#can I just say that I love Shulk’s design?!
rainbowwing251 · 2 years
Spoilers for the teaser trailer for Wave 4 of the Xenoblade Chronicles 3 DLC Under the Cut.
You know, despite the fact that Shulk looks like this
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And Rex looks like this
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In the Xenoblade 3 DLC story, I like to think that both of them are just as ticklish as they were in their respective games.
You poke Shulk’s stomach and scribble Rex’s underarms and they just. Perish. Just like they did when they were young.
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Like, quick elaboration of what I mean by Xenoblade 2 copium. Also, obviously this doesn't apply to ppl who aren't stupid and defensive about criticism over a video game. But when I say that the copium is "misconstrue all criticism to be bigotry." I mean, like, you realize you can just say "honestly doesn't bother me" if you have to say anything. No need to make shit up.
And, like, the example with the character designs, it's like, I've heard shit like "ain't it sexist how everyone complains about Pyra's design but not Zeke's?" As if Zeke didn't actually have an acceptable character design. Or ppl responding to the criticism that 2's character designs prioritize sex appeal to straight men over literally anything else and then going "let women express themselves, sexist :/" As if there's any real bodily autonomy for a fictional fucking character. Or ppl going "Dahlia's design is gross" and then responding with "she was drawn by a woman therefore she can't be an instance of the artist jacking off to anime tits." Which, is a deeply stupid argument. Like, there's this weirdness where you can imply 2 is sexist and then copium ppl go "no u."
And then a lot of other criticisms go in a similar direction. Rex is a bad protagonist because his narrative arc isn't satisfying. There are a lot of reasons for that, such as him lacking a compelling reason to be part of the plot, his character motivations being really static, him embodying a really generic archetype of protagonist without having a particularly compelling spin on it, the fact that the plot keeps driving him into a wall before making something up on the fly to bail him out (which becomes an issue starting around Chapter 4), the fact that he's used to undercut multiple far more interesting character arcs because he's such a nice guy that Pneuma's and Nia's deeply rooted traumas or the imperialistic tension of Mor Ardain simply vanish instead of being properly explored, the fact that he probably shouldn't have been written to be a kid considering that some of the most important parts of his character are his *adult* love interests and the fact that he has a highly dangerous job that he's super experienced at doing, the fact that the English voice direction and acting just undercuts every dramatic moment involving the character, and a million other things that aren't on the top of my head. Criticize any of these things and you'll be met with deflections. Like "oh Shulk's not very good quit being a Xenoblade 1 purist" or "let men feel things the protagonist is allowed to fail sometimes" and other stuff that's more of a stock response than a real argument.
Fandom arguments devolving into stock arguments is pretty common as a whole. Just kinda dumb how often the arguments around 2 devolve into stock arguments that specifically misconstrue real-world issues.
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bluerosesburnblue · 11 months
I feel like I already know the answer to this, probably (LOL), but if you could add any other Square Enix series to Kingdom Hearts, what would it be and why? Bravely Default, Dragon Quest, NieR, The Bouncer, Parasite Eve, Forspoken, the Mana series, Xenoblade Chronicles, Valkyrie Profile, Fullmetal Alchemist, Soul Eater? Something else I didn't list here? (You can cheat and choose more than one, if you want:))
Actually, I don't know if I would add any other series. Don't get me wrong, I love the characters from a lot of these, but for me it's a question of how well they could fit into KH without losing the things about them that make them unique, you know?
I love the cast of NieR and NieR: Automata, but those games are SO dark, and a lot of the appeal of those games is the uniquely bleak and hopeless atmosphere, and I can't see them being added to KH without scrubbing away any of the traits that made people like them in the first place. Parasite Eve, too, falls into this category. I mean, The 3rd Birthday kinda already proved why wackier JRPG plots don't work with that cast, they're far too grounded for it. At best you could hope for some of them as background NPCs in an Enchanted NYC, but they'd basically have to be the equivalent of Setzer's KH2 appearance and at that point it just feels kinda cheap
Characters from The Bouncer could make decent cameo appearances in a KH-exclusive world like Twilight Town, since that game is obscure enough that I doubt anyone would get super offended if they were represented weirdly or relegated to just a cameo. But that would also run into the same issue as the Parasite Eve example, where the cameo doesn't really do much other than go "oooooh, look, CHARACTER" (which is my main issue with the use of some of the FF characters in KH already). Alas, this one will probably only ever be referenced as Pence's Dog Street shirt and that's probably for the best given how weird that game is
And then there's just a ton of games that I don't know enough about to say. Forspoken, Octopath Traveler, and Triangle Strategy all come to mind
If they had to bring other properties in, then Bravely Default would work the best for me, at least of the properties you listed that are actually Square Enix owned-and-produced and not just Square Enix published and/or affiliated. Not only is Bravely Default meant to evoke classic Final Fantasy, so it's not too far off from what's already in the game, but the characters already have a lot of "modernisms" in their speech and behaviors that would make them very adaptable to a lot of different worlds in KH and the tone of the games overall. Not to mention that the classical fantasy setting of the games could be pretty reminiscent of some of the more fantasy-focused Disney films, allowing them to blend together. I'm imagining, like... an Edea cameo in Arendelle, not unlike Auron in Olympus. That all being said, I've never played Bravely Default II, so I can't say how well that one would hold up. I'm only thinking of Bravely Default and Bravely Second's casts
And while I do like Xenoblade Chronicles, I would never call them Square Enix series. That's not even close to accurate. Those games are produced by Monolith Soft, and while the company was founded by an ex-Square game director and a lot of the initial employees there were ex-Square employees who brought a lot of those same sensibilities over, the company itself really has nothing to do with them. Would I like it if Nomura's guest designed characters from Xenoblade 2 showed up? Sure, I think having Jin and Lauriam interact could be funny. Or Mikhail and Demyx. But it's not going to happen, because those aren't Square Enix characters. Sora's just gonna have to hang out with Shulk, Pyra, and Mythra in Super Smash Bros. and leave it at that
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mozillavulpix · 1 year
a bunch of Future Redeemed thoughts before I call it a day. Currently on Chapter 3 where you have a quest to help make a certain Nopon’s workshop
my hand hurts i think i played it in an uncomfortable position
In no specific order:
these games are addictively fun because checking things off a list is fun. Rewarding you with % completion even when you discover a treasure chest makes things even more rewarding than usual
Matthew’s voice actor in Japanese (although I’m playing this in English) also voices Yuji Itadori from Jujutsu Kaisen and honestly Matthew is basically just Yuji. Casual, surprisingly empathetic bro who settles things with a good punch.
speaking of VAs, sad Al Weaver didn’t reprise Rex, and I’m not exactly sure why Skye Bennet didn’t come on for Glimmer, given it’s the same voice in Japanese there, but actually I think I like that. Just cause it’s their kid and looks like them doesn’t mean they need to be voiced by the same person. I love Dragon Ball Z (Japanese) but you don’t always have to do that
Holy shit the Xenoblade Chronicles (1) battle theme plays in the Gaur Plains area I was not expecting that. I think it took me a while because it also sounds like...Kingdom Hearts music. Did Yoko Shimomura do this track?
it’s like some of Future Redeemed here is a bit of an apology for having so much of the plot revolve around Rex’s children and their lineage that we’re going to do some more direct XB1 callbacks this time
the first big plain area definitely has elements of Gormott in the music though. Was Gormott never in Aionios before? That makes it three times they’ve remixed that track lol
I was weirded out when Rex started off all hostile to Glimmer, but they did explain it. Chad Rex isn’t just great because he big and buff, it’s cause he’s a giant himbo. It’s so fun to see him being written by someone who wrote him in XB2, some of his lines come so naturally out of his mouth
Also interesting how people who played game 1 and 2 they’ve basically confirmed Nicol and Glimmer are Shulk and Rex’s kids but it’s probably still vague enough that new players wouldn’t immediately figure it out
we now have a third time they have played The Weight of Life thankyou monolith
like I was a little disappointed the returning tracks from XB3 still have the flute in them because the flute isn’t a motif in this prequel, the off-seeing didn’t exist yet but oh well
instead of more flutes we get clapping. the claps are the new flutes. i wonder if that’s like, a symbolic choice, representing community or something
we had better get na’el playing piano on-screen at some point. maybe she sings the sad song in-character. maybe i’m going to cry a lot
btw I have a depressing theory about how Nicol and Glimmer get out of the 10-year cycle. my theory is Shulk and Rex give up their lives for their lifespans somehow. it’d explain where they went to. and why it probably can’t be repeated by anyone else. only people who originated from outside Aionios can do it maybe
good on Zeke and Pandoria for having a kid
Glimmer’s design is not too fanservicey, but it is very easy to do an upskirt shot if you move the camera. luckily she has shorts underneath her short skirt. she also has jiggle physics i think but again it’s very subtle. She *will* get a lot of doujin. But I like her. even if she feels maybe a bit too Mythra
i’m sure people will dislike glimmer for being the antagonistic one in the heroes but i say let her girlboss. she just wanted to die for a cause and is scared and confused.
oh yeah lore stuff, it’s confirmed Ghondor is N and M’s kid, which while adding to the “Noah is bad at naming” gag, also makes me ask what took Z so long to decide to revive him as Moebius. For the amusement? even then you’d think it’d hit harder if he had to either do it directly after his death when he knew people there or many centuries later when there were more of his descendants to kill rather than, like, 3. maybe he just wanted the sweet spot where ghondor was still alive but there were more of his kids to kill
that’s all i can think of for now
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adelle-ein · 2 years
lace's xenoblade 3 review/thoughts
So I finished Xenoblade 3's main story. I'm far from done with the game, but I did all the main character side stories and a lot of side quests, and I do have all the heroes. Most of them aren't ascended yet, and I have many other misc sidequests and places to explore on my list, but I'm going to be doing that here on out while enjoying the post game perks.
Overall it was really good despite some glaring issues. Spoilers, obviously!
