#can dogs eat turkey bacon
feedists4walz · 1 month
Food is one of the most universally beloved things on planet Earth. Aligning a presidential campaign with it is smart for all the obvious reasons, but for the Harris-Walz ticket, it’s also a signal. The rhetorical challenge of progressivism is that it is by nature abstract: It imagines a world that does not yet exist, rather than advocating to return to some previous version of the one we know. [...] In foregrounding food, Harris and Walz are making theirs the candidacy of terrestrial pleasure and straightforward abundance.
The governor of Minnesota and possible future vice president’s hotdish recipe is, uh, a lot. It involves, among other things, whole milk, half-and-half, two types of meat, three cups of cheese (specifically Kraft), nearly a stick of butter, and a full package of Tater Tots. It is gluttonous, deeply midwestern, and, I am sure, delicious. Indeed, Walz won the Minnesota Congressional Delegation’s hotdish cook-off in 2013, 2014, and 2016.
Tim Walz loves food. He loves corn dogs, and the all-you-can-drink milk booth at the Minnesota state fair, and—I’m sorry to have to be the one to tell you this—dunking cinnamon rolls in chili. He gets excited about soda. He posts pictures of his sandwiches.  He loves to eat so much that people on X are already writing short-form fan fiction about it. Throughout his political career, but especially recently, he has gone out of his way to talk about food, the fattier and folksier the better. Last week, in a discussion with CNN’s Jake Tapper that was ostensibly about Joe Biden’s mental fitness, Walz recounted receiving a call from the president while eating the Minnesota delicacy Juicy Lucy, a hamburger stuffed with cheese. The next day, he posted on X about a different award-winning hotdish recipe of his, this one involving two separate kinds of canned soup.
We are witnessing what might be the most food-centric presidential campaign in American history. Kamala Harris is, by all accounts, an exceptional and enthusiastic home cook, and has made cooking part of her political brand—surely an intentional calculation, given the negative connotations that might arise when the potential first woman president openly embraces domesticity. In 2019, she offered an off-the-cuff lesson in turkey brining while getting mic’d up to go on television: “Just lather that baby up,” she said, eyes bright. The next year, she started an amateur cooking show; on it, she cracks an egg with one hand and bonds with Mindy Kaling over the fact that their parents both stored spices in old Taster’s Choice jars. She laughs a lot in the kitchen.
Unlike her running mate, Harris seems unlikely to throw four kinds of dairy in the oven for dinner—she’s a Californian, and she cooks like one: swordfish with toasted cardamom for her pescatarian stepdaughter, herb-flecked Mediterranean meatballs on an Instagram Live with the celebrity chef Tom Colicchio. But she’s not immune to the humble charms of ice cream, gumbo, Popeye’s chicken, red-velvet cupcakes, or bacon, which she describes as a “spice” in her household. She comes off as sincere in her love of food but discerning in her tastes. When a 10-year-old recently asked her at an event what her favorite taco filling was, she answered with the kind of absorbed expression that she might otherwise display when explaining foreign policy on the debate stage: carnitas with cilantro and lime, no raw onions.
Invoking food on the campaign trail is a cliché for a reason: Eating is an easy and extremely literal way to prove that you are a human being. But the Democratic Party has not always been great at it. In 2003, John Kerry visited the Philadelphia cheesesteak institution Pat’s and asked for a sandwich not with the traditional Whiz, American, or Provolone, but with Swiss. If voters needed proof that he was something other than the eggheady elitist they thought he was, this wasn’t it: In Philly, Swiss is “an alternative lifestyle,” The Philadelphia Inquirer’s food critic, Craig LaBan, said at the time. One does not get the sense that Walz or Harris would stride into Pat’s and ask for Swiss—not because they’re self-consciously avoiding a gaffe, but because they have deep respect for America’s foodways and are interested in enjoying food however it is meant to be enjoyed.
Their approach makes a marked departure both from the Obama era—what with its well-meaning but not entirely fun focus on childhood obesity, and its notorious seven almonds—and from the current leaders of the Republican Party. Donald Trump doesn’t really talk about liking eating; he does, famously, consume a lot of fast food, but that is reportedly because he’s afraid of being poisoned, not because fast food tastes amazing. His most well-known food tweet—“Happy #CincoDeMayo! The best taco bowls are made in Trump Tower Grill. I love Hispanics!”—reads like an obligatory plug rather than an earnest celebration of the way the taco bowl itself looks, smells, and tastes: all business, no pleasure. Meanwhile, Trump’s running mate, J. D. Vance, says he loves Diet Mountain Dew, but he seems mostly to be mad about it. To the degree that he has gotten specific about why he likes the beverage, the praise is purely functional: “high caffeine, low calorie.” The primary message here is that food is the site not of delight and togetherness but of anxiety and alienation, or utilitarianism at best. It’s all a little, well, weird.
Food is one of the most universally beloved things on planet Earth. Aligning a presidential campaign with it is smart for all the obvious reasons, but for the Harris-Walz ticket, it’s also a signal. The rhetorical challenge of progressivism is that it is by nature abstract: It imagines a world that does not yet exist, rather than advocating to return to some previous version of the one we know. I find it telling that Walz keeps using the word joy when he talks about the campaign and about his running mate. It’s an uncomplicated message, one that’s even more concrete than Barack Obama’s hope: Hope is the future, but joy is the present. It’s cold milk on a hot day; a perfectly cracked egg; a steaming casserole dish full of God knows what, enjoyed at a crowded table. In foregrounding food, Harris and Walz are making theirs the candidacy of terrestrial pleasure and straightforward abundance. It’s simple, really. —Ellen Cushing
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smallgodseries · 1 year
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[image description: An animated sandwich smiles as it high-steps toward us. It’s brown bread is filled with luncheon meat, tomatoes and pickles with 2 olives on toothpicks for eyes. It  juggles avocado, egg, bacon, swiss cheese, cherry tomato, anchovies, bok choy, onions, and shrimp in a perfect arc overhead. Text reads, “52, Homeslice ~ Small God of Sandwiches”]
He is so much older than they dream, although never beyond his expiration date.  He is so much more crucial than anyone gives him credit for. They paint his origins in misty watercolors, call him a gambler’s dream, son of the fourth Earl of Sandwich, as if no one had ever thought to place a thing between two other things and call it whole before one man wanted to keep the mustard off his cribbage cards.
As long as there have been breads and bread-like things, there have been people using them to contain other things that would leave more marks upon the hand that eats them, meats and cheeses and sauces of all kinds. As long as there have been things to contain, he has contained them. Whatever can be placed between two halves of a whole belongs to him, and is delicious in his sight.
Peanut butter and jelly.  Peanut butter and banana. Turkey and stuffing with cranberry sauce.  Bologna and cheese. Sliced strawberries and roast beef. Cucumber and mayonnaise. Even, in more adventurous times, whipped cream and fruit and nothing savory to be seen.
He can be a breakfast, croissant sliced in two and filled with egg and cheese and crispy bacon, a slice of tomato perched jauntily atop. He can be a lunch, turkey and ketchup and cheese, a piece of lettuce for contrast, a smear of spicy mustard. He can even be a dinner, although that is rare anymore. He stands at the center of a million debates. No, he says, a hot dog is not a sandwich, it is food served in a bun; the two pieces of the bun are not distinct, and being enveloped does not a sandwich make. A hamburger, though…a hamburger is his to have.
There are no bad sandwiches. Sandy is overjoyed to bless them all, to see them coddled and consumed, crown to crust, and not a crumb forgotten.
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nostalgicamerica · 7 months
My Weight-Loss Journey
Over the last three decades, despite a relatively active lifestyle, my weight has steadily increased a pound or two per year. I could see it was becoming a problem every morning in my foggy bathroom mirror.
I finally realized that I had to do something about it last fall when I walked out onto my porch one morning. The neighbor's kitten came over to say good morning and got caught up in my gravitational field and went into orbit around my waistline.
It was then I started looking into different diets. Keto, Caveman, high fat, low carb, lima bean, Atkins. Holy crap! The number of different diet choices were staggering. Greater still were the numbers of dieticians and nutritionists shrieking that this diet is best and only a booger-eater would choose that diet.
After a bit of cogitation, I started researching the Carnivore diet.
It sounded right up my alley: eating nothing but meat, cheese, eggs, and dairy products, and drinking water. And I could eat bacon. Basically, I could eat anything that is animal-based.
