#by that measure sanderson easily surpasses me
aesudan-kholin · 2 years
i think i legitimately have written more words about elhokar than sanderson has
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sambart93 · 7 years
2018 Resolutions
I always pick ridiculous resolutions and stuff but I am always willing to try!
The KEY Theme for this year is BALANCE! I always WAY over do it with one thing but this year I'm going to try really hard to balance all or most of my interests. And especially because I'm expecting KAT-TUN to come back this year, so I need to stop using money on stages so I can go to all their stuff! Because they are NUMBER ONE PRIORITY!
1. 20 Doramas/SPs
I really sucked ass on watching doramas last year so in order to keep the balance, I'm sticking to a nice 20 as my goal. I usually want to watch like 4 or 5 a season anyway so that's already hitting that 20 doramas mark! Also a bunch of 2017 doramas I wanted to see but didn't still need to be watched xD
2. 20 Movies
Again, when I first got to Japan, I went to the cinema EVERY monday but the last year I just haven't had the time or energy! So again, so long as I keep everything balanced, I should easily get to 20 movies this coming year! Including cinema released and just ones I haven't seen, and maybe even have time for some rewatches; I really wanna rewatch Crows for example!
3. 12 Books
I haven't read a LITTLE English books as I had last year. If we include ALL the Japanaese Magazines and pamphlets I read last year then I definitely surpassed it, but my English reading really took a dive last year so I'm thinking one book a month is good enough! I have more than enough books in my room and on hand to fill those 12! So I want to get to include: A Torch Against the Night, Frankenstein, City of Bones, about 8/9 Brandon Sanderson books, Ready Player One, so I think I can do this!
4. Keep Up with Reviews
I was pretty faithful keeping up with Stage reviews last year but this year I want to keep up with all of them including actor events and even things like trips I take. Although there's going to be a few changes; last year (especially between Summer and maybe Octoberish) I started to write longer, and longer reviews which were taking me whole days (8ish hours and then breaks and such) to write, also they were getting more and more negative (especially when it came to big productions and companies such as EnStage, TouStage, Marv, Nelke etc) so I want to try and be less bias this year and more objective than subjective, which means I'm also going to try and write whole paragraphs about the positives and either ignore or just bullet point the negatives; we don't need me ranting do we? Even I'm sick and tired of my own negativity xD So the reviews may get shorter but hopefully will be more positive and more fun to read!
Which leads me to:
5. Oshi Stages/Events Only (With 4 exceptions)
I've learnt this past year what I really like when it comes to stages, what I want, who I like, which stories and productions and actors and characters I know I'm going to enjoy. Also, going back to the theme of BALANCE, I spent WAY too much money last year on stages and to be honest I could've not seen about 50% of them and wouldn't have been missing out because of things like DVDs and such. SO by focusing only on my 8 oshis, I'm hopefully going to be seeing things with people I love, as well as saving some cash! But also not seeing too many that I don't burn out (which then leads to negativity) and gives me enough time for things like relaxing, reading and doing other things! Also, saving dat kash! BUT I am allowing myself to go to SOME things that don't involve my oshis. I was originally thinking maybe just one non-oshi thing a season but maybe that's one too few? I'll definitely be forcing myself not to go crazy but if something really really looks interesting and I honest to god MUST see it and there's a chance for things like touji then I will allow myself the one or two non-oshi things every season. Especially if it's a non-oshi that I love, or a production company's (e.g. ASSH, ODD, MMJ) stage that I love that I'm interested in. 
I would ideally love at least one whole weekend or week a month where I have no stages or events planned so I can A. relax and mentally repair and B. study and C. get all my other interests fitted in in that time! If I end up like last year where I had like 2 - 3 stages or events EVERY week, then we know I've messed up again xD I cannot let that happen again!
