#cancel your netflix and post about it with the cancel netflix hashtag
fuck-off-im-ace · 2 years
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Almost 800K tweets with #SaveWarriorNun yall, keep it going!
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dduane · 1 year
I've seen you posting detailed information about the WGA strike and wondered if you had any suggestions as to how those of us not directly involved can show our support for the Union?
Okay, bearing in mind that all this is entirely subjective at the moment (and so far lacking any more useful input from other sources): a few thoughts.
This will be my third WGA strike. (My first one was in 1988, just after I'd made my first live action sale—s1e6 of ST:TNG). And the thought keeps occurring to me at the moment that this time out, there's a potentially gamechanging player on the field that wasn't there before: truly pervasive social media.
(Adding a cut here, because this goes on a bit...)
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In 2007, social media as we now understand it was still in its cradle. Now, though, those of us who're striking can make our voices much more widely heard. And so can those of us who're not, but just want to show solidarity. Last time, the AMPTP was able to do pretty much what it wanted without the public noticing or having even a medium-profile way to make their feelings known. But this time? Not so much.
So as an otherwise uninvolved person who wants to show solidarity, I'd start with something seemingly low-value. If I was on Twitter, I'd start routinely tweeting about the strike and my support for it—not obsessively, just persistently, a couple/few times a week—using the Twitter hashtags that are gaining ground even now, such as #DoTheWriteThing (and of course #WGAStrike). I would make sure I was following @WGAEast and @WGAWest, to keep an eye on what's going on.
Additionally: I would start politely, but repeatedly—again, maybe once or twice a week at least, and not stopping—tweeting the various major players in the AMPTP, especially the streamers: Amazon, Netflix, Hulu et al. I would start suggesting that their current attitude toward the WGA's contract negotiations is not only unrealistic but potentially (for the AMPTP) bad for business. (And self-destructive, too, as if this goes on much longer in this vein, they'll be seemingly eagerly casting themselves as The Baddies.) I would suggest that their bad behavior, if not amended by them coming to the table to bargain in good faith, might start affecting both my interest in their shows and my willingness to keep paying unreasonable people for access to them.
I should emphasize here that so far there've been no formal calls from anyone for boycotts or subscription cancellations. For the moment, this strikes me as wise. The point for WGA-friendly observers, right now, would be to keep what's happening to the writers visible: to keep bringing it up: to refuse to allow it to be swept under the rug. The "They only want two cents on the dollar!" angle seems potentially useful the more it's repeated. The point is to keep the repetition going: to make it plain, day after day, that the other side's being not just unreasonable, but greedy. Day after day, and week after week, and (if necessary: please Thoth may it not be...) month after month.
And tweeting is hardly all that can be done. Email is cheap and easy. But actual letters, written on actual paper and mailed, can still create a surprising amount of attention in a corporate office. (The saying in TV used to be that for every person who actually writes in about an issue, there are ten, or a hundred, who feel the same way but never got around to it.) Write letters to all the AMPTP members' CEOs, and make your feelings on the WGA's core demands politely plain. ...Especially when those CEOs collectively made almost three-quarters of a billion-with-a-B dollars in salaries last year, when many of the writers working on their shows can't afford rent.
After that: here's another thought, a little more physical. If by chance you're in an area where one or the other of the Guilds are picketing: turn out and support them! Honk when you pass: and if you're interested, show up and offer to walk the picket lines with them. These things get noticed. (In 2007 a bunch of us, both Guild members and non-, caused significant astonishment by turning out to picket AMPTP members' offices in Dublin.)
...Obviously not all that many people are going to be positioned, in terms of location or their own work and time commitments, to show up physically. But online? Find ways to keep this issue visible. The AMPTP wants this to go quiet, wants people to get bored with it, wants people to find reasons to blame the writers. They've tried spinning the story that way before. Don't let them pull that shit. Find ways to back those who're calling them on that, publicly. They do respond to this kind of thing (though they may strenuously deny it). If enough attention continues to be paid by the general public, they will blink—if sometimes excruciatingly slowly, as Disney began to blink over the dispute tagged #DisneyMustPay.
As viewers, and as viewers who pay for subscriptions to things, we far outnumber them. Help be a part of making the AMPTP understand that this quest for a truly fair deal is not going to go away. And the longer they try to act like the Guild's negotiation positions are beneath their notice, the more it's going to hurt them, and the stupider and greedier it's going to make them look.
...That's all I've got for the moment, as I need some lunch. :) ...But I hope this has helped. And thanks for your concern, and your desire to stand in solidarity with us! It's so welcome. :)
ETA: here's a link to the Guild's social media toolkit, for those who'd like to change PFPs or icons, etc., to show their support.
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alltimefail · 26 days
We have some unfinished business and a case to solve: The Case of the Curious Cancellation! 💀🔎
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Here are the ways you can help (be sure to read until the end).
I'm not sure how many people here on Tumblr are also over on DBDA Twitter, but there have been MANY developments in the last 24 hours and it's important for all of us to be on the same page if we're going to have a chance in hell of saving our show.
First and foremost, we need to get Dead Boy Detectives in the Netflix Top 10 again. This means running it as much as possible. Read about that below:
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As the graphic says, the goal is to have it running on a loop constantly, as much as you physically can. Be sure to have some level of volume on or else it won't count. If you're on Twitter be sure to post your rewatch (photos of your tv, commentary, etc.) with the hashtag #ReviveDeadBoyDetectives !!!
