talorly · 4 years
What are benreys powers in the au?
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Hes got the same powers as in canon! Clipping, sweet voice, respawning, shapeshifting, all those! The only difference is that in this au he's got a heightened defense against reality or perception warping powers, like the Gman's time freezing ability, or most pointedly, Gordon's memory altering.
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Domino What Are You Thinking About Right Now
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axemetaphor · 4 years
Random Headcanon For The Tick
SDCFVBNM oh man now i gotta figure out if ive got any i havent already told you LMAO
tbqh i headcanon that The Tick is so nice a guy, that if a villain actually honestly reformed and decided to be at least a normal person if not a hero, they’d find a genuine friend in The Tick. he’s not stupid enough to be fooled by an “im a good guy now, seeeeee?” routine, but he’s nice enough to forgive someone if they’ve realized the error of their ways. He wouldn’t hold their past over them and if anybody else tried to, he might actually get kinda angry about it ! 
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kim-chann · 4 years
Can I have a matchup please? I'm a bi guy, 5'5, with short blonde hair and blue eyes. I'm pale to the point of being Vampiric because I've been nocturnal since March and I've gotten No sun. I play the guitar and I have my own garden. I'm an ENTP and boy does it show- I love thinking Deeply about things and exploring new concepts and ideas, plus starting useless debates. I love to joke around and I have a dark absurdist sense of humor. I love physical affection and hate gifts. Thank you!
 Yay first Matchup!
I match you up with...
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I can see Choromatsu being a good matchup for you because he’ll absolutely adore someone he can relate to; exploring new concepts and ideas. He’ll cherish the fact that he found someone similar and relatable to him and be all blushy around you. Curse this froggy boy, he’ll be interested in playing the guitar too, so if your relationship is solid, maybe he’ll ask you to teach him how to play the guitar. He’ll be worried about your health for not going out and getting some sunlight, so he’ll invite you to walks to get out of the house and want you to become a healthier shade of your skin. 
Choromatsu would find your dark sense of humor a bit nonsensical, but he’ll quickly get used to it. He would love your garden and would like to help you tend to them. He would try to make them healthier-- at least according to his research-- and try his best not to overdo it. Make sure you always watch him do it because this dude does not really know what he’s doing. 
Choromatsu would give his best to give him affection (but he’ll be a blushy mess). But when you really need it, he’ll be at your needs, tending to your ache of affection. Don’t doubt him, he actually likes cuddling, as long as you’re in his arms and you’re comfortable, he’ll feel responsible and absolute adoration for you. 
Choromatsu would respect that you don’t like gifts, so he’ll just try to give you something else that would make you happy. He’ll ask you if you want something and asks for permission to get it for you. Or does that count as a gift? This boy would try to replace gifts with affection and attention that you crave. 
He’ll be on his best for you, with his signature frog smile. He’ll love you till the end of days.
I hope you like it! I hope I didn’t disappoint.
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katie-wants-donut · 4 years
For the ask game: Chaotic Vibes
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rexster10 · 4 years
For the ask game: a Dramatic Gay who is A Tad depressed
God you're so right,, you read me like a book
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rabbiteartrans · 4 years
For the ask game: the epitome of that will Smith meme where he says "little confused by he got the spirit"
Is this for the characters I project onto/kin thing? 😂😂
If so.. I cant say I... understand what the hell this means?
... but then I think that just proves you right 😅😅😅
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Tagged? Tagged?
tagged by @canadaisnolonger
Rules- tag 9 people ya wanna know more about or wanna become friends with !
(*gasp* f r i e n d s)
Top 3 favorite ships?
goddddd uhhhh See i’ve Grown Up and traded my love for fictional relationships for a love of Intensive Magic Systems. But Percy and Annabeth are the OGs, Kaz and Inej from Six of Crows are ,,,,, Great, and then i Dunno. it’s been a while since i’ve read romance. Kaladin x Happiness is pretty valid. not canon, unfortunately. i like finnick and annie from thg
Last song you listened to?
Probably something that was blasted in a fast food store, unfortunately. i was listening to the lord of the rings soundtrack the other day and yes, that shit is still fire
Last movie you watched?
A motherfucking Goofy movie, still slaps
Book you’re reading?
