#buy best brain tonic for adults
skytagproducts · 1 year
Unleash The Best Brain Tonic For Students: The Power Of Fantastic Four
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In a world brimming with information and endless distractions, we could all use a little help in the memory department. Whether you're a student preparing for exams, a professional managing a hectic schedule, or a parent trying to remember where you left your keys, memory plays a pivotal role in our daily lives. But fret not, dear reader, for we're about to embark on a journey through the world of memory boosters, featuring the fantastic four: Brahmi, Shankhpushpi, Ashwagandha, and Jyotismati. Let's dive in and uncover their superpowers!
The Forgetfulness Epidemic
Picture this: You're about to leave for work, keys in hand, when suddenly, you forget why you're holding them. Sound familiar? Forgetfulness is a universal quirk, but when it starts affecting our daily tasks and productivity, it's time to take action.
Enter the Fantastic Four – four herbal superheroes that can help you unleash your brainpower, improve memory, and banish forgetfulness to the realm of distant memories.
Brahmi: The Brain Tonic
Our story begins with Brahmi, a herb known for its brain-boosting properties. Brahmi has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine to enhance cognitive function. Its active compounds, known as bacosides, have been shown to improve memory and reduce forgetfulness.
Brahmi is like the wise old sage in your brain, helping it absorb information, retain it, and recall it when needed. It's the secret sauce that transforms your memory from a leaky sieve to a sharp, focused tool.
Shankhpushpi: The Memory Whisperer
Next up is Shankhpushpi, another herbal maestro when it comes to memory enhancement. It's like the soothing melody that calms the chaos in your mind, making it easier to concentrate and remember.
Shankhpushpi is renowned for its ability to alleviate stress and anxiety, which are often culprits behind forgetfulness and poor memory. It's the herb that helps you sail through challenging exams and demanding workdays with a serene smile.
Ashwagandha: The Stress Slayer
In our fast-paced world, stress is the supervillain that threatens to rob us of our memory and focus. That's where Ashwagandha steps in – the stress slayer of the Fantastic Four.
Ashwagandha is like a protective shield for your brain, shielding it from the harmful effects of chronic stress. By reducing cortisol levels, it ensures that your memory remains sharp, your attention focused, and your mood uplifted.
Jyotismati: The Illuminator Of Thoughts
Last but not least, we have Jyotismati, the illuminator of thoughts. This herb is like a bright beacon in the darkness of forgetfulness, guiding your mind towards clarity and focus.
Jyotismati is particularly effective in combating attention deficit issues. It enhances cognitive function, making it easier to concentrate on tasks and retain information. It's the herb that helps you shine in those crucial moments when you need to be at your mental best.
The Fantastic Four: A Collective Symphony
Now, you might be wondering, what happens when you bring these four memory-enhancing powerhouses together? Well, it's like assembling a superhero team to save the day.
When Brahmi, Shankhpushpi, Ashwagandha, and Jyotismati join forces, they create a symphony of memory-boosting effects. They enhance memory retention, improve focus, reduce forgetfulness, and combat stress – all crucial elements for academic success, professional growth, and everyday productivity.
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A Story To Relate
To add a dash of relatability to our memory-boosting journey, let's follow the adventures of Anil, a college student with a memory as reliable as a ‘Tea Stainer’. Anil was notorious for forgetting important dates, including exams and deadlines.
One day, while desperately searching for his misplaced keys, Anil stumbled upon a memory booster product containing the Fantastic Four. Intrigued and desperate for change, he decided to give it a shot.
As Anil embarked on his journey with the Fantastic Four, he noticed remarkable improvements in his memory and attention span. No longer did he forget important dates, and his academic performance soared. His friends even started calling him "Memory Guru," a nickname that had once seemed like a distant dream.
But it wasn't just about exams and deadlines. Anil found himself more present in conversations, more focused at work, and less stressed about life's challenges. He could now effortlessly recall names, faces, and important information.
In a twist of fate, Anil became the go-to person for all things memory-related. His friends, colleagues, and even his forgetful neighbor sought his advice. Anil’s transformation from a forgetful college student to a Memory Guru was nothing short of extraordinary.
The Memory-Enhancing Solution For All
In a world where memory lapses and forgetfulness are all too common, the Fantastic Four – Brahmi, Shankhpushpi, Ashwagandha, and Jyotismati – offer a potent memory-enhancing solution for all. They're the herbal superheroes you can turn to during school or college exams, competitive tests, or any moment when you need to sharpen your memory, boost your alertness, and enhance retention.
So, whether you're a student gearing up for finals, a professional managing a hectic workload, or someone simply looking to remember where you left your keys, remember the Fantastic Four. They're here to save the day, one memory at a time – and they do it with a touch of perfection, making the journey all the more enjoyable!
Where To Buy The Best Brain Tonic For Memory?
Well that’s the trickiest part. For someone looking for the best brain tonic for students or the best brain tonic for adults or even looking to buy the brain tonic for memory, it can be quite a confusing situation. The moment you search for an option which contains these fantastic 4 brain tonics for memory boosting, you look at a sea of products which leave you more confused than ever. In addition there is an element of doubt on whether the quality is good or the ingredients pure enough for use.
It is therefore important to look for a product that is not only assured in quality but also contains these 4 basic ingredients in the perfect proportion in addition with some other addons. To buy the best brain tonic with the finest ingredients along with peace of mind you should consider a company which goes deep into what is required and offers you a well-researched product along with timely support if need be. So what are you waiting for, keep your memory goals in mind clear & buy your perfect memory booster right away. After all a good memory is a super-power.
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List of Top 10 Iron Syrup in India
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Iron syrup, the most vital part of all anaemia patients and people with a little low iron level, is now coming with so many varieties in the market. Even one iron syrup supplier in India is supplying a huge variety of iron syrups from different brands, so think how many more syrups are available in the entire pharma market! And among this plethora of options, it would be really a daunting task for anyone to find the best syrup which is perfect for all aspects. That’s why we have searched and listed out top 10 iron syrup in India for your ease. Scroll down to know their names. 
Which Are the Best Iron Syrup in India? 
Earlier, there was only a few options available in iron syrups. But these days, Iron syrup manufacturer manufacturs iron syrup in various formulations. So, it’s necessary to check the formulation, ingredients, other nutrition availability, and the probable side effects before buying one from an iron syrup supplier. Now you can find best iron syrup for adults, and best iron syrup for child also. Here are the names of top 10 iron syrups in India that are bets from every aspect. 
1. Dexotone Iron Tonic
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Dexotone iron tonic is a very nutritious iron syrup in India for both adults and children. ferric ammonium citrate, a bioavailable form of iron, vitamin B12, B9, C and zinc. Along with treating iron deficiency, it increases the production of red blood cells, improves brain functioning and boost up energy levels. 
2. Hapro Bloodo Vita Syrup
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Hapro Bloodo Vita syrup is best for adults and it contains iron, folic acid, magnesium phosphate, Ferrum phosphate and more nutrients. It helps create healthy red blood cells, better blood circulation all-over the body, and manage weight loss. 
3. Livogen Syrup
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Livogen syrup treats iron deficiency in pregnant women and made of folic acid, iron etc.
4. Dexorange Hematinic Syrup
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Dexorange Hematinic Syrup comes with folic acid, vitamin b12 and iron. It addresses and treats iron deficiency in pregnant ladies. 
5. Hemfer Syrup
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Hemfer Syrup is rich in ferrous glycine sulphate, folic acid, vitamin b12, D-biotin, and zinc sulphate. It is effective for managing anaemia and also improves hair growth. 
6. Sangobion Syrup
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Sangobion syrup contains so many ingredients like Vitamin C , Copper sulfate and manganese sulfate, Folic acid and Vitamin B12. It elevates the low red blood cells level. It is available in delicious vanilla and strawberry-scented flavours, especially for kids. However, pregnant women and people with more serious illnesses can also take it if they lack iron. 
7. Ferrous Iron Syrup
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8. Ferium XT Syrup
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9. Orofer XT Iron Tonic
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10. Wilsoplex Herbal Syrup
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We have made this list after lots of searching and checking people’s opinions about these syrups to give you just a basic information. There are more iron syrups available in India that might have the best ingredients and work very efficiently for iron deficiency. It’s totally up to you which brand and which syrup you will choose.
If you are looking for a leading iron syrup manufacturer in India to collect most effective and good quality iron syrups, then come to Sapphire HealthCare. This is a well-reputed iron syrup manufacturer and supplier in this country selling iron syrups made of best and genuine ingredients only. Get low-price but highest-quality iron syup from Sapphire healthcare.
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thecursedhellblazer · 4 years
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐘: @laughter-in-white​​​ (( Thanks!! =D ))
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐆: @adventurepunks​ (Nick or Zee) @thegreenxrcher​ @obsessionsarenotforheroes​ (Jessica) @blizzardmuses​ (Kori) @cosmosfated​ @pi-jessicajones @awaywardboy-andhisangel​ (pick your boy!) @thedemonconstantine​​ (aye, aye, aye, you don’t do this kind of stuff, but just in case you want to poke Timmy...or the demonic bastard) - & whoever wants to steal it ! (Tag me if you do!)
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𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐄𝐑    𝟎𝟎𝟏    :    𝐓𝐇𝐄    𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄.    
NAME: John Constantine
HAIR STYLE  /  COLOUR: Blond, kept more or less short (mostly reaching down to the collar of his shirt). Often messy, for one reason or another, even if he tries to fix them when he had a moment of peace.
HEIGHT:   5'11"
CLOTHING STYLE: He has quite a few different sets of clothes, but he usually go with rumpled trench coat, white shirt, trousers and tie.
BEST PHYSICAL FEATURE: He is quite charming in general, in a dangerous sort of way, that has more to do with his attitude and personality than with his looks. Perhaps his eyes or his face.
𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐄𝐑    𝟎𝟎𝟐    :    𝐓𝐇𝐄    𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄.    
FEARS: Failure. Losing people. Needles. Never being enough. No redemption.