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Just to make thing clear: I have only played Xenoblade 1. 2's character designs, weird-ass grooming love triangle, treatment of women, fanservice, and obsession with sex and dirty jokes are such massive turn-offs that I refuse to pay money for it. If someone would like to give me a copy of 2 as well as the money for its allegedly amazing DLC then I'll play it, but that's literally the only circumstances I can see that happening in. Also, to be totally honest, the fandom tendency to bully and harass people who don't like 2 has ruined any interest I might have otherwise had. I am generally familiar with 2's lore and how it connects to 1, though, having read up on it while deciding whether to play 2 and in advance of playing 3 -  no expert, but I do know stuff.
My biggest issues with Xenoblade 1 were that a) it didn't seem to like its main cast very much and b) it absolutely hated women to a frankly comedic extent. 1 literally is just The Shulk Game, periodically featuring Melia and Dunban. Every significant scene, major moment, iconic line, act of bravery comes from Shulk. Every characters' thoughts, feelings, and motivations revolve entirely around Shulk. Every woman revolves around her love interest (who, uh, is generally Shulk.) Reyn effectively vanishes by midgame, Sharla really served no purpose in the plot whatsoever and was largely there to be a love triangle point, Dunban is pretty much just a mentor, and while Melia gets a lot of plot focus and characterization, it ultimately amounts to a lot of suffering and minimal payoff (slightly rectified in Future Connected.) But it could be worse - Fiora, despite all her setup as Shulk's foil, despite her arc setup about disability and mortality and a literal god in her chest, is nothing more than a love interest, who has no motivation beyond being at his side, who at the pivotal motivation-stating moment has nothing more to say than "Shulk!" And of course there's also Riki, who is literally just a comic relief character and is unceremoniously written out of the game every time a cutscene gets emotional or plot-significant (only to reappear shortly after asking for food at inappropriate moments.) If it weren't for the Heart-to-Heart unvoiced text convos — which take for-fucking-ever to unlock — that would literally be all there is to these characters, and even within the Heart-to-Hearts, there isn't that much to go on. Ultimately, I enjoyed 1 a lot more for its gameplay and potential than anything else. To me, a story that doesn't care about its characters is pretty much never an enjoyable one.
Long story short, Xenoblade and I have a tenuous relationship. I pretty much exclusively play turn-based games due to a variety of disabilities. Xenoblade's combat, however, is forgiving enough on easy mode that I can get by thanks to auto-attacks and not relying on button mashing, so it's pretty much the only one of its kind that I've ever played. I'm including all this context to make it clear going in that I do not consider myself a Xenoblade fan, or hardcore player, by any stretch of the imagination.
My point here is that 3 absolutely blew me out of the water. 3 loves its characters. It adores its characters. It wants the absolute best for its characters. Which, uh…is sometimes an impediment, but most of the time it's great. Every cast member actually plays a role, gets an arc, gets backstory and development, and most importantly of all, they maintain a consistent web of friendships that have nothing to do with Noah. Every duo of characters gets some kind of cute interaction once in awhile, even combos like Eunie and Mio that don't hang out much, and it not only makes things feel organic, it prevents both love-interest-trap and the Shulk Obsession effects that 1 suffered from. Everyone gets a side story, everyone gets big boss fights, everyone gets a big piece of the screentime pie even though Noah is the main focus, and it's the high point of the game. The characters are all, genuinely, really good — Eunie and Taion are far and away my favorites (duh…) but they all overall feel well fleshed out and well loved. Noah definitely gets preachy towards the end, but he doesn't get every single good one-liner the way Shulk did.
Sena, unfortunately, is the only real exception to this rule. The poor girl starts and ends the game as Mio's cute accessory that she sometimes lends to Lanz. While she still gets way more character work than, say, Sharla, and isn't reduced to a love interest, her ascension quest has absolutely nothing to do with her and her "development" makes  no impact on her behavior for the rest of the game. Taion changes visibly as a person after the events at Colony Lambda, but while Sena says a few things about being true to herself, every subsequent story scene still has her using her perky, happy-go-lucky persona and being Mio's hype girl. The writers clearly had an idea in mind for her, but really fell down in executing it. This shines in Mio's side story — apparently Miyabi also saved Sena before her death, and yet Sena has never really seemed affected by this the way Mio is. It's never even mentioned before this side story that Sena had any involvement in Colony Omega. I have no idea what went wrong with writing Sena, but it's pretty sad, honestly. All that being said, it's really not THAT bad — it just sticks out compared to how the other five are treated. More of a "five great, one mediocre" type situation, you know?
Honestly, gameplay is great. The combat is insanely confusing and overcomplicated and everyone is yelling constantly but like. That's a given. Xenoblade. If I hadn't played 1 I probably would have just had no idea what to do, but I was able to fumble through despite getting bombarded with "tips" such as "Celestial Arts are special Arts triggered by filling up the Star Gauge and properly timing your Moon Attacks. By triggering a Punch -> Fly -> Burst -> Shine combo, you can turn off the enemy's Rage Meter and Shatter them, thereby executing a Shattershimmer attack. Try it for yourself! Also half those moves don't actually work on most bosses, but we won't tell you that." That gives you an idea of how every single "helpful tip" that pops up in Xenoblade feels to me. Again, though — a lot of this is on me. I don't have the processing skills or memory to be Good At Xenoblade, and easy mode negates the need to know most of this anyway, but man is it silly sometimes. I have some nitpicks about smaller stuff, like how the class unlock system works (luckily the postgame options render this effectively obsolete, whee!) and steering the boats (sound of me getting stuck on a stray monster and crashing sideways into an island.) But the exploration is so much fun and the sidequests are a lot more engaging than 1, and that's what really matters to me in Xenoblade gameplay.
Plotwise, things really do just drop off after the chapter 6 opening. Everyone said so and I was skeptical. I am no longer skeptical. Not sure the writers had any idea what they were doing beyond that point. It's not as bad as some (TEAM ASANO) but it sort of feels like they might have run out of time a little — the last dungeon really just feels like padding, X and Y don't even get death cutscenes, and Z feels unfinished. The basic concept of Z being the personification of everyone's fear and inertia works really well, but — and I can't believe I'm saying this — it wasn't as well executed as the similar final boss in Persona 5. Just not enough time spent on Origin and what its whole deal is, and things stayed a bit too Noah-centric at the end for my tastes. Also that final boss needed to have skip options in the cutscenes, if I hadn't cleared it my first try I would have cried from sheer fatigue lol. I also think the "side stories" are pretty meh, with only Taion's and Lanz's really working for me — I actually quite liked Sena's, but it isn't remotely about Sena and really should have been just a Ghondor quest. Eunie's felt purposeless, Mio's just absolutely destroyed the very concept of death in the entire game, and Noah's was…terrible.
And this brings me to my biggest plot complaint: death has become absolutely meaningless. The rebirth thing, I could get behind. The execution of Taion's side story, for example — while Nimue is drawn to and admires Taion for the same qualities that led to her past self mentoring him, she never regains her memories, and things will never actually be the same again. But that's okay, because she gets to live her own new life now. That can work for me. I can get behind that. Similarly, Eunie found her old husk and remembered her previous death, but she doesn't gain all the life experience and memories of that version or anything, just lives with the burden of a trauma she didn't experience. Moebius recruits gain memories of all their past lives, but they also become evil and warped under the weight of repeated bitterness and loss. All of these approaches worked. Not perfectly, but they worked for me. And then Miyabi shows up and just ruins everything. She's the age she was when she died, she retains all of her memories, she's exactly as she was. She might as well have never died at all. So…what's the point? That sacrifice that shaped Mio's life and outlook — it was pointless, in the end. Miyabi gave nothing up to save Mio (and Sena.) So it wasn't even a sacrifice. These aren't as bad but: Why is goddamn MWAMBA back, that's the silliest thing in the world, he's the Tutorial Party Member and those should never come back (unless you do something cool a la Fiora, and that sure wasn't the case with him.) His Agnus equivalent from Mio's squad whose name I don't even know is back. Cammuravi is back, and while he seems to be retaining his amnesia, he acts exactly the same, he's back to his previous age, and he's ~naturally drawn~ to Ethel (which…their relationship wasn't explicitly romantic or anything but I do feel a little weird about him hanging out with her as a child in this life when they were equals and the same age with some romantic subtext in the past one…) I do know however that some future quest will age Ethel back up, but that was all very weird. I don't think anyone should be coming back at the age they were previously, but even if we're doing that, they DEFINITELY shouldn't be regaining their memories.
In a game that's literally supposed to be about life and death, the value of each cycle, of each life no matter how temporary, where the characters repeatedly insist that each of their lives have value no matter how many times they're reborn — "death" becomes less than a slap on the wrist. I also don't know why Nia revived — probably just a 2 reference, as I understand from the wiki, and if so that's totally fine, but the timing of that after Mio's side story just blew the concept of death off a cliff was really not ideal. Would have been better to have her not awaken until after D was killed, as it just adds to all the resurrection in Mio's story and makes things feel very silly and death extremely cheap. The one good thing is that so far Miyabi seems to be the only cartoonishly bad no-consequences-at-all example, but that could change in other side quests, and frankly, once is bad enough when the game's themes so heavily revolve around the value of life and death.
Moebius is insanely hammy. It got old really fast, and then got funny again when I realized that literally every single one of them is like that. There's a certain refuge in audacity there, imo. They're just all complete weirdos who won't stop chewing the scenery, I can respect that. Although D's "true identity" being treated as a big reveal ("wow! You're a serial killer that has literally never been mentioned in this game before!!") was pretty ridiculous. Also kinda disappointed that we didn't get E, T, L, and S alongside N and M…while it makes sense, and the implication is that this is the first life in which these six got together, I wanted evil Eunie :( N is kinda hilariously pathetic, which may not have been the intention. I got off so many daze->bursts on him during his last battle and he was just bouncing around like a fucked up plinko horse it was goddamn hilarious. Also his armor has a booty window. I can't take this guy seriously. The big M/Mio reveal is really well handled and great, though, and the absolute peak of the plot. I just laughed at N a little during it. Can you really blame me.