Also, there's no better time to do this: the Tweet below brings up a great point! 👍
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Second, and easiest thing: KEEP TALKING ABOUT THE SHOW AND CREATING CONTENT ABOUT THE SHOW. Analysis, fics, fanart, shitposts, gif sets, memes, tik tok videos, so on - do not stop! Reblog other people's stuff and talk about it! Give fics kudos, comment, make fic rec lists and post that WIP or sketch! The most important thing to remember is to TAG YOUR POSTS AND CREATIONS. We need to trend!!! On Tumblr make sure you continue tagging your posts as you probably already are (look at my tags on this post if you need help, and remember not to use "DBD" on here because that is another fandom! We use DBDA here). On Twitter you want to use the hashtag #ReviveDeadBoyDetectives for the rewatch and #SaveDeadBoyDetectives is a popular one, too. You can also use #DeadBoyDetectives. Hell, I usually use all three if I can! Hashtag every post you make about Dead Boys, no matter how annoying or "cringe" you may feel. Flood the fucking tag and do not stop.
Third, everyone needs to sign and keep circulating the petition. We've surpassed 5,000 signatures in a day which is fantastic, but we need more. Get everyone you know to sign it; tell them it takes no more than 15 seconds. Be annoying until they do it just to shut you up.
Fourth, request "Dead Boy Detectives Season 2" through Netflix's support website. It's a small thing but if we all do this a couple times a day it will get their attention. They really do vet these suggestions, and an influx of requests for a canceled show will raise eyebrows.
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Lastly, if you decide to write Netflix (via email or a letter - their office address has been floating around) please remember to stay concise and professional. Don't curse at them, don't call names. State that you are disappointed with the cancellation of the show, maybe add an anecdote about what it meant to you, and I would even recommend attaching some articles that emphasize people's displeasure with the platform abandoning shows on a whim and Netflix's flippant attitude toward queer shows in particular. Dead Boy Detective Agency on Twitter has retweeted every article on this topic so far, you can find their page here.
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You can also use graphics such as the ones below to affirm that the cancellation was unjust.
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(Source 1, Source 2)
I know this feels like a lot: know your limits and take care of yourself. Whether you do every single one of these things or just a few of these things, every llittle bit helps!
Even in the worst case scenario where nothing changes, this gesture will mean so much to everyone who made this show. We owe it to the writers, cast, crew, and each other to TRY. We can all agree that this show deserves at least another season and if Netflix isn't going to do it, they need to be open to selling it to someone who will. We cannot keep allowing them to axe these queer and diverse shows with little regard for their customers and their employees, but also because it sets a harmful standard in the industry that is destroying television.
Let's crack this case and bring our agency back! I truly believe in this community!! 💜 We can do this!!
If there are any spelling errors or issues with links let me know! I did this on mobile because I want to mobilize this information as quickly as possible! I'll be adding on to this with new developments and can answer any questions you all might have. Lets save our show!
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moonikabear · 26 days
Let's #SaveDeadBoyDetectives!
Hi everyone!  
As you’ve probably already seen on Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram, or even the articles that are already written about how furious the fandom is right now, we are currently trying to fight for Dead Boy Detectives. 
There is A LOT that we can do to make some noise and so much is already being done that it’s all getting very overwhelming to keep track of. So I've made this masterpost listing all (or at least most of) the things people in the fandom are trying to do right now that you can absolutely help with too! Thank you to everyone who’s fighting for the show! <3
DO NOT cancel your Netflix subscription in a fit of rage because of this. Netflix does not care about that. Here’s all the things you can do instead to make some noise to reach the people who worked on the show and hopefully the people at Netflix as well:
Rewatch the show with sound on! You can just connect your headphones and leave it running in the background while doing other stuff.
Interact with the fandom online and share the Hashtags as much as possible! Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram, wherever, spread the message as much as you can. The currently used hashtags are ‘save dead boy detectives’, ‘savedeadboydetectives’, ‘renew dead boy detectives’ and ‘revive dead boy detectives’. Try to boost the hashtags that are already used by the fandom but also feel free to create new ones on top of that or just generally tag the show etc.
We have sent out a tweet to Beth Schwartz asking her if there is any possibility of finding a new home or an alternative way of saving the show - if you’re on twitter, share the tweet by retweeting, quote tweeting, adding hashtags and tagging Beth in it! Here’s a link to the tweet: https://x.com/papysanzo/status/1829996492247220319
If you’re not on twitter, you can share the tumblr post about it and tag it using the hashtags mentioned above! Here’s a link to the tumblr post: https://www.tumblr.com/thepopsicle/760364779568300032/the-tweet-is-out-people-were-confused-about-the?source=share
There’s a petition for saving the show - sign it and ideally also share it wherever you can! Here’s the link to the petition: https://chng.it/M8dvDk9BcL
You can fill out the title request form and request Dead Boy Detectives Season 2 three times to let them know we still want it! Here’s the link to the request form: https://t.co/wkLf2DS06j
You can send (anonymous) asks to Netflix’s Tumblr account as long as they’re still open! Tell them how much you love the show and that the fandom wants more of it. Please remember to be polite in the message, rudeness won’t get us anywhere. Here’s the link to Netflix’s Tumblr account: https://www.tumblr.com/netflix
If you want to do more, you can send emails or physical letters to Netflix itself! Please remember to be polite here as well.  
