#can I please for the love of god have one single aspect of my life where I do something right
Didn't even make it til 10AM without sobbing at my desk this time.
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augiewrites · 11 months
"secret admirer" - dead poets society
summary: y/n receives yet another profession of love under their door—too bad the hallway is always empty when they open the door
pairing: anonymous!dead poet x gender neutral reader
word count: 591
i am back two years and one english degree later to write a fic that no one asked for! now that's what i call self care!
part two
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Winter proved the student body of Welton wrong when they thought the school couldn't get any more dull. The cold can be cruel like that.
Just like the winter stripped the North of all life, Welton stripped it's students of all identity. In a place where boot licking is the norm and conformity is the goal—Y/N's only retreat was the 200 square foot box they called home for ten months of the year. The only place anyone in Welton was allowed to be themself.
That was exactly where Y/N and their roommate—Quinn—found themselves on a particularly cold Sunday morning.
Y/N sighed and looked from their homework over to Quinn, who had yet to get out of bed, "Do you know that guy that's like...scary good at latin? What's his name? Minks?"
"Hmm," Quinn hummed, wrapping the blanket closer to their body, "the ginger kid? Always hanging out with that tall dude?"
"Yeah, him," a pause and yet another sigh from Y/N, "I think I need a tutor if I want to keep an A this semester. I—"
Suddenly an envelope skidded under the door and across the floor. Rapid footsteps followed soon after and Y/N could hear a door slamming further down the wing.
Quinn rolled their eyes, "God. Not another one."
Y/N just shot them a look and picked up the envelope—one of many addressed to them and left unsigned.
"You wouldn't be rolling your eyes if you were the one with a secret admirer."
"You wouldn't be rolling your eyes if you were the one with a secret admirer mehmheh blah," Quinn mocked in a high tone, "Yeah. If they were for me, they'd be romantic. For you? Prepare to be murdered."
"Shut up."
Y/N opened the letter and dove in. Their heart was beating much faster than they would like to admit.
Lovely Y/N,
She walks in beauty, like the night Of cloudless climes and starry skies; And all that’s best of dark and bright Meet in her aspect and her eyes; Thus mellowed to that tender light Which heaven to gaudy day denies.
I couldn't help but think of you when Keating had us reciting Lord Byron's work last week. The sun was so bright for a dreary winter day, and the rays illuminating from the window painted an image of heaven around your silhouette. You looked so lovely, I could barely register Byron's words.
I would happily go toward the light if I knew you were waiting for me within it.
Y/N could feel Quinn's eyes on them as their cheeks burst into a rosy flame.
"He's in my English class."
Quinn gasped, "Finally! We have a lead!"
"Quinn, I really don't want to play detective on this...what if I think it's the wrong person and make a fool of myself? I think I would have to drop out. Die, even."
But Quinn kept rambling on, completely ignoring their roommate's apprehension, "it's too bad I'm not smart enough for AP English—I would for sure be able to catch that creep staring you down. You're so oblivious. He could be telling you all these things to your face and you would doubt that he's into you."
"I'm not that oblivious, Quinn."
"Oh, please," Quinn exclaimed, "you're so romantically challenged! This guy has been right under your nose and you don't have a single clue!"
Y/N scoffed and returned to their homework.
"Whatever you say, Quinn. We're just going to have to wait and see."
a/n: who could it possibly be?? 🤯
part two
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The Witness and Why It (and its demise) Means Everything to Me (A POC Perspective)
Hey everyone!! The Final Shape has ruined me and has brought me to levels of not only grief, but hope, that I did not think possible, so I decided to give my thoughts on the different aspects of it that moved me to a place where I can be at peace with many things in my life and look forward to paving a better future!!! I think I’ll be making many posts pertaining to the Final Shape as a way to help me express my thoughts on how important this DLC was to me, but we will see!
Please note that these are just my loose, not fully structured thoughts and I’m yapping. My opinions are subject to change and I’d love to hear the input of others! We will be talking about subjects such as slavery, religion, black experiences, and personal experiences of mine!!! It’s very long too, so I’m sorry about that and any writing errors!!
Though I do not believe what I speak of was fully Bungie’s intentions when making the character, the implications and views you can take on the Witness do relate to what I will discuss.
I wanted to start off my return to tumblr with one of the many, many reasons why I have such a deep attachment to the Witness (Precursors and Dissenters will get a different post bc they mean the world to me too!!) , because truly, this entity owns my whole life. I think of it all the time, it lingers in my thoughts, my art, my writing, all of it. It has been so deeply intertwined with my enjoyment of Destiny since it appeared and has offered so much to my perception of the world. I do not think I will truly get over it and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t draw it every chance I get. It appears in every single thought of mine, it’s bad you guys.
I love the Witness so deeply because I have never harbored such a personal level of DISGUST for a character before. As much as I joke about it being silly and the love of my life, the very existence of the Witness revolts me to the core and the tragedies it has directly or indirectly caused squeeze my heart empty. This festering rot of an egregore SICKENS me as it is the beliefs that has robbed me and many others of family, culture, and livelihoods given form. My love for the Witness comes from how it instills in me such HATRED, and truly, we were far too kind to it in game.
For context, I am Caribbean American and have a tumultuous relationship with my heritage for many reasons, but it wasn’t until the Witness and its many victims that I felt like the religious imperialism that has affected my heritage was represented in a way that crept into my spirit.
My Caribbean mother always said to me that we are of this world, not in it. That the hearts of men are wicked and sin (cruelty) was embedded in existence itself. It is only when we give ourselves to a higher purpose that we will be free in the end from all suffering. To her, this life and everything in it did not truly matter for it was a temporary challenge to overcome in order to earn an eternity of salvation. A perfect paradise was awaiting us all if we just gave into the way and left everything else behind.
These were all convictions she held to her very core as she tried to shed away all other aspects of herself to give into this “truth”, especially her Caribbean culture.
She did not always believe this way, but to her, the island she came from did not truly matter at all. Those “wayward people” she grew up with were not worth anything and would die as nobodies on that nowhere island for their lives were not saved, even if they knew of the “truth”. In her adopted views, those people believed in false gods and practices (such as Vodou and beliefs that belonged to those taken from Africa and indigenous populations), they invited in frivolous wants of the flesh such as lust (with „improper“ attire and certain dances), and committed crimes that proved to her that they could never be anything more than what they already were (though she would be blinded to the fact that these behaviors are a result of hostile environments created by the systems established for slavery and racial subjugation). If she wanted to be fit for “walking the right path”, those people had to be left behind for they were lost causes who could not be saved unless they were delivered by the “respectable” ways of life. She had to discard her black mannerisms, hair, speech, and more to have a place amongst the truly chosen.
Religious imperialism has a long history of being heavily tied to discussions of race and colonialism as those who participated in subjugation believed themselves to be more enlightened than the people they brought devastation to, giving them an entitlement that drove them to force their way of viewing religion onto populations. After all, in their minds, they were doing the greatest good for they were setting the people they subjugated on a path for eternal paradise. There was no cost too high in this finite life for infinite salvation to colonizers and all efforts to convert populations who did not see this truth would be “necessary”. People would die or be forced into servitude in mass to support the ambitions of the “enlightened” ones, whole cultures and populations being scrubbed from the face of this Earth in an attempt to “heal what is sick”, to “break broken bones again to heal them right”. I think of all the generations lost to war, slavery, colonialism, and every other act done to deliver “purpose” onto others, all the people whose names will never be known because others used the breath needed to utter it on preaching of their own virtue, and I am left in ruin.
I think of how my mother speaks of those lost to destitute lives because of the social pillaging of the island as an unfortunate side effect of guiding them to the truth and I look at how her world view has been ruined.
My mother thought she was saving me by keeping me from my culture, my people, my family. I did not get to know the language, the customs, the land, but I did get to know how much my mother thought those were distractions. She spent my whole life trying to cement the truths given to her by the same people who left her island in such as state that she felt like she had to run from it, to ensure I would not grow into a person, but a vessel of the righteous message. After all, to be a person is to be complex, nuanced, and flawed and there was no room for that in the visions given to her. The complexities and human flaws that came with our culture would only distract us from giving our whole lives to freeing ourselves from the curse of existence.
The cruelty the Witness delivers with such gentleness as it razes civilizations, its unwavering belief that it is the objective truth and other perspectives are blind to this truth, the means it will use to get that “justified” end, its gut wrenching to me and all that has been lost throughout human history to ideologies that bear the same qualities. Its zealous, static nature that relies on circular reasoning keeps me up at night and makes me mourn what could have been if the unfamiliar and hard to understand parts of human expression were allowed to flourish instead of being eradicated for diverging from someone’s vision of what makes a life worth living. I see this big eyed vessel, incapable of growth and convinced of its own righteousness and my chest feels like it is going to cave in. I see its disciples and pawns in the faces of too many people I know and recall their stories in moments that remind me how poisonous what the Witness represents is.
The Witness is an evil that has hollowed out lives, homes, land, and futures, especially for those who come from heritages that have persevered against attempts to “rectify” them. I still grieve the empty life my mother lives and the people left to suffer the consequences of daring to create their own meaning. I look at the face of the Witness and think of the “burdens lifted off my mother’s shoulders” by those who thought themselves as witnesses of a truth that could not be contested with interpretations that could not be questioned. She prides herself on being a weapon wielded to correct the sinful hearts of men, but I just wish she prided herself on being a person because those who “delivered” her robbed people of color of personhood entirely.
The Witness is not a person, but the embodiment of these deeply rooted ideologies and concepts that affect so many. It’s horror, both in game and the parallels it has in reality, is far too grand and unfathomable for me to bear its weight on my soul and not agonize. Its very existence is monstrous, despite the understandable intentions that went into its making, and my stomach churns at the mere thought of it.
How many species in the Destiny universe will we never know about because their whole galaxy was used to get closer to the Final Shape? How many star systems were left barren because of the Witness’ ambitions? How many children, spouses, artists, philosophers, siblings, neighbors, and more, people who were something, became nothing because of eons of the Witness‘ justifications? Bile boils just thinking of it.
What the Witness represents has hung over my head my whole life and its perverse touch lingers on the whole Destiny universe, tracing many of the depraved atrocities in the game back to itself. It’s death in the Final Shape, at the hands of those it had turned into victims and left to deal with the repercussions of its influence united together, moved me in ways I do not think I could ever properly articulate. To see beloved characters I had given a decade of my life to come together from different backgrounds with different reasons to defeat such a heinous entity, I felt like I could do my part to bring others together, despite our struggles and differences, to rebuild what had been taken from us.
As a person of color from a group of people many still think are undeserving of life, seeing so many characters I have related to over the years say “I matter because I decided to and you can’t take that away from me” to an entity who thought itself so refined that it got to determine everyone’s worth strengthened my entire being. Existing as a person of color is bold in and of itself, but the defeat of the Witness at the hands of people who wanted to exist so bad they risked everything for it ignited in me a flame to be audacious. My existence and culture as a poc is unsightly and heretical, but TFS encouraged me to take on the prejudices of others by saying “Here, despite generations being molded into a “perfect” image and so many lives lost in the struggle to live personal truths, ergo sum. Ergo sum and there is nothing wrong with that”.
To me, the Witness’ death showed me that the stains left behind by social structures such as religious imperialism and colonialism can be overcome by people banding together to make the future different from the past. When we embrace the subjectivity of existence, we can create spaces for different views on life to flourish and reconnect with the nuances of this world. We can better the lives of our people, no matter who they are, not by abandoning all cultural practices and ways of life that were deemed meaningless, but by rebuilding our societies to allow for fulfilling lives and self efficacy for all.
