#california earthquake Insurance
Safeguarding Your Haven: The Ins and Outs of Earthquake Insurance
Living in the Golden State offers numerous benefits: sunny weather, cultural diversity, and beautiful landscapes. But residing in California also means living with the risk of earthquakes. To secure your home and your peace of mind, understanding the nuances of earthquake insurance is crucial. In this blog, we delve deep into earthquake insurance, discussing its importance, coverage, and the latest advancements in the sector.
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The Shaky Ground: The Importance of Earthquake Insurance in CA
California, located on the infamous Pacific Ring of Fire, is highly susceptible to earthquakes. While the state's strict construction codes aim to limit property damage during seismic events, having earthquake insurance provides additional financial security for homeowners.
California Earthquake Insurance: A Shield Against Uncertainty
Given the probability of earthquakes in California, homeowners insurance policies often do not cover earthquake damage. This gap has led to a growing demand for earthquake insurance, providing homeowners with coverage against significant financial loss due to earthquakes.
What Does Earthquake Insurance Cover?
Specific coverage may vary between insurers, but generally, earthquake insurance includes:
• Building Structure: This is coverage for the cost of repairing or rebuilding your home if it is damaged by an earthquake.
• Personal Belongings: This refers to the replacement cost of personal items that are damaged in an earthquake.
• Temporary Living Expenses: If your home becomes uninhabitable due to an earthquake, this coverage helps pay for additional living expenses.
Why Is Earthquake Insurance Vital?
• Coverage Gap: Traditional homeowners insurance doesn't typically cover earthquake damage. A specific earthquake insurance policy is necessary for this coverage.
• Financial Protection: California earthquake insurance provides critical financial protection, ensuring homeowners aren't burdened with high repair bills after an earthquake.
• Peace of Mind: Secure in the knowledge that you are covered in the event of an earthquake, you can have peace of mind.
Latest Advancements in Earthquake Insurance
The earthquake insurance industry is not static; it's continually innovating to offer better service and protection. Some recent advancements include:
• Seismic Retrofitting Discounts: Some insurance providers offer discounts on premiums to homeowners who make specific seismic safety upgrades to their homes.
• Improved Risk Assessment Tools: The advent of technology has resulted in more accurate risk assessment tools, providing insurers with a more precise understanding of the risks associated with insuring a property.
• Digital Platforms and Apps: Several insurers have developed online platforms and mobile apps that simplify the process of purchasing a policy, filing a claim, and reaching customer service.
Wrapping Up: Insurance – A Necessity in Seismic Zones
The importance of earthquake insurance in CA cannot be overstated. It serves as a financial safety net that can save homeowners from significant financial strain after an earthquake. It provides not only tangible financial protection but also invaluable peace of mind.
Earthquake insurance has seen significant strides in recent years. With the introduction of new technology and incentives, obtaining coverage is easier and more affordable than ever. This accessibility helps homeowners to secure their homes without breaking the bank.
While the threat of earthquakes in California is a reality, homeowners can take control by ensuring they are adequately protected. With the right earthquake insurance, you can embrace all the benefits of California living, knowing your home is safe and secure.
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agencyoneins · 6 months
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the-empress-7 · 2 years
I live in a coastal town on the east coast. We have to have regular Home Owner's Insurance and Wind and Hail insurance. The Wind and Hall Insurance covers damage in the event of a named Tropical Storm or Hurricane. Property in this area that is at certain $ of risk for flooding due to a storm are required to have Flood Insurance. Wind and Hail only covers water damage from rain coming in through a damaged roof or window. Flood Insurance is to cover water from ground level. Our neighborhod is a not at risk for flooding unless a strong Cat 4 hurricane hits our area but we have Flood Insurance to protect our assets as it is relatively inexpensive. All of our policies cover personal property and we can elect a higher coverage amount if we our personal property is above average value.
I would imagine California mortgage companies require additional insurance if a property was at a certain % of risk for being heavily damaged by Earthquake, Fire or Mudslide.
Yes @gimletagain has written extensively on this topic, their house is borderline uninsurable given the numerous risks in that area and the premiums are sky high as a result.
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thisisnotreallife · 1 year
I Feel the Earth (Move) Under My Feet
I see Liz Boltz Ranfeld’s new blog post shortly after my mother’s suicide in the fall of 2021. We went to graduate school together, learned to teach English composition to college freshmen the same way.
I do not recall how I come across it. Maybe she posts it to LinkedIn, where I occasionally see her advertising the writing courses she teaches virtually through a teaching and tutoring-gig platform. Or maybe her blog appears one day in the RSS feed I never clear out, so that long-defunct blogs whose authors spontaneously decide to “get back to it” will pop up from time to time, like ghosts of characters who played small parts in my past routines.
She is writing about the idea of liminality—the in between moments, the threshold that separates one space or place from the next. The transition, between when an experience has ended but when we have not yet finished understanding it.
I think of the pretentious friend of a friend who attended the University of Chicago and then the University of California – Berkeley for advanced English literature degrees, who once described Oakland as an “interstitial” space without any irony or awareness of his position as gentrifier, and who insisted that the brick home I’d suggested would be expensive to insure in the earthquake-prone Bay Area must not have had “load-bearing bricks.”
Liz Boltz Ranfeld writes that she thinks the most useful metaphor to convey liminality is a doorway. She writes that a doorway is a place we don’t want to stand in, a place we are just passing through, from one place to another. The threshold between two moments and spaces.
I think of being taught as a small child growing up on the west coast to stand in a doorway in the event of an earthquake. I think of the safety I felt there, and still do, in the knowledge that if the earth starts to shake, I can go stand in the frame. The space in between that will remain standing, even if the rooms on either side fall.
When I read Liz Boltz Ranfeld’s piece about liminality, I think about this space I am in, this time following my mother taking her own life. Is this the doorway? Is this the space of safety or the space in between?
The experience has ended. The suicide is over. But I am not finished understanding.
A year and a half later, and I still can’t figure out if it’s liminality that precludes understanding, or understanding that precludes liminality, but if my hunch is right & I’ll never finish understanding what it means to lose my mother this way, at least I can wait out the earthquakes in this space in between.
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zunniva · 2 years
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"HEY WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING LARDASS" Steve looked around, who the hell used language like that as an adult? He saw some of the guys from his economics class standing further down the hall snickering at a girl who hastily walked away from them. As she passed him he could see the tears on her face. Yes, she was large, no denying that. But what the hell kinda behaviour was that? He watched her go then he glared over at the guys down the hall. This wasn't Hawkins High, he was no king. He was just Steve Harrington, the dude that came from that place that got demolished by an earthquake a few years back. He had no say here, he looked at his shoes feeling the anger sear in him.
That was him now, angry. Like all the time. He stayed in Hawkins as long as his kids were still in high school, but they've all graduated now and moved to colleges around the country. He still calls in to check on them from time to time. Good kids!
Then there was the disaster that was The Upside down, he still talks to Robin. There's kinda no real way to avoid her, if he ghosts her calls too often she'll show up here. He knows, he tried...
He's also still in contact with Nancy of course, Jonathan not so much any more. Worst part of all that shit is missing Eddie every fucking day, and they hadn't been that close. He was the king of Hawkins, Eddie was the freak. They were like oil and water, did NOT mix. But turns out that if they have to, the to mix quite fucking well. He loved that guy by the end, he was funny and surprisingly insightful for a stoner freak. He'd been so in love with Nancy back then and Eddie helped him realise that he needed to try and get her back, they'd had a good talk about it trekking through the Upside down. Steve would have never taken Eddie for someone to notice things like that, but he was a real good dude. Well he waited patiently to see if Nancy and Jonathan seemed happier than ever when he returned from California, it seemed like it for a little while. Then she dumped Jonathan and Steve was soaring, this was his chance. Only...it wasn't. Apparently other things happened in the Upside down as well, like Robin and Nancy. So that's twice he'd lost a girl to Robin being a lesbian. First...well Robin herself, and then Nancy.
He lost his parents in the disaster, his father had been stubborn and refused to leave their house when they were asked to. It was in an area they couldn't guarantee the safety of, his dad being the way he was assured them HIS HOUSE was top of the notch in security no need to worry. Not really what they meant...the house inevitably collapsed in on itself trapping his parents inside. So there was that also... So there he was 20 years old, no parents, a lot of money and no future really.
There was a few shaky years where he acted a damn fool. The insurance money from both of his parents was enough to give him a good life, but there was also all the money his dad had himself. And the art and the other real estate they owned, or well HE now owned. He didn't care! He just wanted them all back...some days not dad that much, he'd been a bossy bully. But mum and Eddie, fuck if money could get them back he'd give it all up.
He left Hawkins about two and a half years ago. Moved to Indianapolis, still close enough to Hawkins to visit when Robin wanted him to. Which was mandatory on 4th of July and Christmas, no discussion. Other than that, drop in from time to time was suggested....no demanded. Ok, he didn't mind, he loves Robin and Nancy. Just, the anger...it's easier to be a nobody in the city than to come back home and be Steve again. He doesn't feel like Steve any more, he can't remember when he smiled last for instance. The Steve he remembered smiled a lot. He sighs deeply and snaps out of his thoughts, he's still standing in the hallway of the community college where he's taking a few classes at the moment. He looks at the time, fuck they'll be locking the doors soon he needs to leave. He gets his things and he leaves out of a side door. There on the stairs he sees the girl from earlier. She's been crying, he can tell by the muffled sniffles and the shaky breathing.
"Hey, you ok?" he's unsure if she even wants to talk to anyone
She looks up at him with scared eyes
"Sorry...I'll move" she starts to gather her stuff
"No, no...you don't have to go if you...ehmm...weren't done" he says
She looks at him, and his heart flutters. She's the most endearing sight he's seen in a while. So sad, eyes wide and scared. A bit red in the face from crying, but she's a beautiful girl.
"I was just leaving. Sorry I bothered you" he says and he walks past her on the stairs
"Bother me? I'm not in your way then?" her voice is low and timid. In his way? Why the hell would she think that?
"No, you're not. Take care, see you around. I'm Steve by the way" he says as he reaches the ground and can turn to look at her. She looks confused
"Oh, well likewise. I'm Victoria" she says looking down at her hands
"Do you need a ride somewhere?" he has no idea why he asks her, he doesn't know her. He doesn't know anyone here yet and he likes it that way.
"Huh? A ride? Oh...you wouldn't mind?" she's even more confused now
"Wouldn't have asked if I did" he mutters "sorry, didn't mean to sound like that. No I don't mind, you look...you look well upset. I thought you might not wanna walk, or take the bus or whatever in this state" he makes some kind of half smile at her
"Yes...thank you Steve, it's very kind of you to ask" she says and gathers her things and gets up
"Yeah, imagine that" he mumbles to himself "don't mention it" he says a bit louder to her
They walk quietly to his car and get in. She's not talkative at least, he doesn't know if he likes it this way or if he wants to talk to her. It's been too long since he interacted with someone outside of the necessary. Like for class or buying something somewhere.
"So...where to then?" he says as he starts the car. She tells him an address not far from where he lives "really? I live like around the corner from you then"
A deep sigh "yeah... I know" she's blushing
"You....know?" he's both a bot scared but also intrigued. How has he never seen her around?
"Yes, not like I follow you or anything. I'm no creep! You're just...easy to notice" she says in a hushed voice
"I'm sorry I'm easy to notice? What does that even mean?" he's actually smiling now
She's blushing even more intensely now "well...you're very handsome. But you always look so stern. I've seen you around, and at school of course" she hurries to tell him
"Wow, thank you! That brightened my day, you're very pretty yourself Victoria. But I'm sorry to say I've never seen you around. I'm a bit of a loner" he says with an apologetic look. She stares at him like he's told her he's Santa Clause or something
"I'm not pretty...no need to say that just because I told you I think you're handsome" she sounds annoyed
"Oook? I wasn't but...sorry?" Steve has no idea where that came from but the annoyance in her voice is clear. She looks at him then she turns her head and looks out the window again, there's silence once again. They get to the street where she lives and Steve stops the car at the curb. She opens the door
"Thank you for the ride Steve. Have a good night and I'll see you around school" she gets out of the car.
"Hey, wait" she leans down and looks in the window at him "you want a ride tomorrow also? I leave for school around 9. I'm sorry if I offended you, I didn't mean to" he says and gives her a smile he hopes looks ok
She sighs "No worries. Well ok, I'll be standing here a little before 9 then" she says and Steve nods then he drives around the corner and down that street. He parks his car and he heads in to his apartment. That was a weird fucking encounter he thinks to himself.
She was nice enough, a bit reserved. Also very pretty but apparently not open to compliments AT ALL. Which isn't what he's used to, he knows Robin calls him a player and/or a manwhore. He just doesn't care, if you don't keep 'em around you don't have to risk attachment. That's his motto, a better way of saying "hump 'em and dump 'em" basically. Not that he was imagining sleeping with this girl, there was just...something about her that tug at his heartstrings for a bit. Maybe it was the fact that he hates seeing people sad after Eddie's death. There was so much sadness back then...
He keeps busy that night doing assignments for class, he actually likes school now. Once he kind of got past the initial grief after his parents and the reckless spending that came with it he decided he wanted to know more about managing money. He started looking in to business classes back home but they were a waste of his time. When he came here he decided he wanted to try and get some kind of accountant work, that's where his dad had started his career back in the day. But he was so clueless when it came to all of that he decided the first thing he needed to do was apply to community college. Get a degree in economy or accounting, he's almost done now. Been in school for little over a year, top of the class. Apparently doing this runs in the family, if he'd only knew when he was in high school that he was good at this. Maybe he could have gone to college and he wouldn't have had to deal with all the shit. Maybe he would have still been happy Steve instead of the angry mess he is now. But all that is in the past, can't be changed. What he CAN change is the future. His therapist told him that, he'd seen that woman a few times after it all happened. But then he...well he fucked her and he couldn't be a client of hers any more. But some of the stuff she'd told him stuck with him, like that thing about changing the future. He finished his assignments and then he took a shower. He still flinches every time he touches the scars on his abdomen, the constant reminder that the Upside down was indeed very real. They're such a burden on his mind he never takes his shirt off around people, not even when having sex with anyone. He just fakes such an intense want that he can't be bothered taking all his clothes off. Or he picks someone up at a bar and gets lucky in a bathroom, no need to get more than the pants off then. Fuck his life is despicable...but to be fair it's been a while since the last random woman now. His hand touches the scars again and he shivers, hideous... "she wouldn't think I'm handsome if she saw these" what!? Where did she come from? Why did he think of her now? Must be that no ones called him handsome in quite some time, there's usually other words associated with him. Hot, sexy, eye-candy and so on. Sure, boosts the ego hearing someone saying that. But for some reason being called handsome by a shy stranger did more for him. He goes to bed that night actually thinking about the girl he dropped off not far from here and that he's picking up in the morning again. What was it about her, she was so far from his type. Looking back, they've all resembled Nancy, slim and intense. Robin was the same, slim and intense. When he'd pick girls up at clubs or bars...they're all the same. All slim, and all intense in one way or another. But along comes this girl... A very large girl, but extremely pretty. Not intense what so ever, or at least not that he noticed a hint of it today. Still here he is in his bed thinking about her. Such a polar opposite of his type
He falls asleep with those big sad eyes burned in to his mind.
