#c:evie ft. intro
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full name: Evelyn Fairchild   age & date of birth: 34, October 31, 1987 gender & pronouns: cis female & she/her time living in bradford springs: 4 years occupation: Emergency Doctor @ Rocky Mtn. Medical Center positive traits: Organized & Compassionate negative traits: Guarded & A Perfectionist where do they live: Rural- Evie owns a home on the outskirts of town, that could be considered a semi-farm. She has a couple of horses, as well as a couple of pigs, a rooster, and several chickens.
BACKGROUND. tw: spousal death, pregnancy
Evelyn Rochelle Fairchild was born on a chilly Halloween night in 1987. The first child to her parents- Jacob and Patrice Fairchild- she was welcomed into the world with nothing less than smiles, blessings and love. Her father was a carpenter, working long ours for decent pay. Her mother was an art teacher, seeming to never grow tired of the insurmountable challenges that came from being an educator. The couple were high school sweethearts who had never fallen out of love, and their relationship quickly became the model Evie crafted hopes for her own future relationship after.
Throughout her childhood, Evie was well-liked by the adults around her, often deemed an "old soul", or someone who was "wise beyond her years". While the majority of children her age were playing leapfrog and swinging from monkey bars, Evelyn far preferred spending time to herself, keeping her nose deep in the pages of whatever book she could get her hands on. Evelyn was bright, caring, and helpful. She never failed to pay attention to and take care of her classmates, despite feeling no real connection to them beyond their time in school. She heeded and obeyed every rule set forth, and ever bit of instruction after that, throwing herself totally into academics.
When Evie was 4, her younger brother was born, followed by another when she was 6. Though it is commonplace for siblings to fight, squabble, and argue, each of the Fairchild children genuinely loved each other, and would have done anything for each other at any given time. The family was always very tight-knit, in the best of ways. Growing up in an environment like that taught Evie many things about family, love, and life in general, helping to shape who she is, and what she hopes for in life.
Unlike seemingly everyone else in her peer group, it never really occurred to Evelyn to place any sort of importance on romantic relationships for herself. In her mind, she seemed to always hold onto the idea that there was one person out there for her, meant for her, and that she would find them when the time was right. What she hadn't expected was that they might find her.
When Evie was 19-years-old, she met Damian. After graduating high school, Evelyn had gone immediately to college, a Pre-Med major who worked a part-time job as a library assistant at the college she was attending- Ohio State University. Damian, a Junior, quite literally collided with her one afternoon, as the first semester of her Sophomore year was drawing to a close. A collision turned into a late lunch, which turned into dinner, and two short months later, the couple had become official. They were married at the end of Evelyn's Junior year, with Damian having graduated with a degree in Biochemical Engineering a little over a year earlier. Things between them were a whirlwind, and by the time that Evelyn entered Med School, they had purchased a starter home together, and were beginning to plan for their futures.
By the end of Evelyn's third year, she became pregnant with their first child, a beautiful baby girl, whom the couple named Hazel. It truly seemed as though nothing could be more perfect- that nothing could go wrong. However, tragedy struck the young, happy family when Evie was 30 and Hazel, 4. Having recently completed Med School, Evie was working overnights in a local hospital located in Charleston, SC. One night, at approximately 11:30 PM, Evie received a call that Damian had been killed. The small favor was that Hazel had been with her parents for the evening, and hadn't been involved in the incident. It had occurred outside the local 7-11, with Damian attempting to make peace within an argument that had broken out. The scene ended violently, with an attack on Damian that had claimed his life.
Heartbroken, terrified, and alone, Evelyn vowed to her late husband that she would do whatever was necessary to ensure Hazel lived the life they'd dreamed of giving her together. While she remained in Charleston for nearly a year following the loss, while she settled affairs and learned to somewhat live again. However, it wasn't long before remaining in the home they'd once shared proved too much. Deciding she needed to get out, she packed her things along with Hazel's, put the house up for sale, and left. Landing in Bradford Springs, she purchased a home for herself and Hazel in the rural part of town, wanting to live a quiet and simple life away from the main hub of the town. Evelyn and Hazel have been in Bradford Springs for four years now, with Evie working the overnight shift at Rocky Mtn. Medical Center. While life has certainly moved on since Damian's passing, Evelyn has only just recently felt as though she has found her footing.
-Part of Evelyn wants to date, to try and live the life that she knows Damian would have wanted for her. But, something always seems to hold her back. She tells herself she simply hasn't met the "right one", but some part of her understands that she now finds it difficult to open up to others, afraid to love again.
-Evelyn's favorite book is The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton. Though many find it a juvenile love for an adult woman, she has always held the book in her heart. After reading it for the first time at 13, she latched onto the characters and the world in general, part of her longing for camaraderie and friendship like what she read about in the book.
-Her favorite animals, in order, are cows, dogs, and squirrels.
-When she was a child, Evie spent a good amount of time paintinng. Art was both an outlet and a love for her throughout her childhood, and at the time was something she hoped she might pass along to her children. However, she has not painted since Damian passed.
-While she does not consider herself to be a full-fledged farmer, Evelyn houses several animals on her land. She also has her own garden, where she grows various fruits and vegetables. She enjoys taking her harvest to the Farmer's Market in the appropriate months, to get herself and Hazel out of the house, and to earn a bit of extra cash.
-After only a few months in Bradford Springs, Evelyn hired a full-time, live-in nanny for Hazel, knowing she would need someone to stay with her at night. Evie may be the employer, however she views the nanny as being a part of the family, is generous with their pay and their time off, and feels as though they are the person she has become closest to.
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