grangerliam · 8 months
FOR: @jaymendoza
LOCATION: Town park
"Yo, man, are you even fucking listening to me?" His brother asked him, seconds before a punch to the shoulder shook him out of whatever it was that he was lost in. Liam turned his attention on Vince, before he shook his head, unsure what he was going on about -- "What?" "I said-- after we're done here did you wanna take the little terror out to eat." He repeated, cocking a brow at Liam; probably wondering if the man still missed it. He didn't. Liam glanced over at his nephew, the little boy bouncing around on the jungle gym; emerged in play. Liam shrugged before he glanced back over his brother, "Probably be wise to feed him. You know how he gets when he's hungry." Liam would turn to look back at his nephew, but would instead, catch the figure that he had been staring at only a few minutes before. His brain was trying to place the man. Something about him gave him a sense of deja vu, but he couldn't figure out why. "Are you trying to fuck him or something?" Vince asked, clearly having followed his line of sight. In which Liam simply shrugged, "It's not that. He just -- I feel like I've seen him before." He responded, although the man was a good looking dude; he was running mental gymnastics to figure out why bells were going off. This would only cause his brother to rephrase the same question, "Did you fuck him?" Liam whipped his head back towards his brother, narrowing his eyes at the man, but before he could response; there was a high pitch cry that draw both Granger men back towards the playground. A collision of his nephew and a younger child display before them. "Fuck." Liam mumbled, before both he and his brother went running towards the scene. Axel was in the process of bouncing up and shaking off, which was of no surprise to his uncles. So their concern was more on the younger kid, and as luck would have it; this bought Liam and the man he couldn't place before each other. Liam seemed to be incapable of speaking, as alarm bells went off in his head. His brother would be the one to do the talking, "Shit, man. We're sorry about that. Is he okay?" Vince asked, referring to the young boy before them.
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little-earthquakes-rp · 2 months
(I hope this is okay) For Alex: "There you are darling."
A thousand-yard stare had taken over his features as he sat in the coffee shop. Two of his four current cases seemed to be chilling, and he'd received a call yesterday from a sister. She seemed to have found herself in a situation and needed to be extracted. He will be heading to the West Coast tomorrow to help. A request for time off had already been placed and the plane ticket purchased. The weight of responsibility sitting on his shoulders at any given time was enough to bend most men, but it was just another day for Alex.
He'd been waiting in line to pay his check when a particular chatty woman decided to victimize him with unrequested and unappreciated attention. Despite him standing with check in hand she was becoming rather insistent she'd join him. Alex was in absolutely no mood, and his jaw flexed in warning that he was about to unleash his ire.
The soft melodic voice of Jayden brought him out of his vexed thoughts as an impish smile seeped out at the use of the endearment. Shifting his attention to her, he gazed over his shoulder in hopes of catching a glimpse before he responded in kind, "I've just been waiting for you, sweetheart." Instinctually, he reacted from the embrace wrapping an arm along his friend's back before nudging her chocolate locks away with his nose so he could press an appreciative peck to her temple. It's not often he gets to play the damsel.
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summerhevans · 4 years
Closed Starter || Summer&Jayden
Summer stands by the ferris wheel with Gabriel at her side, he’s eating a large stick of cotton candy while they wait for Jayden. The more she stood there, the more she wanted to walk away. She looks around, arms folded over her chest. She’d now have to keep not one, but many secrets from her family in order to not be pulled out of the city. All because she didn’t want to disappoint their son.
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not-prince · 6 years
Alex estava entediado, ainda não tinha saído muito do salão dos homens, só quando ia se encontrar com Aimee, tirando isso o rapaz passava seus dias do salão para o quarto, era alguém bastante reservado. Mas naquele dia estava bastante entediado e quando chegou lá pode ver Jayden sentado.  "Jayden."  ele queria perguntar-lhe algo, mas não sabia se tinha intimidade para isso.   “ Qual lugar do castelo você mais gostou ate agora?”  Alex   queria uma sugestão de lugar para ir mas não queria perambular feito um doido pelo castelo.
