#c: ian
aidankeef · 2 months
closed starter to @sonofthelightning local: quarto dos brutamontes
A sugestão de reservarem um dos quartos para os três elementos mais caóticos do acampamento foi um tanto ousada. Por um momento, pensou que Raynar recusaria a proposta e se manteria ranzinza o suficiente para colocar o juízo de volta na cabeça de Aidan e Ian, mas o inesperado aconteceu. Os três estavam sintonizados e partilhariam do mesmo espaço durante três dias. Assim que ouviu os passos pesados de Ray se afastarem no corredor, Aidan sentou na ponta da cama, já ocupada pelas malas que trouxe para passar a estadia. "Você viu o tamanho daquele tobogã?" Indagou o filho de Zeus da cama ao lado, terminando de devorar o chocolate que encontrou na recepção. "Eu vou fazer as armadilhas o quanto antes 'pra poder ficar o dia inteiro internado naquele SPA, ficar no ofurô até a minha pele soltar da minha carne."
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hernando-valdez · 7 months
Despite how out of his mind Hernando had felt during the first week had had left Tonopah Valley, he had calmed down to a more strategic and focused level. Still as pissed off but now that he was ready to take action, he wanted to make sure he did so in a way that made the damage he really wanted to make. Which was why he had been going around to smaller warehouses and dealers to knock some information out of them, trying to piece together a plan that would not only hurt Alejandra in the long run, but the entire Los Santos operation. Was it betrayal if you had already been betrayed? Either way, Hernando had been getting into the nitty gritty of it all which had resulted in him getting into it with some people who had actually made the fight worth it. What he hadn't known was one of them had a knife and had giving him a nice slice on his stomach that seemed light but hurt like a bitch. Not able to go to a hospital for obvious reasons, he had driven with one hand pressing his shirt against his stomach and the other gripping the wheel until he arrived at Ian's front door. He banged on it and rang the doorbell until Ian came to the door. "Hey, uh, is the doctor in?" He let out a dry laugh, having feared seeing his friend for the first time since the news had broke but he didn't plan on dying today. "You gonna let me bleed out on your nice welcome mat or let me in?" @ianmonts
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void-botanist · 7 months
Rose's Kiss Week Day 6: Home Alone
OCs: Sierra Callawel and Ian Carlisle (Spinder's oldest sister and her husband)
Words: 1189
Content warnings: none
Notes: Ian's canid form is a common raccoon dog. It is also well-known that shifting to that form makes you itchy.
When Sierra looked up from her computer, she could see the full moon hanging too-large over the faraway trees outside her window.  She’d lost track of time.  Ian would be transformed, now, and she hadn’t seen him at all.  She locked her computer and stood up.  The kids were out, so making a circuit of the house wouldn’t draw them out of their rooms and interrupt the nice night she wanted to spend alone with her husband.
“Ian?” she called as she started up the stairs.  “Where are you?”
She heard a mournful squeaky-toy noise from somewhere down the hall and smiled to herself as she went to find the source of it.  When she flipped on the light in her bedroom, she got a louder and angrier squeak from the bed, where a golden brown and black fluff of a dog was burying his little face under his front paws.
“Sorry,” she said, going to turn on her bedside lamp before turning off the overhead light.  He didn’t raise his head until she sat down on the side of the bed, and then he tried to crawl in her lap immediately.
Laughing, she held him back gently and got fully onto the bed, leaning back against the headboard before she let him snuffle his way into her space.  He seemed content to put his paws across her legs and rest his head on them, but she scooped him up all the way, holding him close against her.  His response was to put his paws on her arm and set his head there instead.  He was probably just tired after transforming, but he always looked so cute and sad in his dog form, and it made her want to hug him tighter.  So she did, pressing her cheek to the top of his fuzzy little head and then kissing him there.  He let out a longer squeak, stretching his neck out further, and as she petted his head she followed his gaze to the brush he’d set out for her.  Oh, of course.  Grabbing it was a bit of a stretch, and she almost dumped him out of her arms accidentally, but once it was in her hand she settled him in her lap and began running it through his fur in long strokes, head to rump.  Instantly he was a dog-shaped puddle in her lap, his only reaction little snuffles of pleasure.  
