#c: will moon for chocolate ( remus )
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daenysx · 4 months ago
lovely Hii
Can i get poly!marauders x fem reader where maybe she has been exhausted and busy lately and maybe they’re giving her some space cause they dont know if she wants affection now but she sees them all lovey dovey with eachother all the time and she feels sad cause she wants to join but feels too shy to ask so she tries to discreetly slip back and one of them notices?
Im sorry if that is a bunch of gibberish but i have been awake for over a day now and my brain is fried (i hate uni)
thank you for requesting, i hope you enjoy <333
(comments are always appreciated and i literally need to see what you think to keep writing, angels. of course i can't force you to send me anything but it would be amazing if you take two seconds to tell me what you think. it's not always easy to keep doing something without getting any feedback about it ♡)
poly!marauders x fem!reader
the relationship between james and remus has always been somewhat chaotic.
they have huge chemistry, maybe something like opposites attract situation. remus is calm when james is bubbling with excitement, remus loves with silent kisses when james loses his breath as he makes love, remus likes rationality when james swims deep in his emotions.
you watch them flirt as they sit on the couch. you're at the table across them in the living room, staring at your laptop screen with exhausted eyes. it probably would be easier to complete what you've been writing if you could have more energy, but sadly you sit all tense and cold at your place. your arms get the chills, you avoid looking at your lovers.
if you leave the table to join them, james and remus would welcome you with open arms. the mere thought of james's lips against your forehead and remus's fingers rubbing your neck makes you want to cry loudly. it's just torturing yourself, but you don't think you're strong enough to ask for love. you need to get this done. you need to think about the classes you gotta pass.
james kisses a line on his boyfriend's cheek, so warm, remus practically loses his mind. "where's sirius?" james asks, remembering sirius leave for the kitchen minutes ago. "is he burning up our kitchen, do you think?"
"we would've notice."
"no, we wouldn't." james whispers. "you're too damn distracting."
remus melts. autumn always brings starvation for touch and loving, two things james is the best at giving. he looks at your way briefly, your droopy eyes worry him.
"she seems so tired." remus says, his lips kiss james's knuckles mindlessly. "should we say something to make her give a break?"
"she said the essay has a deadline, moons." james answers. "i mean, she clearly needs a break, but i'm not sure if we should interrupt her."
it's hard to decide because you get nervous with breaks sometimes. you complain about not controlling the time good enough when you're spending your free minutes with them and being unable to finish stuff at time. you say most of this teasingly, but the boys know there's always some truth in it.
sirius walks into the room with a big mug in his hands. he carries it carefully to your table. james and remus watch the scene, their hands together and legs tangled.
"here it is." sirius puts the mug on the table. "a perfect cup of hot chocolate for my gorgeous girl."
you look at him with the widest eyes. you can't cry. fuck, he's so sweet. he smiles, he looks so handsome with his old t-shirt and messed up hair. you close your laptop, curve your lips to stop yourself from crying.
"this is so nice, siri." you say to him, unshed tears clog your throat. "thank you."
"um- can i get a kiss? i spend fifteen minutes for this."
you nod with a smile, he leans down for you. you only mean to kiss his cheek, but he smells so good and he's so kind- your hand shakes as it touches his shoulder. it doesn't take sirius long to understand what's going on. he manages to hug you before you start crying.
"oh, baby, no-" he says with a sad voice. he attempts to make a joke. "you can't cry for hot chocolate- i'm sure it doesn't even taste that good."
james and remus sit straight with worry. "dove?" remus leaves the couch. "what's wrong?"
"are you okay?"
you nod, they probably won't believe it. you hold onto sirius, he lifts you up from the chair. it's a proper hug now, your skin tingles with the sensation. it feels so good to be touched.
"it's okay." sirius kisses your head. "you're just overwhelmed. you're okay."
you keep your head on sirius's chest. he's warm and his arms are strong, he supports your body to help you stay on your feet. remus brings his hand on your waist, his thumb gently draws a circle.
"can we go to bed?" you ask. separating yourself from sirius is hard, but it's harder to stay vertical. james extends a hand to you, you hold it greedily. they are all thinking the same thing, you'll calm down but you need to feel safe enough with your surroundings to do that. even though they'd like to keep you stuck in their arms, this might not be the best idea.
the bed is cold. it will pass in a few minutes. remus takes you under the blanket, james adjusts the pillows. sirius has a wrinkle between his eyebrows, he gets behind you on bed and wraps his arm around your shoulder. you sniffle softly, suddenly embarrassed by all the attention.
"sorry." you offer, your voice sounds sincerely sorry. "i don't know what came over me."
"i think we should be sorry." remus says. "jamie and i were talking about whether we should tell you to take a break but- we didn't wanna distract you. we should've distract you."
"it's not your fault that i can't manage my time doing stuff i've been doing for years." you say, weakly. "i'm just sick of being tired. i guess i- missed you."
sirius gives you a generous kiss on the side of your head. "you can jump on us any time you want, you know that, gorgeous."
"i think my head doesn't work like that when i'm exhausted."
"it doesn't have to." james says. his voice is like honey. "you don't have to ask for anything. we should be giving you everything before you even have to ask."
"he's right." remus agrees. "it should be like this for all of us, i think."
you nod. your eyes have a grateful look in them, they are undeniably tired, but still pretty to your boys. the bed is warmer. you force yourself to stop counting down the minutes for deadlines. james puts his head on your chest, hugs you as your back touches the bed, his arms are tight around you like you'll run away.
it's good to be touched. it's amazing to have contact with their hands, safe and secure, you can do anything you want if you always feel like this. remus kisses your fingers. his eyes are gentle. they are all so gentle, kind with you, you feel like you'll never break as long as you have them.
sirius's kisses help you fall asleep at the end. he's always bold with his affections, this time he manages to be softer with his lips and more tender with his hands. long fingers in your hair, chapped lips on your skin. he whispers how much he adores you, the tone of his voice hits your mind so well. you are okay. you think you'll be okay, and that's a nice beginning to get things done.
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maraudersmitchwithab · 1 year ago
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This is a marauder oc I made!
This OC's face claim is Camila Mendes! I worked really hard on her and love her so I hope you enjoy my content! (And maybe include her in yours?) Her name is Cassandra Snape. Unlike her older brother severus she is a Hufflepuff. I imagine her completely different from snape. She has a heart as pure as gold. She is kind smart funny caring and generous. She is an amazing baker. Like AMAZING. She makes all her own recipes and bakes all the time especially at night which means she has to be sneaky about it. She loves baking for the first years on their first day at Hogwarts. Especially the Slytherins because she knows how hard their first day is because of severus' first day. I also imagine her being in the main friend group. Like Sirius Remus James Lilly Peter all of them. But I see her being especially close with Remus. She would buy chocolate for them to share and just give Remus some when she notices he is having a particularly bad day. They would snuggle up by the fire hot chocolate mugs in hand while co reading a book together and Sirius wouldn't mind knowing they are the definition of platonic besties. But they would especially be close after the prank. The prank. You knew it would be mentioned. Unlike the others she would never go out with them on a full moon because Remus asked her not to. He didn't want her to see that side of him but of course she knew what happened she just never saw it. And when Sirius told Severus to meet them there she tried to get him to stop without revealing anything. But of course she couldn't so she went along with him in hopes of protecting him. But is frozen solid when she sees Remus attack her brother. Eventually she snaps out of it by the time James has already handled the situation. She loves her brother and he was hurt. But funny enough she didn't blame Remus. not for a second not even when Remus came to her crying the next day terrified of what she would say. She forgave him immediately made them hot chocolate and sat in the bed with him letting him cry. She did however blame Sirius. Severus would've never went there if Sirius didn't tell him to. Severus would've poked it out of her but at least he wouldn't get hurt. She wouldn't talk to him for a month afterward. And even then their relationship was never the same. Not in the "hey C!" Said Sirius "oh..hey Sirius"said Cassandra way. But in the fact there was an underlying tension between them. They were there happy selves..but were they?. Part 2 will have her romantic relationship among other things!
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underoospeterparker · 1 year ago
hello, can i participate in your celebration? congrats on 300 followers!
🍩 i’m 5’2, 5’3 on a good day. on the skinny lean side, i like wearing tops that show off my neck and shoulders as well as fluffy things :) i have dark brown hair and eyes, pale olive skin, and i really like spicy and savoury food. i can’t succeed at any ball games, but i enjoy dance and working with animals. i’m quite introverted until i get adopted by an extrovert, and i really like physical touch and acts of service love languages. i love flowers especially pink roses and blue hydrangeas, and recently i’m into doing cool stuff like volunteering at an adoption centre and rock climbing with my friends. i tend to finish up my work way before the deadline, and i can’t do math. i’m recently swamped with work at school and trying my best to expand my circle even though i’m really shy at gatherings. oh and i really like the colour gold and pink even though i’m a silver girly.
thank you!
welcome to my 300 celebration! you are anon 1
i ship you with remus lupin!
a. your love languages- remus loves it when you give him gifts; it's definitely your love language for him. and you like physical touch, as well as words of affirmation:
you knocked on your boyfriend's door and was rewarded with a soft, "come in." "hi, rem," you smiled, closing the door behind you and jumping into his arms, gift bag set down on his bed. he was inside the covers, reading a book. the full moon was last night, he was still exhausted. remus returned your happy smile, murmuring, "i missed you. how was your day, baby?" you pulled away from him slightly, just enough for you to reach towards the bag you'd left on his blanket. "it was good," you responded, fumbling with the bag as a blush formed on your face. "i got you this. since you couldn't come to hogsmeade." remus's face brightened as you handed him the bag. he looked inside, surprised to find his favourite chocolates with a pretty pink bow tied to them. "aw, sweetheart," he pulled you in for a kiss. "thank you. i love you so much." you curled up to his side as he wrapped an arm around you, happy to be in his embrace. "you're welcome."
b. waking up with remus:
"good morning," he sighed, pulling you closer to his chest, if that was even remotely possible. today had been the first day in ages that the two of you had finally gotten a break and could spend the night together. while he pressed a kiss to the crown of your head, he said, "how's my pretty girl doing today?" burying your head into his sweater to hide your blush, you mumbled something unintelligible. "what was that, sweetheart?" he asked, amused about how he could still make you shy after dating for so long. "use your words." "'m good," you said, slightly louder. "how'd you sleep?" with a huge smile on his face, remus responded, "better than i have in weeks."
c. remus helping you study:
"just don't get it, rem," you whined, starting to doodle on your page. "the calculations are so confusing." he pushed his chair closer to you and leaned over your work. "hey," he said, realising something. "you got that one correct!" "really?" your face brightened as you checked his notebook. "the answer's 47.5?" your boyfriend's face went blank. "47.5?" he murmured. "i thought you got 6.5," he murmured, flipping through his pages. "oops," he realised his mistake. "i read it wrong. sorry, sweetheart." you stared at him, glaring angrily before the two of you burst out laughing, clutching at each other to keep from falling off your chairs. "i'm really bad at this, aren't i?" you said, serious again. remus winced, reaching for your hand. "it's okay, honey," he said. "you're good at everything else."
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mssrprxngs · 7 years ago
He was trying to figure out if there was something off. Sirius had been weird around him, Remus had been odd, and James was terrified the two of them had gotten into a fight and didn’t want to admit it. 
But there was no time like the present, so after things had settled a bit once the full was done, he went bouncing into the room. “Alright, mate, time to get up,” he said, loud enough to be a literal wakeup call. “We gotta’ talk.”
@mssrtoebeans & @apisremus
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annasghosts · 2 years ago
Five Ways to Seduce a Wizard
@jilymicrofics written using the prompts Jam and Admiration. On Ao3
Lily looked up as Mary slapped the latest number of Witch Weekly on her bed. ��That’s it. it’s 1977, a woman doesn’t have to wait for a man to make the first move.”
