#canna breeze
flowerpower289 · 2 years
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bfox · 3 months
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Sent mom and dad to Pure and this is what they surprised me with 🤤
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sadboyanonymous · 2 years
did y'all know they make weed breezes now?
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caminogummies · 4 months
Breeze Chill THC Vapes
Are you ready to elevate your cannabis experience to new heights of relaxation? Look no further than Breeze Chill Cannabis Vapes. Crafted with precision and designed for the ultimate chill session, our premium vape products are here to redefine your cannabis enjoyment.
Why Chose Breeze Chill Vapes
Unmatched Quality: At Breeze Chill, we prioritize quality above all else. Our vapes are crafted using the finest ingredients and state-of-the-art technology to ensure a smooth, flavorful experience every time.
Variety of Flavors: From soothing lavender to refreshing mint, our range of flavors caters to every palate. Each puff delivers a burst of flavor that tantalizes the senses and leaves you craving more.
Convenience: With our sleek and portable design, enjoying your favorite cannabis strains has never been easier. Whether you’re on-the-go or relaxing at home, Breeze Chill Vapes are the perfect companion for any occasion.
Consistency: Say goodbye to inconsistency. Our vapes are engineered for precision, delivering consistent doses with every inhale. You can trust Breeze Chill to provide a reliable and enjoyable experience time after time.
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cordeliawhohung · 3 months
Touch Me 'Till I Vomit (pet!au) [8]
pet!au part 8 | ghoap x fem!reader | tag list
the walls have eyes
cw: non-con elements, videoing/surveillance, author tries out a scottish accent, dark content, dd:dne
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Sweat clings around your throat like a noose. 
It nestles underneath your collar, sticky and thick, where the leather adheres to your skin like it’s becoming a part of you. You’re morphing. Becoming the dog Simon so desperately pretends you are. A finger slides between your skin and your damnation, collecting moisture and grime, and you grimace. It’s fine. You wipe your hand on the grass underneath you, and you remind yourself a little bit of sweat is worth it. 
You’re outside. 
Rays of sun kiss your skin between dancing leaves in the humid summer air as the grass acts as a bed below you. You could cry. You feel it build up in the back of your throat and the corner of your eyes — an odd relief. You never thought you’d be outside again, forever locked in that house with that crazy man and his disobedient mutt. Sweet summer breeze teases your hair and cools your skin as you lean against the trunk of a tree. Nature's call whispers just beyond the edge of the forest where a cool stream babbles as it smooths stones and sediment along its bed. 
This is the most free you’ve felt since you’ve arrived, though it doesn’t come without its drawbacks. There’s a ten foot radius in which you’re allowed to travel, as Simon had taken care to tie you tightly to the tree via your collar, ensuring you couldn’t escape. Of course, you can always undo your collar. It is something you’re granted that most animals aren’t, but you don’t bother. Johnny had begged and pleaded fruitlessly to allow you to join him in the forest — where he’s surely stalking around now — but Simon would have none of it. You’re left alone with the brute as he tends to a modest garden with flowering tomatoes and cucumbers while Johnny allows himself to be swallowed up by the thick foliage and bramble of the woods. 
While Simon works, you are allowed peace. Birds sing and call to one another in the branches above you as you pull budding clovers from the base of the tree. Pale green roots peel easily beneath your fingernails where you shove them into your mouth. Its flavor is bland — watery and earthen. It’s the closest thing to freedom you’ve tasted for weeks. You savor it. Roll it around your tongue before swallowing. 
Johnny calls your name from the skirt of the forest, returning from his adventure with a wild array of flowers in hand. Metal clinks as the tag of his collar jingles, and he approaches you with a grin. Knees sink into the grass next to you as he holds the flowers for you to take. You’ve gotten better at not flinching when he moves around you. 
“Look. Pretty, aren’t they?” he asks. 
There’s no rhyme nor reason to the mess of flowers in his fist. Bruised daisies with spindly stems mixed with bright yellow buttercups and blood red poppies. They’re tied together with the thin, malleable stem of some greenery you don’t recognize. There’s a surprising weight to them as you take it into your own hand, thumbing over the cool stems.
“They’re beautiful,” you agree, voice stiff. 
“Just like ye. So pretty 'n soft.” He looks at you, and you can see the earth's reflection in his eyes as it curves around the shape of your body. Large hands reach for you, warm palms cupping your cheeks as you freeze, tree bark digging into your spine. “Ah cannae get enough of ye.”
