storiearcheostorie · 2 months
Scoperta a Tuscania: nella necropoli etrusca di Sasso Pinzuto torna alla luce un edificio di culto [FOTO]
Scoperta a Tuscania: nella necropoli etrusca di Sasso Pinzuto torna alla luce un edificio di culto [FOTO]
Redazione Nuova importante scoperta a Tuscania. Nella necropoli di Sasso Pinzuto torna alla luce un edificio di culto: si tratta di un oikos, una sorta di vestibolo rettangolare, secondo modelli già in uso in Grecia. “Con ogni probabilità l’oikos di Sasso Pinzuto diventerà un riferimento per i culti funerari nelle necropoli etrusche arcaiche”, spiega il prof. Alessandro Naso dell’Università di…
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Wdym this isn't how roti ended (1/3)
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r4bidcherry · 4 months
doodles cause i got a new sketchbook
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total-drama-brainrot · 5 months
ophe... my sickness... the only thing thatll save me is camning ophe.... save me.....
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This is exactly how that scene went, trust.
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mrmeowziii · 29 days
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Flat color of the Roti cast at 26! After Lightning’s win.
‘Quick’ explanations for everyone-
Staci’s a hairdresser- She hasn’t quite gotten to owning her own shop yet, but she’s just as happy as long as she can help others see how beautiful they are! She’s made an unlikely friendship with Anne Maria, who shares her profession and love of all things cosmetic.
Brick went off to fashion school after serving in the military for a bit, and has since graduated! He’s more confident in himself, and is trying his best to start his own fashion line. His closest friends from the Roti cast are Anne Maria, Staci, and Dakota, who he talks with often about fashion and hair- Scott, who he’s dating- and Jo, for old times sake.
Scott never fully recovered from Fang’s attack without extra funding and was left with a permanent limp and chronic pain… poor guy. Still, after living on the farm for a few years, he reconnected with Brick at a cast reunion and the two have been going strong since. He’s still trucking despite his disability, and he’s supporting Brick with all he’s got.
Jo never got to open her dream gym, but instead got into nursing. A strange choice for her? Maybe, but she’s good at giving her patients what they need. Oh, and she’s a pro with physical therapy. Despite Lightning’s messiness for a few years, and their initial relationship, Jo and him are pretty good friends now- though that doesn’t stop her from egging him on from time to time.
Dakota’s a professional fighter, while Sam’s a game developer. They’ve been married the second longest, after Zoke, of course. When she’s not killing it in the ring, Dakota’s still quite fashion forward. Her mutation’s been reversed a good amount, but not all the way. It’s unlikely it’ll ever be fully cured, but Dakota’s okay with that. She’s got Sam on her side all the way, after all! As for him, his newest game ‘Groundstory’ absolutely blew up after a great crowdfunding campaign! You’ve probably heard of it.
Anne Maria’s newly single after a messy relationship back in Jersey. She’s crashing with Jo for the time being, so who knows how long that’ll last? Maybe longer than you think… ;) For now she’s working at a hair salon and sharing lots of tips with Staci, while helping Brick with his fashion line, since Scott’s got NO eye for this kinda thing.
Lightning… well, he’s had an interesting journey to get where he is now. For the first few years after winning, everything was great! He was the star of the football team he’d been drafted by, a literal millionaire, and his dad was finally giving him his time! But then… poorly managed wealth is a recipe for disaster, leading to Lightning being dropped by the NFL, his dad disowning him, and a pretty bad drinking and binge eating problem. Only when Cameron intervened was Lightning given any hope of getting better, and he’s on the road to recovery now. They live together, the two comprising a pretty odd couple, but a happy one nonetheless.
Cameron found he liked helping others with their mental health after a bit of trying to figure out what to do with his life, and became a licensed therapist after blowing through college. After a bit of helping Mike and Zoey with their first child, he reached out to a very depressed Lightning and made it his goal to rehabilitate his former competitor. After a few intense years, a few relapses, and an unexpected level of bonding, the two of them now live together, not married- but taking it one step at a time. Cameron’s proud of his boyfriend.