“Five ways to seduce a wizard.” Lily read. “What is this, Mary?”
“This, my friend, is the way to push our oblivious Quidditch captain to get his head out of his arse and his tongue into your mouth.”
1 – Eating can be sexy, show him.
“Yes?” She asked, smiling coyly at James. She couldn’t believe it had been that easy, but maybe the journalist had known what she was talking about after all.
“Is there something wrong with the jam?”
“No, why?”
James frowned at her, confused. “You keep licking it. I know you don’t like to waste food, but you shouldn’t have to eat it if it has gone bad.”
2 – Make him feel like your knight in shiny armour.
As she approached him at the end of the prefects meeting, Lily was feeling quite confident. Yes, the jam had been a slight miscalculation, but this was going to work, everyone knew James had a hero complex.
“Hi, James.”
“Hi, Head girl,” he said with a wink, “everything alright?”
“Yes, I’m ready for rounds, even if I feel a bit tired tonight.” She shrugged in a very casual way and looked at him through her eyelashes. “I might need someone to hold me up.”
“Oh, if you’re tired you should rest.” He looked at the list in front of him. “Fawley? Fancy switching patrol rounds with Lily?” Lily’s mouth dropped open as the Seventh year Hufflepuff nodded her agreement and James smiled back at her. “Problem solved.”
3 – Every man likes a home cooked meal.
Lily wasn’t much of a cook, but she still felt optimistic as she walked up from the kitchens with a fresh batch of homemade chocolate fudge. Everyone liked chocolate fudge.
“Oi, Evans!”
She turned and smiled as James approached her. Perfect. “Hi. I made some fudge.”
“Oh!” James’ eyes widened before his face broke into a wide smile. “You’re the best.” Lily frowned at his comment. Not exactly the romantic declaration she’d been thinking of but- “How did you know nothing cheers Remus up more after a full moon than fudge?”
“Oh. Well, everyone likes fudge.”
4 – Admiration is key.
Lily wasn’t sure if she should feel offended or not as James kept misunderstanding her attempts of seducing him, but she felt the forth advice on the list held some merit. James had always enjoyed admiration and there was no reason why he couldn’t appreciate it from her. With that in mind she leaned towards him, peering down at his Transfiguration essay. “Another O.” She said, smiling. “I’ve always been envious of how brilliant you are at Transfiguration.”
A loud silence followed her words as James looked at her, stunned.
“Are you sick, Evans?” Sirius interjected, pocking his head out from behind James’ shoulders.
“I feel perfectly fine, thank you.”
“You look flushed.”
“Ugh. You are such an obnoxious prat!” She said and turned back to her own essay. Bloody Sirius Black.
“Now I recognize you.”
5 – Touch can convey your interest like nothing else.
Potion was the one class where they shared a desk, no obnoxious mates of his to interrupt them.
“You should stir more gently.” She said, reaching out to hold and guide his hand.
“Oh, you can-” James reached awkwardly for her other hand and wrapped it around the wooded stick, taking his hand away as soon as she got hold of it.
Lily frowned, but didn’t say anything. As the class drew to an end with James carefully keeping his distance from her Lily was starting to feel more and more confused so, when Slughorn praised their work, she moved to grab his hand, thinking if he didn’t respond she could play it off as a friendly gesture, but as soon as her fingers grazed his wrist he jumped away from her, promptly pouring their potion all over the floor. “Fuck.”
+1 – Be yourself?
“Lily, I’m really worried about you.”
She turned to see James stare at her. There was genuine concern in his eyes and she sighed, he had to be that nice. No consideration for her silly crush at all.
“You aren’t acting like yourself.”
“I feel fine, James.”
“Whatever it is, you can tell me.”
He looked so earnest Lily couldn’t help but laugh. “Here.” She dropped the article in his lap and watched as his eyes widened behind his glasses.
“This- you-”
“The jam? Yes. Asking you to hold me during patrol? Yes, again. And guess what? Admiring your Transfiguration skills? Done that too! Touching? You can blame our first D in Potion on that.”
James spluttered. “But you don’t fancy me!”
“Why would you say that?”
“Bullying toerag? Would rather date the Giant Squid?”
“James, that was almost two years ago.”
“Oh.” He said, a smirk slowly taking over his face. “And what does the article suggest if all moves fail?”
“Probably something about the oblivious wizard getting his head out of his arse and snogging the very patient witch that fancies him.”
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castexpectopatronum · 3 years ago
Remus Lupin Fluff Alphabet
→ originally posted by @snk-warriors​
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A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
→  remus isn't huge on activities. he's does what he has to do, but he's content just staying at home for the day, making tea and reading, or otherwise relaxing. the person he spends his time with is far more important to him than the activity and he's happy to do whatever you want to do, as long as he gets to be by your side.
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
→  remus is all over the moon for you and there's nothing he doesn't admire about your person. though he does love your smile, whether it's small and soft, or so wide it makes your cheeks hurt and your eyes sparkle. he's still in disbelief he can make you smile like that and so he treasures every little smile you give him.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
→  remus is no stranger to panic attacks and depressive episodes, so he understands that sometimes all you need is space and he will willingly give it to you. but if you want his company, he will cuddle with you under the blanket and hold you close, rubbing soothing circles on your back until you calm down. he'll give you some chocolate, make you a cup of hot tea and read to you until you fall asleep. he's your safe space and he's sure to treasure that.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
→  remus doesn't like to think about the future because he has trouble imagining one. he'll be touched beyond words if you share future visions that include him, though a part of him still believes one day you'll cut all ties with him, and he couldn't even blame you. though of course he would love nothing more than to spend his life with you and build a family.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
→  remus isn't necessarily passive, but he also isn't dominant. he puts you before anything else and is willing to follow your wishes and put his own needs behind. though, if pushed enough, or the topic is very serious, he can show a stern side.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
→  remus hates fighting and conflict of any kind, so it is a rare occurrence. he's difficult to get riled up as it is. unfortunately that means if you do fight, it's about something big and it takes a while until you manage to solve the issue. Usually it's a huge row and it takes a few days of avoiding each other before you've both calmed down enough to try and see the other's side and discuss it.  though he's not someone to hold a grudge and it's almost impossible for him to get truly cross with you.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
→  remus is so grateful for you, every day. he can barely believe he has the luck that you're in his life and he's more than happy to remind you of that, especially when you're feeling down about yourself. you never have reason to doubt your importance in his life.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
→  well. at first remus obviously held his lycanthropy a secret from you, but after things got more serious, he felt obligated to tell you. he was certain you'd break ties with him on the spot, but of course you didn't. since then neither of you keep secrets from one another. your relationship is build on honesty and trust.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
→  you definitely help remus become more secure and confident about himself as a person. He is plagued by self-doubts, insecurities and haunted by his self-perceived worthlessness stemming from his lycanthropy and with time you manage to make him realise that he's just as much of a person as anybody else. You make him happier than he's ever been.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
→  remus doesn't get jealous. perhaps he got a little jealous when he started falling for you, but he quenched those feelings with a reminder that you aren't his and that you deserve better anyway. after you get together, while he's still insecure and half-expects you to dump him for somebody else who isn't a poor werewolf, he doesn't display that sort of toxic, possessive jealousy. he trusts you more than anything else.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
→  yes, he's a good kisser. perhaps a little clumsy at first, but that's mostly due to inexperience and insecurities or the fear that he's too rough or enthusiastic and will scare you away. you quickly convince him of the opposite though and now there's nothing that holds him back when he kisses you to let you know he loves you more than anything else in this world.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
→  he'd confess after you as he'd never in a million years believe you'd require his feelings and he'd never want to push himself onto you. when you do confess your feelings to him, however, he's over the moon and quietly, almost as though he's scared to say it, tells you he loves you too.
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
→  alright. remus loves marriage, but he never thought he would or could get married. now, though, with you, things are different, and after you've been together for a while and you're still here, and his fears and insecurities have lessened, he gets his mother's engagement ring from his Dad and one evening he gets down on one knee in the living room and asks you to be his wife. it's simple, but utterly sweet, and of course you accept. right?!
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
→  remus will call you “love” or “dear”, “darling” or “sweetheart” when he's feeling particularly loving. he'll probably also give you a nickname based on your name which he will call you most of the time.
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
→  remus doesn't scream his love into the world, and he doesn't bring on a whole “Can't Take My Eyes Off You” like Heath Ledger (unfortunately), but for the people around him his feelings are still very obvious. His eyes are clinging to you and he always asks for you opinion on everything, no matter how irrelevant, and if your opinion is different from his, he'll probably go with yours. after all, you're fantastic, so you probably know better than him.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
→  remus is quite private about most things and his relationship with you,  as well. he doesn't really like pda as showing public affection makes him a little uncomfortable, but he will hold your hand or give you sweet little touches throughout the day. sometimes he'll peck your cheek when you say hello or goodbye and on days where he's feeling particularly out there, he'll even give you a peck on the lips. in private, though, things are of course a little different.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
→  remus is very empathetic, so he sort of has a sixth sense for your own moods. he can immediately tell when your feeling down or something is bothering you, so he knows when to take the right steps to cheer you up or inquire about a problem it seems you're having. sometimes it can get a bit annoying, but seeing as communication is key, it saves you from a lot of unnecessary fights.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
→  remus is actually quite romantic, but quietly so, and had never had much reason to show it. with you, though, things are different, and he likes to show you in small, different ways that he loves you. Whether that's reading your favourite books so you can discuss it together, drawing you a bath after a long day at work, waiting with a hot cup of tea at home or giving you a bar of your favourite chocolate when you get your period.
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
→  yes yes yes. remus puts you before anything else and he HELLA believes in you. he's totally okay with setting himself back so you can get a step closer to achieving your dream, whatever that might be and he doesn't doubt you for a second. and when you start to get doubts, he's right there to remind you of your worth. It might not say “slay it girl”, but he definitely expresses it in other ways.
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
→  remus likes routine. it gives him a certain control over his life that he's otherwise lacking, but although he wouldn't jump to try new things, he isn't necessarily opposed to anything should you bring it up. depends a little on the spice though. he absolutely will not go skydiving.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
→  yes. just yes. remus is an absolute angel. he's extremely empathetic and has a feeling for your emotions – he knows when all you want is a cuddle but he also knows and understands when you just want to be left alone.
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
→  his relationship is the most important thing in his life, save for perhaps his besties. but his relationships in general are so dear to him because he always expects people to reject him, so he's going to treasure his friends and you specifically for as long as he can.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
→  remus drawing star constellations on your freckles k byeeee
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
→  behind closed doors, remus loves to cuddle. he might be a little awkward about it at first, but he soon learns to let go and just enjoy the affection he's getting. and he of course loves to shower you in affection – after all, he can't risk you forgetting how grateful he is to have you in his life.
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
→  he won't show it or loudly complain about it, but he does miss you and feels a dull ache in his heart when you're gone for longer periods of time. When you come back, you'll be greeted with the warmest smile and biggest hug.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
→  remus would do absolutely absolutely anything for you. he can't buy you anything huge or take you to fancy dinners, but he will go above and beyond to make your dreams come true. if he has to suffer because of it, so be it. he's happy as long as you are happy. he's the best emotional support you could ask for. he also could beat up a guy if necessary.
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lupinsfavslytherin · 4 years ago
Professor Remus x Student Reader(Fem) 18+ Part1
You, a seventh-year student at Hogwarts, being a nature-lover, have a crush on your new DADA professor, Remus Lupin. You greet him on his first day teaching, and he can’t seem to stop thinking about you. When you're talking with him, on your way to Hogsmeade you start to get very turned on by his hands when he licks chocolate off of his fingers. As it is close to the full moon, he can smell your arousal, and the same happens to him. He doesn’t want to scare you away though, so he resists his urges, until he’s alone back in his office. One day, when you stand up for Neville, as he is like a younger brother to you, you get hurt. Professor Lupin helps you and Neville, sending him off with chocolate. Realizing both your feelings for each other, he gives you a different type of “treat.” (Slow-Burn, Smutty, POV Switches, Multiple Parts)
Part 1
It was mid afternoon, on the first day back to school. I was walking out of Herbology class. I absolutely adored Mrs. Sprout, as she fueled my love for nature and plants. She always praised me, as well as when I started tutoring to her younger students. My favorite being Neville Longbottom, as we naturally clicked together.
