screams i met the type of person ive feared meeting all along eek!
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yourlegofigure · 1 year
woah first art post?? first art post!!
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whats up gamers i arted and wanna share for once 🤯⁉️
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ok see ya
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tentronky · 3 months
Okay so. Have my little Dream rant. It's also on tiktok and it has like 1.5k views so why not post it here too.
Have funeh
I had this discussion in rp once. Dream (I wasn't role-playing him) got angry because Error (yep thats me) kept mocking him for being generally pissed off (as far as I remember.) Dream ofc snapped, and Shatteded started lecturing him about how immature he really is. And the roleplayer themselves was also talking about it in the discussion channel.
And you know, Dream has all the right to be immature. He was turned into stone when he was SIX YEARS OLD. Of course he wouldn't know exactly how to deal with situations like an adult. He got out of the stone, around four fuxking centuries later, and everyone expects him to act accordingly to the age of his general existence. His real age is still six. He was mentally and physically a child when he was shoved into a world full of adults and w@r. Of course Dream is going to act like a teenager in development by the time he is starting to understand stuff around him!!
And he forces himself to be as mature as he can, to fit in with the adult world he was suddenly dropped into. Because that's what everyone expects him to do. They treat him like an adult, Dream never had the chance to be a child because of how he was used in the village. Sure, they loved him and all, but he was that one perfect people pleaser that would help with everything he was asked to do. He never experienced not having responsibility. Everyone always expects something from him.
So Dream pushes himself. Dream pushes himself softly enough to not snap, but hard enough to keep going with the sudden change of flow. Like imagine going from 16th century to 21st??? With no warning??? He doesn't only have to be an adult, but he has to be a modern adult too. And if someone pushes him a little too hard along with how he's already pushing himself, he would snap under the pressure. ANYONE WOULD.
I felt really bad for him, more pissed off that Shattered in the roleplay kept hating on him and repeating his behavior back to him. Dream is aware enough of his situation to try and explain why he acted the way he did, but Shattered dismissed it as fuxking trauma dumping??? Saying that he had similair experiences and that it doesn't define Dream any different. Mind you, Shattered is also way older than Dream at this point. Two different timelines or something idk. But he's older and more experiences in life. Dream is still in his child development.
Do you ever have this thing when you try to say sorry to your parents and they just keep ignoring your apology and keep telling you how ungrateful and stupid you are for acting basically accordingly to your developing years? Take that feeling and apply it to Dream. He apologized so many times, and Shattered just kept rubbing salt into the wound. He felt upset, in more of a sad way rather than angry.
I finished that whole argument off with Error just accepting the apology because he felt horrible. But he didn't say that of course, he just claimed it was getting boring and repetitive. Which it was too.
The fact that he has to keep the positive vibe at all times while also trying to fit in with the adults and be a generally good Guardian of Positivity is so sad. PLEASE let Dream be an innocent child at least once a day for a bit. He needs a genuine hug of empathy and a break.
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mihai-florescu · 1 year
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Ok so the unbloomed is the original knight killers outfit. I need to know what happens in the story asap
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sewers-headmates · 3 months
hello! cw for hemocasteism idk if that’s necessary but if you’dont want to do the req because of that then i think it’s good i put it up here.
Name: troll name your choice something that tastes like battery acid
Age: teen your choice for specific age preferably in sweeps and not human years ty
Gender: homestuck genders and genders around battery acid (doesn’t have to be specifically battery acid)
Pronouns: it/its + neos or xenos
Sexuality: pansexual
Ethnicity: troll idfk im so tired sorry
Source: homestuck
Roles: your choice or just like leave it out we don’t mind either way
transIDs: your choice somethings homestuck related please
Paraphiles: all???