I will also say that M/N's story did, personally for me, ruin the idea of Noah/Mio as a romantic couple — seeing a version of them that reached the peak of codependency to the point of genocide taints every version of them. Even though the versions we play as can reach acceptance and part for the greater good, it's hard not to think of N and M and their arc. Again, that's for me — not judging people who do love the couple or anything, I'm just a little repulsed by them together now :') I will also say that while some of the "life cycle"/"yay babies" stuff feels a bit hamfisted, it's really not too bad, especially with the focus being more on babies and life than "everyone's purpose is to make babies." And the language seemed surprisingly non-heterosexual (I'm so glad that Lanz/Sena stayed platonic.) The game sort of glosses over N and M (or some other version of them, but I got the impression that was them)'s teen pregnancy as well as Monica's (Ghondor is 18 while Monica is 33 — easy to miss but Monica was a teen mom) and I do feel weird about that. Not the end of the world but the material sometimes teeters on the edge of…not so great?
Side note: Now that I think about it, why are Nopon entirely outside the cycle and just living their merry lives completely consequence free in whatever parts of the world they want. Why was there no Moebius nopon i am so disappointed. Not to mention they keep inventing shit that just completely shatters all of Z's plans. Nopon are canonically more powerful than Moebius this is a very funny concept to me
All of this being said, the ending itself actually works okay for me. I always have mixed feelings about "but then it never happened!" type endings, I always prefer "let's rebuild the world with the tools we have." I don't like it when "bad/flawed/noncanon" timelines get erased without a trace and become meaningless. This is why my favorite time travel game is Radiant Historia. Have I mentioned I fucking loathe act 3 of Dragon Quest XI, to this day have refused to play it, and actually regret buying it at all solely thanks to act 3's existence? It's a MASSIVE pet peeve. Anyway, the ending narrowly subverted pissing me off — it manages to stay bittersweet by treating the Agnus/Keves separation as a consequence of restarting the world. You could argue that the ongoing "oh, they'll meet again somehow" reassurances ruin this, but to me it just barely manages to work. It might, admittedly, undermine some of the messages about moving on and forward and avoiding the endless now — but I think it's okay, in the end. Even if baby Noah runs into that alley and immediately trips over baby Mio and they get every single memory back, I think the ending as a whole is well-constructed enough that it can work. It wasn't a huge, universal retcon — either the effects of what happened will linger (they'll regain their memories and have to live with that knowledge) or the consequences of their choice will (they'll never meet again, or they'll meet but not remember) and that ultimately works for me. Subjective, though, and I get why some are disappointed with it in one way or another -- I would also have personally preferred a "rebuilding the world together without any Flame Clocks" ending. It's better than "Fiora's just all better and a Homs again with no lingering effects at all" or "Pyra and Mythra just are alive and have separate bodies bc Reasons now" though. *JKR voice* You solved it, Ginny was perfectly happy again!
The characters are what really carry this game's writing as opposed to the plot, and that's generally okay with me. Really, my big outstanding complaints are the death thing, mostly as it applies to Miyabi, and that things are a real slog in the final fetch quest and then dungeon, with that classic "padding an already too long JRPG" vibe. Seriously, I finished at 62 hours as a fast reader with a whole ton of side content left to do — that dungeon could have been ¼ of the length and equally effective, guys. Why.
Miscellaneous commentary — the VA work is great/terrible in exactly the ways I wanted it to be, Nia and Melia's new designs are great (and Melia's really suits how her VA's voice has changed, which is a strong improvement over Future Connected - not anyone's fault, just a weird side effect of things being recorded a decade apart. Getting to properly see and hear adult Melia really feels like it fixes up those issues though.) The Nopon are way cuter than they've ever been, fluffy and big-eyed, and their speech is definitely my favorite from the three games (toning down the mehmehmeh was a very good call, especially since this world is supposed to be a mix of 1 and 2.) Giving Riku that extremely deep voice in the English dub is a hilarious choice and I have endless respect for them for that. The main cast all sounds great, Sena being an American stereotype is so funny, Noah's VA handled his multiple roles really well, and Eunie was just hilarious at all times. Seriously I adore her. Music sounded great, but I was mostly listening through switch speakers so that obviously affected the quality a lot — it sounds way better when I listened on the PC through headphones though so I'm slowly making my way through. Should have won at the game awards but we all knew it wouldn't lbr :') The character models are great and this is definitely my favorite artstyle from any of the Xenoblades — everyone is a LOT more expressive than 1 but not, well, ugly like in 2. Much more facial feature diversity too which is sorely appreciated. Jiggle physics were kind of ridiculous (Mio should not have those!! She's like a b cup!!! why) but at least the outfits and angles weren't too wild, and Monica is the only one who looks outright cartoonish proportions-wise imo. I really enjoy the class system and getting to do wild/fun stuff with it, but I also like that significant cutscenes have everyone using their "traditional" weapons — it strikes a nice balance between gameplay and character fun for me. In general all the fight cutscenes were really well choreographed and lively, with lots of cool touches that made them actually worth watching -- stuff like Lanz blocking a huge long hit while Eunie and Taion use an ongoing sustained heal to keep him alive longer, it's neat.
Also That Photo is so dumb and so poorly timed but hey that's why i'm not playing 2
Anyway, yeah, I have my gripes but it's overall a really good and heartfelt game that feels like a lot of love was put into it! Really good! I…will still be avoiding the larger xenoblade fandom bc What The Hell Is Going On In There. eunie's the boss. why is this so long i just wanted to write a few paragraphs not the fucking iliad sobs
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emperorbubblegum · 1 year
Bubblegum's Backlog, Vol. 15: Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Alrighty, 2 down, 1 to go on "the best jrpg triology". I didn't really see why people called it that when I played the first one, even though I like it more, but the way this game connects to its predecessor gives me a hint as to why people like these games so much. I think this is the first time I've done one of these on a sequel to a game also on my list, so go me.
First thing I have to say about this game is that the gameay felt so much more fleshed out compared to the first, or at least, the learning curve wasn't as steep. Granted that's probably because I played XC1 first, but still. I'm glad they had a normal leveling system as opposed to the tomfuckery that was in 1. Instead of grinding for hours because a three level difference would double a boss's damage, I was consistently underlevel for every major story fight, and was able to do so just because I was able to get a good hold on the combat mechanics, rather than any items or buffs.
The artstyle change was interesting. I can't tell if I prefer it, but I'm not against it either. The character designs are cool enough to make up for any hesitation. In pacticular I'd like to call out Brighid for having one of the coolest designs I've seen in a game. I believe I've mentioned before how I think chain-whip swords are some of the coolest weaponry in fiction, so combining that with the blue flame aesthetic and the whole closed eyes while fighting thing just makes me gush. It's super simple but nevertheless I love it.
I liked how the character dynamics actually felt like a group of people who knew each other. They didn't all act like best friends or anything, but most characters in RPGs tend to only have connections between one or two others. Here it felt like everyone had defined bonds between everyone else. Obviously you've got Nia and Rex, who are super tropey but still enjoyable, but also others like Zeke and Mórag felt like they actually liked talking to one another, and even though her driver was just kind of there, Poppi's bond with Mythra was super sweet to me.
Honestly I don't think I really disliked any of the main cast. Rex wasn't as relatable to me as Shulk, but he still struck a chord. Watching this kid just break down when faced with the chance he might be making a mistake was really pathetic - not in the insulting way, though, I just mean I felt super bad for him. Zeke was always fun to have around. Mórag was just as cool as her blade, except her's came more from personality than design.
The villains were also much more memorable than the ones in XC1. I don't really see the fallen hero trope too much, but I still think it might be one of my favorites. Even though I haven't played Torna (yet) they still showed enough light on Jin's backstory for me to sympathize with him, but I plan to talk more about that when I cover Torna. Akhos was also real fun to watch, and he even had one of the more heartfelt moments to me. Sibling-like relationships are something that hit close to home for me, so seeing how he treated Patroks was very emotional for me, even if it was only really shown in one scene.
I really enjoyed this game. So far this series hasn't missed exactly. It's gonna be a while before I play 3, especially since I don't have it, but I can already tell I'm gonna have fun.
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bitpiner · 2 years
Speedrunners game xbox one
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As for world design, the thing that makes 3 memorable for me is how they've blended the previous worlds together. Torna did some good work to redeem it, but there's only so much you can fix retroactively. Though that's not exactly a high bar, since X, while otherwise awesome, has an absolute dumpster fire of a main story, and 2's story is basically cut and pasted from every C-tier anime I've ever seen, with lots of plot holes and frequently awful voice acting.
Fri 19th Aug I've just finished chapter 6, I think, but so far 3's story is my favorite since the original.
XC3 doesn't have a ranking yet but it currently sitting between 1 and 2 for the mainline stories, and between X and Torna overall. Great story, and even some of the characters are cool (and as a Xenoblade game, it's still better than the average video game) so it definitely wasn't all bad, just not my favorite.
Poor character designs (embarrassing to have half-naked jiggly females on my TV for the whole neighborhood to see it's not decent), glitchy gameplay (how many time does one have to press "B" to jump to trigger the jump vocalization? 3 does this too, but to a much smaller extent), horrible RNG gacha system, field skill, and the terribly explained, slow ponderous rhythm-game combat. Great story, characters, and lore development.Ĥ. A much better version, more enjoyable and better explained, of XC2's combat. IMHO it's a bad game mechanic (in XC2 and XC3, not XCX)ģ. Again, XC3 is catching up, but I still don't like not being able to auto-attack while repositioning. Best combat and graphics so far, and best exploration. By far my favorite story and characters so far, but 3 is catching up.Ģ.
