#can you tell i just watched the ‘you could be beautiful’ monologue?
here’s my vision: rose and metacrisis ten get to live out the tenrose love story for all of time and it’s beautiful, while fucked up twisted cycle path time lord victorious Real Ten gets to have kinky you know what with the master in the tardis as he tries to keep him from murdering the universe for all of time
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miley1442111 · 3 months
insecurity- a.hotchner
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summary: aaron starts to overthink and doesn't realise how it's impacting the relaitionship.
pairing: aaron hotchner x fiancé! reader
warnings: angst, fluff, aaron is super insecure about his body, reader is upset with him, suggestive mentions, fade to black smut, kissing, aaron ignores reader and is kind of a dickhead, cursing, angsty for a moment (I think that's it?)
not entirely proofread
“Not good enough.” 
The sentence rang out in his mind as he knocked on your apartment door. 
“She’s too young for you, she’ll get bored.”
“Hi handsome,” your bright eyes met his, your perfect figure clad in a t-shirt and jeans, your hair done how he loved, and he smiled. 
“Hi beautiful,” he smiled. Adjectives became names with him. You smiled. “Ready to go?”
“All packed and ready,” you smiled. 
You were moving in. And Aaron was shitting it. 
“How could she ever find you attractive?” “She’s too young for you.” “Jack will hate you when she leaves you.”
He’d been a careful and logistical man his entire life, and all of that, all the walls and things he’d put in place to protect himself had disintegrated when you confessed to him and asked him out. 
“Hey boss,” you smiled, knocking on his open door. “Can I talk to you?”
He’d smiled and nodded. It was 9pm, much later than you usually stayed ‘til. It had been months of fleeting glances, scorching touches, and mixed signals. Tonight was the night you’d change that. 
“Of course,” he’d offered you a seat and you smiled up at him. He thought you were gorgeous, even after the excessive amount of running you’d all had to do (since the unsub almost got away), and the long three days of no sleep. 
“Can I say something? And if it’s weird, or wrong, or if it makes you uncomfortable please just tell me to shut up and-”
“I’d never tell you to shut up,” Aaron chuckled, god much he liked you was getting pathetic. 
You smiled. “I’d like to go out with you, like on a date,” You swallowed nervously. “Would that be something you’d be interested in?”
Aaron’s entire throat went dry and a million thoughts ran through his head, every single one of them about you.
“She’s joking, there’s no way she’d ever-”
“I’d be very interested,” his lips moved before his brain could even comprehend what he was saying. Every wall, everything that he’d put up to protect himself, it all crumbled to the ground in an instant. You had a knack for making him feel completely raw, completely at your mercy, and he hated to love it.
You smiled. Your beautiful, indescribable smile. “Good,” you were trying to not smile so hard, but it was proving difficult when he was sitting there so prettily, so Aaron. “How about Thursday, since Fridays are you and Jack time? I know this great tapas bar?”
You even knew Fridays didn’t work since they were ‘Jack and Dad night’. Could you be more perfect? “That sounds great.” 
You’d left his office with a smile on your face. He watched you leave and realised he was fucked.
“Earth to Aaron?” You waved a hand in front of his face. “You alright?”
“I’m alright,” he chuckled. “Don’t worry.”
“Dad’s a crazy old man!” Jack giggled. You both laughed along, but Aaron couldn’t help but feel the sting. He knew it was a joke, he knew this was all irrational, but it still hurt all the same.  
“Jack!’ you scolded playfully. “He’s only 48.”
Jack rolled his eyes and laughed, then got in the car. 
“You’re not crazy to me,” you pressed a quick kiss to his lips and smiled.  “Promise.”
He smiled back, but he was still riddled with anxiety, and he was scared. Aaron hadn’t been scared since Floyd. He was scared because he knew the power you had over him, and he knew you didn’t even know the magnitude of that power. You were his guiding star, his everything. 
“I love you,” He beamed, despite the inner monologue that was tormenting him.
You softened. “I love you too. Ready to go?”
“All ready,” he smiled. 
The first week, you could tell something was up with Aaron. He was quieter, less physical, and seemingly, work was more interesting than you.
You frowned every time he came home late and left for work early, just wanting a moment or two alone with your fiancé. When you met him at work, it wasn’t much different which, granted, wasn’t unusual. He was averse to pda, especially in the workplace, and  he didn’t much like sharing his personal life with the team unless it was completely necessary. 
But it was getting strange when even on cases where you’d be sharing a hotel room, he’d choose not to have sex, citing that he was too tired.
Now, your sex life was great, he was great. You hadn't gone more than a week without having sex since the first time you did it, which was a month into your relationship. Had you done something to annoy him? You weren’t sure. 
Living with you was a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, you were always there. On the other hand, you were always there. He dug himself deeper, hating the scars on his body and the way his hair greyed at the roots. He hated the extra fat he’d put on, and decided to work himself harder in the gym. He hadn’t gone in a while, choosing to spend his time with you instead. Why did he feel like this? Aaron Hotchener had always been a smart, logical, confident man. Now? He was scared to be shirtless in front of his own fiancé. It’s not like he didn’t think he was handsome, he knew he was good-looking. Maybe not as good as he did in his prime, but still good-looking. It’s just that you were so… young and so beautiful. You two were so opposites, he was 48 and you were practically fresh out of the academy in his eyes (You were not fresh out of the academy, you’d been working with him for years). When you two went out, people hit on you, and you had to point to him and say that he was your boyfriend. The way the guys looked at him, the younger, more attractive guys, made him feel small. 
Aaron Hotchner did not like feeling small, so he decided to make a change. No sex (unless initiated by you) until he felt confident again. 
When would that be, you may ask? He had no clue. 
Ok, three weeks with no sex and you were even more worried. But, at least you two had the weekend off since work was quiet and Jack was off to Jessica’s to be with his cousins.
You walked into his office to see him sweaty and clearly more tired than usual. Aaron had been coming home later, not at all interested in wedding planning, and just not mentally in the room with you or Jack in recent weeks. It was worrying you to say the least. Were you losing him? Was he cheating? 
“Hey boss, here’s the reports from me, Jj, Spencer, and Derek,” You handed him the reports from the last cases, and he barely looked up at you. You felt something other than hurt and confusion started to bubble, anger. Why the fuck was he treating you like this? You’d done nothing that you were aware of and anyways, he had no right to not talk to you if he was upset. He’s a grown man, he can talk about his fucking feelings. 
You walked out without another word, deciding that it was time to be angry, not worried. 
You got home later than usual, deciding to head out to dinner with Penelope after work, and when you got inside you found Aaron on the couch, waiting up for you. 
“Where were you?” He asked through gritted teeth. Oh, now he wanted to talk. 
“Out,” your answer was short, and ambiguous enough to warrant other questions. 
“Where?” he asked again. 
“Y/n,” his voice was low.  
“With Penelope.”
He sighed and got up, walking over to you. “Why aren’t you talking to me?”
The look of annoyance on your face made him stop in his tracks. 
“Why am I not talking to you?! You’ve been ignoring me for 3 fucking weeks Aaron!” you shot back. “You come home late, you’re never here when you are here, you ignore me at work, you ignore me at home, I’m the one hanging out with Jack on the weekends, not you and we haven’t so much as kissed in three weeks. If you want me to move back out i-if this is too much for you, I can do that, I don’t mind. I’m just so sick of being treated like I don’t exist, like I’m not your fucking fiancé,” your voice got smaller as you went on, realising just how frustrated you were getting with it all. “It’s not fair Aaron.”
Aaron could feel his heart breaking, while his insecurities swallowed him up, he forgot about how it would make you feel and how it would impact your relationship. “Honey I’m-”
“I love you Aaron. I love you so much, and for a while I thought I did something wrong, like really really wrong. Like maybe I overstepped with Jack, or maybe I upset you somehow. And if I’m right, please just tell me. These last few weeks have been torture trying to figure out why you’re mad,” you begged, small tears cascading down your cheeks as emotion overcame you. 
Aaron hadn’t remembered how good it felt to be told he was loved by you. Obviously you said it everyday, but it sometimes becomes ‘just a thing someone says’. But not with you. You said it with your full chest, only to people who meant something. Aaron meant something to you. He realised how he should have remembered that. He should have remembered that you had loved him despite how he looked and acted, that you stood by him during Foyet, not because you were in love with him (not yet anyway) but because you loved him (even if it was just as a friend then). You were the most loving person he’d ever met, and he felt ashamed that he;d ever let his insecurities blind him to the beautiful reality he was living. He was going to marry you. He was living with you. 
What was he thinking?
“I’m so sorry Honey,” he pleaded. “I was worried.”
You stood there dumbfounded. “Worried about what?” You spat. 
“I worried… that I was too old for you… that you’d look at me and think that you’re without,” he admitted. “Jack thinks I’m old, I thought it was only a matter of time before you came to the same conclusion. I’m not as young as you, and I don’t measure up in… well in looks. You’re fucking beautiful and stunning and beside you I’m just… me. Scars and all.” 
You sighed and took his hand. “You’re 48 Aaron, not 77. Alright? Better yet, you’re a hot 48 year old. But you know what’s better than that? You love me. You’re sweet to me, and you treat me well. I feel the love from you everyday. That’s what I give a shit about, that we love each other. Is that not what you care about?” you asked, a hint of insecurity in your voice. 
“Of course I care about that,” he nodded, glad you were letting him touch you. “I was just…”
“Getting your own head about things?” you finished for him and he nodded. “I understand. But in future please just come to me, yeah?”
“I’m sorry I made you cry,” he added, softly cupping your cheek and drying your wet eyes.  “I’m so sorry.”
You cracked a smile, chuckling lightly as you cupped his cheeks. “It’s ok.”
He shook his head. “No, it’s not.”
You chuckled as you pulled him in to kiss you. “It’s alright,” you whispered against his lips. You quickly pulled away realising you had another question to ask. “You’re not cheating on me, right? Like, why have you been coming home so late?”
He chuckled and smiled at you. “No, you’re enough for me to handle.”
“So what have you been doing,” you asked. 
He looked down in embarrassment. “It’s stupid.”
“I want to know,” you pushed, a smile on your face. 
“I’ve been going to the gym,” he admitted, his cheeks heating up. “Don’t laugh.”
You stared at him in shock, then playfully hit him on the chest. “You bitch! We could’ve been going together!” 
He laughed, then pressed his lips to yours again. “We will.” 
“Y’know what else I’ve missed?” you smirked as he pulled your waist into his. 
“What?” he pressed a kiss to your neck. 
He smirked. “Well, I do have a lot of making up to do, don’t I?”
You nodded, pulling towards the stairs. “Yes you do.”
As you two made it to the top of the stairs, he pressed his lips to yours again. “I love you.”
“Shut up and fuck me Aaron.”
criminal minds masterlist :)
navigation for my blog :) (criminal minds, obx, the bear, marvel, top gun, the hunger games :)
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unclewaynemunson · 10 months
After Vecna is defeated and the world goes back to normal for good, Steve thinks he can get on with his life. And for a while that's exactly what happens: his scars heal and, against everything he would have ever expected, Eddie heals right beside him.
But a year later, his life gets turned upside down in a whole new way. He gets one more hit to the head. It's a stupid accident, really, something involving a broken lightbulb, an old stepladder and an unfortunate fall. He loses pretty much all his sight. His once expressive brown eyes become hollow shells, one staring right ahead and one turned sideways, but both equally useless.
At first, the darkness is scary. It's frustrating, to be robbed of one of the few things he could always rely on. He has to get to know the world around him in a whole new way. There are days when he hates it, days when he wants to stay in bed in his room forever. There are days when he wants to scream, even days when he wants to cut his own eyes out like Victor Creel did before him.
But slowly, little by little, he learns to live with it. He grows a new appreciation for beautiful music and good food, things that stimulate his other senses that he now relies more heavily on. He develops a sharp ear for people's voices and intonations to make up for the loss of seeing their facial expressions. Where he used to love seeing Robin's bright eyes and Dustin's excited smile, he now treasures the sound of Dustin's laughter and the scent of Robin's cologne.
The one thing he will never stop missing, though, is Eddie's face. The way his eyes light up when he smiles. The way his mouth curves into that mischievous grin that Steve once fell in love with. The way his fluffy curls cascade over his back. Those are the things he misses the most.
There's a lot that makes up for that loss: he can cling to Eddie's arm whenever he wants, without having to worry about people taking their affectionate touches the wrong way. He gets to rely on Eddie's helping hand and to bask in Eddie's scent. And, most importantly: he gets to listen to Eddie's voice all the time, when he describes what's happening around them in lively phrases and with passion in his voice like the true storyteller he is.
“Do you know that there's one thing you're always leaving out when you're describing things to me?” Steve asks him one day, when he feels Eddie's hands move through the air around them during his excited monologue about the orange cat that is currently visiting their garden, chasing after butterflies and going after its own tail in the flowerbeds.
“Huh?” Eddie sounds confused.
“You're always leaving out the most important part,” Steve continues. He lifts his hand and slowly moves it to find Eddie's face. He feels his curls underneath his fingertips, then slides them further over Eddie's features.
“What do you mean, Stevie?”
“You never mention how you look. Only what you see. But if I could see, I'd be looking at you, Eddie. I'd watch your face. I can still remember that curve of your mouth, that crease between your eyebrows...” He lets his hand linger on the places he mentions. “But it's all becoming less clear. I'll never see it again. I don't wanna lose that.”
Steve feels his hand getting covered by another one, lets his fingers be guided across Eddie's cheek.
“You won't,” Eddie tells him softly. “There's no way I'll let you lose that.”
Steve can already feel the change in temperature underneath his fingers before Eddie speaks.
“I'm blushing right now, Stevie. Cause of what you said. And...” He guides Steve's hand further down over the uneven skin of his scarred cheek. “I'm smiling. Just a little bit. Not that wide smile I have when I'm messing with you, but the smaller one, the one that's just for you.”
Eddie squeezes his hand before he lets go. A moment later, his lips brush softly against Steve's, something that's not quite a kiss. Steve can feel that Eddie is about to pull back before it becomes anything more, but he presses back into Eddie's space, chases his warm lips with his own, and wraps his arms around Eddie's body to pull him closer.
Kissing is best without looking anyway.
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talaok · 11 months
Heyy, first, I'd like to say that I really love your writing, keep it up!
And I'd like to make a request, I know we all went crazy over Pedro on SNL (he looked so handsome!!!), and I would love to read a Pedro x Reader behind the scenes of the show, her watching, supporting, and being proud of Pedro, and then the two of them going out together to the SNL after party, dancing, kissing, enjoying each other's company, very fluffy, and a bit of smut at the end?
Pairing: Pedro pascal x f!reader
warnings: very very faint allusion to smut
a/n: he did look handsome and thank you so much love <3 (and yes this ask skipped the line bc as always it wouldn't have made sense for me to post it in two weeks)
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It was incredible how nervous he was. He'd done this already, and yet he was acting like a kid like at his first recital.
"you're gonna do amazing baby" you promised, standing on your toes to kiss his cheek "Now go out there and have fun"
His eyes anxiously danced around your face
"my heart's beating so fast" he huffed a laugh
"I know" you smiled, stoking his cheek "but remember, you have nothing to be scared of, you've done this already, and you were amazing at it, so just relax"
"ok" he took a breathy sigh "yeah, you're right. I can do this"
"that's it" you grinned, but before you could say anything more he was kissing you like it was the last time he ever could.
"Pedro?" his assistant's voice brought you back to reality "It's time"
You smiled as he leaned away.
"I love you" he promised, the honesty of that statement shining through his eyes
"I love you too baby" you murmured "Now go!" you said, giving him a playful push "Break a leg!"
__ __ __
As you already knew, everything went perfectly smoothly, he and Bad Bunny were an amazing duo, and you could just see how well they got on even with the cameras off.
The monologue was perfect, and you didn't miss any opportunity to cheer and laugh every time you could, but as much as you'd loved it... nothing could top the Ms. Flores sketch.
You loved it last time, and you loved it this time too.
Even just seeing him in the costume made you laugh (you had filled your camera roll with photos of him) but then combined with the actual sketch... it was just perfection.
You almost didn't want him to change, you kind of liked the constant teasing of calling him mama and telling him just how sexy he was, but unfortunately, he did change.
Imagine what a look that must have been for the afterparty instead of that old shirt he wore everywhere.
But then again, considering how much he was sweating from the dancing maybe it was a good call.
"thank you for tonight" he spoke over the music, as the song changed to a slower one "I couldn't have done it without you sweetheart"
"oh stop" you rolled your eyes, playing with the hair at the nape of his neck as you swayed to the music "You would have been amazing regardless." you smiled "I'm surprised they haven't offered you a role as a permanent part of the cast yet"
"No I'm serious" he laughed softly "I don't know if I would have gotten on that stage without you"
"baby..." you cooed, touched by his words "I love you. I'm always gonna be there for you"
"and me for you" he murmured, before kissing you.
You could only vaguely feel everyone around you and hear the music, it was just you and him.
He always made you feel like that.
"I've just realized I was so anxious for tonight that I haven't told you how beautiful you look yet," he said, making you blush faintly.
"You look beautiful too" you murmured, a mischievous smirk pulling at your lips "Not as much as you did when you were dressed as Ms. Flores, but you're not so bad"
He couldn't help but laugh at that
"You'll never let that go, will you?"
"nope" you chuckled, earning another kiss, this time deeper and much... hungrier.
You whimpered into his mouth as his hand on your back started traveling dangerously low.
"you're gorgeous sugar"
you bit down a grin at that
"I know that look"
"what look" he silenced you with another kiss "I'm not doing anything" he breathed, his lips now on your neck
And as much as you weren't completely conscious of everyone around you, a part of your brain still was.
"I think it's time we go home baby" you whispered
"yeah" he nodded, meeting his lips with yours again "Yeah I think it is"
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bigtreefest · 2 months
Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x Reader
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Summary: Ransom can’t help the way he pays such close attention to every detail regarding you
Word count: 1,081
Content/warnings: very sappy Ransom, no dialogue, ransom’s internal monologue?, references to intimacy, kisses, lots of timeline switching? (Flashbacks and returns to present)
A/N: Below is the song which inspired this fic. It’s been a longtime favorite and I think it definitely fits the summer vibes
I guess we can call this a part of my summer celebration! It’s a vacation at a beach house, and probs an equal partnership? Based off a song. Yeah, I make the rules.
