#c: tilden
edgarebones · 3 months
where: @lumos-tilden's work
There were a few things that Edgar required to take him, he also took it upon himself to check in with the younger order members. It was his family, and knowing how they were doing was important to the older wizard. At the same time, it made him feel old. There was also the fact it gave him the opportunity to not thing about the mess that was his life.
A hand pushes the door open, glancing around until they fell onto the wizard in question. "Tilden." A smile on his face. "I need to stock up on a few items, think you can help me?"
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deadpresidents · 9 months
ABRAHAM LINCOLN •Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln by Doris Kearns Goodwin (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO) •Lincoln by David Herbert Donald (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO) •And There Was Light: Abraham Lincoln and the American Struggle by Jon Meacham (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO) •The Political Life of Abraham Lincoln Trilogy by Sidney Blumenthal: -A Self-Made Man: The Political Life of Abraham Lincoln, Vol. I, 1809-1849 (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO) -Wrestling With His Angel: The Political Life of Abraham Lincoln, Vol. II, 1849-1856 (BOOK | KINDLE) -All the Powers of the Earth: The Political Life of Abraham Lincoln, Vol. III, 1856-1860 (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO)
ANDREW JOHNSON •Andrew Johnson: A Biography by Hans L. Trefousse (BOOK) •Impeached: The Trial of President Andrew Johnson and the Fight for Lincoln's Legacy by David O. Stewart (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO) •The Impeachers: The Trial of Andrew Johnson and the Dream of a Just Nation by Brenda Wineapple (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO) •High Crimes & Misdemeanors: The Impeachment and Trial of Andrew Johnson by Gene Smith (BOOK)
ULYSSES S. GRANT •Grant by Ron Chernow (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO) •American Ulysses: A Life of Ulysses S. Grant by Ronald C. White (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO) •The Man Who Saved the Union: Ulysses Grant in War and Peace by H.W. Brands (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO) •Grant's Final Victory: Ulysses S. Grant's Heroic Last Year by Charles Bracelen Flood (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO) •The Personal Memoirs of Ulysses S. Grant: The Complete Annotated Edition by Ulysses S. Grant, Edited by John F. Marszalek (BOOK | KINDLE)
RUTHERFORD B. HAYES •Rutherford B. Hayes: Warrior and President by Ari Hoogenboom (BOOK) •Fraud of the Century: Rutherford B. Hayes, Samuel Tilden, and the Stolen Election of 1876 by Roy Morris, Jr. (BOOK | KINDLE)
JAMES GARFIELD •President Garfield: From Radical to Unifier by C.W. Goodyear (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO) •Destiny of the Republic: A Tale of Madness, Medicine and the Murder of a President by Candice Millard (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO) •The Dark Horse: The Surprise Election and Political Murder of President James A. Garfield by Kenneth D. Ackerman (BOOK | KINDLE) •Garfield by Allan Peskin (BOOK | KINDLE)
CHESTER A. ARTHUR •The Unexpected President: The Life and Times of Chester A. Arthur by Scott S. Greenberger (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO) •Gentleman Boss: The Life of Chester Alan Arthur by Thomas C. Reeves (BOOK | KINDLE) •Chester A. Arthur: The Accidental President by John M. Pafford (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO)
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thethingything · 8 months
"oh those three butterflies look really similar. I wonder how you tell the difference between them since people are pretty confidently saying 'yeah this is definitely this one' on iNat..."