Seeming as Neville loved nature as well, we got along quite quickly. He reminded me of my younger brother, as I started to care about him. He was always being teased and mocked by almost everyone, so I started acting more protective over him. I was on my way to meet Neville, after his Defense Against the Dark Arts class.
Once I got to the class doorway, no one except the new professor was in there. I decided I should greet him as I have him for my next class, anyways, and possibly ask where his students were.
Remus POV:
After dismissing Harry and his peers from my previous class, I had to set up for my next one. It was meant for the seventh-year students. I was pushing the desks back in place when I heard one someone walking in. I expected it to be Neville Longbottom, as he forgot some of his books. When I looked up, I froze.
“H-Hello Professor, I’m Y/N Y/L/N.” She had put her hand out in front of me to shake. She had smiled, shyly, noticing her hands were slightly covered in dirt.
“Oh, I apologize. I forgot to rinse my hands after Herbology.” She then wiped them on a towel she found in her bag. I took this time to admire her, as she focused on her hands. She was stunning. Her Y/H/L Y/H/C hair framed her face perfectly. Her lips were a little pouted as she was in concentration. It was difficult not to think about her smooth legs, and perky breasts on perfect display in her uniform.
“Welcome to Hogwarts!” Her Y/E/C eyes were adorable, once her smile came back even bigger, again reaching for my own hand. I cleared my dry throat, to speak.
“It’s quite alright, miss Y/L/N. My name is Professor Lupin.” I smiled back at her, shaking her outstretched hand.
Mr. Lupin was gentle as he shook my hands with his large, veiny and rough ones. My core started dripping, as I thought of the things he could do to me with his long fingers, I also wondered how veiny his member must be.
I decided to keep the conversation going as he went back to moving the desks. I asked him how his classes were going so far, admiring how sweet his eyes seemed, and how his arm muscles moved. His sleeves were pulled up to his elbows to allow more movement. Our conversation was cut short, once Neville had appeared.
“Hey Neville!” I greeted him, and ruffled his hair up a bit. He walked past me to a stack of books that were behind Lupin. Saying our goodbyes, Neville and I exited the classroom, to study by the Black Lake. I sneaked one more look towards the professor, excited for my next class with him.
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lyraoftheevergreens · 3 years ago
Fighting Through the Storm
Part 1
This will only be a three part series. There will be more Sirius writings in the future.
Sirius Black x reader
Warnings: fluff, Slight angst. Swearing. My grammar.
Word count: 1,809
Authors note: Y/c = your choice. I wanted it to be more based off the book then the movie because in the book you find out Sirius wasn’t the potters secret keeper it was Peter and of course Sirius is wife would know this. Which means Remus wouldn’t turn into a ball of depression and isolate him self thinking that’s what happened when in fact it wasn’t.
Sirius was 14 when he first saw Y/n. Her mischievous grin caught his eye across the hall as she chatted with her friends in the corridor leading to the astronomy tour. So mesmerized by her, he didn’t catch a single word from James.
“Pads did you hear a single thing I said?”
“Huh? No. Sorry mate.”
“What’s going? Who are you staring at?” James asked as he noticed James staring at the group of girls across from them.
“Her.” He said nodding towards y/n stood in front of him.
“Gonna try and make her another one of your conquest?” Asked James.
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea pads, I got potions with her and she’s nothing like the previous girls you’ve been with.”
“Oh yeah? Introduce me to her then Mooney.”
“That’s not what I was trying to do Sirius.”
“Oh come on. Are you scared of her moons?”
“No. Im not. She’s nice to me but-.” Remus didn’t get to finish as Sirius pulled him and started walking towards y/n.
“Hey y/n.” Started Remus.
“Hello Rem. Oh I didn’t realize we had so many classes together this year.”
“Yes we do, uhm. This is my friend Sirius.”
“Hello friend Sirius.”
“Hi.” Was all Sirius could get out. All confidence went out the door when she spoke to him. Stuck on the way his name rolled off her tongue. The doors to the astronomy tour now opening.
“Well bye Remmy, bye friend Sirius.” Y/n said following her friends up the tower.
“Wow pads, I’ve never seen you freeze up like that before.” Said a surprised James
“I know. She’s just so. Uhg!”
“Sod off prongs. Let’s get to class.”
Later that evening he saw her in the Gryffindor common room reading a book on the couch with a blanket over her lap and a coffee in hand. He figured now was a better time then never to approach her.
“Coffee this late? You’ll never sleep.”
“Oh don’t be so serious.” She joked and winked at him. Oh Merlin, she just made a Sirius joke. A women after his own heart.
“Who should I be then? Alfred?”
“I was thinking a Henry, Henry seems like he drinks coffee in the evening.”
“Would you like to join me to hogsmead this Thursday?”
“Sure, why not.”
“Okay. I’ll see you Thursday.”
“Thursday it is. Bye Henry.”
“Bye y/n”
Thursday came around slower then Sirius would have liked but after that Thursday they were inseparable. And Sirius learned quickly of what Remus was saying about her difference from other girls. The snickers in the hall from Sirius is previous hook ups saying.” she is nothing more then the flavor of the month. Shes stupid if she thinks he’ll be with her longer then a month.”
That’s when she grabbed Sirius by the face and smushed her face into his giving him the biggest kiss he’s ever had. After she pulled away Sirius was left with a glazed look over his face. Never having been with someone so forward. Y/n turned to the stunned girls and said,” your just jealous because I taste better.” Sirius wrapped his arm around her and they walked away. She was at every one of his games. He could hear her cheering and yelling from the stands sat next to Remus as they ate honey dukes chocolate together. She always got so riled up watching Sirius play. This time it was Gryffindor vs Slytherin, that got her in trouble.
“What the fuck! He aimed right for his fucking head! You can’t give them the fucking point!” An angry y/n yelled. The Slytherin chaser threw the quaffle right at Sirius is head causing Sirius to duck and Slytherin to score.
“50 points from Gryffindor if you swear one more time miss.y/l/n.”
“Sorry, professor McGonagall.” She sat back down next to Remus. Sirius watched the whole exchanged and laughed to him self. That’s my girl, he thought.
They were together all the way after Hogwarts. They lived in a small house in Godrics Hallow after graduation. Y/n was studying y/c and Sirius was training too be an auror when James and Lilly had Harry and they were made Harry’s god parents. Her and Sirius got married in September that year. It was a small ceremony with an after party at their house. Then Sirius got that awful flying motor bike with a side car to “ride around with Harry” it was obviously more for himself.
Then the day she never thought would happen, the day Remus knocked on her door telling her that Lily and James are dead and that her husband is being sent to Azkaban for the murder of peter and 12 muggles. She dropped to the floor crying and screaming. Remus dragged his friend into her house and put a silencing charm and held her as she cried and screamed. Y/n screamed until her throat hurt. She sat there holding on to Remus as hot tears streamed down her face until she fell asleep. Remus picked her and carried her to the couch and laid her down. He had gone to ministry to find out more. He was back by the time she woke up. He began to boil water for tea for when she woke. With in 20 minutes of being back she was awake and the water was done.
“Here honey and lavender tea, its good for the nerves, so is this.” He said walking over one cup in hand and chocolate in the other, handing both to her. She sat and sipped the tea and put the chocolate in the table in front of her.
“What about you?” She asked.
“No dear, I’m okay.”
“Remmy he didn’t do it.”
“No Remus, I know my husband. He would never.”
“Dumbledore said, Sirius was made secret keeper, he told Voldemort where they were staying, peter found out first and went to confront him that’s when Sirius killed him. I know this is hard for you to take all at once but it’s the truth.”
“No Remus. Sirius said Peter should be secret keeper instead of him. And so they did. Sirius was with me all last night.”
“At the trial they will look at his memories and see he was with me.”
“There isn’t going to be a trial.”
“What do you mean there’s no trial?”
“They gave bellatrix a trial when she tortured the Longbottoms, Frank and Alice!” Y/n shouted now standing.
“Y/n you need to settle down. Sit we will figure something out.”
“No. Fuck that I’m going to the ministry and I’m fighting for my husband.” With that she stormed out the front door aparating to the front of the ministry, bursting in and immediately seeing Dumbledore.
“You old fool!”
“Y/n Black, how are you doing with everything.”
“I’ll tell you how im doing all fucking right! With you lot shoving MY husband into Azkaban with out a trial. It’s fucking ridiculous it is. He’s innocent. Look at his memories. Look at mine. You’ll see that we were together all night.”
“Y/n There is nothing we can do. He’s been sentenced. You can try and get them to open his case and that’s it.” She spent the whole day telling anyone she could that he was innocent. Remus had to go get her and take her home before the sent her to st.mungos. But she never stopped fighting for him. For 12 years she fought once a week putting in a request for them to open his case. In a drunken state of desperation she owled a bottle of her tears to Dumbledore with a note messily written note saying “the night before” trying to get him to see Sirius is innocent. Then he owled back a week later saying.” Dear Y/n Black, unfortunately I don’t think you sent me the correct memories you thought you were sending. While they are beautiful I did not continue to watch. I will send them back with your owl. It is your love that will give Sirius the strength to hold on until they open his case. Sincerely Albus Dumbledore.”
“Remus! I think I sent Dumbledore a sex tape of Sirius and I.” She shouted from the dining table. She managed to convince Remus to sell his cottage and come live with her, before he isolated himself completely from her.
“How on earth did you manage to do that y/n!?” He yelled at her.
“I was drunk and thinking about Sirius and owled him a bottle of memories and you can assume the rest. Here, read what he wrote back.”
“Oh my Godric, only you would manage to send someone a sex tape/memory.” He said laughing.
12 years later
“Remus! Come look here a letter from Dumbledore came for you. Here, read it. Tell me what it says.” You handed it to him and he instantly began reading.
“He needs a new defense against the dark arts professor and says that he can have the potions master severus make me wolfs bane potion every month, and the womping willow is there for me to use as well.”
“Remus that’s amazing! Please tell me your going to take it?”
“I’m not sure, what if i hurt one of the children.”
“You’ll have wolfs bane potion every month, the children will be fine Remus.”
“What about you? Will you be okay all alone?”
“I will be perfectly fine over here Remus you go.”
“The full moon is the night before school. The older i get the rougher the transformation is on me. I don’t want to arrive with knew wounds.”
“We have enough saved up for me to make it for you so you can have it for that full moon. You’ll be okay Remus, I’ve got you.”
“I don’t know what I would do with out you, flower.” He said engulfing her in a big hug.
2 weeks before the start of school
“Remus! Look at the Daily Prophet, its Sirius, he’s escaped! And look a letter from ministry officials telling me they will be stoping by frequently to make sure I’m not harboring him here.”
“This isn’t good. Maybe I should stay.”
“No. You go start packing. You will not pass up this fantastic opportunity for something i can handle on my own.”
“Okay but send a patronus and ill be here.”
“I know you will.”
9 months later
There was a loud barking at the door at 2 in the morning. She opened the door to a large thin black dog who pushed his way past her. Now stood in the middle of the Living room was a thin man in prison clothes with curly shaggy hair.
“You shouldn’t open the door for strangers darling.”
