#buy aquarium filter
s2vmarinelife-2023 · 1 year
Best Aquarium Filter
Best Aquarium Filter: Enhancing Your Marine Life's Health and Beauty
Ensuring Clean Water for Your Aquatic Friends
Having a thriving aquarium with vibrant marine life requires more than just setting up a tank and adding water. One of the most crucial components for maintaining a healthy aquatic environment is the choice of the best aquarium filter. A high-quality aquarium filter not only keeps the water clean but also ensures the well-being and longevity of your underwater companions.
The Role of Aquarium Filters
Aquarium filters play a pivotal role in maintaining a clean and healthy aquatic environment. They remove impurities, toxins, and debris from the water, imitating the natural filtration processes that occur in oceans and rivers. By keeping the water quality optimal, aquarium filters create a comfortable and thriving habitat for your marine creatures.
Types of Aquarium Filters HOB Filters (Hang-On-Back Filters)
HOB filters are popular among beginners due to their simple installation and maintenance. They hang on the back of the aquarium, drawing water through a mechanical filter to trap debris and particles.
Canister Filters
Canister filters offer superior filtration for larger tanks. They operate by forcing water through various filter media, providing efficient mechanical, chemical, and biological filtration.
Sponge Filters
Sponge filters are gentle and ideal for tanks with fry or small, delicate species. They function through air-driven circulation, promoting biological filtration by cultivating beneficial bacteria.
Undergravel Filters
These filters are placed beneath the substrate, using uplift tubes to create water flow. While they offer biological filtration, they may require regular maintenance to prevent clogging.
Biological Filters
Biological filters are essential for establishing a healthy nitrogen cycle. They consist of porous materials where beneficial bacteria thrive, converting toxic ammonia into less harmful substances.
Factors to Consider When Choosing an Aquarium Filter
Tank Size and Volume
The filter's capacity should match the tank's volume to ensure effective filtration. An undersized filter can lead to poor water quality and stressed marine life.
Filtration Mechanisms
Consider a filter that offers mechanical, chemical, and biological filtration for comprehensive water purification. Each mechanism targets different impurities, ensuring a well-balanced ecosystem.
Maintenance and Ease of Use
Regular maintenance is vital for filter longevity. Opt for a filter with accessible parts, easy-to-change media, and clear instructions for hassle-free upkeep.
The Importance of Filtration in Marine Life Health
Nitrogen Cycle and Water Purification
Aquarium filters play a key role in the nitrogen cycle, which converts ammonia to nitrite and then to nitrate. This cycle helps maintain safe ammonia levels, preventing harm to your marine inhabitants.
Removal of Debris and Toxins
Filters remove uneaten food, waste, and other debris that can deteriorate water quality. They also eliminate harmful chemicals, such as excess nitrate and phosphate.
Setting Up Your Aquarium Filter
Installation Steps
1. Rinse the filter media to remove excess dust.
2. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for assembly.
3. Place the filter in the designated spot on your aquarium.
Proper Placement
Position the filter where water flow is evenly distributed throughout the tank. Avoid strong currents that may stress your marine life.
Regular Maintenance of Your Aquarium Filter
Cleaning Schedule
Create a cleaning routine that includes rinsing mechanical media and replacing chemical media as needed. Regularly check for clogs and signs of wear.
Replacing Filter Media
Change filter media gradually to avoid disrupting the nitrogen cycle. Monitor water parameters after media changes to ensure stability.
Troubleshooting Common Filter Issues
Low Flow Rate
Low flow may indicate a clog in the filter media. Clean or replace the media to restore proper water circulation.
Noisy Operation
A noisy filter could result from air trapped in the system. Ensure all connections are secure and the filter is properly primed.
Leakage Problems
Inspect O-rings and seals for damage. Lubricate them with aquarium-safe silicone if necessary.
Enhancing Filtration with Additional Strategies
Live Plants as Natural Filters
Live aquatic plants absorb nutrients that contribute to algae growth, providing a natural form of filtration.
Beneficial Bacteria Boosters
Supplement your filter with beneficial bacteria products to boost biological filtration and maintain water clarity.
Advanced Filtration Techniques for Large Aquariums
Protein Skimmers
Protein skimmers remove organic compounds that contribute to water cloudiness. They are particularly beneficial for saltwater aquariums.
Fluidized Bed Filters
These filters fluidize fine sand or another media to create a breeding ground for beneficial bacteria, enhancing biological filtration.
Conclusion: Investing in the Well-Being of Your Marine Life
Choosing the best aquarium filter is a crucial investment in the health and vibrancy of your marine habitat. Proper filtration ensures clear water, a balanced ecosystem, and happy aquatic inhabitants. By considering factors such as tank size, filtration mechanisms, and maintenance needs, you can create a thriving underwater world for your marine companions.
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
Q: How often should I clean my aquarium filter?