Anyway, comments, likes, reblogs, and asks are so appreciated. Thank you for reading!!
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Main Masterlist
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Ransom didn’t really have a name for this feeling, despite his vast vocabulary. The main reason was that he had never really felt it before, so how could he be sure? It was definitely beyond the simplicity of the lust he had felt on several occasions. Was it admiration, adoration? Whatever it was, he was sure it went both ways from the crooked smile you gave him as you stretched in the dim morning light.
After a week of your getaway, it was the last morning the two of you were waking up in his family’s coastal home. He loved the way the rays coming through the curtains graced your face, especially today, as you laid tangled in the sheets of the king-sized bed.
The past week had been filled with relaxation and enjoyment each day. Beach picnics, sunbathing, swimming, and…other…enjoyable…things. Those were his favorite. He was desperate to get to that, but not desperate in the moment, where he was worshipping you and your body, and every little thing that he could commit to memory. He never wanted to forget this time; it was simple, with no deadlines, no responsibilities besides each other, although he’d never call you a chore. You were a pleasure. One he was sure he didn’t deserve.
Ransom watched closely as you sat up, the sunshine creating a crown around your head and hair. He couldn’t help but notice you. All he saw was you.
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His entire life, Ransom had always noticed the details. That was his strength: little things no one else picked up on, and they were all around him, but honestly, when he was looking at you, he couldn’t tell you anything going on in the background: what he had planned for today, or what he’d done before you woke up the day before.
When you’d gone out to eat at that one restaurant, the one that he thought probably had an ocean view, he couldn’t remember, he wouldn’t be able to recall a single song that had played during dinner.
What he does remember, though, is everything about you that night. The way the sea salt in the air from the long day had added a little extra wave to your hair- tightened the coil, how your skin glowed from the golden hour sunset shining through the glass by the table, the way you got a little tongue-tied after you shared your third glass of wine, which the waiter so rudely interrupted your story to ask if you wanted. No one deserved to stop your beautiful voice from talking, not even Ransom, and especially not the weirdly kind young man pouring the bottle. What was the waiter so nice for, anyway? That quickly left Ransom’s mind, though, attention switching to something much more important. He was completely focused, just not on the usual, external things. There were different details his brain favored these days.
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Ransom had visited the coastal home since he was young, playing with the neighbor’s kids while his parents were off doing who knows what. Now, he couldn’t care enough to retain the name of the guy who lives next door. That sort of information was trivial when there was someone else who he would’ve rather had take up every corner of his mind.
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That night after dinner, he couldn’t keep his eyes off you in the car, stealing every glance he could without veering off the road. Hundred dollar bills could be falling from the sky and he wouldn’t even notice, which carries its weight when all that Ransom’s ever valued, all that’s ever been steady in his life, is money. That was until you and whatever feeling you were giving him for the first time. It was as if he finally hit the threshold of realization to what’s been creeping up on him this whole time.
Upon your return to the beach house, the two of you laid in bed, cuddled up close as the light from the TV playing late night talk shows danced across the bedroom. You were tucked up into his side, your head on his shoulder as one hand crossed his body and rested on his hip, his one arm doing the same to you as the other tangled in your hair, gently massaging your scalp. He watched as your eyelids fluttered shut, heavy with tiredness of the day and comfort in his hold. Another moment to be savored: your absolute trust in the security of his arms. He smiled to himself as you mumbled in your sleep, studying every little quirk of your lips, every barely intelligible word he could catch, not judging, but committing to memory.
In another life, Ransom would’ve tried to deny that you were any more than just another girl, but there was no use. He was too far gone. Finding ways to surprise you, shower you in gifts, and all the quality time you asked for. Whatever you could desire, really, it was yours, and he had no business withholding from you. His heart wouldn’t allow him.
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Ransom was in tune with everything you were doing right now. He pushed aside the thoughts of the week’s earlier memories with you for a second, and cleared everything else nonessential from his mind. He only needed space for what was going on currently. He observed as you scooted closer to him, pushing aside the pillows that were often just so as you slept. Absorbed the way your head tilted to the side at that certain angle when you were leaning in, just about to kiss him. He surely didn’t want to miss it as he closed his eyes and let you fall into him, tongues dancing in an amatory rhythm. So in sync, so naturally that he didn’t care about anything else. Every detail was something he wanted to devote his attention to; memorize and hold onto forever.
Yeah, he should probably get up and make you your coffee. How he loved to see you stir it, just the simplest task, but this felt more pressing. The warmth in his chest from your touch, the way your kisses filled his lungs with light, with life. How your fingertips traced up and down his chest, tucking into the waistband of his boxer briefs. He shuddered at the sensation, at what even your gentlest touch could do to him. Breakfast could wait. You offered enough to feed his soul forever. This feeling? The new wholeness? It was love.
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Bonus A/N: Soft!Ran. I only know him. Could you imagine a nice little rainy day in bed, looking out the window at the coast?🥺
Taglist: @hawkeyes-queen @ronearoundblindly
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wintfleur · 4 months
 ₊˚ෆ ⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 ˖˙ ᰋ  ── MOVE ME, BABY !
gwen’s relationship with juraj  
   ━━━ ❛ I could never define all that you are to me 
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au masterlist - everything for the AU is under #📷 ͡ ꒱ GwenCaufield
˖ ་ everything for our couple is under #⋆ ˚。⋆୨🖤୧˚ Gwen & Juraj
˖ ་ you can find everything smutty under #⋆ ˚。⋆୨📸୧˚ smutty gwen & juraj
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how did they meet?  they met in 2022 when juraj first moved to Montreal, her brother and a few of their teammates were going to take juraj out for the day and show him around, they invited her as well and she decided to tag along, also wanting to meet him. They all met for lunch and then showed him around the city before going to this really cool bowling alley/bar, where they played for a few hours, also eating there.  (2022)
their first impressions?  
juraj was already nervous to meet her when arber told him that she would be coming along, but his first thought about her before they met was that she had a beautiful name. But when he met her his first thoughts was that she had an even prettier laugh as she giggled when he struggled to pronounce her name at first ‘you can just call me gwen’ he had also found her to be quite intimidating, which was ridiculous because he towered over her, but still, she was just so pretty and calm . . . he didn't know what to do with himself. He found it hard to talk with her because of his nerves, she was just so pretty. 
Gwen’s first impression of juraj was ‘wow he's tell’ as he stood up to greet her and cole and then it changed to ‘wow he's so cute’ as she listened to him struggle to pronounce her name, a lot of inner monologue of her freaking out about his accent and smile. He was very shy and polite towards her and Gwen found that adorable, but she was a little disappointed as the night went on. Juraj seemed to be a lot more comfortable and talkative with the others while he was still nervous and shy around her, she hoped that she didn't make him uncomfortable in any way. 
first date?   Juraj was the one to ask her out on a date, he was out on a jog and stopped to catch his breath in front of an older cinema that he saw was screening the first scream, aka one of Gwen's all time favorite movies. He took that as a sign to finally man up and ask her out on a date and thankfully she said yes. It was his first time going to the cinema in Canada and the first time seeing the movie so they got a whole bunch of different candies/popcorn for him to try. After the movie they went to a pizza plaza for dinner where they talked about the movie and almost everything else. 
who confessed their feelings first?   
juraj realized his feelings were very strong for her during their first date, he was sitting across gwen with a small smile on his lips as he watched and listened (like a lovesick puppy) to her ramble about the movie they just watched, seeing her so passionate and carefree, but despite the fact that juraj realized his feelings first, gwen was the one to confess first. 
gwen quickly realized her feelings for him as she laid in her bed the night of the date, she couldn't sleep and all she could think about was him and he made her feel. Her last relationship ended horribly so the idea of her liking someone else scared her, so she decided to try her best to avoid him . . . which is not so easy because they work together and see each other almost every single day. Juraj who noticed Gwen's avoidance towards him distanced himself as well, thinking that he did something wrong and that she didn't enjoy the date, it really hurt for him to think that. 
a few of there close friends that knew about them were tired of them avoiding each other decide to do a little scheming, while they were all at the rink, everyone was getting ready to leave so kaiden asked juraj to bring a few things to a supply closet while arber asked gwen to get a few things from the said closet, they both of course said yes. When the two schemers noticed them both going into the closet they locked it from the outside, forcing them to finally talk. Juraj asked her why she was avoiding him and she couldn't hold it in anymore as she looked up into his sad eyes, confessing her feelings for him right on the spot. Juraj of course told her he felt the same way. They both agreed to take it slow and go on a second date. 
first kiss?  their first kiss happened during their second date, a few days after they confessed their feelings for each other. They had planned to go to this new cafe but the weather changed drastically. Juraj didn't want to leave her alone at the apartment (cole at a friend's house) during a thunderstorm so they decided to have their date inside instead. They were cuddled up on the couch watching stranger things and sharing a tub of ice cream. Gwen had looked up at him when she felt his stare on her, she went to ask him if he was okay but her words got caught in her throat at the look he was giving her. They both were leaning in and before they knew it their lips were touching, the soft kiss didn't last longer than a few seconds. But the kiss they shared moments after the first lasted way longer, the ice cream and show long forgotten. 
who asked who?  juraj was the one to ask her to be his girlfriend, they were laying in her bed watching an old slovak movie he had mentioned watching a lot as a child. She had surprised him with the movie and some of his favorite snacks for their night in. He laid there with her in his arm and he watched as she read the subtitles of the movie she went out of her way to surprise him with, all he wanted was to be hers and her to be his. His words were moving before his mind was comprehending what he was doing, he sounded nervous and unsure when he first asked. Gwen who was so into reading the subtitles that she didn't hear what he said so she just hummed in confusion asking him to repeat what he said. Juraj let out a heavy breath before asking her again, this time much more confident. His confidence worked because Gwen was smiling and placing soft kisses on his cheek as she said yes. 
first I love you?   gwen was the one who said I love you first, she was nervous and scared that she felt so strongly for him even though they haven't been dating for long. But she had a long conversation with her best friend Luke who helped her realize that she should tell Juraj how she feels. So she went to his place and confessed her love for him as they sat on his bed. Juraj was shocked but he was happy because he felt the same way. 
how did everyone find out? 
family + friends: besides the people who knew from the beginning, their closest friends and cole. Everyone else found out when they posted each other on their private instagrams for valentines day, they also went on a trip by themselves to celebrate valentines day. 
the public: the public found out when a video of them kissing while on a date went viral, someone had filmed them without them knowing and posted it. they were forced to confirm it since it was so public. 
their tropes: he fell first x she fell harder, tall bf x short gf, sunshine protector bf x sunshine gf, artist gf x muse bf, hyper bf x sleepy gf 
love languages: 
gwen’s: physical touch, holding hands, making playlists, words of affirmation 
juraj’s: physical touch, head petting, food sharing, words of affirmation 
pet names: 
gwen’s (for juraj’s): baby, handsome, loverboy, darling, pretty boy, 
juraj’s (for gwen): angel/anjel, honey, dollface, sweetheart, tiny, sweet girl, lots in slovak
their favorite sleep position: 
gwen’s: gwen likes laying her head on his chest while he sleeps on his back, practically on top of him. 
juraj’s: him being the big spoon while she is the little. 
songs that describe them: 
movement – hoizer 
there is a light that never goes out – the smiths 
i melt with you – modern english 
lovers rock – tv girl 
glue song – beabadoobee
those eyes – new west 
would that i – hozier 
wildest dreams – taylor swift 
my love mine all mine – mitski 
out of my league – fitz and the tantrums 
contact names: 
gwen’s (for juraj): loverboy 🖤
juraj’s (for gwen): moja hviezda 💫
contact photos:
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gwen’s: gwen’s lockscreen is a picture of juraj that she took at one of the games, she had captured such a perfect moment of him looking out at the fans with a big smile on his lips as they chanted his name 
juraj’s: juraj’s lockscreen is a picture of gwen that he took on one of their dates, they had gone back to that same bowling alley they went to the first day they met. Juraj thought she looked so beautiful so he had to take a quick picture. 
always clinging to each other, always touching in some way 
late night drives 
cuddling in bed as they listen to music 
late night makeout sessions in the car at there spot (a lookout spot) 
juraj having to try/taste every single one of gwen’s new chapsticks/lip glosses 
Sending each other songs throughout the day that remind them of each other 
juraj braiding and playing with her hair
juraj tying her shoes for her 
gwen singing juraj to sleep when he can't fall asleep
weekly movie nights
having a terrible habit of locking the door 
long showers together
using gwen’s cameras/camcorders to take/film risky things 
facetiming each other when they are away 
juraj always being in awe at how flexible she is 
gwen drawing/painting juraj when he naps 
gwen cutting juraj’s rambles about hockey with a kiss 
dates at new restaurants 
staring into each other's eyes
slapping each others asses
hands in each others back pockets
pottery dates
making out in elevators
juraj’s hand always being on her thigh when he drivers or when they sit 
gwen teaching juraj more english while he teaches her slovak 
gwen gets really cold when she sleeps, so she's lucky to have her hunk of her boyfriend warming her up 
they love to tease cole or arber whenever they third wheel them 
gwen made a scrapbook of a bunch of pictures with them, along with a bunch of poems 
they love cooking together even though it's mostly gwen whos cooking, juraj is an excellent sous chef
they have so many of each others things at each others places, almost always together 
they both love their height difference 
juraj loves to call gwen his start girl because of her love for stars, and because she's as beautiful as one…his words
they can be very playful with each other
they wish they could just cuddle in bed all day 
Juraj is honestly the most clingiest person in the word to her, she loves it of course and his teammates love to tease him about it 
they both get teased by his reamates a lot in general, but they care for the young couple a lot 
gwen knows how to skate but juraj loves to hold onto her and help her around, she finds it cute 
the team likes to call them a married couple 
gwen loves that juraj has formed such a good friendship with her best friend luke hughes 
both of their families love them together, they are very supportive 
their libidos are so high 
when gwen traveled with juraj to the first time to slovakia she was so nervous, but she had a great time meeting his family and friends
juraj love sit when gwen gets all nerdy and passionate about the things she loves, he could listen to he ramble about things for hours
juraj is very protective of gwen he will not let anyone disrespect her in anyway, he's gotten into a fight on the ice because a guy couldn't keep his mouth shut about her 
their special spot is a lookout spot on a hill that looks out over the city. They love driving up to it at night. Either cuddling in the car or outside on the hill on a blanket, looking at the stars and lights. Thankfully it's not well known
they feel the safest and most comfortable talking about theory feelings with each other 
gwen tries teaching juraj how to play the piano or guitar but it always ends up with them making out 
juraj has petty fights in her comment sections with all the guys/girls who ask if he can fight 
juraj is very patient with her, knowing of her past relationship and how badly it ended
furaj definitely uses the height difference between them to his advantage if you are catching my drift 
whenever someone cuts gwen off when shes talking, juraj will send them the most heated, intimidating glare he can muster 
juraj is so soft and sweet with gwen, she's his whole world 
gwen is his little rockstar 
in the background of the habs picture day video you can see juraj laughing as he looked down at gwen, who was showing him a picture she had taken, he gently patted her head before skating off. 
cole was doing an instagram live in his room and in the background you could hear gwen and juraj, who were playfully arguing in the living room as they played video games. 
the video that went viral of them at a music festival, juraj was hugging gwen from behind as they swayed slowly to the music 
the cute cameos of juraj in her tik toks, youtube videos, and lives 
how giggly and smiley juraj gets when gwen is mentioned in his interviews 
just all the moments of them in the behind the scene videos for the habs
when cole was asked on a podcast what he has been up to and he jokingly said he's been chaperoning his sister and gwen around, and then proceeded to talk happily about the couple. 
“Even my mother and girlfriend told me to shoot more…so i should really shoot more” 
augest 2022: juraj and stella met for the first time 
october  2022: they went on their first date 
 a week after their first date they confessed their feelings to each other 
november 2022: they go on their second date and have their first kiss 
december 2022: juraj asked her to be his girlfriend and they officially started dating 
early february 2023: gwen tells juraj she loves him and vice versa 
february 14th, 2023: their close friends and family who didn't know from the beginning, finds out about them 
june 2023: the public found out about them when a video taken of them kissing while on a date goes viral. 
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˖ ་ 💭 roro’s notes ( I love them with all my heart pls I’ll sob 💔 PLS PLS PLS SEND IN SOME THOUGHTS , I WANNA WRITE MORE OF THEM . . . I hope you guys enjoy this and them !! Please let me know what you guys think !! )
moja hviezda = my star
°. — taglist ( @lovings4turn @toasttt11 @cixrosie @prettyboywoll @petite-potato4 @winterbarnesblog )
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scarletttries · 11 months
NSFW Headcanon Request: Steven Grant (Moon Knight)
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Steven Grant + Sex Tape: (prompt list here)
(part two of these 'recording' headcanons)
- After the heart-warming success of his first accidental intimate recording with you, Stephen would find himself revisiting that tape over and over again. Any time you have to leave him for a weekend alone, out comes his little camcorder so he can eagerly relive that special night and try his best to make up for missing your touch that night.
- But as much as he loves that precious gift you left him, he can't help but want to make a new one, something you both create together and maybe even equally could enjoy together on another night. He wouldn't be able to ask out right though, instead he'll drop a dozen tiny hints, mostly about how much he loved that first tape, and how incredibly beautiful you look when he's making you feel good, and how much he loves you, and loves having that precious memory documented to relive over and over.
- You'd of course give in to his less than subtle suggestions pretty quickly, his response to your video just the sweetest thing you could have imagined, and feeling so safe with Steven that you don't have a single worry about that footage going anywhere, or looking less than perfect, or anything like that because you know that man respects and worships every cell of your being.
- You pick a date for your very special date night, picking out a new set of lingerie for the occasion (and because it's so fun to surprise Steven with something new and watch his little brain immediately melt down to a mumbling mess.) By the time you get to his flat there's more candles lit than in a cathedral, and he's spent a week's pay of a very special bottle of wine that you once got as a present and so generously shared with him, on a night you two passed giggling sweet nothings to each other.
