#can be platonic thou if that makes some of u more comfortable
exfoxforfrogs · 3 years
Help to blame
Diluc x favonius assistant gn!reader
Warnings: solution to an argument
part 1 here
Synopsis: You try to help Diluc lighten his workload, but he turns his stress against you, hurting your feelings with it. You set him straight in anger and storm away. Now he is burried deep in guilt, the question is if he will ever succefully apologize
Notes: whowie, actually a part 2! I honestly didnt expect people liking the first one so much (45 notes is a lot when thats the second thing u ever post, okay?) so today I found the motivation to finish it. Turned from “could be platonic” to “no way this aint romatic”. What can I say, I am a simp for this man.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The vineyard bloomed in the fresh spring winds, not caring about its owners heavy heart. If anything, the contrast made Diluc sigh more frequently, reminding him of how unfairly he treated such a sweet person. He didn't care that his workload almost doubled because of it, felt like it was well deserved on his end, but it didn't ease his guilt.
He wanted nothing more than to solve this, to apologize and get back the sunshine person that you were. It felt strange to not get greeted by sparkling eyes whenever he walked into the Favonius headquarters. He missed the conversations at Angel's Share that kept him entertained while dealing with customers. He felt a void crawl at his chest at the realization of how much comfort you actually were in his life and that he needed a petty argument to notice it.
Still, he kept quiet and avoided you like wildfire. He was afraid of you not accepting his apology, his guilt convincing him youd have no reason to do so. Maybe childish of him to think so, but he'd rather hope than get rejected. 
Two weeks went by like this, nothing changed in the eyes of a stranger. Two weeks, when you showed up in Angel's Share. Honestly you hoped youd find Charles behind the counter... no, actually, that wasnt honest, but still, you've seen no attempt, no regret from Diluc, so why cross paths.
"What can I help you with?" his voice was softer, quieter than you remember, but it was enough to make you not flee immediately.
"Just some papers... the new oak barrels ordered... the contract..." you did not look at his face while fumbling with not just the papers you were supposed to hand over. You didn't even do anything wrong, still you couldnt stop your hands from shaking.
"Thank you, Y/N" he put down the vine bottle he was holding. The void screamed at him so loud inside - seeing how the usual cheerfulness was replaced by so much sadness on your face because of him. Couldnt decide if it was worse to see you like this or when you were angry, either way his heart could barely handle it. He reached out to take the contract you slid over on the counter. "Actually wanted to check on this matter today... you always know how to help" those last words were quiet, barely reaching your ears but making you pick your head up and freeze non the less.
"I'm..." what are you supposed to say to that? Was that the apology? At least now it seemed like he was trying to mend things but... that was it? The anger you felt weeks ago started to resurface. 
"Diluc Ragnvindr" his hand whinced back a little at your stern voice. "You are coming with me. Yes, right now" you saw the unasked question in his eyes. "I'm done dancing on fire and I'm sure you don't want to have this conversarion in front of your patrons." Your hands were crossed over your chest and even tho you managed a level head voice, it resulted in such cold demeanor, Diluc barely recognised you behind it. 
"Of course" was all he managed, put the papers under the counter, waved at his workers to show he will be out for a bit and than followed you out. He felt like a scolded child, the weeks of guilt poking at his throat, but he was determined to use this opportunity right.
"So?" you suddenly turned around when you arrived in an alley behind the bar. Maybe he wasnt as prepared as he thought, staing into those eyes he liked to see shine, now furrowed. After long moments of silence he cleared his throat and tore his eyes away from your face. 
"I am... I didn't mean when..." he mentally slapped himself. What a great way to start. The big breath he took made his eyes shut. "I didn't mean what I said that day. I am so sorry for taking your help for granted, I..." he felt a hand squeezing at his arm which stopped him from rambling on and made him look up. His eyes widened with panic at your teary eyes.
"I thought you didn't care" you admitted while gently holding on to his bicep. You wiped the escaped tears with your free fingers and smiled. Diluc could have swore the sun started to shine brighter. "Im also sorry for blowing up on you" the smile turned sheepish, but the red head still soaked it up with joy, like he was trying to make up for the days missing.
"There is nothing to apologize for you, Y/N" he took your hand off his arm and held onto it longer than he meant to. Why is it so soft? He came back to reality when he heared you chuckle and say probably because you had good skincare routines, voice a tad teasing. In an attempt to hide his embarrassment, he exsused himself and went back to the bar, but even when he walked in the door, his face was still noticeably pink, to the delight of Kaeya, who now had new material to tease his brother with.
