#by shaving his head and putting on a plain tshirt
c00pswhore · 1 year
kyle has no fashion taste and would not wear plaid, especially when eric "i wear a button up underneath my sweater" cartman is right there
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Classical Pianist Katsuki Bakugou has a favorite coffee shop on the short walk from his studio back to his apartment. It's small, 24 hours, and has a stage that's always free for musicians to use. And it's run by you, a would be musician who's a better baker and coffee maker-that he can't stop coming back to see.
@nanamisbento & @hanji-is-life both made a world of difference in making me feel confident enough to write this as a full drabble, so thank y'all <3 y'all are sweethearts and I love this au so muchhhh
~light angst, slow burn, black!queer!reader, musician au~
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"Cross my heart hope to die, I ain't got no love to give," you plucked at the guitar strings lazily your eyes focused on nothing but the strings and trying not to cry- and if felt like your alto voice was fighting through gravel. Huskier than normal, verging on tenor like you always dreamed about, and you were too fucking sad to enjoy it.
You missed your friend, you missed talking to him. Teasing him, making him laugh. And worse, you knew the home he went back to wasn't the healthiest. You knew all too well how a house could be so much worse than the stress of school.
"Baby boy so goddamn fine, swear you give me a peace of mind," and it was true. Just being near him, talking about poetry, anything, made you feel so calm. Fuck you missed him.
"Swear you make this young girl go crazy," If some tears fell onto your fretboard at least it was late enough that no one would come in until the morning rush.
"Now how could a man like you want somebody, so incredibly immature, insecure just like me?" Because he was just as insecure as you. It's why you two would talk on the phone for hours on end, about all your fears and worries, as much as your happiness. He was the friend you could talk about the lowest lows with because neither of you were afraid or unfamiliar with rock bottom- mentally, emotionally.
You slipped the strap of your electric guitar over your head and put it back on the rack (you left it out for musicians of all kinds to play when they felt inspired by your shop's vibes) and wiped your aching eyes. You didn't see or hear Bakugou slip back out the side door he'd came in through.
He'd first started coming in April, when the Washington rain was too torrential not to seek cover. He'd walked in soaking wet and spitting curses as he shut the door behind him. Ash blond hair and garnet eyes plus a jawline you'd cut yourself on meant you were half way infatuated before he even ordered.
"Black coffee with extra raw sugar, and whatever bread you have that's not sweet." It was a rumbling bass of a voice and damnit now you were officially in love- but then you noticed a case that you guessed carried an electric keyboard by the shape at his feet and in your excitement (that distracted you from his stunningly pretty face enough you could talk to him without tripping over your words like you were sure you were going to when you first came to take his order) you grinned at him so genuinely he forgot he was pissed.
"Sure thing, but just so you know- we have a permanent open mic set up here. You can play whatever instruments of mine you'd like to use, or you could set up your keyboard. It's great to see more musicians in here." You meant it, he could see in the way you seemed to light up like fireworks just talking about it.
"..Maybe next time." He tried to say hell no I'm never coming back to this tiny ass shop, do you know the size of the stages I usually play?!
But how could he regret his grumbled words when you clutched your small notepad to your chest and asked him in a rush (with a sparkle in your big doe brown eyes that didn't match your shaved head or heavy silver rings and earrings but was adorable nonetheless) "You mean it? You'd play here?"
It wasn't the same eagerness of ochestral directors prepared to embarrass themselves for a chance for The Katsuki Bakugou, classical pianist prodigy, to play with their ensembles. It was just a person who loved music and ran a tiny well cared for shop that was full of second hand furniture and mismatch cutlery and china, that was excited at the thought of music being played at all.
"Why not? I could play some of my own compositions for once instead of another goddamn Bach piece." You must have been imagining the blush on his cheeks because it was gone in seconds, and he was glaring at you with only the slightest of smiles taking the sting out of his words. "But am I going to get that coffee before I catch a cold from the fucking rain currently soaking my fucking clothes?"
Now it was your turn to feel heat burning in your cheeks as you sheepishly saluted "Right, coffee," and ran back to your bar to start his order. You found some fresh plain yeast rolls on the top shelf of your display case and an old towel in your supply closet. And if you didn't think about how much of a dork you made of yourself in front of your hottest customer to date your hands didn't shake when you put together his coffee in the largest cup you could find.
"Least sweet bread I have, black coffee with a fuck ton of raw sugar.." You winked to (hopefully) let the blond know you were kidding, "and a towel to make sure you'll survive long enough to play for me sometime."
He snorted and snatched the towel from your hands, starting to rub it vigorously over his hair with a blatant lack of fucks for how fluffy and wild it made it hair, but it seemed to you that there was humor in his voice as he sighed, "That depends on how good your shitty coffee is."
He started coming in on the regular after that. Sometimes dressed in a suit, that he was all but ripping off until he could roll up the sleeves of his dress shirt and unbutton the collar so he could breathe. (The first time you saw the bare column of his throat and the obvious strength of his chest meeting the delicate structure of his collar bones, you had to blame lifting heavy bags of coffee beans for your breathlessness.)
Sometimes he came from the opposite direction, dressed in jeans and old tshirts when it finally started warming up. He brought in his keyboard on those days and played a range of compositions you knew were his without him having to tell you. His left hand was more comfortable in the lower octaves of his keyboard when it was his own work, and there was more grief mixed in the bombastic anger that fueled the more staccato and forte phrases that had everyone in the small shop falling quiet to listen. Because it wasn't just hammering at the keys, it was complex harmonies of thirds and major sevenths that haunted the air even as he was moving on to the next phrase that was more of a murmur of echoing themes that passed back from hand to hand.
But your favorite times to see him was during your night shifts, when the shop was mostly deserted except for your quieter night owl regulars. Then he'd play pieces that were.. lullabies. Soft melodies and less minor chords than his daylight pieces. He'd take breaks in between pieces to come talk to you at the bar, ask your opinion on his playing- the genuine way he listened to your comments and compliments making your heart melt more than his good looks could have done alone.
And some nights, especially when it rains, he's telling you about the superficial nature of the classical music world and how sometimes he wishes he'd never gone into orchestral piano and just stayed in his old tiny but cozy apartment.
