#cahira oneshot
Good Luck, My Golden Girl
I’ve decided to start writing small oneshots and scenarios of Cahira’s life on Quotev on her blog. Started off simple with her departure from Kakoro for her mission to Earth. Hope you like it!
Breath in. Breath out.
Inhale. Exhale.
Cahira repeated to herself as she placed a hand on her chest to feel her heartbeat as she performed her breathing exercises. Feeling a steady heartbeat, Cahira returned to packing her bag with what she deemed to be essential items for her long term mission.
The young woman had been given a position on the planet classified as Earth. It was far, far from home. She had been on off-planet missions before, but her last one was years ago and for a good reason. The idea of leaving the safe haven made her anxious, sending small tremors to her hands as they held a photograph of Elion - her best friend - and herself.
Kirk's voice broke Cahira's train of thought, startling her in the process but luckily she didn't lose her grip on the photo. "Oh D... Dad! Hey," Cahira relaxed once she turned to her human father. Kirk smiled faintly as he approached his daughter, "How's the packing going? Need a hand?" He offered gently.
"N...Nah. I got it dad, thank you though."
"Ra-Ra, you're nervous."
"Doesn't sound like a surprise, does it?" Cahira tried to joke, cracking a small smile. But her obvious nerves made it hard for Kirk to enjoy his daughter's smile as he would normally. With a quiet sigh, he pulled her into a hug while pressing his bearded cheek to hers. He gave her a gentle squeeze.
"It's just so far from home." She whispered into his shoulder. "I know how it feels, honey." Kirk reassured, pressing her kiss to her hair "You've made it this far and we're proud of you, Cahira. But if you really feel as if you cannot handle it, don't be afraid to call us, okay?" He questioned her in a whisper, receiving a nod into his shoulder. "Now come on, I'll help you pack and carry your stuff to your ship" Kirk pulled away from the hug, brushing Cahira's hair away from her face.
Cahira cracked a small smile, "'My ship'? That's still weird to hear out loud."
Kirk laughed at her comment "How do you think I felt when I could call you mother 'my wife'?" he added, finally earning a louder laugh from Cahira.
"Alright, that's everything...." Cahira took in a slow, deep breath. "Thanks for helping me Dad," she smiled to Kirk, who returned a loving grin. "I'm always here for you, Ra-Ra." Kissing her forehead, before turning to the ship's exit where Tulin, Tyrell and Arcadia anxiously waited to see Cahira again for their farewells.
Cahira, knowing better, started with her youngest sibling Arcadia, who was trying not to cry. Cahira smiled softly as she pulls her into a hug, Arcadia returning it tightly and burying her face into Cahira's shoulder. "Shhh, don't worry, Dia. You can call me every day if you wish to." Cahira tried to reassure the younger hybrid, who smiled up at her with glistening eyes.
Arcadia pulled away, lifting her glasses to wipe her eyes. "Don't have too much fun without us, Hira" the teenager murmured.
Cahira turned to her brother, Tyrell, who still had his arms crossed over his chest and a dull expression on his face. "You're not gonna miss me too much are you, little Ty?" Cahira's lips rose into a small smirk. Tyrell rolled his eyes and groaned "Shut up," before wrapping his arms around Cahira's neck and pulling her flash again him.
Cahira smiled and returned the hug with similar strength. Tyrell will always be Tyrell, actions speak louder than words when it comes to the younger male. Cahira pressed a kiss to his forehead anyway and ruffled his hair only for Tyrell to push her away so he could fix his hair. Cahira grinned before moving onto her mother.
The Full blooded Saharamph ejderhalar latched her daughter in a hug, wrapping her sand coloured wings and arms around her daughter. The Gregory family laughed at the matriarch's antics. "Mother," Cahira murmured into her Tulin's scaly shoulder
"Just be careful, okay? Make sure to call me when you can. Talktomewhensomethinghappensorifyouadvice-" "Mum! I promise I'll keep in contact." Cahira interrupted her mother's rambling. Tulin stopped, looking at her daughter with furrowed eyebrows. The rest of the family knew Tulin's concern, they all shared it. But Cahira didn't want to think about it.