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[transcript: The taxonomic status of this taxon remains unclear. Additional DNA work is needed to resolve relationships and name issues (Davenport 2018). Disagreement about the identity of the lectotype (Tilden 1963, Emmel et al. 1998) of Callophrys dumetorum resulted in nomenclatural confusion with dumetorum, viridis, and sheridanii. ICZN opinion 2291, which designated a neotype for dumetorum, means the valid name for the Coastal Green Hairstreak that ranges along the California coast is Callophrys viridis, not dumetorum (Scott et al. 2012, ICZN 2012). Some authors have suggested that viridis and sheridanii are conspecific (Warren 2005, Scott 2008); if this is accepted, the valid name for this taxa is Callophrys sheridanii viridis because Opinion 2291 preserved the name sheridanii (Scott et al. 2012). end transcript]
okay cool so the Coastal Green Hairstreak (C. viridis) might be a subspecies of the Sheridan's Hairstreak (C. sheridanii) but it sounds like nobody really agrees about this and for a while they thought it was a subspecies of the Lotus Hairstreak (C. dumetorum) and Wikipedia still lists it as a synonym for C. dumetorum and lists "Coastal Green Hairstreak" as a common name for that???
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alrobertsblog · 1 year
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By John Rusk
J20170817-0021—Clematis ligusticifolia—RPBG
Clematis ligusticifolia—Yerba de chiva. "In the ancient language of flowers, Clematis means mental beauty." —Bertha Marguerite Rice & Roland Rice "Popular Studies of California Wild Flowers", 1920. It is difficult to separate this species from C. lasiantha by photos alone. My standard for identification is the blooming season, which happens to be later for C. ligusticifolia. This Clematis vine is draped over the concrete and stone bridge that is the focal point of the garden.  The plant is toxic according to Wikipedia.  Photographed at Regional Parks Botanic Garden located in Tilden Regional Park near Berkeley, CA.
(CC BY 2.0)
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antebellumite · 2 years
ok ok so civil war alternate history books be like:
abe lincoln always gets impeached if he lives through his assasination
if that doesn't happen, then he gets turned into a vegetable and uhhh *checks notes*... and WILLIAM SEWARD STARTS ANOTHER TRAIL OF TEARS??? FOR SLAVEHOLDERS AND THEIR FAMILIES- OKAY THEN??
somehow newt gingrich wrote the most historically accurate version of what if lee won the battle of gettysburg
hey harry turtledove, no offense, southern victory is a fascinating series but a. what the fuck and b. what the FUCK??
every confederacy wins scenerio is so fucking funny in the long run ngl tho
for some reasons only racists have time machines and they all want to give the south ak 47s but NO ONE thinks of doing this for the union??
that one with slavery in the modern day in the "Core Four" states is pretty good?
the one with the premise of what if the underground railroad was a REAL RAILROAD is REALLY good?
Bring on the Jubilee oh dear GOD my fucking DETESTED
unrelated but there's a story out there where aaron burr establishes a dictatorship in america by aligning with napoleon after defeating tj and um. yeah.
also a story where franklin is the first president.
and ANOTHER story where andrew jackson is elected in 1824 as president and somehow invents BIOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL WARFARE??? OH MY GOD???
and if andrew jackson isn't elected, then davy crockett is and this somehow ends up with a civil war occuring over the compromise of 1850, which, fair. could have happened. was a reasonable concern.
"How the South Preserved the Union" is actually so fucking interesting? it starts with zack taylor and millard fillmore dying and ends with the NORTH seceding with john brown as commander of the army and daniel webster as president? stephen douglas signs the civil rights act of 1861? the war lasts 2 yrs? JUST 2 yrs?
"now falls the cold, cold night" has millard fillmore elected the fifteenth president in 1856 after james buchanan dies of a stroke, causing the north to secede ( something about fillmore just FORCES the north to want to leave the union, huh? ) and john c fremont becomes president of the new england confederacy while william tecumseh sherman becomes commanding general, opposed by robert e lee...
.... well at least it wasn't john brown this time?
"Lincoln's Charge" is just... I can't do it justice okay. I CAN'T DO LINCOLN'S CHARGE JUSTICE ON HERE! BUT GUYS READ IT! OR JUST LOOK AT IT'S SUMMARY
there's a universe where we have our first female president in the 1870s! and frederick douglass becomes vp!
samuel tilden deserved better aus.
