#can you tell how srs i am as a writer and rper
questir-a · 7 years
OK AND ALSO 3 & 15 for the character building meme
@emilyplaysgames | character building meme (always accepting tbh)
3. How did you choose their name?
I jabbed the randomizer button in the naming section so many times to get Masaaki Kagon and decided to stick with Masaki Kagon! Once I progressed further into the game and got wrapped up in the storyline, I read up on the Kagon tribe to find that they were really... pale... which didn’t fit with Masaki’s appearance (or his habits) and I wasn’t very attached to Kagon, so I decided to stick him into the Qestir tribe (because silent protagonist haha) and read up some more on Xaela naming lore.
And after lots of research and waffling around, I renamed him Mongke Qestir—but kept Masaki because, well, everyone I was playing with was calling me Masaki at that point sooo I came up with a reason why he still went by that first name (and that was because a, he never told anyone his real name save for a few people; and b, he wrote his name wrong and now everyone calls him by the misread name).
Wow, this was a long-winded answer LMFAO.
15. What is something about your OC can make you laugh? 
I can list a few things, one of them being that he’s actually kind of dumb and oblivious in certain aspects. And whenever he gets knocked off his own pedestal every time someone taller/stronger/smarter than him shows up. Or whenever he embarrasses himself in front of people he really likes (thus leading to me having secondhand embarrassment for him). Outside of the general misery that surrounds him and his past, Masaki is a hilarious character to play.
Also I’m still laughing over the fact that he can barely cook without setting something on fire and/or burning some ingredient inadvertently because he thought using his own magic would speed up the cooking process.
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