The bacon thing sold it for me.
The week before Thanksgiving 2023 I started my new diet plan. You might think that dieting during the holidays wasn't a grand idea, and you'd be right. Eating nothing but meat while watching my family chowing down on traditional holiday meals (turkey and all the fixings for Thanksgiving, and ham and all the fixings for Christmas) and stuffing their faces with cookies and candy and pie and everything else associated with the holidays was as much fun as stuffing a cactus up my rectum.
But I stuck to it.
To this point in my life I had never been disciplined about anything related to food, but somewhere along the way I found the strength to keep anything not indicated by the diet out of my pie hole. (except coffee - I'll be cold, dead, and buried before I stop drinking coffee.)
And the weight came off. 3,4,5 pounds a week. It seemed to literally melting off me. My initial goal was 50 pounds by the end of February and then I'd transition to something more sustainable.
It wasn't easy, at times, especially during the first 2 or 3 weeks. I bought some bite-size sugar free candy to take the edge off for the times when I was jonesing for sugar. And I ate a ton of bacon.
By Christmas Eve I had lost 20.5 pounds. By January's close I had dropped 34 pounds. On January 8th, 2024 I got out of the shower and looked down and saw my penis without a mirror for the first time since about 2003. Also, I could see a six-pack peeking from behind what remains of my belly fat. As of this writing I'm down 39 Pounds. I have a few more days to go, but I don't think I will hit 50. But that's okay.
On March 1st I will start introducing fruits and veggies and whole grains to my diet. I intend to stay away from cane sugar and continue drinking only water.
There have been some negatives along the way. 1. I now abhor the sight of steak. 2. My dog won't stop licking my legs. 3. I have had to go out and buy essentially a new wardrobe.
What I've learned - coupled with portion control - is that 90% of weight loss happens in the kitchen, and the plain fact that bacon makes everything better.
Even though I didn't meet my first goal of 50, I intend to keep going until I've met my ultimate goal of 60. I know I can do it by the end of this year.
I don't know if this will work for everyone; I only relate what I did and what happened. Overall I feel great, I am sleeping great, and my spousal unit says I look better than I have since the beginning of the Clinton administration, although she wants to buy a new car so she may be playing me...
There is enough info about the carnivore diet on the interweb-thingee so I won't add anything else except to say if I can do it, anyone can.
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new-berry · 22 days
A getting to know you meme? Quiz? Interview?
I���ve smooshed a few together. Mostly from memory so I might have mis remembered.
Sweet/salty/sour /spicy:
Not sour. Not spicy. I don’t mind food with flavour I just don’t want eating to be an endurance event.
Go to snack. Cheese and crackers If I ever say “I don’t like cheese” I have been kidnapped and it is a cry for help. Call the police.
Next celebration:
it’s been nearly a year since pixel the wonder dog came into our lives so we are having an anniversary party this weekend.
Favourite holiday:
I like Christmas. It’s sunny and since I often cook it I get all my favourite foods. If I’m catering I do not give a fuck.
Last year we had lasagne and a roast meal because I wanted lasagne but not to eat it for a week.
The year before that we had all different kinds of meat balls (including spicy Asian for my sister in law that were very spicy and Asian inspired and not made from an Asian person. ) we had turkey and pork and falafels purely because it is what I wanted.
My dad had his nose out of a joint a bit but genuinely that makes it more fun.
Christmas is great. We have a sensible tree and a reasonable number of gifts and a week off work.
Favourite movie: I love Fantasia. I am a bad movie watcher. I have to go to the cinema or I will think of something else to do.
Favourite sport: I do equally love netball, football, pro wrestling and ice hockey.
Last thing you cooked:
We had minestrone soup (homemade!) garlic bread (shop made) with bacon (home… fried?) . And I made cupcakes because the oven was on. I made 11 cupcakes. There are four cupcakes left. On the one hand aww they were good! On the other hand I have yet to have one and there are only four people in the house.
Last thing you wore. Jeans and a Winnie the Pooh t-shirt. (It’s pink! ) right now I have pj’s on. They have spoons and tiny love hearts on them I don’t know why. They are from one of those fly by night shops at the mall and are soooooo soft. Lucky they don’t have random swear words.
(An aside I don’t remember reading Winnie the Pooh as a kid but my partner insisted we needed a copy when we had kids so I’ve read it but as an adult. I like it. I approve.)
Last song listened to: And she was (talking heads) it’s my Iris Law song. I listen to it when I’m writing glitter because it puts me in the right head space for that fic. Then I just let Apple pick similar music and every three or four songs I listen to And she was again.
Dumb thing that makes me laugh. When writing is just like not happening I’ll play it a lot because I get annoyed look at my music list. When it’s going well it’s like“and she was” was six songs again and I have no recollection of what I was listening to. I’ll like look up blinking and release for some reason it playing like Seafret and I’ll have no idea how I got there.
Not that anyway asked but the Ivan /Thomas song is in fact Guns of Brixton. Gonna think it every time I write Ivan’s name anyway. The Clash and then Jimmy Cliff for my favourite versions. There are a surprisingly large number of covers. Arcade Fire excellent. Nouvelle Vague doesn’t do it for me.
Might call the fic “the money seems good”.
Star sign Aquarius. (Not adjusted) am I an Aquarius? It’s summer in January here :).
Favourite colour: pink with a side of purple. But really pink.
Tea /coffee. Yea please. Too much of it in lieu of water. I have my tea stewed and cold or hot and too weak. I have coffee with fluffy milk. No sugar.
Quirk. Ummm I have trained myself out of saying “bless you” when people sneeze.
One thing you would change (about you) I am an extremely impatient driver. Sometime I pretend to be singing along with music and start chair dancing when I realise I have been non stop swearing and maybe people can see I’m me in their rear vision mirror. If you mean like a physical thing? I would like to be taller. Or to not need glasses.
One thing you’re proud of? I don’t look externally for validation. I’m happy. I love those things.
Next plans (these were the writing ones I just did a WIP so..)
Going to finish Ivan/Thomas, then either going to finish glitter or re do the one I started with Jude as not a demon making (maybe) Trent not a demon because I have a different Jude one and I don’t want to write him that much. Or getting to the point of ever again.
I want to finish the last part of tidal. Which is stubbornly half / a third done because I have not added words to it. Which seems vastly unfair.
The last thing I wrote lol if you could see me I’d be laughing. I literally wrote Virgil going down on Iris while Trent holds her up. It’s like a lot of athletic flexible rich people sex. You can wait for the fic. It would sound bizzare out of context.
Pondering /fic adjacent something like that: Having an Ivan/Thomas hmmmmm. Have a tricky moment I’m trying to navigate. And also trying to thinking I tag age gap? There are 22 years between them but Ivan is 28.
What won’t you write: hahahahahhahhaa. Friends I wrote royal family incest porn. I wrote Orlando Bloom with a little person as a birthday present. I have written non con domestic violence and I’m actually really pleased with Ivan/Thomas I think some of the lines are beautiful and it’s interesting and meaty and no one will read it lol.
And I don’t care! I love getting older. I’ll cater what I want to eat and if you don’t want it you can have potatoes with my dad.
Not even being aggressive! I also make excellent roast potatoes! Just I don’t have much time to write (she says writing a bloody essay here) so I have to write what grabs me.
“What do you want, Thomas?” Ivan asks. The air con is blasting in the car but the sun still forcing itself on them. A dazzle off the outward facing windows, a raw flinch every few metres.
What is something no one else will notice but it’s important to you. I can’t remember exactly how this was phrased! I have written coach/player fic before and normally I make a point of mentioning that power imbalance by having the player refer to them as the boss or the gaffer or the mister. But in this Ivan always calls Thomas by his name.
Share a recently enjoyed fic: oh I have so many tabs open. I caught up. Nearly.
Trent is a vampire.
Joe Willock /Alex Isak. The wanting man. The wanting gets you.