- After a glass of that sweet thoughtful gesture you two find yourselves all hands again, so giddy with excitement as you stumble towards the bed that you almost forget to turn on the camera, Steven reluctantly pulling himself away from your lips just long enough to oh so kindly ask,
"Love, are you sure you're alright with this? We don't have to if you're worried at all, I'm just so grateful that I even have one video of you. Or that I get to do this with you at all." You cut him off before he can start monologuing about what a privilege it is to be in your life in any role, the lovestruck man staring at you with stars in his eyes, so in awe of everything about you.
- You suitably reassure him that you feel just as lucky to love him, and finally you start the camera filming, pulling him towards you until you're confident he's framed in the shot, slowly moving your lips to his neck. As you lick and kiss your way along his throat, drawing soft strangled sighs from the nervous boy, your fingers trace down his shirt and start pulling it at his buttons one by one, until finally you can push it off his shoulders and reveal his broad chest to you and the camera. You can't stop yourself from running your hands over his muscles, looking forward to rewatching this moment and stopping Steven from folding inwards or hiding himself from the camera. You can tell he's still up in his head a bit, not as passionately exploring your form like it holds the secrets to the universe the way he usually does.
- Trying to draw his focus, you tip him back on to bed and climb on top of him, pulling your dress over your head and giving him a full view of the special outfit you had on underneath. His jaw drops and his eyes practically shoot out of his head as he starts excitedly babbling about how 'truly perfect you look' and how 'every colour seems to have been made for you', and suddenly his stage fright is forgotten and he's pulling you back in for a kiss as his fingertips trace along the lacy fabric, before slipping underneath your panties and rubbing slow circles against your clit. You find your hips moving in time with his rhythm, the excitement of knowing Steven would be able to watch this moment again enough to heighten the sensations. As your temperature starts to rise and your thighs start to twitch you make a point to arch your back and gasp out his name for the camera, immediately earning a groan from Steven as he starts to buck against your hips.
- You pull his fingers out of you with a whimper, and make quick work of undoing his belt and sliding his pants down his legs until his manhood springs free, letting you take a long slow lick of him that has Steven panting and begging for more. As you slip your lingerie to the side, mounting his lap and hovering just above his leaking tip, you notice his eyes drift behind you, the red blinking light pulling him back to reality from his throws of passion.
- Less than pleased that Steven is able to look anywhere but up adoringly at you, you slam your hips down against his, taking his full length in one breath and clenching down on him at the deliciously full feeling of having him buried inside of you. Right on cue his turns his attention back to you, gazing up at you in shock as you cup his face in your hands and state very clearly in your most seductive pur,
"Now Steven, the least you can do is keep your eyes on me."
"I'm sorry love, I just remembered about the - but it doesn't matter, I promise, I only want to look at you." Taking mercy on him, you start to roll your hips, before you finish your negotiations,
"That's good to hear, because any time you look at that camera, I'm going to stop moving." You pause your riding in emphasis as his gaze turns pleading, nodding quickly and begging you to move, promising to be good as you go back to sliding your hips against him, drawing out louder and louder groans that start to fill the room around you. You watch as his eyes trace along your content face, your bouncing chest, your wiggling hips, and finally your glistening entrance where he can see himself glide in and out of you, your own excitement dripping onto him with each thrust. It's almost too much to take and he feels his climax quickly approaching, his fingers returning to strum against your clit as he tries to hold off his release. Then his eyes dart behind you for a split second and suddenly his building pleasure starts to drop as you still your hips, desperate apologies falling from his lips in a plea.
"I'm sorry love, I didn't mean to, please keep going, you feel so incredible..." His core is aching with the tension bubbling inside it, so close to release and having no choice but to let you sit there on his throbbing erection until you see fit to forgive him. Luckily for him it's very hard to act mad at those puppy dog eyes, and when his touch feels so good between your thighs you know you won't be able to hold off much longer either.
- "I just need you to keep those beautiful eyes on me okay Steven?" You sound merciful, and he lets out a sigh of relief, until you add "and definitely don't let them close."
He's about to ask what you mean when suddenly you start bouncing on him with every ounce of strength in your thighs, riding him faster and harder as you feel him start to tense beneath you. He keeps his eyes firmly locked on yours, mouth hanging open in sheer ecstasy as he watches the confident smile on your face start to fall into an o as you get closer and closer the edge. He works you with his fingers, holding back his own climax and praising you as you climb higher and higher, finally crying out his name as your wall clench around him, your whole body shaking with the overwhelming release as pleasure washed over you. Steven is right behind you, his hips lifting up off the bed as he erupts inside you, legs trembling and hands clutching at your waist, making sure you can't possibly climb off of him.
- You collapse against his chest, resolved to spending a little longer with him deep inside you, Steven's arms only coiling around you tighter as he presses soft kisses to your forehead and pants out that he loves you so bloody much.
- It takes a little while for either of you to get up to turn off the camera, Steven finally volunteering to leave the bed, only to grab the camera of its stand, step back towards you, aiming the lens at your satisfied face before letting it drift down your spent body, stopping when he sees his own load drip out of from between your legs and feeling himself start twitching with excitement again. The last sound the camera picks up is Steven mumbling quietly to himself, "how did I ever get this lucky?"
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azure-firecracker · 1 month
Fic Rec Roundup!
In honor of my going off to college (my posts will be slowing down), and finishing 3 seasons of TXF, I asked y’all what sort of “special post” you wanted me to make. You voted on a roundup of some of my favorite TXF fics, so here it is! Prepare to watch me gush profusely about the phenomenal writers in this fandom.
This will be in chronological order, so first time watchers like me need not fear spoilers:)
I’m not including my own writing here, but you can find it in my masterpost.
Without further ado, let’s get into the fics!
Season 1:
starstruck by @thursdayinspace (General Audiences, 671 words): Set post-Pilot. The title says it all. This is quite possibly the cutest thing I’ve ever read.
Something Bigger Than Us by Mungo_of_Maundery (General Audiences, 721 words): A nice coda to Deep Throat after Scully rescues Mulder from the air base. Internal monologue is great.
humans in nature by @theswisscheeserag (General Audiences, 2,733 words): Mulder and Scully’s conversations post The Jersey Devil. Philosophy mixed with fluff and some laugh-out-loud humor. Perfectly captures the vibe of early MSR.
Still Feeling My Father Ascend by @cecilysass (Teen and Up, 13,073 words): Mulder and Scully share some tender moments post Beyond the Sea. Both of them have a lot of healing to do, for different reasons. Some of my favorite MSR introspection can be found in this fic, and you can tell how much thought and care this author puts into the characterizations. There’s also several excellent funny moments - a true gem of a fic!
Egit Genius Loci by snow_and_rain (Teen and Up, 21,937 words): Case fic set right after Beyond the Sea. Featuring early-onset MSR, angst, mutual pining, and hurt/comfort. A little whimsical, a little eerie, a little sad.
Between Two Truths by @agent-troi (Teen and Up, 1,621 words): Missing scene from E.B.E after Scully’s speech to Mulder. An excellent internal monologue from Mulder’s POV followed by some top-tier MSR banter.
the progression (and regression) of first names by skuls (Teen and Up, 5,421 words): A series of vignettes exploring Scully and Mulder’s relationship as it evolves throughout Season 1. Pitch-perfect Scully characterization and several moments that really showcase her inner conflict fantastically, but also many wonderfully tender MSR scenes (keep an eye out for the coffee scene - my favorite!)
never learned to read your mind by @swinging-stars-from-satellites (General Audiences, 1,071 words): An alternate version of Season 1 where Scully leaves after Deep Throat. Profound, heartwarming, wistful and a bit sad, this takes an interesting concept and really tugs at your heartstrings.
Season 2:
distractions by @thursdayinspace (General Audiences, 1,181 words): Post-abduction. Mulder does his best to help. Absolutely heart-melting, sweet and tender and a little sad too.
The Safety of Guilt by the_status_clo (Teen and Up, 732 words): Mulder’s guilt post-abduction. Do you like to feel miserable? Do you like to slip into a pit of unwavering guilt and wallow in beautiful words? Read this!
Redial by @theswisscheeserag (Teen and Up, 7,423 words): A frequent reread of mine! Set during Mulder and Scully’s quarantine post-Firewalker and told through a series of phone calls. This fic has everything you could possibly want: introspection, angst, fluff, humor, friendship and romance all mixed into one…it’s just really good in 1000 different ways. Endlessly rereadable.
until it heals by @actual-changeling (Teen and Up, 2,351 words): A post-Irresistible fic that captures all of the poetry, panic, and drama that is Season 2 MSR. Incredibly tender with some stunning inner monologue moments. A perfect coda to my favorite episode.
Authority and Gravity by Xecotcovach (Teen and Up, 2,338 words): Another excellent fic where Scully (with Mulder’s help) tries to deal with some of her season 2 trauma. Their dynamic here is very tender and their banter is just the right amount of sassy and quippy. Set after Fresh Bones.
If You’re Sinking, I Will Jump Right Over by SammyLovesASOIAF (Teen and Up, 1,642 words): An alternate version of End Game where things go…badly-but then Mulder has to confront his emotions!An interesting alternative, angst with a happy ending. Lovely poetic language; I have some lines from this that I remember word-for-word.
Our Town by @leiascully (Teen and Up, 813 words): Scully’s thoughts during and after the climax of Our Town. Very in-character, appropriately intense, really conveys the fear and desperation intertwined with Season 2 MSR.
Season 3:
Light in Dark Places by @agent-troi (Teen and Up, 2,697 words): Set in Season 3 but it’s really about Irresistible and Scully’s insecurities in general. Peak hurt/comfort, this one makes your heart hurt in the best possible way, and then it feels like a warm hug with the resolution.
Got You(r) Back by @shearmouth (Teen and Up, 4,933 words): This is THE injury fic for me. Set post-731. The hurt/comfort levels in here are unmatched. Scully’s internal monologue is perfect. Mulder is an actual puppy and Scully takes care of him and it makes my heart melt in all of the right ways.
stay close, listen by @actual-changeling (Teen and Up, 2,667 words): Post Pusher. Very angsty, but in the best possible way and with an extremely satisfying resolution. This fic definitely wins best-written: it’s essentially poetry, and its uses of metaphor and literary references are stunning. I can’t recommend this enough.
find me defenseless by @impulsive-astrophile (Mature, 7,421 words): Case fic! Do you like Mulder torture? Do you like badass Scully? If so, you will love this fic because it has both in spades (plus-spoilers-a wonderful ending to make up for the pain). Whenever I’m fed up with the show’s kidnapping ratio, I read this: it’s probably my most frequent reread. I will say that it is more violent than anything I’ve written, so be aware.
Unconfirmed timing but spoiler-free:
unravelling by @actual-changeling (General Audiences, 2,208 words): Scully wakes up to a familiar voice theorizing on her television. What follows is as sweet and humorous as it is charged and just a little tragic.
Shakespirited by orphan_account (Teen and Up, 13,670 words): A fic that I’m pretty sure was written specifically for me. Mulder and Scully go undercover in a Shakespeare troupe plagued by strange murders. If you like TXF and are a Shakespeare nerd, you will love this. Definition of a good time (but there’s some angst too-how could there not be?) I think there are some minor spoilers in here, but nothing to really tell you anything as long as you’ve seen up to Anasazi.
Sometimes You Need to Have Fun by @baronessblixen (Teen and Up, 1,192 words): Fluff written by the queen of fluff herself! Mulder and Scully go ice skating. It’s as adorable and sappy as it sounds.
Stupid Cupid by @mulderwearingglasses (General Audiences, 5,325 words): A Valentine’s Day fic! This features jealous Scully (a delight) as well as some excellent humor and fluff. Overall just a lovely time. There may be some minor spoilers in here, but nothing that told me anything.
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georgiapeach30513 · 1 year
No More Last Chances
Summary:  When you can’t handle Cole’s smothering, he makes sure you can take a little more.
Pairings:  Cole Turner X Reader
Rating:  explicit
Warnings:  explicit language, explicit sexual content, sex pollen/dub con, kidnapping, unprotected sex, PIV sex, degradation, multiple orgasms, creampie, multiple men, DP, mentions of DVP, blowjob, 18+ ONLY
Word Count:  2.5K
Cole Turner Masterlist
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You tremble as your eyes try to peer through the bag that’s over your head.  Wiggling your hands and legs only to discover that they were bound.  Tied up and face covered.  Nothing to do, and nowhere to hide.  Twisting your head you look around your space, and it looks like an almost empty room, minus a bed.
It is cold.  The type of cold that makes your barely dressed body pop up with goosebumps, and your nipples push against your clothing.  What were you wearing?  So much of your skin is exposed.  Silk.  Tight.  Covering only enough to make you not naked.  
“Hello?” Your voice echoes out in the room.  “Hello?” You croak again, losing all hope.  What did he, she, or they want?  Judging by your lack of panties, you could only guess.  
“Hello?” Your voice cracks as tears start to roll down your face.  The tears weren’t helping anything.  And it pissed you off.  Your fear is turning to anger.  “Let me the fuck out of here.  Hello!”
“Hey, HoneyBee,” the bag over your head slowly lifts off you, and you don’t have to let your eyes adjust to know who had you bound up in this stupid mother fucking chair.
“Cole!” Seething through your teeth, as your brows furrow and you glare at him.  “Just what the fuck do you think you’re doing?  Unite me this instant.”
“Absolutely not.”
“Cole!?” Unaware if this was a question or just a demand, your face starts to soften.  “Cole?  Please.”
“There’s your manners.  You know, I love you.”
“Loved,” you interrupt, and he cracks his neck, hissing through his teeth.
“Love.  I still do, HoneyBee.  And you ran.”
“You were smothering me!  You text twenty-seven times in a row, and I didn’t even have a chance to respond.”
“When I text, you should acknowledge that you’re thinking of me, just as much as I’m thinking of you,” you roll your eyes, and tilt your head back, looking up at the ceiling.  He was going to start monologuing again.  “I took time out of my day to tell you how beautiful you are.  How much I love you, and that you’re amazing and wonderful, and that I missed you.  And you couldn’t take five seconds out of your day just to say you love me.”
“I am working.  I don’t have the time to do that when I am having to watch and teach twenty-five eight year olds.  I have…”
“Shh.  I speak, you listen.  And then it occurred to me, you lack boundaries.  You need them set up, so you know how our relationship is going to work.”
“We’re not together.”
“I said to be quiet!” He was worse than your students.  Throwing a tantrum because he needed to be heard.  “You need boundaries.  And I need you.  I need you to understand, and…why are you looking at me like that?”
“Why did you bring me here?  You kidnapped me,” he shakes his head no, trying to think of an excuse to call this anything but kidnapping, “You did.  I am tied up and wearing a silk slip, and nothing else.”
“I have my reasons.”
“Why?” You ask, and Cole lifts up his hand.  His fingers peel back one at a time before you’re left to stare at his palm covered in a powder.  “Cole, what is…” he blows over his hand, and dust flies into your face.  Coughing and sputtering, you watch as he innocently drags a chair to sit in front of you.
“I’m just waiting.  I was told it wouldn’t take long,” crossing his legs, his eyes drift down your body.  Watching as beads of sweat prickle your skin.  What was happening?  You have to look away from Cole because the most lewd and disgusting thoughts were plaguing your brain.
Taking a deep breath, you roll your eyes closed, but visions of his body hovering over you as his hips drive him deeper into your warmth have you jolting them back open.  It isn’t any better.  They were undressing him when they opened as well.  Playing tricks on you, and making you view him completely naked with his cock hard and calling your name.
“Cole,” you whimper.  This wasn’t right.  And you couldn’t think of anything but him.  “Cole,” a deep need that is seeking pain courses through your veins, clouding your judgment because all you want is relief.  It’s what you desire more than the air you breathe.  
“Cole,” whining as your hips start grinding on the chair.  “Cole.  Cole!” It helped a little.  The fabric runs over your drenched cunt, offering a little relief from the pain.  And that asshole sits in front of you grinning from ear to ear.  Of course he would enjoy your discomfort.
He is no doubt enjoying the show you are putting on, but you couldn’t help it.  You move over the chair so much that the silk slip starts to ride up.  Exposing your dripping core to Cole, and you didn’t care.  You weren’t going to stop.  If riding a chair was going to offer relief, it’s what you would do.
“Sweet lord,” Cole growls as his eyes stare at your visible pussy.  Watching as your slick spreads over the chair hungrily.  Trying to moan out anything but his name, but there was no use.  He was right there.  His pants are tight and bulging.  He was hard from your little desperate show.  
“My goodness,” he moans again, standing up to walk beside you, and moves your top down, pulling out your tits, and rolling your nipples between his fingers.  “What’s wrong?”
“It hurts,” you plead.  His hands were offering even more relief.  “Cole, I need it.”
“I can tell.  You’re creating a trail like a little snail.  Desperate and fucking a chair.  It didn’t take long,” you want to cry when he takes one hand off your chest, and lifts your chin up to look at you.  “What color are your eyes?” Who the fuck cared.  You want his fingers in some hole in your body.  Let you suck on them, or let your pussy suck them into the depths of her warmth.
“They look black right now.  Are you so needy that you’ve become a junkie for my cock?”
“Cole!” Ouch.  That hurts not only your cunt, but your ego.  “Cole!” Did he want you to beg for him?  How much lower could you sink than grinding on a chair?  “Cole, untie me!”
“Why, HoneyBee?  What could I possibly gain by untying you?”
“Please.  My god, please!” He is cruel.  You have already embarrassed yourself enough.  You couldn’t say what you really wanted him to do.  No.  He could tell.  Your body was telling on you.  It was visible.  And you couldn’t even close your legs.  Couldn’t even touch yourself.  Something needs to be inside you.  You need friction inside your pussy.
“Oh, come on.  I know that you’ve got to be burning to be stretched.  Your sweet little cunt needs someone to fuck her, but I’m enjoying this show.  If you want it, ask nicely.”
“Fuck me!”
“Ask nicely,” his mouth turns sideways and into a devilish smirk, but you didn’t want to ask nicely.  You could hardly breathe.  Sweat slides down your body almost as much as your core was dripping down the chair.  It hurt.  It burned.  And you needed relief.
“Eh eh!” He tsks when you start to shout at him.  He knew you enough that you didn’t break easily.  “Ask nicely, or I leave for a while.  You won’t even get to stare at this,” unzipping his pants, he pulls out his beautiful, succulent and achingly hard cock.
