#buy brain tonic for memory
skytagproducts · 1 year
Unleash The Best Brain Tonic For Students: The Power Of Fantastic Four
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In a world brimming with information and endless distractions, we could all use a little help in the memory department. Whether you're a student preparing for exams, a professional managing a hectic schedule, or a parent trying to remember where you left your keys, memory plays a pivotal role in our daily lives. But fret not, dear reader, for we're about to embark on a journey through the world of memory boosters, featuring the fantastic four: Brahmi, Shankhpushpi, Ashwagandha, and Jyotismati. Let's dive in and uncover their superpowers!
The Forgetfulness Epidemic
Picture this: You're about to leave for work, keys in hand, when suddenly, you forget why you're holding them. Sound familiar? Forgetfulness is a universal quirk, but when it starts affecting our daily tasks and productivity, it's time to take action.
Enter the Fantastic Four – four herbal superheroes that can help you unleash your brainpower, improve memory, and banish forgetfulness to the realm of distant memories.
Brahmi: The Brain Tonic
Our story begins with Brahmi, a herb known for its brain-boosting properties. Brahmi has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine to enhance cognitive function. Its active compounds, known as bacosides, have been shown to improve memory and reduce forgetfulness.
Brahmi is like the wise old sage in your brain, helping it absorb information, retain it, and recall it when needed. It's the secret sauce that transforms your memory from a leaky sieve to a sharp, focused tool.
Shankhpushpi: The Memory Whisperer
Next up is Shankhpushpi, another herbal maestro when it comes to memory enhancement. It's like the soothing melody that calms the chaos in your mind, making it easier to concentrate and remember.
Shankhpushpi is renowned for its ability to alleviate stress and anxiety, which are often culprits behind forgetfulness and poor memory. It's the herb that helps you sail through challenging exams and demanding workdays with a serene smile.
Ashwagandha: The Stress Slayer
In our fast-paced world, stress is the supervillain that threatens to rob us of our memory and focus. That's where Ashwagandha steps in – the stress slayer of the Fantastic Four.
Ashwagandha is like a protective shield for your brain, shielding it from the harmful effects of chronic stress. By reducing cortisol levels, it ensures that your memory remains sharp, your attention focused, and your mood uplifted.
Jyotismati: The Illuminator Of Thoughts
Last but not least, we have Jyotismati, the illuminator of thoughts. This herb is like a bright beacon in the darkness of forgetfulness, guiding your mind towards clarity and focus.
Jyotismati is particularly effective in combating attention deficit issues. It enhances cognitive function, making it easier to concentrate on tasks and retain information. It's the herb that helps you shine in those crucial moments when you need to be at your mental best.
The Fantastic Four: A Collective Symphony
Now, you might be wondering, what happens when you bring these four memory-enhancing powerhouses together? Well, it's like assembling a superhero team to save the day.
When Brahmi, Shankhpushpi, Ashwagandha, and Jyotismati join forces, they create a symphony of memory-boosting effects. They enhance memory retention, improve focus, reduce forgetfulness, and combat stress – all crucial elements for academic success, professional growth, and everyday productivity.
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A Story To Relate
To add a dash of relatability to our memory-boosting journey, let's follow the adventures of Anil, a college student with a memory as reliable as a ‘Tea Stainer’. Anil was notorious for forgetting important dates, including exams and deadlines.
One day, while desperately searching for his misplaced keys, Anil stumbled upon a memory booster product containing the Fantastic Four. Intrigued and desperate for change, he decided to give it a shot.
As Anil embarked on his journey with the Fantastic Four, he noticed remarkable improvements in his memory and attention span. No longer did he forget important dates, and his academic performance soared. His friends even started calling him "Memory Guru," a nickname that had once seemed like a distant dream.
But it wasn't just about exams and deadlines. Anil found himself more present in conversations, more focused at work, and less stressed about life's challenges. He could now effortlessly recall names, faces, and important information.
In a twist of fate, Anil became the go-to person for all things memory-related. His friends, colleagues, and even his forgetful neighbor sought his advice. Anil’s transformation from a forgetful college student to a Memory Guru was nothing short of extraordinary.
The Memory-Enhancing Solution For All
In a world where memory lapses and forgetfulness are all too common, the Fantastic Four – Brahmi, Shankhpushpi, Ashwagandha, and Jyotismati – offer a potent memory-enhancing solution for all. They're the herbal superheroes you can turn to during school or college exams, competitive tests, or any moment when you need to sharpen your memory, boost your alertness, and enhance retention.
So, whether you're a student gearing up for finals, a professional managing a hectic workload, or someone simply looking to remember where you left your keys, remember the Fantastic Four. They're here to save the day, one memory at a time – and they do it with a touch of perfection, making the journey all the more enjoyable!
Where To Buy The Best Brain Tonic For Memory?
Well that’s the trickiest part. For someone looking for the best brain tonic for students or the best brain tonic for adults or even looking to buy the brain tonic for memory, it can be quite a confusing situation. The moment you search for an option which contains these fantastic 4 brain tonics for memory boosting, you look at a sea of products which leave you more confused than ever. In addition there is an element of doubt on whether the quality is good or the ingredients pure enough for use.
It is therefore important to look for a product that is not only assured in quality but also contains these 4 basic ingredients in the perfect proportion in addition with some other addons. To buy the best brain tonic with the finest ingredients along with peace of mind you should consider a company which goes deep into what is required and offers you a well-researched product along with timely support if need be. So what are you waiting for, keep your memory goals in mind clear & buy your perfect memory booster right away. After all a good memory is a super-power.
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skytagbioteq · 11 months
Unlocking Memory Enhancement: Searching For The Perfect Memory Booster Tonic
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In a world where we're constantly juggling personal, professional, and entertainment pursuits, our brains often feel like overworked Oxes on a never-ending wheel, where brain power enhancement is need of the times today. But don't fret, especially if you're 30 or older, because nature has blessed us with remarkable memory-boosting herbs that can transform our cognitive abilities from sluggish snails into energized cheetahs. Let's delve into the potential of four extraordinary herbs: Brahmi, Shankhpushpi, Ashwagandha, and Jyotismati. Together, they create the ideal brain-enhancing tonic, helping us conquer the daily challenges of modern life.
As adults, we've become experts in multitasking, managing careers, families, social lives, and the elusive gym membership. Our minds are put to the test daily. These constant demands can leave our memory in chaos, making it difficulteven trying to remember where you left your keys while your phone rings, the doorbell chimes, and the dog insists on a walk many a times.It is such forgetful times when the need for that perfect brain power enhancement tonic is many a times felt like never before. Right?
Brahmi – The Brain's Detective: Visualize Brahmi as your personal Sherlock Holmes for the brain, a trusted ally for centuries, sharpening memory and cognitive skills. Brahmi isn't just for ancient sages; it's your ticket to mental acumen in a world overflowing with information.
Shankhpushpi – The Peaceful Retreat: In a world that never stops, Shankhpushpi is your serene yoga retreat, calming stress and anxiety, creating space for memory to thrive. It's like treating your brain to a spa day!
Ashwagandha – The Stress Alleviator: If life feels like a pressure cooker, Ashwagandha serves as the safety valve, reducing stress, enhancing concentration, and extending your memory's lifespan. Think of it as a wise mentor whispering, "Relax, you've got this!"
Jyotismati – The Concentration Dynamo: Jyotismati is your personal taskmaster, helping you stay focused on the task at hand. No more flirting between tasks like a hyperactive frog. With Jyotismati, your memory will thank you for providing it with undivided attention.
Now, let's address the safety concern. These herbs have a long history of being tried, tested, and trusted for generations. They are as safe as your grandmother's handmade ‘Pure Milk Kheer’ (minus the calories). These herbs have graced the shelves of Ayurvedic medicine for centuries, proving their efficacy and safety.
Say goodbye to synthetic memory boosters with a truck load of side effects. These herbs are your natural, nourishing brain food. They not only boost your memory but also make it soar like a superhero. They are the ultimate brain power enhancement tonic.
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You might be wondering how to tap into the potential of these herbal superheroes. It's as simple as brewing a cup of tea. Finding all these ingredients in a single form that too in a perfect & balanced combination can be bit of a challenge. Only select companies like SKYTAG have understood this concept from the grassroot & created a product of precise offering best suited for humans in today’s times. Incorporate these into your daily routine with a dose of just one capsule a day at your time of convenience and you'll be amazed at the results from this powerful brain power enhancement tonic.