GUILTY PLEASURE: Being choked, hurt and manhandled during sex (and returning the favour). Warm relaxing bath with a bowl of lemon and strawberry ice cream, his Silk Cuts and a good gin and tonic (...even better if he has some company)
BIGGEST PET PEEVE: Having to pay taxes on almost everything and receiving shitty services in return.
AMBITIONS FOR THE FUTURE: Staying out of Hell. Or working up his way through the hellish hierarchy if he does. Having a quiet day when he can just sit down and enjoy a pint without interruptions. Not needing to keep buying a thousand toothbrushes because of someone. Getting something right without loose ends or consequences.
𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐄𝐑    𝟎𝟎𝟑    :    𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐒.
FIRST THOUGHTS WAKING UP: “...I need a fag.” or “Where th’ fuck am I?”
WHAT THEY THINK ABOUT MOST: Regrets, past mistakes, people he lost. How to get his hands on that one artefact / spell / plan he needs to get out of the latest trouble he got himself into.
WHAT THEY THINK ABOUT BEFORE BED: He is usually either too drunk or to exhausted to have coherent thoughts.
WHAT THEY THINK THEIR BEST QUALITY IS: His ability to cheat his way out of almost every situation (even if it comes with a price)
𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐄𝐑    𝟎𝟎𝟒    :    𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓’𝐒    𝐁𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑?
SINGLE OR GROUP DATES:  Single, double-dates at most
TO BE LOVED OR RESPECTED: Loved It doesn’t really matter
BEAUTY OR BRAINS: Brains (even if he’s very much attracted to physical looks too)
DOGS OR CATS: Cats (even if they can be a lot of troubles)
𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐄𝐑    𝟎𝟎𝟓    :    𝐃𝐎    𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐘…
LIE: Yes (they call him “ConJob” for a reason)
BELIEVE IN THEMSELVES: Depends. John is very confident of his abilities and knowledge, sometimes too much. All in all, however, he is conscious of his level of expertise and knows how to use it at the best of his capability. Things change when it comes to be confident in himself as a person. With trauma and past mistakes he can’t forgive, he mostly thinks of himself as worthless of anything good. His vision of the world and of himself is marked with a strong pessimism, which leads him to constantly see only the shadows, only the half empty glass, to constantly expect for the other shoe to drop.
BELIEVE IN LOVE: Yes, he does. He has experience it in person a few times (with Nick and Zatanna, with Kit), but he isn’t very confident on the fact that he’ll ever manage to find a long-lasting one for himself.
WANT SOMEONE: Depends. There are days when he longs to have someone by his side, and others where he’s ready to push away even the very few friends he has.
𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐄𝐑    𝟎𝟎𝟔    :    𝐇𝐀𝐕𝐄    𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐘    𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑…
BEEN ON STAGE: Yes (in his younger years when the Mucous Membrane were a thing)
CHANGED WHO THEY WERE TO FIT IN: No. He’s always fed his rebel side (unless you count the persona he at times creates to play out his cons)
𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐄𝐑    𝟎𝟎𝟕    :    𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄𝐒.
FAVOURITE COLOUR: Blue, in most of its shades.
FAVOURITE ANIMAL: Undead rats. Pets and animals in general aren’t really his thing.
FAVOURITE BOOK: He doesn’t have one favourite book, but he mostly enjoys historical dramas and thrillers from time to time. He might dig up a comic book, even if less often.
FAVOURITE GAME: Seeing what he can get away with. Stealing Chas’s caps. Football (as in watching the game on TV or, more rarely, letting one of his mates dragging him to the stadium)
𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐄𝐑    𝟎𝟎𝟖    :    𝐀𝐆𝐄.
HOW OLD WILL THEY BE: Verse-dependent (adult main verses: 40-45, but looks 5-10 years younger)
𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐄𝐑    𝟎𝟎𝟗    :    𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐈𝐒𝐇    𝐓𝐇𝐄    𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄.
I LOVE: a bloody good reckless rush o’ adrenaline A pint in pub wit’out someone or somet’in’ comin’ to crash me damn moment o’ peace n’ quiet.
I FEEL: Lost. Cursed. Always down. Like ‘m  constantly drownin’. Like I could use another fag.
I HIDE: Most o’ woh n’ who I truly am. Wohe’er I need to ‘ave t’in’s go th’ way I wants ‘em to.
I MISS: Most o’ woh I lost.
I WISH: ...Too many t’in’s.
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rankupnation · 2 years
Best energy drink india
It is difficult to maintain energy and strength in today's highly competitive world where everyone is constantly on the move. Everyone, whether children or adults, is constantly striving to achieve their objectives. If you need a boost of energy or strength to remain awake throughout the night or get rid of fatigue, energy drinks are a good option.
Caffeine, Vitamin B, Taurine, L-Carnitine, and Ginseng are all present in these energizing beverages, which also help in enhancing the level of your depleted body and allow you to continue your exhausting day with ease. Although we are all aware of the adverse effects of both sugar and caffeine on our bodies, 95% of Indians are ignorant of the severe side that workout could have if it is not executed right. So, if you'd like to provide your body a boost without spending hours at the gym, try out some energy drinks! Energy drinks are intended to provide your body with the nutrients it requires in a short period. In addition to caffeine and sugar, these beverages contain vitamins, minerals, and amino acids, which kick-start processes in your body and allow these drinks to work effectively. A cup of coffee or tea will not be enough to get you throughout the day. You'll require an item that will instantly charge up your battery packs and help you get through your busy day at work. Energy drinks seem to be free finish tonics that can be beneficial. Such drinks refill the fluids lost through hard exercise and workouts, stimulate the brain, and revitalize the body's missing nutrition. Energy drinks may be one’s best bet if you want to stay awake throughout the night or conquer drowsiness. Unlike regular soft drinks, these beverages contain a significant amount of caffeine, ginseng, vitamin B, or even sugar to help you stay awake. Energy drinks, when devoured in moderate amounts, are indeed a great way to provide your body the extra edge it requires to push tougher during workout sessions and for extended periods, as well as to maintain focus as well as on task mentally. Don't befuddle a beverage with a sports drink, because while they're tasty and exciting, they're not hydrating and can't be used in place of water or a sports drink. Some of the most important advantages of the best energy drink are as follows:
It provides instant energy. When you are energized, you can carry out a task efficiently. Can enhance your mood and attitude, resulting in a positive interaction with peers and family. Buying a beverage is simple and can be done at almost any retail store. An energy drink before a workout can provide an instant extra boost and lead to more effective workouts. An energy drink is a better choice because it contains less sugar. Energy drinks are not only useful for re-energizing your body, but they are also delicious. They are available in a variety of flavors, including orange, lime, fruit punch, and berry. Choose your favorite flavor to satisfy your taste buds.
Energy drinks replenish fluids lost during exercise or a long day's work and revitalize the body and mind.
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thanksayurveda · 3 years
Improve Your Brain Memory with Ayurvedic Best Brain Capsule
Brain memory is very important in our daily life and everyone wants to have a long-lasting memory of different things in life. There are different types of ayurvedic brain-enhancing capsules available in the market to improve your mental health. Mental health is very important for the overall health of our body.
Best Brain Supplements for Adults
This memory improving the characteristic of ayurvedic best brain capsules is because of the presence of bacopaside. It improves the arrangement between neurons of the brain and stimulates memory power. These ayurvedic best brain  capsules are available in the form of capsules and tonics in the market. Improving learning capacity by increasing the power of concentration and controlling mental tiredness are the other advantages of taking these capsules.
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Buy Best ayurvedic medicine for memory and concentration
Taking Cipzer Best Brain Capsules two times a day during the testing period gives you the best results. They are considered to be excellent for increasing the power of retention and lowering anxiety, blood pressure, epilepsy, hallucinations and stress. Another memory improving herb used in ayurvedic capsules is Vacha. It creates a positive effect on the learning process and remembering things. The excellent power of these fragrant capsules in reducing stress and in accomplishing stability of emotions is just unmatchable.
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Best Natural Supplement for Brain Memory
Brahmi is another widely used herb for treating these problems. Refreshing and avoiding brain cell damage are some of its main features. Juice of Brahmi combined with buttermilk is the most recommended remedy to overcome the problem of memory. Regular consumption of this medicine refreshes the function of nerves and enhances the power of concentration. Cipzer Best Brain capsules are one of the best instances of ayurvedic capsules for this problem. This ayurvedic herbal capsule is enriched with Shankhapushpi, Brahmi, Turmeric and glory. Taking these capsules as per the instructions will boost the function of your brain. These capsules relieve depression and anxiety which enhances memory functioning. Taking these capsules help in promoting the growth of dendrites and axons.
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dailyonlineoffer · 4 years
Ayurveda has gifted us with so many life enhancing gifts, one of it being Chyawanprash. Let us explore the today offers for Chyawanprash.
           Ayurveda is one of oldest holistic science aimed at healing by striking a proper balance between mind, soul and body. More than fighting a disease, it is about building immunity such that body heals from within. Chyawanprash being one of greatest gifts of Ayurveda, it has innumerable benefits. It contains a powerful mix of herbs, spices, and minerals. It is specifically rich in vitamin C, thus helps in boosting immunity and also acts as an antioxidant. As Chyawanprash is fortified with so many powerful ingredients, its benefits can be summarised as under –
It helps in improving digestion, enhances appetite, relieves heartburn, and helps in case of nausea and vomiting.
It is helpful in case of micturition
Prevent premature ageing and rejuvenates the body
Helpful in urinary tract infections and heart related problems
Manages diabetes and piles, useful in case of anaemia, treats eye problems
Helps in case of diarrhoea, jaundice, skin disorders, sore throat etc.
Helpful in case of loss of libido and helps in enhancing the fertility as well.
Promotes healthy hair and skin
Chyawanprash is good, healthy, and edible not only for adults but for children and teenagers as well. The best part is, it has been supported by Ayurveda, so one can assured of no side effects if consumed in prescribed quantities. It is normally recommended to have it during winters or rainy season to avoid any kind of seasonal flus and to protect oneself against the harsh cold temperature.
These days, Chyawanprash is available under many brand names and thus we have come up with list of best brands which will deliver it to you in purest possible form. This list is based on the customer reviews available online which gives a better picture of the product that we intend to buy.