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Elvetta was sitting in Jayden’s office, to which she may or may not have broken into. She was looking through his desk boredly she she swung the chair side to side waiting for him. She slapped her hands on the desk top when he finally arrived, “There you are.”
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Fun And Games || Jayden&Elliott
Elliott whistled softly as he made his way down the hallway of the slave quarters, his eyes searching for the number the boy had told him. Finally, he reached the door marked with the number four, smiling to himself. Well then, time to welcome the boy to his seemingly somewhat improved life, if he had interpreted Jayden’s words right. After knocking, Elliott opened the door, staying out in the hallway as he smiled at the occupant of the room. “Hey there... ready to go?”
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summerhevans · 4 years
“Gabe, you haven’t cleaned your room. Your father’s going to be here any minute,” she sighs harshly before she leaves the boy to complain on his own. The only thing he cared about today was Jayden coming to see him. The only thing she cared about was getting this over with. Although, she was slightly intrigued to see how it would go. Besides Gabe’s bedroom, the entire house had been cleaned throughout the morning. She’d also taken two tequila shots in preparation for this moment. It had weighed on her since the moment he agreed to come, how this would go. What further arrangements would they make. She’d had so much time to think about what her parents were going to do when they find out, she supposed she had Winter to thank for this. Her rebelling against them, as if she were a mere teenager all over again. It felt wrong, yet she had no other choice if she wanted control over her own life. And she did. Want control.
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mxaning · 9 years
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“ i know you told your friends about us and thats why im not gonna fuck you “ jayden said from his bed as he watched the girl walk into his dorm. “ you knew my girlfriend would hear about it. ” 
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jonas-walker-blog · 10 years
Meeting The In-Laws {Joyden + Deyton Semi-Para}
Jonas: "I have a feeling this is going to be the worst double date I've ever been on..." The blonde runs his fingers through his hair and rested his head back on the well-cushioned, Pizza Hut booth. "Actually... I've never been on a double date before, or a DATE for that matter. Jay, is this a date?"
Jayden: Jayden swallowed the lump in her throat, watching him. She smirked a bit, only sitting back. "Don't worry, I haven't either.. um.. well.. Do you want it to be?" she asked, grimacing at how awkward she sounded.
Douglas: Sighing, Douglas sipped at his drink. "Lighten up," he told him, trying to refrain himself from giving him a snappy remark, "tonight will be just alright. Isn't that right, Pey?" He promised to be nicer to Jonas for Peyton, but it was pretty hard. He could feel Jo's anger radiating off of him from across the booth.
Peyton: Peyton's gaze would slip over to his brother every so often. It had actually been a while since they had been in the same room together. This was progress, and he loved progress. "As long as you two keep your cheeks planted in your seats, I think it'll be grand.." He smiled wide and took a sip of lemonade.
Jayden: Jayden rolled her eyes at Peyton, laughing softly. She'd do anything in the world to make Peyton happy, he was like a little brother to her. She kicked Jonas slightly under the table, a silent 'be nice'. Without looking at him, she began sipping her drink. "How long have you two been together?" she asked, to make conversation.
Jonas: Jonas slowly slipped a hand onto Jayden's upper thigh, a soft smirk playing his lips. "Yeah, how long have you been fucking my brother behind my back?" He tried to hold back the bitterness in the question, but Jonas' temper always found a way to flare.
Jayden: Jayden's cheeks flushed a bit, as her body seemed to tense slightly. She'd only been touched by one other guy, Ford, but it was different with Jonas. He gave her feelings she didn't understand. She allowed him to keep his hand there, surprisingly, but rolled her eyes at his question.
Douglas: Douglas forced a smile on his face. "I wouldn't label it as "fucking"," he said as politely as he could will himself to, "but we've been dating for a few weeks." He reached for Peyton's hand, lacing their fingers together.
Peyton: Peyton's eyes brighten with absolute glee as Douglas holds his hand. He turns and pecks his boyfriend on the cheek, mindful that the blonde across the booth practically had steam coming out of his ears.
