#campaign log.
nevermoretoleave · 2 years
SESSION XX. the seer and the mage.
in-game date: 25th day of gnilyana.
kai returns to jeny to ask her about the sacrifices to the lake, jeny has heard nothing about it. he also asks her about the morninglord and if it's associated with fire, to which she says no. the party discusses what to do next, and ponders whether to go to the windmill or the werewolf den first -- and how to deal with a coven of fiendish hags.
they head towards the vistani camp south of town, and discuss their feelings towards the baron on the way. they consider talking to lady wachter, and notice people in the woods, looking for something or someone. they arrive to camp and overhear one of the elves tell her uncle, arrigal, that arabelle has not turned up yet. when told they've seen her this morning, arrigal accepts their offers to help, and at their request, gives them one of her dolls.
kai turns into a direwolf, and begins tracking arabelle's scent. he tracks her into vallaki and then further towards lake zarovich, where they find her in a bag, wriggling, in bluto's rowboat. they immediately spring into action, between rowboats, waterwalking, and wild shape, and manage to kill bluto in one hit and rescue arabelle before she begins drowning.
reeling from the stress, kai talks to the party about the freams he's been having, about how this place is out to get him, and that maybe he should embrace the fire. the party is concerned about what this might mean, but they carry onwards towards vallaki. izek allows them in with arabelle, and vane tells him that her abducter won't be an issue anymore. they bring her to the blue water inn to warm her. danika makes room for her, and the wachter brothes also clock this. vane lets urwin know that bluto is responsible for kidnapping her, but won't be coming around anymore.
they return with her to camp, where there will be invited to dinner and celebrate. they're given a choice of treasures, and they pick a small wooden box, containing 600gp and a potion of poison.
the party now notices that there are no female dusk elves, and begin asking questions. they're directed to kasimir, and elya and lev head his way. he tells them that the slaughter of the dusk elf women was done in revenge, and shows them the stumps of his ears. they speak futher, and he tells them about how his sister whispers to him in dreams. further questioning leads him to tell them of a vault of forbidden knowledge deep in the mountains. he lets elya borrow his spell book to copy ritual spells, and lev asks him if he'd look at an unfinished spell scroll of mordenkainen's he found, in hopes of finishing it, though he thinks they'll have better chances of decyphering it at the amber temple.
finally, they ask him if he knows the location of a fallen house guarded by a stone dragon, and he points them towards argynvostholt, an order of knights of a silver dragon.
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hypovile · 2 months
My friends and I have a grand total of 694 pages of session notes for our Curse of Strahd campaign. And I think that’s beautiful
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luckthebard · 1 year
I have no idea what corner of the fandom or discord this take emerged in, but the people with the same take all veering into "actually the other characters [read: Orym because Liam is an easy target for drastically misunderstanding his character work for whatever reason] need to ask Imogen permission to do anything because they might hurt her fee-fees" are tbh exhausting and doing Imogen as character, Laura as a player, and the concept of collective storytelling and conflict a massive disservice.
Like I'm sorry y'all don't think anyone but your faves should make decisions or have interiority and if they do they're "mean" or "manipulative" and I'm just so freaking tired of these myopic media takes that seem to stem from a weird aversion to have any kind of narrative tension.
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hey guys uh not to make a callout post but its kinda abusive of that monkey to keep chasing the weasel around the mulberry bush.... i think the weasel is a minor too so like 🤨 why are you chasing kids, monkey, what are you a pedophile or something? i heard she even knows the muffin man... wtf is wrong with her i think she should kill herself for real. BUT GUYS DONT GO HARASS ANYONE PWEEEAAASE ITS MEANIES 😖
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blueberryspyder · 11 months
Listen, I KNEW I was gonna cry during my first relisten of The Adventure Zone: Balance, but GOD I didn’t remember the Voidfish song happening so SOON—The Crystal Kingdom has always been my favorite arc and it makes me so emotional hearing the music again in context
I am going to be a hot mess for a while
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elven-child · 8 months
it's actually genuinely crazy that tmagp is already here when I still remember so VIVIDLY when rq first started posting those eye emojis and encoded "are you still listening?" messages and everyone who was still grieving from the end of tma 1.5 years earlier, me included, went
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fluffypotatey · 3 days
i don't know if y'all know just how terrific (said with barely restrained anger) the state of Texas, USA ads campaigns have become :)
i don't think y'all understand how fucking horrible Ted Cruz is and the rest of the state's legislature is. how horribly transphobic and misogynistic they are. how terrifying it will be if this asshole stays in office
i don't think y'all know how important this election is for the state of Texas, USA
so please :) if you live here. check if you're registered :)
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queeraang · 1 month
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thesapphiresoul · 3 months
i- i think i picked a good time to get back into cr
holy shit
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nevermoretoleave · 2 years
SESSION XXVII. breaking point.