Dabur Chyawanprash – 2X immunity – 1 Kg
M.R.P. – Rs. 310.00, Today Offer – Rs, 295.00
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It is made based on the ancient Ayurvedic formulation of more than 41 herbs. Some of the major ingredients include Amla, Pippali, Ashwagandha, Shatavari, Mulethi and Giloy.
Dabur Chyawanprash boosts ability to fight day-to-day illnesses
Provides protection in all seasons.
Builds strength from within
Double Immunity (basis clinical study)
Improves health and provides enhanced energy
It can be directly consumed or with warm milk and water
2. Zandu Kesari Jivan – Ayurvedic Immunity Booster for Adults and                 Elders,   Builds Energy, Strength and Stamina, 900 g
      M.R.P. – Rs. 695.00, Today Offer – Rs, 591.00
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Specially formulated ayurvedic health supplement
Contains Kesar, Moti, Amla, exotic herbs, spices, and trace minerals
Kesar helps in blood circulation and provides energy and stamina
Pearl helps improve bone strength
Amla helps boost immunity and prevents any kind of viral or bacterial infections
Improves overall immunity and increases youthful vigour
Provides calcium to strengthen bones and enhances stamina
Dosage: 1 teaspoon twice a day, preferably with milk.
Specially prepared to help develop the immunity of senior citizens
3.  Baidyanath Kesari Kalp Royal Chyawanprash – Enriched with Gold, Silver and Saffron – 1kg
           M.R.P. – Rs. 690.00, Today Offer – Rs, 635.00
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The product is power packed with Gold, Silver, Saffron along with 44 essential herbs and minerals that help in maintaining youthful energy in the body. It helps retain your energy and vigour while giving your skin a glow.
This variant of Baidyanath chawanprash is loaded with essential herbs, like Ashwagandha, Kesar, White Sandalwood that are known help calm your nerves.
It is made up of the purest form of Amla, Ashwagandha, Banslochan, Abhrak Bhasma and, Kesar. Gold, silver and saffron, all these ingredients are packed with powerful antioxidants which enhances natural immunity booster and play an active role in fighting the damage caused by free radicals.
It is a GMP certified product which is safe and effective to consume daily.
The product is plant based hence vegan.
4. Patanjali Chyawanprash 1 Kg
    M.R.P. – Rs. 690.00, Today Offer – Rs, 635.00
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It has more than 40 ingredients including Amla and Giloy.
Reinforces the Immune System and Helps Fight Disease
Totally chemical-free, natural and safe
Strengthens body’s internal defence mechanism with antioxidant properties
5. Kerala Ayurveda Chyavanprash – 500 g
    M.R.P. – Rs. 220.00, Today Offer – Rs, 180.00
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It boosts the immune system, and protects your body from infections caused by bacteria, viruses, and weather change. It has Amla as the main ingredient, rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants.
The phyto-ingredients in Chyavanprash helps remove blood impurities and promote appetite and intelligence.
Helps remove blood impurities, eliminates toxins and is good for the liver.
The brain rejuvenating herbs present in chyavanprash helps promote memory, intelligence and concentration. Helps in bringing back the balanced state of deranged vata and pitta.
These are some of the best brands which are widely accepted by Indian users. Under every brand there are range of different Chyavanprash products which serves specific purpose. Based on your requirement, you can decide any of the products that would fulfil your health requirements. So as the winters have already started, its time to have one at home.
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thrivous · 4 years
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Nootropics are cognitive technology. They support healthy brain function or enhance mental ability. You might have heard others refer to them as "smart drugs" or "the limitless pill." This is your Nootropics 101.
Nootropics include various foods, supplements, and drugs. Healthy adults use them to improve memory, learning, focus, mood, concentration, processing, motivation, and attention. Older adults also use them to support healthy cognitive aging.
What’s the meaning of the term "nootropic" (pronounced nō-ə-ˈtrō-pik)? Corneliu Giurgea, a Romanian psychologist and chemist, coined the term in 1972. He combined the Greek words for "mind" and "turn." So if we transliterate the meaning of "nootropic" into English, it would be something like "mind-turner."
That may sound strange. Can recreational nootropics get you high? Generally, no. But that's also not their purpose. Their purpose is much more practical.
Giurgea identified substances with these six features as nootropics:
"Enhancement of learning acquisition" – improve learning and memory
"Resistance to impairing agents" – support brain health
"Facilitation of interhemispheric transfer of information" – improve processing
"Enhanced resistance to brain 'aggressions'" – protect the brain
"Increased tonic, cortico-subcortical 'control'" – improve focus and attention
"Absence of usual pharmacological effects of neuro psychotropic drugs" – safe
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To summarize Giurgea, a nootropic should safely support and improve cognitive performance. If a substance doesn’t have these features, it’s not a nootropic.
That doesn’t mean that everything anyone calls a “nootropic” actually lives up to the name. Some Scientists haven’t studied some substances enough to know whether claims are more than anecdotal. And research demonstrates that some substances have little to no effect or may even pose significant health risks. But studies have shown the efficacy and safety of other substances to varying extents.
History of Nootropics
The history of cognitive enhancement began thousands of years before Giurgea. After all, we didn't need to know anything about brain cells to use our brains. And humanity had already begun exploring ways to modify cognition for purposes of religion, medicine, and recreation.
Our prehistoric ancestors may have used psychoactive substances to inspire their artwork. Indian Ayurvedic medicine, known for adaptogenic herbs like Ashwagandha, may have begun as an oral tradition around 5000 BCE. And as early as 1500 BCE, Ancient Egyptians cataloged hundreds of stimulants, sedatives, motor excitants, motor depressants, narcotics, and hypnotics.
During the last few centuries, our modern ancestors have been working toward more powerful, dependable, and flexible ways to enhance cognition. As the scientific method matured, alchemy became chemistry. In the eighteenth century, James Lind conducted what may have been the first clinical trial. And in the nineteenth century, Richard Canton observed electrical impulses in brains.
In the twentieth century, scientists greatly expanded efforts to address the challenges of mental health. Doctors began diagnosing Alzheimer's and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) early in the century. And by mid-century, chemists had introduced many new drug interventions.
Also in the twentieth century, science fiction and emerging technology sparked imagination. A fun example appeared in "Our New Age" comic strip on 26 December 1965. It predicted that humanity would develop nootropic smart drugs and brain computer interfaces by 2016.
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In 2011, the Limitless movie brought nootropics to popular attention. You might remember. In the movie, the main character uses NZT-48. It’s a fictional smart drug that activates 100% of his brain and radically increases his intelligence.
As it turns out, you already use your whole brain. And smart drugs aren’t (yet) as powerful as NZT-48. But that hasn’t stopped them from becoming popular. For example, see Google searches for “nootropics” compared to "mnemonics" (the study of systems to improve memory).
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Given humanity's ancient and persistent interest in cognitive enhancement, it seems unlikely that scientists will stop researching it any time soon. And who knows? Maybe right now, someone in a silicon valley garage is integrating a smart drug with a brain computer interface. And the powerful brain boosting drugs of the future are just an epiphany away.
Nootropic Examples
Perhaps the most well known cognitive enhancers are the Afinil wakefulness drugs. They were first developed in France in the late 1970s. And they are sold in the United States as prescriptions under various brand names. These drugs are artificial, but they appear to have a low risk of side effects.
Afinils are particularly notable for reducing mental fatigue, according to multiple human studies. They may also provide subtle improvements to mental performance, such as short term memory and reaction time. And they may provide other benefits, although the evidence may not be as reliable.
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Other well known cognitive enhancers include the Racetams. They are legally available in the United States, although the FDA does not allow vendors to market Racetams as dietary supplements.
First developed by Giurgea in Romania in the early 1970s, Racetams are artificial smart drugs. They may provide a notable decrease to cognitive decline, according to multiple human studies. They may also provide other benefits, although evidence for them may not be as reliable. And they appear to have a low risk of side effects.
Many nootropics with the best evidence and notable effect come from herbs, amino acids, vitamins, and other natural substances. As dietary supplements, these are widely available and legal nootropics in the USA. You can buy nootropics in stores or online without a prescription. Here are some examples:
Ashwagandha may decrease stress.
Bacopa Monnieri may increase memory.
Creatine may increase energy.
Feverfew may decrease migraine.
Fish Oil (omega-3 fatty acids) may support mood.
Ginkgo Biloba may support healthy cognitive aging.
Inositol may decrease stress.
Melatonin may promote sleep.
Rhodiola Rosea may increase energy and improve focus.
L Theanine may promote relaxation.
Vitamin B2 may decrease migraine.
Zinc may support mood.
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Nootropic Effects
Do nootropics work? Everyone's different, but some nootropics work for most healthy people. For example, my list of real smart drugs references more than 100 studies for more than 12 substances.
Most of the studies are peer reviewed, double blind, placebo controlled trials. Some are meta analyses or cohort studies. All are the formal work of credentialed scientists – not just journalists writing news articles or enthusiasts tapping out blog posts.
All of the studies are related to clinical trials on humans – not just on mice or in test tubes. And most of the studies found significant statistical support for notable effect. The few that didn’t are still helpful for scoping effective applications, dosages, and timelines.
How do nootropics work? And how well do they work? Different substances have different effects on different timelines and at different magnitudes. So the answers depend in part on the effect you’re looking for: focus, memory, mood, or otherwise.
The answers also depend in part on how disciplined you think you can be. Some, such as Caffeine, work best when you use them only for a short term. And there are others that you can take daily, like Bacopa, which becomes more effective over the long term.
In 2013, a study quantified the magnitude of effect for a popular nootropic drug. The scientists used Cohen’s D, which is a standard statistical method from behavioral science. The method generates outputs on a scale of 0 to 1:
0 is no effect
.2 is small effect
.5 is medium effect
.8 is large effect.
The scientists applied this method to the results of seven human studies. They found that the nootropic drug had a magnitude of effect of .77, which was nearly a large effect. The study also used the nootropic drug as a benchmark for assessing two natural nootropic herbs.
