#cadence headcanon
townofcadence · 2 months
On Ghosts and Spirits
In the world Cadence is in, ghosts are beings that survive death by anchoring themselves with a desire or need or anything strong enough to resist fading away.
In a similar aspect to the manifestation process for the majority of living humans, ghosts go through the traumatic event of dying, but choose to persist and survive. They form a physical manifestation of that anchoring desire, which stabilizes them so they don't lose energy, and allows them to take it in passively from the world around them and continue to exist. This ties them to that desire though, which mean changing and finding new meaning as a ghost is far harder than it is for a living being. Some may find it impossible, while others may find a way with a huge amount of outside assistance.
They are also incapable of manifesting now, but they often gain a singular strong manifestation of some kind instead, due to dying. This is usually elemental in nature. Sometimes it relates to the way they died due to how intrinsic it connects to them as a person now, and sometimes it relates to who they were as a person instead.
Over time, if a ghost loses its drive to remain or its physical anchor is broken or damaged too much (or they do not form one at all, because nothing strong enough anchors them to the physical plane), they will slowly lose energy. The more they lose, the less of themselves they have, often becoming confused, lost in their own memories and blind to change around them-- and agitated if their routine is forced to change due to interference that rouses them.
If they continue to fade, they may lose themselves entirely, becoming a faint echo of a person or emotion or memory, often without a humanoid shape due to their lack of energy and forgetting who they were. They are small, ball-like spirits, often called motes. They are often single-minded but harmless. Sometimes they can gain more sentience if a stronger spirit with an anchor allows them to bind to the anchor for energy enough to stabilize. This can revitalize them and keep them from fading, but it doesn't help them regain themselves, and if they are severed from that anchor, they will resume fading. There are nonsentient motes or as well, often derived from spirits, that infuse themselves within an object.
Spirits themselves are more the embodiment of something else rather than a sapient being. Usually they are natural, though some have been known to exist in connection to structures or places as well, so long as there is sufficient emotional suffusion associated with it. They seem to be built from the collective magical energies of a place or things or emotions or something equally nebulous. They tend to be very powerful and protective of what makes them manifest. The loss of said thing often leaves them untethered and aimless, and some will fade with time as their energy depletes from being severed from what embodied them, unless they find something new.
Spirits can sometimes overlap a little with motes; a spirit might be the memory or feelings of a person instilled within an object. A spirit might be a collective of feelings that remain in a place like an echo, and can be almost felt as you pass through. Some spirits are stronger, and can sometimes be the manifestation of living beings who are not like humans-- a nature spirit may manifest, connected to a specific tree, or stream, or patch of flowers, or even in some cases, an entire forest or mountain may manifest as a spirit, especially where magical energy is more abundant (usually around a ley-line, which spread over the world like roots of a tree or veins and arteries that carry magical energy out to the furthest reaches). They are just as variable as ghosts, though their level of sentience may vary, as well as their intentions outside of caring for and protecting their home if they are strong enough.
The real divide between a ghost and a spirit is nebulous, and there will be overlap or nuance that makes categorizing some things not feasibly (just like in real life lol)-- but mostly, ghosts are of beings capable of human-level intelligence who often function off of human desires, motivated often by the self. A spirit, meanwhile tends to be motivated by a place or an object, and seldom was a person to begin with. There is some overlap where emotions and feelings are concerned, especially when motes are involved, but it is considered that they might be their own third category both sides may regress to.
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propussyslayer · 4 months
sirius: so what do you do for a living
remus: i hunt and kill zombies
sirius: the fuck no you don't
remus: have you ever seen one?
sirius: no?
remus: then you are fucking welcome
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llinstarr · 5 months
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My poor boy😔
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honeydewdelight · 7 months
Main six and more let's gooooo
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Twilight Sparkle
Although homophobia and transphobia is rare in Equestria, asexuality it also not often talked about
Twilight struggles with romance in her late teen and early adult years.
She felt like there was something wrong with her, but couldn't pinpoint what it was. The idea of relationships was so strange to her, but romance seemed to appealing. She didn't get it.
One day she went to talk to Shining Armour about it
Shining is a beegg!! Ally!! But knew this was outside of his area of expertise, so asked Cadence about it
Cadence went to Twilight and they talked about it for hours. She explained it all to Twi and made her feel so loved, normal, and beautiful.
After that, the pressure of relationships went away, and she wouldn't focus on it for another few years. Putting her studdies first, and later putting her friendships first.