Other Labels: lowblood uh any blood type below blue
Appearance: grey skin, black hair, nuns for horns, wwwwings maybe? possibly? Idk you get to decide if i get wings
Aesthetic: battery acid muted hyperpop pins & needles cool talkative but like in a bad way FERAL soso tired i am sorry
Inspirations: homestuck hemocasteism the smell of burning trash and Femtanyl the artist
i am so sorry if this is incomprehensible i can try again tomorrow the body is yelling at us now ok bye byez
this one took me a bit of time so sorry for the wait :(
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First Name: Xektas, Virvir, Nektar, Iakres, Euqraz, Ezzuse, or Skiyox
Last Name: Ezzara, Enkaak, Feerto, Ossofo, Crozar, Rhemih, or Inzegi
Age: 8 sweeps
Gender: Doomgender, Batteryacidgender, Energydrinkgender, Hazardgender, Nonbinary
Pronouns: It/Its, Doom/Dooms, Battery/Batteries, Energy/Energies, Hazard/Hazards, 💥/💥s, 🔋/🔋s, ⚠️/⚠️/s, ☣️/☣️s, ☢️/☢️s
Sexuality: Pansexual
Species: Lime Blooded Troll
Source: Non Canon Homestuck
Roles: Chaosnaut, Chaosjective, Energy Holder, Mood Booster
cisIDs: lime blood, psychic, high energy, black hair, horns, energy drink addict, ADHD, lowblood, PTSD
transIDs: transTypingQuirk, transUniverse, transHomestuck, transCultist, transHemocaste, transHarmed, permaBruised, transRazorTeeth, transUnderweight, transARFID, transHPD, transChronicPain
Paraphiles: Necrophilia, fictoNecrophile, Masochism, Sadism, Autoleptophilia, AAM, FictoAAM, Somnophilia, Consang, Stomaskophilia, Erotophonophilia, Astrophilia, Oulophilia, Plushophilia, Erotophonophilia, Chordaphilia, Timorephilia, Pecattiphilia, Biastophilia, Abusphilia, Reverephilia, Weirdophilia, Hamartophilia, Vulnerablephilia, Invidiaphilia, Spectrophilia, Apagophilia, Klismaphilia, Pokephilia, FictoZoo, Cordophilia, Cynophilia, Lagophilia, Nodumphilia,
Caetaphilia, Cicatrixphilia, Autofelinephilia, Boxeriphilia, Pantsuphilia, Dianotraumaetaphilia, Dacnolagnophilia, Animatronicsphilia, AutoChronophilia, Chernobylphilia, Clysteremphilia, Furryphilia, and Adrenalophilia
Other Labels: polyamorous
Typing Quirk: ALL CAPS and use ! instead of I/i and instead of other punctuation
Appearance: i recommend using this site to design him as you can definitely do it best! i just made some picrews with more general design idea, realizing know i kinda lost the plot with the horns >:/ i recommend making your own struggled a bit with that
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I hope you enjoy him. I kinda struggled with this one! As always feel free to change anything
-mod richie
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ask-karasu-tabito · 3 days
Helo i came here to show you this
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Then leave byez
Its decent. Very nice.
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ang31ey3s-d3mons3edz · 8 months
Okay I'mma take a break. It's hard to look at my tumblr account without feeling guilty. And I feel like a bitch for how I treated a good friend of mine..
If starry or Ryan's followers are looking at this, hello! Go ahead n take a screen shot idc /srs
I'm still debating if I should change my URL or not. Because half of the twomp fandom is telling me to change it and the other half is telling me that I don't have to change it if I don't want to.. The whole thing is REALLY stressful. I honestly don't know what to think or do...
Anywayyyy good byez for now!
@wielderofthechainsaw @worm-brainzz @r0tt1ngr4bb1t @devilish-parrot @kandifloss-finn @statictelevision @dagaelizardz @homoweirdcoreperson @justsprout @littleshadowlucy @xxhum4n-g00xx @voidbeau @machathecat @mysticlilac-ec @icarusticrat
Edit: I'mma add onto this,
Itll just make the situation worse. I think some ppl blocked him or something just because I said in the tags of my post that I didn't want to talk... Unless if YOU want to block him, it isn't necessary.
It's also VERY unnecessary (and immature) to harass him.. Idk if he has been harassed, but just incase..
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gigidisi · 1 year
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Renko round 2
Note: i would just like to say thank you very much for liking the first one. I didn't expect to have that many people to like it. Idk why am i suddenly in to the Usamis rn?? GAAHHHHHHHH
(fuck I have tests tomorrow, byez)
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skyziej · 1 year
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GUYS!!!! IT'S FINISHED! (well not completely, it was due today *sad face*).
