#cancun boat tour
cancunyacht1 · 2 years
Cancun-yacht is a premier Luxury yacht charter provider company in Cancun, Mexico. We also specialize in Catamaran rentals, boat rentals and yacht rentals at very good price. Book online now!
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captainamorysailing · 6 months
Time to Leave Mexico - Sailing to Belize - S02:EP11
In this blog, we embark on an exciting sailing adventure from Mexico to Belize, bidding farewell to the beautiful Riviera Maya coastline and setting our sailboat for new horizons. The journey begins as I am joined by my friend Cy, a fellow adventurer I met in Mexico, and together, we prepare to sail towards the enchanting destination of Belize.
Our departure from Riviera Maya marks the end of a chapter filled with white beaches and all-inclusive resorts as we set sail towards Punta Allen in southeast Mexico. Along the way, we rendezvous with friends on three other sailboats, creating a lively gathering filled with laughter and good times.
As the sun sets on our farewell night in Mexico, we eagerly anticipate the journey ahead as we wake up to the promise of Belize on the horizon. The tranquil waters guide us as we sail towards our destination, the wind whispering tales of new beginnings and exciting adventures.
During our voyage, the thrill of the open sea surrounds us, and our efforts are rewarded as we catch a fish, a testament to the bountiful waters we traverse. The day's activities leave us weary but content, prompting us to seek refuge behind a reef for a peaceful night's rest under the starlit sky.
Join us on this unforgettable sailing experience filled with camaraderie, exploration, and the simple joys of life on a boat. Our journey is a testament to the magic of sailing adventures and the beauty of embracing the unknown seas. Experience the freedom and tranquility of sailing firsthand as we navigate the waters toward new horizons, guided by the gentle winds and the promise of endless possibilities.
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experienciascancun1 · 10 months
An unforgettable adventure on a catamaran tour to Isla Mujeres, with snorkel, drinks, food and free time. Choose the perfect boat tour for you 4 or 7 hours.
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holboxmexico · 2 years
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Bike rental $250/24 hours
Explore Holbox Island on Two Wheels with Our Bike Rental Services
Holbox Island is a tropical paradise located on the northern tip of the Yucatan Peninsula, known for its crystal clear waters, white sandy beaches, and lush vegetation. It's the perfect destination for those looking to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life and reconnect with nature. One of the best ways to explore the island is by bike, and we have the perfect solution for you.
Renting a bike is a great way to explore the island, as you can cover more ground and experience the island's natural beauty at your own pace. Whether you're looking to take a leisurely ride along the beach or to explore the island's hidden gems, our bike rental services have got you covered.
The cost for 24 hours is $250.
Before renting a bike, we recommend you to bring the following items:
Comfortable clothing and shoes
A hat or sunglasses to protect from the sun
Water bottle
Cash or credit card for deposit
Don't miss out on the opportunity to explore Holbox Island on two wheels with our bike rental services. Book your bike now and discover the beauty of the island in a whole new way.
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alltrips · 2 years
CANCUN TOURS by Alltrips Mexico Via Flickr: Countless tours, outings, and activities are available through Cancun Adventures. Discover every suitable adventure for you and your family. Book now online! Visit: alltrips.mx/
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Last Time On Total Drama Cruise Control: A Ri-DON-culous Clubbing Experience
CHALLENGE 14: Cancún, Mexico The sun sets over the boat, splashing the sky with a beautiful assortment of colors. The boat bellows, ready to dock. “Hello Contestants! Lovely night we’re having. Can you believe that our South America part of the tour is ending? Yep, no more beach resorts after this. Going to miss it….” Chris sighs, looking up to the sunset skies. “How are we all dealing merged? Can you believe it that more than half of you are gone? Crazy.” “Anyways enough about that, let's get ready for our next challenge. Our final location of the South Americas Tour is the beautiful…Cancún!” The cruise docked on a busy port, the night life just started to come alive, tourists and locals in nightclub outfits looked up at the boat in awe.
“Now, our challenge is another jet ski race Contestants! First part of the race, you will all run to the nearby dock and grab a jet ski parked waiting for you, then you will…." Chris sees something in the distance, he squints. It's hard to tell what he's looking at. Suddenly his eyes widen and his mouth drops in disbelief.
“HOLD IT,” he shouts, very out of character of him, he is looking at a yacht, a rather impressive, large one. “He’s here?! Now?!” Chris throws his head back and groans loudly. “Oh no. Oh noooo. And while I’m with Chef-” Chef’s brow furrows. He gives Chris a stern look.
