#camping in Phaya's dream
mikuni14 · 9 months
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It's about how Billy and Babe play lovers, how natural, how normal they are with each other's bodies, how they claw at each other with their fingers, how they are not afraid of strong caresses that pull the skin. This is unbelievably hot to me. When I see a couple of actors for whom physical closeness is so wonderfully normal.
We giggle and blush when we say how sweet Phaya's fantasies are, but his dreams also have an unmistakable air of tension, rawness, urgency and absolute WANT.
And that's the point of it all, that's why we're all so obsessed with Phaya and Tharn: because Billy and Babe leave no doubt that the characters they play absolutely WANT each other, in every sense of the word.
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chaotic-aro-incarnate · 2 months
Today on me rewatching The Sign and realizing shit
ok I don't know if this is like obvious to everyone else but I figured out something rewatching The Sign
this scene in episode 2 where Phaya gets lured out to sea?
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This is NOT Wansarat!!!! This is CHALOTHORN!!!!
this is something that has confused me. why would Wansarat be leading Phaya out to the ocean? that doesn't seem to make sense considering everything, but I just brushed it aside as a plot hole or something but then rewatching noticed this!
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if you look closely you cans see that Wansarat's eyes flash green for a moment (there's a little sound effect when it happens too, but it's easy to miss)
you know whose eyes also flash green? Narong (the police officer who killed those guys in episode 5) when he was being possessed by... you guessed it CHALOTHORN!!!
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(here you can see how his eyes changed while he was being possessed)
now at this point Chalothorn has shown up twice (though we don't know that yet). once in his sea serpent form in episode 1 and then in episode 2 he's camouflaged at the bar
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and look at those eyes!!! they're green!!!
but wait there's more!!!
when Phaya sees "Wansarat" here, there's an interesting effect as he goes into a trance and walks into the water....
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this being identical to the effect in episode 9 where Chalothorn lures him into the water by pretending to be Tharn!!!!
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FURTHERMORE!!! The only times we see Wansarat directly are in Phaya's dreams and in episode 1 where she rescued him from the water/Chalothorn which turned out to also be Tharn pulling Phaya out
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So why would Wansarat be over here by herself, while Tharn is elsewhere, since they're the same person? Why would she lure her soulmate to drown? It's because Chalothorn has disguised himself as Wansarat to lead Phaya to his death!!! He has been spying on them at the camp at this point, but at this point couldn't gauge how close they were so he went with Wansarat to lure Phaya (opposed to episode 9 where he disguised himself as Tharn for the same purpose since he knew Phaya would go after Tharn). He had already seen Wansarat save Phaya earlier, so he knew that he would follow her, and he even said the exact same thing to him to lure him over.
So this?
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is Wansarat
But this?
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is Chalothorn pretending to be Wansarat in order to lure Phaya to his death
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ohshinytrinketsmine · 9 months
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Bonus: Tharn's in-dream reaction face that swallow.. you're not even fooling yourself dude
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Why are you blushing? We used to shower together a lot at the camp. Or is it because... you are feeling something this time?
Dream Phaya asking all the right questions hehehe
The Sign ep 4
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timotey · 8 months
Ficlet: Sleeping Beauty
The Sign. Phaya/Tharn. AU? Missing scene from ep 10? Unbeta'd.
Tharn never wakes up when Phaya is attacked in his dreams. How odd.
(Just something that made me pause and go all, "Hm..." Ergo, a ficlet!)
He finds out about the pills completely by accident.
They’re set to depart for Nongkai in the morning but Phaya vetoes the suggestion that he should go home and pack - that they should sleep in separate places! No way, not gonna happen, never! One bed and with Tharn safely tucked in his arms, that's how it's going to be. Packing can wait for tomorrow, he will just throw some things into his bag when they stop at Phaya’s house to pick up his grandmother and his sister.
So, that’s how it happens. He walks out of the bathroom, rubbing his hair dry with a towel, when he sees Tharn pull a pill bottle out of the bedside table, shake out one and swallow it with a sip of water.
“What’s that?” he asks, running his fingers through his hair. He isn’t really digging for information, just being nosy for nosiness’ sake.
Tharn sets the bottle down on the bedside table, pulling the bed covers aside. “Something the Doc gave me,” he says and when he sees Phaya's face, he rolls his eyes. “It’s just a mild sedative, is all. He noticed I wasn't sleeping well after the camp. It’s not the first time.”
Phaya feels a shiver run down his spine. “Chalothon... gave you sleeping pills?” he asks carefully, a dark suspicion gnawing at his insides.
Nodding, Tharn slips into the bed. “Yeah. Like I said, not the first time. And they really help. I’ve been sleeping much better these days.”
Phaya grips the towel in his hands so hard his knuckles turn white. “I… see,” he says.
Tharn’s always been there to save him - unless Phaya was attacked in his dreams, at night, while Tharn was deeply asleep and so unable to perceive any premonitions. 
This can’t be a coincidence. There are no coincidences when that fucking lizard is involved.
Phaya doesn’t say anything, though. He just steals two pills from the bottle. Better safe than sorry.
Early in the morning, on their way to Phaya’s house, Phaya stops at the headquarters. He tells Tharn he needs to sign some paperwork before he can leave and that he will be back in a sec, no need to come with. He hates lying to Tharn but, well.
