anadmirer6117 · 1 year
Hi! If requests are open, Yoriichi x female reader where reader mispronounces everyone's names (similar to Inosuke) but only when she's tired or sleep-deprived. Yoriichi's s/o didn't sleep well the night before and goes like: "Good morning Yiirochi!" and when his brother visits: "Hello Mochikatsu are you looking for Royiichi?"
What a cute and funny request! Thank you for your patience! I hope you enjoy~(〃'▽'〃)
Yoriichi x Cacoepy s/o
When you both first got together, everything was normal
This night, you're busy with your own things, causing you to stay up late.
The next morning, you plan to get up early to get ready, but your mind seems to be still asleep and won't listen to you
You see Yoriichi that's beside you seems to have woken up for a while, so you greet him
You: Good morning Yiirochi!
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Yoriichi was confused but he didn't mind
At noon, Michikatsu came to your place, still sleep deprived, you...
You: Good afternoon Mochikatsu! Are you looking for Royiichi?
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Confused*2, but he didn't say anything either
After meeting his brother...
Michikatsu: y/n... she's quite.. out-of-the ordinary...
Yoriichi: *chuckles* I know...
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diudiudiu · 9 months
I just know Io and Wednesday are going to have such a fun dynamic 🤭🤭
small snippet from my ch8 draft for you 😎❤️ (tho it might change, idk yet - that's a problem for future-me)
A pout comes across the child’s face. “Mr. Stingy isn’t a doll. He’s a scorpion. Did you know scorpions are ah-ratsch-needs?” “You mean arachnids—” “Ah-ratsch-needs belong to the Ah-ratsch-need-ah class.” “Arachnida—” “And the ah-ratsch-need-ah class is in the art-toh-pod class.” “They are called arthropods—” “This is his stinger and can make you go ouchy. But don’t worry, Mr. Stingy won’t sting you. Mommy made his tail soft so he can’t hurt anyone by accident.” “Your mother? And where is—” “Did you know that scorpions have something called egg-so-skeletons? It’s super hard so it’s—” “Where is your mother?” Wednesday demands, the flames of her torch blazing in warning. Her patience has depleted fully, feeling the onset of a headache coming from the horrendous cacoepy. The mention of their mother reminds Wednesday that this child is not her responsibility. Thankfully.
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sarcastic-crossing · 4 years
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plaguefrog moves in
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5wordsaday · 7 years
cacoepy (n.)
incorrect pronunciation or an instance of this, mispronunciation
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journeyintowriting · 7 years
Word of the Day: Cacoepy
Cacoepy (kuh-koh-uh-pee)
1. incorrect pronunciation or an instance of this; mispronunciation (opposed to orthoepy)
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Cacoepie - pronunțare greșita. Cacofazie - vorbire incorectă, cu deformarea și substituirea cuvintelor. CACO- „urît, greșit, defectuos”. ◊ gr. kakos „rău” > fr. caco-, it. id., engl. id., germ. kako- > rom. caco-. □ ~chilie (v. -chilie), s. f., stare patologică a sucului gastric; ~colie (v. -colie1), s. f., stare anormală a fierii; ~epie (v. -epie), s. f., pronunție greșită; ~fazie (v. -fazie), s. f., vorbire incorectă, cu deformarea și substituirea cuvintelor; ~fonie (v. -fonie1), s. f., asociație dezagreabilă de sunete sau de cuvinte; ~gen (v. -gen1), adj., (despre plante) care prezintă structură genetică nefavorabilă; sin. cacogenic; ~genic (v. -genic), adj., cacogen*; ~geneză (v. -geneză), s. f., 1. Dezvoltare anormală a unei structuri sau formații anatomice. 2. Incapacitatea plantelor la hibridație; ~geuzie (v. -geuzie), s. f., senzație falsă de gust dezagreabil; ~grafie (v. -grafie), s. f., ortografiere greșită; ~lalie (v. -lalie), s. f., vorbire defectuoasă; ~logie (v. -logie1), s. f., construcție gramaticală greșită; ~melie (v. -melie), s. f., deformație congenitală a picioarelor; ~plazie (v. -plazie), s. f., 1. Creștere patologică. 2. Structură sau formație anatomică defectuoasă; ~pragie (v. -pragie), s. f., deviere de la normal a funcțiilor nutritive; ~stomie (v. -stomie), s. f., miros dezagreabil al gurii; ~trofie (v. -trofie), s. f., nutriție defectuoasă. sursa: DETS (1987)
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postpunkindustrial · 3 years
yl radio Pulse sur-mesure #1 Zoë Mc Pherson with guests: Jessica Ekomane & NVST @jessica-ekomane @ghettonast
XquisiteForce.collection/01 special tease s-f-x.space/XquisiteForce-collection-01
Tracklist Zoë Mc Pherson (all tracks are tastes from XquisiteForce.collection/01):
Désir d'enfant - Je veux bien que tu m'arrêtes Hulubalang - Cerca ELLLLL - SWEEPY Ciarra Black - Subject B Gramrcy - No Borders Superior Aho Ssan - Ondl Simon Grab & Zoë Mc Pherson feat. Dali de Saint Paul Flore - Peninsula Bonebrokk - Lightning ZULI - Cipher Glass - Multi. Holy Similaun - VEETCH KMRU - Nuada John Object - Strange Cares Katie Gately - Xquisite Force
Tracklist Jessica Ekomane:
DJ Marfox - Banda 52 Gooooose - Arp Kicks ZU - Tom Araya Is Our Elvis Bohren & der Club of Gore - Midnight Radio Track 4 KZLK - 77X Herbie Hancock - Hidden Shadows Art Ensemble of Chicago - Theme De Yoyo Theo Burt - Gloss pt 3 Duke - Beat Mixa Duke
Tracklist NVST:
Dr. Walker & M. Flux - Intro Ryoji Ikeda - C2:: cacoepy The Ullulators - Improbable Muzicks Fake Phone Number - Day Drugs Cemetery - YAOYOROZU Filter Dread - Track Dump A.A.A.A. (Accelerated Audio Alpha Activity) - The Anti Group Zwings Zammers - C'est pour le re seau Ex-Terrestrial - Gguunngg
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hous3-of-leaves · 5 years