Here’s an email address you can write to: [email protected] 
And here is the address you can send physical letters to: Netflix, Inc. 121 Albright Way Los Gatos, CA 95032, USA 
If you have a subscription, you can also sign into the app and follow these steps: 1. In the lower right, tap “my Netflix” 2. In the upper right, tap the Menu. 3. Tap “Help”. 4. Tap the Call or Chat Button.
We would love to coordinate big watch parties, fandom events and hopefully a big online meetup with as many people as possible! Please feel free to join any DBDA event you see shared online and of course also share the events you know about with others! 
And last but certainly not least, keep creating, interacting and sharing the love within the fandom! Even if all this effort leads to nothing in the end, we want to make sure the fandom stays active for as long as possible and that everyone involved can have fun and a good time with it despite the awful news we got. So keep the happy and positive fandom posts going as well as the fight for the show! <3  
Please don’t feel bad if you’re not doing every single thing on this list, but know that every little bit helps. 
Also, a quick reality check: The chances that Netflix will actually reconsider the cancellation are probably very slim. However, we’re still fighting for any little bit we can get, whether it’s the show being sold to another network, an audio format for season two, some sort of podcast with the cast, getting to read the script, anything. It’s not impossible to get something out of this, even if it isn’t a regular complete second season of the show. We'll keep fighting, even if it's scary, and the odds are bad, and we might die horrifically.
So, on that note - Thanks for reading this ridiculously long post, remember to drink some water, take care of yourself, and have a lovely rest of your day! 
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saltpepperbeard · 9 months
Be a Lighthouse - Fight For OFMD Season 3
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Hi everyone. The news of our cancellation is both incredibly devastating, and quite shocking considering the trajectory of the show and its fanbase. Everything looked like it was lining up in a positive fashion...only for the rug to get yanked out from under us.
I cried. I went numb. I stared at the wall for a while.
But then, something sparked. Like Ed who was resolved to his fate in S1Ep4 only to rocket back upwards, I was struck with a realization: we need to be a lighthouse!
Fanbases have campaigned before, and have gotten results. Sense8 was able to get a two hour finale to properly wrap everything up. Lucifer was able to get picked up by Netflix after being cancelled by Fox. Brooklyn 99 was able to get picked up by NBC after being cancelled by Fox. And many more examples.
Be it a proper renewal, a finale wrap that entails Ed and Stede's wedding, or the attention from another network, I say we fight that good fight. So, here are some ways we can be heard; if you think of any additional points, please feel free to add them!
If you don't cancel your Max Subscription, continue watching the show and leaving feedback on Max's online feedback form. I had a kneejerk reaction when cancellation was announced and pulled the plug...only to sit back and reconsider. I want them to still get my metrics. I want them to still see the show means something to me. And whether that's through words or statistics, I feel like that's something.
2. Follow @renewasacrew and keep up with their resources/campaigns. They're very active and passionate, and have already come up with different ways to fight for our show.
3. Sign the petition to give us just that little bit more of a chance to have our voices heard.
4. Stay active on social media, and stay positive. Continue sharing how much this show means to us. Continue creating. Continue loving. Use hashtags like-
or anything equivalent on any and all OFMD-related posts. Keep the buzz about it going on social media. Comment on posts, keep spreading the word, and get the light burning.
5. Renewasacrew has given us another outlet; an official HBO email address. Write an email detailing your personal experience with this show, and how significant a third season would be.
6. Tweet/email other platforms to pique their interest. Be it Amazon Prime, Hulu, Netflix, or whoever else, let's see if we can't catch someone else's attention. A romcom with iconic LGBT representation seems pretty enticing if you ask me!
This show means the world to me. Y'all mean the world to me. So let's show them why. Let's show them why, and get the proper ending we, the cast and crew, and the characters all deserve.
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turkeycalamitybff · 26 days
everyone I am begging you. DO NOT GIVE UP. that is what they want. And if the outrage I’ve seen here is any indication, they will regret it too! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE keep creating and stay mad! Don’t only be mad for the weekend, KEEP REACHING OUT and let everyone u know know about this wonderful show!! We need to END THE CANCELLATION streak. Netflix doesn’t understand that people love it and we need to show them! Get #renewdeadboydetectives and #savedeadboydetectives trending!! We can still try, and even if we fail, DONT LET THE FANDOM FAIL!! We need to stick together and KEEP CREATING! I’ve reblogged multiple ways of showing your anger already but my favorite are:
Send a suggestion for a title to Netflix for dbd 2! Link is in another post below.
get the hashtags to save the show trending!
send letters! Netflix’s address is something you can find out.
Netflix’s asks on here are open too! Make sure to send some in to show how much you love the show!!
there is a petition linked in a post below. Please sign and share!! We need as many people as possible.
most importantly: KEEP CREATING. the more they see we love it, the more they will realize they were wrong.
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ofmdrecaps · 6 days
09/20/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Call To Action: David Jenkins; Samba Schutte; Con O'Neill; Hugo Pierre Martin; How To Help; Other Cast & Crew Sightings: Rhys Darby; Rosie Carnahan Darby; Taika Waititi; Samba Schutte; Leslie Jones; Guz Khan; Damien Gerard; Kristian Nairn; Hugo Pierre Martin;
Well folks. It sure is wonderful to be honking loudly with you again! (Clown or Goose, however you prefer to consider it!). This morning, David Jenkins started us all off with a very specific tweet that set off a chain reaction!