Part 2
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jamesmydeer · 4 years ago
marauders comforting reader hc
notes: i hope this one makes someone feel a little bit better today! i hope you enjoy <3
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- james’ love language is most definitely touch
- when he wants someone to know he cares, he likes to express it
- the first thing he does when he notices you’re upset is hugs you
- big squeeze
- he tells you you don’t have to tell him right away
- but he would appreciate it if you told him eventually
- the most empathetic boy ever
- gets sad with you
- rubs your back and gently hushes your cries
- when you’re ready to talk, he’s all ears
- he lets go of you a little bit, so he can look at you while you talk
- nods along while you open up to him
- when you’re done, he wraps you up in an even bigger hug than before
“thank you for telling me, love”
- all of the cuddles
- lays your head on his chest and strokes your hair
- he tells you everything is going to be okay, and gives you any advice he might have on making you feel better
- he checks the marauder’s map every few minutes to make sure the boys aren’t coming back to disturb you
- when they do come back, he lets you know
- because he knows you’ll be embarrassed if they see you like that
- even though he tells you that you’re being silly
- so you get up to go back to your dorm
- and it’s james’ turn to be upset
“just where do you think you’re going?”
- he makes it very clear that either you’re sleeping in his dorm, or he’s sleeping in yours
- you roll your eyes, but you turn into mush at his statement
- because he’s just the sweetest. ever.
- you trudge back to his bed and snuggle into his side
- he closes the curtains and wraps his arms around you
- definitely whispers sweet nothings into your ear while you drift off to sleep
- the last thing you remember before passing out is his quiet “everything’s going to be okay”
- and you knew that as long as you had him, it would be
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- sirius tries to make you laugh
- because he knows it helps him to not take everything so seriously when he’s upset
- and it’s his defense mechanism when he’s uncomfortable
- and seeing you upset makes him very uncomfortable
- when he finally gets a slight chuckle out of you, he’s over the moon
- because he made you smiiiiiile
- he grabs your hand and plays with your fingers
- when he can tell that you’ve calmed down a little bit, he looks up at you
- and it breaks his heart because you look so sad
- he softly caresses your cheek, then grabs your chin and makes you look at him
- he gives you an encouraging smile and asks you what’s wrong
- you tell him you’re fine
- he knows you’re that you’re not fine
- from personal experience, he knows that when he says he’s fine, he’s most definitely lying
“i know it doesn’t seem like it right now, but it’ll help if y’talk”
- so you unload on him
- and it’s a lot for him to take in, but he tries to keep up
- has no idea what to do when you start crying
- you hold onto him and it takes a second for him to respond
- because he’s a little scared
- but he eventually hugs you back
- he rubs your back and pets your head
- like a dog
- which gives him an idea
- he turns into padfoot and snuggles into your neck
- which earns him a watery giggle
- he starts licking all over your face
- earning him even more giggles
- he eventually settles onto your chest
- you stroke his fur to help you calm yourself back down
- when he notices your heart rate is back to normal, he changes back
- but he doesn’t move from his spot on your chest
- you fall asleep with your hands in his hair
- and you wake up with it still there
- and its c u t e
- it may or may not be braided when he wakes up
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- the sweetest boy
- doesn’t ask any questions
- gives the warmest hugs
- because he knows that hugs help him the most when he’s in a crappy mood
- has you sit in front of him on his bed with your back against his chest
- he puts his head on top of yours, which is nice
- wraps you both in so many blankets
- not that you need them; the boy is a literal heater
- makes sure you have water and comfy clothes on before you get settled
- gives you one of his sweaters
- once you’ve both settled down, he lets you pick one of the books from his nightstand
- he rolls his eyes when you pick the same one you always do
- but he thinks it’s the cutest thing that you never get tired of it
- little does he know, you barely pay attention to the words
- he stops frequently to tell you to drink some water
- even in the middle of sentences
- he’s such a mom
- without looking up from the book, he offers you pieces of chocolate every few pages
- frequently kisses you while reading
- on the top of your head
- on your cheek
- on your ear
- on the bit of your neck that he can reach
- when he does, he loses his place and has to start over
- not that you mind
- he can tell you’re getting sleepy when you start running your fingers up and down his arms
- when you eventually doze off, he quietlyclosed the book and places it beside him
- he doesn’t change positions yet though
- because even though he’s uncomfortable, he has a really good view of you leaning on his shoulder
- so he watched you for a little bit with a fond smile on his face
- when he’s satisfied, he slightly picks you up so he can lay down
- he lays you back down on top of him and kisses your forehead
- although he know you can’t hear him, you tells you how much he loves and cares about you
- when he fineshes, he hears a chorus of “aaawww”s from the other marauders
- he’s just glad it didn’t wake you up
- when you do wake up the next morning, you both have a smile on your face
- because you’re so in love, it’s a little gross
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regretthatsme · 4 years ago
The Doe - Harry Potter x fem!reader
A/n: Harry's second child is named Arthur Remus in this. Albus Severus is a god awful name about two god awful people.
Harry was quickly running to the seventh floor. He was running late for class.
You see, Harry was a teacher. An illegal one, maybe. But, a teacher nonetheless. He was certainly a better teacher than toad-face.
Today, Harry was going to teach a very important lesson. Today was the day where the students would learn expecto-patronum.
He was watching the students file into the Room of Requirements. The excited chatter of teenagers filled the empty room.
"Alright. Alright!" Said Harry, immediately silencing any conversation. "Today, we will be learning the patronus charm. It is one of the most difficult spells to learn, so don't be discouraged if you don't get it on your first try."
Harry did the demonstration of the spell, a bright white stag erupting from the end of his wand.
"Think of your happiest memory. Allow it to fill you up." He said while circling around the room. "A full body patronus is the most difficult to produce."
He was getting lost in the magic and pure joy that echoed across the room, and that's when he saw it.
A glittering silver doe standing right in front of him. Some students stopped to stare at the marvel aswell. Harry's patronus seemed to notice, and it began to walk towards the doe. The stag bowed his head. The doe reciprocated, only to scamper off seconds later with the stag following suit.
Harry stood in awe for a few moments. He tried to think back to his teachings, but his mind kept going back to that damn doe.
And that one class became two. Then three. Then the week.
One month.
It's been one month. And that's when he told Ron.
"I don't know, Ron. I can't stop thinking about it. It keeps coming back. And I tried to ignore it, but then it comes back stronger than ever before." Harry expressed to his friend.
"I don't know what to tell you mate." Said Ron as he bit into a chocolate frog.
"I know... it's just... I feel... something."
"What do you want me to do?"
"I don't know! Just.... will I ever find her?"
Ron looked at his friend. Harry was hunched over with sullen eyes. He was deep in thought. He's serious, Ron thought.
"Cheer up, mate. I'm sure you will find her again."
Harry got up from his bed and started pacing. "What if I don't? I saw something incredible. Indescribable even... I found my soulmate, Ron!" Harry was almost shouting in frustration.
"Relax! It's not my fault. Stop screaming at me!" Ron told Harry. Harry began to take deep breaths and sat back on his mattress.
"I've never felt this way about anyone before. I've never had someone to love, you know? I don't want them to slip away like everyone else."
"Hey, not everyone has slipped away. You still have me and Hermione!"
Harry chuckled. "Thank you for listening. I know it's weird to talk about sappy stuff with me."
"Hey. If you can't talk to your friend about your soulmate, what good are they?"
Harry prepared for the next lesson, this week focusing on protego. The library was quite empty, only a few second years and one other fifth year.
That fifth year in question is a certain Y/N L/N. She was.... wow. She was one of the most beautiful people in her year. Her H/C hair was so lush and thick and shined in the sun. It shined almost as much as her eyes, which captivated whoever looked into them.
But it's not just her looks that captured the hearts of many, it was also her mind. Her brilliant mind. She could answer any question in the blink of an eye. She could pass any test with flying colors. But, she was creative and oh so kind. More kind than anybody Harry had ever met. Just being in her presence was enough to brighten anyone's day.
Certainly enough to lighten mine, thought Harry.
"Hello, Harry." Y/N said. She had moved to sit across from him.
"U-um. Hello, Y/N." Harry studdard.
"Did you need me? You were looking at me so I thought you might need help."
"Oh. Um-no. It's nothing. Don't worry."
"Well, alright. Just out of curiosity, what are you researching."
Harry looked down to his roll of parchment. "Protego. I'm going to teach it next class."
"That good. It's important to be able to protect yourself. Be sure to discuss protego maxima. It protects against even stronger spells. Seems quite important for an 'army'."
"Of course. Thank you for the recommendation"
Y/N leaned closer to Harry till her lips brushed against his ear. "I'm very excited about our next class." She pulled away, winked, and walked away.
Harry's heart couldn't stop beating. He was panting, yet felt like he couldn't breath. No. No. No. No. I have a soulmate. I can't fall in love with someone else, thought Harry.
Harry wondered aimlessly down the corridors under his invisibility cloak. The night was peaceful. Just him and his thoughts, no interruptions. Until he heard a choked sob. It sounded like it came from a first year. What did the toad do the poor first year.
He rounded the corner to see Y/N comforting a young Slytherin girl. "I know. I know, Amelia." The Slytherin was still sobbing hard as ever, no matter how much consolidation she recieved. "Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?"
"No. Just be here. Just hug me." Said Amelia. Harry could see a tear trickle down Y/N's face.
"You want to see something cool?" Amelia nodded, though it seemed a bit reluctant. "I'm going to cast a spell. Are you ready?" Amelia nodded again, much more vigorously.
"Expecto Patronum."
And there it was.
That damn doe.
That damn doe that haunted him since the day he saw it.
That damn doe that made him rethink so many choices.
That goddamn doe... the love of his life.
He knew that he probably shouldn't do it. He knew that he could be caught if he were to. But, he couldn't help himself. He couldn't fucking help himself.
"Expecto Patronum." Harry whispered.
A stag erupted out of the top of the wand. It immediately ran towards the doe, almost as if he missed her. The stag pranced around both Y/N and doe before bowing down. Just like in the Room of Requirements.
"Can I touch it?" asked Amelia.
"I don't see why not."
She reached up to touch the deer. As soon as she did, Amelia started giggling. Y/N did as well. It felt like pure happiness.
They backed away, and the doe took their place. She bowed down as well. They raised their heads and look into each other's eyes. They kept eye contact as they stepped closer together. Until they came together.
Before long, the deers disappeared.
"I can go back, now." Said Amelia.
"Do you want me to bring you back?" Asked Y/N.
"No thank you." Amelia made her way down the hall. Y/N waited until she couldn't hear the patter of feet.
"Harry. I know you're there. Harry! Where are you?"
Harry took off his cloak before spewing out apologies, "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable or if I messed up. I couldn't help myself. I should have stopped myself. I knew this was - mmmph!" His rant was cut off by a pair of lips on his.
"Harry, there is nothing to apologize for!" Y/N giggled. Merlin, it sound like music. Harry couldn't help but laugh with her.
"You're my soulmate then, Y/N?"
"If you would like to call me that, I suppose."
"I would if that's alright with you." Harry places his face in the crook of her neck. Y/N could feel the shit-eating grin on his face. "Would you like to go to Hogsmead on Sunday?"
"Sounds lovely."
"James! Wake up!" Y/N tried waking up her son. "Come on. It's your first day of school."
"No. Bed."
"James, if you don't get up, I'm confiscating your broom." Said the boy's mother. It's safe to say that he got ready alarmingly quickly.
Lovely, thought Y/N. She walked downstairs to her two other children eating breakfast. "Good morning, Lily. Good morning, Arthur." She finished each greeting with a kiss on the forehead.
"Good morning, mum!" Said Lily. She was bouncing up and down with excitement, even if she wasn't going to Hogwarts just yet. Arthur stayed silent, however.
"Arthur? You okay? It's your first day at Hogwarts! You should be excited." Said his mother.
"I know. I'm just... nervous." He said, a frown made it's way onto his lips.
"Darling!" Y/N's husband clambered into the room and placed a quick peck to her cheek. He turned to face Arthur. "How are doing? Are you excited?"
"Yes." Arthur faked a smile for the sake of his father.