My people no longer have to let imperial powers decide our fate for us or decide that we can be nothing other than the „nature of our race“ that they believe is inferior. Instead of looking up at others who asserted themselves as more enlightened for salvation, we can look at each other and realize there is no one truth to life, especially one worth all the devastation and cruelty placed against those who lived differently. The intricacies of life often lead people to belief systems that allow for comfort and understanding, alleviating the anxiety of possibly living an improper life that will forfeit a desirable afterlife. It is up to individuals to decide what makes their life fulfilling and what beliefs will guide their actions, for no one can make your fate but you.
My mother still likes to wear the patterns of the island and keeps paintings of island scenery in her room. She talks on the phone in patois when she doesn’t feel the pressure to be “proper”. She misses her mother because she used to make dishes from home. To relate it to Destiny, she still has the coordinates to her Lubrae in her pyramid despite convincing herself abandoning it all was for the best and there was nothing there worth keeping. I once thought reconnecting with our heritage alongside her would be a frivolous endeavor, but I hope that with time and understanding, the Witness may not have power over her anymore and she won’t look back on her disassociation with relief. Time and understanding will make our island grow and flourish, free to decide what it wants to be, not held back by preconceived notions of the worth of its existence.
Despite all the Witnesses in the world, I will persist on and try to acquaint myself with my culture without shame. The Witness is everything to me because I hope one day it desecrates nothing ever again. I hope the Witness becomes nothing at all and the cultures it has corrupted make themselves something audacious.
Thank you guys so much for reading!! I hope you guys don’t mind the vague language, I chose to spare some details for my own sake and to make the message more applicable!! I’d love to hear the takes of other people about this bc I love hearing people’s perspectives!! And always remember, no one makes your fate but you!!! Go be audacious!!!!
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writers-potion · 4 months
hiya! i was wondering if you have a post on how to create a god/deity for your story? thanks!
Writing Deities 
What Type of God?
The form and characteristics of your deity characters will depend highly on the overall worldbuilding and mood of your story. Here are some common deity “types”:
Human-like gods who make their own share of mistakes, are tempted by desires (think of Greek/Roman Gods)
“God” as a formless, omnipotent force of the universe that directs people’s fates 
An omnipotent God vs, Many gods in charge of one element or thing
Gods who command large spheres of elements (like sea, fire, war, etc.) vs. God of petty things (e.g. the God of morning coffee) 
The appearance of a God will reflect what the people of that culture look up to. They can resemble an animal, have almost monster-like features or just look human more or less. 
The Implications of Immortality
A god would generally be immortal, and this would be a major difference between your superheroes and a god. They cannot die and therefore are free from the fear of death, which is the most powerful motivator for our heroes. 
This means that you’ll need to assign a flaw so that you can kick your deity characters’ butts. Often, this comes from the very fact that gods are immortal. 
A tragic backstory of the god losing a human they cared about
A god who wants to die 
A god who was kind and compassionate, but grew irritable and tired after seeing eons of human stupidity. 
A god who regrets creating the world 
Set up limits of their power. Gods cannot invade each other’s territory or they cannot bring back people from the dead. Or they aren’t allowed to roam in modern clothing, and your god happens to hate armor.
In essence, deity characters exist to question the reader’s belief about an aspect of life. Gods are often personifications of abstract concepts and through them you can convey a message about what you think is important. 
For example, a Love Goddess may be a shriveled hag while her daughter, the Goddess of Passion, may be a standard beauty. This immediately conveys the message that a pleasing appearance is no substantial factor of true love. 
A God’s “Personality” 
The most important part of a god’s personality is going to be their attitude towards humans, since the purpose of a god is to command over and protect lives other than theirs. 
How does the god feel about being assigned a “job” at birth? Or did they choose to be a god (any regrets)?
Generally, a god’s personality would be linked to the thing they command. The god of the sea may be capricious but surprisingly open-minded; the god of trees may be generous but stubborn, etc. 
You can:
Summarize the god’s motto in a single sentence. It can be something philosophical or even comical, depending on the mood of your story. (e.g. “Love is cruel,” “Donuts are always right.”)
What kind of humans the god would like the most vs. hate the most
In general, are they compassionate/loving or sadistic/pessimistic?
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* . ───
💎If you like my blog, buy me a coffee☕ and find me on instagram! 
💎Before you ask, check out my masterpost part 1 and part 2 
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yinyangyandere · 4 months
💔 Gone, But Not Forgotten ll Disney Villain HCs💔
Synopsis; 'How Scar, Frollo, Jafar, Hades, Hook, and Ursula would react to their s/o losing someone close to them'
ll Caution: Discussions of death, somewhat of a vent
A.N.; Man, first post on this blog and it's something sad. What a way to start this whole thing. In any case, I wanted to make a small "vent-imagine" as my own grandmother passed away today. I won't get into too much detail, but I find solace in thinking about my favorite characters helping me during all of this. Sorry if anything's OOC; I'm not the best at writing, and even if these are just headcanons, I still apologize if there's some mischaracterization I accidentally did. But, I hope you enjoy. Have a great day!
ll SCAR ll
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Admittedly, he’d be rather standoffish about the subject at first. He’ll still be there beside you as you grieve, but he’s more at a loss of words than anything.
Scar disliked his father, so he didn’t feel too much grief when King Ahadi died protecting the Pride Lands. If anything, he felt more resentment towards him since, with his dying breath, Ahadi had given the title of king towards Mufasa.
However, even if they were distant at times, his affinity towards his mother, Queen Uru, was more apparent. They were more close together, and while he’d never actually say it out loud, her eventual death of old age tore through him. So, in that aspect, he does somewhat understand your pain.
He’ll be more quiet as you process everything, but he’d still offer some words of understanding to you.
If you cry in the attention of others, he won’t do close PDA; he’ll wrap his tail around you and sit close to you though. But if you two are alone, he’ll wrap a paw around you and gently bring you over to do the lion version of a hug.
If you’re okay with it, Scar will give you several licks and allow you to weep in his mane. Even if he may dislike the prospect of dirtying his special source of pride, he’ll allow it for you alone.
“Life is often unfair, but we must keep pushing on. If not for your sake, then let it be for their’s.”
/// ✨ ///
ll FROLLO ll
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Out of all the villains, Frollo probably handles what you're going through the best.
Thanks to it being around the 1400s, people passing away were definitely more common, so he was used to any grief you display and assure you that it's alright to cry.
Due to his job of being a figurehead of the Church, he is accustomed to death in general and, while he doesn't officiate the funerals of every single citizen of Notre Dame, he'll gladly do your loved ones.
In fact, he'd probably find a way to be the priest for the funeral even if you were hesitant. Frollo is both persuasive and assertive at once.
It would be a standard, if not slightly more sophisticated, Catholic funeral. Knowing him it would be a burial rather than something like cremation. Otherwise he would probably say some shit like "And send them down to brimstone and fire?! No, they shall be buried and that's final."
Of course, his stony expression doesn't waver before and after the funeral. Though, deep down, he's worried for you. He knows that, after losing someone close to you, you are capable of spiraling down into depression and…the chance of losing you.
He’ll be clingy for a little while, subtle enough for you to not catch attention but enough to make others raise a slight eyebrow.
“My Lord, please watch over my love, for they are currently weak and vulnerable. Allow me to protect them no matter the cost.”
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ll JAFAR ll
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Jafar’s much like Frollo in how he approaches the situation. On the inside, while he’s truthfully more grateful about the prospect of your attention being more on him in the future, he’s still concerned for your well-being and does wish to help you in any way he can.
He may be a bit overprotective of others coming near you during all of this. God forbid someone, peasant or otherwise, makes fun of you for any reason. It doesn’t matter if they taunt you over you weeping or anything else, he will have their head. Not even to aid him in any magic or sacrifices he tries to do. He’d probably just feed their body to pigs or something.
In normal circumstances, Jafar adores teasing you. However, he’s sensible enough to know not to do so with the problem at hand. While he misses the comebacks you would snap back at him, Jafar would rather not potentially hurt your feelings. He’ll be glad to wait until you feel better.
Remember what I said before about him being grateful for the possibility of your attention being focused more on him from now on? If he notices you’re upset after a while, he decides to shove his pride a bit to make you happy. He asks if, when he’s able to become Sultan, you would be alright with the idea of him actually resurrecting your loved one.
If you say yes, he’ll actually be honest about it. After the Genie grants him his first two wishes, especially the sorcerer one, it will be done post-haste for your sake. If Genie tries to dissuade him from it, Jafar’ll make “the blueberry-pasted moron” zip his trap.
Whether you say yes or no, you’ll ask him how he could do that. After all, despite still being able to do some sorcery, subjects like necromancy are still foreign to him. In response, he’ll grin and say back to you:
“For you, I would remake the world to suit your vision with no qualms. For you, dearest flower; I would do anything for you.”
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ll HADES ll
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When you tell him the news, crying all the while, Hades would look confused at you for a second.
“Uh, doll? You know who you’re talking to, right?” Oh.
If you ask him if that’s even allowed or not, Hades would laugh and give you a wide smile. Like he cares about “rules” or what not. It’s his Underworld to reign over, not anyone else’s.
He’ll fish out their soul and allows you to see them. It’s a heartfelt reunion, and as both of you cry in happiness, Hades would be standing off to the side like 🧍. 
If both of you agree to it, he’ll also allow your loved one to come back to life as well. If they were old when they died, he’ll make them younger and healthier as a bonus.
He can’t stand mushy-stuff, but he refuses to see you in sadness or in pain. A tad bit of jealousy aside, Hades knows this will make you fall further in love with him. As if you weren’t already head-over-heels for the smug bastard before…
“C’mon, babe. No need to thank me. Go have fun or whatever; just don’t tell Zeus. Guy’s a killjoy!”
/// ✨ ///
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Not going to lie, if you tell him about the situation and start crying, he would join in with you. He may be a pirate but he’s not completely heartless.
While you grieve, Hook would be there for you every step of the way. And if he’s there for you, so is the rest of the crew. You’d be pampered and spoiled, anything to show he’s here to help whenever you ask for it.
He’d probably be the type to try and get your mind off of it. Looking out at sunsets, going through collected treasure, sharing stories (especially ones that he knows you would laugh at), that sort of thing. 
Even if he’s in front of his crew, Hook will give you the best comforting hugs. If you’re feeling sad, just resting your head on his shoulder with his soft, fluffy hair would be enough to soothe you.
When you two are alone, he’ll quietly sing gentle songs to you, far different from the usual sea shanty he’d parade about. If you begin to cry, he’ll wipe away the tears falling down your face (of course making sure his hook doesn’t cut you) and urge you closer to him.
Definitely the sweetest out of all the villains.
“Look up at the stars, love. See how many there are? Know that, one of them, is your loved one. They’ll always be there to guide you on the darkest nights, even if you are alone.”
/// ✨ ///
ll URSULA ll
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As you go through the stages of grief, like with all of the villains listed here, Ursula would do her best to stay by your side and help when need be.
She’d be very touchy with you, offering hugs, kisses, hand-holding, all the works. She knows all too well the feeling of being alone in the world, and Ursula is determined to make sure you don’t feel like you’re going through all of this alone.
I hope you’re okay with her embraces being a bit “slimy” feeling; though, if you’re dating her, I’d say you’d be used to it by now.