A: It's recommended to clean the filter media as part of your regular maintenance routine, which is typically every 2-4 weeks.
Q: Can I use multiple types of filters in one aquarium?
A: Yes, combining different filter types can provide enhanced filtration. Just ensure they complement each other without causing excessive water flow.
Q: Do I need a filter for a small aquarium with few fish?
A: Yes, even small aquariums benefit from filtration to maintain water quality and prevent waste buildup.
Q: Are UV sterilizers a replacement for filters?
A: No, UV sterilizers primarily target microorganisms. They can be used alongside filters for comprehensive water treatment.
Q: How do I know if my filter is the right size for my tank?
A: Refer to the manufacturer's guidelines, which often provide recommendations based on tank volume and inhabitants.
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lakemichigans · 1 year
you know how cigarettes and liquor don't actually cost that much money to make, the government just puts absurdly high taxes on them to discourage people from buying too much. we need to do that for betta fish
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piierrote · 2 years
the autistic urge to organise data into spreadsheets and diagrams and charts
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times-chu · 8 months
Everyone help @teaboot buy groceries.
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fuck-customers · 1 month
Yesterday at the end of my shift, I had the “pleasure” of answering some questions for a woman who wanted to buy a betta fish. From the questions she was asking, I could tell she was pretty fucking incompetent and definitely should NOT be getting a fish.
She started by asking where the aquariums and bettas were, proceeded to walk down the entire fish aisle without realizing it was the fish aisle, got upset when I brought her back to the tanks and pointed them out and said she only wanted to see the bettas 🤥 so I brought her around the corner to the betta cups that she’d passed twice now, and she looked down and first only saw the boxes of decorations we have below the actual fish. Note that the fish are at eye-level for anyone over the age of 6, there are five shelves of them and only two of the accessories. Then she literally couldn’t even tell what color the fish were and kept asking me if the one she’d picked up was blue. Why the fuck do you care if you can’t even tell???
Then I asked if she had a tank set up already and she said it would be going in a vase 😤 so I explained that vases really aren’t suitable for fish because they’re so small, they can’t fit a heater or filter, and they’re so hard to clean but of course she’s DoNe ThIs BeFoRe AnD tHe FiSh WeRe FiNe. They were not fine, they were clinically depressed and living in filth you stupid boomer
Someone then called for a curbside pickup and I happily brought it outside in 80°+ heat to get away from her until I could clock out.
Today I got a call from a woman saying she’d just bought a betta yesterday and wants to return it because “she didn’t realize how much work they were”. Apparently her sister managed to get her to actually listen about how they need décor and clean water, so I told her I’d return the fish because I could tell it was her. When she came in I asked if she’d come in around 1 yesterday and yeppers, it was definitely her. Turns out we’re not supposed to give people their money back when they return fish, it’s supposed to be a surrender, but I didn’t know that until touching base with the ASL who got in after it all happened, and it was one of the cheapest bettas anyway so only $4. The food and water conditioner she returned unopened cost much more than the lucky fish
Posted by admin Rodney
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daymemebeliever · 3 months
Hey Fanguins! Want to Help Real Life Penguins? :D
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Why Now?
5 out of the 18 penguin species are listed as endangered
That’s approximately 28% that are endangered, not including those under the “vulnerable” or “near threatened” statuses.
These endangered species include:
The Yellow-eyed Penguin
Northern Rockhopper Penguin
Galapagos Penguin
Erect-Crested Penguin
African Penguin
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Cute little guys like these African penguins are predicted to go EXTINCT by 2035.
Biggest Threats to Penguins:
Plastic Pollution
Oil Spills
Habitat Disruption
Invasive Species
Climate Change
So… What can We Do?
I know sometimes it seems hopeless when there are major corporations having extensive negative impacts on the environment.
But there are small, everyday changes you may be able to make to contribute for the better (at least a little).
Small actions can add up over time.
Shop Consciously
Overfishing and unregulated fishing are big contributors to penguin populations decreasing.
Less available prey means penguins have to spend longer time at sea to feed their chicks and themselves. This could force them to abandon their chicks, reach the point of exhaustion and pass away as a result, or return to emaciated chicks.
Seafood Watch is a wonderful resource to ensure the seafood you’re buying has been caught sustainably. https://www.seafoodwatch.org/recommendations/download-consumer-guides
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Swap for More Sustainable Options
Aside from seafood, you might be able to make many swaps to reusable products.
Reusable grocery bags/tote bags can actually make transporting groceries easier while reducing plastic usage.
If you have access to clean water, a water filter pitcher or a reusable water bottle are also great options when available! 😊
Swapping plastic containers for aluminum cans or cartons (these are easier to recycle)
Swap balloons for other party favors (many released balloons end up in our oceans). Penguins and other sea animals can choke on or get tangled in these while swimming.