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jointhearumanati · 1 month
🇺🇲 Alfred is a not the best in the kitchen but on the Grill he makes the best BBQ I'm talking southern style meat smoked for 12 hours, Brisket, bacon, ribs, steak, burgers, hot dogs, chicken, pork, his cookout parties are the best he can bake casserole in the oven though
🇮🇹 🇩🇪Romano and Germany are best friends when black out drunk much to Romano's horror once he sobers up
🇨🇳 China cross dresses in secret the only one who knows is Poland and are secret besties
🇫🇷 France is the best cosmetologist around you need your hair or nails done he's your guy some nations even pay him and make appointments on the regular
🇬🇧 🇨🇳England and China dated once upon a time it didn't end well but England still has a small crush on him though he won't admit it China moved on
🇵🇹 🇨🇳Portugal and China had a one night stand once
🇷🇺 🇨🇳Russia has had a crush on China since he was a kid under Mongolian rule he was the only one who was kind to him he thought he was a woman even when he found out he was a man it didn't change his opinion of him
🇻🇦🇨🇳 Rome and China were in a romantic long distance relationship once upon a time it took so long to visit but Rome always made the journey when he had time China didn't find out about his death until years after he died
🇬🇧 England can play the electric guitar 🎸 and writes music notes and songs it helps him relax he lies on the floor of his room and plays for hours
🇷🇺 Russia went to therapy and came out a lot more stable he even went on a apology tour to apologize to those he wronged if he unnerves anyone it's just teasing now
🇩🇪🇧🇪🇨🇭🇱🇮 Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, and Liechtenstein are the best bakers around they make the best sweets
🇮🇹 Italy and Romano have an Vegetable and Herb garden so they always have the freshes ingredients
🌍🌎🌏All Nations have a big food party after world meeting everyone brings food from around the globe so everyone can try any food they want
🇨🇳 China is actually the best in bed he knows ancient tricks that leave his partners staring at the ceiling contemplating their existence
🇬🇷 Greece is second best in bed it's like he puts every bit of energy into pleasing his partners he falls asleep immediately after
🇬🇷 Greece is the best at giving advice though few nations actually know that
🇪🇸🇮🇹🇺🇲🇱🇹🇰🇷🇰🇵🇭🇰🇷🇺🇬🇷🇹🇷S pain, Romano, America, Lithuania, the Korea twins, Russia, Greece, and Turkey are the best dancers around Spain and Romano are good at Salsa, Flamenco, Tango, Argentine tango, and Tarantella. America and Lithuania are the best at Swing. The Korea twins are good at more modern dancing freestyle even throwing some break dancing and acrobatics into their routine. Hong Kong is the best break dancer even throws acrobatics into his routine often dances with the twins. Russia is the best ballet dancer and does traditional Russian dances it's impressive with his size. Greece and Turkey are the best belly dancers.
🇰🇷🇰🇵 The Korea twins meet once a year at China's place they make up for lost time with a bit of bickering, speaking at the same time, and finishing each other's sentences
🇭🇰 Hong Kong is the best clothing and jewelry designer you'll ever meet he makes all his clothes and even has his siblings model his designs he even has either Japan or Taiwan take pictures for him with lights props and everything and puts it on Instagram he sometimes gets commissions from other nations they pay him and make appointments sometimes even modeling his designs he even teams up with France for hair nails and makeup he has a whole studio he's also a great DJ
🇨🇳 China is the best babysitter around he gets payed by the hour and China adores children he missed the pitter patter of tiny feet on his floor the kids always come back full of good food and toys and presents to take home they aren't his kids so he can spoil them rotten even snacks for the road because growing children need to eat
🇨🇳 China always brings tons of snacks to world meetings he even gives America and Germany extra because they are the youngest
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goodnessandgrief · 1 year
When I’m feeling depressed, it can be nearly impossible to take care of myself, and that includes eating. Here’s a list of some foods that require little to no effort (aka: can be eaten right out of the package or just need to be microwaved), mainly for my personal reference, but also so others can find easier alternatives when they’re struggling.
Water bottles or canned water - stay hydrated!!
vegetables - green beans, peas, corn, black/kidney/pinto beans, chickpeas (all canned or microwaveable frozen bags) - I’ve also tried Harvest Snaps, which are baked snap peas & they’re v good
Fruit - grapes, raisins (or any other dried fruit like apricots/dates), mandarin oranges, apples, applesauce cups, bananas, pears, peaches, etc. (most fruits require no prep anyway, but especially if they’re canned - you can also buy frozen bags)
Canned soup or chicken, beef, or veggie broth
Pasta (ramen, spaghetti, mac and cheese, chow mein) or instant rice are my go-tos. You can buy these in individual cups or bulk packs.
Any microwaveable food - frozen/tv dinners, burritos, toaster strudels (they make an egg bacon & cheese version too!), mini pizzas, breakfast sandwiches… there’s a lot you could do here :)
Dairy - Yogurt, cheese sticks, (or just straight up eat cheese slices, there are no rules here), cottage cheese, almond/oat/soy milk, powdered milk (if you want something shelf-stable)
Grains & carbs - cereal, crackers, chips, popcorn, toast or bagels (I’ve eaten plain bread before tbh and it kinda slaps), Oatmeal (these packets are dinosaur themed & have little sugar eggs!! - https://www.quakeroats.com/products/hot-cereals/instant-oatmeal/dinosaur-eggs)
Nuts - peanuts, peanut butter, almonds, cashews, walnuts, trail mix, etc.
Meat - deli turkey, trail bologna, spam, jerky, frozen chicken strips or nuggets, Morningstar vegetarian corn dogs, canned tuna
Fast food or take-out is also a good option if you don’t feel like making anything yourself.
A little tip - most foods you would take on a camping or hiking trip are great! for some, all you need to do is add water & heat it up. they are usually on the expensive side, though!! here’s some I’ve found that are decent:
Things to keep on hand for particularly bad days:
⁠Boost/ensure/Soylent - liquid meals for when the idea of chewing or mixing anything is too much.
⁠disposable cutlery/bowls/utensils so you don’t have more dishes to worry about.
Liquid IV, Gatorade, or some other form of electrolytes. It’s too easy to get dehydrated!
If you do have a little energy to cook or make something, here’s some ideas:
If you have a blender: frozen spinach + frozen banana + shelf stable almond milk + peanut butter makes a great smoothie.
frozen fruit + frozen spinach/kale for smoothies
Adding whey protein makes it more filling.
⁠dried pasta + jarred pasta sauce (Rao’s is low sugar and awesome, but pricey) + frozen meatballs
Boil tortellini on hand. Its as easy as boiling water. You can eat it plain, add a spoonful of pesto, sprinkle with a little olive oil or butter and some garlic salt, or pour it back in the pan after draining and add a little pasta sauce
⁠frozen fried rice + frozen stir fry veggies
⁠favorite frozen protein and veggies for sheet pan meals
⁠canned refried beans with a tortilla and some cheese to microwave, can add extra toppings too
⁠oatmeal + pb + dried fruit of choice
⁠rice cakes + pb + jam (or substitute bread if you have it)
Rotisserie chicken in a salad, soup, sandwich or wrap
Frozen salmon with some veggies
air fryer foods - chicken nuggets, tenders, fries, etc. You can also toss different vegetables (baby carrots, Brussels sprouts, etc.) in a little olive oil and throw them in there
chicken broth & frozen dumplings - you can dress it up a little with some miso, soy sauce or other seasonings. You could also add some frozen vegetables.
snack type food - a combination of canned Garbanzo beans and black olives. The olives are salty enough that you can get low sodium beans and it will still taste good.