Thanks to her deal-making skills, she always knows just what to say in this situation. Except, while she was often dishonest with the deals she made, she’s 100% genuine here. 
All-in-all, definitely second-best when it comes to being the sweetest to you in this time of your life.
Not related to Ursula herself, but Flotsam and Jetsam would be all-over you. You know how dogs can sometimes tell when their owner is feeling sad, and they comfort you by just laying their head on you? That’s them. Despite Ursula sometimes being overwhelmed by the two’s shenanigans, deep down, she’s thankful that they help cheer you up.
“Oh, angelfish, there, there. You were good to them, and I’m sure that they’ll always watch over you from now on. Just like me.”
/// ✨ ///
Thanks for reading! 💛
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sminiac · 4 months
can u write about giving bonedo legal line head pleaseee 😭😭😭 im such a giver like i need to make them feel good thank you!!!!
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⋆ P. Sungho
Funny enough, I see Sungho as more of a giver. Something about him emits that he loves being able to take care of his lover— but don’t get me wrong, he allows himself to enjoy when you’re the one using your mouth, the only problem is he gets too restless knowing how needy it makes you, your impatience makes him impatient. Gets off on the internal image of giving you head just so the process will be finished faster, and it’s a bad habit, he knows, but you deserve to feel just as good. In short he allows you to do it whenever you ask, and it feels good, of course it does, but he’d much rather be settled comfortably between your thighs, his skin drenched thickly in your arousal, sometimes it makes you wonder if he just enjoys constantly having a locked jaw too?
The only time you can really go through the process of having him cum undisturbed is early in the morning when he’s half awake, struggling to sleep past the feeling of his aching cock. In his drowsy, refusal of day state he’ll let you do it without any convincing that you need the attention more than he does, he’s just much too tired to talk, and to put in the actual effort to have you submitting to his insistence, but he’s still awake enough to give you the ‘go ahead’ when your fingers start drawing feather light touches across his lower tummy, it takes a little while, but eventually he’ll be bucking his hips up and whispering a desperate “Please, honey.” You’ll know he’s close when his big hand finds the top of your head and his back is slightly arching from the mattress, breathlessly stuttering out: “Fuh- fuck, baby. God, oh my, fuck.”
Remainder of members under the cut!
⋆ L. Riwoo
Riwoo likes someone with a level head and a persistent drive because then he doesn’t have to think about a single thing other than you and the way you make him shake and quiver once you’re sunken down, laving hotly at his tip, paying attention to all the right places at once. He won’t say it aloud but he also really likes when you’re messy, calculated in every other aspect as expected, but allowing yourself the freedom of salivating all over him, the sight of it, the feeling, it’s almost like a confidence boost seeing you so into pleasuring him, the way the warm mix of liquids seep out of the corners of your mouth and cover his skin, he’s very adamant about eye contact when he’s not being shy.
If you’re enjoying yourself then he enjoys it all the more! Here and there Riwoo doesn’t mind a pinch of exhibitionism, giving him head in the shower of the dorm or when you’re at his house really gets him going. The fear of someone hearing his pathetic whimpers, catching onto whatever the two of you do behind closed doors— he runs so high off of it, his hips unapologetically slipping his cock in and out of your mouth, the anxiety in his stomach conjoint with the kick of his orgasm approaching always has him shifting gears, sweet sweaty boy just absolutely fucking your mouth with reckless abandon.
⋆ M. Jaehyun
He’s so yappy and adorable! Absolutely cannot keep his mouth shut for the life of him when you’re swallowing around his dick, treating him so delicately, like he’s the prettiest, most delicate thing you’ve ever laid your hands on. The doting and the loving on really makes him so horny though, like, so bad that you can’t tell him he’s pretty whilst looking at him a certain way or he’ll get so whiny about it. The flood of affection being only meant for him makes his limbs so restless, there’s too much good feelings and sweet words that he doesn’t know how to receive it, even more when you’re offering to get on your knees for him.
Jaehyun doesn’t take your certainty of wanting to give any kind of way that’ll make you feel like it’s intended to be degrading, there’s no hidden agenda or kept in thoughts, he’s simply liquid in your hands, takes whatever you have to offer so graciously while still being assuring that he wants it just as bad as you do. He’s so visually pleasing too, doesn’t understand the effect that his shuttered cries and restless legs have on you, every time you have him in your mouth he refuses to look or he’s cumming on the spot, so his eyes are closed most of the time, he’s so :( also has a thing for the feeling of your nails dragging against the soft skin of his thighs, cries and cries from the stimulation, could probably cum from that alone but he’s too embarrassed to find out.
⋆ H. Taesan
A recorder. He is a sluuuut !! Literally asking whenever he can if it’s okay for him to record. Such a freak that even when he’s not horny he’ll be watching back the videos of you giving him head, whenever he’s in the back of the van going to prerecording’s his hidden folder is quickly being pulled up, you’re just so pretty and you always do so good for him, he feels almost this sense of pride? Like “Yeah that’s my girl, she’s so beautiful. Head game is crazy btw!” He just has to brag about you in every way, idk 🙄. Likes when you give him head in ridiculous places and situations too, the back of the car, on an airplane, after shows, before shows etc. and he records those too of course, talks to you in a hushed tone with the phone flash all in your eyes, “Fuuuck- s’good princess. Keep doin’, doing that, please.”
Taesan is such a physically reactive person, it’s like everything the normal human feels he feels 5x stronger. Will unintentionally make you gag and tear up by how much his hips unwillingly twitch and push when he’s close to cumming because of this. He does his best every time to try and stop it, but it’s hard to stop something that’s not done with a conscious effort. Admittedly though, every inch of your mouth he’s been allowed to touch feels amazing, but he’s come to find that the back of your mouth is an especially important part.
⋆ K. Leehan
The most likely to head push, idk if it’s because of how pretty he is but something about him is so intimidating? He brings that same exact energy to bed too, plays into it, likes seeing you flustered and stupid. Yk how it’s always the people you least expect to have crazy experience when it comes to sex? Yeah, literally him. Like he’ll be teaching you shit you would’ve never learned if it was someone else’s dick in your mouth, “Lick it like that” “Use your fingers like this baby” or “More pressure pretty, don’t be shy.” Absolutely intends to build your abilities so they pertain only to what he finds pleasurable. Even the way he talks to you, it’s so entertaining but not in a humorous manner, he knows just what to say and how to say it for the success of getting you squirmy and impatient.
Since he knows how shy you get Leehan purposely makes eye contact with you as much as he can, will caress the top of your head and the soft of your cheek that the tip of his cock pokes into as he talks sweetly to you. Asking if you’re having fun, if he tastes good. He’s such a mouth fucker, I can’t. If you’re giving him the go ahead to use you he does exactly that. The most talkative out of everyone, keeps your ears entertained with his grunts, moans and his thoughts, but he keeps your mouth even more busy. It’s impossible for him to become bored, he feels the same excitement every time you go down on him that he felt the first time it happened.
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vivisviolets · 6 months
˖◛⁺⑅♡⑅~you received a lost package~⑅♡⑅⁺◛˖
🎁⁀➴ ✉ Energy check-in
📦⁀➴ ✉ Affirmations
📮⁀➴ ✉ Quotes
*cw* post longer than my temu package's tracking history 💀
˖◛⁺⑅♡⑅ -pick the package image you feel most drawn to- whatever caught your eye first upon seeing this post is most likely *your* pile!!!! but oh ofc you can also ease yourself, close your eyes, focus on your current state of mind/your life, and then ask yourself/spirit/God what pile has what you most need to hear rn! and pls pick more than one pile if you feel interested to do so!!! you may get messages you needed to hear across all piles yakno:))- okkkk byeeee-˖◛⁺⑅♡⑅
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✉ pile 1
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✉ Page of Pentacles, King of Wands, Nine of Pentacles ✉
✉ Earth placements, Virgo/Capricorn/Taurus, fire placements, Aries/Sagittarius/Leo, divine masculine, divine femininity, heavy heart, earthy, warm/hot, -songs Only Angel - Harry Styles, Hate Me Harder - Kesha
✉ Woo- Look at youuu-!!! Look at you go more like- like, holy ish you should have seen me tapping into your energy and pulling out the cards one after the other with such genuine eassseee the heck... -but anyways pile 1s- you are REALLY setting your heart ablaze, it's like you're purifying your heart space after a period of purging energetically... In fact for quite a while, it was a consistent purging of- a lot for you. a total rebirth through a dark forest- you are literally an adventurer traversing through a fantasy land, following the pounding of your royal blood through your heart- knowing it will lead you to your glory- I'D SO READ THAT BAHAH- anyway though, you're really filling your heart with this fire. things and opportunities that fill you with joy and make you feel so warm inside 🎇🔥. I'm hearing a lot of self focus so projects around your passions or moving yourself up towards your goals! mmhm, I'm hearing a lot of different things for the collective- I'm seeing starting up a business, independent artists of various kinds, makeup or personal care focused products, you could be selling prints, monetized pages/videos, building a website- I'm seeing Jan Levinson with her candle side business😭😭... obviously you guys definitely don't house the shadow aspects of her character in your energy (tf am I saying 💀)- what I mean to say is after a lot of melting yourself down, you are now completely reforming into something that is completely personal and your own... like scented candle making 😭👍!!!!!!!!! okkkk I'm so freaking proud of you~ and if you've felt any heaviness just from you refilling your heart with so many opportunities- please don't let that cause you ANY doubts about your endeavors because OH👏- MYGOD👏 it's all going to go so well for you. no matter any circumstances or external worries. keep goingggggggg.
✉ Nothing can stop me from reaching my goals
✉ Regardless, my goals always become bigger and better
✉ I always reach my goals
✉ Regardless of anything external I am fully capable of achieving all of my goals
✉ Regardless of my mindset, I am fully capable of achieving ALL of my goals
✉ My goals become better and better
✉ I find fulfillment in my goals
✉ My goals always bring me so much joy
✉ My goals always bring me so much abundance
✉ I love building up my goals to infinity and beyond
✉ I am so good at doing what brings me joy and energy
✉ My goals orbit me
✉ My dream life is already waiting for me
✉ My dream life wants me
✉ Earning my dream life is as easy as breathing
✉ I am made of my dreams and desires
✉ My dreams and desires always become mine
✉ My dreams and desires are already mine
✉ Joy and abundance fuel my dreams and desires
✉ Joy and abundance fuel my goals
✉ Every single step I take brings me closer to my goals
✉ Achieving my goals is easier then ever before
✉ My goals have been deemed to be mine
✉Achieving my goals is so easy for me because they are already mine
✉ My goals love me
✉ My goals work for me
✉ My goals work towards me
✉ I am so happy for all I have accomplished
✉ My goals reward me daily
✉ I am rewarded daily because my goals are extensions of me
✉ I am so abundant
I have always been so abundant
Everything is an extension of me, and everything rewards me
✉ Everything is an extension of me, and everything flows me to where I desire to be
✉ My work is my creativity
✉ Creativity flows through me
✉ Creativity has always been my birthright
✉ I am made of creativity
✉ I am creativity
✉ I care for myself easily
✉ My goals allow me to relax
✉ My goals love when I care for myself
✉ The more I relax the more my goals flow to me
✉ I fully trust my goals
✉ I am fully deserving of my goals
✉ I fully deserve my goals
✉ I fully deserve and allow my goals to orbit towards me
✉ I align myself fully with my goals
✉ I am aligned to my goals
✉ I align myself fully with my desires
✉ I am aligned to my desires
✉ I align myself fully with my dream life
✉ I am fully aligned to my dream life
✉ My goals are mine.