Rainbow Dash
A big gay is what she is
Uses She/He/They
Gender? I hardly know her
Gender? Take her out to dinner first
Okay I'll stop
Another big gay
Experimented with gender but just prefers she/her
Not really confortable with labels
Pinkie Pie
She's literally pan colours what else did you expect
Uses she/they
Wears tail extensions (canon)
When she was a filly, she couldn't figure out why she felt so bad about herself all the time
Rainbow Dash helped her big time, gently pushing her to explore her gender
Transitioning in Equestria is pretty easy, blablabla something with magic n stuff
Your honour, she is bi
CANON and you can't tell me otherwise, she WILL flirt with anyone
Bit of a disaster bi
Demisexual and very confident about it
Hopeless romantic
Loves to dable in romance but ultimately loves being independent above anything else
Never really stays in long term relationships
Often the one to break up
But she does it with such grace and elegance?? Most of her ex-partners stay friends with her. People dont know how she does it
Bonbon and Lyra
Your honour, they are married
Lyra is lesbian
Bonbon is bi
Gender? I hardly kn-
Uses he/him because that's what people use and he rolls with hit but his species literally doesn't have a concept of gender
Fluttershysexual and Fluttershysexual ONLY
Big pansexual
Anytime any media has any sort of princes of god/goddess of love I just can't see anything other than pansexual
You're telling me a PRINCESS of LOVE would only feel that love for 1 gender?
She is very confident in her identity, even though she never necessary got to experiment and explore with it since shining armour was her first big crush, and they have been together ever since
Is extremely educated about LGBTQ+ Identities and matters
Maybe I'll talk about some more later on^^
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bishopony · 1 year
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princess cadance <3
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lordedlady · 23 days
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spacehareart · 2 months
A little MLP AU I'm slowly gonna make based on stuff for me to cope with-
Note: any fandom stuff i do is to be treated with patience as its all a side project for my main OC projects.
Celestia was a Unicorn, but Luna was an Alicorn.
Celestia wanted to be a ruler, not Luna.
Celestia was always pressuring Luna into things she didn't want.
Luna has some traumatic experiences, and blames Celestia for neglect due to Celestia being her official guardian.
Opaline is in this AU and is actually friends with Luna, she's older than both Celestia and Luna.
Opaline becomes the big sister figure Luna needed, though she is a little toxic towards her ( but nothing too extreme ).
Celestia doesn't know or care, pre Discord. Once they both prison Discord, where Luna feels guilt for it. Celestia tells her not to worry about it.
Celestia forbids Luna to see Opaline anymore, further causing Luna to be more and more bottled.
Luna has Nightmare Moon, and the beginings of the Tantabus as headmates ( they are NOT evil alters, she literally could do that all by herself. ).
Nightmare Moon actually is gentle and kind to Luna, and often soothes her. But one day, Celestia and Luna had an arguement over the day and night cycles, how no one saw her beautiful night sky. No matter how hard she worked, everyone took her for granted. So She broke, and Nightmare Moon took over to deal with Celestia.
she obviously lost and was sent to the moon which FURTHER corrupted Luna due to trauma and fears, while Celestia felt guilt, she didn't even bother to announce it or anything
Opaline hated Celestia for it, and left to go into hiding.
1000 years later, Nightmare Moon comes back and traps Celestia, not realizing Celestia was counting on it as a lesson for twilight.
The night and moon is usually purple and a full moon, but this night its a crescent moon and a very dark, almost black, blue, and no stars can be seen.
When NMM is "defeated", Luna comes back, but before Celestia returns, Luna notices Twilight and the main 6 with their elements. She is angry, and she asks what did Celestia tell her. Before anything can be said, Celestia comes and tries to act all high and mighty, pushing Luna to apologize and accept HER apology that was half assed. Luna reluctantly did it.
Luna often ran away from the Castle after that. At one point Celestia started questioning her about it, and she just flew away to ponyville.
She bumped into Twilight, and told her the truth. Twilight was in shock, and dissapointed in her mentor. She and the main six decided they would help Luna in anyway that they can.
Luna eventually learned about Sunset shimmer and Cadence, and was furious that Celestia replaced her twice and neglected Sunset.
Running out of ideas when i wrote this, but Luna eventually takes Sunset shimmer as a student, but beforehand she secretly teaches Cadence and Twilight things Celestia could never.Opaline never found out about Luna's return until way later when Twilight becomes a Alicorn.
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haystarlight · 4 months
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Royal Family (+ Twilight for scale!)
Mane 6, The kiddos
(individual pics under the cut)
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fortnite-headcanons · 19 days
Cadence (from Lego) listens to 60s psychedelic rock and talks about how she was born in the wrong generation
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Fortnite Headcanon #1248
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mylittleponyauprompts · 6 months
Let's over analyze cartoon horses! Which princess would be the most Terrifying to have a nightmare form.
Luna is obvious, she's the original, she's Nightmare Moon. She controls the moon, darkness, and probably the dreamscape. So semi control over the mind. Honestly, probably not the most Terrifying power wise. She makes up for it in theatrics and not being afraid to holp up on threats.