Conscious Pet Ownership
Choose pets responsibly and never abandon a pet if you can no longer take care of it. This could lead to the rise of invasive species.
Keep pets on a leash when outside even when you do not see local wildlife.
Penguins, especially those whose habits are around human populations, are regularly attacked and lethally injured by unattended dogs or cats. These include feral or stray animals that have become invasive.
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Learn More Directly from Non-Profits:
SANCCOB is an internationally renowned rehabilitation center for South African seabirds (including African penguins) leading conservation efforts for this species. https://sanccob.co.za/about-sanccob/
The Yellow-Eyed Penguin Trust is another great non-profit located in New Zealand that tracks behavior and nesting patterns of the Yellow-eyed penguins. They also remove invasive predators to ensure Yellow-eyed penguins have a chance at repopulating to sustainable levels. https://www.yellow-eyedpenguin.org.nz/yellow-eyed-penguin-trust/about-the-trust/
Penguins International is a nonprofit that educates about penguins and penguin conservation efforts. https://www.penguinsinternational.org/about-us/
Any AZA-accredited zoos and aquariums that support conservation efforts
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Sign petitions encouraging legislation change that aims to reduce climate change or regulate fishing
Write to/email legislators when penguin species are at risk
Donate (if you can/would like):
Both Penguins International and SANCCOB do symbolic penguin adoptions to support penguin conservation.
On SANCCOB’s website, you can choose an egg, hatchling, rehabilitated penguin, or long-term penguin resident to symbolically adopt/sponsor. You even get to give your adopted penguin a name!
The Yellow-Eyed Penguin Trust also accepts donations of various amounts.
I figured since if you follow this blog, penguins have inspired media and art that means a lot to you or that has at least brightened your day. If you’re as amazed as I am about the real life species, please consider taking steps to help or learn more about real penguins. I figured sharing this information, while trying to make these changes myself, are the least I could do to honor these amazing creatures!
Thank you for reading! 😁
(Lol I’ll get off my soapbox now 😉)
Maybe Tom McGrath can explain it better 😉 (skip to 3:16 to hear him talk about how amazing penguins are! 😊)
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shrimp-propaganda · 1 year
i may have become slightly obsessed with shrimp🦐 - the way they just pitter patter their lil legs and float around the tank is mesmerising - any advice for someone just dipping their toe in the aquarium hobby?
"may have become slightly obsessed with shrimp" hey me too
i love Aquarium Hobby but it sucks how steep the learning curve is. here are some things i wish i knew when i was depressed/homesick/heartbroken/in college/stressed out of my mind and couldn't keep my fish alive:
don't listen to anyone in a big box store. go to a local aquarium shop. or online forums.
bigger tank is better. a larger volume of water is easier to keep parameters stable in #chemistry
don't change your filter media. it's a lie. every time you change it you are restarting your cycle
go get one of those giant cut to size aquarium media foam block things. cut a piece out and stick it in your filter. now you have an instant cycle if you ever have to set up a new tank in a hurry
old credit cards are the world's best algae scrapers
stable water parameters are more important than textbook perfect ones (this is for like, pH and hardness. your ammonia readings should still be 0)
low tech plants like mosses, java ferns, anubias, etc will make your life easier and your fish happier
seachem prime is hands down the best water conditioner on the market
test strips are fine. they aren't as fine tuned as a liquid tests but if your tank is cycled and stable they're enough to alert you when something goes wrong
when you put someone else in charge of your fish when you go on vacation, put their food in a pill box. now they don't have to guess how much a "small pinch" is
do not buy a fish that cannot fit in your tank fully grown. the voice in your head saying "oh i'll upgrade before my beloved goldfish gets too big" is the devil talking
i hope this is helpful and i hope your aquarium journey goes...swimmingly. i also hope you don't unfollow me because of that joke
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tsxkkis · 1 year
# sugawara koushi - aquarium
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a/n = ahh, idk what to think about this, but i do love the idea of sugawara + a zoo date. also i'm so sad my bf is going on a football camp in a week and he has two trainings everyday now so we can't spend much time together T-T
summary = sugawara takes you on your first date.
warnings = none i think? comparing sugawara to a stingray.
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to say sugawara was stressed out was an understatement.
he felt as if he was going to pass out from stress at any given second. usually, he wouldn't be as hesitant about going on a date with a girl. but this time was completely different. the silver haired boy couldn't ignore one crucial fact that was lingering in the back of his mind this whole time.
you're his best friend's sister.
although daichi gave him a green light on this, sugawara still had some doubts of his own. he didn't want to mess anything up; that would mean not only losing in your eyes, but also losing in daichi's. and he really didn't want that to happen.
"hello, earth to suga" he heard you say, snapping out of his thoughts as you slowly waved your hand in front of his face, looking at him concerned. "it's our turn to buy the tickets."
right. the tickets.
sugawara did a lot of thinking before choosing a place for this date, opting for something safe yet fun; the local zoo. the fact that his idea brought a big smile onto your face was enough to know that he chose the right location for this.
