#can make me hate spiders
dirtytransmasc · 6 months
no matter how hard they tried to pit you guys against each other, they could never make me hate any of you
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just cause I like one, doesn't mean I have to hate the others. I love all 4 of my silly little babies.
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sciderman · 2 months
Which do you prefer, Spideypool or Poolverine?
glances at my decade-long running spider-man and deadpool blog
...hm. good question. i'll have to think about th
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you see Girls, i have this chronic clinical condition that has me vulnerable to sympathizing with irredeemable villains we as the audience are supposed to reject and despise in according to the narrative. it's called Woobifyitis. it's fatal and when i inevitably die in six days im going to be buried right inbetween malistaire and morganthe where i belong
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yantao-enthusiast · 4 months
i’ve come to the conclusion after watching heartbreak high, that personally i will forgive and defend characters for being unhinged and insane (rowan) or even just cunts if they have redeemable qualities (probably most of the cast but particularly amerie and harper and yes spider too now) but i will NOT stand characters that are fucking annoying (sasha ,,, srsly my girl quinni did NOT deserve that!!!!)
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naavispider · 1 year
Me preparing to post yet another Spider-gets-hurt-and-needs-to-be-taken-care-of-by-Quaritch oneshot
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redriotinggg · 11 months
When Sanji is bitten by a spider that has eaten the Cupid-Cupid Fruit, the Straw Hats learn there is only one way to cure his illness.
A genuine love confession.
There’s only one crewmate capable of the job.
(read on ao3!!)
The Straw Hats have stopped at a small summer island to gather supplies, stock up on necessities, and do any repairs to the Sunny.
When the bulk of the hard work has been done, their captain insists on a bonfire, having found a perfect clearing in the forest.
Sanji’s by the grill, cooking up plenty of burgers, hotdogs, kebabs, and other barbecued treats to fill his crew’s voracious appetites.
He happily watches his crew enjoy their afternoon—Brook’s violin emitting a joyful tune, Nami and Robin engaged in an intense game of cards, Franky enthusiastically sketching something onto a large page, Zoro fast asleep on the grass, and Luffy, Chopper, and Usopp running around as they play their own variation of tag.
Perhaps Sanji’s gaze is drawn to one of his crewmates in particular, following the flow of his curly hair, smiling at the sound of his laughter.
Perhaps. Sanji won’t tell.
“Woah! Look at that!”
The rowdy trio’s game of tag comes to a halt at Chopper’s cry. Luffy and Usopp look to where the reindeer is pointing, their eyes lighting up when they spot the thing that caught his attention.
“Cool!” Luffy begins to race over, but he’s stopped by Usopp.
“Wait! Don’t run, you’ll scare it!”
The trio carefully make their way over to a nearby tree, their attention grabbed by a fairly large spider.
Sanji shudders when he sees the creature. He looks away, focusing on the food. He is not interested in the further details of their exploration.
Luffy, Chopper, and Usopp fawn over the spider, speculating on its species and origins.
“It’s markings kinda look like hearts,” Usopp observes. “They’re even a pinkish-red colour.”
“Aw, so cute!” Chopper squeals.
“I’m gonna name it Cupid!” Luffy declares. “That guy’s in charge of hearts ‘n stuff, right? This lil' girl could be his pet or something,” he laughs.
A bit later, Sanji calls out to them. “Oi, get your asses over here, the food’s ready! And wash your hands if you’ve been touching bugs!”
Saying their goodbyes to Cupid, the boys rush over to claim their dinner.
The crew happily enjoys their meal, thanking Sanji with wide grins that only get wider when he presents them with dessert.
As the evening turns to night, the crew wind down, packing away their belongings and making their way back to the Sunny.
“Are you sure we can’t stay and camp?” Luffy whines. “It’s like, the perfect night for it! We've got the perfect spot!”
“No,” Nami denies flatly. “We didn’t bring the stuff for it and it’s already getting late. Plus, I want to sleep in my own bed. Now hurry up and get going! Franky! Turn on your flashlights, I can’t see!”
“One set of nipple lights, comin’ up! Ow!”
Usopp and Sanji take up the rear, picking up the last of Sanji’s portable kitchen gear. The chef is happily listening to the sniper’s latest tale when he feels a pinch on his ankle.
