#cancer tw
mysharona1987 · 7 months
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Lol, at the US being determined to fight socialism but Americans flocking overseas for the socialism.
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hussyknee · 6 months
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Alt text included in everything but the art. Not sure how to describe those. If anyone wants to try I can add it to the alt.
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probablybadrpgideas · 20 days
Do healing spells increase cancer risks ? Specifically, the spells that boost your own body's ability to heal itself. Your asking it to create a bunch of cells in a short span of time.
­new dark fantasy setting that's just the forgotten realms with more cancer
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420technoblazeit · 2 years
in any case. im not really sure what to say so i'll say what i think i need to hear right now. it's entirely okay to cry about this. it's entirely okay to be upset about techno's death and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. he was a great person who inspired a lot of people and it's a fucking tragedy that he's gone so soon. there's no shame in mourning him. take care of yourselves. stay safe
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sistervirtue · 2 years
ok apparently one of the d/smp members died of cancer so im going to make this known now
-terminal illness is not divine punishment or "deserved" -cancer jokes aren't funny
thanks. i hate d/smp i hate all of the members but lets not dip our toes into "righteous ableism" right before disability month yeah
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thatsamorayeel · 2 years
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Rest easy Alex
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benchtrioupdates · 2 years
Ranboo posted in Ranmail
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I'm tired of people being all "yes of course I support addicts but also smokers are the most disgusting, stupid people in the world and they should be fully segregated from public society at all times and also I hope they all die of lung cancer like they deserve for being stupid enough to touch cigarettes". Nicotine addiction is not your get out of jail free card for such behavior just because it's "gross"
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eponymous-rose · 6 months
Just wanted to make this little PSA:
I know the US healthcare system is a dumpster fire, but if you do have access to preventative care, please consider adding a full-body skin exam to your schedule!
I naturally have a lot of moles, my uncle had skin cancer, and I've had two major/peeling sunburns in my life (your risk of skin cancer doubles with a history of a single blistering sunburn). Starting two years ago, I've been going in yearly to get everything checked out, and I've already had two suspicious moles removed. A friend of mine went in for the first time a while back (in part because I kept bringing it up) and they found a precancerous mole on the sole of her foot, of all places. One minor surgery and a couple weeks on crutches later, it's no longer an issue.
Another big risk factor is tanning beds - a friend in college was in a sorority that used to all go together fairly regularly, and two of them wound up having to get treated for aggressive melanomas by the time they turned 30 (the friend in question had multiple major surgeries, but is thankfully now cancer-free for over 5 years).
I'm not intending to scare people, but if you have a mole that's been worrying you (see the ABCDEs of moles), even if you don't spend a lot of time outside or burn often, just know that the full-body skin exam is a quick and easy way to get peace of mind. And yes, even those with plenty of melanin are still at risk of skin cancer and should make a habit of wearing sunscreen!
Having a suspicious mole removed is a super-quick procedure (takes about 20 seconds, including numbing), and they'll biopsy the sample and test it to make sure there are no cancer cells. All that's required from you may be going in to get one stitch removed a couple weeks later, or just keeping a bandaid on the area for a week and then moisturizing until it's totally healed to avoid scarring. The biopsy process is much less painful than something like a blood draw.
I was reminded of all this because I went back for my yearly exam a couple days ago (currently waiting on a biopsy of a mole that my dermatologist characterized as barely suspicious, but hey, took it off anyway for peace of mind) and man, it feels good to have someone look at the constellation of little shapes on my back and go "Yup, all normal!" Or even to have someone comb through my hairline to look for moles I can't see easily on my own. I thought going in yearly would ramp up my health anxiety, but it's at an all-time low knowing that anything bad that pops up has a great chance of being in a super early stage.
I also use sunscreen much, much more religiously.
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spielzeugkaiser · 1 year
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[MASTERPOST] - there I go with the h/c again :) In the last post @panur asked something about the timeline and that got me thinking! Ciri was very little when Jaskier was ill, she doesn't remember much - she probably had no idea what happened. And she does not really have an idea what Jaskier does either but oh well
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sketchesandnonesense · 3 months
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Im too tired to go door to door delivering the news to treasured mutuals n things so this is how im informing people lmao
Yesterday I got the bad news.
I have cancer again. This time on my liver.
Im gonna get a PET scan pretty soon here to check and make sure its not anywhere else
So, yeah.
It fucking sucks that I already failed my Singular New Years Resolution to have a better year than last year
If you wanna help, just support my stuff. Donate on my ko-fi if you wanna or buy Ms.Director for a friend, but also just reblogging my art n stuff helps me feel alil better.
One other thing you guys can do for me is just make sure the people in your life know you love them. Hug your friends alil tighter. Leave a comment on an artist or a writer's stuff. Leave a nice review on an indie game. Let people know when you love them.
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mysharona1987 · 15 days
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crockerberts · 2 years
quick tips for anyone who might be taking this very hard (which is completely fair):
1. Get A Cup Of Water. seriously. crying fucking dehydrates like no other. get water. it will help prevent a headache
2. take a shower if u can! the steam can really help clear ur nose if it’s stuffy and alleviate eye puffiness and headaches
3. listen to music or watch videos. don’t listen to sad music. do Not listen to sad music. listen to happy music! especially with lyrics. it will help so much
4. it is okay to cry. crying helps a lot
5. eat smth you like! nothing physical can make you feel magically better but it can really help to be physically comfortable. it lets you focus on your emotions and work on processing them
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brett-is-afraid · 11 months
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420technoblazeit · 2 years
the hypixel memorial is in the main hub near the farm by the way, coordinates are 70 60 -170 approximately if you want to leave a message for his family
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Ron Smart was a baker in the Okanagan for many years before doctors discovered a tumour that was located six centimetres into his brain near his brain stem in 2018.
It was possible for the doctors to remove most of the malignant tumour, but a small part of the brain tumour remained.
“It was a very large tumour, and on my medical reports they wrote, ‘non-survivable’,” said Smart.
But Smart survived the surgery and now he and his wife live in a quiet Penticton, B.C., neighbourhood
He is unable to work, though, due to the intense surgery. He has been living off both federal and provincial disability funding which totals just under $23,000 a year.
“Once your spouse hits $15,500 you’re cut off,” Smart said/
“The way that the government explained it is that it’s based on your spouse’s income. Because we did everything by the book, by the rules, we got the impression we were being punished for being married on disability.” [...]
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Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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