"Maybe we would've met anyway, and you'd still have this place and I'd come play for scraps on the weekends." And damn the wistfulness hits him hard, you can see it in the way his eyes soften for the first time in knowing him.
"I wouldn't let you play for scraps, it's tiny but it's my place. And your music would only add to the atmosphere. You'd get full employee wages and free coffee on the house." You're wistful too, and maybe it's the rain but you'd love for this dream to be real. Even for a moment.
You were sure you'd actually walk into being head over heels in love if he did one more sweet thing for you with his signature grumble and glare. But it was weird, ever since a few weeks back he'd stopped coming by as often. Looked at you strange when you teased him like you were both used to, and played pieces with more anger and sorrow than you'd ever heard from him before.
It was turning into the longest you hadn't seen him by the end of the week, so you were fucking furious when he strolled in one night.
Obviously coming from one of his bigger performances with the coattails and tuxedo tie, but no smile to show for it. Not even smugness in his eyes from a performance well done. He looked a little like shit actually, dark circles under his eyes and something indescribably sad in his garnet gaze that sought you out as soon as he walked in. It was the only thing that stopped you from completely ignoring his order when he came to the bar.
But you couldn't stop the obvious way your jaw was clenched while you worked, the hurt in your eyes when you set his coffee down in front of him.
He said your name, low and questioning, confusion growing on his perfect stupid face and that's when you couldn't take it anymore. He looked like shit, but you felt it. Losing one friend in a year was more than enough heart break for you. Having a friend, who you were already half in love with, start ghosting you on top of that? You weren't strong enough to take the highroad.
"Don't you fucking dare look at me like you don't understand. I don't understand why you decided our friendship doesn't mean shit to you anymore. If you were going to fucking ghost me I would've preferred if you'd done so before I started waiting for you to come by." You were glad no one was in the shop but the two of you when you realized somewhere along the line of yelling at him you started crying. Kat was looking at you with his mouth open in shock, and you didn't want to wait around to drag out your embarrassment.
But you were surprised when he came after. Calling your name again, moving quickly to get around the counter to follow you.
"Wait. Wait." His hand grabbed your wrist, the first time he touched you with no pretenses or excuses. The strength and gentleness of his hold only making it harder to stop your tears.
"I didn't mean to make you cry." You almost wished he'd go back to his more brash daylight self, you can't handle how quiet and gentle he gets in the early morning hours. Your heart was too soft on him already- even in your anger, you didn't resist when he pulled you close and cupped your cheeks. The pads of his thumbs wiping away your tears.
"You were crying that night too, when you were playing. I'd never heard you sing before." His fingers were on your lips, silencing you before you could even ask what the hell he was talking about. It was too much. Being unable to escape the way his eyes watched you, the way his voice got quiet- confessional.
"Let me finish. I heard you sing, and I saw you cry, and the thought of you crying for another man made me so angry I thought I'd die from how much I hated him. Whoever he was. So I stopped coming by as often. I didn't know that would hurt you.. I didn't think you would care if you were still heartbroken over some asshole." It was starting to make sense, starting to make you hope that maybe.. maybe he felt the same way you did.
"I get heartbroken over friends you know. Just friends." Your words are slightly muffled by his fingers, but its worth it to see the hope flare to life in his eyes.
How had you both missed it? All these months of longing.
"But the way you broke my heart by just not coming by? When I didn't even know what was wrong? That's worse than anything I've ever felt before-"
Your first kiss with Katsuki was salty from your tears, but it was okay.
He wanted your tears, your lips, you to be his and only his.
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strawnarrries · 4 years
Lover - part 3
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You and Niall finally plan your first official date, but what happens when someone t-bones you all on the way to the restaurant? 
Trigger warning: car crash! 
hello everyone! here is the part 3 you’ve all been waiting for! i kinda gave away the ending just now but car crashes are very serious and i would never want to trigger or offend anyone so i figured it was best to have the warning just in case! its definitely not graphic at all, just a short description of what happened, but it still deserves the warning because the topic can be sensitive to some. but thank you for reading and lmk what you think! enjoy! //
The second you heard your phone ding, you immediately jumped up from the couch and grabbed your phone from the coffee table. Taking a look at the screen, you saw that Niall had finally texted you. A huge grin spread across your lips and you began to feel giddy with excitement. 
After the incident, you didn’t want to text him first. You decided to wait until he texted you. After all, you were the first one to confess your feelings and you didn’t want to seem clingy. Even though he was your best friend and had known you for years, the circumstances were different now. It was a little past noon when you got the text and you would be lying if you said you weren’t waiting all morning for his name to pop up on your screen.
The text read, Hey what are ya doing ? 
You replied with, Nothing, just watching netflix 
Can we facetime? 
Not long after, his name popped up at the top of your screen, the silly profile picture you chose for his contact filling the rest of your screen. You clicked the accept button right away, impatiently waiting for it to load. His beautiful face soon appeared on the screen and you smiled, "Hey."
"Hey, how are ya?" he asked sweetly, showing you his pearly whites.
You could tell by the background that he had sat his phone against something on his coffee table in the living room. He was sitting on his big, creme colored couch, his black, 8-chaired dining table sitting behind him. The big windows showed off beautiful view of his backyard. The light from them making it hard to see him clearly. The small droplets of sprinkled rain that fell from the light grey clouds in the blue sky painted the glass. You smiled, “Good, thank you, how are you?”
"'m good." he smiled. 
You guys talked for a little bit, laughing at stupid things each other said, the usual things you all would talk about. But once the conversation started to die down, he brought up the big question, "So, are we goin' out sometime or ya change yer mind?"
You giggled, "No, I'm up for it as long as you still wanna try it out." 
"Alrighty, well where do ya wanna go?" he asked. 
"I'm good with anything honestly, we could go get food, or we could go do something fun like bowling, or go t' like a drive-in movie," you hummed, throwing out a bunch of ideas.
"I'll do whatever. Yer da woman, you decide." 
You rolled your eyes at him playfully because you know he knows how much you hate making group decisions like this, but you kept throwing out ideas, hoping that one would catch his attention and he'd choose.
"We could go putt-putting," you suggested.
"Y/N, ya know I suck at that," he replied, “I hate the clubs they give ya.”