= David Jenkins =
It APPEARS that David is telling us, the fans, that OFMD is "available", and that Netflix is the streaming service to woo. Now, does that mean it's just being bought and streamed? Or perhaps being picked up by a Season 3? There has been some discussion that Netflix sometimes likes to stream a cancelled show before they greenlight another season-- and well, who knows, maybe that's what OFMD is in line for!
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Source: David Jenkins' Instagram
= Samba Schutte =
Then a little later in the day... Samba started us up with a new #, #supnetflix!
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Source: Samba's Instagram
= Con O'Neill =
Con joined in on the sharing!
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Source: Con's Instagram Stories
= Hugo Pierre Martin =
Our "one-line" friend, Hugo Pierre Martin is back at it! He's supporting OFMD in every way he can!
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Source: Hugo's Twitter / 2
The fans took David and the Crew's call to action by starting up a tweet storm! Our friends over at @adoptourcrew also kept the momentum going by putting up prompts!
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Source: Adopt Our Crew Twitter
Some of our crewmates reminded us, and Netflix, we had the numbers :)
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Source: Florence aka single_cat_mom on Twitter!
As of the time this post was put together, the trends got up to the following! Thank you to APurplePatch on Twitter for captureing them!
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Source: APurplePatch Twitter
And a little schadenfreude for today's festivities! Thank you Ashley!
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Source: Ashley aka Seven_Sugars on Twitter
Well there we are-- great job today crew! Sure is feeling good in the fandom today! If we can, let's keep the momentum up through tomorrow! Are you excited about the possibility of an s3? Well, feel free to join in the manifestations from our friend @xray-vex!
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Source: Xray_Vex Twitter
== How To Help ==
I can't believe I'm saying this again-- but hey! Wanna help out with the renewal (or at least selling OFMD) effort? Please consider some of the following!
Sign the Petition if you haven't already! (Change.org DOES clear out non-confirmed via email signatures every once in a while, so be sure to check your email.)
Request Our Flag Means Death on the Netflix form!
If you're interacting with social media, use these hashtags: #OurFlagMeansDeath #supnetflix #AdoptOurCrew #SaveOFMD
== Other Cast & Crew Sightings ==
= Rhys Darby =
New Bill Napier Weather Update from Rhys today on his Substack! There was even a shout out to some of our crewmembers you might recognize! Give it a listen!
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Source: Rhys' Substack
= Rosie =
More Kitten Content from the Darby Household! (why yes, I will use my one movie allowed per tumblr post to add kitten content, I regret nothing).
Source: Rosie Carnahan Darby's Instagram
= Taika Waititi =
Taika's back to his "influencer" phase again!
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Source: Taika's Instagram
= Damien Gerard =
Damien's finally getting to get some relief! Congrats sir!
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Source: Damien's Instagram
= Kristian Nairn =
Kristian catching up with one of his old co-stars, Issac Wright!
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Source: Kristian Nairn Instagram
= Samba Schutte =
I realized I shared Samba's pics last time, but didn't say much about the new campaign! Samba's new Shop Stands campaign is benefiting the LA Regional Food Bank! First up, you can get a hoodie version of the Crew For Life T-Shirt! - Crew For Life Hoodie
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Next up-- Samba is back with another cooking class! This time it's Death By Cheese! Death By Cheese Class
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Source: Shop Stands
= Guz Khan =
New season of Man From Mobeen! Not sure if there's a date yet...but looks like Guz is sharing some pics!
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Source: Guz Khan's Instagram
= Leslie Jones =
Leslie was on the Jennifer Hudson Show a couple days back!
Source: Jennifer Hudson's Instagram
= Hugo Pierre Martin =
In case you haven't heard, Hugo is doing a Spotify Audio Series! Wanna check it out? Visit: Spotify
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Source: Hugo's Twitter
== Articles ==
Source: Adopt Our Crew Twitter
== Love Notes ==
Alright, lovelies. I have so many things to say and yet no stamina to do so. I'll try to pick up tomorrow-- I just wanted to send this your way, I hope you find the ones who make you feel like you're basking in warmth and love, like the sun.
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Source: StayCloseToYourself_ Instagram
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 8 months
Daily OFMD Renewal Tasks - Updated 01/31/2024
Hey all! These were starting to get a bit big for the Recap, so I'll link here instead. I'll keep this updated every day so feel free to reference back here and I'll link to this inside the Recaps.
==Things to remember==
Keep it positive! We are wooing them!
Only address one platform at a time!
Make it personal! Tell them why you want to be on that platform (inclusivity, diversity, other shows that are similar, etc)
“It’s okay to reuse some content with new tags but try to space the posts out a couple hours so they dont stack up on top of each other in hashtag very obviously.” -Jac
==Today's Hashtags==
==Platforms to Reach Out to==
If you reach out on the social medias, you can cater to individual mission statements per platform.
Cheat Sheet Below provided by @aproperpirate on Twitter
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If you wanna talk about the shows creativity, feel free to reference Ra Vincent's site, he was the Production Designer for OFMD. Great inspiration and pictures to use to show off to the networks.
It's also helpful for Amazon to show them the international reach
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== Vote on the Queerties! ==
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You can vote once a day!
Best TV Comedy
Best TV Performance
== US Social Media For Each Platform ==
Netflix @netflix
PrimeVideo @primevideo
Apple TV @appletv
Netflix @netflix
PrimeVideo @primevideo
Netflix @netflix
PrimeVideo @PrimeVideo
Apple TV @AppleTV
Netflix @netflix
PrimeVideo @PrimeVideo
Apple TV @AppleTV
==Daily Helpful Tasks:==
1. Push That Petition
2. Fill out Feedback forms:
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Make sure to request Our Flag Means Death on all the platforms, and indicate why you like the show (if that's an option) and keep it positive. Source: @Lcmwriter100 on Twitter
AppleTV - looking for an example letter? Check out @saltpepperbeard’s post
For Amazon Prime - Courtesy of @yougotofast over on twitter.