Mike and Zoey got married after All-Stars, and had their first kid at 20. Rosie is the light of their lives, and soon little Enzo will be joining the picture as well. Zoey’s been responsible for every cast meetup since All-Stars ended, and she spends her free time writing about her experiences on reality television. She was Canada’s mom of the year when Rosie was two years old!
Mike, as it turns out, didn’t delete his disorder with the press of a button. Woah. Mike and the gang are multi talented, and each of them have found their passions in different things. Chester’s retired, but the dream of being Miss Canada’s still there. Svetlana hasn’t stopped practicing her gymnastics, and is ready for another go at the Olympics! Vito likes to club, but is surprisingly good with Rosie- besides Mike, he’s her favorite. Manitoba Smith still lives for adventure, and helps Dawn and B in their animal sanctuary when he can. Mal works with Mike at their office job, trolling any employer who gets a little too comfortable in their position. If there’s anything the two of them can agree on, it’s that their boss sucks.
B’s inventions started to earn him a lot of money not long after Roti, but he kept it humble, and helps fund Dawn’s nature sanctuary as one of it’s main supporters. The two of them live happily together, their ability to understand each other when no one else could bonding them for life. B’s working every day to make machines more environmentally friendly, and reduce the carbon footprint of humanity.
Dawn fundraised for years, and with some intense determination on her part, along with some help from B, she finally got to create the animal sanctuary she’d always wanted in the mountains of British Columbia. She works there full-time, surrounded by the nature she’s always loved. At home, she lives with her cat Gaia and her partner B.
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wheredidalltheusersgo · 6 months
I had a dream where I was discussing a total drama AU with r4bidcherry and Total-Drama-Brainrot.
The contestants were all werewolves and Lightning and Cameron divorced, Lightning got with Geoff, and they had kids.
Then Cameron asked for custody of them. I specifically remember him saying "Lightning let me see the kids"
And then I woke up.
Also the second half of the dream was in r4bidcherry's art style
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jackienautism · 10 months
i need to stop complaining so much. abyway amanda has a pet tarantula bc i said so. and she names it. uh . lynn
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spooky-kakashi · 5 months
i know in my heart that tobirama would have loved monster energy
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my313 · 5 months
im afraid i HAVE to write a fluffy piece based on beomgyu's cover sry i cant write smut rn omg........
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the-passer-outer · 7 months
the world would be better if we had more camning
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storiearcheostorie · 3 months
Scavi / Scoperta in Azerbaijan una mensa ‘rituale’ di 3500 anni fa con tanto di stoviglie ceramiche ancora al loro posto
Scavi / Scoperta in Azerbaijan una mensa ‘rituale’ di 3500 anni fa con tanto di stoviglie ceramiche ancora al loro posto
(da UniCt Magazine) – (C) UniCt Una mensa di 3500 anni fa, con tutte le stoviglie di ceramica ancora sul posto, insieme agli alloggiamenti per i bracieri impiegati per cucinare il cibo: un punto di ristoro probabilmente utilizzato dalle popolazioni nomadi che si muovevano tra il bacino del fiume Kura e le montagne del Caucaso tra il 1500 e il 750 a.C. (Età del Bronzo Tardo e del Ferro Antico)…
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thoughts on camning (Cameron/Lighting)
it is objectively hilarious /pos. i love jock x nerd dynamics and they are arguably that dynamic in its purest form. All-Stars' biggest sin was not letting them interact like At All (jk allstars committed way more sins than that lol)
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r4bidcherry · 2 months
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total-drama-brainrot · 3 months
father ophelia. i need ur multi paragraph analysis on how camning date would happen. who would ask who out
Camning is such a weird pair to consider as an actual couple instead of two mutually pining idiots because I can't in good faith say that either of them would ever admit to having feelings for the other.
Don't get me wrong, Cameron isn't the type to suppress or deny his feeings or anything - in fact he'd be ecstatic at the prospect of having a crush on someone, because it's yet another wordly experience he's been deprived of his whole life that he's living for the first time. And that's exactly the issue; Cameron has no idea how to go about expressing these things, save for whatever romance based literature/tv shows he was exposed to growing up and, knowing Cameron, he'd be more than aware that they doesn't exactly portray a realistic perspective on real-life relationships. So he's back to square one when it comes to knowledge on how to deal with his feelings.