In the morning she's there, waiting for him. He smiles as she opens the car door
"Morning, sleep well?" he asks
"Good morning Steve. Yes, or well ok I guess" she says then she's quiet again
"So, I never asked what you're studying" he tries to get her to talk to him
She glances over at him "Why are you talking to me? You don't have to" he almost runs a red light
"Excuse me? I mean... I was trying to be friendly... I..." he doesn't know how to handle the situation
"Oh...sorry" she looks down at her hands that are nervously fiddling with the strap on her bag "people aren't...nice to me usually" she draws a deep breath "I'm taking some cooking classes and also business. We were in the same accounting class last semester" she glances over at him
"We were? I'm sorry... I don't really pay attention to the people in class... I'm there to get my degree" he sighs
"No I got that, seeing as you didn't speak to anyone I at least knew it wasn't just me you ignored" he glances over at her, the slightest smile is playing on her lips and she's even prettier for it
"Why would I ignore only you? Nah I'm an angry asshole at everyone, no one needs to feel excluded" he chuckles
"That's just...all day every day" she says and looks out the window again
"Me being angry?" he says
"No the ignoring" her voice is about to break he can hear it
"I'm sorry but what are you talking about?"
"Don't worry, it's not as bad. I just didn't sleep well. Just...leave it. You said you want your degree, in what?" she changes the subject but Steve is good at reading people, he knows there is something that's very wrong here. He wants to help, all of his 'Mommy Steve' bits are kicking in to overdrive.
"We're not talking about me just at the moment are we? Why do you feel ignored?" Steve lowers his voice and glances over at the girl beside him
"Because I AM ignored...easy as that" she scoffs, trying so hard to sound tough but it's all a facade Steve can tell.
"Would you please talk to me, WHY are you feeling ignored? Is it really as bad as you think it is?"
She looks over at him, eyes sad and on the verge of tears "No one in my class knows my name, even the teacher  called me 'Fat girl' a couple of days ago... I've never had a partner for any of the group assignments so I've got lower marks on it because 'it's not a solo show miss Cole' if I speak in class no one listens and then someone might answer the exact same thing 2 minutes later and THEY get the 'good job' from the teacher... So you tell me Steve, AM I imagining it?" there's anger in her voice now and Steve isn't sure if he wants to begin kicking asses in that class or hold her in his arms and make her feel better.
"Ok, here's what we're going to do. Next time things get rough...come find me ok? Even if you just need a hug or a pat on the back. I'll be there for you" Steve looks over at her and gives her a smile, she's looking at him with one eyebrow raised
"Why? What's in it for you?"
"Ok I get the feeling you don't trust anyone, and that's fair if that's how you've been treated. I know we've just met, but there's something about you that makes me like you. There isn't 'anything in it' for me, just... I can't stand people acting like that, we're supposed to be adults here"
"Oh fuck that, adults are no better than kids..." she sighs and Steve has to agree. They get to school and say their goodbyes and Steve feels like the day can't end soon enough
Schools is school to Steve, but now he has something to look forward to at the end of the day. That's new! The days turn in to a week, he picks Victoria up in the morning and drops her off in the afternoon. Some days she's chatty others not so much, but he likes her. More and more every day. She's got something, something that speaks to Steve. The evenings aren't what they used to be. Used to be schoolwork, talking to Robin and then maybe he hitting the gym or a bar. But now he feels like doing nothing of that, he just wants it to be morning again so he can see her. He doesn't know if he's going to be able to look her in the eyes though...had a bit of a wet dream about her. Had to get him self off when he woke up, and now he can't get the idea of sliding in between those thick thighs and grabbing the flesh of that ass and just fuck her senseless. Fuck he's getting hard just thinking about that dream, this girl is doing some good things to him. He's feeling a little less angry today. Good thing tomorrow's Monday Steve thinks to himself that night as he jacks off in the shower imagining having Victoria on her knees in front of him taking his load.
They get to school without Steve making a fool of himself, he could look her in the eye but he did feel a bit of a blush creeping up tinting his cheeks. They get out of the car and they part ways as usual, Steve is looking after her as she leaves in the opposite direction to where he's heading. He sees a couple of guys laughing at her and he hears them say something, he sees Victorias head slump down and her steps hasten. He thinks about it for just one second, he can skip one class. It won't do anything to his grade. He follows in her direction, so does the guys he saw laughing at her.
As he enters the building he sees her at her locker getting her things. The guys are almost at her side, they surround her and he hears them clearer now.
"Saw you got a ride today Fatso, think you might be better off walking don't you?" there's snickering in the group. They guy that spoke shoves her "Hey Lardass, I asked you a question" Steve's blood is boiling, but he know he's not gonna get far trying to take on 3 guys almost his own size. He opts for the cooler approach, he saunters over to them, putting his arm around Victoria. He's already got a 20 in his hand
"Hey babe, glad I caught you before class starts, I forgot to give you the money I owe you. Sorry" he takes the bill and he puts it down her jean pocket with his fingers, looking her deep in the eyes as he does. Then he leans in and gives her a kiss on the cheek, just a small one but still effective enough. Lucky for him she's in on it right away, not tensing up but leaning in towards him.
"Oh, thanks. But you could have given that back later" she smiles at him
"Nah, if I had I wouldn't have had the chance to do that now would I?" he smiles at her then he turns and looks at the guys surrounding them "oh sorry man, am I standing in your way?" he shoots the guy that shoved her a sickly sweet smile
"Uhhh...nah man. It's all good" they scamper off looking confused
"Thanks" he hears a soft whisper
"I had a bad feeling seeing them follow you. I'm sorry if I overstepped here" he says softly
"No...no worries. But that's...pretty much every day so...want a job as a bodyguard?" she smiles
"Any time, I'll keep my eyes open for trouble I promise" he says "but unless you need me for anything else I should get to class"
"I...would you walk me to class? Before you leave? Maybe they'll leave me alone for a little while if they see me get there with you?" she can't even look at him Steve notices, she's really having a hard time asking this of him
"Victoria...listen. If you need me just let me know ok. I can walk you to class every day if you want me to. I'll even stand outside and wait for you when class is over, if I'm available" he says
"Vicky... That's what the few friends I have call me" she says and finally she's looking up at him again
"Vicky" he smiles "that suits you better. It's sweeter" he takes her hand and they walk the corridor to her class. He sees people in the room staring at them as he drops her off. Just as long as they don't give her shit about me he thinks when he leaves. He knows that there are few people that would mess with him, he's tall and seeing as the only form of anger management he's taking is the gym he's buff too. He's intimidating and he knows it, and for Vicky he's even going to take advantage of that fact.
He leaves for class, excusing himself for being late. But the teacher likes him enough to not care he's 15 minutes late. His head is not in it today, it's busy being worried about what might be happening in the building next door. As soon as his class is over he goes back, the class is still going so he sits down outside waiting for it to be over. He hears the teacher from inside So that's all for today, but remember tomorrow we... he stops listening. Class is over so Vicky ought to be out of there soon enough. The door swing open and people start coming out, no Vicky. He frowns, was this the wrong classroom? No he did see a couple of the people that were staring at them before. When everyone's scattered she finally shows up in the door. Looking sadder than before. She looks up when she notices him
"Steve? Have you been here the whole time?" she tries her best smiling at him but it's breaking apart
"No... my class was over before yours so I thought I'd come see if you had time for some coffee before your next class? Hey...are you ok?"
She stares at him, he sees the tears flood her eyes then spill over and she draws a deep shaky breath
"Would you believe me if I said yes?"
"What do you think silly? That these are happy tears from seeing me? C'mon, come sit down with me. Tell me what's wrong, who do I need to beat up?" he smiles at her, getting a timid smile back as she sits down next to him
"It's actually not someone doing something this time, it's a something... We have this presentation tomorrow...and I'm dreading it more than anything" she sighs tears falling down her pretty face. Steve puts his arm around her and pulls her in closer
"Hey, tell me about it, maybe I can help" he says giving her a warm side hug
"We're supposed to chose our favourite recipe. Then we're imagining that we're a TV chef on some big show. So we're supposed to stand in front of the class and give a kind of instructional speech on how to make the dish, and at the same time making it. I mean making the food is a piece of cake...it's the standing there. In front of all these fucking morons trying to get them to pay attention to me that's killing me. I don't even think the teacher will pay enough attention to grade me properly... I could be kicking ass in this class but as it is now I'm barely passing because I'm being overlooked so bad" the words flow out of her alongside the tears and Steve doesn't even know what to say. How is it possible to ignore this wonderful girl? And that teacher...what the actual hell is his issue? The anger is searing underneath threatening to escape, oh he almost wishes someone would mess with her so he's see it. He needs to vent his feelings ON someone right now. He draws a deep breath
"Would you like me to be there for you? Teachers in this school like me, I bet I can make something up that'll let me sit in" he says
"I...can't decide... But I would appreciate it if you'd walk me to class again. They weren't that vicious today" she says under her breath, quietly sniffling and drying her tears
"Of course, I'll pick you up again and I'll walk you to class no problem! When are you off today? Want a ride back home as well?" he says hugging her a little tighter for reassurance
"I only have 2 classes left today so I'm off at 1:30 I think" she says
"Mind waiting for me? I'm off at 2" Steve smiles at her
"No, that'll be fine. I can come sit outside your classroom then" she smiles back at him and he can't help himself. He raises his hand and he wipes the tears away with his thumb, her breath staggers a bit and her pupils dilate
"I...eeeeh...need to go to the toilet. Then I have class again" she gets up and hurries away from him. Steve's been around long enough to know he had an effect on her. That was a typical response to his touch...the running away...not so much. Also...he needs to fix himself in his jeans. This girl is doing things to him...and he wants to be doing things to her! This has him smiling, SHE'S making him smile. Imagine that
The rest of the day is much like any other. Steve can't wait for classes to be over for the day he's going to get to hang out with her again, maybe just maybe he can tell her he likes her? Might even puck up the nerve to ask her out. He's not even that invested in class this afternoon, only partly listening to the teacher. As the bell rings he glances out the window of the door, there she is! Waiting for him on the bench just outside. As he gets up to leave the teacher calls out to him
"Mr Harrington, might I have a quick word before you leave?"
Steve sighs quietly but he goes up to the front of the classroom sitting down in front of the teachers desk "Yes sir, what can I do for you?" he says
"I couldn't help but notice you weren't as involved in todays class as you usually are...is something wrong Mr Harrington?" the teachers is eyeing him up and down
"No sir, I've just had some...personal issues to deal with theses last few days. It'll hopefully resolve itself soon enough" he looks the teacher straight in the eyes giving him a small polite smile.
"Well, ok then Mr Harrington. If you say so, it's not that your grades are suffering or anything. I was just surprised you're usually one of my most active participants in class"
"I understand sir..." Steve hears  commotion outside and instinctively turn his head to see the 2 guys from the day he found Vicky crying on the stairs pushing her off the bench and standing there hovering over her, one actually fucking kicked her in the back. He hears one of them laugh and say "what you thought you could come to this side of school and ruin our days with your fat fucking ugly face? The fuck you doing here? You better leave or I'll drag you outa here... that is if I can"
Steve turns to the teacher trying his best to sound calm "was that all sir? I have someone waiting for me"
"Yes, that was all. Have a good night"
"You to sir" Steve gets up, managing to not run out of the classroom. He closes the door then he takes 2 huge steps grabs one guy in each hand and slams them against the brick wall, noses first. There's an instant blood bath
"If I were the 2 of you right now I would apologize PROFUSELY to this girl right here. Then I would head straight to the principal and tell her what I'd done before someone else beats you to it. If not...well then... I. WILL. BREAK. EVERY. BONE. IN. YOUR. INCONSIDERATE. BODIES" Steve growls as he presses them harder against the wall, blood running down it like this is some bad slasher film.
"What the fuck dude, it's just a fat chick...why the hell do you care?" one of the guys must think he's brave. This just results in him being crushed even harder in to the wall
"Wanna say that again there buddy? She's just a WHAT? Hey man, is your friend here a moron?" Steve looks at the other guy hanging from his left hand, he lets him fall to the floor
"I...he's...no?" this guy seems to have at least one braincell still functional. He stops talking, the other one though...he's squirming in Steves hand
"The fuck dude, c'mon let me go. She's fucking not worth getting beaten up for"
"THAT, my dude is not your call, that's my call and I say she is. So either man up and apologize or I'll do the same to you as you did to her. Make myself clear?" he looks from one to the other. The guys look at each other and give a big sigh
"Sorry..." the one on the floor is the first to say something, he even gets up and offers Vicky his hand to help her up. She glares at it and shakes her head. The guy has the common decency to blush Steve thinks to him self. The other one, the one Steve is still holding a couple of inches off the ground is muttering to himself.
"So what's it gonna be? Your friend did the right thing...you?" Steve puts him down and locks eyes with him
"Fuck that, I didn't kick her hard and she fell over on her own. SO no, I'm not apologizing for shit to her" he puffs himself up to seem bigger in the presence of Steve who's almost a head taller than him.
"Fine, but just so you know this will be a police thing. If she doesn't report this I will so either way, if I were you I'd stay at home...you might get a visitor later" Steve gives the guy a menacing smile, a tap on the back and then he helps Vicky off the floor and they start walking away
"WAIT! Sorry for hurting you, Ok?" they hear, Steve looks at Vicky and smiles she sighs and turns around
"Fine" is all she says and then she keeps walking away
They get out to the parking lot before she breaks down in tears. Steve hurries to her side and pulls her in to his arms
"There, there... I'm here, you cry it out. Did they hurt you bad?" he whispers in to her hair as he holds her close to his chest
"Noooo....probably gonna bruuuiseeee bu-hu-hu-hut that's ok" she cries and Steve can feel his shirt getting wet from her tears "why-hy-hy are you so nice to meeeee" she's really sobbing now and Steve doesn't quite know how to deal with this. Tears is one thing, but this? The questioning of why he's being nice, what's he gonna say?
