#caelum estes
caostalgia · 8 months
Déjame pausar este momento y reproducirlo una y mil veces porque no quiero dejarlo ir fácilmente.
— flores in caelum
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latinare · 3 months
Do the Minecraft End Poem: https://minecraft.wiki/w/Credit_sequence
Longissima est haec poema et tempus fugit. Gratias autem tibi ago propter legendi: pulchra est poema quam numquam legi!
Caelum es. :)
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alradeck · 4 months
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*ethereal screeching*
The kickstarter is going live Monday, June 17th at 1 pm EST! I'm so excited to get the next 5 chapters into print! Click above to sign up for the pre-launch page, which will send you an email when the kickstarter goes live so you dont' forget :D
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squid-with-five-eyes · 10 months
I, Carrion (Icarian)... IN LATIN!!!!
translated one of my favorite songs off unreal unearth into latin for a project, the full translation is under the cut! credit to @buzzkillgirls for suggesting the song. my emphasis here was on making the translated lyrics fit the original meter more or less (which it does if you pronounce w elision) over exact one to one translation. ive got some notes at the end talking abt some of the choices i made! please feel free to ask me anything abt this and maybe suggest changes to the mistakes i inevitably made!
Si vertit ventus et ventum accedo
Tellus iter inveniat bruteum mihi
Gravitas mea est factus humiliter
Permeavi finem volatus
Pneuma una a caelo
Perveneram altam perrariorem
Pondus omnum onus oblatus nobis mundo est
Etsi adolesco, qui possum cado
Cum ego tollor verbis omnis tui
Si aliquis possum cadere umquam
Mundus mecum cadit
Causas me fluitare quam penna in mare
Cum sis gravis quam mundus
Quem tu manibus substas
Meditavi quodam die de fundamento
Video diu, amor o, caelum totum tenebas
Relinque, eo soli
Si necesse est, cara, innite mihi
Fluitabimus, sin cademus
Oro sole, non cade mecum
Habeo non pinnas, non habebo
Volans insuper mundum quem portas
Si alta cassum causant
Tum sim tui
Occidendus Icarus
Si vertit ventus et ventum accedo
Tellus iter inveniat bruteum mihi
Si cado illo die
Oro sole, non cade mecum
“Si vertit ventus et ventum accedo” bit of chiasmus here
“Tellus iter inveniate bruteum mihi” hyperbaton; no specific poetic reasoning other than i liked the flow of the line this way
“Gravitas mea est factus humiliter” "my weight has been made low" the specific word choice here ties into the song's theme of his love allowing him to let go of societal pressures, as gravitas means both weight and grandeur/importance, while humiliter is low, small, humble, obscure
“Meditavi quodam die de fundamento/Video diu, amor o, caelum totum tenebas” glosses as “one day i pondered about the foundation/i see, love, you were holding the entire sky for a long time” i really wanted to find an equivalent to “you all the way down” in roman cosmology i could use but nothing was super snappy
“Relinque, eo soli” instead of sky-bound, im saying “i go to the sun” as a more direct reference to icarus
“Habeo non pinnas, non habebo” so so proud of the parallel chiasmus structure here! when i wrote this i was mentally high fiving myself
“Si alta cassum causant” cassum is glossed as fall, but also plight, fate, calamity, disaster
“Occidendus Icarus” THERE IS NO WAY TO TRANSLATE THIS LYRIC SATISFACTORILY OH MY GOD YOU DONT UNDERSTAND HOW IMPOSSIBLE IT IS TO GET EVEN CLOSE TO THE ORIGINAL ENGLISH LYRIC'S WORDPLAY AND IMPACT AND MEANING. COMPLETELY IMPOSSIBLE. ultimately decided to go in the direction of using the unique features of Latin to create a new artistic choice instead of trying to translate the untranslatable. used a gerundive to express a sense of helplessness and fate; “Icarus who must be brought down/killed”
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arubeth · 1 month
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Regis Lucis Caelum - Final Fantasy XV
Regis Lucis Caelum es el rey de Lucis y el padre de Noctis, el protagonista de Final Fantasy XV. Es el último monarca en una larga línea de reyes que ha gobernado el Reino de Lucis, un reino que posee el Cristal, un artefacto mágico que otorga poder al linaje real para proteger su tierra.
Regis es conocido por su sabiduría, bondad y sacrificio. Durante su juventud, él fue un poderoso guerrero, pero los años y el uso constante de la magia le han debilitado.