Existing Prime subscribers, you can access a Suggestions/Feedback form on the Prime Video app in the Settings > Help & Feedback section. The form is automatically tied to your Prime account, not sure if that makes any difference compared to anonymous feedback.
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3. Platform/Article Engagement
If you still have HBO Max, please still go ahead and stream Our Flag Means Death, it keeps up engagement and numbers.
Search Our Flag Means Death on Netflix
If you have Netflix, after your search, stream the first title that comes up for a few minutes.
Article Engagement - Source: @candiedsilkmoth on twitter
@itsmfgames Has been kind enough to be keeping up a running list of Articles about the campaigns -- so if you have the time and want to go catch up on some articles, please checkout the guide below and visit this google doc for the list!
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4. Make Calls
Contact Netflix and say why you love OFMD
You can call them at (844) 505-2993 as well and let them know about a hoard of pirates looking for a new home. You're welcome to try their toll free number as well (888) 638-3549
5. Daily Link Clicks to keep up engagement
Our Flag Means Death Wikipedia Page
Google Search for Our Flag Means Death
Google UK Search for Our Flag Means Death
Our Flag Means Death IMDB
Current @renewasacrew Daily Links:
For Industry specific help see @TheCozyPirate on Twitter as well. I will try to include any pertinent information in the Daily Recap or here, but if you have twitter they're a great resource
== RADIO! ==
Some awesome new suggestions from @AdoptACrew Check out the thread here. Link to the NPR suggestion site: Here
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=== Staying a Polite Menace to Max ===
For those of you who are still up for it-- We are still contacting Max and Commenting on their posts. Thank you @asgardian--angels for the reminder! I'll update this section with more details tomorrow once we have some more.
Current focus with Max is less requesting Renewal and more to Expressing Disappointment about them cancelling marginalised Stories (OFMD, Rap Sh!t, etc), specifically to give them bad PR.
We're still letting Casey Bloys and David Zaslav know no peace.
As usual please be polite, we're not letting max off the hook, but Monday there will be a news article coming out regarding this (Source: Jac (@TheCozyPirate) on Twitter))
==Media Resources (Pics, Gifs, Vids)==
Gifs, Pics, and Videos to use: show clips to use Src: @havethisonelife
Our lovely @kiwistede made some great custom gifs you can use to tweet and message the platforms with. Check out their tumblr here
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== Stats ==
Some Cool Stats you can use:
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Some folks like infographics instead of text so here's some stuff for you! Courtesy of @edandstede on Twitter
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I have a limited amount of pictures I can put on one post so here is a google drive with more: Google Drive
==Other ideas for engagement:==
Courtesy of @sandwrite2 on Twitter
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savethegrishaverse · 11 days
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Third Army! Welcome to Geeked Week!!!
Gifs about different shows canceled by Netflix have been uploaded for you all and are waiting for you to post them on your Twitter accounts or under Netflix tweets during the whole duration of Geeked Week. Don't forget to use the campaign hashtags!
Share the link with fellow Shadow and Bone fans as well as your friends from other fandoms! You can also post them on other social media and tag Netflix! Let's take over Netflix Geeked Week!!
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figmentof · 9 months
i'm witnessing an immensely high level of hypocrisy regarding the ofmd renewal campaign from both fans of ofmd and people who hate on the show/fandom
people are allowed to care about several things at once, whether it be "lesser" causes like wanting streaming services to let creatives finish the stories they set out to tell or humanitarian issues ranging from domestic to international ones-- ONLY IF ofmd isn't involved though! if you care about ofmd you're an awful person who is only willing to give away your money to a stupid tv show but not to people currently suffering. the two most recent renewal/save the show campaigns done by aloto and warrior nun also spent money renting a plane to fly over amazon hq (aloto) and buying billboards across netflix hq (warrior nun) and NO ONE had anything to say about how those two fandoms spent money. no one made posts mocking members of those two fandoms claiming they're wasting their time with their renewal campaigns where they also wrote emails and spammed hashtags and put out flyers and bought ads. no one laughed at how they're putting all this effort into nothing, why don't they just rewatch the seasons they have and shut the fuck up? no one demanded aloto and warrior nun fans show proof of donation to ukraine and/or other humanitarian crisis's happening at the time of their campaigns
if it were any of the other beloved shows that had gotten cancelled, their renewal campaigns wouldn't get any of the scrutiny or hate ofmd currently is. at this point whenever Taika breathes people shit on him and the fans of show he works on are getting the same type of treatment. funny that
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nohasslecastle · 2 years
HEADS-UP HALO BEARERS!!! This is an strategy to contact streaming platforms to ask them to pick up Warrior Nun. Remeber to use #SaveWarriorNun in your interactions! Link to the original post
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This is the template you can use for the letter:
Good day!
A TV series called Warrior Nun just got canceled by Netflix despite having great reviews, a perfect score on Rotten Tomatoes, with zero dollars spent on promotion by Netflix.
This series is a hidden gem that deserves more seasons. Its quality overall is top-notch, that's why it is a great reason to add it to your roster of TV shows. As fans, we are trying our best to help continue the storyline of the well-written and inspiring characters.