A lot of these ideas I stole from the good people of Reddit (particularly r/depressionmeals)!Here’s the post I referenced if you’d like to look further into it:
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daretosnoop · 2 years
What you should eat based on game vibes
Don’t know if someone has already done this but here we go:
SCK/SCK Remastered: PBJ sandwich, grilled cheeses sandwich, deli sandwich, soda in a can by day and glass bottle at night, chips, pigs in a blanket, cheeseits, an apple, milk in those paper cartons, crinkle fries with ketchup mustard mixed
STFD: fruit platters, coffee in a white mug ndwith a 90s logo, sautéed asparagus, stuffed mushrooms, NY pizza ordered late, gyro, sparkling water, strawberry shortcake, NY cheesecake
MHM: meat with a sweet glaze with mashed potato and boiled veggies, Chinese takeout ordered late, apple cider, pecan pie, pumpkin pie, ginger beer, stewed tomatoes
TRT: fondue stand, smoked ham, cebu lechon, pumpernickel bread with brier cheese , jam, jam cookies,hot cocoa, apple cinnamon tea, apple pie, toasted nuts, glazed carrots
FIN: popcorn, taffy, chalk candy, boiled peanuts, roasted corn, red liquorice, unbranded soda, peanut brittle
SSH: fruit platters, fruit drinks in watermelon and papaya, salsa, green salsa, avocados, grilled fish, lemon chicken, rotisserie, tortillas, lemonade, bean soup, barley and chicken in bell peppers, green tomatoes (in any form)
DOG: whiskey, stacked sandwiches (scooby doo style), pickles, banana peppers, fried fish, hot dogs, peach cobbler, blueberry juice, unidentifiable meat in a can stewed slowly over a fire, bread and butter with coffee in the morning
CAR: roasted corn, grilled seafood on a stick, boiled peanuts, cotton candy, ice cream, seafood medley, butter lobster, peach cobbler, aspirin, poutine, fish and chips, vinegar onions, korean corn dogs
DDI: clam chowder, seafood pasta, lemon butter pasta with lobster, steamed clams, rice porridge, blueberry muffins, sherbet, mint tea, coffee in a thermos
SHA: kidney beans stew, steak and potatoes, those tarts your get at bakeries, eggs and bacon with bread to sop up the yolk, hamburger steak with egg, hash browns, diner coffee, pancakes, grits with cheese
CUR: English breakfast, tea, vegetables with no seasoning, stewed chicken,mushy peas, cold cheese deli meats on bread, lamb chops, a ceramic jar of cookies kept just out of reach, hot milk before bed with a chocolate, ale
TRN: ratatouille, glazed veggies, pasta with a rue sauce, béchamel, fruit cocktail, gin and tonic, roasted potatoes, garlic bread, cherries, peach cobbler, smoked meats, fried chicken
CLK: peaches and cream, coffee with biscotti, illegal champagne, ribs, fried eggplant with marinara sauce, biscuits in gravy, rye bread, cherry tomatoes, crisp lettuce, grilled zucchini, stewed tomatoes, soft pretzels, apple pie with vanilla ice cream, iced tea
CRE: fish baked over a fire wrapped in banana leaves, pineapple salsa, grilled veggies on sticks, shrimp, any type of rice dish (jallop, pulao, spanish rice, fried rice etc.), citrus soda/lemonade, upside down pineapple cake, poke bowls
DAN: hot croissant with jam on one side and butter on the other, crème brûlée, mint tea, lavender cake, champagne, onion soup, charcuterie board, coq au vin, spinach soufflé, lobster bisque
ICE: honey cake, pancakes with maple syrup, grilled salmon with a maple syrup glaze served with wild rice and green beans, dijon mustard on bread, cranberry sauce, roast turkey, sweet potatoes
CRY: grilled seafood with cajun seasoning, beignets, doberge cake, couche couche with hotsauce, oysters, gin fizz, cognac, sherry, cafe au lait, dulce de leche, trout, seafood pie, crawfish, jambalaya, gumbo, red velvet cake
VEN: cappuccino, pasta with garlic and parmigiana, Neapolitan pizza, olives and capers, anchovies over bread, fried eggplants (no batter) in olive oil, rosemary and thyme infused oil with bread,
HAU: potatoes in every which way but especially roasted and mashed with butter, shepherds pie, mint tea, boiled peas, lamb chops, bread dipped in fresh buttermilk, Irish stew, sweet bread, Irish breakfast tea
RAN: cut fruit and grilled fish in a hallow pineapple, wild rice, ham or poultry with pineapple glaze, crackers, flatbread with grilled shrimp curry, coconut based curries, rotisserie style poultry, chutneys, apricot jam, jelly
WAV: croissants with orange marmalade and butter, mutton curry with jasmine rice, saffron rice with creamy chicken stew, sushi, seafood pasta, fruit bowls, overnight oatmeals, loaded potatoes, late night peanut butter snacking
TOT: Wisconsin cheese, vinegar pie, pecan pie, pumpkin pie, (all the pies from the Waitress), scrambled eggs with coffee, buttermilk soaked fried chicken, steak and potatoes, cornbread, chocolate chip cookies, chocolate dipped orange flavoured ice cream, steak and kidney pie
SAW: green tea, soba noodles, clear soups, pickled veggies, salmon on wheat crackers, roasted chestnuts, coffee spiced with oranges and cinnamon, sesame crackers (sweet and salty both), and yes, ramen
CAP: deli meats, assorted bread, honey mustard, butter, romadeur, dumplings, hollandaise sauce, fried potatoes (different styles), sausages, drumstick, cheese sticks, blanched vegetables, green apple sauce, custard, black forest cake
ASH: confetti cake, angel cake, BLT sandwiches, Caesar salad, lemon pasta, dill pickles, potato salad, quesadillas, steak, BBQ, deep dish pizza, carrots in ranch, chips, banana split
TMB: shawarma, falafel, cucumber salad, tahini, humus, garlic pita, grilled veggies, rice and spices baked in an earthen pot, kabob, grilled seafood, saffron rice, baklava, pistachio ice cream, date milkshake, beer
DED: vinegar chips, ice cold water, coffee from a dispenser in a styrofoam cup, stale snacks from a vending machine, peanut butter crackers, cheese crackers, baked goods in the morning, pad thai, fast food pizza, salad bar, trail mix
GTH: pecan pie, peach cobler, ground nuts, fried chicken, cheesy garlic bread, pimento cheese, chewy meat, BBQ, lemonade, sherry, gin, crawfish, pulled pork, rolls, soul food
SPY: haggis, mutton chops, Danish pastries, salmon with dill, pheasant, dundee cake, clam chowder, shortbread, coffee, Lincoln logs, smoked meats, clotted cheese, crackers, oatmeal with raisins, ale, whisky
MED: sushi, lemon grass tea, wheat grass shots, roasted sweet potato and yams with spices, pumpkin and squash stews, broiled veggies, rutabaga mash, rhubarb pie, steamed clams and mussels, truffle pasta
LIE: feta on bread with honey drizzle, greek yogurts with fresh cut fruit, fresh mozzarella over chicken salad, gyro, lamb rotisserie, shawarma, collared greens, pan fried seafood, steamed fish with lemon, carrot salad, pickled veggies, kefir, rice pudding
SEA: seafood buffet cooked every which way, skyr, salmon and haddock boiled with potatoes, dried seafood on bread, mutton soup, rice pudding, clear broth, veggie stew, mashed potatoes
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bigbigbellydyke · 4 months
can i buy all coca-cola pepsi sprite diet coke coke and dr pepper mentos and chocolate cake and chocolate milk for you and can i buy all turkey beef chicken pork bacon sausage hot dogs bratwurst McDonald's burger king kfc taco bell Wendy's Chick-fil-A Domino's pizza wingstop buffalo wild wings subway chipotle mexican grill ln-N-Out burger five guys shake shack Whataburger for you
Wow! Um….. I eat and drink some of those things….. but not all (because of my allergy and because BDS etc). Maybe the best would just be to use my cashapp? Your enthusiasm is charming. Or if you want one specific thing, let me know?
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bookish-artist · 9 months
I just found your blog and loving it! Could you maybe answer all those questions since I'm new here? 🙏🏼
Well welcome! And of course I can, thank you for asking so nicely mon ami ❤️
1: Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?
Closed, always
2: Do you take the shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotel?
No my hair is picky
3: Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out?
Um well they're tucked in at the end, not on the sides
4: Have you ever stolen a street sign before?
No not my vibe of decor
5: Do you like to use post-it notes?
Yes way too much tbh
6: Do you cut out coupons but then never use them?
No I'm not really a coupon user
7: Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of a bees?
Probably a bear. I feel like a single creature is easier to get away from than a swarm, if escape is plausible
8: Do you have freckles?
I do not
9: Do you always smile for pictures?
10: What is your biggest pet peeve?
Cutting me off/talking over me.
11: Do you ever count your steps when you walk?
No never
12: Have you ever peed in the woods?
13: What about pooped in the woods?
14: Do you ever dance even if theres no music playing?
Occasionally yes
15: Do you chew your pens and pencils?
I chew my pens *sometimes* but not my pencils
16: How many people have you slept with this week?
17: What size is your bed?
18: What is your song of the week?
Loud - The Home Team
19: Is it okay for guys to wear pink?
Of course!
20: Do you still watch cartoons?
Oh yeah
21: Whats your least favorite movie?
Talladega Nights, can't stand it
22: Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some?
Probably on my family's land
23: If you’re a girl, bra size? If you’re a guy, pants size?
24: What do you dip a chicken nugget in?
Depends on the restaurant I get them from, different places have different favorites lol
25: What is your favorite food?