Since everyone else seems to be doing it, here is my Xenoblade series rankings.ġ. I can't wait to see where the story goes from here. So far I like everything about it, from the music, world building and exploration, to the characters, combat (SO much better than the steaming pile that was XC2's combat), visuals, and quests. So yeah, I am taking my sweet time enjoying this beautiful world. I've seen one cutscene from chapter 4, and am about 56 or so hours in. I've been having a blast playing through it so far. I'm wicked happy to see XC3 doing so well. Also has the best chapter considering all Xeno games by a huge distance (you know). I think Xeno 3 is better in almost every way. but then I loaded up the previous games and realized that they felt bigger due to having huge amounts of empty space and pop-in of textures, and they were way uglier on average. I kind of agree that the world "feels smaller". Also I think the story is more consistent on itself (Xeno 2 was constantly interrupted with cringy moments, and Xeno 1 was very dependent on Shulk seeing the future with the monado to drive the plot), and consistent with a single theme (won't say to not spoil anyone). But the characters are better written and deeper vs previous ones. The story is more mature and less sci-fi than in previous games, and I get that people who like the sci-fi aspect are disappointed. I also think the music is better, but it is more delicate when compared to previous ones. User interface on Xeno 2 was not good and the combater was not well explained, even though it is simpler than in 3. Xenoblade 1 had a lot of problems with the quests, and don't even get me started on switching blades to use field skills on Xeno 2. All the characters have much more higher quality voice acting, way more characters are fleshed out apart from the main party, the combat is better and more varied, the graphics are a huge step-up (Xeno 1 and 2 had horrible pop-in textures all the time even though graphics were simpler and more "anime-like"). It seems that for people who loved Xenoblade 2 and the connection it made with 1, Xeno 3 was a letdown.īut I think that as a stand alone game, it is way better than the previous ones and caters to a wider audience. US NPD PREMIUM GAMES - July 2022 Top 20 Sellers /a2YXDdqwp0- Mat Piscatella August 19, 2022Īre you happy with Digimon Survive and Xenoblade Chronicles 3's results? Share your thoughts on July's sales figures in the comments!
So Xenoblade has done pretty well against some stiff competition!īut again, in a nice surprise, Digimon Survive - which also came out on PlayStation, Xbox, and PC - was the eighth best-selling game of the month overall. The free-to-play brawler managed to cinch the top spot thanks to the Founder's Pack. But number one went to a brand new multiplatform release - MultiVersus, which is sadly skipping out on the Switch for now. In terms of overall game sales in July, Xenoblade Chronicles 3 placed fourth (digital sales aren't included) behind returners LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga and Elden Ring. US NPD PREMIUM GAMES - July 2022 Nintendo Platforms Top 10 Best-Sellers /xCctk0eiAN- Mat Piscatella August 19, 2022
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puniper · 2 years
I finished the main story in xeno 3 so I wanted to write my thoughts on it (or well what i can since im super tired lol)
first of all I love u melia and i always knew you would never be evil, what a beautiful bird i love you 4ever
anyways overall I enjoyed the game a lot, I would put it above 2 (tho i do think 2 does some things better) but it doesn’t really surpass 1, 1 really just holds a special place in my heart for me haha also shulk is there 
in terms of individual character writing tho xeno 3 really does sweep the previous ones though, the main party does really feel like a group of people that slowly become friends and learn to care about each other and I actually ended up liking everyone in the main party which is rare, I also really loved the hero quests and system big time because it fixed a huge issue I had with xeno 2 which was the shitty gacha system they had for recruiting blades, in xeno 2 it felt like they had all of these character designs and quests they wanted the party to recruit but since they didn’t know a way to weave them naturally into the story they just shoved them into a shitty gacha mechanic that is as punishing and time consuming as actual gacha, you can tell most of the effort in the game went into implementing all these little hero storylines and tbh I ended up getting more engrossed into the sidequests then the main story at some point lol
speaking of main story, it definitely peaked with chapter 5 and chapter 6 but after that it kinda loses steam, i’ve seen a lot of people saying the moebius were boring villains and tbh they were except for the ones that had actual connections to the party like Joran and Crys and N/M, but for the rest eeehhh, tho I didn’t really mind Z being evil for the sake of entertainment thing, I enjoy villains that are just unashamedly evil, one of the reasons I didn’t like Amalthus in 2 is because they tried to shoehorn a tragic sad backstory for him to make him sympathetic like right at the end of the game and it was like man..just let him be evil and thats it, not every villains needs to be a sad boy lol, I do hope the DLC gives us more info about him cause I’m like 99% the ‘Z’ stands for Zanza or the side of Klaus from Shulk’s world still trying to hang on to his ideals
ironically I think probably my biggest nitpick with the game was that the environment design idk didn’t feel as enchanting as in 1 and 2, like I don’t think I ever arrived at a location that made me go ‘wow’ like satorl marsh or valak mountain did in 1 or like tantal at night did 2 (you know when the giant space squids show up), elaice highway was probably the closest it got to that but the rest didn’t wow much as much but who knows, I still have the post game to do and like 50% of my enjoyment of these games comes from the post game anyways
oh yeah the battle system!, 2 still has my favourite one along with Xeno X, also thank fucking god they got rid of the field skills 2 had, glad monolith caught up on the fact that absolutely nobody liked that
mmmm, i dunno what else to say, oh yeah the Rex harem photograph ended up being canon all along which sucks but Rex is most likely long dead now so Nia is free to kiss Melia instead, still im surprised xenoblade 2 continues to have bad writing even years after its over 
i think thats all i can think for now I’ll add more if I remember anything else
GOOD GAME, Monica is a big milf
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emblemxeno · 2 years
Hot take but despite some of horrendous female designs and typical anime fanservice antics, the female characters in xbc2 are more varied and well written then 1. in one, a lot of fiora and sharla’s roles revolve around being caring and motherly and their romantic relationships. Abd you can even give it the benefit of no fanservice. Sharla has some pretty revealing outfit options and fiora, despite how we’re told how her body has been replaced and is failing, miraculously her chest in intact to have an outfit with a chest window.
and fiora doesnt really get to do anything cool in story with her cyborg form, it just serves to have her be feeble and add another layer of tragedy. and trust me as someone with chronic pain your body itself turning against you fucking sucks but a lot of those feelings of frustration that accompany it arent really there. she mostly just accepts the hardships. melias character is mostly focused on her family and duty so she does escape some of it but she is still stuck in a love triangle. admittedly its less of a love triangle and more couple plus a side unrequited love and it does avoid a lot of tedious tropes but with everything melia goes through giving her an unrequited love on top of it does seem a bit much?
But yeah i just find the xbc2 ladies have more variety and more…spice ig?
Yeah... yeah. It certainly feel similarly.
Cuz Sharla for instance, has her connection to Colony 6 and her shining moment during that point of the game is meant to show the tragedy that Homs face from the Mechon every day. And Fiora, like you said, has her dealing with conflicting feelings over having a Mechon body and wondering if she's truly "alive". But beyond those things, they don't get much beyond their connection with their love interests.
Sharla gets the worst of it, cuz after the Ether Mine, she drops off in the plot when not talking to Reyn or Melia, and doesn't completely pick back up until you get to Mechonis proper. And it's only to tie up the loose end with Gadolt which, as said before, it hinges only on the relationship angle of her character. In a grand story perspective it's good because it's another deliberate foil to Fiora's situation (like with Mumkhar) but for Sharla herself it doesn't do much for her beyond making her suffer and opening up the way for Reyn.
Fiora gets it slightly better because of her connection to Meyneth and drive to honor her will and memories, something that persists from Mechonis all the way to the end. But that's around... half the time? And the other half is her worrying about her time left with Shulk. Which, don't get me wrong, I'm a fan of their relationship and I honestly think that Fiora's character being a more simple Girl-Next-Door with a Twist makes her work (especially her contrast to Melia) and it's why she remains one of my favorites from XC1. But I very much understand how her relationship with Shulk can take a bit too much prominence in the story. (Speaking of, that one cutscene near the end where everyone has a grand line for the fight ahead and she just says "Shulk!", that never fails to make me laugh, though I am aware of why she says it)
In comparison, like you, I do like the female characters in XC2 more as a whole than in XC1, even with the "fanservice" moments. Mostly because most of them are connected to the grand overarching themes of the story that 2 is trying to tell, and therefore are unable to really "lose relevance/importance" or feel "one note" like Sharla or Fiora would to some people. I would go into it more, but I am Le Tired lol.
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maryse127 · 3 years
Been thinking about what I'd like to see in Xenoblade 3 but it turned out to mostly be a list of "don't do this thing I didn't like in Xenoblade 2"
Which also makes it sound as if I didn't enjoy Xenoblade 2 enough to sink like 400 hours of my life into it, I just have some issues with it and like 1 and X more.
Anyway here goes, my personal wishlist for Xenoblade 3:
No gacha. All my homies hate gacha.
Protagonist who is older/more mature than Rex. I know Shulk is also only 18 but I like him a lot better than a 15 y/o who is very much still a kid like Rex.
Good voice acting/direction (2 is mostly fine but reaally awkward at some times (Rex's scream in particular) 1 and X just sound better for some reason)
Less sexualized women. Please. Also no horny nopon like Tora. Tora really made me uncomfortable with his thirsting and maid fetish. Please have ladies with somewhat realistic bodies and actual clothes/armor and less close up shots of boobs. The way Xenoblade 2 treats women makes me unconfortable so please tone that shit down in the next game.
Speaking of character design: I liked the artstyle of DE a lot more than 2 so hopefully it is closer to DE than 2.
Actually interconnected world like Xenoblade 1 or seamless like X. Didn't like that you could only travel from region to region by using skip travel in 2.
Battle system closer to 1 and X than 2.
BIG TEXT. So many games have small text nowadays. My tv is smol, my eyes are shit, I am tired at all times. Give me text that is easily readable. Please. I am begging you. (DE and 2 are fine btw. X is hell. Legit cannot read shit in that game without getting closer to the tv a lot of the time)
Story with good twists like Xenoblade 1. Story in 2 was fine but didn't quite captivate and surprise me like 1. Not to go into "Xenoblad X has a bad story" discourse here but I actually liked that story and the true strength of X is in the affinity missions and sidequests anyway. It's a different style and I kinda expect Xenoblade 3 to be more like 1 and 2 than X in terms of story.
Multiple save files. Please. I don't vibe with the one save file per profile in X and 2.
Playable mechs. I love the skells in X and Siren looks so cool I am sad we didn't actually get to control artifices in 2. Also Face Nemisis my beloved, adore that design. So many cool mechs in the series but only X actually has playable ones. Change that! Everybody likes controlling big robots!