"two tickets, please." sugawara noticed you getting your wallet out, his hands immediately traveling to yours to stop you, a warm smile on his face. "oh, there's no need for that. i'll pay."
you smiled at him as he proceeded to pay for the tickets, his hand still not leaving yours. you didn't bother to try and shake it off or get your hand out of his, not at all. something about this felt incredibly right to both of you, even though in normal circumstances you would probably be too embarrassed to initiate the touch yourself.
the moment you stepped inside the zoo, the little map of the place you received along with the tickets in your hand, you were immediately excited to see one thing in particular; the aquarium. sugawara didn't even try to stop you from excitedly dragging him there. seeing the smile on your face, how much your eyes were sparkling at the mere idea of being able to explore this place, made his heart flutter.
"oh." you suddenly stopped in your tracks the moment you opened the door, sugawara looking over to you with a questioning look on his face, as if asking if there was something wrong. he was met with a grin on your face, as you simply stated:
"there's no one here."
sugawara smiled as well, his hand gently squeezing yours as you stepped further in.
the first part of the aquarium looked pretty generic; smaller fish tanks with different types of fish were displayed all over the place, with a single bigger one in the middle of the room, shaped like a column.
the boy's hand left yours as he quickly moved to stand behind the column, right across from you. the fish looked at him with curiosity, as he took a step closer towards the glass.
your laughter erupted in the room, the echo inside repeating it a few times.
sugawara's face looked really silly through the glass, as if he was using a social media filter in real life. you quickly took out your phone and snapped a picture of it, knowing it will be a great memory for later.
"this fish looks like my brother." a giggle escaped your lips as you pointed at one of the fish, sugawara following after your finger, his eyes focused on what you were showing. it was his turn to laugh now; you were definitely right, it reminded him of daichi's expression whenever he had to make a serious speech as a captain.
although you were siblings, you didn't share looks with your brother. at first glance, people would probably assume you were the sister of anyone but him. but it was all clear the moment both of you smiled. your smiles were the same, and as much as sugawara loved seeing his best friend smile, he liked your smile a little bit more. and being able to watch it not leaving your face for so long was almost like being in heaven for him.
the next room in the aquarium was the one sugawara knew you were probably excited for the most. and because of that, he was incredibly glad that there were no other people inside; if they would come here at least an hour or two later, the place would probably already be crowded.
the infamous aquarium tunnel was a place that everyone who arrived at the zoo had to go through, otherwise their visit wouldn't be complete. it was the most interesting place there, and on top of that, incredibly beautiful as well. and when it was completely empty, the beauty of it was visible even more; it was almost like a magical land.
"ah, it's so pretty here." you looked around, a bright smile on your face, closely observing the fish and other animals around you. and sugawara had to agree, it was really pretty here.
but his eyes just couldn't leave you for a second.
he stood there in silence, hands in his pockets as he watched your figure roam around the place, your eyes sparkling with excitement. his eyes trailed over to the side almost immediately as he saw you turning his head towards him.
"look, this one's cute!" you said, pointing to a stingray swimming over the two of you, the animal's face seemingly looking as if it was smiling. "kinda looks like you."
sugawara let out a small laugh at her words, scratching his neck as his cheeks turned a light shade of pink.
"do i really look like that?" he asked, trying to look closer and see if there were really any similarities between him and the animal.
"oh, i just think both you and that stingray are cute." you said, trying to avoid eye contact with the boy, the tips of your ears turning red from embarrassment at your own words. "and its color is also similar to your hair."
sugawara gave a small nod in response, turning his head down, a shy smile gracing his face. you were standing in front of him now, at less than an arms length.
"you're cute too, you know." he broke the silence, a faint laugh escaping his lips. "especially today. you look quite breathtaking, to be honest."
his hands traveled to lightly grab yours, a small yet genuine smile appearing on your face at his actions. he took a small step closer, closely observing if anything he's doing is not making you uncomfortable. but your reaction was leading to rather opposite conclusions, as you too, moved a bit closer to him.
sugawara hesitated for a second, his eyes meeting yours.
"y/n" he said, his voice quiet and slightly shaky. "can- can i kiss you?"
although a bit surprised by his question, you slowly nodded as an answer, feeling his hand traveling up and gently cupping your cheeks. suga leaned in, stopping mere millimeters from your face to smile at you one more time, before his lips met yours in a short, yet passionate kiss.
as much as he seemed collected right after he pulled away, the silver haired boy was a mess inside; he wanted to jump around with a triumphant smile on his face, screaming to everyone about what just happened. instead of that, he interlocks his fingers with yours, trying to ignore how red his face was.
your face was almost as red as his. the pinkish shade on your cheeks turning into a deeper one as you looked at him, a stupid grin on your face after what just happened.