"Yeah, that's why I wanna go, so I can beat you." 
"I can't fuckin' stand ya," he giggled at you, shaking his head disapprovingly. 
You chuckled back and there was a couple of minutes of silence before he spoke up again, "Ooh, how 'bout we go t' dat new brunch place in da city, know ya mentioned wantin' t' try dat."
"Oh, that's right! I forgot that had finally opened. Yeah, let's do that!" 
"Okay, I've got a bunch of promo t' do fer me new single dis week, but 'm good dis weekend," he told you and you felt your heart beating out of your chest because you couldn't believe this was actually happening, but you were so happy that it was.
"I can do this weekend," you nodded.
"Okay, Saturday?" 
"Perfect. What time?" 
“Mmm, I dunno yet. Can we figure that out later in the week?” he asked. 
“Yeah, of course!” 
“Kay, good.” 
“I’m excited.” you smiled, feeling all giddy and tingly inside. 
“Me too.” 
The call ended soon after that and the moment your home screen popped up again and he was off the call, you squealed happily, butterflies flying around in your tummy. You couldn't wait. You had dreamed off this day ever since you and Niall had started becoming friends. You never really thought it would actually happen, but now that it was, you couldn't be more happy.
Beep, beep, beep. You woke up to the blaring sound of your alarm, internally groaning. You had set it for early that morning to give yourself plenty of time to get ready for your date. You were tired from a long, stressful week at work and really just wanted to sleep in, but you were still super excited for your hot date. The other day, you all made reservations at the cute brunch place for 11:30, so he was going to pick you up at 11:15, giving you plenty of travel time. So after clicking snooze a couple of times, you eventually decided it was time to wake up. After scrolling through your phone and catching up on your social media, it was about 9:15 when you got up out of bed to start making yourself look pretty for Niall. You definitely didn’t need 2 hours to get ready for a little brunch date with Niall, but you were excited and wanted to make sure you had plenty of time to do everything you wanted to do.
You walked into your bathroom, turning on the shower and your current favorite playlist. You began to get undressed before hopping in the shower and beginning to clean yourself up. You were never one to shower in the mornings, you always preferred to shower at night, but today was special to you and you wanted to smell super fresh for Niall. Even though he was your best friend and had seen you at some of your worsts, you still wanted to impress him. After washing up, you quickly shaved your everything before turning the water off and wrapping yourself in a big, fluffy towel. After drying off your body, you wrapped your hair up with the towel. You slipped on your bathrobe and laid down in bed again, letting the towel soak up the dripping strands of your hair as you turned on the TV and scrolled through your phone again.
After about 10 minutes, you got up and hung the wet towel out to dry. You turned your playlist back on and began to get ready, brushing and blow-drying your hair before putting on light makeup. You quickly brushed your teeth and swished some mouthwash before you heard your doorbell ring. You ran to the door and unlocked it, opening it to reveal Niall, looking as handsome as ever. 
He wasn’t dressed too fancy since we were only going to a brunch restaurant in the city, but he also didn’t look like he just rolled out of bed. He dressed causal, wearing a plain white tshirt with the sleeves rolled up a couple a times. He paired it with light, navy blue khaki shorts and slipped on some white Reebok sneakers. His white apple watch adorned his wrist and he had his gold earring in, complimenting his face perfectly. His black Ray-Bans covered his eyes and his hair was styled slightly messy, but so sexy. 
"Hey, imma little early," he smiled and you allowed him to walk in while he slipped his sunglasses off his face and slipped one of the arms of the glasses past the collar of his shirt to hang so he didn’t have to hold them. 
"That's okay," you giggled, "Why didn't ya just walk in?"
Since you both are super close, you have a key to each other's houses and whenever you plan to go over, you both can easily just walk in without a care. 
"I mean, I dunno, 's a date, right?" he chuckled softly, a light shade of pink arising on the apples of his cheeks.
"We're still best friends, this doesn't havta be awkward," you giggled. 
"Yeah, I know, still wanna make it proper though, I mean if we're actually tryin' dis out I wanna like treat it like it's da beginnin'."
"Okay?" you narrowed your eyes at him, "well, hi, I'm (Y/N)."
Rolling his eyes playing, he grinned at you, "Yer so annoyin'." 
You giggled back before humming, "I just need t' get dressed, then we can leave." 
"Sounds good," he replied. 
You went back to your room and went into your closet, picking out a cute, pink shirt and pairing it with a cute pair of ripped, jean shorts. You quickly put on some deodorant and sprayed on your favorite perfume. You put in some fake diamond earrings and ruffled with your hair real quick before calling it a day, happy with your appearance. You slipped on some cute, matching sandals before heading back to where he sat in your living room. 
"Okay, ready?" you grinned, walking towards the couch he was sitting on, scrolling through his phone. 
He looked up at you through his lashes, slipping his phone in his pocket and standing up, "Yeah." 
He began walking towards the front door while you grabbed your purse and slipped your phone into it. You followed him outside on the doorstep of your flat. You locked the door behind you and you both made your way down the flight of stairs to the parking lot. He lead the way towards his black Range Rover that sat in front of your building complex. He took out his keys and he got into the driver's seat while you hopped into the passenger side. He pulled out of the parking spot and began the journey to the fancy brunch place downtown. The radio was on low as you both spoke, talking about anything and everything. 
You were mid-conversation when it happened.
"Didn't she have a s - oh my god," you gasped deeply. 
You felt your heart drop to your stomach, mentally preparing to come face to face with Jesus Himself as Niall slams on the breaks, a string of profanities leaving his lips. The tires screeched and you felt the car lunge forward as it slammed into the side of the other car. Your bodies were thrown forward into the airbags and you were in complete shock. A sharp pain struck in both your knees when they slammed against the dashboard in front of you. It all happened so fast, you hadn't even processed what happened yet until you heard Niall yell in pain...
"Fuckin' hell!! Me ankle!"
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bkwrm523 · 5 years
Grooming Habits
Title: Grooming Habits Rating: Explicit Pairing: Eobard Thawne/reader Word Count: 1882 Warnings: smut, a daddy kink or two Tags:  @mysupernaturalfics @cookingglitterfairy @kittenofdoomage @catsoftheapocalypse @medicatemedrmccoy  @star-trekkin-across-theuniverse @mrswhozeewhatsis @daughterofthebrowncoats @nellethiel-aranel @musikat18 Summary: Eobard is about to shave his beard off, but you may have an objection to that Author’s Note: Sooooo, I rewatched Flashpoint and had some Feels about Eobard’s beard.  Then this happened.