Mexican, specifically enchiladas
26: What movies could you watch over and over and still love?
Oh gods.. Pride and Prejudice, any of the Winnie the Pooh movies, old school Disney, Phantom of the Opera, there's just so so many lol
27: Last person you kissed/kissed you?
My fwb 😆
28: Were you ever a boy/girl scout?
29: Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine?
Sure why not?
30: When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper?
Hmm, probably in elementary school. We did that write a soldier program and that's the last vivid memory I have of writing a letter
31: Can you change the oil on a car?
32: Ever gotten a speeding ticket?
33: Ever ran out of gas?
No, I always have at least a quarter in there
34: Favorite kind of sandwich?
Turkey, cheese, lettuce, mayo, jalapenos
35: Best thing to eat for breakfast?
Sunny side up egg on an everything bagel with orange juice, maybe some bacon
36: What is your usual bedtime?
Between 11:30-12
37: Are you lazy?
38: When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween?
My first costume ever was a hershey kiss! Then I was a power ranger, pirate, Belle, witch, cat, dog, wolf, red riding hood, Ghost face, pumpkin king, angel, devil, fairy.. I've done a little bit of everything 😅
39: What is your Chinese astrological sign?
Um sign of the rat I think? '96 baby ✌🏼
40: Are you horny?
At this very moment?? No lol
41: Do you have any magazine subscriptions?
Not currently no, eyeballing a couple
42: Which are better legos or lincoln logs?
Legos, duh
43: Are you stubborn?
Me? Stubborn? Never 🙄
44: Who is better…Leno or Letterman?
Ew neither
45: Ever watch soap operas?
No not really my thing. Unless you count k dramas
46: Are you afraid of heights?
I don't love them, but they're not a fear
47: Do you sing in the car?
Full on karaoke show
48: Do you sing in the shower?
Karaoke show part 2
49: Do you dance in the car?
Way way too often 😂
50: Ever used a gun?
Yes, I'm a good shot too 😏
51: Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?
Probably my uncle's wedding like 10+ years ago
52: Do you think musicals are cheesy?
Absolutely not, I love them! One of my favorite genres ever
53: Is Christmas stressful?
When you wait until the very last minute like I did yes 😮‍💨
54: Ever eat a pierogi?
I have not actually, I'll have to add that to the list
55: Favorite type of fruit pie?
I'm not a big pie person
56: Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
Marine biologist, ballerina, librarian
57: Do you believe in ghosts?
58: Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?
Frequently, it's a little unsettling actually
59: Take a vitamin daily?
60: Wear slippers?
61: Wear a bath robe?
Also sometimes lol
62: What do you wear to bed?
Either sweatpants and a tee or just a tee
63: First concert?
Panic at the Disco!
64: Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?
65: Nike or Adidas?
66: Cheetos Or Fritos?
67: Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?
Well I'm allergic to nuts and I don't eat sunflower seeds, sooo 😂
68: Ever hear of the group Tres Bien?
No never
69: Ever take dance lessons?
70: Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?
I don't really care honestly, as long as they can help pay bills and have some ambition in life in gemeral
71: Can you curl your tongue?
Yes 😇
72: Ever won a spelling bee?
73: Have you ever cried because you were so happy?
Of course
74: Own any record albums?
Not yet!
75: Own a record player?
76: Regularly burn incense?
77: Ever been in love?
78: Who would you like to see in concert? Ghost, Bad Omens, Hozier, BTS
79: What was the last concert you saw?
Panic at the disco back on 2016
80: Hot tea or cold tea?
Hot tea
81: Tea or coffee?
Coffee, iced, extra milk extra sugar please thanks
82: Sugar or snickerdoodles?
Snickerdoodles are god tier
83: Can you swim well?
Well enough
84: Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?
85: Are you patient?
Ehh that could use some work
86: DJ or band, at a wedding?
DJ for sure
87: Ever won a contest?
Not that I remember
88: Ever have plastic surgery?
Not yet
89: Which are better black or green olives?
Don't make me choose
90: Can you knit or crochet?
No but I want to learn to crochet
91: Best room for a fireplace?
92: Do you want to get married?
93: If married, how long have you been married?
Single af
94: Who was your HS crush?
He was one of my best friends senior year and nothing ever happened :/ come to find out he almost kissed me one day bc he liked me so much but he never did 🤦🏼‍♀️
95: Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your own way?
96: Do you have kids?
97: Do you want kids?
98: Whats your favorite color?
99: Do you miss anyone right now?
Hope this gives you some insight! If you wanna know more you're always welcome to ask 😊
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endcant · 2 years
best ever food & drink
cucumber & watermelon (same to me)
tofu (many ways)
glass of milk and 2 cookies (various)
mini sweet peppers
egyptian kahk
homemade red bean paste (u can make a lot affordably, keep it a decent amount of time, and use it for everything)
chicken mole
sashimi (various)
bisque (various)
gazpacho (various)
fruit that you picked
the first bite of a california burger (burger with lettuce, tomato, avocado, and monterey jack cheese)
lemon pound cake
oxtail stew with chayote (white people not invited)
pozole blanco
buttered pumpkin ravioli followed by the raspberry gelato served in a coconut shell at the obligatory little italian place in my obligatory little not-italian hometown
oolong tea
lamb gyro
when i worked at the college i used to rinse out my cup noodles before microwaving them bc they were too salty. that was good
phó (various)
zalabia topped with sesame seeds
scrambled egg white with spinach and mushrooms
avocado smoothie
street corner strawberries, too ripe to be sold to grocery stores
homemade lengua estofado (white people not invited)
butterfish hand roll
fiji lakdi mithai
fruit salad consisting of: apple, jicama, oranges, cucumber, and optional melon (honeydew or cantaloupe) with mandatory seasoning of citrus juice, red pepper, and salt
fried egg over easy stirred into white rice with very small amounts of sesame oil and soy sauce
my dad is the only person who can make bbq ribs worth eating bc they are tender and heavily spiced with a homemade mustard-based sauce with more spices than i’ve ever seen on any other single object
japanese curry + chicken cutlet (my preferred curry but all are valid)
melted monterey jack cheese (any context)
go to 300 Juan Medina Rd., Chimayo, NM, 87522
homemade honey kale chip (YSAC)
extremely dry breve cappuccino
cinnamon life cereal
homemade sopapilla with honey
NYC mall shrimp tempura udon (ubiquitous in NYC indoor malls in 2009)
banana with brown sugar and a little butter heated in microwave for like 3 minutes. wait til it cools
just the crust of deep dish pizza without the toppings
buttered macaronis with white onion (poisonous to me)
hot dog and vegetable stir fry
chile con carne with MY family’s green chile recipe
oyster tasting paid for by somebody else
this one stout beer that i shared with my mother in 2017 that came in an unlabeled bottle found in the back of a restaurant that has since changed ownership. no other information
dishes containing roux, custard, or caramelized onions patiently made by your own hand (taste of the fruits of your labor)
my sister’s fucked up health recipes that are actually incredibly fucking good such as a very seasoned broth with like 5 different types of mushrooms, a buffalo chicken/sweet potato/turkey bacon casserole, and all of her various spaghetti squash glops. so FUCKING good.
arugula salad with nuts and fruits
steamed pumpkin (various seasonings)
any decently improvised sweet bread, cookie, or cake flavored chiefly with butter, white sugar, and almond extract
baked potato with the red skin no seasonings eaten outside in the cold
thick, ambrosia-like homemade horchata served in a mug at the mexican place with zero english speakers on staff
11 oz can apple sidra apple soda
banana at 2 am
worst ever food & drink
banana at 6 am
waffle house “hashbrown”
backsweetened fruit beer
whole wheat pancake
whole wheat or multigrain health flour tortilla. if you’re worried about your health just eat a corn tortilla or wrap ur stuff in lettuce
guiltiest pleasures of all time
bacon pb&j burger.
expensive californian bougie health snack bars that consist of unrecognizable seeds, unrecognizable nuts, and unrecognizable dried fruits, unrecognizably sweetened and stuck together in an unrecognizable mound
spoonful of stone ground mustard
back home theres a place where u can get craft beer, a rosé slushie actually worth havinf, taste 4 nearly identical dry red wines, and then say its ur birthday and get panini bread toasted with butter and a melted hersheys bar topped with whipped cream. the birthday treat only really tastes good once youve had the aforementioned quantity of alcohol, but i think that’s by design. like listening to shpongle while profoundly high on psychedelics
2 dennys pancakes with 2 eggs over easy placed betwixt, wherein they will be smashed and mixed with maple syrup until the entire mess is soggy yellow-brown and unrecognizable
bowl of chevys fresh mex salsa con cuchara
i experience that “just one more oreo” comic but with mazapan, & when i wake up from the mazapan fugue state every dark cloth in the house is stained permanently
hot cocoa consisting of: almond milk, dark cocoa powder, and stove heat
i will never forget starbucks sage and juniper latte in the fall of 2018. nothing else at that godforsaken restaurant will ever be that good.
those cute fude nuggets they sell at target that are like $15 per box that are shaped like stars, fishies, etc.
anything with garlic or onion (poisons me)
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purplesurveys · 1 year
How do you feel about tomato sauce with chunks of tomato? I mean I don't like tomatoes to begin with, so I feel like I'm just not gonna have a good time with this.