When she paused to pull out the mat of hair that had collected in the brush, he rolled over onto his back, cradled in her crossed legs.  She scratched behind his ears while she drew the brush along the contours of his ribcage and haunches and arms.  He didn’t even tense as she carefully brought it over his neck and chin.  As soon as she set the brush aside, though, he was getting back out of her lap, jumping down onto the floor with a cacophony of clicking nails and pausing in the doorway to look back at her.  She smiled and followed him back downstairs to the kitchen, where he waited by the table while she got their dinner out of the fridge: sliced chicken, lentils, and a touch of cranberry sauce.  For him, at least.  She could have as much as she wanted.  His was already in a bowl, so once she pried off the lid she set it in front of him on the floor.  He wagged his tail but didn’t move.  While she made her own plate from the main bowls of food, she saw him bend down and sniff his bowl, his eyes never leaving her.  
“You can start without me,” she said.  
He made a sound somewhere between a shriek and a growl and sat straight again. With a laugh she returned the food bowls to the fridge and brought her plate to the table.  
“Blessed be the fruits of the earth, and us among them,” she said, and he squeaked out the same cadence before shoving his face in his bowl.  She ate with half an eye on him inhaling his food, mostly because his enthusiasm was adorable.  
On the way back to bed she carried him up the stairs, letting him jump down on the bed before she got into her pajamas.  He didn’t stay on the bed, though, since she had to go to the bathroom to brush her teeth and he apparently had the energy now to not let her leave his sight.  He brushed against her ankles where she stood in front of the sink, hopped in the bathtub, and started rolling around on the textured treads on the bottom of it.  That was why he was accompanying her.  He’d told her before that there was something sublime about the feeling of the bathtub treads specifically that he really couldn’t explain.  He didn’t feel that way about them in human form.  She didn’t care as long as he didn’t leave his fur in the tub, though she was often the one who cleared it out to take a shower anyway.  But it was worth it to see him being so happy in there.  When she left the bathroom, he followed, and she scooped him back onto the bed.  He curled up right next to her while she read her book for a bit.  After she turned out the light, he yipped along with her presleep prayer, and she gave him a last pet on the head before relaxing into the dark.
At the crack of dawn the sudden weight on the bed woke her.  In the light that sifted around the edges of the curtains she could see Ian, now fully human, getting under the covers.  He turned his back to her—he might not even remember that his transformation always woke her up—but she came over to him anyway, putting a hand on his side as she kissed his shoulder.  When he shifted onto his back, she kissed his scratchy cheek, then gave him a peck on the lips before leaning back on her elbow to look at him.  There was always something a little canine about him to her, but it was stronger when he’d just come back—the way he blinked at her like a sleepy dog melded with the way he still smelled of fur.  And it was his smell, because he smelled the same if she met him in the middle of the hallway, or raiding the fridge downstairs.  After he took a shower it would fade, but for now she breathed it deeply.  She could never explain it to anyone but him, but these were the hours when he smelled most like himself, like her Ian.    
His hand slipped into the curls at the back of her head, guiding her into a deeper kiss.  She wrapped an arm around his warm chest as he smoothed his other hand over her shoulder.  He kissed her a second time, then ever so gently pushed her away.  
“Okay, I’m sleeping now,” he said with a tired smile.
She caressed his cheek, then laid back on her side of the bed.  “Goodnight.”