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You knew the words were a mistake as soon as they’d left your mouth.  Honestly, you didn’t realize you were even saying it until too late.  It had just… happened.
There was a very long moment of silence.  The sound of Eobard’s electric razor clicked off, and you held your breath waiting for his reply.
Finally, his head poked out of the bathroom (after his story of what Barry had done to him, you’d refused to touch him until he took a shower), analyzing you with a puzzled frown.  You stared back at him with wide eyes, trying with limited success to look innocent.  Keep your eyes on his, and not the beard covering his jaw was a struggle.  He was wearing a pair of black pants that may or may not have belonged to his speedster suit, and a plain white tshirt.
“What was that?”  Eobard asked, his voice smooth and bemused.
“Uhhhhh…. Nothing!”  You exclaimed, your voice miraculously not breaking.
“No, no.”  Eobard replied.  He turned back into the bathroom for a moment, before stepping out into the hallway and walking slowly towards you.  The puzzled frown deepened into the look he got when he was working on a mystery.  “You definitely said something.”
“I think you suggested I keep the beard.”
You stammered again, standing and taking a couple steps back from him as he grew closer.  You couldn’t look at his face, didn’t want to see the smirk curling the edges of his lips.  You heard the whoosh of him running, and he was instantly right in front of you.
Eobard cupped your chin with one hand, pushing your face up to meet his gaze.  As you suspected, he was smirking at you.  “Do you like my beard, y/n?”
“I - it - uhm, I, uh…”
You didn’t make it to actual words; Eobard stopped your mouth with a kiss.
You gave a soft, involuntary moan into his lips.  You felt his beard scratching against your face as his tongue pushed into your mouth.  Different than your usual kisses, but not what you’d been daydreaming about.
The hand on your cheek moved to cup the back of your head, holding you gently as he kissed you fiercely.  Eobard growled a little, pushing you backwards until your back hit the wall.  Your breath caught, and a whine escaped your lips.  You clung to him, unable to do anything but hold on as your wits all fled your body.  Eobard’s free arm rested on the wall next to your head, and he leaned into you, pressing every inch of his body against yours.  The kiss grew more aggressive, and he started nipping.  You kept making little, involuntary noises with every nip, and every noise only seemed to inflame him more.  He leaned more into you, his hips rocking against yours, until you could feel his erection growing.
When Eobard finally broke from your lips, all you could do was cling to your grip on his shirt and gasp for breath.  You got one gasp in before his mouth was on your neck, and you nearly went cross-eyed.
This was hardly the first time you’d felt Eobard’s mouth on your neck, but it was definitely the first time he’d had a beard for it.  You could feel his beard scratch against every nerve in your neck, and your brain simply exploded with sensation.  Your knees nearly gave out.  You would have leaned on him, but he already had you pressed tightly between him and the wall, easily supporting your weight.
He may have been biting you again, but you couldn’t be sure given the way his beard felt against your skin.  He growled again, and you made an indescribable noise.  You dropped your head onto his shoulder and whined, his hips’ constant grinding against yours making you squirm helplessly.  You gasped his name, grinding back into him.  You heard a growl from your neck, and he bit your sensitive skin.  It didn’t hurt, but sucked away your ability to move, and all you could do was cling to him and moan.  Eobard’s hips shifted, and he pushed a thigh between your legs, right against your crotch.
His leg started vibrating.
You cried out wordlessly, burying on hand in his hair, and digging the nails of your other hand into his back.  You ground against his vibrating leg, drawing close to the edge with alarming speed.  You tried to cry his name, but you couldn’t manage anything intelligible.  Your hips rocked against his leg of their own accord, and you bit his shoulder to stifle your cries.
A hand buried in your hair and yanked your head back up.  Evidently, he didn’t want you stifling anything.
Eobard thrust his clothed erection against your leg as his vibrating leg ground against your pussy, shielded by layers of clothes.  You stammered his name, trying to fight the orgasm you could feel rising.  Eobard bit your neck, drawing a strangled groan out of you.
Your orgasm swept over you like a wave.  Your arms involuntarily clenched around him, your throat shutting out any escaping noise.  You tried to cry his name, but no words came out.  Wave after wave of pleasure overwhelmed your brain, and you writhed uncontrollably in his arms until he let you down.
The vibrating leg finally stopped, and he pulled back from your neck.  You went limp in his arms, panting whining softly.  Eobard supported you, lifting you in his arms and nuzzling you as he carried you through the room.
Your back hit the bed, as Eobard gently laid you on top of the blankets.  He sped on top of you, his arms on either side of your shoulders supporting his weight, and nuzzled your face.
“Still with me, kitten?”  Eobard murmured softly.
“Eobard,” you groaned, exhausted.  He smirked, and you would have hit him if you’d had control of your limbs.  The most you managed was a soft ‘mmf’ of protest as he kissed you again.  His body moved against yours as he kissed you, his hips grinding into yours, and the rest of him trying to crawl as close to you as possible.
There was a blur of yellow, and a moment or two later you were naked on the bed.  Eobard loomed over you, and your brain short circuited at the glimpse of his cock, huge and erect, before he was on you.  His bare skin warmed yours, chasing away the chill of the room.
“Cheater.”  You grumbled.
“Want me to put them back on?”  Eobard asked, lifting a bemused eyebrow at you.
“Shut up and kiss me.”
“You’re mouthy tod-ohhh…”
You got sick of waiting for him to finish teasing you, leaned up and bit his neck, right where neck met shoulder.  You sunk your teeth into him, loving the moan that vibrated from his chest.  He tossed his head back, and the moan became a growl.  Your hips rolled rhythmically, grinding up into him as you bit and sucked at his neck.
He pulled your head off of him, pushing you down into the pillow.  His hands restrained yours about level with your head, his hair thoroughly mussed, and his eyes wild.  His chest heaved, and you bit your lip, desperate to get your mouth back on him.