Imagine effortlessly remembering where you put your keys, phone, and favorite mug while excelling in that crucial work presentation. It's not the plot of a superhero movie; it's a real possibility with these memory-boosting herbs.
Whether you're a professional multitasker, a parent with an ever-expanding to-do list, or someone who just wants to remember where you parked at the mall, these herbs are here to support your memory.
In summary, these herbs are your brain's companions, aiding you in managing modern life with finesse. Embrace them, and watch your memory perform feats that even Shakuntala Devi would envy. So, go ahead, unlock the potential of your memory with the ideal brain power enhancement tonic and let your brain shine as the star it was meant to be!
Now that you know how to address your mental challenges, let's focus on the main question: Where can you find the perfect blend of these herbs in the right proportions, the ultimate brain power enhancement tonic? No problem, you can buy SKYTAG’s Memory Boost tonic,' a flawless combination of not only these four herbs in the ideal blend but also five additional herbs to grant you the memory prowess of a genius.
Having a perfect memory is akin to possessing a limitless trove of readily available information, allowing you to recall names, dates, and facts with the precision of a laser-guided missile. Your mind becomes a symphony of knowledge, effortlessly navigating the vast library of your experiences because, after all, a perfect memory is your ace in the sleeve for conquering challenges and achieving success.
So, don't hesitate – buy Skytag’s Memory Boost Tonic Capsules today. It's not merely a superpower; it's your ultimate shortcut to success.
Stay Sharp, Stay Pointed!
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wishcamper · 10 days
Nessian Week Day Two - Yearning
Happy angsty as fuck day for @nessianweek! I've brought some pain for you. I'm a little nervous about the dual POVs so I hope it's not confusing.
You can read here or on ao3.
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Is This It?
Toxic!Nessian situationship where Cassian is part of Nesta's rotation following the war.
CW: reference to unintentional voyeurism, generally toxic behavior
Can't you see I'm tryin'? I don't even like it I just lied to get to your apartment Now I'm stayin' there just for a while I can't think 'cause I'm just way too tired Is this it? Is this it? Is this it?
"Is This It?", The Strokes
Nesta spots him over the male’s shoulder as he enters the crowded bar. She tilts her head to the side, slowly drawing her fingers down to the base of her necklace. Her tongue darts out to wet her lips. She checks in: have his eyes found her..? Good. He looks like someone just poured cold water over his dark head. She picked Rita’s on purpose, and from the way he’s staring at her she can tell he knows it; from the hard clench of his fists, that his blood has just turned to boiling.
A female comes up to him, offers to buy him a drink, but Cassian ignores her. His friends are beckoning him, throwing dirty glances over their shoulders at Nesta and her prey for the evening. As he slides into the booth he notices she’s wearing a dress he’s never seen before, the deep V showing off her collarbones and the curve of her breasts. Her hair is down, the way he likes it. Any lingering thoughts of a good time fly out of his brain as he understands it’s going to be one of those nights again, when she dangles some unsuspecting somebody in front of him to make him suffer. He throws back his drink in one go and sinks lower in the booth. It’s working.
With a cold smile Nesta leans in to whisper something in her date’s ear, laying a hand on his forearm.  Are you sorry yet? she wonders as she pulls back, sparing Cassian another subtle glance across the room. It’s mean, she knows, but it only seems fair. He left her alone for months after the war, told her everyone hates her, and now he’s going to get a dose (or twelve) of his own medicine.
The unremarkable male across from her makes a dumb comment about what females like, but Nesta doesn’t care enough to correct him. She’s too busy watching the group at the far booth put their heads together in conference, probably talking about how Cassian can do so much better than her, knowing he’ll never believe it. Once she has their attention back, she leans in again and captures the male’s lips with her own, closing her eyes to the four astonished faces across the room.
Cassian wrenches himself from his seat and carves a wild path to the door, ignoring the protests of his friends behind him. His muscles are on fire, screaming, begging to tear something apart. As he bangs the door open the night air stings his face and he breathes it in deep gulps, trying to calm down. His heart squeezes tight, fists clenching and unclenching as the images flood through him. 
In his mind, he sees wrapped around someone else, her long fingers threaded in someone else’s hair, as she makes those little gasps that are only hers. Sees her body in his memory and her own, the nights he’s been the one in her bed, the carousel of replacements he’s felt down the bond since Solstice. 
He fights the urge to retch-- it’s his own fault, after all. This is his penance, and he’ll bear it as much as he can. He fucked things up first by running away from his feelings, and if she wants someone else, all he can do is leave her to it.
The lie is comforting, a drip of honey in a tonic, but it doesn’t mask the bitterness.
By the time Nesta resurfaces Cassian is long gone, and a curl of panic rises in her stomach. He’s supposed to be the witness, that’s the point, and without him watching over the stranger in front of her seems too foreign, dangerous. 
Across the tavern Rhysand looks murderous, Mor disgusted. Azriel is half-concealed in shadow, as if torn between warning her off and letting them hash it out again. Without explanation she leaves the table and then the bar, bypassing the mutters and glares with her chin in the air.
The click of her heels is the only sound on the lamplit street a moment later, and as she searches the main thoroughfare a quiet desperation begins to creep in. The winter air feels sharp and dry, the metallic tang of impending snow. Velaris is a different city after sundown, and she doesn’t feel afraid so much as exposed, wondering if he expects her to follow, if he even wants her to. Afraid he’s perched on a rooftop somewhere, watching her search for him the way her mind does every time she's lain with someone else since Solstice. 
When Nesta finally finds him, Cassian is sprawled on the steps of a darkened shop. He has one arm flung over his face, shipwrecked, and she almost feels bad for how he’s been dashed against the rocks of her retribution this time. Then his cruel words echo in her ears, the condemnation of his family and hers. 
Guilt curdles quickly to contempt. 
Nesta approaches without masking her steps, and before she can think of anything to say (What’s the matter with you? Why are you acting like a child?) he curls his arm tighter about his head, as if trying to squeeze out his imaginings of her and the male she left back at Rita's. 
Cassian doesn’t need to look up to know it’s her. He can feel her everywhere, in his blood, his bones, ever since his side snapped on that snowy bridge. Now no matter how hard he tries he can’t shut her out, can’t decline the private audience to her nighttime wanderings even as it spikes his heart straight through. Can’t un-love her, can’t unknow how it feels to fall into her gravity.
A light, powdery snow begins to fall, gathering in the fold of her crossed arms.
He should leave, he supposes, but his self-respect died the first time he felt her pleasure down the bond while alone in the House of Wind. All he wants now is her mercy. The voice that rings out from his chest surprises even him with its sadness.
“Look, we both know how this is going to go. I’m going to tell you to stop because it’s killing me, you’re going to say it has nothing to do with me. And we’re both going to know that’s not true but we’ll pretend like it is. Like this has nothing to do with me." The words pour out of him, all on top of each other, his breath clouding the air. He has no dignity left, only hunger. His love for her and contempt for himself wrestle each other, unraveling his thoughts, tying his gut into knots. “Like you running around and pushing these males in my face isn’t about you trying to show me that I fucked it all up. So just spare me the torture, okay? You’ve already done enough tonight.”
Cassian feels her indignation sweep through him and wants to fall to his knees on the cold stone before her, to confess that he can already see everything she’s doing even when she doesn’t shove it in his face. It will scare her, he thinks, so he holds it in, the strain tearing through his body. He fails to contain his desperation, and sits up to face her, arms flinging wide.
“Is this some kind of joke? Because really, who even is that in there? You don’t know him. You probably don’t even like him. But you’re going to go home with him and you’re going to…”
The rest won’t come. Her rage is incandescent, and he can't help but relish the warmth as she turns that blistering heat towards his cowardice, as she’s always done. “What? I’m going to what?”
“You’re going to fuck him because you know that’s exactly what will fucking destroy me, to show me just how much I don’t deserve you.”
Nesta feels her insides roil listening to him, reading the broken plea in his eyes, because this is not how it’s supposed to go. He’s supposed to get angry, to tell her she’s being selfish and reckless and wrong, then promise to love her well again. Only then can she do what she wants to, what she always thinks of, when she lets his mouth meet hers and the world goes quiet. But Cassian continues to careen off course, saying the secret words aloud. 