( unrelated but adolf hitler keeps getting involved in this series and its so weird. he gets lured to washington dc in one story and ends up getting killed by a bomb there. )
( also unrelated but "demarche to iran" is cool. )
" Michael Dukakis is elected president in 1988, but is revealed to be an alien attempting to infiltrate Dulce Base. The Men in Black, along with friendly aliens, therefore rewrite history in order for George H. W. Bush to win the 1988 election instead, resulting in our timeline."
oh and walter mondale causes a civil war with mexico btw thought yall should know.
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stevelevi · 8 months
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In the race for the Presidency in 1876, Samuel Tilden won the popular vote, b-u-t, since the Presidency is determined by the electoral vote, there were three states in doubt.
No one was sure who had won. Tilden, urged his supporters to refrain from any violence. An armed conflict was expected so the departing President, Ulysses S. Grant, ordered military units into the Washington D. C. The issue was decided by an Electoral Committee composed of five members of the House, five from the Senate and five Supreme Court justices. The vote split on party lines and the Republican, Rutherford B. Hayes, won all three states on an 8-7 vote by the Electoral Committee. On the night of March 3, the day before he was to be sworn in as President of the United States, Rutherford B. Hayes dined with President Ulysses S. Grant in the White House. Just in case there was an uproar the next day when Hayes would be officially sworn in, Hayes, Grant and the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court surreptitiously swore Hayes in as President of the United States – thus, for a day, there were two presidents of the United States.
👉Learn more: https://bit.ly/3u6kL4V
SteveLevibooks #readersandwritersbookclub #authormasterminds #thrillers #Mysteries #crimebooks
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wanderingmind867 · 11 months
My US Voting Record:
I made this with the help of wikipedia, google and posts like voting guides which I found online.
Note: I would have been a Monarchist during the Revolutionary War, but I'd probably still vote if living in America (No matter how displeased the revolution made me, I'd probably still always be willing to vote). But to show my dissatisfaction, every vote until 1824 is a protest vote:
1788: Nobody (I refuse to vote for George Washington). Maybe a write in protest vote for King George III?
1792: Nobody (I refuse to vote for George Washington). Maybe a write in protest vote for King George III?
1796: Maybe a write in protest vote for King George III?
1800: Maybe a write in protest vote for King George III?
1804: Maybe a write in protest vote for King George III?
1808: Maybe a write in protest vote for King George III?
1812: Protest Vote for King George III (I can't vote for anyone after the War of 1812 got started)
1816: Protest Vote for King George III (again, I don't know if I'd be able to forgive anyone after the War of 1812)
1820: Protest Vote for King George IV (I can't support Monroe after he helped fight 1812 against Canada and the British).
1824: Henry Clay/Nathan Sanford
1824 Contingent: John Quincy Adams
1828: John Quincy Adams/Richard Rush
1832: Henry Clay/John Sergeant
1836: Daniel Webster/Francis Granger or William Henry Harrison/Francis Granger
1840: William Henry Harrison/John Tyler
1844: Henry Clay/Theodore Frelinghuysen
1848: Martin Van Buren/Charles F. Adams
1852: John P. Hale/George W. Julian
1856: John C. Frémont/William L. Dayton
1860: Abraham Lincoln/Hannibal Hamlin
1864: Abraham Lincoln/Andrew Johnson
1868: Ulysses S. Grant/Schuyler Colfax
1872: Horace Greeley/Benjamin Gratz Brown
1876: Samuel Tilden/Thomas A. Hendricks
1880: James A. Garfield/Chester A. Arthur
1884: Grover Cleveland/Thomas A. Hendricks
1888: Benjamin Harrison/Levi P. Morton
1892: James B. Weaver/James G. Field
1896: William Jennings Bryan/Thomas E. Watson
1900: William Jennings Bryan/Adlai Stevenson I
1904: Eugene V. Debs/Benjamin Hanford
1908: William Jennings Bryan/John Kern
1912: Eugene V. Debs/Emil Seidel
1916: Allan L. Benson/George R. Kirkpatrick
1920: Eugene V. Debs/Seymour Stedman
1924: Robert M. LaFollette/Burton K. Wheeler
1928: Al Smith/Joseph T. Robinson (although Herbert Hoover and Charles Curtis aren't bad either. I might've been a prohibitionist then, considering I hate the taste of alcohol. But Smith opposed lynching. So he gets my vote).