Even though she was nervous, she didn't want her mother to share her nerves. Tulin rested her forehead to Cahira's before pressing a kiss to her forehead. "I love you, my daughter"
"I love you too, mum"
Last but not least was Dad. Cahira melted into Kirk's warm arms as they embraced her. Her dad's beard rubbed against the shaved side of her head and Cahira giggled at the ticklish feeling. "You'll do great, Cahira. You'll love it on Earth, I'm sure of it" He reassured her. After exchanging their 'I love you's before Cahira returned to her ship.
Cahira stepped into the small ramp but stopped at the doorway to look back at her family, who were watching her with sad but hopeful eyes. Her father stepped forward though and said
"Good luck, My Golden Girl."
Cahira smiled, her eyes become glossy before really entering the ship and taking her place in the pilot's seat, starting the engine and taking off of Kakoro's surface.
Earth awaited her now. As well as new adventures in the future.
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roguesdepravity · 3 years
Arkham Visit (Jonathan Crane)
This is part 2 of my self insert oc x rogues kind of Au/BTAS oneshots this one featuring Jonathan Crane! 🧡 I have been working on this a while, and its not a direct continuation to part 1, but it is set after the events of the first. This is a bit darker than the first as I wrote it to be more angst than anything. Though its not all bad I assure you. However please note strangling/choking is focused on in one part, and there is still a brief reference to animal testing. If those things are upsetting to you don't read.
Soreness ripped through every joint in Jonathan’s body as the asylum’s guards took him to his cell. He was surprised when the judge was quick to strike Blackwell off the options of his sentencing and instead straight to Arkham Asylum. He was a psychology professor for God’s sake! Perhaps, the little speech he had made before the judge started sentencing tipped him over the edge. He paid his taxes, and he only used some of his grant money to create his persona. He even only picked his test subjects from the worst kind of people! The ones he found particularly interesting stood beside him in his work, not on the business end of his syringe. Sure, his fear toxin might have made him extra money with the rigging and illicit betting on sports. It might have also allowed him to get back at old Gotham University Board members who dared talk poorly of him and those he cared about. He might have even slipped Gotham a taste of the Hell he had experienced in his life by putting the toxin directly into the water supply. However, his reign of terror slowed petty crime for the past week to a halt! People were so afraid to leave their houses that only other Rouges dared step out of the shadows.
What did it even matter though? The Scarecrow got caught. He got caught. It didn’t matter what he said. When Batman removed his mask, everyone had gotten their answer on who they should hate and fear. He thought it would bring him delight to see the terror painted on the faces around him. However, with his reveal, his double life would be coming to an end. The consequences of everything he had done would be thrust upon him and the woman he loved. No more late nights in the lab, no more calm Saturdays, no more welcome surprises from the only person who ever seemed to care about him. He needed to be the Scarecrow just as much as he needed her, but he could not have both. By getting caught, the choice had been made for him.
Jonathan dared not look into Cahira’s eyes as he was dragged outside the court room. It was pitiful enough that she found out that his lack of sleep had really been from his nighttime gallivanting as the Master of Fear, but now she had potentially lost her own job thanks to his actions. She had been mixing his chemicals. She had turned a blind eye when he started using her rats to test the toxin’s potency. After he got fired, she let him sneak back in to use the lab. She had silently let him disappear for days, and just embraced him on his return. No questions asked. He didn’t even sleep in his own apartment anymore, not that he had it for very long once he lost his job. Her couch had become his bed. Her home was his, and he threw it away. Maybe a month ago he would have said he was doing it for her, after all the money from the rigged sports betting helped pay her rent. Though she had been concerned at how he got that money, she cared enough to trust him when he lied to her face. Not only did he take advantage of the woman he was supposed to be teaching, he loved every second of it. If she was lucky, maybe one day she would move on, and maybe one day he would too.
For the next couple of days, Jonathan felt every blow Batman had delt him fade as he started to adjust to his new life. The asylum was strange, some doors were plexiglass and completely clear. Others had just a small opening at the top with a few bars you could see through if you were tall enough. Though he recognized many of the faces from the news, he didn’t feel nervous around them. In fact, most inmates stayed away from him, and when people would start to ruffle his feathers, he’d get manic. Even if he didn’t see his own words to be anything more than bravado and showmanship, most others believed that his speeches of godhood and horror were real. The guards would come and separate him from the others, and then walk away waiting for someone else to act out. Other than watching the clock there was little for him to do if he wasn’t meeting with some hack of a shrink. He knew that the amenities at Arkham were pathetic, but experiencing the incompetence firsthand was so irritating. Fresh faced men and women greeted him every couple of days to evaluate him and discuss why he was so interested in fear. They wanted him to elaborate on his past or to spill his deepest secrets. Unfortunately for them, the sessions often turned around on them as he exposed their hidden fears. He felt quite proud of himself when they told him no one else at the facility would bother seeing him. However, that meant he got a lot more time to do nothing.