“But here’s the real joke-- I know. I fucking know, Nesta,  know it more than I’ve ever known anything. I know I never deserved you in the first place. I knew I was going to ruin it from the very beginning.”
He grabs great fistfuls of his snow-damp hair and tugs as if trying to wrest the images from his head once more. She registers somewhere that this might be the most honest he's ever been with her, but the thought evaporates before she can grab hold. There’s a satisfaction in his outbursts she hates herself for, to see him so distraught. It’s born from the same part of her that hopes he’s been watching, that fears the loss of his regard. 
Now she wonders if she’s gone too far. He’s crumbling in front of her, showing the cracks from each time she’s smashed him with the hammer of her pain.
“I guess I wanted to ride it out because you made me feel like I was something more. But it turns out I wasn't. I'm sorry, Nesta. I'm so fucking sorry.”
His voice breaks at the end and he deflates backward once more, head thunking loudly on the stone. She sits down next to him on the steps, feeling the defeat radiating out from so strongly she’s surprised it doesn’t warm the night air. The part of her that just wants to fold over into his lap sparks alive and she snuffs it out. She studies the rough callus on the pad of his thumb, tries to forget how it feels on her throat.
“I don’t remember his name,” she offers, expressionless. “And I’m not going to fuck him, as you so delicately put it.”
Cassian feels his face break into a weak smile, for the first time in what seems to him like decades. Having her next to him again, her scent washing over him, feels like being saved from drowning. He peers up at her, counting the strands of golden brown hair that have fallen from behind her pointed ear. It’s almost unbearable to feel her recede from him even as she draws closer.
“I miss you, Nes. I think I’ve been missing you ever since we survived Hybern. Come back, please. Please.”
He feels the pleading in his eyes as he sits up, searching her face for some hint of warmth and finding none. “Then give me something, anything. I need to know that I’m not-- that I wasn’t..”
‘Nothing’ is the word Nesta hears in his silence, and it makes her furious. “You did this, Cassian, not me. You left me all alone. You treated me like I was nothing.” The anger bubbles in her throat, the words rising sharp and acidic. “I don’t owe you anything.”
“You don’t,” he concedes, with a sadder smile this time. “But I have to ask anyway, because otherwise I don’t know what to do.”
It's exhausting, talking like this, she thinks. They’ve done this dance a thousand times, the steps always the same. She wonders if through repetition he hopes to master it one day, master her, as he has his blade. Knows for his every move forward she’ll take a step back, because that’s how she learned.
They will fight and fuck and forget, start over as if it will make a difference. She feels how the past cages them, shackled far enough apart that they can only touch when they both stretch as far as they can.
Nesta leans her head into his shoulder because that’s the only thing left to do, the only thing she can offer. Cassian's arm goes around her waist. They sit for a long while, not saying anything, just breathing.
She feels him shudder on an inhale and almost feels guilty, knows she should for causing him pain, but the apology he deserves rots before she can pluck it from the vine.
He holds her against him like something made of glass, not wanting to press his luck but knowing he may never get another chance.
When he finally speaks, his voice sounds as tired as she feels.
“Let me take you home, Nes. Me. No one else.”
When he kisses her she doesn’t give herself away at first, grasping at his shirt weakly. He plucks her hands from his chest and wraps her arms around his neck, pulling her in until he feels her begin to melt. She gives up, letting herself feel good instead of strong, and even as she submits she hates him for it. He tries to say everything he can’t manage to find the words for, to pour himself into her, to hold every part of her he can't have. 
They both feel the way they weaken themselves to be together, how they're sacrificing some part of their hearts to live in the world where they answer to each other's names. He wants all of her, and knows she’ll never give it to him. She betrays her sense of pride, of what is right and what is wrong, making him the exception instead of the rule. 
It's all they can manage for now. The world turns somewhere else. They wake up next to each other in the morning.
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healthmug · 1 year
Buy Online Unani Medicine with Health Mug
If you want to Buy Unani Medicine Online, you can visit their website and browse through their products. Health Mug is a popular online health store that offers a wide variety of Ayurvedic and Unani products1. It offers products from Hamdard, one of the most reputed brands in Unani medicine1. It also provides discounts and offers on various products2.
Some of the benefits of buying Unani medicine online with Health Mug are:
You can get free home delivery on orders above Rs. 5001.
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You can get a free consultation with experienced doctors in various fields such as Homeopathy, Ayurveda, Unani and Nutrition.
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I hope this helps you buy Unani medicine online with Health Mug.
Some of the best-selling Unani products on Health Mug are:
Ham Dard Rogan Badam Shirin Oil: A natural oil extracted from almonds that helps nourish the brain nerves and body. It also improves skin complexion, hair growth, and immunity.
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What is Unani Medicine?
Unani medicine is a system of alternative medicine that originated in ancient Greece and was developed by Arab and Persian physicians. The foundation of Unani medicine is the idea that a person's health and disease are determined by their four humors blood, phlegm and black bile as well as their four temperaments sanguine, phlegmatic, choleric, and melancholy. Unani medicine aims to balance the humors and temperaments by using natural remedies such as herbs, minerals, animal products, diet, exercise, and lifestyle modifications.
In India, unani medicine has been used for thousands of years to treat a variety of diseases, including kidney stones, diabetes, arthritis, asthma, skin ailments, and digestive problems. The Central Council of Indian Medicine (CCIM) oversees unani medicine and is recognized by the Indian government.
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Health Mug is your gateway to health with Unani medicine. Whether you want to prevent diseases, treat chronic conditions, or enhance your overall wellness, you can find the right Unani products for your needs at Health Mug.
How to Buy Online Unani Medicine with Health Mug?
Buying online Unani medicine with Health Mug is easy and convenient. You just need to follow these simple steps:
Visit Health Mug Website and select the category of Unani products you want to buy.
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So what are you waiting for? Buy online Unani medicine with Health Mug today and experience the healing power of nature.
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herbshd-1 · 4 months
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angopower · 9 months
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Please kindly contact: +233245703180 for Ango Power Organic Herbal Coffee at a great price in Accra Kumasi Ghana; Lome Togo Whatsapp Contact: +22879862115.
Ango Power Organic Herbal Coffee - Maxi with 20 Sachets
Ango Power Organic Herbal Coffee Ingredients are 100% herbal and safe: It's approved. Radix Polygoni Multiflori Preparata other names: Chinese Cornbind, Chinese Knotweed Himalayan Teasel Root other names: Baignoire de Vénus, Barber's Brush, Brushes Turmeric Root Tuber other names: Curcuma, Curcuma aromatica, Curcuma domestica Songaria Cynomorium Herb other names: desert thumb, red thumb, tarthuth Decaffeinated Coffee Powder, Sugar, Non Dairy Creamer
Ango Power Organic Herbal Coffee Health Benefits and Characteristics:
Ango Power Organic Herbal Coffee efficacy is due to the great scientific research behind its formulation. Four (4) main powerful ingredients were carefully selected due to their compound composition. The compound found in Ango Power Organic Herbal Coffee are well-known tonic TCM that shows protective effects on reducing the aging process, boost immunity, prevent liver and kidney damage, regulates blood fat hyperlipidaemia, and prevents tumors.
Reproductive Health: Ango Power Organic Herbal Coffee contains 15 kinds of amino acids, 23 kinds of minerals such as selenium, germanium, cobalt. It also contains a lot of polysaccharide and trace elements, the whole plant contains about 21% of tannin. It also containstriterpenoid saponins, anthocyanin, ursolic acid, etc. Ango Power Organic Herbal Coffee is very rich in Fe, Cu, N, I, Co, M, O, Zn, Mn and other trace elements necessary for the production of a high quality semen and ovaries. Improves libido (sexual desire) due to the health benefits that the compounds have on the brain, liver and kidneys. It prevents premature ejaculation. We have many great testimonies from the users at all times.
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Bone and Joint Health: It helps with joint and tendon injuries, muscle pain and inflammation, chronic arthritis and lower back weakness due to the blood circulation effect it has on the overall body systems. Enhances Cognitive Function: This Supplement can improve the brain memory. Your overall performance, alertness and your spirit could be uplifted when you take this supplement. May Help Combat Weight Gain: This is because of the digestive health benefits of the herbs in Ango Power Organic Herbal Coffee. It eases constipation caused by lack of intestinal fluids leading to hardy stools. As a result it reduces belly fat and regulates the fat in your body.