1932: Norman Thomas/James H. Maurer
1936: Norman Thomas/George A. Nelson
1940: Norman Thomas/Maynard Krueger
1944: Norman Thomas/Darlington Hoopes
1948: Henry A. Wallace/Glen H. Taylor
1952: Adlai Stevenson II/John Sparkman
1956: Adlai Stevenson II/Estes Kefauver
1960: Richard Nixon/Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. (Solely because I hate JFK)
1964: Lyndon B. Johnson/Hubert Humphrey
1968: Hubert Humphrey/Edmund Muskie
1972: George McGovern/Sargent Shriver (although I still really like Thomas Eagleton as VP)
1976: Gerald Ford/Bob Dole
1980: Jimmy Carter/Walter Mondale
1984: Walter Mondale/Geraldine Ferraro
1988: Willa Kenoyer/Ron Ehrenreich (I hear Michael Dukakis went to high school with the guy who founded the Judge Rotenberg Centre, which is a terrible place. So I can't vote for Dukakis. Can't take a chance on him with that history).
1992: Ross Perot/James Stockdale
1996: Ross Perot/Pat Choate
2000: Ralph Nader/Winona Laduke
2004: Ralph Nader/Peter Camejo
2008: Ralph Nader/Matt Gonzalez
2012: Barack Obama/Joe Biden (Beginning in 2012, I'd probably start voting for Democrats more often because I felt I had no choice. But I'm still a bit unhappy with them. Haven't been since 1988 or 1992).
2016: Gloria La Riva/Eugene Puryear
2020: Joe Biden/Kamala Harris (My heart says Howie Hawkins/Angela Walker, however).
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ayasinspiration · 1 year
Learning agreement final
Encouraging Gen Z to give a chance to classical cultural
events such as Opera
Field of study: The accessibility of Opera worldwide and its engagement with Gen Z.
Through my project, I would explore the accessibility of classical events such as Opera and its engagement
with GenZ. This project’s target audience will be people between 17 and 27. My research will observe the
diversity of operas and the idea that Gen Z has over these types of events. I aim to make the cultural events
seem more accessible and entertaining to the new generation. My main points of interest are describing and
researching the different types of Opera, explaining them and making them look more attractive to the new
generation. Showing the importance of opera houses and theatres to show and represent the importance of
the experience for the general audience.
The project is based on the new generation’s understanding of classical events such as Operas and theatres.
My idea is to change people’s understanding of these events; since they were connected only with the highclass
society in the past, nowadays, this has changed. I want to make these events more accessible. I want to
focus my project on the importance of the experience since the roles are played by real singers and actors in
real-time in front of our eyes. It is a re-branding and advertising campaign which brings people together for a
new exciting experience.
In an interview taken by Imogen Tilden (2014) for “The Guardian”, Kasper Holten, the director of the Royal
Opera House, states that people are saying that they don’t like Opera, where nine out of ten people have
never seen one. How would people know they don’t like something if they have never tried it. So my idea is
to make people try this kind of experience. I don’t want to put pressure and make them love it, but at least to
make them give it a chance and then form a proper opinion over how they feel about it.
I would achieve it through an advertising campaign aiming to attract and drive the attention of
a new and younger audience. This campaign will include a short animation, advertising materials such as
posters, programs, leaflets, and social media advertising. The way I aim to present my work is through an
abstract style which has been influenced by Tina Touli, Super Union way of executing their last campaign for
the London Symphony Orchestra. Finally, I might need to use an exciting opera as a reference for my project
to form my final outcomes around its events programme.
This project is placed to influence Gen Z and drive the idea of trying, giving a chance to the Opera.