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One of the herbs was Panax Ginseng and the other was Bacopa Monnieri. When the scientists applied Cohen's D to nine studies of Ginseng, they found that the Ginseng magnitude of effect was .86. And when they applied the method to seven studies of Bacopa, they found that the Bacopa magnitude of effect was .95.
These results indicate that Ginseng and Bacopa may both have large effects. And their effects may be larger than the effect of the nootropic drug. However, each affects different cognitive functions on different timelines. The study concluded:
"Neurocognitive enhancement from well characterized nutraceuticals can produce cognition enhancing effects of similar magnitude to those from pharmaceutical interventions."
How to Buy Nootropics
Brain supplements come in many formats. Natural nootropics are available in foods. And both artificial and natural nootropics are available in powders, liquids, and pills – capsules, tablets, softgels, caplets, and chewables.
If you’re looking for flexible dosage and low cost, powders may be the way to go. And for some like Creatine, which require high doses measured in grams, powders are also practical. For others, which require smaller doses, nootropic pills may save you a lot of time and frustration.
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People often combine two or more ingredients into a "stack." A stack may include ingredients that are more effective together, such as Caffeine for energy and Theanine for relaxation. Both are components of green tea, for example. And a stack may include ingredients that simply complement each other, such as Bacopa for memory and Rhodiola for focus.
You can make your own stack by purchasing ingredients separately. Or you can purchase a pre-made stack.
Pre-made stacks are the most convenient, but the market is full of stack products with all too typical problems. Many contain ingredients that don't work, or for which there's little or no supporting evidence in scientific studies.
Some contain ingredients that could work, but they provide tiny ineffective doses. And more often than not, it's difficult if not impossible to tell, because they hide their doses behind secret formulas.
On top of that, stack products tend to be expensive, with many vendors charging exorbitant prices for their secretive ineffective products.
At Thrivous, we’re proud to offer better alternatives. We develop high quality natural nootropic supplements. They combine nutrients and doses with the highest levels of scientific evidence for the greatest magnitudes of enhanced cognitive function.
Clarity Daily Nootropic is designed to enhance memory, focus, and mood. Each bottle contains a month supply (60 capsules) of Synapsa® Bacopa Monnieri, L Theanine, Rhodiola Rosea, Vitamin B Complex, and Zinc Picolinate.
Alpha Neuroprotector is designed to enhance brain and nerve function for better aging. Each bottle contains a month supply (120 capsules) of Acetyl L Carnitine, Alpha GPC, Ginkgo Biloba, and SerinAid® Phosphatidylserine.
Serenity Nightly Nootropic is designed to enhance relaxation, sleep, and next-day focus. Each bottle contains a month supply (60 capsules) of L Theanine, Magnesium Glycinate, and Melatonin.
Surge Acute Nootropic is designed to enhance productivity, energy, and focus. Each bottle contains a multi-month supply (60 capsules) of Caffeine, L Theanine, and Panax Ginseng.
The benefits of each of these supplements complements the others. So Thrivous also provides combination stacks at discounted prices:
Clarity and Serenity Stack includes both Clarity and Serenity.
Clarity and Alpha Stack includes both Clarity and Alpha.
Nootropic Stack includes Clarity, Alpha, and Serenity.
All Thrivous formulas are completely open source. The supplement facts panel on each label fully discloses all ingredients and amounts. And we publish all quality control test results from our suppliers, manufacturing, and third parties. This is an exceptional practice among supplement vendors.
If you’re new to nootropics, Thrivous is an easy and dependable way to get started. If you’ve used them for years, Thrivous is a convenient base on which you can build your stack. Either way, try Thrivous today. It’s a smart choice.
Originally published at thrivous.com on May 18, 2020 at 03:00PM.
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akemilena · 7 years
SolidS Unit Song Series COLOR -BLACK-
Soliradi Special Mini mini Edition (ver. BLACK)
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Drama || Translation index
Tsubasa: Hello, everyone, good day! SolidS fans from all over the country, it’s the time you’ve been waiting for!
Dai: We are delivering to all of you this live broadcast-style radio…
Rikka: … SolidS radio, also known as Soliradi…
Tsubasa: Special mini mini edition… it’s~ sta~rting~!!
Hello to all the listeners! Yahoo~ how are you in this fine day? I’m the main personality, Okui Tsubasa from SolidS!
Dai: Hello. I’m Murase Dai. Hope we have a good time.
Shiki: I’m SolidS’ producer and leader Takamura Shiki. Good to see you.
Rikka: I’m Sera Rikka. And the four of us together make SolidS!
Shiki: Yeah.
Tsubasa: Ugh! Okay, so let’s start with the introduction of the program. Let’s see… today I leave it to you, Shiki!
Shiki: Understood. In Soliradi, the members of SolidS become radio personalities and deliver this in public recordings and live broadcasts. It’s a heart-throbbing radio. Please make your hearts throb as much as you want.
Tsubasa: What the hell is that?!
Rikka: If we add a bit, the messages and questions are actually received from listeners beforehand, and our leader Shiki chose them. Thank you for all the messages. If your message didn’t get chosen, I’m sorry! I’d be very happy if you send one again.
Dai: While replying, we want to get you more interested about us. That’s the objective of Soliradi, right?
Shiki: Exactly. Well, just take it easy while listening.
Tsubasa: In the end you didn’t explain a single thing.
Shiki: I’m saving energy for later.
Tsubasa: You don’t need to do that!! You absolutely don’t need to do that. Ahh, we’re going off rails. Okay, let’s just try doing it then! The first one is… this! Ehh, here… We got this from handle name: Seiran-san. Thank you very much! “Hello! Sorry for the sudden question, but do SolidS members have a driving license? Do you all go out together sometimes?”
I see I see… Seiran-san, thank you! I do have a license. I got it immediately at the end of my third year of high school.
Shiki: Ah, you’re that type of guy, the one that drives his father’s luxury car around.
Tsubasa: Uhhh, this looks like you’ll have prejudices against me now but… isn’t a guy in third year of high school having his own car even weirder?
Rikka: *whispers* But he won’t deny the “luxury car” part…
Dai: *whispers* Actually, I saw him driving an expensive-looking car… Tsubasa’s a rich kid, after all.
Tsubasa: You there~? Why are you talking about so sneakily? Please answer to the question~
Rikka: Ah, yes! I have a license for automatic only, but in paper state.
Shiki: I have a license for manual cars. And other than that, I used to drive around the fields with my parent’s tractor. Heh, I WILL... BECOME THE LAND!!!!
Dai: Wasn’t that just helping with field work…? Ah, I don’t have a license. I want it, though.
Shiki: Do your best. When you get a temporary license, I’ll help you practice.
Dai: I’m kind of scared… You have the aura of a demon instructor.
Shiki: Hm? That’s not it. Probably. “There! A deer is jumping out! Avoid it!” Or things like that. I only give advice.
Tsubasa: I don’t think there are many deer that jump out on the road?!
Shiki: Moron. Don’t underestimate Mother Nature. If you’ve stepped at least once into Nagano, you’ll perfectly find deer or even bears.
Tsubasa: For real…? Man, Nagano is always amazing…
Shiki: Hm. Spiritual Nagano. I’m a brave warrior from there.
Tsubasa: Ah… U-um. Yeah. Dai-chan, Dai-chan? Let’s leave the spiritual guy aside, leave it to me! Tsubasa onii-san will teach this little driving beginner veeeery nicely and attentively!
Dai: No thanks. If you keep teasing me and interrupting me I won’t be able to focus on driving.
Tsubasa: Ehh, I’ll only give you a hand!
Rikka: Mine’s only on paper, so I can’t guide anyone… so if it’s come to this… Ah! How about Haiduki-san?
Dai: Ah!
Shiki: That’s true. He’s good at driving. He kind of… looks like a shady instructor.
Tsubasa: Hey, Shiki! Just because you got called a demon instructor doesn’t mean you have to drag Fumi-chan down!
Shiki: Among the managers, I recommend Procella’s Kurotsuki more than Haiduki. As an ex-SP, he’s received special training, so he can do from drift runs to one-wheel runs, and to make the enemy’s car spin with a ramming attack. He can do anything.
Rikka: Let’s have Haiduki-san teach you, okay, Dai?
Dai: I’ll do that. Ah, by the way, about going out together, we do that with Haiduki-san’s car.
Tsubasa: Right. If I remember correctly, in Tsukipro, the talents can’t grab the handle without getting permission, right?
Rikka: Yep, it’s an image business after all. If someone caused an accident it would be terrible, and getting hurt is scary, too.
Dai: Safe driving is the best.
Shiki: Next, from Tachibana. “Until a while ago, mood maker-type people with bright hair and personality were my type, but lately I’m attracted to calm people with dark hair. Did I become an adult?” From Tsubasa to me, huh. It’s the proof you became an adult. It’s the proof your ability to judge people has developed.
Tsubasa: Hey!!!!
Shiki: I’m the type who is quite funny.
Rikka: The fact you’re saying that yourself is quite funny, yes. Eh, next. From Ichijiku-san. “To Rikka-san. Do you prefer having your hair tied up? Or down?” Hmm, let’s see. I usually change my hairstyle according to my clothing, so I like both. I like this length, where I can arrange it to match my clothes.
Dai: You do change your hairstyle every time we have a new outfit. I actually look forward to it, “what kind of hairstyle will he appear with today?”
Tsubasa: Ah, I get it! Me too.
Shiki: Me too.
Rikka: *laughs* I’m glad the members also look forward to it.
Dai: Ah, I’m next. Eh, from Momousagi-san. “What’s the most delicious sweets you’ve eaten recently?” Uh… small croissants sold by weight.
Tsubasa: Ahhh, I get the feeling you eat those often. Those have many flavours, right?
Dai: They also have small scones and pies, and you can buy them by gram. That’s why, I change what I buy that day depending on my mood. All of them are delicious.
Tsubasa: Ooh~ buy them for me next time too <3
Dai: I’ll show you the shop so go buy them yourself.
Tsubasa: Ehh? Stingy.
Shiki: Heh. You’re answering so normally, but your fondness for sweet things is now well-known among the listeners.
Dai: Ah!
Rikka: You didn’t need to say that, Shiki.
Shiki: I don’t think you need to be too conscious about that, Dai. It’s not anything to be embarrassed about.
