askingfrannie · 2 years
Frannie: Hey Cooper!
Frannie: I hope this isn't weird or anything, but I was wondering if you were planning to go to Oliver Bray's get together?
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dom-bastiansmythe · 3 years
@forgottencoopersub​ liked your picture.
Good evening, ma chère.
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philippasoloway · 5 years
So far, Catalina had been pretty decent— though it seemed things might be beginning to veer in the direction of downhill. Seeing Grant after all this time had been...strange, and she was still making sense of the things she’d felt in those moments and after them. But the real topper was the Mac, one of her corgis, hadn’t been eating his meals like he used to. No matter what she tried, he seemed determined not to chow down, and she’d tried everything she could think of. So today found her heading to the veterinary clinic with Mac and Cheese (coincidentally Mac’s corgi brother) in tow. Mac refused to go anywhere without his brother most of the time, so Cheese was a necessary accessory. Finally, Mac’s name was called and she made her way into the examination room with her boys, waiting once again for the vet tech to come in and start checking her little boy out. A frown was heavy on her lips, far too worried about Mac to look happy as she absentmindedly picked at the hem of her cardigan. 
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larkshepherd · 5 years
closed starter for @cooper-ward
Lark never really found herself just wandering around Fishtown, even though exploring every little nook and niche of Philadelphia was one of her favorite things to do. Just the name alone had always caused her hesitancy, although she knew it had nothing to do with the actual town smelling or even selling fish. This particular neighborhood of the city actually had a pretty cool history and even better restaurants which had a few vegan options that she found herself more than willing to go out of her way for on her day off, especially when it involved coconut-milk ice cream topped with fresh blueberries. Ice cream that Lark now found herself sitting in a nearby park eating, enjoying the fading sun and the last of the summer rays dancing over her. Winter always came as a little bit of a shock to her, even almost a decade later, having lived in warm climates almost all of her life, it always throws her off when plants start wilting and the sun stops shining for so long and she always found a part of her reminding herself that after Winter comes Spring and with that, a sort of astounding new birth of nature all around them. 
Lark had been so caught up in the beauty of just the thought that she almost missed catching the man who passed right by her spot, clearly on his way somewhere (or maybe nowhere) but either way, he didn’t see her. So, she did what seemed like the best thing to do when Cooper passed right by her without even noticing. She picked up a blueberry, slightly wet with vanilla ice cream, and tossed it in his general direction. Never having any sort of skill when it came to aiming anything, Lark was pleasantly surprised when it plopped against his cheek with a hollow sound before falling to the ground, causing a burst of laughter to fall from her throat.
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reyhartt-blog · 6 years
thebest-lookingmaninnorthamerica replied to your post “What do you look for in porn?”
Are you sure about that?
Im a hundred percent sure on that.
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domivancarvalho · 2 years
(in response to @forgottencooperslave​ for this:)
And they’re seem to be in love with you already. Good work!
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theoneandonlyhunter · 4 years
The fundraiser would be over before he knew it, Hunter reminded himself for what felt like the millionth time and yet it did nothing to ease the growing tension. Time, it appeared, had given him the middle finger and began to slip by ever so slowly. And he was quickly beginning to lose his patience. Especially with the man before him and that slimy smirk that graced his lips as he not so subtly attempted to not only berate him by going on about the wrongs of violence, but he had the audacity to bring up the fighter’s injury. The one that may very well be the end of the career he poured his blood, sweat, and tears into. Literally. “Look, I –” He began only to be brought to a halt by the man waving his hand in Hunter’s face in a quick dismissal. Oh, how the fighter wanted nothing more than to smack that hand away and – No. He couldn’t. Balling his hands into fists, he attempted once more to slip out of the conversation, “Excuse me, I see – ” And for the fifth time he was interrupted, this time with a quick, “I have one more thing to add,” That was the last straw for Clarington. “No,” he growled out, stepping closer with his eyes narrowing angrily. “We’re done here.” The was, evidently, unfazed at first, his lips parting as though preparing to speak once more but Hunter took advantage of their height difference by squaring his shoulders and taking another step closer to look down at the man. “You’re done, you got me? Now turn around, scamper back to wherever you came from.”      
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lexixpuck-blog · 6 years
thebest-lookingmaninnorthamerica replied to your photo “†³ INSTAGRAM: @puckxlexi uploaded a new photo: Late night número uno....”
You're organized. I appreciate that.
Who says I was doing that for you? Plus, its the start of the semester, it’ll be cluttery.
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drvioleturner · 4 years
closed starter for @coopxfreed​
Violet entered his apartment with her key that she used, wine bottle in hand. “Cooper?” She called out. “The American Bake Off Finale is here, and I have wine.” She said as he headed towards his kitchen in search of wine glasses. “If Gina wins, I’m going to fight someone. Her cake in the last episode looked like something Lucas would make with playdough.” She said with a roll of her eyes. She took a bag of chips and poured the wine into two glasses before sitting on his couch. She turned on the TV and placed the wine bottle and glasses on the table. 
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addiexshepherd · 8 years
Addie didn’t really know what happened. She got off work, clocked out and then went out the back door to head home and skype with Cooper since he was working a shift. Next thing she knew, she was in a ambulance, she was out, but she could hear the sirens and she could hear Trinity’s voice practically begging her to wake up. 
Her entire body hurt, her head was pounding and the lights in the room seemed far too bright when she opened her eyes. Addie looked like hell, to be honest, not only had her head met the wall outside the diner a few times, but her face was bruised and slightly swollen from getting hit. She knew something was wrong with her face just because it felt, but she wasn’t sure what the rest of her body looked like.Nurses came in and out, talking to her and she just kept asking for Cooper. Was Cooper there? Had someone called him? The nurse had said that Trinity had contacted Addie’s fiance, which made Addie blink, but she didn’t say anything. Getting told that the police was there to talk to her, she said she didn’t want to, to have them come back later. Addie didn’t want to see anyone but Cooper right now. She just put her head back down and waited to see who would walk through the door next, sure she was scared but she was safe here? Right?
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bettxrnow · 4 years
“You could talk, you know. I mean, if you need to.” to violet from cooper
“do you really want to hear about how my husband pissed me off today? or do you want to hear about how I never sleep anymore?”
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askingfrannie · 2 years
By the time her plans with Cooper rolled around, Frannie was greatly looking forward to having the night out. It had been some time since she had seen Cooper, and it had been a while since Sawyer had been out with anyone other than her. Seeing Cooper waiting just outside the restaurant, Frannie raised a hand in greeting, flashing a bright smile as she approached, Sawyer on her hip. “Hey, Cooper! Good to see you!” She said when they approached. Sawyer put his head in the crook of her neck, using her hair to shield him. “I’m sorry, I told you- shy.” Shaking her head she turned to the restaurant. “Are you ready to eat?”
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aj-writess-blog · 6 years
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tag drop for cooper west
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drvioleturner · 4 years
[drunk text] but what’s the point of a Disney sing off party if you’re not here. You have to be be the Pumbaa to my Timon from cooper
[text] >> cooper (ICE): aww. i wish i wast here to film you while you sang. for blackmail obvi/
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rezathevamp-blog · 8 years
dualitycoop replied to your post:[pm] I know we haven't talked in a while. I just...
[pm] Because I do, Reza.
[pm] That’s a shitty answer Well, I’m great. How’s your ghost?
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