in-game date: 1st of zimnyana. 
elya is still entranced by the book. vane and valar head outside for a bit of fresh air. valar tells vane that he's not planning on returning to exandria after they deal with strahd. they discuss the deals that zantras and amourae have offered them and their plans on taking them. valar mentions that during the brunch, father lucian mentioned kai's threats, and they plan on talking to him. they don't trust the book either, given that it was written by strahd, but they'll deal with it later.
they head inside and confront kai about his threats to vallaki, and he tries to argue that it was only a potential threat. they encourage him to redirect his anger towards strahd instead. they're interrupted by arabelle calling to them outside the tower, and valar goes out to meet her. she's pulled a card and has a bad feeling about it, but kasimir's sending spell wasn't working, alarming them to yesterhill.
with a newly-acquired urgency, they make plans to pop over to jeny's for a greater restoration and not miss their meeting with rictavio. for the sake of expediency, kai wildshapes into a horse and goes off with elya to vallaki. elya asks about his version of events through a combination of detect thoughts and telepathy, and learns that kai is angry at him.
at jeny's, elya takes the greater restoration, and asks about the branch. she tells him it's part of her sister's tree, that it's been corrupted. it's a conduit, syphons energy from others and into the land -- and with strahd fashioning himself as such, it's going to him. in a rage, elya breaks the branch, and it releases a blood-curdling scream in its vicinity. they run into rictavio on their way out, elya's hands still bloody from the staff, and they follow him towards the tower. once there, he asks them to stand closer together and casts zone of truth, asking if they are who they say they are, and if they've been in contact with strahd in the past day. he finds the answers satisfactory and follows them inside, where his hat of disguise stops working, revealing doctor rudolph van richten.
the questioning begins immediately. van richten is willing to work with them, knowing better than to go against madam eva's readings. regarding ezmerelda, he believes she's better off away from him, given the fate that befell his previous spouses and child. they inform him that they have the book, and he notes the lack of any mentions to sergei despite the land and castle being named after his parents, and other names popping up all over barovia. further, he's acquired a puppet from blinsky whom he cannot communicate with, but believes it has information about the inside of the castle. they'll figure things out. in the meantime, kai asks to pet ramses, to which van richten reluctantly agrees.
outside, with ramses' consent, kai pets her, and vane telepathically bonds with pidlwick. despite the alluded murder of his predecessor, vane is endeared. he lived in the castle but strahd grew bored, so he wandered out until he was taken in by blinsky. he's willing to help, he knows the castle, as long as he can make people happy.
inside, they inform van richten of arabelle's reading, and their plans to go to yesterhill. elya tells him about the tree, and that he's been an unwitting donor, but he's severed the connection. van richten believes he'd be of more use in vallaki gathering information. they ask him about the state of affairs there, and resolve to investigate vasili further. ultimately, they decide to send a bird to the winery and rest there before heading to yesterhill. before that, though, they decide to go through one more chapter of the tome, and find themselves in strahd's youth once again.
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ssruis · 2 months
Perhaps the 100k crystals by ohe dream is not dead after all…
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tvmblrsillyman · 3 months
Hello this a long shot call, am a citizen of Palestine. I am here to request for your support to help get my insulin (Humalog), just an injection for today to save my life please I beg.I was diagnosized with type 1 diabetes and due to current situation in Gaza I'm unable to get my insulin injection as a result I'm here begging for little financial support to help me purchase insulin for this week. Am sorry if am sending you again this request, kindly donate any amount please. My donation link is in my pinned post🇵🇸
i dunno man.