"You naughty girl," he scolded half-heatredly, though he couldn't fight the wicked grin that spread across his lips. "Greedy little thing, aren't you?"
“I need you, daddy.”  You purred, trying to turn the tables on him.  Eobard sucked in a breath, but didn’t break.  A yellow blur again for a moment, as Eobard sped around.  When he stopped, your hands were each tied to a bedpost.
“Safe word?”  Eobard asked, his voice soft as he nuzzled your face.
“Yessir.”  You replied quietly.  “I remember it.”
“Good girl.”  He praised you, dropping a brief kiss on your lips.
His mouth on your neck again, this time the other side.  You wailed his name, thrashing under him and panting.  His hips ground into yours, and his erection slid against your folds, still wet from your last orgasm.  He brushed past your clit and you gasped, arching your back into him.  His hands, resting on the bed on either side of your head, fisted in the blankets and you felt him bite your neck.  
He stopped and pulled away from your neck so suddenly, you were left lying there gasping for breath.  You had a single moment to wonder where he went, before you felt his breath on your nethers.  You bit your lip, trying to hold in a whine, but it escaped nevertheless.  
“Say please.”  Eobard ordered you.  You didn’t lift your head to look at him, but you could hear the smug smirk in his voice.
“Eobard,” you protested in a breathy moan.
“Say.  Please.”  Eobard growled, licking your pussy and making you shiver.  “Or I’ll leave you on the edge all night.”
“Fuck,” you groaned.  “Please!”
“Good girl,” he purred, and then he was on you.
You felt his beard on your thighs and your folds, you couldn’t help but grind your hips into his face.  It didn’t hurt, but enhanced the sensation, setting every nerve on fire until all you could do was writhe and cry his name.  
You noticed just then that your legs were tied to the posts on the footboards.  You wondered vaguely when he’d done that, but the thought quickly left you when you felt his hands on your breasts, massaging and pinching until you sobbed with pleasure.  Eobard’s tongue started vibrating inside you, making you cry out wordlessly.  You trembled, and all four limbs fought the restraints.  You tried to move, to squirm away from him, but you couldn’t go anywhere tied to the bed, and he was relentless.  He ate you ravenously, little growls and hungry noises as he vibrated against you.  You screamed, your orgasm overwhelming your senses.  His hands left your breasts, holding your hips as he eagerly kept vibrating and licking until you were struggling to find the words to beg him to stop.
He never did, eating you out from one orgasm directly into the next.  Tears leaked from your eyes, and your hips rutted into him without consulting you.  Your throat closed and you couldn’t make a sound, and your eyes slid shut.  You couldn’t think, all you could do was feel as your third orgasm of the night threw you higher and kept you there.  He vibrated harder somehow, stimulating your clit and your gspot, throwing you into another orgasm.
Finally, you quite lost count of the orgasms, and just passed out.
When you came to, you’d been untied and cleaned up, and were lying in bed, still naked.  You were on your side, and Eobard’s warm body was pressed behind you, an arm lying across your waist.
“Back with me, kitten?”  He asked softly, the hand on your waist drawing little circles on your skin.  You half turned to look at him.
He’d shaved.
“You shaved?”  You asked.  You tried to make your voice sound neutral, but you sounded disappointed despite yourself.
Eobard smirked, easily reading you.  “Sorry, Y/n.  I’m not keeping it.
“But, it might make a comeback from time to time.  If you’re good.”
You weren’t sure you’d survive.
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loridrabbles · 5 years
Imprisoned | Dogma x Reader (Part 8)
(Y/n) finishes up her trial. Dogma'a mental state declines due to isolation.
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     Dogma lay on his back, staring at the ceiling of the cell. It was empty, except for him, though he swore he heard people calling his name. In reality, the only things he could hear were the whir of the fan behind the bars in the ceiling, the drip from the leaky faucet in the refresher, and his own breathing. 
     (Y/n) was gone and he missed her. He missed her dearly. The time he spent alone was pure agony. He played checkers against himself, flipping the board each turn, thumbed through a couple books. He paced the room, fiddled with his fingers, and did nothing but wait. He didn't know what he was waiting for. Mostly just for the day to pass. 24 hours felt like days. 
     Time was taking a toll on his mind. When he'd close his eyes, he'd see things. He'd be in the barracks, trying to join a conversation, but he couldn't open his mouth. They'd wave their hands in his face, trying to wake him, but he couldn't. He'd be on the battlefield, standing, motionless, unable to breath as his brothers ran past him, screaming for him to move. He couldn't. He missed them. They never treated him well, but he'd take being the picked on out cast any day over complete solitude.
     Sometimes he'd be sitting on the cell bench, with (y/n) by his side, the both of them rambling on in a long, pointless conversation. He'd run his hand through her hair, but he could feel nothing at his fingertips. He missed her. The softness or her skin, the taste of her lips, the warmth of her body against his.
     He was going mad. The room spun and his heart palpitated in his chest. He wanted to scream. He fought it for so long. He fought it for weeks. Finally he gave up. A tear slipped from his eye as he sat on the edge of the bed. They began to pour down his face as he buried his head in his hands, sobbing to himself. He didn't want to be there anymore. He'd never follow through, he wouldn't be able too, but he knew he'd be better off dead. 
     Through his blurry vision, he saw a guard slide new towels and sheets under the door along with his dinner tray. He didn't want it. He trudged to the door, and grabbed the towels and sheets. He pulled the old ones off the bed and threw them by the door to he taken away. Once the bed was made, he grabbed the towels and climbed in the shower, hoping it would help him think more clearly.
     (Y/n)'s trial was up. 3 years and 5 years probation. She was happy to have received a sentence that was so short, but she would be lying if she said she wasn't hoping to hear life. She couldn't imagine leaving Dogma in that horrible place all by himself. She couldn't imagine how terrible the last few weeks had been. It was bad enough with just the two of them.
     As she left the court and entered the jail, the muzzle was places back on her head. As the was lead in chains through the prison, her heart jumped to her throat when the guards took her to the elevator that led to solitary. They would see eachother again.