We believe your company could help us with that. If you want to know more about Warrior Nun, you may contact Simon Barry, the creator, and showrunner of the TV series, or you may respond to this email.
At the moment, Warrior Nun has a petition rapidly growing to 72,200+ signatures to renew the show for Season 3, and the current hashtag #SaveWarriorNun has 1.4 million tweets.
I hope you can help us save this fascinating show. Thank you for your time, and I hope you can consider it.
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savelockwoodandco · 1 year
hey, I have a question!!
First of all, thank you so much for all of your hard work and effort to save our beloved show! You guys help us so much, huge thank you, truly.
So I was just wondering, so many popular netflix shows were cancelled and I still remember the huge noise the cancellation of those shows caused. Like for example Anne With An E and Warrior Nun, the whole internet moved for them and still, they weren't picked up by another streaming service.
Do you think our show really stands a chance? 🥺 /gen
Hi Anon! Thank you for this question and for your kind words!
It's true that whenever a show is cancelled -- especially a multi-season, popular show with a built-in fanbase like Anne With An E -- it seems like the whole internet is awash with cries of outrage, support, and, to be blunt, threats against the people who cancel it. Internet campaigning is as old as the internet, and even older than that if you count print media and letter writing campaigns before that. It's human nature to get loud about bad things, and Save-The-Show campaigns are more prone to that than most things, since media is a generally uniting and far-reaching force.
I will note that Warrior Nun's fans are still working towards a pick-up by Max (formerly HBOMax), so I'll leave them off of this comparison, as well as wishing them the best of luck.
To be blunt, yes our show really does stand a chance. I've been involved in more than my share of Save-The-Show campaigns over the last 15+ years, and I've never seen a response by people outside the fandom like this before. We're sitting at exactly 2 weeks since cancellation and we've had dozens of articles from entertainment, business, finance, and human interest magazines and sites alike, huge, sustained tweet numbers, trended every single day, joyful engagement by cast/crew/related persons, the works. It's not a level of response I've ever seen via a fan campaign, not in the ones I've been a part of and not in the ones I've seen from the sidelines.
Unlike a lot of unsuccessful campaigns, ours is entirely fan-led. I've said many times IRL over the last two weeks that I'd be vastly more worried if Cornish/CF/Stroud were leading this charge. If the show runners/creators/etc are the ones spearheading things, experience tells us that things are bleak from the get-go. This isn't a creator-led endeavor where the most noise comes from 4 or 5 people who directly profit off of the show; Joe Cornish posted once on Instagram (in a very ballsy move, I'll note, giving the fans numbers/graphics to use without directly showing his hand), the Strouds are mostly liking tweets and engaging in fan engagement to the side of the campaign (Stroud is careful never to use the #savelockwoodandco hashtag or any hashtag related to a particular streaming service), and the cast and crew of the show/CF are posting Lockwood & Co related videos and pictures without coming out as part of the #SaveLockwoodAndCo movement. To borrow a phrase, they're going carefully.
This is a good thing.
Networks and Streaming Sites don't care how passionate a creator, cast, or crew are. They don't care about how many people are mad a show is cancelled either. What they care about is exactly what we're working in this campaign to give them -- actionable data.
The AWAE cancellation is a good example, sadly. While it had a lot of enthusiasm -- I was on the sidelines for this, but I did heartily enjoy the show, and would have liked them to get enough time to finish the main story, rather than cutting it off and forcing a time skip as they did -- it didn't have the numbers. Not streaming hours or being generally known -- as a preexisting IP it was very well-known -- but sustained numbers post-cancellation. It had a lot of very angry (understandably) people, a few articles about the cancellation, and that was about it. The creators knew for at least part of the last season that it was unlikely they'd get another one, and wrapped up the major storyline (Anne and Gil) as best they could. It was a rushed ending (not quite Merlin levels of rushed, but definitely rushed), but it's a linear story from the books, and the story did end.
It's not enough to be angry in campaigns to save a show. Anger is a great short-term motivator, but for all but the most focused of us, anger burns out like a match -- hot at first, but rather useless very quickly. Recent and memorable (unnamed to avoid offense where none is intended) campaigns were filled with angry posts about betrayal by the network (completely understandably), but these campaigns didn't do what a successful campaign must: add numbers and news.
It's a testament to the strength of character in all of you -- the fandom -- that the immediate and understandable anger upon cancellation has died down, but our numbers have kept growing. The articles aren't about "it's so sad this show was cancelled" anymore, they're about fan engagement, they're about sheer business sense. The people of the press aren't writing because they're fans, or because it's today's story, but rather because Lockwood and Co has become a sort of symbol for what's wrong with the streaming industry and Netflix in particular. We're trending in Business and Finance as well as in Entertainment, for heaven's sake.
This show, according to all the numbers and Netflix's own statement, did well. It passed the figures it needed to be renewed.
But it wasn't. That's been our focus, and that's what's newsworthy. And we can only help it along by being genuine, passionate, and positive above all else.
This fandom has done an amazing job being polite, professional, empathetic, and collected. No one is ritually burning anything, no one is sending envelopes of razor blades or Purposely Mysterious White Powder to executives (yes, these have happened), no one is threatening physical harm to the poor interns in charge of Netflix's twitter, tumblr, instagram, tiktok, or, heck, LinkedIn or anything.