“NOTHING. NOTHING BABE. Here….” Chris pulls him in, whispering something and handing him what looks like a credit card. You watch Chef’s eyes widen. “…Whatever you want. It’s all on me.” Chef grumbles and shoves the card in his pocket. “...” Chris waits until Chef leaves, then he speaks in a low whisper, almost a hiss. “...My ex is here, That’s his yacht on the docks. I just know it. He really thinks he can just show up, while I’m working? He thinks I’ll just let that slide? New challenge. Forget the jet skis. I bet you he’s at the nightclub, I want you all to go in as bartenders and get some information on him. I want to see just how miserable he is without me. Well. I already know he is, look at that yacht. It’s not even the newest model.” he scoffs. “He has so fallen off. Whoever can get me the best information without getting caught wins immunity. He cannot know that I’m here, and you are all my contestants. Got it? Anyone who spills the beans to him is automatically eliminated! That's final. I'll eliminate you! I'll eliminate your friend! I'll cancel the whole show!"
Everyone gets into uniform! It's clubbing time! The nightclub was pumping. People from all over were socializing and dancing. Chris was in…a disguise for some reason? AKA just a fake beard and glasses. “There he is.” he whispers, pointing at a man sitting alone at the bar. “Do not blow my cover. Remember a million dollars is on the line.” Chris fades into the crowd… ------------------------------------------------------------------------
"…..Can I help you?"
“Huh? N-Nuh Nuh Nuh! How can I help YOU?!”
This is the guy. Stick the landing, Gretzky!
“Any drinks?! We’ve got everything…except cabbage drinks. Looks like we ran out, bro…you look familiar. Kinda like a fancy celeb. You should be on TV.”
Wayne, from the corner of you eye you see Chris peek up from the crowd. He is making gestures you don't really understand…. "Heh….thanks. I get that a lot…." Don smiles at the man. "Hey, can I get some water? I have a feeling I'll be here for a while…" Don does pause to look at the man. "….do I know you from somewhere? Now that you mention TV…"
“Oh I….uh, I wish! B-But nope! Just a usual bar boy! I-I watch alot of TV though! Lemme show ya!”
Wayne has juggled hockey pucks before. He can do it with glasses. He tosses the cup in the air and gives a few juggles before it lands on the coaster…on its side.
“Hehe…eh, sorry! Bartenter, not juggler. Easy mistake. Sooooo, how’s the Cancun life treatin’ ya? Here with friends?”
He lifts the cup and quickly pours water in.
The drink splashes a little of Don. You see his eyelid twitch...but he quickly laughs it off. "Oh, I'm just here to relax. I'm actually writing another Season of my show. Ever watched Ridonculous Race? I'm the host." He takes the water and sips on it. "Friends? Nope! Just me. Though, I did see a cruise dock. The Christine? Hm."
…..Don is tapping on his empty glass, he sighs slightly. "Christine…..Christine…..* He looks up and huh. A new bartender already? "Hello Sir, could I get a Old Fashioned?"
“An Old Fashioned, eh?”
What is an Old Fashioned???
Raj is freaking nervous dude.
“Uhh…sure! Yeah! I can do that! That is a thing I can do! Because I am a bartender!”
Nailed it. Awesome. Now how do you make an Old Fashioned…?
"….." "I know you. You were on Total Drama, weren't you?" His eyes narrowed. "…I didn't think you were the drinking type, but I guess TV doesn't always reflect reality…" Chris is in the crowd; he makes a chopping motion with his neck! Retreat Raj! Retreat!!!!
“Oh, uh, haha! Look at the time! My shift is over! Have a good night, bro- I mean, sir!”
Raj is out of there. He’s freaking gone.
"…..some guy, huh?"
"Yeah, what can I get ya?"
"Wait." Don puts his hands up. "Wait Wait wait. Are you. Lightning? The Lightning! Your dad!"
Lightning sunk. "Yeah… that's me, just taking on a bartender job for the fun of it!"
"Kid. We go wayyyyy back. Your dad and I watched the Super Bowl together, and talk about electricity! That man knows his stuff huh?" Wait a second. "…..Oh God. I am. So sorry. I should've known. You. And. Um. The Lightning." Chris is waving his hands frantically at him from the crowd. Lightning don't! Just go back!
"Oh, it's okay, I know you were only talking smack."
"Yeah. Hm." He faked a cough. "Good talk kid."
"Well, you have a nice night, I uh… gotta help these folks over there." Lightning smiled and waved Don goodbye.
"Christine……Lightning….." Don taps on his drink. "Hey, can I get a Old Fashioned? The last bartender um. Didn't get me my drink."
"Who's Christine? She get hit by lightning? Sad."
He doesn't know how to make conversation with someone as a bartender.
"Sure thing. One coming right up."
Ummm. Ummm. What is an Old Fashioned. Is it a drink for old fashioned people? What do old fashioned people drink? Help.
"Uh huh……" He fidgets with his drink. "Hey Pal, some advice. Use more pins on your wig. I can tell it's you, Harold."
"What the heck!" Harold can't take this stupid baka life anymore.
"It's cool you know who I am, though. Did you think I was robbed on Action? Because I did. I was so freaking robbed."
"Uh huh. Sure. You could say that." "…is Chris here?" Chris frantically chops at his throat with his hand again. RETREAT HAROLD RETREAT!