A quick list of health benefits of Ango Power Organic Herbal Coffee:
1. Lifts up your spirit (confident levels) and mood 
2. It improves the functions of the brain. 
3. Increase productivity 
4. Prevents joint and body pains. 
5. Boost blood circulation. It's good for hypertensive people. 
6. Sleep quality will improve greatly 
7. Reduces stress 
8. Improve liver and kidney health
Recommended Usage for Ango Power Organic Herbal Coffee:
Take 1 sachet (15g) as needed, use 1 sachet (15g) every other day. Empty a sachet of Ango Power SBN Bio Herbs Coffee into a cup mix with 150ml hot water and stir. And your our perfect cup of coffee is ready to be served either lukewarm or add ice for cold. 
Ango Power Organic Herbal Coffee - 7 Sachets
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jindal-herbals · 2 years
Brahmi Tablets | Mental Health | Jindal Herbals
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The perennial herb Brahmi is most known for its capacity to improve memory. When used regularly, brahmi aids in the management of memory loss associated with ageing. According to Ayurveda, Vata regulates the nerve system. Weak memories or low mental awareness are symptoms of a Vata imbalance. Brahmi helps improve memory and provides immediate mental alertness. Each tablet contains the Brahmi Extract, this is as a result of its Medhya (increase intelligence) and Vata balancing capabilities. Due to its anti-inflammatory qualities, it also lessens discomfort and inflammation in the throat and respiratory tracts. Due to its ability to stimulate cognition, it is utilized as a memory booster and brain tonic for children.
Buy Now: https://jindalherbals.com/.../brahmi-tablets-60-tab-bottle
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drkgowthaman-blog · 2 years
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National Youth Day is celebrated, commemorating the birthday of Swami Vivekananda by the Government of India in 1984. The Government of India quoted that 'the philosophy of Swamiji and the ideals for which he lived and worked could be a great source of inspiration for the Indian Youth Day. The greatest sin is to think yourself weak ― Swami Vivekanand, Pearls of Wisdom Let us set out to live by this qoute of his! Saras Brahmi capsules are an excellent combination of ayurvedic memory booster, sedative, anxiolytic and brain tonic herbs. Saras Brahmi is very useful for stress and brain related disorders. Increases the protein content of the brain thus increasing the acquisition efficiency. Transfer high energy in the brain cells which are concerned with reliever, mood elevator and memory enhancer. Improves higher mental functions, mental quotient, concentration and learning ability. Induces sound sleep, reduces anxiety and calms the mind and body. Keep the brain active throughout the day. Buy now @ https://bit.ly/3X6RJeU #wellnessguruji #meetwellnessguruji #consultwellnessguruji #wellnessgurujicamps #wellnessgurujitips #healingmeditationwithwellnessguruji #shreevarmacamps #Shreevarma #DrGowthaman #Shreevarma #ayurveda #nationalyouthday #youthday #swamivivekananda #sarasbrahmi #vivekananda #youth #swamivivekanandajayanti #motivation #swamivivekanand #swamivivekanandaji #vivekanandaquotes #inspiration #swamivivekanandaquotes #ramakrishnaparamahamsa #spiritualawakening #peace #guru #education #vivekanandajayanti #yoga #ramkrishnamission #meditation www.shreevarmaonline.com www.drgowthaman.com https://www.instagram.com/p/CnUBdnQyQak/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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prwizard · 2 years
“Mind Power Extra”, the brand behind the manufacturing of brain function booster tonic blows up as its popularity rises among people
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Many people prefer using specific tonics to improve their brain functions and as for the parents who want their kids to be the best at school, they surely want to stuff them up with healthy things which serve as a memory enhancer. The parents usually get their kids the memory booster or brain booster tonic, so they can be smart and intelligent by being career oriented from the very start of life.
But why feed them something which is maybe a mixture of harmful chemicals, rather than giving them a more natural product? Well, among the many renowned companies selling these brain tonics, Mind Power Extra, the manufacturer of natural, safe, and efficient brain tonics and memory-enhancing protein powder, started selling 3 years back and is now considered a pioneer in this field.
Throughout the journey to ultimate success, the company has defeated many existing established brands in this field and has successfully laid the foundation of a strong natural brain tonics manufacturing unit. Captivated by disturbances around our surroundings, youngsters tend to forget the lessons they took and with time forget it all, leading to difficulties caused later in life.
Mind Power Extra is a venture created with a vision to strengthen brain functions by using Ashwagandha,Shankhpushpi and other essential natural elements which helps to calm down the brain and relieve stress as well as anxiety. Initially, the company manufactured brain tonics only and after a certain point, the hindrance caused by the kids denying to take the brain boosters, the company came up with protein powder.
Throughout the years, as the company made its way to achieving its goals, the feedback from the customers has helped them all along. As the younger generation begins to run toward shaping their future, focus and determination are the aspects that can help them to be more career-oriented.
The brain tonic and memory boosters manufactured by Mind Power Extra are highly preferred by many parents and individuals as the product is true to its value and expectations. Without showing any side effects, the products have been referred to as ‘excellent’ and ‘valuable’ by the customers.
The products are quite affordable and valuable in efficiency, which tells us a lot about their worth. The products are easily available on Amazon, Flipkart, and other E-commerce platforms. Check out the products and gift your loved ones the most valuable thing of all time.
Buy Online from the links below. https://dl.flipkart.com/s/9iIqUZuuuN https://amzn.eu/d/iIqRKp1
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teeresearch · 2 years
Brahmi Market - Forecast 2022 - 2027
Brahmi Market Overview
Brahmi Market size is forecast to reach $320 million by 2026, growing at a CAGR of 6.1% during the forecast period 2021-2026. Bacopa monnieri, also known as Brahmi, water hyssop, thyme-leaved gratiola, and herb of grace, is a staple plant used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine, majorly oblanceolate in shape. It grows in wet, tropical environments, like certain parts of Australia, Europe, Africa, Asia, and the wetlands of southern and eastern India along with its ability to thrive underwater which makes it is popular for aquarium use. The key factor driving the market is that products constituting brahmi extracts are full of antioxidants that contain free radicals that are linked to many chronic conditions, like heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers. Brahmi is actinomorphic in nature because of which it has the ability to lower stress and anxiety levels. It is one of the common herbs that many Ayurveda practitioners often recommend for sleep. Known for its cooling properties and sweet taste, Bacopa monnieri is very beneficial for reducing hair loss and early graying. Additionally, it helps to minimize excess heat in the body and mind which is set to further enhance the overall market developments of the Brahmi Market for the period 2021-2026.
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Report Coverage
The report: “Brahmi Market Forecast (2021-2026)”, by Industry ARC, covers an in-depth analysis of the following segments of the Brahmi Market.
By Product Form: Oil, Powder, Tablet, and Tonic
By Application: Food & Beverages, Pharmaceuticals, and Others
By Distribution Channel: Supermarkets/Hypermarkets, Specialty Stores, and Online Sales Channels
By Geography: North America (U.S., Canada, Mexico), Europe (Germany, United Kingdom (U.K.), France, Italy, Spain, Russia, and Rest of Europe), Asia Pacific (China, Japan India, South Korea, Australia, and New Zealand, and Rest of Asia Pacific), South America (Brazil, Argentina, and Rest of South America), and Rest of the World (Middle East, and Africa)
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Key Takeaways
Asia Pacific dominated the Brahmi Market in 2020 owing to the availability of gotu kola in Asia for decades especially in countries like India and Vietnam. The Brahmi Market scope for different regions will be provided in the final report.
Increasing awareness regarding improvement of brain health coupled with the capability to counter anxiety and stress are likely to aid the market growth of the Brahmi Market report.
Detailed analysis of the Strength, Weakness, and Opportunities of the prominent players operating in the market will be Brahmi Market report.
Over consumption of Brahmi leads to adverse side effects is poised to create hurdles for the Brahmi Market.