Eventually, the white padded walls, bland meals, and insatiable boredom stole much feeling he had left. He wasn’t even sure how long he had been in that purgatory, but it was long enough for his entire body and mind to be numb to most of what was going on. No one here was even worth his attention. Soon he was certain that he’d die this way, alone and hated just as he had been all along. After all, he had nothing for him on the outside anymore. At this thought, regret bloomed in his heart. Why hadn’t he at least looked at her one last time? He could have drank in her expression as he was forced into the hall and into the padded cop car. Her shock and terror filled expression he could have been his daily reminder to hate himself for what he is.
The day he heard he was going to have a visitor, he assumed it was just the new psychiatrist they hired to check on him after his latest outburst. He turned back over to sleep till it was time, but the guard continued.
“Get up Crane. Your visitor made an appointment for one of the nicer rooms. You should at the very least take a shower.”
He almost rolled his eyes. From the whispers in the cafeteria, he had learned that very few people got visitors, and even less who were allowed in the rooms that weren’t just bigger cells with a gurney.
‘Could someone be interested in the formula,’ he wondered.
‘If they are willing to make an appointment, this had to have been planned a bit of time in advance. Maybe they are willing to fund my next bit of research and freedom in exchange for my cooperation.’
The cold water that streamed out of the rusty shower head woke Jonathan from his thoughts, and he shook his head. No one would be so careless as to meet him in person at Arkham with all its cameras and guards. This had to be the new psychiatrist. The people here cared about only two things: keeping people locked away and pretending to rehabilitate. They did neither well, but if it didn’t serve either of those purposes it didn’t happen. By the time the guard yelled at him to finish up, he didn’t realize his uniform had been switched with a clean one. Clearly, this was supposed to be an important meeting.
Each step the guard took down the linoleum hallway, rang much louder than he could stand. The other inmates scowled at him as he walked past. Crane tried refocusing his thoughts deducing what the purpose of this visit or who it could be, but the stomping overpowered any blossoming ideas. Even when he entered there was no answer, as the room was empty besides a metal table and matching chairs.
“Sit down over here and behave yourself. Your visitor will be in shortly.”
The wait was not long even enough for his anxiety to brew as Cahira walked in as soon as the guard left. Of course, it had to have been her. Shame bubbled up in his chest as he watched the woman he cared so much for sit across from him. Her eyes were clouded and wet despite her smile. More questions came to him about what did she hoped to accomplish by being here. Though he wanted to scream at her, he felt it would be easier for both of them to stay quiet to see what she had to say.
“Have they been treating you okay Jonny? They wouldn’t let me come see you for at least a month till you settled in.”
As she paused and looked directly at him, a chill ran down his body. A month? How could the torment only been a few weeks?
“I wish I could have been there at the sentencing, but Commissioner Gordon didn’t let me inside. It was so that they could keep my involvement to a minimum. After all, I was technically an accomplice whether I knew what I was doing or not.”
For some reason the idea that she actually wanted to be there made him sick.
“I saw you leave though. I don’t think you noticed me.”
He wanted to say that he did notice her, but he didn’t want to explain himself. The fictional image of her gloating and cheering at his guilty verdict still festered in his mind. He had nothing to say to her yet. She must have sensed his apprehension, as she continued the small talk.
“I brought you something.”
He still didn’t speak as she opened her purse and unwrapped a piece of yellow pound cake. The floral smell was familiar, rose. As he wasn’t allowed any sharp objects, Cahira apologized for not having a knife to cut the loaf. She slid the pastry to him across the small metal table. Taking the dessert in his hands, he leisurely broke off a bite size piece to place into his mouth. As he took a bite, the perfumed flower flavor turned into a sweet vanilla. He hardly considered this to be his favorite sweet, but it was one of the few that she could have easily taken though security he assumed. It was also one of the few desserts he knew she would have made from scratch specially for him. Silence and eating filled the room till Jonathan finished the best piece of food he had eaten since Batman ended his reign of terror. His eyes watched Cahira as he finished the last bite. The look on her face was hopeful. It infuriated him.