“Ow! What the hell?”
“Sanji! Are you okay?”
“Yeah. I think something just bit me.”
Usopp looks in the grass, trying to find the culprit. When he does, he gasps. “It’s the spider from before! Cupid, why’d you go and bite Sanji? That’s not nice!”
“‘Cause it’s a good for nothing insect,” Sanji grumbles.
“Actually, it’s an arachnid—”
“You better not have poisoned me, you stupid bug,” Sanji yells at the spider, which scurries away.
“It’d be venom, not poison.”
“You are not helping!” Sanji snaps. “What is this, a Robin impression? Stop with the unnecessary bug facts, this shit hurts!”
“Does it really? You should get Chopper to look at it as soon as we get back to the ship. Here, gimme your stuff, I’ll carry if for you.”
“I can carry it myself, asshole. I’m not that weak.”
“Really? ‘Cause if you’re in pain, the Great Usopp would be more than happy to carry you back to the Sunny.” Usopp smirks and flexes his muscular arms, sending Sanji a wink.
Sanji pretends like his heart isn’t trying to escape his chest and throw itself at Usopp’s feet.
Internally, Sanji is a mess. Externally, he rolls his eyes and hefts his baggage further in his arms.
“You do two push-ups and think you’re a strong guy now, huh? C’mon, let’s go before any other bugs try to make a meal outta me.”
When they make it back to the Sunny, all of their things put away, Usopp continues to hover by Sanji, his concern rising with each passing moment.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Usopp asks. “You’re all red. You shouldn’t be sweating this much.”
“‘M fine,” Sanji mumbles. The way he sways on the spot doesn’t do much to help his case.
Usopp holds him steady, in full crisis mode as he watches the usually stable chef falter. He hoists Sanji in his arms, dashing to the infirmary. “CHOPPER!”
“What happened?” the doctor asks. Usopp puts Sanji on the bed and recounts the tale.
By now, the rest of the crew has come to investigate the cause of the commotion. They all stand in the doorway, shocked to see their crewmate suddenly so ill.
“It’s only been like 20 minutes! Why does he look bad already? Sanji, don’t die!”
Usopp’s dramatic cry unfortunately has some merit. Sanji doesn’t look well. He is the complete opposite of the perfect picture of health he was less than an hour ago. In just a few minutes, Sanji seems to have lost all of his energy. He’s flushed and sweating, breathing heavily and brows furrowed as he fights some type of pain. Even his usually shiny hair is limp and brittle-looking.
Usopp’s heart positively breaks at the sight.
“I can’t make him a proper anti-venom without knowing exactly what type of spider that was,” Chopper states. He clicks his tongue as he looks at the inflamed, red bite mark on Sanji’s ankle.
“Brook, you help me get Sanji out of this suit. Everyone else, get out so I can treat him. Now!”
The rest of the crew gather on the deck, concern on all of their faces.
“Usopp,” Robin says, pulling the sniper from his worsening spiral of anxiety. “You said Sanji was bit by the same spider that you saw in the forest, right? Draw me a picture. We can use it to get information from the locals.”
Usopp nods. He runs off to the galley and grabs a sketchpad nestled between Sanji’s collection of recipes and cookbooks. Before long, he’s got multiple drawings of the spider, complete with colours and accurate depictions of its heart-shaped markings.
Franky and Nami go to the hospital to ask about an anti-venom while Luffy, Zoro, and Robin go ask around town.
On the Sunny, Usopp paces back and forth, biting his nails and their beds away to nothing as worry engulfs him. He peeks into the infirmary, heart breaking a little more every time he catches a glimpse of Sanji’s pained face.
“Sanji will be alright,” Brook assures him when he exits the room. “He’s stable for now. Our cook is strong. He’s got the best doctor caring for him and crewmates desperately seeking out information. He’ll pull through.”
Usopp tries his very best to believe him.
The rest of the crew returns to the Sunny in less than an hour. Everyone, except Sanji, who’s resting in the infirmary, gathers at the kitchen table.
“Turns out that our little spider has eaten a Devil Fruit,” Robin tells them. “Everyone in the area is familiar with the spider that has eaten the Cupid-Cupid fruit.”