That brief taste of freedom quickly dies in your mouth as Johnny’s lips press against yours, and you are reminded that not even in the glory of the outdoors are you safe. He is surprisingly soft with you, a gentle and adoring embrace, but there is a heat behind his skin that bubbles and roars. You feel it fight against him, skin searing and blistering. He’d eat you alive and leave your bones to bleach in the sun if he wanted. 
Johnny doesn’t stop at just a kiss. He never does. Greedy hands paw at your chest, pinning you against unforgiving bark as your heels dig into the soft earth underneath you. It gives you no purchase as your elbows buckle underneath his weight as you attempt to urge him off. In your head, you scream as clear as day, but your mouth makes no sound. 
Simon’s voice is the only reason he listens to, and the man tears himself from your lips as he looks over his shoulder. Thin strings of saliva keep the two of you connected, but they break with a gentle gust of wind. A basket of vegetables sits in the brute’s gloved hands, and you want to laugh at how terribly domestic he looks with dirt stained pants and a sweat slicked brow. For a moment, he almost looks human. 
“Bring ‘er inside,” Simon orders. 
Muscles tense in your body as Johnny undoes the tether keeping you bound to the tree. Wilting fibers of pretty flower stems stain your hand, grip having destroyed their beauty in your poor attempt at denying Johnny his only right on this property. You leave them on the ground underneath the tree as Johnny beckons you inside with him. Truly, they are beautiful. Vibrant colors, soft petals — but you will not damn such an innocent thing to the same life as you. Better to rot in the shade of a tree. 
By some miracle, you are left alone after you’re locked back inside. You’re perched by the window in the living room, gazing at the dying bouquet of flowers as a curious bird pecks at the decaying flesh of its pollen. You envy it. Not the bird, but the floral mess it tears to shreds. You shouldn’t. You are already in the flower's shoes. One in the same. Dainty things too soft to fight against the fingers that plucked you up from home. You wonder if, at the end of all of this, you’ll be laid to rest beneath a tree that will sing whispering lullabies to your corpse. 
Sharp, grating metal clinks and clatters in the kitchen. A fetid odor wafts around the house, assaulting your nose with a sharp sting that not even the breeze blowing through the window can quell. Curiosity gets the better of you as you slip free from your perch and you quietly wander through the living room. After spending more time than you would like to be trapped in that home, you have every squeaky floorboard memorized; you approach in silence. 
You gingerly peer around the corner of the entrance to find Simon sitting faced away from you. Hulking shoulders stretch apart a stained white shirt as he scrubs away at something with a stained toothbrush. Metal parts of varying sizes lay in neat lines in front of him, coupled with a wood stock of —
A gun. 
Beautiful and well loved, the dark stain of the wood stock glistens in the light seeping through the windows as Simon scrubs at the inner mechanisms with a solvent. It’s gutted, completely useless, and yet your blood turns to ice in your veins. Every organ freezes its functions, and you’re left in breathless terror. It shouldn’t surprise you. He drugged you, kidnapped you, and now keeps you like a pet; why wouldn’t this monster have a gun? And still, it’s a violent reminder. He’s trusted himself this far to keep you in check without such weapons — a gun wouldn’t be as fun as his bare hands. 
Simon huffs as he places the part down in favor of a new one, coating the toothbrush with solvent before continuing to scrub again. Your brain finally begins to wake up as it sounds alarms, urging you to flee, but as your eyes scan the surface of the table you quickly realize there is no running away. There is no hiding away where his eyes would not reach you. 
Phone propped up against a tool kit, Simon has a perfect view of everything in the house. The living room where you spent the last hour day dreaming, the empty bedroom, both the front and back doors — everything. There is not an inch of this prison that is not able to be broadcasted to his phone. Even now, the way your body curls around the doorway is in frame, proving your guilty nosiness. 
“Huntin’ season soon, Bonnie,” he says, hands still working. He doesn’t look back. He doesn’t need to. You’re already in his line of sight. 
There’s a faint, gruff chuckle that leaves his lips when you silently back away, slinking back into your burrow like the scared little rabbit you are. You want to retreat back to the window, to watch the world pass you by but it’s too close. It’s too close to Simon, and there are eyes in the walls. 
So you wander with your gaze trained above you, seeking out the glimpse of a camera lens as you try to calm your breath. You’ve been here for weeks and had never noticed such an intrusion. What has he seen you do? What has he watched happen to you? Has he seen it all? Every little thing Johnny’s done to you? How his favorite pet takes and takes and takes? Does he enjoy it when you’re undone? When you’re so used up you can’t even move? 
That’s why he looks at you the way he does — asks you questions he already knows the answers to. You feel your fists clench. What a foul, nasty, terrifying creature. A beast with too many eyes for his own good. You wish you could pluck them out with your fingers. 