Our numbers are growing -- if you pay close attention to twitter like the other mod of this blog does, you'll note that people are discovering, watching, loving, and turning around and campaigning for this show through our hashtags and engagement. Having a show add so many people post-cancellation is a rare, rare thing -- people will generally stay away from a cancelled show, not watch it. And yet we grow every day in leaps and bounds.
This post is far too long, but yes, we're different from the majority of campaigns. We have the quiet and subtle support of Those In Charge of the show, but they're not the ones driving this boat. Because of our consistent, diversified efforts and our insistence on sticking to data and logic in an enthusiastic and optimistic way, people have sat up and taken continued notice.
Lockwood and Co (and #savelockwoodandco by extension) has become a beacon to those dissatisfied with the business of TV, and has gained substantial fans along the way.
Yes, we have a chance. Let's keep lighting our ghost lamps -- they shine far further than we can comprehend.
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alltimefail · 14 days
Agency Assignments: A comprehensive to-do list for saving Dead Boy Detectives!
I'm very easily overwhelmed, so I wanted to break down all the ways to help "Save Dead Boy Detectives" that I have seen floating around. This is meant to be something you can reference when you feel like there is so much you need and want to do to help, but don't know how or where to start.
Note: I will be updating this post as we go when necessary, so feel free to bookmark it in your browser for easy access, add it to your homepage, whatever! I'll always have a link to it in my Pinned Navigation post on my blog as well!
It is of the utmost importance that we fight as an organized, well-informed front. We need to be on the same page if we're going to save our show, so let's get into it! 💜💀🔎
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➪ First and foremost, follow @savethedeadboys! They're going to be our best resource during this fight.
➪ Next, follow @deadboyagency for news and updates: they've been around since the show dropped and have been an invaluable source of information the entire time.
Now for some task breakdowns:
"One-Time" Tasks
➪ Like the header says, these things can only be done once. Once you do them, you don't have to give them any space in your mind.
Sign the petition*
Review & Rate Dead Boy Detectives on Google, IMDB, Rotten Tomatoes. Be sure on IMDB you don't just rate the show as a whole, but you also rate each individual episode! You can also "Like" the show on Google and click "Watched" which helps the show's engagement scores. (If there are other popular sites I haven't listed here, feel free to share them and rate Dead Boy Detectives highly on them!)
Notify Netflix customer service (through their online chat feature) that you're unhappy with the cancelation of Dead Boy Detectives. This is a short, 5-minute task that I wrote a guide on (with an example message) here!
"Repeat" Tasks:
➪ These tasks can become a part of your daily routine; do what works best for you! You don't have to do every single one of these tasks every day if that is overwhelming!
Share the petition* over and over again, on every one of your socials! Make everyone you love sign it!
Stream Dead Boy Detectives!* Keep it on a loop in the background on low volume as much as possible. Try to get others to stream it as well, especially if they haven't watched it before! Netflix cares about VIEWS: views save shows and I broke down the reasoning here. (Bonus: if you post over on Twitter about your rewatch, use the tag #ReviveDeadBoyDetectives)
Talk about Dead Boy Detectives!* You're probably doing that already, but just be sure that you're tagging your posts. Here on Tumblr use the "Dead Boy Detectives" tag at least (to boost our tag to trending) and anywhere that uses hashtags (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram for example) I would recommend #SaveDeadBoyDetectives and #DeadBoyDetectives as those seem to be the most commonly used tags! IMPORTANT: do not use more than 20 tags here on Tumblr! Any more than 20 and your posts might be marked as spam and hidden from the tags!
Create art, edits for TikTok, fics, gif sets, doodles, crafts, analysis posts, and so on for Dead Boy Detectives.* Having fun is important, too! This is an extension of the "Talk about Dead Boy Detectives" point, but it needs to be stated - don't remove the joy from the fight. If a drawing of our boys or a smutty fic with your favorite trickster cat king is what you can bring to the fight on any given day, that is a perfectly valuable contribution! It's not all emails and hashtags.
Daily request a show through Netflix. Bonus if you're signed in! (I do 3-5 times a day)
Send Emails advocating for Dead Boy Detectives (Email list & Email Template). You can do this as much as you want or just one time.
Send Snail-mail (physical letters) to Netflix advocating for Dead Boy Detectives. I also send a copy of my letters to Warner Bros. Studios. Again, you can do this one time or multiple times. There are dates set aside for "mass" mail sending as well, so check out info on that here!
Interact with articles posted about Dead Boy Detectives. Read them, share them, comment on them, thank the writer for writing them, etc. We want lots of press about the cancellation, and supporting journalists and publications will make them want to write about Dead Boy Detectives more.
NOTE: Anything marked with a * means it's extremely important; if you can only do a few things, these tasks are the ones that you should focus on first. Remember to take care of yourself. This is a marathon, not a sprint, so don't burn yourself out!
Say that to yourself as many times as it takes for you to believe it. We're doing this to get justice for the writers, the actors, for ourselves, and assert to these companies that diverse, queer stories are not disposable one-offs; they deserve to be told in full!
Hugs and Handshakes to you all - whatever will suffice. 💜 Always feel free to reach out if you have any questions, whether that be through private message or my ask box. I'm not going anywhere!
- V
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jesslockwood · 1 year
Just wanted to suggest ways I think could help Lockwood and co.
1.) if you give reviews on the show such as on Netflix giving it a double thumbs up, or other sites such as IMDb, Rotten tomatoes, even google reviews!!! (Hell you can even go to good reads and give a review for the books and mention the show in the review about the book and why you loved both) they help to show that you love the show.
