#c'mooooooooooon dudes
idristardis · 7 years
densi peeps, please tell me...
...that one of you is working on a smutty post-ep, engagement-celebration fic called More Bang Than Bling. I mean...c’moooooon. It needs to happen.
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kmp78 · 4 years
I'm pretty sure Jared or his PA would pick up a phone or go online and order these flowers fgs K. Do you think he doesnt send his mom or any female relie or friend flowers through his PA or himself.
Do YOU actually think he spends time online looking up flower bouquets...? 😂
He's A DUDE.
And, sorry for stereotyping here, not just a dude but a VERY HETERO dude.
If he was batting for the pink-haired heifer's preferred team, then yeah he probs would spend a good hour or two scrolling through flower arrangements.
But since he REEEEEEEEALLY is not... 🤷🏼‍♀️
And what a surprise if you folks don't believe HIS VERY-REAL GIRLFRIEND would ever do such chores for him... 🙄
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