Brahmi Market Segment Analysis – By Product Type
The tonic segment held the largest share in the Brahmi Market in 2020 and is estimated to grow at a CAGR 6.3% during the forecast period 2021-2026. This is owing to the growing awareness of consumers regarding the increasing understanding and memory functions from the consumption of stipulated dosage of Brahmi tonics. These nervine tonics induce a sense of calm and peace in their users, thereby countering the negative effects of stress, nervousness, and anxiety. The tonics progressively help those affected by aging, memory loss, stroke, and poor circulation in the brain or exhaustion. It also comes as a rescue for those dealing with epilepsy. Typically massaged into the scalp, Brahmi oil is made from extracts of the herbs bacopa monnieri or gotu kola and is usually combined with sesame oil or coconut oil. It is gaining traction because it can treat certain health conditions, including alopecia areata, as well as improve hair and skin. The oil segment is estimated to register a higher CAGR over the period 2021-2026.
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Brahmi Market Segment Analysis – By Distribution Channel
The Hypermarkets/Supermarkets segment held the largest share in the Brahmi Market in 2020 and is estimated to grow at a CAGR 6.7% during the forecast period 2021-2026. This is owing to the exhaustive lineup of products that hypermarkets are able to put on display at the same time and place, thereby making buying experience convenient for consumers. Moreover, supermarkets also hold the potential to provide discount coupons when bought in more than usual quantity, which is a win-win situation for consumers. However, online sales channels are gaining a lot of traction with internet penetration in a lot of suburban and rural areas of different economies. Consumers can procure their products from the comfort of their home and millennials are majorly attracted to online shopping than the more conventional ways. Online sales channels are estimated to register the higher CAGR over the period 2021-2026.
Brahmi Market Segment Analysis – By Geography
The Asia Pacific dominated the Brahmi Market with a major share of 33% in 2020. This is attributed to the factors like growing usage of Brahmi in all its forms due to the rise in consumption coupled with the availability of gotu kola in Asia for decades now. It’s also commonly seen abundantly in paddy fields; even in the wetland areas that accumulate around water pumps across Indian villages.
However, North America is estimated to grow at a higher CAGR during the forecast period 2021-2026 owing to Gotu kola being available and neutralized in major parts of the country over the recent past. Consumers are becoming more aware of the profound health benefits and are adopting the herb progressively.
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Brahmi Market Drivers
Increasing awareness regarding improvement of brain health by Brahmi is driving the market growth
Over the recent past, the number of health-conscious consumers has increased manifold along with the scope of availability of products with Brahmi extracts globally. Consumers have become well aware that supplementing with Bacopa monnieri improved the spatial learning capability of the brain and ability to retain information. It also increases dendritic length and branching. Dendrites are parts of nerve cells in the brain that are closely linked to learning and memory. In a 12-week study published on PubMed, 46 healthy adults observed that taking 300 mg of Bacopa monnieri daily significantly improved the speed of processing visual information, learning rate, and memory, compared with the placebo treatment. Thus, increasing the growth of the Brahmi Market during the forecast period 2021-2026.
Growing awareness regarding minimizing anxiety and stress through consumption of Brahmi is poised to increase the growth of the market
Bacopa monnieri being an adaptogenic herb helps to increase the body’s resistance to stress by elevating the mood of the users and reducing levels of cortisol, a hormone that is closely linked to stress levels. In a 12-week study published on PubMed, consumption of 300 mg of Bacopa monnieri daily significantly reduced anxiety and depression scores in adults, compared with the placebo treatment. Thus, increasing the growth of the Brahmi Market during the forecast period 2021-2026.
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Brahmi Market Challenges
Overconsumption leads to adverse side effects is likely to challenge the market growth
Excessive use of Brahmi can have adverse effects on the human body. Some negative impacts of Brahmi include erratic heart rate, ulcers, restricted bowel movements, nausea, dry mouth, stomach cramps, and fatigue. Additionally, it is not recommended for pregnant women, as no studies have assessed the safety of its use during pregnancy.
Brahmi Market Landscape
Product launches, mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, and R&D activities are key strategies adopted by players in the Brahmi Market. In 2020, the Brahmi Market share is fragmented by the top ten players present in the market. The Brahmi Market, top 10 companies are:
Dabur India Limited
Morpheme Remedie
Natures velvet Life Care
Natures Velvet Lifecare
Organic India Pvt Ltd
Patanjali Ayurved Limited
Sanofi-Aventis Healthcare Pty Ltd.
Shriji Herbal Product
The Himalaya Drug Company
Vadik Herbs
For more Food and Beverage Market related reports, please click here
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wellnesselevated · 2 years
Are You Using a Safe CBD Oil from CBD near me?
If you’re looking to reduce inflammation and stress in your life, you might be interested in exploring the benefits of CBD oil from CBD near me. The active ingredient in our favorite Sativa plant, cannabis, is known for its relaxing effects and calming effects on the brain. When it comes to applying it topically, however, some people find that it contains too much THC for their liking. Other users report being uncomfortable or even uncomfortable with the high from using it topically. Resolving your problems one-on-one is something that most patients want to avoid as much as they can. However, when you dive into the world of CBD oil and its uses other than medicine, you discover a whole world of benefits that were previously hidden from view.
What is CBD oil?
CBD oil is the active ingredient in popular strains of cannabis. It’s often consumed topically in drops or loofahs, but can also be bought as an oil or Supplement on its own. CBD oil is a tonic medicine that can help reduce inflammation in the body, improve mood and promote relaxation.
Benefits of CBD Oil
CBD oil is one of the most researched and discussed oils in modern cannabinoid research. People are finding new uses for it, both as a dietary supplement and in food and drinks. It has good anti-inflammatory effects, as well as anti-cancer, anti-aging, and odor-free properties. It can be used to reduce inflammation, boost brain function and improve memory. It can also be used to ease anxiety and help sleep.
Who is competent to make and store their own cannabidiol oil?
Many states in the US have legal permission to sell and manufacture CBD oil, and most have regulations that govern who can make and purchase it. Most companies that produce CBD oil retail it to consumers, who typically then sell it on the black market or online. There are a few companies that produce their own CBD oil, however. These companies produce the CBD oil extract and then bottle, sell and distribute the oil as their own product.
Cbd Oil for Pain
CBD oil is a great pain reliever, and can also be used for painful conditions such as muscle spasms or psoas muscular atrophy (psoas) due to aging. It’s also been proven to reduce inflammation and ease muscle spasms. It can reduce the spasms and spasms that occur when the heart is having a hard time filling up with blood. CBD oil can be used to reduce inflammation and ease muscle spasms. It can also reduce the spasms caused by medications such as carprofen, Avanza, and clomipramine.
Cbd Oil for relaxation
This is the most common use for CBD oil. It is used to help reduce stress and unwind. It can also be used to reduce insomnia and help with memory retention. CBD oil can ease the mind, reduce stress and calm the mind. It can even promote relaxation in those with anxiety or mental illness. It can be used to promote increased metabolism, which is an important source of energy for people who need it. It can promote healthy cholesterol and blood pressure levels, reduce the risk of heart disease and strokes and improve vision.
How to buy CBD oil in the USA
Pacific Brands produces a range of CBD oils. They produce the recommended dosage of CBD near me for people of all ages and health stages. It is supplied to retailers as a single serving or dropper bottle. The recommended serving size is 2 drops in a AA Councilor or Grapes Of Barren drink or a glass of water. You will only need a single serving to be effective. If you are taking other medications or exercises that require frequent urination, a dropper bottle with additional dropper bottle lids is a good idea.
Questions to ask before buying CBD oil
Is it good for me? Will it make my daytime blogging and blogging about marketing better? Will it help with my anxiety or improve my sleep? Will it help with my healthcare costs?
Summing up
CBD oil is a safe, effective, and affordable alternative to pharmaceutical medications that can reduce inflammation and improve memory. It can also be used to reduce stress and promote relaxation. CBD oil is a safe, effective, and affordable alternative to CBD near me that can reduce inflammation and improve memory. It can also be used to reduce stress and promote relaxation. As a safe and effective treatment for a wide range of conditions, including anxiety and depression, CBD oil has become a household name. It is becoming more and more common in the daily lives of people living with mental illness and other disabilities.
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cinnamonrusts · 4 years
first date with the sparda boys --
Your first date with Dante/Vergil   -- f!reader + mentions of alcohol + lots of fluff
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“Devil May Cry?” your voice is chipper and tone polite, “No, Dante isn’t here at the moment. Can I take a message?” an older woman sounds off her concerns and the need for immediate attention from the legendary devil hunter himself, “I’ll be sure to pass that message on once he gets in!” the call ends and you slam the phone’s receiver down with a hard thud.