"No, he freaking abandoned us. Wait I see someone with pins. I need them for my wig. Sorry I gotta go. Byeeee I literally was robbed though byeeeee."
"....Hey." Don is looking somewhat inpatient. "Old Fashioned? Please?"
Jo quickly turns around so he can’t figure her out, and starts rummaging for ingredients. Okay, info time.
“Not enjoying your vacation?”
".....You know what? Not really. Got a lot on my mind lately." Chris is giving you a thumbs up from the crowd! "Christine.....a boat named Christine....God. I shouldn't be thinking about him."
“Ships got weird names sometimes. And they’re named after women a lot of the time. Coulda sworn I saw a Gertrude pass through earlier.” Jo passes the finished drink over to Don, garnishing it with a maraschino cherry. Hm. Seems he’s talking about Chris. “Who’s your mind on?”
"I shouldn't be telling you this but...." He takes a sip of his drink. Ough. That's good. "....My ex sent me a text a few nights ago. I could totally tell he was drunk." "I don't know how that makes me feel. We broke up years ago. I thought we both moved on." Chris.....his eyes widen. He shakes his head no, chopping at his throat. NONONONONONONO JO GO BACK NONONONONO
Oh my god. LMFAO. Jo can’t hold back laughter, chuckling as she steps away from the bar. “Don’t go back.”
".....Another Bartender?" "Oh, hello. Short shifts tonight huh?"
Alejandro gives the man a nod. He has not seen Ridonculous Race. "Sadly, we are. It's quite sad. What can I get for you?
Don looks at the man... "...You're the kid from the volcano. Aren't you?" "God. Chris can be so heartless. I can't believe we dated-" He cuts himself off. "I'm sorry Kid. I shouldn't had said anything. It's just..."
"Ah, yes. I am. Most people recognize me from that. But I have moved on from that." He shrugs. He hasn't, but people love to ask questions, so he's used to it. "Ah, I'm not going to push for details," He adds on. "I'm here to make you a drink, yes? No need to talk about the past. Or... is it troubling you?"
"My condolences…." He mutters, gripping his drink. "…Yeah. You're right. Something is troubling me. My apologies for dumping my woes on you. It's just. My ex is….a lot." He sighs. "He makes you feel like a million dollars. Anything you could dream of wanting, and he'll buy you ten of them. It's great, it's exciting. But….." "…he doesn't love. He wouldn't hold your hand. He never called me handsome. He never bought me roses." Chris is losing his mind. He is waving, mouthing to Alejandro "GO BACK" some club goers look at him with confusion.
"Ah, I do not know who your ex is, for I do not know who you are, but you truly are deserving of much more than him," Alejandro says.
"It's better that you left him. He couldn't love you for you. There are better people waiting for you, I'm sure of it."
Ever so slightly, Alejandro eyes Chris.
"It was nice talking to you, but my shift has ended. I do hope you find the one that will love you for you. It's worth it."
"….Yeah. See you later." Don looks deep in thought….
"I don't know.....I don't know...." he mused.
Ah yes, none other than Don. MK was cleaning a glass, trying to look like a real bartender. “Need a refill?”
"Yeah. Thank you." Don goes quiet.... then he speaks. "A lot of Bartenders tonight, huh?"
MK tries to figure out what he’s drinking. Ah yes, the typical old man drink. She gets to work replicating it. “Yeah, we’re training some new hires. I’m sorry if they’ve caused any inconveniences.” She sets the new drink down in front of him.
"It's alright. I don't mind." He takes a sip. Mmm, tasty. "I mean....I don't get it! No contact for years, then all the sudden a "I miss you" text at 3am? What does that mean? He wouldn't even look at me when we were in the production room together!"
MK goes to clean some more glasses, trying to look like she actually works there. “Are you doing alright, sir? Seems like you got a lot on your mind.”
"I miss him." Don downs his drink. "I know I shouldn't but man, I miss his smile. His soft black hair, everything." "....But its not meant to be. I saw the way he looks at his cohost. He loves that man. And....that's not me. I should be ok with it."
“Ah yes, the out of nowhere 3 am text,” MK says with a knowing nod, “I’ve been through that situation before.” She hasn’t. “Well, you guys broke up for a reason, didn’t you? Was it because of the cohost? Look, if he’s got this other guy and is still texting you that nonsense, it sounds like you’re better off without him.” She looks back at the drink he just downed, “Need a refresher?”
