#cafe lover
Casa Moreno
Este restaurante engloba totalmente la frase calidad y buen servicio, aunque si podría ser sincera, esta frase ben puede faltarle mucho mas significado para englobar lo que realmente este lugar le ofrece a usted.
La primera impresión al entrar a este recinto es la calidez de una casa y los corchos que están decorando la entrada me recordaron a la tradición Europea donde los corchos de las botellas de vino se dejan en las entradas de las casas para que los invitados sepan que botellas de vino se han abierto y llevar botellas diferentes.
Al entrar, la atención por parte de las chicas que atienden las mesas es verdaderamente excepcional, te reciben con una sonrisa y te van envolviendo poco a poco en el contexto para no sentir que desencajas si vas por primera vez.
En la entrada esta ubicada la barra, e igualmente, la persona que atiende es sumamente amable, recorriendo poco a poco el lugar este da una sensación de calidez hogareña en la que juntamente destaca el enorme recipiente que almacena granos de café enteros que se muelen para preparar el exquisito café por la mañana y que, al preparase, desprenden un deliciosos aroma que sabe a un fin de semana por la mañana.
Al continuar con el recorrido, esta un nuevo salón donde se da el aire a comedor familiar de esos que se llenan siempre en los fines de semana con nuestras familias y que tan bien conocemos, aquí podemos ver de reojo la cocina, al pasar por el corredor se puede ver que esta abierta para que se pueda ver todo lo que ahí se hace, se puede percibir el olor de los alimentos que se preparan y escuchar las flamas de las estufas, los refrigeradores que almacena fruta y lácteos que se sirven frescos a sus clientes.
Siguiendo por entre los pasillos y al vaivén de la música que acompaña las comidas y a sus comensales felices podemos ver mas mesas que dan individualidad a quien prefiera comer solo o a las pequeñas familias que allí van a disfrutar el exquisito sazón que destaca a este lugar que evoca a nuestras infancias y aquellos recuerdos de comidas familiares.
Finalmente encontramos lo que seria la parte de la terraza, la cual al verla por primera vez se imagina a un jardín familiar en el que se servían los desayunos los días domingos, al aire fresco de la mañana en un clima perfecto, un día soleado perfecto para reunirnos.
Aquí también huele a mil aromas, pues es aquí donde salen las ordenes que son llevadas por las educadas meseras a sus comensales para que puedan disfrutar de la comida exquisita y una buena platica mañanera.
El detalle de la fuente es perfecto para terminar de ahondar en esta temática creada de forma natural y limpia en todos los aspectos además de dar una tranquilidad exquisita al ambiente haciendo que cada uno se vuelva parte de el y haciendo que todo fluya tranquilamente.
Hubo un detalle que me llamo mucho la atención y que actualmente, no se me ha olvidado, justo cuando me había sentado, un hombre con su familia llego, la señora Mary, la encargada, quien me recibió como a todos sus comensales, con una sonrisa y gran bienvenida atendiendo las mesas con eficacia y gran labor de trabajo en equipo que se nota desde siempre, dejo sus tareas, y es que este hombre venia en silla de ruedas, e inmediatamente fue con el y le ayudo a acomodarse sin hacer que nadie, ni siquiera el mismo hombre, se sintiera incomodo, pues el sonreía y platicaba con ella mientras le ayudaba.
Estos gestos son los que le dan la calidad al servicio pues deja de ser simplemente el vender un servicio, si no que dan el extra absolutamente todos haciendo su servicio humano, lo que ya se ha perdido en muchos lugares en la actualidad y lo que los caracteriza desde que uno cruza la puerta.
Realmente este lugar supera todas las expectativas que tenia, la comida es exquisita, la atención, excepcional y la ambientación que se le, es simplemente increíble, es por algo que son el primer restaurante en Melchor Ocampo en desayunos.
Su menú es variado, cuentan con bebidas, digestivos, aperitivos, desayunos, menú para niños y mucho mas, todo esta en las fotos que dejo mas abajo.
Definitivamente los precios son accesibles y el servicio no me cansare de repetirlo, es excepcional.
La dirección es Joaquín Montenegro, C. Insurgentes 12, San Antonio el Cuadro, 54963 Tultepec, México
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wycwycco · 8 months
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ceruleansoleil · 4 months
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coffeeismust · 1 year
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cringefail-clown · 4 months
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jakehal coffee shop college au, where hal works part time as a barista and jake is his twin brothers ex-boyfriend thats also a regular in said coffee shop. they fucking hate each other.
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todayontumblr · 7 months
Friday, September 29.
Today is National Coffee Day, as it happens. Which begs the question: is there anything better than walking in the park, amongst Earthy colors and crisp air, with a warm coffee in hand? Or snuggling up, as rain taps on the window, with a favorite read in one hand and a warm mug in the other? Or those first dark and bitter sips in the morning? The answer, in our view, is almost certainly no. #coffee is the pinnacle. Coffee is, more likely than not, as good as it gets. Then again, we might be wrong. Change our minds. Do your worst.  
Perhaps brevity says it best, so we will leave you with this pearl of wisdom from @daugterofliterature. Merry weekend x
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catcze · 7 months
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Dude I just had the funniest fucking idea. What about Wriothesley with a reader who hates tea. Like, they cannot force themselves to drink it for their life. Wriothesley tries to ask them out without knowing this, says something like 'Wanna grab a cup of tea sometime? *wink wink smile smile*' and the reader just grimaces and goes 'I don't like tea.' and he drops his charming act so fast and his jaw fucking drops because— "What the fuck do you mean you don't like tea?!"