A lo largo de su reinado, Regis ha mantenido a Lucis protegido del Imperio de Niflheim, que ha intentado conquistar el mundo utilizando tecnología y magia oscura.
Sin embargo este murió defendiendo a la oráculo Lunafreya y un conocido glaive llamado Nyx Ulric.
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Alors c'est partie le bordel ! Ci-dessus, extraits en gifs "Trois heures plus tard" : le Roi Régis Lucis Caelum est parvenu à survivre à une offensive sur Insomnia, sa Capitale. Il est parvenu à prendre la fuite avec Cor, Luna et Cid, au volant de son véhicule, la Régalia, tombée en panne après plus de 100km. Son fils Noctis était en sécurité en dehors de la Capitale. (Il y a 4 versions différentes de Noctis, à découvrir plus tard)
Quelques heures plus tôt, à Insomnia, extraits en gifs : on doit y voir Regis Lucis Caelum, âgé et encore le roi du Lucis. L'identité d'Ardyn reste flou, il faut juste comprendre qu'il avait rendez-vous avec Régis et que pendant sa présentation devant le Roi dans la salle du trône, la barrière entourant Insomnia cède brusquement et que ça semble être fait exprès. Le terrible Glauca fait alors son apparition , Clarus perd la vie, Régis se défend avec ses pouvoirs. (Et c'est tout, Régis parviendra à s'enfuir en gardant la vie, son anneau, et en emportant dans sa fuite Cor et Luna)
La suite dans un autre post. (car il y a une limite de 30 gifs par post)
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nrc-confessions · 6 months
here’s my list:
A student I have dubbed as “Ignihyde Gym Bro” (he’s entirely capable of picking me up like a sack of potatoes)
Nerei (I have, actually. It was for a theater project back in Second Year)
Kalim (platonically. He deserves a little kiss on the cheek)
Idia (the way his hair turns pink when he’s flustered is kinda cute)
ME????? 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 NUMBER TWO???????? 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭 KYAAAAA <3
Sorry idk why I act like this
Also the Kalim part is so real :(
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originskey · 6 months
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NAME / ALIAS: Ty! AGE: I'll be 30 in August PRONOUNS: they/them (that vibe of the skeleton in the back of the science lab you high-five) TIMEZONE: EST (UST - 05:00) WHERE ARE YOU FROM?: Florida CHARACTERS IN THE GROUP: This asshole (Kratos Aurion) and Myra Manes (OC) for now, but I've also played Anda Teika, Iskandar, Gray, and that little blonde tailor from Kill la Kill in the past. I'll probably bring Anda back for the local sad stoner vibes eventually.
I've been RPing since Neopets boards and met my wife in the indie Portal fandom in like... idk. 2011? I was in Citta from 2015 onward and migrated to Isola when the Great Move happened. Aside from a couple breaks here and there I've mostly stuck around!
I really like bugs (esp moths and beetles), food, history, food history, my wife, turn based strategy games, and have the funky musical fusion of classical/vaporwave/alt rock on my spotify. I also crochet! I love games in general (video games or tabletop) and I've been playing D&D since like 2013. My family is like the addams family lite and I've grown up around spooky things, so I love them a lot. I have a degree in mortuary science and went to school for funeral directing/embalming but then life and the pandemic happened...
In complete honesty I'm going through probably the roughest patch I've ever had in my life so far (I'm a caretaker for my grandparents and they're not very nice about it but I need the money.) So if I seem a lot less outgoing than I have been all these years it's not you I promise!!! I'm happy to mingle and collaborate and I LOVE being silly and doing silly threads. I'm not as active in the community discord as I have been because of the aforementioned horrors and big discords scare me. But you can always find me on twitter! It's locked to keep out randoms but isola people are welcome to follow. Please show me any cool bug you find. I'm Mod Caelum in the group, and if you've had a challenge in the group for the past few years it was probably written by me! It's my favourite thing about being a mod! Sorry for the horrors, there will be more of them I hope you find a $20 bill on the ground!
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May your shrimps always fry rice...
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nrcnewspaperclub · 7 months
//IT’S TIME!//
//Name reveal time!!!//
🪶- Caelum Estes, pleasure to meet you.
🪸- Nerei Murena.
🪞- I am René, René Umbrielle.
