammed shut and Killian heard a large sigh. Emma. He heard her place some bags down on the counter then turn the kettle on. Two thuds indicated she had kicked her shoes off in her typical I don’t care where they end up, as long as it is somewhere Killian is likely to break his neck fashion. She plonked herself down on the couch next to him and let out another large sigh.
 “Turn this shit off, Kil.” She ordered, whilst munching on one of his gingerbread. “And what’s for dinner?”
 “Hello, Killian. Nice to see you, Killian. Would you mind turning the channel over? Would you like me to cook for once?” He mimicked. She tried to look unimpressed but the twinkle in her eyes told him otherwise. “And oi.” He stole the gingerbread from her. “They aren’t ready yet.”
 “I need to decorate them.”
 “I’m just making sure they’re worthy of decorating.”
 “My gingerbread are always worthy. And you know it.” He hit her on the nose with the biscuit and handed it back.
 “I know, I know. I’m just starving.”
 “Well, you best get cooking. I have a film to watch. There’s a pizza in the fridge, I’m sure you can manage that. I’ll have the fire brigade on standby whilst you cook.” That earned him a smack.
 “I’m not that bad.” He laughed at her. “Come on, Kil. Turn this off. Seriously. You know I hate this mushy stuff.” She tried to grab the remote but he kept it from her reach.
 “No, you know this is one of my favourites. I’m watching it. End of.”
 “Right, then it’s no Love Actually later then.”
 “You wouldn’t deny me Love Actually.”
 “Wanna bet?”
 “Yeah, because no matter how much you hate mushy films, I know you love that one.”
 “Urgh, fine. You can watch them both.” She stomped off to the kitchen. “You need to deal with your rom-com problem!” She shouted.
 “And you need to deal with yours!”
 “Dinner is served.” She announced, placing down the plate and sitting beside him once again.
 “Woo, it’s cooked perfectly. You’re getting better.” He smirked and kissed her on the cheek. He didn’t miss her blush.
 “Bit of a backhanded compliment, but I’ll go with it.” She picked up a slice and sat back. “Can we watch something else? Please. I am really not in the mood for this right now.”
 Killian switched off the TV and turned to her. “What did Walsh do?”
 Emma sighed, “Do you have to read me like a book all the time?” He didn’t reply. “We had a massive fallout because he wanted to spend Christmas with me.”
 “God forbid! What a monster!” He sighed dramatically. “So, what’s wrong with that?”
 “Well, we usually spend Christmas together.”
 “I know, I am usually there.” He laughed. She glared at him. “Sorry.”  “It’s just, when I told him I was spending it with you, he didn’t really take it that well.”
 “Which made you mad, I’m guessing.”
 “Yeah, it did. I’ve only been seeing him for four months. I’m not going to leave you on Christmas when we’ve spent every Christmas together since we were fourteen.”
 “It was bound to happen one year.” Though he didn’t want to miss a Christmas with her ever, however, he did wish they were under different circumstances.
 “I know but I like our Christmases together. The lazy mornings, a good breakfast, films for the day, your amazing Christmas dinner and then Doctor Who! How could I give that up? Plus, I don’t want you to be alone.”
 “If it makes you feel any better, I won’t be.”
  Emma was certainly confused. Why wouldn’t he be alone? Who was he seeing? Was he seeing a woman? He certainly hadn’t told her. Why was she so bothered?
 “You won’t?”
 “No, I didn’t want to ruin the surprise for you, but… Liam’s coming home for Christmas.”
 “What? No way!” She was beaming from ear to ear. “There’s no way I’m spending Christmas with Walsh now. I’m not missing Liam.”
 “Why don’t you invite Walsh here?” He suggested, he hadn’t yet met Walsh, maybe this was the perfect opportunity. Not that he was desperate to meet the man who was in the relationship he wanted to be in.
 “I don’t think so. You’ll interrogate him.”
 “No I won’t.”
 “You interrogated Graham.”
 “And he’s now one of my best friends, it’s a shame it didn’t work out between you two.” He sighed.