RKW taglist: @jezifster @kk7-rbs @vacantgodling
Shifters taglist: @outpost51 @kk7-rbs
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will-york · 3 months
"So is this where we both apologize for being shit at communication?" Will's smile grew slowly as he sat across from Ian at dinner. Their dinner was long gone and their drink glasses took up most of the table at that point. It had felt good to catch up and the small talk had felt easy but it was hitting Will now how much time had seemed to fly by between them. They had both clearly been dealing with different things, family and not but Will knew for a fact he was still grateful to have him in his life. He rest one hand on his cheek and the other on his glass. "Cause I am sorry. For not being more communicative or even just a bit more open about what's been going on with me lately. Guess I just needed to figure it out a bit myself. Kind of had my head all over the place but," he took a deep breath and shook his head. "Feel like I should've just talked to you more about it instead of I don't know, hiding in my own head. I'm just really good at that." @ianmonts
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christinaxwagner · 1 year
christina's place w/ @ianskindeep
It feels wrong to be awake this early with no kid running around like a crazy person because it's Christmas morning but Ian told her to be ready to go. She wasn't exactly sure what the plans were but right at five, there's a solid knock on the front door. She stands up to unlock the door and open it. "I need like two minutes to get my shoes on." She tells him as she turns around, knowing he will walk in right after her. "What on earth are we even going to do? Nothing is open and I doubt there's a single person awake."
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editoress · 1 year
19, 20, 23, 28, 43, and 50 for the OC questions!
19. Introduce an OC who means a lot to you (and explain why).
Mads, have I introduced you to Hage? He's an old, old, old OC. An abomination of a genetic experiment. I get so emo over him, so quickly, every time. He just wants friends? I did this to him? He shouldn't exist but he's loved?
20. Do any of your OCs sing? If they sing, care to share more details (headcanon voice, what kind of songs they like etc)?
This has the potential to be the longest answer in the world, so suffice it to say, I have a bead on the singing voice and usually general musical talent of almost every OC. Anyway.
Believe it or not, Ranna's singing voice is not fantastic. She has fine technique, but her tone's dark and a little forced. Nolan has a fine baritone but doesn't often use it. Vela, predictably, has a perfect punk rock voice. Dalir sings like an angel. Evenly and Ea sing together and it's very cute. And Hallis has a surprising, light, clear tenor, which he uses carelessly in any situation.
23. Introduce OC that has changed from your first idea concerning what the character would be like?
Ooh, that's Kit. Kitrand was a NNWM protagonist from [train passes by] years ago. He started out quiet and reserved, but with some desire to do something noble. He was dedicated to the princess. But as that princess character changed to a darker, more ruthless antagonist, Kitrand changed with her, to make sense of him serving her. That village shy-boy vibe turned colder and broody. But the level of devotion stayed. And then I wrote him with Scott's OC and realized oh! This young man is gay! So it became part of his character journey: from fulfilling his heroic expectations through loyalty and love for the princess to clashing with and ultimately finding a better match with a brilliant, uncouth foreign prince.
28. Your most dangerous OC?
I'd say Ian. In the overlap between 'could kill you' and 'would kill you,' he's the emperor of five planets, with training and deadly decisiveness of his own, and worst of all, he's paranoid and twitchy. Even being his close ally is a terrible and risky experience.
43. Do you have any certain type when you create your OCs? Do you tend to favour some certain traits or looks? It’s time to confess.
I'll admit it: I make plain-looking OCs. Unless I'm going out of my way to have a sexy character, they're going to end up looking like just Some Guy. I have no explanation for this and no plans to stop.
I also make siblings. If I'm going to make an OC for a fandom, there's a 90% chance it's an existing character's sibling. What can I say? It's just good content.