Do people think you look like either of your parents? Does that offend you? I look very much like my mom and no it doesn't offend me at all.
Do you prefer regular bacon or turkey bacon? Regular only because I've never had turkey bacon and it'd be impossible for me to compare.
Are you more of a talker or a listener? Listener.
Do you think it’s weird when people talk to their pets like people? No but for the people who find it weird I kind of feel sad for them.
Where do most of your relatives live? Ooh I don't know what the real answer to this would be. We're scattered across Metro Manila and our provinces, but there are many others who have permanently settled abroad too.
What is the last place, other than home, that you stayed overnight? Our Airbnb in Malaysia. I can't believe it'll be two months since then.
Would you ever buy a motorcycle? No, I don't know how to ride one.
What is the most unusual thing in your reach right now? I still have the deodorant I bought in Thailand and that's pretty unique. I don't know how to explain it...it looks like a crystal? Crystal deodorant, is that a thing? It was the only kind available at the nearby 7-Eleven.
Are you sitting by a window right now? Yes.
Do you have anything other than posters or pictures on your walls? My wall lamp right by my office space.
What is the furthest you have traveled alone? Alone...probably just Muntinlupa, lol. I'm scared to go into the expressways alone.
Have you ever ridden a train? Sure. What's funny though is I rode the train in Thailand more times than I *ever* have in the Philippines in 25 years.
Have you ever done something you told yourself you’d never do? Yeah, I'm not very good at keeping some of the promises I make for myself.
Are you tattooed? Or does it freak you out? You are correct in that getting tattooed does freak me out.
Are you attracted to or put off by people who are heavily pierced or tattooed? It depends. There are definitely some tattoo styles I'm not into. Excessive piercings are also a hit or miss with me.
Have you done anything productive today, anyway? I guess. I had to put in some work today because I needed to settle some decisions and confirmations with clients and it couldn't wait until Monday.
Eaten anything delicious today? My mom's spaghetti.
Have you ever taken in a stray animal? Not a stray, but we got Arlee from PAWS.
Do you have or want children? I don't want them anymore. I get really irritated around noisy children and for me, if I'm already impatient about everyday things like that I really don't think I'm cut out for parenting.
How do you feel about marriage? Ever been close? Marriage used to be the biggest dream I had for my future but my past relationship has entirely hardened me from it. I don't care for love and relationships much anymore.
Are you confident in your appearance? Fairly enough.
Do you enjoying taking pictures? Just of things I want to count as memories, but I'm not one to take photos or videos of every single thing I come across.
Do you take pictures of THINGS, or are you just a camera whore? xD LOL at the whore and the xD. How old is this survey? Anyway, yes I mostly take photos of things I encounter. Food I eat, funny signs, dogs spotted...
Do you believe in “the one” or “soulmates”? Sure, but I also believe that people can be perfectly content without their own.
Have you ever dated someone simply for their looks? No.
What about dating someone simply because you felt too bad to say no? Nope.
Are you eating anything right now? I just had dinner, so no.
Does it drive you INSANE when people chew with their mouth open? I can move past it. There are other more irritating noises for me.
Does any food always make you sick but you love it too much to not eat it? Not sick but it makes my stomach upset -- anything with milk.
How do you feel about alcohol? It's fun to drink but everyone who it does should be responsible with how much they take and know how much they're able to handle.
Have you ever been drunk? Yes. I'm pretty low-tolerance so I am also usually the first one in a group to start feeling giddy.
Do you like orange juice with pulp? I've never had that kind.
Do you scream for ice cream? Nah I'm not really into ice cream; I'm a slow eater, so ice cream always ends up melty and soupy with me.
Which orange came first; the color or the fruit? I wanna say the color? Surely some elements in the universe were already orange long before the fruit came about.
Are you in school? If so, for what? Not in school.
What is your dream job? To never have to work ever again in my life, lol. < This is very real and also very relatable. I'd have to say same.
Have you ever experienced a natural disaster? Yes typhoons are typical here.
Do you feel bad when bad things happen to other people? Or do you not care? If you don’t, do you feel guilty about that? I do feel bad especially when the bad thing was caused by things out of their control. It's definitely a case-to-case basis though. Some also deserve to have their asses handed to them.
Aren’t you a little nervous about posting photos online? Well, no.
Have you ever been diagnosed with a mental illness? I haven't.
What was the reason you washed your hands last? I just finished washing the dishes and I didn't want my hand to smell like sponge.
Is there something you should be doing? I should be sleeping earlier than usual but I'll kill some time first.
0 notes
killemwithkawaii · 2 years
L.S.S.: Well, I don’t know how you did it, but that’s the last of it…
Mitch(6): “Uh… Maybe we can make pancakes together…?”
L.S.S.: That’s everything I brought for us to eat for a whole month… how can you still be hungry? You were so small… at least, you were before… Damn, that happened really fast…
Mitch(6):  “I’m a hungry guy, you know!” “...especially the good eats!”
L.S.S.: I can tell… Woah, down boy! You’re way too big to be jumping on me like that anymore… Wait, let me check and see if we’ve been sent anything else you can eat…
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Mitch(6): [UwU] [UwU] [UwU]
L.S.S.: Here, uh… wait… that didn’t work…?
Mitch(6): …. [qwq] 
L.S.S.: Wow, that's a lot of drool... I’m sorry, Mitchie… I guess you’ll just have to wait until we get home to eat… Man, if both of us have been glitching out this entire time, the fridge has to be nasty inside by now… and we're probably not looking so good either...
Mitch(6): “… [sniffling]” “... a big, juicy turkey with all the trimmings sounds so good right now…” “[singing] ‘Can we find, the best ham in the land? Spit-roast, dry rub, sizzlin in a pan-” “parmesan, garlic, onions… and some bacon I got on special in the freezer! I’m sure all that would all be tasty together!” ….
L.S.S.: …Man, you’ve got it bad… And I thought you were bad when you got hungry normally… That must be your ‘itch,’ since you don’t have any wounds…  
It’s gonna be okay, this’ll all be over in the morning, you’ll see… We’ll be back home and we’ll make you those pancakes after we do a grocery run! I'll hold your hand the entire time, too.
Mitch(6).:  “It’ll be like none of this ever happened….” “You’ll be able to go right back to your life.” “...Perfect…”
L.S.S.: Exactly. We just have to be patient…
Mitch(6):  “Hug with arms…” “I think I’d rather just hold your hand… or snuggle you really, really hard…”
L.S.S.: Hey, I can do that! Snuggles are in unlimited supply around here…
[Hugs Mitch(6)]
Mitch(6): “I am ‘cuddling’ with Sally”... 
L.S.S.: Heh yes, yes you are…
[scratches under Mitch(6)s chin]
Mitch(6): ....“I love Sally…” “I was so afraid it would scare you away, and you wouldn’t like me anymore.”
L.S.S.: Hey, you already turned into a giant… version of yourself, this month. You being a big ‘ol… sorta humanoid… computer-faced puppy-dog thing isn’t gonna scare me away…. [laughing] I love you too. Always have, always will, no matter what form you take…. It’s just a little different, remember…? 
Mitch(6): … "A person..." "No matter what form..."
“…Do you ever think of leaving...?”
L.S.S.: What? No, of course not…. I’m happy when I’m with you Mitchie… All I’ve been doing all month is riding out this glitch while trying to get back to you…
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L.S.S.: Just like she said, I’m grateful for what I had with the others, and I’m grateful for what I have with you now…. Even if right now, we’re not in the ideal place… the cabin sure is glitching out, huh…? There’s… a lot of meat hooks on the ceiling… and forks on the floor... and I keep picking needles out of the bedding... ugh, man, I cannot wait to get out of here...