"C'mon, why wouldn't I be nice to you?" it's a lame response and he knows it
She's sniffling and drying her eyes on her sleeve. She looks up at him with the biggest eyes he thinks he's ever seen. That's it, he's hers...whether she wants him or not. He can't just ignore this any longer, she does things to him. Before he can stop himself he bends down and he gives her a kiss, not a chaste, friendly kiss... No of course not he has to be all in with his feelings. He vaguely realises she's stiff as a board in his arms, that makes him snap out of whatever spell that was
"Fuck...I'm sorry I wasn't thinking..." her eyes are even bigger, he didn't think that was possible. And she looks both terrified and slightly pissed. She looks down and that's when he notices...yeah...she does DO things to him. "fuuuuuck...kill me now" he sighs as he turns away from her to hide his raging boner....no need though...she saw it...clearly. Fucking bet she felt it to, the way he was pressing himself against her
"Why?" just a small word, barley audible comes from her lips
"Why what?" Steve is still standing turned away from her but he tries his best to look back at her
"The kiss...and....that" her face is flushed and she can't look directly at him
"I still...don't understand the question" Steve says, sincerely because he really doesn't
When she doesn't answer him instantly he can take a moment to breathe and try to get the embarrassment in his pants to calm the fuck down. "Wanna talk about this in the car instead of out here?" he says and she nods vigorously. They walk over to the car in complete silence. They get in and Steve sighs "Ok...first of all I am so sorry if that made you uncomfortable around me. I...I couldn't stop myself" Steve hears himself and wants to kick his own ass for being such a freak
"I...still don't get why" she says in a hushed voice
"Ok...I don't get what it is you're asking why about...call me an idiot but please tell me" Steve says trying to look at her with a neutral face
"Why did you kiss me?"
"Well...truth be told. Because I just wanted to SO bad in the moment"
"Let me guess... Why?" he smiles at her and she nods again
"Because in that moment you were so fucking adorable and I couldn't stop it. I just had to kiss you, had to know what those lips would feel like against mine..." was that too much he thinks to himself. She finally looks at him, surprise written all over her face
"Oh...and the..." she nods towards his crotch
"Ehmm...that" it's Steves turn to blush now "well...I thought that might be self explanatory?" he says and glances over at her, Vicky is looking at him with a slight frown between her eyebrows
"Self explanatory? Sorry but...no" he looks straight at her now, is she kidding?
"Well... Ok so stop me if I'm waaay out of line here ok" he says "but like... I suppose you DO know the...you know how and the why... Like the basics?" he sounds like he's talking to a fucking kid trying to explain the birds and the bees... The look he gets back from her...OMG!
"Steve... I am not a kid and I did take sex ed you know... Not an idiot here" she sounds fed up with him
"Sorry, sorry... just... Why are you asking why then?"
"WHY DID YOU GET A FUCKING BONER FROM KISSING ME? Of all people" she adds quieter in the end
"Oh...wow... So I'm really an idiot" he laughs "well... I mean because...you're hot and I kinda wanna...you know" Steve keeps looking at the steering wheel in his car, nowhere else...this was it.
"Yeah right, try something else why don't ya... Do I look that gullible to you?" she sounds pissed and is about to open the car door and leave
"Wait? What?" Steve snaps out of his deep connection with his steering wheel, this did not go the way he thought. He could have accepted if she turned him down because she didn't feel like that about him, but calling him a moron and sounding like he was pulling some kind of prank on her? His arm shoots out before he can stop himself and he holds on to her jacket "Vicky...c'mon...why are you leaving? I know I'm not that hideous to look at" he tries a smile, she just shoots him a hurt glare
"That thing in there" she motions to the school building "that I'm used to. I know how to deal with that sort of shit, been doing that all my life. But this? Whatever fucking thing you're trying to do here I am not falling for it. Because why the actual HELL would some guy that looks like you wanna have anything to do with me? A week ago you didn't know I existed, you'd never seen me in that school and I've been here longer than you have Harrington. So either you tell me what the fuck this really is or you'll never see me again. I thought I'd finally made some kind of friend in this place but you're just another asshole with an agenda aren't you? What is it? You got some kind of fat girl fetish? Been through that, that's a no from me. Or am I a bet of some sort? Yeah guess what, been through that one as well" her eyes are shooting daggers at him and Steve doesn't know what to say to her, he's got a feeling she's not going to believe anything he says.
"I... I'm sorry if you feel this way. I just...like you" Steve can't think of anything else to say, it's lame and so underwhelming he's disappointed in himself even.
"You LIKE me? It's been a week Steve... Try again tough guy" she scoffs at him
"Can we talk about this when we've both had some time to think?" he wanted to say calm down but if he's learned anything from Nancy and Robin it was to never tell an upset girl to calm down in any way, shape or form. "I mean you're upset about that thing in there with all right, and it's also upsetting to me still so we might not be communicating at our best right now..."
Vicky sighs and looks him over, Steve can tell she's debating leaving him here or accepting his idea.
"Fine" she says and looks out the window away from him
Steve sighs quietly, thank god she accepted. He starts the car and drives home. He drops her of on the curb outside her building and as she's about to leave he has to speak his mind.
"I know you don't believe me, and I guess with all the shit you've apparently been through I can't blame you. But something about you has gotten under my skin, I haven't been able to get you out of my mind this past week. I thought about what kissing you would feel like, how it would feel having you naked in my arms. Having you use me as you'd see fit...being yours... All that invaded my mind, and the same thing that happened when I kissed you... Well that happened a couple of times this week. And I'm not a better man than I fantasised about you while I jacked off. That, mixed with actually feeling you in my arms today...that's the 'Why' to your question about my boner. It's just simple biology. I wanted you... Whether you trust me or not is all up to you, but I am not lying to you and I am not pranking you or anything like that. I'm just a lonely guy that got a little to excited about a beautiful girl, and I'm sorry" All the time Steve's been talking Vicky's been sitting in the car seat with her back turned against him, he thinks she might have been holding her breath as he spoke. He hears a deep sigh and then she gets out of the car, closes the door and leaves him. Not a word
Steve is distraught, why the fuck did he have to be such a creep? He's got better self control than that? Hasn't he? Tears are burning in his eyes, how did he fuck up the first good thing to happen since before the upside down...HOW!? He gets back to his place and he makes in inside before the anger takes over and he screams out his frustration and slams his hands in to the kitchen wall. It was all going SO well..or...it was going ok. Vicky is a hard person to read, but he thought they did have a moment there on the bench earlier. It seemed like she might have been attracted to him, he's usually not wrong about that...but apparently now he was. Now he was the biggest jerk ever and he might have lost a new friend in the process. Steve gives in to the tears, and he cries. Like he hasn't since Eddie... at least he hasn't lost her like he lost him. He will be able to see her though, perhaps not talk to her but she'll be there and maybe some day she'll accept his apology. He drags him self in to the living room and he slumps down on the couch and he takes the phone
"What the fuck? Are you sick or are you crying?" Robins voice is concerned
"Crying...like I haven't since we lost him"
"I haven't talked to you in a week and now you've gone from angry ass to blubbering mess? What gives dude?"
Steve tells her, he tells her everything because him and Robin have swore to never keep anything from each other. He knows it helps to talk, but he still feels like crap. Robin is quiet, letting him finish before she gives him her hard to swallow opinion
"You know you're part asshole and part hero here right? I mean way to go standing up for her but what the hell...did you have to suck her face? Like a small peck to test the waters wouldn't have been enough you think? Or... I don't know A HUG!? Really you had to stick your tongue down her throat and push your boner up against her?"
"Way to make me feel...disgusting here Rob" Steve sighs "and no... I didn't have to... I wasn't fucking planning on doing that. I mean the body works the way it works...sometimes it just has bad timing" he tries to excuse himself with
"Bad timing? Yeah I'd say... But like how could you be so stupid Steve? After what she had been through just like minutes before and you think that a guy looking like you doing that would make her anything but suspicious? Like really? I mean I might be a raging lesbian here but even I see you're a hot piece of ass. And I was questioning you when you kinda said you liked me. Even I thought I was some kind of a bet, you're not the kind of guy to go for the not conventionally attractive girls. I'm just being real with you"
'But you are conventionally attractive Rob, what are you talking about?"
"Dude... Yeah I might LOOK like I am but I sure don't feel like I am. Then try to imagine how this girl feels? I know I sound like a bitch but people look at her and they do NOT see conventionally attractive no matter how pretty her face is. Trust me" Steve's a bit confused at first then he remembers meeting Robins best childhood friend a few years back, she was about Vickys size and had always been. She wouldn't even look at him, Robin told him later it was because of how guys who looked like him had been treating her since forever. He felt so fucking useless that day and that's when he decided to not let people close any more. That way he wouldn't accidentally hurt anyone. Look at him now... Robin hears the silence "Yeah I know you're thinking of Kate right now. That's what I mean... I've seen first hand how big girls are treated. Can you blame, Vicky was it, if she thinks you're a no good piece of shit just like the rest of them?"
"No... I guess I can't. But I really do like her Rob. I can't fucking get her out of my mind" Steve sighs
"Give her some time, then I don't know send her a gift and an apology. A heartfelt one not just some lame 'I'm sorry' on a card. Grand gesture dude, like in the movies. Think Richard Gere at the end of Pretty Woman!"
"You know you're a rock star right Buckley?" he says
"Of course I know that... It's just obvious that I'm smarter than you, at pretty much everything. Now go to the gym and kick the shit out of something and then go home and sleep this off. Try to keep your cool tomorrow and for the love of god keep your distance. If she wants to talk to you she will" Robin says and he can't disagree with her...she IS smarter than him. But it will be hard to not just get on his knees and beg for forgiveness the second he sees Vicky tomorrow.
"Ok, thanks for listening to me. Even if I'm the bad guy here" Steve says
"Not the bad guy Steve... You're just a bit too impulsive sometimes. Didn't think you still were to be honest" Robin tells him
"Neither did I...but apparently there's still an impulsive mess of a dude in there. Well I'ma take you up on that suggestion and go kick the crap out of something at the gym. Bye wifey, tell Nancy I said hi" he says and they hang up. He sits in thoughts for a while then he gets up and he gets his gym stuff and he leaves to go give a punching bag hell until his body aches.
He gets back home a couple of hours later, feeling a little lighter at heart having taken out A LOT of aggression on the punching bags at his gym. He takes a shower and then he heads straight to bed, this day has been exhausting. He sleeps poorly, waking up sweating with his heart racing several times but not remembering what he'd been dreaming. If it was about Eddie or if it was about Vicky. The feeling was the same...
He gets ready to leave and when he drives off the first thing on his mind is to not forget about Vicky...then it hits him that she's most likely NOT going to be there waiting today. He slows down just in case as he turns the corner but as he suspected she's nowhere to be seen. He stops for a few minutes just to be sure, but no Vicky. His heart sinks and he drives off to school. He doesn't see her along the way, nor does he spot her when he arrives at campus. Maybe she took a bus and she was early he thinks to himself.
RIGHT that presentation she was dreading was today, and he did promise to be there for her if she needed him. He looks at the time, his first class doesn't start for another 30 minutes so he can go sit outside her classroom just in case. In his mind he hears Robin "This is NOT keeping your distance dufus" and he knows the little voice is right but he can't for the life of him stop his feet from walking in to her part of the school. He sits down on a bench not far from where he knows her class is held. He walked by just to check, and the room was still empty so she isn't in there yet. He waits, students arrive and the look at him. Probably recognising him from the other morning, they head in to the classroom. The guys from the day before arrive, both flinching when they see him, both bending their heads but Steve had seen the fancy purple-ish bruises on their faces. He can't help but feel a little proud. But still no Vicky, has he missed her? No there's no way, this is the only way to get to this classroom. The teacher arrives and he closes the door, no Vicky. Steve feels a ball in the pit of his stomach growing larger with concern, did something happen to her after he dropped her off yesterday? He sits there another 5 minutes but when he hasn't seen her at all he has to leave for his own class. His head is so far from the subject of the stock market and bonds right now he's having a hard time following the teachers lesson. When the class ends the teacher calls him over again
"Mr Harrington"
"Yes, sir"
"I saw what happened outside of this room yesterday and I want you to know that I reported the incident to the principal. I find it admirable of you to take that girls side like that. Is she a close friend of yours?"
"You...saw it sir? Well... I was hoping she'd become a good friend but I may have overstepped a bit after that incident so now we're not really on speaking terms. And she's not here today sir so I can not apologise either. But thank you for reporting it, I wanted to do so myself right after it happened but she was to upset'
"Oh I have no doubt she was, I've seen how they treat her. But as she is not a student of mine I have no say. I have taken it up with the other teachers but no one seems to know who I'm speaking of?" his teacher sounds confused about this
"Oh they don't because they don't care sir" Steve feels the anger searing in him again
"If you know more about this you need to take it to the principal Mr Harrington"
"Yes, sir I will. Right after classes end today I'll go to the principals office and leave a statement" Steve nods
"Good, because you're worrying me Mr Harrington. This is not like you to be this out of focus. If this persists it might impact your grades further down the line and I would hate to have to do that to you when you show such promise"
"I know sir, and thank you" Steve gives his teacher a polite smile gets up and leaves. He needs to check if she's still not here. He gets to her classroom and the presentation is about to wrap up, but he still can't see her in there. He waits until the it ends and all the students leave. Then he enters the classroom
"Excuse me Sir" he says to the teacher packing up the things used for the class
"Yes?" the man at the desk eyes him up and down "what can I do for you Mr?"
"Harrington sir, Steve Harrington"
"Oh so this is Mr Nolans top student? To what do I owe the pleasure?"
"Ehm, well... I'm not sure this is a pleasurable visit sir. Was miss Cole out sick today?"