"Oh gosh! Look at the time! We have to get going or we'll be late!" Said Y/N as she frantically collected her family's belongings.
"Dad, what if I am put into Slytherin?" Asked Arthur, about to board the train.
"Arthur Remus Potter. Slytherin isn't a bad house. In fact, it is quite extraordinary. Your mother was almost put in Slytherin for how determined and cunning she was! It would be an honor to have you be in Slytherin. Just as much of an honor as if you would be in Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, or Ravenclaw. We will love you no matter what."
Arthur hugged his father so tightly as tears leaked from his eyes. "I-I don't w-want to l-leave you, Dad. I don't want to leave Mum, either. Or Lily."
Harry pulled back and wiped the tears from his eyes. "I know. But, before you know it, you'll be back home and you'll be sick of us all over again." Harry laughed. He had to laugh. If he didn't, he would cry too.
Satisfied with that response, Arthur left his father's embrace and walked over to his mother, who was watching the whole time.
"I love you so much. I love you to the moon and back." She said, giving one last hug to her children before they boarded the train. They grow up too fast.
"I'll write every day." Said Arthur, waving from his compartment on the train.
"Write us when you get settled in! And be sure to tell what house you are in!" Shouted Harry. The train started to ride away. Harry looked at his children then to his wife. He was and will be forever grateful for the woman standing beside him, who gave him a family, who gave him so much.
And to think it all happened because of a damn doe.
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Headcanons For Being A Student And Dating Professor Remus Lupin
request: Can you do headcannons for professor lupin x student reader?
Note: You are of age in this!!
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The two of you met while on the Hogwarts Express, finding no other cart to sit in but his - he was asleep, anyways.
The ride to Hogwarts was quiet, Lupin’s quiet breaths being the only sound within the cart until screams were heard down the hall of the train.
It got very cold all of a sudden and you shivered, wrapping your coat around you tighter as you noticed a raggedy-looking black figure hovering over the door to the compartment.
Gasping, you shuffled closer to the windows of the cart as you realized the figure was coming into the room, hiding your face in your coat.
“Expecto Patronum!” a voice yelled, propelling the figure out of the train entirely
You looked at the once-sleeping man, a smile now on his face “Professor Lupin, at your service. I’m the new DADA Professor.”
You were so lucky that you decided to take DADA that year, blushing at his introduction, then introducing yourself to your new teacher.
The rest of the train ride, the two of you shared pieces of chocolate and he taught you all about what dementors were and how he dispelled them.
If you were shaking after the incident, Remus would sit next to you and hold your hands tight, reminding you that the dementor was no longer there.
Hopping off the train, he’d wink at you and say that he’d see you around - you failed to mention you were taking his class.
First day of classes, he was a bit surprised to see you right in the front, face becoming a bit red but he continued on throughout his lessons.
After the Boggarts lesson, you’d ask Professor Lupin for a bit more practice after class, and you were sirius (lol serious, sirius, get it?)
He’d be all for it, training you in the courtyard after hours and praising you for every little thing you did
Remus would be beaming, so proud of how far along you’ve come in his class; every time you’d look back at him for dispelling your Boggart, he’d always have a smile on his face.
“Look at you, my star student! Did you see that? Merlin, I could not be prouder.” “Really, Professor?” “Really.”
Remus would slowly start off with kisses on the head, nothing too affectionate. When he’d teach you things further advanced than the rest of the class, then he’d give you kisses on both your cheeks, face beaming.
Until you get yourself into trouble with the Golden Trio and he finds you in the Whomping Willow with them.
He scolds you first, even before Harry and the others, which actually surprises himself.
Would drag you back to Hogwarts himself (let’s pretend it wasn’t a full moon and he didn’t transform bc why not) and say how angry he was with you, going overprotective.
Once he closes the door to his classroom, he overlooks you for injuries, just making sure you’re okay until you smack his shoulder, “Remus, I’m fine!” “Just making sure, darling, what you did was pretty stupid.”
He’d look you in the eyes after calling you darling, testing the waters. You’d smile at him, making him chuckle as he’d touch your nose with his, leaning in to give you a kiss.
From then on, you two would be extremely careful about your relationship - for obvious reasons, nobody knows about it. On the outside, it just looks like a great bond between a student and a teacher (and there is nothing wrong with that!!!!)
Remus would be so careful with you, literally and metaphorically. He’d take care of you for every little thing and would brush your hair out of your face, making sure you weren’t hurt or in pain.
He’d also be careful about how much attention he paid you - he could play favorites, but not girlfriend favorites.
If you ever asked a question in class, he’d smile big and give you praise - but it’d mean more. During a test, he’d make sure to lay a hand on your back or shoulder. If you come to his desk, Remus would put a hand on your lower back, making sure no other student could see it.
Would scootch closer to you to smell your perfume or hair, smiling to himself as you’d shiver.
Looked for you during his free period and shockingly, both of your free’s lined up. Usually, you’d be in the Potions classroom with Snape’s permission.
The two of them cared for you as a student - but Remus more than Snape - so Severus wouldn’t be annoyed whenever Remus would help you with Potions or just hanging out with you. The three of you would have lovely conversations, actually; the tension between them was almost nonexistent to you but not for them.
If you were in the library, he’d make it seem like he was helping you with understanding the material. Would definitely hold your thigh under the table, his thumb rubbing smooth circles on your skin.
Remus would be the type of guy, further in the relationship, to tell you to wear your skirt shorter one day just so he could get a good look - without being suspicious or demeaning towards you.
If you played Quidditch, he’d cheer the loudest for you, being a supportive boyfriend. The staff wouldn’t think anything weird of it - just him being proud of one of his best students.
If not, he’d steal glances to you during the game just to see your face light up at a certain play.
Remus would take you on dates in Hogsmeade, but only in secluded parts where other students/teachers wouldn’t be able to find you two. Either it be a picnic or a restaurant, he’d make you laugh the entire time and hold your hand.
Kind of shy about PDA but would give you lots of kisses in private and would brush your hands if you walked past each other in the Hogwarts halls.
Would whisper that he loves you whenever he got the chance.
Remus would love seeing you ride him, bouncing up and down on his cock as you’d writhe in pleasure above him.
After hours, you bet he would pull you into his classroom and fuck you on his desk, messing up all the papers just to show that you come before everything else.
Loves seeing that same mess on his desk the next morning.
Can and will call you names during sex but only if you ask for it - like cum/cock slut, little girl, sweet girl, etc but nothing too demeaning b/c he always says he loves you afterwards
Compliments you and your body constantly, saying you have perfect tits, the best pussy to accommodate his cock, the loveliest moans to hear.
Loves eating pussy and nobody can tell me otherwise
Remus will make you feel like a goddess while he eats you out, no doubt about it. Grabbing your tits, opening up your pussy to taste you even more, marking your thighs with his teeth.
Mans is gifted, all i’m saying
Will grow confidence during sex and make you say that he’s the best you’ll ever have, that nobody else can satisfy you like he does.
Just loves looking at you while you cum, knowing he made you feel that good and only he gets to see that face.
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nothing-at-the-moment · 4 years ago
Rewrite the stars II
italics: Y/N’s thoughts
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It was the day after a full moon. A particularly bad one at that. So bad that Remus couldn’t sleep it off like he did most times.
So he went to the hospital wing, wondering how the staff hasn’t been suspicious of how many times he gets hit by the Whomping Willow.
He was lying on a small bed, surrounded by pale curtains. His pains from the gruesome wounds in his sides, on his face and scratches up his arms and legs, seemed to be numb for now, courtesy to Madame Pompfrey.
As he slipped in and out of consciousness, James Potter and Sirius Black sat beside his bed feeling guilty because they failed to protect their friend this time. Peter was with Madame Pompfrey as she instructed him on the schedule for Remus’s meds.
James looked around the pale, somber walls of the Hospital Wing. He had been there quite a few times, having getting injured during Quidditch.
And he started thinking.
He never before noticed how the sun filtered through the small window above each bed, and made the pale color look some sort of oddly comforting.
He never noticed how Madame Pompfrey put a little extra care in keeping the flowers on each bedside table looking fresh and bright.
He never noticed the house elves that helped Madame Pompfrey taking care of her beloved students.
And as he thought of his pale but comforting surroundings, on the other side of the castle behind a barrel as a door, on a black couch in a very bright room filled with sunlight, sat Y/N whose wrist tingled with the thoughts of her soulmate.
Normally, their wrists would hurt if they tried to tell where they are through thoughts, but James potter wasn’t thinking about where he was. He was thinking about how wherever he was easily one of the most comforting places in the Hogwarts.
That was motivation enough for Y/N to jump off the couch, leaving her glass of cool lemonade on the coffee table and run out of the barrel door.
She walked a few steps down the hall before turning to the huge painting of the silver fruit bowl. She tickled the pear and entered the Hogwarts kitchen where the house elves were preparing desserts for tonight’s dinner in the Great Hall directly above.
Her (y/e/c) eyes scanned the entirety of the kitchen to find any student; her soulmate would be lurking about.
After seeing only the house elves in their cute hats that she and some other Hufflepuffs had knitted them, she turned to head to the library before snatching a brownie from the tray.
After being disappointed by not finding her soulmate neither in the library, nor the astronomy tower, or the Great hall, there was only one place left.
The Hospital Wing.
It started to worry her as she sped off to the hospital wing. Why was he there? Was he hurt? How bad was it?
She entered the Hospital wing with frantic eyes searching for her soulmate when her eyes landed on Remus Lupin lying on a bed in a very, very bad condition indeed.
She paid no mind to his friends as they sat beside him.
They watched as she pulled up a chair beside him and held his hand.
James saw her clutch his hand and place a kiss on the back of his palm.
He felt his wrist tingle and looked down at it.
You’re going to be okay. I’m here.
He felt comforted by his soulmate’s words, thinking that they were for a niffler or a bowtruckle she has found injured again while taking a walk by the Black lake.
He looked up to see Y/N rest her head in the little space on the bed beside Remus and flutter her eyes close. He knew who she was. Of course he knew who she was.
The famous Hufflepuff beater.  The only one who ever managed to knock James off his broom.
Oh how he hated her for that.
After Severus Snape; Snivellus, she was the only one who managed to rile him up. He didn’t like her since the day she knocked him off his broom in third year. It bruised his ego, big time.
But seeing you there, holding Remus’s hand, he was happy for his friend. Moony managed to find his soulmate. He could bear with Y/N, only because she was Remus’s soulmate.
Sirius, James and Peter looked at each other with a knowing glint in their eyes. They knew how Remus had liked her ever since she knocked James off his broom. He thought she was brilliant. They knew their Moony would be ecstatic to find that she was his soulmate.
All three uninjured Marauders stepped outside the Hospital wing to give them privacy.
James looked down at his wrist to see that his soulmate was feeling incredibly happy for some reason. She was not being able to fathom coherent thoughts and that only happened when she was either very happy, or when the house elves in the kitchens added an extra marshmallow to her hot chocolate. So she was only like this when she was very happy. More than usual.
He smiled to himself. He got over Lily not being his soulmate fairly quickly whenever he thought about how happy his soulmate made him.
Marlene and Sirius had found each other and he looked at them every day being so happy around each other. Ever since they found each other, they were in a constant state of euphoria. Colors he had never seen on either of them, now bursting from them as if they had painted their perfect picture.
And now he saw Y/N with Remus with such a contended look on her face that he knew that Lily would never have shown him. Only his soulmate could.
He was waiting for her. And he did it with a smile on his face.
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fandom-puff · 5 years ago
Remus Lupin Smut Alphabet
Requested by: anon and @doitforthevine67
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Unless it’s after a full moon, remus will spring into action, rubbing away aches, running you a bath, and almost always pressing a chunk of chocolate to your lips
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He doesn’t like much about himself. He’s scarred and greying and looks older than he is. He does like his eyes though. He likes that they’re green, and still glint with laughter even if he doesn’t have much to joke about.