50. Give me the good ol’ OC talk here. Talk about anything you want.
I go rabid for OC playdates. Always have, probably always will. You find some of the best dynamics that way, just throwing people in a room and seeing what happens. I love D&D, I love RP, and I'm still SO enamored of the 'datefriends' exercise I did with Kelly once. We each created an OC without consulting the other and had them go on a blind date. And then. We ended up with an otp that is sooo wonderful and timeless. I don't know what I mean to say here except AAAA CHARACTERS Also VELA/WILLOW FOREVER
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onwcrds · 1 year
— ❛ CLOSED. ❜   @iandores​
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🚐 ⠀  ⠀ ⠀  ⠀ ───────────       after   his   first   encounter   barley   followed   the   directions   to   where   he   was   to   meet   his   second   partner   pairing   of   the   evening.   honestly,   the   idea   was   cool   to   barley.   he   really   didn’t   have   any   bad   blood   with   anyone   in   town   so   he   felt   he   could   be   paired   with   anyone   and   have   a   nice   time.   he   felt   he   might   have   spoke   too   soon   when   he   saw   his   little   brother   walk   up   towards   him.   it’s   not   that   barley   didn’t   want   to   see   ian.   he   did.   it’s   just   that   things   were   awkward   between   them.   barley   was   never   good   at   articulating   his   feelings   so   he   didn’t   know   how   to   say   the   right   things   to   ian   when   he   so   desperately   wanted   to.   it   felt   like   now   was   his   chance.      “   ian,   hey.   ”      he   greeted   with   a   small   smile.      “   look   at   you,   kid.   you   clean   up   nice.   ”      he   could   hear   their   mom   fawning   over   ian   in   the   distance.
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kohaive · 2 years
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I think he'd get along with his descendant
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anyadarkseid · 1 year
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nextlevelhqs · 2 years
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NOME LEGAL: Lee Jinhwa.
PRONOMES: Ele/dele.
NASCIMENTO: 29/10/2000.
CIDADE NATAL: Seul, Coreia do Sul.
POSIÇÃO: Dançarino principal, sub vocalista e maknae do CLOUD9.
DEBUT: 25 de março de 2018.
CONTA: nl_jinhwa
FACECLAIM: Hyunjin (Stray Kids), idol.
Papel cameo/aparição em um webdrama, show televisivo ou filme: 10 pontos x2
A-Teen 2 (2019) — [Amigo da Ah Hyun] (Ep. 16)
Tomorrow (2022) — Lee Young Chun [Jovem] (Ep. 6)
Competidor em show por curto período de tempo: 10 pontos
King of Masked Singer (2021)
Momento viral: 20 pontos x2
Fancam do cover de Psycho (2020): https://youtu.be/0Y8HdSGRaSs
Edit de God's Menu (2020): https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMFehsjv5/
MC por 6 meses em music show: 25 pontos x2
Show! Music Core (Novembro 2021 - Atual)
TW: menção a prostituição, aborto e morte materna.
Jinhwa nunca soube com certeza se a mãe começou a se prostituir antes ou depois dele nascer, mas chutava que foi depois. Cafetão nenhum teria permitido que ela mantivesse o filho. Ele mesmo auxiliou a mãe em pelo menos meia dúzia de abortos e testemunhou a resistência das pessoas à existência dele. Fosse como fosse, o menino nunca duvidou do amor da mãe, porque ele se traduziu em muitos sacrifícios e traumas para ela enquanto o filho crescia.
É verdade que os bastidores de casas de strip, puteiros e alojamentos precários não eram o melhor lugar para se criar uma criança, mas Hyerin não tinha muita opção em alguns momentos. A vantagem era que a grande maioria das colegas da mãe o adoravam e cuidavam para que ele não fosse muito exposto à realidade delas até ser um adolescente. Outra vantagem foi que ele aprendeu não só a dançar, como as sutilezas da sedução que viriam a calhar mais tarde.
Perdeu a mãe aos 16 anos. E, no velório, ele conheceu Sobong Eunha, que lhe deu o abraço mais apertado do dia e, lutando para não borrar a maquiagem, perguntou se ele tinha onde dormir. Não tinha, claro. Não tinha mais nada. Estava pronto para sair dali e seguir a carreira da mãe até chegar a algum lugar. Jinhwa não a reconheceu de cara (nem como CEO da Elevate, nem como a mulher misteriosa que a mãe amava), mas dias depois já era trainee na empresa.