Jonas: "Well isn't that lovely." Jonas' glare at Douglas strengthened. "It seems that you guys are the talk to the school... I mean, in a weird way." He shakes his head a bit. "Douglas, you're not even out of the closet."
Jayden: Jayden sighed a bit. "Jonas, this is supposed to be fun. Please stop freaking out on him, okay? Jesus Christ, we don't need another Cornmag incident." she huffed, glaring up at the blonde.
Douglas: "Correction: my /family/ doesn't know that I'm gay," Douglas sassed, rolling his eyes a little. He squeezed Pey's hand a little as a sign that it was beginning to get more difficult to keep his promise.
Jayden: "Does is matter?" she said nervously, glancing at Peyton. "Can we not just have a civil conversation? Please?" she looked up at Jonas, kicking him underneath the table again.
Peyton: Peyton gently pulls Douglas' arm so that it was wrapped around his waist. It seemed like the only proper way to secure his boyfriend in his seat. "Jo, what do you think the chances are that you're getting Flower King next school year?"
Jonas: Jonas' temper flared once more, but not at Douglas this time. "Maybe if that bitch Eleanor dies I MIGHT have a chance.." He shakes his head and traces random letters on Jayden's leg. "I'm going to have to go with a big fat no."
Jayden: Jayden felt herself shiver at Jonas' touch, and she smiled at his words. "Well not with that attitude, you won't." she nudged him. "I mean, you've gotta stay somewhat positive."
Douglas: "That's a little extreme," Douglas said softly as he brought Peyton closer to him, "but I agree with Jayden. No one wants a evil dictator."
Peyton: Peyton gently squeezed Douglas' thigh underneath the table. He rested his head on his boyfriend's shoulder. "Jo, I think you'd be a great leader... You just need to show Henry and Bennett that you're responsible enough for the job."
Jonas: "Listen guys.. It's a fucking title, it doesn't mean shit. It just so happens that everyone in the entire fucking school loves the twins. It's not like taking care of all of us is their job.. I just.. Fuck, can we move on please?" He crumbles up a napkin with his free hand.
Jayden: Jayden bit her lip, placing her hand on his knee under the table. "Um.." she thought desperately for something to change the subject with. "What movies are out now? We should go see something together soon."
Douglas: "Ive been wanting to see 'Selma' for a while now," Douglas told them, "I've heard it's marvelous. But, yeah, that sounds really fun."
Peyton: "I would love to watch a movie at some point..." Peyton smirks softly. "Jo, you remember back in York when we saw Spiderman? That was the first time I had ever been in a movie theater."
Jonas: "Yeah, because your parents were protective as fuck.. almost as protective as mom is now." He wraps an arm around Jayden's shoulders.
Jayden: Jayden smiled a bit. "The first time I ever went to a theatre was when I was really little, and my foster parents took me to see some animated movie, but I was kinda pouty and hid in the bathroom." she realized how stupid she sounded, and blushed a bit.
Douglas: "I think the first movie I saw in theaters was 'Lilo and Stitch', I think," Douglas explained, "I could only go to the movies with my grandparents. I used to feel bad for leaving my parents behind, but then I would get excited because we would buy the movie with the closed captions, so they would finally be able to enjoy what I did."
Jonas: "Wait what... Your parents are deaf?" He raises an eyebrow curiously. "Thought's rough bro... But kind of cool I guess. Least you have parents, right?"
Jayden: Jayden looked at Jonas, chewing on her lip. "Yeah.. growing up in foster care isn't the fucking life, trust us." she muttered, taking a sip of her Dr. Pepper again and glancing at the table.
Peyton: Peyton looks down at the table, his frowns a bit. "Jo... You know mom always told us not to shame those who have what we don't. Stop while you're ahead."
Jonas: Jonas looks at Peyton, his gaze softening. "Um... Yeah. Sorry about that, bud." He says quietly.
Douglas: Douglas shook his head. "It's fine," he said, "really. That was a bit insensitive of me. I just forget sometimes." He sipped at his drink, then nodded. "But yeah, they're deaf."