Running his thumb on the tip, and you see strings of precum stretch off him upon removal.  He was a tease.  Slowly stroking his cock.  Able to touch himself, while you’re quaking inside.  No amount of grinding was offering any relief.  It was like being edged for eternity.  Never given the moment to actually orgasm.  Getting close enough, so close, but nothing.  It was a cruel build up, and then it was gone.  
“Fuck you,” you spit at him, but he chuckles.  
“Oh, I can fuck myself.  You on the other hand will be left on that fucking chair, hunching until you go mad.  Starving, but only worried about getting that cunt stretched and pumped full of my cum.  Is it so hard to ask nicely?”
Why did his cock look so pretty being stroked with his hand?  Why couldn’t you look at anything other than his cock?  What did he blow at you?  Blow?  Would a blow job help?  Job?  You could give him a pussy job.  Pussy?  Your pussy needs to be filled.  Filled?  Just like a cream filled donut.
“Cole,” you whimper out his name.  “Cole, please.  Please can you just fuck me?”
“Fill that tight little hole with cum?” Cole’s eyebrow arches up, and you nod your head.
“Yes.  Cole, please.  Please just fuck me.  Please, it hurts.  Please?  Pretty please fuck me like a bitch in heat.  Please, I need you and your cum, and that thick giant cock.”
Cole’s movements become rigid as he stands.  Fingers shaking so hard it was a struggle to undo the bindings on your arms and legs.  You can’t even stand.  Couldn’t do anything but grind hard on that chair.  Moving so rapidly over it that Cole has to pick you up.  Place you on your back, and your legs spread wide.  Ready to take him and that thick veiny cock.  
“Cole,” you beg again, trying not to touch yourself as he stalks over to you.  “Cole,” your hands start to dip between your legs, but he chastises you.  “Cole, I need to be fucked.  God, I need to be fucked so hard, and good, and deep.  Ahh,” the bit of relief you feel as Cole pushes through your weeping cunt.  
You sigh in relief as he completely bottoms out, leaving you panting and needing more than just to cockwarm him.  “Cole!”
“Hold on.  I’m enjoying this.  You were always so much prettier like this.  Filled and stretched with my cock, and oh so satisfied.  What is this?” He asks, acting all surprised.  “Are you already fluttering around me?  I enter into you and you’re coming like a desperate little whore?”
He was cruel.  You feel like you have been aching for hours.  Of course you were ready to come.  Your body has been needing this.  “Cole, fuck me so hard!” Pulling himself out of you, he quickly stabs back into your wet channel, and a louder sigh rings up at him.
It feels glorious.  A scratch that had finally been itched.  Feeling a rush of adrenaline in your body.  Euphoria.  Such a sweet delightful high.  Smiling as your body rocks with Cole’s motion.  This was better than being drunk.  Better than any massage you have ever had.  It was spectacular.  Something you couldn’t even put into words because it was that good.  
“How many fucking times are you going to come?”
“All of them,” you sigh as another burst of flames rips through your body.  This was the life.  Constant orgasms, and fucked too dumb to even know what was happening.
“I’m almost there.”
“Don’t stop.”
“Right there.”
“Please, don’t quit.”
“Right…fuuuckk!” Oh no!  Was this the end?  That was too quick.  There had to be more.  
Cole’s cream starts to leak out of your body, and the irritating unease starts to build back up.  This was going to be painful again.  No!  You couldn’t do it again.  Never again.  You needed to be fucked always.
“When do you think you can get here?” Cole asks, staring at you gripping tight to his ankles as you bounce over him.  The perfect view of your cunt spread wide over him.  “What do you mean?  I’m exhausted.  I can’t sleep.”
“Cole.  I can’t stop,” you inform him.  Why would you want to stop?  It’s the best high in the world.
“I know she’s desperate.  I need more than you.”
“Oh fuck.  This is the best thing ever!” You triumphantly declare as another orgasm makes you smile.  You didn’t want to stop.  You couldn’t stop.  The pain was always there.  Always.
“I used all of the powder.  I don’t understand,” Cole smacks at your ass, hoping that would make you get off, but it doesn’t.
“Fuck my ass!”
“Do you hear her?  She was against anal.  So….you gave me all that sex pollen for what reason?”
“Cole!  Fuck my virgin hole!” Begging seemed to do the trick with him.  
“Just all of you come up here!  I can’t fuck anymore.”
“No!” You cry.  Cole had to fuck.  You need to be fucked.  Fucking was all that mattered.  Fucking was everything.
“She never sleeps,” Jax eyeballs you as Bucky fucks harder into your ass.  Steve lays there filling you up, petting over your pretty throat, and Dean just fucks your mouth harder.  “Why did you use all the sex pollen?”
Cole turns toward his friend, pursing his lips.  You would have never agreed to being airtight like this.  To have men ruin your body almost every hour of the day.  “Uhh…why did you give me all that sex pollen?” He turns back to watch you with your eyes gleaming at the man that was using your mouth.  You were in heaven.
“In case having sex with her didn’t help.  It could have given you time to make her see she belongs with you.  And then you go on and blow every bit of it in her face.  What is wrong with you?  I don’t know how long this is going to last.  She’s offering up her greedy little holes for whatever person wants to fill them.  You fucked up big time.”
“Jax,” you breathlessly call over to him.  Tears stream down your face, and you moan as another high courses through you.  “Jax, I need two cocks in my pussy.”
“Oh god,” Cole moans, as you sit up more.  The force of Bucky was making your body ripple with pleasure.  
“Or…oh fuck…suck my titties as everyone uses me!  Please!  Fuck fuck fuuuckk!!  Call some more friends.  Call them!”
“No!” Cole gives you a pout.  This isn’t how it was supposed to go.  You were supposed to want him.  Not every other man.  But my god did you not look beautiful being used.  “Dean fuck her mouth some more.  Jax, let's suck on her tits.”
“Fuck that shit.  I’m cramming my dick beside Stevie’s.  You and him can suck on tits.  Maybe she’ll be in control enough to give you a handjob.  But I am not missing this opportunity.”
“How long was this going to take?  How long would it last?  Were you forever to be doomed to being a used wet hole forever?  Or eventually could you sleep?  You weren’t sure.  What you did know was that you wanted to be used.  Needed to be used.  And the urge was still just as strong.  But maybe after each man had destroyed you, you could be at peace.  Or maybe, just maybe you needed to be fucked for the rest of your life.  Taking turns.  Or bringing in new men.  
You didn’t know.  Wouldn’t care.  You guess your holes were just open for business.  And that’s what you took comfort in.  Being used.  Every second.  Every minute.  Every hour.  Of every day.
Taglist: @tis-thedamn-season @marveloustaylortot @pono-pura-vida @sstan-hoe @missusbarnes-rogers @peaches1958 @seitmai @smile1318 @andydrysdalerogers @cjand10 @midnightramyeoncravings @donutloverxo @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @bambamwolf87 @harrysthiccthighss​ @annislittleshopofhorrors​ @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory​
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mint-yooxgi · 1 year
Yearning - Yandere!Phoenix!Mingi
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Yandere AU & Phoenix AU - First Person POV
Genre: Mature, Smutty Themes, Internal Monologue
Pairing: Mingi X Implied Chubby!Reader
Words: 1,710
Warnings: Implied stalking, and dirty thoughts. This is a Yandere story, it will contain themes such as stalking, violence, obsession, possessive natures, and just general overall creepiness and swearing. You have been warned.
A/n: Felt like getting this out tonight, so I hope you all like it!! Again, I feel like these are tamer than what I originally had in mind, but some of them are going in a different direction than I though. Hehehe, I don't know, I still like them! Feedback is greatly appreciated! Enjoy!~
The Fourth of The Feral Drabbles
You’re a strange one, aren’t you? You don’t let anyone get close to you, do you? At least, not really.
I’ve seen the way you shy away from their touches. It’s like you know that they don’t deserve you, just as I do. Only I should get to caress your delicate skin. Only I should get to touch you. Your body is a canvas meant to be painted by me, and me alone.
You know that already, don’t you?
You’ve seen me watching you. I know you have. I’m much more in tune to your reactions than you think, especially when heat is involved.
Perhaps that’s just the way I’ve always been. Or maybe, perhaps, that’s just the effect you have on me. Either way, I always make sure to watch you carefully. I want to know your every reaction to everything, so I can replicate the good ones as desired. I want you to see me in a good light all of the time. There’s no room for error. Not when you are involved.
I can never help myself when it comes to you. I always want to know where you are, and who you’re with. I long to know what you’re doing, and especially how you’re feeling at all times. It drives me crazy not being able to be by your side at all hours of the day. Watching you isn’t enough, I need to be with you, and I want you to need me, too.
You’re guarded, that much I can tell. I mean, you certainly live up to your nickname of Ice Princess, wouldn’t you say? You hardly give anyone the time of day. It’s as if no one is worth your time.
Good. They don’t deserve you, anyways. At least you know how much value your life has, and how important you are.
I wouldn’t expect anything less from my twin flame.
I want you to know, that I am worthy. I will make myself worthy.
I have a theory: you don’t give anyone the time of day because the treat you like a princess. 
It’s the princess part, isn’t it? You long to be treated like the Queen you are, don’t you?
You don’t have to worry much longer, My Queen, a fitting King is on his way.
You know, my kind… we mate for life. We’re extremely territorial and possessive of our mates, especially once we’ve imprinted. You’re lucky I haven’t had a chance to court you yet, otherwise those friends of yours… well, let’s just say ‘burnt to a crisp’ would be putting it lightly.
They don’t care for you. I’ve seen the jealousy in their eyes when you turn away from them. They always want what you have, and they hate how effortlessly it comes to you. You’re too smart for them. Too beautiful. Too desirable.
I must admit, taking out my competition lately has been a bit difficult, but I’ve made tremendous progress this past month alone. You’re even acknowledging me on your own, and going out of your way to start conversations with me! I knew playing it cool would work - that seems to be the type of people you’re drawn to. None of this loud and boisterous displays of passion some people attempt to smother you in.
I have to admit, though, there are times where I wish I could scream my love for you from the rooftops. I want everybody to know how much you mean to me, and to be jealous that only I can have you, and only you can have me. 
I’m not blind, I see the way your friends look at me when you all walk passed. I hear them whisper as their heated stares lock onto my figure. I know I’m desirable, too.
The only one I care about, though, is you.
Oh, how I revel in your gaze when I feel you looking at me. Honestly, it’s embarrassing how much I preen myself just for you. I’ll admit, my posture has never been the greatest, until I met you.
It’s almost comical how obvious I can be; my friend tease me about it all the time. My kind, we’re not subtle in our ways, but either you don’t notice, or you choose not to.
Perhaps you don’t want to believe I could ever fall for someone like you…
Is this why you don’t let anyone get close to you? Because you’re afraid of getting hurt?
Well, My Little Dove, you don’t have to be afraid any longer. I will never hurt you, because I will never leave you. I only want you, and I will only ever want you.
Do you want to know the dangers of my love for you? It’s a little thrilling, isn’t it? To know that there’s always risks when it comes to love. At least, I find it amusing, and once you feel the same as I do, I know you will, too.
See, my kind, as I said before, we mate for life. But, not just this life. 
Every life.
Our love is reborn through the ashes with each incarnation. No matter how far apart we are, or who we are, we will always find each other. That’s what it means to love a Phoenix.
Once an imprint, always an imprint. Nothing can change that.
My heart is yours. It burns for you. It yearns for your cold touch to quell the flames that have long since kindled the fires of my passion for you. I am devoted to you in every way imaginable. You just don’t know it, yet.
I desire you, My Dove. I have desired you from the very first moment I heard you utter my name. Never has it sounded so pure, so perfect falling from any other’s lips but your own. It was meant to be yours. I was made to be yours, and you were always meant to be mine.
Fuck, I want to know what my name sounds like falling from your lips after I’ve kissed you breathless. I want to wrap you in my embrace and ignite that same spark of desire in you that has always burned within me for you. I want to feel you gripping at my hair, pulling me in closer to you as you cling to my body as I light the fires of my passion upon your own.
Fucking tug on my roots as you pull me back into your core for more. I want to feel you dripping down my chin, suffocating me with your luscious thighs as I get lost in your pussy for hours. Let me make a beautiful mess of your cunt, lick it clean, and then do it all over again, and again, and again.
I want you to moan for me, like I’m your one and only salvation, and you’ll find rapture in my every touch. I want our breaths to become one, never knowing where one ends and the other begins. I want to taste you until I become drunk on everything you have to offer, and then I want to drown you in an ecstasy so deep you’ll never want to come back up for air.
I want my touch to sear across every dip and curve of your skin, so that you feel my desires for you even when we’re apart. If you cannot feel my love for you by the time we’re done, I haven’t finished fulfilling my duties of your perfect lover. By the time I’m finished with you, my name will be the only thing on your lips, my body the only thing you can feel, and my devotion to you the only thing on your mind. 
And your heart…
Your heart will be mine.
Long have I desired to burn my mark on your heart, just as I know you’ve already branded mine. I will accept no other. I cannot.
My greatest desire, though, is far tamer than any of this. Yet, it is probably the most significant. The most intricate and intimate of experiences I could offer you.
I want to show you my wings.
I want to show you my wings, and watch as that wondrous expression of yours lights up your face. I want to see you in awe of the colours, and the contrasting feathers which are quite plush and so delicate to the touch. I want to watch you reach out to feel them, but hesitate slightly, unsure of if you should or not, and then I want to smile and nod at you, encouraging you to fulfill your every desire.
And, oh, how encouraging I would be!
We don’t let just anybody touch our wings, you know. It’s a sacred practice, reserved for the most intimate of lovers.
That’s how much you mean to me. I want to share in that intimacy with you, and only you.
Fuck, and then once you’ve traced the contours of my wings and run your fingers through my feathers, I would make the sweetest love to you. I would hold you so fucking close, whispering how deeply my affection for you lies with every movement I make, my wings on full display as I bring us both to ecstasy together.
I can practically hear the way your voice calls out my name so desperately for me now…
Many nights have been spent playing out this fantasy, but I’m afraid it never fully captures the full effect of the moment. I know it’ll be even more special and intimate when the time comes, and I can only imagine how your delicate hands will feel gripping me, and stroking along my wings during the moment.
Just thinking about it now gets me so sensitive.
You truly have no idea what you do to me.
I just have to get closer to you. You’re starting to open up to me, I can feel it. I’m slowly but surely melting that cold exterior of yours. Or maybe, you’re just cooling me down to your level. We’ll be together soon. We have to be, or else I don’t know just what I might do.
I’ll be wrapping you in my embrace soon enough. 
I’ll make sure you can handle the heat.
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mochifiction · 10 months
I honestly don’t care if this is a hot take or not. If you are willing to excuse everything that Coriolanus Snow did because he’s HOT now, you are the same type of people who would be susceptible to propaganda or the people who would be complacent in the face of the oppressor. One of the biggest assets to Snow both in the book for Ballad and for the film was his looks. He was attractive to people, and he knew this would play into his advantage in winning people over. Mix attractiveness and charisma and people are willing to listen. It’s a cheap trick, and when reading you could even find yourself laughing at those who fall for his very obvious malicious intents. However, the movie did not give the viewer Snow’s monologues. They did not have the same voices in the film. They just had to rely on Snow’s body language through his actions and his dialogue. In a sense, that only makes Snow’s manipulation much more potent in its execution. You shouldn’t NEED a book to tell you that Snow was being manipulative the entire time. You shouldn’t need the oppressor in your head telling you what they’re thinking to recognize that their plans are nowhere near GOOD. People who are willing to excuse Snow for his actions because of his smile or for his Slim Shady buzz cut need to reevaluate themselves. This is the same Coriolanus Snow that killed over 1,500 kids in the Hunger Games alone, not including the people killed in the shadows or during the active resistance itself. This is the same Coriolanus Snow who is responsible for SELLING CHILDREN into PROSTITUTION to others in the Capitol. He is the reason for the creation of the avoxes, for making being able to live a fraction of a stable life a prize to be won, and more. Snow is EVIL and he always has been. He mentioned Tigris selling herself for their sustainability and calling her ugly in response. He shows disdain towards his own grandmother. He uses Sejanus to his advantage and kills him when it benefits him. Lucy Gray angers him because she is the one person that he cannot control. His love for power is the thing he ogles at the most, and when someone poses a threat to that power, he’s enraged. Everything that Coriolanus Snow does is for his own gain and his own approach to or reaffirmation of his power. Every choice he made in Ballad was for his own self interests. I saw someone on TikTok say that it was “survivalist instinct.” Yes, he had survival in mind with some of his actions, but his overall goals in the novel were centered around his rise to power and what can possibly bring him there. Snow has always been centered around himself. The fact that you are able to watch that movie and still walk away kicking your feet and twirling your hair over CORIOLANUS SNOW shows me how fickle you would actually be in places of resistance. You bought into his manipulation and are giggling about it when you should be concerned. Some people are willing to JUSTIFY what he’s done. I have NEVER seen so many people go around in circles trying to justify the actions of PRESIDENT SNOW since this movie came out and it genuinely scares me. Simping over TOM BLYTH is one thing and THIS POST IS NOT FOR THOSE PEOPLE. But the people who BOUGHT into Snow’s manipulation, you’re fucking dumb as rocks. Remember Finnick? Everyone in this fanbase was all over Finnick and how attractive he was in the movies and how badly they wanted him. When the fandom finds another pretty boy, they gravitate towards him knowing he’s the one that murdered their first. One of the biggest tragedies about Snow’s character is that you see who he could have been, and then you see who he CHOSE TO BECOME. People forget the latter part. He chose to become who he did, and you’re trying to tell me everything he did was for survival? The public clearly has beauty trump critical thought, and you SHOULD be scared.
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lostlovesoul11 · 2 years
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Pairing: Jeno X Haechan X Reader
Warnings: friends to...?, Smut, oneshot threesome(mmf), dubcon, double penetration, mxm action, manipulation, overstimulation, spitting, insecurities, ouija board, demons, usual filth
Word count: 9k
18+ no minors! Read tags beforehand.
so this was meant to be released for Halloween but I went on hiatus for the next couple of months. Since I'm back, I can share this with you all. ignore any errors bc i haven't even edited since.