 “He wasn’t my type.”
 “And what is your type?”
 “I… I don’t know. Someone kind, someone funny maybe. Someone I get along with really well and can trust with my life. Someone who can put up with my habits, because I know they’re annoying.”
 “Hmm, yeah, can’t think of anyone like that.” Well, he could. But he wasn’t opening that can of worms just yet. “Well, if you’re going to be too stubborn to invite Walsh, there’s nothing I can do.” He turned the TV back on and continued watching his film.
  “If you’re going to watch this, I’m going watching Peaky Blinders in my room.” She stated.
 “Urm, no you’re not. That’s our show. We promised to watch that together.”
 “Well, we could be watching it now.” She got up to leave.
 “Emma, if you watch that show without me I won’t ever speak to you again.”
 “Oo, some peace and quiet at last.” She chuckled. He wasn’t impressed. “Alright, fine. We’ll watch this silly film.” She sat by his side and curled into him. His arm came around her shoulder as she lay her head on his shoulder.
  By the time the film was finished, Emma was snoozing on his shoulder. He didn’t dare move in case of waking her. Ding dong. Brilliant. He gently lay her down and covered her with a blanket then walked to the door.
 “Hello, is Emma in?” A man asked.
 “Who are you?”
 “I’m Walsh. I need to speak with her.”
 “She’s asleep at the moment.”
 “It really is important.” He pleaded.
 “Alright, I’ll wake her. However, she doesn’t like to be woken up. You can deal with that, mate.”
 “I know, I am her boyfriend.” Was that a dig? “Can I come in?”
 “Be my guest.” He let the man in and disappeared to his room for a while.
   “Killian! Just going for a walk. Be back soonish.” He heard Emma call.
  “Alright, love. See you.”
  “What did you want to talk to me about Walsh?” She asked, wrapping her coat around herself.
  “Look, Emma. I really like you, I do. But I don’t think this is working out between us.” He stuttered out.
 “I’m clearly more interested in you than you are in me. I don’t want to be in that kind of relationship, Emma.”
 “You’re breaking up with me?”
 “It’s for the best. And anyway, I think you’re more interested in someone else.” What the hell did that mean? Walsh must have recognised her confusion. “Killian.”
 “You think I fancy Killian? How many times have I told you? We’re just friends!” She shouted.
 “You say that, and you may think that, Em. But you two have a connection that can’t be explained and I don’t want to stand in the way of that.”
  “There’s nothing to stand in the way of!” Ding . Her phone. “I need to check this.”
   Hey, love. Nipping out for a pint. X He always sent her kisses no matter what. But that was just the friendly thing he did.
   Alright, just one though. It’s not Christmas yet! :D
  As you wish x
  Killian was at the local pub, Graham had asked him out for a drink. Emma wasn’t around so he gladly accepted. When he arrived, Graham had two pints ready for them.
 “Hey, mate.” Smiled Killian, taking the seat opposite. “How’s it going?”
  “Not bad. Finally finished my Christmas shopping.”
 “I should hope so, Christmas is two days away.” He chuckled.
 “So, where’s Emma? I thought you two would be watching Christmas films together on this chilly night.”
 “I certainly have tried to watch Christmas films with Emma, but she doesn’t like the mushy stuff. She moans all the way through them. But Walsh came round. Said he needed a word.”
 “Oh, that can’t be good.”
 “He was a bit of an odd character. If he is breaking it off, I don’t think Emma will mind.” Said Killian, taking a sip of his pint.
 “Course she won’t mind. She likes someone else.” Hinted Graham.
 Killian rolled his eyes, “She doesn’t like me like that.”
 “She does.”
 “She doesn’t.”
 “Kil, I’m telling you. She does.”
 “If she did, she would do something about it. Emma isn’t one to mess around.”
 “She is if she thinks it could be the real thing. I’m telling you, you two have been destined to be together since you were fourteen.”
 “Yet ten years later and here we still are.”