     Dogma stepped out of the shower. He was mentally exhausted. His movements were slow and by the time he was dressed for bed in a tshirt and loose cotton shorts, the mirror had unfogged from the shower. He heard something. A door slam and some voices. He was hallucinating again. He picked up a little packet that held a razor and shaving cream. Making the shaving cream was hard. It was cheap, but he managed. He had to be extremely careful with the razor. It was made to prevent someone from hurting themselves or someone else. One wrong move and it would snap. It also dulled quickly, but luckily there were 3 in a package. It took him about a half hour, but he finally removed any stubble that had grown in, and shaped his hair how he liked. 
     (Y/n) sat on the edge of the bed, waiting for him. She stared blankly at the floor, thinking about everything that had happened the last few weeks. Kix, the trial, what Dogma might have gone through. She wanted to cry. The door to the refresher swung open. Dogma stepped out, staring at her, blinking a few times as if to make sure he wasn't seeing things again. 
     "(Y/n)." He said, his voice almost a whisper. He couldn't believe his eyes. Slowly, he walked to her as she stood. She looked up at him, tears in her eyes and she stood and rushed to collide with his chest. He wrapped his arms tightly around her, burying his face into her hair, stroking it gently. Minutes passed before either of them spoke.
     "You're back." He whispered. "I was so worried. What happened?"
     "My trial. I got 3 years and 5 years probation."
     "Oh..." He sighed. "Well, I'm happy for you." He looked down at her and noticed she was still crying. He put his hands on her cheek. "What's the matter? Aren't you glad you'll be out of here soon?"
     "I saw Kix." She said. She took a seat on the bed, Dogma next to her. "He treated my wounds. He took the muzzle off to talk to me for a moment even though he wasn't supposed to. I told him what was going on. When he left the room, the guards beat him. I screamed for them to stop, but I-I think they k-killed him." She cried, burying her face in his chest as he tried to think of what to say. "I shouldn't have asked him. I didn't have to tell him."
     "Shhh. It's not your fault." He stroked her hair and squeezed her close to him. "He knew the consequences. Don't think about it. It's over with. There's nothing you can do. Besides, the 501st is going to wonder what happened to him right? They're going to find out."
     "You're right. There's no sense in making myself sick over it." She said, wiping her tears. Dogma used the sleeve of his shirt to help dry them away. "We're stuck here anyway."
     "Did you eat?" He asked.
     "Kinda. I haven't had much of an appetite."
     "Neither have I, since you left. I was starting to go mad from being alone for so long."
     "I can imagine. I was in our old cell so I was able to interact with others, but I dared not speak to anyone. The guards threatened to kill me if I talked to anyone about the trial."
     "Kriff. Well, if your hungry, they dropped off dinner an hour or so ago." He pointed to the tray that was set on the table. She walked to the bench and slouched on it, kicking off the loafers she had on. 
     "What did you do while I was gone?"
     "Paced. Read. Waited." He answered. 
     "Sounds fun." She answered sarcastically. "Up for a game of checkers?" She asked.
     "Yeah. What are the rules this time?" He joked.
     "Nothing. I just missed playing together." She smiled. They played a few rounds rather silently, just enjoying eachother's company. (Y/n) broke the silence with a question.
     "Ok. If you were trapped on a planet with only one person from the 501st, who would it be?"
     "Hmm. Probably Rex." He answered, moving his piece to be kinged. "He was always very kind to me. What about you."
     "Probably the same." She paused. "Wait a minute. You!" She laughed.
     "Well you're pretty much already doing that. If you were going to be trapped on a barren planet for a year, what 3 things would you bring with you?"
     "Hmmm. A copper pot. It can kill the bacteria in water and I can use it to cook. An axe or machete and a tarp. You?"
     "My blaster, a canteen to collect water, and a firestarter."
     "Oh I'd probably have to trade my tarp for a fire starter. I couldn't make a fire by hand for the life of me."
     "That's true. Of course I could probably use my blaster to start a fire. Then I could trade my firestarter for a tarp or bug net."
     "Ooh a bug net is a good idea. Hey if we ever get out of here, let's try to survive in the wilderness together with only 6 items."
     "Sounds like a plan. I think we could do it."
     "If you could only be on one planet for the rest of your life, which would it be?"
     "Hmm. Probably Coruscant. Surprisingly I'm not sick of it. There's so much of it I haven't explored yet. You?"
     "Naboo. There are cities but but there's forests and plains too. I couldn't live in a city forever."
     They talked and talked, catching up on the time together they had lost. They talked until their mouths went dry and stayed up so late their eyes stung with exhaustion. Finally, they caved in and went to bed.
     (Y/n) and Dogma were getting ready for the night when (y/n) felt a heavy trickling down her leg. She looked down to see a small puddle of blood at her feet.
     "No no no no." She gasped.
     "What?" He asked, fluffing his sheets.
     "I got my period." She said, tears stinging her eyes, threatening to spill.
     "Oh dear."
     "Uhg this is so embarrassing." She said, hiding her face in her hands.
     "No it's not. Don't worry about it. Go clean yourself up. I'll take care of the floor. It's alright."
     The next 4 days were going to be difficult, but with a copious amount of cloths in her underwear and Dogma insisting she didn't have to be embarrassed, she'd make it. The clothes she'd use as pads, she kept and would rinse them out every night and swish them in the sink with soap.
     She had gotten used to an empty, cold room during her time away for thr trial. She hated it. She had been away from Dogma long enough and he was so close. Deciding she was done with being alone, she got out of her bed and walked to his. He was already asleep, facing the wall away from her. He had rolled over that way from his back, leaving enough room for her to squeeze in. She climbed under the covers, and wrapped her arm around him. He awoke slightly, finding her hand, intertwining his fingers with hers. She buried her face in his back and took a deep sigh. She could still smell the shaving cream.
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freemeplz · 6 years
Loki Fic- No Hierarchy? Prt 2
Lol I know the first part was boring, but every good story starts off a little plain. I think now, is where it gets juicy :)))
What Loki did brought back the memories I never wanted to experience again. Though I suppose I deserve it, after all, I did it to all them.
“Born with your powers, and you never questioned why. Saw your parents right before they died. You would fit in quite well in this group” His breathing still hard, he slicks his hair back in place, although his smirk was there, it was wavering. As if he didn’t feel too good saying my previous life out to strangers.