Dai: Eh… Okay.
Tsubasa: *laughs* Okay, let’s go on! Eh, here, from Kiu-san. Thank you~ “To the wonderful male idols from the adult and sexy unit SolidS, good evening! Here’s a question for you all, which side menu do you order to eat with your ramen? By the way, I’m full just with ramen.”
Shiki: As an adult and sexy man, I order one dish of roasted pork filled, and shochu with tonic as a snack.
Tsubasa: As an adult and sexy man… a something-don small bowl of rice.
Rikka: As an adult and sexy man… Gyoza I guess?
Dai: Ugh… you all… what are you doing so excitedly… uh… I guess a small bowl of rice too. When I eat ramen, it makes me want to eat rice too.
Rikka: Okay, so next… From Shida-san. “In lives and live broadcasts, who is most likely to forget the lyrics or go out of tune? Also, please tell me how everyone tries to cover up when they get the lyrics or choreography wrong.”
Tsubasa: Eh! We don’t make mistakes! We’re pros after all.
Rikka: We won’t make mistakes! And won’t forget! Right?
Dai: We won’t forget.
Shiki: You guys. Don’t look away while saying it. Say it looking at my eyes.
Tsubasa: Nghhh but… It’s your fault for making those songs! When there’s rap, that already means a lot of words! Also your word choice, Tokugawa Nikkou Toushouguu! I strangely only remember that!
Shiki: Isn’t it just fine!!! I like it!!! Tokugawa Nikkou Toushouguu. Your mouth feels funny when you say it.
Rikka: Tokugawa Nikkou Toushouguu. Tokugawa Nikkou Toushouguu. Aaaah!
Dai: Tokugawa Nikkou Toushouguu. Tokugawa Nikkou Toushouguu. Hm, I think I get it.
Shiki: For now, before getting angry at me, please practice properly.
Rikka: Of course we will do our best, but there are times when even you make mistakes, right? I remember it, okay?
Shiki: That wasn’t a mistake. It was an improvisation result of the mood.
Tsubasa: Not fair!!!! Composers are not fair!!!!
Dai: I have the feeling Shiki is the one who forgets the choreography the most.
Shiki: When I’m focused on singing, I forget about my arms and legs no matter what. I guess it’s better than knowing it perfectly but ignoring it completely when I get excited, like Tsubasa. Apologize to the illumination and production staffs that move the lights to chase you.
Tsubasa: But you know… lives are living creatures! Of course I’d like to get excited in that moment! Ah I got it, next time I’ll say “Light! Follow me!”
Dai: I don’t think that’s a solution…
Rikka: It is very like Tsubasa, though. Hmm… It’s the perfect moment, so I’ll ask: what if by any chance, you forget completely during the performance, or your mind goes blank, what would be best to do? Of course, I’ll prepare so that it doesn’t happen, but… we’re human, after all. There’s the “what if”, and since I can’t normally ask this, I want to use this opportunity.
Dai: Ah, me too, I want to know.
Shiki: Hm. In times like that, the basic is to cover it up with fan service. Waving your hand, saying “Are you having fuuuun”, and they have fun. And it gets through.
Tsubasa: He stated it!!
Shiki: You can also go get involved with someone close to you. The tactics of putting your shoulder around him and act like you’re super good friends, while desperately trying to pull out the lyrics from your brain.
Tsubasa: You did this last time…! Okay, next time Shiki tries to get close to me, I’ll run away as fast as I can.
Shiki: Wait.
Dai: Question! That’s something you cultivated from your experience in your idol age, after all?
Shiki: Hm? Yeah, exactly. As an idol, you do a lot of lives. You accumulate experience points. For now, the worst thing you can do is to freeze and think “oh, damn”. Fans also suspect that something has happened.
Rikka: I see… To move around and not to freeze… that’s important, right?
Shiki: That’s what it is. Of course, the best thing is not to forget, and not to make mistakes, to begin with. Yeah!
Tsubasa & Rikka & Dai: We’ll work on that.
Tsubasa: And, with this, it’s already time up! I think we got to answer quite a lot this time too?
Dai: Right. I have the feeling we’ve revealed a lot of things. Won’t we get scolded for this?
Shiki: I want to believe it’s fine. *whispers* It’s fine, right?
Tsubasa: Don’t ask the other side of the booth!
Rikka: Good luck, Shiki!!!
Shiki: Wait… you all don’t know what it means to be a salaryman…!
Tsubasa: Not only Shiki, but Rikka’s character is starting to change too!!! Anyway, that’s all for today’s Soliradi!! Thank you for staying with us until the end today again. Let’s meet again next week at this hour!
Rikka: See you again.
Dai: See you next week. Thank you very much.
Tsubasa: Bye bye~
Shiki: *whispers* It’s fine, isn’t it? Safe? Right?
Rikka: Good luck! Shiki!
Drama || Translation index
TL notes:
god Shiki gets better worse with every soliradi... stop this man
The “Tokugawa Nikkou Toushouguu” is part of chronoah’s lyrics. The actual line in the lyrics is “Talk-Got-What-Nick-Auto-Show-Good“, yes it’s fake english, yes it doesn’t make any sense, it’s just because it sounds like that. Don’t ask me, ask John-san (?)
Next up is a very important drama CD!!! Also the first appearence of QUELL!! Look forward to it~
Thanks for reading!!
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The sun is shining bright in the sky these days especially in Delhi. But who can avoid the occasional rains that cause a slight drop in temperature! Scorching temperatures suddenly shift to low values followed by the expected rise in temperature. These ups and downs in temperature can result in weakness in your bodies. Bacteria and virus in the environment find it easy to attack on weak bodies. You would then jump to the conventional anti pyretic pills and would also pop up pills that fight against cold and cough as soon as a little attack of cough or high temperature strikes you. For some people, cold and cough seem to be every day business despite stability of the weather. In any case, an episode of fever can deteriorate your health for at least one week. It will create an additional pressure of illness on your physical and mental self and would create a work pile on your desk once you get an off from your office. Small illnesses like cold, cough and fever affect the children and the old ones more frequently. In extremes of age, these illnesses are more problem- creating.  Everyone has his or her own theory of rules which are tried to keep in state of health. Due to a miss here or there, your set of trials generally fail to keep you in a state of good health.At times it happens that you are not left with any energy at all to carry out any work, forget about doing favours to your health or pampering yourself. The only time which you get for yourself probably is your tea time. Now and again, even tea time becomes hard to enjoy and relax. If you put a little effort, not only the tea time becomes the best time to enjoy but also becomes the best time to gain health and pamper your immune system. You will know how to do it as you proceed with reading this article.
Gain Vitamin D From Natural Sources and Not From Synthetic Pills: A 9 to 5 job rarely leaves any space for many people to bask in sun’s rays and therefore does not give their bodies adequate sources to synthesise vitamin D. This makes them look for alternate sources of taking in vitamin D. Alert!! Here, you really need to be careful about the sources from which you get vitamin D. Artificial form of vitamin D in many supplements is either completely ineffective or even detrimental to your own health. The most common artificial version in multivitamins is that of vitamin D2. It is quite difficult to get vitamin D from natural foods in some seasons but still, you should keep a note of some mushrooms, egg yolk, and fatty fish like salmon which can provide you with vitamin D. Since calcium and vitamin D generally work together, herbal forms of calcium can be consumed with pure ayurvedic herbal product which is formed by combination of hadjod, sahijana, Ashwagandha and curcumin, known as Bonboost Tablet by Preserva Wellness.
Drink Immune Boosting Tea: This was what I was talking about when I
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 mentioned a healthy tea time and a tea time which pampers your immune system. Strengthening your multiple lines of defence is what this Immune Boosting Tea does. It is comprised of moringa leaves, hibiscus, Tulsi leaves, lemongrass, Ashwagandha, rose petals, black pepper and curcumin to provide oral curcumin supplementation with herbs that boost your immunity. A complete herbal curcumin tea is a package that not only strengthens your defence mechanism but also soothes your taste buds and olfactory senses. An herbal curcumin tea also wins over a normal turmeric tea as unlike a simple turmeric tea, it can be consumed throughout the year. Moringa maintains a healthy immune system and helps your body stay off infections and illnesses. High amount of vitamin C in hibiscus and rose petals serves to prevent you from recurrent cold, cough and flu. Antioxidants from Tulsi leaves and lemongrass prevent damage from free radicals. Anti microbial properties of Tulsi leaves help in preventing and managing infections. Lemongrass also assists in better absorption of nutrients, providing strength to your immune system. Ashwagandha can modulate the functioning of immune system through various mechanisms and is an excellent supportive herb. Black pepper helps in increasing bio-availability of curcumin in body and increasing its absorption. Plus, it has its own immunity enhancing effects.
Easy Exercises Can Easily be Included: If you feel low and your body doesn’t have the stamina to work hard, go for easy exercises which can help your body gain considerable amount of fresh air and oxygen. Going out for a walk in your nearby park can uplift your mood and improve your immune system. You can feel the recovery happening as soon as you go out and enjoy the weather.
If you do not feel like going outside, try some moderate yoga. Gentle yoga poses or asanas can improve your posture, your body’s shape and empower your immune system.
Stay Away From Sweetened and Carbonated Drinks: Excessively fried food, refined sugar, chemical additives, high- fructose corn syrup, and highly carbonated drinks are some of the greatest enemies to your immune system. When you treat your tongue to them, you are actually treating your body to a lot of toxic products. These make your body work extra and create a lot of inflammation in various organs in your body. Fizz in the carbonated drinks is of no good to your immune system. It just gives you a temporary pleasure
No to Fats Does No Good to Your Body: Many types of oils are essential for the functioning of your immune system, your brain and other organs of your body. Completely quitting fats and oils can deprive your body of essential omega-3 fatty acids. You may introduce a variety in cooking oils and keep changing them at a difference of few months. Sesame oil may be followed by peanut oil which may be further followed by mustard oil and so on during cooking. The levels
Kids Can also Stay Fit With Pure Ayurvedic Herbal Product: Immunoblast Juice by Preserva Wellness can be consumed by children above the age of 5 years, adults and people of old age. This health tonic contains pulp of aloevera, apple, mulberry blended with curcumin to provide a boost to your immune system. Oral curcumin supplementation also empowers children to fight against all forms of pathogens in the environment. Stay immune to stay healthy!