He loves his partner’s hands. How they’re I afraid to touch him. How they can both soothe his nerves and ignight a raging desire within him. He loves holding onto your hands during sex, fingers intertwined as you both meet your climaxes
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
He always comes inside you. No exceptions. Perhaps it’s because he doesn’t want to dirty you up. Perhaps he’s traditional. Perhaps one day he’d like to see you bursting with his child.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He LOVES seeing you in lingerie. Complicated, strappy, Lacy, flowery, plain... he doesn’t care. He loves the sight of it on you, and will often leave your knickers on, just pushing them to the side
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
He’s not all that experienced. He kept himself to himself for the majority of his life. He knows what he’s doing- partially because of the primal instinct rooted inside of him
F = favourite position
He loves having you on top. He watches you with such an intense, passionate gaze that you often blush and squirm on his cock, causing him to grab your hips and buck up into you
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Remus sometimes has a laugh with you, when you’re not calling out your love for one another or crying out desperately
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
He has chest hair which tapers off to lead to the thicket of dense pubic hair. It’s slightly darker than his sandy hair, although not yet flecked with grey. He keeps it well trimmed for you.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
He is very romantic. All of his passion, gratitude and love for you pours out of him as he makes love to you. For him, being close physically and emotionally is extremely important- it makes him feel human.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
He doesn’t really need to- you desire him enough that he never feels needy. He does, however, like watching you touch yourself
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Breeding, Dom/sub, roleplaying
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
The bedroom- you can take up as much room as you want on the bed, and it’s good on his back. He also quite likes when you ride him in his armchair
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Your desire for him. Knowing someone wants him despite his condition arouses him to no end.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He doesn’t like to share. Certain exceptions can be made, but even then he has to fight the primal instincts inside that claim you as his mate
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
He discovered his love of recieving through you. You suck him off so well, and the coquettish little looks you give him drive him mad.
After a full moon, though, when he’s too tired to move much but still wants to have you, he encourages you to sit on his face as he swirls his tongue, tipping you over the edge at lightning speeds, over and over until he has had his fill of your nectar
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
The moon influences this. He is normally slow and tender, taking long, languid thrusts that caress your inner walls... every month, though, there’s a week when that goes out the window, and he fucks you frantically, like a beast
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
He prefers to have you to himself without worrying about running out of time. In the few days before the full moon, however, he will happily back you up against the wall and have his way with you, leaving you panting and full of his seed
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
It’s normally you who introduces something new, and he’s more than happy to go with it. Your pleasure is his pleasure, and he will try anything to give you more
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Despite his lycanthropy induced fatigue, when he’s really in the moment, he can last a very long time, making you come at least twice before he gets close. He can last a fair few rounds as well, leaving you practically incoherent when he’s had his fill
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Remus doesn’t own any. He doesnt much like tying you up, only if it will bring you pleasure. He does like, however, pressing your little bullet vibrator to your clit, trailing it over your nipples and sensitive thighs to get you to whimper for him
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Remus loves to tease you. He does so playfully, rather than sadistically, grinning at your dismay and asking you rather teasingly ‘what’s the matter, darling?’
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
He starts quiet, bless him, but gets louder and louder, grunting, groaning, growling as he gets closer to his finish. He also spews profanity, enough to make a sailor blush
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
While he often fucks you in positions that allow him to see your face, he absolutely loves doggy style- gripping your hips as he pounds into you, arching over your as he comes. You make the sweetest noises when he takes you from behind
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
He’s fairly long, and rather thick- thicker at the base though. It curves slightly upwards, and will often loll heavily on his thigh or tummy when he is half-hard
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
It fluctuates. After a full moon, he’s simply too exhausted to even open his eyes, let alone do the do. Before the moon, he has this primal urge to claim you as his and fill you with his pups. Normally, though, he has a pretty regular sex drive, and will often initiate sex
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Bless him, he’s permanently tired, and sometimes after having sex his body just shuts down and he sleeps. Sometimes for ten minutes, sometimes for the whole night. You don’t mind of course
Tag list: @obsessedwithrandomthings @haphazardhufflepuff @diksy1112 @zodiyack @axriel @hiddensapphic @samnblack @tinylumpiaa @in-slytherin-we-trust @thatoneasrastan @emmaloo21 is
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harrypotterbrainworms · 4 years ago
Valentine’s Doom
Summary: A very oblivious young boy has caught the loving eyes of Remus Lupin, but how can one express his feelings if every time (Y/N) opens his mouth, Remus melts like a box of chocolates in the sun.
Pairing: Remus Lupin x Male Reader
Key: (Y/N)- your name, (H/C)- hair colour, (N/N)- nickname
Words: 2587
A/N: I spent way to long on this, almost a week ;-;. I hope you enjoy it!
“Remussss, please. Pretty please with a cherry on top. I promise I’ll make it up to you” (Y/N) pleaded Remus to let him copy his homework. He had completely forgotten to do his own which was mostly Sirius’s fault, keeping him up all night.
“You do realise you have to do your homework in order to graduate, right? It’s a basic skill to have.” He cocked his eyebrow, looking up at the pleading boy in front of him.
“I know, I know, Blah blah, if you don’t learn you’ll never survive in the “real” world. I know the spiel.” He rambled on, motioning a small Remus puppet with his hand mocking the tone of his friend’s warnings.
He had spent the whole night playing tag with Sirius and racing around the courtyard like the drunk children they were. Remus knew this of course, waking up every so often to look down at them being idiots from the tower.
“And yet you still go on late night joy rides with Sirius” He sighed and closed the book he was reading as he watched his friends stuff their faces with toast and eggs.
“Please, Moony.” He begged once more, pulling the sweet and innocent face he knew Remus couldn’t say no to, even adding a slight quivering lip for dramatic affect.
The shorter boy pressed his fingers against his temples trying his best to distract himself from the sweet face of his friend, but gave in.
“Fine, last time I swear to Merlin.” He repeated the same line he always said when (Y/N) or any of his friends asked. He always managed to give in too soon to the pleads.
“Thank you!” (L/N) chirped up giving Remus the warmest smile he could, taking the few pages Remus handed him then took his seat again.
“Y-You’re welcome.” He stuttered out, blushing a bit. James wiggling his eyebrows at Remus, receiving a death glare in return.
“Padfoot, get your ass here! We have t-minus 20 minutes to copy it all” He pulled Sirius’s arm to climb over the table and sit next to him. Both of them pulled out paper to start.
“Wait you didn’t-“ The flustered boy said, not being able to finish his retort before he was interrupted again.
“Thank you again, Moony. We appreciate this so much” Remus could barely get any words out after that, only being about to nod his head in response. (Y/N) did look like he appreciated his friend’s effort to help him stay in school.
James gave him a knowing smile before continuing to devour his breakfast plate while Remus just sighed looking at the two boys copying his homework.
“You lads are gonna be the death of me.” He finally said, opening up his book again and continuing to eat his own meal.
Remus always thought he fanced boys a lot more than girls, but he knew for sure when he set his eyes on (Y/N) for the first time. They were never that close, not that he had tried to get closer. The taller boy just seemed to take a liking to Sirius more than anyone else in the group, always fooling around and getting into trouble more so than himself and James.
He spent many nights awake with James, while the other two snuck out, talking about (Y/N) and how much he liked everything about him.
The day passed by quickly as they always did, pranks and studying. Waiting for the next moon adventure.
Remus sat in the dull light of the common room that evening, relaxing to the sound of the fireplace when (Y/N) burst through the door as chaotic as ever. Collapsing on the sofa next to him.
“Hi, Moony” He smiled nonchalantly, taking a peak at the book he was reading. Remus partly ignored him, giving him an acknowledging hum.
“Oh, I see you’re reading one of my books. Do you like it?” He said while bending over to read the cover. (Y/N) as dumb as he could be, enjoyed reading just as much as Remus did. A lot of the time they spent together was in the library or reading together.
“I do, rather exciting. Didn’t expect to enjoy it this much, but thank you for borrowing it to me” Remus smiled, making (Y/N) blush a little.
“I’m glad!” He said, thumping back onto the sofa. Now trying to keep up with the pace his friend was reading at. He yawned softly, he was quite exhausted from a long day of school.  He was about ready to take a nap.
Laying his head lightly on his friend’s shoulder, he asked Remus to read aloud so he could rest his eyes.
As much as (Y/N) was a pain in his ass, he was a joy to be around. A light in his life unlike the light of his other friends. The heat on his face didn’t help either.
“Is the spring coming?" he said. "What is it like?" "It is the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine...” He spoke in a hush tone, narrating the book for (Y/N).
“I love this part, it’s so nice” (Y/N) smiled, getting comfortable for this afternoon nap. Remus stopped for a moment looking at his soft (H/C) hair and sleep ready face.
“Why did you stop? Was it me? I’ll shut up now” He said half asleep, waiting for his friend to continue the story again and that’s how they both fell asleep that late afternoon.
His book laying over his chest, his hands wrapped around the smaller boy like two cats huddled under a sun beam.
The next week was stressful with Valentine’s Day approaching and love in the air, it was all James could speak out.
“Oh Lily, a name so sweet just like the flower. A scent so alluring, oh Lily, my love, oh how can live without you. Life is , but a muggle roller coaster going up with you” He sighed, hugging the small envelope in his arms. Sirius gagged and pretended to throw up while Remus and (Y/N) laughed at his attempt at poetry.
“This is the year, boys. This is the year Lily Evans will be mine” He looked up at the great hall’s morning sky, his eyes twinkling with the love in his heart.
The other Marauders were painfully single, as was James, but the way he talked about Lily you’d think they’re already married. Lily however looked as though she would vomit at any given time James looked at her.
Tomorrow the whole hall would be filled with hearts and love potions. He was sure someone would slip one of them a potion, it happened every year, last year they had to nurse Peter to health ‘cause someone thought it would be funny if Peter fell in love McGonagall.
“Merlin, Prongs. One more word about Lily and I might curse myself” Sirius sighed and hid his own small envelope under his robe.
“How can I?” James sighed once, looking over the Lily who was sitting with her own friends pretending he didn’t exist. He rested his hand on his arm, sighing loudly and dramatically.
The day passed once again leading the five back into their common room, all tired of classes. The conversation immediately leaped to what would happen the next day.
“I bet Lily will finally accept that we are soulmates separated by a tragic past life” James said proudly once again pulling out the small heart littered envelope he had been carrying all day.
“I bet it’ll be another Valentine’s Day alone for you, dear Prongs” Sirius said in a soft and sweet voice, not mirrored with the evil little smirt of his face.
“Fine. Let’s make a bet then. All five of us, come on” James challenged the boys in the room who looked angrily at Sirius who always started these silly bets.
“Okay, Moony? Wormtail? (N/N)? You in?” Sirius chirped
“No way, last time I had to change my hair green and silver.” Remus said shaking his head profusely, Sirius looked at him and (Y/N) with his puppy dog eyes. Almost considering changing himself into a dog to guilt trip them.
“No need to convince me twice, I’m always in for a bet”
“I’m always in too” Peter chimed in, though no one was surprised as he just did whatever James asked anyway. “Fine, I’m in. What’s the bet?” Remus finally gave in after the whole group joined in, he felt as though he was gonna regret this.
“All us dashing young men need to find a date tomorrow. Anyone who’s rejected has to spend the night on the Quidditch pitch, no blankets, no clothing. Only underwear”
“Deal.” Sirius said quickly, shaking James’ hand.
“How do we always get dragged into this?” Remus sighed and let his head fall back onto the sofa, his arms over his face.
The next day was grueling work, everyone already had a date. James hadn’t asked Lily anything yet, his anxiety suddenly overcoming him, Sirius had been slapped in the face about 5 times, (Y/N) remembered he didn’t know anyone else, Peter had actually acquired a date out of some miracle and Remus was nowhere to be seen.