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ferie-anon · 4 years
Oh im sorry its me again, i think i lack info from my prevs qq, so, ill do it again im sorry, I wanted to request for my ship from NCT (127 or dream) i love all of them thou 21🥰. My placements are Taurus sun, Leo rising, Pisces Moon, mercury aries, venus pisces, mars is in taurus & jupiter in pisces. Thank youuuu for answering and for your efforts!!! 💚💚
Hiyaa~ Your taurus sun shows you are pretty chill, making you easy to get along with others. You naturally love your comfort zone and you are quite unmovable from other opinions~ Pisces moon gives you more of a sensitive intuitive feeling to others emotions and your emotions. Sometimes you just feel it out too much, kinda like a beach wave of emotion washing over your delicate heart. You’re stubborn and have quite the driven side if u wanted to, but have a soft side and kindhearted. Mercury in aries people put it out simply, honestly, and no lying. They are often trusted by others for their opinions due to the amount of sincerity and truth you guys have. Venus pisces shows you like displaying romantic cute affection with your s/o, those dreamy things holding hands or cuddles with your partner. Pisces generally sometimes are a daydreamer of romantic fanatics, so sometimes your venus is inspired by that. Taurus mars prompts you to have a driven and determined side when you set a goal or motivation for yourself. Dilligent and long lasting, you also are usually calm and professional. Jupiter in taurus shows how you will grow by overcoming some things. For you, after you have found a stable point in your life or consistency in your actions, you are able to mature and settle peace from within and outside life. And wow ur a leo rising too :0 there’s a lot of leo risings 🥺✨💛 You come off as charismatic, there’s a certain aura that makes others notice you or have interest either in you platonically or otherwise.
In nct 127... your match is Johnny~
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Oh daddy- (Jkjk I will never stop clowning Johnny for that tho :P) But yea Johnny is one of the oldest members in the group, and he can sometimes be lighthearted in a weird and funny way, and he’s mature and still retains some youthfulness. When I first saw your chart and then Johnny’s, there is quite the similarity. You are quite the hardworker when you want to, quite mature when need to. Johnny is calm usually when not cracking up jokes and making Mark laugh, he’s also one of the respected from his members and they’re scared of him- He’s an aquarius sun, and it definitely shines through with their crackheadness and unique humor. But his chart isn’t only aquarius ;)
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His moon is in gemini. This adds to his child-like youthness as ppl with this placement tend to be quite the curious one. They’re curious bout new things and juggle a lot of new found interests they do, to which if it gets boring they don’t continue it. But if it’s something they’re super passionate about it, the creative flow towards it is immense as Gemini is intellectually creative. His gemini moon is sextile to your leo rising. This creates a profound attraction where you feel drawn to his energetic mentality. As leo is a fire sign, you may be able to relate to Johnny’s airy energy as both fire and air are quite similar in astrology. If air fuels fire and spreads it, fire needs air to thrive consistently. That’s kinda the chemistry of them. And Johnny of course loves your style or how you project yourself to others. Based on your leo rising, you may dress more on how you love yourself, present yourself. Leo risings are confident in their own style which transcends their impression to others noticeably, which is why they are charming and stand out at times.
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Johnny’s mercury is in aquarius~ his sign is sextile to your aries mercury. Both signs are alike in the fact they have a sense of realness in their words. Aquariuses are usually innovative thinkers so in mercury, they speak on their new ideas and project it to others, more of someone who kinda invents new theories type of vibe yknow. Aries mercury share their opinions honestly, someone who is not afraid to say wut they think. Since you both are similar in this aspect, getting along communication wise would be easy and you both might even enjoy the conversations you have together~
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Next, his venus is in capricorn! It is sextile to your pisces venus, and these two signs are noted to get along. They are different to the extent where they’re similar. Both cap and pisces together kinda radiate mom and dad energy, capricorn being practical and logical while pisces being soft and understanding. This is where Johnny gets more serious, as he shows his affection in his responsible actions and is family oriented. He values a responsible and also a mature s/o, but ofc not to the point where they’re dead serious 24/7 and can’t even have fun. Your pisces venus shows you have a soft romantic side, you are caring and affectionate to your partner. Johnny could find comfort on days when he’s tired from work, and you just know it so you open your arms wide welcoming him to come over. And he just crashes on to you, snuggling you as you pet his head. <3
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Lastly, his mars is in leooo! So your leo rising is conjunct to his mars. Mars is the ruler of passion and actions. Johnny takes his approaches towards his goals in a very determined and fiery way. He puts his all in it becuz leo mars usually get super pumped up doing their favorite thing/hobbies. Mars also kinda rules assertiveness romantically as well since Ares is the god ruler of mars. (Ares and Aphrodite~) He loves the fiery aura you emit, how you too can be super passionate at a point. Leo mars rather have loyalty cuz they are loyal too, so he admires and loves your stable and unchanging approaches mentally and action-wise (cuz your taurus mars and other taurus placements).
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Overall, I’d say this is a match force to be reckoned with 😌 Johnny is a flirt, knows how to get the converaation flowing, but knows when play time ends and all. You’re not a pushover, but not unsocial. Simple in your thinking and approaches, if you have a goal you work towards the goal, if you think this person is a good person, they probably are after you deduced from your observation and gut instinct of them. Your resolute mind that comes with a gentle sweet side offers a new interesting light to others and it’s charming. Everyone appreciates you two becuz you both are amazing in many ways. The charming mature couple~ -> 🌹💖🌿☁️✨☕️🍷🍮
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