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theereina · 4 months
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siseliestudio · 5 months
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you do ☕️🧡
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motziedapul · 3 months
Queer Filipino Monster Romance at The Sidekick Comic Cafe in Toronto!
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💖Coming to The Sidekick on February 10 for Valentine's Weekend💖
I'll be selling some of our Queer Filipino monster romance (and action horror) comics for you to enjoy~ 🏳️‍🌈🇵🇭
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Come hang out with me from 1pm to 6pm at The Sidekick comic book cafe at 1374 Queen St E Toronto M4L1C9!
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staygolden-ponyboy · 3 months
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her-penetrating-soul · 2 months
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🤍 ‿"Coffee smells like freshly ground heaven."⁀🤍
~Jessi Lane Adams
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ceruleansoleil · 3 months
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sahpience · 1 year
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motocrunch · 3 months
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hearts4golbach · 2 months
The Night Shift.
Chapter 10.
Johnnie Guilbert x Fem!Reader.
30 minutes until midnight. my heart raced, thinking about kissing johnnie. I'm sure he just wants to kiss in a platonic way. friends kiss, right?
we were all crowded around in the kitchen, eating all the snacks I had. I had taken a couple more shots to give myself the courage to not let this plan fall through.
"you ready, y/n?" Tara whispers. "I told you, I got your back. the fact that he agreed is proof you two have a chance."
"he seemed against it, tar." I shrugged, drinking my coke.
"trust the process."
"so, you and Jake are going to kiss at midnight?" I laughed, wanting to change the subject.
"uhm, yeah, sure." she smiled deviously.
"are you okay?" I asked, concerned.
"okay." I laughed and walked over to johnnie. "you feeling okay? you drank a lot."
he quickly nodded. "I feel fine, I guess. I've been drinking water." he had a goofy smile on his face.
"that's good." I laughed. I looked around the room at the group of people. I've known them for less than a month, but we were all so close, and I was about to have my first kiss.
"bitches and hoes, we have a minute til new years." Jake called from the living room.
I chewed on my bottom lip. we all gathered in the living room. I poured myself one more drink and quickly downed it.
"you sure this is okay?" johnnie asked while Tara and Jake weren't paying attention.
"absolutely." I smiled. "don't worry about it."
"good." he muttered.
the timer on the live news channel started to count down from 10. Tara and Jake counted down with it while I stared into Johnnie's eyes. it wasn't awkward as he looked back into mine.
on 3, he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer. I felt my heart skip a beat as my mind raced, I had no idea how to kiss. I moved my arms up and rested them around the back of his neck. I moved a strand of hair stuck in his piercing away from his lips.
when the timer hit one, johnnie smashed his lips against mine. I melted into him, following his lead.
I moved my hands to his cheeks as we held the kiss. I glanced at Tara and Jake. they stood there giggling. I pulled away from johnnie, "oh my god. you guys are little fucking liars!"
johnnie had a dissapointed look on his face. "y-yeah! what the fuck, dude?" he pushed Jake.
we turned on legally blonde as we all collapsed onto the couch. I sat in between johnnie and Tara.
she leaned over and whispered in my ear. "that was way too passionate for there to be nothing behind that. did you see how dissapointed he looked when you pulled away?"
I nodded. "I don't want to get my hopes up."
"I can tell he feels something, y/n." she smiled. "johnnie doesn't just go around kissing his friends. he's been pretty up tight for a couple years."
"I guess we'll see." I gave her a weak smile and turned my attention back to the movie.
about an hour later, everyone was asleep except for me ans johnnie. I looked at him. "I'm ready to go to bed, honestly."
"yeah," he stretched. "me too."
"you can take my bed, I'll sleep on the floor. you can't say no, because that's how it was at your house." I smiled and got up.
he rolled his eyes but ended up giving in. he followed me to my room, stumbling over his own feet.
"damn," I giggled. "you're a lightweight."
he cleared his throat. "I know." he paused. "I used to drink a lot."
"why?" I grabbed a couple extra blankets from the hallway before walking into my room.
he seemed hesitant to answer the question.
"you don't have to tell me if you're not comfortable."
"I guess I was just super depressed back in like, 2019." he shrugged, sitting on my bed.
"I guess that makes sense. are you better now?" I looked up at him. he was looking down at me already.
his expression softened. "yeah." he seemed to be unsure of what he was about to say. "ever since I met you."
my heart fluttered. "i- I don't know what to say." I admitted. "but you make my life a hell of a lot better, too."
he smiled with his teeth. "I'm glad the feeling is mutual."
and I wished a lot of feelings were mutual, but I was terrified to ask. I nodded and flashed him a smile back. we both laid down and got comfortable.
"y/n, we've already shared a bed. just get up here." Johnnie's sleepy voice broke the silence.
I quickly got up and crawled in bed next to him. "you sound like me."
he laughed and closed his eyes. hid arms snaked around me, pulling me closer. I giggled and did the same, resting my head on his chest.
his hands ventured up the back of my shirt as he gently rubbed my back. he ran his hands over my bra, giving me chills. I scooted closer to him, intertwining my leg with his. I quickly fell asleep as he continued to run his hand over my back soothingly.
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