“Anyone see, Moony yet?” Sirius sighed, a small ice pack on his face. All the men looked completely defeated except Peter who had practically skipped over to them with the news he had gotten a date.
“Nope” (Y/N) quickly looked around the great hall as they sat for lunch, he was a little worried about him. Maybe he was brooding somewhere alone. Maybe was crying that he couldn’t find a date, maybe he was-
“I’m gonna go look for him” He stood up quickly, speed walking towards the closest boys bathroom, then the next and the next. He couldn't see him in any of the bathrooms. He was a little more worried now, well a lot more worried.
A little tired and defeated with the next bell ringing, he got to the next class first and to his surprise and relief Remus was there.
“Idiot. You scared us, we barely saw you today, what the fuck?” He came up behind him and flicked his forehead scolding him. He apologised and said he had to fetch a special package from the owlery alone. (Y/N) didn’t ask anything, just glad to see nothing bad happened.
“Any luck on a date?” He said, still waiting for the other classmates to arrive.
“Not yet, might look at real estate on the pitch” He chuckled, his eyes crinkling in his wide smile, flushing (Y/N)’s cheeks a bit.
They chatted for a short while before the last three troublemakers burst through the potion room door. Peter still has a bright smile on his face.
“Why so cheery, Wormtail?”
“He’s the only one of us with a date” James sighed loudly, still clutching his letter for Lily. He looked a lot less confident than yesterday, Peter deflating his ego even more.
The day passed and soon they were sulking on the sofa together, all now very painfully single besides Peter who was happily owling the Hufflepuff girl he had asked out. James finally had the courage to give the letter to Lily who just gave him a small smile before immediately b-lining out of potions. He was crushed, a broken shell of a man, at least that’s how he described it. Sirius had received about ten more slaps across the face. The other two had just accepted they would be huddling for warm on the pitch or so they thought.
“Here guys, we deserve it” Remus stood up suddenly grabbing the mysterious bag he was hiding under the couch.
He handed each one of the boys a small box of handmade chocolate, Remus’ specialty. They all lighted up suddenly at the prospect of chocolate except for (Y/N). Who got discreetly given a slightly bigger box and when he opened it, they were all heart shaped unlike the other threes’.
“Thanks so much, Moony! What would we do without you” (Y/N) smiled brightly, causing Remus to stiffen up a little.
The other two very quickly realised their chocolates were different than the (H/C) boy’s were. They know what was up, but (Y/N) was not in the loop.
“I’ll be back.” Remus quickly said, doing a 180 turn towards the porthole, leaving the others.
“I hope Moony’s okay. Maybe he got rejected.” He frowned looking at the closing door. He wanted to check up on him, but maybe he just wanted to be alone.
The other two in the room looked at each other, at their chocolates and back at (Y/N). They both decided it was about fucking time, if Remus wasn’t gonna do it. They would.
“You really are dense, (Y/N). He likes you, isn’t it obvious?” James said not looking up from his homework as he sat on the desk in the common room. Sirius shrugged in agreement and (Y/N) looked a little shocked.
He looked down at the box of heart shaped chocolates in front of him, everything finally clicking in his mind as he face palmed his brain.
“Oh my god. Wait really?” He questioned again, the thought had never crossed his mind that Remus would feel the same way he did. He never thought Remus was gay like he was though now that he thought about it, it was kind of obvious.
“You really didn’t know?” Sirius said while struggling to unwrap the ribbon off his own valentine chocolates. (Y/N) really felt dumb as a rock.
“Fuck.” He cussed under his breath, quickly exiting the room to find Remus.
He saw a flash of light hair belonging to the boy on his mind, he raced toward him in a fast walk. Quickly catching up and grabbing his shoulder.
“Moony! Wait! I’m sorry, I didn’t know these were those kinds of chocolates” (Y/N) said a little out of breath still clutching the box in his hands, looking at them briefly before turning to the taller boy.
“It’s fine, (N/N). I don’t think you would’ve accepted them anyway.” Remus sighed softly, what looked like a few tears running down his face which (Y/N) immediately wiped off with his finger gently.
He smiled widely at the crying boy next to him, then gave him a huge hug.
“Yes I would have! I would’ve loved getting chocolates like that.” He said brightly, gripping onto the taller boy’s neck tighter. Not wanting to let go.
“You would?” Remus sniffed quietly, barely speaking over a whisper. He breathed into the (Y/N)’s necks, smelling the sweet smell of his coconut shampoo and cologne.
“Of course! I’m sorry I’m a little oblivious sometimes. I do like you, though… a lot.” He said sheepishly, blushing into the crook of Remus’ neck.
“You do?” He questioned again, his crying stopped and he felt very warm and fuzzy. The butterflies in his stomach beating him up.
“YES! Now come eat these with me. We won the bet.” He let go of Remus and grabbed his hand, pulling him back to the common room again.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me” Sirius said as he saw his two friends hand in hand.
“Looks like we’re sleeping outside” James sighed, looking at the pitch from outside the window...
“So cold.”
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killerqueenishere · 4 years ago
Oblivious | Young! Remus Lupin x F! Rrader
Warning: a lot of fluff and oblivious Remus
Description: You liked a Remus for a long time but he is just being oblivious
Prompt: 25. A: You find me attractive?
B: About time you noticed.
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You were friends with Marauders since day one at Hogwarts, you were like little family, James and Sirius looked after you like big brothers, however you were closest to Remus, you two had so much in common, you would often read in common room next to the fireplace talking about book that you are currently reading or you would study in the library or watch stars in the astronomy tower.
On every full moon you were next to him transformed in your animal form and the morning after you would sit next to his bed in hospital wing.
You wasn't sure when you catched feeling for him, but no one could blame you, who wouldn't catch them? He was the kindest man alive, he was smart and gentle, he would always bring you chocolate when you feel down, he said that chocolate always helps, like charm, but it was more him that worked like charm for you.
You were at potions, sitting next to Lily, stealing glances at Remus from time to time, Lily nudged you "Why don't you tell him already?" She asked "Well I did told him indirectly that I like him" quiet sigh left your lips "Well he is either stupid or so damn much oblivious to your crush, I mean everyone can see it" your eyes widened at that "What do you meam everyone?" You turned to her "Well Sirius and James noticed your crush, but just our little friend ower there didn't" she said as a matter of fact "Oh Godric" you mumbled.
You knew there is a question of time when James and Sirius would bring that up.
The class was dismissed, you collected your things and started walking out of the class room with Lily by your side, soon the tree boys joined you.
James and Sirius immediately started talking about their newest prank, but to be honest you didn't even listened to them. Light tap on your shoulder brought you back to reality
"Sorry, have I scared you?" Remus asked "No, it's all good" you smiled up at him "You were a bit lost, is everything alright?" He asked while concern was written all over his face "Everything is alright, thank you" you smiled at him "Hey, Remus, do you wanna go to Hogsmade with me?" He smiled at you "Of course"
When you arrived to transfiguration class room you took your usual place next to Lily
"We are going to change pairs" you and Lily immediately looked at each other "So Lily Evans and James Potter" Lily groaned at that "Y/n Y/l/n and Remus Lupin" you got up to change seats with James.
You gave bright smile to Remus while talking a seat next to brown haired boy "You need to do essay together" McGonagall described what you all will be doing for said essay.
When the class was dismissed you got up to leave with your friends when you heard Professor telling you to stay behind.
"I will catch you guys later" you saidwhile turning around. You were standing in front of McGonagall "Is everything alright professor?" She adjusted jer glasses "You should really be more straight forward and direct while confessing Mr Lupin that you like him" you felt your face staring to burn with colour "Sorry professor, but I don't like Remus" you laughed nervously "Oh please you can't deny it when that is obvious, well apparently not to Mr Lupin" you swallowed "You are free to go but just do as I said, it is painful watching you both staring at each other in every class" mumbling a little alright and thank you, you left class room.
You were thinking the whole way to the great hall, you didn't even realised when you got inside of the big room until you saw boy with his nose in the book like usual.
You took place next to Lily, "So what Minnie wanted? Are you in trouble" James asked "Don't be stupid James, her in trouble" Said Sirius "No I am not in trouble" Sirius smiled at James "So wha-" but you cut James "Remus do you want to go to the library to start with our essay?" The boy rised his head to met your y/e/c eyes "Yeah, let's go"
Remus was explaining things to you, which part he will do and which part you will do, you loved when he was explaining things to you, you would sometimes pretend that you didn't understand something just so you could listen to him talking
"I love when you explain things to me, I mean I love you talking in general" you said cutting him mid sentence, you noticed that his cheeks got light pink colour "Um, thank you" he laughed a bit nervously while he ran his finhers through his hair "I love when you do that" you commented while looking at his hair and if Remus wasn't blushing before he was definitely now "Thanks" he said that so low that you almost didn't catch it.
You would occasionally look at him from time to time, how he bit his bottom lip when he was writing or how he would occasionally run his fingers through his fluffy hair, you loved observing him from time to time, but you sure wasn't staring or that is what you told yourself at least.
"Hey Rem" he mumbled an answer still looking at his paper "Wanna go to the Astronomy tower tonight?" He rised his head "Yeah sure" you smiled "Great"
Astronomy tower
You were next to each other looking at the stars, he would occasionally show you constellations that he has noticed and that will always lead to him telling you facts about that specific constellations.
You turned your head to look at him, his face was illuminated by the moon he looked even more beautiful now, eyes glittering from and smal smile was evident on his face, even with his scars he was breathing, you feelt your heart beating faster "You are beautiful" you didn't realised that you said that out loud until his face turned to look at you "What?" He asked, surprised look on his face "You are beautiful, I didn't know that you could look even more attractive than you already do but whit moonlight illuminating your face like this I realised that I was wrong" you said without breaking eye contact " Wait you find me attractive?" "About time you noticed" you said smiling "Why?" He asked like it wasn't already obvious "Because I could watch you for a single minute and find a thousand things that I love about you" you were at the end of the sentence so nervous, because jere you are confessing your feelings to the most perfect guy at Hogwarts and he was just looking at you confused "But how can you?" He asked turning his head away from you "I'm a werewolf" he said that like it is a proof that you shouldn't feel that way from him "So? What that has to do with this?" You asked "Well I am a monster" he said whit his eyebrows furrowed "No, you are not!" You took a step closer to him "You are not a monster Rem" you put your hand on jis cheek "I wish that you could see yourself the way I see you" he closed his eyes and took a deep breath "I love you and if you'd let me I can show you how much of an amazing and kind person you are, I can show you that you are not a monster" he placed his hand on top of yours "I love you too" your heart skipped a bit at his confession "But I am scared that one day you would wake up and realise that I am a monster" his look was full of pain "That will never happen, please trust me" he took a deep breath "I trust you" you smiled and finally after minutes smile found it way in his face too "Can I kiss you now?" If you could you would melted at that "Of course" he leaned in slowly until his lips met yours in sweet kiss.
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bchanslvr · 4 years ago
𝐁𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐦𝐞
      pairing - Draco X Harry, and Draco/Astoria will be mentioned
      summary - Just some after the war Drarry with some angst and fluff.
      warnings - none :)
      words - 2, 568
      side-note - The beginning might seem a bit boring but I swear the further you read the more interesting it gets :>
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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It was yet another boring day at work in the ministry. Harry was the head Auror along with his assistant Jade. She was helpful and helped Harry a lot. Even outside of work. So much so that most people thought they were dating. But they always responded with ' He's like a brother to me ' or ' She has a boyfriend ' whenever they asked them about it.
On the other side of him was Draco Malfoy. The head of the bank ministry. After the war, he had married Astoria and found himself a decent job to support them. Harry had dated Ginny for a while after the war till they broke up because they knew that the chemistry they had before wasn't working.