So ,,,, i Don’t Know. i checked out American Gods by Neil Gaiman today. i’ve read 20 pages of The Blade Itself by Joe Abercrombie and im just ,,, not feeling it. i have the first wheel of time book and put it down after 150 pages. i scan-read some of the 4th Shatter Me book on a whim last night. im considering rereading The Way of Kings. So ,,,, i Don’t Know. the answer is either Everything or Nothing and my lack of knowledge frightens me  
What food are you craving rn
my work sells liquified whipped cream, right. everybody buys this shit even though it Really Ain’t That Good. Last week, though, when i went to pour the liquified whipped cream, it came out... creamy?? thick?? so i tried this shit. and oh man. oH MAN. it’s wonderful. WONDERFUL. why don’t we have it like this all the time?? hMM?? anyway i ate. a lot of that. i don’t know When i could Possibly get the Perfectly Thick Room Temperature Creamy Cream Again, but ... that’s all i want from life. and i doubt i’ll ever get it.
tagging: @2-dream @lestibournes @justbasilll @leprachaunsean @bsmr261 @space-char @alloverthegaf @kingjasnah @im-a-demon-fight-me
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talorly · 4 years
So is benrey just not at all shy about using his powers??? And what IS under his helmet?
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i mean. are any of them shy about their powers?
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(this is a joke, yall do Not Get primo hat hair content)
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Y'all got a favorite case?
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Flint: It’s the only time I’ve been the subject of a case, as opposed to the one solving it.
((in case you’re not sure what they’re on about...))
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axemetaphor · 5 years
🌼 George
regrettably Yes I Would Kin. we're both a lil whiney, selfish, and have issues w our moms. ig if kin is just seeing a part of yourself in a character then Yeahr!
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axemetaphor · 5 years
🌼 Rickmorty :)
I'm calling you out for confusing the shit out of me with this ask also KIN DENIED
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axemetaphor · 5 years
🌼 yourself
ew no lol hate that bitch their arc is SO undeveloped
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axemetaphor · 5 years
🌼 A Friend
hmmmmm idk if I'd necessarily kin A Friend doesnt sound like me
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axemetaphor · 5 years
@ the oc ask game thing do all of em for Adam. I Dare Ya
oh shit asdfghjk i already did 2 so i’ll exclude those, but, HERE WE GO
🌹 Where in the world does your OC feel most at home? Is there any reason why? If it’s not the place they were born, where were they born? Is there a certain somebody that makes them feel at home where ever they may be? What does home mean to them?
He doesn’t remember much of Scotland, but he likely has an idealized concept of it that he considers home. In his mind, if he lived in the rolling green hills he often hears described, everything would be fine! He’d finally be entirely at peace. But that’s not his home, and he knows it.
For him, home isn’t really a place. Technically he still considers his mom’s house “home” simply because he’s used to referring to it as such, but it doesn’t feel like home. What feels like home to him is being with Flint and Domino. What feels like home is the three of them working on a case together and bantering back-and-forth as they drive to and from wherever the hell they need to go. What feels like home is staying up ‘til absurdly late hours playing video games with Domino and Joey and sometimes Lotte. That’s home.
🍁 Where does your OC go when they need to have some time to themself? Would they ever have their own “comfort corner” filled with all the things they like? Do they have a favourite spot outside that feels like its theirs and theirs alone?
Hm that’s actually interestin to think about. He barely knows New York and his space in the apartment is the living room, so, he doesn’t have His Room or smth to go hide in... He strikes me as the sort to like stargazing/skygazing, though, so maybe the roof. If he needs to think about something or calm down, he might take a walk to clear his head. He’s prone to anxiety and walks really help with that, afaik! 
🍂 Does your OC enjoy hugs? What do they do as a show of affection for: their friends, their family, their significant other(s) or for strangers? Over all what are they like with receiving affection from others?
Adam probably loves hugs, but is a bit skittish about them, mainly because he’s mindful of other people’s boundaries ! He doesn’t tend to easily trust kindness from strangers, or even from friends and family honestly, but he’d like hugs. He gives very nice hugs, he’s a very fluffy lad.
🌻 What little things do they notice about people or the world around them that make them happy? What tiny little treasures do they find in the normal every day that makes the world seem a little brighter for them?