In your reviews explain why you loved it and your disappointment for Netflix not renewing it (in a nice way like you’re talking to your friends sweet grandparent)
I also suggest NOT copy pasting your review, but changing the wording a bit!!! Doesn’t have to be crazy just make it seem like it’s not a carbon copy!!!
2.) Sign this petition and any other petitions or voting of rankings you see
3.) join the watch party on May 20 & 21st and keep streaming it in the background (if you want to mute it DON’T touch Netflix the volume, or mute the individual site as I don’t know if it will count as watching it. Keep Netflix at full volume and mute your device’s volume or put it at 1) and turn auto play on and check every so often that it’s playing or just watch it if you can as often as you can!
4.) KEEP THE HASHTAGS AND FANDOM ALIVE! It’s so important to keep talking not just about the cancellation but reblog or make memes, text posts, GIFs, favourite or edited images, fan art or video edits. Make content of Literally anything to show that the Lockwood and co fandom is still thriving and that there is a fan base
5.) keep commenting kindly about the show on all Netflix social media’s you can (so not just Netflix UK) and other networks that you want them to pick up Lockwood and co. (Think places such as Amazon Uk, BBC, places that would pick up a UK filmed show)
No one wants to listen to someone who sounds like a Karen, or is just an asshole. Be polite but get your points across. Make noise but in a way that people hear you not ignore you and your message.
7.) Mention the show to everyone you know and see if they’ll watch/support it, or even take some of these suggested steps that I’ve given or others have!!!
At the very least we will make noise, grow the fandom, and make Jonathan, Ruby, Ali, Cameron, The Crew & Cast and Complete Fiction proud!!!
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fuck-off-im-ace · 2 years
Okay i think it’s time for my “update for people not in the Discord server” pt. 2!
So as of right now, the petition is at 30K signatures. More and more articles are being written on the cancellation, with major news sites publicly shaming Netflix for their choices. The hashtag is still trending on Twitter.
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The main plan right now is to write an open letter to share on social media. Fans also working on creating official accounts on Twitter to get people organized and in the know about all Warrior Nun news. From what i know there’s one that has been made in the last hours? So go check it out if you have Twitter? 
Important to note that many people are also starting to work on creating a platform to distribute queer media, since Netflix and the other big companies won’t do it. They’re reaching out to people to know how to get started, but a bunch of talented and competent people are already starting to draw the plan. And seeing how we managed to get Clexacon, i believe that it could be reality, someday. 
People are cancelling their Netflix accounts and posting the screenshot of it with #CancelNetflix. Some are also going to the AppStore to give Netflix a bad raiting, explaining the reason to be the cancelling of tvshows, mainly of queer and women-led tvshows. There are plans to organise fundraising for publicity, but most importantly we just need to keep talking about it, keep up the hype. Netflix doesn’t seem to own the rights of the show, from what fans have gathered from conversation with people at Netflix, so there is a chance to get a new season from another platform. Simon already mentionned that he is trying to get a S3, so there is hope. 
Every effort comes from the Discord server from what i understand, it’s where people organise stuff and chill and vent and just have a good time. Posting a new link that will hopefully work in the replies, come check it out, its honestly a good and fun place!
Anyway take care of yourself, join the effort (if you want!) however you want! Make memes, make edits, post your thoughts, join the organisation, make some art and make some noise! 
In this life or the next, jus drein jus daun, clear eyes full bra can’t lose etc etc.
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vampireacademyshow · 2 years
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They don’t let shows grow overtime like they use to.
So is there anything we can do about it? As a naturally annoying person, absolutely!
As many have been saying, rating the show is so important. You may find the link to rate on Rotten Tomatoes HERE and Imdb HERE.
Contacting other streaming services or even channels requesting the show be picked up through them can help. Their contacts are below:
Paramount+ ( Paramount+ Programming > Missing Shows> Still Need Help)
Prime (Have to be logged in!)
Hulu (Have to be logged in)
I know people struggle to find the words to say, so I’ve also typed up a little prompt that you may feel free to change or send as is:
“Hello X, I am reaching out to request you pick up the show Vampire Academy for a season 2. It aired on a streaming service that did not handle it well. Despite that, it had a very dedicated fanbase that caused it to continuously trend on Twitter. Not only that, it has involvement from popular showrunner Julie Plec of Vampire Diaries fame. If allowed to continue, I have full believe that this show will grow to major success as well if allowed the natural time required to do so.”
You may also feel free to message Peacock as well to let them know how you feel. One BIG way that can help is by canceling your subscription. Not only doing this, but also e-mailing or @ -ing Peacock with proof of this and the reason why is definitely attention grabbing.
On twitter and similar social media websites, use the hashtags #SaveVampireAcademy , #VampireAcademy, and #RenewVampireAcademy! Tag @/Peacock and @/StanAustralia
Sign the petition HERE as well!
Posting art, making tik toks, writing fanfiction, donating books in the name of the campaign, making posts all over the internet all help. Anything helps I promise!
Also, as mentioned in a previous post of mine, I am hosting a renewal campaign where on Feb 7th we all extra buckle in and make our voices known! This date is important to the fandom because it’s when the original movie premiered, before we understood the heartbreak of cancellation. It’s also close enough to be reasonable.
If anyone has a twitter, feel free to share these details there! If possible, tag some of the vocal actors and get them involved as well! This push won’t go anywhere without sharing these details. Please reblog this and post everywhere you can!
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