Have I mentioned decent tutorials? Cause both X and 2 fail spectacularly in that regard. Xenoblade 2 combat isn't actually that hard just poorly explained. Same for overdrive in X. Once you understand overdrive it is so much fun (and completely broken). 1 has a lot of tutorial material you can check at any time and then the later games just decided to say fuck that shit. Have vague tutorials and in 2 you cannot even check them again (which they fixed in Torna but still)
Bring back Yoko Shimomura for the ost. This is not a criticism of any other Xenoblade composers they are all great (very much including the ost for X), this is just me being currently addicted to Kingdom Hearts and loving Yoko Shimomura who I am pretty sure is some kind of music goddess so can I please have some Shimomura goodness in Xenoblade 3 as a treat. Like another track that makes you linger on the titlescreen for minutes because the music is just THAT good. Xenoblade 1 Main Theme and Dearly Beloved my beloved.
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danspectorboy · 3 years
Ok, so, thought I'd probably make a headcanon list/explanation for my origins smp tubbo and ranboo designs, since a lot of small designs probably were missed. So, here it is, under the read more
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to start us off, while i absolutely love the idea of overalls, i feel like the straps would be really impractical, considering the wings he has. So c!tubbo's solution? A sweater over button-ups, with a big hole over the upper back. Still cottagecore so it counts
left hand wedding ring my beloved 🙏 this mostly follows my hc that shulk!tubbo was sort of bee tubbo before molt? So he's used to not wearing shields, and thus, can use the jewelry without having to worry about getting it caught up
Generally, his eyes seem to be pure black, unless side-eyed, then revealing the yellow sclera.
This probably won't come up unless I draw him with shorter sleeves, but ya boy has an actual carapace, again, due to pre moult shulk-form. It's mostly just a hindrance, due to being far more fragile.
honeybee wings 😔
Ran with no boo
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Layers. So much goddamn layers, and they do nothing against the rain, no matter how much he tries. At least he looks dignified.
Ender pearl colors to look fancy, actual ender eyes as accessories to establish dominance, and hold his coats together.
Adds his wedding ring to the chain assemble because one, it's actually more visible that way, two, he uses the coat daily, and three, he's got twigs for fingers it'll always slip off.
The ender writing on the interior of his star cloak says "Till death." when translated :’) yes it means until the death of the stars themselves. 😢😢😢
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rainbowwing251 · 3 years
Got some headcanons for Link(not young or toon)and Zelda?
I know I shouldn’t assume anything, but I’m going to guess that you are asking for headcanons for BOTW Link and ALTTP/ALBW Zelda (The Zelda in Ultimate is a combination of her design from ALTTP and ALBW. I didn’t know that until I did research on her for these headcanons). If you wanted headcanons for a different incarnation of Link or Zelda, let me know.
This may be outrageous, but I haven’t played BOTW. I haven’t played ALTTP or ALBW either, but I’ve thought about playing the former on my Switch.
Be warned, there may be spoilers for Breath of the Wild and A Link Between Worlds. If you haven’t beaten these games, you might not want to read these headcanons.
Link’s history with tickling is a bit... strange. He didn’t mind it when he was a kid (he actually kind of liked it, but he didn’t want to admit to it), but as he grew up and fought in the Second Great Calamity, he grew distant from it. He still got tickled from time to time by Zelda the other Champions (especially Mipha and Revali), but he would display discomfort every time they tickled him. He also stopped tickling others, which was especially saddening for Mipha, since he used to get into tickle fights with her.
Upon awakening in the Shrine of Resurrection 100 years later, Link was unable to recall these events. He had forgotten what tickling was, and even if he somehow knew of it, he had lost everyone who had ever tickled him in the past, with the exception of Zelda. Therefore, he couldn’t ask anyone that he knew in the past to tickle him again and see if he was still ticklish after a whole century.
Luckily, Link managed to gain two new lers as he explored the ruins of Hyrule: Sidon and Yunobo. Thanks to these two (along with Zelda), he rediscovers tickling, and he ends up liking it a bit more than he did 100 years ago. He even regained a few memories of the Champions ganging up on him after he got gained up on by Sidon, Yunobo, and Zelda enough times.
Eventually, he gained the courage to fight back and tickle those three. He can’t tickle Yunobo or Sidon for too long, since they are capable of fighting back against him, but he can tickle Zelda for a while before she gets revenge.
Long story short, Link was a lee-leaning switch until the Second Great Calamity, when he stopped enjoying it all together. When he reawakened 100 years later, he was neutral towards tickling at first, but he eventually became a true switch.
I think that all of the incarnations of Link are ticklish, but they are not on the same level of ticklishness as one another (they are also not on the same part of the lee-ler spectrum as one another). For BOTW Link, I think that he would be the second most ticklish incarnation. Toon Link takes the number one spot.
His worst spots are his ears, his knees, his sides, and his ribs. When they were alive, each of the Champions would target one of these specific spots. Revali targeted his ears, Daruk targeted his knees, Urbosa targeted his ribs, and Mipha targeted his sides. Zelda doesn’t target a specific spot when she tickles Link, but she tends to target his worst spots if she can’t get a laugh out of him for whatever reason.
He’ll fight back against you while you are tickling him, but this is only due to his defensive instincts. In reality, he doesn’t want you to stop tickling him (unless he doesn’t know you, which in that case, he will try to stop you). Every time he gets tickled, he’s reminded of just how touch-starved he actually is (though he doesn’t know why he is so touch-starved to begin with), and he ends up lying there on the ground, accepting his fate. He doesn’t understand the reasoning behind this, but tickling brings him joy, a feeling that he hasn’t felt since he last got gang tickled by the Champions (though he doesn’t remember this).
Tickling is one of the few things that can get him to say something to you. However, if you are expecting him to talk his head off while he is laughing his head off, you’re out of luck. He won’t say much of anything while you are tickling him, not because he’s laughing too hard, but because of his decision to remain silent (or at least, as silent as he can be). The only time that he will say anything that is more than one or two words in length is if he needs a break from the tickling.
Despite how happy he gets when someone tickles him, Link will occasionally feel sad once it’s all over. Why is that? Well, the sadness isn’t being caused by his desire to be tickled a little bit more (though that can be the case on some occasions). It’s an even sadder reason, and I briefly mentioned it towards the beginning of this post. Tickling can cause him to recall the long lost memories he had of the Champions and how they would tickle him silly every time they got a break from fighting the Calamity. If this happens to him, you shouldn’t try to tickle him more. He will get mad at you if you do that.
I’ve likely made this obvious, but in case you want to know who Link’s lers are in his world, they are Zelda, Daruk, Revali, Mipha, and Urbosa. Since the last four were killed in the Great Calamity, he only had Zelda when he reawakened at the Shrine of Resurrection. As he traveled across the ruins of Hyrule, he would eventually get two new lers in the form of Sidon and Yunobo.
In Smash Bros., he is the target of Zelda, Sheik, Young Link, Toon Link, Pit, and on some occasions, Dark Pit.
He may not show it in his face, but the amount of joy that Link feels when he is the ler is about the same as the amount of joy that he gets from being the lee.
When the Champions were still alive, he would tickle Mipha and Zelda as many times as he could prior to the Second Great Calamity. He was afraid of going after Urbosa and Revali, thinking that they would get pissed at him for trying to touch them without their consent. He was also afraid of going after Daruk, but only because he would tickle him back, and it would be 10x worse than all of the tickling that Link had done to him.
As the battle against Calamity Ganon raged on, he slowly forgot about tickling. Therefore, he had forgotten all of the techniques that could reduce his lee to a giggling mess. 100 years later, he had lost all of his memories, and he couldn’t remember what tickling even was anymore.
Upon learning about it again, he would eventually become curious enough to try and tickle someone. At first, he was rather confused about the whole idea, and he accidentally hurt Zelda when he tried to tickle her for the first time. However, as time went on, he got more experience with being a ler, and his skills became comparable to Mipha’s skills (Mipha was an expert tickler prior to the Second Great Calamity).
Before the Second Great Calamity (and during the early days of the battle), Link would tease those who became victims of his tickle attacks, especially Zelda and Mipha. Unfortunately, he stopped doing this as the Second Great Calamity got worse.
100 years later, and he still doesn’t tease his lees, unless they have formed a deep bond with him, and even then, there is a 99% chance that he won’t tease them. If you are lucky (or unlucky) enough to hear his teases, you will hear playful bantering. If you are trying to fight him back, or if you just had the tables turned on you, then the chances of him teasing you like this will go up.
As I mentioned before, Link’s main lees are Zelda and Mipha (when she was still alive). He’s also targeted Sidon a couple of times, but he doesn’t go after him often. Sidon always gets revenge on him, and just like Daruk 100 years ago, his tickling is 10x worse for Link than it was for him.
In Smash, his main targets are Zelda, Young Link, Toon Link, Pit, Dark Pit, and Shulk. If he’s feeling brave enough, he might go after Cloud as well (though Cloud will get revenge on him every time he tickles him).
That took a lot of time to do, but the Link headcanons are finally done! Now it’s time for Zelda!
Since the Zelda in Smash has a design that is based on two of her incarnations, I’m don’t know if she would have gone through the events of ALTTP, ALBW, or both. I don’t know how the Zelda timeline works, but I’m going to assume that ALTTP Zelda and ALBW Zelda are two different Zeldas. Considering who voices her in Smash (Ayumi Fujimura, who voiced the Zelda that appears in ALBW), I’m going to say that this Zelda has been though the events of ALBW, but not the events of ALTTP. This will be important later. Do note that this incarnation of Zelda is not the same incarnation as the one that appears in ALBW.
Just like Link, each incarnation of Zelda has a different level of ticklishness, and they all fall on a different portion of the lee-ler spectrum. For this incarnation of Zelda, she is a lee-leaning switch, and she would be the third most ticklish incarnation. ALBW Zelda would be number one, and Tetra would be number two (though she doesn’t like it when people tickle her).
She’s a bit of a squirmer when she’s being tickled, but she doesn’t fight back 99% of time. She loves to be tickled!
Her love for tickling might be a result of loneliness. She rules Hyrule all by herself, and other than Link, Impa, and the guards at Hyrule Castle, she’s barely in the presence of another person (she’s too embarassed to discuss this with anyone in her world). Therefore, she is somewhat touch-starved, much like BOTW Link is.