Seeing all of their faces, the guy named Steve came to pick me up from the floor. “So you told us your name,” he said to me, holding me up “but why is it we sensed your power two months prior of today?” He asked.
“I was asleep, which leads me to a question, would one of you kind people like to tell me what year it is?” I let go of Steve and stand on my own.
My mind flips, “I’ve been asleep for 76 years” I start to walk away from the people surrounding me. “Woah- just wait a minute- that’s 1942! You’ve been asleep since 1942?!” Steve grabs my shoulder, turning me to face him.
“Of course, I was 8 years old, but I grew stronger and aged to a young adult, and stopped once I met the age I wanted.” I said under my breath.
“What do you mean the age I wanted?” Steve asked hastily, his fingers digging into my shoulders. It hurt me, and I don’t like how he’s so close to me.
I conjure energy to my hands, “Mr. Steve” I shove my hands to his chest and he quickly lets go being shoved back by the energy. “I like my personal space, especially when it comes to people I don’t know” he clutches his chest and breathes heavily, “What did you do?” He looks so confused.
“I used the energy force to shove you back by a simple touch, no pain of course, just force” I walk back to the group.
“I can touch and play and touch the energy of the universe, with all that energy, I mainly use it for my brain. In ways where a regular can only access 10% of there brain. I however can you the energy to access more” I study them.
They were taken back, “I can move energy between things. Like right now, I didn’t cause Steve pain, I just used energy to push him back. After that, he might even feel a rush of energy surging through him”
I look back, and to my words, his muscles were tense and his veins were popping.
“So what’s the hierarchy?” I crack my knuckles and neck, “Hierarchy?” Tony chuckled, “Yes, I must find my place on the hierarchy, you lot are obviously all very powerful. I would like to challenge you all for a spot on the top” I set my stance, “Now now, we may all have some sort of ability, but we aren’t animals” Steve says.
No hierarchy?
“Geeze, did your parents teach you anything?” Tony says, “My parents taught me everything I know, that says a lot considering I am old but as young as a spring buck” I get in his space.
“I think we all just need to chill out for just a little bit, now Mat. Nowadays people are as equals, no one is higher than others. That’s just how it is” Peter cuts in.
“Well then I guess some people need to be put in a place where they know they are equal to everyone else” I threat Tony.
“Ooh I like her” Loki says, “Shut up Loki” Natasha whispers.
Tony groans, “Listen, I think we just need to readjust you to todays society. You’ve been in the woods for far too long” he mutters under his breath.
Banner comes up to me, “Sorry about him, but I would like to study you for awhile, if you don’t mind. I would just like to focus on your brain when you conjure your powers” he smiles excitedly. He seems to be fairly kind.
“I will work with you Dr. Banner” I say.
Wanda wasn’t saying anything, along with Sam. Rhodey looked nervous however, “Are you-“ he cuts me off “Listen, I was just doing a job for Tony. Sorry about your face” he sounded genuinely sorry. I give him a small smile.
“Nat, show her to your bathroom and wash her up. Also, give her some clothes, I’m tired of this caveman look” Tony calls out, and everyone starts to leave the room.
I get a couple of pats on the shoulder from the guys, Peter in particular gave me a smile, to which I kindly returned.
Loki however left his eyes lingering on me, and before he walked out, he smirked and winked.
“Come now, let’s go get you cleaned up” she took my hand, and she felt my energy again. But this time it was just my peaceful balance energy. “What is that” she asks, “My main power is peace and balance, that is what you are feeling” I inform her.
“Well it feels amazing” she mutters with a small smile.
She led me into a bathroom, the shower was much more larger and advanced than the previous ones I saw when I was younger.
“Wait here while I go get some clothes and shower products for you” she says leaving.
I take off my pelt and wrap a towel around me.
The shower head was on top of the shower, coming out of the ceiling, and inside the shower on the wall was a small screen.
And on the counter was a speaker looking device but another device connected to it. I walk over to look at it.
“It’s called an iPod. It plays music” Loki scared me.
“How long have you been standing there!” I ask afraid he just saw me bare.
“Oh don’t worry darling, unfortunately I saw you when I was walking by, you were staring the iPod” His smirk still on his face.
“Why, did you want me to see something?” He asks walking in towards me.
“N-no” I stutter.
“Shame” he was right in front of me. I looked hideous, I look down, avoiding his eyes. But then I feel his fingers under my chin, “Now come on darling, I don’t mind” I look at him with my one eye. I suddenly feel my face get hot. What in the heavens is my body doing?!!
“W-“ whatever was going on here, it was cut short by Nat coming back. She marches over and steps between us, “You listen here Loki” he rolls his eyes, “She just got here and you need to-“ he cuts her off. “Yeah yeah, keep my hands to myself” he starts to walk away but before actually leaving, he winks his eye.
The god of mischief.
“Excuse him.” She mutters.
“Now, time to learn to be a woman!” She said excitedly. Her arms holding a ton of items. She played the device called the iPod. And it emitted music loudly scaring me.
She laughed, “Now this is for shaving...”
Everything went foward, she taught me odd things. The shaving, which cut me a few times, and the waxing, which hurt. Both only temporary because of my healing factors. She taught me that I needed to do that every other time every month. And when I got in the shower she turned it on for me and stayed. Which was a little odd, but she didn’t mind, so I thought this was normal.
She told me about the hair treatments I should use for taking care of my long hair. It was a lot, but I could manage. When I was done, I dried off and brushed my teeth. I dressed in the clothes she gave me. It was undergarments and a white button up longsleeve tshirt. That and some loose soft pants that she referred to them as joggers.
It was all far from my time, but extremely confortable. She looked at me proudly, “Perfect!” She smiled.
“Let me show you to where you’ll be staying” she lead me down a long corridor of rooms. But as I passed by an open door, it was the Bucky fellow.
I let go of Nat, “Can you possibly give me one quick moment to speak with Bucky please?” I ask, she nods and waits for me. I walk back to his room. He had his hair tied up and was reading a book on his bed. I knock, “Excuse me Bucky, may I come in?” He gets startled but recovers closing his book and sitting up. He nods.
I walk in and sit at the end of his bed. “Listen, I would like to apologize for anything wrong I did to you. I meant no harm. I just wanted to see who everyone was” I say quietly.