“Can you analyze this for me?” he asks Mayris, dropping the little bag containing the two pills on her desk in the lab.
She looks down at the bag and pokes at it with her pen. “What is it and why should I?”
Phaya sighs. “I can’t tell you and because I’m asking you. Please, Mayris. It’s really important.”
There must be something in his face or in his voice because she narrows her eyes and says, “Alright. But you will owe me one.”
He sighs in relief. “Anything.” 
For Tharn, anything.
Tharn’s in their bedroom at his grandmother’s house, waiting for Yai to call back, when Phaya calls Mayris from their bathroom. He hates this sneaking around behind his lover’s back but there’s no way he could explain all this without telling Tharn about Chalothon being the Naga that’s threatening their lives.
“Are you planning to tranquilize an elephant?” is the first thing that Mayris says without even waiting for a greeting. 
Phaya blinks. “What?”
“The pills you gave me,” she points out. “What do you think they are?”
Phaya's heart skips a beat. “I was told it was a mild sedative.”
Mayris snorts into her phone. “Mild sedative, my cute ass! This will put you under so hard a bomb could go off in your ear and you wouldn't even stir.”
“Shit,” Phaya hisses and closes his eyes. He was right. He wishes he wasn’t.
“Will you now tell me what’s going on?” Mayris asks.
Sighing, Phaya says, “It's better if you don't know.”
“That might be. I still do want to know. I'm nosy like that,” she says, leaving no room for debate.
Phaya rubs his forehead. This might be a bad idea but he needs to tell someone. He needs someone to know the truth about Chalothon, beside the abbot, that is. Just in case. He makes a decision.
“Those pills, Tharn’s psychiatrist, Chalothon, gave them to Tharn.”
There’s a pause. “The guy who helped us with Art’s case?” she asks slowly.
“Well, shit,” she says succinctly.
There’s a long pause, then Mayris says, “Look, I’m no doctor but I know my chemistry. Maybe Tharn really does need those pills but I can’t honestly imagine anyone but a literal walking zombie to need medication that strong. You need to get in touch with some other doctor and get him off that shit as soon as possible. Such strong meds can wreak real havoc with your body.”
“Agreed,” Phaya says, adding yet another item to his constantly growing list of Tharn related worries, most of them courtesy of one evil bastard.
“Just… don’t throw them simply out, the pills, I mean, if that crossed your mind,” Mayris warns. “You can’t go cold turkey from pills that strong. He will have to be weaned off gradually and under medical supervision.”
Phaya sighs again, feeling an even heavier weight settle on his shoulders. “Alright, I’ll keep that in mind. Thanks, Mayris, I really appreciate it.”
There’s a pause. “You really like the guy, huh?” she asks and her voice is oddly soft. Phaya isn’t used to her being… like that. It weirds him out a little.
Still, he replies just as softly, “Yeah. Yeah, I do. A lot.”
“Good,” Mayris says, once again all brusqueness. “Then go and do something about the thing. Rip his doctor a new one, if you have to.” Then she hangs up.
Phaya stands there, in the bathroom, staring at his reflection in the fogged over mirror. Well, he was right. The fucking snake’s been drugging Tharn for months now. But what should he do about it? 
If he tells Tharn the truth about the pills, he will have to tell him the truth about Chalothon, too. And the abbot warned him not to do that. And seeing just how confrontational Tharn was with Captain Akk, a man they’ve known for mere months, Phaya can’t even imagine how Tharn would react to Chalothon’s betrayal. The guy - the Naga! - has been taking care of Tharn since Tharn was a teen…
Phaya leans against the sink, squeezing the rim so hard his knuckles turn white, and hangs his head. He feels guilty, so fucking guilty, but he has no real choice here. He will have to keep it to himself. For now. And just… watch out for Tharn even more carefully. The 15th night of the 11th moon is at hand. In a few days, it’s all going to be over and then, then they will deal with this, too. He will make sure that Tharn gets off the damn meds safely. 
Taking a deep breath, Phaya straightens up, squaring his shoulders. Throwing one last look at himself in the mirror - what are you staring at? - he grabs his towel and leaves the bathroom. 
Tharn’s still sitting at the desk, waiting for Yai’s call…
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theworldinclines · 9 months
Alright Alexa, can I get a rundown on The Sign. I heard it has magic. -💖💕💖
bro it is every genre conceivable we have murder mystery we have reincarnation fated pairing action cop thriller that's so raven type visions romantic comedy yes INDEED magic like they said why do one thing when we can do them all at all times??? it's cringe it's camp it's CONTENT i for one am obsessed with it. the mains are phaya and tharn (the reincarnated slays) who are grotesquely attracted to teach other and consistently have dreams of [redacted] but to act on it would be messy with a capital Mess for like 1000 reasons so they simply pine and rot and it's all very funny for me as much as it is painful for them <3 the sound effects are top tier humour; the barely in existence side couple khem (loml) and thong are my everything cat dog couple type shit; and the fact that everyone is suspicious is also comedy af. 🙅‍♂️i dont trust a bitch in this house!🙅‍♂️anyway watch it its funny and weird and supernatural so why not
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