#by my parent's definition that's either italian or chinese food. even though. WE ARE NEITHER. like. don't call that
pathsofoak · 2 years
I have discovered the reason I am the epitome of "I will not eat new foods ever" is because my parents make sure whenever they make a dish I've never had before, that there is something in there I can't stomach to "teach me to eat it"
I'm autistic lmao. It's been almost 19 years now, you're not gonna magically cure me from picky eater-ness by still forcing me stay at the table until I finish my plate of something that contains taugé, or whatever that's called in English.
Seriously I get it's annoying when you cook and someone doesn't like it but like. It's a) not your fault, and if you're the parent/caretaker of this person it's b) your responsibility to not make your kid dread eating anything other than bread and rice cakes because you keep pressuring them to eat "normal food"
#*ACTUALLY stomps foot for a tantrum*#potatoes. just give me potatoes#(I can't cook for energy reasons btw that's why they're in charge of food. still)#I would eat more if I didn't absolutely dread dinner time. much less eating a stranger's place#potatoes or some non crunchy veggies like broccoli. I like broccoli. especially when it's a bit roasted#tomato paprika and mushrooms are an absolute no#(unless it's tomato sauce and not too much of it)#and spinach but I'm allergic to that one so sometimes that one gets left out#I wish there was some tool that just KNOWS what I will and won't like without me having to#either contain myself in front of people because there's a few textures and tastes that make me want to puke#regardless of how good a cook someone is. so I always feel bad#or that situation where I sit at the table for an hour and quietly sneak my food into the green trash once everyone else gets bored#to eat a quick sandwich instead#I've actually accidentally trained the ability to tell when I'm full out of me#because (I still do this btw) I would always lie and say I was full to get out from under dinner#so now my stomach can't tell anymore. You put Macaroni (unless it's carbonara) in front of me? *full*#this became a bit of a rant lol#btw when I say *normal food* up in the post#by my parent's definition that's either italian or chinese food. even though. WE ARE NEITHER. like. don't call that#*normal food* in my face when I like literally every type of fucking stew you refuse to let me eat#sorry for the rant again lmao
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purplesurveys · 4 years
What would you say is your favorite food? Sushi. < Ahhh, this is a good one. My favorite is down to a tie: it’s either chicken curry or burgers.
What color eyes does the person you like / love have? Are they pretty? Dark brown. I’m not too sure what the second question is referring to but yeah, she and her eyes are both pretty.
What was the first television show you were obsessed with? Hi-5, omg. That show was my life in preschool and I always watched the 12 NN replay as soon as I got back home from school, back when I was still on a half-day sched. I was so hooked I remember having legit tantrums before starting Grade 1 because grade school meant full days in school and thus having to miss out on the show entirely.
Do you like Mexican food or any other foreign foods? For sure. All my favorites are Asian (Indian, Japanese, Indonesian, Chinese, etc.) but I also enjoy Italian, Mexican, Greek etc cuisines. I generally haven’t tried African cuisines but I really, really want to.
What color is the keyboard you are currently using? The keys are black with white lettering.
Do you own any of those ‘chunky’ and cute rings? Nope, not my style.
What are you planning on eating for dinner tonight if you haven’t already? I saw my dad cooking up something deep-fried; it was like his own version of katsu or something, or maybe it’s fish fillet? I’m not too sure what it is yet but I’m excited and will probably eat lots of it as I skipped all my meals and have only been running on coffee and vape all day - not good.
Do you own an iPod or MP3 player? If so, when did you get it? Technically I still do. Haven’t used it since high school. I got it when I was 10 back in ‘08; I was envious of the kids in school who had iPods, so I asked my dad to buy me one even though I wasn’t super into music at the time. Not the best kid in the world.
When was the last time someone took your picture? Last Saturday when my package came. Apparently online deliveries now require your photo to be taken upon receiving your package and I think it’s for the seller to keep track of their transactions. I’m not a big fan of the new procedure, but it’s whatevs.