“Wait, the spider is actually related to Cupid? That’s hilarious! I’m like a fortune teller! Hahahaha! Ow!” Luffy rubs his sore head, pouting at Nami.
“A bite from the Cupid Spider can do multiple things, depending on who is bitten," Robin continues. "However, it only causes illness in someone who has a requited love but has not actually expressed their love. To save Sanji, whoever is in love with him must tell him the breadth of their true feelings, lest he remain bedridden forever. Or worse.”
The crew sits in silence for a moment, reflecting on the information.
“Alright, who’s in love with Sanji?” Luffy demands.
All eyes go to Usopp.
He is so red in the face Chopper is concerned he'll pass out. His eyes are so wide Zoro wonders if they'll pop out of his head.
"What are you waiting for?" Nami cries. "Get in there and confess your love so Sanji gets better!"
"I-I-I-I-I-I'm not—"
"Oh, please, this is not the time for your anxious, denial bullshit! Go fix Sanji!"
"Can't we just kill the spider instead?" he suggests meekly.
Luffy and Chopper gasp in betrayal.
"That would be a bad idea," Robin warns. "That spider is very well-respected on this island. Causing it harm would no doubt incur the wrath of all the locals. There is nothing you can do but speak from the heart."
"You got this, Usopp-bro! Just tell Sanji how you feel! It'll turn out super!"
On stiff legs and with wobbly knees, Usopp leaves the galley and makes his way back to the infirmary, deaf to the sounds of his crew's encouragements.
Despite his desperate pleas to the universe, Sanji is awake when Usopp steps inside. He looks even worse than before. His skin is pale, covered in a sheen of sweat. His eyes are lidded and he's got bags under them like he hasn't slept in days. But even still, a smile lights up his face when he sees the sniper.
"Usopp," he says, voice quiet and raspier than usual. His smile is no less bright.
"Sanji," Usopp returns, taking a seat next to the bed. "I've got news. So, turns out that the spider that bit you has a Devil Fruit power."
Sanji scoffs. "Of course it does. Just my fucking luck. So, what? It ate the Sick-Sick fruit and now I'll feel like shit forever?"
Usopp chuckles drily. "No, nothing like that. We can actually help you pretty easily. Or, I can, anyway. I just... I have to... to..."
The sniper closes his eyes as a fresh wave of anxiety washes over him. He can't do this! It's too scary! But he has to.
How many times has he been in this position? Forced to watch someone he loves suffer from an illness, unable to do anything but try and distract them from their pain.
This time is different. Usopp can stop this. He can stop Sanji's suffering. All he has to do is be honest.
Well, best to rip off the band-aid.
Taking a deep breath, Usopp grabs Sanji's clammy hand in both of his. "I love you!"
"I-I've loved you for a long time, Sanji," Usopp admits, and the words start flowing, unable to stop. "I don't know when exactly it started, but I know that I do because I think you're so amazing! You're so cool, and strong, and talented. I love that you act all grumpy but you're actually extremely kind and considerate. I love spending time with you! I love it when you tell me stories about Zeff and the Baratie. I love that you always ask me questions when I'm telling you about something because you make me feel heard. I love that you always wrap your arms around me when we party. I love it when you smile at me and dance with me.
"I love how you look in the early morning and when the sun is setting. Well, I love how you look all the time because you're so gorgeous it isn't fair! All handsome and pretty at the same time. You dress nice, and you smell nice, and you make me food and protect me—! Sanji, I love you!
"I'm sorry it took a stupid spider to force me to say it but I lov-"
Usopp's speech is cut off as desperate lips meet his own. He melts into Sanji's embrace, returning the kiss with all he's got. His heart is beating so fast he thinks it might pop right out of his chest, but nothing could possibly take him away from this moment.
When they pull apart, foreheads resting against one another, Usopp is taken aback by Sanji's appearance. He looks as healthy as ever, save for his very intense blush. But his eyes are shining and his smile is hopeful and adoring.
"Do you mean it, Usopp? Do you really feel that way about me?"
"I do. A-And you? D-do you feel...?"
"The same," Sanji promises. "Everything that you said, I feel the same way. Usopp, I love you! I—did you really just cure me with a love confession?"