For my Major Project, I will conduct visual research on the design and advertising of classical events and
their current engagement with the new generation as well as action research which will allow me to get a
better understanding of the expectations and the point of view of Gen Z and to understand the new generation
of classical musicians which is to perform using the consents forms provided by AUB. In addition, I will
use secondary research as well, which is to include academic papers, interviews and articles.
Assessment requirements:
For assessment, I will produce an advertising campaign which will include a short animation, advertising
materials such as posters, programs, leaflets, and social media advertising, as well as a process book
containing all the information of my research and the way I’ve done it, with the consent forms from my action
Coast agency (n.d.). Opera National de Lorraine- Coast Branding Agency Brussels [online]. Available
from: https://www.coast-agency.com/opera-national-de-lorraine [Accessed 8 February 2023].
Forkin, D. (2013). new york city opera advertisment campaign by daniel forkin [online]. Available
from: https://www.designboom.com/design/new-york-city-opera-2013-ad-campaign/
[Accessed 8February 2023].
Nast, C. (2019). Will Millennials Kill Opera, Too? [online]. Available from: https://www.vogue.com/article/
will-millennials-kill-opera-too-la-scala-milan [Accessed 10 February 2023].
Opera North (n.d.). Opera North [online]. Available from: https://www.operanorth.co.uk/# [Accessed
22 February 2023].
Super Union (n.d.). Superunion | London Symphony Orchestra [online]. Available from: https://www.
superunion.com/work/london-symphony-orchestra [Accessed 08 February 2023].
Tilden, I. (2017). ‘Opera can make us see, feel and hear the world differently’: the UK’s opera chiefs
tell us why their art form matters [online]. Available from: https://www.theguardian.com/music/
2014/may/09/inside-opera-live-why-opera-matters-uk-opera-chiefs [Accessed 08 February2023].
English Touring Opera (n.d.). Spring 2023 [online]. Available from: https://englishtouringopera.org.
uk/whats-on [Accessed 20 February 2023].
Williams, E. (2018). Giles Revell creates an elegant ad campaign for the Royal Opera House in London
[online]. Available from: https://www.creativereview.co.uk/giles-revell-royal-opera-london/
[Accessed 2 February 2023].
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pwlanier · 2 years
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Original die cut, color lithograph advertisement for the Season’s Smartest Event World Championship Tennis at Madison Square Garden, c.1934. The line-up advertised includes Bill Tilden, Ellsworth Vines, Ethel Arnold, Jane Sharp, Berkeley Bell, Lester Stoefen, George Lott Jr. and Bruce Barnes.
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Stay tuned for the next episode of SHIPS, which will focus on the topic of trade. We will discuss the history of cargo vessels and the move to containerization with Doug Tilden. Learn more about the SHIPS program at shiphistory.org/ships or visit YouTube.com/c/ShipHistory to see more films. Image: States Marine Line's freighter BAY STATE with Home Line's liner HOMERIC in the background. Photographed in New York Harbor, February 17, 1968. Braun Brothers Collection, SSHSA Archives. See more images from this collection at bit.ly/BraunBrothersCollection. (at The Steamship Historical Society of America) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoxKE6IMTL6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ajenvs3000w23 · 2 years
Unit 4: Translating Nature through Art
There are a multitude of art forms, and so many (perhaps all of them) serve as incredible methods of interpretation. Think about all the songs that singers write about heartbreak. By doing this, they pour their pain into an outlet that not only serves a therapeutic purpose but helps an audience understand. I will provide just one example before I delve into the discussion of nature: the song "Love Yourself" by Justin Bieber. Almost all of us have heard that song on the radio before, but some of us may not know that the song was written by Ed Sheeran about his own love life. The chorus of the song literally opens with the words "My mama don't like you and she likes everyone." In my opinion, that is an incredibly effective (albeit cold and brutal way) to translate the reality that clearly Ed Sheeran must have dated quite a monster.