Would you rather write a report or type it on a computer? Type. 
What color was the last jacket or hoodie you wore? Gray.
Do you receive more compliments or insults on a daily basis? Neither, really. I haven’t been talking to people a lot; and when I do it’s for work, where I receive neither compliments nor insults.
Who is the lead actress / actor from your absolute favorite movie? Audrey Hepburn and Albert Finney, or Matt Damon and Ben Affleck.
Can you recite the alphabet backward? [continued from last night] Slowly, but I’m sure I can finish it.
Do you eat chili when you get a hotdog, or do you like it plain? We don’t do hotdogs with chili here. I generally don’t see chili much where I live and I wouldn’t call it a common dish.
Would you say it’s easy for people to make you smile or laugh? At first I thought it was, but I’m slowly realizing that it isn’t.
What would you say is your favorite cereal, if you even like it? Cookie Crisp is the only one I like. I don’t have cereal often.
When was the last time you went on vacation? Where was it? It was a quick weekend getaway to Tagaytay and then Cavite, if it counts.
How many states have you been to in your lifetime? Zero.
Do you and your friends normally say you love one another? Yep, especially with Andi and Angela.
Have you ever been an outcast at your school or anywhere else? I was definitely one in early grade school, and again in Grade 6 when both my closest friends migrated in a span of six months, and I spent nearly all my lunch periods alone. Looking back on it, I’m really glad I powered through and made it here because I truly wasn’t happy at the time.
Do you own any dresses? If so, what colors are they? I have lots of sundresses and little black dresses because I was into those for a very long time at one point. Some of them are black, obviously, but I also have dresses in blue, maroon, and olive.
Would you say you drink more pop / soda than you should? I never drink soda as I’ve always felt like I spend more time complaining about how drinking it feels like burning my tongue and throat than actually enjoying it.
Would you rather have orange juice or milk with your breakfast? Water.
How many different colors has your bedroom been painted? Just one. The walls have been white ever since we moved here 12 years ago.
Do you cuss? If so, do you ever cuss in front of your parents? I’ll slip in front of them sometimes but I never get in trouble for it anymore.
Would you ever tell your mom about the things you’ve done sexually? Our humor together can be raunchy sometimes but I don’t think I’d ever do this. I dunno if she wants to hear I’ve had sex with a girl either.
Is there anyone out there who can make you cry very easily? Yes.
What was the worst news you’ve heard this entire week? *In the last week, hearing about the typhoon’s effects in other cities didn’t feel good. This entire country is literally only getting by with donations from the private sector because the government isn’t doing shit for cities and families who got severely affected by the typhoon; it’s almost depressing to hear and read about.
Have you ever been in a car wreck? I’ve been in minor car accidents but it would be too much to call any of them car wrecks. They had all just been tiny bumps or thuds.
Do you have your ears pierced? If not, what do you have pierced? Yes, my mom had my earlobes pierced when I was an infant. I don’t plan on getting any more new ones as I’m not really into piercings.
Has anyone ever told you that they think you have ADHD? Nope.
What is your biggest pet peeve? When people reach out first via text/IM then even if I get back to them in 5–10 seconds, it takes them a long time to get back to me. It’s especially annoying if they classify it as urgent, I drop everything to reply quickly, then they end up disappearing. Like why?
Do a lot of people understand you completely? Who does exactly? No, I like keeping a wall up. 
Would you say you’re really good at cooking and baking things? Haha no. But it’s something I want to be skilled in, definitely. I’d love to be able to make the food I usually just thirst over on the internet. I’m taking baby steps, like figuring out how to make certain sandwiches, but I have a long way to go before I can consider myself any good.
How is the weather outside right this second? It’s been a little cloudy this morning but it might start to get fair seeing how I’m beginning to see the sky turn blue. I’m just hoping there won’t be too much sun, period.
Do you have a lot of trees around your house? What about buildings? No buildings as I live in a gated village. We have a number of trees around, but I wouldn’t call it ‘a lot.’
