#c: angelique delacour
crookedkingdcm · 4 years
who: angelique x pippa ( @nitwitisms​ )  where: outside wherever quidditch games are held
Angel hated the Quidditch league. With a passion. It was corrupt and it was incompetent and it did not care about a single thing except making money and people could justify it as ‘business’ all they wanted but Angel was sure there was a way to do business without turning into heartless bastards. Case in point: the protest that they were trying to shut down.
Angel had heard talk about how it drove crowds away and how it just wasn’t a look but maybe if the Quidditch league didn’t want their to be a protest, they should stop using elves to do tasks they considered themselves too good to do. Angel was maybe spoiled in a great number of ways, she had grown up with house elves doing most of the work but her family had never once treated them badly. They were compensated fairly and had fair hours. It wasn’t like how she had seen in other households, where they were treated more as pieces of furniture than anything else. The thought made her stomach turn. 
So when the President of the league told them to stop the protest by ‘any means necessary’, Angel threatened to walk out. She knew if she did, Laurie would to and maybe the team would still win with whoever played instead of them but Angel knew their popularity. And sitting one game out wasn’t going to kill her. Probably. It was what she ended up doing, right before the match was about to start because she didn’t go back on her threats and well - the man did just get on her nerves. 
She saw her at the front of the protest, her voice magically enhanced to sound louder as she talked about house elves. She knew her vaguely from seeing her at Order meetings every now and then but knew little more about her than her name. Angel briefly wondered why that was. She pushed her way to the front of it until she was right next to her, picking up one of the signs that was lying by the side as she went. “Hey!” Angel said, a smile appearing on her lips, “Did you organize all of this?”
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crookedkingdcm · 4 years
who: angel x lucinda ( @nitwitisms​ ) where: quidditch pitch idk 
Indifference was worse than anger. Anger meant that she still cared ; that what Lucinda had done still had any power over her. Angel was determined to prove that it didn’t. Not anymore. Maybe she didn’t want to give Luci the satisfaction or perhaps she was just tired of being the only one who gave a damn. It wasn’t something she was used to. Thing was: Angel had always known her worth. Luci had made her doubt it and that wasn’t something she could forgive her for. Not that, Lucinda had ever cared for her forgiveness but the point still stood. She didn’t like feeling replaceable and it still sparked bitterness in her, the way Luci had done just that.
They saw each other often - they had to with both of them being beaters playing on rival teams but Angel had learned how to keep it strictly professional and little by little the onslaught of emotions she had once experienced at the sight of her had lessened. She was sitting in the stands, polishing her broom when Lucinda asked about what they were supposed to say in some upcoming radio interview. Angel’s eyes flickered up at her, “Oh you know -” she shrugged, leaning her broom against the seat next to her, “It’s the usual. How Quidditch helps in times of uncertainty-” she rolled her eyes, “How people can have something to look forward to. Things like that.” 
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crookedkingdcm · 4 years
who: angelique x devna ( @ofvcnguard​ ) where: idk diagon alley???
Turned out Angel wasn’t anywhere as good with a bicycle as she was on a broom. It had seemed simple enough. It was all about balance, right? Angel had thought she would have that part down considering she had been flying since she was four years old. Even when her (muggleborn) friend that she had borrowed this from insisted that it wasn’t the same thing, she had dismissed it. It had proved to be harder than that. The first time she had tried, she had fallen down in five seconds. Angel didn’t give up all that easily though so she had kept trying until she was able to ride it, admittedly still quite unsteadily. And perhaps, Diagon Alley wasn’t the best place to take it because of how many people there were but oh well. 
Her eyes drifted to a sale advertisement for a total of two seconds and when she looked ahead again, there was someone in the way. “Devi, get out the way!” she called but of course, Devna already had because she was a vampire who was far faster than Angel could ever hope to be. Angel managed to somehow stop and got off the bike, leaning it against the wall. A grin appeared on her lips as she put her hands on her hips, “Flying is soo much more fun, I can definitely tell you that.” 
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