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x x x x x x x - [details of] [a drawing] * by cacoepies
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siokos94 · 7 years
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Word of the day: Cacoepy. Incorrect pronunciation or an instance of this; mispronunciation. #wordoftheday #wordporn #language #dictionary @dictionarycom #vocabulary #cacoepy
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writerswritecompany · 7 years
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uutpoetry · 7 years
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Orestis Konis
the lineaments of elysium hide chiastic with the folds of ruth, the funster incogitant rehearses suicide and the gravid verisimilitude of life and death
confabulate in banausic quaquaversals skirt the root of nightmares ignore the pestering kibitzers and their sordid bliss
ululations sprout paludal and populate sparsely
the paladin, the nimbus, the septenary aureate majesty of anoesis
in the desert of the real becoming ventifact de facto detached from fact remaining intact but tactless
the mussitations of the muses inebriated, in heat-stroke, mumbling sun-scorched epitaphs while lizards lick the scabs off their labia, sotto voce, the dying of the enigma
narcotize for autarky narcotize to fructify litotes narcotize: the exculpatory perambulator
the lickspittle harrumphed, whatever
we only ameliorate and try to grasp our phenology, sui generis
gobsmacked, sibylline
in the acerbic exurb by the tarn I divagated in the cacoepy of being and to my surprise revelled and partook in a parhelion
prompt: an assortment of dictionary.com's  latest 'word of the day’; art by ||
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that-bookworm-guy · 7 years
incorrect pronunciation or an instance of this;mispronunciation (opposed to orthoepy). Also,Older Spelling, cacoëpy.
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sarcastic-crossing · 4 years
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Me starting the "double 'double knot'" knot trend
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Word of the day: cacoepy: incorrect pronunciation or an instance of this; mispronunciation. #wordoftheday #copywriting #writing #wotd
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indecentpause · 7 years
Definitions for cacoepy:
incorrect pronunciation or an instance of this;mispronunciation (opposed to orthoepy). Also,Older Spelling, cacoëpy.
Josselin loved dinner nights with Danny’s family. At first he thought they only invited him along because he was Meara’s other boyfriend, and he wasn’t sure what to expect, if Danny’s parents would be angry with him for stealing Meara away or some nonsense. But they’d welcomed him in with nothing but warmth and kindness. And food. So much food.
He thought he’d return the favor, and started learning Farsi that night.
True, both of Danny’s parents spoke very good English, especially considering it was their third language, and he could always have Danny translate any ideas that didn’t come across quite right. But he wanted to try, at least, even if the script was so confusing to his sleep-deprived brain it made his head want to explode.
But he’d start on speaking and listening first, and go from there.
He didn’t tell anyone. It wasn’t so much that he was afraid people would make fun of him; more that he wanted to surprise Mr. and Mrs. Yazdi (and Danny) once he was better. He’d never get fluent without their help, but maybe he could reach stilted conversation.
It was another cool autumn night, the rain tap-tap-tapping on the roof as the little party enjoyed dinner together: Mr. and Mrs. Yazdi, Danny and Akasha, and him and Meara. The food was delicious, as always, hot and comforting and stick-to-your-ribs filling. Mr. Yazdi grabbed another slice of bread and said, “Could someone pass me...” His brow furrowed and he trailed off, snapping his fingers a few times. When the English word didn’t come, he started again in Farsi. “Could someone please pass the butter?”
Without thinking, Josselin picked up the butter dish and handed it to Meara.
“Um. What?” Meara asked.
“Mr. Yazdi wants it,” Josselin said.
He looked up at Mr. Yazdi, who smiled brightly and nodded. Meara passed it over.
Danny squinted at him. “And how did you know that?”
“Because... he asked for it?”
“In Farsi!” Mrs. Yazdi cried jubilantly.
“In... oh.” Josselin looked around the table at the flabbergasted stares. He offered a crooked grin and a shrug. “I am learn in these two month. I not good yet.”
“Oh!” Mrs. Yazdi clapped her hands, her food forgotten. Mr. Yazdi was beaming. Even Danny had a bright smile on his face. “Oh, this is wonderful!” she exclaimed. “Your pronunciation and grammar need work, but that is nothing we cannot help you with. It is very difficult for some native English speakers, just as learning English was difficult for us.” She took her husband’s hand and kissed his knuckles. He grinned at her. “As you can see, sometimes we still forget words.” She turned to Danny and said, “You will help him?”
“Of course!” Danny grinned, reaching over to ruffle Josselin’s already messy hair. “Man, you should’ve told me you were learning Farsi! I can help you learn a lot faster than whatever tutorials you’re using.”
Josselin grinned, pleased at the response his blunder had gotten him.
He wouldn’t tell them yet, but after he was able to make conversation in Farsi, he was planning on learning German -- their second language -- next.
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julieschulerart · 6 years
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cacoepy- the incorrect pronunciation of a word
(picture: https://knowledge.sonicelectronix.com/…/how-to-eliminate-e…/)
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