#c: warren worthington 01
farewcllwanderlvst · 2 years
On one hand, Scott loved Warren, he really did. He was his brother in arms, his best friend, closest confidant, his teammate, his companion. He trusted Warren without a second thought, knew Warren could lead him forward when Scott was lost in the dark. He trusted him implicitly. All of this said, there were sometimes Scott  could truly wring his best friends neck. For instance, when he was standing in front of the X-Men new recruits as their leader, and then suddenly he’s tackled by his feather brained friend. Perhaps it was a hug, maybe it was play wrestling, or maybe Warren was crash landing and decided to use Scott as a net (unlikely, but still). Nonetheless, it wasn’t the best first impression for Scott as their LEADER. He groaned underneath his friend and in a tone many would call grouchy (not Scott though, it may not have been his angry voice but grouchy? He didn’t sound grouchy). “Warren!” He would rather call it his what the hell? voice. || @smoslilguys​
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insurgcnts · 3 years
@cfangelics​​ | Warren Worthington
Scott didn’t usually take it upon himself to start fights, they typically came to him just as easily as breathing. People not doing the right thing, hating mutants for simply existing, he was used to it all. It didn’t make it any easier however when such hate and cruelty was extended beyond Scott, to ones he would call friends, people he would readily protect from the world. It would be easier to protect them from physical attacks, the taunts and jeers thrown their way were something far harder to run from then any fist. “Ignore them,” Scott told Warren, using his authorities voice as he could. “They’re just idiots running their mouths, bigots who don’t know any better.” He scoffed. “Don’t care about what they say.” He didn’t know if it was the right thing to say or not, but he couldn’t leave it unmentioned. 
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