"Miss Cole? I don't know anyone by that name I'm afraid"
"Yes you do sir, she's been right here every day since the term started. Victoria Cole, sir. Is she out sick or just absent?" Steve feels the annoyance creeping in his veins
"Are you sure you're in the right class Mr Harrington? If she's a student of mine I would know wouldn't I?" the teacher is sounding annoyed but so is Steve
"Ok, I wasn't going to point this out sir but she's kinda overlooked by you so I would not be surprised if you have no clue what her name is. So do you or do you not have a student out sick today?" Steve is talking through his teeth trying not to scream
"Overlooked? I will have you know I do not overlook any of my students! How dare you accuse me of that? If I say I have no miss Cole in my class I have no miss Cole is that understood Mr Harrington?"
"No?" Steve hates to do this he didn't want to put the words in his mouth "How about 'Fat Girl'...you have HER in your class then? Is SHE perhaps absent today?"
The color disappears from the teachers face and he clears his throat uncomfortably
"Well...ahem... I do have one student who I was told will not be returning to class. I just...thought it was someone new that didn't cut it"
"Not...returning? Like at all?" Steve feels a chill down his spine
'As I understood it no, they wouldn't return at all. To be honest I didn't pay much attention to it as I didn't....know who it was"
Steve takes a deep breath, fighting the urge to punch this idiot in the face. "Thank you" he says, voice filled with rage. Then he leaves before he does something that would really jeopardise his studies. He heads straight to the principals office where he leaves as detailed of an account of what's been happening to Vicky as he can. Then he heads out to his car and he drives to the nearest flower shop. He buys a big bouquet of roses and a blank card. He sits down at a table outside and he takes out a pen
Please believe me when I say I never wanted to make you feel like you can't trust me. I was totally honest with you yesterday. I do in fact like you, I am very attracted to you. More than I probably should be considering, as you said, it's been a week. I know I look like all the other asses that have hurt you in the past, but I'm really not. I was yelled at by my best friend for 30 minutes last night because of what I did to you. She thought I should be more like Richard Gere in Pretty Woman with the grand gesture and all. So I was going to try that today, I showed up to be your supporter for the presentation. But you weren't there, please tell me you're ok?
Also, my economics teacher has reported what happened to the principal, and I've been there myself today and have given as full of a report as I can of what they've been putting you through. I kinda almost kicked your teachers ass to... He really is a jerk isn't he? I thought I needed to mention this in case someone from the school calls. If we were both out of line I'm sorry and I am sure Mr Nolan is as well, he's a good guy.
But please Vicky, I need you not to hate me. If you want nothing more from me than my friendship I offer that on a silver platter for you. Just know that I want more, even of that is something you have a hard time trusting. I just hope that maybe some day you'll let me show you just how... I'm sorry... But just how fucking sexy I think you are.
Call me or send me a note or something just to let me know they didn't put you in a hospital or something. I'm worried sick about you.
Yours if you'll have me
Steve 'the too impulsive ass-hat' Harrington"
He doesn't bother reading it through, he'll just try to change it and this was it straight from his mind on to paper as it should be. He puts the card in an envelope and puts it in with the flowers. Then he drives home, he stops outside her building. Puts the flowers by her door, rings the bell and hops in his car and leaves. Her name is on the envelope so if it isn't her answering the door at least they'll know who the flowers are for.
When he gets home he tries to keep himself busy so that he wont run back to her apartment and burst through the door making an even bigger fool of himself. He tries doing some assignments but the words and numbers make absolutely no sense to him. He cleans a bit, goes to the store to pick up some groceries. Makes himself some dinner but he just ends up sitting at the table staring in to space thinking instead of eating. So he puts the food away and tries to watch something on TV. He has no idea what he's watching, he can't keep his mind on it. It's just chaos in there right now. Is she ok? Why did she leave school? Will she actually call or send a note or something? He calls Robin, he needs some more hard hitting truth. But no one answers, then he remembers she has work on Tuesday nights. He could call Nancy, Robin has probably told her all about this screw up like she does everything else.
"Hello, this is Nancy speaking"
"Hey Nance"
"Oh hi Steve"
"You busy?"
"No, not at the moment. What's up?"
"Have Rob...you know told you?"
"Do cows say 'moo' and give milk?" she giggles
"Of course she has... Well... Vicky's gone, she's not in school any more. Apparently she left her classes. I have no idea why, or well I have an idea but like... It can't be ALL about me can it?"
"Steve... Why would it be about you in the first place? If they've been as foul to her as you told Robin I'm surprised she hasn't left that place sooner. Maybe you coming along showing her that there are nice people in the world made her finally make the decision?" sure...give Nancy a bone and she'll build you a dinosaur from it.
"You think? My economics teacher reported the incident from yesterday to the principal. And I've been there today and gave my report. I... was that the right thing to do Nance?"
"Of course that was the right thing to do? You're a very good guy Steve and I know you, you can't stand injustice of any kind. So I'm frankly surprised you didn't report it day one when she told you how they treated her. Great that it's been reported, awful she left before it happened. But what about the other stuff Steve? What about your feelings? Robin told me that as well"
"I...can't get rid of her. She's in my head, under my skin 24/7 Nancy. I know this sounds rude to you but it's even worse than when I fell for you. This is like some kind of fever in my blood, and she won't even give me a chance to prove I'm for real. I... please don't tell Rob or she'll yell at me again. But I bought her flowers today and I wrote her a card...left it on her doorstep"
"Awww Steve, you big romantic softie" he can hear that big Nancy smile "that was a nice gesture, I'm sure she loved them. But give her time, I know Robin reminded you of Kate. Think about her point of view. I mean here you come along. All tall, buff, great smile and handsome as hell saying you like her. With what you told Robin I can only assume she's not got the best confidence, also if she said she'd been through being someone's fetish AND someone's bet then I can safely say she guards her heart with the same fierceness we guarded the kids with Steve. Give that girl a shotgun and she'll turn in to me" Nancy lets out a laugh and Steve joins in, that was a sight he must admit. Seeing petit, nice girl Nancy Wheeler kicking ass with a sawed off shotgun.
"Well, I guess all I can do now is hope she'll give me call or send me a note back. I just wanna know she's ok Nancy, they did kick her in the back pretty hard from my viewpoint. Any way, thanks for listening. I just needed to went some thoughts and since Rob has work I thought you'd get to endure for one night"
"Steve, you know you can always come to me. I might not be as rough with my opinions as Robin but I do tell you my honest thoughts. You'll see that she's going to reach out to you when she feels ready. I mean who can resist the Hair?"
"Want me to answer that?" Steve chuckles
"Bite me Harrington, you lost me fair and square. Plus you KNOW what Robin has that you don't so" Nancy giggles and they hang up. Steve laughs a little at that comment, he does know. 'I mean I'd chose pussy to so I can't hold it against her' he thinks and shakes his head and laughs.
The rest of the night Steve spends in front of the TV, still not being able to concentrate on schoolwork. When he sees the time and it's past 10 he goes and takes a shower and is just about to go to bed when there's a knock on his door. He thinks he must have misheard, who'd be knocking at his door at 10:30 at night? He opens the door and all the blood in his body feels like it's leaving him along with any ounce of breath he has in his lungs. Outside his door is Vicky. Suddenly he's VERY aware he's standing there in just boxers, he blushes all over.
"Hi...you're here at my door...now?" he croaks at her
"Yeah...is this ok? I can leave" she's not looking at his face she's STARING at his body "Wow Steve... I'm sorry but...wow" she's eyeing him like he's a prized piece of steak. He feels very self-conscious right now, and what's killing him is that he has no shirt on. So she can see THEM...the scars. The bane of his existence.
"Yeah...it's ok. Why wouldn't it be...ummm...you wanna come in or?" he takes a step back so she can enter if she wants. She finally looks up at him and she steps in to his home and he's simultaneously scared and overjoyed. He looks around for something to put on, all he has here are jackets and that might look weird.
His mind is blank, why is she here? Now? To tell him to keep the fuck away from her? He doesn't see the flowers so she's not going to throw those in his face at least. He glances over at her as he leads her in to his living room.
"Please, have a seat while I go get a shirt" he says and motions at the couch
"No need to get dressed for me..." he can see she wasn't planning on saying that because she turns bright red in the face "fuck...sorry I mean...go a head I'll be sitting right here minding my own damn business" she sits down and stares at her feet. Steve hurries in to his bedroom to grab a shirt, he puts it on and goes back to her.
"So... my turn to ask why" he smiles at her
"To thank you for the flowers...and the card" she says
"Oh, so you got them. Wasn't sure anyone was home when I left them"
"Yeah, I got them. Saw the back of your car as you drove away. I just couldn't find the guts to come here...until now. I just said 'fuck your nerves Vicky, go thank the man' so here I am..." she's still staring at her feet
Steve has no idea what to say to her, he feels like anything that might come out of his mouth at this time might fuck everything up just like yesterday.
"And then, I get here and you open the door looking like that... I almost forgot why I was here...fucking rude being that hot" NOW she is looking at him and Steve has no idea where to look, he's blushing all over again which is not like him. He's used to women looking at him, praising his appearance but this just hit differently hearing HER say it.
"Ehmm...thanks... I mean, it's not like I'm trying or anything" WHAT!? Did he really say that...he can almost hear Robins sigh and Eddies laugh in his head. "I mean...wow that was cocky of me, I'm sorry. It came out a lot different than I wanted it to"
"It's ok, if I looked like you I'd be cocky to" she smiles "Look I'm never outspoken Steve so bare with me here. But I mean you're the sexiest man I've ever seen. Not that I've seen many in as much of the flesh as I just saw you but damn..." now she's blushing again, he can tell this is out of her comfort zone
"So the scars aren't repulsive to you?" he asks, he doesn't really want to ask but it just slipped out
"What scars?" she looks at him curiously
"What scars? You're kidding right?" it's Steves turn to sound annoyed, she doesn't need to lie to make him feel better about himself
"I...didn't see any scars? All I saw was this perfect man standing there wearing waaaay to little clothing for me to function properly" she gives him a smile
"You...didn't see any scars? Are you kidding me right now?" he's so locked in on this he's not taking in the compliments she's giving him
"I'm sorry...I mean no I didn't. Is that why you wanted to put on a shirt? You're scared I might dislike some scars on your body? Scars I didn't even notice?" she sounds both a little hurt and also confused
"You're the first person to see me without a shirt on since 86... I'm not sure I trust you, feels like you're just trying to be nice to me" Steve grunts
"Imagine that... WONDER WHAT THAT MIGHT FEEL LIKE" she raises her voice now and Steve quickly snaps out of his self pity...fuck he messed up again
"Wow...I really am as big of an idiot as I think I am. I'm sorry... I just, I hate those scars. I wasn't trying to make you feel bad...again. But I guess I did" he slumps down next to her and hides his face in his hands and sighs. There is silence for a few minutes, but to Steve it feels like hours. He's not going to ruin this by letting his big fat mouth run rampage again.
"Steve" she's almost whispering now and he looks over at her. She's sitting there looking so fucking cute it's hurting him trying to keep himself from jumping here right here on the couch "show me" she looks up at him
"Show you what?" the words are almost caught in his throat
"What you wrote in the card...show me" he can physically SEE her shivering now and his mind can't really process what she's saying
"What I wrote in the card..." he has to think and then the reality of the situation hits him like a ton of bricks dropped on his head. "Show you...how fucking sexy I think you are?" the last few words are nothing more than a whisper, this can't be what she was talking about? Can it? It's just his imagination getting it's hopes up...right?
"Yes...show me...that. If you want of course...but if I don't dive in to this now I will never have the guts to ask again" she says and Steve seems to be looking at this from outside his body, it feels to unreal. Yesterday she wouldn't talk to him and tonight...she's asking him to...fuck her?
"Ahem...do you mean that you want me to...what exactly?" he has to ask, he's sure as hell not going to be a jerk and just assume.
"What exactly were you thinking when you wrote that? What was it you imagined doing to show me?" her voice is a bit unsure
"I... well fuck it. I want so bad just to undress you and touch that body, dive in head first between those thighs and just make you scream my name...then I wanna fuck you until I can't stand it any longer and just cum all over or fuck even in you" he talks so fast he feels like he's losing his breath. There is a moment of silence where Steve thinks he's put his foot in it again.
"Right here or in the bedroom?" those were the magic words Steve was hoping for, he gets up and he pulls her off the couch almost tripping over himself trying to maneuver her towards the bedroom all the while kissing her desperately.
"Fuck you're beautiful" he breathes as he pushes her up against his bedroom wall letting his hands explore every inch of her body. She's just silent, looking at him like she's VERY sure this is a dream. He starts unbuttoning her jeans, he hears her draw a breath and hold it. "You gotta breathe princess, or you might pass out when I actually start touching you" he winks at her and she lets go of her breath and giggles a little
"Was trying to suck in my stomach...hold habits die hard?" she mumbles
"Don't do that, don't for a second think you're anything but perfect to me" his hands are inside her jeans now slowly peeling them down her hips. He kneels down and removes them along with her shoes and socks. She's got great legs...and those thighs OMG Steve's mouth is watering thinking about wrapping them around his head. He slowly gets to his feet, trailing kisses up her legs as he stands up again. He leads her towards the bed where he sits down "please...can you take of your top for me, I wanna watch you" he says with a thick voice. He sees that she's unsure about it so he decides to show her what just seeing her legs has done to him. He pulls down his boxers, freeing his rock hard cock "see... I REALLY like this so far, please..." he says smiling and stroking himself. Her eyes double in size, Steve knows he's big so that shocked look is nothing new to him. But her look is something extra, and it hits him...he hasn't even considered this might be her first time.
"I'll remove mine if you remove yours" she says coarsely as she's staring at his cock
"I...don't do that. It's a comfort thing, I feel too self-conscious without my shirt" Steve says
There's a spark in her eyes and her look switches from his cock to his face
"So me feeling bad about myself is just something I need to get over because you like what you see? But me asking the same favour in return...THAT'S A NO?"
Steve exhales loudly, she just hit the nail on the head. What was he thinking! Asking her to step far out of her comfort zone for him but he can't even be bothered to fight his own demons when he's asking her to sucker punch her own? Is he really that much of a douche?