“Why are you here?”
She looked shocked. He had waited a long time to speak and he knew that that wasn’t the reaction she was hoping for.
“I was worried about-“
“You know better than anyone what I am capable of, and why you should have walked away from this. From me.”
He laughed as she furrowed her brows. Her open mouth threatened to interrupt him so he was quick to continue.
“You don’t even look scared. My dear, I KILLED people. I would have killed YOU. Do you know how many nights when I was “sleeping on you couch” that I carefully opened your door to admire your sleeping form? The number of times I fantasied about wrapping my hands around the warm flesh of your neck would make your head spin. If I felt particularly bold, I would even wrap my hands around your throat just to allow myself the pleasure of pressing my fingers into your skin. Your steady heartbeat always tempted me with more devious ideas. Watching you gasp for air comes to mind. Your frantic chocolate brown eyes opened wide as you could feel yourself slipping away. The sheer terror and choked screams would have been the most delicious part of it all. Just thinking about how easy it would all be was one of the few reasons why I never look for another place to stay.”
He waited for her to gasp in shock and look at him in disgust. Unspoken pleas for her hatred filled his head. If he was to be okay with never having the chance to have her, then she had to be satisfied with being the man she hated the most. Despite his effort, she gave him only silence. He decided to up his vileness. Every cruel and disgusting thought that he had toward her he surfaced. Still, his desired reaction never came. He came up with new threats, anything that would get her to cry. He needed her to give him anything he could use to fuel his self-loathing, but she just seemed concerned more than anything. Out of breath, chest heaving, Crane wanted to continue his verbal assault, but Cahira cut him off instead.
“Please stop Jonathan. I know I should have gotten up and left by now, but I know that while you could have done and said those things before you didn’t. You could have done so many things. All those late nights we shared in the lab and when you stayed with me, you could have done any one of those things.”
She looked down at the crumbs left on the table and back to his face before continuing.
“I should be afraid of you. In fact, I am! But as stupid as it might sound, I still care about you. Jonathan, I might even love you.”
The words he dreamed of every night since that first shared dinner! How could she say them so easily after everything?
“How could you love me? I am a monster!”
“You aren’t as evil as you think. Sure you’ve done and said things I don’t agree with, but I know you are hurting. Maybe you think that this changes something between us. I don’t think I can convince you to stop thinking like that, but I don’t want to just abandon you. I can’t. Jonathan I’ve never been so close with someone. Please just believe me when I say I’ll be waiting for you to get out of here. No matter what that looks like. I just hope you feel the same.”
Desire flared in his heart, how did he convince this poor woman to love him so deeply? Disappointment licked at his mind reminding him that she didn’t cry. However, the steadfast devotion in her eyes as she begged him to believe her reminded him of why he had fallen for her. His little distraction still cared. Despite everything, he was enough. No matter how broken or messed up, she would be there. All he had to do was carve a path for them to walk, together.
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mermaidquartzz · 7 years
Their Promise
Oneshot Commission for Claessics
(Star Wars: The Clone Wars fanfic)
Pairing: Cahira and Kion (Original Characters)
Genre: Romance
Warnings: None
Summary: Two Republic spies struggle with keeping their relationship alive in the Clone War. 
Read at Archive of our Own. 
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The Gregory Sibling Fusion (Drawing coming soon, so a small oneshot becomes the trailer, sort of.)
When checking to see if there was information more than two people fuse in the series (even though I already doubted there would be an explanation).  and no there wasn’t. So there were two options; 1) the fusion already made between two people would then fuse with a third party (which would not much sense if a fusion amplifies a power level, and you need even power levels to fuse) and 2) the group dancing at the same time, meeting in the middle - makes more sense and the option I went with.
“Arcadia! Tyrell!” 
Cahira called at the top of her lungs, waving over her siblings. Since her family were visiting, she thought she'd try something Goku had shown her.
“What is it, Cahira?” Tyrell - the middle child and only boy - grumbled, not happy by his older sister’s interruption. He was just getting to the best part of his book! 
Cahira’s leg was shaking from her excitement “We gotta try this technique Goku showed me.” she told them. Arcadia tilted her head “Is this a fighting technique? Why would you want to do with us?”