You add another tally to a long list of marks on the back of a pizza order receipt. Curses escape your lips as you continued to be annoyed by the barrage of calls. Soon, you start to mock Dante’s voice and the words he left you with, “Just gotta run a quick errand, I’ll be back in a jiff!” your head bobs side to side as you stick out your tongue whilst imitating the man.
“I’ll be back in a jiff! -- yeah fucking right...,” you jot down the woman’s name beside her tally, “..idiot.” A voice startles you, “Hope you’re not talking about me!” it was Dante. He closed the door to his building behind him as he sauntered in, smile on his lips. “Dante!,” you push yourself back from his desk and wave the wrinkled receipt in the air, “If you’re going to lie about how long you’re going to be gone. Hire a fucking receptionist, because I am not one!” 
As you approach him, he lends out his hand and snatches the paper from your fingers. His opaque like eyes examine the list that you made out for him, “Wowzah. That’s a lotta people.” his opposite hand strokes his scruff, “We can worry about this tomorrow,” he crumples the paper and stuffs it into his front coat pocket. “Why don’t we go out for some fun? Since my trip lasted -- a little longer than expected.” his lips spread to that shit eating grin he always sports and you can’t fight back your trembling lips that turn from a frown into a smile. Why does he have to be so charming?
“Fine -- but you’re buying!” your eyes squint and your index finger is pointed at his nose. As you turn to grab your things from upstairs, Dante yells out, “With what money!?” you stop on the third step and face him, “Guess that’s for you to find out.”
With nightfall in the air, the wind turned cold and you dressed accordingly. Wrapped in a maroon pea coat and a black beanie to protect your head, you walked down the stairs to see Dante waiting in the same spot. His eyes locked onto you as you jogged down the stairs, he watched every movement you made and how focused you looked on each step. You shove your hands in your pocket as you approach him, he’s still staring. “What?” you ask with a shrug, a slight warmth rises in your cheeks. His lashes blink several times before his brain processes your question, “Nothing,” he answers. The man towers over you in height greatly and he places his strong palm on top of your hat, then proceeds to give you a hearty noogie. “Aw, look who looks all cute all bundled up!” he jokes.
You smack him away with the back of your hand with an angry look, “It’s like 20 something degrees outside! I’m not half demon like you, asshole. I don’t generate heat like a furnace,” you snap. Dante proceeds to fix the pom-pom on the top of your hat, “Sorry to pinch a nerve, short stuff.” you jab him in the chest with a closed fist and a poorly hidden smirk, he laughs it off and opens the door for you.
The bar isn’t too far down the road from Devil May Cry. On occasions you would go with Lady, Nico, and Trish for girl’s night out there. The building was pretty incognito and fit well for the neighborhood it was in. Just above the entrance was a crooked wooden sign that simply read, “The Raven”. Dante held the crudely painted door open for you and you ducked under his arm that held it open. Immediately you were struck in the face with the strong smell of tobacco and cheap liquor.
Your male companion took a deep breath in through his nose and exhaled loudly through his mouth, “Can’t get over that stench. Smells just like home,” his eyes gaze across the rugged crowd that frequented the joint. Some of them wave at the devil hunter while others hide their faces in their glasses. Dante placed his hand on your shoulder and led you to the bar, the two of you sat on two stools that felt like they could give way at any moment.
Dante greeted the bar tender, “Raymundo. Two gin and tonics, up.” The man behind the bar gave the Sparda a wink before going to work on the order. “You gonna pay me this time, Dante?” Raymundo asked once finished, he slid the two glasses in your directions. Dante caught his and took a gulp of the drink before answering, “Yeah, yeah. I’ll give you all I got.” he leaned over on one side as he dug into his back pocket to fish out his wallet. He opened up the dark leather bifold and stared into it with a depressed look, “All I got is a $20.” Dante pulled out the crisp green bill and reluctantly forfeited it to Raymundo. “No, Dante. Let me,” you attempt to dig into your coat pocket but Dante’s hand is immediately on your wrist with a tight grip. “No. I promised to take you out.”
Raymundo smiled as he took the money, “Aye, Dante. Out on a date, hmm?” “Yes.” Dante answers, “No.” you add,  both answers in unison. The bartender let out a hearty laugh, “I think I’ll trust the lady on this one. Rest is on me, Dante.” Raymundo patted the bar a few times with his palm before leaving the two to yourselves.
Dante turned toward you with a smug look, “So, this isn’t a date?” You scoff as you take a sip of your drink, “No. More of a payment for my duties, since you never pay me anyway.” He chuckled, “So, killing demons for pleasure doesn’t cut it enough, huh?” Dante took a drink, “Well, we’ll see if you change your mind by the end of the night.”
A Few Too Many Drinks Later --
A snort escapes your mouth as you throw your head back in a obnoxious laugh. Dante laughs just as loudly. The two of you remanence of old times in the earlier days of demon killing, when you were just a newbie in the crew. “You -- you literally were knocked on your ass trying to fire that shotgun!” Dante nearly had tears in his eyes as he went through the memory step by step.
“Maybe you shouldn’t have given me a shotgun meant for a giant!” you leaned into him as you started to feel your face warm up. Both of your giggling died down to a silence as you snuggled your head into the bend of Dante’s arm. He could smell his own breath that stunk of alcohol as he looked down with his opaque eyes to see your content face that was pushed up to him.
Dante could feel the call of his instincts; his fingers ached to run through your [h/c] strands that peeked out from under your hat. His palms cried to feel the natural warmth of your skin on his rugged hands. How would you react though? Would you get angry? Or would you allow him?
The Sparda gave in to his desires and took a piece of your hair around his finger, then lightly twirled it around his digit. This caused you to stir from your spot, your [e/c] orbs flickered up to him with a glassy look. “Hmm, that feels nice,” you smile softly. Dante smiles in return, his pounding heart was now slowing as you reacted better than he thought. “Hey, let’s go home.” he offers and you comply, pushing off of his body and taking a slight wobbly step. Dante comes to your aid, one hand wrapped over yours and the other at your waist. “I’m good,” you insist and the two of you leave the bar.
When the two of you reach the front door of Devil May Cry, the only light on the street is from the pink neon sign above the entrance and the small street lamp beside. Dante attempts to lead you up the concrete step but you stop him with a tug of the arm. He turns around to ask what’s wrong but sees you looking up into the sky with wonder. White specks fall from the darkness above and drift slowly in the breeze, the light reflecting off the flakes. You put out your palm to catch the snow and observe as it melts quickly in reaction to your heat. 
“Snow?” Dante asks as he too sticks out his palm. The small specks soon turn into bigger pieces that stick to yours and Dante’s hair/clothing. He takes a step down from the step to approach you and chuckles once he notices the flakes are sticking to your lashes. “You’re a snow angel,” the Sparda smiles. “Does that make you a snow demon?” you ask and Dante ponders for a moment before nodding quickly. A giggle comes from your throat and you watch as snowflakes drift into his scruff. “You got something there,” you say as you push yourself up onto your toes. Instead of brushing it off, you place a small kiss on his lips.
Dante is both speechless and motionless. He did not expect you to kiss him. Like, this was literally the last thing he would ever expect. Was this a dream? Were you going to vanish in a puff of smoke once he woke up. The man blinked several times to see that you were still there before him. His hands quickly found their way to your biceps and held them tightly, now it was his turn to kiss you. Dante kissed you like he always wanted to and his heart was pounding harder than it was at the bar. When he pulled away he asked, “You’re okay with this, right?” he wanted to ensure you were of sound mind. You smiled, “I’m not really that drunk,” one more kiss, “are you?” Dante shook his head, “I got a hell of a tolerance, short stuff.”
Your brow raised, “Was that a pun?” Dante laughed, “Maybe. Was this a date?”
You bit your lower lip as you looked in the distance in thought, “I think it was.”
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Ever since Vergil moved in with the devil hunter crew, he was reluctant to socialize much. Dante would often beg for his brother to do -- brotherly things with him besides hunting or training. The elder Sparda brother would brush his twin off with a huff through his nostrils and continue burying his face in his books.
