#can he reflexively tell you whether or not any given number is prime - yes.
milesmentis · 2 years
No pressure ask: share a detail about Daren Cousland that you don't feel like you get to talk about enough. (It could be a character trait, a fluffy headcanon, a childhood moment, anything goes!)
Not to give you yet another reason to love my son, but Daren is great at math! There's nothing I like more than joking about him being kind of a dumbass, but even though his intelligence is average at best he EXCELLS at logic problems. Tactics is basically statistics and a surprising amount of medieval battle strategy was based on algebra. He has exceptional spacial awareness and his companions think its a little uncanny how accurate his estimates for weight, time, and distance are. He's the kind of guy who converts miles and kilometers in his head using the Fibonacci Sequence and then gets confused when other people don't consider that a "quick and easy trick"
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