Celestia and Daybreaker. Canonical version is basically just a reskin of Nightmare Moon that Starlight Glimmer made during a Nightmare. But an actual version would be worse. With power from the solar fire, daylight, and whatever else the sun and day can give her. Her powers alone make her Terrifying. She wouldn't even need the theatrics. Just her presence would be enough. Much like the sun itself. Her hair is dangerous by itself, probably being solar fire. You probably need sun screen and sun glasses to even be some what close to her. Don't look her in the eyes, you might go blind
Twilight Sparkle is the alicorn of friendship. Not very threatening sounding at first? But read the title of the show again. "Friendship is magic" she is inherently the alicorn of magic itself. She is probably one of the strongest of the alicorns, being magic itself. And magic itself corrupting would be absolutely Terrifying. Especially in a world made up of nearly nothing but magic. Would everything around her corrupt as well? Like Discord and his chaos but anything made of magic within her vicinity?
Cadence canonically is stated to be just of love, but I wouldn't be surprised if she had an affinity over all emotions and inherently the mind. She's probably very resistant to corruption, she was part of her life by Celestia and taught by her as well. So she probably learned a lot of Celestia's tricks to resistance from corruption that she learned over a thousand plus years. And just being the alicorn of mind probably gives her resistance to some degree. Can't mind trick the deity of the mind. But if she did become corrupt, she'd probably be one of the most Terrifying. She can control minds, what others feel. She wouldn't need to do much to make an army. She wouldn't need to do much to sneak into places. And she can probably easily trick others into a false sense of security because her title is of love and she's pretty and pink. She would be horrifying if corrupted. What king Sombra wished he could be. But I'm also extremely horrorified by the idea of something like mind control and/or complete loss self anatomy, so I'm probably biased
Conclusion! If you ask me Cadence. Logically probably Celestia and/or Twilight Sparkle because they might as well have a big red destroy the world button. One has the sun and the other is connected to the very fabric of reality (alicorn magic)
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lesghostie · 1 year
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The royal ones
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townofcadence · 8 months
Bedside Manor
While the owner hasn't been seen in many years, their loyal assistant, Bastion, runs things well enough for few to notice: the inn resides in the oldest part of town, with just enough land for the smallest of courtyards to serve as an entrance. The area is lined with trellises of vibrant roses, and a path of smooth, flattened stones lead you through the grass and by a small fountain with the lip raised enough to server as a bench, towards the white painted door of the Inn.
Inside is a steady temperature-- it always feels cooler in the summer, and warmer in the winter. There is a fireplace that always burns but seems to cast no heat or smoke, and a collection of large, plush chairs to wait in. The front desk is manned by Bastion, the mousy man who serves as interim owner while the original is absent. He doesn't speak, only signs with his hands, but he is affable, with a warm smile, and often seems to know what you need before you do.
The rooms you can rent are comfortable, strangely large for what felt like such a compact house, but it is still cozy, filled with old knickknacks that seem to originate from a dozen lifetimes. They adorn the walls, the mohagany dresser, and several shelves of the bookcase in each room. Each one seems well made, despite the age, and many still function if toyed with. The furniture is sturdy antiques, ones that protest their age when moved too much, but sturdy and strong. Carpets keep the floorboards warm and soft at night, decorated with splashes of intense color in wonderfully intricate patterns. The air smells floral, but not overwhelmingly so. It is sparse, like standing on a balcony at night and catching the faintest hints of jasmine and honeysuckle from a garden below. You can almost hear the running water outdoors, but none of the sounds from the street seem to reach the inn, even with the windows open.
When your stay is done, Bastion will happily check you at the door. It is a fast process, and as soon as you are ready, you can leave. You might be tempted to pilfer a memento of the inn with you: after all, there are a seemingly endless collection of such things. However, nothing from inside the place ever seems to part from it's doors, even the most carefully stashed trinket. Even the stay begins to feel fuzzy, once you've cleared the courtyard and return to the streets of Cadence. No money or coinage seems to have left your person either.
And once you have left, and have no more need for Bedside Manor, the strangest thing is that it seems next to impossible to locate the street it was on. Just as quickly as it appears when you are in need, it fades when you are without.
But still, should that ever change, there's always space for you at Bedside Manor.
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propussyslayer · 3 months
Flight attendant: Please make sure all your small items are secured.
Sirius: Do you feel safe, buddy?
Regulus: I will murder you
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llinstarr · 7 months
Tomny and Tonya variants.
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givemogahug · 2 months
Headcannon that morrigan and hawthorne watch bad reality TV together
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the-au-collector · 10 days
Sometimes It Takes Death To Make The Truth Come To Light
An assassination attempt leaves the Chain searching for a cure. Fortunately or unfortunately, truths are revealed about the Hero of Time.
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