 “Trust me. It’s going to happen.”
  When Killian arrived home, Emma was curled up on the couch eating some popcorn and a film. She looked quite quiet, which means Walsh probably broke it off between them. He sat down quietly next to her.
 “Yeah, Walsh ain't coming here for Christmas.” She tried to laugh but it came out deflated. He wrapped an arm around her and she lay her head on his shoulder. He didn't know what to say. He didn't know how to comfort her. Was she mad at him for being inept? Was she-
  “Are you watching Die Hard?” His thoughts were interrupted by the odd observation he made.
  “Only you, Emma Swan, could have someone break up with you and then watch Die Hard.” He chuckled, giving her a squeeze. She laughed at him and put her head in his lap.
 “You know me. Always full of surprises.” He ran his fingers through her hair, untangling all the knots from her walk.
 “Aren't you just. Now what happened to Love Actually?”
 “After this.”
 “Alright, alright.” He smiled at her. He couldn't go another day with at least trying to tell her how he felt.
  “I love this scene.” Grinned Killian. “It has to be my favourite.” The infamous ‘To Me You are Perfect’ scene.
 “Kil, you've said that about pretty much every scene in this film.” She laughed.
 “I know, but this film's just so good. Imagine someone turning up at your doorstep declaring their love for you.”
 “Yes, I’m sure it's great when she just got married to his best friend.”
 “Well, thankfully I’m not married.”
  “Mmm, yeah. Don't think any wife would approve of me living with you.” She giggled.
 “That is true. Can we watch Me Before You after this, Swan?”
 “Most certainly not.”
 “Why?” He pouted.
 “Because last time I couldn't stop you crying for an hour. I had to tuck you into bed with a hot water bottle.”
 “Point taken.”
 “Anyway, I fancy going to bed now. I’ll see you tomorrow.” She kissed his cheek and untangled herself from his embrace.
 “Goodnight, love.”
  Christmas morning had finally arrived. Killian spent the whole of yesterday thinking of a way to tell Emma he had feelings for her. It had to be subtle. Maybe he should just come out with it? He was lay in bed, his present for Emma on his bedside table neatly wrapped. She was probably still fast asleep. No surprise there. Time to make pancakes. That would pull her from her slumber.
   Ding dong . Who on earth wanted them on Christmas morning? He opened the front door. Whoever it was, was going to see him in R2D2 pyjamas Emma had bought him for a laugh. Jokes on her because he always wore them.
  When he opened the door, he didn't expect to see Emma. Silent Night started to play. He knew where this was going.
 Emma was stood outside in the freezing cold. She was wrapped up in what looked like hundreds of layers and she was holding large pieces of card.
   Say it's Carol singers. The first card read. Not that he had anyone to say it to. But he played along with her game.
 “It’s carol singers!” He called.
  With any luck, by next year, I’ll be going out with one of these guys. The next piece of card revealed pictures of Chris Hemsworth, Daniel Craig, Cillian Murphy, and Tom Hardy. Killian’s heart laugh filled Emma with joy and she knew this is what Christmas was really all about.
  But for now just let me say, without hope or agenda - just because it's Christmas. (And at Christmas you tell the truth). To me you are perfect. Emma gave a knowing smile. She'd placed a bet with herself that he would be tearing up by the time she reached that card.
  Killian Jones, you have been the best friend I could ever ask for. He smiled and whispered ‘you too’.
  So, this year. All I want for Christmas. Is you. Before Emma knew it, Killian was kissing her and lifted her into the air.
 She squealed, “Killian! Put me down before we slip.” He laughed into her but what she asked. “So I take it that's a yes?”
  “Of course it is. I've been besotted with you since you hit me with a snowball and cut my eye open.”
 “I said I was sorry.”
 “And I forgive you.” He kissed her again, only softly this time. “Let's get you inside. I bet you're freezing. How does pancakes, hot chocolate, and a day full of Disney movies sound?”
 “Perfect. Merry Christmas, Killian.”
 “Merry Christmas, Emma.”
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