Would you say either one of your parents are 'pack-rats?’ No. I have that title, and I believe I inherited it from my great-grandmother who was a bit of a pack rat herself, as I’ve been told.
Have you ever disowned anyone in your family? For what reasons? Kinda. I don’t associate with one of my uncles because he has a terrible drinking issue that he never got to permanently fix. Whenever I see him at family gatherings he just smells like stale gin or whatever it is he drinks, and it just ruins the essence of family reunions for me. As recent as Christmas Day last year he drove drunk and crashed into a car with an entire family, but as always his ass got lucky because 1) no one in the family got hurt, and 2) said family let go of the lawsuit they were planning to file against him.
Have you ever seen That 70’s Show? Do you watch it regularly? I tried watching the first episode but genuinely could not find it entertaining for the life of me. Sorry, Mila :(
If you could choose, what decade would you rather live in? I never really think about revisiting decades - they’re already behind, so what’s the point? As bad as the 2020s have been looking, I’m okay with staying here.
How often would you say you get sick? Once a year at most.
Is there anyone out there who has hurt you so much, you wish they’d die? I used to wish they would die, but I don’t feel that way anymore.
Has anyone ever called you a socio-path before? I don’t think so.
When was the last time you watched a movie in theaters? December.
Have you ever moved to a completely different state before? We’ve moved to different regions before.
Do you mind it when surveys ask you really personal questions? No. Isn’t that part of the point of surveys?
When was the last time you told someone you love them? Thursday or Friday I think, when Andi said it to me first and I said it back. I wasn’t having a good day and they were just looking out.
Which one would you like more: kiss on cheek / kiss on neck? Depends on my mood. Right now a kiss on the cheek sounds nice.
Does it bother you when people steal your stuff on MySpace? This never happened to me because I had Myspace for such a short time and I never caught it at its peak. Also, how do people steal your stuff over there? That’s pretty intriguing lmao
Do you have freckles? Do you like / dislike them? I don’t have any.
Who would you say is the best actor / or actress in your opinion? My biased ass would rally for Kate Winslet all the way, but some other great ones for me are Toni Collette, Emma Stone, Jodie Foster, and Natalie Portman.
How many times have you been drunk in your life? Many.
What would you do if the last person you kissed said they hated you? Be confused and ask them to give me a few concrete reasons. I don’t think too highly of myself, but I know I’ve never done anything to make me deserving of hate, especially with regard to us.
Do you ever think you might be pregnant? No, it has never been a worry of mine.
When was the last time you acted really immature? The weekend.
Do you enjoy watching comedies or horror movies more? Horror. I never watch comedies and the only subtype of it that I watch is romcom.
As a child, did you ever have an imaginary friend? Yeah but it lasted all of five minutes until I got bored with the concept.
Does anyone call you baby? Who would that be? No.
Can you rely on one or more people to take up for you? I have no idea what take up means. If this also means ‘stand up for me,’ then yeah I can.
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lovemesomesurveys · 5 years
Do you find musicians or athletes more attractive? I mean, I could find either one attractive, but I do love a guy that can play piano or guitar. I’m not into sports, but they do look good in their uniforms.  How many siblings do you have? 2. If you could have an ice cream sundae right now, would you? Nah. I really want a brownie, though. Click shuffle on any music device. What’s the 12th song that comes up? I don’t feel like it.  What’s your most used website? Tumblr.