Usopp blinks, and then he bursts out into laughter. Sanji joins him, the two holding one another as they laugh at the absurdity of the situation, their hearts full to bursting.
"Anything is possible on the Grand Line," Usopp reminds him. "Especially for the number one lover on the seas, the great Captain Usopp!"
"Number one lover, huh? I don't know if I believe that." Sanji pulls Usopp in close, whispering into his ear. "I think you'll have to show me."
"T-that can be arranged."
Usopp leans in and Sanji goes to meet him, lips pressing together again, and again, and again.
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camellcat · 8 months
WTFFF I thought thirteen would be my new girl crush love of my life heart eyes wife you-came-after-twelve-you-must-be-better-than-they're-all-saying bbygirl and then I had to sit down and watch as she told a man who (if he were not a murderer, of course) literally every regeneration before her would've LOVED and FULLY SUPPORTED that "the systems aren't the problem. how people use and exploit the system, that's the problem. people like you" </33333 !?!?
#WHERE IS THAT POST THAT SAID NINE WOULD KILL THIRTEEN FOR BEING A CLASS TRAITOR#WHY WOULD YOU SAY “ERODE PEOPLE'S TRUST IN AUTOMATION” ALL WORRIED AND CONCERNED LIKE THAT???#WHEN DID YOU START LIKING AUTOMATION OVER PEOPLE THINKING AND DOING THINGS FOR THEMSELVES???#AND WHY ARE YOU TRAVELING WITH A COPPER??? WE HATE COPPERS??????#did we FORGET into the dalek?? how about how he treated danny?? god there's so much more I can't even remember off the top of my head#(I understand soldiers are different from cops but c'mon don't even PRETEND twelve would've been any nicer if blue or danny were just COPS)#also a bit off topic bUT MAY I JUST TALK ABOUT ARACHNIDS IN THE UK FOR HALF A GODAMNED SECOND—#I know the companions are usually the ones to do the doctor's dirty work here but like#I just can't see the other doctors NOT having the business man lure the spider for being so fuckin annoying about it#like I was genuinely surprised when they had him do that whole song and dance about not doing it and then he actually just. didn't do it#the doctor LOVES fucking with evil rich business men this is PERFECT. plus why not get back at him for being awful to their companions?#absolutely gobsmacked thirteen let him act like that. I am wrong in thinking that the others would've shut his shit down a LOT quicker??#anyways. I love jodie whittaker and it's just so upsetting to have her doctor do something so wildly off#THIRTEEN PLEASE I HAD SUCH FAITH IN YOUUU I WAS IGNORING THE HATERS AND FOR WHAT#I can SEE the other doctors in her still I can FEEL them they're there she's doing an AMAZING job but. oh my god. what did they make her do#I can't even say she feels ooc as a whole because jodie is bloody brilliant. it's just these... moments. that don't make ANY sense to me...#especially coming off of twelve?? I get the radical personality switch but that belief is a core part of the doctor. or at least I THOUGHT#thirteenth doctor#doctor who#I still love all of you who love her and reading ur posts/fics but I. will not be making any myself. I do not think.
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yell-oh-theokayone · 3 months
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May I offer spidersona 🥺
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zoobus · 9 months
What's the 'public domming' you got to do as a result of being good at school?
Maybe it would be better described as light public humiliation? My higher end classes would have us engage in informal and formal debate to better our understanding of the material and I while I was naturally good at making convincing, authoritative sounding arguments on the fly, I relished in making my opponents look stupid, I took excessive pleasure in the embarrassed faces and defensive backpedaling when they fell for verbal traps I'd lay out.
I don't remember exactly what I said, but I was once paired to debate this really cute girl and passively (but intentionally) coaxed her into making a really bad point, one that allowed me to insta-kill with a "so you're saying you think we should kill poor people hm" type reply and her face went shock -> confusion -> despair upon realizing that's exactly what she suggested -> embarrassed frustration. Stammering a bit before exploding "YES Mila I'm saying poor people should die!" before humphing back to her seat while the rest of the class hooted and hollered. Nothing felt as good.
Being good at school for me meant many opportunities to do this kind of thing, manipulating classmates and even teachers into saying the wrong thing so I could publicly own them. Weirdly enough, this did not make me unpopular.
