#cahira gregory
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I was feeling pretty eh yesterday. It was cold and I kept getting annoyed at different things, and I hated that. :(( So I decided to draw Cahira snuggling up in her bad joke hoodie and a beanie. :3 Makes me feel better already 
I hope you guys like the drawing, sorry it isn’t the requests I need to write, but you know life isn’t inspirational at the moment. 
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Good Luck, My Golden Girl
I’ve decided to start writing small oneshots and scenarios of Cahira’s life on Quotev on her blog. Started off simple with her departure from Kakoro for her mission to Earth. Hope you like it!
Breath in. Breath out.
Inhale. Exhale.
Cahira repeated to herself as she placed a hand on her chest to feel her heartbeat as she performed her breathing exercises. Feeling a steady heartbeat, Cahira returned to packing her bag with what she deemed to be essential items for her long term mission.
The young woman had been given a position on the planet classified as Earth. It was far, far from home. She had been on off-planet missions before, but her last one was years ago and for a good reason. The idea of leaving the safe haven made her anxious, sending small tremors to her hands as they held a photograph of Elion - her best friend - and herself.
Kirk's voice broke Cahira's train of thought, startling her in the process but luckily she didn't lose her grip on the photo. "Oh D... Dad! Hey," Cahira relaxed once she turned to her human father. Kirk smiled faintly as he approached his daughter, "How's the packing going? Need a hand?" He offered gently.
"N...Nah. I got it dad, thank you though."
"Ra-Ra, you're nervous."
"Doesn't sound like a surprise, does it?" Cahira tried to joke, cracking a small smile. But her obvious nerves made it hard for Kirk to enjoy his daughter's smile as he would normally. With a quiet sigh, he pulled her into a hug while pressing his bearded cheek to hers. He gave her a gentle squeeze.
"It's just so far from home." She whispered into his shoulder. "I know how it feels, honey." Kirk reassured, pressing her kiss to her hair "You've made it this far and we're proud of you, Cahira. But if you really feel as if you cannot handle it, don't be afraid to call us, okay?" He questioned her in a whisper, receiving a nod into his shoulder. "Now come on, I'll help you pack and carry your stuff to your ship" Kirk pulled away from the hug, brushing Cahira's hair away from her face.
Cahira cracked a small smile, "'My ship'? That's still weird to hear out loud."
Kirk laughed at her comment "How do you think I felt when I could call you mother 'my wife'?" he added, finally earning a louder laugh from Cahira.
"Alright, that's everything...." Cahira took in a slow, deep breath. "Thanks for helping me Dad," she smiled to Kirk, who returned a loving grin. "I'm always here for you, Ra-Ra." Kissing her forehead, before turning to the ship's exit where Tulin, Tyrell and Arcadia anxiously waited to see Cahira again for their farewells.
Cahira, knowing better, started with her youngest sibling Arcadia, who was trying not to cry. Cahira smiled softly as she pulls her into a hug, Arcadia returning it tightly and burying her face into Cahira's shoulder. "Shhh, don't worry, Dia. You can call me every day if you wish to." Cahira tried to reassure the younger hybrid, who smiled up at her with glistening eyes.
Arcadia pulled away, lifting her glasses to wipe her eyes. "Don't have too much fun without us, Hira" the teenager murmured.
Cahira turned to her brother, Tyrell, who still had his arms crossed over his chest and a dull expression on his face. "You're not gonna miss me too much are you, little Ty?" Cahira's lips rose into a small smirk. Tyrell rolled his eyes and groaned "Shut up," before wrapping his arms around Cahira's neck and pulling her flash again him.
Cahira smiled and returned the hug with similar strength. Tyrell will always be Tyrell, actions speak louder than words when it comes to the younger male. Cahira pressed a kiss to his forehead anyway and ruffled his hair only for Tyrell to push her away so he could fix his hair. Cahira grinned before moving onto her mother.
The Full blooded Saharamph ejderhalar latched her daughter in a hug, wrapping her sand coloured wings and arms around her daughter. The Gregory family laughed at the matriarch's antics. "Mother," Cahira murmured into her Tulin's scaly shoulder
"Just be careful, okay? Make sure to call me when you can. Talktomewhensomethinghappensorifyouadvice-" "Mum! I promise I'll keep in contact." Cahira interrupted her mother's rambling. Tulin stopped, looking at her daughter with furrowed eyebrows. The rest of the family knew Tulin's concern, they all shared it. But Cahira didn't want to think about it.
Even though she was nervous, she didn't want her mother to share her nerves. Tulin rested her forehead to Cahira's before pressing a kiss to her forehead. "I love you, my daughter"
"I love you too, mum"
Last but not least was Dad. Cahira melted into Kirk's warm arms as they embraced her. Her dad's beard rubbed against the shaved side of her head and Cahira giggled at the ticklish feeling. "You'll do great, Cahira. You'll love it on Earth, I'm sure of it" He reassured her. After exchanging their 'I love you's before Cahira returned to her ship.
Cahira stepped into the small ramp but stopped at the doorway to look back at her family, who were watching her with sad but hopeful eyes. Her father stepped forward though and said
"Good luck, My Golden Girl."
Cahira smiled, her eyes become glossy before really entering the ship and taking her place in the pilot's seat, starting the engine and taking off of Kakoro's surface.
Earth awaited her now. As well as new adventures in the future.
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Tyrell is the middle child of the Gregory Ejderhalar hybrid trio and the only male. I know that from his looks; he appears to be one of those edgy guys. But he is better described to have a protective heart. He's protective of his sisters, yes, even his older sister. He does not care:  don't hurt his sisters.
The rest of the Gregory Family is being drawn like this and in this story. Tyrell is just the lucky first one cause I needed to actually design him XD
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Now it’s time for the youngest of the Gregory Trio! The Baby sister of the Ejderhalar Hybrids! Arcadia!
Being the baby sister means that her older siblings often are overprotective of her, sometimes babying her in certain situations. But that is mostly Tyrell because he acts like the big protective older brother, it would end with Cahira (being the oldest) ending it by setting a decision in stone. Such as “If my baby sister wishes to go out with her friends, she shall! She’s 16, let her have fun!” while doing Arcadia’s hair. 
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Cahira Gregory, The Golden Ejderhalar
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Please forgive all of the negative space left around the drawings. I didn't come up with a solution until the next day (but now I'm lazy xD)
As stated on his blog, This is Cahira Gregory. But on the ejderhalar homeworld, you are normally addressed as 'Daughter/Son of (Parent Name)'.
Before the questions of what an ejderhalar is, I shall give the short answer here. They are an alien race that I created and I use them for multiple fandoms. DBZ was actually the originator of it. They are dragon people that evolved the abilities of telekinesis and telepathy and are made up of their four subspecies; the standards, arctics, deserts and Aquatics. Once I’ve finished writing the entire piece I have in works about the ejderhalar, I will link in anything with Cahira in it.
Cahira is a Human-Ejderhalar hybrid and in the DBZ universe their ejderhalar features (wings, tail, claws, long ears and scales) are normally hidden in a human form, but as an individual Ki raises, that’s when the before mentioned features make themselves known, and yes, All human-ejderhalar hybrids have wings and a tail. But this is Cahira’s story.
Because her scales are golden, they catch people’s attention and then Frieza noticed them. He then made the golden wings and tail a little prize by ripping them from her body. She and her group were luck when a rescue was able to save them and escape. 
Cahira was lucky to live. They tried to simply close the ends of the stubs that were her wings and tail, but the lead doctor realised that there would only be a high chance of infection and great pain. So with permission from her family, they amputated what remained of her wings and tail. Leaving surgical scars in their place. 
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