#byyeee have to take a test now
stars-align17 · 1 year
I'm Ant. I just finished Stars Align and now I'm super autistic over it so I decided to carry the fandom myself.
I'll most post art and rants about the series, maybe other stuff, I just want to try my best to revive the fandom.
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cookfleurculture · 6 years
One Can Be Forgetful.
I literally keep FORGETTING that I'm moving to NYC. In literally 6 freaking days, I'll be leaving Paris 🖤 and moving into a lovely, way too small, east village walk up and I couldn't be more excited (and nervous). I'm basically putting everything on the line and going for broke here. I have a few interviews and trails set up, food handlers test (which hopefully I'll pass because I can't sit through the part 1 online/tests again 😴) , and a few bags of clothes packed and a knife roll. Sounds about right, sounds very 'me' like. Which is good. I'm writing this because I needed time to check in with myself today. Make sure the moves I'm making are being done for me and not for anyone or anything else, making sure that these moves ACTUALLY help me and progress me to my end goals. We forget to do that in life. We go day by day and forget what were actually doing and what we actually want, for OURSELVES. Not what your job needs from you, nor society or even your family, yep. I said it. Because ya can't pour coffee from an empty pot people. Trust me! I've tried, for years and years. The typical people pleaser. Guess where that got me? Stressed out, way too underweight, couldn't gain a pound, miserable, hating myself, wondering why I'm not good enough. The list is endless. But guess what? So are your choices. So cut the crap and b.s. excuses you're making right now, like today that enable you to continue on with your mediocre/slightly miserable life style if you're stuck in one. And start doing things that bring YOU happiness; that help YOU get to your end goal and dreams. They don't have to be big or crazy outgoing, they can be simple. Drink more water, get to the gym (or even just start by going for a walk outside), get healthier food in your house, check your closet & get rid of those skinny jeans that have been haunting you for 4 years now. Because BYYEEE. Nobody needs that reminder and I GUARANTEE you that the size of those jeans is seared into your brain anyways, so if you ever do get to that point of fitness and health, you can celebrate by going to get a NEW pair. But really if you're having difficulty taking things away from yourself like candy after dinner (that's definitely mine) try ADDING SOMETHING POSITIVE instead. Like more water and walks and calling someone you need to catch up with. Trust me. It feels good to do so. So by adding all of these positive things to your life you start becoming better. Because when you take care of you, you take care of your surroundings and it's literally a world wide domino effect. So go do it up. And make your changes for today 🖤
Mine include ADDING a new calendar/journal because I have way too many 'things' to keep track of currently and it's giving me a headache. So what do we do? Eliminate the headache. In my case it's getting outside, going for walk to find a bookstore, getting an organizer, finding a coffee shop and going to town with some new pens. I know, my nerd is showing. With all of that being said, I hope some of it stuck with you and will help you get through your day, and transition into a daily reminder to check yourself.
🖤 XO -Al.
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