Jayden: Jayden shook her head. "If any of us threw a pity party anytime somebody mentioned their parents, we'd be in bad shape." she smiled reassuringly at him, before glancing at Jonas and squeezing his knee.
Douglas: "I just can't imagine what that's like," Douglas told them. He sighed, then smiled at Peyton. "Change of subject- what's prom like? This homeschooled child needs to be enlightened."
Peyton: "Um...." Peyton looks at Jonas, then at Jayden. "I didn't actually go Ridgebrook until this year... And Jo wasn't allowed to go to prom because he got in trouble.." Peyton shrugs. "What about you, Jay?"
Jayden: Jayden laughed nervously, squirming in her seat. "Nope.. never been. I've never been.. interested in that shit." she said, shrugging. "I mean, up until I came here I have no friends. But I plan on going this year." she said.
Jonas: "Huh..." Jonas looks at everyone and grins a bit. "Guess the four of us are going to rule the shit out of prom this year." He smirks and leans over, kissing Jayden on the cheek.
Jayden: Jayden's cheek heated up deeply, and she rolled her eyes a bit, laughing softly. "Sounds like a plan." she grinned.
Douglas: "I've only seen prom on TV. It seemed very elegant, but I had to assume that it was all romanticized," Douglas admitted, laughing softly.
Peyton: "I mean... I've been to homecoming..." Peyton looks across the table at Jonas. "Which wasn't a completely pleasant event, but that's where I had my first kiss so I mean.. you win some you lose some."
Jonas: "Fuck who did I.. I think I went with Liana? Like as friends, I can't remember much else to be honest.." He ponders. "OH. Right, Cornfag was there."
Jayden: Jayden nodded. "Yeah, it was Liana. And yeah, you punched him, and then.." she stopped suddenly, remembering her own first kiss.
Douglas: Douglas sat back as he started to notice a little tension between the two boys. "I've heard Homecoming is awful," he said quickly, "Is that more important than prom, or...? By the sounds of it, it sounds kind of horrendous."
Peyton: "Jo's overrating, it wasn't THAT bad.. It was like.. right before Cory and I started dating and he was completely late to the dance and I was miserable for a while." He quickly pecks his cheek. "Everything is better now, though!"
Jayden: Jayden nodded. "We thought Cornmag had stood him up, but he was having family issues." she explained.
Douglas: Douglas blushed as he felt his boyfriend kiss his cheek. "Oh, well that's understandable," he said, "I'm still confused why you're calling that Cory kid 'Cornmag'...?"
Jayden: "That's his full name." Jayden said slowly. "Isn't it?" she looked to Peyton.
Douglas: "His full name is Corn Mag?" Douglas asked, his voice trailing off.
Jayden: "Jonas likes to call him Cornfag." she laughed softly, shaking her head.
Peyton: "His name is Cormag Taylor and he's amazing, so just shut up..." Peyton rolls his eyes.
Jonas: "You don't need to protect him anymore, Peyt... You guys aren't together." Jonas peers at him curiously.
Douglas: Douglas awkwardly sat as he mentioned his boyfriend. He didn't want to say anything about changing the subject from Peyton's old boyfriend, because who would want to be /that/ jealous boyfriend? Douglas just smiled and nodded, sipping at his drink. "He sounds like a cool guy," he said softly.
Jayden: Jayden glanced between the two boys, running a hand through her hair as she looked at them. She tried to think of something to change the subject, knowing that none of the boys wanted to talk about Cornmag.
Peyton: "Honestly, Jonas Port. What do you know? You antagonize any boy I even glance at. I don't appreciate you speaking like this." Peyton glares down at the table.
Jonas: "Fine, I'm finished then." Jonas rolls his eyes subtly and sits back. "What's our prom color scheme?"
Jayden: Jayden was somewhat surprised that Jonas had dropped the subject so easily. "Color scheme?" she questioned, looking confused.