Her laugh is straight up heart-melting. It is super light (likely due to shyness), is 90% giggles, and might include a squeal if you get her worst spots.
Speaking of her worst spots, her worst spots are the back of her ears, her hips, and her stomach. Tickling her on her stomach may result in her falling to her knees and folding over herself while she slowly falls into hysterics. Make sure that there isn’t anything in front of her, because she might end up falling onto it. If you go for the back of her ears, she won’t fall into uncontrollable laughter, but she will fall into a fit of giggles.
Her greatest weakness is raspberries. She will squeal if you blow a raspberry on the back of her ears or her stomach.
If you are going to tickle her, she might not like it if you hold her down. She was stuck in a painting for quite some time before Link could free her, so she feels a little nervous about being held down by anyone, even if they are just trying to tickle her. If you want to hold her down, you should ask her if she would be okay with it.
The only ler she has in her world is her version of Link. In Smash, she gets a ton of new lers: Peach, Daisy, Rosalina, Palutena, and BOTW Link.
Remember how I said that Zelda will not fight back 99% of the time? Well, you better hope that luck is on your side. If that 1% chance ever happens, you will learn just how devastating Zelda can be as a ler.
Her divine wisdom grants her the ability to identify a person’s weaknesses with an ungodly amount of precision, and she will use that information to her advantage. If she discovers a weakness, she will quickly exploit it. Once she is done, she will not forget about it for a very long time.
She does have a preferred method of tickling, and it is light tickling. She loves to use this against ALBW Link and BOTW Link, since they are both weak to light tickles on or behind their ears. She’ll also trace random patterns onto her lee’s skin.
To make matters worse for her lees, she will laugh along with them while she wreaks them with tickles. It doesn’t matter how contagious your laughter is, she will start laughing along with you a few seconds after you start laughing.
She is a very teasy ler, and she will use nearly every type of teasing, switching between them at random points in time (unless you show a sign of weakness towards a specific type of teasing, which in that case, she will stick with that form of teasing).
She even has the audacity to put on an innocent smile while she tickles someone. She’ll act as if what she’s doing is being done on accident, and her smile will not fade away until she is finished (or until you turn the tables on her).
Much like the list of lers from her world, Zelda’s only lee from her world is ALBW Link. In Smash, she’s targets nearly everyone, but her main lees are BOTW Link, all of the younger fighters in Smash, Peach, Daisy, Rosalina, and Palutena (does this count as a tickle fight between gods, given how Zelda is a mortal incarnation of Hylia?).
God, this headcanon list was hard to do (especially the part with BOTW Link), but it’s now done!
Why did this take so long? Well, procrastination sucks. It really sucks. Don’t be like me (if you can help it).
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askroahmmythril · 3 years
Reference List for amiibo Fighter Names (Set 4)
37) Pichu : Zap Nezumi - Those who have been with my channel for awhile might remember a cute and charming Mega Man style game called Nezumiman.  I love that game so much and would love to see a sequel.  Squeakuel?...  Anyway.  Most of the bosses were dubbed (Element) Nezumi, depending on their power.  So Pichu gets to fill in as Zap Nezumi!  Up top we have all the various stage bosses, and Pichu is dressed in all the fashion items Nezumiman gets for beating them.  He’s got Perfect Fashion!  Which according to Nezumiman, also involves having Dr. Gyoniku’s butt in the background.
38) Pikachu : Agent 25 - Actually a self reference, this one.  Agent 25 is a “character” that has appeared in some of my silly bits I’ve done for past videos.  Theoretically his real name is Conduit, my Lv. 100 Pikachu, but he serves as an agent for me, going by the codename Agent 25 (his Pokédex number), protecting me from annoying talent agents trying to zap me with a dragon prod for taking time off.  We went with a full-on James Bond style for this one.  A minor detail, the display of PokéBalls in the nameplate having five empty circles before it is supposed to reference the display showing how many Pokémon a trainer has in a battle, thus, he’s the only one here.
39) Pit : Icarusicus - What can I say, I grew up with Captain N as a kid.  Back then, as a gamer, you took whatever media you could get.  Captain N was cheesy as heck, and got a lot of source details WAY wrong, but it was still fun in its own weird way.  In that cartoon, Pit was instead simply named Kid Icarus, and had a habit of inserting “-icus” at the end of everything he said.  So here the more modern Pit is faced with a blast from the past, his cartoony old weapons and contact from Kevin and Princess Lana.  Neo added more details, like some Mega Man sprites recolored and restyled to look like characters in Captain N.  Including a Simon Belmont sprite given his look from the cartoon, blue bomber jacket and blond hair and all.  The building shown is the Palace of Power, Princess Lana’s base of operations.
40) Pokémon Trainer : RedVersion - Again a self contained reference to Pokémon.  The trainer he’s based on is Red as he appears in Fire Red and Leaf Green.  Thus, RedVersion, in reference to the original Red Version of Pokémon.  Neo and I both had the idea to try to pose the Pokemon and Red himself like how they’re posed in the original game sprites.  Neo also went an extra step, using minimalist colors to mimic how the sprites looked on a Game Boy Color or Super Game Boy.  While I do like the idea, I might ask to stick with full color just to mimic the amiibo itself if we do indeed redo these.  The overall look of the card was designed to look somewhat like the original Pokédex.
41) Robin : ShipREKT - Again, Fire Emblem is not exactly my area of expertise.  But this silly idea came to mind, knowing Robin’s game has a lot of “pairing people up to increase bonds” mechanics.  Sooooo Shipping : The Game.  So I just had the silly idea of drawing him in super charming anime style.  Of all things, I think I was largely influenced by a scene from the Unova episodes of Pokémon where a male Minccino was using Charm.  I suppose this is a good time to mention that, in cases where only one figure was released for a character, I go with that style for them, so for instance, there’s only a male Robin card, only a female Wii Fit Trainer card, no wireframe Little Mac, no Koopalings, etc.
42) ROB : Spin Cycle - I mean, ROB’s all about spinning his gyros, that’s really all there is to this one.  The colored swirl in the background was supposed to mimic the red and blue colors of the gates from Gyromite that he’d help you move.  However, it also kinda looks like the colors of those infamous Tide pods.  Which... I mean, spin cycle IS a laundry term, so yay accidental references?...
43) Rosalina : Cosmic Mama - I love Katamari!  Seriously given that was a Namco game, I would have loved it if some Katamari music got in on the Pac-Man stage.  Ah well.  This was one of those where I just couldn’t resist the reference and sneaking the Half Inch Prince into the picture.  Neo further personalized some of the Lumas, as well as adding the famous “I feel it!  I feel the cosmos!” quote.
44) Samus : Chozen One - A self contained Metroid reference, and a silly pun.  Samus is the “Chosen One” in the sense that a lot of Chozo prophecies as seen in the Prime series seem to center around her actions.  So just a combination of Chosen and Chozo.  I had worried that Samus would be hard to draw in Visio Home, but it turned out to be really good for drawing the defined lines of her suit.
45) Sheik : HARP HERO - While I’ve never actually played any of the Guitar Hero games, the fact that Sheik generally just follows you around to teach you new songs via her harp made this idea stick with me.  A shame she doesn’t use her harp for anything in Smash...  Seriously feels weird that she doesn’t.  Anyway, I had the track display the notation for Bolero of Fire.  For some reason, the scene of her teaching you this one just stuck with me as a kid as one of the most iconic scenes with her.  This was also drawn before we started putting character icons in the nameplates.  In his version, Neo added the Sheikah eye symbol to the nameplate.
46) Shulk : RA1NFALL - This is a reference to Project Rainfall, a community effort to coax publishers into localizing a few select games in the US.  If memory serves, Xenoblade Chronicles was the first and perhaps most prominent game to have been part of this effort, hence my putting a 1 in the name.  I didn’t really have a good solid way of drawing rain in Visio Home, so Neo added that on his end.  Really this one probably saw the most changes between versions, as I really had very limited info on Xenoblade.  My frame as such is.... really clunky looking.  Neo was able to make something far better looking on his version.  The symbol on Shulk’s Monado here means “rain,” so, uh.... umbrella utility!
47) Sonic : SpeedRacer - A reference to the anime of the same name.  Sonic here is posed like Speed after he jumps out of the Mach Five during the Speed Racer title sequence.  Meanwhile Sonic’s car here is the one he drives in Sonic All Stars Racing Transformed, as well as being on the game’s Starlight Carnival track.  Neo gave me the idea to have a Coconuts peeking out of the trunk of the car to mimic Chim-Chim, the monkey mascot of the Speed Racer team that had a habit of stowing away in Speed’s trunk while he was racing.
48) King Dedede : ThreeDeDe - A joke on 3D imagery, such as that found on the Nintendo 3DS.  The first Kirby game for the 3DS, Triple Deluxe, even had a mode where you played as King Dedede on his own adventure, so hey, him celebrating this moment of glory does not seem out of character for him.
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razeluxe · 4 years
Razeluxe’s Top Ten Male Characters
So I’ve been thinking about doing a particular list for my favorite characters across anime and games for quite a while and with some advice I decided to break it into my favorite male and favorite female characters. Most people that know me can probably guess at my top three favorites but if you don’t know me... well you ‘bout to learn lol. This was harder than I thought to compile...enjoy my fanboying of the boys lol.
By the by, I’ll do my best to keep spoilers to a minimum.
10) Apollo Justice (Phoenix Wright Series)
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I’ve played only two games that this character was in (Apollo Justice and Dual Destinies, slowly working through Spirit of Justice) and this character particularly in Dual Destinies struck me even more than Edgeworth who is another amazing character. Apollo has an amazing spirit and it was only through playing Dual Destinies that I really got to understand Mr. ‘I’m Fine’ and his stupid ‘Here comes Justice’ puns. I feel his original game didn’t allow him to shine (still a great entry in the Ace Attorney series I don’t care what anyone says) and Dual Destinies allows him the development he deserves. He gets hurt during a trial and it allows a deep dive of his character even if his personality shifts for a while. Damn he’s savage. He’s considered the underdog in the Wright Anything Agency but he’s to me the hardest working person there who is also the most factual in court.