Is there anyone you want to see in concert really bad? I just really want to go to a concert. I haven’t been to one in over 10 years. :O Do you like Abercombie? I did at one time. I haven’t shopped there in years now, though. Do you fight with your mom often? No. We have our bickering like families do, but we’re very close. Would you rather have your son have the name Daniel as first or middle name? I don’t plan on having kids, but I’m not big on the name Daniel at all. Nothing personal if that’s your name haha. Who is your best guy friend? Why are they? I don’t have one. Are your parents still together? Yes. Do you find yourself attractive? Nopeee. Have you ever just stood awake and thought about someone? No, I’ve never “stood awake” doing that, but I’ve stayed up late thinking about someone.  Have you ever just felt like giving up? More times than I can count. Are you shy? Very. Do you regret? I have a lot of regrets. Have you ever felt alone? Yes. I feel that way a lot even though I’m not physically alone very much. It’s a different kind. Have you ever felt you were the “random face in the yearbook”? I’m just one among many. I’m sure not many people noticed me. Who do you go to when you need help? Depends on what I need help with, but likely my mom or brother.  Have you ever just wanted to dance your stress out of you? No. Honestly, how are you feeling? Tired. Is it harder to tell someone you love them, or don’t love them? Telling someone I don’t love them would be harder because that’s hurtful. Which do you remember more: insults? or compliments? The negative stuff always plays on repeat.  Are you a trouble-maker? No. Have you ever been sick of everything? Yeppp. I feel that way all the time. Have you ever felt like you are worthless? Yes. This survey is fun!  -____- Can you trust someone with anything? Yes, my mom. When was the last time you were told you were beautiful? Aw, Lane recently said I was. What do you hear right now? I’m watching a YouTube video. Be honest, do you miss anyone? Yes, a few people. Where did your last hug take place? In the living room. Is there someone on your mind that shouldn’t be? No. Have you ever felt replaced? Yep. Hello there, what’s your name? Stephanie. Do you have romantic feelings for anyone? No. When was the last time you received a compliment? Lane recently complimented me. (: What would you say is your favorite food? Wingstop boneless garlic parm and lemon pepper wings, ramen, and Blaze Pizza. What color eyes does the person you like / love have? Are they pretty? Do you like Mexican food or any other foreign foods? I liked Mexican food a lot more when I was able to eat spicy food. I loveddd adding salsa and hot sauce to everything. I like some Chinese foods, but I rarely eat that anymore. It’s been quite awhile. I do like Italian food. What color is the keyboard you are currently using? Black. What are you planning on eating for dinner tonight if you haven’t already? I think I want pizza. Can you recite the alphabet backward? I could, but it’d take me longer. Do you eat chili when you get a hotdog, or do you like it plain? I don’t care for hot dogs, but I did used to eat them every once in a great while. Chili dogs weren’t bad. I did really like the hot dogs from Costco, though. Would you say it’s easy for people to make you smile or laugh? Yeah, usually. Do you own any dresses? If so, what colors are they? Not anymore, actually. I recently got rid of some clothes, mostly stuff from my closet, which consisted of my dresses.  Would you say you drink more pop / soda than you should? Not anymore, but that definitely was the case for a long time. Up until 2 years ago. Would you rather have orange juice or milk with your breakfast? Ewww, neither. Give me coffee. How many different colors has your bedroom been painted? I’ve never painted it. Do you cuss? If so, do you ever cuss in front of your parents? Yeah, sometimes. I don’t cuss in front of my parents, though. I’m 30 years old, but it still feels weird haha. Especially the longer I go without doing so.  Would you ever tell your mom about the things you’ve done sexually? Listen. My mom and I are very close, she’s my best friend. However, I wouldn’t want to discuss my sex life lol. I wouldn’t want to discuss that with anyone. Is there anyone out there who can make you cry very easily? Not a someone, but certain things definitely can. Do you have your ears pierced? If not, what do you have pierced? Yeah, my earlobes are. Has anyone ever told you that they think you have ADHD? No. How is the weather outside right this second? It’s 48 F currently. Have you ever disowned anyone in your family? For what reasons? No. There’s some family members that we’re not close with for certain reasons, but we’ve never disowned anyone. 