Summary: When playing with an ouija board goes wrong...
A year ago...
It was completely dark in the room, yet Jeno’s thoughts were feeling corrupted. A mistake he made by becoming curious may have costed him to live an entire nightmare, only to be startled by a familiar presence.
“Jeno..” A soft yet deep like voice called out making jeno snap his head up only to see a bit of light surface. He gasps at the sudden call, almost like his breath got taken away, slowly opening his heavy eyelids to see what’s ahead. He knows too well who this is and he probably thought he wouldn’t come across this once again.
Jeno thought this would be over, perhaps forgotten since it’s been years. But alas. Haechan always made his presence well aware, often times entering his mind throughout the days, reminding him of a particular offer he had placed.
“Did you really think I’d forget?” A loud chuckle is heard as Jeno watches the gorgeous red headed man near him. However he wasn’t just a man, a beauty with horns, devilish. He’s mocking Jeno’s reactions at the sight of him knowing what is to be expected, he was told this would happen soon.
But maybe Jeno didn’t think it’ll come. Maybe Haechan would forget since its been a while but no. He’s tired of the demons continuous counters, reminding him daily about the past mistakes. “Just leave me alone!” Jeno huffs out in annoyance.
Haechan pouts, “But you don’t want me to. After all, who do you even have besides me?”
"No, I have friends!" Jenos inner monologue repeats in his head. The thought torments him. He wishes he never indulged in anything that particular day. Hating how his curiosity lead to this pathway.
A finger is placed on Jeno’s chin lifting it upward, “You needed me. You called for me. And I came. I gave you my company, became a friend, helped you to get whatever you desired.. ”
“Stop!” Jeno shouts, pushing Haechan’s hand away from him completely. ”I don’t need you.”
Haechan shouts back, “You’ve always needed me!
He hates this. He hates how right Haechan is. Jeno was always a lonely child, often finding it hard to fit himself with people. Until he came across the demon, Haechan.
“I- don’t.” Jeno closes his eyes, finding ways to escape the lies telling from his eyes.
Haechan smiles, watching him convince himself from the utter truth. “You could have said goodbye Jeno but you never have. Shall I tell you why?”
He gulped knowing the exact reason why. He’s aware having the ouija board he can end this by saying goodbye, one of the rules to initially do once you’ve finished using it. Anything can be done to get rid of a demon. So why doesn’t he?
Lowering himself as a breath rushes to Jeno’s ear, “Because your a troubled lonely boy who craves company, desperately.”
And there it was the reason to why Jeno even befriended a demon. Though thinking it was harmless at a young age, Jeno grew attached to the presence of the demon. Especially during the times he had no one.
But demons don’t just befriend people without having something for themselves. And that’s Haechan always reminded him there’s a price to pay. What you didn’t know was, that price was you.
It terrfied Jeno once he started taking a liking towards you after finally finding a group of friends. You stood out. You was the opposite of Jeno. Kind but fierce, confident at what you always wanted. Something Jeno wishes he had.
But most of all, Jeno felt flutters in his heart having you around him. He knew he was screwed, who wouldn’t fall for a beautiful person like you?
And that’s when Haechan entered wanting to find a new prey. Convincing Jeno who initially was hesitant. But it worked. Maybe Jeno did have a sick mind to have you in this way too.
Halloween was always something you looked forward to. The moon tonight was illuminating when you stepped outside with the group as you all made your way to a Halloween party.
Dressing up was one of your favourite things to do. Looking like a straight vampire out of the movie, fangs on your teeth with smeared lipstick stain on your bottom lip. An extremely short black dress with see through tights, barely covering you up.
Later that night, everyone returned home from the party to Jeno's house. It's always something the group does, a cosy and huge place to come back to was the best. Everyone was drunk off limits, playing a bunch of card games, ordering food and what not.
The time arrived when everyone began to get up and finally going back to their house. However, you felt slightly lazy today. It's not unusual for you though, having to stay over at Jeno's was a normal occurrence. He was such a great friend, always helping you out during your drunk times, taking off your make up before you doozed right off. You really appreciated having Jeno.
Although this time, you wasn't really too drunk at all. But you still wanted to stay the night over. Jeno's house was huge, thanks to having rich parents. Hence there was always enough room for anyone to sleep over.
And tonight you was staying over.
Laying on the long sofa scrolling away on your phone, your other hand putting snacks in your mouth. Jeno finally enters back in the room but with something in his hand. Your eyes fluttered over at the very thing he’s holding on to, walking across to the table.
“Jeno what’s that?” You asked, brows raised when you shift your eyes away from your phone and on to what he is carrying in his hand.
Whatever it was seemed to be quite rusty, dust scattered above it as Jeno rubbed it off with his hands. It looked like an old board as you watched.
It would be a lie to say that Jeno wasn’t scared. Truthfully this could either work or not. And hearing your innocent voice calling him to ask makes his heart churn. The way you have no idea..
He clears his throat nervously before he speaks, “It’s a ouija board."
Your eyes widen at the statement, “No way, an ouija board?”
He saw the way your eyes popped open, attention leaving away as you dropped your phone down and watched what’s in front. Unable to tell how your reaction towards this is.
You came closer to Jeno, your fingers touching the old board as some dust particles remain on your finger. You’ve heard of ouija boards but never have them in person. You visibly feel shocked. “Wow...” this is...
The guilt slowly forms up to Jeno as he inhales deeply before he speaks up, “It’s okay we don’t have to play—
Only to get abruptly stopped as your hand reaches on Jeno’s arm. Jeno was confused at the reaction, genuinely thinking you felt creeped out by this but the glint in your eyes spoke otherwise.
“I want to play” You quickly shout out.
Jeno’s eyes widen, a fast inhale retrieves out of his mouth, “Really?”
He still cannot believe you want to go ahead with this and tries to find ways of convincing, perhaps the one who needs convincing is him.
You almost looked like a a kid begging to play with their favourite toy, a grin slapped across your face as you pester him more. “Yes, let’s play it! I think this will be fun.”
Fun. It will be everything but fun, Jeno thought. As much as he hates doing this, the sick part of him is happy your wiling to try it out. It’s why he would often mention to not be so willing to do just everything in the pretext of risks. What if these risks put you through dangerous places?
What if it put you to dangerous beings, people like him?
But you was fearless. Always striving to do whatever you can to gain experience. Something Jeno was fond of yet jealous.
However in this context it was far from such. Unfortunately your determined nature just makes it easier for anyone to coy you around.
He licks his bottom lip as he fights back a laughter, “Okay fine, let’s do it.”
Both of you sat down together with the board below. Though it seems like a dusty old board, you could still see the words that are written on it. The various letters in bold with the Yes and No at the top corners.
“Do you want me to go through the rules?” in which you had nodded, waiting for him to tell you more.
Rule number 1 Never use this alone. Always play with others
Rule number 2 Always set the mood during the night, use candles before initiating
Rule number 3 Dont forget to say goodbye
Rule number 4 Be careful what you wish for..
You’ve watched many movies growing up about these things but never actually coming across it in real life. You don’t exactly know how to feel at this given moment except to listen to everything Jeno is mentioning, after all, he knows well doesn’t he?
Going through the rules makes Jeno feel so fake. Because he always end up doing the exact opposite of what was to expect, but could he be to blame? He was just a child. A vulnerable child who knew nothing with a curious mind.
Jeno gets up and retreats to a different room as you waited in the living room, only to come back whilst closing the lights behind him and placing a few candles around the board. He uses a lighter above the candles as it burns ahead.
Now that the mood has settled in you definitely feel a bit nervous about this whole thing, your hands shake but Jeno calms you with his own above.
“We got this’’ He says in comfort making you feel at ease knowing your not alone in this.
You closed your eyes as you inhale a deep breath ready to face your fears.
The planchette is directly placed on the board, Jenos hands merges with yours while you both move it around in circles until you stop. You gulped as you awaited for what’s next. Jeno suddenly speak up.
“Are there any spirits that’d like to come in contact with us right now?”
An eerie vibe comes along as you wait for a reveal, your hands suddenly felt cold, chest slightly heaving on what’s to come ahead. Is it true? Do spirits exist? Does this even work? Slowly, it felt like time was dragging on having no response, no movement to answer the question.
Jeno looked with worry in his eyes but the smile remained still on his face. You can’t pinpoint what he’s feeling, maybe he’s scared?
“I think you should ask a question” He spoke, a small grin on his face. You blinked a couple of times before it sinked in what he had asked, you licked your lips returning a smile back towards him.
“Are there any spirits present here who would like to come in contact with us right now?”
Utter silence.
Maybe this doesn’t work. Maybe these things are just for fun purposes, nothing to indicate how real these things are. It felt lowkey as a relief, because you felt yourself feel light hearted about the situation. So you asked again.
“Are there any hot spirits present here who would like to come in to contact with us right now?” You playfully joked, emitting a laugh from Jeno.
You both giggled, feeling light hearted about what is happening right now, maybe this is just a fun game to play and has nothing real about it. So why not make some jokes?
Both of you were immersed in yourselves when all of a sudden the planchette slowly shoots up the corner, YES.
You felt your heart sank, your stomach feeling physically sick. You cannot believe this is real. This actually works.
“Holy shit” you gasped in shock. So this shit really does work? Surprised at what just happened. Just not long ago you was thinking how this may just be some made up game, only to be shooked to the core.
Jeno just watched your face, as if you’re trying to dim down the effects of being terrified. Its normal for him though. However for you its not. He knows you must be feeling all sorts of ways, once like ye did too.
“Are you okay?” he questioned in concern, not knowing if is something you still wanna go ahead with.
Your pupils dilated, you cough up, “Y-yeah totally didn’t just get scared at that..!” trying to brush off acting as if it didn’t affect you. Your words are stammering as they fall out your mouth, of course your shit scared!
“I.. just.. can’t believe.. this... spirit has a praise kink!” You shouted out. If you really think about it, whoever it was only revealed themselves after you called them "hot".
Only to begin go laugh and making Jeno laugh along. Seriously, even in such situations you still somehow make light of your situations and that’s one thing Jeno really admired about you.
“You’re unbelievable” Jeno shakes his head as he chuckles at your jokes. At least in this way you can make jokes rather than giving up on this.
This is interesting you thought. Halloween night playing ouija board with a hot spirit? Like hell does that stuff really exist?
“Technically I’m right, whoever it was definitely responded because I called them hot,”
If only you knew.
You started feeling bold, wanting to find out more about who this spirit is thats decided to communicate with you both.
“What’s your name?” You asked, but this time the planchette moved rather quickly than last time, spelling the name out as you begin to read what is said.
“Haechan" You spoke up, you don’t think you’ve ever heard such a name before today. Guessing its definitely a male speaking with you right now. What you didnt notice beside you was Jeno’s eyes stayed still on the board, not blinking one bit hearing Haechans name came out of your mouth. Causing goosebumps grazing on to his skin. Things are beginning to feel real once again, feeling sickness in his stomach already.
“Have you ever heard of this name, Jeno?” Looking up to him as he breaks out of stillness, before replying, "No."
Such a liar. Even when Jeno lies, it still does not sit right with him, wondering if you’d be able to catch his bluff. But you haven’t so far, a sick feeling of relief washes past him.
You prompt another question, almost like you’ve gotten the hang of this game. So far whoever this spirit is seems friendly, it seems.
“Why are you here tonight?” You asked further, curious what made this specific spirit is seeking tonight.
Tonight was the day a deal was formed between the demon and Jeno something you’re completely unaware of. You have no idea what your getting into at all. Your innocent and curious nature yet again deceiving you.
The planchette moved, something that still sends chills to your bones, forming a response.
Goosebumps form as the answer shoots you completely. Things were seemingly creepier as you interrogated the spirit more. Collect what and who you thought?
You seemed to still be in shock so Jeno took over and asked. “To collect who?”
It was silent. Unlike the previous times where the spirit communicated rather quickly, this time there was nothing. No urgency of a response, making you frown.
Maybe this wasn’t a good idea to do, maybe the spirit didn’t want to communicate any longer so you sighed and was just about to say to end this, only to be startled by the planchette moving itself towards the alphabets.
You both looked at one another in shock, not expecting such answer which only leaves you both confused on who this is talking about. You kept thinking of multiple scenarios of how this spirit must have had a past lover whom they’re still trying to connect and vice versa.
“Who is?”
You felt your breath get sucked out of your body, panting on the new information. This is becoming worse as it goes on, you have no idea who even this spirit is except his name, Haechan. You look towards Jeno absolutely freaking out, “Jeno.. w-what the fuck!”
Jeno saw the way your eyes bulged out, fear written over your face. You seemed so scared and conflicted, he knew this was to come.
“Maybe he’s just flirting with you,” Jeno snapped back trying to make you laugh, only to watch you huff out. “Well that’s a sick way to be flirting!”
Sick. Everything about this was sick, he thought.
Whilst you're both speaking, not realising the planchette moves once again, catching your eyes below to read out the message its delivering.
Holy shit. No way did this spirit just say this stuff right now. Mouth opened wide trying to process what you have just saw. No way is this spirit really talking dirty to you right this second.
"What the fuck." You froze ahead at what's spelled out, "This is getting weird..." You sighed.
To be honest, even Jeno didn’t like what Haechan just said. Thoughts coming back thinking whether this is a good thing to do, for the demon to have you and do whatever he likes..
However Jeno has to remember what his motive really was, trying to find ways for you to still remain here. “Maybe he hasn’t had any action since,”
Only for you to roll your eyes, “Wow, I mean surely hes on the other side so what action will he be getting." Jeno literally laughs out, a part of him does loath Haechan so hearing things mocking him does make him chuckle.
Your stomach wasn't feeling great about this anymore, all of a sudden your throat began to close up, You whispered quietly, “Maybe we should stop this...”
Before you could even do anything or wrap this up, the candles suddenly leave their flames, darkness welcomes back in to the room. It’s pitch black, not an ounce of light to be seen, you felt restless with your heart accelerating, “Jeno.. I'm-im scared!.”
The silence begins to get creepy, no sound to be heard at all. Now you’re really beginning to feel the effects, not realising your eyes have slight prickly tears formed.
“Jeno..? Jeno..?”
You felt a warm hand tug on to your back, only to aggressive push you in a instant. You screamed, not realising you have fallen into the arms of someone. Face hitting their chest. Not not only is your heart racing but so is another.
Jeno turns one of the candles above his face as you slowly look up “It's me, Jeno" he reassures.
“J-Jeno something.. pushed me i-iswear-"
Jenos coos you on his arms, “I'm here."
The candle light brought out your face, Jeno in awe how you still look so beautiful, even in fear. You was always beautiful to him for sure, but today your features were shown in a different light. Teary eyes and flushed face brought out your cuteness, its kind of sick of Jeno to even see beauty within your fear. The parting of your beautiful lips trying your hardest to exhale with both of your breasts pushing upwards. Your hands tightening as you held on to Jeno’s arm, almost bruising into his skin. But he doesn’t care, his pain doesn’t exist when you’re there. Almost like a cure for him.
That push really shook your core, you perhaps think this may have been the spirit itself. But why would he do that? Matter of a fact you’ve never encountered a real life spirit. Not having any idea how one looks and quite frankly would rather wish not to know.
You stay beside Jeno inhaling his fresh scent, despite partying earlier on with the rest, he still manages to smell great. Like comfort, not overbearing. Your latched against him with his a hand making way towards your hair, giving gentle strokes. He moves you away from him with your face in contact to him, watching him with furrowed brows. His hand moves down towards your cheek, giving slow rubs.
Its the way he was paying attention to your face, like hes searching for something within you. His brows were raised with his teeth grazing his bottom lip. He looked attractive, well you’ve always found him attractive but tonight was different. You don’t think you’ve ever seen him this upclose and his strong jawline carved to perfection.
“I’ll protect you” He spoke, unable to help but watch your luscious lips. You look so tempting, hes surprised how well he held off. Whenever you was around him, even giving him light grazes, he would almost flinch. But most of the times it was visits to the bathroom, taking care of his problem of getting hard, fisting his cock completely dry.
How can you claim to protect someone when you invite them to this hell, Jeno?
Your puppy eyes were stilled on Jeno’s face. Admiring his every feature you can see, so strong yet delicate. You lick your lips at the sight of him, thoughts wandering off your head, thinking how nice his lips would feel-
“Don’t do that” Jeno said sternly. You had zero idea of what you was doing to him, making him feel right this second. The way your eyelashes start fluttering with a confused look, is it possible he can read your mind?
“But I didn’t—
“it makes me want to kiss you.” He fought back, biting his lower lip with his eyes below, how managed to contain himself throughout but its seemingly impossible now. Why do you look so frightened yet pretty? How do you manage to have beauty even in darkness?
You swallowed, eyes wide as you hear Jeno’s thought. You can’t believe he would or could ever say such thoughts, you’ve never heard him say anything like this to you. But right now that’s exactly what you want, you lean closer against his body, tipping upwards with a seductive eyes, “Then kiss me.”
Jeno didn’t need to be told twice. No hesitation shows when his lips urgently collide yours. He tilts his head as he deepens the kiss inhaling every breath of yours. It felt like giving him revgererance each time he consumed you. You have no idea how desperately he wanted to do this for the longest time and now he’s finally kissing you.
Saliva begins to form below your chin with Jenk sucking it up inside, his tongue grazes all your mouth and lip. Tasting better than he thought. You took him in gladly, letting your hands roam over his soft hair continuing the kiss.
The candles were perfectly lit bringing light into the living room, the inhaling through your nose as it burns away. A chair is placed right beside you both in which you struck Jeno down below and reach above him. He was a taken back from the gesture, eyes wide but dived into you further when you sat below his lap.
You struct back and forth against his pants already feeling his hard on. It excited you to know how hard he’s already become for you, such an easy puppy. He saw the way you moved backwards, rushing to whatever your going for as he snaps you out of it.
"Trying to cum on my pants?” He huffed out, almost making you stop with his strong hands around you, watching the desperation from your eyes wanting more.
“Yes.” Answering immediately, you’re shameless but you love the feel and its exactly what you want.
“Are you always this desperate?” He bucks his hips further up, hitting his hard on against your sensitive clit. Making your mouth part in pleasure.