“Nope!” Cahira grinned “It’s fusion!” She announced. But her siblings only glanced at each other in shared confusion. Cahira sighed, disappointed that she didn't get the curious reaction she had hoped for. 
“It’s a dance that merges two or more people into one. Come on guys let’s try it!” Cahira perked up again, trying to sell this idea to her siblings. “Come on, guys, please. Let me show you”
Cahira took a few steps back before demonstrating the movements and positions included in the dance. “Like this; Fu...sion....ha!”
“That looks stupid,” Tyrell stated, crossing his arms over his chest. “Come on, Ty, we have to at least try, don’t we? Isn’t that what mother would tell us?” Arcadia asked, innocently tilting her head to look at her brother. Tyrell sighed. “Fine.” 
“Awesome! Now we have to be in sync, if any angles are not matched or if our fingers miss, the fusion will not work.”
“And you know this how?”
“I was there when Goten and Trunks had to learn in order to fight Majin Buu. I’ve seen them fail the fusion quite a few times before they got it right”
“STOP YELLING!” Arcadia snapped at the older two, sick of their disagreements becoming loud. “Well? Let’s try it!” Arcadia grinned. Cahira smiled at her sister’s new eagerness while Tyrell just sighed, his universal sign of giving in to his sisters.
“Fu.....sion..... HA!” 
Their first attempted didn’t work, as to be expected, and the result was a fat fusion. 
Second attempted also failed and resulted in a near-skeletal looking figure. “Oh come on!” They growled “One more try”
“This is the last time!” Tyrell snapped at Cahira, who simply rolled her eyes while she was stretching  “Yeah, yeah, I get it, Ty. Come on, let’s do it” 
“Fu.... sion... Ha!” 
The trio met in the middle of their triangle. Cahira closed her eyes, silently praying to herself.
A bright shown and there stood a figure. 
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roguesdepravity · 3 years
Falling (Jonathan Crane)
The start of my self insert oc x rogues kind of Au/BTAS oneshots. This one features Jonathan Crane! 🧡 If I actually complete more than maybe this will be a series and we will get to see more of the rogues. Possibly they might even get their own versions where I retell the events with a romance focused on them. This is very self indulgent, and does include animal testing of all things. If that is upsetting don't read.
Jonathan Crane checked the microscope one last time before deciding his current batch fear toxin had been contaminated. Ever since he had let Ms. Cahira Shepard work in his lab, he had noticed that his attention to his more sinister research had been lessened. He really couldn’t blame the young woman as he knew quite well she would never purposefully sabotage anyone’s work. No, he knew that the issue lied within himself. He, the Master of Fear, had become attached to someone. How sloppy. He had to admit it otherwise this distraction could cost him weeks of planning once more.
He had been introduced to her through another professor at Gotham University. Jonathan found her interest in neuroscience quite agreeable, and when he had been asked to serve on her committee, he had agreed as soon as he found out her thesis was on pain. She had been working on the various chronic pain modalities and he was fascinated in how spirited she seemed in small committee discussions. Even if he could have been disappointed in how conservative she was with her final findings, he was impressed with her desire to be through in the analysis. He was brutal with his questions at her thesis defense. Cruel even. Her true advisor had even asked him not to be, but how could he deny himself the pleasure of her fear when clearly, she was terrified of the potential perception of her research. He could taste the anxiety in her quivering voice as she answered, and despite this, each of his quarries were answered thoughtfully. It was no wonder that as soon as the master’s degree was in her hand, he had snatched her up to work in his lab personally. He had her continuing her research, guiding her on a path similar to his own. Deep down, he had hoped that she too had a fascination similar to his own though he could never be sure. She had shown signs of great potential if she continued to discover the secrets that pain still held even if she was not to be his true equal in scientific devotion.
‘A brilliant mind,’ he reasoned, ‘shouldn’t be wasted in some commercial lab doing meaningless grunt work.’