"Fuck... I'm sorry. Like you said old habits die hard" he sighs "of course I will take my shirt off for you. I'll even go first" he says and he feels his entire body going 'ah heeeell no' in protest. But he needs to do this for her or this night will have an entirely different ending than the one he has in mind. She looks at him, nods and motions for him 'to take the stage' while she sits down on the bed. He stands there for second, fighting the urge to just hide as he usually does. But he looks at Vicky, her eyes following his tiniest movement. He takes one deep breath and he pulls the shirt over his head, then he stands there feeling a little sick with the shirt hanging from his hand by his side. He can feel her eyes on him, he's not able to open his own. He can't look at her, what if she's making a face in disgust at him. That would kill him, he can't deal with that. He hears the rustling of fabric and then he can feel her close to him from the heat radiating from her. Her hands are on his arms now, Steve has forgotten how to breathe.
"You gotta breath pretty boy I haven't even began to touch you yet" she whispers in his ear kinda repeating what he said to her before. Steve exhales loudly but he can feel his breathing is staggered, his fight or flight is on overdrive right now. "Good boy" she purrs at him and he feels her lips on his chest and her hands are travelling down his arms. He wants to scream at her to leave it but he has to fight it, what if she's the one for him? Is he never going to let her have all of him? And what about him asking her to expose herself despite her insecurities. 'Get a fucking grip Harrington!' he says to himself silently. And then...her hands are at his side, he flinches. SO hard there is no helping it. "Steve, it's just me. Don't worry..." her voice is calm and soothing but he still feels like he wants to be sick. She's kissing him again and her warm hands are touching the scars on his side. Caressing them, following the ridges and the destroyed skin. Steve still hasn't opened his eyes, but she's not pulling away so he's kind of relaxing a little. He draws a deep breath when he feels her kissing the scarred tissue, letting her lips and her tongue explore the area. Now he can't help it he needs to look at her. He opens his eyes and he looks down, there she is on her knees holding his hips with her hands kissing and licking the part of his body he hates with a burning passion. It all falls from him, feels like she's licking the shame away. Now his breathing staggers for a whole new reason, she's taken the rest of her clothes off... Now he notices she's completely naked kneeling in front of him and his cock that's been a bit sad looking while he was fighting his inner turmoil now almost knocks her over. She giggles "well hello there" she smiles and turns her attention to the erection wedged between her breasts. She sits down on her thighs and she takes him in her hand, stroking the shaft and this purring moan escapes her before she leans in and takes him in her mouth. So this is what heaven feels like? Maybe he did die from the shame of showing his scars and now he's gone to some kind of blow-job heaven? He lets out a deep moan, his hands find her hair and he grabs a handful and tugs it so her face is turned up at him
"Please stop that" he says with a thick voice. Her eyes fill with insecurity
"Am I bad at it?" she whispers
"Fuck no, you're amazing...but a few more seconds and I'm gonna come. Wanna do anything more with him right now you leave him for a bit" he moans
"Oh" she looks up at him gives him the most devilish smile sending a shiver down Steves spine and then she leans in and lets her pretty pink tongue slide all the way from the root to the tip before she devours him whole, shit this girl can't have a gag reflex is the last thing going through Steves mind before he's seeing stars and groaning out his pleasure. He squirts his load down her throat making her cough a little
"Fuuuuuck....oooooh....god damn that mouth fuuuuuuck" he just keeps coming, shooting white spurts all over her chest now. He's still holding her hair, mostly to stabilize himself or he might fall over. "I need... I need so sit down" he pants and falls over on the bed "fuck you're amazing babe" he mumbles. He's laid out on the bed with his arm over his eyes. He can't see her and he's not feeling her climbing in to bed with him either. He removes his arm and she's gone. What the fuck? Was he dreaming? Did he fall asleep after his shower? "Babe?" he says, no answer "Vicky?" he says a little louder
"Yeah just cleaning myself off, I'll be right there" he hears from the bathroom and his heart calms down again. Fuck he thought he was going insane there for a moment. She returns, still all naked and so fucking gorgeous Steve gets tears in his eyes
"You wanna have me believe I was doing good and yet here you are crying?" she crawls in to the bed next to him laying her head on his chest letting her fingers play in the hairs. Steve is looking up at the ceiling trying to stop the tears but they just keep coming but he's laughing at the same time
"You were fucking amazing babe, truly you were. But this is just years and years of self loathing escaping" he sniffles
"Awww...I'm a babe am I?" she's smiling against his chest kissing him softly letting her hand slowly wander down to his scar again and this time Steve doesn't flinch. "These" she says letting her fingers trail the scars "make you even sexier Steve, because they make you a little less picture perfect. I mean with clothes on you're fucking model type of handsome. But this makes you less intimidating, and I like them" she says and Steves tears keep flowing. He can't speak, there's just too much emotion right now. Years and years of hiding and hating himself all shattered because he found the nerve to fight to show her he's all hers.
"But they're so fucking hideous" he says
"You know, I think it's more in your head Steve. I mean, there is a reason I said I didn't see them when I came here. They're not that noticeable, I mean now that I know that they're there I see them, but they blend in to your skin, it just looks a little like a scrunched up piece of paper someone's tried to smooth out" she's softly stroking the skin as she talks "trust me I know what if feels like not being able to see what others see"
"But..." he sighs "you're probably right. I've lived with hem as a reminder of times passed for so long now I still see them as they looked in the beginning when they were all red and looked horrible" he shivers as his thoughts automatically goes to that day again
"What happened Steve?" Vicky looks up at him
"I will tell you, just not right now. I kinda become a mess just thinking about it...but I will tell you I promise" he smiles at her and he kisses her forehead
"Ok, that's fair" she says smiling back at him. She lays her head back down on his chest, kissing his skin and her hands move over his stomach in soft movements. Steve loses all focus on his scars, something else is awakening in his mind...and on his body. He hears her chuckle "oh well, would you look at that" her hands move further down, gripping his cock that's twitching against his belly. She starts stroking it and Steve forgets anything and everything else.
"Fuck you've got nice hands" he says as his hips move to meet her hands movements "God I wanna fuck you" he groans and he hears a giggle in response. She lets go of him and gets to her knees
"Think I'll crush you if I...?" she nods towards him
"Get on top? Oh hell no I'm a big strong guy I can take it" he winks at her "but in that case you're beginning with sitting on my face" she stares at him and Steve can see gets flustered
"But that...won't that smother you completely?" she blushes
"If it does I'll die a happy man" Steves hand has found it's way in between her thighs and began rubbing her on top of her panties. Her breathing is getting heavier and she moans "c'mon babe. Let's get you out of these and up on me" she just nods and stands up on her knees, pulling off her panties and throwing them behind her on the floor. She hesitantly looks at Steve
"You're sure?" she asks him
"Oh I've never been more fucking sure about anything in my life" Steve says
"Ok...so how...where do you want me?" she says
"Come up here. Grab the headboard, that way if you need to hold on to something" he gives her a smile she can feel down to her core. Steve moans as she gets up on her knees and moves to the top of the bed, she's standing knees wide apart on the bed hovering over him. His breath halters as he looks up at the sight of those thick thighs and that amazing, beautiful pussy above his face. He grabs her hips and pulls her down
"Sit" he says and since she's not prepared that's exactly what happens. She sits straight down on his face and Steve swears he's in heaven. It's like a soft, fleshy pillow surrounding his head. She freaks out a little thinking she's going to suffocate him and she tries to get back to hovering again. But now that Steve has her where he wants her he just hold on to her thighs and mumbles a "hell no" she looks down at him and as their eyes meet Steve lets his tongue find it's way in between her folds. She half screams out in pleasure and also he thinks a little bit surprise. He eats her pussy like it's his last meal, she's moving her hips and pressing her thighs tighter around his head, she's getting closer he can tell by the muffled sounds coming to him from above. He keeps going until he feels her tense up, lean forward grabbing the headboard and screaming his name, then she gushes all over his face and Steve's in shock. All these women over the years not one squirter, fuck she gave him a first. He feels so good about himself as he crawls out from under her as she's leaning against the headboard catching her breath. He takes the towel from the floor from before when he showered and he wipes his face with it. He leans in and start kissing her back and her neck "fuck Vicky, you were amazing, couldn't imagine you were a squirter" he mumbles as he wraps his arms around her from behind and grab her gorgeous breasts
"I...didn't know myself" she pants "s'that ok?" she's moaning as he's giving her nipples much needed attention
"Ok? That was fucking amazing! A first for me, and I loved it" he mumbles as he starts grinding against her ass. "babe...I know this might be a stupid question but...are you...have you...before?" he says. He needs to make sure, he wouldn't wanna hurt her.
"I'm no virgin...not exactly experienced but" she says coarsely moving her ass to meet his movements
"Good" he says and he grabs his cock and he sinks in to her from behind "fuuuuuck me that's so good" he groans as he hits bottom.
"Oh....fuck you're big" she moans and Steve has the presence of mind to stay still so her body can adjust to him, he knows he usually fills 'em up good. But after a little while he can't be still, he needs to feel her, needs to have her squeeze every last drop out of him. He starts thrusting, slowly and deeply at first. She leans forward and rests her upper body on the bed making her great ass point straight at Steve, the change in angle makes him go just a little deeper. He's amazed, she's made for him. There's been very few that's been able to take him fully but she... OMG she just swallows him whole, it's like her pussy sucks him in to the hilt and keeps trying to get more of him. This won't last, this is just to fucking good. The pace has quickened, Steve is fucking her like it's the last time he's ever going to. Holding on to the supple flesh of her hips and ass as he thrusts in to her faster and faster. She's moaning like she's possessed under him and Steve doesn't think he can take it much longer
"Play with yourself babe, I wanna feel you come on me...please" he grunts and he feels her hand slide in under her as she begins working her clit as he fucks her. It's not long before she's tightening up and Steve feels like he's stuck in a vice
"Fuuuuck Steeeeeve...oh fuck...oh fuck....aaaaaaahhhhhh" she screams out her pleasure and he feels her pussy fucking milking him
"Where can I...?" he says through gritted teeth
"I'm on the pill" she moans and that's it he lets go shooting his thick cum, filling her up until it's oozing out on the sides of his cock. Her cum mixed with his dripping out of her. Steve slumps down on her back, breathing heavily but never has he felt more satisfied after sex.
"You have any fucking idea how perfect you are?" he asks her when he can catch his breath
"Me? What about you?" she mumbles in to his pillows
"Ok, make a deal? We're perfect...together" he smiles as he falls on to his back next to her and she lays back on her side
"Perfect...together" she smiles "So...was this what you had in mind?" she asks
"When I wrote that I wanted to show you how sexy I think you are? Well...something like this, but not in a million years did I think it'd be this fucking awesome" he says taking her hand and kissing it
"Did you think I'd be bad in bed?" she roars at him
"Idiot" he laughs no but I thought there would be maybe a little more awkwardness...and I wasn't sure if you were...you know"
"You actually thought I was a virgin, didn't you? Well you ass, if it weren't for the mind blowing sex I'd be very offended right now" she laughs
"I didn't think you were... I just wasn't sure. You've never said anything about it..." Steve feels like he stepped in it again, why can't he just shut the hell up sometimes?
"Steve...like I said. It's been a week...you make a habit of talking about your past sexual encounters with people you've known for a week?" she smiles at him
"Of course I do...how else will they know they're in the presence of a legend?" he winks at her and she laughs so hard he thinks she might pass out "Thanks..." he laughs
"I admire how humble you are Harrington" she says when she finally manages to stop laughing
"I bet you do" he reaches out and slides one arm under her and pulls her in closer to him "so...round 2?"
"Yeah? Why not, you're quite talented with this" she says in a sultry voice grabbing his cock squeezing it making him moan "but I kinda wanna wash myself a bit before...or would you join me?" she asks as she rolls off his arm and gets out of the bed
"No need to ask me twice, I'm right behind you" Steve says and gets out of the bed himself.
There's some heavy touching and kissing in the shower but they finally finish and get out into the bedroom again. Steve can't help but stare at the naked woman standing at the end of his bed drying herself. He's struck with the sudden urge to cry, he thinks of Eddie...and how he would have loved Vicky. He thinks of all of his other friends back in Hawkins, would they like her? They're all so different from one another. Mrs Byers said it best once, "if these kids were a salad not one person would eat it. Nothing goes together, but then you try and it's a perfect match. Just gotta give it a go" Robin would probably like Vicky, she likes anyone as long as they're good to her and her friends. Nancy might be a little harder, Dustin would probably drive her insane with all his questions. Jonathan would piss Vicky off with his ability to always have his head in the clouds. He's not really aware of Vicky and that she's been watching him for a while now.
"Steve? What's wrong? Are you feeling alright?" she sounds concerned
He snaps out of his thoughts "Yeah, sorry I just... I was watching you. And I just started thinking I'd like to take you back home to meet my friends" he says
"Oook? That gave you that look and teary eyes? Should I be worried?"
"No just..." he gives a deep sigh and he goes up to her, wraps his arms around her and gives her a deep kiss. "I know we were planning on doing other stuff but I think I need to tell you about...this" he says and nods down towards his scars. She nods and gives his chest a kiss. They lay down on the bed, Steve covers them with a blanket and he starts telling her... The hours go by, he talks and she listens. "And there he died, in Dustins arms. He had to leave him there, it broke him he's never been the same since then. If I'd known what a great guy Eddie was I would have loved to have been his friend before all of that. But...well...we were kids. He was the freak I was the king. But I miss him so much sometimes it feels like my insides are tearing themselves apart. He would have loved you, and I think you would have liked him as well" he turns silent, tears slowly running down his face. Vicky's been quiet the whole time
"Well... I mean I've seen the scars I have no real reason to doubt your story. But you do realize how this sounds right?" she says hesitantly
"Oh I am very aware what it sounds like, why do you think I never talk about it? I'm just happy I still have the friends I had back then to talk to or this would probably end up killing me."