9) Gokudera (Katekyo Hitman Reborn)
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Or as I like to call him, Scowludera since he’s scowling like 90% of the time. This Ichigo ripoff’s character development is insane. And I think that trend follows most if not all the characters in this list. His relationship with his sister is interesting and he’s pretty explosive in terms of personality and intelligence. His fights are all really interesting too, he has some of my favorite interactions in the series thus far (haven’t read the post anime manga chapters yet sadly, but he’s more than earned this spot on this list). He butts heads with people a lot and he can be ignorant but he grows from his experience and you get to see it bit by bit. This dude is loyal to the bone. RIP if you aren’t Tsuna or Reborn. Also, I’d like to shout out this anime as one of the few to do the shounen genre proper justice. Go watch it. Also his sister Bianchi is <3. Oh wait. Male list. Oops. Can we also talk about his weapon? Not gonna say spoilers but that thing is dope and probably one of the best ever designed weapons. And his kitty Uri <3
8) Joshua Bright (Trails in the Sky)
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This will be short as I don’t want to spoil anything, but Joshua is a very easy character for me to connect to personally. His feelings, actions, development probably relates more to me than a lot of characters on this list. He’s got good people around him...I’m very happy for his ship and support it 120%. Also the Trails Series, both Sky and Cold Steel are probably my favorite series of anything period. Go play it. There is more to this character that meets the eye and has broken my heart more than once ;_;
7) Neku Sakuraba (The World Ends With You)
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Neku Neku Neku. Another very relatable character for me (see the theme here? lol) He initially shuts out people and over time, through his experience in the Reapers Game, he starts to open up and bring people into his circle. He goes through some crap, like a lot of trauma. When you learn of him it’s no wonder he wound up disliking people and society. He’s extremely creative and that creativity manifests itself in different ways. Kinda like me. It’s worth mentioning I used to roleplay this character back in the day, the very first canon character I used to write for. 
6) Shulk (Xenoblade Chronicles)
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One of the only blonde’s on this list. Shulk is a character that is driven by revenge but eventually changes. He goes through some pretty traumatic stuff that I absolutely will not spoil. His personality when he encounters a certain characters shifts big time and it’s kind of scary considering how early you see this. Also he gets points for being a notably intelligent character. I mean, the dude has his own lab...and is able to fix and adjust stuff. He’s really a great and well balanced character despite all the crap he goes through. Also I used to make fun of this character and dislike him a little bit, but then I grew up. 
         The list gets real starting...now. Not that it was fake before. :o
5) Jaden Yuki (Yu-Gi-Oh! GX)
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Anyone who has actually watched the entirety of GX might know why he’s here. His character development in the latter seasons so unreal and interesting. I’m not spoiling crap but there is a lot more to the character than meets the eye. Like a lot lot. Over the course of the series he loses his innocent eyes and his personality changes a lot...His character is probably one I can relate to in terms of the reasons for his actions, the way he gets down about himself, the way he acts in the final season...it hits me hard...he’s too dang relatable...just like..
4) Rean Schwarzer (Trails of Cold Steel)
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Surprise surprise. Rean is here. -hears crickets- Guess you’re not surprised. I wonder why. I think I relate to this character more than anyone else on this list. Except number one. Number one is in his own league. Rean is a character who generally carries a happy disposition...he has a unique power but you can see he is actively scared of it. It’s something I actively deal with...he’s so scared of himself that he puts distance between family and friends. He never feels he’s good enough. He’s made headway through this, but...
One thing that’s extremely interesting about this character is his selflessness. You may think this is driven to the ground in character stereotypes but for Rean it’s different...his selfless has been described as abnormal by characters in game, and it’s not for positive reasons...Rean deals with some real unhealthy stuff. This is getting long.
As of this post Cold Steel 4 comes out in one month and I’m extremely worried for his character. If you’ve played 3 then you’ll know why. Also if you haven’t played the Trails series, go play it. No buts. Heck I’ll even buy the game(s) for you if I can.
Oh look we’re at the top three. I want to say that while numbers two and three here are pretty interchangeable, these characters have been in my top three for over a decade and a half and I don’t see this changing anytime soon. Rean I love you but you have your work cut out if you ever want to breach the top 3. I wanna post a few honorable mentions here. They didn’t get into Smash but they do get Mii Costumes at least! -shot-
Davis Motomiya (Digimon Adventure 02) 
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This character was everything I was when I was a kid. The way he tries everything to woo Kari is too cute. Also his unwavering faith in Ken. Also Davis Cries Veemon.
9S (Nier Automata)
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Not mentioning any spoilers. Just watch this character and see how his vision of the world changes over time.
Okabe Rintaro (Steins; Gate) 
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Okabe’s shift from his ‘persona’ as things get real and his efforts to fix everything is too relatable for me ;_;
Yosuke Hanamura (Persona 4) 
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No, I do not ship him with Yu. They’re great buddies for sure, and he’s pretty cool. Really likable character for me personally save for a few moments in the game...he’s also the main in the Arena games. “Let’s do this, Jiraiya!” He’s so cool lol.
                    Top 3 time. Fiercely dedicated to these guys.
3) Robin (Teen Titans Go! 2003)
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Robin is such a raw character that carries his past and tries so hard to move from it yet it embodies him to his core. He has since gained a softer side from forming a team, and has been doing normal teenager stuff...which is good for him. However at times that Batman side impacts him so hard that he can only concentrate on his mission, and starts shutting out everyone and everything to do things himself. It actively gets in the way of his interactions. He deals a lot with moving on from failure and acknowledging his friends more, which he does get better at over time. He is also represented by the color red. My favorite color. He’s badass and yet carries so much crap. I connect to this character a lot even now. Third canon character I ever wrote for.
2 Lloyd Irving (Tales of Symphonia)
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I love Lloyd. I love his voice, I love his attacks, I love his stupid double sword logic. He says wielding two swords makes him twice as powerful lol. I love his development. I love his idealism and how it matures over time. I love everything about Lloyd. It was legit love at first sight. I remember being 15-16 and seeing him on that Gamecube boxart and saying “I wanna play that guy” Most people I feel (guys in particular) probably looked up to certain characters growing up as a child/teen. Lloyd was mine.
1. Zidane Tribal (Final Fantasy IX)
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While it was love at first sight for Lloyd, that was not the case for number one on this list. I was 13 when I first played FFIX. Zidane upon encountering him, I always thought he was a cool character, but he was nothing special.  Even at Zidane’s lowest point I thought he was an okay character at best. I had not finished the game.
Fast forward a few years and I decide to play FFIX again, this time determined to finish it. I had went through some things, grew up a bit before turning this game on. This damn bandit...I remember writing this bit years ago: “His infamous mantra labeled above describes him well, but under his ability to console others with a smile, to cheer people up and meet them at their point of need with his abundant optimism lies a blonde who masks his pain and keeps his issues to himself. Despite his many friends and buddies he harbors a deep loneliness that, like his problems, he keeps to himself. One would have to look carefully to notice his character flaws for Zidane does an impressive job of hiding these problems. Whether it be through his energy, his theatrics, or focusing on other people, Zidane can cover things up quite well.”
Zidane has an absurd amount of depth to his character that I was never able to comprehend as a kid, beneath his flirting, his playful attitude, he hides a lot of feelings, a lot of anger, a lot of sadness. It used to boggle me how he’s able to uphold his sense of virtue despite what goes on in his life and the end of disc 3 answers this for me. It goes without mentioning that this was the second canon character I’ve ever written for, and I still love writing him. I could and write walls of text about how Zidane is so amazing, a chivalrous thief, a lover and a flirt but I think I can let you go lol. Hit me up if you really want to hear me ramble about any these characters, also play FF9.
...So I wrote all of that and forgot to write about Zidane’s ship...have to give it its own paragraph because I love these two together and she does wonders for Zidane as a whole as does he to her. She’s a princess and he’s a thief, they take their time to show them together through different things, different ordeals...particularly the ordeals. Its interesting seeing them both at their worst moments and the many funny moments..Man, that boat scene gets me every time...If I ever write a top ten couples list this couple would no doubt be in the top two if not number one. And I’d probably write way more than this about them because they’re great. Also they’re canon. A healthy canon. Also Dagger’s hot. Oh wait wrong list.
Okay finally done. Not editing this anymore :P
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cyberramblings · 4 years
Smash Wishlist #2: DO NOT WANT
As I found out yesterday, I actually have a lot to say about the characters that I do want in Smash. So today, I thought I’d knock out a bunch of the characters that I know for sure that I do not want to be in Smash Bros but see requested online.
Geno (Super Mario RPG) - This possessed doll (think Pinocchio with a gun for an arm) is side character from a 24 year old Mario spinoff game. I have never understood the wide appeal of this character. I feel like one of the hallmarks of a good Smash inclusion is that even non-fans of the source material say “yeah, that makes sense”, but I feel like Geno only makes sense to fans of the original game. Plus, at this point, characters that don’t represent a new franchise tend to be a letdown as DLC, such as...
Waluigi (Mario Kart, Party, Sports) - I’m generally a Waluigi defender and I think they should’ve found a way to shoehorn him into the game as an echo fighter (especially since Daisy made it in that way). Obviously he wouldn’t work exactly as an echo of Mario, Luigi, or Wario, but I feel like he would be a huge letdown as a standalone DLC announcement. Maybe if they make a dedicated Echo pack, but the purple man can’t be the big anouncement at the end of a Nintendo Direct. I feel like Piranha Plant already took the slot of “joke Mario character included as limited time free DLC”, which would’ve perfectly fit Waluigi. I’d love for him to get included that way at the very end of this game’s lifecycle, but not as part of Fighter Pack #2.