That’s not to say that he didn’t enjoy watching her scurry and toil over complicated assays and drawn-out imaging sessions. For him that was half the pleasure when her own work was coming together slowly. However, when he found her working during his moonlight hours, he realized just how much his demands had affected her. She had always seemed exhausted in graduate school, but now she looked positively drained. The dark circles under her eyes could be mistaken as poorly applied eyeliner if you weren’t a keen observer, and her head would bob occasionally just to prove she was nodding off. When he approached her, she jumped. He held back a wicked grin at the response and wondered just how quickly her heart was beating at that moment. If he had been the Scarecrow right now, he might have followed up with a taunt on how quick her breath was or how thrilled he was to see that even as a man he could still elicit the fear that delighted him so. Instead, he greeted her and mentioned that he was surprised that she stayed in the lab so late that night.
“Am I really good enough to be working for you Dr. Crane,” she had asked him so quietly he would’ve thought he was imagining her speaking if wasn’t watching her lips move. “I always seem to be working so late on what should be easy tasks, am I doing something wrong?”
Jonathan wasn’t sure what to say, in fact she was doing nothing wrong. He expected her to spend much of her time on his ‘much more complex than he’d admit’ tasks, but he hadn’t realized that the stress of doing them adequately was tearing her apart. If it had been anyone else perhaps his heart would be numb to her plight, after all, he was the one who gave her the assignments in the first place. He might’ve even delighted in her suffering. In fact, he had broken his last lab tech doing just that, and he enjoyed every second. His demands and her desire to please him were what brought her to this point. He SHOULD have been delighted, but he wasn’t. All he wanted in that moment was to apologize.
“Cahira, do you truly believe I’d ask you to be here if you weren’t good enough for me.”
His heart skipped a beat at his own words. He could have worded that more professionally, but the blush on her cheeks nipped at his mind as he tried to salvage his intent.
“The protocols should be followed perfectly, and by taking time as you have done is proof enough to me that you respect the scientific process. If it were not for your dedication, I would not have returned this evening to check on you. Nor would I be asking you to hand over the pipettor. Go home and rest.”
Though it was a purposeful lie, he did not feel any guilt as he watched her eyes fill with emotion as she reluctantly held out the device for him to take. Even the sincere thank you he received from her, his impromptu holding of her hand before taking the pipettor, or the genuine smile she beamed at him, give him any pause or regret. She made the choice to stay, and he was making the in the moment choice of indulging her and himself.
“Be sure to eat something before you turn in for bed. I know you skipped lunch just to work on this.”
He knew that it was somewhat wrong of him to call her out, but her gasp was reward enough for his uncharacteristic concern.
As she removed her lab coat and hung it by the door, she threw back at him, “if you’d like maybe we could get dinner together?”
She shuffled her belongings around waiting for an answer that Jonathan wasn’t sure he could give. ‘Yes’ seemed like such an easy word, but he also knew that he had work to do. Just as she had skipped meals for her work, he needed to skip the attachment. However, he could not bring himself to say ‘no’ either.
“Not tonight, but I,” he hesitated “would like that. Some other time.”
As noncommittal as it was, it was dinner between a colleague. It shouldn’t have to be. He should have known in that moment that she had stolen much of his private thoughts. Why else would he even entertain the idea? Even now as he disposed of the useless vials of his contaminated toxin, he remembered exactly how they ended up ruined.
As he realized that she actually preferred to work late as needed, he started to mix in a few vials of fear toxin to test in between his typical chemicals. If he was careful, she would have no idea what he was up to, and he could get work done as needed. Unfortunately, every time he noticed her presence, he felt the need to watch her. Jonathan especially liked to watch her experiments with the live rats she kept around. The focus on just absorbing everything the rat was doing as she let the hot plate continue to heat up, thrilled him.
For some strange reason, he felt happy that she did not shy away from crueler acute pain assays in her research. It gave him hope that maybe he could finally share his full self with someone. He watched her lick her lips not out of anything but from being parched. If he was a different kind of doctor, he would have snapped her out of her furious notetaking and made her drink something. The notion made him chuckle to himself, but as he focused on her, he didn’t realize that the pipette he used spent media from a contaminated culture he had failed to dispose of instead of sterile balanced salt solution. Was she that fascinating? She must have been as how else could he have forgotten such basic technique?
As Cahira administered pain reliver and retuned the rat to it home cage, Jonathan cleaned up the rest of the chemicals on his work bench realizing it was pointless to continue for the night. This brought him back to the decision at hand. Perhaps it was time for him to have that dinner. If nothing else Jonathan could actually enjoy his nice distraction. And perhaps, she would enjoy him too.
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