Johnny’s voice stops you in the middle of the hallway. You’re not even sure why you’re there. Perhaps you were wanting to hide in the bedroom — cover yourself up in blankets as if you were a child and will away the scary man preparing for his hunt. But there’s something new; an unfamiliar door open, one you have never been quite brave enough to venture into. 
Treading carefully, you approach the door to find a strange room. Somehow, it’s quieter here than it is in the rest of the house, yet chaotically strewn about. Bookshelves hold art supplies on old boards, and a large cork board displays inky artwork. In the midst of it all is Johnny, who sits at a large cartography desk. He’s already looking up at the doorway before you enter, smirk pulling at his lips. 
“Ah knew it was ye. Yer feet are lighter than Simon's are,” he gloats. 
Blinking, you can’t help but tilt your head at his tone. He seems… different somehow. Relaxed. A pencil lazily sits in his hand, tip resting against paper. You venture a step into the room, and he doesn’t seem to object. In fact, he welcomes it as he gestures to the corner of the room on your right. 
“You’re welcome tae have a seat,” he offers. 
An oversized reclining chair sits nestled against the wall with fluffy padding. Its seat is sunken in — well loved and used — yet looks all the more comfortable for it. Confused, you narrow your eyes at Johnny as you take another cautious step toward him. 
“Are you drawing?” You don’t know why you ask. It’s obvious what he’s doing, and speaking to the man who uses your body against your will on a regular basis is the most degrading thing you’ve ever done. 
Still, it’s the first thing that’s felt normal since you were brought here. 
“A bit,” he concedes. “The stream looked nice today. Ah wanted tae draw it before ah forgot it. Ah like savin’ memories.” 
He turns the paper in your direction, and you can make out the image of it clear as day. Pristine water cascades over smooth stone in a tiny waterfall in the stream. You can see every ripple of water, the tufts of grass that kiss the bed, and the flowers that sway in their midst. It’s alarmingly beautiful coming from a man who has only ever brought you pain.
“It’s lovely,” you breathe. A proud smirk pulls at his lips as he brings the paper back in his view, and you swallow. “Do you… have trouble remembering things?” 
He shrugs. “Ah used tae, but nae much anymore. A’m all healed up now.” He says it flippantly as if it’s not a concerning thing to admit, all while tapping the side of his head. 
For the first time since you had the misfortune of meeting him, you look at Johnny. Really look at him. You see past the collar and the dumb glaze of his eyes and you catch on to the scars that litter his body. The tattoo on his arm — some sort of coat of arms — the graphite staining his fingers, the puffy scar that dissects his hair near his temple. There’s a stark difference between the ruggedness he holds and the one Simon holds — Johnny is softer, somehow. Better loved and cared for. 
Someone else is in control of your body; someone stupid. Your fingers float through the air as you reach for him, skin brushing against the overgrown mohawk of his hair and then tracing the scar. It’s blunt. Round. Somewhat hidden behind the thick dark hair on his head, but you feel the way it tugs and protrudes out of his skin. He sizes you up as you press against him, blinks, and then leans into your touch. 
“Were… were you hurt?” you ask through the tightening of your throat. 
When he nods in confirmation, your hand slips from his head, but Johnny catches it. It’s gentle. Loving. He holds you like that as he looks up at you through heavy lids. 
“What happened?” You need to stop. You need to shut up but the questions won’t stop pouring out of your mouth. No, you need to know more about them. Gather as much information as you can so when you finally get out of this hell hole, you’ll know exactly who to point at. 
Johnny moves your hand to his lips, pressing a fat kiss against your knuckles before rubbing it in with his thumb. “Ah had a bad day.” 
Once again his lips are on your hand, tender and soft, before he relinquishes it. The eraser of his pencil taps lightly against the wooden desk as his head quirks to the side, eyes clearing. “Go sit down, Bonnie.” 
Against your better judgment, you do. Something thick hangs in the air. A gnarly trepidation that you can’t shake, yet you sink into the recliner so easily that you nearly forget the discomfort. It’s easy to ignore the feeling of dread clawing at your chest when you’re busy searching the walls for eyes —
And you find it. A small, impossibly tiny hole angled near the far corner of the room. With that angle, it’s able to view nearly the entire room, save for the corner just under it where a bookshelf resides. A faint glint from the bedroom light illuminates the lens as if winking at you. Taunting and toying with you like the pet you are. Its reminder rings clear in your head, and you take care to engrave it in your mind as you glance back at Johnny. 
You’ve got to tread more careful than that, Bonnie.