“That’s not who I am.” He grunts, which I snap my head up, “No no, Thats not what I meant!” I take my words back.
“I felt you Bucky, you’ve been through the worst. As we all have, but, I can help you get rid of the memories of procedures that were done on you. You can finally sleep well” I scoot closer.
“Can you really do that?” He looks at me, to which I give him a nod.
“Of course not the first night, it will take time. But I can give you peace” I tell him.
After awhile, he nods “Okay” he says.
“Alright, do you want to try it out now?” I ask, to which he nods.
“Okay well, lay down and close your eyes.” He does as I say. I place my hand in his, and the other above his heart. I can feel all his negative energy that almost overpowers the positive. It’s a lot. It’s unbalanced.
“Your heart is incredibly strong Bucky,” I close my eyes. I slowly take the negative energy. His hand closes around mine. I take out tiny pieces, replacing it with his good memories. Steve was the majority of them.
It took some time but I got something done for tonight, and by the time I was done, he was already asleep. Before I left, I calmed him and left some positive energy strings attached to him. I cover him up before walking out.
Natasha left, I don’t blame her. That took a really long time. I walked further down the hallway and another room is open.
“Hello Peter” I walk in, he was on another device. He jumped and turned around. “Geeze ever heard of knocking!!” He held his hand on his chest. He was young like me. “I noticed that I don’t know a lot about these devices nowadays. Would you care to show them to me every other day?” I ask.
He chuckled, “You want me to teach you about today’s technology?” He asks, and I nod. “COOL!! I’ll teach you everything, of course it’s a lot so it might take awhile, but yess! I would love to!” He says excitedly.
“Alright cool” I chuckle, “Goodnight Peter” he bids me a goodnight. But before I leave I ask one more thing, “Do you think you can tell me which room is mine?”
“The very last door to the left” he smiles, “Thank you, goodnight” I smile back.
I head down further to my room, as soon as I walk in Steve is sitting on the bed. “Hey” he says.
“Hello” I walk around the bed, and slide in to lay down.
“How did you do it Steve?” I ask, looking at him as he sits against the headboard.
“With waking up and everything? It was all very confusing. But I did alright. I mean I’m still learning, but uh, you’ll be okay” he reassures me.
“Thank you” I say and he looks at me and smiles.
“Well I just wanted to check up on you” he said getting up. He looks back at me, “Goodnight”
I smile, “Goodnight Steve” he turns off the lights and leaves.
Waking up was painful. There was a knot in my neck and another on my lower back.
I guess I’m not use to luxury life yet.
I sit up and rub my neck, it was the afternoon already. One of the walls was a full window. Walking over, I can feel the energy again. It’s better when you’re fully outside. So that’s what I’m gonna do.
Getting up I saunter out, it was quiet. As I walked out down the hall, all the rooms were empty. It was eerie.
Walking into the living room, no one was there. The front doors were though. A way outside.
I make my way out, “Not trying to run away are you?” Loki’s voice came from behind me, making me jump. I turn to face him, “I think even if I tried, they would only find more ways to capture me. I’m just going to meditate, care to join me?” I ask.
He seemed to debate the question, he then puts the books he was holding aside, and walks towards me. “I have nothing else to do, might as well keep you company” he smiles.
We walk towards the open field, “Where have the others gone?” I ask. “They’ve gone to get some work done” he kicks at the gravel on the driveway.
“So they stuck you here with me, to babysit?” I question as we now start to walk on the field.
Both of my eyes open now, I look at him. Although I do have healing factors, it does take up most of my energy. This was barely a wound, might as well just leave it to heal naturally. It was just purple now.
“Babysitting? Oh no darling, I don’t babysit. Unless you want me to treat you good for today?” He smirks, and once more my face gets hot along with other places.
I look away, “Nonsense...” I mutter. We were now in the middle if the field. I sit crisscrossing, “Sit.” I tell him. “Yes ma’am” he mumbles.
I hold my hand out to him, “Give me your hand,” and he holds my hand. “You will need to close your eyes and focus. Everything you see and feel is what I am seeing and feeling. It took me years to get to this point, this is basically mirroring” I inform him. I feel him nod.
“Breathe deeply and calm yourself, you ready?” I ask, and his hand closes a little tighter on mine. I took that as a yes.
Focusing on all the energy, I open my eyes, everything was dark but there was colorful strings of energy. The sunlight, ground, trees, grass, the air. All of it. I hear Loki gasp, and I chuckle.
I reach out and pull on the suns energy, it was rejuvenating and positive. It was possibly my favorite. It danced around us, Loki chuckles.
I connect a couple strings to Loki. His breathing becomes calmer. I connect a couple to me. It was fantastic.
We stayed like this for about half an hour, till I decided it was enough for today. I disconnect and blink my eyes to return them to their natural vision.
I look over to Loki, he had a soft smile on his face. “That was fantastic” he laughs, “I feel great!” He says.
He stands up and stands me up as well, “Can we do that everyday?” He asks excitedly. I giggle and nod. Just then, over the tree line, a black jet slowly flies over us, landing on the building.
“Now it’s time to go inside” he rolls his eyes and starts to walk towards the building. He looks back at me, “Come on now”
As we walk inside, Loki still had a small smile on his face, they all come down stairs. All them wearing weird attire. I recognize Rhodey’s metal suit. I internally laugh.
“So, what I’m putting together, with your memories and stuff, you lot are superheroes!” I smile. Tony was the last one to come down.
“I wanna be one! Can I start training now?!” I ask, but Tony scoffs, “Listen here kid, this isn’t something you can just sign up for. Plus you’re practically just a kid. You don’t know nothing about the world” He walks to the kitchen.
“Plus, we don’t even know specifically what you’re skills are” he adds. He does have a point. I actually don’t even know what skills are truly useful. I guess mine is using the universe’ energy to access more of my brain, therefore enhancing more skills. One skill from that is mimicking the skills and assets of other organisms. And most importantly is bringing peace, justice, and balance.
Loki interrupts, “Why not let her prove herself?” I look over to him, he’s smirking. Tony rolls his eyes, “Alright, outside now. Lets go” he grabs my arm roughly, shoving me out.
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wroetominter · 8 years
Explanation - Simon Imagine
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