Harry and Draco would see each other almost every Fridays or Saturdays. Fridays were for work and or meetings. As Saturdays were for catching up or getting tea. And in the weekdays (excluding Friday) a quick nod or a smile, or a simple 'Good Morning' was always visible between the two.
The Golden Trio and the Bronze Trio had made up after the war and were good friends now.  But only Hermione and Ron knew about Harry's silly crush on Malfoy. And they’d tease him about it all the time.
He was devastated when he found out that Draco had married Astoria and planned on starting a family with her soon.
Many people thought that Harry would marry Ginny and have children with her but due to certain circumstances that didn’t work out.  
Harry tried so hard to move on but he was helpless. He tried dating others to keep his mind away from Malfoy but he couldn’t. Because every time he was reminded of soft blonde hair, crystal grey eyes, expensive cologne, and snarky comments. And it was especially difficult to keep these emotions when they met up almost every day.
Speaking of meeting up, today was a Saturday which means he'd get to hang out with Draco.
Harry was in his room in Grimmauld place getting ready for a nice evening at a nearby cafe with Draco.
It was the middle of summer meaning it was very hot in London. Harry was wearing a white button-up t-shirt underneath a plain dark navy blue jumper with beige pants, white socks, and checkered Vans shoes. After he left his house and was halfway there, he realized it was actually quite windy today despite the scorching sun blazing down on the streets. ‘Maybe I should have brought a jacket’ he thought as he crossed the street to the cafe,
The thought immediately disappearing once he found Draco sitting there in one of the corners drinking coffee. He made his way over to Draco and sat on the opposite of him.
Draco was wearing a dark blue shirt, tucked into some black jeans with black dress shoes, and he looked extremely hot just sitting there and sipping his coffee looking around like he had no care in the world. Harry tried his best to not blush when he saw Draco starting him discreetly as if he was trying to see what’s underneath-
Clearing his throat Harry said “Good Evening Draco”
“Good evening to you too Harry“ Draco replied as he looked out the window as if he was embarrassed.
‘Why is today so awkward?‘ Harry asked himself.
‘Is maybe today the day I should ask him?..., Who am I kidding he’s married... and I think even if he’s wasn’t he wouldn't like me that way, plus I think he doesn’t even like guys and-‘
He was shook away from his thoughts as a waitress pulled up next to him to ask his order. Harry ordered a medium hot chocolate with extra marshmallows, to reduce the amount of coffee he usually drinks at work.
After she left, Harry took another minute to stare at the man in front of him only to realize he was already being stared at.
A light tint of pink almost barely visible was spreading on Draco’s cheeks as he was caught in the act. A light blush also appearing on Harry’s cheeks as he realized that Draco was staring at him.
Not wanting to accept speechlessness or defeat Draco asked "So... um, How are you, Harry?"
‘Wow Draco, so smooth‘ He told himself as he waited for Harry’s answer.
"Ummm, ya I’m good, h-how is everything going on with you?" Harry strutted as he blushed more.
"Pretty good. My team is working on a somewhat difficult project but they’re doing a good job and Astoria's job is also going great"
"Oh..." said Harry sipping his chocolate trying not to sound as if his heart didn’t break from the inside.
"Are you okay Harry?” Draco asked, concerned slightly at how Harry suddenly became quiet.
"Yeah I'm fine...," Harry lied.
Another minute of silence passed as both took sips out of their drinks and occasionally stopped to look at each other for a brief second without letting the other know.
It was too awkward for Draco to handle so as a distraction from the silence Draco asked “So, umm, h-have you found a boyfriend or a girlfriend yet?”
"No, not yet..." replied Harry.
Harry was openly bi seeing nothing wrong with hiding it. And let’s just say Draco and Cedric might have been his bi awakening in his school years.
Almost everyone he knew were dating. Ron and Hermione, Pansy and Blaise, Ginny and Luna, Dean and Seamus, Jade and Zach, and lastly Draco and Astoria...
He was the only single one(seeming to never be consistent with keeping a partner because they always reminded him of Draco).
Everyone would always ask Harry if he had anyone in mind because they hated seeing Harry being lonely while everyone had a significant other. But he’d always reply with a no. But the truth is, he did have someone in mind but they already had someone.
"You should find someone Harry...," said Draco feeling sympathy for the man in front of him.
"Yes, I know..."
There was a long silence once more but it wasn’t like earlier when it was awkward. It was sort of comforting, yet kind of lonely.
"I think I should leave...," called Harry as he began to rise from his seat
"No don't!"
Draco held out his hand to Harry, to keep him there. They both blushed at the sudden contact.
"Okay... So, how is everything going on with umm... Astoria?" asked Harry trying to change the subject.
"Great. She's very kind and understanding."
"Oh...," Harry tried to hold back a tear as he thought about how Draco was already happy with someone else.
‘You know what. Fuck it.‘ thought Harry.
‘If now isn’t the time to ask him then there is no other‘
"D-Draco c-could you come with me somewhere?" Harry asked keeping his head down in case he got rejected.
"Okay," Draco replied as curiosity got the best of him.
It seemed like the right thing to say because Harry’s face lit up with a small smile.
Harry practically almost begged(not really) the waitress to come collect their drinks and for them to pay so they could get out of the shop sooner.
Once sorting out that mess, Harry dragged Draco out of the shop.
“So, where are we going?”
“Well, that’s a surprise. Follow me!“ said Harry and he started running without a warning making Draco follow him to wherever he was taking him.
Draco followed Harry through alleys, shops, doors, tunnels, almost all the way to the other side of the village.
‘How in Merlin is he still so energetic and fast,‘ Draco wondered as he ran and ran, following behind Harry.
Draco was getting tired, and so was Harry as he started slowing down near the end of their run.
Draco closed his eyes for a second to catch his breathing and when he opened them back up, Harry was standing there, right in front of him.
Harry simply just smiled before taking Draco’s hands with his own and intertwining them.
Draco inhaled sharply, Harry’s hands were so soft and warm. They were like a warm blanket that could protect you from all the horrors of the world as long as you're with them.
Harry was swinging their hands slightly as he walked them both through a small opening near a wall.
“We’re almost there,“ said Harry. Draco jumped slightly at Harry’s voice. He had been so caught up with holding Harry’s hands, that he nearly forgot they were going somewhere.
They stepped through the opening and-
Draco gasped loudly, shock written on his entire face.
A huge green meadow was flowing through his feet, it filled with all kinds of flowers, and fireflies dancing about. The sky now dark with ink, shining brightly of crystals, the moon electing an ethereal glow down onto the lands. A small tree-house was visible among the distance of the hundreds of trees littering the area as a barrier. This place looked like an area from a fantasy book. So mesmerizing, yet so unreal.
"It’s a really pretty place isn't it Draco?" asked Harry as he started up at the sky watching the stars flicker.
"Yes, it really is," Draco said in awe.
“How did you find this place?,“ questioned Draco as he continued to look around.
Harry laughed a small bitter laugh before saying something that broke Draco’s heart, “Sirius, my godfather, he showed this place, before you know...”
“He said this was a place that he used to hangout lot with my father and Remus, and Peter...,“ Harry’s eyes were now glazed, looking at the sky as if his parents and godfather would just magically appear before his eyes and tell him that everything was not real and that they were actually there.
Draco saw as Harry deep breath before closing his eyes and opening them back again to look at him with a look of pure love and admiration making Draco heart ache.
He squeezed Harry’s hands softly before asking him, "Why did you bring me here? Not that I’m complaining,” Draco chuckled “I feel honored to be here”
"Umm... Well... I wanted to tell y-you something...," strutted Harry, suddenly feeling nervous.
"Well what is it?," Draco asked.
He turned around to face Harry who's face was red and looking at the ground as if he was a small child, cowering in fear. Concerned he lifted Harry's chin so he was looking at him. Draco couldn't help but stare at those gorgeous green eyes he’s dreamed about, the green in his eyes looking like little galaxies. Harry stared right back at the sparkling grey ones, the grey eyes he’s seen so many times. They didn't know how but their faces were mere inches away from each other when they snapped back into reality.
Harry took a deep breath before building up some courage to say, "Draco... I-I like you..."
"Y-you like me?..." asked Draco, shock once more written on his face. He questioned internally if he was hearing this correctly or if this was his imagination.
"Yes, you. I’ve liked you a lot ever since third year. I can't keep my feelings for you hidden anymore Draco. It killed me when I found out you married Astoria. I tried to keep my mind away from you by dating others but I couldn't because they could never be like you. I’ll understand if you don’t like me or don’t want to be my friend anymore. I have to express my feelings for you now, or it’s never."
"Oh, Harry... I-I like you too, ever since we met,” now it was Harry’s turn to be shocked. ‘Draco’s joking, right? He doesn’t really love me right? right?,’ Harry questioned.
“I'm really sorry Harry, I never meant to hurt you. I’ve liked you a lot Harry, so much! And I know I never really expressed any of it during the war or school you know... I’m really sorry Harry! I really am and I never even wanted to marry Astoria! Yes, she’s really amazing and all a pure-blood man could ask for but... I want you. The only reason I married her was because my father forced me to so we can continue the bloodline. We only pretend to like each other Harry, and we’ve never even touched each other other than the kiss at the wedding at some kisses here and there for paparazzi. "
"Your lying! I know you are! You’d never like me!”
“S-she's prettier than me, and she’s so much more kinder and nicer than me, and s-she’s... I’m nothing like her and-
"Shut up Harry! You have no idea how fucking gorgeous you are! Your eyes look like emeralds, so fucking beautiful and mesmerizing. You're so kind and nice to everyone. You've saved so many people! Hell, you sacrificed yourself for the whole wizarding world! YOU defeated the dark lord Harry! You... You even gave me a second chance..."
Harry blushed at the compliment given by Draco. They were still staring at each other their faces almost pressing. Draco was looking down. Harry couldn't stand Draco like this.
One of his favorite things about Draco is how he can take care of himself without needing other people’s help. He knew that if he was Draco’s boyfriend, he didn’t have to take care of anything. He was tired of taking care of others, he wanted others to take care of him. And here he was Draco, who would do that for him. Take care of him, love him, and treat him like an equal human being instead of Harry Potter. He knew that Draco liked him because of his personality and not for who he was. That’s why he loved him so much.
He lifted up Draco’s chin and kissed him, full on the lips. Draco was shocked but kissed him back. He’s been waiting for this moment for so long, he wasn’t going to end it here. Not ever.
His hands traveled down Harry's back down to his waist holding him there not letting him go anywhere for the last time. Harry's hands were on Draco's neck and his hair holding him. Draco was his and his only from now on.
It was nothing like the kisses they had with Ginny or Astoria. It could never compare. This wasn’t just any kiss, it was the kiss.
There wasn’t any sympathy or pity or pain, no. It was filled with pure love, adoration, and passion for one another. He didn’t want to change any of this, and it wasn’t ever going to.
They pulled apart for air, their foreheads resting on one another, eyes closed in bliss and contentment. They looked into each others eyes and smiled. A true smile, no sneers, no smirks, a true genuine smile.
Tears were running down Harry's face. He had finally gotten the Happy Ending he wanted.
They shared a brief kiss before they sat down on the grass, Harry's head on Draco's lap staring at the now fully sparkling, crystal sky. Draco stroked Harry's hair grinning from ear to ear. He was finally happy.
“Will you be my boyfriend?“ Draco asked as he looked down at those green eyes that had made him fall in love.
“Of course,“ Harry replied staring at his grey eyes that haunted him wherever he went.
"I love you Draco"
"I love you too Harry"
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Hello everyone! I hope your having a wonderful day or if your going to sleep then have a wonderful night! I was in the mood to write and I cooked this baby up and I don’t know how to feel about this. I haven’t written in a while so sorry if this is a little all over the place, and a little crappy. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this! 
And now I’m going to tag two of my favorite people so they can criticize this:
@choke-me-pansy and @dearhogwarts
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