Lloyd (Tales of Symphonia) - He is the protagonist of Tales of Symphonia, a Gamecube JRPG. He is also Japan’s most requested character according to one poll. I played a bit of the original game and it is quite charming, but I feel we already have one too many JRPG protagonists. Between Hero, Cloud, Joker, Ness, Lucas, Shulk, plus the many Pokemon and Fire Emblem characters. Fighter Pass #1 was 1 fighting game character, 1 platformer character, and 3 JRPG protagonists. I’d be fine with Lloyd retroactively taken the slot away from Hero or Byleth, but a one-off character from a 15 year old game doesn’t make a ton of sense (even if he technically was in the Wii sequel). I mean, Banjo was fine even as the star of a dead franchise, but that’s because his series was influential and iconic to the Nintendo 64, whereas ToS is more of a cult classic that never “reached #1 on the charts” in music terms. I’d worry he’d play like Hero, maybe could even be an echo.
Raiden/Sephiroth (Metal Gear/Final Fantasy) - I actually really like Raiden as a cyborg ninja, but both of these silver-haired pretty anime boys serve as foils to Snake/Cloud who are already in the game. Of these two, I’d prefer Raiden by a lot, but we have so many swordfighters already.
Isaac (Golden Sun) - Again, another JRPG protagonist, and one who hasn’t gotten a new game in a decade. I feel like his inclusion would only make sense if there was a new game in development, and even then I’d like to see some more genres/styles represented. I worry he’d play like Hero, he could almost be an Echo.
Funk/Dixie Kong (Donkey Kong Country) - I feel like neither of these Kongs have a ton of momentum right now. King K Rool already got added as a way to round out the DK cast in Smash, so I just don’t feel like we need another Kong (unless we could get either of these Kongs as Echo fighters). I wouldn’t hate this inclusion as long as they tried hard to make unique gameplay.
Any Pokemon (Pokemon Sword and Shield) - Obviously it would make some sense to include a new Pokemon from the new game, but we already have so many of them included. I’m gonna roll my eyes if a new Pokemon makes it in.
Any XCX/XC2 Character (Xenoblade Chronicles) - It’s neat that Shulk made it in at all, I feel like two characters from this series would be overkill. At the very least, I’d hope for it to be a character with gameplay as unique as Shulk.
Protoman/Zero/Roll/Etc. (Mega Man) - I don’t feel like the Mega Man franchise needs more representation, but maybe that is just me. My biggest worry would be that they would play like Mega Man.
Medusa/Viridi (Kid Icarus) - Palutena and Dark Pit’s inclusions are already obvious favoritism, so I feel like one more Kid Icarus character would be overcool (unless....Echo...)
Porky Minch (Earthbound) - He got to be in Brawl as a boss, and frankly Earthbound needs more games before they get more reps.
Quote (Cave Story) - I recognize that Cave Story was important in the early indie game scene, but I just don’t feel like the game has aged well enough to warrant an inclusion, but I wouldn’t be crazy upset if he made it in. 
Noctis (FFXV) - Kind of like Byleth’s inclusion, this one would just feel obligatory to me, like a cash grab to tie in to FFXV, especially since we already have Cloud.
Jibanyan (Yo-Kai Watch) - Don’t like his design, don’t want to see the series represented. 
Rayman/Crash/Spyro - This wouldn’t be the worst ever, but I feel like Banjo already took the slot of “surprise platformer crossover” and all of these characters would be barking up the same tree. Of them, I think Crash makes the most sense since he actually has an upcoming game, but really any of these three would be fine “meh” inclusions. I’m not gonna get excited when I see them announced, but I’m not gonna throw a fit (which is how I felt about Terry and Hero).
Heavy (Team Fortress 2) - I have no idea why I see this posted so often. TF2 is a now-ancient PC first person shooter. There are many better picks for Smash’s first FPS character or first PC character. I think it would be kinda neat, but I don’t even need to plan my reaction because it is so unlikely.
By process of elimination, the astute amongst you can deduce what characters I actually do still want in the game, but I will be elaborating on that in the future. It goes without saying, but I will be happy with whatever characters are picked so long as they are fun to play and don’t mess up the meta too much (not because I care about the meta, but because I’m sick of seeing memes about overpowered characters and I still have flashbacks from Smash 4 Bayo/Cloud).
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nerdwithabirb · 4 years
what your ssbu main says about you (not including dlc)
01. mario: you’re either a basic bitch or really old.
02. donkey kong: you like cheap movesets like grabs because then you don’t have to put in actual effort.
03. link: you’re a basic bitch with a love of elven/fantasy type characters.
04. samus: you either really like metroid, or you just think the mech suit looks neat.
04e. dark samus: see above. possibly going through a divorce.
05. yoshi: you might eat a lot.
06. kirby: see above.
07. fox: you’re either a fox main because of his laser gun, or you’re a furry.
08. pikachu: pikachu is the only pokémon you actually recognise.
09. luigi: you were the underdog growing up. probably a younger sibling.
10. ness: from the bottom of my heart, fuck you. i will never be able to unhear “PK FIRE!!” in that FUCKING voice.
11. captain falcon: i’ve never seen a captain falcon main who was familiar with f-zero, they just thought the falcon! punch! thing is cool.
12. jigglypuff: jjiggly is broken like genuinely broken (especially in ssb4), so you must REALLY like the character.
13. peach: you are probably someone’s non-gamer gf and only picked peach because she’s cute.
13e. daisy: you’re probably at least somewhat familiar with the mario series, but you also probably think that being a daisy main makes you “quirky” somehow.
14. bowser: see entry for donkey kong. spamming grab attacks is cheap as fuck. stop it.
15. ice climbers: another game that most of the mains are completely unfamiliar with. also, having to fight two characters at once is annoying as hell. you like to watch the world suffer.
16. sheik: you probably think maining sheik makes you “mysterious” even though she’s been in the series forever and anyone familiar with legend of zelda knows she’s just zelda in disguise. however, she has decent melee attacks, so credit where credit is due i suppose.
17. zelda: you like the ~magical girl~ aesthetic but think wicca is demonic.
18. dr. mario: if you actually know dr. mario, great. if not, you probably wanted a “quirky” version of mario.
19. pichu: pichu is literally just a more asshole version of pikachu. so you either know that and use it to your advantage, or you just think pichu is cute.
20. falco: you got bored of using fox.
21. marth: you have a thing for slightly androgynous swordfighters.
21e. lucina: androgynous wasn’t doing it for you.
22. young link: you miss link’s old moveset.
23. ganondorf: your tabletop game of choice is d&d and you’re probably the dungeon master most of the time.
24. mewtwo: you think mewtwo is as close to goku as smash can ever get.
25. roy: you have a thing for redheads.
25e. chrom: you have a thing for emo kids.
26. mr. game & watch: you probably don’t know what a game & watch is and just like the huge assortment of attacks.
27. meta knight: edgelord supreme. you were probably a goth kid at one point and might still be.
28. pit: you main pit because his flight ability gives you plenty of mercy when you inevitably get knocked off the stage.
28e. dark pit: you think dark pit is somehow better because he is wearing black.
29. zero suit samus: you pause the game to masturbate to her when you’re playing alone. we all know this.
30. wario: you laugh at fart jokes a lot.
31. snake: you probably own one or more of the following: gadsden flag, something with a punisher skull, one or more guns.
32. ike: see entry for marth.
33-35. pokémon trainer: you like to think you’re unpredictable, but end up doing one of the same few things.
36. diddy kong: you’re one of the rare few who actually knows how the fuck to use diddy. please show me your ways.
37. lucas: like ness, but worse. fuck you but even more.
38. sonic: you’re a hardcore sonic fan and probably fall off the stage a lot. you might be one of the weirdos who lewd him.
39. king dedede: you’re annoying as hell and like to get in people’s way.
40. olimar/alph: you like to piss off as many people at once as you possibly can and just slowly sap away their will to live.
41. lucario: you’re either a hardcore pokémon fan, or you think the idea of a ninja fox dog looking thing is sensual.
42. r.o.b.: lol does anyone main r.o.b.? if you do, you probably have a massive retro game collection and i salute you for that.
43. toon link: you either like wind waker, or you just enjoy the cutesy aesthetic.
44. wolf: like the fox mains, but edgier. probably kind of a dick in real life.
45. villager: you were the kid who chased everyone around and perpetuated the cheese touch/cooties/etc. on the playground.
46. mega man: you are either insanely cool, or you like little boys. no in between.
47. wii fit trainer: you started to main him/her (depending on alt costume) as a joke, but it just grew on you. you’re probably a health nut.
48. rosalina and luma: you totally bought into the galaxy hair trend.
49. little mac: you like to convince people to play punchies.
50. greninja: you make up a lot of bullshit excuses to get out of things.
51-53. mii fighters: you either started using them for shits and giggles and have several miis of celebs and characters, or you’re so self-centred that you jumped on the opportunity to be in a game that wasn’t called “wii _____.”
54. palutena: you’re horny for witchy girls. that, or you started as a zelda main and then graduated, so to speak.
55. pac-man: you like minimalist interior design and probably have an oral fixation.
56. robin: you are, or were, a potterhead.
57. shulk: you probably just think his weapon is neat, admit it.
58. bowser jr.: you’re a HUGE nintendo fan, and can probably name all of the koopalings by heart. (so basically me in fourth grade, lol)
59. duck hunt: you like to fight dirty and then laugh in the face of your opponent after you use cheap tactics, both in and out of smash.
60. ryu: if you ever played street fighter, he was always your main. you’re probably a real ride or die type of person.
60e. ken: you think ryu is too mainstream.
61. cloud: you really like jrpgs.
62. corrin: again with the being horny for the same sort of character.
63. bayonetta: you either are a big tiddy goth gf, or you’re a slobby neckbeard with no hope of getting a big tiddy goth gf.
64. inkling: you probably took up painting as a hobby at least once.
65. ridley: you think dragons are awesome. sadly, ridley kinda sucks in smash.
66. simon: you’re either a deus vult sort of racist, or you have a bdsm kink.
66e. richter: you most probably have a bdsm kink and are very likely to be ex-religious. you probably still reference god in everyday speech because it’s hard to stop doing that (“oh my god,” “i swear to god,” etc.).
67. king k. rool: you laugh at “expand dong” in 2020.
68. isabelle: you enjoy cheap fighting tactics, but also the kawaii aesthetic.
69 (nice). incineroar: you’re a hardcore pokémon fan. shame that incineroar kinda sucks as a fighter.
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