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Lake: cbf!soap x reader
The lake water was warm against your skin. Your been in it all day, drinking up the sun and enjoying your time with Johnny. You lost count of how many times he had splashed water on you or threw you into the lake with a mischievous laugh.
It had been good. You had fun messing around with him, especially when the trip had been overdue, but there were questions burning in your mind.
It was just past five by the time you had decided to dry off. You laid out on your towel on the wooden dock, covering your face from the sun with an extra towel.
“Not asleep are ya?” Johnny wondered softly in case you were.
“No.” You moved the towel and gave him a small smile. “Could be though, I’m tired.”
“I know, it’s great.”
His hair was tousled from drying himself off as he sat down on the dock next to you. His legs hung over the edge and he stared out at the water, a summer breeze taking up the silence.
There was nothing else to do but ask.
“Why do you want to join the military so bad?”
Johnny paused and glanced at you with an uncertain look on his face.
It had been a couple weeks since the two of you had made up and in that time the military had been a topic you both avoided like the plague. The only time it was even discussed was the agreement that he went to Herefordshire every other weekend to visit his cousin.
You didn't have an issue with it...or at least you tried to tell yourself that. You didn't want him to leave you and join the military but you couldn't exactly stop him from doing what he wanted with his life.
Even when it felt like it was without you.
"Ah dinnae ken...it just feels right." He said after a moment of thinking. "It's something I think I'd be good at."
"But you're good at a lot of things." You sat up. "Math, science. You're also the best artist I know-"
Johnny shook his head and though there was a smile on his face, his eyes were filled with worry. He turned away from you as if to hide from you and he pick up a twig on the dock to through it in the water.
"I cannae see myself in uni doing any of that. The military is where I see myself."
You frowned and felt your chest tighten. You should know better than to try to convince him otherwise, once he set his mind on something that was it.
Maybe he was right, maybe he'd end up climbing the ranks and becoming one of the best. You didn't doubt it, he was good at everything he did and considering how fast of a learner he was, he'd be there in little time.
But it was the fact that he had forgotten all about you. It was like he was so willing to get away from his hometown, from you that it was hard to believe that he didn't have some ill feelings toward you.
It was all you could think of: "Why do you want to leave so bad?" "Why do you want to leave me?"
You sat down beside him to have some sort of closeness with him and looked out at the water that reflected back the golden rays of the sun.
"Well don't forget me when you're some military hero." You tried to joke but it didn't come out all too happy and John seemed almost offended by it.
"I couldn't forget you, I wouldn't." He stated firmly but you said nothing. "I'll come back any chance I get."
His eyes looked desperate and angry. Almost as if he were trying to convince himself more than you because you already knew he could forget you and that the chances of him coming back were slim.
It was inevitable and maybe that's what made it true.
"I was just curious." You shrugged and looked away from him, the pain in your chest too unbearable when you looked at him. "You're too young to join right now anyway."
"Even though I'm ready."
You scoffed and shook your head.
In two years they'd let him join. And in two years you'd lose him.
A/n: haha angst feel free to send asks if you want more fluff or something because all that's on my mind is angst for this series lol
tag: @elysian0612
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sassenach77yle · 19 days
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She asked forgiveness and I gave it, but the truth is I'd forgiven everything she'd done and everything she could do long before that day.
For me, that was no choice...
That was falling in LOVE.
Season 1 episode 09 ~ The reckoning
"Oh, aye, Sassenach," he answered a bit ruefully.
"I am your master… and you're mine. Seems I canna possess your soul without losing my own."
He turned me on my side and curled his body around me. The room was cooling in the evening breeze from the window, and he reached to draw a quilt over us. You're too quick by half, lad, I thought drowsily to myself. Frank never did find that out. I fell asleep with his arms locked hard around me and his breathing warm in my ear.
Cap 23 ~ return to Leoch
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candy616 · 10 months
Soap proposes to You 💖 (AI ASMR)
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Johnny is a sincere, earnest and passionate hothead. He always acts immediately. But for this? He'll wait patiently. Because he wants the moment to be absolutely perfect. For you, his love, his light, his true home. He'll take you to Scotland, obviously...
A land alive with breathtaking beauty, it seemed as if nature itself conspired to create the perfect backdrop for his heartfelt declaration of love.
Venturing deep into the Scottish Highlands, where time seemed to stand still and whispers of ancient secrets danced upon the breeze, Johnny guided you through a path less traveled. Towering mountains, their majestic peaks piercing the heavens, stood as sentinels of nature's grandeur, while babbling brooks murmured enchanting melodies, their crystal-clear waters cascading over smooth stones with gentle grace.