Vergil peeked your interests as his mysterious nature reflected the one of your own. Despite feeling as if the others were like family, you couldn’t help but feel as if you were an outsider looking in. You felt as if Vergil felt the same way and just wanted someone to pry at his ironclad bindings. But every time you tried, you felt an overwhelming sensation of nervousness and backed out like a schoolgirl.
But tonight would be different --
Everyone was gone for the night and the only people left in the building was Vergil and yourself. He was shut up in his room and you were downstairs, bored. So, so, bored. You sat at Dante’s desk with your feet up on the mahogany, he would freak if he knew your dirty boots were on his desk. Only he could do that! Metal music screeched through the speakers of the lower level and you tossed a rubber band ball in the air several times as you suffered through the only track.
When the ball dropped from the air, you missed the catch and it bounced off your fingers, then slammed hard into the main speaker, hitting the power button. The music abruptly cut and you could hear the floorboards creaking from above. Your eyes flickered to the ceiling and remembered that Vergil was home too. You quietly made your way up the stairs and down the stretch of hall to his door. Your hand extended to knock but you hesitated, what if he didn’t want to be bothered? He seemed to be unfazed by your presence whenever you interacted. Vergil never seemed happy nor angry to see you, his face was often void of much emotion and was hard to read.
You bit your tongue as your knuckles drummed across the door lightly, then you took a step back to give him room to answer. There was no sound from within, so, you tried again. Still no noise and no answer, you assumed that either a: he left or b: he didn’t want to be bothered.
You turned to leave,
“Come in,” his cool voice calls from behind the door. The heartbeat in your chest quickened in pace as you slowly approached the knob, you sort of wished he had just ignored you; but you decided it was too late to back out and took hold of the knob to turn it. You pushed the door open just enough for you body to slide through and stopped at the threshold. Vergil was sitting on the edge of the bed with his back facing you, his head was bowed as he most likely was buried in his literature. “[Y/N],” he spoke. 
“How’d you know it was me?” you asked, a bit nervous. He didn’t move, “Everyone else left. Who else would it be?.” Duh, idiot! “Heh, that’s right,” you paused with awkward silence, “Well, I’ll just leave you to --,” you turned to leave but Vergil spoke up. “No. Stay,” you stopped and slowly turned on your heels to see that he now was facing you.
His strong features looked as if they had been carved by heavenly beings. His skin was dry yet looked like porcelain. His Caucasian tone seemed like it was glowing in the natural light that peeked through his single window and his dark circles gave him character. Half demons truly were beautiful. Would it be a sin to indulge in their devilish delicacy?
You accepted his invitation to remain and decided to politely observe his room. It was empty for the most part besides his bed, a dresser, and an old shelf that was filled with different books; the antique caught your attention and you approached it. Some books looked new with fresh covers while others looked as if they could crumble at the slightest touch. Vergil’s eyes watched you steadily as you eyed his collection. You raised your right hand and gently stroked the spine of a worn, red leather book decorated in gold trimmings. “Do you enjoy reading?” the man asked.
“I do,” you answered with a smile, your eyes remaining on the interesting red book. “I can tell you do as well. From day one, actually,” your head turned to look at him, “You always got your face buried in some sort of book.” Vergil hummed in agreement, closed his book, placed it on the bed and stood to join you at his bookcase. “I see you’re interested in this one,” his strong forearm stretched past your face and his fingers wrapped around the book to pull it out.
“A collection of morbid poems,” he licked his right index finger as he flipped the book open with his left hand. “I acquired this book was a young boy, I think it was fitting for the time.” His blue eyes scanned the yellowing papers as he looked for the poem that fancied him, you studied his features again as his orbs darted across the pages.
“Ah, maybe you’ve heard this one,” he cleared his throat, “Ladies and gentlemen, skinny and stout, I’ll tell you a tale I know nothing about;” his tone was rich during his narrative. “The admission is free, so pay at the door. Now pull up a chair and sit on the floor.” Vergil paused for a moment and motioned for you to join him on the corner of his bed, you followed and he sat close to you, your knees just barely touching.
Opening the book back up, he continued,
“One fine day in the middle of the night, two dead boys got up to fight; back to back they faced each other, drew their swords and shot each other. A blind man came to watch fair play, a mute man came to shout, ‘hooray!’“ his eyes occasionally flickered to the side as he read to see if you were enjoying what he was reciting, almost smiling when he could tell you were.
“A deaf policeman heard the noise and came to stop those two dead boys...,” he stopped at the middle of the poem as the rest of the page seemed to have been torn out. Your fingers  instinctively reached to touch the part of the page that was missing but Vergil lightly took your hand to move it out of the way as he closed the cover.
“How does it end?” you asked but Vergil shrugged, “I’m not sure. I was never able to find another copy of this book to figure it out.” An idea dawned on you and your hand rested on his hand that was at his side. “Say, why don’t we check the library here? There’s books that look older than most of yours, I’m sure there’s a copy there!” you smiled and Vergil looked at you with the softest expression you’ve yet to see. He could feel this twinge in his stomach. It felt warm and kind of fuzzy. Why was he feeling this? He wasn’t sure if he remembered it or liked what it felt like but he knew that you were the origin. He agreed to your proposition.
Vergil watched patiently as you wrapped yourself in a puffy grey coat and blue scarf. You stopped mid scarf wrapping to ask, “Is that all you’re wearing?” Vergil was wearing his coat which seemed to mostly for fashion and not functionality. “What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?” his brow scrunched. “Nothing. It’s just -- winter -- outside.” The Sparda smiled. He. Smiled.
It was as if a train smacked right into you because not only did he smile but you made him smile.
He took note of your struggle with the scarf and took it into his hands. “I think I will be okay,” he said as he properly tucked your scarf. “Blue is a good color for you,” he added. The entire time you could feel your face turning several shades of pink, and you prayed the half demon didn’t notice.
As the two of you walked across town, the wind blew harshly and you struggled to continue on without complaining. “We should’ve got a taxi,” you cursed as you hugged yourself tighter. Vergil on the other hand seemed unfazed, despite the fact that his breath was visibly wafting in the air above him. “Taxis are a waste of money. Traveling on foot is faster,” he was several feet in front of you; Vergil noted your struggle and decided to stop. “Here,” he wrapped his arm around you with his coat draped over your frame and pulled you close to his side. “Better?” the Sparda asked. His body felt like a radiator, warmth oozed from him and you could barely notice the freezing temperatures anymore. “You half demons sure are warm,” you noted and he hummed.
The library was nearly empty when the two of you entered which gave you free roam of the massive building. You led Vergil to the top middle floor and all the way into the back where all the poem books were kept. He felt like a child in a candy store, the library had a collection of what seemed like hundreds of books and each section seemed to stretch for miles.
“If they have it, it’ll be here,” you noted. Both of you paced the bookcases in search of the copy but to no avail. You let out a frustrated breath as you were ready to accept defeat. “Don’t be upset, [Y/N]…,” Vergil spoke up, “I -- enjoyed this time with you.”
He was leaned against one of the cases with his arms crossed, his eyes lingering on you and a ghost of a smile on his lips. You approached him slowly.
Now face to face with the half demon, a few inches separated the two of you from touching. Vergil closed his eyes impulsively but when nothing happened, his eyes opened quickly. You weren’t trying to kiss him or anything -- but instead, you were pulling out an identical red book to the one that he had in his bedroom.
You opened the book in search of the morbid poem of dead boys when Vergil’s hands slammed it shut abruptly.  It was as if a foreign force hijacked his body because before either of you could think, his lips were on yours. They were not soft by any means and were pushed hard onto yours but there was meaning behind it.
He was quick to pull away as he had a grip on his mind once again. Vergil attempted to push you away and walk out of the library but you stopped him with a yank to his coat. “Where are you going?” you asked. His face was cold and void again, just like you were used to seeing. “Stop hiding behind your tough guy façade, Vergil.” your hand grazed lightly under the line of his jaw once he was close again, “I can see you’re just a man who needs and wants more than they would like to admit.” you lowered your voice to a light whisper, your warm breath against his skin.
“Now,” you gave him a small kiss on his lower lip, “let’s see if this poem is worth finishing.”