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starlooove · 6 months
No bc fuck tim but it really really bothers me how people ignore his growth like he used to be an asshole and I’ll give tim Stans one thing: now he’s so so so stale but what I disagree with is that this staleness is bc nobody likes him like it’s in fact the exact opposite where everyone likes him so much they dont want to do anything. Even when it’s him surface level challenging Bruce it’s when everyone else is doing it too; but he’s still the backbone of the fam! Etc. and it’s so irritating bc him gaining more compassion and empathy even for people he doesn’t fw is so fun to watch and that’s why the captain boomerang thing was so out of character! (Not in a from the author way but in a tim wouldn’t do that and he and Bruce both knew it which is why it went down like it did. Same way dick killing joker was ooc; not in fanon sense but in a he would hate himself forever for this sense) and speaking of that it’s such an interesting mirror to Bruce who genuinely believes that everyone can grow vs Tim’s it doesn’t matter if they grow it’s not my decision to make like it’s the same but it’s not AND WITH CASS’ IT DOESNT MATTER IF THEY CHOOSE NOT TO GROW I WONT DO IT! like ugh. And anyways even when people acknowledge it they boil it down to “Janet and Jack taught him that the capitalist pigs that they are” like no. This is who tim was. Tim was the kind of guy who’d blame a dead kid for dying. That’s ok. Also Janet and Jack? Please reread anything involving them that’s not a fic like Jack had anger issues and they were both aloof at worst like relax.
#the Jack and Janet thing is both an understatement and an exaggeration but I don’t think anyone reads enough to care#some tim stan might get all pissy and be like ‘no look this is everytime jack yelled at him and boarding schools are abusive’ to which#and its like narratively that means nothing bc the tim you made up to justify the Drake parents you made up by blowing shit out of#proportion is also made up and if all of that was abusive there’d be smth to show for it besides ur homophobic Jack#too girlboss to care but still terrible Janet bc god forbid a woman have a personality from ur fics#anyways that’s also the reason I’m ignoring the council of spiders#well two reasons#first is that was just a moment to make tim look cool and did absolutely nothing for him or his character moving on#like at all#I’d say it fucked with his previous established dislike of killing for his own reasons#and while that COULD be interesting it’s not bc they didn’t do shit with it#and fanon doesn’t do fun shit with it either#nothing about how tim in his most manic state did shit he doesn’t want to remember shit he’d HATE other ppl for#just “’remember what I did to ur base Ra’s? mess with me again and see what I do next 😼’#like ok can you be real and genuine?#anyways I think#AND NOT IN A HATER WAY#Tim would benefit from being humbled#like genuinely I detest the world can’t move without tim running it but the idea that tim thinks that way is so good to me#and#I think next step being him realizing that’s not true would be a BIG push for his character#bc like I said tim Stans are right in the fact that he’s stale as hell rn#but that’s bc there’s nothing to say bc there’s nowhere to go! y’all want a tim action story where he shows off how badass he is reread#the Bruce quest and maybe it’ll remind you he’s not ceo lmao but anyways there’s nothing internal to say about him atp bc nobody wants to#say anything that’s not propping him up. same with Bruce! Gotham war was such a copout but it’s like ppl are saying he’s stale and it’s bc#god forbid he makes a lasting fumble. and I’m not under the illusion this is new I’m just saying it’s weird that fandoms not clocking it#anywayyys I really do like thinking about the No killing rule and how different it manifests for each perosn#like the way each distinct difference tells u so much about them#UGH ONLY SLIGHTLY RELATED BUT DUUUUUKE BEING LIKE IDGAF ABOUT GUNS LIKE UR SO REAAAL#anyways enough tim positivity for today FUCK THAT NIGGA!