Which would mean he'd be the type to go completely non-verbal in front of Lightning, or otherwise be a stuttering mess. A pathetic puddle of a boy who has no idea how to deal with these new, weird feelings save for whispering "oh no he's hot" to himself.
On the other hand, Lightning is extremely prideful. Extremely prideful. He'd be completely in denial about having a crush on Cameron of all people because he's the antithesis of everything Lightning holds in high regard; Cameron isn't athletic or strong, he's not outwardly headstrong or competitive (at first glance, though Cameron does have a spine hidden somewhere in that red hoodie) and Lightning wouldn't see Cameron as someone who could relate to him in any way. Keep in mind, Lightning's a bit of an egotist, so he'd be under the assumption that his ideal partner would be a reflection of himself.
And Lightning isn't very bright, despite his namesake, so he wouldn't realise that's exactly why he likes Cameron so much. He's impressed by Cameron's fountain of knowledge and keen intellect. He's astounded by how Cameron can use his wit and his determination to win challenges without having to brute forcing his way to victory. He thinks Cameron is adorable and experiences cuteness aggression every time they lock eyes. So on so forth.
So with Cameron's Cameronness and Lightning's staunch denial, there's only one way these two would ever get together.
Lightning accidentally confesses.
Be it through an insult gone wrong during the competition, or maybe a freudian slip in a conversation post-RotI, or even him just plain denying any feelings for Cameron unprompted and inadvertantly outing himself as a Cameron Liker through his defensiveness. Either way, Cameron hears this confirmation of returned feelings and all of the knowledge he's accrued from his mother's books/shows comes in swinging - he asks Lightning to have dinner with him. And surprisingly, Lightning accepts.
...Because it's free food, not because he likes the wimp. That's his excuse.
And the two hit it off. Cameron spends the whole first date sweating profusely but miraculously not putting his foot in his mouth. Though he does oftentimes get too technical and booksmart for Lightning to understand what he's saying, but Lightning nods along politely anyway because he finds the enthusiasm on Cameron's face endearing.
In turn, Lightning's initial jibing insults (which, subconciously, he's only really using to keep up appearences) peter off into genuine compliments as he realises that wow, he actually really enjoys spending time with Cameron, and Cameron is really smart but not condecending in the slightest when he asks for elaboration on things he doesn't understand, and Cameron's got a lot of interesting thoughts that he's never considered, and...
Lightning realises that he might be very, very gay for Cameron.
In turn, Cameron's almost vibrating with excitement because he's talking to Lightning, and Lightning is talking back, and there's this natural chemistry between them that even he in all of his inexperience can feel sparking in the air now that Lightning's walls of superiority have finally crumbled somewhat. He's on a date with the boy he likes and it's going really well.
(None of his research could've prepared him for the actual experience of a first date - and oddly enough, Cameron is thankful that he didn't have any preconceived expectations for the night.)
The night goes well, they eat food at some fancy restaurant that Cameron pays for with his winnings, and as they go to leave Lightning - because he's not one to be outshone in the competitive context of being a "good date haver" - gives Cameron a peck at the corner of his mouth. It's brief, a ghost of an action really, but it's enough to have Cameron visibly light up as he returns the favour.
At some point after they've been going on these dates for a while (Lightning more often than not taking Cameron to various sports games "for the experience", and Cameron indulging Lightning by taking him on hikes whilst he studies the wildlife they come across, ect ect) they breach the topic of being boyfriends in an awkward but sweet conversation that Lightning spends the next few months poking fun at Cameron for.
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blog-of-gourd · 11 months
i reaaaally really like the updated character models. i rly wish they would get an unlimited stream of new animations and facial expressions i want my boy to smile and spread happiness to everyone around him but also especially me
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v1model · 1 year
oh yeah btw
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crackship made by @bubblyee and me
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