“No..” You lied, not used to seeing this side of Jeno. From what you knew, Jeno was mostly reserved, the nice boy. But today he’s different. You didnt think he’d have it in him but right now he convinced you otherwise.
“No?” He questioned, moving his mouth lower towards your neck planting a few kisses, making you curl. He brings your palm below, touching his erection directly, “Do you feel that?” He whispers.
“Fuck” “I—” Moans eclict from you at the contact of his length, the material brushing your hand with roughness. His pupils dilated watching you become so dumb for him, his hand holding yours below his length moving you slowly, “This is all your fault, you know that right?”
You’ve never felt so helpless, wanting to rip out his clothes and let him do you right then and there. You’re throbbing underneath him and you’d do anything to feel your release, “Why.. is it?” You fought back, wanting to play along with him.
He chuckles as he bites his lower lip, enough to pull blood, “Who told you to look so pretty? Do you know the amount of times I’ve fisted my cock because of you? Got me so hard?
Shocked was an understatement. You’ve never thought of Jeno doing anything like this. He gets off about you? Since when? Why haven’t you been made aware of this? Why haven’t any of your friends mentioned this? This is complete news to you.
He saw the way your cheeks blushed, your brows were furrowed in confusion and carried on, “The times you came near me and I backed away? The times I had to always run off to the bathroom? Fuck I was so scared of you finding out, biting my lip so hard so you don’t end up hearing me..”
Now all you could picture is the times you remembered him running off never thinking twice why. Picturing how he’d lean against the shower with the water gliding down, a hand on his erection as he pumps himself. Fuck. So hot.
You felt so needy, rustling yourself on him as you let him speak more about what he does when he’s alone. You wanted to play along, teasingly, “That’s not right to do.”
Jeno immediately stops you from trying to reach your climax, “And you? Fucking your cunt on my thigh whilst hearing the things I’ve done is?” You bite your lip as a moan escapes your mouth, letting him put you in your place. Your thighs ache as your body jolts with the
“Jeno I had no idea..” Finally speaking out, only for Jeno to pull you closer to him with your hands held on his shoulders. He looks up with hopeful eyes, “Of course you didn’t.” He smiles until it slightly drops making you feel some way, “You’ve never noticed me.”
You saw the way his light eyes suddenly dimmed down towards the end, a drastic change of reaction. You genuinely never noticed his behaviours until now, maybe because you never felt the need to. He was a friend, after all.
Well you’ve fucked friends before and its nothing you take seriously, he could have asked you if he really just wanted that you thought.
You gasped as you break out of thought when he suddenly lifts you up from him, feeling a loss of contact with his erection. Picking you up with the dimly light ahead, leading you inside his bedroom. Your eyes open as your placed beneath the bed, coldness hitting your back as you lay down.
Jeno crawled over you, breath fanning over before he kisses into your lips once again. He loves how soft you feel. His hands reaching below as removes each piece of clothing off. Cupping your breasts before he sinks lower and inserts one towars his mouth. You immediately falter, loving the way he sucks on your nipples.
He doesn’t stop kissing your body, letting himself consume every inch of you. You smell divine, it drives him crazy how he’s finally gotten you. He’s happy because he can finally feel you, let him touch you in places he’s only imagined whilst in the bathrooms. Perfect may not exist but for Jeno you do. He reaches lower with his eyes up, drawing his tongue below your abdomen to thighs.
You eclict moans right away, hitting the sensitive spot. He loves making you feel good. You deserve to always feel pleasure. And he will be always ready to deliver. Slowly tearing down your skirt below you knees, as expected to see you full of wetness.
Diving in deep with a swirl of his tongue, hitting you out of nowhere. You reached for his hair as you tugged with the pleasure, “Wetter than my dreams.” He states in awe at the sight ahead of him.
He reached up planting kisses before he connects his lips against yours. Sometbing he can’t keep himself to not do. Always wondering how your lips must feel, soft. It feels good to have you against him, allowing him to do whatever. Jeno felt so happy. For once, his dreams were becoming a reality. For once, he’s finally gotten you, or will that reality hit him like a dream once again..
“Jeno hyung"
A sweet voice was called out from behind, near the door of the bedroom. Jeno’s eyes snapped back, back to reality. The moments he had shared almost forgetting what the truth of reality was. A nightmare living in a dream. His happiness lasted briefly, eyes bulged out in terror.
You’ve possibly never seen a reaction as such before. Jeno turned almost pale, his eyes widen with darkness but a tint of fear behind. He stopped moving, freezing in time. His hand wasn’t touching anymore, it stilled. You’re absolutely deprived and have been edged for too long, trying to bring your hand up to Jeno’s face. Only for him to snap backwards, completely ignoring you.
You tried to call him out but avail. Something snapped to him ever since someone called him out, only to realise there was also another person present in the room. That sent shivers to your bones, watching ahead in fear. Jeno walks towards the door but stops mid way.
The lighting was dim enough in the room, but whatever was standing near the door blossomed with light. From your angle, you could only watch and notice the bright light entering inside closer and closer.
It appeared closer as you squinted your eyes, however frozen when you see the sight ahead. An alluring red headed beauty, sun kissed skin that beams with light. He almost looked like an angel had you not seen the small horns from the corners of his scalp. A fallen angel, perhaps.
He approached closer to Jeno, lifting his hand as it grazed along his cheek watching him in adoration and glinted eyes, “I’ve missed you, hyung.” Jeno watches in shock, it’s finally hitting him how real this is. The touch felt so familiar with him, something he’s not felt in years as he puts his hand above the demons.
“Haechan..” He breathed slowly, someone who was always with him. Someone who he had shared his moments with, his loneliness with. He grew attachment to him and till this moment, too.
Haechan walked closer as his nose scents Jeno’s neck, before gripping it with his hand and pulling himself near his ears with a whisper, “I told you you could never escape me..” He smirks.
Haechans breath fans all around Jeno’s neck, causing his neediness to rupture. It was always a sensitive spot for Jeno, receiving small sigh from his mouth.
You gulped nervously, did you just hear Jeno call out to Haechan? The same one who you played the Ouija Board with? How is this possible? How does Jeno know him? Millions of questions arise in your mind, mind boggled. Your heart begins to accerlate as each second passes, gripping on the sheet harshly as a safety net.
You felt silenced. Not a word formed in your mouth. Just watching the sight ahead, you lated still waiting to see what happens next.
Haechan’s tongue made presence as it shifted towards Jeno’s ear, slowly moving below to his neck. Jeno moaned quietly as the boy felt pleasure, cock hardening as he swirls away. His nose above his ear before tugging his hair back, “So easy and receptive to my touch hyung, you must have missed me quite a bit.” He boasts.
Jeno immediately rushes his lips against Haechan’s, though his kiss was driven more from his earlier events and the demon itself. He felt more alive as the kiss deepens, the only time Jeno feels out of the ordinary. A sense of comfort that only he has for himself, a feeling like no other to be known. Jeno takes in more and more, sucking the demons tongue like thirst.
Haechan pushes himself hard, throwing his hand below the shaft, forming moans through the mouth. Jeno hissed, throwing his head back as his eyes rolled, letting the demon take control over his body. You watched in complete awe on how receptive Jenos falls in Haechan’s hands.
You should be petrified, you are. But the way your legs have been spread out, left lonely because of Jeno makes you feel needy. The redrawl of touch hits you hard. A scene that should make you run for the hills, but what do you do instead?
Bringing a hand on your aching thighs, dragging it down slowly to gain some sort of touch. The hand moves it’s placement from your ankle, towards your abdomen, causing slight shivers to your body. Biting your lip to not make any sounds, the finger ascends above your breasts, cupping before you massage them.
Jeno’s groans feel like music to your ears and a favourite to the Demon. He walks backwards slowly as Haechan continues his pleasure, nearing towards you. However that doesn’t make you stop, you're absolutely needy. The hand cups your breast before you pinch your nipples, swallowing your moans away.
Your finger slowly makes way down, every touch accelerates your reaction. You can see not only Jeno but the sight of the beautiful demon. Wondering how easy you can fall in to his touch, imagining his fingers running down towards your area. You’re incredibly wet, your fingers moving upwards and down before it stops at your swollen clit.
Mouth parting at the sensitivity down below, you know with one touch you’d literally come. You furrow your brows, lifting your head up to see the sight ahead. You cannot contain yourself much longer, before you begin to rub furiously below.
Small moans erupt from your mouth, breathing accelerates as you move. Hot sweats break out against your skin rushing for climax. You continue, only to stop in almost shock at what you see. The demon kisses Jeno’s ears as he opens his eyes at the sight of your arousal.
You immediately froze. Like someone snatched your breath away. There was fear behind your eyes showing evidently to the demon as he curled a smirk on his face. Your heart was pounding feeling like you got caught. Caught in something wrong.
Your fingers almost vibrate with the throbbing below indicating how close you are. For some reason you just couldn’t move your fingers at all. The shock of seeing Haechan catching you literally get yourself off from them makes you feel ashamed. But, don’t the wrong things feel so good?
Remaining eye contact with the demon ahead as he continues rubbing Jeno, you slowly begin to thrust up. It was subtle at first, but Haechan knows you way too well. The fact that you tried to act innocent by stopping with your fingers, yet you start thrusting yourself against your fingers. You begin to bite your lips, letting the demon watch the way your toes begin to curl. The arrival of the release occurs with your eyes rolling back, legs shivering until you can take the achehis before you drop below the bed.
You don’t realise eyes have always been on you. Haechan whispers to Jeno before stopping abruptly, making their way towards the bed. You laid with wetness as it continues to slip on the bed, eyes closed before you open your eyes once again.
“My angel,” He mutters, watching you as you felt exposed within his gaze. The petname immediately made you flush, hoping you aren’t caught once again. “Is this my angel, tonight?” He questions as he eyed Jeno.
Jeno felt nervous before he spoke up, “Yes.”
He didn’t know what to say to you. He didn’t know how your reaction is to see him this way, with a demon alongside. Jeno wants to say so much but so little comes out, knowing you’re shaken by this. Do you hate him? Are you angry? He doesn’t know because your face doesn’t indicate anything at all.
Your eyes are stilled on Jeno, a million questions on your mind but you can’t think. You can’t think when all you want is to feel a touch from them desperately.
“Jeno always had a thing for pretty things,” His hand travelling to your ankles with light strokes, yet you feel electricity running through as you gasp at the sudden movement. “And I have a thing to ruin them completely..” His fingers almost grazing towards your upper thigh before he widens your legs.
You shudder with soreness, exposed at what you’ve been hiding all this time as you softly moaned. Jeno immediately feels his cock harden at the sight of your open legs before Haechan speaks up, “Spread your legs open."
And you did exactly that despite of the burning you felt keeping still. Thinking you’d be receiving some sort of action, but no. Haechan immediately turns to Jeno before putting his mouth back on his once again. This time increasingly faster and rough as they kiss.
Feeling absolutely ignored, you try to close your legs until Haechan eyes loom over yours, “I said keep them open.”
The throbbing immediately begins, wanting to close your legs but remembering you can’t. So you stay still, suffering as you watch them swallow each another. You wanted to get touched, to feel anything at this point. That’s until Haechan backed away, averting his eyes to your sullen face before he looks at Jeno.
“Open your mouth.” He demands.
Jeno does without hesitation, as the demon connects himself against him before he released himself, spitting in his formed saliva into the mouth of Jeno’s. You almost drooled at what you saw, Jeno mouth dripping with his own saliva alongside Haechan’s, reaching just below his chin.
He looks up to Haechan before he moved away from him, mouth being full before entering his liquids inside.
Your legs wide, aching in pain before you see the demon bring Jeno near you before he draws out, “Spit in her sinful pussy.” He demands. You suddenly gasp at how cold it felt as the fluid travels down towards your throbbing hole, making a trail down your thigh.
You felt exposed how they watched in awe at your hole before the demon instructed Jeno next, “Brim her full of my spit, shove your fingers inside.” Jeno doesn’t hesitate at all, his long fingers already making way and fucking inside of your cunt rapidly, forcing the wetness to be shoved all the way in.
“Fuck Jeno,” You gasped at the harshness of his fingers inside. He showed zero mercy on you and fasten as he kept going, leaving you gasping each second. Jeno loved how pretty you looked, breathless and teary all for him and he wanted to see you being a wreck.
You almost forget that you have another visitor, a hand roams around your body heightening the experience further. Your eyes are shut, breathing deeply as you feel Jeno hitting your spot. Eyes opening slowly as a tongue is felt beneath you, swallowing you as it stays between your breasts.
The pleasure feels surreal, all at once hitting you everywhere. Your nipples have hardened, goosebumps forming on your skin before you slowly opened your eyes, seeing Haechan remaining eye contact whilst he sucks on to your breasts before biting with his sharp teeth, electing pain from your mouth.
You don’t even realise how close you are until streams of tears reach below your chest, feeling overstimiulated from the pleasure from both. The demon already looms above you without you noticing watching his prey looking wrecked and beautiful.
Looking prettier as ever, Haechan almost is convinced you're an angel. How can one look so gorgeous as they cry out? Your cheeks are flushed, lips plump red and skin heated as you felt the breath fanning over your face like breeze, cooling you from the heat.
Jeno loves the way you taste, loving how he gets to be underneath you and suck in your wetness when he dives deeply. His mouth finds contact to your clit and flicks it furiously to make you cum.
Your hand tugs below, tears streaming down your face before Haechan brings his tongue out and licks them away. You felt the cold shiver as he continues his lick when every droplet falls, dark eyes watching you falter completely in his hold. You looked so helpless, as your face scrunched up.
He knows you're wrecked and can sense your nearing just before he shoves Jeno’s face down all the way inside of your cunt, “That’s it, give the boy a treat.” Jeno struggled but still maintained his hands against your skin, tugging into you deeply . He was so excited to have you finish all inside of his mouth, groaning along your cunt.
“I’m going to c-cum—”
Your cut off immediately when Haechan latches his mouth against yours, sucking in every moan your mouth can make. He kisses you so raw, a little different to Jeno. It felt animalistic. He wanted every bit of you, inch, sound of you. Feeling almost selfish, wanting you to consume your moans only to him.
Jeno felt the withdrawal of the hand when he peeks up, coated full of your wetness witnessing the demon and you indulging with each another. He felt his heart sinking a little before remembering he’s the reason why he’s able to even feel you, perhaps even inside of you.
He grew needier as he palms his cock out, giving it a few rubs as he watches you both. “Wanna fuck you.” He meekly speaks, “Wanna feel your warm pussy.”
You look up to see Jeno fisting his cock, looking sensitive as ever. It’s exactly how you pictured him doing you in the bathroom, his arms showcasing his veins as he kept pumping with a bite on his lip. You spread yourself open, the urge to feel a cock inside. He smiles, can’t contain himself parting your thighs open while he enters inside with
It catches you off guard as you scream at his intrusion, his huge cock slowly making its way known inside. His eyes remained stilled on yours, softening as he moved up towards you before kissing in to your neck. You’re melting under his touch, his cock hitting you rather gentle.
Haechan is under watching Jeno’s cock go in and out before he scoffs, “I see you don’t know Angel as well as you thought.” Causing a frown on Jeno’s face at what the demon said.
Annoyed, Jeno mutters, “Shut up.”
He continues to kiss your body away, his lips stilled on your abdomen as he continues thrusting inside. You have no idea what the demon and him are exchanging, you just want to feel pleasure.
The demon loves how worked up Jeno’s becoming, only to tease him further. “Come on, fuck her like you mean it.” He teases, continuing his pace before he slows down completely, “Show her how much you like her.”
The last sentence hit Jeno like a bus. Eyes widening at the statement said, you was never meant to know that and he can’t believe Haechan just exposed him about it. He looks over to you in embarrassment, taking his eyes away before you call out his name.
You was surprised hearing this information come out. Watching how immediately Jeno stopped reacting, almost making himself look small. Youve fucked with friends before, no feelings involved whatsoever, so is this true? Does Jeno possibly have feelings for you?
Your eyes widen, “You like me?”
Jeno forms no response, but seeing how you look so wrecked yet cute makes his heart falter even more. The heat rushes towards his face not realising how apparent his answer is towards you.
‘’Aw.” The demon cooed as he watched. “Look how red your face is. “Did I make you go soft inside her?” He chuckled evily as he pokes a tongue against his cheek.
“Fuck you.” Jeno shouts back.
His pace changes quickly, the cock thrusting deeply inside of your walls as he pushes himself further. You feel your eyelids flutter once he goes inside and out. Almost feeling his cock stretching your pussy all out.
The demon wears a smug face on, annoying Jeno thus more. His hand reaches Jeno’s thigh, just for him to throw it back away.
“You wanna be a fucking brat?” He grits out, watching Haechan under him with thirst before he removes the cock from your hole and inserts directly into the demons mouth.
Abusing Haechan’s mouth as he continues ramming inside, the smile still remains in his eyes whilst he chokes himself on it. It’s definitely been a while since he’s had Jeno inside of him and he loved how he can get under his skin so easily.
Haechan licks and sucks him all over as he kneeled below. Jeno puts his hand above Haechan’s before he pushes him further down on his cock, making him swallow. But Haechan coughs up, trying to breath only for Jeno to keep his hand on him firm.
“Didn’t you want my cock? Come on take it all.”
The dynamic between the two wasn’t something you expected. They both can overpower each other yet fall into each others touch so easily. To know Jeno has this side already drove you nuts, your hand reaching your area to relieve yourself from the loss cock.
You felt so turned on just before Jeno throws your hand away from yourself, eyes darken towards you, “You’re not cumming through your hands, you’re cumming on my cock.” He commanded. Lifting his cock out of Haechan’s mouth and pushed it all the way up inside your cunt.
The demon smirked as he licked off the remaining wetness off him, now diverting his attention towards you.
You throbbed hearing him, eyes rolling back, you felt so wet under that you almost can’t even feel a cock. It just felt like a gush of wetness that slides all over hitting the perfect spot. You’re happy he changed his pace because this is exactly what you wanted. To be wrecked.
He delivered brutal thrusts, pining your arms down to the sides as he pushed himself more and more into you. Tears filling your eyes at being over stimulated, Jeno’s cock hits on the spot, already shuddering from it.