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betsynagler · 5 years
The Four (Thousand, New) Questions
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When I was growing up, I didn't really have to think too much about what it meant to be a Jewish American. A large part of that was living in New Jersey, where being a member of the tribe isn’t exactly an anomaly. In Newark, pretty much all of my friends were Jewish or Black, until I spent 2nd grade in Catholic School. You’d think that might make it weird, but even then, it wasn’t. All my new friends just had Irish and Italian names, and I got to sit in the back during mass and read, which is the dream of every second grader. And when we moved to the suburbs, things became, if anything, more Jewy. We joined Temple Israel and actually tried going to services every once in a while, and I went to Hebrew school on Saturdays. At my suburban public grade school, I learned the term “Jappy” something my friends and I called other girls that we considered spoiled, regardless of whether or not they were Jewish, and in junior high, the school bus that came from the most wealthy, Jewish neighborhood in town was sometimes referred to as “The Jew Canoe.” Who did we learn these terms from? Other Jews. We were the ones trading in the laughable stereotypes, because that’s American Jewish culture all over: we joke because we can. It’s never been in doubt in my lifetime that we belong here, to the degree that we are comfortable poking fun at ourselves, enough that while we are very aware that we aren’t and will never be the majority — and if you forget that, you always have the 30 to 60 days of Christmas to remind you — we are perfectly okay with that; and enough to feel safe in the knowledge that the past is the past, because in the Tri-State Area in the 1970s and 80s, anti-Semitism was about as real to me as Star Wars: something that existed long, long ago, in a galaxy far, far away. The same thing with Nazis. Nazis were the movie villains nobody got upset about. Nobody ever said, “Why do the Nazis always have to be the bad guys?” Why? Because they were the bad guys. 
That doesn’t mean that my Jewish identity was 100% uncomplicated, mostly because I was raised to figure stuff out for myself. Mine were the kind of parents who took us to fancy restaurants and said, “Want to order the escargot? Have at it!”, perhaps not realizing that they’d end up with a seven-year-old who liked to try every appetizer on the menu but had a stomach the size of a golfball – which led to my parents gaining weight in the 70s, which led to their joining the exercise craze in the 80s...See how history happens? Being able to make my own decisions meant I could quit Hebrew school after one year (I was already a well-practiced quitter of stuff I didn't like, such as wearing dresses and learning the violin). I felt a little guilty about it, so I was definitely Jewish in that way, but one of the reasons I couldn’t get behind religious school was the fact that Judaism was supposedly my religion, but – go figure – our family was not religious. My parents don’t agree on which type of not-religious they are, since my mother describes herself as an atheist and my father calls himself an agnostic, but that’s only if you push them, since neither of them cares enough about it either way. They still identify as Jewish, and therein lay the confusion for me: Judaism is kind of an ethnic identity as well as a religion, but in a weird way, because you can convert to it, which you can’t do with, say, Slavic, and because it’s not one where we all come from one specific place, since Jews were basically driven out of everywhere. Sure, my family were all driven out of one country, Poland, but that didn’t exactly make them feel Polish. No, we were definitely Jews, just the secular kind, which is actually a thing — although I didn’t know anyone else like that in high school, the result being that in my group of friends, a mix of Jews and non-Jews, I was in my own category of Jewish, But Doesn’t Know When Any of the Holidays Are.
When I went to college on the West Coast, where I was meeting new people all the time, it was common for people tell me I didn’t “look Jewish,” which seemed to just fit right in with every other confusing part of my Jewish identity. You might think that, as a stealth Jew, I’d finally be privy to negativity about us, but that never happened. That was around the time of the rise of the religious right, and there were a lot of born-again Christians at Stanford, my freshman dorm was full of them. But while they may have believed I was going to hell, most of them still seemed happy to hang with me while we were alive – one of them even took me out for fro yo once (that’s short for “frozen yogurt,” and eating it together at Stanford in 1987 was called “dating”). If anything, being Jewish around them was an advantage, because they never tried to rebirth me the way they did other Christians, like my poor freshman roommate – I would come back to our room to find her surrounded by a group of them, looking uncomfortable, like she was getting hit on by Jesus. Mind you, I know now that my school was a liberal bubble inside the liberal bubble that was Northern California, and that protected me from a lot of things. But while we were definitely dealing with racism and sexism on campus at the time, anti-Semitism? That just wasn’t a thing.