Which ALSO leads to:
6. Keep Complaints to Self and Be Positive on the Outside
For some reason, the past year when it's around the hormonal period, I get very slumpy, depressed and negative and I've noticed it's affected not only my reviews but it's affected my work, my mentality and it's caused me to argue and snap at people who I really like (looking at your Alkoi and Tonbo) and I KNOW it's my hormones because literally a week later I'm back to normal. But it's becoming SUCH a re-occurrence every month now that I need to take some measures to ensure I'm not making anyone else's life more shitty. So I'm going to really try and not spout my complaints and negativity so much anymore; this includes my rants on twitter and in real life! And instead of complaining ON twitter, I'm just going to write my negativity on say a piece of paper and just throw it away. I need something like this to keep me mentally stable and overall not ruining the amazing relationships and friendships that I hope I'm not taking advantage of!
Nothing good comes out of negativity but SO much comes out of being positive openly and towards others! So I'm going to try really hard!
7. Travel Twice
I managed to travel a few things last year BUT they were ALL oshi related; I went to Tochigi for ManbaChan, I went to Osaka for TokiEnta, I went to Gunma for/with MakiChan, but I really wanted to get back to Fukuoka this year or go back to USJ and I just didn't have the time or the money. So I'd love to get back to traveling just for the sake of traveling. I'm thinking Fukuoka in the Winter/Spring and Sendai in the Summer/Autumn and then if I have time I definitely want to FINALLY get around to Disney Land and get back to USJ. But my priority IS Sendai <3 AND even I have any any any more time and money after that then my next goal after Sendai is definitely Hakodate! For obvious history reasons xD Again balance should allow me the time and money to go off on an adventure!
Which also also leads to:
8. Save Money!
I am DISGUSTED in myself in how little I managed to save this year compared to my first year and half in Japan so that needs to get back on track. I wanna have enough for my health as well as be able to finally get my own apartment and also be able to go traveling so it's not just about increasing my saving money by a little, I mean serious business. Also I'm 25 this year so it's about time I had a quarter life crisis and somewhat get my life together xD saving money significantly would be that way of coping with my quarter life crisis xD
I seriously wanted to do my JLPT last year but A. I had no fucking time to study which again, disgusted in myself for, because of how much time I spent going to stages, and B. the test in December that I wanted to take, I had to go back to England instead. BUT next year, I ain't going back to England so I can finally face (and fail) that JLPT N1 which pride because I WILL have time next year to get some serious studying done!
10. No Clearfiles, No Non-Fav Fandom TShirts or Bags
Last year I managed to complete my personal goal of not buying clearfiles anymore so this year I want to continue that as well as I really should not be buying stage tshirts and bags; I bought so many this past year such as PuriStage, Yuri on Ice, Bungou Stray Dogs, Haine and I have this giant pile now of fandom tshirts and bags that, once the stage series finished, I just had no more need for them and turned out that my liking for the stage/series just wasn't that strong at all. So unless I wholeheartedly do love the fandom e.g. Toustage, Lord of the rings, Honoo no Mirage, then I am not allowing myself to buy things like their clearfiles, bags, tshirts, hell I'll even try not to buy the badges (I did this with Haine and now I have a crap ton of Haine bags and Badges I just have no need for anymore; don't get me wrong, I loved the anime but it's never going to be a 'in 10 years time I wanna rewatch this' kind of thing.)
11. Keep up with Dancing and Stretches
This has been a constant goal of mine for at least 3 or 4 years and as we get old, we're just going to get less flexible right? But I want to delay that for as long as possible. I love dancing, I love stretching so why wouldn't I continue this?
12. Spend Spare Time Studying
And this is THE MAIN reason for my theme of balance this year! As I mentioned earlier, I am absolutely disugsted in the lack of studying, movie watching, dorama watching I've done this past year because all my time, money and energy has just gone on stages. And I LOVE Stages but I need that balance back! I don't want to feel this shitty about not seeing this tv or that movie and I definitely don't want this horrible disgusting feeling I have in my stomach for not studying ever again! I WILL study this year, I WILL create a vast amount of time to study, and I WILL do that damn JLPT!
And there we go! Let me know what your resolutions for this year are!
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