Douglas: "That's a thing for prom?" Douglas asked. He shrugged his shoulders and looked at his boyfriend. "I think you would look great in purple," Douglas told Peyton, "but you look good in anything."
Peyton: "Jojo... You like blue, don't you? What if like.. we do teal? Teal sounds fantastic. What do you think, babe?" He looks at Douglas, pouting slightly.
Jayden: Jayden looked between the three, seeming somewhat overwhelmed.
Douglas: "Whatever you want to do is fine with me," Douglas said sweetly.
Peyton: "Wait, wait... Jayden, what about you? What colors do you like? We can go shopping together and Jo and Douglas can go together!" The youngest in the group smiles brightly.
Jonas: "Sounds fucking lovely to me..." Jonas mumbles somewhat sarcastically.
Douglas: Douglas turned to Jonas. "Yeah," he agreed quickly, "I think Jo and I could make one hell of a day out of that. Isn't that, Jonas?"
Jayden: She laughed a bit nervously, nudging Jonas under the table. "Um.. I don't know, anything but pink?" she chewed on her lip. "When is prom?" she knew she'd have to work a lot of overtime in order to be able to pay for a dress.
Jonas:  "JAYDEN. I would look completely badass in a pink suit.. Or vest at least." The blonde pouts a bit.
Douglas: "I agree. No pink, please," Douglas begged. He shrugged. "I'm not sure," he said, "probably not long from now. Doesn't prom happen at the end of the school year?"
Jayden: Jayden rolled her eyes, smacking Jonas's chest playfully and laughing. "Nope, no way." she smirked.
Douglas: Douglas looked at Peyton. "Would you ever force me to wear pink, baby?" he asked laughing softly.
Peyton: "I technichally can't force you to do anything, babe.. Like.. And no, I'd never force you to wear pink. That would be completely evil.." He grins.
Jonas: "Stop, you love me. If you really loved me, you'd let me do it.." He pecks her lips gently.
Douglas: "Why do I sense that you're getting ideas from that grin of yours?" Douglas teased, kissing his temple sweetly.
Jayden: Jayden blushed deeply, looking up at Jonas as her heart skipped a bit. "Shut up.." she muttered, hiding her face.
The two and a half couples talked about prom, and the inevitable struggles of their relationships late into the afternoon until a lovely Pizza Hut employee kicked them out. Jonas shook Douglas’ hand, still very suspicious of the boy, but much more accepting of him then when he first arrived. The blonde drives Jayden home and drops her off, not before giving her a well-deserved goodnight kiss.
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sinfulhymns · 8 years
Nerd Boy: Smug Bastard
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Jayden’s eyebrows furrowed when he couldn’t find his shirt, or his pants, and his glasses seemed to be missing as well. He fumbled around the room feeling for them when his eyes stumbled upon Eli laying in bed smiling in his sleep, which was a give away he had woken before him and hidden his things. He walked over to the bed shaking him a frown on his face wbhen he still pretended to be asleep “come on little shit I know you’re awake, I can’t see I need my glasses, if you wanted me to stay longer you could have just asked instead of stealing my stuff.” 
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missdessa-delacroix · 10 years
jaydenmotta liked your photo
morrigancorcoran liked your photo
blue-stephanie liked your photo
richtothesky liked your photo
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summerhevans · 4 years
💬 // Summer & Jay
Summer: your son keeps asking for you.
Summer: we're going back to the carnival tonight.
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peyton--walker · 10 years
Text // Sista
Peyton: Please tell my brother that I will no longer be speaking to him.
Peyton: He keeps knocking on my door and it's really, really annoying.
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“Hey” Elvetta fell into step beside him hooking her arm through his. “So I met that girl. She’s weird, but hopefully she’ll leave you alone” she told him, her voice flat and her body stiff.
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mxaning · 9 years
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sliding his hand up his girlfriend’s little sisters skirt at their family dinner while was risky but jayden liked it that way. taking a bite of his food he smirked casually as his hand reached higher. 
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jonas-walker-blog · 10 years
Text // Jayden
Jonas: Is it terrible to tell someone that you love them over text?
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