"It sucks, doesn't it?" He twirls the empty glass. "We broke up not because of the cohost. But because.....um." Oh fuck it. "We were writing a show together. Contestants were put in groups of two and had to do challenges and travel the world! I called it, The Ridonculous Race! Chris was helping me write the challenges and....they were way too harsh." We were going to do an episode that was truth or dare. I don't remember where, but he had collected information on my contestants. Very. Personal information. I was uncomfortable with it at first but he convinced me he would take it seriously. I don't know why I did it, but I wrote something too." Don nods at the idea of the refresher. "Chris was reading them, laughing at each and every one. Some people wrote their hearts out. I wrote my heart out. I wrote......I wrote...." "....forget the TV business. Let's get married." Don sniffled. "Chris thought it was a prank and laughed, saying "who is stupid enough to throw away fame for love!" ....WHAT? Chris waved his hands in the air. MKMKMKMKMKMK TIME TO GO
MK nodded along as the man recounted his story. She noticed Chris’s gestures… oh buddy boy. She put down her glass and looked at her wrist. “Damn, looks like my shift’s up. I’m sorry to hear that man. I’m sure you’re better off without him.” She heads off. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Don is looking rough, three drinks in and only one cup of water…..he looked flushed. "Mmmm….drink please."
Don. Ough. He's in rough shape. Amy pours him some freaking water.
"Hey… you." She slides the drink over. "Why the long face?" She places a lemon wedge on the rim of the glass. Fancy!
"I just don't get it! Why did he laugh at me? He had to know it was me!" He looked like he was holding back tears.... "That man. He knows how to reel you in, then rip your heart out! I say good! Good that he found someone else!"
"Yeah," Amy scoffs. "Men, am I right?" Chris Mclean what did you do to Don Total Drama. "You should tell me more; I'll get you another drink."
"He then goes no contact for years, then suddenly a "I miss you" text? What am I supposed to do?! Not respond? Not feel anything? I miss him! I can't tell him that!"
"Don't text him back, don't call him, delete his freaking contact. You're on vacation in Cancun—you should be partying and drinking and flirting. You should forget about him; he sounds like he sucks. Whiskey?"
".....yes please"
Amy pours him a freaking whiskey lalalala. then she leaves ------------------------------------------------------------------------
....and Don is crying. "Damn it...it's never good to cry at a bar..."
Ripper notices Don and tilts his head. Oh, hey, I remember that guy! He’s from the spin-off! He must be the guy Chris was talking about. Lucky me, I make an amazing bar tender because I know how to keep a conversation going. People love a chatty bar tender, right?! He leans onto the bar with a stupid grin, and before he can say anything, he promptly burps in Don’s face. He didn’t mean to do that.
Ripper burps in his face, and he suddenly stands up, his hands on the counter. "Ugh! Can't a man cry in peace!?" He wipes his face with his sleeve, straightening out his suit.
“I WAS JUST- AND THEN- when the- and the thing-“ Ripper waves his hands and shakes his head. This is going terribly.
"Please. Just. Stop talking." He groaned. PERFECT! "And that's the challenge!" Chris walks up to Ripper, putting a firm hand on his shoulder. "Good job! The burp really sealed the deal!" "....Chris?!"
Ripper grins. Maybe I won, he thinks. “THANKS, CHRIS!” He salutes Chris and scurries off. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
"Chris.....was this.....seriously one of your challenges?"
"No. Jet ski racing was my challenge. Then I saw your pathetic little yacht and changed it. And man. Was that a good idea." He points to the side of his head. "Gotta think on your toes, Donny." "I can't believe you! You always do this! Always!" He jabs a finger at the man. "You heard everything I said about you huh. Do you think it's still funny? At least answer me!"
"No. No I didn't know it was you." Chris moves the finger out if his face, emotionless. "But now that I do know......" "...yeah. It's still funny."
Don takes a step back, eyes widen. He is hiding tears. ".....Everything is a game to you, isn't it?!" He hissed. "Every little emotion, every secret, nothing is too low for you Chris McLean! Nothing!"
"....and that's why they pay me the big bucks, and you get the spinoffs." He shrugged. "Whatever. I probably would've married you. Though seeing your taste in jewelry...the rock probably wouldn't be my style." “Chris.” Chef’s here, and those last sentences did not go unheard. “Do you wanna say that again?” "...." "..." "Chef," Chris approached the man, trying to snake his arm around him. "You know how it is, people say stupid stuff on TV all the time. It happens to the best of us." "...Like when you texted me. That was a TV blooper, wasn't it." “Is that your excuse?” … “Chris, do you think I’m stupid? Do you take me for an ignorant man? Is that it?” Chef puts a hand on Chris’s shoulder, a stern look on his face. “We are talking about this. Tonight. Now.” "No! No, no! I was just. Doing my thing! Making the people back at home happy! Stirring up some drama! Cmon Chef, you know I would never leave you for him! it was just a stupid text! I was drunk! Cmon, we've all been there." Chris leans in the whisper to him "Can we save it for after the Elimination?" Don balls his hands into fists. "You know. Your contestants kept telling me to leave you, cut contact with you, I could do better." He looks pointedly at Chef. "I think someone else should take that advice. Good game Chris. Hope it was worth it." Don pushes by the two. "Buh Bye Donny! By the way, your yacht is soooooo out of style!" Chris nudges Chef. "Eh? Ehhhh?" “I said now, Chris. Don’t get smart with me. I’m not letting this simmer.”
