#byakuya kuchikk
i-might-write · 2 years
Kuchiki Byakuya: falling in love //part 2
Fandom: Bleach 
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Byakuya knew that due to his position in the clan, whoever he suddenly decided to spend time with would be closely monitored by the clan elders. They were a necessary structure within the clan, but one that required a reminder every now and then that they weren't omnipotent.
One such reminder came when Byakuya finally decided to inform them about stepping into a relationship with you. 
They weren't the first to learn about this, they weren't even asked beforehand for their opinion and a formal blessing. The bubble of their ego burst in the most spectacular way. Looking at their faces in that moment, Byakuya felt incredible satisfaction - and wondered whether the ones turning the brightest purple would actually step down or drop dead. 
They didn't, but their fury was immeasurable. 
Byakuya has never enjoyed working alongside the elders, and preferred to have as little to do with them as possible. It had worked out decently well before, majorly because as a clan head and a squad captain the amount of power he had had been enough to get his way with the most important decisions.
You didn't have that kind of protection.
That's why Byakuya made sure you understood that a relationship with him would mean having to step onto the clan ground and sometimes deal with people unhappy that a person from the World of the Living of no position would become Byakuya's significant other.
It was important for Byakuya to make you understand all the consequences. By then, he had been in love with you for a while, and wanted you to make an informed decision. Even if it meant a possibility of your refusal.
Byakuya had spent the few days before that constantly worrying what your answer would be. He'd accept it anyway. He was not the person who'd force you into a relationship with him just to fulfill his own dream, but make you suffer in the process. Still, he worried. 
An enormous weight was lifted off his shoulders when you agreed to a relationship with him. It was an almost visible thing and he couldn't help but let out a small sigh of relief. 
Now he only had to inform the elders. 
He froze when one day, soon after that, you asked whether he wanted to make the elders froth at the mouth. Given how much he had to argue with them to accept and not attack you on the clan ground, your question had caught Byakuya's attention. A vengeful, smug part of him that was almost forgotten since he grew up, now stirred.
Byakuya almost had a heart attack himself when you proposed to move your sleeping arrangements to his personal chambers.
It was not what he expected. Or was mentally prepared for.
But it certainly had the right kind of effect. 
He agreed when you explained that you mostly just wanted to be close to him and wouldn't force him into anything he wouldn't be comfortable with. Making the clan elders furious was a bonus point.
And that's how Byakuya ended up unable to sleep even deep into the night, laying on his bedsheets next to you. 
You were true to your words, and the two of you spent a nice evening drinking tea and talking before exhaustion weighed down on you. You slept peacefully, tucked in tight in your own futon, and just like you promised, you didn't disturb Byakuya's peace at all.
Or at least that was the idea. 
Byakuya couldn't help but stare at your peaceful face, barely visible from beneath the covers. Your hair surrounded it like a messy, unruly halo and every once in a while you muttered something quietly. He has never been happier.
He had barely slept that night, busy contemplating the way shadows brushed over your cheek as the clouds passed over the moon at the other side of the window. His heart was beating hard enough he worried he'd wake you up. 
He'd insist that you kept your sleeping arrangements with him, even after your revenge reached the elders.
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