✉ ✉ ✉
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✉ pile 2
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✉ Eight of Wands (reversed), Seven of Pentacles (reversed), The Lovers
✉ Air placements, Gemini/Libra/Aquarius, earth placements, Taurus/Virgo/Capricorn, numbers 8, 7, 6, 1111, stops and starts, "air headed"/emotional/flightly described personality, healing unresolved wounds/fears, -song Love Is An Open Door - Frozen (2013)
✉ Oh my pile 2s :'), I'm pretty quick to ask how are you? seeing the certain reversals I got- one of them (Eight of Swords reversed) is definitely way more positive and a really good step in the right direction for you, it feels like a breath of fresh air!!- but it has a heaviness to it, it's a step in recovery from some baggage... and then the next one to come out felt like a real wammy- (Seven of Pentacles in reverse)... I got interrupted after a moment of being engrossed in your energy pile 2s, I feel you had a period where you felt this sense of freedom after a long while of realizing a lot of mental limitations you had that did not serve you- and so you jumped into trying and doing the opposite of those imitations!... but something might have happened that caused all that newfound sense of freedom to deflate in you- and you feel like you've gone right back to square one of how you used to feel- is that right? I find myself asking questions instead of being sure in what I am telling you, maybe that's the state that you're in currently of having all these why this? and why is that? with no feeling of hope in finding any answers, that right? <-- SEE?? there I go putting the questions back onto you instead of giving you answers:')- I'm so sorry. I'm hearing it might not have even been a big thing to have offset you as much as it did, just some sort of small trigger- it might have even just been your own pent up discouragement rearing its head at not seeing enough movement o headway in a certain aspect of your life, even with all the personal changes you were trying to create... I'm using the word trying a lot- omg this is so saddening😭... Ok, I'm going to pull myself out of this dark and dreary pity party (I don't say it in any mean way love ❤️) and take you up with me- because this place sucks and because I have got to offer you some help and some love- it's what you freaking deserve!!
-You have to address your feelings. you have to feel these emotions that are connected to all the limiting thoughts you have. you might be the type to be very flighty when it comes to your emotions- and there is a bright side to that trait that is beautiful and free and I don't think you should get ride of that!! but you're relying and using the shadow aspect of that trait by continuing to fly away to the externals first as to fix the limiting beliefs when really, the way to fix the external- is through the internal. do it for yourself, do it out of love for yourself. give yourself the space, time, patience and love that you deserve. heal your discouragement by allowing it to just be a feeling, and allow it to past like all feelings do. once you start healing and spending time and love on yourself- literally EVERYTHING in your life is going to blossom- love and freedom will be blossoming!!!! and you will be soaring stronger then ever before. oh my gosh-goodness I've gone on, but again- you deserve patience, love, and a space for healing- and I hope I was able to be that my pile 2s~ 🕊
(*reading your energy I know you may be cynical to these affirmations- again please address your limiting thoughts babe because they ain't getting you no where no how, and allow yourself just a little bit of trust. you don't have to even believe the affirmations, just read them/speak them. allow them <3.~*)
✉ I allow myself to heal
✉ I am patient with myself
✉ I allow my internal healing to play out
✉ I have full trust in my healing journey
✉ The more I allow myself to heal the more free I become
✉ The more I allow myself to heal the more I receive what I desire
✉ The more I allow myself to heal the more I accomplish
✉ The more I allow myself to heal the better and better life gets for me
✉ I align myself to love
✉ I align myself to joy
✉ I align myself to abundance
✉ I align myself to peace
✉ I align myself to my self love
✉ I align myself to my inner joy
✉ I align myself to my inner abundance
✉ I align myself to my self peace
✉ I am in alignment with myself
✉ I am capable of receiving all that I dream of and desire
✉ I am capable of giving and receiving love
✉ I am capable of self love and self care
✉ I am always capable because I am enough
✉ I am deserving of healing
✉ I am deserving of what I will accomplish
✉ I am deserving of love, healing, freedom, and to know myself better
✉ I deserve to be healed
✉ I deserve to be limitless
✉ I deserve to love myself
✉ I deserve love
✉ When I change, my reality follows
✉ I make the choice to heal myself
✉ I make the choice to love myself unconditionally
✉ I make the choice to allow self growth
✉ Regardless of anything external, I allow myself full self love
✉ Regardless of anything external, I allow myself to fully heal
✉ I release what no longer serves me
✉ I release what does not serve me and reclaim my energy
✉ I call all of my energy back to me
✉ My path ahead is full of healing, love, beauty, abundance, joy and freedom
✉ I trust my path
✉ I will be successful
✉ I trust that my path is full of abundant success that expands
✉ I am already successful
✉ Success is already mine
✉ I trust that success will flow into my life
✉ My success will build and expand
✉ I know that my success will be full of all my desires
✉ I am deserving of my success
✉ I desire to be successful
✉ I allow my success to flow into my life
✉ I trust my success
✉ I trust that success always finds me and I always find success
✉ Everything I desire will find me
✉ Everything I desire will flow into my life
✉ ✉ ✉
(*idk why but extra quotes for you~ ur favored fr~*)
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✉ pile 3
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✉ ✉ ✉
✉ Three of Swords (reversed), Ace of Wands (reversed), Nine of Swords (reversed)
✉ Air placements, Libra/Aquarius/Gemini, water placements, Cancer/Pisces/Scorpio, numbers 2, 222, 2222, 1212, 2424, 444, old connections, not needed, present-day path, planting seeds, blunt/honest/levelheaded/practical/mature/grown described personality, "he said- she said-", divided energies, feminine intensity, masculine intensity, commonly used emojis 💗, 🔥, 💀, -song Bloodline - Ariana Grande, Stray Kids (?), Enough - Jess Glynne
✉ For the first time in maybe over 3 years, my brain began to play Bloodline by Ariana Grande as soon as I tapped into your energy- I'm getting you may definitely have prominent air or water placements, more so Cancer, and Libra- other air and water placements too and oh gosh I'm realizing that those are Ariana's signs in her big 3- I do not think I'm connecting wrongly though,- I'm seeing that there are some of you that are either listeners/relate to Ariana, and the other camp is completely indifferent/are not in that fan base at all in which case I'm probably turning you off of this reading 😭😭- yea I'm totally seeing 2 separate camps in this pile rn, this divide of either very fem/fem baddies (that whole Thank U, Next album was very much in that whole aesthetic)- or very masc aesthetic/personality (not gender specific btw- this is fully afab/amab safe)... I randomly typed a fire emoji and heard the word "lit" immediately- so for my masc group you guys are described like that and or aim for that aesthetic- but my fems here are seen as that too 🔥 I'm hearing, like that description isn't gender-expression exclusive 💗🔥. again now there's more music coming through- for my mascs it's K-pop, K-indie, K-rock, K-Metel.. This is so weird to hear because i know nothing about that scene (someone here likes jazz tf- okkkk😭)... two very different and... stubborn- towards each other?- energies rn.
Ok, I'm going to actually get into what's going on as best I can for the collective- I'll be honest, this energy is all over the place, and I'm having a hard time reading or relating specifically to just one group of people rn like- 💀💀💀... I'm hearing the phrase "he said- she said-" so honestly I could be describing two people who are in/were in a relationship of some kind, a feminine and a masculine- (again, afab/amab safe!! and take what resonates) so you could be the feminine reading this and this is about a masculine who's heavy on your heart, or you could be the masculine in this and this is concerning your feminine whom you're really messed up over. and for both of these situations, it's really mutual that you two cut each other deep in the heart space 💀- like fr there is history that has occurred between you two and something happened that really made the mark that you guys left on each other's hearts- open up and start bleeding... and I'm literally just standing here watching the intensity of you two gazing at each other-... I'm seeing this scene of the feminine wanting to close her door but just continuing to stare at the masculine who could have stormed off but instead is still standing on the welcome mat, staring back into the eyes of the feminine- AND I'M STANDING IN THE HALLWAY OF THIS APARTMENT COMPLEX LIKE... I'm just trying to pass through to go feed my cats 💀...
I fr don't know what to say,- and that is so not like me at all. I'm just so heavily in this energy and there are literally two energies coming in and are weirdly connected to each other- AND they are both stubborn as hell. YOU TWO ARE BOTH stubborn as hell 😭. in fact, you two are so similar that when you have a problem with each other- no one can get a foot in the door to help. because you two are literally so on the same level mentally, that you can literally continue your intense stare-down with your friends trying to get in the middle to put the situation on ice- but you both continue to set each other's souls ablaze... you two need a retreat away from each other BAHAH 💀. God, again I do not know what to say because not only are you stubborn and intimidating asf, you are also very mature (referring to a singular person again whew), and you have the (emotional) receipts to back up how intense you can be- (I cannot figure out where to put this but it keeps weighing heavy that some of you are even parents/have young kids you have to be thinking about constantly)- you know bullshit like the back of your hand and I know you'll def be eying my words rn like a hawk... wasn't I suppose to give you affirmations 😭????? *nervous laughter fr* jokes aside- I'm going to stand my ground to you,- I can feel it and see it in the eyes I'm being shown- you've been through a lot. you have a past that is heavy and it's weighed on you since you were just a little girl/little boy/little child. you had to mature fast in the way you did out of your own survival. and that has done what it has done- but what about now? yes, you can do and act however you want to. you've earned your living! as you believed you needed to, had to, and would do- but for someone so confrontational about other's behavior- why can you not do the same for your own? you're usually right with the conclusions you come to about situations and other people with all the shit you've seen- so why not face yourself with that same focus? just as you question other people's behavior, already knowing the truth about them- you can do that very thing to yourself.
question yourself- why does this person trigger you the way that they do? when this person triggers you, what are you reminded of? are you reminded of another person or situation? are you reminded of your family growing up? are you reminded of your father? or mother? or relatives?- does this person who triggers you- remind you of yourself?... do the heavy walls you built when they were required to survive, serve you now? because I think it's what's inside the walls that needs stabilizing.