Chris's smile drops. "Uh. Fine. Let's make it quick." He looks at all the contestants. "Um. I'll be right back. Feel free to enjoy Cancun." ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chris appears...he's smiling. But his voice is much quieter. A subtle lack of oomph to it. "Hello contestants." "Welcome to...elimination. The winner of the Cancun challenge is......Amy." Chris pauses for a split second. "Yay. Amy. You will get your keys when the ceremony is over. You will also get to choose Ale-someone of your choice to join you on the luxury floor." ......uh. Chef isn't here to give out the mocktails. A intern stands in his place, visibly uncomfortable. "Let's get this over with." ------------------------------------------------------------------------
It was Lightning who was served the Mocktail of Misery and walked the Plank of Shame.
"Your trip ends here. See ya." The intern tries to hand Lightning the bubbling green mocktail, but is distracted by something, his eyes catch something, and he rushes over to Chris, whispering something frantically in his ear. "…What?" Chris and the intern walk over the side of the boat, and Chris leans over. "ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" Over the Boat's name, someone spray painted the words CHEATER over it. "FORGET IT! I'm going back to my cabin. Say bye to Lightning or whatever."
Lightning looks at Wayne. He wanted to cry, but he couldn't. "You know... I've been thinking about getting myself better and... I'm still sorry I blew it...Dude, just keep on fighting, and make sure you and your pals sha-strike hard!" He smirks at Wayne, he then eyes at Raj and Ripper, then Harold. Lightning walks the plank and does a fun dive. "Come on, Waddles!" "Squeeeeee!" Waddles, Lightning's pig, runs after him and dives. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>Bowie is in Cancun. He talks to Ripper, Wayne, and Amy. He gives Ripper his phone number. >Ripper and Wayne prank Raj with frozen cereal and then give him cake as an apology. >Ripper, Wayne, and Raj sneak into Chris’ room to break and steal his stuff. >Raj and Bowie have a date at a restaurant together. >Alejandro, Amy, and Jo make final four plans. (Courtney included.) >Alejandro and Amy visit a food stall together and discuss future plans as well as how pathetic they find Trent to be. >Wayne and Raj visit the post office to send letters and talk about their current feelings, including the fact Wayne almost told Harold about Raj's fear of birds. >Jo revisits the club from the challenge so that she can speak to Anne Maria again. They talk about relationships and recall memories of their time on the show together. >Ripper and Wayne also revisit the club for a little date together. Geoff serves them and happens to own the place. >Harold finds Ripper on the beach. They get ugly popsicles together and Ripper finds out that Harold has the ability to turn into a rat. >Wayne runs into Sierra in a seafood restaurant. She rambles a little about Rippayne, but even more about the game and it's past. Wayne's never seen the show, so she takes the opportunity to tell him all about it. >Wayne and MK have a chat in the arcade. MK scams Wayne with a slot machine. She and Jo are sharing the profits. >Lightning was packing his bags in the cabin shortly before he is eliminated because he had a feeling he was leaving. Harold tries to talk to him about his feelings and stuff. >Alejandro won a bucket of lava in the crane machine. Raj almost dips his hand in it because he thinks it’s soup. They talk about trauma and their personal phobias. They try to use ice cubes to cool the lava off (Raj’s idea) before Alejandro suggests that they just dump it overboard and get it over with.
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theradicalscrivener · 6 months
In an earlier answer you mentioned that Alan went on a trip to Cancun by train. How did that work and how was his stay in Cancun like? I can imagine that it was hard for him to fit in a hotel pool and to find a hotel room for his size
He definitely didn't get a regular hotel room. It was one of those spring break style beach side camp outs. Lots of drinking and singing and hanging out around a giant bonfire on the beach. The closest thing to a shelter he had was a canopy. He was lucky to have walls on three sides of his bod. He didn't even try to find shelter for his rod or nuts.
It was a bit of a daily ritual with his buds on the beach to try and slather every inch of his hulked out bod and colossal cock and balls with sunscreen so he wouldn't burn. By the end of the week he was so bronzed he looked like a body building competitor... Except far more muscular.
He spent a lot of time in the water. His cock and balls were so buoyant that it wasn't that hard for him to swim around. His nuts got in the way of him kicking, but he has so much force in his arms that he could back stroke up and down the coast. Meanwhile, his spring break buddies could ride stop his massive cock like a tour boat.
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seoulessrp · 1 year
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Your home away from home for the next couple of weeks. In reality, it'll be a week vacation for your muses, but two weeks for roleplaying purposes. Seoul is humid during the Summer, and also, dealing with a bunch of rain that we figured your muses would appreciate some sunlight, and beachy weather. All idols/actors will be staying in TURQUOIZE AT HYATT ZIVA which is an adults only resort. There will be other tourists, however, half of the resort is exclusive only to your muses. We wanted to allow you to have messy plots if you'd choose, but also, give your kiddos some privacy. Down below will be some activities that Cancun offers. Some will have links or pictures so you have more of an idea! Happy plotting!