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leehallfae · 4 months
did i ever tell you guys i wrote a pilot teaser in teleplay format for my ideal post-santos-administration continuation of the west wing in which joey lucas is elected president . like it slaps really hard though idk if i would ever finish out writing the whole episode so i might just post it on ao3 as is, who knows
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freshthoughts2020 · 2 months
Convenient Money!
Convenient Money!
July 25, 2024
Kamala Harris' Presidential Run
This is not the source to get your political news, but just in case you’ve been under Patrick’s rock, current Vice President Kamala Harris is now officially running for President of the United States after Biden’s sudden departure from the race. Since running, Kamala has raised $81M in 24 hours, which are record-setting numbers. When I saw that, I couldn’t help but think the same thought every time this happens: “Where is this money for the less fortunate?”
Money for Crisis, But Not for the Poor
Ukraine gets money, we had money for the stimulus during COVID, and every time this gets brought up, somebody wants to put their economics knowledge to use and explain inflation. I simply don’t think that is an excuse. Being able to raise that much money for one person could literally be done for some urban areas in America. It could supply monthly stipends, provide decent housing for the homeless, not just shelters that are barely hospitable. It could help provide food that isn’t canned and doomed to hell but actual quality foods. Why is it so hard for people to care about the less fortunate and those affected by unlucky economic situations?
Personal Responsibility and Wealth
When I become wealthy, I want y'all to hold me to the fire and make me remember the promises I made to help those who came from similar situations as me. I didn’t grow up the worst, but like most people born in urban communities, I experienced some setbacks. I know what instability feels and looks like. I know what it’s like not knowing where your next meal is going to come from, living check to check, being carless, taking two steps forward and one step back. I just know how it feels to have life give me its ass to kiss despite working EXTREMELY hard to subvert those circumstances.
The Need for Opportunity and Assistance
After all that hard work and strapping up them damn bootstraps, people simply need opportunity and assistance, a financial head start similar to what children of the wealthy are provided with. I also wonder, when stories like these surface, do the people donating ever think, “Man, we gave our money pretty easily to this. Maybe we can actually help a community out.”
Challenges of Implementing Change
Then, when people actually commit to making actual change, the people they are helping get engulfed with jealousy, which is triggered by perpetual lack. They don’t even know how to handle someone from a similar background acting as a benevolent figure. In other words, people are haters, and it's messed up out here.
Deserving a Decent Life
Nonetheless, everyone on Earth still deserves to live a decent, humane life. Not everyone has to be in Range Rovers or wear vintage Chanel that CoCo never even had; people just deserve to experience some of the wealth that many of the elites hoard. Sure, you worked hard for your money; it’s your choice to do whatever you want with it. However, at certain moments, the government and institutions alike should let morality kick in and do what it takes to save people from desolate poverty, no matter the cost.
Visit gettothecorner.com
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ohbeffinitely · 1 year
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(as per @displacer-beasts's request HUEHUEHUE)
First? ✨Appreciate His Beautiful Face✨
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Second, his backstory is definitely a work in progress, but thus far:
- His name is Tyhjä (Finnish for Void) and he's a Big Lightning Boy, aka a Charged Bolts build
- He's a bit of a Slüt, but how could you not be with nip rings built into the armor?
- His staff is crafted out of an ancient tree split by lightning, and he's traveled significantly across the continent to hone his grasp of the elements
- Realized he was falling for this dumb old man early in the campaign, making jokes about his Sparse Living Situation
- Neyrelle figured it out first
- Eventually learns some Horadric to figure out what on earth Lorath is constantly muttering and moaning about
The following are ✨campaign spoilers✨ since Tumblr sucks at letting me do Read More cuts:
- Ulterior motive for working for the Tree of Whispers? Trying to keep Lorath's head out of the branches as long as possible 😌
- But definitely bribes the Tree to let him borrow the old man's skull every once and a while when he's finally collected
- Ends up delivering Lorath's head himself because, honestly, he's not too keen on the ravens' decapitation quality
- Accidentally Good Boy's Mephisto at least once (and probably got bit in the process)
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blueberryspyder · 6 months
Me: starts listening to The Magnus Archives
TMA: comes back with The Magnus Protocol
Me, shaking as I start listening to Rusty Quil Gaming: please come back please come back please come ba—
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