The fragrance of heather kissed the air, its delicate scent mingling with the earthy aroma of damp moss beneath your feet. Soft mists weaved through the rolling hills, lending an ethereal quality to the landscape. It was as if the very essence of Scotland longed to bear witness to the profound bond between Johnny and You.
For this moment, Johnny found the ring that would embody the essence of your love. A magical slender band of silver, gracefully crafted, holds an ethereal, iridescent gemstone nestled in its embrace. The gem, resplendent with hues of blues and greens, shimmers and dances in the light, mirroring the dazzling beauty of the Scottish landscape. With its timeless elegance and mysterious allure, the ring will be a symbol of your boundless love, an enchantment to be cherished for eternity.
He takes your hands in his, looks at you with all his heart in his eyes and says:
Ah, love, ye ken I've nae been one tae open up me heart easily. But by the grace o' God, ye've found yer way in and captured me soul. Ye've shown me love knows nae bounds, and I cannae imagine a life without ye in it. In this bonnie moment, as the sun sets o'er the Highland hills, I kneel afore ye, humbled by yer fierce beauty and strength. Ye're me rock, me compass, and me safe harbor. Together, we've battled through fire and darkness, and emerged stronger than ever. Ye're me equal, and so, I staun' here before ye, humbly askin' the biggest question of me life. Will ye be me partner, me lover, and me ain true, through thick and thin? Will ye join me on this grand adventure, hand in hand, for all the days o' our lives? Ye bring light and joy tae me every day, and I cannae wait to build a future filled with love and laughter. So, wi' all me heart, I ask ye, will ye dae me the honor o' marryin' me? To embark on a journey filled wi' love and devotion, till the end o' our days?
Fer me luv @bellgraves💕
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freetowriteforme · 11 months
Soap can't sleep.
(Spoilers for MW3)
TW: Major Character Death
The quiet crunch of broken concrete echoed in the silence; the only thing illuminating the dark tunnels was the dim service lights. A quick breeze filled the space as a train raced by, sending a gentle shiver down his spine. A bone-deep exhaustion rotted to his core, and silent tears slipped down his face. His back was pressed against cold stone, and his hands trembled in his lap.
“It's alright, I've got you.” There was a deep murmur from the man coming up behind him, heavy steps quiet despite his height. The man paused at the expression on his sergeant's face. “What’s going on in that head of yours, Johnny?”
Soap looked up and saw the stars shimmering above them. They appeared so close that he could grab them if he reached out.
“I’m tired, Simon.”
A bittersweet chuckle echoed behind him, warmth in the tone. He felt the man shifting, moving to sit beside him on the hard concrete. The sounds of gunshots echoed further down the tunnels. He could feel something warm trickling down the side of his head as he lay on the floor. “I know, but you have to stay awake.”
“Cannae sleep, never can anymore.” 
The air was icy cold, chilling him down to his bones, but the warmth of Simon beside him helped calm the chill. He felt the man tense before moving closer, a large hand inching to lay over his. “Keep talking to me, Johnny.”
He heaved a heavy sigh and looked over at Simon, staring at the apparent exhaustion on the other's face. They were older, their hair growing more gray as the minutes passed. “Do you ever wonder what life could have been like if we hadn’t chosen this life?”
Simon was silent, staring at him with a cloudy expression. After a few moments, he spoke in a hushed whisper, “Sometimes, but then I never would have met you.”
“You don’t ever regret joining?”
“Never.” Simon’s voice was quiet but sure, his eyes boring into his fondly. “How could I regret something that brought you to me.” His hand gently moved to cup his face, stroking his cheek lovingly. Johnny leaned heavily into the tender connection, soaking in the other’s warmth greedily, like a moth to a flame. Simon kissed his forehead lovingly before laying his head on his.
“Get some rest, Johnny. It’s over now.” Simon mumbled gently, stroking a gentle hand across his forehead. Johnny looked at him, the stars in his eyes framing his figure and making him appear younger, softer. Johnny shut his eyes slowly, feeling lighter as he was pulled under, his body going limp.
I'm sad :(
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blackhardtt · 3 months
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"Aye.. yer eyes be the brightest stars in a stormy night sky, guidin' me heart through the darkest seas. Yer touch be softer than the gentle whisper o' the ocean’s breeze, and when our souls entwine, it feels like the world itself stands still, caught in the enchantment o' our love. Every moment wit' ye is a treasure more precious than gold, a melody sweeter than the siren’s song. In yer embrace, I find a haven, a sanctuary where time an' tide canna reach us, an' all that exists is the boundless beauty o' us, together."