Neither was being a Jewish person who didn’t support Israel. I didn’t know all that much about Israel growing up. I knew that it was the Jewish state, where I had once had some relatives, and that my cousins and eventually my brother — who finished Hebrew school — went to visit because they felt like it was an important way to learn about who they were. I didn’t. But when, in college, I had my first conversation with someone who’d lived in Israel about the way that Israelis felt this constant existential threat to their existence that justified their defensive posture when it came to negotiating peace with the Palestinians, even though they clearly had vast military superiority, I didn’t necessarily agree, but I got it. I understood why Israelis felt that, in a visceral, six-million-dead-just-because-they-were-like-you way that I think most non-Jews can’t. 
That was probably as much of a surprise to me as it was to anyone: that, on some level, in spite of not looking Jewish, or being able to speak Hebrew, or knowing what Sukkot was (if it wasn’t about eating or presents, it didn’t make it into the Nagler Canon of Holidays), I actually still somehow just was Jewish. And that part of my identity might never have really sunk in if I hadn’t become a New Yorker. Moving here didn’t just mean that I discovered Zabars, or that I was a bagel snob, or that I would be able to have lox at catering pretty much every day (and occasionally take some home if it was really good), although those things did indeed happen. New York was able to absorb and assimilate Jewish culture in a way that allowed it to flourish as one distinct flavor of the whole that is this city of many flavors. New York is a Jewish city – in same way that it’s also Italian, Irish, African-American, Puerto Rican, Chinese, Russian, Indian, Dominican, Pakistani, Caribbean, Mexican, and the list goes on depending on who’s arrived recently and who’s coming next. And so, from the way I relate to food, to my sense of humor, to my analytical and intellectual side, to how forthright/tactless I can be, to my overall worldview: living here enabled me to recognize that I just wouldn’t be this way if I weren’t Jewish.
Everything feels different in 2019 in so many, surreal ways, but what exactly it means to be Jewish in America is definitely a big one. I’ve felt some vulnerability and uncertainty as a woman for most of my life, as you do, but I’ve never felt that way about being a Jew until now. To the point that I can’t call myself “a Jew” any more, because suddenly, that’s an epithet. How the hell did that happen? When did we allow them to take that word away? Then there’s the realization of, Wait, we can’t make those jokes any more because there are people who actually still think that shit about us? And they’re telling other people? Fucking internet. Add to that the fault lines within the American Jewish community over Israel and the ground really starts to feel like it’s swaying under your feet. How much we should continue to support this country that seems increasingly unrecognizable to me, that is so racked by fear and sectarianism that it appears to have given up on peace and democracy, that votes for a leader who has demonstrated time and again that he is both racist and corrupt? Well, now that I’ve put it like that, okay, maybe this is something that Israel and the United States have in common right now, but that doesn’t make it any better for those of use who are trying to stay on the sane side of it all. I’m lucky that most of my family is in agreement with me on these issues, but my mother has some cousins with whom she is close that she had to ask to stop sending her political emails, because their conservative views about Israel seemed to have somehow spread to abortion and immigration, despite that fact that they live in San Francisco. Jewish Trump supporters? From the Bay Area? What the hell is the going on?! Come on, this can’t be us. When an audience at the Republican Jewish Coalition cheers when Trump says “Our country’s full. You can’t come in,” don’t they hear the eerie echos of what the American government said to the boats full of Jews they sent back to be slaughtered in the holocaust? Don’t they know that we are supposed to be sharp, and educated, and fucking liberals? Oh, wait, is “liberal” now a bad word not just among conservatives but for some on the left too, as in the “liberal elite who control everything” that they’re always talking about? But, double wait, wasn’t that just another way anti-Semites used to say “the Jews” without saying “the Jews”? But triple wait, aren’t Bernie Sanders and Glenn Greenwald Jewish? WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Of course, this about when all of your older Jewish relatives shake their heads at all of this and say, “See? This is exactly the shit always happens to us. Somehow, when things go bad in the world, and people start believing crazy conspiracy shit, that always turns back on the Jews.” I never believed that before, so to see it sort of happening right before my eyes is really something. But at the same time, I’m sure as hell not going to let that make me just silo up. Yeah, there are the swastikas, and the Tree of Life synagogue shooting, and “Jews will not replace us,” but can we honestly say we have it worse than everyone else who’s under attack in this country right now? What’s the point of joining a grievance competition that just gives the people who are trying to divide the left exactly what they want? It’s how, when the new questions that confuse and divide us just keep coming — What do we say or not say about Ilhan Omar? What about the schism in the Women’s March? What about the Senate bill that would allow state and local governments to withhold contracts from those who boycott Israel that Chuck Schumer supported? — they just get us to go after each other.