"let's go" you broke the silence between you two, tugging on his arm a little, the smile not leaving your face. "we still have an entire zoo to go through."
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hrts4hanniehae · 9 months
clutch || six
there are written parts :)
note that the timeline or educations may not add up but just ignore it because i don't have the brain power to sync up THIRTEEN + 1 's education schedules
also!!!! the story begins in the christmas period of 2022!!!! IF THERE ARE YEAR ERRORS IM SO SORRY!!!! i legit can't change it omfg
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as good friends do, seungcheol decided to buy everyone tickets to the aquarium to let yn forget about e/n almost breaking in to wonwoo's apartment. finally, yn could meet everyone. and not drunk this time.
"why... why are you all so tall?" - yn
"i feel like we are in the same boat here, yn." - woozi
"yn, these are my friends, my friends, this is yn." - minghao
after some greetings and exchanging socials, they finally went into the aquarium.
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so this was happiness.
so this was being loved.
she had forgotten this feeling.
how warm.
and she definitely forgot about e/n.
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synopsis: wonwoo is a popular streamer known for his incredible gaming skills and good looks. He turned heads. but he hates the attention. he just wants to play games and earn money. one day he receives a letter. his apartment’s rent has almost doubled. no warnings at all. his current paycheck from streaming can’t shoulder those bills. he has no choice but to rent out his spare room. to who? a fresh art university graduate who has… 1. a stable job ✅ 2. talent for art and sculpting ✅ 3. many friends ❌ 4. social anxiety ✅ 5. no filter ✅ when his iconic cat logo gets copystriked, she comes to the rescue with a new logo for him. when his apartment’s walls start peeling, she fixes it. whatever he used to struggle with… the empty space... was now filled by her. so what does he *last player standing* do when her ex *enemy spotted* tries to take her back? heh. *clutch* he clutches.
inspired by wonwoo's gam3bo1 streams, falling into your smile & gogo squid (has hints of valorant)
pairing: streamer!jeon wonwoo x fem!artist!reader (ft. jeongcheol, soonhoon, junhao, seoksoo, verkwan)
genre: fluff, comfort, slowburn, comfort, pining, bestfriend!minghao
warnings: stalker ex, toxic ex, mentions of abuse, guns (game), cursing, hate comments, panic attacks
started: 28.12.23
ended: ?
taglist: join from my masterlist
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main masterlist
smau socials
previous I next
tags! @fairyofhour @megseungmin @sun-daddy-yoriichi @woozixo @euphoric-univers @christinewithluv @haowonbins @ocyeanicc @asyre @cynthiaaax13 @superhoshisvt @bangantokchy @chimmy-bts @angelarin @daisawa @writingbarnes @jeonghansshitester
@belladaises @wonwootakemyheart @wonwooz1 @luchiet @kookssecret @caratsland @peachescreamandcrumble @thepoopdokyeomtouched @isabellah29 @leah-rose03 @yandere-stories @coupshour @heesbees @hamji-hae
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s2vmarinelife1 · 1 year
Sobo Aquarium Filter — Why Choose S2V Marine Life | Buy Best Fish Tank Filter
Why Choose S2V Marine Life — Sobo Aquarium Filter | Small Aquarium Filter
Is it true that you are remembering to Buy Best Fish Tank Filter on the web? S2V Marine Life is the perfect locations to get one for your fish tank. We have the best aquarium channel that works for a wide range of water might be new or salt water. We offer great filtration keeping your fish tank clean for your costly and Important sea-going companions.
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Sobo Aquarium Filter is totally correct item for all your filtration needs with colossal media limit. Our Multifunctional aquarium interior channel guarantees power and unwavering quality with problem free support. S2V Marine Life certifications to meet your fulfillment levels. We work with our group and bring the best for you. We trust in guaranteeing to convey an item that emphasis on giving incentive for cash to our client.
Right Aquarium Filter for You — Buy Best Fish Tank Filter
Might it be said that you are as yet suspecting for what reason to pick S2V Marine Life? S2V Marine Life is focusing to be a one-stop arrangement specialist co-op for all your aquarium-related needs like aquarium hardware, care, and upkeep, etc.
A fish lover, from his adulthood who used to keep aquarium at his place and wanted to invest the most extreme energy concentrating on the way of behaving of fishes in the tank. Among his companion bunch, this was likewise a significant theme for conversation as he continued to assemble data and information in regards to different aquarium fishes and other oceanic animals. In the year 2020, when the entire world was taking on a conflict with COVID-19, the store network was affected gravely as things that we used to import from China were halted and a huge lack of items was being fabricated and provided from China into India.