Contact us @+91-8373994904 or buy best ayurvedic products online.
VISIT: https://www.preservawellness.com
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brainhackingimmd · 7 years
Ginkgo Biloba
Ginkgo Biloba is one of the world’s oldest natural medicines and it is gaining a new reputation as an efficient natural nootropic. Ginkgo Biloba is a medicinal plant from traditional Chinese medicine that is commonly called Maidenhair tree“. It was used to increase energy and treat various conditions ranging from infection to asthma.
Today, Ginkgo Biloba is one of the top 10 most popular supplements in the west. In the traditional Chinese medicine seeds and fruit were first used, they more recently included leaf extract. The leaves of the Ginkgo tree have been used to create medical treatment for many physical ailments, including hearing problems, headaches, eye issues, bronchitis, asthma and many other conditions.
Modern studies have proven that Ginkgo Biloba increases circulation and it is being studied as a potential treatment for various conditions associated with impaired blood flow, including sexual dysfunction and headaches. It is thought to have some benefits in fighting the memory disorders associated with Alzheimer’s disease. It is also known to decrease leg cramping and pain caused by training. Ginkgo has also been proven to benefit individuals who suffer Reynaud’s Syndrome, which is a painful response to cold, particularly in the toes and fingers.
However, some of the Ginkgo Biloba’s most interesting benefits are associated with cognition, mood and memory. By enhancing blood flow and promoting circulation in the brain, Ginkgo Biloba works as a nootropic. People who use it claim it increases learning, boosts mood and promotes memory. Ginkgo is also known to work as an antioxidant, protecting the brain from free radicals and from oxidative stress.
Ginkgo Biloba is a popular addition to nootropic stack because it interacts well with other supplements and may work as a potentiator for other nootropics.
What was one thought of a folk medicine elixir is a proven memory enhancer with many other cognitive benefits, including combating Alzheimer’s disease.
Energy booster – Ginkgo Biloba has been regarded a potent energy enhancer for many centuries. Modern studies indicate that the ancient Chinese physicians who used it as a general tonic were certainly on the right path. By promoting circulations throughout the body, Ginkgo increases oxygenation and the absorption of nutritients, enhancing endurance and making muscles perform longer and work better.
Reduce leg cramping and pain – Ginkgo Biloba has been proven to reduce training-related leg cramping and pain. Ginkgo Biloba’s circulatory properties help alleviate this problem, which is caused by insufficient blood flow. The same circulatory properties also enable Ginkgo to soothe the discomfort of Raynaud’s syndrome, a disorder in which cold temperatures induce painful vasospasms of the toes and fingers.
Mood enhancement – Ginkgo Biloba has a longstanding reputation as a memory booster and recent studies are showing that reputation to be well-earned. Many clinical studies and researches have proven that Ginkgo Biloba supplements noticeably promoted memory in individuals suffering from mild to moderate primary degenerative dementia. Although similar researches on healthy volunteers have been less conclusive, many people who use Ginkgo say that using this supplement makes their memory quicker, clearer and sharper.
Improved cognition – Ginkgo’s ability to promote circulation and blood flow in the brain makes it an effective and potent nootropic, both on its own and in combination with other nootropics. Improved cerebral blood flow results in promoted absorption of nutrients and oxygen, which in turn produces a feeling of mental alertness and clarity. It is also known to modulate the release of many crucial neurotransmitters, such as Acetylcholine, the neurotransmitter most closely connected with studying.
Improved vision – Clinical trials have proven that Ginkgo promotes vision in individuals who suffer from glaucoma. It has also been shown to benefit individuals who suffer from macular degeneration, an incurable age-connected disease in which the central part of the retina deteriorates.
Mood management – Ginkgo has been used for hundreds of years as a mood booster, and clinical trials on volunteers suffering from anxiety disorder proves that it is an efficient treatment for anxiety. Ginkgo has also been proven to be efficient mood modulator among healthy adults, and there are scientific proofs supporting its benefits for individuals suffering from depression.
How It Works
The main active components found in Ginkgo Biloba’s leaves are bilobalides, ginkgolides and flavonoids. The actions of these components make Ginkgo Biloba an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory that also decreases platelet accumulation, increases cerebral glucose utilization, affects the vasomotor system and regulates neurotransmitter release.
It is believed that the main source of Ginkgo Biloba’s power lies in its ability to enhance circulation. This supplement improves and regulates tone in the vascular system by managing thromboxane A2 and prostacyclin.
Increased circulation then creates outstanding conditions in all vital organs, particularly the brain. Maintaining a healthy blood flow to the brain is best way to enhance concentration and increase memory. It also has potential to heal migraines and headaches.
The management of blood clotting is another one of Ginkgo Biloba’s main circulatory mechanisms. Through ginkgolide B, redundant blood clotting is hampered. This can prevent many cerebrovascular problems, including thrombus and myocardial ischemia.
Enhanced circulation plays an important role in Ginkgo’s nootropic and therapeutic capabilities. Improved blood flow throughout the body decreases circulation-related cramping and pain and makes muscle work better. Increased cerebral circulation makes the brain works more effectively, absorbing nutrients and oxygen quicker and more thoroughly.
Ginkgo Biloba is also natural monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitor. This function is a crucial regulator of mental confidence and good mood. It prevents loss of key energy and mood hormones like norepinephrine, serotonin and dopamine. Also, Ginkgo’s cyanogenic glycosides attack harmful fungus and bacteria throughout the body.
Ginkgo Dosage
Although Ginkgo Biloba has been used since at least 2500 BC, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has still not held a formal Ginkgo review. As a result, there is no official recommended dosage.
However, Ginkgo dosages of up to 360 mg in one day (split into 3 dosages) have been tested and found to be both efficient and safe.
If used as a daily supplement for the prevention of cognitive decline and for overall brain health, taking 40 to 120 mg dosages one to three times a day is usually recommended. For a fast mental boost of mental performance, a single dosage of 120 mg a few hours before the task should be a nice starting point.
The daily total amount of Ginkgo can be taken all at once or spread over 2 to 3 dosages. Ginkgo Biloba should usually be taken with food.
Ginkgo Side Effects
As shown by its many centuries of use as a folk medicine, Ginkgo Biloba is mostly without severe side effects for most individuals. Some minor side effects including gas, heart palpitations, headaches and nausea may happen in some cases, but it is not the norm. These side effects are rare and are generally temporary. However, you it is recommended to reduce a dose if you experience them.
Ginkgo supplements are derived from the leaves of ginkgo tree. However, consuming extracts made from the ginkgo seeds or eating the seeds of the ginkgo tree can cause dangerous seizures.
People who are using antidepressants, anticoagulants or anticonvulsants or who have just had surgery are recommended to avoid using Ginkgo Biloba. Also, small children, women who are expecting a baby or breastfeeding are recommended to avoid this supplement.
Ginkgo is a popular natural nootropic which works very well on its own but truly shines when combined with other supplements. Ginkgo is often referred to as the „neutral nootropic“ and some people who take Ginkgo claim its cognition increasing effects are best achieved when it is stacked or combined with other supplements.
Ginkgo, Gotu Kola and Ashwagandha
Gotu Kola is a reputable natural supplement known primarily for boosting energy, and it also promotes conditions of chronic venous insufficiency and positively effects cardiovascular health. Ashwagandha is an ancient herbal nootropic which dates back to Ayuervedic medicine. It is known mainly for its potent anti-anxiety effects, but it also increases cognition and mood.
Ginkgo and Vinpocetine Stack
Vinpocetine is a natural nootropic and it is best known as a memory increaser. Like Ginkgo, Vinpocetine has been proven to work as a brain protectant and to promote blood circulation.
When shopping around for Ginkgo Biloba, make sure that you look out for the following brands, because these are regarded to be the top 5 Ginkgo supplements available in the market today.
Now Foods Ginkgo Biloba
Cardiovascular Research Ginkgo Biloba
Jarrow Formulas Ginkgo Biloba
Natrol Ginkgo Biloba
Advanced Ginkgo Smart
Where to Buy
Ginkgo is one of the most widely available supplements. It is both available in storefronts and can also be purchased online. Ginkgo is available in both capsule and powder form. It is recommended to buy Gingo in bulk powder form from PowderCity.com if you want to use Ginkgo over the long-term and would like a more inexpensive option.
Ginkgo Biloba is used as both a general tonic and a specific treatment for many centuries. It is currently being tested as a potential treatment for many memory-related and circulatory disorders. Ginkgo can promote cognition and memory, increase energy, and work as a strong potentiator in combination with other supplements. Ginkgo is affordable, very well-tolerated, safe and readily available everywhere.
Ginkgo is a supplement that’s well worth a try if you want to make the most of your body and brain. Read more interesting articles here.
The post Ginkgo Biloba appeared first on It Made My Day.