WOOO I just gave tougher love then I have ever done before- but I freaking had to get through to you love!! I really hope I did, whatever vulnerable emotion you are feeling right now if you've read this far of what I've channeled for you- please know that you have people you can go to with these emotions. this isn't like when you were growing up, you are safe. you are safe to be fully you, every piece of you that you had to lock away or armor up is safe now- thanks to the life you are building for yourself. I'm hearing a saying about how when you cut a tomato, you get a bunch of seeds- and you can plant those seeds, and with your work and patience, you get more tomatoes!! and that's what you've done- taken the small seeds and grew things up for yourself. so please enjoy all your hard work, PLEASE- show all those parts of you love. plant those seeds that you had to lock away and allow them to blossom and finally see the sunlight you created. again, I really am seeing that you do have safe options to turn to for support, definitely personal support- friends I'm mostly seeing- people outside of your old family/upbringing...
if you're in an intense relationship of some kind (said person could even be someone you've known since childhood/earlier years) like what I was channeling earlier, then I'm seeing that could be a perfect opportunity to turn to people for support- and oh my gosh honey you're going to be so loved. you already are, people love you and want you to open up more to them- I'm just seeing you opening up more as being both healing and strengthening for you, but also for your relationships 💗. this is so sweet, you have some sweet people around you that you fully deserve (for those with kids I see you taking so much more healthy joy in being a parent and you connecting with your little ones so beautifully- I'm seeing dancing in the kitchen especially 😭💗). but just to be inclusive to everyone here, you of course don't have to open up to others- I see seeking some professional guidance of some kind would also be incredibly beneficial (also spiritual guidance if you have an interest in that), and also you of course always have yourself. so go inward and see how you can show up for yourself better!!!
alright whew I know that reading might not have been for everyone but it was strong so I know that this reading is for someone💗🔥 so it was a pleasure. anddd my apologizes for the full read yikezies 💀-
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✉ I am safe
✉ I create a safe space for myself
✉ I have created a safe space for myself
✉ I am in a safe place
✉ I am safe to express and feel my emotions
✉ My emotions are mine and I am free and safe to express them
✉ My environment is safe and fully mine
✉ I choose to feel safe
✉ I allow myself to be vulnerable
✉ I allow myself to feel what as hurt me
✉ I allow myself to be bitter
✉ I allow myself to cry
✉ I allow myself to be angry
✉ I allow myself to grieve
✉ I allow parts of me that do not serve my highest good to pass
✉ I allow what does not serve me any longer to leave my body and exit out of my life
✉ I allow the most vulnerable parts of me to be healed
✉ I allow the most vulnerable parts of me to exist
✉ I respect my vulnerability to be as it is
✉ I love my vulnerability
✉ I allow myself to be patient towards my life
✉ I am patient with myself
✉ I allow myself to release control in my life and surrender to my healing journey
✉ I have released control and am now in a state of healing
✉ I allow myself to prioritize my needs fully
✉ I am my first priority
✉ I allow myself to feel taken care of
✉ I am taken care of
✉ I allow myself self love and self growth
✉ I am focused on giving myself the love I deserve
✉ I allow myself to be emotionally open
✉ I am emotionally open towards myself
✉ I show up for myself
✉ I allow myself to connect to my heart and give love to those I trust
✉ I am open to people I trust
✉ I am shown who I can trust and I allow my heart to open
✉ I am protected and surrounded by people who I trust
✉ I am protected and surrounded by love and those who I can love safely
✉ I am protected and surrounded by abundance and success regardless of any externals
✉ I deserve to be trusted and I am worthy to share my trust
✉ I deserve to be loved and I am worthy to share my love
✉ I deserve abundance and I am worthy to share my abundance
✉ I deserve success and I am worthy to share my success
✉ Trust is my birthright
✉ Love is my birthright
✉ Abundance is my birthright
✉ Success is my birthright
✉ Stability and loyalty is my birthright
✉ Regardless of others actions- I am deserving of trust, love, abundance, success, stability, and loyalty
✉ I accept the truth that it is my birthright, and that I am inherently deserving of trust, love, abundance, success, stability, and loyalty
✉ I allow myself to live my life knowing those truths
✉ I allow myself to breathe through my whole body and begin to shed all that no longer serves me
✉ I trust myself and I trust my journey
✉ I allow myself to be healed
✉ I am capable of being healed
✉ I am healing
✉ I am healed
✉ I allow myself to view my life as my own
✉ My life is my own, and I live by my love, joy, and peace
✉ I allow myself to see life as enjoyable
✉ I am capable of viewing life as enjoyable and all that can bring me joy
✉ I enjoy viewing my life as fun and full of joy and peace
✉ I allow myself to have fun with myself and those I love
✉ I am capable of having fun with myself and those I love
✉ I love having fun in my life and sharing that with those I love
✉ I fall in love with myself, and find someone to share it with
✉ ✉ ✉
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✉ oh praise be we're done~ byeeeee till next time
✉ ✉ ✉ love, vi~♡
308 notes · View notes
heartsforhavik · 10 months
Yandere Liu Kang? 👀👀👀
yandere liu kang x reader hcs
warnings: toxic relationship, controlling liu kang, yk regular yandere tendencies
summary: hcs of yandere liu kang x (gender neutral) reader
a/n: i just ate like 7 tacos anyways here’s a story about a god that is obsessed with you bc we all secretly want that!! (hi its me from the future this took so long for me to write anyways i just ate 12 chicken nuggets and i was holding in a shit while i was writing this anyways please enjoy guys love you all. havik is next :333)
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when liu kang created the new timeline, he was bent on making sure everyone had the chance to live a life of peace. he wanted everyone to be in control of their lives.
but when it came to you, liu kang had a twisted desire to completely craft your life so you two can be together. however, he resisted the urge, and he decided to let you be in control of your own life.
but he didn't expect for you to naturally gravitate towards him. he felt so... familiar to you. as if you knew each other in another life.
liu kang was so grateful that you naturally found each other again. and now, he was determined to make sure nothing would happen to you.
now that you two are together, he treats you as if you're glass. he barely lets you leave your house without him helping you. but can you blame him? he's a demi-god and you are just a vulnerable mortal. he just doesn't want you getting hurt!
"liu kang, please, let me leave. i just want to walk around. i'm not going to get hurt!" you begged.
"i cannot risk you losing your life, my darling. you'll understand one day." liu kang told you.
liu kang may be extremely controlling, but it's because he holds you very dear to his heart. he doesn't want anything bad happening to you, so he safeguards you very carefully. he is afraid of losing you more than anything.
you are his darling. you are the love of his life. can you really blame him for wanting to keep you forever? hold you in his arms til' death do you part?
he doesn't mind when you talk to others, however. he doesn't trust you to protect yourself, but he trusts you to stay loyal to him. he isn't that possessive. but he does always have to know every single person you are acquainted with. he just wants to make sure they're good people, that's all! he just doesn't want you to accidentally be friends with bad people.
however, liu kang is extremely busy as earthrealm's protecter. he doesn't get to keep an eye on you all the time, unfortunately. so he keeps you locked up in your shared living space! fun, right?
but he knows how bored you can get in there, so he knows to get whatever furniture you want inside your home. anything you show even a little bit of interest in, ends up in your home a few minutes later. you're very spoiled in other aspects other than furniture, however.
for example, on the rare occasion that liu kang isn't too busy, he does whatever you ask him. make you tea? he's on it. cuddle and watch a movie? he's got the blankets and snacks ready. need a shoulder to cry on? he's there, and he'll give you advice on how to solve the problem.
liu kang is very thoughtful, and he knows exactly how to take care of you. but unfortunately, his fear of losing you someday is too strong, that he doesn't know how to love you without a voice in the back of his head always reminding him that your lifespan is much shorter than his. he knows you won't be with him someday. but he likes to pretend that fact isn't true.
for now, he'll stay hopeful that nothing will come between your unconditional love. your loss someday will leave him crestfallen, and you will stay within his heart forevermore. so for now, let him love you with his whole heart. let him kiss you every morning. let him enjoy your company every afternoon. let him embrace you every night. he'll go mad if anything were to happen to you, his sweet beloved.
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Never too much
TW: Sugar Daddy Hongjoong, smut, degradation, feelings at the end and a bit of dark obsessive Hongjoong
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First Dior, than Prada, after that came Gucci and last but not least Chanel.
It was the usual routine you took on your shopping day. At some point it was getting exhausting so you also had a quick stop to grab a coffee or a coke - which was really necessary most times.
The man that paid for those weekly shopping tours would be evaluating the things you had bought at the end of the day.
He made your life better in ever aspect. First of all he had given you a black card. Honestly you could buy a whole mansion and he wouldn’t complain as long as it was good enough in his opinion. But you wouldn’t do that. You paid your rent with it, your groceries, the stuff you needed for university and last but not least the expensive clothing that he expected you to wear for him every week.
And you knew not to disappoint him.
“Hmm… Turn around again.” He said, arms crossed as he sat in front of you.
You let out a small sigh but still complied. The last thing you wanted was to piss him off.
“The shoes fit you perfectly. You know I love Stilettos and the color is very complimenting to your skin.” He praised you softly and a smile crept in your face.
God, pleasing him felt way too good.
“But the dress is trash. I don’t like how it is made. The fabric looks so cheap and it is way too short. Are you a slut or what? It’s such a waste of money.” He than said with a click of his tongue as he finally stood up. “Look at me.”
Oh no. You honestly thought the dress was super cute. It was black, had a lot of lace and the straps had cute bows. It was simple but still nice
Slowly you lifted your gaze from the floor to meet his hard gaze. With calculating steps he crept closer to you.
“Mr. Kim, I thought you’d like it… you said you love my thighs so I didn’t want to-“
“Did I ask? It’s sweet that you tried to please me but I wanted to take you out for dinner tonight. Which is something I clearly can’t do anymore now.”
Your heart stopped for a second and you bit your lip. He wanted to take you out for dinner? Hongjoong hadn’t been in public with you yet. Every single one of your meetings had been in private. And he had stated in the beginning that he wanted to keep it that way. Hell, he even made you sign a stupid contract that you wouldn’t tell the public about you two.
And honestly it was more than fine for you. You’d buy pretty clothes, wear them for him and he’d blow your back out. Than you could live your lavish life for another week before you’d meet him again.
You opened your mouth to say something but he shushed you with his finger. Hongjoong was dangerously close to you by now.
“But you don’t want that, right? Rather be treated like a cheap slut and than go out and have dinner with other guys, huh?” He asked, his hand cupping your chin now as he pulled you closer.
“I saw you. Don’t think you can go around and sleep with others and I won’t know it. I know everything and I see everything.”
His words were dangerous and you gulped.
Of course you knew what this whole scene was about. When you went out for dinner for your friends birthday. Wooyoung had always been a very good friend and you wanted to treat him a little. And you could do so with the little black card the man in front of you had given to you. Conveniently Hongjoong had a business meeting that day in the very same restaurant you had taken Wooyoung to. But you thought it didn’t bother him as he had just texted you to enjoy your meal.
Honestly you couldn’t even be mad that he was accusing you of sleeping with Wooyoung now. Your friend was very touchy and you knew it.
To be fair, there were some weak and drunken moments were you two started making out. But it never went anywhere and neither of you had any romantic feelings for the other. And after being with Hongjoong you wouldn’t even need to have any other man besides him. Nor did you have the time for that.
“Probably even paid for that damn meal with my money. The audacity you have is incredible.” He chuckled darkly. One of his hands found your hip now and the other your throat.
“It’s not like tha-“ you began but your words were silenced as he began to choke you a little.
“Spare your words. You won’t get out of that now. Get on your knees, sweetheart and I might be able to forgive you.” He spat and loosened his grip on you before he went to sit down on the couch again. He spread his legs and put his arms on the back of the couch.
No more words were exchanged but you didn’t need to know more. You quickly made your way to him before you got on your knees before him, your shoes still on. It hurt a little to sit like that with shoes on but it was okay. He liked the shoes after all.
You lifted your head and looked into his eyes, a soft pout on your lips. Your hands slowly slid down his thighs and you began to work on the zipper of his pants. His hand stopped yours and you noticed how his eyes softened a little.
“Color?” “Green, Sir.”
He nodded and let you continue, leaning back in relaxation. Your heart fluttered a little. No matter what he would do, always made sure that you were enjoying it as well and that it wasn’t too much for you.
“Don’t fucking tease. I’m irritated enough already.” He than told you harshly as he noticed how you were taking your sweet time with his pants.
You nodded and quickly worked to get his pants and his boxers down. Softly you bit your lip when you saw how hard he was already.
So after all he did like the dress, huh?
Your hand wrapped around the base of his dick as you slowly began kiss the head and started to kitten lick it.
“Don’t. Tease.” He breathed out now, his dick painfully hard by now already.
Quickly you wrapped your lips around him and flattened your tongue out before you began with sucking him off. It was never wise to push him too far but you still loved teasing him. Normally he would like that too but not today. Today he wanted you to do everything he told you - and teasing wasn’t something he told you to do.