Whenever enthusiasm meets work, work turns into a leisure activity.” MD of the organization arises with a plan to fabricate all aquarium-related gear in India and from here the excursion of S2V Marine Life began. We emphatically put stock in guaranteeing our item quality, development, and consumer loyalty. Still up in the air to fabricate items that should take special care of all prerequisites in a pocket-accommodating financial plan guaranteeing high quality.We are anticipating lay out our items making new benchmarks with regards to quality and consumer loyalty. Our items are comprised of premium materials alongside a lovely plan.
For Buying Best Fish Tank Filter you could visit our site https://s2vmarinelife.com/
Or Contact at : +91–7837790274, +91–8360345476
Visit Us: SCF 29th, Block C Market, Second Floor, Sunny Enclave, Sector 125, SAS Nagar Mohali.
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I'm a bit shy asking this so I'll stick to anon for the time being. I visited a pet store today and they had the cutest little fish roaming at the bottom of one of their tanks gulping and spitting out sand. I couldn't find the species on the side with the names and tried to do some research and I think it may be a Sand Sifting Goby? All I saw was that they require salt water and that it seemed to feed off whatever was in that sand. I'm genuinely obsessed with this little guy and took plenty of videos, but I don't want to make bad decisions and get one without proper knowledge and research. I was curious to know if you had any facts or tips to help me out? Thank you 🩷
Sounds adorable!! Sand sifting gobies are a whole group of species that come in a variety of colours, all of them looking quite sweet! No doubt the fish was captivating to look at doing its little sand sifting :D
You say you do not wish to make a bad decision and simply impulse buy one without research, which is a good mindset to start from. Fish are not a monolith of animals, they're a large and diverse group of species, each one having their own specific criteria for keeping. I don't know if you've kept fish before or not anon, but I will be giving a general explanation that lets a person who hasn't get started: fish require specific water parameters (temperature, pH, general hardness and calcium carbonate concentration, salinity, etc.), substrate (thickness at the bottom, colour, roughness), plants (density of plants, real or fake, etc.), decor (will the decor scratch or accidentally harm the fish, do they like to hide, etc.), tankmates (of their own species or of different species, or lack thereof), food (specific dietary preferences and restrictions), lighting (harsh or dimmed, amount of light a day), so many things! Freshwater and saltwater aquariums are also different and require different equipment.
The very first thing I recommend you do is go to the pet store (or contact them through social media or email) and ask them what species the goby is. This way you can do research on the specific species instead of sifting through general information about all sand sifting gobies, which may be completely different from our dear little friend at the pet store! That's actually the crux of obtaining a fish or another aquatic life companion: RESEARCH! Soooo much research. You must research your finned friend so much it's starting to feel ridiculous and your family is asking you if you're "still planning on that fish or..?". Look up care guides and fish forums, watch YouTube videos, gather up all the information you get. Some of it contradicts itself, which is why it's important to look to many many sources. Try seeing the newest ones and see what parameters and suggestions are most common. That's only the beginning, though: if you've never owned a fish before, you need to learn about all these aquarium-keeping terms and how to maintain an aquarium, what you need for an aquarium, how to cycle it, etc.. Actually, that's probably best to do before you look up care guides, now that I think about it... Or do both at the same time, that's what I did when I was planning my shrimp tank. See beginner's guides to saltwater fishkeeping, on several sites, move onto more advanced guides and learn the terminology. Learn why these parameters matter so much, or why and how to cycle your tank. Weigh the pros and cons of having plants or some plant species, research different substrates, see what tanks and lights and filters are smartest for you, learn about aquarium pests. Try to find a good middle ground for what's sensible for you and what's the best for your pet; we keep animals for our enjoyment, but we also want to make sure they're having their best time too! Make a list for all the items you need, see how much different options cost, make a budget. Research the water parameters of your city or town, or test the water yourself. See what needs to be done to it so it's suitable for your animal. I've never kept a saltwater tank so I don't know the specifics of it myself, but if you wish to be a saltwater aquarium keeper you must learn! It's a lengthy process, but I went through seven months of preparation before I got my dwarf shrimps. This included my research (I don't have an estimate for how many articles and forums I looked through but my "Shrimps" playlist I made in preparation has 52 videos of just cherry shrimp and aquarium-keeping educational videos), shopping for equipment and plants and setting everything up, and cycling my aquarium. Dear folks in my notes also informed me that saltwater tanks and setups tend to be more expensive than freshwater setups!
Maybe at some point you find that the setup and equipment are simply too expensive, or incompatible with your lifestyle or living situation, or you change your mind for another reason during the preparation process. And that's valid and okay! You took the time to learn and what you learned was just that: it wasn't meant to be. It's much better than getting an animal without preparing and only finding out afterwards that you're incompatible in some way. Learning about these things won't be for "nothing" either, as now you have the valuable knowledge of how to keep fish and an aquarium! It may prove useful later in life if you eventually do obtain an aquarium, or you can become the resident fish knower (very rewarding). You may also decide to look into freshwater gobies, as they are gobies all the same but easier to care for! Please take a look at the folks in the notes and their lovely info.
