#can it be tagged as dinostar? yeah i guess
hadesisqueer · 4 months
It's gonna be so messy when the others find out Brooklynn is alive.
Like, it's the second time someone in the group is believed dead but then turns out to be alive, yeah, but the situations are completely different. Ben was quite literally snatched away —in front of their very eyes— by a Pteranodon and separated from them. They thought he was dead, and he thought he was alone at the island and stuck on one side of the jungle at first if I recall, so not like he had a choice at first when it came to tell them; he didn't know they were still in the island too until he overheard Mitch and Tiff, I believe. And the others were obviously shocked to see he was alive, but were super happy rather quickly.
Now, Brooklynn? Yeah, they will definitely be shocked at the fact that she's alive. And happy, too, I guess. But they're also gonna be angry, and with reason. Because Brooklynn wasn't snatched away and all. It's not a "oh, we thought we watched you die but you were just separated from us and you're alive" situation like Ben's. Brooklynn literally faked her death. And how long has it been? Months? Nearly a year? She never contacted any of them to tell them the truth in all that time, she let them believe that she was dead. Like, okay, we know there's a good reason why she did that, and I'm sure she'll explain everything and they'll end up understanding. But that obviously won't take away the trauma, and the pain the rest of the group felt while they were grieving her, not at all.
So, yeah, while there might be one or two members of the Camp Fam that might understand and forgive easily, I'm pretty sure that the others —most of all Kenji and Darius— are gonna be pissed at first, most of all considering that Kenji for example was already questioning how many things she had been hiding from them, and now it turns out that she hides that she's alive too. And Darius' deal-- man, I'm sure they're probably going to show flashbacks or at least elaborate on the whole living together thing, and that he fell for her and somehow she found out and how Darius thought it was unrequited and that's why apparently didn't show up that night-- yeah, Darius' reaction and the whole dynamic between those two when she returns is gonna be pretty interesting.
Anyway, the whole deal is gonna be a mess and I'll be delighted to watch lmao.
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