greenhairedmikan · 1 year
This ZoNa thing really got me going crazyyyyyy
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vogueality · 5 years
that clip... HURT. robbe was so concerned and worried for sander. the only thing he wanted for sander was so be okay and safe. then sander... he looked so exhausted (mentally). :,(
i know a lot of people are mad at wtfock for trying to portray britt as an individual who is completely knowledgeable of mental illnesses, although she had only been dating sander for 6 months. but i genuinely don’t think that was their intention. britt has always been portrayed as a “know it all” and manipulative individual (at least that was my intake). therefore, she wanted to be seen as someone who understands what sander is going through because robbe did not. taking advantage of sander’s illness. >:(
the only thing i wish wtfock could have changed was the lack of observation robbe had about sander’s illness considering his mother. at the same time, he has not known sander long and the moments he had been with sander they were completely distracted by the company of each other. :(
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foryoujikook-blog · 7 years
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cetix-desu · 7 years
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“ And it's a long way forward, so trust in me I'll give them shelter, like you've done for me And I know, I'm not alone, you'll be watching over us Until you're goneWhen I'm older, I'll be silent beside you I know words won't be enough And they won't need to know the names on our faces But they will carry on for us. “
Shelter - Porter Robinson
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nikest · 7 years
blog rate?
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when you have a crap phone with little space and your only hope at normal function dies and you have no money cause you’re broke with no job opportunity and this happens mere weeks after your ipod decided to RIP and your laptop is snail slow just like your phone and you just want to cry but you’re too tired to have the emotional capacity to even grieve over the gradual deaths of all your electronic devices... 
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anasfattie · 5 years
my superpower? i can stop crying so easily.
thisisalsoverydistructivethoughbecausewheneveristart"crying"ijuststopandquestionifimevensad. doievenfeelemotions?canicry?amicapableoffeelinganythingotherthanemptiness?-
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cravingthelust · 10 years
Maybe if I'd said yes. Maybe if you'd asked. 
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ohnoposts · 11 years
I tweeted in Japanese. Oh the embarrassment.
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greenhairedmikan · 2 years
i’m rewatching one piece as of the moment and i’m already in the fish-man island arc and i just want to swing by and post this one scene that got me screaming crying punching 
he really knows nami well :) 
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beautyandthebeat1234 · 12 years
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Josh Hutcherson and Logan Lerman
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