Mitch(6): ...
”I’m sure there’s something else you could do- something that would make you happier….? You usually seem so stressed out when you’re there…”
L.S.S.: Huh? You mean... No, I…. That's not what I meant...
I know it hasn’t been perfect between us, and this month has been one hell of a ride… But that doesn’t change how I feel about you.
Mitch(6): …”Over and over and over..” …… “What have we done to deserve such agony?” ….
L.S.S.: Wha… That’s not… whos voice is that…? Wait is… is that from the game…? My game…?
Mitch(6): “... some day, in some timeline I hadn’t fucked up yet… I’d make it happen.” “And if it still doesn’t turn out, at least you tried.” “‘practice makes progress!’” “That just means you know what to do differently next time you make it!” “I hated that what we could have had was taken away just as it started…”
L.S.S.: Mitchie, what are you trying to say…?
Mitch(6):  “I’m happy that you moved on, Sal… I want you to be happy…”  “how do I get outa here? I can’t-… god, it’s like he’s watching me and he doesn’t even fuckin have eyes anymore… I keep thinkin I’m hearing him, but he’s just sitting there…” “I should have never done this shit to him…” “God, fuck, it hurts so much… I’m so fucking scared…” “I was forced to watch everything. A prisoner in my own mind.” “I’m so sorry I did this…”  “...I have done terrible things. Unforgivable things. I am so sorry.”
L.S.S.: What? You were watching…? So I was right, you were here with me… But.. you didn’t do anything! It’s the glitch that did this, you didn’t-
Mitch(6): “I want you to find me again, as long as you want to.” “You really wanna do it again?” “...after I make a mess on the floor?” 
L.S.S.: Your voice… it’s so good to hear it again… uh, of course! I’m sticking with you Mitchie. I’m here for the long-haul…
Mitch(6): “I don’t want you to be unhappy forever because you feel like you owe me something.” “That wasn’t your fault… I… went from being absolutely terrified… to being ready to fucking butcher and eat…" "...Sally..." in less than a month!” “It shouldn’t bother me. It didn’t used to…” They died young together, thousands of years ago, but are still embracing each other after all this time…” “I should be happy... thankful they existed.” “I’m… a monster.”
L.S.S.: No, you… you’re not a monster…! That’s all in the past, we’re past that…! it’s okay you have these feelings. I don’t blame you, the others were a little jealous of you, too…
Mitch(6): “..Then he looked upon my face and saw all of me at once… we were in love. And everything was perfect. Until it fell apart again. Now there is only pain. … Everything falls apart.” “They are filled with regret and sorrow… they are in a lot of pain… they are heartbroken… they’ve lost touch with reality…”  It itches!!”
L.S.S.: We’ve both done things we regret.… Hell, I did things I regret this month… But what do we say, huh? ‘It’s okay to make mistakes and not to be perfect, as long as you learn from it…’
Mitch(6): ….“I just want to be normal. I want us to be able to be normal…” “in some timeline I hadn’t fucked up yet…”” I’m the one that broke the eggs… I appreciate you getting that, by the way.” “I love you.” “...it wouldn’t be the first time…” “And it won’t be the last!”
L.S.S.: It’s okay that we can’t be ‘normal’… We can just be ‘us’.
Mitch(6): “Her soul was corrupted by the dark. By hunger. By isolation. She suffered greatly…”  “I have done terrible things. Unforgivable things. I am so sorry.” “There are no happy endings in life, Sal. We all get the same terrible ending… death.” “I don’t have anything to give you anymore…” .....
“This will be our new beginning.” “It itches!!”
L.S.S.: What are you talking about... No… no, no, wait… what are you doing?! Stop!!...
Mitch(6): “A cut of meat…” “..it’s okay… it’ll be over soon, just…. lay back and try your best to relax… I’ll be right here with you until you’re gone….” “You can consider this… to be your ‘rock bottom’ AND your turning point this time around.” “A dog, a rabbit, two starving beasts…”
L.S.S.: Mitch, stop!! I know you’re hungry, but-
Mitch(6): “Hmm, a tall stack of Sally-cakes… Yeah, I could go for one of those…!” ……. “I’m really in the mood for something sweet right now…” I LOVE strawberries, how did you know?!... look SO yummy!!” “Yum! It’s delicious!” “...Tethered, Forever, on a long, tight leash…”
L.S.S.: Shit, shit, shit, fuck… OH FUCK, THE CHAIN- NO, STOP!! DON’T-
...My... my finger... you...
....Wait, wait- no, no, NO!-
Mitch(6): “It itches!!” “It itches!!” “It itches!!”….. I am so sorry.”  “I’m… a monster.” “A dog…” “Let me take on this burden…” “Let me make it perfect this time…” "I'm doing this for us." "Let me do this for us." “I love you.” “A rabbit…” "writing on walls, stains on your sheets..."
L.S.S.: [barely audible] No... no.... this isn’t happening. This isn’t happening. This isn’t happening… It’s all a glitch, this’ll all be over tomorrow… We’ll be back home… we’ll be okay. It doesn’t hurt, so it’s just a glitch… the two of us will be back home and back to normal in the morning…. It’s just a glitch… it’s just a glitch…!!!
Mitch(6): ….. “I am so sorry.”.... “I love you”.....“You’re free.” ….….”I love you” …..“It’s not evil. Just hungry.”... "I am so sorry." “... two starving beasts…” “I love you.”  “I love you.”  “I love you.”  “I love you.”  “I love you.”  “I love you.”...... "New destinations, familiar streets..." “Part of” “me” “forever” “tethered”…. “Sally..." ..... "My sweet, love-sick Sally..."
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inmarketo · 6 days
Safe Treat Alternatives: What Can Dogs Eat Instead of Bacon?
While bacon may be a popular treat among humans, it's important to remember that it's not necessarily the best choice for our furry friends. Given the high fat content and sodium levels in bacon, feeding it to dogs can lead to a variety of health issues, including pancreatitis, obesity, and digestive problems. So, if you're looking for safe treat alternatives for your pup, it's best to steer clear of bacon and opt for healthier options instead.
Lean Meats: A Tasty and Nutritious Alternative
One excellent alternative to natural balance dog food, such as chicken or turkey. These protein-packed options can be a tasty and nutritious treat for your dog without the added risks associated with bacon. Just be sure to remove any skin or bones before serving it to your pup, as they can pose a choking hazard or cause digestive issues.
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Fruits and Vegetables: A Healthy and Delicious Option
Another great option for a safe treat alternative is fruits and vegetables. Many dogs enjoy the natural sweetness of fruits like apples, blueberries, and bananas, which can serve as a healthy and delicious snack. Vegetables such as carrots, green beans, and sweet potatoes are also a great choice, providing essential nutrients and fiber for your dog's diet.
Crunchy Treats: Plain Popcorn and Rice Cakes
If you're looking for a crunchy treat, consider giving your dog some plain popcorn or rice cakes. These low-calorie options can satisfy their craving for a snack without the added fat and salt found in bacon. Just be sure to avoid flavored or seasoned varieties, as these can contain ingredients that may be harmful to your dog.
Interactive Treats: Kong Toys and Peanut Butter
For a more interactive treat option, try stuffing a Kong toy with some peanut butter or low-fat yogurt, and freezing it for a cool and refreshing snack. Not only will this keep your dog entertained for hours, but it also provides a tasty and healthy treat that can be enjoyed in moderation.
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The Importance of Choosing Healthy Treats
While bacon may be a tempting option for your dog, it's essential to consider the potential risks associated with feeding it to them. By opting for safer treat alternatives such as lean meats, fruits, vegetables, and low-calorie snacks, you can provide your pup with a delicious and nutritious treat without compromising their health. Remember, moderation is key when it comes to treats, so be sure to monitor your dog's intake and adjust accordingly based on their individual needs and dietary restrictions. Your furry friend will thank you for taking the time to choose healthier options that keep them happy and healthy for years to come.
Conclusion: Prioritizing Your Dog's Health
In conclusion, while bacon may be a delicious treat for humans, it is crucial to understand the risks of feeding it to your furry friends. Bacon is high in fat and salt, which can lead to serious health issues for dogs if consumed in large quantities. It is always best to stick to dog-friendly treats and foods that are specifically formulated for their dietary needs. Remember, your pup's health and well-being should always come first!