His hand caressed your hair before he gripped it a little, holding it loosely. He didn’t want to force you down on his length - not yet.
So you did your best to please him, pulling every trick you knew. You hollowed your cheeks out, pushing your head down but only so much so you wouldn’t choke. With your hand you stroke the rest of his length that you couldn’t take into your mouth.
Hongjoong threw his head back, teeth biting his lip a little. The sight was really godly. You loved sucking him off until he came for you.
But you knew that wouldn’t occur tonight. Not when he was punishing you. As much as you wanted to deny it, it was hot how jealous he was. And also… reassuring?
You couldn’t deny the feelings that had bubbles up whenever you two would cuddle after an intense session. And you also couldn’t deny that the talks you had after were deeper than what his silly contract had foreseen.
Your train of thoughts was interrupted as Hongjoong pulled on your hair, reminding you of the work you had to do.
Normally he loved using you (and you loved being used) but today he just laid back, enjoying the sight in front of him as much as you enjoyed the sight in front of you.
Eagerly you continued sucking him off - until he suddenly pulled you off, shaking his head.
“This won’t do. Dolly, I can’t keep looking at this dress.” He said, before leaning down and ripping it right at the front before ripping it completely off of you.
“Much better. At least your choice of underwear is good.” He grinned, spreading his legs a bit now.
“Over the table, dolly.” He than ordered and you were quick to obey.
Your upper body was bend over the small table in front of the couch while you were still kneeling. Than you pushed your butt out a little for him, thinking that you’ll get what you wanted all along.
“A-h! Sir!” You yelped when a harsh slap was delivered to your bottom.
Hongjoong just chuckled before raising his hand again and slapping it once again.
“You should see how you look from here. You look like the desperate little slut you are.” He snickered before giving you five more slaps.
Your bottom was red by now and tears were running down your cheeks. The rings he always wore were no joke when he was in a mood like that.
“H-urts…” you whimpered when you felt another slap.
“I know. My heart hurt too when I saw you going around with that silly boy. But he could never satisfy you the way I do, huh? Because a little dolly like you needs a man, right?” He asked you with a small pout.
“Y-es, yes sir! I need you and I only want you!” You confessed to him. “Please now… please…”
“Please now, please… you sound so fucking pathetic.” He snorted but pushed your panty to the side.
A gasp left your lips when he pushed two fingers inside. You didn’t even realize how horny the blowjob you had given him had left you. But he was quick to add a third finger, leaving you a moaning mess in front of him.
A smirk formed in his devilish handsome face and he shook his head. With his fingers he kept set a rather fast pace, scissoring his fingers to stretch you out a little.
“Already falling apart from my fingers, huh?” He chuckled.
Oh, how he loved it. How little effort he had to put up just to see you fall apart for him. He did exactly what it needed for you to be turned into a mess and it was exactly what he needed tonight.
But he didn’t have much patience tonight, rather quickly pulling his fingers out just for you to push your bottom to him and whining about the loss.
“Need you to fill me up, sir… please!”
Hongjoong nodded, holding your hips with one hand and taking the other to spread your lips apart so he could push in easier.
As he bottomed out the both of you let out a moan.
“Tight little slut…” he mumbled, closing his eyes. For a moment he stayed still, giving you time to adjust to his length. At least that’s what he would say. In reality he was still sensitive from the blowjob and had to give himself time so he wouldn’t immediately come.
He spread soft kisses on your neck, loving the soft feeling against his lips.
Than he started moving, starting off with slow but powerful thrusts.
The room was filled with filthy sounds of skin slapping on skin and your sinful moans. He didn't show any mercy, using your body to get rid of his frustration.
And you let him. Gladly, with how good he was making you feel. His cock was filling you up perfectly, his tip was rubbing against the spot that made your head feel dizzy and that only he was able to reach. "Enjoying your punishment a little too much?" he asked with a huff.
He stopped for a moment and grabbed a pillow from the couch, placing it in front of you and pressing your face right into it. Your makeup would probably leave stains but he didn't care. Than he grabbed your hands and pulled them behind your back, holding them there with one hand. "If you enjoy it that much than I should think about making you my little toy. I'd keep you around me all the time and fuck you whenever I like. Or use your cute little pussy to keep my dick warm. How would you like that?" he asked you and let out a dark chuckle as he could feel your walls tighten around him. "Of course you like it, my cute little whore." His degrading words always sent tingles straight to your lower body. At first you didn't want to admit it but by now you have come to terms with it. Why deny yourself the pleasure? Especially when you knew that he didn't mean it.
Soft moans left your lips as he delivered another slap to your cheek, pulling your hair so you had to look at him.
“I’m gonna invite that fucking *boy* and show him how I treat you. Bet his eyes would fall out when he sees you come, cause he never even got close to get you to, hmh?” He grinned, grabbing your face in his hand while leaning forward and kissing you roughly, his tongue driving into your open mouth.
Tears were falling out of your eyes at this point. As he kissed you he stilled inside of you, his cockhead pushing right against that sweet spot that always felt *so good* when he brushed against it. You knew he did that on purpose.
Hongjoong let you go, smirking as he saw drool running down your mouth. He pushed your head into the table again, admiring the way your ass was stuck out for him, bouncing every time he thrusted inside.
One of his arms snaked around your torso, quickly finding your clit as he rubbed it just the way that had your legs shaking.
“I-I’m gonna come! D-addy please!” You begged him, making him chuckle.
“You think you deserve it? After being such a slut? You’re so greedy, really. But I won’t let you. It seems I’ve been too good to you and what did I earn through that? A whore that lets other men that don’t even give her half of what I do fuck her? Tell me, am I not enough?” He asked, his hand removed from your clit now and his cock stilled inside you.
A whine left your lips. You had been so close! Slowly you pushed your ass back and forth in him, desperately trying to come.
“N-o… Daddy, you’re everything I need please! I’d never let another man touch me, I’m only yours so please… fuck me…” you assured him, whining as he began to thrust into you lazily again, holding your hips to keep you from moving anymore.
Your words assured him a little. Hongjoong knew he was a man that could have every woman he wanted. But as much as he wanted to deny it - he had gotten quiet fond of you. And while he knew it wasn’t fair he still wanted you all to himself. He wanted you to only think of him, only talk to him and only be with him.
Sometimes he had even thought about moving you in with him - but he knew it would scare you. It would make you run away. He knew you stayed for the money, and for the sex.
But it assured him that you said you were his. And it *turned him on too*.
“Yes, You’re right. You’re only *my* slut to fuck. Only *my* little dolly. No one else can touch you.” He growled, slapping your ass again to watch it jiggle as he picked up his pace.
His hips thrusted into you in an insane speed, making you let your head fall down on your arms and moan out for him.
“Yes! Yes! Only yours! Please, let me come…!” You cried out, not able to take another ruined orgasm tonight.
Hongjoong hummed, his fingers again starting to work on your clit, alternating from rubbing small circles to just directly rub on it back and forth.
“Cream my cock. Come on. Want to feel my dolly clench around me.” He whispered into your ear.
It didn’t take more for you to let go, coming hard on his cock while he fucked you through it.
As he felt your tight walls clench around him he came too - pushing deep into you and spilling his seed inside you.
Slowly he pulled out, watching as his come dribbled out before he collected it with his fingers, pushing it right back in. Maybe it would finally knock you up and he could keep you forever? He would do everything just to keep you after all.
“My little slut…” he mumbled, softly rubbing your sore ass.
A whine left your lips as he pulled his fingers out of your overstimulated pussy again. You looked back, only to see the delicious sight of him cleaning his finger with his mouth.
“I’ll get a towel, wait a minute.” He told you softly, a fond smile on his lips as he came back not much later with a wet towel. He cleaned your pussy up, before picking you up.
“Was i too rough? Your ass is so red…” he told you, a little worried.
You shook your head, your arms wrapping around his neck and nuzzling into his shoulder.
“No, was really good…” you mumbled.
Hongjoong helped you shower, before dressing you in one of his shirts and wrapping you in his blanket and giving you some water.
“So you are jealous?” You asked softly, making Hongjoong avoid your eyes.
“I’m…” he gulped.
He was. Because he fucking cared. If he would ever be man enough to tell you? To just really take you out on a proper date instead of just fucking you in every spot in his expensive apartment? Maybe one day.
After all you were his inspiration. And he couldn’t deny that the dark thoughts he had sometimes were rooted in feelings he had for you.
But the words wouldn’t leave his lips so he only shook his head.
You knew something was wrong but decided not to push it. The arrangement was nice at it was after all - and he had made it clear from the start that he didn’t like you sleeping with other guys as he was afraid of STIs or STDs. Which was fair.
So you just laid in his arms, closing your eyes.
Maybe one day you’d be able to break this off - to save your heart. A man like him could never love you after all. He had made that clear from the start.
So you both just enjoyed the silence, wondering if you would ever have the courage to act on the feelings you had for each other - or the courage to break it off.
But for now you were both too scared to act on it.
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morurui · 4 months
Re: this post
I’ve pondered what games the nublar six would play and here are my conclusions (of course if you would like to add on to this post with your own ideas please feel free to do so!)
Darius: As my lovely mutual @albino-parakeet pointed out, Darius would be addicted to tycoon style games and I couldn’t agree more. I feel that while he was into more action oriented games when he was younger, but he gained a strong love for management sims as he grew older…has played YouTubers life and Zoo tycoon for more hours than he would like to admit.
Ben: Man this one was kind of hard, but I lowkey think he would love resident evil. Don’t even ask me why, he would he just would okay. Don’t ask him to describe the plot of resident evil to you, he will info dump all the lore to you (is this me projecting because I also know a lot of the resident evil lore…no…). (His favorite character is probably Chris Redfield.) Other than that he probably occasionally dips his toes into life sim games like the sims (Yaz put him on to it).
Kenji: I lowkey think he would be a Candy Crush god. I don’t really have a solid idea on what kind of games he would play, but I just know he loves mobile games, probably like geometry dash or something. Whenever he’s waiting for his next lesson to arrive he’ll just open whatever mobile game he’s addicted to that week and play it.
Edit: HE DEF PLAYS THE PAPA’S PIZZERIA STYLE GAMES. Wingeria is his go to game
Yaz: She loves life sims. She’s extremely knowledgeable when it comes to the sims and has played every single mainline sims game. I think she would also love animal crossing and stardew valley (stardew reminds her of Sammy), but she also dips her toes in indie games whenever she finds one that interests her.
Sammy: To be honest, I don’t really know. I don’t think she would be a huge gamer, but she would probably play Stardew Valley per Yaz’s request (they have a farm together). Oh and she probably loves the cooking mama series!
Brooklynn: Ace attorney. That’s it. Ace attorney. She has played every single game in the series (again is this me projecting…no…). Loves the investigation and courtroom aspects, but grew to love the world and characters. I can also see her playing some of the Nancy Drew games as well as older point and click investigative games.
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melodicbreeze · 10 months
What's your favorite Venti lore/references?
For me it's him guiding souls after death and being connected to istaroth. Also the whole prodigal son thing, What do you think it means for him? (Hope you don't mind getting asks like this, i couldn't help but be curious)
First off, I absolutely love his ties to death! Usually in media, when gods deal in the realm of death, they're all dark and dreary and either sad or evil. Venti, on the other hand, embodies more of the aspects of comfort. A final rest after a life well lived. Barbatos is said to guide the souls of the deceased to the afterlife on a wind, yes, but he also lets them live on through song! There is a belief that someone isn't truly dead until their name has been spoken for the last time, and Venti places importance of using names in his songs, as seen in the manga when he asks Venessa if he can use her name in a song.