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Gifts for Lovers in the Death Throes of The American Republic
 Share a final candle-flicker of joy before the annihilation begins
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Barry White: All-Time Greatest Hits / $4: Want to set the mood? Here's the soundtrack your evening needs. — Jason
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Such romance. Much feelings. / $5: A Very Doge Valentine Card — Jason
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Star Trek: The Original Series Adult Coloring Book / $10: If you are home alone, chances are you'll enjoy this TOS coloring book. — Jason
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BookBook laptop covers / $80: Show your loved one that you love them, but don't want to look at their ugly laptop. One of the best looking and feeling laptop covers, BookBook protects your device from a drop. It looks enough like a book you may be able to keep your laptop in the seatback when traveling by air. — Jason
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Key Knife / $12: A blade cleverly hidden in a key-shaped handle, which many report having successfully taken through TSA checkpoints — Cory
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Unfuck Your Habitat / $13: Unfucker-in-chief Rachel Hoffman has distilled the Unfuck-your-habitat philosophy into a brilliant, breezy book — Cory
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Latex Skull Bag / $75: Also available in black and pink, this glow-in-the-dark molded memento mori handbag features a spooky lining and an inside pocket — Cory
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Giant Testes Door Knocker / $200: Are you meeting a romantic partner's family for the first time this Christmas and at a loss for a gift idea that will impress them with your suitability as a potential addition to the clan? Look no farther. — Cory
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Defenders Mushroom Extract Blend / $35: Say it with shrooms! This is a high-quality Asian medicinal mushroom extract tonic, an exotic blend with purported adaptogenic properties. It may brighten up your brain and help you cope with stress. Chaga, Reishi, Shiitake, Maitake and Turkey Tail. — Xeni
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Barefoot Dreams Bamboo wrap / $90: A soft and cozy feminine gift that looks amazing. Depending on the season, usually these are in the $80-$100 range on Amazon . With proper care, they stay fuzzy and fresh for a long time. — Xeni
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Crystal Ball / $13: Your loved one might need this to see into the future of our country. You may want to buy one for yourself. — Xeni
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Lotte Lenya Sings Berlin Theatre Songs / $7: The great bittersweet voice songs of romance, hope, hedonism, and a reminder that life and love endure, even when dark clouds fill our skies — Xeni
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Personalized End Grain Chopping Block / $190: This personally engraved chopping block is to die for! As you shall, in the brutal civil war portended by the election of Donald Trump. — Rob
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Silver heart pill container pendant / $100: Compartment will fit 6 small antipsychotic pills comfortably.
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The Womanizer: comes with a "100% orgasm guarantee": It's not a vibrator. It's a gadget that suckles the clitoris. Vanessa Marin, a licensed psychotherapist specializing in sex therapy, said it "induces powerful orgasms in a shockingly short amount of time." — Mark
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Square, lightweight plastic flask from Stanley / $15: Sturdy, multicolored flasks that go around the world with you, perfect for a sneaky V-day cocktail with your sweetie (Previously) — Cory
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Laser-cut birchwood landscape rings / $24: Beautiful landscape rings to mix and match from Britain—there are houses, trees and mountains (there's also an acrylic tsunami). Read more — Cory
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Sex and Drugs: A Journey Beyond Limits / $25: A classic book of blissed-out altered consciousness by Boing Boing patron saint Robert Anton Wilson. — Mark
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Flashing LED Heart Kit / $10: Solder up a special something for your loved one or, better yet, have a romantic maker date and do it yourselves. Ah, love just makes everything glow. — David
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Diamond-Accent Pendant Necklace / $80: For those who just need to get the Valentine's Day situation dealt with immediately — Rob
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Anatomical Heart Necklace / $48: Designed by Lost Apostle, the heart is white bronze, approximately 3/4" tap, and comes on a gunmetal chain. Also available as a ring! — David
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Belgian Darts Set / $120: End grain basswood board, scoring rings separated by hydraulically inserted brass, and polished steel-tipped darts with birch wood barrels and shafts.— Rob
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Kawaii Heart Stickers / $5: Five bucks a sheet
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Moleskine, Large / $16: For writing romantic slashfic
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luliroying · 2 years
Keto Flo Gummies – Negative Side Effects or Safe Diet Pills?
✔️Product Name - Keto Flo Gummies
✔️Category - Health
✔️Side-Effects - NA
✔️Availability - Online
✔️Rating - ★★★★★
✔️Price (for Sale) Buy Now Here — Keto Flo Gummies (CLICK HERE)
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If you're doing exercises or are attempting different diets to achieve a the society-acceptable body, then it is time to look at these strategies for weight loss. Because these strategies for weight loss require time, and if you cut off the activities you are doing, you'll increase in size within a matter of minutes. Therefore, you require methods that not just aids in eliminating excess fat but also helps prevent further weight gain. Keto Fla Gummiesis an effective diet supplement that can help you move away from the list of overweight individuals to those with a slim physique. If you're looking for a keto-friendly product, you should go through this review.
>> Click Here to Order Keto Flo Gummies From The Official Website Now <<
What is Keto Flo Gummies?
Keto Flo Gummies is a weight loss supplement specially designed to shed excess weight. It also aids in the future in preventing the accumulation of fat. It is a food supplement is free of chemical components and all are natural and non-GMO, which guarantees the security of this product. These delicious gummies are efficient and provide the health benefits of blood pressure, diabetes and brain health.
Keto Flo Gummies Reviewaffects three major areas i.e. losing weight, curbing appetite, and increasing metabolism while also keeping weight off. If you're looking to lose weight and living a happy life, then you must sign up for this account.
Features of Keto Flo Gummies
A weight loss formula
They reduce hunger and are designed for adults.
Vegetarian account
GMO and gluten-free
Do not display any negative effects
What is the Keto Flo Gummies work?
The is a product keto Flo Gummiesworks by triggering ketosis, a process that burns fat. The primary factor that contributes to the efficacy for the weight loss chewing gum in helping people shed weight is the science behind ketosis. Most readers are aware of the way this process works but those who do not know I'll briefly describe the process: when a person eats more protein and less carbohydrates the central nervous system (CNS) detects the shift in nutrition and changes the body's energy source from carbs into stored fat. This way the body is able to shed weight rapidly as the stored fat starts to burn.
Lack of Cabs as well as having a large quantity of ketones are essential for the ketosis process begin. Gummies Gummies contain the artificial BHB ketones which start an process to burn fat. You can cut down on your weight by as much as 5 pounds in the initial round of using these gummies regularly.
>> Click Here to Order Keto Flo Gummies From The Official Website Now <<
Things to do to ensure you get the best result
The diet plan was developed to assist you lose weight more quickly and preventing it from getting back. You must drink plenty of fluids and get enough sleep every at night, and work out regularly to reap the most results.
What's the recipe to make Keto Floppy Gummies?
A brief description of the ingredients in Keto the Flo Gummiesis as follows:
BHB ketones A supplement BHB is a substance that can be made in a laboratory. It appears to help the nerves and brain work better. Muscles might get energy from it, which can help improve their ability to exercising. There's not a conclusive evidence from science to prove the efficacy of BHB to treat a variety of diseases, such as dry eye headache, sports performance and Parkinson's disease, and many others. (Source)
Longan Longan: Chinese employed this tasty fruit tonic as a blood-tonic as well as a heart tonic and also to enhance the appearance of their skin and beauty. The Chinese believe that longan isn't just an excellent skin tonic, but also a great tonic for sex. (Source)
Panax Ginseng The adapting plant that is believed to increase the strength of Ottoman Sultans. It improves the body's immunity to environmental shocks and the ability to handle metabolic disorders. If you're tired and stressed, it can give you energy. It also increases sexual hormones in both genders and boosts hormones associated with sex, such as testosterone. (Source)
>> Click Here to Order Keto Flo Gummies From The Official Website Now <<
What are the advantages that come from Keto the Flo Gummies?
Gummies can be very beneficial , aside from losing weight since they contain components that possess the ability to heal many health issues.
They help to shed weight in the first week of using.
They're equipped to burn fat due to the fact of BHB ketones.
They can boost metabolism and also help in reducing any erratic eating habits.
Gummies are a great aid to eliminating anxiety disorders.
This product can improve mental clarity and the ability to focus.
Are there any adverse negative effects from this product?
Keto Floppy Gummies contain only organic ingredients, which means they are not harmful on your health. There is a low chance of suffering any negative side effects, unless you're allergic to any of the active ingredients.
>> Click Here to Order Keto Flo Gummies From The Official Website Now <<
Final Verdict
Keto Flo Gummies is a product for weight loss specially designed to shed excess weight, and in the future against the accumulation of fat. These delicious gummies are extremely efficient and provide health benefits, including diabetes, blood pressure and brain health.
Do not overdose on this supplement since excess amounts of any substance is harmful. Instead, drink plenty of fluids, get plenty of rest and avoid hot food items for healthier and quicker results.
If you want to Order, Click Here
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callcenterguy-blog · 6 years
Seizure Meds
I spent my whole life working out and being healthy with the exception of the fact that I did drugs on the weekends. I was in great shape from lifting weights and doing bjj. Out of the blue I started having full tonic clonic seizures in 2007. The first one happened inside Wal Mart. I had just picked up my kids after work. Our weeks were long because of work, the kids homework, and jiu jitsu. The kids and I used to all train together. We also had softball or basketball going on at the appropriate times of year as well. Bottom line was that by Friday night we were all really tired.
Our Friday night ritual was to go to Wal Mart and buy a bunch of junk food for dinner and go home and watch movies until we passed out. We had to be at jiu jitsu class at 9am on Saturday morning so this was a perfect way to spend our Friday nights together. I remember opening the glass door in the mil aisle to get some soy milk. The next thing I know I woke up on the ground surrounded by parameds with my mouth full of blood and my kids crying. I thought somebody had jumped me because of all the blood. I had pretty much bitten my tongue in half.
I was totally out of it. I could not tell the parameds what my name was or my address of who the President was. I remember asking the guy what happened and he looked at me and said, “Sir, you just had a massive seizure.” Up to this point in my life I had never had any medical problems at all except allergies and asthma when I was a kid and severe insomnia as an adult. I looked at the paramed guy and said, “I have been training hard and I have insomnia. I must have just fallen out. I was in the Marines. I will be fine. I just need to go home and get some sleep.” He informed me that I was not going home but instead to the hospital. At first I tried to refuse to go but they informed me that I would be sedated and strapped to the gurney. He said, “You are going to the ER sir.”
At the ER the doc on duty gave me a medication called Keppra. They ran a full battery of tests and everything came out fine. There was nothing to indicate that I had epilepsy. They asked about a number of potential causes. To this day, I believe they were caused by a blow to the head I took from a shower curtain rod about two weeks prior to that, The reason I felt that and still do to this day is that when I was hit with that rod I but my tongue in the exact same spot I bit it when I had that seizure. I mean the EXACT SAME spot. Each time I had a seizure I bit my tongue in that same location. It would turn black and purple every time I bit it. It was extremely painful to say the least.
So I started taking the Keppra. About two weeks later I was talking with my girlfriend on the couch in my apartment. She looked at me all worried and said, “Baby what made you bring that up all of a sudden?” I said, “Because you asked me about it.” She replied, “Honey something is really wrong. We haven’t been talking at all. We have been laying here watching a movie. I think those medications have done something to you.”