"What about your family?" Vicky asks. Steve looks at her and he continues the story from after Eddies death and up until present day. "So you lost a friend? Both your parents? Your home? All in one day? How the hell are you still sane?" she asks
"Who says I am" Steve smiles "all jokes aside, I haven't been the old Steve Harrington in many years. I've been so fucking angry...but you know what started changing all of that?" she shakes her head "I met this girl, she was sitting on the stairs outside my school crying"
"Oh shut up, I did not change anything about you" she snorts
"But you did, that was the first time since 86 I felt something for someone else, the first time I didn't think only about how awful MY life was. I mean...truth be told. My life looks like a fucking walk in the park compared to yours... Speaking of which, you're really not coming back to school?" there is an uncomfortable silence and then Vicky sighs
"No I'm not, and before you ask it has absolutely NOTHING to do with you and what happened the other day. I was just so fucking fed up with how I was treated that when the principal called me informing me of the reports she's been given I just told her I wasn't going to come back. She helped me arrange new classes at a culinary school on the other side of the city. It'll take me longer to get there and back every day but it's a fresh start and hopefully a new chance for me to show what I can do. So no, I am not coming back...EVER. Ok I might come to see you get your diploma though" she says smiling at him
"As sad as I'll be not to have you around I'm happy for you! I totally understand your decision sweetheart" Steve gives her head a kiss and hugs her tight. She lets out a big yawn and Steve notices how tired he is also, no wonder it's like 3 am. "Think we should get some sleep and I'll make you scream my name in the morning instead: he mumbles in to her hair and she giggles
"Sounds like a plan" she agrees. They crawl down under the covers and Steve pulls her close and before any of them know it they're asleep. Steve has nightmares every night, horrible ones. Always about the fucking bats and Eddie dying. This night is no different, except it is. In the worst part of his dreams he feels a warmth around him, calming him down. The warmth is killing the bats, it's saving them. Him AND Eddie, he feels loved. There's softness around him, not the harsh environment in the Upside down. He hears a humming sound, like someone's singing in the distance. He slowly comes to and he realises it's Vicky. She's quietly humming to him holding him close in her warm soft embrace. He smiles at her
"Thank you" he says and she looks down at his face
"Hey, you're awake. You had some real bad dreams didn't you?" she asks
"Yeah, they're horrible. But you changed them, saved me...saved Eddie. He dies, every night in my dreams...over and over for 7 years now. But this time he made it, because you came along and were all warm, soft and loving" he hugs her as tight as he can
"I...wow I didn't realise I helped. I just thought about what you told me about music helping that girl Max... So I just thought if you were dreaming about that place maybe singing wouldn't hurt..."
"It helped, it really did. Eased this troubled mind" Steve says still holding her tight not wanting to ever let her go
"Well in that case I'm glad I could help you ease some of it. But honestly I'm still kinda tired, would you mind trying to get some more sleep? I've been hugging you for the better part of an hour now" she yawns again and Steve looks at the time...it's only 5. They haven't even been asleep for 2 hours and she's been awake trying to calm him down for over an hour? He feels bad, but then again he has no control over his dreams.
"Sorry I kept you awake. You sleep as long as you need. I'm going to try and shut my eyes again also, I always have trouble getting back to sleep after the nightmares but who knows having you here with me might help" he says and they get comfortable under the covers again, Vicky falls asleep almost instantly and to his surprise Steve follows along shortly.
Steve wakes up from the sun hitting his face through the curtains. Which tells him it's past mid day at least, the spot next to him is empty. He looks around, Vicky's shirt is gone. He sits up rubbing his eyes and stretching.
"Vicky?" he says. There's no reply so she isn't in the bathroom. He gets up and puts on some sweatpants. He opens the door to the living room and he's met with the smell of freshly brewed coffee and pancakes. Yup, he's keeping her no doubt! He heads to the kitchen where she's dancing along to the radio as she's making food for them. "You do realise you're not allowed to leave now right? I'm keeping you!" he says and she gives a little yelp and spins around
"Fuck you scared me! I didn't hear you coming" she says
"You didn't? I thought I was kinda loud when I came" he grins at her
"Ha ha... THAT I did hear, you sounded hot as fuck... but I didn't hear you enter the kitchen...better?" she grins back
"Aaaah you meant that...no I can be very sneaky when I want to be" Steve sits down at the table watching her finish up the food. "Spoiling me already?" he says smiling at her
"Of course, and obviously it worked. You said you were keeping me" she smiles back at him putting a stack of pancakes in front of him and pouring coffee into his cup
"Oh I am, for as long as you'll have me" he says as he takes a big bite. He lets out a moan "daaaamn these are some good pancakes" he says with his mouth full. Knowing very well he's lucky Robin isn't here she'd have a fit if she saw him talking with food in his mouth even for a second. Vicky looks pleased and she sits down with a cup of coffee. "aren't you gonna eat?" he says
"I...you wouldn't mind?" she says
"Mind? Why would I mind you eating?" he's confused
"I never ate at school...I was told too many times growing up no one wants to watch a fat person stuff their face. It kinda stuck... I've got issues eating when people can see me" she's looking down at the cup in her hands and Steve drops his fork and gets up and kneels bedside her
"I'm not like them... I really really like you for who you are. I would feel bad if you weren't eating when we're around each other. I can't tell you enough how much I want you to be comfortable around me, in ALL aspects. But for now if you don't want to eat I wont bug you about it. But if this is going where I want it to go...well....let's just say you're gonna be fucking starving and that's no good" he smiles and squeezes her leg. She looks at him, then she gives him a smile
"Get me a plate please" she says and Steve gladly does. He puts it down and sits back down at his own plate. He continues eating, he tries SO hard not to watch her. But he can see in the corner of his eye she's put food on her plate and she's eating. He smiles a little to himself. He finishes before she does but he just grabs his coffee and turns to look out the window.
"This is probably the first time I'm ever going to say 'thank you for ignoring me' to anyone" he hears and he turns to look at Vicky. She's smiling at him
"No problem, I'll ignore you as long as you need me to. At least during meals" he leans over and strokes a strand of hair from her face "you're so fucking beautiful" he says spontaneously and Vicky blushes
"Shit... I'm not used to this...I don't know what to do with myself when you say things like that...but go on" she says giggling at the end and Steve has to laugh
"I'll keep showering you with compliments if you keep making me food like this and fucking me like you did last night" he gives her a wink
"Deal!" she says with a big grin "I mean I can throw you a compliment now and then as long as you promise to cook for me sometime"
"You do have a death wish don't you?: Steve laughs knowing very well his cooking have been the butt of a lot of jokes over the years. Robin SWEARS to this day that he tried to kill them all one year with a lasagna he...tried to make. He tells Vicky this and she has to sit down she's laughing too hard.
"Ok...fuck my stomach hurts from laughing... Fine I'll teach you to cook if you want, maybe we can surprise them with a Steve made lasagna when we go over there" she smiles
"Oh YES! If you think you have the patience it takes to teach me anything then I'm all yours"
"Patience? I thought you were at the top of your class? Shouldn't that mean you'd be easy to teach?" she tilts her head looking at him
"Nah... I mean apparently I'm good with numbers and that stuff. I get the stock market and how bonds work. What to go for and what to leave alone, I have a nose for that according to Mr Nolan. But other than that I'm a real moron..."
"Well... I'm up for the challenge! Just gotta get situated at the new school first. Would you come with me my first day? I mean not like go with me to class but like...drive me?" she says
"Of course I will, when's your first day? Just need to make sure I haven't got a test or something that morning"
"Monday at 8..."  Vicky gets up and starts clearing the table
"Hey, you cooked I'll do the dishes missy!" Steve takes the plates from her and goes over to the sink and starts running the water. She smiles and comes to join him. She hops up and sits on the counter next to him.
"Can I ask you something?" she says and she looks flustered
"Sure" Steve looks at her, why the sudden blushing he wonders
"Well...last night. When I...squirted" Steve drops the plate he's holding...this he was NOT expecting "you said it was a first for you...was that true or just some kind of confidence boost?" she's kicking her legs and looking like she'd much rather sink through the counter than ask him this
Steve clears his throat "It was... I mean I'm not gonna lie to you. There's been a lot of women for a while...it was...sad as it might sound some sort of anger management to me. Rough sex, preferably in some sleazy bar where I was a nobody and she was even more anonymous" he sighs "I'm not the best out there when it comes to dealing with feelings, I have that from my dad. After Eddie...and this girl I thought I hurt but didn't I just didn't want to form attachment so I became... Robins words not mine, a manwhore" he glances over at her, was this a deal-breaker? Was she going to leave now? But turns out Vicky was only looking at him smiling
"I get that, I really do. As I said last night, I'm not very experienced but there's been a few guys. If you don't get attached...you can't get hurt right?" Steve stares at her
"Are you reading my mind? That's exactly it..." he says
"Nah, but I mean it makes sense. But what about this? You and me?" she says
"I don't know what you want this to be... I want this to be us, preferably for ever. I can't tell you what it was about you that struck such a nerve with me, because I don't know myself. But it was something so wonderful about the way you are, I think you somehow remind me of Eddie. Been through so much shit you can't really believe that someone would wanna be with you for you. Everyone has a motive, his was that he sold drugs. People wanted to get in his good graces to hopefully score drugs at a better price. So when all the shit went down and we all came looking he acted somewhat like you, tried to act out to get us to leave. I was ready to give up on him right away but Dustin persisted, insisted he was a great guy. He was right, and now I miss him every day. I wasn't going to let that happen once more...on the other hand I didn't stick my tongue down his throat and press a raging boner in to his stomach...so maybe he gave in to my charm a little faster than you did"
"Well...if were being honest here over dirty dishes... I liked the raging boner, and the kiss. I just...thought you'd be another fuck and bail kinda guy. And I liked you so much... I didn't want that. Also...as I've said, have you SEEN you? There was no chance in hell a guy like you would be for real. At least that was what I told myself, but then you left the flowers and the note and I told myself to at least give you a chance. Am I going to regret that Steve?" she locks her mesmerizing blue eyes with his. Steve feels like he could die for this girl, also he feels like his pants suddenly got a little too small in certain areas. He dries his hands on a towel and then he steps in between her legs where she's sitting perched on the counter. He grabs her ass and scoots her closer to the edge so their crotches align
"You tell me?" he says in a deep voice before leaning in and placing kisses on her neck. She wraps her arms around him and lets out a soft moan
"I sure hope I won't regret it" she whispers and then she kisses him and Steves legs feel like jello.
"Lean back a little and lift your ass" he says coarsely, she smiles at him and does as he asks. Lucky for him she's only wearing her underwear and a long shirt. He pulls down and drops her panties on the floor and then he grabs the smooth flesh of her inner thighs and with soft touches his fingers trails up them as she pulls her shirt off exposing her naked body to him. He moans and leans in and takes one of her nipples in his mouth just as his fingers reach her pussy. He slides one finger in to her folds. Fuck she's soaking already, how is she real? She lets out a feral sounding moan and her nails dig in to his shoulders. He lets his finger slide in to her as his thumb start making circular motions over her clit. "Fuck I wanna make you squirt again, that was just so sexy" he whispers in her ear
"Wanna..." her breathing is heavy "fuck wanna come on your cock Steve, please" she whines. Hell, Steve needn't be asked twice to come in that pussy again! He drops his pants and he lines up and slowly fills her up with his cock, they both let out a moan as he hits bottom.
"Fuuuuck you feel so good" he growls as he slowly starts thrusting in to her. He grabs her legs and holds them so her ass is almost out from the counter, he starts picking up the pace, thrusting harder and faster "rub your clit for me babe, wanna have you cum all over me, soak me" he moans and she reaches down and starts playing with herself and he thinks he's gonna come right that instant only from the sight of his big cock sliding in and out of her as she's rubbing herself. He can feel the walls of her pussy tightening around him, he picks up the pace a little more, shallower thrusts but faster. She's almost screaming now and then she releases. It's like his cock is being pushed out of her, she gushes all over him, the counter, the floor. She's moaning like crazy, her body letting go in spasms in his arms. He waits until her breathing calms down a little, then he shoves himself in her again, he needs to fill her up. "That was so fucking hot babe, so fucking hot" he murmurs in her ear. She's barely coherent, just a moaning mess in his arms. He fucks her like a mad man. Feeling his balls tightening he releases with a deep rumpling groan. As they descend from their high he pulls out, taking a stream of thick white cum with him dripping down and mixing with her juices. They're leaning on each other panting and trying to come back to reality. Steve helps her down from the counter, but they didn't think about the stuff on the floor. When Vickys feet land in their mixed fluids she slips, taking Steve with her. They land in a laughing pile on his kitchen floor
"Fuck...did you hurt yourself?" he chuckles
"No, I'm too padded to get hurt. You?" she laughs
"Nah, I'm good. Should have wiped that up before helping you down. Lets remember that next time" he says giving her a kiss
"So I passed this round to? There's gonna be a next time?" she grins
"Oh you're not getting away, you're mine now! I'll be fucking you 'til eternity" he mumbles in to the crease of her neck and he hears her sigh with pleasure
"Yours" she says softly
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captawesomesauce · 2 years
I was tagged a long time ago by @unflappable-wolf and @serenity-made-visible and I swear it’s been on my to-do list!!!! I just got swamped with classes and life. 
So here we go!
1. Are you named after anyone?
I am! I can't quite recall the connection, I know she died in either the Pogroms or the Holocaust, but her nickname was Chashka, which they then named me Yechetzkel from. (chetz/chashk)
2. When was the last time you cried?
I honestly don't remember. It's not something that happens all that often, but probably in frustration back when I was dealing with the King Asshat. That man could be so bellicose, so asinine, so fucking belligerently stupid... you'd end up screaming until tears came down your face.
He was the type of person who never suffered consequences, and always made sure that someone else did, often me... for his dumb ass choices. Like when he was driving drunk, with a suspended license, after stealing my truck, and crashed into a parked car and then claimed to be me to the insurance companies so it went on my record and raised my rates.
   3. Do you have kids?
Nope.. never wanted any. Never saw the point. I was happy having a cat, and I love giving all of my time, attention, and affection to W... why bother having a kid?
   4. Do you use sarcasm alot?
I do but I try not to. I understand how deep it can cut a person, and even if I think it's funny, or others think it might be funny, it's important to know how it affects the person I'm saying it to, as well as how I'm being perceived. Even if it's just being sarcastic about a situation, I don't want to be known as the one who complains/is negative/is THAT guy.
It's an ongoing process though, because if I go full on Mike.... dude.. it's a thing!
   5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
This is a hard one for me, because the first thing I notice is their demeanor. I spent so much of my life in high stress/dangerous places that it's really ingrained in me to look for threats. Things like always watch a persons hands, more than their face, always look at what side they favor when they walk or stand, it's probably the side with a concealed weapon, always look at how WHAT they're telling you with their body movements, their twitches, their looks, and everything else.
I hate that that is the first thing I notice. I hate that others who have done what I've done / know what I know, also notice that I'm hand watching and can pick me out easily.
When I'm not in "that mode," i think the first thing I notice is a persons hair. Dunno why, but it's just the thing that stands out more than anything to me!