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sad-girl-shit11 · 1 month
Nempe est quod esse pār est: portenta tanta cōnspicis stupēns jamque immemor facta es tuī (et amābilest!). Jūcunda semper est hūmāna gēns! Quem vidēs, Māui ille sum; dumque exōrdior, resūme spīritum! Nam, sōlis īnstar, sciō esse impār rēctā nostrum vīsere jubar Quid tibī plūra? Namque nīl est, quod caelum, aestum, sōlem dō! Estō sēcūra: ferre nīl est mūnuscula ista sēmidīvulō! Hei! Prōfer quī caelum ferre potest tē vāgiente (quī vir hic est), noctis algōrem quī raptīs ignibus fugat (quī vir tē nunc spectat). Pol! Phoebōque vīnctō vestrīs (et nīl est!) papandī lūcem gaudiīs aurāque captā vestrīs — et nīl est! tetendī vēla nāvitīs. Istuc quidem - quid morer tē - nīl est: sola ēmersaque factaque rūs. At tū quidem parce - namque nīl est! - HA supervacāneīs honōribus: Et nīl est! Et nīl est! Nunc perpende singula. Ocelle, vōx sit aperta tibī mea: omnia tē ēdoceō phaenomena. Aestus, grāmen, solum quid nisi nostra crepundia sunt? Viscera condita vīperea facta cocos tibi frūgifera. Quidque restat? Ut mē metuās: sīs tibi tūta, cavē impediās. Vidēn haec cutis historiās monumenta monēre meās? Omnibus auctor ad īnfera ab altō hīc miniō miniātus in ignibu' saltō. Quidquid hoc est, quid plūra? Nīl est, tibī quod bona tanta ferō. Estō sēcūra, namque nīl est: perpende singula. Interim ipse eō. Dīcitō nunc vicissim "nīl est": nam nāve tuā egeō, ut hinc procul vēla dem - et nīl est! Ūnum invidet nātūra: nōn natō. Et nīl est! Et nīl est! Valētō!
This honestly made my day
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caostalgia · 9 months
Quizás mis palabras no son las adecuadas, mis escritos no son los mejores, pero si sé que nadie en este mundo podrá escribir sobre ti como yo lo hago.
— flores in caelum
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beguines · 1 year
"Quaeram te, Domine, invocans te et invocem te credens te" (I want, Lord, to seek you by invoking you and to invoke you by believing in you). But what does it mean to invoke or to praise by invoking, if not to call God to come into myself, "in me ipsum eum invocabo, cum invocabo ipsum"? This coming of God into myself, which turns out to be the sole posture praise can adopt, supposes that I myself have the status of an open place for God to come into; but who am I to pretend to constitute a place when faced with God? "Et quis locus est in me, quo veniat in me Deus meus? Quo Deus veniat in me, Deus, qui 'fecit caelum et terram'?" (And what place is there in me where my God might come into me? In what corner would God come into me, God "who made heaven and earth"?).
A contradiction arises here: I have no other place in me besides the one that God made; therefore God cannot come into me without my first coming into him or discovering myself always already in him: I am not a place for God; rather I take place in him. Praise cannot ask God to come into me, since I do not have a place to offer to him, where he would dwell as in his temple. In fact, of place, I have none other besides him, or more simply, besides the place that he himself has set up for me by creating heaven and earth. If praise there must be, it will call for an impossibility—that I come, myself, into his very own place, God—to wit, into God himself. "Et ego, quid peto, ut venias in me, qui non essem, nisi esses in me? . . . Non ergo essem, nisi esses in me, an potius non essem, nisi essem in te, 'ex quo omnia, per quem omnia, in quo omnia'" (And what is it that I imagine I am asking when I ask that you come into me, me who would not be if you were not in me? . . . For I would not be if you were not in me, or rather I would not be if I was not in you, you "from whom all things come, by whom all things were made, in whom all things reside".
Jean-Luc Marion, In the Self's Place: The Approach of Saint Augustine, trans. Jeffrey L. Kosky
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do you have any medicine that helps with pain?
Hello~ we have everything from ummm... ibuprofen to um... specialized pain relief! We can also umm... refill medications!