In terms of nature interpretation through art, I have always been one who digests information quite well through story telling. As a child, I was fascinated with the stories of how predators were a vital part of their landscape due to how they controlled the ungulate population, allowing plants to grow. The most glaring example of this is the reintroduction of the wild wolf population in Yellowstone National Park. Plant populations were able to recover greatly in the park when wolves were reintroduced (Beschta & Ripple 2012), since their hunting was able to curtail elk overpopulation and overfeeding (Beschta & Ripple 2016). According to Freeman Tilden's Principles of Interpretation (Beck et al. 2018), nature interpretation should allow people to understand the beauty of their surroundings. I think the influence of predators on their ecosystem is an incredibly beautiful system, and during my childhood, this concept was perfectly explained to me by the storybook "Wolf Island" by Celia Godkin (Figure 1).
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Figure 1. Title Page of Wolf Island
Not only did this book do wonders to help me interpret the importance of the presence of predators, I also find it incredible that the book was published six years before wolves were even reintroduced to Yellowstone! In relation to the podcast project, I firmly believe these artistic methods of interpretation should be used as guides for making the podcast (or any sort of nature tour/information session) fun and interactive for an audience. And the more beautiful an piece of art is, the more effective it may be to convey the gift of beauty, or help others to interpret it.
Beck, L., Cable, T. T., & Knudson, D. M. (2018). Interpreting cultural and natural heritage: for a better world. Sagamore Venture.
Beschta, R.L. & Ripple, W.J. (2012) Trophic cascades in Yellowstone: The first 15years after wolf reintroduction. Biological Conservation, 145(1), 205-213. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2011.11.005.
Beschta, R.L. & Ripple, W.J. (2016) Riparian vegetation recovery in Yellowstone: The first two decades after wolf reintroduction. Biological Conservation, 93-103. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2016.03.031.
Godkin, C. (1989) Wolf Island. Fitzhenry & Whiteside
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trwenvs3000w23 · 2 years
Unit 4 Blog Post: Interpreting Nature Through Art
This week, we were asked the question “who are you to interpret nature through art”, and I think this is a really interesting question due to the numerous ways you can interpret it. To me, it almost reads as an accusation; “what gives you the right to interpret nature through art”? When viewed from this stance, I think the question has a lot that can be unpacked.
As explained by Beck et al. (2018), the use of art has a longstanding tradition of being incorporated into interpretation and experiential learning in nature. In fact, even before traditional views on nature interpretation arose, art was used as a means for cultures around the world to connect with, and learn about the natural world. Many indigenous cultures in Australia believed that it was through singing that the world was crafted and all life originated, while cultures such as the Ancient Greeks turned to visual and performative art forms like sculpting or painting and outdoor plays, as well as oral and written storytelling to help explain elements of their environment (Tanner, 2001; Spickard, 2019). Most cultures use some form of art to situate themselves in the context of their environment, and Drew (2022) argues that the arts are a key aspect that defines a culture apart from others.
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With this understanding, I would argue that everyone has the right or justification to interpret nature through art. Though I commonly hear the argument that “Western society has lost its culture”, Kingsnorth (2021) argues that no society can ever really do so, and that the foundations of what make up its culture simply shift. Therefore there is still an immense amount of culturally appropriate art forms that myself, as a westerner, has available for use in nature interpretation. Such art forms can be used to provide the “Gift of Beauty” described in Beck et al. (2018) as part of their expansion on the six principles of interpretation presented by Tilden. In this context, the “Gift of Beauty” refers to the ability of interpreters to promote individual audience members’ abilities to find beauty in the world around them (2018). Canadian culture places immense value in popularized music, cinema, novels, poetry, and other more classical forms of art however, we have also adapted our understanding of art to include architecture and urban planning, fashion, media design, photography, and more.
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As individuals living in Canada, these are all forms of art work that should be considered relevant to use in nature interpretation. Using this varied toolkit allows us as interpreters to target a broad range of audiences, instilling in them the “Gift of Beauty”. For instance, an interesting thought experiment could be to consider how we might design urban cities in such a way that even a simple walk to the grocery store could serve as an educational and inspiration experience for individuals to connect to nature (leave your thoughts below!). 