   6. What’s your eye colour?
Brown. (probably my only short answer for these things but what else can I say lol)
   7. Scary movie or happy ending?
I don't do scary movies. I don't like being manipulated like that, and that's how they all feel. Especially jump scares. The music, the lighting,... not a fan. I know all movies do that, but with scary.. it just seems more blatant and rubs me the wrong way.
   8. Any special talents?
I'm a cat bed. Put a cat anywhere near me and they'll find my chest or lap, revel in the heat, and sleep for hours. It works on W too!
   9. Where were you born?
Southern California! I've lived everywhere, but I always end up returning there. I still think it’s where I’m always meant to be. I’m happy elsewhere... but I miss socal, I miss the pacific ocean and being adjacent to everything that makes me happy... museums, bookstores, old places, new places. I hate the traffic, I hate the smog, I hate the earthquakes and the fires and the atmospheric river storms. I hate the hypocrisy, and the bullshit... and did i mention the traffic... cause I’ll say it again, i hate the traffic!
But it’s the best place ever. 
Also no hurricanes, tornados and one set of clothes all year round.  
 10. What are your hobbies?
I have a lot to be honest, but reading and collecting books is primary. I was never a big outdoorsman, I was never big on tv or movies, I was never THE sports guy... but books... I do love books. I find that the one thing I enjoy more than anything, now that I'm older, is reading the same story from different perspectives. I've lived long enough to really grasp the fact that there is no single narrative, there is no single right or wrong, and that everyone involved has their own story of what happened that is just as true.
I'll give you an example... There was a battle in Vietnam that involved a mechanized infantry unit with people on armored vehicles and dismounted infantry, a navy riverine boat unit, scout helicopters, transport helicopters, airborne forward air controllers, and attack helicopters.
I read 10 books that all talked about that single day... 10... all were memoirs ... this wasn't a big enough battle to warrant having books written about it like Agincourt, or the Tet Offensive, or 73 easting... it was a small battle, lasted a few hours, but god... how very very different everything was to each one involved.
The hobby I miss most is photography and exploring.... I'm so glad W and I got to spend a lot of time going places, all over LA, even by subway, and trying and doing so many cool things before COVID broke out!
 11. Do you have any pets?
Not anymore. I still miss Mystic (the AwesomeCat) so very much, as well as Sarah. I still think about them every day and every night, and they’re still a major part of my dreams. I can’t believe it’s been this long... but it’s funny .. not long after Sarah passed, Mystic showed up, and shortly after he passed, W showed up... so ... make of that what you will lol
 12. What sports do you play/have you played?
In highschool I lettered in Football, Baseball, Soccer, and Basketball. I played rugby in the Marines when deployed with UK troops, and when I was fighting fires in Australia. I also once stood still, very still, on a cricket pitch and had no idea what was going on, where I was, or what I was supposed to do. I'm not even sure if I was part of the game lol
 13. How tall are you?
5'7 which is exactly tall enough to fit 2 big cats and 1 small cat on my chest, stomach, and lap, and a giant lab dog between my legs with his head on my hip.
 14.Favorite subject in school?
When I was young... none. I hated math though, because I was undiagnosed with dysgraphia... but it also affected how I felt about all subjects because I struggled to write what I knew.
Once I got into college, I'd say environmental science & physical geography. I like looking at things spatially and temporally, I like seeing cause and effect and looking at how things are interconnected. From reintroducing key species to correct ecological damage, to even just looking at how much a single fire can affect an area short term and long term. Few people think about how a small fire can affect a towns water suppy for decades, or how burn severity is a better metric than acres burned because of how it affects re-growth and possibility of additional fires in the area.
15. Dream job?
I know this might sound bad but I don't have one. Getting through each day is hard enough... I love that I can help W and we work so well together because it means I can focus on what's important to me... Spending time with her and being happy.
I never wanted to be a firefighter, but I did it for 20+ years. I never wanted to be an Emergency manager, but i have all the pretty paper now. I never wanted to do GIS, but we see how that turned out lol... I did want to be a Marine... and I'm glad I did that.
Now I just want to live a very long long long life, and be very happy with W and hopefully another cat one day.
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studiolevez · 11 days
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Earthquakes in Portugal - Our Experience and a Seismic History
We experienced our first earthquake in Portugal at 6:11 am on August 26, 2024. It lasted around 10 seconds and felt like a large forestry machine passing by the house. I stepped onto the balcony, thinking we might need to move the car, but was surprised to see no one outside. After checking online, we discovered it was an earthquake off the coast of Lisbon. 
The earthquake registered 5.3 on the Richter scale, with the epicenter located 58 kilometers west of Sines in the Atlantic Ocean, at a depth of 21 kilometers, according to the IPMA. The tremors were strongest in the Sines, Lisbon, and Setúbal regions, with reports on social media noting that it was felt as far as France, Spain, and Morocco.
We didn’t have any damage to the house. I was aware of the earthquake risk before moving to Portugal so had added earthquake insurance to our coverage.
Portugal is not typically known for its seismic activity compared to other regions such as Japan or California. However, the country has experienced several significant earthquakes throughout its history, some of which have had profound impacts on its development and culture.
Geological Setting
Portugal's seismic activity is primarily influenced by its position near the boundary between the Eurasian and African tectonic plates. The interaction between these plates, along with the presence of fault lines such as the Azores-Gibraltar Transform Fault, contributes to the region's earthquake risk. The most seismically active areas in Portugal are the Azores islands, due to their proximity to the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, and the southern mainland, particularly around Lisbon and the Algarve region.
Historical Earthquakes
The 1755 Lisbon Earthquake
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1755 copper engraving of the Lisbon Earthquake
The 1755 Lisbon earthquake is arguably the most significant and devastating earthquake in Portuguese history. Occurring on November 1, 1755, this earthquake, with an estimated magnitude of 8.5 to 9.0, struck the capital city of Lisbon and had far-reaching impacts on both the city and Europe as a whole.
The earthquake's epicenter was in the Atlantic Ocean, about 200 km west-southwest of Cape St. Vincent. The initial shock was followed by a series of aftershocks and a massive tsunami, which caused widespread destruction along the coasts of Portugal, Spain, and North Africa. Fires that broke out in Lisbon after the earthquake compounded the disaster, leading to an estimated death toll of 30,000 to 50,000 people.
The Lisbon earthquake had profound social, economic, and philosophical repercussions. The widespread destruction led to a significant rebuilding effort, spearheaded by the Marquis of Pombal, who implemented modern urban planning and construction techniques to make the city more resilient to future earthquakes. Philosophically, the disaster influenced Enlightenment thinkers such as Voltaire and Rousseau, who debated the implications of such natural disasters on human society and the concept of divine intervention.
The 1969 Earthquake
On February 28, 1969, Portugal experienced another significant earthquake, known as the 1969 Lisbon earthquake. With a magnitude of 7.8, this earthquake struck off the southwestern coast of Portugal, near the Gorringe Bank. Although less devastating than the 1755 earthquake, the 1969 event caused substantial damage in the Algarve region and was felt throughout the country.
The earthquake resulted in the loss of several lives and caused extensive property damage, particularly in older buildings that were not constructed to withstand seismic activity. This event highlighted the ongoing seismic risks in Portugal and prompted further studies and improvements in building codes and earthquake preparedness.
The 1980 Azores Earthquake
The Azores archipelago, located in the Atlantic Ocean, is a seismically active region due to its proximity to the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. On January 1, 1980, the Azores experienced a devastating earthquake with a magnitude of 7.2. The earthquake's epicenter was near Terceira Island, and it caused significant destruction on Terceira, São Jorge, and Graciosa islands.
The 1980 earthquake resulted in the deaths of 73 people and left thousands homeless. The destruction of buildings and infrastructure necessitated a large-scale reconstruction effort. This event underscored the vulnerability of the Azores to seismic activity and led to improved monitoring and preparedness measures in the region.
Recent Seismic Activity
In recent years, Portugal has continued to experience seismic activity, although less severe than the historical earthquakes mentioned above. For example, in January 2010, an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.0 struck near the Madeira Islands, causing minor damage but no fatalities. Similarly, in February 2019, a magnitude 4.4 earthquake occurred in the Algarve region, reminding residents of the ongoing seismic risks.
Causes of Earthquakes in Portugal
The primary cause of earthquakes in Portugal is the tectonic activity associated with the boundary between the Eurasian and African plates. The following factors contribute to seismic activity in the region:
1. **Plate Tectonics:** The convergence and interaction between the Eurasian and African plates generate stress and deformation in the Earth's crust, leading to earthquakes. The Azores-Gibraltar Transform Fault, which runs near the Azores archipelago and towards the Mediterranean, is a significant source of seismic activity.
2. **Mid-Atlantic Ridge:** The Azores islands are situated near the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, a divergent boundary where the Eurasian and North American plates are moving apart. This tectonic setting results in frequent volcanic and seismic activity in the region.
3. **Fault Lines:** Numerous fault lines traverse Portugal, including the Marquês de Pombal fault and the Lower Tagus Valley fault. These faults can generate earthquakes when stress accumulates and is suddenly released along the fault planes.
Earthquake Preparedness and Mitigation
Portugal has made significant strides in improving earthquake preparedness and mitigation measures in response to its seismic history. Key efforts include:
1. Seismic Monitoring and Early Warning Systems: Portugal has established a network of seismic monitoring stations to detect and analyze earthquake activity. Early warning systems are being developed to provide timely alerts to residents and authorities, allowing for rapid response and evacuation if necessary.
2. Building Codes and Construction Standards: Following the lessons learned from past earthquakes, Portugal has implemented strict building codes and construction standards to ensure that new buildings are designed to withstand seismic forces. Retrofitting older buildings to improve their earthquake resilience is also a priority.
3. Public Awareness and Education: Public awareness campaigns and education programs aim to inform residents about earthquake risks and preparedness measures. These initiatives include guidelines on how to secure homes, create emergency plans, and conduct earthquake drills.
4. Emergency Response and Recovery Plans: Portugal has developed comprehensive emergency response and recovery plans to coordinate efforts during and after an earthquake. These plans involve government agencies, emergency services, and community organizations working together to provide immediate assistance and support long-term recovery.
Case Study: The 1755 Lisbon Earthquake
The 1755 Lisbon earthquake serves as a crucial case study in understanding the impacts of seismic events and the importance of preparedness and resilience.
Causes and Characteristics:
The 1755 earthquake occurred on All Saints' Day, a major Catholic holiday, which exacerbated its impact as many people were in churches that collapsed during the quake. The earthquake was followed by a series of aftershocks and a massive tsunami that inundated coastal areas. The fires that broke out in the aftermath caused further destruction.
Impact on Lisbon:
Lisbon, the capital of Portugal, was the hardest hit. The earthquake destroyed much of the city, including nearly all of its major churches and many other buildings. The tsunami and fires compounded the devastation, leaving tens of thousands dead and many more homeless.
Reconstruction and Resilience:
The Marquis of Pombal, who led the reconstruction efforts, implemented a series of measures to rebuild Lisbon with improved resilience. These included:
1. Urban Planning: Pombal introduced modern urban planning principles, with wide streets, large squares, and uniform building heights to facilitate emergency response and reduce fire risk.
2. Building Regulations: New buildings were constructed with anti-seismic features, such as wooden frameworks known as "Pombaline cages" that provided flexibility and strength to withstand future earthquakes.
3. Economic Reforms: Pombal's economic reforms aimed to revive Lisbon's economy, including measures to support commerce, industry, and agriculture.
Philosophical and Cultural Impact:
The 1755 earthquake had a profound impact on European philosophy and culture. Enlightenment thinkers such as Voltaire and Rousseau used the disaster to explore themes of human suffering, divine intervention, and the role of science and reason in understanding natural phenomena. The earthquake influenced debates about the nature of God, the problem of evil, and the ability of humans to control and mitigate natural disasters.
Recent Advances in Seismology and Engineering
Advances in seismology and engineering continue to enhance Portugal's ability to prepare for and respond to earthquakes.
Seismic Hazard Assessment:
Improved seismic hazard assessment techniques, including the use of historical data, geological surveys, and probabilistic models, provide more accurate estimates of earthquake risks in different regions of Portugal. These assessments inform building codes, land-use planning, and emergency preparedness efforts.
Earthquake-Resistant Design:
Modern engineering practices focus on designing structures that can withstand seismic forces. Innovations in materials, construction techniques, and structural design enhance the earthquake resilience of buildings, bridges, and other infrastructure. Retrofitting older buildings to meet current seismic standards is an ongoing priority.
Early Warning Systems: 
Earthquake warning systems are advanced technologies designed to detect seismic activity and provide early alerts before the strongest shaking from an earthquake reaches populated areas. These systems are crucial for minimizing damage and saving lives by giving people and organizations precious seconds to take protective actions, such as evacuating buildings, halting transportation systems, and shutting down critical infrastructure like power plants and gas lines.
The basic concept behind earthquake warning systems is to detect the less destructive primary waves (P-waves) that travel faster through the Earth than the more damaging secondary waves (S-waves). P-waves are typically the first signals of an earthquake, and by identifying them, the system can issue a warning before the S-waves, which cause most of the shaking, arrive. The time between the detection and the arrival of the S-waves can range from a few seconds to over a minute, depending on the location of the epicenter and the system's efficiency.
Countries like Japan, Mexico, and the United States have developed sophisticated early warning systems. Japan’s "J-Alert" system and Mexico’s "SASMEX" provide residents with alerts through TV, radio, and mobile networks. The United States, particularly in California, has implemented the "ShakeAlert" system, which is designed to send alerts to smartphones, giving users time to "Drop, Cover, and Hold On."
The effectiveness of earthquake warning systems depends on factors like proximity to the epicenter and the system’s coverage area. While these systems can significantly reduce injuries and deaths, they do have limitations, particularly for earthquakes that occur very close to urban areas, where warning times may be too short. However, as technology continues to improve, these systems are becoming more reliable and accessible, offering a critical layer of protection against the dangers of earthquakes.
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coveredbyus1 · 1 month
Protecting Your Assets: Auto Insurance and Shopping Center Coverage in California
In California, owning a car or managing a shopping center comes with a range of responsibilities, and protecting your assets through proper insurance is one of the most critical. With the state's unique landscape and bustling economy, both auto insurance and shopping center insurance play pivotal roles in safeguarding your investments. Understanding the intricacies of these policies ensures you get the right coverage at the best price.