He likes birds! And nature in general! He just likes living green things a lot. He likely notices plants and wildlife the most. That being said, everything about New York City is probably very new to him, so for a while he’d be dazzled by all the hustle-and-bustle. Especially the concept of “the city that never sleeps,” the eternal Something Is Happening Someplace.
As for people around him, he likely notices their neutral expression the most, and can probably pick up on what their mood is quite easily. If someone else is happy, he’s likely going to be happy, too! Unfortunately, this sort of a skill is likely a defense mechanism-
🌾 Describe your OC through the eyes of someone absolutely head-over-heels in love with them
this one was kinda tough lkjhgfd He’s a gentle dog with the prettiest unnervingly-bright-blue eyes around, and even when he hasn’t combed his mess of hair it manages to flop over his eyes in just the most adorable way. He handles everything with a certain level of delicacy that’s genuinely admirable. He’s always honest, even if it’d hurt him, fiercely loyal, and incredibly resourceful & hardy. He’s a little dumb but his heart’s in the right place, and he’s selfless to an almost dangerous degree. 
💐 How does your OC handle being unwell or forced to rest in bed? Who cares for them and in what ways? Does your OC enjoy being doted on or are they a terrible patient? Reversed: is your OC good at taking care of others who are ill or in need?
Adam is extremely good at taking care of other people and probably not very good at being taken-care-of lolol... He isn’t a terrible patient, just not the greatest one. He won’t be downright awful because he’s too sweet but he doesn’t like being fussed-over and feels guilty. Domino and Flint are both equally likely to take care of him when he’s sick, but Flint would probably be a little bit better at it by virtue of being More Adult than either of them lmao. Domino would Try, though!
🌿 What way does your OC show that they care without using words? What way do others show your OC that they’re cared about without using speech?
He strikes me as the type to Gently Lean On Someone when he really trusts them. He’d be likely to hug Domino when they’re having a rough time. He’s the type to pay attention closely when he really cares about someone or something.
Flint is likely to just do nice stuff for both of his kids--he doesn’t seem to be the type to be good at being emotional via words, so he probably shows that he cares by just doing little nice things here and there. Domino is probably the same, though their main way of showing Adam they really do love and trust him is simply the fact they let him hug them lol. As for the other characters he interacts with ... I’m not sure! 
🌳 What is your OC’s favourite way to relax after a stressful day? Do they have a favourite book to curl up with? A hobby? Or do they have a nice bubble bath and have an early night to bed?
He likes to play video games ! His favourite to relax is probably Minecraft. It’s chill and also Domino is terrible at it, so it’s really funny for him to watch them get lost and die a lot-
He does strike me as the type to maybe like a calming bath, though. Maybe he’d just chill in silence, or maybe he’s listen to some soft music. 
🌲 How deeply does your OC feel? Are they typically empathetic or do they have a hard time connecting with others in this way? What are they like when offering support and comfort to someone they care for?
He’s a very empathetic doggo, but he has a tough time making it a two-way street. He doesn’t open up very easily, albeit less-obviously-so than Domino. He’s more likely to deflect others’ questions about his emotions and focus on the other person’s feelings more.
🌺 What does your OC do to calm down when they’re scared or after a nightmare? Do they have any special comfort items or need to be reassured by a specific person? How do they handle this if they’re alone?
When he wakes up after a nightmare, he usually hugs a pillow, or Domino if they’re awake. He just doesn’t want to be all alone again. Domino is the most-comforting person to him, with Flint maybe being second-place--or tied with Joey. 
🌸 What are some of their favourite things and why? List as many as you can think of!
He loves video games, snack foods, gentle rainstorms, green hills and the outdoors in general, that light-in-the-chest happy feeling he gets when he’s Genuinely Praised, the smell of coffee in the early morning, waking up next to his family, road trips, peanut butter (though he has to be mindful of Flint’s allergies--), hugging Domino, the stars at night in a smog-free sky...
🌼 Who are this characters friends and found family? How did they meet, how long have they been friends for, could they ever be something more than just friends? What do they look for in a friend or a romantic partner?