“You take me in so good, fuck—” Jeno groans, loving the feel of your cunt sucking up all up. Youre throbbing against him and he knows your about to climax any second. “Wanna cum with you too, hold on will you?” He asks nicely, his forehead connecting yours before he kisses. You nodded biting your lips harder than ever.
Jeno looked so concentrated, so sexy. You held off your climax just to see him use your hole as he could. His face is against your neck, groaning in pain. A sign of him cumming, you hold on to him and let yourself move to feel the same way too.
“Fuck fuck fuck—” He groans, letting his release spill inside of you as you did too. The gush was a lot mixing along yours, eyes turning as your nails dug into his skin. Your leg were still shaking with the orgasm passing along your whole body.
He lifts off from you as you stay laying, until the demon turns you around. Your ass was planted with a kiss, jolting at the touch as your still sensitive.
He spread your legs wide once again, cheeks on display before smacking your lips in between. “Fuck, pervert.” You screeched aloud. You noticed the demon had a thing for you being spread out entirely, only to make him chuckle.
He placed his lips as he puts a kiss, trying to soothe you. “You humans fascinate me, you know?” Quirking a brow from behind, his hand slowly moving towards your core.
Already faltering to the demons touch as you whimper, “Why?”
His hand stretches you more, allowing better access before he shoves his fingers inside. Jolting in an instant, it feels sore yet pleasurable. As he takes them out and continues to move around over your clit.
“So needy for me already,” He rasps, allowing his hand to get coated along your wetness. “One touch and you’re already faltering.” He smirks behind you. Even a singular touch from him causes you to react so fast.
He removes his hand suddenly depriving you off his touch, making you frown as you look back.
Only to see something you’ve never seen before. A cock this huge, you’re sure he’d rip you to shreds. You begin to wonder how it’ll feel, how deep it can get inside of you.
“Scared?” Haechan teases back, a smirk written across his face. He seemed so full of himself you thought, but it only made you like him more. He knows how well you try and hide how you feel, only for you to shrug it off.
The ache between your legs expands, as you wiggle yourself behind his cock. You can already feel the texture, smoother than you imagined. Moving around emitting groans from the demon.
“Such a tease, Angel.” The demon groans biting his bottom lip sounding almost melodic. He let your body smother his cock all around. Despite it not even being inside you yet, your body heat was raised. Even more when you decide to reach lower allowing the cock to slide against your wet core.
“F-Feels so.. nice" You winched. This time you tried to even be daring and tried to grab his length, only to get your hand thrown away. Making you annoyed.
“Did I tell you to touch me, slut?” Haechan spoke offended. A pout forms while you still wiggle around him, begging to feel something more.
Your core was dripping in wetness, something the demon was always awed to see. Humans were different from his kind, almost stupid he thinks. The biggest weakness about them was controlling their temptations, a failure that they adhered and especially you.
“This is what a good human slut need” He rasps, his hands placed on your hips, gliding his cock just above your pussy, teasingly moving back and forth as if he’s already fucking you. Instantly feeling stimulated with this way.
“Look at it angel,” He motions your head down just enough for you to see the small gap between your thighs. You watch how his cock manages to slide through it, feeling every vein as it pulses through you.
It felt so good, like hes fucking you for real. Haechan begins to increase his speed each time he thrusts forward, hitting your ass and core. You both were moaning, little groans from his mouth as he continued to fuck into you in this position.
He loves seeing humans break. Be at their absolute wrecked state. No thoughts in mind, just craving pleasure. Just allowing demons to use their bodies for their gratitiftaction.
You looked so flushed, legs unstable as he holds on tight. His cock constantly brushing along your pussy folds, ravaging through. Feeling your pussy already clenching on him as he moves.
“Angel" He mutters, kissing your back with his lips causing you to jolt. “I haven’t even fucked you yet. Want demon cock that bad?” He says mockingly.
“Yes, please m-more—”
And before you can even react, his cock savagely makes it way from behind, emitting a scream from your mouth as it parts away.
“Omg..” It felt so different to normal. As each thrust comes, feeling it grow more and more inside yourself. Haechan bucks himself up, hands tugging on your arms as they stay behind, “You can take it.” He cooed.
And you could. You felt yourself relax more into it as he continued. He begins snapping his hips against you, balls smacking on to your swollen sweaty thighs at every thrust given.
His hand makes way to your breasts, cupping fully then flicking them around, “See these tits? So hard and swollen.” He then stops his hand just below your core, before he slaps harshly. “This pussy you kept touching because you felt neglected.” He smirks, knowing you all to well with the shenanigans you did earlier.
You moaned in pain, feeling the sting below before he soothes it with his palms and rubs. Feeling exposed within his hold, you knew that he was watching you before and you purposely allowed him too.
“I just—” You mumbled.
“You just love attention baby,” He chuckled, kissing your neck as he reaches towards your ears. “Human slut can’t take not having any attention, can you? Need to always get touched, fucked on don't you?”
The hand leaves and reaches your neck, tightening after every thrust. “See why I love humans, my pretty slut?” He whispered sensually in your ears, ticking you as he speaks. Hearing the demon call you that just made you feel heated below, clenching around his cock.
He brings you closer against him, hands roaming all over your swollen breasts and body, travelling towards your cunt. “Because you’d always allow us demons to take what we can from you.” He smirks.
Haechan rolls his hips before he becomes rough, knocking you out of breath, “Made to be used.” His cock was fucking you all up, physically and mindlessly. You couldn’t think straight nor stand without falling, his grip on you was solid.
Taking any pent up tension he had for you, rocking your world. Your legs tremble in his hold, your mind felt hazy as he rams harshly. “This cunt is mine” with his hands rubbing above your clit, increasing speed all of a sudden as you wither with cries.
“Hae-chan.. can’t, fuck—” You cried out, your legs are shivering out of control. His hand doesn’t stop moving around your clit, rubbing it even more just to see you look like a pretty wreck.
You try to move yourself away from him from the overstimulation only for him to grab on to your arm with force, pushing you back against him. His grip tightening on your flesh so you don’t run off him.
“Best fucking human pussy’’ He praises, causing a gush inside of you immediately. Hands spreading around your thighs to open you more, watching the way his cock hammers inside you, "Made for demon cock.”
Your core begins to pulsate at his praises, moans becoming high pitched as they mixed in with his loud growls. He knows he’s nearing his climax so he makes sure you are spread wide apart, holding onto one leg of yours before he fucks in to you further deeply.
You can almost feel the knot inside of your stomach, his cock was piercing through hitting be spot perfectly, “Gonna... cum” You barely managed to wince out. Haechan can already feel you clenching on him, in awe of your pretty pussy pulsating with his cock.
Your body begins to feel tense, shuddering all along as your eyes closed. The stimulation rid all over your body, toes curled up as it hits you in an instant. Your moans were so loud but its what kept the demon going more, watching your hole drip out cum just before he ruts it further in you.
“Human slut wants my cum, hm? Fill you up good? Your eyes looked back him mercifully before you plead. “Please, fuck, want your cum—” whining as his cock pushes further in your walls, just before his movements turn almost sloppy nearing his release. His hips moves just a little bit more before his cum spurts inside of you completely full.
He turns you over as you face him, picking you up before you squealed. Moving his cock roughly in as some of his cum spills down, with some stuffing you all up inside. His growls become softer with a final release, filling you up. You felt the familiar warmth below, just before he rewards you with a passionate kiss.
You're already knocked out completely, sleeping rather peacefully on the bed. Jeno had cleaned you all up just before he put you to sleep. Words coming out rather slurred as you tried to communicate with him before your eyes closed.
He knew he’d have to see you the next day and explain himself. Something that scares him completely. Would you see him differently? But all he can do is sigh, feeling glad that the deal finally ended. Haechan got what he wanted and in the same way sick way, so did Jeno. But why does he feel this uneasiness in his heart yet? It didn’t feel right.
But did it really end? A voice in his head speaks quietly until it becomes louder and clearer, whether it was his imagination or a message he doesn't know. But he froze completely after hearing it come closer, “You’ve never said goodbye, Jeno...”
©2023 lostlovesoul11 all rights reserved.
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raeofsunrise · 10 months
Rae, I need that part two more than I need my peppermint tea- 👀 I’m about to watch Detention for the 20th time this month… yes, December… no, I don’t have a problem 😂
it’s finally here!! sorry for making y’all wait, but it’s here. it’s a lot shorter due to my life being busy and just wanting to get it out, but i love it! hope you do too ☆
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from me, to you
wordcount: 645
pairing: clapton davis x gn! reader
warnings: clapton has an inner monologue that’s kind of angsty?? i think this is one more cliché ❤️
the suspense was killing him. did you read it yet? did you even remember the letter existed? what did you think? a million thoughts were rushing through clapton’s head as he walked to his class. maybe if he walked painstakingly slow, his mind would do the same.
but how would he distract himself for one whole hour? he had hoped that he wouldn’t run into you.
clapton was never one to think that highly of himself. surprising, i know. it seemed like everyone in his life thought he was the coolest. that he was amazing. but deep down, he never really thought that.
but you were always there to bring him up. to make him feel like everything people said he was—in the most healthy way possible.
he just doesn’t know what he’d do with himself if you didn’t feel the way he felt about you. he couldn’t lose you, not over some stupid feelings. he’d do anything to keep you in his life, even if it meant having to watch you go on with yours without him.
god, he really couldn’t lose you.
he was so lost in thought thinking about you, he thought he felt you tap his shoulder. surprisingly, it actually was you. and you were pulling him into an empty hallway so you could talk to him. he didn’t need to go to class that bad. wasn’t like it would affect his grade, anyways.
“finally,” you say.
“looked like you were in some real deep thought, there.”
he noticed you re-using his words from your earlier conversation. you never really forgot about anything, did you? under different circumstances, his heart would be fluttering because of that thought, but instead it’s fluttering because he’s not sure if you’re here to break his heart or not.
he realizes he hasn’t responded to you yet, but honestly he’s not sure if that would make things worse or way worse.
but he can’t just not talk to you.
“i was.” he says, letting out the smallest smile, one that was less full of energy, and more full of anxiety.
“i, uhm…i read the letter.” you say.
“oh.” he replies. maybe you didn’t read the back. maybe there is hope to salvage this friendship.
but his hope quickly dissipates as you finish your sentence.
“the whole letter.”
“oh.” was that all he could say?! no wonder you wanted to reject him, he thought.
you knew you were gonna have to lead the conversation, otherwise you’d never get him to tell you how he felt. you had to hear him say it.
“did you mean what you wrote?” you ask.
a beat passes.
“all of what you wrote.” you clarify.
your heart was racing. what if it was just impulse? what if you had read everything wrong?
“every word.” he answers.
you both stare at each other in silence. you don’t even realize how close you two are until he speaks.
“can i kiss yo—“ he tries to ask but you cut him off with a kiss as soon as the first word comes out of his mouth.
it didn’t last long, but you both savored every single moment of it. his lips were soft. soft like cotton candy, and—god, just as sweet. he kissed you with all the emotion he’s felt for you over the years. in the few moments your lips did meet, his hand found its way to your cheek. really, the only reason you both pulled away was to get some air.
after you both pull away, you’re left looking into his beautiful, brown, love-struck eyes. you decide to put a hand on his cheek, too.
“y’know, i think i love you too.” you say.
“you mean it?” he asks.
“every word.”
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part 1
taglist (all the people who begged for a part two) ☆
@janitorhutcherson (my bestie)
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tetta-kissaki · 4 months
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⚠️ 𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨— 18+/𝘧𝘦𝘮 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳/𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘤𝘶𝘧𝘧𝘴/ 𝘴𝘱𝘢𝘯𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨/𝘰𝘳𝘢𝘭 (𝘧! 𝘳𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘦𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘨)/ 𝘶𝘯𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘵𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘱𝘦𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘴𝘦𝘹/𝘱𝘳𝘢𝘪𝘴𝘦/𝘱𝘦𝘵 𝘯𝘢𝘮𝘦𝘴 (𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘵, 𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘺 𝘨𝘪𝘳𝘭)
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The tall double doors leading to the inside of Hajime Kokonoi’s mansion are wide open as they usually are on Fridays. The Bonten guys host huge, lavish parties that go on all weekend. Kokonoi is always the host, Rindou Haitani provides the music, Ran Haitani brings hundreds of guests each weekend, and the rest of the gang brings the booze and other refreshments. The party doesn’t start until Manjiro Sano walks in, and doesn’t end until the last guest leaves.
You’re not here to party, though. You’re not the type of girl to get hammered and dance and fuck the night away, which is the purpose of these parties. No, you’re here for one thing and one thing only- The money. Hajime Kokonoi is loaded and you’ve heard the rumors of his basement being filled to the ceiling with cash. 
You slip through the door and before you can get any farther, you’re greeted by none other than Ran Haitani, “Hey, there, cutie. Glad you could make it! Uhh… what was your name again?”
You give him your name and he follows with his scripted monologue about where the drinks are and to find him if I need anything, though he is arguably the least reliable one in Bonten. By the time anyone could possibly need anything from him, he’ll be hammered and elbows deep in pussy. 
When Ran’s attention is on other girls, you sneak down the big marble staircase. You see a giant door and try to open it, but it’s locked. You take a bobby pin out of your hair and successfully pick the lock. You open the door and a choir of angels sing as you see hefty stacks of bills piled up to the ceiling like the rumors said, and each stack had to be at least $10,000.
You question how easy it was to get into this room full of money and if he’s so rich, why doesn’t he invest in better security? 
You shrug it off and put the pin back in your hair before you begin to shove wads of cash in your bra. Once you’re satisfied with the amount you turn around and your heart drops to your stomach when you see none other than Hajime Kokonoi standing in the doorway with his arms crossed in front of his chest.
“You must be new around here.,” Koko playfully sticks his tongue out. 
“Yeah.,” You nod, “I was just… looking around. You have a nice place.”
“You’re funny.,” Koko closes the door behind him and locks the both of you in the room. For each step forward he takes, you take a step back. “You know, I’m very particular when it comes to my money.,” He informs you, “I count each and every penny twice a day. A bit excessive, I know. But if even a cent is missing, I’ll find who did it. When I find them, they suffer the consequences. That being said- you’re not hiding anything from me, are you, sweetheart?”
You shake your head. You’re determined to walk out of here with a small fraction of Kokonoi’s earnings. Surely, he has enough that he wouldn’t miss a few bands.
“Yeah, let’s see about that.,” he harshly pulls the straps of your little black dress off of your shoulders, revealing a strapless bra overflowing with money. “Hmm.,” He hums as he wraps his arms around you and unclasps your bra and stacks of cash fall to the floor as your plump breasts are exposed. He looks down at the bills on the floor, then up at your chest, watching your bosom rise and fall as you take deep breaths. 
“Now, usually there’s a harsh punishment for people who try to take my money, but…,” Koko’s eyes meet yours as he drops your bra on the floor, “…since you’re new, I’ll let you off on a warning. On one condition, of course.”
“What’s that?,” You ask as you study his features. He’s intimidating but, God, it’s so sexy. You bite your bottom lip at the thought of his touch. 
“Well, you are a beautiful girl.,” He tells you. He strokes your cheek with the back of his hand. He then turns his hand over as he touches your breast, his thumb circling your hard nipple. “Come with me.,” He demands.
Kokonoi unlocks the basement door and you pull the straps of your dress up just enough to cover your nipples; though it doesn’t do much good as the straps keep slipping down your shoulders and your tits keep falling right back out. He opens the door and grabs your wrist, taking you back up the marble staircase. The muffled music from the party outside breaks the silence. He pulls you down the hallway and opens a door that leads to an office. He lets go of your wrist and pushes you in before entering himself, locking the two of you in once again. 
Koko puts his hand on your lower back and walks you over to the ornate wooden desk in the middle of the room. He keeps his hand on you as long as possible as he walks around to the other side of his desk. He pulls a pair of handcuffs out of a drawer and returns to you. You put your hands behind your back for him. “Good girl.,” he croons as he tightens the handcuffs around your wrists and bends you over on the desk. 
He walks around the desk one more time and you look up at him. “Open up.,” He commands as he shoves his hand in his pocket. You open your mouth and he shoves a big stack of cash into your mouth to act as a gag. 
Once he’s behind you, he pulls the bottom of your tiny dress up, revealing your ass in an even tinier pair of lacy underwear. You hear Kokonoi inhale and exhale before you feel the sting of his belt hitting your ass. You let out a muffled groan. He spanks you until your eyes well up with tears. You hear his belt drop to the floor followed by the sound of him unzipping his pants, dropping them down to his ankles. 
You feel his hands squeeze your ass cheeks. The feeling of his hands gently massaging your backside right after those spankings is a feeling you couldn’t even put words to. You don’t need words, anyways- the fluid pooling up in your panties says it all. You feel Kokonoi’s thumbs under the waistband of the undergarment and he slowly pulls them down. “Are you ready for me, pretty girl?,” He asks, his voice barely above a whisper.
“Uh-huh.,” You utter, the dollar bills in your mouth muffling your voice. 
“Good. Stand up straight.”
You straighten yourself out and he picks you up bridal style and you step out of your panties. He lays you down on the desk top, on your back with your knees up. He repositions your body so your head is hanging upside down off the side of the desk. He takes a second to look at your pretty face as he removes the money from your jaws and tosses it on the floor. He then moves closer and grabs your breasts. All you can see are Kokonoi’s balls as he shoves his erection in your mouth.
With each thrust, he squeezes your tits a little tighter while fondling your nipples. You feel a gush in your cunt as his tip pushes the back of your throat. You can’t help but gag, which just makes it all the more satisfying for Koko. The sound of heavy breathing and and gagging fills the room as he fucks your throat. He groans as he cums in your mouth. 
He pulls his dick out of your throat and looks into your bloodshot, teary eyes as you swallow the semen in your throat. He huffs before he bends down and picks the money back up from the floor and shoves it right back in your mouth. He then walks out of your eyeshot, taking his time getting to the opposite side of the desk. He takes a look at your tight, pink cunt, your pleasure dripping onto the desk. He grabs your legs and pulls you closer to him. 
He leans in closer and a moan escapes your throat as his tongue meets your clit. Pleased with himself, he continues to lick the sweet spot so he can hear that pretty sound some more. He stands up straight and puts his hands on your hips as he pushes hard cock inside of you. He watches your stomach cave in as you take deep breaths. 