Understanding Auto Insurance in California
California law requires all drivers to have auto insurance. This isn't just a legal requirement—it's a crucial safeguard against financial loss in the event of an accident. Auto insurance California policies typically cover liability for bodily injury and property damage, but they can also include comprehensive and collision coverage, uninsured motorist protection, and more.
When shopping for auto insurance, it's essential to consider several factors. Your driving record, vehicle type, and even your location within the state can significantly impact your premiums. For instance, urban areas like Los Angeles or San Francisco may have higher rates due to increased traffic and accident risks.
To get the best auto insurance, compare quotes from multiple providers. Each company uses different algorithms to calculate risk, so the cost of coverage can vary widely. Additionally, many insurers offer discounts for things like safe driving records, bundling policies, or installing anti-theft devices in your vehicle.
Securing Shopping Center Insurance Quotes
Owning a shopping center is a significant investment, and ensuring its protection with the right insurance is crucial. Shopping center insurance quotes are designed to cover a wide range of risks, including property damage, liability, loss of income, and more.
The coverage you need will depend on the size of your shopping center, the types of businesses it houses, and the specific risks associated with your location. For example, a shopping center in an area prone to earthquakes might require additional coverage for natural disasters.
When seeking insurance for your shopping center, it's vital to work with an experienced agent who understands the complexities of commercial insurance. They can help you navigate the various coverage options and tailor a policy that meets your specific needs. Obtaining multiple shopping center insurance quotes from different providers will also allow you to compare rates and find the best deal.
Tips for Getting the Best Insurance Coverage
Whether you're looking for auto insurance or shopping center coverage, there are a few key strategies to ensure you get the best protection at a competitive price:
Shop Around: Always compare quotes from several insurers. Prices can vary significantly, and the only way to ensure you're getting a good deal is by seeing what's available on the market.
Understand Your Needs: Clearly define what you need in an insurance policy. For auto insurance, this might mean deciding between liability-only coverage or a more comprehensive policy. For shopping centers, it could involve assessing the value of your property and the specific risks your business faces.
Bundle Policies: Many insurance companies offer discounts if you bundle multiple policies together. If you own both a vehicle and a shopping center, bundling your auto insurance and shopping center insurance could lead to significant savings.
Review Regularly: Insurance needs can change over time. Review your policies annually to ensure they still meet your needs and to take advantage of any new discounts or coverage options.
Protecting your assets in California, whether it's your car or a shopping center, requires careful consideration of your insurance options. By understanding the key elements of auto insurance California and shopping center insurance quotes, you can make informed decisions that safeguard your investments and provide peace of mind.
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jackstoneins · 2 months
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eqinsuranceservices · 7 months
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agencyoneins · 6 months
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torsovertical · 2 months
Expert Tips from a Leading Home Repair Company California
Finding a reliable home repair company California can be a game-changer for homeowners facing maintenance and repair challenges. Whether it's fixing a leaky roof, updating outdated plumbing, or performing general maintenance, a professional home repair company California offers expertise and peace of mind. These companies provide comprehensive services that cover all aspects of home repair, ensuring your home remains in top condition. With skilled technicians, quality materials, and a commitment to customer satisfaction, home repair company California is equipped to handle any job, big or small. Trusting your home repairs to professionals ensures the job is done right the first time, saving you time, money, and stress in the long run.
Why Choose a Home Repair Company California?
Choosing a home repair company California offers numerous advantages, particularly due to the state’s diverse architectural styles and climatic conditions. Homeowners often face unique challenges such as earthquake damage, sun wear, and coastal corrosion. A professional home repair company California is familiar with these issues and can provide tailored solutions. These companies employ skilled technicians with the experience and tools necessary to address specific regional problems. By hiring a local home repair company California, you ensure that the repairs are in line with California’s building codes and standards, offering peace of mind and preserving your home’s value and safety.
The Top Services Offered by Home Repair Company California
Home repair company California provides a wide range of services to meet the varied needs of homeowners. Common services include roofing repairs, plumbing fixes, electrical work, and HVAC maintenance. Additionally, many companies offer specialized services such as earthquake retrofitting, solar panel installation, and energy-efficient upgrades. By selecting a reputable home repair company California, homeowners can address multiple issues through a single provider, streamlining the repair process and ensuring cohesive, high-quality results. These companies also offer emergency repair services, making them invaluable resources during unexpected home issues.
How to Find a Reliable Home Repair Company California?
Finding a reliable home repair company California involves careful research and consideration. Start by seeking recommendations from friends, family, and neighbors who have had positive experiences. Online reviews and ratings on platforms like Yelp and Google can also provide insights into the reliability and quality of service. Ensure the company is licensed, insured, and has a good standing with the Better Business Bureau. Interview potential companies to discuss your needs, ask about their experience with similar projects, and request references. A trustworthy home repair company California will be transparent, communicative, and committed to delivering top-notch service.
Benefits of Hiring a Home Repair Company California
Hiring a home repair company California comes with numerous benefits that can significantly enhance your home’s condition and value. Professional repair services ensure that all work complies with local building codes and safety standards, reducing the risk of future issues. These companies have access to high-quality materials and advanced tools, enabling them to perform repairs efficiently and effectively. Additionally, a reputable home repair company California offers warranties and guarantees on their work, providing long-term peace of mind. By entrusting your home repairs to experts, you can save time, avoid costly mistakes, and enjoy a well-maintained home.
Common Repairs Handled by Home Repair Company California
Home repair company California is equipped to handle a wide array of common repairs that homeowners frequently encounter. These include fixing leaks and water damage, repairing or replacing roofing materials, addressing electrical issues, and updating plumbing systems. Additionally, many companies specialize in cosmetic repairs such as drywall patching, painting, and flooring installation. Earthquake damage and weather-related wear are also common concerns that these companies expertly manage. By relying on a professional home repair company California, homeowners can ensure that all repairs are completed to a high standard, enhancing the home’s functionality, appearance, and safety.
What to Expect from a Home Repair Company California?
When you hire a home repair company California, you can expect a comprehensive approach to home maintenance and repair. Initial consultations typically involve a detailed inspection and assessment of the issues at hand. The company will then provide a clear and detailed estimate, outlining the scope of work, materials needed, and projected timelines. Professional home repair company California prides itself on transparent communication, quality workmanship, and customer satisfaction. Throughout the repair process, you can expect regular updates and a commitment to completing the job efficiently and to the highest standards, ensuring your home is in excellent condition.
Customer Testimonials Home Repair Company California
Customer testimonials offer valuable insights into the quality and reliability of home repair company California. Positive reviews highlight the professionalism, expertise, and customer service of these companies. Satisfied customers often commend the companies for their punctuality, attention to detail, and ability to handle complex repairs. Testimonials also emphasize the peace of mind that comes from knowing that the repairs are done correctly and to a high standard. By reading customer testimonials, potential clients can gain confidence in their choice of home repair company California, knowing they are selecting a trusted and proven provider.
In conclusion, a home repair company California plays a crucial role in maintaining and enhancing the value, safety, and functionality of homes. From offering a wide range of services and ensuring compliance with local building codes to embracing future trends like sustainability and smart technology, these companies provide essential support to homeowners. By hiring a reputable home repair company California, homeowners can benefit from professional expertise, high-quality workmanship, and peace of mind, knowing that their homes are in capable hands. Trusting professionals for home repairs not only protects your investment but also ensures a comfortable and well-maintained living environment.
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superpolishyeti · 2 months
Avoid These Common Mistakes When Hiring a Home Repair Contractor California
Finding the right home repair contractor California can make all the difference in the success of your home improvement project. Whether you're dealing with minor fixes or major renovations, a skilled and reliable contractor ensures the work is done efficiently and to a high standard. In this comprehensive guide, we'll help you navigate the process of selecting the perfect contractor. From understanding the key qualities to look for, to avoiding common hiring mistakes, and ensuring quality work, we've got you covered. Additionally, we'll highlight the benefits of hiring a local contractor who knows the unique challenges of California's building regulations and climate. Let's dive in and make your next home repair project a success.
Understanding the Role of a Home Repair Contractor California
A home repair contractor California plays a crucial role in maintaining and enhancing the value of your property. These professionals are responsible for a wide range of tasks, from minor repairs to major renovations. They bring specialised skills and knowledge to ensure that all aspects of the job are completed to code and with high quality. In California, where building regulations and climate considerations are unique, a home repair contractor California must be adept at navigating these challenges. They coordinate with other tradespeople, source materials, and manage the timeline and budget of the project. Understanding their role helps homeowners set realistic expectations and fosters a smoother working relationship.
Top Qualities to Look for in a Home Repair Contractor California
When searching for a home repair contractor California, certain qualities can significantly impact the outcome of your project. First and foremost, look for a contractor with a solid reputation and positive reviews. Experience in handling similar projects is essential, as is a proven track record of reliability and punctuality. Good communication skills are also vital, ensuring that you are kept informed throughout the project. Additionally, a great home repair contractor California will have a keen eye for detail, ensuring that every aspect of the work meets the highest standards. Finally, transparency in pricing and a clear, detailed contract are signs of a trustworthy contractor.
Common Services Offered by Home Repair Contractor California
Home repair contractor California offer a broad spectrum of services to meet the diverse needs of homeowners. These can range from basic repairs, such as fixing leaks, replacing broken tiles, or patching drywall, to more extensive renovations like kitchen and bathroom remodels. Many contractors also handle exterior work, including roofing, siding, and deck repairs. In earthquake-prone areas of California, contractors often specialise in seismic retrofitting to make homes more resilient. Additionally, energy efficiency upgrades, such as installing new windows or insulation, are popular services. Understanding the scope of services offered can help you choose a contractor who can address all your home repair needs comprehensively.
How to Vet a Home Repair Contractor California?
Vetting a home repair contractor California involves several critical steps to ensure you hire a qualified professional. Start by checking their licensing status with the California Contractors State License Board (CSLB). Verify that they have the necessary insurance coverage, including liability and workers' compensation. Next, ask for references and follow up with past clients to gauge their satisfaction with the contractor's work. Review their portfolio to see examples of completed projects similar to yours. Conduct interviews to assess their communication skills and professionalism. Finally, obtain multiple bids to compare pricing and scope of work, ensuring you get the best value for your investment.
The Importance of Licensing and Insurance for Home Repair Contractor California
Hiring a licensed and insured home repair contractor California is crucial for protecting your investment and ensuring quality work. A valid license from the CSLB guarantees that the contractor has met the state's standards for training and competency. Insurance is equally important; it protects you from liability in case of accidents or damages during the project. Without proper insurance, you could be held financially responsible for any injuries or property damage. Always verify the contractor's licensing and insurance status before signing any contracts. This due diligence can save you from potential legal and financial headaches down the line.
Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Home Repair Contractor California
Before hiring a home repair contractor California, it’s essential to ask the right questions to ensure they are a good fit for your project. Start by inquiring about their experience with similar projects and request to see a portfolio of their work. Ask about their licensing and insurance status, and verify this information independently. Discuss the timeline and budget, ensuring they can meet your expectations. It's also wise to ask about their process for handling unexpected issues and changes in scope. Finally, request references and contact past clients to get a sense of their reliability and quality of work.
Budgeting for a Home Repair Contractor California
Budgeting for a home repair contractor California involves careful planning and realistic expectations. Begin by obtaining detailed estimates from multiple contractors, breaking down the costs for lobar, materials, and any additional fees. Include a contingency fund for unforeseen expenses, which are common in home repair projects. It's essential to balance cost with quality; the cheapest option may not always be the best. Discuss payment schedules with your contractor, ensuring that they align with the project's milestones. By setting a clear budget and sticking to it, you can avoid financial surprises and ensure that your home repair project stays on track.
Choosing the right home repair contractor California is a critical decision that can significantly impact the success of your home improvement project. By understanding the role of a contractor, knowing the top qualities to look for, and being aware of common services and potential scams, you can make an informed choice. Always prioritise licensing and insurance, ask pertinent questions, and budget carefully. Hiring a local contractor offers additional benefits, including familiarity with local regulations and climate considerations. By ensuring clear communication and active involvement, you can ensure that your home repair contractor California delivers quality work that enhances the value and comfort of your home.
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mazdi · 3 months
Earthquake Coverage: Standard property insurance policies typically do not cover damage caused by earthquakes. If you live in an area prone to earthquakes, such as California, you may need to purchase a separate earthquake insurance policy or endorsement to ensure your property is protected against earthquake damage.
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brashearsinsurance · 3 months
Is California earthquake insurance worth it?
California earthquake insurance: is it work it? If there is one thing that California is known for outside of Hollywood, it is natural disasters. Small earthquakes are quite prevalent around the state, and some of the biggest in the nation occur within its jurisdiction as well. Its position over a major fault line doesn't help most insurers feel any safer, but there are some who really know the terrain and can help protect companies and residents.For those residents who call the Golden State home, California earthquake insurance is always a question. Is it worth it? Let's take a look at some of the reasons why it would be.
Earthquakes hit building foundations, which can quickly render a building unlivable. In some cases, the timing of repairs is just as important as whether they get done. For instance, would you want to live away from the comforts of home for a month after a catastrophe paying contractors off of a cash account? Imagine the additional living expenses - that would quickly cut into any savings you might have from self-insuring. These expenses are paid with the right kind of California earthquake insurance. For more information visit our website now
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anonymusbosch · 5 months
a bunch of home insurers are pulling out of California or greatly reducing coverage there. cited among the reasons: high cost of reconstruction (high labor costs, shortage of materials, permitting), high value of homes (many regions where the housing shortage has driven prices above $800,000 for even the most basic home or condo), high probability of damage (from flood, earthquake, wildfire, or landslide), and high probability of correlated losses (e.g. earthquakes or wildfires that would impact large regions all at once, meaning it would be hard to spread the cost over time or geography).
in a way it seems like the affordable housing shortage is hitting even the very wealthy - if there aren't enough low-value homes to balance out insurers' sheets, insurers don't want to insure the $3M dollar homes. wealthy, wooded suburbs at high fire risk are particularly impacted. the impact is also on people whose home prices have surged around them - people who bought their house for under $200k two decades ago who can't get it insured at a valuation of $1.5 million.
some articles say this will make it even harder for people to get homes if they can't pay the majority of the price upfront in cash, since generally mortgages require home insurance. will this shift the balance even further towards homeownership only for the incredibly wealthy? will it contribute At All towards a greater state-level effort to bring housing costs down or incentivize construction in urban areas farther from certain risk zones? will people start leaving California's metros for elsewhere across the country? I really don't know
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