Adam’s only biological relative is his sibling Domino! The two were adopted by Flint Paper, who Adam sees as a father figure. He considers Joey (owned by @archielemon) his big sister, as Domino and Joey already sorta.. mutually adopted each other as siblings lolol. By extension he might also see Kathy, Joey’s girlfriend (also owned by @archielemon) as a big-sister-in-law (technically--they’re not married, but, yknow). He also sees Lotte (owned by @keenflapcowboytaco) as a younger sister. Adam doesn’t have many friends yet, but he admires Sam a fair amount. Max, however, scares the shit out of him. 
Adam doesn’t have any romantic interests at present, nor a canon sexuality, because his mother was so stifling he never got any sort of opportunity to figure himself out. He has no idea what he would want in a partner or if he would want one at all.
Questions for You!
💫What is your favourite fact about this character and why?
this is Another Really Hard question! I’d have to say ... my favourite fact is how he admires Sam but is scared of Max. Especially since Max just wants to be his friend kjhgfdsa. If Adam wants to talk to Sam he’s gotta brave talking to Max, too, poour guy--
☄️ Does this OC deserve better treatment from you? Do you make them suffer just a little bit too much? Be nice to them!
asdfghjkl all of my OCs suffer too much at my hands, i am Sorry, My Children,
🌠 On a scale of 1 - 10 how Baby is your OC? BONUS when asking this question rate the OC yourself as see if the reply matches up!!
100000/10 he is Pupy and he cannot change this. He is More Pupy than Domino is
💦 If you as the writer could erase one traumatic event from this OC’s life what would it be and why?
oh fuck LMAO there are. so many. hm. well. Even though it was better for Domino to leave, Adam really wishes they’d stuck around. If he had them there, maybe they could have left together, instead, and been stronger for it.
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kim-chann · 4 years
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How would the Matsuno brothers propose?    
How would the Matsuno brothers apologize after a fight with their S/O?  
How would the Matsuno brothers deal with grief from the death of their S/O?        
Mastsuno’s with a S/O who spoils and praises them
What the Matsuno’s can’t stand stand in a S/O
Matsuno’s as a dad
Matsuno’s with a S/O who loves PDA
How would the Matsuno’s react to his S/O being harassed/followed?
S/O standing up to Matsuno’s
Matsuno’s with mental disorders
What Ichimatsu looks foward to in a S/O
Matsuno’s with a mute S/O
Matsuno’s dealing with an S/O who doesn’t remember them
Ichimatsu with a scared cat at a party
Matsuno’s dealing with an S/O who doesn’t remember them (part 2)
Matsuno’s in a poly relationship
Osomatsu-san explained
Sleeping next to the Matsuno brothers
Matsuno’s taking care of a sick S/O
Matsuno’s with a S/O who can’t sing
Matsuno’s as your roommate
Matsuno’s with a S/O who has tattoos
Matsuno’s with a S/O who cheated on them
Daddymatsu’s with their child doing online schooling
Best matchup for you, based on zodiac sign
Do the Matsu’s prefer boobs, butt, or thighs?
Matsuno’s last words if you were dying together
Matsunos as social media artists 
Their S/O making them sleep after restless nights 
Matsu’s reacting when their S/O wants a baby with them
𝘚𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘴 - 𝘖𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘴
 “Smile” [Karamatsu X Reader X Ichimatsu]
 “Opportunity” [Author!Ichimatsu X CEO!Reader]
 “Love?” [Osomatsu X Reader]
“Cats” [Ichimatsu X Reader]
“Stress” [Karamatsu X Reader]
 Choromatsu - canadaisnolonger
Karamatsu - cryptictrashtaker
Todomatsu - interstara
Osomatsu - irl-osomatsu-matsuno
Ichimatsu - in-nowhere-land
Jyushimatsu - anon
Karamatsu - soiskate
Jyushimatsu - dexteryadude
Osomatsu - littlelaylagamer
Ichimatsu - anon
Choromatsu - anon
Ichimatsu - anon
Choromatsu - joshodun
Ichimatsu - wigglewormple
Choromatsu - kotoririn
Todomatsu - anon
Ichimatsu - anon
Jyushimatsu - anon
Ichimatsu - ayumiizuka
Choromatsu - anon
Osomatsu - cursed-ghost
Ichimatsu - anon
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