At the ER, they had ran every test for seizures except something called an EEG. Two days after this event with my GF, I got a call at work from my boss. He was the owner of the company and I had worked in the children’s ministry with him at church for 7 years. He called me up on the phone and he said, “Chris, do I have you full attention?” I said, “Yes, of course.” He said, “I just got off the phone with Julie from accounting. You are completely out of it. Something is very wrong with the meds they gave you. You are to hang up this phone and then immediately I want you to call a neurologist and set an appointment to have that EEG done and a consultation about those meds. Then you are to immediately call your GF and have her come pick you up and take you home. If she cannot take you home then you are to call me and I will come get you. No matter what you are not to drive a car off this property. Are we clear?”
I went to the neurologist and did the EEG. The results came back as completely normal. They decided that my seizures were caused from severe sleep deprivation because my insomnia was so out of control. I was prescribed 4mg of ativan per night as a sleep aid. If you know anything about benzodiazapines you would know that amount of ativan would send most people to bed for 2 days without the ability to get up and function.
I walk around day-to-day as a giant ball of stress and anxiety. Back then you could add anger to the mix as well because I had a toxic marriage and my wife was a drunk who verbally insulted me every opportunity she had. I would lay in bed at night with my wheels turning so hard that I would never sleep more than an hour at best. It took ton of meds to put me down. Even then I  did not sleep all that well so the doc felt it quite plausible the sleep deprivation was the cause of the seizures. He put me on seizure meds and that is where things really started to go down hill for me.
I experienced the highest levels of side effects from the seizure meds: hallucinations, inability to speak at times, complete disorientation (had to navigate with a compass while driving because I could not recognize the streets even though they were the same ones I drove on daily), randomly falling asleep at work, or just overall being out of it and stupid. The first seizure left me with a speech impediment for about 6 months and my ability to do math in my head was completely gone.  
The next five years of my life were horrible. I would go to the neurologist and be accompanied by my GF, or a best friend or my dad. We would all sit there and tell him that the meds had me completely screwed up. He would change the meds or the dose. I would still be screwed up and then get angry and frustrated and quit taking them. Then I would have another seizure. From 2011-2013 we honestly did not think I was going to live much longer.  
In February 2014 I was living with my GF, whom I loved very much. She was an incredible person, highly intelligent and one of the most beautiful and sexy women I have ever known. She told me one day that those meds made emotionally unstable and I was a danger to anyone I was around. We split up, obviously.
I made the decision to stop taking them. I told my neurologist and he said I was going to die. I told him that I would maybe die if I quit taking the meds but that I would 100% for certain die if I kept taking them. I opted for the maybe and quit. I luckily have not had a seizure since July of 2014, but the brain damage from those meds is still alive and kicking. I am emotionally unstable and suffer from depression and basically manic symptoms. One day I am on top of the world and the next day I am working hard not to succumb to the thoughts of suicide. I have never been the same as I was before taking them and seriously doubt that I ever will be at this point. It is what it is.
 #thisisyourbrainondrugs #seizuremedsandinsanity #insaneinthemembrane #insanity
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saltyloverrebel · 6 years
Dr.Reckeweg R95 Alfalfa Tonic, homeopathic tonic for weakness
Dr.Reckeweg R95 Alfalfa Tonic, homeopathic tonic for weakness
Dr.Reckeweg R95 Alfalfa Tonic, homeopathic tonic for weakness is a general family Tonic that energizes vital functions in the body promoting overall health through optimum nutrition, better appetite, digestion and proper function of body organs.
In conditions of anaemia, loss of appetite, convalescence, especially after debilitating fevers or surgical operations, pregnancy, loss of…
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tallwellnutrition · 6 years
Multivitamins with a Ginseng Supplement for Improved Health
A Ginseng supplement is being known to be one of the most popular herbal medications of all times. For centuries, ginseng has been used as a magic potion that would immediately improve the quality of life and make people feel younger and healthier.
However, the name actually refers to several varieties of a certain plant that has fleshy roots. Traditionally these roots are used to prepare tea or added to food. Ginseng root is now being extracted and created into a supplement to help enhance overall well-being. Today, a lot of people are taking Ginseng supplements to strengthen their immune system, cognitive functions and enhances their overall health.
The History of Ginseng:
Known to Chinese and Indian doctors as a magic herb that usually lengthens life and improves its quality, doctors usually used it to prepare a tonic that would make people feel better, awake and energized. Both the American and Asian species of Ginseng are currently used to prepare herbal supplements that make people experience less fatigue and weakness.
Traditional doctors used it for years as an elixir that lengthens life and increases its quality. With trade and travel, the herb has become known to the modern world due to its various benefits. Moreover, it proved to lack any serious side effects which made it very popular.
A Ginseng supplement and their Benefits:
Multivitamins with Ginseng usually enhance energy and make patients feel more energized and awake. Cancer patients who undergo chemotherapy usually feel that they are tired and worn out during and after the treatment. Ginseng supplements can help them maintain a better quality of life during and after the treatment.
Multivitamins containing Ginseng are usually prescribed to enhance cognitive functions. Young children who face troubles concentrating and focusing on difficult tasks will feel more focused and will be able to finish more complicated tasks better and faster. Older adults also report an improvement and enhancement in cognitive functions like memory and focus. It is one of the proved supplements that will keep your brain sharp and functioning.
As a traditional energetic tonic, modern researchers have proved that Ginseng can fight off inflammation. Chronic inflammation is one of the main reasons behind the weakness of the immune system. However, taking Ginseng supplements usually enhances and strengthens the immune system allowing patients to enjoy a better quality of life. Reports usually show that people who take Ginseng supplements are less likely to suffer from viral infections like the flu. The multivitamins also help with the infection management. Patients feel better as they experience fewer and less severe symptoms.
Most men report a great improvement in erectile dysfunction after taking a Ginseng supplement on a regular basis. Ginseng also proved to increase and enhance libido in both men and women. A lot of diabetes patients combine their insulin shots successfully with Ginseng supplements. They lower blood sugar levels and enhances the production of insulin in the body. Ginseng is safe to use and has no serious side effects, especially when taken in small doses.
Ginseng improves the blood circulation by enhancing the health of blood vessels. This will allow more nutrients and oxygen to reach different parts of the body and this is the main reason why patients usually feel more awake, energized and generally better with a Ginseng supplement. It is also why traditional doctors believed that this supplement could help lengthen life, as it improves most of the symptoms that are typically related to old age.
Buy Tallwell Liquid Multivitamins with Ginseng now
  You might also like this: The Best Saffron Extract: What is Saffron – What You Need to Know
  The post Multivitamins with a Ginseng Supplement for Improved Health appeared first on Tallwell Nutrition.
source https://tallwellnutrition.com/multivitamins-ginseng-supplement-improved-health/
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kennethbagley-blog · 7 years
Natural Memory Booster Supplement and Brain Power Foods
Some old men and women and even young men and women forget important things most often. Some of the causes of memory problems include stroke, seizures, cirrhosis, brain tumors, dementia, depression, AIDS, Encephalitis, Lupus Multiple Sclerosis, sleep disorders, Alzheimer’s disease and chronic fatigue syndrome. BrainOBrain capsules, the best natural memory booster supplement available in the market, is helpful to cure memory problems naturally. Key ingredients in BrainOBrain capsules, the proven natural memory booster supplement Main ingredients in this herbal pill are Vidhara, Swarna Bhasma, Kachnar, Gurhal, Aparajita, Brahmi, Brahmdandi, Chandi Bhasma, Salabmisri, Amberved, Gorakhmundi, Unab, Vacha, Ustekhadus, Assaloo, Jyotishmati, Shatavari, Shankpushpi, and Augustia. All these herbs are blended using a proven herbal formula under the guidance of a renowned medical professional to improve the functioning of your brain and boost memory power. It is useful for both children and adults as well to improve concentration, memory and quick recalling capability. It relieves you from mood swings, irritability, depression, and anxiety. It is useful for the treatment of forgetfulness and memory loss. It is useful for the legal professionals, and students to improve sharpness and mental alertness. Regular intake of BrainOBrain capsules, the best natural memory booster supplement, is recommended to reverse the ill effects of long term medication, aging, unhealthy lifestyle and poor diet and improve grasping capability. It relieves you from nervousness, mental fatigue, exhaustion and anxiety and promotes sound sleep. Shankpushpi promotes sound sleep. It is a natural brain tonic and improves blood circulation. It maintains a healthy brain. It is useful for the treatment of loss of memory, nervous debility, fever, and scrofula. It promotes sound sleep, and improves concentration and memory. Therefore, it is widely used in memory enhancement supplements such as BrainOBrain capsules. Augustia is one of the best herbs to improve intelligence and memory. It also cures spleen disorders and abdominal pain. It is one of the best herbs used in memory enhancement supplements. Kachnar is rich in vitamin C and essential minerals. It eliminates toxins from your body and purifies the blood. It improves appetite for more food. It also heals hemorrhoids. Brahmi is useful for the treatment of poor concentration, brain fog, poor memory and depression. It boosts memory and recalling abilities. It is one of the key herbs in BrainOBrain capsules, the best natural memory booster supplement, to improve your memory naturally. Jyotishmati is one of the best herbs to improve cognitive functions and memory. It is useful for the treatment of facial paralysis, sciatica, paralysis, muscle cramps and backache. It also improves mental alertness. It cures abdominal distension, constipation and loss of appetite. Vacha is widely used in ayurvedic remedies to boost mental abilities, cognition, memory and intelligence. All these herbs are blended in BrainOBrain capsules, the best natural memory booster supplement, to boost intelligence and memory. It is suggested to consume one or two BrainOBrain capsules daily two times with milk or water for the treatment of memory loss. It is advised to use this herbal pill for three to four months for best results. You can buy BrainOBrain capsules from reputed online stores.    
Read about Natural Memory Booster Supplements Pills. Also know Herbal Brain Power Enhancing Supplements. Read about Herbal Supplements to Improve Memory Concentration.
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