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astrummorte-m · 25 days
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#ASTRUMMORTE. / 'cause the end always justifies the means, friends turn into foes and rivalries! ─ so keep your friends close and your enemies closer, never really know who you can trust! ( sometimes, sneaking is a must. )
affiliated, selective, private multimuse. featuring ariel elaine aligan from the DND game, kingdom hearts: academy troubles. affectionately bullied by kouren / ghostie. EST / GMT-4. 23 years old. dark themes. grey horror & eldritch horror themes.
artagan icons from honeydbee.
cafekitsune for some of the dividers.
psd (blood debt) belongs to destinyfaces.
muse list under the cut:
ariel aligan - kingdom hearts / final fantasy oc
arverni / king - kingdom hearts / final fantasy oc
duan yingxing / blade - canon divergent blade from h:sr
kasmir lawson / boothill - canon divergent boothill from h:sr
darius libra / info broker - kamen rider deity oc
cid highwind - advent children & remake/rebirth compliant
cloud strife - advent children & remake/rebirth compliant
diluc ragnvindr - primarily au diluc from genshin
il dottore - primarily au dottore from genshin
eerie telos - kamen rider oc
hatter hawthorne - disney themed pathfinder oc
jay herald - kingdom hearts / final fantasy oc
justine calistine - kingdom hearts / final fantasy oc
kae mallas - kingdom hearts / final fantasy oc
dr. kalen - HEAVILY CANON DIVERGENT ARDYN. based in kh&ff.
kamina - post anime canon divergent kamina from TTGL
zhao keqing - canon divergent keqing from genshin
kaveh maryam - canon divergent / au kaveh from genshin
lai jiaoqiu - canon divergent jiaoqiu from h:sr
luka highwind - kingdom hearts / final fantasy oc
man in the moon / manny - rotg & goc au MIM
paimon - LEYLOST ONLY / crossover allowed.
prompto argentum - canon divergent prompto from ffxv
grandmaster riku - faith and trust dnd game au older riku
roxas caelum - post kh3 canon divergent roxas
mitsuno sora - post kh3 canon divergent sora
nicholas d. wolfwood - canon divergent wolfwood from trigun
xayi harding - LEYLOST ONLY / crossover allowed.
xemnas tenemor - strictly au "somebody" xemnas from kh
yae miko - primarily au yae miko from genshin
zack highwind - kingdom hearts / final fantasy oc
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vgbossthemes · 1 year
Specie tua tantum carnem adme omnes habet cultum Ego sum qui mittit petras et gubernat omnes vitae Caelum, terra, aversione Magna, parvus, reversusque Fortis ductor, praecipio Quod ligabis lucem vocis
Cum omnibus lucis plenus, apocalypse finibus Victum unus qui comedit hic vitae omnia tenebris
Malum incarnatus surgit Adducentes secum mortem Para! Para! Para! Para!
Fortis rex, bellator, in manus gladio Bellum in virtute, victum quod hostibus
Magis mortem venit primum Quod est quidam venire Para omnes! Para omnes! Para omnes!
Nunc est tempus, haec est locus ubi nos obstandum, omne tandem ex nobis unum
Specie tua tantum carnem adme omnes habet cultum Ego sum qui mittit petras et gubernat omnes vitae Caelum, terra, aversione Magna, parvus, reversusque Fortis ductor, praecipio Quod ligabis lucem vocis
Cum omnibus lucis plenus, apocalypse finibus Victum unus qui comedit hic vitae omnia tenebris
Malum incarnatus surgit Adducentes secum mortem Para! Para! Para! Para!
Fortis rex, bellator, in manus gladio Bellum in virtute, victum quod hostibus
Magis mortem venit primum Quod est quidam venire Para omnes! Para omnes! Para omnes!
Nunc est tempus, haec est locus ubi nos obstandum, omne tandem ex nobis unum Omnes
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sleep0-0 · 1 year
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In luce solis non erat.
Dies erat pulcher et recens.
Aves autem canebant, animalia se calefaciebant
Capit lacunam in medio dierum frigidorum.
Et diabolus exivit in defensionem,
Decernens diem frui.
Videbatur quod infirmum aspectum suum
Tentatus sum vanitatem cadere.
Ego eram in horto serenum ambulans,
Tetigit folia iuvenum,
Flores silvae attrahuntur .
Et gratias agens herbis silvae.
Sulla cum equitatu apud dextimos, in sinistra parte [a.],
Et erexit oculos suos ad caelum.
Et occurrit eius intuitu, quod erat fera.
Ad horas [ad primam] an angeli eorum semper.
In timore dei factus est...
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