Hope this helps anon! Perhaps you were wishing for a fish facts -format post, but my measly one-to-four sentence daily fish facts do not a species expert make. Instead I want to give out a guide on how to get started on your goby-keeping journey. I hope it works out for you, I wish you good luck! :)
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redux-iterum · 5 months
Incoming essay, fish and plants aquariums are a special interest of mine. Hope you don't mind! Some plants don't need to be planted! Anacharis and hornwort are two that prefer floating near the top. They can provide some shelter to your fishies. Both are fairly easy to take care of. Anubias and Java Fern are two others that are easy to take care of. These two can be attached to driftwood, rocks, or other tank decorations. If you bury their stems in the substrate, they will die. I started off with these two and I still have my original plants like 4 years later. The one I put in my mom's tank is huge now.
If you can find it, Brazilian pennywort can also float but it can also be planted as well. It's the dominate plant in my 29 gallon and I've had to remove feet of it when I neglected plant maintenance. It loves it in there and it's just floating near the hang on back filter.
Lighting is also pretty important. Anacharis, hornwort, and Brazilian pennywort all require higher light then anubias and java fern. If your 20 gallon was a tank kit like my 29 gallon, the light will probably be good enough for medium light plants and down. I'd try out higher light plants anyway if you can find/afford to experiment with plants. Honestly experimenting with plants is part of the fun of a planted tank. You never know what will grow till you try it in your particular tank. I've had a plant do horribly in one just to take over another, even fairly easy plants like anacharis.
Also you might annoy some purists but have a few silk plants isn't a bad thing. I have some in my 29 gallon for my ember tetras and they don't care they're fake. They give them places to hide and feel secure while the floating plants do most of the water purifying. I've also found some catfish lounging in them occasionally. They're also a good temporary option while your real plants grow in if you eventually just want live plants. Oh and please avoid plastic plants. They're horrible for betta fish fins and I can't imagine they're great for other fish either.
And from what I've heard mollies are pretty good for planted tanks? If I remember correctly, they like picking algae off of plants. So they'll even help keep algae down if I'm remembering that fact right.
I am so glad you gave specific plant names, anon, thank you. The local pet store has a wide selection of tank plants, so I'm sure they've got at least some of the plants you named, if not most or all of them. I'm fond of mollies for their cute little faces, but it turns out they're also excellent starting fish for newcomers like myself for exactly what you said. It's going to be a while before I can buy any, just because next month's going to be busy as hell and I won't be home a lot, but this is going to be extremely useful for the future!
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update on the new aquarium
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i stole some sticks from my other tank and also got moar grass
now i cant decide if i want shrimp or a pea puffer
i love shrimp but theyre kinda boring, and i wanted a pea puffer for a really long time now
and also the shrimp i want are kinda expensive
i still wanna get more plants, and i also need to buy a filter, and maybe if i decide to get a puffer, i'll wait for a few months, so the snails can breed, so the puffer gets plenty of food
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chryza · 3 months
would a beta fish be a good starter fish? how big does the bowl need to be? should i just get one at petsmart or is there a better plan? how often do i need to clean the bowl? should i get a second bowl to swap between when its time to clean or will shifting from one bowl to another be a problem for the fish? how often do i feed the beta?
Yes! Betta fish are fantastic starter fish for someone looking to get into aquariums, but I think one of the biggest misconceptions is that fish are "easy" pets. To really take good care of your fish, it's a significant investment and requires consistent time investment. For me, setting up a tank from scratch usually costs between $75-$150.
The biggest thing to note is that bowls are insufficient for a betta (Or really any fish). If you're thinking about getting a fish, you should invest in a good tank with a filter, and additionally purchase a heater (Bettas are tropical! They like water between 75-85 degrees).
Aquarists bitch and fight with each other about the minimum requirement for betta fish, I've seen everything from 2.5-10 gallons be listed as "the minimum". 5 gallons is what you should shoot for imo because it's easier to keep your nitrogen cycle going (which you can research if you don't know already!). I have a 3 gallon tank I keep because my room is small and I'm experienced enough to be able to monitor my water quality.
Speaking of, you'll also want to buy a water testing kit that tests for the Ammonia, Nitrate, and Nitrite levels in your tank. Starting a tank for a fish is a big responsibility that requires kickstarting the bacterial cycle that breaks down waste and keeps the water safe for the fish. Typically, a tank will require a 25%-50% water change every week to two weeks so you can keep your fish in the water while you change it (testing the water will let you know how often your tank needs changing). You don't want to dump out all the water because it will kill the necessary bacteria colonies!
Finally, as for feeding, I recommend feeding twice a day. I loved to spoil my betta with frozen food, but dried food or pellets work just as well, though my favorite betta food is the Betta Dial-a-Treat that has different protein options.