Xcaret Water Park
Climb Coba Ruins
Go golfing
Shop in Downtown Cancun
Party at Coco Bongo
Go deep-sea fishing
Explore Chichen Itza
Go on an ATV tour
Swim with whale sharks
Go on a boat party with strangers including an open bar
Swim in Ik’Kil Cenote
Dive at the Cancun Underwater Museum
Enjoy the Water Sports
Cheer at Lucha Libre
Explore Nichupte Lagoon
Scuba Dive or snorkle
Look at sea turtles
Learn to surf
Tequila taste
Go on a 5 hour taco tour
For more things to do, then please check out this page!
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blaqtivist · 2 years
Three months ago I moved to Mexico.
I moved to Merida in August of 2022. After months of research, Facebook groups, and prayer I made the jump. I took an exploratory trip in June and fell in love with the city. But mainly, I fell in love with my freedom. I knew that I was going to grow in this city... and grow I did. I made new friends, had new experiences, saw one of the seven wonders of the world, and learned a lot about Mexican culture. 
Did you know that the meteorite that struck Earth and killed the dinosaurs landed in the Yucatan? Yeah. I learned that at a museum.
One of the most common questions I got from friends and family was “Is it safe?” and I can full heartedly say: yes. I moved to Merida which is capital of the state of Yucatan. It’s a small colonial city that brings in a lot of tourism. It’s about 4 hours away from Cancun and the police presence here is strong. That being said, I am not afraid of the police here like I was in the United States. To be honest, I feel safer in Mexico than I did in the United States. Granted, I come from a small town which is pretty safe to begin with. But I’ve been really intentional about unplugging from USA news and it has done wonders for my mental health.
I am a 40 minute car ride from Progresso Beach. I absolutely LOVE the beach. Aside from the sand. I went on a boat tour for a friend’s birthday. We were shaking our ass on a yacht! Which is literally something my roommate and I manifested before we knew we would be roommates on my exploratory trip.
Speaking of manifestation, I really tapped into my spiritual power here. I can save the details of that for another post for real... I manifested a QUEEN SIZED BED. That was a HUGE win for me. I guess now that I know that I can have what I want, it begs the question... what do I want next? 
I leave Mexico in a few weeks to go back to small town Pennsylvania. Which honestly, I miss a little bit. But what is next for me? The sky is the limit. That’s why I have been writing so much. I’ll keep you posted. 
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allseoreg · 2 months
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Yacht rental in Cancun, Mexico is a popular option for tourists looking to explore the beautiful Caribbean waters in style. With its crystal-clear turquoise waters yacht rental cancun and white sandy beaches, Cancun is the perfect destination for a luxury yacht experience. There are many companies in Cancun that offer yacht rentals for a variety of occasions, such as birthdays, weddings, corporate events, or simply a day out on the water with friends and family. Renting a yacht in Cancun allows you to enjoy the stunning views of the coastline, swim in the warm waters, and relax in the sun while being pampered by the yacht's crew. When renting a yacht in Cancun, you have the option to choose from a variety of different sizes and styles of yachts, depending on the size of your group and your budget. Whether you are looking for a small and intimate yacht for a romantic getaway or a larger yacht for a party with friends, there are plenty of options to choose from. Many yacht rental companies in Cancun also offer additional services, such as catering, entertainment, and water sports equipment, to ensure that your yacht experience is as enjoyable as possible. Some companies even offer guided tours of the area, allowing you to explore hidden coves and snorkel in the coral reefs with an experienced guide. Renting a yacht in Cancun is a fantastic way to experience the beauty of the Caribbean Sea and the luxury of a private yacht without the hassle of owning and maintaining your own boat. Whether you are looking for a relaxing day on the water or a fun-filled party with friends, yacht rental in Cancun is the perfect option for a memorable and unforgettable experience. Before booking a yacht rental in Cancun, it is important to research different companies and compare prices and services to ensure that you are getting the best deal possible. It is also important to communicate your preferences and requirements with the yacht rental company to ensure that they can accommodate your needs and provide you with the perfect yacht experience. Overall, yacht rental in Cancun, Mexico is a fantastic option for anyone looking to experience the beauty of the Caribbean Sea in style and luxury. With a wide range of yachts to choose from and plenty of additional services available, renting a yacht in Cancun is the perfect way to create memories that will last a lifetime.
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bestmayatours · 3 months
Explore Sian Ka’an: A Natural Treasure Adventure
Imagine venturing into an enchanting realm where wildlife and untouched landscapes reign supreme. Just a two-hour journey from Cancun lies the Sian Ka'an Biosphere Reserve, the crown jewel of the Riviera Maya's natural reserves.