Let’s not do that. Sure, maybe this is just another case of me getting older and less able to accept how the world is changing — sort of a, “Damn Nazis, get off my lawn!” type of thing – and maybe I should just go along with this new normal. But that's one thing I know is definitely not me. MoTs like to talk shit out, sometimes too much, but eh. Let’s bring that tradition of analysis and argument — and I mean the kind where you’re forthright and emotional, but you still know how to listen — to bear on the questions we’re having both on the left and in the Jewish community about how we move forward, instead of fleeing back into our fears from the past.
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mysurveys · 7 years
Random Qs
Survey #22 on the Countdown to 2018!
This survey was also done last Monday.
Have you ever had feelings for two people at the same time?
I haven't fallen in love with two people at once, but I am interested in these twin brothers now.
Do you believe that leaving a significant other for someone else is ever a good idea?
It can really go both ways. Holding on to someone you no longer love isn't a good idea, though.
Is it possible to fix a broken relationship?
Of course it is, but there's also a time to move on.
Would you ever throw out or give away something an ex gave you?
Sure. Why not? I'm not that attached to objects.
Why do you think people believe in love at first sight?
Things like infatuation, lust and chemistry just aren't real love even though some people choose to believe so. You can't love someone until you really get to know them on a personal level.
How long that takes can vary, though. Some people find getting to know others easier and some people take a long time to open up.
If you found someone seemingly perfect for you, but it turned out they had a child, would you still give the relationship a chance?
A man who has a kid isn't "perfect" for me, thanks. As if perfection exists at all, but I'm not interested in helping to a raise a child by any means and I'm always upfront about that.
Is it possible to fall out of love?
Obviously. Staying in love is a choice we make. Once we stop making that choice, we can easily fall out of love.
How long have you had the shirt you’re wearing?
I've had these PJs a few years now.
What happened the last time you got drunk?
I don't drink alcohol at all and I would never get drunk. It's stupid to lose your self-control and relinquish your mental faculties that way. Getting drunk is a really obvious poor life choice that intelligent people just don't make.
Have you ever thrown up from drinking?
What’s the last thing you said out loud?
I don't remember.
Do you find piercings attractive?
No, I don't.
How many cigarettes have you smoked today?
I don't smoke. I would never pick up such an unhealthy, deadly bad habit.
What languages can you count to ten or higher in?
English, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, Italian, French. Have I forgotten some?
Have you gone through a lot emotionally or has life been easy thus far?
My childhood was much harder emotionally, but I've had some bad times with my physical health lately. That’s always been true since my late teens, though. My genetics suck.
Have you ever got suspended from school?
I haven't although I should've been at one point.
What would you do with a $10 bill you found on the ground?
I'm sure it would either go toward food or my monthly entertainment budget.
Do you prefer the tanning bed or the sun?
I don't tan at all and the sun only ever burns me.
What were you doing at 3 AM last night?