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alanlicht · 2 years
Complete Q&A for Other Music documentary Blu-ray
Rob-Hatch Miller sent me some questions about Other Music to be included in an oral history of the store in the booklet for the blu-ray release of the documentary he made about it with Puloma Basu. It’s out now (available here) with some edited quotes from me in the booklet--but here’s the whole exchange:
What’s your most vivid memory of Other Music?
Probably the times I played there. I think Loren Connors and I were actually the first people to play an in-store at Other Music--which was later released on our CD Two Nights. I also remember playing there with Run On, and with Lee Ranaldo and the Dust--that's almost a 20-year span right there. Title TK also did a performance at Other where the three of us just walked around and shopped while talking into our mics, and the audience watched--that was pretty special. One of the employees said to me afterwards that he heard customers having conversations like ours in the store all the time, but never as a performance, so I think that was a brain-twister for the people working there as well.
One other in-store I remember going to, as an audience member, was Alan Silva and William Parker. They played some music but they also talked for quite a while, and one thing Alan Silva said really struck me-- "You know, I could never play a tune." Meaning, after all his years as an improvisor and composer, he could now never play a jazz standard or something like that, even though he was more than capable of doing so. That's something I totally admire.
Of course I also worked at Tonic from 2000 to 2007 and I was always bringing tickets over to the store, as Other Music was the only place you could buy advance tickets for concerts there besides our box office--so I had a lot of dealings there on that level too.
What’s an album or two you associate with Other Music?
I remember buying two albums there that Other Music was way ahead of the curve on: OM got a box of sealed copies of Arthur Russell's World of Echo in, certainly before it got reissued, and before he was generally rediscovered (I had actually bought his Another Thought CD used at Other Music a while before that), and Belle & Sebastian's If You're Feeling Sinister--the store was really touting that album, again before anyone had any idea who there were.
What do you think made Other Music special?
Besides the obvious cliche of it being a kind of community center, a role that no other record store in NY really plays anymore, I liked the names they gave to the different sections, rather than the usual genre classifications like rock, jazz, etc--"In," meaning regular indie rock, "Out" meaning avant garde, "Then" meaning reissues, "La Decadanse" meaning dance music, et. al. Those were really hip!
Anything else you want to share about Other Music or records and record stores generally?
I've spent way too much time and money in record stores over the years, and Other Music was no exception, hahaha!
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herbshd-1 · 5 months
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althealthinfos · 8 months
Cortexi Reviews 2024: Is This A Legit Hearing Loss Formula Or Scam?
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Cortexi is a hearing supplement that claims to improve your hearing and cognitive function by using natural ingredients. It is a liquid tonic that you have to take once a day, preferably in the morning. The product is created by Jonathan Miller, who claims to have suffered from hearing loss and tinnitus himself. He says that Cortexi helped him restore his hearing and improve his brain health.
But does Cortexi really work as advertised? Is it safe and effective? How does it compare to other hearing supplements on the market? In this article, we will answer these questions and more. We will review the ingredients, benefits, drawbacks, customer reviews, and price of Cortexi. We will also give you our honest opinion on whether you should buy it or not.
✅ Click here to read full review: Cortexi Reviews
What is Cortexi?
Cortexi is a hearing supplement that comes in the form of liquid drops. It contains a blend of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and natural extracts that are supposed to support healthy hearing and cognitive function. The product is based on the idea that hearing loss and tinnitus are caused by poor blood circulation and inflammation in the inner ear and the brain. By improving blood flow and reducing inflammation, Cortexi aims to restore hearing and prevent further damage.
According to the official website, Cortexi has the following benefits:
It may help improve your hearing function and clarity.
It may help reduce the ringing and buzzing in your ears caused by tinnitus.
It may help enhance your memory, focus, and concentration.
It may help protect your ears and brain from oxidative stress and free radical damage.
It may help prevent ear infections and other ear problems.
The website also claims that Cortexi is made with natural ingredients that have been clinically tested and proven to be safe and effective. It says that Cortexi has no side effects and is compatible with any other medication or hearing aid. It also offers a 60-day money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the results.
What are the Ingredients of Cortexi?
Cortexi contains a proprietary blend of 14 ingredients that are supposed to work synergistically to improve your hearing and cognitive health. Here is the list of the ingredients and their main functions:
Capsicum annuum: This is a type of chili pepper that has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It may help improve blood circulation in the ears and the brain, as well as reduce pain and inflammation.
Grape seed extract: This is a powerful antioxidant that may help protect the cells and tissues of the ears and the brain from oxidative stress and free radical damage. It may also help improve blood vessel health and elasticity, which may enhance blood flow and oxygen delivery.
Panax ginseng: This is a well-known herb that has been used for centuries to boost energy, stamina, and mental performance. It may help improve cognitive function, memory, and mood, as well as reduce stress and fatigue.
Astragalus: This is another herb that has been used for a long time to support immune system health and fight infections. It may help prevent ear infections and other ear problems, as well as improve blood flow and reduce inflammation.
Green tea extract: This is a popular beverage that has many health benefits, including antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and neuroprotective effects. It may help protect the ears and the brain from oxidative stress and free radical damage, as well as improve cognitive function and mood.
Chromium picolinate: This is a mineral that is essential for the metabolism of glucose and insulin. It may help regulate blood sugar levels and prevent diabetes, which may affect hearing and cognitive health.
Maca root: This is a plant that grows in the Andes mountains and has been used for its nutritional and medicinal properties. It may help improve energy, stamina, and libido, as well as balance hormones and mood.
Vitamin B12: This is a vitamin that is vital for the production of red blood cells and the maintenance of nerve health. It may help prevent anemia and nerve damage, which may affect hearing and cognitive function.
Folic acid: This is another vitamin that is important for the synthesis of DNA and the growth of cells. It may help prevent birth defects and age-related cognitive decline, as well as improve blood flow and oxygen delivery.
Zinc: This is a mineral that is essential for the immune system and the wound healing process. It may help prevent infections and inflammation, as well as protect the ears and the brain from oxidative stress and free radical damage.
Magnesium: This is a mineral that is involved in many enzymatic reactions and cellular functions. It may help relax the muscles and blood vessels, which may improve blood flow and oxygen delivery. It may also help regulate the electrical activity of the nerves and the brain, which may affect hearing and cognitive function.
Potassium: This is a mineral that is important for the fluid balance and the transmission of nerve impulses. It may help regulate blood pressure and prevent hypertension, which may affect hearing and cognitive health.
Calcium: This is a mineral that is essential for the structure and function of the bones and the teeth. It may also help maintain the health and integrity of the cells and tissues of the ears and the brain, as well as regulate the electrical activity of the nerves and the brain, which may affect hearing and cognitive function.
Vitamin D3: This is a vitamin that is important for the absorption and utilization of calcium and phosphorus. It may help prevent osteoporosis and bone loss, which may affect hearing and cognitive health.
How Does Cortexi Work?
Cortexi works by targeting the root causes of hearing loss and tinnitus, which are poor blood circulation and inflammation in the inner ear and the brain. By improving blood flow and reducing inflammation, Cortexi may help restore hearing and prevent further damage. It may also help protect the ears and the brain from oxidative stress and free radical damage, which may accelerate the aging process and impair hearing and cognitive function. Additionally, Cortexi may help enhance cognitive function, memory, and mood, which may improve the quality of life of people who suffer from hearing loss and tinnitus.
How to Use Cortexi?
Cortexi is very easy to use. You just have to take one dropper full of the liquid tonic every morning, preferably before breakfast. You can either take it directly or mix it with water or juice. You should not exceed the recommended dosage, as it may cause adverse effects. You should also consult your doctor before using Cortexi, especially if you have any medical condition or are taking any medication.
How Much Does Cortexi Cost?
Cortexi is available for purchase on the official website, where you can choose from three different packages:
Basic Package: This includes one bottle of Cortexi, which lasts for 30 days. It costs $69, plus $9.95 for shipping and handling.
Standard Package: This includes three bottles of Cortexi, which last for 90 days. It costs $177, plus free shipping and handling. You save $30 compared to the basic package.
Premium Package: This includes six bottles of Cortexi, which last for 180 days. It costs $294, plus free shipping and handling. You save $120 compared to the basic package.
The website also offers a 60-day money-back guarantee, which means that you can return the product within 60 days of purchase and get a full refund, minus the shipping and handling fees.
✅ Click here to read full review: Cortexi Reviews
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