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tormxntum · 3 months
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Where: On board of Naglar
Who: Karolina (@espionisms) & Cailean
The dark waves rocked the ship to and fro, causing Cailean's stomach to turn. They hated the ocean. The darkness and vastness of it sent a wave of goosebumps down their back. What was hiding beneath it? Could it see their ship passing by? With their eyes closed, Cailean listened to the waves, imagining the breeze playing through their hair was the same breeze they adored in the moors outside the small cabin they called home while away from the court. They pictured the waves crashing against the starboard as the same waves kissing the Scottish shore. Were they already homesick?
They opened their eyes at the sound of approaching footsteps, a small smile forming on their lips when they saw Karolina. “I cannae possibly understand why we must travel across the world for everythin’. Why cannae we travel somewhere on horses for once?” While their words held a tone of seriousness, there was still a glint of mischief in their eyes. "Are ye hungry? I may have stolen somethin' from the chef that needs to be eaten before they realise I took it."
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scotianostra · 4 months
On 3rd June, 1774, Paisley poet, Robert Tannahill, was born.
I covered Robert Tannahill in a post less than a month ago, so will just give a weee rundown on him this time.
Paisley’s weaver poet was born in Castle Street, son of a well-respected ‘bien’ weaver to whom Robert was apprenticed in 1786. Described by a contemporary as the ‘prettiest shuttler’ he had ever seen, Robert had a wee box on his loom-post for jotting down his ideas.
At his cottage in Queen Street he composed, most of his best known songs. An admirer of Burns, he helped found the Burns Anniversary Society in 1805 in Paisley – the world’s first Burn’s club. In 1807, encouraged by friends, he published “The Soldiers Return” with poems and songs which made him famous.
When a publisher declined a revised edition in 1810, and after a mental illness, the poet drowned himself in a culvert of the Candren Burn.
Tanahill’s poems and songs are still popular today – ‘Jesssie the Flower o’ Dunblane’,’Will ye go Lassie go’,’ Thou Bonnie Woods o’ Craigielee and of course "The Braes o' Balquhidderare "among the more well known.
With weather reports saying parts of the mountains in the Highland might see snow, yes it's June! So Gloomy Winter's Noo Awa will hopefully chase those snow showers away, this arrangement is by Dougie MacLean.
Gloomy Winter's now awa, Saft the westlan breezes blaw ; Mang the birks o Stanely shaw The mavis sings fu cheerie, O ;
Sweet the crawflower's [1] early bell Decks Gleniffer's dewy dell, Blooming like thy bonnie sel, My young, my artless dearie, O.
Come my lassie, let us stray O'er Glenkilloch's [2] sunny brae, Blythely spend the gowden day, Midst joys that never weary, O.
Tow'ring o'er the Newton wuds, [3] Lav'rocks fan the snaw white clouds, Siller saughs, wi downy buds, Adorn the banks sae briery, O.
Roun the sylvan fairy nooks, Feath'ry breckans fringe the rocks, Neath the brae the burnie jouks, And ilka thing is cheerie, O.
Trees may bud, and birds may sing, Flowers may bloom, and verdure spring, Joy to me they canna bring,
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vgperson · 2 years
Vocaloid Highlights: September 2022
Highlighting everything from α to ω. Highlights Archive
========== Stand-Outs ========== Behind the Behind Kindling Blue Wind Blows Beyond Summer 49th Day Relative Sense Two O'Clock Corrosion Flower and Final Blue Sky Want To Be Invisible Melty☆Showtime! Look Back Mikage's Diary Forest Queen and Lost Arrow Supernova Rementia Appliqué Heart Eater Journey About to Crack. Death Parade This World's Bluest Sky Huhreallywhoa Lovanswer
========== Worth Your Time ========== Polar Girls Before You Become a Person_B Sensitive Android Mediocre Melody No Internet Connection Instant Summer Monologue Melody Face to Face Projector Ah. Midnight Cat BELLA MOON First Train to Good Weather. Zero-Sense-Of-Distance World Because the Wind's Strong our story Run, Sunset Exercise Club Melon Melody Träumerei Stingy Abducted By Twilight Soteira Dream-Eater Swag Although the Pomum Was Blue Spica Zundamon's Say You Like Me! Junk Heel Demon Mate Words and Color Dream Jutting Chimera Ayakashi Terrarium Bitter Crescent Precious Things MELODY SUE night finder Moment in the Sunny Spot Always Stuff I'm Lacking, Huh Drama Lonely Junky Dance Rotted God Friends OVER THE MOON Distant Sequence Connected Hello, world. Stargazer in Aquarium I Used To Like You Eden Gear Singing Synthesizer in Default Pocket, Song of Love Larme Affection's Dripping A Bouquet for Words Moon TOUTOU (Swiftly) Amid Deception Outlaw The Same Sky Mastema Red Apple Whim Gardenia Dancing Osmanthus Mutant Touched By Love Armadillo Déguisement Thunder Gratitude, Emotion, Blessings Upon Ox Tongue! Bad Eater Merci Luna Fool's Summer Ghost Story Planet Waltz Canna The Gods Adore Azaleas Nightmarish Neuron Time Stamp Blue Summer Tale Road Bunny's Love The Asphalt Looked Like Gems Not My Fault Copycat Maybe It Was Radiant Daydream Blue Moon Punishment and Lovely Voice First-Place Kid Who Drew a Winner Gather Sucking In Breath. Fanning Emptiness Life and Autumn Breeze Enough Already, 16th Night Reverie (Revised) Nothingness Table of Contents Defuse WINDY WINDY Antithesis You -Re- Amber Sweets Promise Sentimental Prisoner
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thesconesyard · 1 year
When the Cactus Blooms
21. An Unconventional Steed
“How did you end up here?”