Anyways! here's the final result, this is my magazine cover, The Artisque, it's cool to me, and i like it. the oc in the middle is my bubo oc! her name is Nist, which corolates to "Night mist" and she works with daniel, yipee!, it took me some time to draw her, but i did it! anyways, there's welcome home, hazbin hotel, helluva boss and bubo and aku on it as well.
So yeah! more to come soon! byezs!!!! :)))))
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cookieg122 · 10 months
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Happy Halloween!!! oH.. wait.. it's not Halloween? Oh.. Im a month late? Oopsies. ANYWAY~! Today, I caught myself a cold, which gave me all the time!! To binge-read, Tomo-Chan is a Girl again. Tomo and Jun are great, but Misuzu Gundou here is my favorite~! I always wondered what she'd look like if she dressed up for Halloween. I think this outfit suits her nicely~! >< Aah, time to get back to resting, Byez!
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liturgiesart · 2 years
Just finished the second season of Inside Job. Warning Spoiler!!
Caution I will speak with some hint of the events of this season.
Are you sure?? Watch out if you have to finished the series!!!
Ok then. If the creator or the producers will turn the BrettxRegan Canon, I will throw up. Finally some series with a Male and a female characters get along together without some weird sexual/romantic tensions. I was so genuine in love with their relationship and kinda envy that dynamic but I feel the producers or some writers gave us some weird mixed signal, I dunno: Like the sixth episode, I had this strange sensation that the reason behind Brett initial dislike for Ron was based on some inner romantic feeling that Brett is hiding or not understanding for Regan. Or even the end of the season, I hope so much with such ending of the season won’t push Regan on Brett’s arms for comforting.
Anyone may ship whatever the fudge they want but for me it will such a loss to see that coming true.
End of the Tedtalk, byez.
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fixation 0 self discipline 1 (<- stopped sewing even though they were having so much fun to work out :)
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w4yf1nder · 1 year
so um your bio says ehre comes the sun IS IT BY ANY CHANCE REFRENCE TO SONNE BY RAMMSTEIN??
HI TYSM 🗣️🗣️🗣️ and no it isn't 😭 sorry???😭😭😭 idek what you're referring to 💔💔💔 I was talking about the Beatles song 😭😭😭😭😭
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I’m Xckhy! I have lots of artistic interests and i love watching movies and making references to them!!! I hope to find some friends here and cool art!
Here’s some of my art!
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Anyways byez!
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supa101 · 11 months
A Story ( part 9?)
Jaycob : Do you think he is okay?
Person : doubt it. We are no where close there
Jaycob : You know we can just call supa right?
Person : wait.. oh yeah we are stupid
Jaycob : mmmmmmmmmm yeah idk if we can...
Person : why??
*Person gets a call from supa*
Person : oh he is calling us
Supa : hey guys quick question
Person : yeah what is it?
Supa : are you fine with of what was the nazi party?
Person : WHAT THE FUCK?? NO???
Jaycob : they kill lots they bad
Supa : what about communism?
Person : ehhh yeah i am fine with that
Jaycob : same here
Supa : k--
Val : Are you going insane? or are you calling you're the police?
Supa : UHMmmm friend..???
Val : mmmmmm okay I am fine with that
*They hear knocking at the door*
Val : who the fuck is that? supa did you call the police
Person : damn did not know that she was mortal WAIT how did you not just kill her??
Supa : idk i try and i can't
Green : SHE DEAD!!
Supa : thanks guys :]
red : is no problem it is all for the best person in the world.. you three! look we might be good but you guys are the best if you ever split keep in touch
Green : also keep in touch with us we need work sometimes bye!
Supa : i MIGHT go back go zAy's house sooo.. can you mail me again because i am still small
Person : just go home i will be waiting there bye!
Supa : byez
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trashymammalishere · 3 years
Have you always been a Lesbian?
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I was engaged when I left school I went to college and shit We had a Baby his name was Thomas and sadly he went to sleep in my arms after 5 hours. He was born with Down Syndrome. When I was 18 I lost the love of my life. Never went with another man again. Married Now to my Beautiful Wife @dounutcheek-blog and we have two kids
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