There's also how heavily anemo ties into the concept of loss (gestures at the dead friend gives you an anemo vision joke), and the anemoi wind spirits from myths were also once a guide of souls to the afterlife.
There's also the post I made last night- "Not death, but his brother, sleep" (shout out to The Ra.ven Cycle book series). In Greek mythologies, which Venti does have a few ties to, Death and Sleep are brothers- and we all know of Venti's ties to sleep. Aside from his times of sleep, he was also seen singing the guards to sleep when going to free Venessa.
ANYWAY all this to say I think along with the wind, freedom, and hope, death is one domain that Venti falls into. (Which just makes him and Hu Tao even better buddies).
This is where I can more theory crafting rather than reflective. We've learned the the Thousand Winds were the Thousand Winds of Time. Now, I do not think that Venti is a son in the traditional sense- rather, I think that the Thousand Winds of Time form one being- Istaroth.
Venti also called himself a single breeze/wind, so I believe he was one of the thousand that made up Istaroth, only to rise up above the others in terms of power during the rebellion against Decarabian, and then becoming a god in his own right.
Do I have much evidence for this? Not at all! It's just my thoughts.
(Also, apparently prodigal means wastefully extravagant, which while I admit my first thought is his indulgences in drink and revelry, also make me wonder if it is perhaps that he has made Mondstadt into a home where people can act as such if they please- free to do so.)
One of my favourite bits of lore comes from the Wings of Shimmering Galaxy lore. It's spoken from the perspective of Venti post Archon War! It goes to say,
"For he knew that someone must heal the hurts of the world, and thus someone needed to find a way to communicate with them."
From Zhongli's character stories, we know that Venti went to visit, bringing a gift of wine- and that that led to the 7 all meeting together regularly. He is a bard, and the god of the wind- music and poetry flow like the wind, after all. Of course he would facilitate communication! HOWEVER, this didn't work for a long, long time. In fact, the glider lore continues,
"But the poet knew this would happen. (...) Still, the poet did not give up, though not because he believed or anything. This was just the way he was."
Despite being called the god of Hope by Neuvilette, Venti didn't have any hope. He just... didn't know what else to do.
Anyway, I should end it here, before I ramble on for many more paragraphs about all the things I love about Venti.
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lyramundana · 1 year
Hello, dear. Can you please do a scenerio where yandere Chan and yandere Hyunjin falling for the same person?
Sure thing, I'll try my best. Here you go, sweatheart 😘
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These men are already intense and fierce in their passion as normal people, even worse as yandere. I pity the person that has managed to get both of their attention, because Hell awaits for them.
Hyunjin is an egocentric man, very aware of the effect he has on people and enjoying every second of it. He has no problem using his good looks for his own benefit, considering that his beauty is another asset of his and so he can use it however he wants to. He gets off the power he feels when he has someone on his grasp, playing with them until he gets bored or finds someone more interesting. This doesn't prevent for secretly dreaming about finding his real love and live the idealized romance experience he visualizes in his head.
Christopher (we call him by his gouverment name here because the author finds it hot) doesn't have this much of an ego, but he's quite confident on his charms too. Like Hyunjin, he gets off the feeling of control over someone and having them squirm at his will. He's very territorial and protective with people he loves. He feels a desesperate need of be in control of everything that involves him and be in charge at any situation. He thrives off being "the leader" and having people look up to him for guidance.
As yandere, they're among the worst of the group. So if they happen to fall in love with the same person, it'll be a bloody experience.
They meet that person, let's refer to them as "Darling", either at work. Maybe Darling is a member of the staff, someone close to them, or maybe they're just a normal person they meet outside work. Regardless of the place, the love stricks them and they can't scape it. Hyunjin falls at first sight, in awe with Darling's beauty, and idealizing that person in his head before having a proper converstation. First thing he does is use his charms on them, convinced that they'll soon drawn them to him like usual, but he's shocked when Darling isn't inmediatly under his spell and treats like a regular person. This only sparks his interest more and gives him the desire to get closer to Darling, wanting to figure them out. It's during this push and pull that he falls in love, getting off the challenge of seducing someone that isn't easily impressed.
Chan needs more time to actually develop these feelings. Opposite to Hyunjin, he doesn't let appareances sway him, but he can apreaciate beauty when he sees it. It's only when he gets to know Darling on a personal level that he starts to fall. He doesn't waste time in making his move on them, but he also notices he's not the only one..
When they discover they're both after the same Darling, there's an inmediate shift on their relationship. There'll only be two outcomes: Their friendship is broken because their yandereism surpasses any friendship and other emotional bonds outside their love interest, or they make a reluctant alliance for their sake of said friendship but filled with tension. They're both extremely possessive and controlling, so they have trouble sharing, but they might find a common ground in wanting to protect that person and prefering to see them with the other rather than someone else. This latter means they'll plan together and tag team to keep you for themselves, which is actually way worse than if they fought against each other, since that'll at least distract them.
Basically, if these two are infatuated with a person, they lose any renmant of independence and freedom. Darling is locked with them, totally forbidden of going out without them. Literally, Darling is never alone. One is always beside them, clingy as they are. They're too possessive to let her stray too far, god forbid someone looks at them for too long. They have the last word on every single aspect of Darling's life. They'll eventually become a compliant doll, only there to follow their wishes and please them. Forget any friendships and relatives, Darling belongs to them now, in body and soul. Hyunjin punishes Darling for interacting with other people without their consent, while Christopher easily intimidates anyone to stay away from Darling or straight up gets rid of them.
No phone, no going out, Darling can't even dress by themselves. They become less of a human being and more like a pet. If they speak, it can only be things they want to hear and never something remotely negative. Hyunjin is prone to be dellusional, in the way that he can dellude himself into believing this is a perfect romance and Darling is truly in love, but Christopher is more realistic and is aware that this is all wrong. He just doesn't care as long as he can keep Darling in his grasp and only for his eyes.
In short, as much as I love these men, I won't wish be in this position for my worst enemy.
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tawakkull · 28 days
Wara’ is defined as holding oneself back from unbecoming, unnecessary things; as strictly refraining from what is unlawful and forbidden; or abstaining from all doubtful things lest one should commit a forbidden act. The Islamic principle: Abandon what you doubt and prefer what you have no doubt about, and the Prophetic saying: What is lawful is evident and what is forbidden is also evident, explain the basis of wara’.
Some Sufis define wara’ as the conviction of the truth of Islamic tenets, being straightforward in one’s beliefs and acts, being steadfast in observing Islamic commandments, and being very careful in one’s relations with God Almighty. Others define it as not being heedless of God even for the period of the twinkling of an eye, and others as permanently closing them-selves to all that is not Him, as not lowering oneself before anyone except Him (for the fulfillment of one’s needs or other reasons), and as advancing until reaching God without getting stuck with one’s ego, carnal self and desires, and the world.
Always refrain from begging from people,
Beg only from your Lord Who is the All-Munificent.
Renounce the pomp and luxuries of the world
Which will certainly go as they have come.
We can also interpret wara’ as basing one’s life on engaging in what is necessary and useful, as acting in consciousness of the real nature of useless, fleeting, and transient things. This is stated in the Tradition: It is the beauty of a man’s being a good Muslim that he abandons what is of no use to him.
The writer of the Pandname, Farid al-Din al-Attar, explains this principle in a very beautiful way:
Wara’ gives rise to fear of God,
One without wara’ is subject to humiliation.
Whoever uprightly follows the way of wara’,
Whatever he does is for the sake of God.
One who desires love and friendship of God,
Without wara’, he is false in his claim of love.
Wara’ relates to both the inner and outer aspects of a believer’s life and conduct. A traveler on the path of wara’ must have reached the peaks of taqwa; his or her life must reflect a strict observance of the Shari'a’s commands and prohibitions; his or her actions must be for the sake of God; his or her heart and feelings must be purged of whatever is other than God; and he or she always must feel the company of the “Hidden Treasure.”
In other words, the traveler abandons those thoughts and conceptions that do not lead to Him, keeps aloof from those scenes that do not remind one of Him, does not listen to speeches that are not about Him, and is not occupied with that which does not please Him. Such degree of wara’ leads one directly and quickly to God Almighty, Who declared to Prophet Moses: Those who desire to get near to Me have not been able to find a way better than wara’ and zuhd (asceticism).
The abstinence known by humanity during the Age of Happiness was perfectly observed by the blessed generations following the Companions, and became an objective to reach for almost every believer. It was during this period that Bishr al-Khafi’s sister asked Ahmad ibn Hanbal:
O Imam, I usually spin (wool) on the roof of my house at night. At that time, some officials pass by with torches in their hands, and I happen to benefit, even unwillingly, from the light of their torches. Does this mean that I mix into my earnings something gained through a religiously unlawful way? The great Imam wept bitterly at this question and replied: Something doubtful even to such a minute degree must not find a way into the house of Bishr al-Khafi.
It was also during this period that people shed tears for the rest of their lives because they had cast a single glance at something forbidden, and people who vomited a piece of unlawful food that they had swallowed in ignorance wept for days. As related by ‘Abd Allah ibn Mubarak, a great traditionist and ascetic, a man traveled from Merv (Afghanistan) to Makka in order to return to its owner an item that he had put in his pocket by mistake. There were many who gave life-long service to those to whom they thought they owed something, such as Fudayl ibn ‘Iyad. Biographies of saints, such as Hilyat al-Awliya’ (The Necklace of Saints) by Abu Nu'aym al-Isfahani, and al-Tabaqat al-Kubra (The Greatest Compendium) by Imam al-Sharani, are full of the accounts of such heroes of abstinence.
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livelaughghoul · 3 months
Sergio Perez Through Tarot
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Disclaimer: This is for entertainment purposes only, nothing observed or taken away from this should be considered fact. As a reminder, I know fuck all about Formula 1, I just like fast cars (DALE EARNHARDT LIVES ON IN MY DREAMS, GOD BLESS AMERICA). 
This reading is by request, an anonymous asked me to look at his chart and see what I could potentially figure out about his unlucky streak, and if it is maybe an outside force. For this, I decided to ask the following questions: how can I tell if I am on the right path, and what aspect of my life is impacting me the most right now (with the clarifying, and what do I need to do to address it?). I dug into his birth chart a little as well, just to see if there was something on a larger level that may be impacting things currently. 
How can I tell if I am on the right path? - The Hierophant
So here is where we learn that I have NO knowledge about Formula 1, please don’t come for my throat. I was a Nascar and Hockey kinda girl, but I swear I’m learning! The Hierophant in this scenario tells me that he may be in the correct career, but maybe not in the right capacity. The Hierophant to me is wisdom, passing on knowledge and tradition, and ensuring that the legacy continues. While I imagine that he can absolutely carve out his own legacy as a driver, I believe he would be better suited in more of a teacher or mentor position. This feels to me that he may be spreading himself thin, essentially working as an unofficial mentor to others while also still giving it all to what his actual duties are. 
What aspect of my life is impacting me the most right now? - The Tower, Reversed
First, is this man okay? Cause this tells me no, he is likely not okay. In its reversed position, this tells me that the dust is settling. There has likely been a lot of upheaval, unknowns, and what feels like destruction happening, and now we are finally in the settling of it. In terms of what impact this has, I would absolutely say that this is continuing to feel that things are spread thin, he’s taking too much on at once, and not working through what needs to be worked through. If we neglect the tower moments, we’re never able to reach the stars. I definitely think that there needs to be a step back, and a focus on the self in the current moment to be able to meet the expectations of the self and others. 