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The Sian Ka'an Biosphere is a sanctuary of biodiversity, globally renowned for its rich variety of flora and fauna. Nestled in a tranquil corner of the Riviera Maya, it provides a refuge for countless plant and animal species, making it a prime destination for eco-tourism in Mexico. Visitors are often amazed by the reserve's remarkable wildlife and the array of eco-tours that adhere to strict sustainable tourism standards.
As a UNESCO World Heritage Site near Tulum, the Sian Ka'an Biosphere Reserve boasts scenic vistas inhabited by creatures such as jaguars, manatees, and vultures. This protected area is a haven for a diverse mix of wildlife, including dolphins, turtles, birds, and crocodiles, all thriving in their natural habitats. With over 300 bird species, it's a paradise for birdwatchers. Additionally, the region is home to many butterflies, bees, beetles, and dragonflies. Despite the presence of numerous mosquito species, insect repellent use is prohibited to preserve the delicate ecosystem.
Comprising tropical forests, lagoons, mangroves, islands, cenotes, pristine beaches, and the Caribbean Sea, Sian Ka'an is a mosaic of nature's finest offerings. Embarking on a private tour with certified guides allows for an immersive exploration of the reserve, typically starting with a boat excursion that offers awe-inspiring vistas and opportunities to observe various animal species.
The reserve encompasses a significant portion of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef, the world's second-largest coral reef system. It shelters approximately 80 coral species, 400 fish species, and other marine life, including rays and four types of sea turtles. Navigating the reserve's waters offers a chance to snorkel among the reef's vibrant inhabitants. Following your underwater adventure, you can unwind in the sunlit, translucent pools of Punta Allen, a quaint village within the reserve.
The unparalleled biodiversity of Sian Ka'an stands out globally. It's a unique conservation area that harmoniously combines a barrier reef, cenotes, wetlands, woodlands, mangroves, and shorelines, underscoring the importance of sustainable tourism for such a precious ecosystem.
Prepare for an unforgettable adventure. Best Maya Tour offers a tailor-made private Sian Ka'an Biosphere tour, letting you explore one of the wildest and most beautiful places on the Mayan Riviera. For booking your private Sian Ka'an Biosphere tour, please visit Best Maya Tours today!
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cancunyacht1 · 2 years
Cancun-yacht is a premier Luxury yacht charter provider company in Cancun, Mexico. We also specialize in Catamaran rentals, boat rentals and yacht rentals at very good price. Book online now!
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thxnews · 7 months
Things to do in Cancún: Beyond the Beaches
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Mexico's Top Holiday Location
Cancún is a Mexican city located on the northeast coast of the Yucatán Peninsula in the Mexican state of Quintana Roo. It is an important tourist destination in Mexico and the seat of the municipality of Benito Juárez. Cancún is justly famous for its stunning beaches, clear turquoise waters, and lush vegetation. There is much more to Cancún than its beaches. In this blog we explore various things to do in Cancun beyond the beaches.  
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Beautiful Cancun Beach. Photograph by David Vives. Unsplash,  
Visitor Favorites in Cancun
Some of the most popular off-beach tourist attractions: - Visit the ancient Mayan ruins of Chichen Itza. - Go snorkeling or scuba diving in the Cancun Underwater Museum. - Experience the local culture by participating in a traditional temazcal ceremony. - Get up close and personal with dolphins at the Interactive Aquarium Cancun. - Take a glass bottom boat tour of the Cancun reef. - Shop for souvenirs at one of Cancun's many markets, such as Mercado 28 or Plaza La Isla. 9.  
The History of Cancun
Cancun was originally settled by the Maya people and was known as Ek Lu'um, meaning "place of the well." The city was later renamed Cancun by the Spanish conquistadors. The name “Cancun” is derived from the Maya word for “nest of snakes”. Cancun is also home to several ancient Maya ruins, including the El Rey archaeological site which features many well-preserved stucco reliefs.  
Cancun is a Nature Lover's Paradise
Located on the Yucatán Peninsula, Cancun is home to some of the most stunning natural scenery in all of Mexico. The area is renowned for its beautiful beaches, turquoise waters, and lush jungle landscapes. In addition, Cancun is home to a variety of unique wildlife, including parrots, iguanas, and sea turtles. Nature lovers will also enjoy exploring the nearby Mayan ruins, which are a testament to the region's rich cultural history.  
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Roseate Spoonbill wading in the shallows. Unsplash.   
Cancun Rare birds
Cancun is home to many rare and beautiful birds. More than 500 species of birds have been recorded in the area, including several that are found nowhere else in the world. The Cancun region is particularly rich in bird life due to its diverse habitats, which include mangrove forests, sandy beaches, and wetland marshes. Among the most notable species that can be seen in Cancun are the roseate spoonbill, white-cheeked pintail, rose-throated becard, black-necked stilt, rainbow lorikeet, and Zapata wren. These and other rare birds make Cancun a paradise for birdwatchers from all over the world.  
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Cancun jungle with light breaking through.  Unsplash.  