“You’re doing so good, pretty girl.,” Koko grunts as he makes love to you, “Fuck, you’re so beautiful.” His words make you even more wet and his length makes your toes curl. He cums inside of you once again, another groan slipping from his lips. You pivot your hips as he continues to thrust and your moans grow louder as you begin to climax. Kokonoi holds onto your hips for dear life as he fucks you a little harder. Your eyes practically roll to the back of your head as you reach your peak. 
Now that he’s finished with you, Kokonoi pulls his pants back up. You catch your breath and watch as he opens the drawer on his desk, pulling out a small key. He helps you sit up as he tells you, “You did such a good job for me, sweetheart.” He frees you from the handcuffs and puts them, as well as the key, back in the desk drawer. You pull the straps of your dress up on your shoulders, covering your chest.
He starts to walk out, leaving you seated on the desk. When he approaches the door, he glances over his shoulder at you, watching as you take the cash out of your mouth, unsure what to do with it.
“Keep it, sweetheart. You deserve it.,” Koko sticks his tongue out amorously before he unlocks his office door and steps out, heading back to the party.
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𝘥𝘪𝘷𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘣𝘺 𝘤𝘢𝘧𝘦𝘬𝘪𝘵𝘴𝘶𝘯𝘦
🏷️ 𝙏𝘼𝙂𝙎— @rainyrindou @qupidology @milky-aeons @7surugi @arlerts-angel
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whateverisbeautiful · 7 months
♥️ Ranking Richonne
#4: We're The Ones Who Live (S7E08)
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Now this right here is a love scene and it's solid gold. It was gold from the moment I first watched it and it is just as much today. I adore what this powerful moment establishes for Richonne. It speaks so strongly to their love, their interconnection, and their commitment to each other. And in this incredible performance, Danai and Andy again demonstrate that they are powerhouse talents. 👏🏽 This scene also sets up Richonne's mantra, which years later, those special words between them have now evolved into a bigger blessing than I could have ever predicted. #TheOnesWhoLive 😍🙌🏾...
I love that when speaking about this scene, Danai so beautifully described Michonne as coming to this conclusion that she is in this partnership fully with Rick - and so whether she could figure out how to fight back on her own or not, she decides she will only proceed if it’s with him. It has to be the two of them. It always has. 🥹
And I love that in this outstandingly acted scene from Danai and Andy, Michonne and Rick get to establish how much they know they are meant to be together and that they are the ones who can fight together and win, and it’s the only way they want it to be. 
It’s great how a scene that began with Rick alone and stooped down defeated in a cell, ends with Rick on his feet and enwrapped in the abundance of love and strength that only his soulmate could give him.
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The significance of the scene starting with Rick having his hatchet on one side and the “congrats on winning, but you still lose” paper on the other - The two items clearly symbolize his two choices. He can continue to live under Negan’s oppression and “win” another day at life but still ultimately lose so much (the paper), or he can fight back (the hatchet) - and the choice is made very clear when the exact person he needs walks in the door. 😊
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I appreciate this scene taking place in a cell because one; Rick and Michonne first met in a prison and it just reminds me how far they’ve come two; in this moment, Rick feels like he’s in a mental prison as well, and when Michonne walks up she truly will be the one to help break him out. She’s key, as Andy said. 👌🏽
I love that when Michonne got the update on where Rick was from Carl she went to go see him - to both check on him as she's the most capable of taking care of him and also to really pour her heart out with what she’s come to believe about the two of them and how they can overcome.
Michonne seems a little hesitant when she first arrives, especially cuz she knows what she’s about to share, but I will forever adore that Rick walks closer to her and lets her know just how relieved he is to see her when he embraces her. And it’s the sweetest hug. 🤗
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They both needed that, and I love it so much. I appreciate how even tho Rick probably knows Michonne continued to go outside the walls and try things her way, what matters most to him is that she’s safe and back here with him now.
You can just feel how connected they want to be after being so weighed down by this Negan era and seeing things differently. And this hug just movingly closes that gap between them.
And then Michonne breaks away from the hug and again it’s sad to see Rick have a moment of wondering if there might be some bad news coming or if she is pulling away. But just like the hug closes the gap, Michonne does just that with a beautiful monologue delivered perfectly by Danai. 👏🏽
Also Andy is such a revelation too cuz Rick literally doesn’t say anything until the very end of the scene, and yet still his performance is so impactful as he hangs on her every word. The talent. 👏🏽
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I like that Michonne starts by saying, "I found what I was looking for," cuz you think it might mean she found the savior outpost or whatever, but most of all she found the very important realization that she only wants to go forward if it’s with Rick by her side.
Then I love that she tells Rick she wanted to go with him on that run with Aaron. Of course that’s the case - cuz magnets. But she says she couldn’t since she had to go her way, as that independent warrior side was still tugging at her to find a way to fight back for her family, even if it meant doing it alone.
And y’all, Rick‘s reaction when she says, "I had to go my way." 😭 His teary-eyed look low-key makes me tear up a bit. He really looks worried she might be pulling away for real.
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Michonne says when she found what she was looking for she realized she didn’t want it to be her way. And I LOVE the delivery of her saying “I wanted it to be ours. Me and you.” 🥹
It is genuinely moving and meaningful that Michonne, this woman so capable and competent on her own, realized she didn’t want to do it on her own because she found someone who she is so one with. Now, she only wants to fight the fight if it's with him. #They'reMarriedMarriedY'all 😊
And I love the 'me and you,' to clarify that this isn’t about a general “our” or ASZ as a whole. She wants it to be her and Rick, the love of her life.
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And Rick’s reaction is so touching as he seems sincerely moved by her wanting it to be the "me and you" way. He also looks like he knows he wants exactly that too.
(Also this scene just makes me think this is how he’d react if he were hearing her vows - just touched to his core.)
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It’s nice that Michonne acknowledged Rick is right about the saviors’ numbers and that they’re even more outnumbered than they thought but then it’s powerful for her to say that even despite the odds her feelings haven’t changed because so long as things are this way they have to try and fight it. Determined queen. 👑
The way Michonne says, "We’re still alive, Rick" with tears in her eyes makes me emotional. And I love that she’s here reminding him of this, and also I just love any time they say each other's name. 😋
It’s deep to hear Michonne acknowledge how much she and Rick have been through that could have been their undoing. Michonne has been present to experience so many things with Rick, and while they are warriors, they also know that some of those experiences could have taken them out for good. But yet they’re still standing, and they did make it out to the other side like the resilient fighters they are.  
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I also LOVE when she tells him, “We’re still here, the two of us. We’re still standing and we’re gonna keep standing.” Empowering. And again, Rick’s emotional reaction as he listens to this and truly lets it resonate, especially when she says 'the two of us.' My soul sheds tears seeing this whole scene, I must admit.
And it's nice knowing that, a few eps later, Rick will also tell Michonne he wants it to be the “two of us” when he proposes reordering the world with her. 😊
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It’s powerful that after the hellish lineup, Michonne can focus on one of the glimmers of light in their situation, and that’s that they are both still here against all odds. Then Michonne passionately asks what they do with that and how they make that mean something.
Michonne tells him, "We’re the ones who get things done." #TheGetThingsDoneGrimes. And she let’s Rick know he was the one who said that. And Michonne saying this with a finger on his chest is great.
And then she emphasizes this next part with a phrase that will become very important to them and us and the whole dang TWD franchise.
“We’re the ones who live.” ♥️
Ain’t it the gospel truth forever. 🙌🏽 And Rick knows it’s gospel as he nods in agreement.
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I'll always love that Michonne heard this line from Rick's wild (and excellently acted) rant in season 5, and instead of just dismissing Rick as being crazy, she remembered the line and saw its truth and power, respecting it enough to turn it into an uplifting mantra between her and him.
Like Rick was straight losing it in that 5.15 scene, but Michonne, who is always able to find the value in him and his words, heard Rick say, "We're the ones who live," and was like...
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So then, in this cell, Michonne takes a vulnerable step that shows her trust with her man when she tells him, "that’s why we have to fight." Michonne knows the last time she and Rick talked about fighting back, he wasn’t on board with it - but she knows it has to be done, so she trusts that she can tell him again here.
She says they have to fight not for them but for others, and I adore that the first people she says they have to fight for are Judith and Carl. They have to fight for their kids. 😭
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For a mother and father to say this is so special because they know how risky this fight will be, but it’s what they're willing to do for their children.
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Michonne mentions fighting for the communities, and then she says, "for all of us." It makes me think about how in 9.05 when Rick is closest to death he will envision Michonne again reminding him what he fights for - for her and "for all of us."
The way Michonne speaks to Rick in this cell scene is so sweet, passionate, vulnerable, and empowering. Then, in a call-to-arms, she tells him confidently that they can fight the saviors and find a way to beat them, saying with conviction, "We can do this."
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Rick had this confidence when they first came to Hilltop in s6, but it was understandably shaken after the lineup losses. But now it's refreshing seeing Michonne so elegantly and invigoratingly remind him they are still nothing to play with, and they can win.
And then my absolute favorite part of the scene is after she tells him we can do this. She completes her speech to Rick by softly saying, "But...but only if we do this," with emphasis on it being her and Rick specifically. Perfection. 🥹
And the acting Danai does with her eyes, my goodness it just so powerfully communicates Michonne’s vulnerability and love for him.
This moment is such a big profession of love. It's her saying that everything in her feels they have to fight, but even then she only thinks the fight can be won if it’s the two of them, and she’ll only go forward if it’s with her husband by her side. It’s just beautiful.
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And Rick thinks that whole speech was beautiful and powerful too, y'all. Cuz he looks at her mesmerized (you know, the usual) and then he lets her know he’s on the same page and has come to the same conclusion.
I love that those magnets kick in, as he starts stepping even closer to her to repeat assuredly, "I know that now." What can I say? It gives me life. And I love the way Michonne's words always give Rick life too. There's a reason the actors referred to this scene as a love scene.
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With all these Richonne scenes I've analyzed, some could think I must be describing them more lovey-dovey and intimate than they are - but no Richonne's love story really is just that epic of a love story. I'm just writing out what I see on my screen. 😌👌🏽
Then there is something so so precious about the way Michonne’s eyes fill with tears when Rick lets her know he is fully with her on this and ready to fight back together. It’s such a confirmation that she found the right one, the one who really will fight for her and with her.
It also really shows this is a woman who trusts she can be her barest self with her man. And whenever Michonne is vulnerable with him like this, Rick has always always handled being handed this part of her heart with so much care.
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I love that they can always get on the same page and this is Rick saying he knows they have to fight but also he knows that he has to go forward with her. He’s co-signing that he also wants it to be the 'Rick and Michonne way' from here on out. And they really do honor operating the 'Rick and Michonne way' moving forward the rest of this series.
Michonne's influence is a major reason why Rick got active again and agreed to get this war started with Negan. She was paramount in getting him to this space because she built him back up like only she could. Again, to reiterate Andy's words - Michonne is key.
I also love that Rick has proven time and time again that he'll go to war for Michonne. I don't care if you're the governor, negan, or the biggest military left in the world, it's like TWD said...
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...Rick and Michonne would "set the world on fire for each other."🔥
(side note: I'm willing to bet that if Michonne somehow gets to meet any of the friends Rick's made while he was away in TOWL, those friends are going to immediately understand why this man kept risking it all to get back to his beautiful wife lol. Like even from Michonne's walk alone, they're going to know Rick was pining over the baddest chick in the game. 💁🏽‍♀️ Oh and same for anyone who traveled with Michonne and gets to meet Rick. They gon' get why she was searching far and wide for her fine husband and the devoted father of her children. I'm just saying.😋)
Upon hearing Rick, her true love, agree with her and say he now knows they have to fight back together, Michonne has this second of seeming almost surprised that he’s so fully on board now, and then she seems so relieved and so moved. So she beautifully smiles with tears in her eyes as she embraces him.
It moves me to no end that Michonne knows she'll be held in this relationship, both literally and figuratively by this man who truly views her as more valuable than gold and will always fight for her.
And it also eternally warms my heart that Rick knows he will never have to go it alone because he has this woman who is always by his side to love and uplift him no matter what. 🙌🏽🥹
And then this leads to my other favorite part of the scene...you already know. 😏 I adore that they complete the moment with such a passionate kiss.
The way they just magnetically gravitate toward each other and again get lost in each other, with him tightly wrapping his arms around her and her hands in his hair, and just every part of it is great. 👏🏽. I wish the lighting was a bit brighter cuz like I can see it but...
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However, even with the dimmer lighting, you can still see and feel the passion between them shining through. 🌟
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What an absolutely gorgeous scene that speaks to the power of Richonne. For two characters who had been operating like a package deal for seasons, I love that this gave them a moment to vocalize that that’s the only way they want it to be. Me and you.
In this scene, a huge decision was made for the whole group and the whole series because Richonne agreed it was time to fight back, and I love that they have each other to instill this type of love, strength, and call to arms. 🙌🏽
When I think of why Richonne is perfection, this is one of the first scenes that comes to mind because what Michonne and Rick both convey in this scene is that they are really and truly soulmates meant to love, fight, and take on every part of life together.
Richonne really is the embodiment of "us against the world," and I love that they know it too. 😌
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doorp · 1 year
one of my favorite things to think about with nevermore is the flower symbolism and how it correlates to Lenore’s mental health/perception of herself, as well as when she arrives and departs. A lot of the times people say that the flowers represent Annabel, but I think they actually represent Lenore herself.
1. The Funeral
there are so many instances where Lenore compares herself to flowers/flowers represent her departure or return, but the first time is in the maze when she is thrown into the memory of her brothers funeral. She goes up to her past self, and memory Lenore asks her to remove a fallen lily thats found itself on theos casket. Lenore responds to her request, telling her that you can’t put a flower back once it falls from its stem, and that you can only throw it away. After the accident, Lenore threw the old version of herself away. They locked her away, called her damaged and tried to pretend she didnt exist.
2. The wall paper + Annabel’s arrival
The wallpaper in the attic room that Lenore is locked away in has a yellow flower pattern on it. As she lost herself to the isolation and madness of being stuck up there, she ripped the wallpaper off the walls proclaiming “there’s no need for flowers here. After today there will be no more flowers” The flower wallpaper is gone, as is her sanity, and her hope of healing and being herself again. The flowers are gone, and she believes she leaves with them. Then Annabel’s carriage arrives. She is taken down to the sitting room, and sees flowers on the table. Lenore thinks “I thought there would be no more flowers” She thought there would be no more of *herself*, of freedom or feeling whole again. She then has the first actual conversation she’s probably had in forever. Annabel, if even for her own gain, treats her like an actual person and asks her about herself. Lenore even says herself that Annabel coming to see her brought her back to life long before she died. She sees the flowers on the table, and sees herself again.
3. Smashing the vase
When Annabel tells her that their whole friendship was an act, Lenore becomes furious. As Annabel leaves, Lenore turns around and leans on a table with a vase of flowers on it. When Lenore sees the vase of flowers on the table, she’s weak, leaning over, clutching her stomach. She calls the flowers insipid, cloying, devious, things that could describe Annabel as she’s just seemingly betrayed her. But then she says “pointless, Fragile, Disgusting, beautiful flowers” as she shifts to anger towards herself, she’s referring to herself with those last few lines, infuriated that she can’t do anything abt this situation, that she’s weak and can barely stand, her hair done up and trapped in her flowing dresses. She hates this weakness, her lack of agency, how she knows Annabel did not want to do this but has no choice, that Annabel’s desperately clinging to any lie of control she can. She hates herself, how she can’t help the person she loves, that the person she loves has to help her up and fan her face and be terrible to her so she’ll feel hate instead of loneliness when she has to leave. She refuses to believe that she’s a wonderful pianist. She thinks herself guilty, of theos death and tearing her family apart. She thinks a person so guilty and weak and pointless as her can’t be capable of the talent Annabel speaks of.
4. Annabel’s flashback
In part of Annabel’s flashback after their conversation at the widows watch, Annabel sits in her bath. As she sits she starts reciting hamlet, of all things. Specifically Ophelia’s monologue. She floats in her bath, and repeats to herself lines speaking of flowers and mourning. As she attempts to calm herself after learning her friend has died in a vicious fire, she distracts from thinking by reciting poetry about FLOWERS. And what cuts her thoughts off? What does she see, what does her subconscious cause her to hallucinate, as she’s thinking about flowers and flower poetry in her bathtub. She sees LENORE. She thinks of flowers and hallucinates LENORE. Lenore driving her under the water, Lenore strung up with beautiful red ribbons, charred, embers flitting through her hair, berating her and haunting her, telling her the same words she did when they last met. Telling annabel that anything could tip those close to her off to the fact that she might not be all there. She recites flower poetry and proceeds to have horrific hallucinations of lenores ghost haunting her.
In the morning, annabel pulls some flowers out of a vase, holding the lily of the valley. She holds it after learning that there’s a mysterious man no one knows waiting to meet her. That he’s asked for her specifically. The lily of the valley in Victorian flower language represents return to happiness, and who shows up minutes later, dressed as a man and ready to wreak havoc upon her fathers estate? Lenore vandernacht. She then says, staring at the flowers that she’d like to wear something floral.
Annabel’s mourning clothes
As Annabel walks down to meet this mysterious visitor, she wears a black dress with FLOWERS ON IT. The day after learning a very dear “friend” has been killed in a fire, she wears a black dress with flowers on it, after having hallucinated said friend in the bathtub after talking to herself about flowers. She wears a black dress with a flower pattern on it in mourning of Lenore.
5. Pet, and the flower ring
Pet - in some places (not too sure on this one) pet can be short for petal, Annabel literally calls Lenore my petal
The engagement ring Lenore gives Annabel has a flower in it. The gift that’s supposed to symbolize lenores love for her, that’s supposed to be a piece of Lenore that Annabel wears, IS A FLOWER. ANNABEL IS WEARING LENORE. SHE WAKES UP IN PURGATORY, STILL WEARING THOSE RINGS. NOT EVEN DEATH COULD GET HER TO GIVE UP THAT PIECE OF LENORE SHE CARRIES. THE FLOWERS ARE LENORE LENORE IS THE FLOWERS.
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