I was asleep.
Are you ticklish?
Do you want to be taller or shorter?
If I had to choose then I'd want to be taller since I'm 5'5" even though my height doesn't really bother me.
What's the biggest annoyance in your life right now?
It's health problems as per usual. My physical health is the main issue these days.
Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged?
You've talked to an ex today, correct?
I haven't. I've only spoken to my mother so far.
Have you taken someone's virginity?
I haven't.
Did you hang out with the person you love recently?
I chatted online with the twins I'm interested in although I've already stated before that I'm iffy about getting involved with either.
What're you excited for?
I don't really feel excited about anything right now. I'm not usually positively excited by things, though.
Is confidence cute?
I wouldn't call it "cute" so much as attractive.
What's the last beverage you had?
I'm currently drinking an Ozarka bottled water.
Do you own a pair of skinny jeans?
Definitely not. I'm too fat for those things.
What're you going to spend money on next?
We're getting some groceries later today and we might go out to eat.
Are you going out with the last person you kissed?
I haven't seen that guy in over a decade, but I'm very happy about that.
Do you think you’ll change in the next three months?
Obviously. Nothing ever stays exactly the same.
Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?
My besties mostly.
When's the last time you felt broken?
I haven't felt that bad since I was a kid and I learned that you're not broken until you're dead.
Have you had sex today?
No, I haven't. I won't do that voluntarily unless I ever get married.
Are you starting to realize anything?
It doesn't take a long process for me to come to realizations.
Are you in a good mood?
Mostly. The only thing bothering me is my stiff back.
Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s?
Yes, mostly. They both have dark blue eyes, but I have green central heterochromia.
What do you want right this second?
I'm running out of bottled water and there are other groceries I need to buy later today, but I also want to eat out.
Is your current hair color your natural one?
Yes, it's still my natural color right now.
Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh?
I wouldn't ever want to do that.
What was the last thing that made you laugh?
I don't remember.
Do you really, truly miss someone right now?
No, not really. I never miss anyone chronically either since I'm neither clingy nor codependent.
Does everyone deserve a second chance?
Forgiveness and second chances are two different things. I'll forgive, but I won't take back a cheater for instance.
Do you hate the last boy you were talking to?
I last chatted with more than one male and I don't hate any of them. I don't hate anyone really, there are just a handful of people that I really dislike and two people I mostly avoid.
Does the person you have feelings for right now know that you do?
Both of the twins I've mentioned know that I'm interested in them.
Are you one of those people who never drinks soda?
I'm not, but I at least drink diet soda or those Zeroes when I do have them.
Do you ever write in pencil anymore?
Very rarely. I prefer pens for most things.
Do you know where the last person you kissed is?
I have no idea and I'm not interested in knowing where he is.
Who did you last call?
I tried to call my parents multiple times when the flash flooding was up to the start of our walkway.
Who was the last person you danced with?
I've never danced with anyone.
Why did you kiss the last person you kissed?
It was just a goodbye kiss.
When was the last time you ate a cupcake?
I have no idea. I'd rather have a muffin from Happy Donuts.
Did you hug or kiss one of your parents today?
I haven't, but we're not touchy-feely people.
Did you ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush?
I don't remember it right now if I have. My memories kind of float in and out, though.
Do you tan in the nude?
I don't tan at all.
If you could, would you take back your last kiss?
I don't practice regret since it's a waste of time and energy. That was then, this is now.
Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night?
No, I didn't and I never do that. It keeps me awake.
Who was the last person to call you?
It was my mother during the flash flooding.
Do you take a vitamin daily?
I don't.
Do you study better with or without music?
I haven't been in school for over a decade, but music never helped me concentrate.
Have you ever been in love?
Yes, four times so far.
Hot tea or cold tea?
Only hot teas. I mostly drink ryokucha. That’s green tea.
Do you want to get married?
If it happens, it happens. I don't need a man to make me whole or anything and I'm unafraid of being without a significant other.
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