A Perfect Place to Relax and Unwind
Cancun Mexico is renowned for its beautiful beaches, clear blue waters, and lush vegetation. The Cancun region is home to many luxury resorts, which offer a wide variety of activities and amenities. Whether you're looking to spend your days lounging by the pool, exploring the Mayan ruins, or dancing the night away at one of Cancun's famed nightclubs, there's something for everyone in Cancun. With its convenient location just a short flight from the United States, Cancun is the perfect destination for a quick getaway or a longer vacation. So if you're looking for a place to relax and escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life, Cancun is a perfect choice.  
Nightlife in Cancun
Cancun is home to some of the best nightclubs in Mexico. Whether you're looking for a place to dance the night away or simply enjoy a few drinks with friends, Cancun has plenty of options to choose from. The most popular nightclubs include Coco Bongo, LaSanta, LaBarre, and Dady’o. These clubs feature world-class DJs, live performances, and a lively atmosphere that is sure to please even the most discerning clubgoer. If you're looking for something a little more low-key, check out Chapultepec Cerveceria, which offers a wide selection of craft beers and an outdoor patio perfect for people watching. No matter what your style, Cancun has a nightclub that's sure to fit your needs.  
Cancun Sailing Catamarans
Cancun sailing catamarans are one of the best ways to see the sights and enjoy the water while in Cancun, Mexico. Catamarans are stable and spacious, making them ideal for groups or families. They also have large sails that make for a smooth and relaxing ride. Cancun sailing catamarans typically depart from the marina in the morning and return in the afternoon. This gives you plenty of time to enjoy the sun and the scenery. Cancun sailing catamarans typically include a captain and crew, so you can sit back and relax while they take care of everything. If you're looking for an unforgettable experience in Cancun, sailing on a catamaran is a must-do.  
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Catamarans Moored early morning. Unsplash.  
Best Places to Stay
Cancun is one of the top tourist destinations in Mexico, its well known for it's white sand beaches, turquoise waters, and numerous resorts. If you're planning a trip to Cancun, here are 4 of the best places to stay: 1. The Ritz-Carlton Cancun This luxury resort is located on Cancun's famous Hotel Zone strip. The Ritz-Carlton Cancun offers 5-star accommodations, including marble bathrooms, 24-hour room service, and private balconies with views of the Caribbean Sea. 2. J W Marriott Cancun Resort & Spa Also located on the Hotel Zone strip, the JW Marriott Cancun Resort & Spa is another great option for luxury travelers. The resort offers an on-site spa, fitness center, and several restaurants serving international cuisine. 3. Grand Fiesta Americana Coral Beach Cancun This beachfront resort is located in Cancun's quieter Puerto Juarez neighborhood. The Grand Fiesta Americana Coral Beach Cancun features an infinity pool, a kids' club, and a variety of dining options. 4. Oasis Palm Beach For travelers looking for a more affordable option, the Oasis Palm Beach is a great choice. This all-inclusive resort is located on Cancun's north end and offers direct access to the beach. The Oasis Palm Beach also features an on-site water park, making it a great option for families.  
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Marketplace on Cozumel Island, Cancun. Unsplash   
Budget-friendly Places to Stay
Cancun Mexico is a great place to visit if you are looking for budget-friendly places to stay. There are many hotels and resorts that offer great rates, and there are also several rental properties that can be found for reasonable prices. Additionally, the Cancun Hostel offers comfortable accommodations at an affordable price.   Best time of the year to visit Cancun The best time to visit Cancun is from December to April as this is when the weather is the warmest and the humidity is low. However, Cancun can be crowded during this time as it is the peak season. As this is also the busiest time of year, be sure to book your hotel and airline tickets well in advance. If you want to avoid the crowds, the best time to visit Cancun is from May to November. This is considered the off-season as the weather is hotter and more humid. However, there are fewer tourists during this time and you can find great deals on hotels and activities.  
In Conclusion
Cancun is a great place to visit whether you're looking for a place to relax or a place to party. There are many things to do in Cancún and most visitors start with the city and the beaches. If you're planning a trip to Cancun, be sure to add some of these activities to your itinerary.   Sources: THX News, The Nomadvisor & Cancun Sailing.   Read the full article
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experienciascancun1 · 10 months
An unforgettable adventure on a catamaran tour to Isla Mujeres, with snorkel, drinks, food and free time. Choose the perfect boat tour for you 4 or 7 hours.
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alltrips · 2 years
cenote tour tulum by Alltrips Mexico Via Flickr: Cancun Adventures offers a wide range of tours, excursions, and activities. Find all of the appropriate excursions for you and your family. Book online today! Visit: alltrips.mx/
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charterfishing · 1 year
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Charter Fishing Cancun Boats and Tours Charterfishingcancun offers fishing charters in Cancun and we have an exciting fleet of boats for the adventure. We have boats that can contain 12 or 13 or 14 passengers at a time for fishing purpose. We have affordable rates for the tours. Come and be a part of it.
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