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One caveat to this train of thought however, is that we must be cognizant about choosing a culturally appropriate art form to translate our interpretive work through. As discussed above, numerous cultures have unique art forms specific to their histories that they use to connect with nature. Unless we are members of these cultures, it can often be inappropriate and offensive for us to attempt to adopt these traditions and use them in interpretive efforts without consulting with individuals from these cultures, and allowing them to take a lead role in running or guiding such programming (The Canadian Encyclopedia, 2020).
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Literature Cited
Beck, L., Cable, T.T., & Knudson, D.M. (2018). Interpreting cultural and natural heritage: for a better world. Sagamore Venture.
Drew, C. (2022). 18 major elements of culture. Retrieved on January 28th, 2023 from URL: https://helpfulprofessor.com/elements-of-culture/
Kingsnorth, P. (2021). The West has lost its roots. UnHerd. Retrieved on January 28th, 2023 from URL: https://unherd.com/2021/09/western-culture-is-dead/
Spickard, J. (2019). How music helps children connect with nature. Retrieved on January 28th, 2023 from URL: https://teacherblog.musikgarten.org/how-music-helps-children-connect-with-nature/
Tanner, J. (2001). Nature, culture and the body in classical Greek religious art. World Archaeology, 33(2), 257–276. https://doi.org/10.1080/00438240120079280
The Canadian Encyclopedia. (2020). Cultural appropriation of Indigenous peoples in Canada. 
Retrieved on January 28th, 2023 from URL: https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/cultural-appropriation-of-indigenous-peoples-in-canada
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notwaldenpond · 3 years
Where; Tilden’s clinic Whom; softest boi @hauntedscreams
Daisy had told him that he couldn’t hurt Tilden. Threatening him seemed to also be off limits. But she hadn’t mentioned anything about having a threat-adjacent conversation. He’d gotten pretty good at figuring out the line between ominous as hell and actually threatening, but a little more practice wouldn’t hurt. At least, it wouldn’t hurt him.
Everything about Daisy right now confused him, but threatening people that hurt his friends always brought him back to steady ground. Here he could put all his confusion, the way it all roiled inside of his and eat away at him, to something useful.
When his golden eagle started developing a bit a cloudy eye, Walden felt like it was a good a time as any to stop by and... have a bit of a chat.
“You treat birds, right? Of course you do.” He said, leaning over the counter to get into Tilden’s space.
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daisyxhxxkum-blog · 6 years
Daisy kept close to the wall, just in case she lost her footing. But not too close. She didn’t want to draw any kind of unwanted attention to her. One foot in front of the other, you can do it Daisy, you can do it Lil Flower--no don’t think about that. One foot in front of the other, one foot in front of the other. She was lost in thought just trying to get back to her common room, her bed, to sleep, as if that was even an option right now. But at least she could try. She suddenly heard a noise behind her, all too close jarring her from her thoughts. 
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Who: Daisy Hookum & Tilden Toots ( @two-thumbs-tilden ) 
Where: 2nd floor corridor 
It should have been to no surprise to Daisy that Tilden would show up in front of her at that moment. He always had a habit of showing up when she was at her worst. In that moment she stood there a pile of papers scattered on the ground, her hair a mess, hungry, and nearly crying after having just gotten bad marks on a paper. Seeing him was just enough to send her over the edge, plopping her down on the floor in what surely felt like defeat. “Of course.” Was all she could say, looking at him. The girl couldn’t help but wonder why he had to be there, right in that moment. More than anything she couldn’t help but wish he would just continue walking towards wherever he was going, ignoring her. 
“Well are you going to help me?” She asked, rather rudely. It was unlike her, but then again she wasn’t quite feeling like herself. Knowing very well that she would come to regret just about everything of this meeting late she sighed, before moving to pick up some of her papers. Not bothering to actually wait to see if he would actually help or not, figuring that it wasn’t actually worth her time. Especially since she was certain that she was already running late for something else, and at this point she would much rather just skip it. 
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“And you’re sure there’s no way to make this taste like anything other than troll piss?”
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