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you’d need to be a millionaire with the amount I eat but if you’re feeling generous… feed me?
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kevahaircare · 4 months
Potential Impact Of Diet And Nutrition On Alopecia Areata
Alopecia areata, an autoimmune disease that causes hair loss, can be challenging to treat. While medications show mixed results, many people turn to natural approaches like dietary changes to manage their condition. For those seeking professional treatment, visiting a specialized hair fall clinic in Coimbatore can provide advanced therapies and personalized care. Here’s a closer look at how diet can potentially influence symptoms and improve overall health.
The Role of Inflammation in Alopecia Areata
Alopecia areata is driven by inflammation, which causes the immune system to mistakenly attack hair follicles. Because of this, researchers have been looking into whether anti-inflammatory diets can help ease the symptoms. Some studies indicate that eliminating certain foods and adopting anti-inflammatory eating habits might be beneficial for those with alopecia areata.
Promising Dietary Approaches
Whole, Unrefined Foods: A 2020 case study highlighted an 8-year-old boy with alopecia areata who achieved complete remission after five months on a diet rich in whole, unrefined foods, along with supplements of vitamin D, zinc, and other micronutrients.
Gluten-Free Diet: Another set of studies found that most patients with alopecia areata saw symptom improvements on a gluten-free diet rich in raw vegetables, soy, and protein. While this review included people with celiac disease, other research suggests that a gluten-free diet may also help those without celiac disease by reducing inflammation.
Anti-Inflammatory Diets: Diets like the Mediterranean diet, which are high in anti-inflammatory foods, have shown benefits for other inflammatory conditions like psoriasis and could similarly benefit those with alopecia areata.
Foods to Focus On
Incorporating nutrient-dense, anti-inflammatory foods into your diet can offer numerous health benefits, including potential improvement of alopecia areata symptoms:
●      Vegetables: Broccoli, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, garlic, cauliflower, spinach, carrots, asparagus, peppers.
●      Fruits: Citrus fruits, cherries, apples, berries, peaches, pears, pineapple, grapes.
●      Healthy Fats: Olive oil, avocados, nuts, seeds, nut butter, coconut oil, unsweetened coconut.
●      Whole Grains: Brown rice, rolled oats, farro, quinoa, brown rice pasta, barley.
●      Legumes: Chickpeas, lentils, black beans.
●      Protein Sources: Seafood, eggs, chicken, tofu, turkey, beef.
●      Spices, Herbs, and Seasonings: Rosemary, turmeric, basil, sage, cinnamon, ginger.
These foods are rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that help regulate inflammation, protect against cellular damage, and promote immune health.
Foods to Avoid
To manage alopecia areata, it’s advisable to avoid foods and drinks known to contribute to inflammation:
●      Added Sugars: Table sugar, sweetened drinks like soda, cookies, ice cream, pastries, candy, sugary cereals, and sweetened yoghurts.
●      Fast Food: Fried chicken, French fries, hamburgers, chicken nuggets, pizza.
●      Refined Grains: White bread, white pasta, instant noodles, bagels.
●      Ultra-Processed Snacks: Chips, some frozen dinners, sugary granola bars, boxed mac and cheese.
●      Processed Meats: Bacon, lunch meats, sausage, hot dogs.
●      Gluten-Containing Foods: Breads, tortillas, wraps, cakes, crackers, and other items containing gluten.
The Importance of Nutrients and Supplements
People with alopecia areata often have low blood levels of key nutrients, such as vitamin D, zinc, and folate, which could exacerbate symptoms:
●      Vitamin D: Essential for immune function and hair health.
●      Zinc: Important for hair tissue regeneration and immune function.
●      Other Nutrients: Anti-inflammatory supplements like fish oil might also be beneficial.
Consulting with a healthcare professional like Keva Hair Care is crucial before starting any supplements. We can run tests to assess nutrient levels and recommend appropriate doses.
Alopecia areata is a complex condition that may respond well to a multifaceted approach, including dietary changes. A nutrient-rich, anti-inflammatory diet can improve symptoms and boost overall health. For personalized guidance, it's best to consult a registered dietitian or healthcare professional.
Take control of your hair health today! Schedule your appointment with a Keva Hair Care specialist to start on a personalized journey towards healthier, stronger hair.
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uniquesweetssublime · 4 months
What Food Should a Diabetic Patient Eat, and What Food Should Be Avoided?
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Managing diabetes effectively requires careful attention to diet. Making informed food choices can help maintain blood sugar levels, support overall health, and prevent complications. This blog outlines the foods that diabetic patients should eat and those they should avoid to manage their condition optimally.
Foods Diabetic Patients Should Eat
1. Non-Starchy Vegetables
Non-starchy vegetables are low in calories and carbohydrates, making them an excellent choice for diabetics. They are also rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals.
Examples: Leafy greens (spinach, kale), broccoli, cauliflower, bell peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, and zucchini.
2. Whole Grains
Whole grains have a lower glycemic index compared to refined grains, meaning they cause a slower, more gradual rise in blood sugar levels.
Examples: Oats, quinoa, brown rice, whole wheat, barley, and bulgur.
3. Lean Proteins
Proteins help in stabilizing blood sugar levels and keeping you full for longer periods. Choose lean sources to reduce the intake of unhealthy fats.
Examples: Skinless chicken, turkey, fish, tofu, legumes (beans, lentils), and low-fat dairy products (Greek yogurt, cottage cheese).
4. Healthy Fats
Incorporating healthy fats can improve heart health, which is crucial for diabetics. These fats should be consumed in moderation.
Examples: Avocados, nuts (almonds, walnuts), seeds (chia, flaxseeds), olive oil, and fatty fish (salmon, mackerel).
5. Fruits with Low Glycemic Index
Fruits can be part of a diabetic diet if chosen wisely. Opt for fruits with a low glycemic index to prevent spikes in blood sugar levels.
Examples: Berries (strawberries, blueberries), apples, pears, oranges, and peaches.
6. High-Fiber Foods
Fiber slows down the absorption of sugar and can help regulate blood sugar levels. Aim to include both soluble and insoluble fiber in your diet.
Examples: Whole grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes, and nuts.
Foods Diabetic Patients Should Avoid
1. Sugary Beverages
Sugary drinks cause rapid spikes in blood sugar levels and provide little to no nutritional value.
Examples: Sodas, fruit juices, sweetened coffee and tea, energy drinks, and flavored waters.
2. Refined Carbohydrates
Refined carbs are quickly digested and converted into sugar, leading to high blood sugar levels.
Examples: White bread, white rice, pastries, candies, and most packaged snack foods.
3. Trans Fats
Trans fats can increase the risk of heart disease and should be avoided, especially for diabetics who are already at a higher risk for cardiovascular issues.
Examples: Margarine, fried foods, and many commercially baked goods like cookies and pastries.
4. Processed Meats
Processed meats are high in sodium and unhealthy fats, which can negatively impact blood sugar control and heart health.
Examples: Bacon, sausages, hot dogs, and deli meats.
5. High-Sugar Foods
Foods high in sugar can cause significant blood sugar spikes and should be limited or avoided.
Examples: Candy, cakes, cookies, ice cream, and sugary cereals.
6. High-Sodium Foods
Excess sodium can raise blood pressure and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, which is a concern for diabetics.
Examples: Processed foods, canned soups, salty snacks, and restaurant or fast food.
Tips for Healthy Eating with Diabetes
Portion Control: Even healthy foods can affect blood sugar if eaten in large quantities. Monitor portion sizes to manage your carbohydrate intake.
Regular Meals: Eating at regular intervals helps maintain steady blood sugar levels throughout the day.
Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water supports overall health and can help control blood sugar levels.
Monitor Blood Sugar: Keep track of your blood sugar levels to understand how different foods affect your body.
Consult a Dietitian: A registered dietitian can provide personalized advice and help you create a meal plan that meets your nutritional needs.
Managing diabetes through diet involves choosing foods that stabilize blood sugar levels and support overall health while avoiding those that cause spikes. Non-starchy vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, healthy fats, and low-glycemic fruits should be staples in a diabetic’s diet. Conversely, sugary beverages, refined carbs, trans fats, processed meats, high-sugar foods, and high-sodium foods should be limited or avoided. By making informed food choices and following healthy eating habits, diabetics can effectively manage their condition and improve their quality of life.
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