EDIT: About where to buy fish. Personally I prefer petco over petsmart because petco tends to stock better options for the morphs I like (Koi, platinums, dumbos) but if you only have petsmart that's fine. However, don't feel limited by that! See if you have a local fish/pet store to shop at instead. When I got more experienced in the hobby, I began importing fish directly from Thailand and Indonesia to get what I wanted!
Fish are a lot more work than people realize! But if you give your betta fish an ideal habitat, you'll see their personalities blossom and they'll show you their intelligence and understanding in ways that are amazing for creatures so small! That's why bettas are my favorite--every single one is its own individual with preferred tastes and habits. It's a really rewarding hobby imo.
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leebrontide · 2 years
One thing about our new garden is that the soil is shit.
I am begging people not to rake up all their leaves in the fall and all their grass clippings in the summer. Every time you dispose of this organic "waste" you're taking the nutrients those plants pulled up out of the soil and throwing it away. Plus, you're destroying habitat for loads of important insects and fucking with the whole ecosystem.
The people who owned the house before us clearly raked and removed loads of leaves and clippings for the 30 years they lived in the house. The soil is practically sand. Just no nutrients left in it and very little ability to retain water.
People used to ask us why our soil in our old place was lovely rich nearly-black soil. The answer was that we didn't take our leaves up till mid April, after most insects didn't need them for hatching and hiding anymore, and they've broken down a fair amount of their nutrients into the soil. Then we'd mow up as much as possible and leave the chopped up leaves all over the lawn, to further break down and return the nutrients to the ground.
I've been looking for a rotatable compost bin for the new place, even though we're all small enough that rotating them can be sort of a pain in the ass.
But I'll confess that an ad-algorithm got me. I go on YouTube for 3 minutes, because my usual music streaming service was down and I do enjoy the "17th century villain" playlists on there, and I got an ad for an electric countertop composter.
This is not some kind of supported product placement on my part. The Lomi, which is the thing I saw an ad for, is a good $500 bought new, and I just flat out wasn't gonna do that.
But, I was curious enough to read some reviews, and then check craisglist. Lo and Behold, I found one for cheap, for sale from someone who bought and liked one, but also has an honest to god farm, and decided to go back to larger scale outdoor composting.
So, now we have a Lomi countertop composter.
You take the food waste from the day (our kiddo, Starling, eats a staggering amount of fruit, and a lot of eggs, so there's always shells, cores and peels and stuff laying around) and you put it in the bucket, and lock the lid, and push one button.
In two hours you have totally dry, totally broken down compost that smells almost like dry hay, ready to drop on the yard to put back in nutrients.
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I'm a bit in love with it.
And, on top of that, it can break down dairy and meat. You shouldn't ever put cooked meat in your outdoor compost, because birds will try to forage it, and get cooked fat grease on their feathers, which they can't clean off and can lead to illness. They're not evolved to handle cooked meat. But this way the meat is all broken down and safe to put outside. Which means throwing less away, which is great.
I will say, we didn't put in the charcoal the first time, and it had the used up charcoal from the previous owner in there and THAT was a mistake. Made the whole house smell like sweet vinegar. Which could be worse, considering this is food rotting down, but it was terrible when it's too cold to even open a window.
You can get Lomi brand charcoal filters, but it's just little charcoal pellets, so I'll probably just buy some from the aquarium store when we run out. But this batch should last us several months.
The thing also came with Lomi "tablets". So far, we've used them. But I'm going to experiment with not using them at some point, since the webpage for the Lomi says you don't NEED them. They do genuinely add helpful bacteria and fungi to the soil, which is great, but I can buy soil improvers that can do that, much more economically, from my local urban farm supply in the spring. No branded little pellets required. Plus, with the lawn being under snow, and the processed compost having to go on top of the snow, I'm not sure how much of that bacteria would be surviving right now, anyways.
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waspcup · 6 months
umm^-^ well👉👈 ive always been curious about ur social security number o///o.....
whats one of the first games you remember playing ? bonus if u . like it still . and feel nostalgic .even more bonus if its niche hehe
my social security number ? well of course anything for my beloved mutual! 1
umm first games that i remember playing.... umm probably the sims freeplay and yes i still do play it on and off from the same game file LMAO. another game i played that i liked a lot was called fishco and the premise was like you ran a store that sold common aquarium fish and you could cycle between your various tanks (several sale tanks, breeding tank, etc), and youd have to manage like breeding/selling/feeding your fish and keeping them healthy. and you could buy like different filters and plants and stuff. and it was set up like there were "levels" with different objectives - usually itd have a time limit and youd have to do stuff like sell x many fish from a specific species and have 3 of this plant in any of your tanks and stuff like that. and it was actually pretty detailed/realistic. and id kill to play that again unfortunately it doesn't seem to be available anywhere that i can access (i played it as a mobile app on an ipad)
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