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inferno-ontherocks · 30 days
Oh look, someone on tiktok found a new way to make me cry about the crane scene from tasm 😭
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oldmemoria · 1 year
Thank you, character ai
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I quickly doodled this on ibisPaint because I’m working on something in procreate and I don’t want to interrupt that 🤭
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sereniv · 2 months
I saved a daddy long legs!
i was scared and (i know dont @ me) was considering spraying him because I still fear spiders and spider-look-a-likes
up until past few years ive been working really hard on figuring out how to save them rather than kill bc ofc, it doesnt align with my views to kill them
normally i let my dog eat them to justify it- ironically, bc "im not killing them, my dog is"
but he was in one place, not moving and i was on the toilet, so i took the time to read up about him.
i named him, forced myself to, and to call him cute, so that it would make it harder for me to go through with killing him
i tried to imagine him being curious, or scared, or relaxing. Though i know most likely they arent capable of it in a way we can understand, it still helped me see him as no different than my dog or cat or me, rather than "just a bug' or some type of 'scary thing'
and in the end i saved him! container and a folder.
i still was scared, but seeing the (idk another word) humanity in him, the value he has and that he has for himself as a living being, helped make it possible to save him
its still really hard, and on occasion i do end up killing spiders or having my dog eat them when its quick scenarios where i dont have time to think it through
but compared to years ago ive gone from saving 0 to maybe 80%
and this is one of those moments where, its not exactly possible for me to push myself because it can undo all the work ive done. and thats ok.
this is the best i can do right now and im proud of myself.
my best, is not how i imagine my best being. in my mind, i could push myself harder but thats not practical.
doing your best is strategic.
im just so glad i didnt kill him. reading about him, learning about him, appreciating his role, and labeling him cute and giving him a name helped a lot
and sometimes, anthropomorphizing animals can be beneficial. i know he doesnt feel fear and curiosity like i do, but if it means not unnecessarily taking a life, then he does to me in that moment
#anyway#i havnt had a lot of oppurtunities like this where i went from deciding to spray and kill to having time to think it through#so it feels a little different than usual#i think it also helps hes not a spider#but i can feel it made me a little more confident#and truly i used to not sleep for like at least 2 nights if a spider was in the room AND CAUGHT#and killed!#i used to be so scared i would get dizzy and have panic attacks and feel like i had to throw up#this was before i went vegan but even after#even with my mindset changed with how i viewed all animals i still would kill spiders bc i was scared#and i never even really tried. i would justify it by making my dog eat them or i would justify it with my fear#my strong reaction justified me killing them. and id try not to mention it and forget it was a part of my life bc i knew#that my actions didnt align with my morals. like i was well aware of the hypocrisy#and some might thing whats the big deal. but that little guy is part of thr ecosystem. i shouldnt decide that they dont get to live#simply because im afraid. at what point is it then wrong to do so to any other animal? how small do they have to be?#is it ok when its only a bug? id say people would object to someone killing a butterfly out of fear simply bc a butterfly is beautiful#killing mice is acceptable bc we label them pests simply bc they are trying to survive off our items on property they have no understanding#of. so yeah. im not ok with it and i hate that it took me so long to work towards fixing it.#and my friends have held it to me and im glad.
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greatestmeepboie · 4 months
Spoiler for body horror below the cut
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The refs are here!!!!! Here are the main characters of my horror story The Isolated!!
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Out of all of the characters to have trauma, Sandra is the most trauma-free. She does have her dad to worry about on those nightly hunts, but even though she knows he'll be fine, there's still that twinge of worry
Also everyone start throwing your tomatoes at Laura she's a bastard boooooooooooo BOOOOOOOOO WE HATE YOU LAURA BOOOOOOOOO
All the other characters have a playlist (Laura kind of has a playlist but there's only like three songs in there) besides Sandra, and I definitely want to start making her a playlist. California Dreamin will definitely be the first song to go on there. She, Derik, and Frederick make me really happy and I should make art of them sometime soon (probably tomorrow or some time before next Monday because I got band camp eweeeeeee)
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userkoo · 1 year
existing with a phobia is hell on earth and i am truly sorry to anyone who has to live with one :/
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blujayonthewing · 5 months
I really should not try to add 'create video content, a thing I have never done before' to my cicada plans when I've already got a lot of other stuff to keep track of but I do kinda want to on account of I do wanna try eating some and I'm really annoyed that almost everything I could find about doing that is framed as 'WOOOAAHH EEEUUUGH you can EAT?? these HUGE DISGUSTING BUGS???? watch me EAT some BUGS OOOAAHHHH' like okay I get it we live in the culture we live in but there's really not even one video on this from the perspective of approaching entomophagy in the spirit of sincere openness and curiosity??
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