Clarifier: What do I need to do to address it? - The Devil
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I love this card in terms of the clarifier! The Devil is all about a release, working through what is keeping us down, and breaking free. Again, I really think that there is a lot of neglect going on, where maybe he isn’t doing the work necessary to work through what The Tower moment brought. Continuing to put off the work needed is just going to drag him down further. 
What I find interesting about his birth chart: 
Jupiter in Cancer:
Jupiter in Cancer is one of my favorite placements because it brings so much natural luck and charm. It’s also a placement that furthers my belief that this man is out here becoming a father to every single person he can, like great you need advice? Go find Sergio, he is more than happy to give you the advice that you need, even if it means stopping whatever he is doing to give you the attention you need. Again, in terms of career, this tells me that there is more luck in terms of a teaching position. I really feel like he may be better suited in a position that allows him to guide others.
Saturn in Capricorn:
The Capricorn dominance in this chart is honest to god startling, but we love Saturn here because it’s in the sign that it rules! This really just tells me that Sergio is determined, dedicated, incredibly passionate, and can sometimes be a little overbearing in heated moments. I would say that there were a lot of obstacles early in life, but this just really pushed for some self-sufficiency that may now be working against him. It’s okay to ask for help when you need it and feel overwhelmed, but I think Sergio has a tendency to feel like he needs to do it by himself and may push others away when they try to help. 
FIVE placements in his 10th house: 
I need someone to tell me about this mans career, because holy shit does he have a lot going on. We have the following placements: Uranus, Mercury, Neptune, Saturn, and Venus. The 10th house is STACKED. Mercury tells us that he approaches his career in a more methodical sense, and really thrives when things challenge him intellectually, and then adding in the Venus influence here he is able to charm so many people. This nerd? He has Rizz. Saturn in the 10th is not the best, because again it makes me think that he is pushing away those who may be trying to lighten his load, he feels like he has to do it himself to have it mean something, Uranus is along the same lines, feeling like it is only a valid win if it can mostly be attributed to his work. Neptune tells me that he has some incredibly high standards and expectations of himself, that may be difficult to reach. 
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hypnofantasma · 1 year
"Where's the Ulterior Spectacle remake?"
I know i've gotten this a ton of times, and seeing how it's been a couple years since i said it'd exist, i decided i'd give all of my reasons why it's taking So Damn Long. hopefully, this'll reduce the amount of... hate? judgement?? i keep getting regarding this song.
1) The only reason I SHOULD be giving: the simple fact that I am working on an immense universe
I'm not working on JUST Stars Below, and even THEN, a remake has the lowest priority of all when it comes to new Stars Below songs, character development, design solidification, etc. I'd rather solidify the world and story FIRST before making a remake that might swiftly become outdated once again if I rush it. This is also why songs IN GENERAL have been slow; I'm refining the story. It's a HUGE WIP.
I'm not a company, I'm One Single Person with OCs on the internet. If I don't work on one singular aspect, I'm sorry? I guess? That leads into...
2) I'm so immensely stressed at the moment that I'm having physical health issues and can't reliably/consistently work on things
Like I still CAN draw, but completed PVs are so high-effort (and risk), low-reward for me right now that I have to make smaller things. That's why I'm focusing on Artfight for now. On top of that, I'm gonna try to get another term of college this year so I can accomplish something tangible in my life and get a degree. (College is ALSO why stuff's been slow)
If you want to know WHAT my health issues are, all you need to know is that I've got visible ribs yet my weight is constantly depleting.
3) People keep reuploading my stuff
People keep taking things from my Discord server and reuploading them on sites like Youtube. If I don't upload something, I do not want it uploaded, plain and simple. No, I am not free game just because I'm on the internet. I'm just an independent artist and not a company, and this is breaking several boundaries of mine.
If you claim it's "out of fan love" or "giving me free promotion", it doesn't change the fact it makes me (and even my community) exceedingly uncomfortable. The big one being reuploaded was Tundra Lens, and while I did make it public again, it was solely to appease the reuploaders. Please don't reupload my stuff.
It's killing my motivation and drive for the Ulterior Spectacle remake.
4) Multiple abusers in my life
I won't dive into this one but just know that, behind the scenes, I have been treated like a goddamn ragdoll. I have been treated like an object by both strangers and people extremely close to me, and I'm drained, man.
These events have been adding to my current status of being physically ill and chronically fatigued.
5) I am currently being stalked by a group who hates me and intentionally mocks me
A certain group of individuals (who will remain unnamed) are currently stalking me, gathering my creations, and making a complete mockery of a project that intends to break all of the universal rules I have crafted. I don't mind if you don't know everything about my universe; it's a lot, after all, and I'm more than happy to educate.
However, this group intends on making a complete mockery of not only my universe but also my art. It is out of malice and not parody. Due to this, I'm almost too scared to post anything, really. I don't want this to stop me, but damn it does it sting. I'll ride this out with god-rivaling perseverance if I have to.
While all of this is there, I'll also say the remake IS NOT cancelled. I'll be dead before it's cancelled. But I just wanted to give some perspective a little bit, and maybe- if you're someone mad about the lack of the remake so far- you'll understand why a little more.
Just please respect my boundaries for things, don't drum up drama with me, and leave me in peace. That's all I ask. One day this song'll be completed, and it'll be a day where I'm no longer treated as some soulless machine.
Thank you.
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By: Ryan Burge
Published: May 7, 2023
I was born and raised Southern Baptist. Gave my life to Jesus at 15. Got baptized in a pair of white pajamas. Then, I went to a Free Methodist college. Got a job at an American Baptist Church and have been serving in the ABCUSA for more than twenty years. I will be elected to the Board of General Ministries for American Baptist denomination this summer.
My wife is Irish Catholic. We got married in St. Teresa of Avila in our hometown. My very Southern Baptist grandmother went to her grave not knowing that piece of information.
Both my boys have been raised in the Catholic church. They were baptized as infants, and both have had their First Communions. They go to PSR classes nearly every Sunday morning before coming to worship at my church. And our sons attend Wednesday night youth group at the local United Methodist Church.
We wanted them to be part of a religious community. They are active in three. I hope that one of those sticks.
I try to get to Mass with my family a few times a year. Usually on Holy Days of Obligation, and other important days like Ash Wednesday. I really do like a lot of aspects of the Catholic Church. They certainly have better architecture than the average non-denominational Protestant building. Plus, I don’t have to do anything when I go to Mass. I can just sit there and meditate on the scriptures and get lost in the rituals.
I think one of the reasons I like going to Mass is that it gives me something to compare my own church to. We worship the same God, are saved by the same Jesus, and read (mostly) the same Bible.
From a data standpoint, however, there’s a lot going on in the Catholic Church that’s worth unpacking.
But before we dig into that - let’s just start as broad as we can: What share of Americans identify as Catholic and has that changed over time?
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The General Social Survey has been asking about religious affiliation for nearly five decades. Same question, basically the same response options. The results are pretty boring, to be honest. Between 1972 and 1990, the share of Americans who identify as Catholic did not budge - 26%. From 1990 through 2010, it barely shifted as well - maybe dropping a single percentage point.
But, from 2010 through 2021, the trend line begins to move. It’s pretty evident that the Catholic share has dropped below 25%. However, it’s hard to pinpoint the exact percentage. In both 2016 and 2018, the number was 23% and in 2021 it dropped to 21%. But that last figure may be impacted by a methodological issue that I discuss at length here.
Overall, though, that’s a pretty solid result. I’ve shared this graph in a few talks that I have given with Catholics in the audience, and they seem fairly pleased with this result. I mean, I don’t blame them. Between 1972 and 2010, the Catholic share dropped by a single percentage point. Not bad.
However, that’s not the entire story with American Catholicism. Not even close. Lots of Americans still identify as Catholics but how many of them actually come to a Mass on a regular basis? That’s where the narrative about the Catholic Church in the United States starts to change.
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I calculated the share of four Christian groups that report attending services nearly every week or more over the last fifty years. I love a graph like this one because the point I am trying to make becomes crystal clear in the visualization: Mass attendance for Catholics has fallen off a cliff.
In the early 1970s, about half of Catholics were weekly attenders. Today, it’s about 25%. And no, that’s not a result of the pandemic. Attendance was already down to 26% in 2018 - long before the world had ever heard the word “COVID-19.”
Note, also that the share of evangelicals who attend weekly has noticeably risen over the last fifty years (up at least a dozen percentage points). Weekly attendance for both Black and Mainline Protestants has stayed relatively stable, as well.
I think what is happening in the latter two cases, at least, is that people who marginally attended decades ago now no longer identify as Protestant. That means the denominator has gotten smaller and only the truly committed are left in the fold. It isn’t a resurgence, it’s probably more like a concentration.
The burning question here is: why have Catholics seen their attendance decline so precipitously? There could be a million and one reasons for Catholic churches to be emptying out, just like their Protestant cousins. But I wanted to focus on just one today: politics. I am a political scientist, after all.
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I calculated weekly attendance rates among Catholics, but I broke it down by political partisanship. I was hoping to see some type of narrative emerge. It’s surprising to note that even through the mid-1990s, a Catholic Democrat was just as likely to attend weekly Mass as a Republican Catholic.
The clear partisan gap in Mass attendance only began to open up around the election of George W. Bush. But the divide was a small one: only three percentage points. It’s continued to widen from there, though. From about 2010 onward, a Republican Catholic is about six percentage points more likely to attend Mass nearly every week compared to a Catholic Democrat.
That’s not what I would call a huge divide. And if you don’t focus on the gap and instead look at the trend line - Mass attendance among Republicans has dropped from 55%+ to below 30% now. It’s not like conservatives are holding the line while liberal Catholics are jumping ship in huge numbers.
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I wanted to take one more look at this, so I pulled up the Cooperative Election Study to test a working hypothesis. Maybe the devout White Catholics are becoming more Republican, while the ones who never darken the church doors are moving more toward the Democrats. I was surprised with the result, to say the least.
First, look at the right-hand side of the graph. Among weekly attending White Catholics, there is little to report. In 2008, 57% were Republicans. In 2022, it was 59%. Certainly, no big shift there - just a lot of stability over the last fourteen years.
Now, look at the never or seldom Mass attenders. This is where things get very interesting. In 2008 and 2012, it’s pretty clear that this group was a point of strength for the Democrats. However, between 2012 and 2016 some pretty tectonic shifts were underway. Instead of the distribution being +15 for the Democrats, it now becomes an even mix (around 42% for both parties).
From that point forward, the composition of low attending White Catholics continued to tilt to the right. Look at 2022 - it’s basically a mirror image of 2008. Democrats were 50% - Republicans were 35% in 2008. Now they are the exact opposite of that.
I am not one to write myself out of a job - but it’s pretty hard to make a causal argument that theology is what pushed low attending White Catholics toward the GOP - because they weren’t in the pews to hear those arguments from the priests and bishops.
For now I will leave you with this thought: shouldn’t White people who report their religious attendance as seldom or never have the same view of politics regardless of how they answer a question about religious identity? You can probably guess that a non-attending Catholic is a bit distinct from a non-attending agnostic. I will explore just how big that divide is in a future post.
[ Via: https://archive.md/SPWF7 ]
More Good News.
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