Podia se contentar em ser só o rostinho bonito com debut garantido, mas sempre quis mais. Depois de crescer nos bastidores do que há de mais miserável na humanidade, acreditava que merecia estar no topo a qualquer custo. Se esforçou em todas as áreas que podia, incluindo em produção musical e nas aulas de atuação, modelagem e idiomas. Então, não dava para negar que era esforçado, mas esforço não era a única coisa em que ele depositava suas esperanças de sucesso.
Como esperado, debutou como IAN, o maknae do Looping em 2018.
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riicksanchez · 11 months
Rick Sanchez beating his mortal enemy to death with his bare hands then appearing drenched in blood with tear tracks on his face
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sirtadcooper · 1 year
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What do you need?
I've got half a pouch for my last smoke. That will do for me.
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zhaozi · 6 months
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lq gifs of a hq man
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qqqq-q-to · 5 months
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Ian Hanasaki / 花咲いあん
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gallavichthings · 4 months
Gallavich Week 2024 - bingo edition
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Hello, lovelies! It's time for another Gallavich Week. This time: bingo edition!
The 2024 Gallavich Week will be held between June 24th and June 30th. As this time it's a bingo, there will be no assigned theme for each day, meaning you can post your works on any day during that week.
Guidelines and cards after the read more because this post ended up way too long. ^_^
Some general rules:
There are four cards (at the end of this post): one/two-word prompts, dialogue prompts, tropes, and art and other medias. You can post something from just one or all of them. You can also use more than one prompt in the same work. There's no minimum or limit to the number of works you can post.
All kinds of fanworks are accepted (fic, art, videos, gifs, analysis, crafts... anything), as long as they're original. (Unless they're a re-imagining of another work, in which case please also mention it when you post and get authorization first if the original isn't yours.)
AI is not accepted!
No sign-ups required. Just post and tag me. :)
Here is the AO3 community, for those who wish to use it.
Don't forget to tag me using @ at the body of the post so that I can see it and reblog it (you can do it after a read more or by reblogging if you wish to "hide" it). Also, please indicate clearly which prompt(s) was/were used.
Some suggestions, which are not rules but do help with posting:
If you're posting a long fic in its entirety here on Tumblr, please use a read more and/or tag it "long post".
If you're posting nsfw art here, please use the community guidelines to inform so.
If you post more than one work on AO3, I suggest making different works, and not just different chapters of one single work. This helps with tagging, both for those who want to find your work and for those who might want to avoid something. It also helps when people don't have to comb through several chapters to find what they're looking for. If you want to connect your works, you can put them all under a series. And yes, this is also valid for drabbles and art.
There are no prizes for this bingo, but those who make a bingo get bragging rights (and a special shout out - just let me know you've done it because I'm likely to miss it).
BINGO: 3 cells in a row (vertically, horizontally, or diagonally).
SUPER BINGO: 3 cells in a row in two cards.
ULTRA BINGO: 3 cells in a row in three or four cards (are you ok?).
UBER BINGO: All the 9 cells of the same card.
SUPREME BINGO: All 9 cells of the same card in two different cards (good luck with that).
EXTREME BINGO: All 9 cells of the same card in three different cards (seriously, are you ok? Is this worth it?).
ULTIMATE BINGO: All 9 cells of the same card in ALL of the four different cards (you get ALL the bragging rights!!! But also, please rest).
And now, the cards:
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EDIT: forgot to mention, by Taste of Chicago I mean this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taste_of_Chicago
And Starry Night is, indeed Van Gogh's painting. And yes, Final Fantasy the video game.
I think the rest is quite obvious, but let me know if you have any questions.
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of-fear-and-love · 5 months
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Val Kilmer in The Murders in the Rue Morgue (1986 TV movie)
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