Scotty looked up at Jaylah. They were working together on another of the carts. Despite being a thief, John Harrison had had some good engineering ideas and Scotty would be damned if he didn’t use them. The first cart he had fixed was the best one they had now, and he intended to make the others just as good.
“Ye know lassie, we don’t normally ask each other such pointed questions. We all got our share of blows in this life and we don’t always want to be reminded of them.”
“No, no lass!” Scotty said quickly at the expression on her face. “Ye can ask me, I don’t mind. My lows weren’t the lowest here. Just take care of some of the others.”
“Ok,” Jaylah said softly.
“I ended up here because of a unicorn,” Scotty answered, turning back to the work in front of them.
“Oh. Wait- what?” Jaylah looked at him in confusion.
“Aye.” Scotty kept his eyes down, trying to keep his face blank.
“A unicorn?”
Scotty nodded.
“Montgomery Scotty…”
“Oh fine lass, I’ll tell you,” Scotty laughed. “I had a wee brother—”
“Had?” Jaylah asked as her eyes widened.
“Have, aye, sorry,” Scotty said quickly. “I don’t get to see him…” He shrugged. “We were a pair, always up to something. Finally we got in a wee bit too deep with the wrong people. We were forced to either produce an actual unicorn, or, well, no more Scott brothers.”
“What did you do?” Jaylah demanded. “Those aren’t real.”
Scotty let out a chuckle.
“We did what any pair of trouble-making brothers would do.”
“You made a fake one?”
“Oh nae lass. We did one better. We found a horse named Aon-adharcach.”
Scotty grinned at Jaylah’s blank look.
“It's unicorn in Gaelic. We rode it together through the town. Thought we were a pair of right smart ones. Fortunately the people we had wronged found it funny as well. And here I am.” Scotty smiled again at Jaylah, before turning back to his work, but the smile didn’t quite reach his eyes. “Can ye hand me that?” he asked, pointing at a tool, before Jaylah could ask anything else.
Scotty had finished the work on the cart with Jaylah and then had gone off on his own. He needed time to settle himself and think. Or maybe try not to think. He hadn’t thought about his brother in a long time and the memories still hurt.
He wasn’t aware of how much time had passed until the smell of something delicious wafted by. Scotty looked up from where he was sitting on the far side of the tree at the creek to see McCoy standing next to him. In the doctor’s hand was a bowl. His bottle of good whisky was in the other.
“A unicorn huh?” McCoy smiled gently as he made himself comfortable on the ground next to Scotty. He handed the bowl over and produced a spoon from his shirt pocket. “You missed dinner and you should eat.”
“Thank you love,” Scotty said quietly as he accepted the meal.
“Eat and then if you want to talk we can. Or not,” McCoy said carefully. “I won’t push.”
They sat in silence as Scotty ate, shoulders pressed together. The creek murmured in front of them and a breeze ruffled Scotty’s hair. He set the bowl and spoon aside when he was done, then leaned against McCoy’s warm body even more.
“Ye told me about yer life before, it’s fair I tell mine,” he said quietly. McCoy didn’t say anything, just joined his hand with Scotty’s.
“I lost my wee brother because of it all.”
“I’m sor—”
“He’s alive,” Scotty said quickly. “At least as far as I know. I’ve nae heard from him in years.”
“You write to him?”
Scotty shook his head. “Cannae. The people we were in with… They’d know. After the unicorn trick I made a deal to keep Robbie safe. We were lucky they’d found that humorous.”
Scotty’s head fell to his chest, and he let his memories swirl around him again.
“They wouldn't hurt Robbie and would make sure he stayed safe, on two conditions. One was he had to leave Aberdeen. It was the only home we knew, but our parents were already gone, so…”
“What was the second?” McCoy asked gently.
Scotty closed his eyes tight against the tears forming.
“I had to leave Scotland and never see him again.” It came out as a faint whisper, and Scotty felt a tear slide down his face. McCoy’s arm went around his shoulders and pulled him closer.
“I went to London, but it wasn’t enough. The urge to go back was too strong,” he continued. “So I worked until I had enough to cross the ocean. But then I would spend each evening staring at the sea. I had to go further where I wouldn’t be tempted. Here I am.”
“Oh darlin’,” McCoy breathed. “Does he know? Why you left?”
Scotty nodded.
“He didn’t want me to. But they would have hurt him, killed him if I hadn’t.”
McCoy didn’t say anything else, he just held Scotty close, and Scotty was grateful for it.
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sassenach77yle · 1 year
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"You're mine, mo duinne," he said softly, pressing himself into my depths. "Mine alone, now and forever. Mine, whether ye will it or no." I pulled against his grip, and sucked in my breath with a faint "ah" as he pressed even deeper."Aye, I mean to use ye hard, my Sassenach," he whispered. "I want to own you, to possess you, body and soul." I struggled slightly and he pressed me down, hammering me, a solid, inexorable pounding that reached my womb with each stroke."I mean to make ye call me 'master,' Sassenach." His soft voice was a threat of revenge for the agonies of the last minutes. "I mean to make you mine."[...]
"Yes!" I cried. "Oh God, Jamie, yes!" He gripped my hair and forced my head back to meet his eyes, glowing with furious triumph.
[...]I screamed then and he stopped my mouth with his, not a kiss, but another attack, forcing my mouth open, bruising my lips and rasping my face with bearded stubble. He thrust harder and faster, as though he would force my soul as he forced my body. In body or soul, somewhere he struck a spark, and an answering fury of passion and need sprang from the ashes of surrender. I arched upward to meet him, blow for blow. I bit his lip and tasted blood. .I felt his teeth then on my neck and dug my nails into his back. I raked him from nape to buttocks, spurring him to rear and scream in his turn. We savaged each other in desperate need, biting and clawing, trying to draw blood, trying each to pull the other into ourselves, tearing each other's flesh in the consuming desire to be one. My cry mingled with his, and we lost ourselves finally in each other in that last moment of dissolution and completion.I returned only slowly to myself, lying half on Jamie's breast, sweated bodies still glued together, thigh to thigh. He breathed heavily, eyes closed. I could hear his heart under my ear, beating with the preternaturally slow and powerful rhythm that follows climax.He felt me wake, and drew me close, as though to preserve a moment longer the union we had reached in those last seconds of our perilous joining. I curled beside him, putting my arms around him.He opened his eyes then and sighed, the long mouth curling in a faint smile as his glance met mine. I raised my brows in silent question.
"Oh, aye, Sassenach," he answered a bit ruefully. "I am your master… and you're mine. Seems I canna possess your soul without losing my own." He turned me on my side and curled his body around me. The room was cooling in the evening breeze from the window, and he reached to draw a quilt over us. You're too quick by half, lad, I thought drowsily to myself. Frank never did find that out. I fell asleep with his arms locked hard around me and his breathing warm in my ear.
Cap 23 ~ return to Leoch
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simplymakkari · 1 year
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[Read on Ao3]
"I canna believe we're doing t'is," mumbles Druig, swallowing a bite of Kinder's, signing as he finishes, "sometimes, 'Kari, I'd really wish ye'd say no these days, yeah?"
"Yeah." Makkari sighs, her shoulders dropping dramatically, thumb and pinky jutted out, sliding back and forth on her chest. "Me too. Hey, save some for me!" Makkari makes a wild grab for the candy bag he's holding, only for him to hold it out of reach.
Silently, Druig chortles, shoulders shaking silent. She rolls her eyes but happily accepts a bite he's saved for her, each swallowing the last piece. Shadow Warrior 4: Out of Space and Time breezes past it's first act.
Makkari throws a kennel at the screen, blinking innocently as a passerby glares at her – there are only fifteen people in here – pretending she's interested in the scene before her: Kingo dramatically spouting off an soliloquy to a woman that clearly wasn't interested, subtitles running on the lower screen. The lighting and mood shifts; Kingo and his love interest begin to glide into a classical Bollywood number.
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